AjVITV 4fe s 4 SWi3asi9 -- - THE --NATIONAL TRIBUNE WASHINGTON D C THURSDAY APRIL 16 1903 3 -- r flint h n Unwed Breckinridge to be de- - rebel troops from fiank nntLfront attacked relieved Sheridan and on Feb 27 Sheridan further instructions but Gen Emory re him Lcc Bodes was- - and poured into the sleeping camp Our rnoveil up the Valley with his superb fused and said they must surrender or take PICKET SHOTS A BATTLE HIGHWAY tached from tojoin column JOn 2 he consequences dead nnu ivitz J ee severely wuiii ueu nc men taken by surprise iookiio tneir nccis of 10000 sabers March the deprived three useful lieuten- ¬ and left tents stores clothjftg guns and encountered Early at Waynesboro where Gen Morcan said that if Mosby and was thus of in ants everj thing behind them the gathering in a short time and with little los he other guerrilla parties did not surrender From Alert Comrades Along the Whole Confederates made a de-¬ beat the rebels captured all their tney were no The followed the enemy and of which by the and to be hunted down and as strong lay that proveel useful to the Union cause wagons subsistence tents ammunition 17 eiuarter given Line The and the Army Which Surged Along It planted itself in his front and 11 position was Sheri- ¬ Emory and Custer tried tftMtem the tide flags guns nnd about 1000 ofllcers and May 1 Hancock ordered an expedition as Early thought his control troops men heavy 25 days purpose of dan by moving Crook during the night but they could not the The who were sent back under with rations for the In Victory and Defeat Hank drove it sun came up and our troops forming a guard to Winchester As for Early and paroling ofllcers anil men who desired to mound to the enemys left on his Generals woods themselves Gen THE CR VTEIt back in confusion while the main Union line of defense tried to resist tlie the took to the and avail of the terms of battle of army pushed vigorously on his front and slaught of Earlys men but they had to barely escaped capture in making their Grant to Gen Lee Soon afterward AVilliam Gott Co 15 1st Mich S Sr way to Richmond was quite a co ¬ around our vicinity tvo found many re ¬ Flotverville Mich By THOMAS H C KINKAID - right and Early was driven from his mote back and in most complete dis It writes I have read v Hill nnd the order Yi incidence that Sheridan xthen placed in turned and paroled rebel soldiers They the sketch of the Battle of the Crater in strong position on Fishers snrreneler were very meek and evidently JUE8T SEEOEATTrCa O 192D S Y SECOND HIHOADE TIHED PEOVISIOXAL DIVISION day Scpt 211SG4 Wriirht who was in command m Sheri command in Texas after Lees and tame The National Tribune of Jan 8 I claim waslost directed Sixth nnd again cafne across Early and a party seek ¬ had all of war that they wanted to have been the first soldier on rebel AE5IY OF THE SHENANDOAH retreated in disorder during the dans absence thet the night to bejond Woodstock Sheridan Nineteenth Corps to a position near Jhd ing the last ditch Their horses were During May anil June we remained at works on the left of the fort Some com- ¬ pursued him all tho night with Detins ellctown to resist tho direfc t neltnnee of taken from them by Sheridans men and AAiuehester Stephensons Station anil rades writing of this affair have inadct Tlii Anllov of Airtrinia or ns it is I Rriilsro that nlthoiirfi driven off he in Gordon and Kershaw nnilthey effectually Early might hate been also lint Sheridan Summit Point doing guard duty and mistakes If I reneinbcr correctly only killed wounded on Cavalrv and the Sixth and Xincteenth known the principal river that drams flicted a loss of 700 and pur- ¬ halted the rebels who had pushed through did not want him sending out scouts and picket parties one brigade of tvlnte troops of AVilcoxs from mo- ¬ Corps but darkness prevented finther was nlwaj s an Early Sundaj July 10 1804 and ¬ Eighth ami Then came the Grand Betiew and the dis Division it the Shenandoah Valley suit and the Union army halted at Wood- tho camps of the Nineteenth OUEIUIILLA WAItrAItE IX THE VALLEY crossed the rebel works Ok impoitant factor from the beginning of mentarily checked his advance but the Hill Corps and drove us back three or four bandment of the Union anny Bartlett was in command The 1st enemy pressed on and on July 11 was stock The Union loss at Fishers Waynesboro left the Confederates with- ¬ the rebellion until Sheridan laid it waste 400 Early lost about 1400 miles to the rear but encountering July 3 the Middle Military Department Mich S S and the 20th Mich were in the Capitol in front was about one regimental organization intact Balti- ¬ and sent Early whirling up the Valley in within ejesight of and morning Sept 23 Averill was Wrights new line they halted to try to out was created with headquarters at the charge to the left of the fort AAe al- ¬ But Washington had On the of they w ere all broken up and scattered and in lSG4 05 It is and was a tcry fertile of Fort Stetcns relict ed by Sheridan for going into camp hold the position nnd the plunder they more and Hancock command and the were there from early in the moniiug until ley rich in grain fruit cattle sheep and been succoied bj the arrival of the Fiist leating had taken by their daj light surprise nctcr to come together again and it was Middle Military Division was dissolved our 4 oclock in the afternoon when we were Divisions Sixth Corps the night of Fishers Hill and end efforts in the Valley al- ¬ hogs it was called the garden of Virginia and Second of the to pursue broken enemy the of their brigade was scattered to elifferent points taken prisoners I saw the colored troops also by of one ditison of tho infantry the bllEUIDAXS BIDE though the war was not guerrilla X AVheeling AV and furnished the Confederates with large and the arrital Oat airy here- ¬ jet oter the li2d Y went to Aa as they marched toward tho Crater They ex- ¬ Cotps from Xew Or- ¬ to Woodstock Aterills bauds composed mostlj of men who were subsistence