AjVITV 4fe s 4 SWi3asi9 -- - THE --NATIONAL TRIBUNE WASHINGTON D C THURSDAY APRIL 16 1903 3 -- r flint h n Unwed Breckinridge to be de- - rebel troops from fiank nntLfront attacked relieved Sheridan and on Feb 27 Sheridan further instructions but Gen Emory re him Lcc Bodes was- - and poured into the sleeping camp Our rnoveil up the Valley with his superb fused and said they must surrender or take PICKET SHOTS A BATTLE HIGHWAY tached from tojoin column JOn 2 he consequences dead nnu ivitz J ee severely wuiii ueu nc men taken by surprise iookiio tneir nccis of 10000 sabers March the deprived three useful lieuten- ¬ and left tents stores clothjftg guns and encountered Early at Waynesboro where Gen Morcan said that if Mosby and was thus of in ants everj thing behind them the gathering in a short time and with little los he other guerrilla parties did not surrender From Alert Comrades Along the Whole Confederates made a de-¬ beat the rebels captured all their tney were no The Union army followed the enemy and of which by the and to be hunted down and as strong lay that proveel useful to the Union cause wagons subsistence tents ammunition 17 eiuarter given Line The Shenandoah Valley and the Army Which Surged Along It planted itself in his front and 11 position was Sheri- ¬ Emory and Custer tried tftMtem the tide flags guns nnd about 1000 ofllcers and May 1 Hancock ordered an expedition as Early thought his control troops men heavy 25 days purpose of dan by moving Crook during the night but they could not the The who were sent back under with rations for the In Victory and Defeat Hank drove it sun came up and our troops forming a guard to Winchester As for Early and paroling ofllcers anil men who desired to mound to the enemys left on his Generals woods themselves Gen THE CR VTEIt back in confusion while the main Union line of defense tried to resist tlie the took to the and avail of the terms of battle of army pushed vigorously on his front and slaught of Earlys men but they had to barely escaped capture in making their Grant to Gen Lee Soon afterward AVilliam Gott Co 15 1st Mich S Sr way to Richmond was quite a co ¬ around our vicinity tvo found many re ¬ Flotverville Mich By THOMAS H C KINKAID - right and Early was driven from his mote back and in most complete dis It writes I have read v Hill nnd the order Yi incidence that Sheridan xthen placed in turned and paroled rebel soldiers They the sketch of the Battle of the Crater in strong position on Fishers snrreneler were very meek and evidently JUE8T SEEOEATTrCa O 192D S Y SECOND HIHOADE TIHED PEOVISIOXAL DIVISION day Scpt 211SG4 Wriirht who was in command m Sheri command in Texas after Lees and tame The National Tribune of Jan 8 I claim waslost directed Sixth nnd again cafne across Early and a party seek ¬ had all of war that they wanted to have been the first soldier on rebel AE5IY OF THE SHENANDOAH retreated in disorder during the dans absence thet the night to bejond Woodstock Sheridan Nineteenth Corps to a position near Jhd ing the last ditch Their horses were During May anil June we remained at works on the left of the fort Some com- ¬ pursued him all tho night with Detins ellctown to resist tho direfc t neltnnee of taken from them by Sheridans men and AAiuehester Stephensons Station anil rades writing of this affair have inadct Tlii Anllov of Airtrinia or ns it is I Rriilsro that nlthoiirfi driven off he in Gordon and Kershaw nnilthey effectually Early might hate been also lint Sheridan Summit Point doing guard duty and mistakes If I reneinbcr correctly only killed wounded on Cavalrv and the Sixth and Xincteenth known the principal river that drams flicted a loss of 700 and pur- ¬ halted the rebels who had pushed through did not want him sending out scouts and picket parties one brigade of tvlnte troops of AVilcoxs from mo- ¬ Corps but darkness prevented finther was nlwaj s an Early Sundaj July 10 1804 and ¬ Eighth ami Then came the Grand Betiew and the dis Division it the Shenandoah Valley suit and the Union army halted at Wood- tho camps of the Nineteenth OUEIUIILLA WAItrAItE IX THE VALLEY crossed the rebel works Ok impoitant factor from the beginning of mentarily checked his advance but the Hill Corps and drove us back three or four bandment of the Union anny Bartlett was in command The 1st enemy pressed on and on July 11 was stock The Union loss at Fishers Waynesboro left the Confederates with- ¬ the rebellion until Sheridan laid it waste 400 Early lost about 1400 miles to the rear but encountering July 3 the Middle Military Department Mich S S and the 20th Mich were in the Capitol in front was about one regimental organization intact Balti- ¬ and sent Early whirling up the Valley in within ejesight of and morning Sept 23 Averill was Wrights new line they halted to try to out was