CLASS OF 1851.

1.494 .. (Born MIlS.) ....GEORGE L. ANDREWS ...... (Ap'd Mas.) .. 1. Military HistOlY. Cadet a·t the U. S. Military Acadcmy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, whcn he was graduated und promotcd in the A.rmy to BVT. SECOND LrEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1851. Served as Asst. Engineer in the construction of Ft.. Warren, Boston Harbor, Mas., 1851- 54; and at t.he Military Academy, as Asst. Professor of Enginccl'ing, (SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, FED. 2, H154) Aug. 30, 1854, to Sep. 1, I8;)G. RESIG~'EIl, SEP. 1, 18;35. Civil History.-Engineel· of Amoskcag lVlllllufactnring Comp'U1Y, at Man chester, N. H., 1855-57. Asst. Engineer in the service of the United States, in t.he constrnction of the Fortifications of Boston H"rbor, Mas., 1857-G9,­ and at Sandy Hook, N. J., 1850- 60. Military History.- Scrveu dm'ing tho Rebollion of tile Seceding States, (LIEUT.-COLONf:L, 2D lVI.~s. VOLUNTJ::ERS, MAY 24, 1861) 1861- 65: in guarding lhe Uppel' Potolllac, July- Nov., 1861; ill ganison at Frederick, Md., and as Member of Board for examiDing Vohmtcor Officers. Dec., 1861 to Apr., 1862; ill Opemtiolls uncleI' Major-General Banks, in Ow i:lhenandoah V~lley, lVIal'. - Jlme, 1862, being ongaged in several Skil1uishcs,­ (COLONEL, 2D MAS. VOLUN1'EEllS, JmlE 13, 1862) and Combat of Willehester, lVI,1Y 25, 1862; in the Nort.hern Virginia Campaign, Jllne - Au~. , 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Cedar Mountidn, Aug. n, 1802; in the ~1I\ryhlllc1 Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Sep.- Oct., ]862, being engaged in the Battle of AntietflUl, Scp. 17, 1862; ttt New York, forwarding troops and supplies for Major-General Banks' Expedition to New Orleans, (BmG.-GENEllAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 10, 1862) Dec. 5, 1862, to Jan. 24, 1803; in Opemtions in the Departmont of the Gulf, Feb. 1G, 1863, to :Feb. 13, 1865 (as Chief of SbJf of Major-General Banks, Mal'. 0, to July 9, 1863), being engaged in the Advrmce on Port Hudson, Mar. 14, 1863,- Combat of Ft. Bisland, Apr. 13-14, 1863,- Advunee upon Opelousas and AlexaUllria, Apr. - ~iay, 1863, - Siege of POlt Hudson, May 25 to July!l, 1863, - in cOlllmaud of the Corps d'Afrique, July 10, 18G3, to F eb. 13, ISO:;, at Port Hudson, La.,- and District of Baton Houge and Port Hudson, Dec. 28, U. S. MILITARY ACADE~IY. 279


1864, to Feb. 13, 1865; as Provost-Marshal General of the Army of the Gulf, Feb. 27 to June 6, 1865. being present at the Attack of Mobile, Ala.., and it:s (13YT. MA.T.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, }lAn. 26, 1865, FOR FAITill'UL AND MEnrroRIous SERYICES DURING THE C.l.i\[PAIGN AG.l.INST THE CITY OF MODILE AND ITS DEFENSES) defenses, Mltr. 26 to Apr. 12. 1865,-and as Chief of Staff of Major-General Cauby, June 6 to Aug. 24, 1865. MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, AUG. 24, 1865. Civil History.-Planter, Washington Cotmty, Mis., 1865-67. U. S. Marshal for the State of Massachusetts, Apr. 8, 1867, to

1495. . (Born Pa.) .. , .JAMES ST. C. MORTON...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 2 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. i'iIilitary Academy from Sep. 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the AI'my to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY I, 185l. Served: 1\8 Asst. Engineer in the construction of the Defenses of Clwrleston harbor, S. C., 1851-52,-in building Ft. Delawru'e, Pell Patch Islund, Del. , 1852-55; at the Military Ar~demy, as Asst. Professor of Engineering, Sep. I, (SECOND LIEUT., CORPS Ol' ENGINEERS, ApR. I, 1854) 1855, to June 16, 1857; as Asst. Engineer in Opemtions preliminary to con­ (FIRST LIEUT., CoRPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY. 1, 1856) st.rudion of Sandy Hook Fort, N. J., 1857-58; aH Light-house Engineer of 3d Dif;t.Jict, from Goosebul'y Point, iVLlS., to Squam Inlet, N. J., 1858- 59; in chllrge of Potomac ,Vater-works, 1850- 60; as Engineer of the" Chiriqui Expedition, " Cmtral America, 1860; in charge of "Tashington Aqueduct, 1800-61; and as Superintending Engineer of the construction of Ft. Jefferson, (C.l.PTAIN, CORPS OF ENGINF.ERS, AUG. 6, 1861) Tortuglls, Fla., lS61 - 62, ~-a nd of repairs of Ft. Mi.fflin, Pa., 1862. &rved during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-64: as Chief Engineer of the ArD?-Y of ~he Ohio, June 9 to Oct. 27, .1862, during Major-Gen­ eral Buell's OperittlOns l!l North Alabama, - Pmsmt of Hebel Army under General Bragg, to Louis,~lIe, Ry., - a,nd Advu.nce through Kentucky to the relief of Nash"ille, Ten.; as Chief Engineer of the Army of the Cum­ berland, Oct. 27, 1862, to Aug. 22, Hl63, and Sep. 17 to Noy. 14, 1863, and in corumund of Pioneer Brigade, attached to 14th Corps (AImy of the Cum­ beIland), Nov. 3, 1862, to Nov. 7, 1863; in the Tennessee Campaign, Nov., (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. Vor.UNTEERS, Noy. 29, 1862) 1862-Jan., 1863, heing eng[,ged in the Battle of Stone River, Dec. 31, (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., .JAN. 2, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERYICES AT THE BATTLE OF STONE UlYER, TEN.) 1862-JaIL 3, 1863; in fortifying Nashville and Murfreesboro', Ten. , Jan. - June, 1863; in the Tennessee Campaign, June-Noy., 1863, being engaged in the AdYance on Tullahoma, J'une 24-.Ju1y 4, 1863, - crossing the Cumberland (MA.JOR, CORPS OF ENGINEEHS, JULY 3, 1863) Mountains and Tennessee HiYer, Aug. 15--Sep. 4, 1863,-Battle of Chick­ (Bn. COLONEL., SEP. 20, 1863, Fon GALLANT ,L'ID ~IERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF CmCl(Al\[AOGA, GA.) amauga., Scp. 19- 20, 1863, where he was wonnded,- and fortif)~ng Chatta­ nooga, Scp.- Nov., 186::1; as Superintending Enginecr of the Defenses of (HUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, NOY. 7, 1863.) 230 GRADUATES OF THE


Nashville, Murfreesboro', Clarksville and Ft. Donelson, Nov. 14, 1863, to Jan. 30, 1864; as Assistant to the Chief Engineer at Washington, D. C., Jan. 30 to May 16, 1864; and as Chief Engineer of 9th Army Corps in the Richmond CR.mpaign, May 18 to June 17,1864, being engaged in the Battle of North Anna, May 24, 1864,-Battle of Tolopotomy, May 28-29, 18M,- Batt.le of Bethesda Church, :May 30, 1864,-und Assault of Petersburg, Va., where, (BvT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, JUNE 17, 1864, }'OR GALL.L'IT AND MERI­ TORIOUS SERVICES AT THE ASSAULT OF PETEllSBURG, VA., WHERE HE WAS KILLED) whilo leading the attack, he was KILLED, JUNE 17, 1864: AG ED 35. Civil History.-Author of a "Memoir on Fortification," 1858; "Memoir on the D'lngers and Defenses of New York city, " 1858: "American Fortifica­ tion," 1859; and "Life and Services of Major John Sanders, of the Engi­ neers," 1860.

1496.. (Born Me.) ...... GEORGE T. BALCH...... (Ap'd 0.) ..3 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when .he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOXD LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JULY 1,1851. Served: as Assistant at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y, 1851; at thc Military Academy as Asst. Professor of Chemistry, :NIinernlogy, and Geology, Sep. 13, 1852, to JI1U. 19, 1853; in command of Mount Veruon Arsenal, Ala., 1853; as (SECOND LIEUT., ORDXANCE, FED 26, 1853) Asst. at Franltford Arsenal, Pa., 1853- 54, - and at Ordnance Depot, Gover­ nor's Island, N. Y , 1854-55; as Chief of Ordnance 01\ Sioux Expedition, (FIRsT LIEUT., ORm-rANCE, JULY. 1, 1854) Apr. 16, 1855, to June 30, 1856; as Assistant at St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., 1856; on Inspection of the Armament of Fortifications of Pensacola Harbor, Fla., 1856-57; on leave of absence, 1857; "s Assistant at Ordnance Dcpot, Gover­ nor's Island, N. Y., 1857- 58,-to the Inspector of Arsenals, 1858, - at Ordnance Depot, Governor's IslR.nd, N. Y, 1858-59, - R.nd at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1859- 61; and as Member of Several Boards for testing breech-loading and rifled Ordnance, 11360- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 65: as Chief of Ordnance, Department of Florida, Apr. 16 to July 18, 1861; on Specinl duty in procming supplies, at Springfield, ~Ias., Aug. ~, 1861, to Feb., 1862,-and (CAPTAIN, ORDNANCE, Nov. 1, 1861) in Ordnance Bureau at Washington, D. C., Feb., 1862, to Sep. 16, 1863; as Priucipnl ~ssist. ant to the Chief of Ordnance, Sep. 16, 1863, to Sep. 14, 1864; at the MIlItary Academy, as Instructor of Ordnance and Gunnery, Sep. 22, (Bv'!'. MAJOR, AND Bn. LmUT.-CoL., MAR. 13, 1865, FOR F,uTHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT DURING THE REBELLION) 18M, to July 12, 18G5; in command of Chal'ieston Arsenal, S. C., Au". 21, to Oct. 7, 18G5; and on lea"" of absence, Oct. 7 to Dec. 1, 1865. <> RESIGNED, DEC. 1, 1865.

Civil HistOry..-General ~:Innager and Treasurer of Remington Agricul­ tural Works nt Illion, N. Y., 1866-G7. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 281


1497.. (Born Ten.) ...WILLIAM T. WELCKER ...... (Ap'd Ten.) .. 4 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. :Militury Academy fwm July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted m the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNA.;.'1CE, JL'LY 1, 1851. Served: as Assistant at St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., 1851-53,-and at Be­ (SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JUNE 26, 1853) nicia Arsenal, Cal., 1853- 56; as Acting 'rop. Engineer and Aide-de-Camp (FmsT LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 1855) to Colonel Wright, on Yakuma Expedition, 1856, being present in a Skirmish at the Cascades, Wash., Mar. 28, 1856; in command of Vancouver Ordnance Depot, Wash., 1856-57; as Assistant at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1858-G9; and in command of Vancouver Ordnance Depot, Wash., 1861. DISMISSED. JULY 22, 1861, "HAVING GIYEN PROOF OF HIS DISLOYALTY."

Civil History.- Counsellor at Law, at Portland and the Dalles, Or., 1861-62. Civil Engineer at Victoria, British America, 1862-64. Mining in Idaho and British Columbia, since 1866, P. O. Astoria, Or.

1498.. (BornPa.) ...... ALEXANDER PIPER...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 5

Military History.--Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Ft. Independence, Mas., 1851-52,- Ft. Achms, R. I., (SECO:>lD LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, DEC. 12, 1851) 1852-53,-and Ft. Snelling, Min., 1853; at the Military Academy as Asst. Pro­ fessor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Aug. 29, 1853, to Apr. 14, 1854; in gilJ.'rison at ]j't. Monroe, Va., 1854; on frontier duty at Ft. Yuma, C'l\., 1854-55, (FmsT LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JAN. 31,1855) -Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1855,-Ft. Dalles, Or. , 1855.-Indian Hostilities, in Wash. Tcr., 1855-56, being en~aged in a Skirmish at the Cascades, Wash., Mar. 28, 1856, - Ft. Walla-Walla, Wash., 1856--5 7, -Ft. Umpqua, Or., 1857-59, 1859-60,-aud on Expedition to Upper Klamath Lake, Or., ltlGO. Served during the Rebellion of tile Seceding State", 1861- 66: in Defense of (CAPTAIN, 18TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861: DECLINED) (CAPTAIN, 3D ARTILLERY, MAY 14, 1861) Washington, D. C., June-July, 1861; in the Manassas Campaign of July, 1861, as Acting Asst. Adjutant-General of Sbermau's Brigade, being engaged in. the Action of Blackburn's Ford, July 18, 186I,- and Bn.ttle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; in tile D efe n se~ of Wo.shingtou, D. C.• July-Sep., 1861; at the Milib\l"y A.cademy as Principill A.sst. Professor of Chemistry, Millemlogy, and Geology, Sep. 11, 1861, to June 16, 1862 ; as Chief of Artillery of the Army commanded by Major-General Pope, in the Northern Virginh\ Campaign,' (BVT. MAJOR, AUG. 30, 1862, FOR GALLANT A:-!D MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE CAMP.l.IG:-! I:-! NORTHER:-! VmGINu) July 21-Sep. 3, 1862; as Asst. Inspect:)r of Artillery at Washington, D. C., (COLOl-'"EL, 10TH NEW YOIll, ARTILLEl\Y VOLUNTEEIlS, JAN. 7, 18(3) Sep., 1862, to Jan., 18G3; iu the Defenses of Washington, D. C., .Jan., 1863, to May, 1864; in the Richmond Campaign, June-Dec., 1864, being engaged in 282 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMBER. 1851. CLASS RANK. the Assault of Petersburg, June 16. 1864,--Siege of Petersburg ana Rich. (BVT. LIEUT..COL., JUNE 15, 1864, FOR GALLANT A.:m MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE SIEGE OF PETERSBURG, VA.) roond, June-Dec., 18G4, being Chief of Artillery of 18th Army Corps, ,july 23 to Nov. 10, 1864; as Chief of Artillery of Middle Military Division, Dec., 1864, (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JUJ~Y 6, 18(5) to July, 1865; and at the Military Aeademy as Principal Asst.lnstl'uctor of Artillery Tactics, July 24, 1865, to

U99 .. (Born N. Y.) .....JAMES THOMPSON ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 6 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to Jnly 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to 13VT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLEllY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in galTison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1851, - Ft. Wood, N. Y., 1852, (SECOND LIEUT. 2D ArnlLLERY, JULY 1, 1852) -and Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1852-54; at the Military Academy, as Asst. Profes­ sor of Mathematics, J an. 2, 1854, to Nov. 10, 1857; in garrison at Ft. Inde­ (FrnST LIEUT.. 2D AllTILLERY, AUG. 16, 1854) pendence, ~Ias., 18;;8-59; on leave of absence, 1859- 60 ; in ganison at Ft. In­ dependence, Mas., 1860 ; on frontier duty at Ft. Brown, Tex., 1860- 61; and in garrison at Ft. Hmnilton, N. Y., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in Defense of Ft. Pickens, Fla., Apr. 19 to July 3, 1861; in the Manassas Campa.ign of.July, (CAPTAIN, 2D AllTILLERY, .JUNE 14, 18(1) 1861, being eng age~l in the Battle of Bull Run, .July 21, 1861; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., ,Tnly 23, 1861, to Mar. 17,1862; in the Virginia P enin­ sular Cl\ll1paign (Army of the P'lc), l'vIar. - .July, 1862, being engi1 ged iu the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5-M:ay 4, 1862, - Bl1ttle of Willitlmsburg, 1\fay 5, 1862,-13attle of Fuir Oll ks, May 31-June I, 1862 ,- Skirmishes, ,June 25, and 29, 1862, neal' Seven Pines, - 13' of Glendale, JUlle 3D, 1862, - Bl1 ttle of (BVT. M.l.JOll, J UNE 30, 1862, FOR GALLA:-!T AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GLEND.\LE, V. .j, . ) Malvern Hill, Jnly I, 1862, -and Sl,irmish ,\t Harrison's Landing, July 2, 1862; on sick leave of absence, ,July 25 to Aug. 29, 1862; as Chief of Artillery, in Defense of Cincinnati during Rebel Rn,id, Sep. , 1862, - of Department of Ohio, Oct., 1862, to Apr., 1863,-und Army of Kellhwky, Apr. to Oct., 1863, being engagecl in the Defense of Franklin. T eu., Apr. 10, 186:3, and Baltle of Chickamauga, Ga., Sep. 20, 1863; in Organizi ng Artillery R ogiment in Kentucky, Out., Ul63, to Apr. 18, 186!; on wIusterillg and Disbursing duty ut Louisville. Ky., :tI'far. - )by, 18G4, and at Cincinnati, 0., May, 1804, to Aug., 1865; in garrison at F ort Point, Cal., Sep., 1864; on Mustering und Disbursiug clnty !1t San Francisco, Cal. , Oct. 16 to Dec. 21, 1865; 0 11 R ecruiting sprvice , Jan. 27, 1866, to

1500. . (Born Mas.) ...... CALEB HUSE ...... , (Ap'd Mas,) .. 7 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .Tuly 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST AuTILLEllY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in ganison at Key West, Fla., 1851 - 52; at the Military Academy (SECOND LIEUT" 1ST AuTILLERY, SEP . 4, 1851) U. S. MILI1'ARY ACADEMY. 283


1852-59, as Asst. Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology, Dec. 1, (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, Nov. 4, 1854) 1852, to Sep. 10, 1855,-and Principa.l Asst. Professor, Sep. 10, 18G5, to Aug. 31, 1859; on leave of absence in Europe, 1859- 60; Oll Board to test the merits of Jl1mes and Shenkle's Rifled Canon, 1860; and on lelLVe of absence in Europe, 1860-61. . RESIGNED, FED. 25, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 ,1g,\inst the United Sh\tl's.

1501.. (Born Ky.) ...... KENNER GARRARD ..... (Ap'd at Large.) .. 8 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fwm July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Anny to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Ft. Mifflin, Pa., 1851-52; on frontier duty at Ft. (TR.u'l1SFERRED TO 1ST DRAGOONS, FEB. 20, 1852) Conrad, N. M., 1852,-and Albuquerque, N. lVI., 18G2-53; on Topographical (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, Oc·]'. 31, 1853) duty on Pacific Railroad Explomtion, from Dona Alia, N. M., to Preston, Tex., 1853-54; in garrisol,l at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1854-55; in charge of (FIRST LIEUT., 2D CAVALRY, MAR. 3, 1855) the C,walry Instruction at Carlisle Barracks, Pa., 1855; as Adjutant, 2d Cavalry, Apr. 20, 1855, to May 31, 1858, [I.t Louisville, Ky., 1855, - ,Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 18G5, ·--Ft. Mason, Tex., 185G, - SanAntonio, Tex., 18.5G-57, IB57-58,-·abd Ft. Masou, Tex., 1858; on Recruiting service, 1858- GO; ill conducting recruits to, 1860-61; and on ti-ontier duty fit Camp Cooper, Tex., 18G1, being captured, Apr. 12, 1861, a·t S"n Antonio, Tex., b~' Texan insurgents '~ncl put upon parole until exehanged as a prisoner of war, Aug. 27, 1862. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 6G: at Washing­ (CAPTAIN, 2D CAVALRY, FED. 27,1861: OTHCAVALRY, AUG. 3,18Gl) ton, D. C., in the Commissm'y-Geneml's Office, Apr.-Sep., 1861; itt the Military Academy, 1861- 62, as Asst. Instmctor of Cavalry, Sep. 16, to Dec. 5, 1861, ­ and as Commandant of C"dets (ex-officio, Lieut.-Colonel), and Instructor of Artillery, G,walry, and Infantry Tactic~, Dec. 5,1801, to Sep. 25. 1862; in the (COLONEL, 146TH N. Y. VOLUNTEEltS, SEP. 23, 18(2) Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Nov. 1862, to June, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862,- "ucl B" ttle of Chancellorsville, May 2-4,1863; in the Pennsylvlmia Campaign (Army of the Potomac), June- July, 1863, being engaged in the Battle ofGettysburg, July 1-3, (BVT. LIEUT.-COLONEl" JULY 2, 1863, FOR GALL _~N'J' AND MERlTOlUOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSDURG, P A. ) 1863,-and Pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Va., July, 1863; in the (BmG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, JULY 23, 1863) Hapidan Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Oct.-Dec., 18G3, being engaged (MMOR, 3D CAVALRY, Nov. 2, 18(3) in the Combat of RappalInnnock Station, Nov. 7, 1863, --"ncl Mine Run Oper­ "tiOIlS, Nov. 26 to Dec. G, 1863; in charge of the Cavalry Buref,\\l at 'Washington, D. C. , Dec., 1863, to Jan., 186J; in command of 2d Cav",lry Division (' , Feb.-Dec., 18B!, in Operations about Oh,~ttanoog[\ "nd in the Invasion of Georgi", being const,\ntly eng"ged on detached Expeditions, 284 GRADUATES OF THE

NU~InER. 1851. CLASS RANK. and in frequent engagements during the entire Atlanta Campaign; in command (Dv!'. COLONEL, JULY 22, 1864, FOR GALL.'NT AND MERITORIOUS SERYICES IN THE EXPEDITION TO COVINGTON, GA.) of 2d Cavalry Divsion (Military Division of the Mississippi), Oct. - Noy., 1864, during Major-General" Sherman's PL1l'suit of the Rebel Army under General Hood, from Dalton to Romp, G,l,.; in command of:ld Diyision, 16th Army Corps, Dec., 18640--.July, 186.5, being engaged in the DaLtle of Nashville, Ten., (DYT. MAWR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, DEC. 15, 18M, }'OR CONSPICUOUS GALLANTRY AND En'ICIENCY DURING THE BATTLE OF THE 15TH AND 16TH, DEFORE N.tSHYlLLE, TEN.) Dec. 15-16, 18640, - Operations ag,l,inst Mobile, Mar. lO-Apr. 13, 1865, parti­ cipating in the Siege of Spanish Fort (guarding corps train), Mar. 27­ (DYT. DRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR G_IcLLANT AND MERI­ TORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF NASHYILLE, TEN.) Apr. 3, 1865, and Siege of Blakely, Apr. 3- 9, 1865, where he led the storm­ ing column which cllptured the plllCe, - MoYement to Montgomery, Ala., (BYT. ~fAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, MAll. 13, 186.5, FOR GALLANT AND MERI­ TORIOUS SERYICES IN THE FIELD DURING THE REBELLION) Apr. 13- 27, 1865, remaining in the vicinity to Aug., 1865; in command of the District of Mobile, Ala., Aug. - Sep., 1865; and as Asst. Inspector-General (MUSTERED OU'!' 0]' VOLUNTEER SERVICE, AUG~ 24., 1865) of the Department of the Missouri, Mar. :l to Nov. 9, 1866. RESIGNED, Nov. 9, 1866.