and from its the Nineteenth direct pur- ¬ Now occurs the most remarkable and to guard a rebel prison and from there wero in columns of Amounts of army after was known as Powells The 1j day and felons by night under fours with nuns at macadamized roads it leans and Bankss ¬ dramatic incident of the whole war farmeis were mustered out to date August 25 right cellent haul and suit was renewed and on Sept 25 Ker- leisurely shoulder shift They formed on the a pathway tear after jear for On July 12 President Lincoln from Fort Sheridan coming back from Mosby McNeil White and other partisan 1805 bank m the rear rebel works-- furnished Stetcns saw skirmishers diiten shaw withhis ditision by ordeis from en leaders still continued their peculiar AAashington of the the Confederate- - to rnvade the neighboring Earljs Lee was directed to rejoin and aid Early Washington was at Winchester The I03d X V went to AVIien ordered to rise up they were met land Pennsj Ivauia back and the Union troops go forward and tho iuoining of Oct IS wheic at Virginia warfare until the very etui where thev remained until discharged in with States of Mar and good width he did by marching from Culpepcr troops going for a tolley from the rebels which threw drite Early from Washington for Jap about 7 oclock an officer repotted the Sheridans continued April 1800 The 211th Pa also went to them into confusion Many eolorcct SHEXAM10AH VALLEY and that night Early was back to Darnes through Swift Bun artillery He paid no especial waid and tho Virginia Cential Itailroad AAashington of the 1 sounds of and remained in the service troop were taken prisoners day ¬ and up Valley again hating re In the meantime to Oct the Union was thoiouglily reeked heaty that and The Shenandoah Valley is a continua- town the attention to it but when two hours later tt but the until April 1800 were in the same prison with us Valley south of the crossed the Potomac July 14 at Whites army was recoiinoitering and burning and he mounted his horse and lode thiough rams and mud made it impracticable to July 4 1S05 was a joj ous day at AAin tion of the Cumberland destrojing forage mills grain and etcrj Potomac it is bounded on the cast by the Fold Winchester the sounds of guns continced capture L nchburg and Sheridan deter chester and Summit Point AVe were about A WOItTHV CLASS ¬ would be sertieeable to the Itidge on west by the Alle Early had knocked at the door of Wash- thing that him that a fight was on and at Mill Creek mined to make his way and join Urant to lie disbanded ditision headquarters Comrade I Co Blue and the Bal- - enemy been reinforced ttitli P Brady F 2Sth Ilk ghanies Valley at Maitinsburg is ington and camped in the suburbs of Early had a half mile out of the town he found and to mill the canal as he went were to be broken up stores sold and dis- ¬ Osaw atomic Kan The House on writes that he cntereel about CO miles w ide at Winchester about trains and troops alreadj theio from the March If he was at White tributed AAe got extra rations and from the army a healthy strong boy in 1801 40 miles and at Strasburg about 20 miles -- - bioken front He put spurs to his good the Pamnnkey and Starch 20 he was at Ditision Headquarters two barrels of and was not mustered out until the closo wide Here the Mnssanutten Mountain black horse and with lightning spceel he City Point and with the Army of the Po- ¬ commissarj whisk t was issued to each of the war that owing to the hardships rises and runs parallel to the Blue Bidgc flew along the road through Newtown to tomac again Sheridan said There per-¬ legiment and each man could have his and exposures of army life he has never stragglers haps was a nature of-¬ to Ilariisonbnrg where the valley again Cedar Creek He ordered the neter march where pint and tin cup full so consequently the since enjoj ed a well clay After the enact- ¬ opens up 00 miles wide be met to turn back and with a will they fered such impediments and shrouded her- ¬ 4th of July enthusiasm was unliounded ment of gloom upon the law of Juno 27 1800 he This isolated chain of Massanuttcn cheered the t ictor of Opequan and Fishers self in such as this Incessant and the next day we left for Wheeling made application for pension and is now Mountain dhides the continuance of the Hill He told them to come on and before rains deep and almost impassable streams fiom whence we were discharged the serv- ¬ upon rolls 12 camp swamps were con the at Comrade Brady is Vallev the one next to the Blue Ridge night they would be in their old and mud otcrcome with ice with net recollections totally disabled for the performance o being called the Luray Valley the one ground Arriting at the front ho learned stant eheerfillness on the part of the troops of our days in the Aalley and in the Army manual labor and he believes that the of the Strasburg Valley The f i oin Wright the conditions and his form- ¬ that was trul admirable of the Shenandoah Act of 27 should ivet it along Gen in assuming in June be so amended an Blue Itidge has many gaps through it the ations For two hours he rode the Hancock command There has recently been a Society of to pension at 30 per mouth those who Ashbjs lines making new alignments the men the Valley established at Hallstown four the Army of Shenandoah organized principal ones are Snickers - the arc unable to perforin any manual labor Manassas Chester Swift Bun Browns recognizing and cheering him At 330 mile s from Harpers Ferrt- camps for now mainly composed of surtitors of or- ¬ Itock Fish and others Some of these p in ho ordered an advance and it was organization composed of two divisions ganizations under Toibert and Hancock THE JtOMLE EXPLOSION gaps have good macadamized roads made with such enthusiasm that they one of which was commanded by Erctet it takes in however all surtitors of Sheri ¬ In reply to the inquiry of Noah M through them and arc more like small swept across disasters tiaek and sent the Maj Gen John It Brooke U S Vols dans army and all