created with headquarters at the charge to the left of the fort AAe al- ¬ But Washington had On the of they w ere all broken up and scattered and in lSG4 05 It is and was a tcry fertile of Fort Stetcns relict ed by Sheridan for going into camp hold the position nnd the plunder they more and Hancock command and the were there from early in the moniiug until ley rich in grain fruit cattle sheep and been succoied bj the arrival of the Fiist leating had taken by their daj light surprise nctcr to come together again and it was Middle Military Division was dissolved our 4 oclock in the afternoon when we were Divisions Sixth Corps the night of Fishers Hill and end efforts in the Valley al- ¬ hogs it was called the garden of Virginia and Second of the to pursue broken enemy the of their brigade was scattered to elifferent points taken prisoners I saw the colored troops also by of one ditison of tho infantry the bllEUIDAXS BIDE though the war was not guerrilla X AVheeling AV and furnished the Confederates with large and the arrital Oat airy here- ¬ jet oter the li2d Y went to Aa as they marched toward tho Crater They ex- ¬ Cotps from Xew Or- ¬ to Woodstock Aterills bauds composed mostlj of men who were subsistence and from its the Nineteenth direct pur- ¬ Now occurs the most remarkable and to guard a rebel prison and from there wero in columns of Amounts of army after was known as Powells The 1j day and felons by night under fours with nuns at macadamized roads it leans and Bankss ¬ dramatic incident of the whole war farmeis were mustered out to date August 25 right cellent haul and suit was renewed and on Sept 25 Ker- leisurely shoulder shift They formed on the a pathway tear after jear for On July 12 President Lincoln from Fort Sheridan coming back from Mosby McNeil White and other partisan 1805 bank m the rear rebel works-- furnished Stetcns saw skirmishers diiten shaw withhis ditision by ordeis from en leaders still continued their peculiar AAashington of the the Confederate- - to rnvade the neighboring Earljs Lee was directed to rejoin and aid Early Washington was at Winchester The I03d X V went to AVIien ordered to rise up they were met land Pennsj Ivauia back and the Union troops go forward and tho iuoining of Oct IS wheic at Virginia warfare until the very etui where thev remained until discharged in with States of Mar and good width he did by marching from Culpepcr troops going for a tolley from the rebels which threw drite Early from Washington for Jap about 7 oclock an officer repotted the Sheridans continued April 1800 The 211th Pa also went to them into confusion Many eolorcct SHEXAM10AH VALLEY and that night Early was back to Darnes through Swift Bun artillery He paid no especial waid and tho Virginia Cential Itailroad AAashington of the 1 sounds of and remained in the service troop were taken prisoners day ¬ and up Valley again hating re In the meantime to Oct the Union was thoiouglily reeked heaty that and The Shenandoah Valley is a continua- town the attention to it but when two hours later tt but the until April 1800 were in the same prison with us Valley south of the crossed the Potomac July 14 at Whites army was recoiinoitering and burning and he mounted his horse and lode thiough rams and mud made it impracticable to July 4 1S05 was a joj ous day at AAin tion of the Cumberland destrojing forage mills grain and etcrj Potomac it is bounded on the cast by the Fold Winchester the sounds of guns continced capture L nchburg and Sheridan deter chester and Summit Point AVe were about A WOItTHV CLASS ¬ would be sertieeable to the Itidge on west by the Alle Early had knocked at the door of Wash- thing that him that a fight was on and at Mill Creek mined to make his way and join Urant to lie disbanded ditision headquarters Comrade I Co Blue and the Bal- - enemy been reinforced ttitli P Brady F 2Sth Ilk ghanies Valley at Maitinsburg is ington and camped in the suburbs of Early had a half mile out of the town he found and to mill the canal as he went were to be broken up stores sold and dis- ¬ Osaw atomic Kan The House on writes that he cntereel about CO miles w ide at Winchester about trains and troops alreadj theio from the March If he was at White tributed AAe got extra rations and from the army a healthy strong boy in 1801 40 miles and at Strasburg about 20 miles -- - bioken front He put spurs to his good the Pamnnkey and Starch 20 he was at Ditision Headquarters two barrels of and was not mustered out until the closo wide Here the Mnssanutten Mountain black horse and with lightning spceel he City Point and with the Army of the Po- ¬ commissarj whisk t was issued to each of the war that owing to the hardships rises and runs parallel to the Blue Bidgc flew along the road through Newtown
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