1502.. (Dorn Ky.) .....BEN HARDIN HELM...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 9 Military History.- Cadet a.t the U. S. Militmy Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to DVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1851. Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1851-G2; and on (SECOND LIEUT., :lD DIaGOONS, MAR. 31, 1852) frontier duty at Ft. Lincoln, Tex., 1852. RESIGNED, OCT. 9, 1852. Civil Hi.,tory.-Counsellor "t Law, Elizabethtown, Ky., 18540-58,--and at Louisville, Ky., 1858- 61. Member of the House of Representatives of tho State of Kentucky, 1855-56. Commonwe".Jth Attorney for the 3d District of Kentueky, 1856- 58. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States and DIED, SEP. 21, 1863, OF WOUNDS RECEIVED AT CHICKHL~UGA, GA.: AGED 32.

1503 .. (Born Va.) ...... EDWARD H. DAY...... (Ap'd Ten.) ..10 Military Histo:y.-Cndet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 18,,1, when he was grn.dua,ted and promoted in the Army to DVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in Florida Hostilities "gfl;nst the Seminole Indians, 1851-52; in gar­ (SECOND LIEUT., 3D AllTlLLERY, JUNE 30, 1852) rison at Ft. Adams, It. 1., 1852-53; on frontier duty in , 1853; in garri­ son fit Ft. Wood, N. Y., 1854,--and San Francisco, Cal., 1854; on frontier U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 285

NUMBER. 1851. duty in Indian Hostilities ill Washington Territ.ory, 1854,-Ft. Dalles, Or., 1854,-Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1854-55,-Indian Hostilities in Oregon, 1855,­ (FIRST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, MAR. 3, 1855) Fl. Dalles, Or., 1855-56,-and San Diego, Cal., 1856; and on sick leave of ab­ sence, 1856-60. DIED, JAN. :I, 1860, AT RICHMOND, VA. ; AGED 30. l504 .. (Born Ten.) ... ALVAN C. GILLEM ...... (Ap'd Ten.) .. n Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1847, to .July I, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO~'D LIEUT., 1ST ARTIJ.LERY, JULY I, 1851. Served; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1851-52; in • (SECOND Lrnul'., 1ST ARTILLERY, DEC. 31, 1851) garrison at East Pascagoula, Mis., 1852,-New Orleans Barracks, La., 1852-53. -Baton Rouge, La., 1853, 1853 -54 (sick), - Ft. Monroe. Va., 1854 (sick), 1855-56,-Ft. McHenry, Md., 18S6-58, -and Ft. Columbus, N. Y.,1858; and on (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST ARTII.LERY, MAR. 3, 1855) frontier duty at , Tex., 1858-59, - Ft. Clark, Tex., 1859- 60,-l!'t. Brown, Tex., 1860,-and Key West Banacks, Fla., 1860-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66; in Defense of (CAPT,UN, 19TH INF.l-NTRY, MAY 14,1861; DECLINED) (CAPTAIN, 1ST AUTILLERY, MAY 14, 1861; VACATED, MAY 14, 1861) Ft. Taylor, Fla., Jan.- Od., 1861; as Brigade Quartermaster, in Operations in (CAPT. STAFF - ASST. QUARTERMASTER, JULY 12, 1861) Kentucky, Nov. 9, 1861, to Feb. 6, 1862, being engaged in the Combat of Mill Springs, Ky., Jan. 19- 20, 1862; in command of the Siege Artillery, and as (BVT. MAJOR, JA.c'<. 19, 1862, FOR GALJ.ANT AND MEIlITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF MILL SPRINGS, Ky.) Chief Quartermaster of the , Feb.-June, 1862, in the Tennes­ see Campaign, being engaged in the Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862.- and Advance upon, and Siege of Corinth, Apr. 9-11ay 30,1862; us Provost-Marshal (COLONEL, 10TH TE!'INESSEE VOLUNTEERS, ~iAY 13, 1862) of the Oity of Nashville, Ten., Ang. 12 to Dec. 24, 1862; in command of Brigade in Tennessee Operations, Dec. 24,1862, to June 1,1863, being engaged in a Skirmish near Lavergne, Dec. 31 , 1862,-and o,t Harpet.h River, Jan. 12, 1863; as Adjutant-General of the State of Tennessee, June I, 1863, to Apr. I, (BRIG.-GEKERAL U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 17, 1863) 1865; in command oftroops guarding Nashville and North-western Railroad, June, 1863, to Aug., 1864; in command of Expedition to East Tennessee, Aug., 1864, to Ml1r., 1865, being engo,ged in the Skirmish at Blue Springs, Aug. 22, 1864, - -Surprise of Rebel Hl1iders at Greenville, Sep. 4, 1864, when their commanding General, John H. Morgo,n, was killed, - Actioll of Carter's StatiOll, Oct. 1, 1864, - Combo,t of Monistown, Oct. 28, 186J, ­ Action o,t J3nU's Gap, Nov. 1:1, 1864,- and Skirmishes at Morristown, Nov. 13, at Rogersville, Dec. 12, and o,t Kingsport, Dec. 13, 1864; in command of the Tennessee Cavahy in Geneml Stoneman's Raid into South-western Virginia, being engaged in the Action near Wythville, Dec. 18, 18M,.- Action at Marion, Dec. 16, 1864, -and Capture of Saltville, Dec. 22, 18M; as Member and Viee (J3VT. LmuT.-CoL., DEC. 16, 1864, l' OR GALLA.c'


Representatives of the State of Tennessee, Mar., 1863; in colllmand of Cayalry Diyision in the Distrid of East Tennessee, j)iar. 18 to July iJ, 18G5, being engaaed in Expedition to North Carolina, participating in tlIe Action !Ind Capt~re of Salisbury, Apr. 12, 1865, --Skirmish neal' MorgantolYll, Apr. 17, (BYT. COLONEL, MAR. 13, 1865, FOH GALLANT AND MEllITORIOUS SEHYICES DUllING THE R.EBELLION) (BVT. BRIG.-GENEHAL, U. S. AmIY, MAIl. 13, 1865, FOH GALLANT AND MEIUTomous SEHYICES IN THE FIELD DURING THE REBELLION) (BYT. MAJ.-GENEHAL, U. S. AmIY, ApH. 12, 1865, FOR GALLANT CONDUCT AT THE BATTLE OF SALISBUHY, N. C.) 1865,- and Action near Asheville, Apr. 22, 1865; in command of the District of East Tennessee, July 4, 1865, to .July 28, 1866; on Court-Martial duty, Aug.­ (COLONEL, 24TH INFANTRY, JULY 28, 18(6) (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, SEP. 1, 1866) Dec., 1866; In command of District of Mississippi, Jan. 11, ]867, to

1.505 .. (Born N. Y.) ...... De WITT N. ROOT ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 1.2 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he WfiS graduated find promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1851. On graduation leave of absence, July 1, 1851, to Aug. 4, 1851. DIED, AUG. 4, 1851, AT MOHAWK, N. Y.: AGED 20.

1.506 . . (Born Ct.) ... .ALEXANDER J. PERRy...... (Ap·d Ct.) . .1.3 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militltry Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in tlIe Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Castle Pinckney. S. C., 1831- 52; in Florida Hostili­ (SECOND LIEUT., 2D AH'fILLEHY, JULY 1, 1852) ties against the Seminole Indians, 1832; at tlIe Military Academy, 1852- 58, as (FIllST LIEUT., 2D AHTILLEI

N U)!BER. 1851. C L.~SS RANK.

~507 . . (Born Pu) ...... ISAIAH N. MOORE ...... (Ap'd Pu.) .. 14 Military History.-Cadet ut the U. S. Milit,ny Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated und promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1851. Served: on frontier dut.y at Ft. Reading, Cal., 18 53,-~Ft . Jones, Cal., (SECOND LIEU~'., IS'l' DRAGOONS, FED. 21, 11;53) 1853,-Los Lunas, N. M., 1853-56,-Scouling, 1856, against Apache Indians, (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST DRAUOONS, MAR. 3, 1855) being engaged in u Skirmish near the Almaigre Mountains, N. U., Apr., 1856,- L os Lunas, N. M., 1856, - , 1856-57,- Gila Expedition, 1857, being engnged uguinst Apache Indiuns in u Com bat on the Gila Rtvel', N. M., June 27, 1857,-Ft. 13uchiman, N. M., 1857-58,- ,mc1 Scouting. 1858, being engaged in u Skirmish west of the Ruachuguu Mount"in~, N. M.• Mm'. 11, 1858; on Recl'Uiting service, 1858- 60; as Member of Boanl for the trhtl of small arms, 1860; uncl on frontier duty at Ft. LeuvenwOl'th, Kiln., 1860,- Ft. (C,tn'UN, 1ST DRAGOONS, APR. 20, 1861: 1ST CAVALRY. AUG. 3, 1861) Buchanan. N. M .. 1860, - and Ft. Breckenridge, N. U. , 1860- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-62: in Operations in New Mexico, Muy, 1861, to June, 1862, being engaged in the Defense of Ft. Cmig. DIED, JAN. 16, 1862, AT FT. CRUG, N. M. : AGED 35.

1508 .. (Born Me.) ...... JOHN EDWARDS...... (Ap'cl Me.) .. 15 Military History.- Caclet ut the U. S. Military Acudemy ii'om July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduntecl and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1851. Sen'eil: in gan'ison n.t Ft. Preble, Me., 1851- 52. - Ft. Constitution, N. R., (SECOND LmUT ., 3D ARTILLERY, MAR. 16, 1852) 1852- 53,- and Ft. Adams, R.. I., 1853; on frontier duty at Ft. Brown, Tex., 1853; in gal'l'ison at Ft. Wood, N. Y., 1854, - Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1854,-and Benicia, CuI., 18.54-55; on frontier duty n.t Nome Lakee Reserve, Cal., 1855- 56,­ (FIRST LrnuT., 3D ARl'lLLERY, FED. 15, 1855) n.nd Ft. Washita, I. '1'., 18G6; in gaITison [tt Ft. Monroe, Va., 1856-57; on service, 1857; in garrison at Ft. Momoe, Va. (Artillery School for Pmctice), 1857-58; on frontier duty ut Ft. L eavenworth, Kn.n., 1858,-Utnh Expedition, 1858-59,- M,.roh t.o Washington Territory, 185(), - San Juun Island, \Vash., 1859,- Ft. Va,ncouver, Wash. , 1859- 60, - Scouting, 1860, ­ Expedition against hostile Indians to Smith's Plains, Or., 1860, - und Ft. Van­ couver, Wash., 1860 ; Rnd on leave of n,bsence, 1860- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Shltes, 1861-66: in garrison at Ft. Washington, lVIil., Apr.-July, 1861; in cOlllmand of Battery in the Manas­ (CAPTAm, 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 23, 1861) sas Campaign of July, 1861, being engaged in the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; in the Defenses (,f Washington, D. C., July- Dec., 1861 ; on the staff of Brig.-General Crittenden, at Green River, Ky., Juu. - lI{,w., 1862 ; in commanu of ]3u/,tery (Army of the Potomac), in the ViJ:ginin Peninsular Campaign, Mar. ­ Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 13-May 4, 1862 ,-· Battle of Mecllllnicl;ville, June 26, 1862.. ~BattJe of Gaines' Mill, June 27, (Bn'. MAJOR, JUNE 27, 1862. FOR GALLANT AND MEIUTomous SERVICES AT THE B"-TTLE 01' GAIlmS' l\irLL, VA.) 288 GRADUATES OF THE


1862,-Action at Tmkey Bend, June 30, 1862,-and Battle of Mnlvern Hill, July 1, 1862; in the Mnryhtnd Campaign (Army of the · Potomac), Sep.-Nov., 1862, being engnged on Picket near Antietam, Sep. 16-17, 1862,- and on (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., SEP. 17, 1862, FaIt GALLAN1' AND MERITORIOUS SERVWEd DURING THE MARYLAND CAMPAIGN) lIiltrch to Falmouth, Va., Oct.-Nay., 1862; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Dec., 1862, being engnged in the Battle of Fredericks­ burg, Dec. 13, 1862; on sick leave of absence, Jan.-Mar., 1863; in command of B"ttery in Kentucky, Mar.-.Tune, 1863, at Lexington, Mar. 3D- Apr. 8, 1863, -Camp Dick Robinson, Apr. 9-30, 1863,-ancl Jamestown, May 3~ - June 6, 1863; as Chief of Artillery of 9th Army Corps, on Expedition to :Mississippi, July 6-22, 1863, being engaged in the Attack on Jackson, Mis., July 11- 17, 1863; on sick leave of absence, Aug.-Oct., 1863; as Mustering and Disburs­ ing Officer at Albany, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1863, to April, 1864; in comma.nd of the Artillery Reserve of 9th Army Corps, in the Richmond Campaign, M,ty­ June, 1864; as Instl1lctor of Artillery in I,he Defenses of Washington, D. C., June, 1864, to Jan., 1865; in command of Battery at Alexandria, Va., Jan.­ July, 1865; on leave of absence, July-Sep., 1865; in command of Battery ill the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Sep.-Oct., 1865; in garrison at Ft. Pre­ ble, ~Ie., Ocl,., 1865, to Aug., 1866; on Recruiting service, Aug. 18, 1866, to

~509 .. (BornN. Y.) .ALBERT J. S. MOLINARD* .... (Ap'd N. Y.) ..16 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Milit.wy Academy from Sep. 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to (BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 185l) Served: in garrison at Ft. H ••milton, N. 1"., 1851-52; in Florida Hostilities (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, SEP. 28, 1852) against the Seminole Indians, 1853; in ganison at Barrancas Barracks, Fla., 1853- 54,-and Ft. McHenry, Md., 1854-55; in Florid" HosWities against the (FIRST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, FEn. 20, 1855) Seminole Indians, 1855-57; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Pmcl,ice), 1857; as Aide-cle-Camp to Bvt. Maj.-Geneml Wool, ,June 1, 1857, to Oct. 15, 1858, at Troy, N. 1".; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), 1858-60; and on frontier duty at Ft. Ridgely, iVIin., 1860-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-63: in garrison at Ft. McHenry, Md., Apr. 18, 1861, to July 14, 1862; on route to join his com­ (CAPTAIN, 2D ARTILLERY, Nov. 12, 1861) pany at Clear Creek, Mis., Aug. 1862; Prisoner of War, Aug, 13, to Oct. 29, 1862; as Chief of Artillery of the 8th Division of the Army of t.he Tennessee. Nov. 13,1862, to Jan., 1863,-at Holly Springs, Mis., Nay. 29-Dec. 10, 1862, -and at Corinth, Mis., Jan 3-l\1a.r. 30, 1863; n.nd on leave of absence, lIbr. 30, to Sep. 29, 1863. WHOLLY RETIRED FRO~I SERVrcE, OCT. 1, 1863. Civil History.- Employecl in the Office of the Collector of Internal Reve­ nue, at New Orleans. La.. 1867.

Was the son or JULLIN lloLi. .-..J.RD, 'feacher or French at the Milit.a.ry Academy. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY . 289

N U~IBEll. 1851. Cld.SS RANK.

1510.. (Bol'lL V,I.) ....HENRY E. MAYNADIER '. (Ap'd at Large) .. 17

' Military History.-Cadet. Ilt the U. S. ~Iilitary Academy from July 1, 16-17, to July 1, 1851, when he WIlS graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 1ST ARTI:I.Ll:RY, JULY 1, 1851. Seryecl: in garrison at Baton Rouge, La., 1851,-New Orleans Barracks, La., 1852,-East Pascagoula, Mis., 1852,-New Orleans Barracks, La., 1852-53,-· (SECOND LmUT., 1ST AnTILJ"ERY FEB. 29, 1852) and Baton Rou~e , La., 1853; on frontier duty at Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1853-54; in gu.rrison at .l5aton Rouge, La., 1851-55,-and Ft. McHenry, Md., 1855; as (FIRST LUlUT.. 10TH INFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) Qun.rtermnster, 10th Infantry, Apr. 7 to nct. 20, 1855, at Carlislo Barracks. Pa.; as Adjutant 10th Infa.ntry, Oct. 20, 11355, to Oct. 1, 1858, at li't. Snelliug, Min., 1855-56.-Ft. Ridgely, Min., 185G-57,-and Utah Expedition, 1857- 58; on Expodition for survey nnd explorntion of the Upper MIssouri and Yellow Stone RiYers, 1859-61; and oornrnnnding esoort to emigrants to the Pn.cific Coast, 18G1. (CAPTAIN, 10TII INFANTRY, JAN. 19,1861) Served during the Rebollion of the Seceding States, 1861-6G: in command of Battalion in the Defences of Wnshington, D. C., Jan. 21 to Feb. 16, 1862; as Ordnance Officer to the Mississippi Mortar Flotilla, Feb. 2G-Oot., 1862, being @­ gaged in the Bombardment of Island No. 10, Mnr. 15 to Apr. 8, 18G2, ·-Attack on Ft. Pillow, 'ren., Apr. '.4 to June 4, 1862, --Naval Action before Memphis, Ten., Juno G, 18G2, - and Attack on Chickusn.w Bluff and Bombardment of Vicksburg, Mis., .July 2-25, 1862; on ~brch to Falmouth, Va.. (Army of the Potomac), Oct.-Noy., 18G2, being engaged in 0. Skir'mish at Snicker's Gap, Nov. 3, 1862; in co=and of Battalion in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Dec. D, 1862-Mar. 15, 18G3, being engaged in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; in charge of En­ rollment Bure(ni in Provost-Mn.rshal General's Office at Washington, D. C., May 19, 186:3, to Apr. 8, 1861; in Orgn.nizing and accompanying Expedition to '(MAJOR, 12TH IN~'ANTRY, Noy. 4, 18(3) Idaho Territory, :l1:ay- Aug., 1864; on Board for Inspccfing Hospitals in the Stn.te of Michigan, Scp.-Oct., 1864; on Spociol duty in the Adjutn.nt-Geneml's Office at W'lshington, D. C., Oct.-Noy., .1864; in command of 1st Battalion, 12th Inflllltry, n.t Elmira, N' Y., Nov.-Dac., 1864; on Board of Officers at Springfield, Mas. , Dec., 18M-Jan., 1865; on detached service at Washington, D. C., Jan. -Mn.l'., 18G5; in Department of the Missouri, lHar. 27, to Aug. 31, (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., MAR. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION) (Bn. BEm.-GENERAL, U. S. VOI,UNTEIiES, MAR. 13, 18G5, FOR G.l.LLANT AND MERITOmOUS SERVICES DUllING THE REnELLION, AND PARTIOULAltLY WHIT,E CO~n!ANDING MORTAR FLOTILLA, UNDER AD~unAL FOOTE, U. S. NAVY, DUlUNG OPEI~\TIONS UPON ISLAND No. 10, AND OTHER REBEL FORTS ON THE 11ISSISSIPPI R.IVER) (B,'T. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR DISTINGUISHED SEEVICES ON THE FRONTIER WHILE OPERATI NG AG.HNST HOSTILE L"DL\NS, AND ACCOMPLISHING MUCH TOWARD BRtNGING AllOUT APE~CE WITH LATE HOSTILE TRIBES) (COLONEL, 5TH U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 27, 18(5) (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, AUG. 30, 18(6) 18GG; on leaye of o.bsencc, Oct. 8, 18G6, to Jan. 9, 18G7; ani! in ga.rrison at Washington, D. C., Jan. 9, 1867, to

... Son of Bvt. Brig.-Gcncral, WlLUAU M.AYN.ADren, Co:ollcl ofOrdoauce. 19 292 GRADUATES OF THE


1.514 .. (Born N. C.) ... MARTIN P. PARKS, Jr *...... (Ap'd N. C.) .. 21. Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1851. SECO~{D LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, ,JULY 24, 1851. Served in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1851-52, and while en route to join his Company, DmD, JUNE 5, 1852, NEAR FT. ATKINSON, KAN.: AGED 25.

1.51.5 .. (Born N. Y.) .. ,HYATT C. RANSOM ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 22 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militl1ry Academy from ,July 1, 1846, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED Rll'LEUEN, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Jefferson Ban'auks, Mo., 1851- 52; on frontier duty at Ft. n'lerrill, Tex., 1852,-Ft. Ewell, Tex., 1852- 53, - Ft. fuge, Tex., 1853, ­ Belleville, Tex" 1853, - Ft. Ewell, Tex., 1853-54,-Scouting, 1854, - Ft. Ewell, Tex., 1854,-Ft, McIntosh, Tex., 1854,-Scouting, 1854-55,-Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1855,-and San Antonio, Tex., 1855-56; on Recruiting service, 1856; on (FIRST LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, DEC. 30, 1856, TO JUNE 10, 1861) frontier duty, conducting Recruits to New Mexico, 1856,-Ft. Union, N. M., 1856-57,-Ft. Stanton, N. M. , 1857,-and Ft. Union, N. M., 1858; on Recruiting (CAPT. STAFl!'-AsST. QUARTERrrIASTER, OCT. 15, 18f50) service, 1858-59; and on Quartermaster duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1860, -and Ft. Abercrombie, Min., 1860-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Asst. Quar­ termaster of the , June 20 to Aug. 31, 1862; awaiting orders and adjusting accounts, at Alexandria, Va., Aug. 31 to Oct. 20, 1862; as Chief Quartermaster of the Army of Kentucky, Nov. 5, 1862, to Oct. 10, 1863,-of 4th Army Corps, Oct. 10, 1863, to Feb. 29, 1864,-of the Depa.rtment of the (LIEUT.-COL, STAFF, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 10, 1863, TO JUI,Y 3,1865) Ohio, Mar. 1 to Oct. 25, 1864,- and of , Dcc., 1864, to Jan., 1865; in charge of ca.ptured cotton at Oharleston, S. 0., and Sav,mnah, (BVT. MAJOR, AND BYT. LIEUT.-OOL., )IAR. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELJ,ION) Ga., Jan.-June, 1865; l1waiting orders, June to Nov. 3, 1865; as Ohief Quar­ termaster of the Oentral District of Texas, having also chm'ge of the San An­ tonio Depot, Dec. 14, 18)35, to Oct. 5, 1866, and of the District of Texas, Oct. 30, 1866, to (MAJOR STAFF-QUARTERMASTER, JULY 28, 1866)

1.51.6 .. (Born N. 0.) ....ALEXANDER McRAE ...... (Ap'd N. C.) ..23 Military History.- Oadet at the U. S. n;J:ilitary Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated ancl promoted in the .Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, JULY 1, 1851. SECO;;[D LmuT., n'louNTED RIFLE~IE~, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1851-52; on frontier duty at

*Son of tho Rov. MARllN P. PARKS, Ohaplain and Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, at tho Milita!'y Academy. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 293


Ft. Mel'1'ill, Tex., 1852,-Ft. Ewell, 'fex., 1852,-Scoutiug, 1852- 53,-Ft. Mer­ rill, Tex., 1853-54, - Ft. Inge, Tex., 1854.-Scouting, 1854--55, - Ft. Clark, 'fex., 1855-56,-conducting Recruits to N~w Mexico, 1856,-Ft. Union, N. M., 1856-57,-Bent's Fort, Col., 1857,-escorting Governor of New Mexico, 1857,­ (FmST LIEUT., ~IOUNTED RIFI.EMEN, JAN. 26, 18(7) Ft. Craig, N. M., 1857- 58,-Ft. Union, N. M., 1858,-and on March to Utah, 1858; on Recruiting service, 1858-60; and on li'ontier duty ut Ft. Union, N. M., 1S60-61,-Scouting, 1861,-Ft. Union, N. M., 1861, - and J!'t. Stanton, N. M., 1861. CAPTAIN, MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, JUNE 10, 1861: 3D CAVALRY, AUG. 3, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-62: in Operations in New Mexico, being engaged in the Combat of Valverde, where he was KILLED, FEB. 21, 1862 : AGED 32.