soldiers who served in Rcichclderfcr in The National Tribune o valleys than gaps giay coats whirling back and before the the other bj Brevet Maj Gen Thomas ant of the Departments in the Middle Marcli 10 William Harding Co A 33el The general course and bearing of the sun went down they were back in their old W Egan U S Vols The work of Military Division Capt James B ONeill Iowa St Charles Iowa writes The ex- ¬ roads is toward GoidonsilIe and are ex- ¬ camp grounds the Arinj of the Shenandoah from this on 2713 North Sixth street Philadelphia Pa plosion occurred Maj 25 18 at about point was reconnoitei ing scouting and fights is the and he would be glad to 2 p m cellent for troops to march from that THE OLD CAMP BEGAIXED President oclock At the time it was said into the Valley with guerrilla bands The following is a hear from ant survivor and send him a that about 150 tons of fixed ammunition addition agricultural produc- ¬ Early was beaten again and driven summary of affairs in the Shenandoah Val copy of the Constitution and By Laws were stored in the In to the - old cotton hone It tions in the Valley there were at AAtthc across Cedar Creek and up the Vallej- ley from Feb 27 to Apnl 25 ISlii was stated by Mobile papers that be-¬ ville lead works and salt works at Salt The Union infantry halted at the creek Match 3 to 8 Guard with 1000 prison tween 700 and 800 people were killeel tille The inhabitants weie mostly bitter but the cavalry continued the pursuit ers fiom Wajnesboro to Winchester at A Picnic on the Skirmish Line wounded and missing Eight ldocks were Ij hostile to the Union and furnished men across the bridge Thirc never was such tacked by Jossci4 Editou National Tribune One destrojed I was in the city when tho and aid to the rebel chiefs a rout since the Bull Itun of 1S01 The March 13 Skirmish at Charlestown night in the latter part of June 1S04 when explosion occurred nothing since cuing W Va The term Army of the Shenandoah men had eaten the ct Sherman was facing Kenesaw Mountain was first emploj ed by the Confederates in liefoie they had lost their camp shelter March 14 Skirmish at Woodstock LEE STATUE the early campaign of thejvar when the tents haversacks knapsacks and canteens March 10 and 17 Scout from Summit Co C 121st Ohio was on the skirmish John Q Evans Co D 5th Wis Aine rebel Gen J E Johnston posted his and weie toimented by hunger and thirst Point to Shenandoah Ferry line some distance up the mountain AVhen land Minn writes If the statue of forces under that name about Winchester they had been manuvering and fighting for March 17 and 1S Scout from Winches day dawned we discovered we were iii Gen Robert E Lee is placed in the Na- ¬ that Capitol to oppose Gen Talterson of Pennsj Ivania 12 hours and lost many men jet these ter the immediate prese iice of the enemy tional would it not be appropriate and it was this army that outwitted the brate men hung on and retricted the dis- ¬ March 20 and 2 Scout from Harper s their skirmish line being only a few paces to place two others one of Benedict Union General hastened to Beauregard at aster of the morning surprise as only Ferry and skirmishes distant Aliout noon Comrade AVm Hcr Arnold the other of Judas Iscariot won day could only reinforce- ¬ 27 20 Scout from Stephen- ¬ Manassas or Bull Bun and the Union veterans The March and rington invited one of the Johnnies to meet SCATTERING 1SC1 liked to win fight sons Depot - July 21 How Gen Scott this ments that thev reeeited this him half way between the lines and ex ¬ him- ¬ l AV Comrade AAilliam Davis of Lake Crys- ¬ can be clearly seen fioni the following was one man but he a host within April Affair at Charlestown Va change tobacco for coffee Johnny being orders self the gallant Phil Sheridan They April and 12 Scout from Winches ¬ tal Minn served 18 months in the Japan tl agreeable the two were soon fraternizing Commodore Headquarter slept that night on the ground of the old ter and practicing commercial rceipioeity Expedition under Perrt His July 21 J SOI 130 a m camp The catalry pursued the enemy April 21 Surrender of the most of ship was the U S S Susquehanna under Hostilities were suspended while other of Capt Gen Banks Baltimore Md thiough Stiasburg to Woodstock the road Mosbjs m n who can e into AVinchestcr commercial treaties were negotiated By command Buchanan later of tho Ferry relieve was guns caissons wagons Confederate States Navy Proceed to Harpers and strewn with CIOSINO SCENES OF THE WAR 2 oclock that afternoon our entire com- ¬ Gen Patterson turning over your present baggage ambulances and entangled and pany excepting a few men left with the Martha C Snjder wife of Comrade command to Gen Diw struggling horses Eailj in April we were aware tint im- ¬ Snider Co G 30th Iowa Leland Idaho poitant moiements to take place and guns had established reciprocal commer AAinfield Scott Earljs loss was 1800 killed and weie cial relations with the rebel company in wishes to learn what mother furnished wounded and oter l200hprisoneis The on April we had our knapsacks packed the most vons to the Union army during and tents down to proceed nn the Vallej our immediate front I think the Johnnies General Orders Xo 34 Union loss was r0 killed 3125 wounded belonged to Co B 4th Miss There aas the war of the rebellion and aKo to tho ¬ when on the 10th we rece ited the glorious Headquarter Department of the Shenan- a friendly discussion of military armj during the war with Spain news of the surrender of Lee Appo ¬ matters doah When it was known lmjfShciidan had at In tho supper prepaicd AValter Atwood 245 25 1SC1 max wrrn glorious vietory of mattox and neter was there such rejoic- ¬ that was there E Market St Harpers Ferry Va July eeinfokced wrrn one but iie a iiost in iiimsflf snatched such a out was a community of interest Yank and Lowell Mass requests that some com- ¬ By virtue of orders received from the what was in the beginningjsijch a calamity ing as in this Department and at Summit I army - - Johnny sitting side by side on the same rade send him the poem The Aeterare War Department Maj Gen X P Banks timore but Lee had been so crippled in Iloers Cavalry from Lees and was the Got eminent was mlieh elated and Point as tve- knew- that the end of the war ¬ 1 log After supper mutually extended a and Grandson or AVhy AAe AAear ¬ could not strength- at Wajnesboro when Oct Sheridan was near hand unpacked ve His hereby assumes command of this Depart- the Wilderness that he Sheiidan was made a MijotJGeneral In at We and went friendly Badge by en his army but still he hoped by Earljs wrote to Grant My judgment is that it making into camp again parting hand and retired to our the Capt Jack Crawford ment campaign the appointment Liffciiln dictated respective posts of duty but during the By order of Gen Banks mote to draw off Grants troops from the would be best to terminate this the following indorsement For personal On April 14 Lincoln was assassinated J K Baidelmer McClusky Illinois Petersburg by the destruction of corps etc in this great was sorrow indignation night no hostile gun was fired along that requests some comrade send him a Robekt Williams front of gallantly military skill and jnst confidence and the and part that Again in nosession of the Valley Early valley and the transfer of the troops to the in camp and many were the bitter denun ¬ of the line I think however that poem the first lines of which are as fol- ¬ Asst Adjutant General in the courage and patriotism of jour the skirmishers of Ilk on our Jiilv 20 sent a force across the liver to armies operating against Iticbmond troops disp cd by Cedar Itun ciations of AVilkes Booth and his sjmpa the 10th lows did seem nothing was to be ij jouat left did not enjoy an immunity from tLEES BOETE 01 1NVASIOV AND ItETItEAT break the Baltimore Ohio Itoad wlncl And it as if Oct 10 ISil wherebj rrinlfer the bless- ¬ thizers By this crime Washington was The last wild charge to scale the bights of - alarms The Valley was the line of Lees and foice raided and burned the town of gained by going finther from his base ings of Piotidence ronfed anny wa for some time- in much commotion and agi- ¬ wais It was a grand though awful sight ¬ jour If any my comrades or my friends Tongstreets retreat from Antietam in Chambersburg Pa and other towns levy- supplies as the Vallej had been rendered leorganized great Njiiional disastei tation and by order of the War Depart ¬ of Though tliirtj jears have passed away de- ¬ a enemy who in picnic ing money contributions and destrojing valueless to the enemy by the thorough ment Hancock transferred his head ¬ the participated that seems to me but yesterday 1SG2 when thev captured at Harpers aveited and a brilliant tiffory achicted on the slope of Kenesaw Mountain are It Ferry 11000 men 73 cannon and 13000 ciops By these affairs the people of the struction of everj thing sertieeable over the lebels for the Hhird time in quarters April 23 to AVashington The acquiesced in these tiews of - lit ing I should be happy to hear from muskets The Valley was again Lees border were kept in a state of alarm Grant pitched battle within 30 Iaj- following shows Hancocks command Explosion These operations of the lebel army Sheridan aid wrot him Oct 3 You them through the columns of The National The ffioblle route of invasion after defeating Hooker The amount of material IAjitmed at the Organization of troops in the Middle Mili Co C 121st Ohio Chaneellorsville in 1S03 and was his maile tirant determined to crnsu juny may take such position in the Valley as fight was extraordinary 4i1 pieces Tribune Auneii Said Editor National TiunuxE In the at Itich- - you can hold and of ni tary Department commanded bj Maj Delaware Ohio line Gettys- ¬ and relieve his campaign against jou think and oughtto by - issue of March 19 Comrade Noah M of retreat after the defeat at not tillerj of which 21 had been lost the Gen AVinfield S Hancock- U S Army burg Valley always played a con ¬ mond of a constant worry To do so it send nil the tioops requited for this morning Riechelderfen of the 114th Ohio makes The immediately adtising Union Army in the and retaken April 30 1805 Forrest Caught Them Napping But They spicuous part in all campaigns and was a was adtisable to consolidate the several here also that the in the afternoon The enemy lost W inquiry in regard to the explosion in the operating Early Army of West t irginia anil the new or- ¬ Department of AVashington Maj Gen Woke Up city of Mobile in Spring ISOo constant menace to the operations against departments against wagons ambulances some of them C the of which were Departments of West Vir-¬ ganization be left to look after the Vallej C Auger Editop was estimated the time 2000 Iticbmond Each year the Union army the maikccl Stonewalls Brigade 1000 small Department of Pennsylvania Maj Gen Natioval Tribuxe In the It at that and loss of garrisons ginia of the Susquehanna of Washington flags of 1S04 137th 111 was in camp people weie killed by the explosion The met with defeat the including LAYING WASTi THE VALLEY anus and several bnttle and 1200 George Cadwaladcr Autumn the and the Middle Departments - warehouse or magazine as he calls it and it was not until Sheiidan with his To carrj- out this piogram Sheridan pi winers Lnrly ictired to intrcnihinents Eighth Army at Memphis just south of the city About Union Army Shenandoah wrested it Delaware and a part of Mai j land cap- ¬ contained about 30 tons of powder in of the began Oct to fall back with the bejond Woodstock As large as this Corps Maj Gen Lew Wallace 3 one morning wo were peacefully from the rclels that it was possible for SIIEBIDAX IX COMMAND ture appears Earlv may as well have oclock barrels when we took possession of the intention of sending off the Sixth and Department of AVest Virginia Brevet sleeping when the enterprising Geu Tor city together with some boxes of shells the Iticbmond campaign to succeed On Aug 1 Geu Grant ordered Gen P Itojal to Alex- ¬ laid down eterj