1517.. (Born Ind.) . .... CHARLES E. NORRIS...... (Ap'd Ind.) .. 24

Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1817, to July 1, 1851, whcn he was graduated fmd promotcd in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D DR,\.GOONS, JULY 1, 1851. Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, p ,t., 1851-52; on fron­ C (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 9, 18(3) tier duty at Ft. Webster, N. M. , 1852-54,-Ft. McKavett, Tex., 1854, 1854--55,­ J<'t. Mason, Tex., 1855,-Ft. Chudbonme, Tex. , 1855, - rmd Ft. Riley, Kan., (FmsT LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855) 1855-56; on Recruiting service, 1856-58; and on frontier dlIty in conducting Recruits to Utah, 1859, - Ft. Crittenden, Utah, 1859-60, as Ql1altermaster 2d Dragoons, Ma.y 14 [0 Oct. 4, 1860,-and on March to Oregon, 1860. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: on Recruit­ ing service. J I> n. 17, 1861, to ~hr. 26, 18~2 ; in the Virginill Peninsnhw CIllll­ paign (Army of the Potomac), ~iar. -July, 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5·-May 4, 1862; in the Northern Virginia Oampaign, in com­ (CAPT.UN, 2D DR.WGONS, ]lUY 11, 1861: 2n C.n-ALRX, AUG. 3, 1861) mand of Regiment, Aug.-Sep., 1862; on sick Icave of absence, Sep.- Nov., 1862; as Mustering and DisburRing Officf\l' n.t Annapolis, Ud. , Nov. - Doc. , 1862,-and at Indianapolis, Ind., Dec., 1862-June. 1863 ; in the Pennsylvania Campaign (Army of the PotomM), June- July, 18G3; on sick letwe of absence, (BVT. ;tIWOR, JULY 3, 1863, FOR GALL.I.NT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE GE'rTYSllURG CAlIIPAIG)'r) Nov.-Dec., 1863; in command of Regiment (Army of the Potomac), at }\1ar­ shall's Station, Va., Feb.- Mar., 1864; on sick leave of absence, Mar.-Apr., 1864; on detached service in the C'1\'alry Bureau, Washington, D. C., Apl·.-Nov., 186-1, and at Columbus, 0., Dec., 1864; in command of Regiment in the Shenandoah Campaign, Jan.--July, 1865; ou sick leave of absence, July- Aug.,1865; in command of Regiment in Maryland, Aug.-Oct., 1865,­ at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. - Nov., 1865, - Pt. Riley, Kan., Nov.-Dec., 1865,-Ft. Fletcher, Kan. , Jan.-May, 1866,--and Ft. Sedgwick, Neb., 1I1ay­ .Tune, 1866; on leave of absence, June 3 to Ang. 20, 1866; on f!'Ontler duty lit Ft. Laramie, Dale., Aug.-Sep., 18G6. - -Ft. Casper, Dak., Sep., 1866, to :1>UJOR, 1s'1' CAVALRY, AUG. 31, 1866 .



1518 .. (Born D. C.) ...... GURDEN CHAPIN...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 25 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Jnly 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated (Ind promoted in the Army to BV'r. SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTllY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Ft. Colnmbus, N. Y., 1851- 52; on frontier duty at Ft. (SEcmm LIEUT., 7TH INFA..'

1519.. (Born Pa.) ...... JOHN C. KELTON...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 26 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Arn::y to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 6TH IN,'ANTllY, JULY 1, 1851. Seryed: on£i'onti01' duty at Ft. Snelling, i\fin.,1851- 53,- and Ft.. Ridgely, Min., (SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, DEC. 31, 1851) 1853-54; in garrison at J eff'erson Barracks, Mo., 1854- 55; on fronUer dut.y at Ft. (FmsT LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, 1Ii..:.: 9, 1855, '1'0 MAY 14, 1861) Leavenworth, Ran., 1855, - Ft. Laramie, Dak., 1855-56,-and ns Quarterm'lster, 6th Infantry, Noy. 27, 1855, to Feb. 1,1857; at the Militm'Y Academy, 1857-59, as Asst. Instructor of Infnntry Tactics, Mar. 6, 1857, to Feb. 28, 1858,-and Instructor in the Use of Small Arms, Military Gymnastics, &c., Feb. 28, 1853, to June 15, 1859; on leave of absence in Europe, 1859-60; and at the Military U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 295


Academy as Instructor in the Use of Small Arms, Military Gymnastics, &0., June 15, 1860, to Apr. 24, 186l. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Chief Purchasing Commissary at St. Louis, Mo., for supplying troops in the De­ partment of the West, !IJld at Western Military Posts, ~Iay 11 to Aug. 5, (BVT. CAPTAIN STAFF-- AsST. ADJUTANT-GENEEAL, MAY 11,1861) 1861; !l8 Asst. Adjutant-General of the Department of the West, June 13 to (CAPT.UN STAFF- AsST. ADJUT.lNT GENERAL, AUG. 3, 1861) Sep. 19, 1861; in command of Brigade in Military Operations in Missouri, (COLONEL, 9TH l\IISSOU&I VOLUNTEERS, SRP. 19, 1861) Sep. 21 to Nov. 21, 1861; as Asst. Adjutant-General of the Department of the (COL. SUJ1'F-ADDITIONAL AlDE-DE-C~"\IP, JL'I. 4, 1862) Missouri, Headquarters at St. Louis, Mo. , Nov. 24, 1861, to Mar. 11, 1862,­ (RESIGNED VOLUNTEER Co~L\IIsSION, MAR. 12, 1862) and of the Department of the Mississippi, Mar. 11 to July 11, 1862, b€ing in the field rIming the Advance upon, and Siege of Corinth, Mis., Apr. 19 to May 30, 1862, --and OJcupation of Corinth, May 30 to July 17, 1862 ; as AssL Adjutant-General on the staff of Major-General Halleck, while General-in­ Chief of the AI'mies of the Unit{)d States, July 11, 1862, to Mar. 12, 1864,-­ (il'lAJ"OR STAFF-ASST. ADJUTANT-GE:-''EUAL, JULY 17, 1862) while Chief of Staff to the Army, Mar. 12, 1864, to Apr. 19, 1865,-and while at Richmond, Va-., commanding the Military Division of the James, Apr. 22 (BVT. LmUT.-COL., AND BVT. COLONEL, ?viAR. 13, 1865, FOR MOST VALUABLE AND AImtJous SERVICES, BOTH D! l'RE FIELD A.."D AT HE_WQUARTEBS) (BV1'. BRIG.-GmmluL, U. S. AmlY, M..I.n. 13, 1tl65, Fon ~IOST VALUABLE L'ID ARDUOUS SERYICES DURING THE REBELLlON. BOTH IN THE FIELD AND AT HEADQUARTERS) , to July 1, 1865; and as Assistant in the Adjutant-Geneml's Office, in charge of (LIEUT. -COL. STAFF- AsST_ ADJUTA.NT-GENERAL, MAR. 23, 1866 the Appointment Bureau, at WU8hington, D. C., July I, 1865, to

1520.. (Born N. Y.) ...WILLIAM H. MORRIS .. . (Ap'd at Large) .. 27 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militnry Academy from July 1, 1846, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the AImy to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D l1>TANTRY, JULY I, 185L Sen'ed: in garrison at Ft. Columbus >lnd Ft. Wood, N. Y., 1851; on frontier (SECOND LIEUT., 2D IN]'ANTRY, DEC. 3, 1851) duty at Ft. Ynma., Cal., 1852-53; and on Recruiting service, 1853-54. R.ESIG~'"ED, FEB. 28, 1854. Civil History.- Assistant Editor of the New York "Home Jom"Ual," 1854-6L Inyenlol' of a " Conical Repeating ClIrbine," 1859. Military History.-Seryed during the Rebellion of the Seceding St.ates, 18BI- M: ill the Defenses of Washingtou, D. C., Aug_, 1861, to Mar., 1862; OU (CAPT. Sl'APF ·- -Assl'. ADJUTANT-GEKERA.TJ, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Auo. 20, 18G1) the Staff of General J. J. Peck, in the Virginia Peninsular C,\mpaign (AI'my of the Potomac), IIfar.-Aug., 1862. being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5-May 4. 186:J,-R\ttle of Williamsbmg, May 5, 1862,-D.nd Battle of Fair Oaks, May 31-Jnne I, 186~. RESIGNED, SEP. I, 1862. 296 GRADUATES OF THE


Seryed: in the Defenses of Baltimore, ~Id., Sep.-Dec., 1862; in comma.nd of (COLON.EL, 135TH NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS: 6TH AnTILLEIlY, SEP. 2, 18(2) (BnIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 29, 18(2) Hnrper's Ferry, Va., and }!hryland Heights, Dec., 1862- June, 1863; in the Pennsylvania Campaign (Army of the Potomac), June-Sep., 1863, being in reserve at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1- 3, 186:3, and engaged in the Action of Wapping Heights, July 23, 1863; in the Rapidan Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Oct.-Dec., 1863, being engaged in the Action of Locuot Grove, Nov. 29, 1863; in the Richmond Campaign (Army of the Potomac), May, 1864, being cngaged in the Battle of the Wilderness, :i\Iay 5-6, 181H,--:md Action ne~\r Spottsylvania, May 9, 1864, where he was wounded; on Rick leave of ab­ Bence, disabled by wounds, May~Jnne, 1864; and on Courts-MaTtial and :i\Iili­ tary Commissions, June-Aug., !ti64. MUSTERED OUT OF SEnvIcE, AUG. 24, 1864. (BVT. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 13, 186;:;, Fon GALLANT AND :M:ERITORIOUS SERVICES D! THE BATTLE OF 'Dill \VILDEmmss, VA.) Civil History.-Author of a System of Infantry Tactics, 18G4.

l52l.. (Born Me.) ...... JAMES CUR'rISS ...... (Ap'd Ill.) .. 28 Military History.-n1det n,t the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he W>1S graduatell and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D L'IFANTHY, JULY 1, Ui51. Served: in garrison at Fts. Columbus and Wood, New York harbor, 1851-52; (SECOND LIEUT., 2D L'IFANTRY, JAN. 30, 1852) on frontier duty at San Diego, Cal., 1852,-Ft. Yuma-, CaL. 1852,-Scouting, 1852,-and Rancho de Jurup;" CaL, 1852-54; on Recruiting service, 1854; in garrison at Carlisle, Barracks, Pa., 1854- 55; and on frontier duty on Sioux Expedition, 1855, - Ft. Pierre, D'1k., 1855, - and Cantonment Miller, Min., (FmsT LIEUT., 2D L'qFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) 1855-56. RESIGNED, .JAN. 15, 1857. Civil History.-Civil Engineer and Contractor at \Vest Urbana and Chicago, Ill., 1857-61. Military History.-Re-appointed in the U. S. Army with the rank of FIRST LIEUT., 15TH INFANTRY, MAy 14, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-6G: on Commis­ sary duty in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., and in the ~bn>1ssas Campaign, June-Dec., 1861; in establishing Forage Depots between Lebanon (CAPTAIN, 15TH L'Il",~NTRY, OCT. 25, 1861) lmd Columbia, Ky., Dec., 18Gl, to Feb., 1862; in the Tennessee Campaign (Army of the Ohio), Feb. 2:3 to Apr. 27, 18G2, being engaged in the Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862.. where he was wounded; on sick leave of absence, dis­ abled by wound, Apr. 8 to May 25, 1862: in :\Irtjor-Geneml Buell's Operations (Army of the Ohio), May 25 -Nov., 18G2, being engaged in the Siege of Corinth, ~lis., May 25- 30, 1862,- :N1oyement through North Alabama, Tennessee and Kentneky, J nne- Sep., 18G2, ·-and Ad Yance into Kentucky, Oct., 1862, in Pur­ suit ofthe Rebels under General Bragg, being engaged in severM Skirmishes; us Acting Asst. 1nspector-Genm'al on the Staff of Major-General Rosecrans, commanding the Army of the Cumberland, in the Tennessee Campaign, Dec. 8, 1862, to May 5, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Stolle RiYer, Dec. 31, 18Il2- Jrlll. 3, 18G3; as Disbursing Officer in the office of the Provost-Marshal Gcneml llt Washington, D.O., !o'1ay 5 to Aug., 1863; as Mustering and Dis­ U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 297

NUMBER. 1851. CLASS RANK. bursing Officer in Ute War Department, Aug., 1863, to May, 1804; in the Invasion of Georgia (Army of the Cumbel'land), June 14 to Aug. 7, 18M, being engaged in the Action at Big Shanty, June 16, 1864,-IlatLle of Kene­ suw Mountoin, June 27, 1864,-Action at Neal Dow Station, July 3-4, 1864, --Adions of Pe'lch 'free Creek, July 12 and 20, 1864,- and Siege of Atlf1nta, July 22-Aug. 7, 1864, when he was wounded in front of the place; on sick leave of absence, disabled by wound, Aug.-Sep., 1864; and on Ordnance duty (BVT. MAJOR, SEP. 1, 186!, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF SHILOH, TEN., AND DURING THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN) at Nashville Depot, 'fen., Sep. 15, 1864, to June 9, 1865; on Recruiting ser­ vice, Aug. 11, 1/;65, to Jan. 31, 1806; in command of company at Ft. Adams, R. I., Feb.-Mar., 1866,-Mobile harbor, Ala., Mar. 1866, to

1522.. (BornPa.) ....ROBERT E. PATTERSON.. (Ap'd IltLarge) .. 29 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. ?lIilitary Academy from July 1, 1846, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Scott, Kttn., 1851-52; on sick leave of absence, 1852-54; on frontier duty at }'t. Ridgely, Min., 1854; in garrison at (SECOND LmUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JAN. 27, 1853) Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1854 -55; and on fron tier duty on Sioux Expedition, 1855, being engaged in the Action of Blue Water, Sep. 3, 1855,-Ft. Pien'e, (FmsT LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, SEP. 16,1856) Dak., 1855-56,-and in quelling Kansas disturbttnces, 1856. RESIGNED, MAY 1, 1857. Civil History.- Cotton Commission Merchant, Philadelphia, Pa., 1857-61. Military Hio;tory.-Served during t.he Rebellion of Lhe Secedinl{?tates, 1861-62: in paying troops, Jlme 1, 1861 , to June 25,1862; in the virginia (ADDITIONAL PAYMASTER, JUNE 1, 1861) (COLONEL, 115TH PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS, JUNE 25, 1862) Peninsuhw Camp'lign (Army of the Potomac), July-Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Action of Malvern Hill, Aug. 5, 1862; in t·he Northern Virginia Cam­ paign, Aug.-Sep., 1862, being enga¥ed in the Action of Bristoe Station, Aug. 27, 1862,-Battle of :;\'lrlllussas, Aug. 20-30, 1862,-and BaUle of Ohan­ tilly (in reserve), Sep. 1, 11!6:.l; in the Defenses of Alexandria, Va., Sep. 3­ Nov. 9, 1862; and on ReCl'uiting service, Nov. 9 to Dec. 2, 1862. RESIGNED AS COLONEL O:F VOLUNTEERS, DEC. 2, 1862, AND AS ADDrrIONAL PAnL~STE.R, DEC. 23, 1862. BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 13, 1865, :FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REDELLIO~. Civil History.-Cotton Commission Merehant at Philadelphia, Pa., since 1862.

1523. .(Bom Mas.) •...THOMAS J. C. AMORY. .... , . (Ap'd 1'1as.) . .30 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. :Militnry Academy from July 1, 1846, to July 1, 1851, when he was g;aduated and promoted in the Anny to IlVT. SECOND LIEUT., 7TH IN~ ' A:STRY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1851; on frontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LIEUT., 7TH L'i[FANTRY, AUG. 24, 1851) 298 GRADUA1'ES OF THE


Smith, Ark., 1851-54,-Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1854-55,-·Ml1rch to Big Timbers, (Frns'l'LIEuT., 7TH INFANTRY, OCT. 16, 1855) Arlmnsas River, 1855, - Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1855-57, - and Ft. Smith, Ark., 1857-58; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1858; on frontier duty on Utah Expedition, 1858-liO ; and on Itecruiting service, 1860- 61. C.\PTAL'I, 7TH INFANTRY, M.u 7, 1861. Seryed during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 64: in command (COLONEL, 17TlI M.\.SSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 2, 18(1) of Regiment at Baltimore, Md., Sep., 1861- Mar., 1862; in Operations in the Departme.nt of North Carolina, Mar., 1862, to Oct., 1864, commanding his Regiment und Acting Brig.-General, at Newbern and neaufort,- in command of Brigade on ExpediLion to Gold"boro, Dec., 1862, participating in the Action of Kinst.on, Dec. 14, 1862, and Action of Goldsboro Bridge, Dec. , 1862, - and tlS Commissary of Musters of 18th Army Corps, Dec., 1862, to Dec. 19, 1863; and (BVT. BRrG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, OCT. 1, 1864, FOR GALLAN'l' AN'D i\iERITOmOUS SERVICES DURING THE REDELLION) in command of Regiment atNewbern, N. C., Dec. 19, 1863, to Feb. 13, 1864,­ of the Forces and Defenses on the South Side of Trent RiYer, N. C., Mar. 1 (r.:IAJOR, 8TH INFA.'ITRY, SEP. 19, 1864) to July 5, 1864,-and of Sub-District of Beaufort, N. C., July 5 to Oct. 8,1864. DIED, OCT. 8, 1864, AT BEAUFORT, N. C.: AGED 36.

1524. . (nom N. Y.) .. WILLIAM D. WHIPPLE ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) . .31 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Aca(le~y from July I, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOSD LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, .JULY 1, 1851. Seryed: in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1851-52; and on frontier duty (S~:COND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, SEP. 9, 1851) at Camp Vigilance, N. M., 1852,- Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1852-54, 1855-57,-­ (FlEST LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, DEC. 31, 1856, TO MAY 14, 1861) Gila Expedition, 1857, being engaged against the Apache Indians in the Com­ bat on the Gila River, N. :U., June 27, 1857,-Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1858, -Navajo Expedit.ion, 1858, being engaged in a Skirmish near Ft. Defiance, N. i\1., May 30, 1858,·-Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1858-59,-convoying wagon trains, 1859, -Ft. Defiance. N. }1., 1859-60, being engaged in its Defense, Apr. 30, 1860,­ San Antonio, Tex., 1860-61,-Ft. Cbrk, Tex., 1861,- Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1861, -aud on duty at Indianola, 'fex., 186l. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding St.ates, 1861-66: in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., May, 1861; as Asst. in the Adjutant General's Office, (BYT. CAPT. STAFF- ASST. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, :i\![AY 11, 186t) May-July, 1861; as Asst. Adjutant General of Colonel Hunter's Division in the Manassas Campaign of July, 1861, being engaged ill the Battle of Bull Run, (CAPT. STAFF - ASST. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, AUG. 3, 1861) July 21, 1861,-of the Department of Pennsyh',\nia, July to Sep. 16, 1861,­ and of the Department of Virginia, Sep. 25, 1861, to June 1, 1862,-anc1 of the (LIEUT. -COL. STAFF-ADDITIONAL AIDE-DE-CA,,'\IP, FEB. 10, 1862) lIiiddle Department andSth Army Corps, June 1, 1862, to Mar. 10, 1863; in (MMOR ST.lFF- AsST. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, JULY 17, 1862) commtlnd of the post of Philadelphia, Pa., Mar. 11 to July, 1863, and as Chief of Staff to ~lrIjol'-General Cad walacler, commanding, July 18-30, 1863; in com­ (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, JULY 17, 18(3) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 299

1851. CLASS RANK. mand of2d Division of Lehigh District, p,\., July 31 to Sep. 21,1863; as Asst. Acl.jntant-Gsneral of the Army and Department of the Cnmberland, Nov. 12, 1863, and Chief of Staff, Dec. 5, 1863, to .Tune 27, 1865; in Operations about Chattnnooga, Nov. 12, 1863, to May 6, 1864. being engaged in the Battle of Missionary Ridge, Nov. 23- 25, 186:3,-ancl Demonstration on Rocky-face Ridge, Feb. 20, 1864; in the Invasion of Georgia, llby 6 to Sep. 27, 1864, being engaged in the Demonstration against Bnzzard's Roost Gap, May 8-11, 1864,-Battle of Resacea, May 15, 1864, - Action at Adairsville, May 17, 1864, -Battles and Skirmishes near New Hope Chnrch. M,ty 25- Julll1 6, 1864, ­ Battles and Skirmishes of Pine Top and Kenesaw Mountain, June 10--July::l, 1864,-Combat of Peach Tree Creek, Jnne 20, 186!,- Sicge of Atlanta, July 22-Sep. 2, 1864,-Assunlt of the enemy's intrenchments at Jonesboro', Sep. 1, 186!,- AsSIlUlt Ilt Lovejoy's Station, Sep. 2, 186i,- and Occupation of Atlanta, Sep. 8--27, 1864; at Headquarters of the Department of the Cumber­ land, Oct., 186i--June, 1865, being engaged in the Battle of Nashville, Dec. 15- 16, 1864,-and Pm'suit of the Rebel Army under Geneml Hood, (BVT. LmuT.-CoL., BVT. COLONEL, AND BVT. BI\IG.-GE::-!ERAL, U. S. ARMY, n-!A.R. 1:3, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERITOllIOUS SERVICES IN THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN, A;.'(D IN ~' HE B"T1'LES DEFORE NASHVILLE, TEN.) Dec. 16-31, 1864; and as Asst. Adjutant-General and Chief of Sbff of the Mil­ (BVT. MM.-GENERAL, U. S. AllMY. MAR. 1::l, Hl65, FOIl GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE FlELD DURINU THE REDELLION) itary Division of the Tennessee, June 27, 1865, to Aug. 16, 1866,-of the (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEEll SERVICE, JAN. 15, 1866) Department of the Tennessee, Aug. 16, 18fl6, to Mar. 16, 1867, - and of the Department of the Cumberland, Mal'. 16, 1867, to headquarters at Nashville, Ten., till Nov. 5, 1866, and since at Louisville, Ky.