thing for what he had Gen AVm Emorj Nineteenth Coips tia Front Major II both cap and fuse Then when the Con- ¬ 1S04 H Sheridan to reliete Hunter and to andria and thence by water to Grant In left was captured from him by Sheridans Army of the Shenandoah Brevetr Maj rest dashed unannounced into our camp VALLEY CAUPAIGX Or - up in the interior surrendered against Earlj- On troopeis thiee months afterward at ¬ federates Spring of 1S04 Sigel up command all the forces moting back he destrojed etery bam mill Gen Alfied T A Torbert we hating had no guards on duty How- ammunition stored also In the marched Aug 3 Halleck writes to Grant How nil crops and thing only sparing Watncsboro Signal Coips Lieut Chas Cross their was there the Valley and occupied Winchester On the eterj owning F ever when the rebel artillery opened up The day of the explosion about 50 col- ¬ would it do to make a Military Ditision of the dwellings taking all the animals found While Cedar Cieek was the ri Engineer s SiOth X Y Co I Lieut we were wide awake and for a while there May 5 McXeils rebel cat airy rode to the glory fights Winches ¬ ored soldiers were unloading Geu Diek the Departments of Pennsjltania Marj and feeding his troops on mutton and of Shcridiiis three Mihlon Bainbridge was a hot time thereabout AVe disputed Baltimore Ohio Kail road at Piedmont Mrginia anil dwellings ter Fishers Hill and Cedar Cieek they Taylors ammunition mostly cappeel captured guard and burned few land Washington and West Iamb In some cases the were Second Piotisional Division Bicvct with Fori est until he abandoned the argu- ¬ wagons the a place in command And on buincd when known to be refuge of were not all the fights that engaged his Maj Gen shells from and storing it in loaded engines Stan- ¬ Sheridan the John It Brooke ment and like the fox that could not get G cars and Secretary Aug 7 1804 an order was issued by the foices for the campaigning was continu- ¬ the warehouse A soldier from Co of once sent Governor Brough aimed paitisans The destruction was First Brigade Bietet Brig Gen Geo the giapcs concluded that he did not AAis ton at to of c ¬ - engage ¬ our regiment the 20th was oa War Department oiiRtitutiiig the four de- complete cntiielj- laid Val- ¬ ous and in 20 other and minor M Col AV Kid- ¬ Ohio for troops to defend the road and waste the Leitc 14ith Ind Geo want the old town anyway guard spoke to one of Lieuten-¬ partments as tho Middle Military Ditision ley ments and skirmishes the Union army hail dle 140th Ind Col M C AAelsh 150th He the Governor Brough promptly furnished - The regiment was commanded bt Lieut in temporarj- command of Gen P II Earlj-- 050 killed and 4000 wounded M ants chaige of the detail and told 100 regiments for Charleston under with Itosscrs Cavalrv fresh from Ind Col B Taylor Col Roach Col AVood being sick The ¬ four dav Sheridan The forces that fought under piessed On Nov Sheridan withdrew to Koms Brigade him he thought the soldiers were too care- three for Iarkersburg three for New Richmond on after Sheiidan and Second Col Bichaid C Dur rebels were foiled in a desperate attempt he had seen them drop him from that date came to lie known as him some but on Oct town where he would hate better Winter vea Ohio Col Kimberlj less as several Creek three for Harpers Ferry and two gate aunojance lMst ItobeitL to captuie the Colonel who was in the of fixed ammunition Lieuten ¬ the Army of the Shenandoah and was so Biook in to eiuarteis and closer communication with AV field boxes The for Cumbciland so that the road was well at Toms Torbert started - lt2el Ohio Col F Buttei 103d college building Lieut Col Roach was officially designated by his older of Nov whip tho lebel or get tt hipped him ashington Ear- p reciting this and Ohio Col Eugene 190th Ohio ants reply was that there had been no guarded bv these Ohio 100 day men catalrt Powell shot in the shoulder while gallantly per accident so - 17 1S04 with both thinking it meant sending off troops to Col Kennedy far Sigel advanced to Xew- Market where self the result that Itosscr and Itobeit P foimiug his duty Notwithstanding his Co G man was relieved at 1 p m These forces when he took command Lonnx were completely routed and left be Petersburg massed his foices anil ad Thiid Piotisional Ditision Bretct Maj painful The in a well contested fight he was defeated Corps reduced in vanced down pike to Middle town wound ho retained command until I believe by Mathias Gliun of emr com ¬ May 15 1801 were The Sixth much hind J0 prisoners hcailquaitt rs wagons the Gen Thomas AV Egan were routed It resulted in his being ic g - Forrests foices pany II The last seen of Glinu number Second Ditision of the Xinc ambulances caissons foigcs and eterj--thin- Sheridan was read for battle- and Mcr Brigade Col Anson G McConk eter lieved and succeeded by Geu Hunter who proceeded Fust Our legiment lost about 150 men killed by any he was in about the cen-¬ teenth Corps afterward increased by the on wheels ritt and Custer against Itosscrs 1 17th Ind Col Milton Peden 152d Ind AVe surtitor on taking command resumed the advance - wounded and captured buried the building arrital of First Ditision two infantrj Sheridan it took a dajs delaj- to Catalrt and speeelilv put them to fight Col AVliedon AV Giiswold 104th Ohio ter of the up the Valley or as Jefferson Dais said ss - dead rebels of whom there were many in in proper connec ¬ dit isions under Gen Crook afterwud settle this new sutior of tho Vallet while Powells Cat air v attacked McCaus- Lieut fol O C Maxwell Ohio I forgot to state the An audacious movement of the enemv up - Virginia or Brigade noto l5th a ditch near the battleground It would tion there were 200 tons of ammuni- ¬ known as the Aimj- of West The day following the battle of Toms mils of Chamber slung Col II B Banning be inteiesting to some that to the veiy walls of Ljnehbiirg made it Eighth Corps a catalry under lictj Stony Point routed the m drit hear fiom of the tion of all kinds in the warehouse at the necessary to send a large body of troops ditision of Itun Sheridan moted across Cedar Creek at Second Brigade Brig Gen Green B comrades who were m that light I should Gen Ditision ing them ae the Shenandoah 11 time of the exploson to point which was Averill and later Wilsons and took position on the bights The Sixth ioss Itiver Itaum KI2iI X A Col Xathin G Axtc he pleased especially to hear from that vital otherwise Poto- ¬ through Front up the Luray that Eight solid squares of buildings were intended of Catalry from the Army of the Corps was on its way to Front Itojal to go Itotal and Pa Col William AV Ste vait li5th excellent oflieer Capt IS Johnson for the relief of Atlanta This Division from Valley capturing guns and cais ¬ l2d J of let el with the ground with the ex- ¬ mac and Torberts Cavalry to Washington and to Petersburg as Grant their two Pa Col AVm 1 rami was Breckinridges command Lees Sec ¬ Lieut L Bean 214th Pa Co I lie comrades ue growing old and ¬ Washington had now directed Sheiidan to scud him sons and ammunition wagons 20 oflieeis Col David B Me Kibbin ception of one cotton shed which our regi- ond Army Corps formerly EvveHV now to gray the lanks aie thinning day by day occupied was The lirst movement of Sheridan was only the Sixth Corps and a ditision of i2 men and two battle flags Lnily with Protisjonal Division Brig Gen AVe ment for barracks That a Earlys it was Stonewall Jacksons old - Fourth should be as faithful to one another throw out his foices from Hallstonn in a cavalij- and retain the Nineteenth Corps liett under cover of night back to his Samuel S Carroll new strong shed and the day before the corps of fast marching infantry known as - - as we hate liecn to our country and the bj- ¬ Surgeon given manner to pretent anj- flanking the On Oct 13 Sccictiiry Stanton had re camp at New Market where he arrited Fiist Brigade Brig Gen Isaac IT Du LotVAity Head of our regiment had Jacksons foot catalry 1 flag Chaklfs Co D 137th eneinj so on Aug 10 the Col is quested sov 1 AV us permission to cut liolea through tho Hunter could not expect to capture Sith Sheridan to come to Washington tal 23d Ohio Col James Coml 111 Biooktield Mo moved through Chulestottii to Clifton coming ¬ In December Lee called for his Second wall to give a better circulation of air Lynchburg against this increased force to consult nlxmt the seasons cam 30th Ohio Lieut Col AVm S AViKon 01st making the right of the line of infantrj paign Sheridans plans all to be Corps for campaigning was oter for the AV As it was the heavy slate roof was lifted and he hastily in good de- ¬ but weie Ohio Ccd B F Coates 1st Aa Capt retreated order along ¬ In Front of Vlcksbursr strojing the Nineteenth Corps was placed the hanged and be was still to fight in the Winter in the tallej but was still possi Hamilton AVillis 13th AV Va Col AV It up and the trusses thrown out of shape railroads and bridges on his way Berrjtille load its right joining tho Sixth ble Petersburg called the but not enough to cause them to fall ¬ Vallej one ofthe most brilliant gallant at Grant for Blown Benj It iest Co A 70th Ohio West 0 and capturing 2000 prisoners By this re- Corps left the Eighth Coips went through Sixth Corps which a division at a Ii shell brick slate iron posts pute and ictreat of Hunter came the and leniarkable battles of the whole war stilted Sieonil Brigade Col Oliter AVood 1st Blanch Mich writes At Vicksbur couise etc Kabletown to Berrj i ille on the left of time so that on Dec 0 two brigades of TT were sent all over the city ctent that led to the formation of the Early leirning that a part of the Union S Aet Aols Col Charles Bird 2d Miss May 18 1S03 the 70th Ohio was Coips ¬ Army of the Shenandoah the Nineteenth Lowells Cavaliy to troops were being sent off to Grant imme- tho last division of the Sixth Corps left U S Aet Aols Lieut Col Chas Aon on the extreme light extending to the A pile of baled hay was carried in one Summit Point and right of Sixth Coins diately adtanced to bis old position at Keinstovvn and Warneis Brigade emitteil Kusseiow 3d U S Aet Aols Col Olitci Mississippi IJiver Directly on our left grand sheet of flame right over a fleet o INVASION or JIAItYLAND and Mciritts Cavalry on the extreme left Fishers Hill and pushed Ins adtane so on the 12th the Armv of West Airginii Wood was the 4th Ohio Battery The distance seven transports setting all on lire at White Post as to encounter the Union troops next ilepnrteel one ditision to Citj Point On one of the transports were three When Lee saw that Hunters retreat - and to Catalry Col Mai ens A Beno 5th X between the li bel lines and ours was per Sheridan moted to drne Eulj- out of show the to West Viiginia A in green ¬ uncovered the Valley again instead of re- ¬ he was in force theieby bringing other Lieut Col T A Boiee 22d X Y Col haps 150 or 200 jarels The 7Cth Ohio Paj masters with 82500000 Winchester and Early fell back to the end of Sheridan AAe calling Early Breckinridge ¬ about the return of the Sixth Corps which At the December hid B Iteed 12th Maj EcKorr seemed guns gunboat Cm backs to paj the soldiers had been and he dis Creek crossing Horatio Pa four liom the ¬ line of Cedar after which had got as as Ashbjs Gap of infantiy the Nineteenth Corps only and moving so much that we could not stop patched them into Maryland and to men- far But - Gemy ISth Pa Capt Albert Gardner cinnati which weie placed with Co C he reeeited additional troops from Lees Earlj made no finther demonstrations but was shortlj- sent awaj one clivrson long enough to make out muster rolls and ace Washington thinking thereby that - tint 1st It I Maj John Bogeis 2d U S and manned by a detail made up of men troops would be oppose armj being Kershaws Infantrj- Ditision remained i uiith at Fshcrs Hill to Washington and on Jan 1S05 the Xorris U S from each company of get our paj We had six months clue ns sent to them from Catalrt- - Capt Chailes E 1st Alt the legiment Our Army and Iitz Lees Ditision