1525 . . (Born Vt.) ....•.. HENRY C. HODGES...... (Ap'd Vt.) .. 32 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to Jnly 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFAN'l'IlY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: on fI'ontier' duty at Ft. Howard, 'Vis., 1851- 52,-Benici.l, Cal., 1852, (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH L"FANTRY, AUG. 1, 1852) -Columbia BamlCks, Or., 1852-53, - Pacific Railroad Explomtion, 1853-54. ­ Ft. Vancouver, W"sh., 185i-55,- Scouting against Snake Indians, 1855,-and (FIRST LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, MAY 23,1855, TO MA'f 17, 1861) 011 Yakima Expedition, 1855; and as Adjutant, 4th Infantry, Oct. 1, 1855, to May 14, 1861, at Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1855- 56, 1857- 61,-and Ft. Dalles, Or., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: as Purchas­ ing and Disbursing Quartermaster on the Staff 0f Governor Morgan, of New (CAPT. STAFF- AsST. QUARTERMASTEll, MAY 17, 1861) York, Aug_, 1861 , to Jan., 1863, in Clothing find Equipping New YOl'k Volun­ teers,- in furnishing Transportation at New York for the conveyance of Troops and Rupplies to the Virginia P,'niusulll, Feb.-Sep., 1862,- ancl in building Barracks for Drafted Men, at Bufia-Io, Auburn, Fonda, Plattsburg, =d Staten Island, Sep., IS62, to Jan., 1863; as QUfHtcrmaster of ,he CentI'e Grand Divis­ ion of the Ann)' of the Potomac, with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel, J~.n. 1 to Feb. 11, 1863; as Depot Quartermaster, at Nashville, Ten., Apr. - Aug., 1863; as Chief Quartel'master of the Army of the Cumberland, on the Staff of ll'Iajor­ Generalltosecrans in the 'fennessee Campaign, Aug.-Nov., 1863, being en­ 300 GRADUATES OF THE


gaged in the Battle of Chickamauga, Sep. 19- 20, 1863; as Depot Quartermaster at Ft. L eavenwOl"lh, Kan., Dec., 18G3, to Feb., 1865; in est,ablishillg a Depot at Morehead City, N. C., to supply Major-General Bherman's Army en l'O UOO from Savannah, Ga., to Goldsboro, N. C" Mar., 1865; as Chief Quartermuster, at Mobile, Ah" Apr.-J uly 31, 1865,-and at New Orleans, June-July, 1865; on (Bv:r.MAJOR AND BYr. LIEUT,-COL., MAR. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SE1WICES DURING THE REUELLION) sick leave of absence, July-Oct" 1865; and as Chief Quartermaster of the Department of the Columbia, Nov. 14, 1865, to Dec. 12, 1866,-and Depot ()iAJOR STAFF- QUARTERMAS'£ER, JULY 29, 1866) Quartermaster, at Ft. Vaneouver, Oct.- Dec. 12, 1866, to

1526., (Born N. C.) ...... JUNmS DANIEL" , ... (Ap'd at L arge) . ,33 Military History.-- Cadet at'the U. S. Military Academy fTom July 1, 1846, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the ATmy to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, J ULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Newport Barmcks, Ky., 1851-52,-and at Jefferson (SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, Nov. 10, 1851) Barracks, Mo., 1852; on frontier duty at Ft, Pillmore, N. M., 1853- 54, - Scout­ ing, 1854,- Ft. Fillmore, N, M. , 1854--55,-Scouting, 1855, IIgninst Apache Indians, being engaged in a Skirmish on the Peiiaseo River, N. M., Jan. 20, 1850, - Albuquerque, N. M., 18S·5,-Ft. Stanton, N. M., 18ii5- 56,-Scouting, (Fmsl' LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, MAY 31, 18.57) 1856, - and Ft. Slanton, N. M" 1856; and on siok kave of absence, 1856-58. R.ESIGNED, JAN. 14, 1858. Civil History.--Planter, Shreveport, La., 1858-61: Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States, and was KILLED, )fAy, 1864, IN THE BATTLE OJ)' SPOTTSYLVANIA, VA.: AGED 36.

1527. ,(Born D. C.) ...... ROGER JONES·...... (Ap'd at L arge) .. 34 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fl'om July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851 , when he was gmduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, JULY 1, 1851. Served: at the Cavnlry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1851- 52; (It the (SECOXD LIEUT, , MOUNTE D RIFLEMEN, MAY 24, 1852) Militm-y Academy, as Asst. Instructor of Cavalry, Dec. 13, 1852, to J un. 6, 1854; on frontier duty at Fe. Ewell, Tex" 184,-Scouting, 1855'1,-- [ls Adjut.ant" Mounted Riflemen, July 1, 185!. to Mar. 2!, 1858,-Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1854-55,-Sa.o Antonio, T ex. , 1855-56, - Conduct,ing recruits to Texa>;, 1856, -San Antol1lo, Tex" 185G, - NIarch to New Mexico, 1856, - Ft. Union. N. M., 1856-57,-and on Gila Expedition, 1857, being engaged against Mogollon (FIRST LIEUT. , MOUNTED Hn'LE~mN, JAN. 26, 1857, TO J ULY 31, 1861) Indians, in a Skirmish at the Ca ibn de los Muertos Caneros, N. M., May 24, 1857; on Recruiting Service, 1858; on frontier cluty at Ft, Union, N. M., 1858, - Acting Onlnanee Officer (It Santa Fe, N. M., 1858- 59, --Ft.. Stanton, N, M., 1859- GO, - and Ft.. Union, N. M., 1860; and on Recrniting service, 1860- 61.

• &m of Geoeral Ro UERJO~E3, Mjutant-General of the U. S. Army. U. S. MILITARY ACADEl'tfY. 301


Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Slates, lS61-66: in guard. in" Harper's Ferry, Jan. 7 to Apr. IS, lS61, when it was seized by Rebels, th~ugh the Armory, with about 20,000 arms, was destroyed, and most of the CCUT. STAl!,.'-AsST. QUARTERMASTER, APR. 22, ]851) work-shops much damaged;' as Assislant in the Quartermaster"General's De­ partment at Washington, D. C., Apr.-Nov., lS61; on Specinl duty in the War CMA.101t STAFb'--AsST. INSPECTOR-GENERAL, Noy. 12, lS(1) Department, Nov., lS61, to J nly, lS62; as Asst. Inspector-General attached to the Staff of Major-General Pope, July 17 -Sep. 3, lS62; awo.iting orders find on miscellaneous duties, Sep. 1, 1862, to Dec. 2, 1865; and flS Acting Inspector­ Geneml of the Military Division of the Uississippi, Dec. 2, lS65, to Aug. G, lS66,-of the Military Diyision of the Missouri, Aug. 11 to Oct. 9, 1866,-and of the Military Diyision of the Pacific, Dec. 18, 18GG, to

1528.. (BornN. Y.) .....ADOLPHUS F. BOND ...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 35 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated find promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1851- 52; on frontier duty at Fl. (SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, FEB. 23, 1852) :Miller, Cal., 1852,- Ft. Yuma, Cal., and Scouting, 1852--53; on Recruiting service, 1853-54; in garrison at Carlisle Barradrs, Pa., 1854; on frontier duty at Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1854- 55; on Recruiting senice, 1855-5G; and on (FIRST LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, i\W. 3, 1855) frontier duty at FL Pierre, Dale., 1856-57,-Ft. Ridgely, niin., 1857-59,--FL Kearny, Neb., 1859-GO, 1860- 61, - and Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1861. Servcd during t.he Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 64: as Chief (CAPTAIN, 2D INFANTRY, JUNE 6, 18(1) Quartermaster of the District of North Missouri, Aug. 2 to Oct. 18, 18G1; in (lommand at Kansas City, Oct. 18 to Nov. 13, 1861; on sink leave of absence Nov. 13, 1861, to niar. 10, 1802; in the Virginh Peninsular Campaign (Army of Lhe Potomac), Mar.-June, 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5- May 4, 1862,-and Battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27,1862; on sick leave of absence, July 3 to Sep. 1G, 1862; on }!Iustering and DiBl.mrsing duty in the (RETIIIED FROM ACTIVE SERVICE, DEC. 1, 1863, ]'011 DISAlllLlTY REsur,=G FRO:\! LONG AND FAITHFUL SERVICES, AND FlIOl\{ IxJ'UIlY m=ENT TIlERETO) State of Ohio, Sep. 15, 1862, to Apr. 28, 1861; and unemployed, Apr. 28, 1864, to Apr. 16, 1866. DIED, APR. 16, 1866, AT COLUlImus, 0.: AGlID 39.

1529.. (Born Ah.) ....MELANCTHON SMITH ...... (Ap'd Ala.) . .36 Military History.-Cl>det at the U. S. Militmy Academ." from July 1, 1845, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduat€d and promoted in the Army to llv'r. SECOND LmUT., 8TH INFAJ;TIIY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y, 1851-52; and on frontier duty at

• For this act, the Thanks of tho Governmont wore tenderod 10 him. 302 GRADUATES OF THE


Ft. McKl1vett, Tex., 1852,-Camp Johnston, Tex., 1852,- Ft. C~adbourne, (SECOND Lmu~l'., 8TH INFANTRY, DEC. 7, 1852) Tex., IS52- 53, - Scouting, 1853,-lct. Chi1dbourne, Tex., 1853,-and Rir..ggold Barracks, Tex., 1853-54. RESIGNED, Nov. 9, 1854. Civil History.-Cotton Planter, Quitman, Clowk County, Mis., 1854-61. Mi1jor-Geueml, Mississippi Militia, 185iJ- 61. Member of the House of Repre­ sentatives of the State of Mississippi, IS57-5iJ. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

l530 .. (Born La.) ....EDWARD A. PALFREY ...... (Ap'd La.) .. 37 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Nlilitary Academy from Sep. 1, 1846, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn'. SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at FL Columbus, N. Y., '1851- 52; and on frontier duty (SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, AUG. 24, 1851) at Ringgold Barracks, Tex., and Scouting, 1852-53, being engaged I\gl\inst Carl\vnj:\l's ~:rexi c ,ul marauders, captured at Rio Grande City, Tex., Apr. l, 1853, - Ft. Brown, Tex., 1853- 54, - Ft. Belknap, Tex., 1854,- Austin, Tex., (Fms'l' LIEUT., 7TH INFA...'1TRY, JAN. 9, 1856) 1854-56,-and San Ant{)nio, Tex., 1856. RESIGNED, AUG. 1, 1857. Civil HistoIy.-Bank Officer, New Orleans, La., 1857- 61. Colonel Staff (Quartermaster-General of the State of Louisiana), 1857-61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

.1531.. (Born D. C.) ...... JOHN T. SHAAFF...... (Ap'd D. C.) .. 38 Military HistoIy.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to J aly 1, 1851, when he was gradui.ted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmU'l'., 6TH INFANTRY, .JULY 1, 1851. Served: in ~arrison at Newport Banaei,s, Ky., 1851-52; on frontier duty at Ft. Atkinson, Kjlll., 1852-53, · ~ J.'t. Rilev, Kan. , 185:3-S4, - ·and Ft. Laramie,Dak., (SECOND LmUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JUNE 9, 1853) • 1854-55; in garrison aL Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1855; on frontier duty at (TRANSFERRED, MAR. 3, 1855, TO 2D CAVALRY) Ft. Mason, Tex., 1856,- cornrnanding escort to Ft. Davis, Tex., 1856,-Camp (Fmsl' LIEUT., 2D CAVALRY, MAY 1, 1856) Sabine, Tex., 1856, - Camp Colorado, Tex., 1856-57,-Ft. Mason, Tex., 1857-58,---J.'t. Inge, 'l'ex., 1858,- Ft. Mason, Tex., 1858,-Camp Raclziminski, Tex., 18.58-59,-Quarterrnaster's Depot at Indianola, Tex., 1859-60,-and Ft, Mason, Tex., 1860-61; and on leave of absence, 1861, RESIGNED, FEn. 22, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 30ii


1532 . . (Born Pa.) ...... HENRY F. WITTER...... (Apd Pa.) .. 39 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 18,:;1, when he was gruduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO~D LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1851. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y, 1851- 52 ; and on frontier duty at the clear fork of the Brazos, 1852, 1853, - Ft. McIntosh Tex" 1854,-San (i:'£.COND LIEUT., 5TH h"FANTRY, MAl<. 13, 1854) Antonio, Tex., 1854,-Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1854,- ScoutUlg, 1854,-and Ft. :/I'IC1Intosh, Tex., 1855. RESIGNED, MAY 20, 1855. After his resigMtion he joined Walker's Filibustering Expedition to Central America, and served as Capt. Staff' (Asst. Adjutant- General), Nicaraguan Army, 1855-56. DIED, AUG. 9, 1856, AT GRENADA, NICAlU,GUA: AGED 29.

1533.. (Born Ky.) ...... JOSEPH G. TILFORD ...... (Ap'd Ky.) ..40 Military History.·-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn'. SECOND LmUT., MOUNTED RIFLmmN, JULY 1, 1851. Sencel: at the Cav,\lry School for Pructice, Carlisle, Pa., 1851- 52; and on frontier duty at EI Salado, Tf\x., 1852,-Rmggold Barracks, Tex., 1853,- Ft. (SECOND LmUT., MOUNTED Rr:FI, EME~, JAN. 27, 1853) Ewell, Tex., 1853,-Ft. Inge, Tex., 1853- 54,-Ringgold Barracks, Tex., 1854-55,- Ft. Union, N. M., 185i-58,- on Utah Expedition, 1858, -, 1858-59,-Camp Burgwin, N. M., 1859,-Ft. Union, N. M., 1860,- Navajo (FIRST LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, JUNE 14, 1(58) Expedition, 1860,-Ft. Defiance, N. M. (sick), 18GO-G1,-and Ft. Union, (CAPTAIN, 3D CAVALRY, JULY 31, 18G1) N. )1., 1861- 62. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Stutes, 1862- 66 : in Opera­ tions in New Mexico, Jan.-Oct., 1862, being engaged in the Defense of Ft. Craig, J~n . - -Feb., 1862, - Combat of Valverde, F eb. 21, 1862,-Skirmish before (BV'r. MAJOR, FED. 21, 1862, }'OR GALL.~N1.' AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF VALYERDE, N. M.) Albuquerque, Apr. 8-9, 1862,- Action of Peralbl, Apr. 15, 1862, - and at Pa" rngo, ~I",y-July, 1862; in garrison at Renton Barracks, Mo., Nov. 30- Dec. 9, 1862,- ancl Ft. Pickering, Memphis, Ten., Dec. 20, 1862- 0ct. 8, 1863 ; in Major.Geneml Sherman's Expedition to Chattanooga., Oct. - Nov., 186:3, being engaged in the Actions of Cherokee, Ala., Oct. 24, and of 'l'uscumbia, Oct. 27, 1863, --o.ndCapture of Lookout Mountain anel Battle of Mission"ry Ridge, Noy. 23- 25, 1863: on leave of absence, Dec., 1863-·J·an., 1864; in glwrison at Huntsville, Ala., Feb. - Mar. , 1864,- -St. Louis, Mo., Mm·.-Apr., 1864,- Duvall's Bluff, Ark., May-June, 1864, - -and Little Rock, Arlc, .June, 1864, to Dec., 1865, BV'r. LIEUT.-COL., :/I'1.~R. 13,1865, FOR FAITHFUL SEIWICE DURING THE UEDELLION) being detached o.s Asst. Inspect01'-General, Cavalry Division, 7th Army Corps, June-July, 1865, and of the Department of , Sep.-Nov., 18G5; on Recruitir.g Mervice, Dec. G, 1865, to Sep. 15, 1866; on front.ier duty at Ft. Union, N. M., Noy.-Dec., 1866, - Ft. Selden, N. M., Dec., 1866. 304 GRADUATES OF THE


1534 . . (Born N. Y.) .... . JAMES B. GREENE ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) . .41 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1S47, to July I, IS51, when he was graduated and promoted in the ill'my to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST Iz..'FANTRY, JULY I, 185l. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1851-52; on frontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INF,~NTRY, MAY 1, 1852) Duncan, Tex., 1852,-Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1852-53,-Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1853- 54, -Las Moras Creek, Tex., 1854,-Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1854-55,--Ft. ~1c Ka vett, Tex., 1855- 56, - and Scouting, 1856; on Recruiting service, 1856-59; and on (FmST LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, FEB. 11, 1856) frontier duty, at Ft. Lancaster , Tex. , 1859-61, being captured Apr. 25, 1861, by 'rexas Insurgents, at Matagorda Bay. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding StA tes, 1861, as a paroled Pris­ oner of War, in ganison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y. , May 31 to June 24, 1861. DIED, JUNE 24, 1861, AT FT. HA",lILTON, N. Y.: AGED 32.

1535.. (Born N. C.) ....LAWRENCE S. BAKER...... (Ap'd N. G.) .. 42 Military History.-C"det at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, when he was graduated and promoted iu the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, JULY 1, 185!. Sel'ved: at theC"valry School fur Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1851- 52; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1852; and on frontier duty at Ft. Laramie, Dak., l852,-Ft. Leavenworth, Ran., 1852, - Ft. Scott, Kan., 1852- 53, ··-Ft. Leaven­ worth, Kan., l853,-Expedition to the Plains, 1853,-Ft. Gibson, I. 'r., 1853,­ (SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED R~mN, MAR. 31, 1853) Ft. Inge, Tex., 1853-54, - Ft. McIntosh, Tex. , 1854,-Scouting, 1854, --Ft. Meuill, Tex., 1855.-Ban Antonio, Tex., 1855- 56,-Scoutiug, 1 8 56,-1~ t. Dun­ can, Tex., 1856, -Mm'ch to New Mexico, 1856,-Ft. Thorn, N. M., 1856,- · convoying train to Tucson, Ari., 1856-57,-Ft. Thoru, N. M., 1857,- Ft.­ ton, N. M., 1857,-Scouting, 1857- 58, being eng"ged against Kiow/I Indians, in" Skirmish at Ojo del Mnerto, N. M., Mm'. 12, 1857,-Ft. SbuHon, N. M., (FIRST LmUT., MOUNTED RIFLE~EN, Nov. 22, 1859) 185S-59,-Scouting, 1860,-Ft. Union, N. M., 1860-61 -- and Ft. Stanton, N. M., 1861. RESIGNED, Un 10, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1S61- 66 against the United States.

CLASS OF 1852.

1536. (Born N. Y.) ...THOMAS LINCOLN CASEY *. (Ap'cl at Lal"ge) .l Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fi'om July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was gmdnated and promoted in tho Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGlNEERS, JULY 1, 1852. Served: at " ' est Point, N. Y. , attached to Company of SapperR, Miners and Pontoniers, 1852; as Asst. Engineer in the conRtrnction of Ft. Del,1warc' and Works of Harbor and River Improvement in Delaware River and Bay, 1852- 54: at the Military Academy, 1854-50, as Asst. Instructor of Pmctical Engineering, (SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGlNEERS, JUNE 22, 1854)

* Son of Bvt. Major-General SIT.AS CASEY, Colonel of the 4th Infantry. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 305

NUMBER. 1852. CLASS HANK. and serving with Engineer Troops, Sep. 6, 1854, to June 27, 1857,-and Il.S (FruST LIEUT., COR.PS OF ENGINEERS, Df;c. 1, 1856) Principal Asst. Professor of Engineering, June 2i, 1857. to Aug. 31, 1859; in command of 0. Detachment of Engineer Troops in 'Washington Territory, 1859-61, and in chn.rgc of the construction of a Wagon Road from Vancouver to Cowlitz River, Or., and Selecting o.nd Surveying Military R eservl1tions on Puget Sound, 1860. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Asst. Engineer, n.t Ft.. Monroe, Va., on the Stl1tf of the General Commanding the Department of Virginia, June 11 to Aug. 15, 1861; as Superintending Engineer (CAPT.UN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, AUG. 6,1861) of the permanent Defenses and Field Fortifications upon the Coast of Maine, o.nd on ll.ecruiting service for Engineer Troops, Aug. 15, 1861, to July 25, 1866; on Speck'll duty with the North Athmtic Squadron, during the first (MAJOR, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, OCT. 2, 1863) Expedition to Ft. Fisher, N. C., Dec. 8- 29, 18M ; as Member of specio.l Board (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., AND BVT. COLONEL, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR F,UTHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURINGTHE ll.EBELLION) of Engineers for work at Willett's Point, N. Y., Apr. 7 to June 20, 1865,-and for Forts PI'eble, Scammell, Knox, and Popham, Me., Aug., 1865, to Feb., 1866; on leave of absence, July 26,1866, to Feb. 25, 1867; and Superintending Engineer of the construction of Forts Preble and Scammell, Portland htu-bor, Me., Mo.r. 1, 1867, to l.537 .. (Born Ten.) ..NEWTON F. ALEXANDER...... (Ap'd Ten.) .. 2 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy froll1 July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduo.ted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF E~GW'EERS, JULY 1, 1852. Served: at the Military Academy as Asst. Professor of Engineering, Nov. 18, 1852, to June 9, 1853; llS Asst. Engineer in the construction of the Defenses at Fort Point, entrance to Sun Francisco harbor, Cal., 1853- 57; and as Superin­ (SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, AUG. 1, 18(4) tending Engineer of Operations preliminary to building a Fort at Ship Island, Mis., 1857-58. DIED, OCT. 10, 1858, AT BILOXI, MIS.: AGED 29.

l.538 .. (Bol'll Pa.) . . ...GEORGE H . MENDELL...... (Ap'd P,1.) .. 3 Militc'1ry HistorY.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to J3v-r. SECOND LmuT., Top. ENGINEERS, J ULY 1, 1852. Served: as Assist-ant Top. EnCfineer on the Survey of the North-western Lakes, 1852- 54; or, the Staff' of Bvt. Major-General Wool, commll,ncIing the Dep:utmellt of the Pacific, Apr. 3 to Nov. 20, 185'1; as Assistant Top. Engi­ neer of Exploration for a Railroad from the Bay of San :b'l'::mcisco to Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1854-55; on Expedition against host.i1e tribes in Oregon and Washington (SECOND LmUT., Top. ENGINEERS, MAll. 3,1855) '1'errito1'Y, May- Dec., 1855; as Top. Engineer of the District of Pugct Sonn?, Wash., during Operations against the Indi'1ns, M,ll'. 25 to Sep. 29, 1856; I~ charge of construction of the Military Roads in Oregon and Washington T ern­ (FrnST LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1856) 20 306 GRADUATES OF THE

NUllllER. 18.52. CLASS RANK. tory, 1856-58; and at the j)'Iilital'Y Academy, 1859- 63, as Assistant Professor of Natural and Experimental PhilosophF, Jan. 3, 1859, to 8ep. 1, 1860,- and (CAPTAIN, Top. ENGINEERS, SEl>. 28, 1861: CORPS OF ENGINEERS, lVI,\Il. 3, Ill(3) Principal Assistant Professor, Sep. 1, 1860, to June 18, 1863. Served dming the Rebellioll of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Top. Engineer of Colonel Miles' Division in the M(l.l1assas Campaign of July, 1861; • • • in command of the U. S. Engineer Batb1lion, June 28, 1863, to Ang. 11, 1864, being engaged in the Pennsylvania, Ibpi(bu, anu Richmond (MAJou, COHPS OF ENGINEERS, AUG. 15, 18(4) Campaigns in making reconnoiss>\nces, building, guarding, and destroying bridges, constructing batteries, block-houses, rifle-trenches, &c., making and repairing roads and carrying on Siege Opemtions before tlnd about Pdersburg, (BVT. LmuT.-CoL., AUG. 15, 1864, FOR GALLANT AND MElUTomous SERVICES DURING THE CA~lP.uGN lIEFORE RICIDlOND) V,~.; as Asst. Engineer on the Defenses, of Baltimore, Md., Aug. 19-5ep. 8, 1864; at the Military Ac,ldemy as Instructor of Practical Military Engineering, Sep. 21, 1864, to July 3, 1865; as Supel'inteucling Engineer of the construction (13V'l'. COLONEL, iYLill. 13, 1865, FOR GALL ,,"~T AND MEIUTORlOUS SERVICES DURING THE RElIELLlON) ·of the Defenses of New Bedford harbor, Mas., July 8, 1865, to Oct. 29, 1866, -of the Preservation of Plymouth Beach, I\IIas., July 30 to Oct. 29, 1866,-and in charge of the FOl-tifications of Alcatraz Island, S,tn Francisco harbor, Cal., Jan. 1, 1867, to ; as ~Iel1lber of the Board of Eugineers for the Pacific Coast Defenses, Jan. 1, 1867, to .. 1539 .. (Born N. Y.) .....GEORGE W. ROSE ...... (Ap'dN. Y.) . . 4 Military History-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 18132, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1852. Served: as Asst. Topogmphicl11 Engineer on Survey of North-western Lakes, 1852-56; and at the l\IIiliLary Academy IlS Asst. Professor of Natural and Exper­ (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, MAR. 3, 1855) w en tal Philosophy. Apr. 1 to Oct. 7, 1856. RESIGNED, OCT. 7, 1856. Civil History.-Merchant, Detroit, Mich., since 1856.