and a On Oct 15 Merrills eatalij going on other ditision to Savannah Ga AA was composed at tune AAe hail to wait two months the of the Potomac and thus weaken artilleij- - Batteries K arid L Capt Henry CIos brigade of the 3d 12th and tint the enemy on his Lees front So Enlv battalion of Shtriilin fell back a reeonnoissaiice Sheridan went along Iteeruiting had been terj tigorousl on 2Jth Mo 2th Iowa and 70th Ohio longer and mustered for eight mouths with his anny left Staunton June 28 1801 to Berrjtille and Summit Point whcie a with the column on his way to Washing ¬ pushed in the Noith and marry new oi Artillerv Brigade Maj A W Brad paj The burning of so much powder sharp engagement ensued the loss being ton to consult ginizations completed in the in light marching order reaching Winches ¬ with the War Department weie early bur Ind Light 17th Battery Lieut L made the air so dense that a gunboat Ij ter July 2 where he was by 200 in killed and wounded The net day At Front Itojal Sheridan ic cited fiom part of lS0i and plaeecl in tin- - Vallej o Sparks Me Light v A Capt ing in the river a half mile away was instructed - 1st Battel Do Lee to lemain until prepared to cross Sheridan fell back to Hallstown and the Wright the following momentous unci that thcie- soon were 0000 Union troops E D Haley Me Light 5th Battery E You Think It saul to have raised fiom the water Hue the Potomac - - A where he remained during mcmoiable not to saj- historical disp mostly new organizations ready to co- Potomac and destroy the Baltimore August itch Maj O T Stetcns X Y Light 5th Bat three feet Ohio and hating seteial set ere encounters which had been taken from the rebel sig- ¬ opeiate with Giant or Sheunan V B I The shells were largely thrown into Itailroad the canal with terj Lieut J Giant 1st Battery The 4th cf July 1804 found Early Earljs and Fit Lees eatalrj nal Station at Ihrce Top Mountain and OPIKATIONS THE D E L the cotton sheds filled with cotton near in Aug 28 Sheridan to AGAINST VIRGINIA Capt Coithelk possession of the Valley bating en moted Chailes was at follows Cavaliy foices Army Shenan- ¬ bj and in spite of all that could be dono dm tonn and Sept 3 was in his original lines CENTItAL of the Worth Postal Sigel a working ex-¬ from Harpeis Ferry to the opposite To Gen Early Gen Giant was pqrsistent about doah with Anny of Potomac under Gen fire kept into the cotton and bights On the same daj at Summit Point and Bcrrytille and from teiy Maj Gen AVesley ploding the shells which made it danger-¬ the Confederate - Be ready to move as soon as my hating Sheridan destroy the Virginia Cen- ¬ P II Sheiidan Mcr leader McCausland entered Hagerstown this line hating ncarlj- daily encounters forces To Get Well ous for the firemen as well as everj body with the enemy ami keeping Eailj- - from join ou and wo will crush Sheiidan tral Itailioad as he thought Itiehmoiid ic ritt Md and made a requisition for 20000 LOXGSTHCET many supplies First Ditision Brig Gen Thomas C else The city of Mobile was able to mus- ¬ sending tioops back to Lee Licutcuiiit Gciieril eeited bj tlut route eou AAhen write that postal will Slad- - which was given to him He also de seepiently eaily in 1S05 began Dev in jou I ter one steam fire engiiie anel I belicvo Sheridan did not know be-- Sheridan lv send niv he lp engines fctroted much hay and grain BATTLE OK whether to ¬ Thiid Division Maj Gen George A two hand The gunboatmen would OPEQLAX preparations for a gigantic cavalry expedi- will mail good When the news that a Confederate force iieic mis was a true message or a tion Viiginia Custer I jou an oulcr at any help the firemen hold the nozzle and wo wrns The aggressite movement that Sheridan ruse we now know with ordeis to destroy the rot in Mart laud was made known to the that it was fictitious Central and the canal capture Ljneh April 20 Johnston sur rendered to Sher- ¬ drug stoic six bottles Or Snoops soldiers would help on the hand engines North it startled the people and was waiting to begin commenced about but he Mopped Torberts lccoiinoissanee Jo man Italeigh X Restoiative Yon may take it a month on Confronted by a common danger we were President the middle of September when burg if piaclicahle and Jhen to join at C and tho conflict Lincoln called on the Governors of several Kershaws and oideicel his Catalry Ditision back to in was nearly over trial If it succeeds the cost is 550 If thus early working side bj side in a com- ¬ ¬ She iinan Xorth Carolina or return to troops weie witbdiawu from Earlv to re Cedar Creek Sheiidan went on to ¬ it fails I will pay the druggist States for 100 day men to repel in Wash ¬ Mat 5 by older of Gen Hancock the niself mon cause the inforce Lee in of ington in Winchester So a new department Com lasion Hunter was front Grant Sheridan and the meantime Eailv now - Y assigned and jour meie woid shall decide forgot to state nil glass ordeied to move back immediately mander was to be- appointed and Gen W l3d X was to our brigade it I that the left into the Vtlley and Grant was asked to moted forward his Benjvillo reinfoiced by about 5000 men was medi ¬ I do that for eveij sick ouo who writes whole in that part of the citj were some pend and Summit Point line battle and on tating how to S Hancock who hail been lelieveel from After Johnstons surrender recruiting for me I troops to oppose the eneifits advance of retrieve some of his reteiscs the- - or and hate for twelte jcais I hate little old 7x9 panes in one or Sept 1 fought ouo of the most gallant anil began planning an command the Second Jorps the latter the amy ceased by the following order found the sick honest and I He sent Itickcttss Division of the Sixth attack part of Not ember 1804 and ordered to that aie hate two very old buildings I came off dnty Corps and battles of the war known as the battle of From the signal station on Top AAar Department pioved that I can cine nearly all cotton press right cor- ¬ lot of dismounted cavalry Opequan Three Washington to orgarrizea