1540.. (Dorn N. Y) ...... JOSEPH C. IVES...... (Ap'dCt.) .. 5 Military History.-C'tdet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to DVT. SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 1852. Served: as Asst. Ordnance Officer at Watervliet Arseual, N. Y, 1852- 53; as (TllANS]'ERUED TO Top. ENGINEERS, MAR. 18, 18(3) Assistlll1t in the Topographical Bmeau, at Wllshingtou, D. C., Apr., 1853; .llS Asst. Topogmphical Engineer on the Pacific Railroad Survey, May 14, 1853, to May 23, 1854,-,md in the Pacific Railrolld Office, at Washington, D. C., May 23, 1854, to Mar. 2, 1857; in compiling Map of the Peninsnh. of (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, ApR. 30, 18(5) Florid",1856; ou Light-house duty, Mar. 2 to June 3, 1857; in making Explo­ U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 307


r!ttions of the Rio Colorado, &c., and prep!tring map and report thereof, (FmsT LIEUT., Top. EXGIXEEIlS, JULY 1, 1857) .June 3. 1857, to July 26, 1860; as Engineer and Architect of the Washington Nationut Monument, June 14, 1859, to July 26, 1860; and as Astronomer and ). Surveyor to U. S. Commission to run the Boundary between California and (CAPTAIN, 17TH INFANTRY, M.H 14, 1861: DECLlNED) the Territories of the United States, July 26, 1860, to Dec. 26, 1861. DISMISSED llY THE PIlESlDEXT, DEC. 26, 18(51, for '" Having tendered his resignation under circumstances showing him to be disloyal to the Government." Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1541.. (Born Ky.) ...... JOHN W. TODD ...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 6 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 185~, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF OIlDXAXCE, JULY 1, 18ii2. Served: as Assistant at St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., 1852·53; in co=and of (SECOND LIEUT., OlmxANCE, SEP. 20, 1853) Bilton Rouge Arsenal, La., 1853- 55; as Assistant at St. Louis 'Arsenal, Mo., 1855- 56; in COIDID!tlld of Eaton Rouge Arsenal, La., 1856-57; as Assistaut at (FIRST LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 18(5) Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1857-58; in command of Kennebec Arsenal, Me., 1858; as Assistant ILt Washington Arsenal, D. C., 1858 -59; on leave of absence in Europe, 185l), ,l,nd on professional duty, 1859- 60 ; in comnlUnd of Baton Rou~e Arsenal, L'I., 1860, to Jan. 10, 1861, when it was seized by the Hebels; ancl as Assistant at St.. Louis Arsenal, Mo., 1861. Served during the RebeIlion of the Seeeding St.ates, 1861- 66: as Assistant Ordnance Officer ltt St. Louis Arselml, Mo. , Jan. 19 to Apr. 14, 1861; as Chief of Ordnance of the Department of Florida, July 12, 1861, to Sep. 1, 1862,-and (CAPT.UN, OllDNI-NCE, SEP. 14, 18(2) of the Department of the South, having charge also of the Hilton Head Orlhw,nce Depot, S. C., Sep. 1, 1862 , to July 31, 1863; in command of Colum­ bus Arsena.!, 0., Aug. 14 to Dec. 4, 1863; on Special duty in the Depart­ ment of the Gulf, June 25, 1864, to Feb. 8, 1865; as Senior Ordnance Officer, Department of the Gulf, Feb. 8 to July, 1865,-of the Military Division of W e~t Mississippi, July to Sep. 14, 1865; in command of San Antonio Ar­ stlU!l l, Tex., Nov. 16, 1865, to Dec., 1866; as Assistant Ordnance Officer at Hoek Island Arsenal, III. , Apr.- May, 1867; as Chief of Ordnance of Fifth Mil­ itary District (Louisiana and Texas), May 2, 1867 , to (MAJOR, OIlDNANCE, MAll. 7, 18(7)

1542 . . (Born N. Y.) .....HENRY W. SLOCUM ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 7 MilitaI'y History.- CRdet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was gmdu!1ted and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILI,ERY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in Florida Hostili'.ies against the Seminole Indians, 1852-53; and in (FrnsT LruUT., 1ST ARTILLEIlY, MAR. 3, 1855) garrison at Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1853-56. R-ESIGKED, OCT. 31, 1856. 308 GRADUATES OF THE


Civil History.-Coullsellor at Law, Syracuse, N. Y., 1856- 6l. Member of the House of Representatives of the State of New York, 1859. Instructor of ArtIllery to New York Militia with the rank of Colonel, 1859-61. Military History.-Served during the Hebellion of the Seceding States, (COLONEL, 27TH NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS, MAY 21, 18(1) 1861-(55: in the Manassas Campaign of July, 1861, being engaged in the Battlo of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, where he was wounded; in hospital and on sick lea ve of absellce, disabled by wound, July 22 to Sep. 10, 1861; ill the Defenses of (BRLG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 9, 18(1) Washington, D. C., Sep., 1861, to .Mm·., 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Cam­ paign. in command of Brigade, Mar.- May, 1862, and of Division, May- Aug., Hl62 (Army of the Potomac), being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5­ Mav 4, 1862, - Aclion ofWestPoint, May8, 1862, - Battlc ofGaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, - Ba,ttle of Glendale, .June 30, 1862,-and Ba.tLle of Malvern Hill, July 1, (MAJOH-GENERAI" U. S. VOLUNTEElIS, JULY 4, 1862) 1862; in the ~orthern Virginia Campaign, Aug. -Sep. , 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Manassas, Aug. 29,1862; in the M:ll'yJand 0ampllign (Army of the Poto­ mnc), Sep.-Oct., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of South Mountain, Sep.H, 18G2, - and Battle of Anlietam, Sep. 17, 1862; in command of 12th Army Corps, Oct. 15, 18(52, to Apr. 13, 1864; in guarding Harper's :F'erry and the Upper Potomac, Oct. 15 to Dec. 10, 1862; on March to Stafford C. H., by Wolf Run Shoals and Dumfries, Dec., 1862-Jan., 1863; at Stafford C. B., V'L, Jan.­ Apr., 1863; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Apr.­ June, 1863, being engaged in the movement by Kelly's Ford, to Cll:mcellors­ ville (tempornrily in command of 5th. lith, and 12th Army 00rps), Apr. 28 -::10, 1863,- and Battle of ChanceliorsYille, May 2-4, 1863; in the Pennsylvania Campaign (Army of the Potomac), June-July, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1-::1, 1863 (in command of right wing), ·-and Pur­ suit of the enemy to Wa1'1'enton, Va., July, 1863; in Movement to thc Depa.rt­ ment of the Cnmberland, and guarding the Nflshyille and Chattanooga Rail­ road, Sep., 1863, to Apr. 13, 1864; in commlmd of the Distl'ict of Vicksburg. Miss., Apr. 27 to Aug. 7, 1864; in commlmd of 20t,h Army Corps, Aug. 27 to Nov. 11, 1864, being engaged in guarding the Chattahoochie RiYer, Aug. -Sep., 1864,-Surrender of Atlanta, Ga., Sep. 2, 1864,-and Occupation of Atlrmta, Sep. 2-Nov. 15, 186'!; in conu;nand of the Army of Georgia, Noy. 11, 18G4, to ,June 9,1865; on the ":aiarch to the SOlt," with numerous Actions and Skir­ mishes from Atlanta to Savannah, Ga., Nov. 16 to Dec. 13, 18Gi, - tlud Sun'en­ del' of Savannah, Dec. 21, 1864; iu the Invflsion of the Carolinas, from the Base of the Savannah River, Jan. 15 to Apr. 26, 1865, being engaged in the Passage of Sallmhiltchie l;;w,\mps, and of Saluda, Broad, Catawba, Pedeo, and Cape Fear Rivers. Feb.-lVIar., 1865,-Battle of Averysboro, Mar. 16, 1865, ­ Battle of Bentonville, Mar. 20- 21, 1865, - OcCUp:ltion of Goldsboro. :VI:lr. 23­ Apr. 10, 1865,-Capture of Raleigh, Apr. 13. 1865" - ilnd Surrender of the Insm'gent Army, nnder General J. E. Johnstou, at Durh".lll St-ation, N. C., Apr. 26, 1865; on the March to Richmoud, Va., nnd WaRhington, D. C., Apr. 28 to :alny 24, 1865; on leilye of nbsence, June 9-29, 186.5; and in . com­ mand of the Department of the Mississippi, J nne :l9 to Sep. 16, 1865. RESIGNED, SEI'. 28, 1865. Civil History.- Canclidnte for the Office of Secretar); of State of New York, 1865, bnt not elected. Counsellor at Law, Brooldyn, N. Y., since 1865.

l543.. (Boru N. Y.) ....JAMES VAN VOAST...... (Ap'd N. Y.). ,8 Military History.·--Cndet at the U. S. Military Acndemy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, wheu he WilS graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO:lD LIEUT., 3D A.n:rlLLEllY, JULY 1, 1852. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 309


Served: ill garrison at Ft. Independence, Mas., 1852-53; on voyage to Cali­ (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, AUG. 22, 1853i fornia, 1853, but being ,necked in the steamer San Francisco, returned, 1854; in garrison at Ft. Wood, N. Y., 1854,-Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1854,-and Ft. Monroe, Va., 1854; on frontier rluty ut Ft. Reading, Cal. , 1854-55; in garrison Rt Ft. )fonroe, Va., 1855; on service, 1855; on frontier duty, as (FmsT LIEUT., 9TH INFANTRY, ;VIAR. 3, 1855) Quartermaster 9th Infantry, July 4, 1855, to June 11, 1858, - ut Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1856,- Casc'ldes, 185S. being engaged in Defense of the Post against hpstile Indians, Mar. 27- 28, 1856,-on Yakama Expedition, l856,·-Ft. Van­ couver, Wash., l856,-Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., 1856,-fmd Ft.. Dalles, 01'., 1856-58; on Recruiting ~ervice, 1858-60; and on frontier duty at Ft. Colville, Wash., l860-6l,-Ft. Dalles, Or., 1861 ,- Ft. Cascades, Wash., l86l,-and San (OAPTAIN, 9TH INF,\NTRY, MAR. 1, 1861) Francisco harbor, C.ll., 1861-63. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, HlG3- 66: 1\S Provost­ (MAJOR, 18TH IXFANTRY, DEC. 29, 1863) Marshul of San Francisco, C.11., Apr. 11 to Jan., 1865; as Superintendent of Regiments.1 Recruiting Service, Feb. 11, 1865, to Mar. 19, 1866; on leuve of nbsence, Mar. 19 to .June 13,1866; in command of :Ft.. Laramie, Dak., June 13, to Dec., 1866,-Ft. Philip Kearny, Dllk., Jan., 1867, to

1544 .. (Born 0.)...... DAVID S. STANLEy...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 9 Military History.- Cac1ct ut the U. S. Milibtry Academy from .July 1, 18lS, to July 1, 1852, When he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LrEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1852. Served: at the Cav.llry School for PI'adice, C'11'Iisle, Pa., 1852·53; on (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DD\GOONS, SEP. 6, 1853) Pacific Railroud Reconnoissance, May 24, 1853, to June 22, 1854; und on frontier duty at FL. Mclr,lI'ett, Tex., 1854, - Ft. Chadbourne, Tex., (SECOND LIEUT·., 1ST CAVALRY, M.ill. 3, 1855) 1854-55,-conducting Recruits to Ft. Pierre, Dak., l856,-quelling Kansas (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST CAVALRY, MAR.. 27, 1855) disturbances, 185G, - Ft. Leavenworth, Ran., 18ii6- 57,-Cheyenne Expedi­ tion, 1857, - Ft. Leavenworth, Run., 1857, - 1't. Rilcy, Kan.. 1857- 58,­ March to Arkansus RiI'er, 1858, -- Ft. Leavenworth, Kun., 1858, - Ft. Arbuckle, 1. T., 1858, - Scouting against C,tmanchc Indiuns, 1850, being engaged in a Skirmish neal' Ft. Arbuckle, I. T., Feb. 27, 1850, -Ft. Arbuckle, 1. T., 1859, - Ft. Cobb, I. T. 1859-60,- Ft. Smith, Al'k., 18GO- G1,-and Ft. Washita, 1. T., 1861. CAPTAIN, 1ST CAVALRY, MAll. 16, 1861: 4TH CAVALRY, AUG. 3, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in the suc­ cessful Evacuil.tion of the Indian Territory, and lI:larch to Ft. Leaven worth, Kan., May 1- 31, 1861; in Military operations in lIlissouri, June- No,'., 1861, being engaged in thc Skirmish ,1nd Capture of Forsyth, June 27, 1861, ..­ Action of Dug Spring, Aug. 2, 18G1,-Battle of Wilson's Creek (guarding tmins), Aug. 10, 1861,-Retreat to Rolla., Aug. , 1861,- Skirmish IleaE Salem, Sep., 1861, - and March fmm St. Louis to Syracuse and Springfield, (BRIG.-GENEN,U" U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 28, 1861) terminating, Nov. 6, 1861; on siek leave of absence 011 uccount of broken 310 GRADUATES OF THE

Nu~rBER. 1852. leg, Nov., 1861, to Jan., 1862; as Member of Military Commision ftt St Louis Mo., Feb., 1862; in command of Division, Army of the Mississippi, in opem­ tions against New Madrid, resulting in its Capture, nfar. 13, 1862. - Attack on Island No. 10, Mississippi River, which capitulated, Apr. 7, 1862, - Expc­ dition to Ft. Pillow, Ten., Apr. 12- 1(), 18G2, - Advance upon and Siege of Cor­ inth, Mis., Apr. 22- May 30, 1862, inclucling (he Action of Farmington ~Iis., May 9, 1862, and severul Skirmishes,- and pmsuit of the Rebels to Booneville, Mis., May 30,1862; in command of Division in operations in Northern Missis­ sippi and Ahlbama, June- Nov.. 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Iulm, Mi"., Sep. 19, 18G2, - ::md Battla of Corinth, Mis., Oct. 3-4, 1862 ; as Chief of CtW­ ah'y of thc Army of the Cumberland, in the Tennessee Campaign, Nov. 24, (MAJOH-GE!


1545.. (Dorn N. C.) .. GEORGE B. ANDERSON..... (Ap'd N. C.) .. 10

Military History.--Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fl'om July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to En. SECOND LmuT., 2D DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1852. Scrved: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1852-53; on Pacific Railroad Reconnoissance, May 7 to Sep. 10, 1853; on frontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LIEUT., :.aD DRAGOONS, MAR. 21, 1854) Cha~bourne, 'rex., 1854- 55, --Ft. Riley, Kan., 1855-56,-and at Indianola (SECOND LIEUT., 2D CAV.H,RY, MAR. 3, 1855: DECLIimD) Depot, Tex., 1856; on Recruiting service, 1856-57; on frontier duty, as Adju­ (FmsT LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, DEC. 13, 1855) tant 2d Dragoons, lI£ay 27 to Sep. 1, 1857, at Ft. Letl.venworth, Kan., and from Aug. 8, 1858, to June 24, 1859, at Ft. Crittenden, Utah, - and at Ft. Kearn.", Neb., 1860; and on Recruiting sef\'ice, 1860-61. RESIGNED, ApR. 25, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 06 ag"inst the United States., and DIED; OCT. 16, 1862, AT RALEIGH, N. C., OF WOUNDS RECEIVED AT THE BATTLE OF A.'lTIETA)C AGED 31.

~546 .. (Born Md.) .. JEROME N. BONAPARTE* .....(Ap'd Mel) .. 11 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. :Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 18152, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LmuT., MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, JULY 1, 1852. Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1852; and on f!'ontier duty, , 1853,- at Ft.. Inge, Tex., 1853,-and at Ft. (SECOND LmUT., MOUNTED RrFLF.MEN, AUG. 30, 1853) Ewell, Tex., 1853- 54­ RESIGNEll, AUG. 16,1854. After his resignation he was appointcd in the French Imperial Army to be SEC01'lD LIEUT., 7TH DIlAGOONS, SEP. 5, 1854. Served: in the Crimean Will' against Russin" Oct. 16, 1854, to Dec., 1865, as "Officier d'Ordonnance" to Lieut. -General iVlorris, commanding 1st Division of Ca\'alry, being engaged in the Dtlttle of Bahtkhw;\, Oct. 25, 1854, ·- B.tttle of Inkerman, Nov. 5, J854, -Dattle of Tchernaia, Aug. 16, 1855,-and Siege of Sebastopol, Oct. 16, 1854, to Sep. 8, 1855, ilwlllding the Combats of Dec. 30, 1854, and May 25, 1855, and numerous Skirmishes with Sorties fron~ tho (Fms'x LIEUT., 7TH DRAGOONS, JU1'IE 5, 1855) works-for all of which active and distinguished services he was decorated by the Sultan of Turkey with the" Medjiclie Order," 1855,-made Knight of the Legion of Honor of France, Nov. 10, 1855,- and reccived the Crimean Medal from the Queen of England in 1856; in Algeria, Africa, Apr. 17, 1856, to (TRANSl'EltRED TO 1ST CHASSEURS .D'A:FllIQUE, APR. 17, 1856) Feb. 28, 1857, being engaged in the Campaign of 1857, and in several Actions (CAPTAIN, 1ST CHASSEURS D'AFIlIQUE, MAY 5, 185U) against the Kabyles; in the Italian Campaign against Austria, May Uto Aug. 2, 1853, being engaged in the B.1ttle of Montebello, iV!i1y 20, 1859,-Battle of

'" Grandson of J£ROliE BoYAP .~Rn;, King of 'Wnrtemburg, who \Va.c; the brother of tbo Empetor N,H''OLEOX 1 of Fra.nce. 312 GRADUATES OF THE


~olferino, June 24, 1859, - and various Affhirs of Outposts, receiving for his gallantry the French "Medaille d'Italie," 1859, and the decoration of "Mili­ tary Valor," from the Ring of i5ardinia, 1859; and since 1859, with his Regi­ (TRANSFERRED TO 1ST CARABINIERS, FEB. 28, 1860) mentin the Department of the Seine, and in garIison at Tours and Luneville, (ClIEF D'EsCADRON, 3D CUIRASSIERS, AUG. 15, 1865) France. TRANSFERRED, MAll. lG, 1867, TO THE DnAGONS DE L'L"upERATnICE.

1547.. (Born La.) ...... HENRY de VEUVE...... (Ap'd N. J.).. 12 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEu'r., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1852. SECOND LrnUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, AUG. 3, 1852. Served in garrison at Ba.rancas Barracks, Fla., 1853. RESIGNED, AUG. 31, 1853. Civil History.-Asst. Engineer, North Pennsylvania Railroad, 1853-54. Counsellor at Law, Woodville, Tex., 1855-61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the Uuited States.

1548 .• (Born Va.) .....JAMES W. ROBINSON ...... (Ap'd Mo.) ..13

Military History.-C(~det at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1852-53; on (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, ~IAR. 31, 1853) UecmHing service, 1853-54; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1854; in Florida Hostilities against the SomiilOle Indians, 1851-55; on frontier duty at Ft. (FIRST LmUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, MAR. 3, 1855) Duncan, Tex., 1855-56, ·-and Ringgold DunRcks, Tex., 1856-57; in garrison at Baton ltouge, La., 1857,-and Ht. McHenry, Md., 1857-59; on leave of absence, 1859- 60; and on frontier duty !1t Ft. Brown, Tex., 1860,-F t. Dun­ can, Tex., 1860-61,-and Ft. Jeffersoll, Tortngas, Fla., 1861. RESIGNED, MAY 15, 1861. Civil History.-Sntler, Ft. Jefferson, Tortugos, Fla., 1861-65. Merchout, Boston, Mas., since 1866.

1549.. (Bol'll N. Y.) ..... MILO S. HASCALL ...... (Ap'd Ind) .. 14 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was gmduated and promoted in the ArI:1y to Bv'r. SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1852. SECOND LIEUT., 2D AllTU,LERY, M,\ll. 31, 1853. Served in garrison at Ft. Adams, R. I., 1852-53. RESIGNED, SEP. 30, 1853. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 313


Civil History.-Railroad Contractor, Indiana, 1854. Counsellor at Law, Goshen, Ind., 1855 -61. District Attorney of Elkhart and Lagrange Counties, Ind., 1856-58. School Examiner for County, Ind., 1859-61. Clerk of Elkhart County, Circuit, and Common Pleas Courts, 1859-61. Military History.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 64: as Aide-de-Camp, with the rank of Ca.ptain, to General Morris, In­ diana Volunteers, Apr. 27 to June 12, 1861; in Org'tnizing Begiment, Jnne 12 (COLONEL, 17TH lNDUNA VOLUNTEERS, Jmm 12, 1861) to Aug. 8, 1661; in Western Virginia Campaign, Aug. -Nov., 1BG 1, being en­ gaged in the Action of Phillippi, June ;J, 1861, -and several Skirmishes; in command of Brig/lde (Army of the Cumberland), in the Tennessee Cam­ (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, APR. 25,1862) paign, Oct., 1862- Mar., 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Stone River, Dec. 31, 1862-Jan. 3, 18G3, (conunanding Division); in collecting stragglers, from the Army, throughout the States of Ohio, Indi-lna, and Illinois, l'I:[ar.- June, 1863; ill command of the District of Indiana, J nne.-Aug., 1863 ; in commflnd of Division (ArDlY of the Ohio) in Operations in East Tennessee, Aug., 1863, to .Mar., 1864, being engaged in the Defense of Knoxville, Nov. - Dec., 1863, - and numerous Skirmishes; on leave of absence, Mal'. 16 to Apr. 15, 1864; in com­ mfmd of 2d Division of 23d Corps (Army of the Ohio), in the Invasion of Georgia, May 28 to Oct. 27, 1864, being engaged in numerous Actions and Skirmishes on the Ad vance to Atlant'l, ~Iay 28- J uly 22, 1864,-Siege of Atlanta, July 22- Sep 2, 1864,-and Occupation of Decatur and vicinity, Sep.-Oct., 1864. RESIGNED, OCT. 27, 1864. Civil History.-Banker at Goshen, Ind., since 18G5.

1550. . (Born Va.) ...... JOHN MULLAN ...... (Ap'd at Large) ..15 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Aca.demy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, .JULY 1, 1852. . Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; on Exploration for Northern Pacific Railroad Route, Apr. 14, 1853, to Feb. 28, 1855; in Florida (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, MAY 10, 18p3) Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1855; in garrisoil at Balon Rouge, La., 1855.-56,-and Ft. McHenry, Md., 1856-57; au frontier duty at Ft. (FIRST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, FER. 28, 1855) Leavenworth, Kan., 1857; on Spokane Expedition, 1858, being eno-aNeel in the Combat of Four Lakes, Wash., Sep. 1, I8G8, ·-Combat on Spokan~ Plains, Wash., Sep. 5, 1858, - and Skirmish on Spokano River, Ssp. 8, 1858; and as Superinte.nclent of Wagon Road from Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., to Ft. Benton, (CAPTAIN, 2D ARTILLERY, AUG. 11, 1862) Dak., 1858-63. RESIGNED, MAY 23, 18G3. Civil History.-Degree of A. M. conferreel by St. John's College, Md;, 1855. Contl'llctor for carrying tho ~rail from Chico, Cal., to Idaho, 1863-67. Employed in t.he U. S. Surveyor's Office, fit San Francisco, Cal., 1667. 314 GRADU ATES OF THE


1551.. (Born R. 1..)....SYLVESTER MOWRy...... (Ap'd R. L) .. 16 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated £Iud promoted iu the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEu'r., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: on frontier duty at Han Francisco, Cal., 1852-G3,-Pacific Raih'oad (HECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTII.LERY, SEP. 6, 1853) Exploration, 1853-54,-March through Utah to Californio, IS54-55,-Be!licia, (FrusT LIEUT., 3D AnTILLERY, MAR. 3, 1855) Cal., 1855,-and Ft. Yuma, Col., 1855-57. RESIGNED, J ULY 31, 1858. Civil History.- Elected Delegate to the U. S. House of Representatives from the proposed TelTitory of Arizona, IS57 and IS50. U. S. Commissioner to run and mark the Boundary Line between the Htftte of Califol'llia and the Territories of the Unit.ed States, 1S60- 61. Anthor of "The Geography and Resources of Arizona and Sonora," IS65.

1552.. (Bol'llKy.) ...... GEORGE B. COSBY...... (Ap'd I{y.) .. 17 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy hom Sep. 1, IS48, to July 1 IS52, when he was graduated, and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLE)!EN, JULY 1, 1852. Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1852 -53; on frontier duty at Ft. Ewell, Tex., 1853,-Ft. Merrill, T ex., IS53, -Edinbnrg. Tex., 1853-54,-Ft. Merrill, Tex" 1854, -Scouting, 1854, being engaged (SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED R.IFLEMEN, SEP. 16, 1853) against Camanche Indians, in a Skirmish neal' Lake Trinidad, Tex., May 9, 18G4, where he was severely wounded,-Ft. Merrill, Tex., IS54,-and Ft. Clark, Tex., 18G4-55; in garrison at J efferson Barracks, Mo., 185G; at the (SECOND LiF,uT., 2D CAYALRY, MAR. 3, 1855) Military Academy, as Assistl1nt Instrnctor of Cayah'y, Sop. 26, 1855, to J'an, 23, 1857; on ii'ontier duty at Camp Colorado, Tex., lS57,-Eseorting Topogl'llphi­ (FmST LIEUT., 2D CAYALHY, MAY 1, 1856) cal party in Texas, 18D7- 58,- Camp Rllflziminski, Tex., 1859, - Camp 0010­ rado, Tex., ISG9,-Sconting, 1859, being engaged I1gainst Call111nche Indians in the Combat of Nescutunga Valley, May 13, IS59, -and Ft. Ma.son, 'fex., 1859- 60; on leave of absence, 1860; on ii'ontICr duty at Ft. Mason, Tex., (CAPT.\.IN, ~D CAVALUY, MAY g, 1861) lS60-61; and on leave of absence, 1861. RESIG:

1553.. (Bol'll Ky.) . ....ROBERT B. THOMAS .. .. . , ..(Ap'd Mis.) .. 18 Military History.-Cudet at the U. S. :1I1iJita.ry Academy from Sep. 1, 184S, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEu·r., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indiuns, 18G2-54; in (SECOND LIEu·r., 2D AnTlLLERY, SEP. 28, 1852) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 315


garrison aL Baton Rouge, La., 1854; on frontier duty at Ft. Washita, I. T .• (FillST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, Nov. 25, 1854) 1854--55 ; and in Florida Hostilities, against the Seminole Indians, 1855-56. RESIGNED, JAN. 31, 1856. Civil History -Unknown. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

l.554 .. (Born N. Y.. ) ..GEORGE L. HARTSUPP....•(Ap'd Mich.) .. l.9 Military History.-- Cadet at the U. S. Military Acatlemy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated aud pl'omotetl in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 18;32. Seryed: in galTison at Ft. ColumbuR, N. Y., 1852; on frontier duty, at Ft. .Brown, Tex., 1852-53; in Florida Hostiliti e~ , against the Seminole Indians, (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JUNE 12, 1853) 1854-5G, being engaged on Topographical dnty, Dec., 1854, to May, 1855,­ (FIRST LIEUT. , 2D ARTILLERY, MAR. 8, 1855) and in a Skirmish neur Ft. Drane, Fla., Dec., 20, 1855, where he was seyerely wounded; ,.t the Military Academy, us Asst. InRtructor of Artillery Tactics, Sep. 29, 1856, to June 14, Ui59; on fl'ontier duty at Ft. MackillfLc, Mich., 1859- 60; on leave of absence, 18GO- 61; and in gflrrison at Washington, D. C., 18G1. BYT. CAPT. STAFF- ASST. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, MAR. 22, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: as Asst. Adju­ t..'1nt-General of the Department of Florida, Apr. 1:3 to July 12, 1861, being engaged in the Defense of Ft. Pickens, Fla.; as Chief of Staff of Brig.-General (CAPT. STAFF- ASST. ADJUTANT-GgXER.U" AUG. 3, 18(1) Rosecrans, commanding Departmentbf West Virginia, Aug. 8,1861, La Mar. 29. 1862, being engn,ged in the Action of Carnifex Ferry, Sep. 10, 186J,- nnd Pursuit of Rebels under General Floyd, Sep., 1861; on Special duty in the War Department, Apr. 14 to ~ :Lty, 1862; in Operations in the Departmcnt of the (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUXTEERS, ApR. 15, 18(2) Rappahannock, Ml1y-J uly, 186:2 ; in the Northem Virginia C.tmpaigu, July-Aug., (MAJOR STAFF- AsST. ADJUT.-L'1T-GEXBRAL, JULY 17, 186~) 1862, being engaged in tho B,tttle of Cecbr Mountain, Aug. 9, 1862,-andBattie of Manassas, Aug. 29, 1862; on sick letwe of absonce, Aug. :31 to Scp. 7, 1862; ill the 'Haryhllld Campaign (Arm)' of the Potomac), Sep., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of South Mountain, Sep. 14, 18G2,-and Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, (BvT. COLONEL, SE? 17, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS S]jaWlCB~ AT THE BATTLE OF ANTIETA~I, MD.) 1862, where he was severely wouuded; on sick leave of absence, clisabled by wound, Sep. 18 to Dec. 18, 1862; as Member of Board to R e Yi~e Rules and (MAJOR-GENEllAL, U. S. VOLUXTEERS, Nov. 29, 18(2) Articles of War, and to prepare a Codo for the Government. of the Armies in the Field, Dec. 17, 1862, to Apr. 14, 1863; in command of 23d Army Corps, Apr. 27 to Nay., 1863, during Opemt:olls in Kentucky, and the Occupation of (CAPTAIN, 2D ARTILLERY, MAY 2:3, 1863, TO J UNE 15, 18(4) East Tennessee; awaiting orders, being inpapaeitated for field dut.y by reason of Antietam wound, Nay., 1863, to July, 1864; on Courts-Martial, ,Tnly, 1864, (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF-ASST. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, JUNE 1, 18(4) 316 GRADUATES OF THE

NU)IBER. 1852. CLASS RANK. to Jan., 1865; awaiting orders, ,Jan. to Mal'. 13, 1865; in command of the Ber­ (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AlnIY, M.m. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND :MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE CAMPAIGN ,TERilUNATING WITH THE SURRENDER OF THE INSURGENT ARMY UNDER GENERAL R. E. LEE) mudil. front of the works for the Siege of Petersburg (between Jamos and Rivers), Mal'. 19 to Apr. 3, 1865, -of City Point aud Petersburg, (BI"r. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, "iAll. 13, 1865, POR GALLANT AND MERI­ ~rORIOUS SERVICES IN THE FIELD DURING THE REBELLION) Apr. 3 to :1Iiay, 1865, - and of the District of Nottoway, Va., May to Aug. 22, 1865; awaiting ordors, Aug. 21 to Dec. 2, 1865; ,IS Adjutant-General of the (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVI(,'E, AUG. 24, 1865. ) Military Division of the Gulf, Dec. 30. 1865, to May 1, 1866; on leave of absence, May 1 to June 23, 1866; nn tempo\'i1ry duty under the orders of l\i'ljor-Geneml :1IIeade, Jlme 23 to Oct. 1,1860; and as Adjutant-Geneml of the Dep,wtmcnt of the Gulf; Nov. 3, 1866, to :1IIar. 19, 1867, -and of the lilfth Mili­ tary District (IJouisiana and Texas), Mar. 19, 1867, to

1555.. (Born 0.).....•.CHARLES R. WOODS...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 20 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated :l,nd promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT .. 1ST INFANTllY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in gan-ison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; on frontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 31, 1852) McIntosh, Tex., 1852- 53, - Ft. Duncan, 'rex., 1853- 54, - LiveOakCreek, Tex., 1854,-and Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1854- 5.5; on Recruiting servicc, 1855; in gar­ (SECOJo.'P LIEUT., 9TH INFANTRY, :MAR. 3, 1855) rison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1855; on frontier duty at Ft. Vancouver, ·Wash., (FIllST LIEUT., 9TH INFANTRY, OCT. 16, 1855) 1856,-Scouting about Puget Sound, Wash., 1856,-Camp Thomas, Wash., 1856,-and Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., 1856-60; and on Recruiting service, 1860-61. Served during the R ebellion of the Seceding Stu,tes, 1861- 66: in comnmnd of the troops sent in the" Star of the West" for the relief of Ft. Sumter, Apr. 1861; as Acting Asst. Quartermaster to Genemls Putterson and Banks, in (CAPTAIN, 9TH INFANTRY, APn. 1, 1861) Operation on the Upper Potomac, and in the Shf' nn.ndouh 'Valley, ~fay 4 to Aug. 1861; on Recruiting service, at St. Louis, Uo., Sep. to Oot. 3, 1861; in (COLONEL, 76TH OHIO VOLUNTEERS, OCT. 13, 1861) command of 44th and subsequently of lOth Ohio Volunteers, in Western Vir­ ginia Call1p~ign, Oct. 14 to Nov. 18, 1861, being engaged in the Pursuit of Gen­ eral Floyd's Rebel foroes from Cotton Mounta,in, Nov. 15, 1861; in Organizino his Regiment at Newark, 0., Nov. 20, 1861, to Feb. 9, 1862; in General Gl'>lllt~ Tennessee Campaign, P eh. 14 to Apr., 1862, being enga,f(ed in the Battle of Fort Donelson, Feb. 15- 16, 1862, - ·Movement to AdamSVIlle, Mal'. 1- 25, 1862, --and Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862; in conU11iUlcl of Brigade in the Advance upon and Siege of Corinth, Apr. 25-iVIay 30, 1862, - -and March to }Iempilis, 'ren., and Helena, Ark., June-July, 1862; in command of landforces in t.he .ioint Naval and Militi1ry Expedition clown the Mississippi River to Milliken's Bend, Aug. 16- 28, 1862, which resulted in the deslruction of much of the enemy's pl'O­ perLy and some capt.ures; in command of Regiment on General Sherman's Expe­ dition to ChiclmsawBlu/f.q, Dec. 20-2!l, 1862,·-and Movement to Arkansas Post, being engaged in its Capture, Jan. 11, 1803; in command of Brigade in the Vicksburg Campaign, Apr. 2 to July 18, 18G3, being engaged ill the Advance u. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 317


to Grand Gulf, May 2~6, 1863, - Skirmish at Fourteen-mile Creek, May 12, 1863,-Capture of Jackson, May 14, 1863, and destruction of much rail­ rond and other property in its vicinity, May 15, 18G3,-Captul'e of Walnut Hills, May 18, 186:3,- Assault, May 22, 186B, and Siege of Vicksburg, May 22-July 4, 1863, - a.nd Pursuit of General J. E. Jolm~to11's Army to Can­ (BVT. LIEUT.-CoLoNEr., JULY 4, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MERITOl\lOUH SERYICES AT THE CAPTURE OF VICKSBURG, MIS.) ton, July 5~18, including the Re-occupation of Jackson, Jnly 16, 1863, and ex­ tensive destruction of railroad property ; on March, via Memphis, to Chattil­ . (BRIG.-GENEUAL, U. S.. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 4, 1863) 1100ga, with frequent skirmishes, Sep. 22 to Nov. 23, 1863 ,~~Ba ttl e of Chat­ tanooga, Nov. 24~25, 1863, - and Combat of Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27, 1863; (BVT. COLONEL, Nov. 24, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SEIWICES AT THE BATTLE OF CHATTANOOGA, TEN.) in Northern Alabama guarding the Memphis and Chm'leston Railroad, Dec., 1863, to May, 1864; in command of Brigade till Sep. 23, 1864, and sub­ (MAJOR, 18TH INFANTRY, APR. 20, 18(4) sequentlyof Division of 15th Army Corps in the Invasion of Georgia, May 6 to Dec. 21, 1864, being engaged in the Demonstrations n.g'linst Res>1ca, May 13~16, 1864,~~Defense of New Hope Church, May 28, 1864,- Ski1'111i6hi11£ at Kenesaw Mountain, Jnne lO ~Jnly 2, 1864, - Passagc of the Chattahoochee, July 14, 1864,-Battles of Atlanta, July 22 und 28, 18G4, - Siege of Atlanta, Jnly 22 ~S ep. 2, 1864, - Battle of Jonesboro', Sep. 1, 1864, of the Rebel Army under General Hood, Oct. 4~Nov. 15, 1864,-" March to the Sea," Noy. IG ~Dec. 21, 1864, participating, en route to Savannah, in the Action of Griswoltlville, Nov. 22, 1864; in command of Division of 15th Army Corps, in (BYT. MA.TOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 22, 1864, FOR LONG AND CONTINUED SERVICES, AND FOR SPECIAl, GALLANTRY AT GRISWOLDVILLE, GA.) the Invasion of the Carolinas from Beaufort, S. C., Jan. 27 to Apr. 16, 1865, (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, NI.m. 13, 186.5, FOR G.U..LANT AND MERI­ TORIOUS SERYICES IN THE BATTLE BE~'ORE ATLANTA, 1t Mobile, ,Tuly, 1865, to Apr., 1866, - of the Drpartment of the South, Headquarters at Macon, Ga., May ~Aug., 1866, - und of the District of the Chattahoochee, Aug.~ (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 33D INFANTRY, JULY 28, 18(6) (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERYICE, SEP. 30,1866) Mar., 1867; awaiting orders, Mal'. 1 to June 1, 1867; in command of Newport Banacks, Ky., June 1, 1867, to

1556 .. (Born N. C.) . ... MATTHEW L. DAVIS ...... (Ap'd N. C.) .. 21 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 18.'52, when he was gmduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served; in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky. , 1852~53; and on frontier (SECOND LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852) :318 GRADUATES OF THE


dut,y at Ft. Conmd, N. M., 1853- 54, - Ft. Craig, N. M., 1854, 1855 56, ­ Scouting, 1856, against Apache Indians, being engaged in Skirmishes on the Siem\ del Almagre, N. M., Afar. 21 and 29, 1856,- Ft. Cmig, N. ffI., 1856- 57, Gila Expedition, 1857, being engaged in the Combat on Gila River, June 27, 1857, where he was wounded,- Ft. Cmig, N. M., 1857-58,- Cantol1lllent Burgwin, N. M., 1858- 59,-Albuquerque, N. M., 1859, - H,\tch's Ranche, (FIRST LmuT.. 3D INFA:! RICHMOND, VA., '1'0 RALEIGH. N. C.: AGED 33.

1557 .. (Dorn N. C.) .....JOHN H. FORNEy...... (Ap'd Ala.) .. 22 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from ,July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he W,1S gu\duated and promoted in the Al111y to DVT. Sf:COND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Newport Barmeks, Ky., 1852- 54, - and Ft. Gibson, (SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, OCT. 24, 1853) 1. T., 1854-55; on R6cruiting sOl'vice, 18G5; on frontier duty at Ft. Crawford, (SECOND LIEUT., 10TH INFANTRY, MAll. 3, 18(5) Wis. , 1855-56,--Expedit.ion to the Red RivCl' of the North, 1856,-Ft. Sllell­ (FIRST LIEUT., l(}rH INFANTRY, AUG. 25, 1855) ing, Min., 1856-57,-- and Utah Expedition, 1857- 59; a.ncl at the Military Academy, ,lS Assistant Instructor of Infantry T,lCtics, Nov. 12, 1860, to Jan. 2:3, 1861. RESIGNED, JAN. 23, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 ag"inst the United States.

1538.. (BornN. C.) ....MA,RSHALL T. POLK .... (Ap'datLarge.) .. 23 Military History.-C,.det at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, wben he was graduated and promoted in tbe Al'my to DVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D h"FANTRY, JULY 1,1852. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; on frontier duty at Rancho de JIll'npa, Cal., Oct., 1852 53,-Ft. Miller, CuI., 1853,-fmd San (SEco:m LIEUT., 2n INFANTRY, JAN. 8, 18:;3) Francisco, Cal., 1853; on Recruiting service, 1854; and 011 froutier duty at Ft. Riley, Ktlll., 1854, -- Ft. Leavenworth, Ran., 1854,- Aide-de-C'lmp to Dvt. Maj.-General Twiggs, Nov. 27, 18[;4, to Apr. 10, 1856,-and on Sioux Expedi­ tion, 1855, acting as Aide-de-Camp to Drig.-Geneml Harney, and was present ut the Action of Blue W uteI', Sep. 3, 1855. RESIGNED, APR. 10, 1856. Civil Hi.,tory.-Unknown. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States. U. S. MILITARY ACADE)fY. 319


1559. . (Born N. Y.) ...... PETER T. SWAINE ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) . .24 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. i\'Iilitnry Academy from Sep. 1, 1847, to July 1, 1852, when he was gradUHted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND Lmur., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 1, 18;32. Served: ill g(lrrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; 011 ii'ontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LmUT., 1ST INFANTRY, DEC. 31, 1852) Clark. Tex., 1852- 53,- Ft.. Duncan, Tex., 1853-M, - Chicon, Tex., 1854,­ Tnrkey Creek, Tex., 1854,- flnd Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1854-G5; in garrison at (SECOND LIEUT., 10TH INFANTRY, MAR. 3, 185G) Carlisle Barracks, Fa., 1855; on frontiel' duty at Ft. Snelli11g, Min., 1855-G6, (FrusT LmUT., 10TH INFANTRY, AUG. 8, 18(5) -Quartermaster, 10th Infantry, Dec. 7, 1855, to Apr. 30, 1860,- Ft. Ridgely, Min., 18G6-57,- and Utah Expedition. 1857-60; and on Hecruiting service, 1860-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding StateR, 1861-66: in the Ten­ (CAPTAfN, 15TH L'IFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861) nessee and Mississippi Campaign (Army of the Ohio). Mm·.-June, 11;62. in command of Battalion, being engaged in the Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862,­ (BV1'. MAJOR, APR. 7, 1862, FOR G,ULAN1' AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BArrLE m' SHILOH, TEN. ) and Aclv,tnce upon and Siege of Corinth, Apr. 9-MlL)' 30,1862; in Major-General Buell's Movements through North Alabamfl, Tennessee and Kentucky, to Louisville, June- Sep., 1862; in command of Brigade in Defense of Cincinnat.i, (COLONEL, !HhH OHIO VOLUN1'EERS, SEP. 4, 1862) and driving Geneml Kirby bmith's Raiders fi'oUl Kentucky, Sep. 4-NoY.17, 1862; iu iVrajor-Geneml Rosecrans' Tennessee Campaign, Nov., 1862- Sep. , 1863, being engagecl in the Bat'!e of Slone River, Dec. 31, Hl62-Ja.n. 2, 1863, where he was wounded, - and BlLttle of Chickamanga, commanding Brigade, Sep. 1D~20, (BYT. LmUT.-CoL., DEC. 31, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF MURFnr~SDoRo ' , TEN.) 1863; as Asst. Superintendent of Recruiting Service for the State of Ohio, Dec. 18G8 ~ JtlJl., 1864; in command of Cincillllllti, 0., Feb. - Apr., 1864; in the Inva­ sion of Geol'gi'1, commanding Brig,tde, 23d Army Corps, June 23 ~ Aug. 18, 1864, being engaged in the Batt.les of Kenesaw Moun tHin, June 20-July 2, 1864, - Captnre of Decatur, July, 18G4, - Opel'll.tions in front of Atlanta, ,Tuly 19 ~ 22, 186±,--Siege of Atlanta, .July 22- Aug. 18 , 18G4, - flUd in numerOllS Actions and Skirmishes; in command of the Uist.rict of Covington and New­ port, Ky., Sep. 1, 1864, to Feb., 1865; in command of 2cl Battalion, 151111n­ (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SEIWICE, DEC. 31, 18(4) fitntry, in the Department of Tennessee, Feb. 18 to Aug. 18, 18SG; flS Jndge­ (BVT. COLONEL, M.AR. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND ~IERrronrous SERVICES DURING THE n .EIlELLION) Advocate of the District of Augusta, Ga., Aug. 19, 1865, to Dec. 1, 1865; in commaud f'f 1st Battalion, 1Gth Infantry, at Mubile, Ala., Jan. 21 to Apr. 14, (MAJOR, 16TH INFANTRY, DEC. 29, 1865) 1866 ; on leave of a.bsence, ApI'. 19 to Jnne 6, 18G6; in command of District of Memphis, Ten., June 17, 18CO to TnA...,(SFERRED TO 25TH INFANTRY, Sep. 21, 18G6. 320 GRADUATES OF THE


1560.. (Born N. Y.) ... CHARLES H. RUNDELL ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 25 Military History.-Cadet. at the U. S. iVIiliwry Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. DECOND LmuT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1852-53; on frontier duty at (SECOND LmUT., 4TH INFANTRY, AUG. 5, 1853) Ft. Union, N. M., 1853,-Ft. Conrad, N. iYI., 1853-54,-Ft. Craig, N. ~L, 1854, - New Mexico, 185!!-55,-Ft. Humboldt, Or., 1855, - Scouting, 1855 ,­ Ft. Humboldt, Or., 1855- 56,-Rogue River Expedition, 1856, being engae;ed in several Skirmishes,- Klamath River, Or., 1856-57, - Ft. Humboldt, 01:., 1S57-58, - Dcouting, 1858,-and Ft. Humboldt, Or., 1858-60; and on HecrUlt­ ing service. 1860. FmsT LruUT., 4TH bFANTRY, ,TAN. ,n, 1861. DISMISSED. JUNE 6, 1861, UNDER 3D SEC. OF LAW OF .TAN. 31, 18:23. Joined in the Rebellion of 18Gl- 66 against t.he United States.