tetetarr corps to at the across the troops ¬ and that night found Sheridans Mountain his ollieers could look Assistant Adjutant Generals Ollice Only one patient in each forty decides that weie unorganized and conse- down with lie named the First Voter iui Corps was ner fiom the explosion that morning at quently not very useful troops in full and exultant possession of glasses upon the whole camp and intrciich AVashington April 20 1S05 that tho test has failed The others pay 9 oclock F S Hemingway Co H the Confederates much abused selected to be the new Couvuraudcr by the gladl pay because they Gen Lew reinforced garri- ¬ and much incnts of the Union nrmy They found By direction of the Secretary of AAar aie cured 29th AVis Brigade Divi- ¬ Wallace his belotcd following First Third sons with the 100 day men and moved for Winchester and Earljs troops that tho Union left was thinly guarded new oigani7ations which hate not et Theie aio 30 chances in 40 that I can sion Thirteenth Corps Aernou Center to Monocacy broken demoralized and beaten rushed and they determined that by a night Special Order No started to the front will not be forwarded cure jou and I alone am the loser if I ward near Frederick - march Minn through city up Vallej- pur- ¬ Department w On July 8 Early entered Frederick and the and the across the Shenandoah and Cedar Creek War Said organizations except for Hancocks cant Let me tij levied sued far into the night by the Union cav-¬ they could take Crook in So Adjutant Generals Olhce First Corps will be immediately mus I hate spent a lifetime in learning how A Chaplains Indorsement a contribution of 200000 in cash reveise all Washington which was paid He also took many alry From Winchester Sheridan sent through the night across the folds the Feb 20 1805 tcied out and honorably disehaiged the to strengthen weak inside nerves Mj memorable 1 Maj Gen W S Hancock U S brings power Editou National Tribune I feel stores prot isions clothing this dispatch lebel chiefs led their hordes Goidon with sertice under jour direction Restoiative back that which ¬ and shoes By We just Vols is by direction organs like saying that I enjoy reading The Na- M the way a bill was before the Fifty have sent them whirling Itnmsciii and Pegram and a brigade of of the President Thomas M Aixcext alone opeiates the vital I treat a tional I heartily indorse through assigned to the of the Depart- ¬ Tribune that its Ecventh Congress to reimburse Winchester and wc aie after them cavalry was to go along the creek path command Asst Ajutant Gertcral weak oigan as I would a weak engiue by ¬ Frederick to morrow Early ment of West Virginia temporarily of git ing power to My position w ith reference to the service pen- City for this money on the plea that the and commanding Kershaws and and To Chief Mustering OUlceis of all it the act waj al sion at 12 So far as I am personally citizens helped get more than The victory had been costly as the Whartons Dit isions and Itosser with his all tioops in the Middle Militaij Division States wajs succeeds sate when a cause like that amount Union Army lost over 4000 in killed and cavahy to not under the immediate command of cancer makes n impossible concerned it will make no difference but of Got eminent property away and out of ttcie strike the Union forces at Aalley things were cine And only vet-¬ wounded and the rebels over 2000 among i oclock a m Maj Gen P II Sheridan in the field In the about as most of these chronic diseases it would be just to the civil war the rebels reach but had to suffer in los- ¬ The lebcls had left behind when Sheridan April 30 Col B cannot be erans it should be granted As ing tho enemys killed was Gen ltodcs This their cups and canteens thing Commander t of Departments in the Mid- ¬ left II cured without that a their own property and eterj lleed 22d X Y on scout to Staun- ¬ it private in Co 111 in battle of Winchester or Opequan would dle Military Division will govern them- ¬ Cat a K 1st the war withf restoied that make a noise So quietly did ton received a flag of trifce from Col Youll know this when you read my Mexico serving 18 months MONOCACY BRIDGE the tvlmle lower Valley to the Union nimy they move that at 330 a m by light selves accordingly book I would get never the 2 Thompson commanding Jacksons Brig- ¬ the 12 for that and serving as Chaplain Itieketts Division - again to be wrested from them and of the moon they could see the camp Brevet Maj Gen T W Egan U S -- arrived at Balti- and Book Xo I on Dyspepsia never again to furnish raiding parties into fires of the Union troops Vols Brig Gen S SCarroll U S Vols ade 0 S A and they were offered the of the 29th Mich in the citil war I am fflore July S and was hurried Thomp- ¬ Simply state which Hook No 2 c i the Heart toWnllace Marjland Pennsj Brig Gen U Brooks Vols same terms as Grant to Lee but you Hook getting 12 under the act of 1890 so the In the meantime Early was in and Ivania J U S will book want nnd Xo 3 on the Kidneys intent A SCRPItIBB AND BOUT report to Maj GenHancock for duty son nnd his bundled men scattered to the address Dr bhoop Hook No 4 for Women bill would not benefit me but it would getting intosWashingtonvbut Lew Wal- - fisiiehs HILL mountains and missed the honor of being Hoi 531 Ilaciue Wis Hook No 5 for Men sealed benefit many lace- - with his Our army not expecting any attaclr By order Secretary of War tery who need it and who veteran and raw troops Early fell back to Fishers Hill where on E D Townsexd paroled ihwk oboD jweumaiism richly desert e it So I say let us unite i made such a vigorous defense Monocacy slept but before 5 oclck a m a thick Asst Adjt Gen - at he intrenched himself and felt so secure fog came up anil April 24 Capt McNeil nnd other rebel 2Illd ca- not chronic are often cured by one or on it and press for its passage JoilM under cover cf it - the Hancock proceeded to Winchester and oUk-r- wanted an armistice until they got two bottles At all drusguls HAWKElt Meadville Ta