1561. . (Born iVId.) . . .. .ANDREW W. EVANS...... (Ap'd Md.) .. 26 Military History.- C"det at thc U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduateu and promoted in th" Army to BVT. SECO= LIEUT., 7TH L"'FANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. 'Served: in gurrison-at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1852; on frontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LruuT. , 7TH INFANTRY, iVLrn. 3, 1855) Arbuckle, I. T., 1852-53; on Coast Burvey, Mal'. 10, 1853, to Mar. 13, 1858; in (FIRST LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, SEP. 20, 185G) garrison at Jefferson Barracks, lifo., 1858; and on frontier duty, on Utah Expedition, 1858- 60, ·-Murch to New Mexico, 1860,-and Ft. Buchanan, N. iVI., 1850- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: in Operation:> (CArTAIN, 3D CAV,~LRY, MAY 14, 18G1: 6TH CAVALRY, AUG. 3, 18G1) in New Mexico, July, 1861, to Nov., 1863, being engage(l in charge of affairs in the Navajo Country, Oct., 1861, to Jan. 1862,-a8 Provost-NIurshal of thll Forces in the field, Jun. - Apr., 1882,-Combat of Valverde, Feb. 21 , 1862,­ (BVT. MAJOR, FEB. 21, 18G2, ]'OR GALLANT AND MERI'l'OlUOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTI.E OF VALVERDE, N. M.) Action of P eralta, Apr. 15, 1862,-and us Acting Asst. Inspector-General and Commi~s ary of Musters of the , Apr. 25, 1862, to Sep. 26, 1863; in cOJllmand of Company (Army of the Potomnc), about Brandy Station, Va., Dec., 1863, to iYIar. 15, Hl64; in command of Regimen(;, June 12 (COLONEL, 1ST MARYL<4"D VOLUNTEERS, APR. 15, 18G4) to Oct. 11 , 1864,-and Cavalry Brigade, Oct. 11, 1864, to Feb., 18G5, in Opera­ tions before Richmond, being cngaged in the Skirmishes near Deep Bottom, July- Aug. , 1864,-Action of Fmsell's Mill, Aug. 21, 18G4, - Skil'mi~h of New ~1ark e t H eights, Sep. 28, 1864,-nnd Action on Darby town Road, Oct. 7, 1864.; on leave of absence, Feb., 1865; in command of Regiment, Apr.-Aug., 18G5, being engaged in the Bat.t.l e of Five Forks, Apr. 1, 186ii,-Actiol1 of Appomat­ tox, Apr. 8, 1865,- Capitulation of General R. E. Lee's Insurgent Army a~ (BVT. LIEUT .-COL., ApR. 9, 18G5, FOR GALT,ANT AND MERITORIO OS SERVICES IN THE C\VALRY, AT ApPo:l1A1"l'OX C. H. , VA. ) . Appomattox C. H., Apr. 9, 1865,-nbout Richmond, Va., Apr.- Aug., 1865,­ and at Fl'ederick, lVrd., Aug. 1865; on leave of absence, Oct. 10 to Dec. , 1865; (i'IUSTERED OUT OF VOLUN'n'ER SERVICE, AUG. 8, 18(5) in Inspecting Troops, Jan. 2- Fcb. 9, 1866,-ond commanding Compa.nyand Post of Waco, Tex., Feb., 1856, to (MAJOR, 3D CAVALRY, MAY 10, 1867) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 321


1562 .. (Born Pa.) ...... JOHN D. O'CONNELL ...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 27 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. I, 1848, to July I, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the AI'my to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 2D INFANTRY, JUI,Y 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; on frontier duty at Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1852-54; on Recruiting service, 1854-55; in garrison at Cm'lisle, (SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JULY 31, 1853) Barrrtcks, Pa., 1855; on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1855,-Ft. Pierre, Dak., 1855, -Cantonment Miller, Min., 1855-5G,--·Quartermaster, 2d Infantry, May I, 1856, to Oct. I, 1858, - Ft. Randall, Dak., 1856·-58,--Ft. Aber­ (FIRST LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, Jill..... 15, 1857) crombie, Dak., 1858,-Ft. Randall, Dak., 1859,-convoying t-ruins to Ft. R ea1'l1Y, Neb., 1859, - and Ft. Riley, Kan., 1859; in garrison at J efferson Bar­ racks, Mo. , 1860; and on Recruiting service, 1860-G1. Served during the Rebellion of the 8eceding States, 1861-66: on MU6­ (CAPT.UN, 14TH INFANTRY, 1vuY 14, 1861) tering dnty at Cincinnati, 0., Aug.-Sep., 1861; in guarding Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad at Perryville, :Md., Oct., 1861, to Mar. 7, 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), 1vIar.-Aug., 1862, be­ ing engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr, 5-May 4, 1862,-BatUe of Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, -and Battle of Malvel'11 Hill, July 1, 1862; in (BV'l\ MAJOR, JUNE 27, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND 11'lERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GAINES' MILL, VA.) the Northern Virginia Campaign, Aug.- Sep., 1862, being engaged in the Battle Manassas, Aug. 29- 30, 1862; in the Maryland Campaign ;Army of the Poto­ mac), Sep.-Nov., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of AniieLam, Sep. 17, 1862, -·und March t·o Falmouih, Va., Oct.-Nov., 1862; in the Fd'tppahannock Cam­ paign (Army of the Potomac), Dec., 1862- Jan., 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; on Recruiting service at Chicago, (BVT. LmuT.-CoL., DEC. 13, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BA~rTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG, VA .) Ill., Jan.-Apr., 1863; as Superintendent of Regimental Recruiting Service at Ft. Trumbull, Ct., May 1, 1863, to Dec. 31, 1864; as Member of Board for In­ spection of Breech-loa,ding Arms I1t Springfield, Mas, Jan. 1- 31, 1865 ; in command of 1st and 2d Battalion, 14th Infl>ntry, at Hart Island, N. Y., Feb. 1 to Mm'. 9, 1865; as Member of Board for Inspection of Breech-loading Arms at Springfield Mas., Mar. 18-31,1865; in command of 1st Battalion, 14th Illfan­ (BVT. COLONEL, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND l\!IERI~'ORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION) tlV with Army of the Potomac, Apr. 1-30, 1865,-at Richmond, Va., May 1­ J\ily 15, 18G5,-flnd at Hart Island, N. Y., Aug. 1 to Oct. 31, 1865; in garrison at the Presidio, San Francisco hm'bor, Cal., Nov.- Dec., 1865 ; on frontier duty at Ft. Yuma, CuI., Jan. 1. 1866, to Aug. 17, 1866; on Recruiting service, Aug. 17, 1866, to Apr. 30, 1867, MAJOR, 17TH INFANTRY, AUG. 11, 1866.

1563.. (Born 0.) . .. , ...... JOHN NUGEN ...... (Ap'dO.) .. 28 Military History.- Cadet I1 t the U. S. Milital'y Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., 2D IN~'ANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison I1t Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852, -l1nd Benicia, Cal., (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, SEI)' 29, 1853) 21 322 GRADUATES OF THE

NU~[nER. 18.52. CLASS RANK.

1852-53; and on frontier duty at Ft. Miller, Cal., 1853,-Four Creeks, Cal., 1854,-Ft. Steilacoom, Wash., 1854-56,-Scouting against Puget Sound In­ dians, 1856,--and Ft. Steilacoom, Wash., 1856-57. DIED, OCT. 22, 1857, AT FT. STEILACOOM, WASH.: AGED 27.

1564.. (Born Pa.) ...... HUGH B. FLEMING...... (Ap'd Pa,.) .. 29 Military History.-Clldet nt the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was gradunted a,nd promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Laramie, Dak., 1853-55, being engaged in 110 (SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFA..."ITRY, J UNE 9, 1853) :Skirmish near the post, June 17, 1853, - a,nd in its Defense against Sioux Indians, Aug. 28, 1854, where he was wounded; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, (SECOND LIEUT., 9TH INFANTRY, MAn. 3, 1855) Va., 1855; on frontier duty at Ft. Steilacoom, Wash., 11l56,-Scoll.ting against Puget Sound Indians, 1856,-Ft. Bellinghum, Wash., 1856--57, --Ft. Dnlles, .or., 1857,-and Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., 1857- 58; Oil Spokane Expedition, (FIRST LIEUT., 9TH INFANTRY, JUNE 7, 1856) Wash., 1858, being engaged in the Combat at To-hots-nim-me, May 17, 1858, -Combat .of Four Lakes, Sep. 1, 1858,-Combat on Spokane Plains, Sep. 5, l858,- and Skirmish on Spokane River, Sep. Il, 1858; on frontier duty at Ft. Walla Wall>!., Wash., 1858-60; on leave of absence, 1860- 61; on frontier (CAPTAIN, 16TH Il'lFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861: DECLINED) (CAPTAIN, 9TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861) duty at Ft. Walll!. Walb, Or., 1861; and in garrison at San Francisco, CaL, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66 : at Ft. Colum­ bus, N. Y., in organizing Infantry Battalion, Sep.- Oct., 1861; as Mustering and Disbursing Officer at Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1861, to Apr. 1, 1862; in Mustering in California Volunteers, at Ft. Humboldt., Cal., Apr. '6 to Oct. 15, 1863; as Mustering and Disbursing Officer for California and Nevada, Jan. 6, 1864, to Mar. 22, 1865; as Acting Assistant Provost-Ma. r~h a l General, and Superintendent of Volunteer llecruiting service for California and Nevada, Mar. 23 to Nov. 15, 1865; Oil frontier duty at Ft. Ruby, Nev., Dec., 1865, to l\'I,I.JOR, 19TH INFA.."ITRY, JULY 28, 1866. TRANSFERRED TO 37TH INFANTRY, SEP. 21, 1866,

1565.. (Bom O.) ..ALEXANDER McD. McCOOK..... (Ap'd 0.) .. 30 Military History.- C"clet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 184.7, to July I, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 3D Im'ANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1852- 53,-ancl Jefferson Bar­ racks, Mo., 1853; on frontier duty at Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1853-54.- Scouting against Apache Indians, 1854, -Ft. Union, N. M., lS54-55, - Expedition (SECO,,'1) LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JUNE 30, 1854) U. S. MILITARY ACADEJtIY. 323

N1HIBER. 1852. C LASS RANK. n.gainst Utah and Apache Indians, on Commissary duty, 1855, being engaged in the Actions of Sauwatchie Pass and Arkansas River,- Cantonment Bnr­ gwin, N. 11., 1855- 56, ·- Gila Expedition, flS Chief of Guides, 1856, being en­ gaged in the Action on Giltl River, .June 27, 185G,-and Cantonment Burgwin, N. 11., 1856--57; on leave of !\bsence, 1857-58; und r;t the Military Academy us (FmsT LIEUT., 3D INFAFTRY, DEC. 6, 18(8) Asst. Instmctor of Infantry Tflctics, Feb. 12, 1858, to Apr. 24, 1861. Served during the R ebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: us Unstering and Disbur~ing Officer at Columbus, 0 ., Apr. 22-27, 1861 ; in the Defenses of (COLONEL, 1ST OHIO VOLUNTEERS, APR. 16, 1861) Washington, D. C., May- July, 1861, being engaged in t,he Action of Vienna, (CAPTAII1, 3D INFANTRY, NIAY 14, 1861) June 17,1861; in the i\ianassas Campaign of July, 1861, being engaged in the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; in Recmiting and Organizing Regiment at (BVT. :r.1AJOR, U. S. ARMY. JULY 21, 1861, FOR GAI,LANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE m' BULL RUN, VA.) Dayton, 0., Aug.-Sep., 18G1; in command of Brigade (Departmcnt of the (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, AUG. 2, 1861) (COLONEL, 1ST OHIO VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 10, 1861) (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 3, 1861) Cumberland), in Operations in Kentucky, Oct.-Dec., 1861; in command of Division (Army of the Ohio), in the 'l'ennessee and NIississippi Campaign, Feb.­ June, 1862, being engaged in the 110vement to Nashville and Pittsburg Land­ (Bn. LIEUT.-COL., U. S. ARlIIY, :r.Lm. 3, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE CAPTURE OF NASHVILLE, TEN.) ing, Feb.-Apr., 1862,-Bl1ttle of Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862,-and Advance upon and (Bn. COLONEL, APR. 7, 1862, FO~ GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SEI!VICES AT ~' HE BATTLE m' SHILOH, 'l'EN.) Siegc of Corinth, Apr. V- May 30, 1862; in Operations in North Alabama and movement through T ennessee to Louisville, Ky. (Army of the Ohio), June-Scp., 186;:!; in command oflst Corp~ (Armyofthe 0 hio), in the Ad vanceinto Kentucky, (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, JULY 17, 1862) 00t., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of PelTyville, Oct. 8, 1862,- and March to the Relief of Nashville, Oct., 1862; in command of Nashville, Ten., Nov. ­ Dec., 1862; in command of Right Wing of 14th Corps, Dec . 14, 1862, to Jan. 12, 1863, and of 20th Corps, Jau.- Oet., 1863 (Army of the Cumberland), in the T e nlJe~see Campaign, being engaged in several skirmishes 011 the Ma.rch to !I1urh'eesboro', Dec., 1862,- BattJe of ::;tone River, Dec. 31, 1862-.Jan. 1, 1863,­ Combat of Liberty Gap (in command), June 24-25, l863,-Adva.nce on Tulla­ homa, J nne 25 -July 4, 18G;), - Crossing the Camberland 1I10Ull taius and Tennes­ see HiveI', Aug. 15- Sep. 4, 1863, - and Battle of Chiclmml\\lgo., Sep. 1V - 20, 1863; a"",iting orders, Oct., 1863, to Nov., 1861, being engaged while at "'ashington, D. C., in Defense of the Capital, July 11 --12. 1861; in Middle Military Divi­ sion, Nov., 1864- Feb., 1865; in command of District of Eastern Arkansas, (BYT. BRIG...GENEllAL, U. S. AllMY, i\'[.l.R. 13, 1865, FOR GALL,'NT AND :MERI­ TORIOUS SERVICES A~' THE BAT'.rLE OF PERRYVILLE, Ky.) (BvT. ~IAJ . -GENEnAL , U. S, ARMY, MAR. 13, 1865, ~' OR GALLANT AND ll'lERI- TORIOUS SERVlCF..8 IN THE FIELD DURI:>I(l THE REDELLlON) Feb.-May, 1865; with Joint of Congress, investigating Indian Affairs in Kansas, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah T elTit{)ries, 1\1,\y-Oct., 1865; on leave of absellee, an-l aw" iting orders, O ~ t . 21. 1865, to 1\1,\1'. 27, 1867. RESIGNED AS MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, OCT. 21, 1865. LIEUT.-COLONEL, 26TH IsFAN TRY, MAn. 5, 1867. 324 GRADUATES OF THE


1566 . . (Born N.y.) ..... HENRY DOUGLASS* ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 31 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SEcOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Newport B,wracks, Ky., 1852: on ii'ontier duty, con­ ducting recruits to Fort Smith Ark., 1852,-Ft. Arbuckle, 1. T., and Convoying (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, DE(; 31, 1853) trains ii'om Ft. Smith, Ark., 1852-54,--Ringgold Barracks, Tell., 1854,­ Scouting against Lipan Indian~, 1854. - Lopena, Tex., 1851, - March to Lym­ pia River, 1854,--Ft. Davis, Tell., 1854-55,-and Scouting, 1855; in garrison, (SECOND LIEUT., 9TH INFANTRY, MAn. 3, 1855j at Ft. Monroe Va., 1855; on voyage to Washington Territory, 18G5- 56: on frontier duty at Ft. VflncoU\'er, ·Wash., 185G,-Yalmma Expedition, 185G,-Ft. Simcoe, ·Wash., 18GB-m,·-and escorting the North-west Bonndary Commis­ (FInsT LIEUT., 9TH INFANTny, SEP. 10, 18;')6) sioner to run the 49th Parallel, 1857: and at the Military Academy, as Prin­ cipal Asst. Professor of Drawing, Jan. 16, 1858, to July 2, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in tbe Manassas Campaign of .July, 1861, being engaged i.n the Battle of Bull Hun, (CAPTAIN, 18TH INFANTRY, l\lAY 14. 18(1) July 21,1861; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., July 24 to Oct. 28, 1861; i.n the Tennessee and Mississippi Campaigns, commanding Battalion (Army of the Ohio), Feb.-June, 1862, being engaged on the March through Teu­ ncssee, Feb.-Mar., 1862,-Advance upon and Siege of Corinth. Apr. 9 to May 30, 1862, -and Pursuit of the enemy to Hienzi, Mis., June 1862; in Mlljor­ General Buell's movement through Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, and Ken­ tucky, to Louisville, J une- Sep., 1862; in the Advance into Kentucky, Oct., 1862, being engaged in a Skirmish near Chaplin Hills, Oct. G, 1862, - and Bat­ tle of Perryville, Oct. 8, 1862; in Major-General Rosecrans' Tennessee Campaign, Nov., 1862, to Apr. 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Stone River. Dec. :n, 1862-Jan. 3, 1863, where he was wounded,.·- and while in command of BaUalion (BVT. :iVIAJOR, DEC. 31. 186:J, Fon G.u,LANT AND i'lIEnITOnIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OE MURl,'UEESBORO', TEN.) of 18th Infantry, Jan. 15-Apr. 6, 1863, was in a Skirmish with Gencml Van Dorn's Cavall'y, Feb. 20, 1863; on Hecrniting Service, Apr. G to Sep. II), 1863; on Mustering and Disbursing duty, at Cleveland, 0., Dec. 2, 1863, to Jan. 31, 1864; in charge of Chief Mustering and Disbursing Office of the Stl,to of Ohio, Sep. 19, 1864, to June 30, 1866; on leayc of absence, July 2, 1866, to (iVIAJon, 3D INFANTRY, .JULY. 28, 18(6) Noy. 10, 1866; on frontier duty at Ft. Dodge, Kau., Dec. 18, 186G, to

1567 . . (Born Pll.) ...... WILLIAM MyERS ...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 32 Military History.--Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .Tuly 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promotcd in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTny, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1852-53; on frontier duty at (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, l\-IAn. 27, 1854) Ft. Belknap, Tell., 1858,-Ft. MeIntosh, Tell., 1853- 54, - Convoyillg ammuni­ tion train to Corpus Christi, Tex., 1854,-Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1854,-and Ft.

• Son of Major DAVID B. Dor:GI.A..'l8~ Profossor of Engineoring at tho Military Academy. •



Dalles Or., 1855; in garrison at FL Monroe, Va., 1855; on Recruiting service, (SECOND LIEUT., 9TH INFANTRY, MAR 3, 1855) 1855; on frontier duty, at Ft. Simcoe, Wash., 1856-57; on Coast Survey, Sep. 8, (FIRST LmUT., 9TH INFANTRY, ~IAY 1, 1857, TO JUNE 25, i861) 1857~ to Aug. 23, 1859; on frontier duty at Ft. Dalles, Or., on Quartermaster and Commissary service, 1859- 61. Sen'ed during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Principal (CAPT. STAFF-ASST. QUARTERMASTER, MAY 17, 1861) Assistant. nt St. Louis, Mo., to the Chief Qunrtermaster of the Department of ~fissouri, Oct., 1861, to Nov. 5, 1863; as Chief Quartermaster of the St. Louis (COL. STAn'-ADDITIONAL AIDE-DE-CAMP, JUNE 14, 1862, TO MAY 31, 1866) Depot and Department of the Missouri, Nov. 5, 1863, to Aug. 5, 1865, - and of (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUJ, AND MERITOlUOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION) (BVT. MAJOR, BVT. LIEUT.-COL., BVT. COLONEL, AND BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. Am1Y, U.'R. 13, 18G5, FOR FAITHFUL AND !liERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE ItEDELLION) St. Lonis Depot, lifo., Aug. 5, 1865, to Apr. 24, 1866; as Chief Quartermaster of the Department of the Platte, ~Iay 1, 1866, to

1.568.. (Born N. J.) ...... PHILIP STOCKTON...... (Ap'd N. J.) .. 33 Military History.-C(Ldet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BV'l'. SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; on frontier duty at Ft. Chadbourne, Tex., 1852,-Scouting, 1852-53,-8an Antonio, Tex., 1853,­ (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, OCT. 11, 1853) Scouting, 1854, - Ft. Worth, Tex., 1854,- and Ft. Davis, Tex., 1854-55; on (SECOND LmUT., 1ST CAVALUY, ~lAn. 3, 1855) Recruiting service, 1855; on frontier duty, on Sioux Expedition, 1855,--Ft. (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST CAY.\LI

1.569 .. (Born N. Y.) .. GEORGE A. WILLIAMS ..... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 34 Military History.-Cadet '1t the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, "'hen he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y.,1852; on frontier duty at Ft. Dun­ 326 GRADUATES OF THE

NU:MIlER. 1852. c~n, Tex., 1852-53,-Scouting, l853, - Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1853-54,-La Peiitl, (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, MAR. 2, 1853) Tex., 1854,-Rodio, Tex., 1854- 55,-Ft. Dnncan, Tex., 1855,-Ft. Lancaster, Tex., 1855-5S.-Ft. Duncan, Tex., 185S-58,-Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1858,-Ft. (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST INFANTRY, FEll. 11, 1856) Clark, Tex., Hl58- 59, - near Cilmp Cooper, Tex., 1859,-1farch to, and at Ft. Cobb, I. 'r., 1859·-S0; and at the Military Academy, 18S0- 61, as Asst. Professor of Spanish, Sep. 4, 1860, to Apr. 22, 1861,-and Asst. Instructor of Infantry Tactics, Apr. 2"2 to Oct. 8, 1861. (CAPTAIN, 1ST IN~'ANTRY, :DrAY 14, 1861) Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1RSl- 66: on Head­ quarters Guard, at Washington, D. C., Oct.-Nov., 1861; in Opp,mtions in Missouri, about Sedaiia, Nov., 1861- Feb., 1862; as Heavy Artillery (Army of the Mississippi), in Operations against New M'ldrid, Mo., terminating in its Capture, Mar. 21, 1862, - Attack on Island No. 10, Mississippi Hiver, which snrrendered, Apr. 7, 1862,-Advance upon, and Siege of Corinth, j',1is., May 22-30, 1862,-in garrison at Corinth, May- Oct., 1862, being engaged in the BaLtle of Corinth, Oct. 3-4, 1862,-on March to Oxford, Mis., in command (BVT. MAJOR, OCT. 4, 1862, FOR GALL.\.NT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF CORINTH, MIS.) of 47th Dlinois Volunteers,. Oct., 1862, - and in garrison at Corinth, Mis., Nov. , 18S:!, to Feb., 1863; in the Vicksbnrg Camp,l!gn, Feb. -Mar., 1863, being engaged in the Expedition by Yazoo Pass to the Yazoo, NIar., 1863, when he was disabled; as Commissary of Mnsters, 16th Army Cmps, at Memphis, Ten., Apr. 15, 1863, to Nov. 24, 1864,-and of the Department" of the Mississippi, (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., JULY 4, 1863, FOB GAr,L,~NT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE SIEGE OF VICKSIlURG, Mrs.) June 27, 1865, to July 2, 1866; in command of Regiment and the Post (:DiMOR, 6TH IN~'ANTRY, MAR. 15, 1866) of Charleston, S. C., Aug. 10 to Oct. 29, 18GG, continuing at Charleston with Regiment, till May 4, 1867; as Sub. Asst. Commissioner in Freedmen's Bureau, and CommissUl'Y of Musters, Second Milital'Y District (North and80uth Carolina) ~Iay 4, 1867, to

1570.. (Bol'll Germany) .. AUGUST V. KA"UTZ· ...... (Ap'd 0.) ..35 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. j',1ilitary Academy from July 1, 184R, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO~D LmUT., 4TH INl'ANTRY, JULY I, 1852. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; on frontiel' duty at Ft. Vancouver, Wa~h., 1852-53,-Ft. Steilacoom, Wash., 1853,-Scouting in Rogue (SECO"D LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, MAR. 24, 18(3) River Valley, Or., 1853,-Ft. Orford, Or., 1853- 55; on Rogue RiYer Expedi­ tIOn, 1855, being engaged ill a Skirmish, Oct. 25, 1855,whero he was wDull(led, -and Action of Hungry Hill, Oct. 31- Nov. l,18G5; on frontier dnty at Ft. Orford, Or., Hl55-56, - Scouting, 1856, against Puget Sound Indians, Wash., (FIRST LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, DEC. 4, 1855) being engaged in the Action at White River, Wash., Mar. 1, 185G, where he was wounded, - Ft. Steilacoom, Wash., 1856-58, -and as Acting Quartermaster to North-west Bouudary Commission, 1858-59; on leave of absence in Europe,

*Sorvcd in Ille War wah )!exico, as n Privato or 1st Ohio Volunloors, berore onlering tho Military Academy. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 327


1859-60; in escorting Recruits to Oregon, 1860-61; and on Recruiting service, 186l. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Statcs, 1861-66: in the De­ (CAPTAIN, 6TH CAVALRY, Mw 14, 1861) renses of Washington, D. C., Aug. 16, 1861, to Mar. 10, 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), ~br.-Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, 'Apr. 5·-lVIay 4, 1862,-Action at Mechanicsville, (COLONEL, 2D OHIO C.l.V.l.LRY, SEP. 10, 1862) May 23 - ~4, 1862,-Action und O!\pture of Hanover C. H., May 27, 1862,-and Action of Malvern Hill, Aug. 5, 1802; in gr.rrisonatFt. Scott, Kan., Oct.-Nov., 1862; in command of Camp Chase, 0., Dec., 1862, to Apr., 1863; in the Army of the Ohio, Apr., 1863, to Jan., 1864, being engaged i II the Capture of Uon­ ticello, Ky., May 1, 1863,-in command of Cavulq Brigl\de, May-Aug., 1863, -Action of Monticello, Ky., (in commund) June 9, 1863,-Pursuit and Cap­ (EVT. MAJOR, JUNE 9, 1863, FOR G.l.LLANT AND ~bHI1'ORIOUS SERVICES IN ACTION AT MONTICELLO, Ky.) tnre of General John Morgan and his R ebel Raiders, July, 1863, - Chief of Cavalry of 23d Army COl'PS, Au"., 1863, - and in E'\st Tennessee Campaign, including the Siege of Knoxville, NOI'.- Dec., 1863; in Cavalry Bnre!\u, at Washington, D. C., J!\n.-Apr., 1864; in command of Cavalry Division (Army of the JamcH), Apr., 186-1, to Mar., 1865, being eng'lged in Cutting the PeLers­ (BRIG.-GENER.l.L, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Mw 7, 1864) burg and Weldon Railroad. ~{a.y 7- 8, 186'!, the Richmond and Danville Rflil­ road, May 12-13, 1864, and Petersburg !md Lynchburg Railroad, M,}y 14, 1864, -Assaults of Petersburg Intrenchments, June 9 and 15, 1864, -on Gen­ (En. LIEUT.-COL. , JUNE 9, 1864, FOR GALLANT AND MERI'iORIOUS SERVICEH IN AN ATTACK ON P ETERSBURG, VA.) eml Wilson's Raid on the Petersburg and Lynchburg, and Richmond nnrI Dan­ ville Railroad, June 21-29, 1864" particip"ting in the Actions at Roanoke Brirlge, Juue 25, (Ind Reams' Station, June 29, 1864,,-on detached service with the Army of the Potomllc, Aug.-Sap., 1864, - Movement on l<'t. Harrison, Sep. 29, 1!l64, --Action at Darbytown, Oct. 7, 18G4,-Reconnoissance on Darbytown (BV'!'. COLONEL, Oc·r. 7, 1864. FOR GALLANT AND MERr.roRIOUS SERVICES IN ACTION ON 'l'HE DARDYTOWN ROAD, VA.) Road, Oct. 13, 1864,-and Hepulse of enemy's reconnoissances North of the (Bn·. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Oc·r. 28, 1864, FOR GALL.~NT AND ~IERl'l'ORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE C-U1PAIGN AG.uNST RICHMOND, VA.) James River, Dec. 10, 1864; in .command of 1st DiI'ision, 25th .Army Corps, Mar. -May, 1865, being engaged in the Occupation of Richmond, Va., Apr. 3, 1865; (BV'!'. BRIG.-GEJo.'ERAL, AND Bn. lVL\,)'.-GENERAL, U. S. ARllY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOIl GALLANT ANn MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE FIELD DURING THE gEDELLION) as Member of the Military Commission for the trial of the Assassins of Presi­ dent Lincoln, May- June., 1865; flS Acting Judge-Advocate, Military Division (MUSTEllED OUT OF YOLUNTEER SERVICE, JAN. 15, 1866) of the (;nlf, M"r. I, 1866, to Aug. 29, 1866; on leal'e of absence, Aug. 29, 1866, to Jan., 1867; in command of Regiment, fit Nashville, Ten., .Jan- May, (LIEUT. -COL., 34TH INFANTRY, J ULY ~8, 1866) 1867,-llncl at Grenada, Mis., May 1, 1867, to

Civil History.-Author of the" Company Clerk," 1861,-of "Customs of Service for Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers," 1864, -and of "Cus­ toms of Service for Officers of the Army, 1866. 328 GRADUATES OF THE


1571.. (Born D. C.).LAWRENCE A. WILLIAMS·(Ap'datLarge). 36 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the fumy to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 7Tn INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1852; on frontier duty at Ft. Gibson, I. '1'., 1852, 1853- 54,-Ft. Steilacoom, Wash., 1855; in garrison at (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH L'1FANTRY, JUNE 22, 1854) Carlisle Ba.rracks, Pa., 1855; on Recruiting service, 1855-56; on frontier duty (SECOND LIEUT., 10TH INFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) \.t Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1856-57, - Utah Expedition, 1857-60,- Aide-de-Camp to (FmST LIEUT., 10TH bFANTUY, JULY 20, 1856) Bvt. BI~g.-General A. S.•Johnston, June 1, 1858, to Aug. 21, 18GO; and Asst. Adjutant-General to the Deptutment of Utah, Feb. 2~ t{) Aug. 21 , 1860; and on of absence, 1860- 61. (CAPT.UN, 10TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1861 \ Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861 - 63: as Aide-de- Camp to i\iajor-General )'lcClelIan, Apr. to Sep. 7, 1861; in the Defenses (MAJOU, 6TH CAVALRY, SEP. 7, 18(1) of Washington, D. C., Sep., 1861, to Ml,r. , 1862; on Reconnaissance from Alexandria, Va., towl\.l'ds the Rappahannock, Mar. 10- 18, 1862; in command of Regiment in the Virginia Peninsnlar Campaign, Mar. - June 26, 1862, being engaged in the Skirmish at Williamsburg, May 4, 1862,- Action of Slatersville, May 9, 1862, - Action of MechftnicsvilIe, May 23- 21, 1862,-fllld Cl1pture of Han­ over C. H., May 27, 1862; on sick leave of absence. June 26 to Oct. G,1862; on detached service in Ne\v York city, Oct. 5 to Nov., 1862; and absent without leave, Nov., 1862, to Mar. 1863. DISMISSED BY THE PRESIDENT, ?liAR. 11, 1863. Civil History.-Unknown.

1572.. (Born N. Y.) . ... LYMAN M. KELLOGG ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) . . 37 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was gradllat.ed and promoted in the Amly to ]3,,1'. SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Ft. Colnmbus, N. Y., 1852; 01' frontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, FED. 28, 1854) Yuma, Cal., 1852- 53; on Recruiting service, 1853-54; in garrison at Carlisle (SECOND LIEUT., 10TH INFANTRY, iYlAR. 3, 1855) Barracks, Pa., 1854- 55; and on Recruiting service, 1855. RESIGNED, AUG. 16, 1855. Re-appointed in the United Stutes Army, with the rank of ~ECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTU,LERY, JUNE 27, 1856. Served on front.ier duty at Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1856,-San Diego, Cn1.,1856-57,­ Ft. Yuma, Cll1., 1857,-Ft. Miller, Cal., 1857-58,.- -Benic.ia, Cll1., 1858,- Ft. (FIRST LIEUT. , 3D ARTILLERY, JULY· 31, 1858) Vancouver, Wash., 1858- 59,-San Juan Islaml, Wash., 18,59,-and Ft. Van­ couver, Wash., 1859- 60. CASHIERED, MAY 30, It160, FOR "DRUNKENNESS ON DUTY."

• S


Re-appointed in the United Stfl>tes Army, with the mnk of CAPTAIN, 18TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 186l. Served dudng the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: ill the Tennessee and Mississippi Campaigu, Nov., 1861, to Aug. 11, 1862, being engaaed in the Movement on Nashville via Lebanon and Louisville, Ky., Nov., 1861,- Mar. 4, 1862, !llld to Pittsburg Landing, Ten., Mllr. - Apr., 1862, --A.dvunce upon, and Siege of Corinth, Mis., Apr. 9r May 30, 1862, - Pursllit of the enemy to Rienzi, Mis., June, 1862,-and Movement, via Corinth, Iuka, Mis., and Decherd, Ten., June·-Aug. 11, 1862; • • • • • • • • • as Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Stanley, in East Tennessee, Jnn. 15 to Mar. 15, 1864; • • • • in the Inyasion of GeOl'gia, in command of 18th Inf':llltry, June 14 to Scpo 1, 1866, being engaged in the Battles of Kenesaw Mounb,in, June 25· July 2, 1864,- Action of Smyrna Church, July 4, 1864, - Combllt of Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864,-Siege of Athntn, July 22- Sep. 2, 1864, where he led the Assault of Aug. 5, at Uto)' Cl'eek, - und Battle of Jonesboro', Sep. 1, IS64, where he wus severely wOllnded, in the assault on the enemy's works; on si"k leave of absence, disubled by wounds, Sep. 1, 1864, to Feb., IS65; in comman

1573 .. (Bom 0.)...... GEORGE CROOK...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 38 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, IS52, when he was graduated fl>nd promoted in the Army to Bn. SECO~D Ln:UT., 4TH IN}'ANTRY, JULY 1, IS52. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852; on frontie.r duty at Benicia, Cal., 1852, - Ft. Humboldt, CaL, IS53, - Ft. Jones, Ca.1. 1853- 55,­ (SECOND LIEUT, , 4TH INFANTRY, JULY 7, 18,53) Escorting 'l'opographical party, 18,55,-Ft. Jones, CI\I., 1855-56,-Rogue River (FmsT LIEUT., 4TH INFANTDY, MAR. 11, IS56) Expedition, 1856,-Ft. Jones, Cal., IS56- 57, in command of Pitt River Expe­ dition, 1857, being engaged in a Skirmish, June 10, 1857, where he was wounded with an alTOW, and in Act.ions, July 2, I1nd 26, IS,57,-li't. Ter-wt\w, CuI., 1S57- 58,-March to Vancouver, Wash., IS58, - Yakima Expedition, 1858, -Ft. Ter-wnw, Cal., 1858-60, 1860- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in West Vir­ (CAPTAIN, 4TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861) ginia Operations, Sep., ISta, to Aug., 1862, at Summerville, Sep. 17, 1861, to (COLONEL, 36TH OHIO VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 12, IS61) May I, 1862, --and in command of 3d Provisional Brigade, May 1, to Aug. 15, (BVT. MAJOR, U. S. AUi\1Y, MAY 23, 1S62, FOR GALLANT AND 1lIF.nITomous SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF LEWISDUIW" VA. ) 1862, parLicipilting in the Action of Lewisburg. May 23, 1862, where he was wounded; in t.he Northern Virginia Campaign, Aug. - Sep., 1862; in the Mary­ (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 7, 1862) land Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Sep.- Oct., 1862, being engaged ill the Battle of South Mountain, Sep. 14, 1862, and Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, (BYT. LmuT.-CoL. , U. S. ARMY, SEP. 17, 1862, FOR G.

• N~tncd GEORGE W. CROOK when ho was graduatod. 330 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMDER. 1852.

1862; in Operations in West Virginia, Oct. 1862-Feb., 1863; in command of Inde­ pendent Division at Carthage, Ten., Mar.-June, 1863; in the Tennessee Cam­ paign (Army of the Cumberlaud), June- Nov .. 1863, being engaged in the Advance on Tullahoma, June 24- July 4, 1863,-in command of 2d Cavalry Diyision, July 1, 11l63,-Action at Hoover's Gap, Jllllt' 26, 1863,-Battle of Chickamauga, Sep. 19-20, 1863,-Pursuit of Gen. Wheeler, Oct. 1-10, 1863, participating iu the Actions at the foot of Cumberland Mountains, Oct. 3, of ~IcMinnyille, Oct. 4, anc Farmington, Oct. 7, 1863, and almost daily (BYT. COLONEL, U. S. ARMY, OCT. 7, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MERn'o­ mous SERVICES AT THE BATTLE Q}' FARlIITNGTON, 'fEN.) Skirmishing,-and Operations ll~ainst Guerrillas, from Shelbyville, Ten., to Rome, Ga., Oct. - Nov., 18G3; 111 command of Kanawha District, "T. V.l. , Feb.-June, 1864, being engaged on Raid on the Virginia and Ten­ nessee Railroad, May, 1864, participating in the Action of Cloyd's Moun­ tain, May D, and New River Bridge, May 10, 1864,-and several Skir­ mishes,- and on the Lynchburg Rnid, June, 1864, with continuous Skir­ mishing from Lewisburg, via Sl!lUnton to Lynchburg, and thence to New Castle, including the Combat of Lynchbnrg, June 17-18, 18M; iu commaud of the troops of the Department of West Virginia, July-Aug., 1864, beiug en­ (BVT. MM.-GENERAL, 'G, S. VOLUNTEERS, JULY 18, 1864, }'OR GALLANT AND DISTINGUISHEn SERVICES IN WEST VIRGINIA) gaged in the Actions of Suicker's Ferry, July 19, aud of Kernstown, July 24, 1864,- and several Skirmishes at Hn.ll Town, Aug., 1864; in commaud 01 the Depm·tment of West Virginia, Aug. 31, 1864, to Feb. 21, 1865, when he was captured at Cumberland, Mel. ; in Geneml Sheridan's Shenandoah Campaign Aug. - Dec. 1864, being engaged in the Action of Berryville, Sep. 3, 1864, - Battle of Opeqnau, Sep. 19, 1864,-- Battle of Fisher's Hill, Sep. 22, 1864, - Action near Strasburg, Oct 14, 1864, - and , Oct. 19, 1864; in COlD­ (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, OCT. 21, 1864) mand of the Cavalry oft-he Army of the Potomac, Mal'. 26 -Apr. 9, 1865,boing en­ (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AR~IY, MAR. 13, 1865, I'OR GALLANT AND MERI­ 'romous SERVICES IN THE CA>IPAIGN O}' 1864, IN WEST VIRGINIA) (BVT. MAJ".-GE~ERAL U. S. AmIY, MAll. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MEm- TORIOUS SERVICES IN THE B,~TTLE OF FISllER'S HILL, VA.) gaged in the Battle of Dinwiddie C. H., Mar., 31, 1865,-Pursuit of the Rebel Army, Apr. 3- 9, 18G5,- Action of Jetersville, Apr. 5, 1865, - Battle of Sailor's Creek, Apr. 6, 1865,-Combat of Farmville, Apr. 7, 1865,- nnd Capitulation of Appomattox C. H., Apr. 9, 1865; in commando!' the Dist.rict of }Vilmington, N. C., Sop. 1, 1865, to Jan. 15, 1866; ou leave of absence, Jan. 15 to Mar. 6, (~IUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERYICE, JAN. 15, 1866) 1866; on Board at Washington, D. C., to Examiue Rifle Tactics, Mar. 6 to Apr. 18, 1866; awaiting orders, Apr. 18 to Noy. 26, 1866; in comma)ld of (M:A.JOR, 3D IN}'ANTRY, JULY 18, 1866) (LmuT.-CoLONEL, 23D INPANTRY, JULY 28, 1866) District of Boise, Ida., Nov., 26, 1866, to Jan. 29, 1867, being on expedition ogainst Snake Indiaus, and engaged in Skirmishes, Dec. 26, 1866, and Jan. 28, 1867 ' and in command of District of Owyhee, Ida., Jan. 27, 1867, to

1574. .(Born Ala.) .. ". ,ARTHUR P. BAGBy.....(Ap'd at Large) .. 39 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Aoo.demy from .July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 8TH Ili'FANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. u. s. ~nLITARY ACADEMY. 331


Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852-G3; and on frontier duty at Ft. Chadbourne, Tex., 1853. RESIGNED, SEP. 30, 1853. Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, Mobile, Ala., 1854- 58,-:llld at Gon­ zales, Tex., 1858-6l. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1575. .(Born Iud.) ..••.. .JOHN P. HAWKINS ...... (Ap'd Ind.) .. 40 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fi:om July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was grnduated and promoted iu the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JULY I, 1852. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1852- 54; Ft. Ridgely, Min., (SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTHY, JUNE 23, 1854) 1854-56,-Ft. Randall, Dak., 18G6-57,- Ft. Suelling, and Ft. Ridgely, Min., (FrnsT Ln:uT., 2D INFANTRY, OCT. 12,1857, TO AUG. 10, 1861) 1857; on Recmiting service, 1858 ; ou frontier duty at Ft. Abercrombie, Dale, 1858, - Quartermaster, 2d Inf.lntry, Oct. 1, 1858, to Aug. 3, 1861,-and Ft. Ripley, Min., 1859- 60; in galTison at Jefl'el'son Barmcks, Mo., 1860; and on frontier duty at Ft. Kearny, Neb. , 1860-61. Served during the R ebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Brigade Quartermaster in the Defeuses of Washington, D. C., June 19 to Aug. 3, 186J; (CAPT. STAFF-COMMISS.UW 01' SunSISTENCE, AUG. 3, 1861) as Asst. Commissary at St. Lonis, Mo., Aug. 29 to Oct. 17, 1861; as Chief Commissary of the District of South-west Missouri, Oct. 17 to Dec. 16, 1861; as Inspecting Commissary of the Dep.•rtment of }Iissouri, Dcc. 16, 1861, to Mar. 7, 186:2,-l1nd of the District of West Tennessee, Mar. 7 to Oct. 29, 1862; as Chief Uommissaryof Subsistence of the 13th Army Corps, Nov. 1, (LIEUT.-COL. STAFE', U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 1, 1862, TO ApR. 13, 1863) to D6c. 23, 1862, .lnd of the Army of the Tennessee, Dec. 23, 1862, to Apr. 13, 1863; 011 sick leave of absence, May 15 to Aug. 15,1863; in command of II (BmG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, ApR. 13, 18(3) Brigade of Colored Troops, Rnd of the District of North-eastern Louitiianll, Aug. 17, 1863, to Feb. 7, 1864,-and of Division, Feb. 9, 1864, to Aug., 1865; in garrison at Vicksburg, Mis., )iar., 1864, to Feb., 1865; in the Campaign of Mobile. from the P ensaco],\ Bllse, Mar. 20 to Apr. 12, 1865, being engllged in the Siege of Blakely, Apr. 2, when Invested, to Apr. 9, 1865, when Stormed,­ and Capture of Mobile, Ala., Apr. 12, 1865; in command of the Western Dis­ (Bv-r. MAJOR, ~hn. 13, 1865, FOil G,\LLA.NT AND ~{ERI-romous SERVICES DURING THE SIEGE OF MOBILE, ALA.) (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., BVT. COLONEL, BVT. BltlG.-GE~ER .\L, A.ND En. MAJ.-G:B~­ ERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLAN'l' A.ND MEnITOHIOUS SERVlCES Dum~G THE REllELLION) trict of Louisi'lna, July 20 to Nov. 3, 1865; as Chief of Commissllriat of Iho (BvT. ~LU.-GENEllAL, U. S. VOLUNTEETIS, JUNE 30, 1865, l' OR GALLANT A.ND MEllITOmOUs SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION) Department of Texas, Jan. 13 to Sep. 30, 1866; as Assistant to t.he Commis­ (i'lIUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTE:BR SERVICE, FEB. 1, 1866) sary-General of Subsistence, Washington, D. C., Oct. 15, 1866, to 332 GRADUATES OF THE


~576 .. (Dorn N. Y.) ... EDWIN D. PHILLIPS..... (Ap'd Mich.) .. 4~ Military History.-Cadet ,.t the U. S. Military Academy from .July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the ArlllY to DVT. SECOND Lu:u'l'., 1ST INFANTHY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1852-53: on frontier duty at (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST INFA:-ITRY, Jmm 1, 1853) Ft. Clark, Tex., 1853-54,- C,lmp G'lrdiner, Tex., 1854,-Ft. Clark, '.rex., 1854-55, - Ft. Delknap, '.rex., 1855-56, -- Camp Cooper, Tex., 1856-57, - Ft. (FmsT LillU·I'., 1ST IxFA¥TRY, OCT. 31, 1856) Duncan, Tex., 1857,, 1857, - Nueces HiveI', Tex., 1857, -and Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1857-58: on Recruiting service, 1858-59: on frontier duty at Ft. Chadboume, Tex., 1859- Gl, - Camp Verde, Tex., 18Gl,--San Antonio, Tex. , 1861,- and Indianoln, Tex., J861, being made Prisoner of War at Mutngordll. Bay, by Texas Insnrgents, Apr. 25, 18Ul; in ga.rrison at :B't. Hamilton, N. Y., (CAPT,UN, 1ST INF"~

1577.. (Bol'll S.C.) ... RICHARD V. BONNEAU ...... (Ap'd Ala.) .. 42 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militi1ry Academy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to D\"!'. SECO:-lD LIEUT., 3D INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served; in gll,rrison at Newport Ba.rr!\cks, Ky., 1852; on frontier duty at Ft. Inge, Tcx. , 1852- 53,-Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1853- 54, - Sconting, 1854,­ Ft. l~illmore, N. lVI., 1854-55, Scouting, 1855, - Ft. Slanton, N. M., 1855, - Ft. (SECOND LillUT., 3D INFANTnY, ~:LI.R. 3, 1855) Defiance, N. M., 1855-57, - Gila Expedition, 1857, being engaged against Mogollon Apache Indians in a Skirminsh at the Ctliion de los l\Iuertos Carne­ I'OS, N.. M., May 24, 1857, - Ft. Thorn, N. M., 1857- 58,- Albuqllerque, N. M., 1859,- Ft. Mtll'cy, N. M.,1859··60, - Mal'ch to Texll8, 18GO,-and Ft. Clark, Tex., 1860; and on leave of absence, 1860-61. RESIGNED, MAll. 2, 1861. Joined ill the Rebellion of 18(j1-66, against the United States.

~578 .. (Born 0.)..... HEZEKIAH H. GARBER ...... (Ap'd lil.) .. 43 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1852, when he was graduated nnd promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1852. Served: in garrison!1t Newport Barmcks, Ky., 1852- 53; lind on frl.lntier duty at the Clear Fork of tile Bm7.08, Tex., 1853,-Ft. McInt{)sh, Tex., 1853-54,­ (SECOND LIEU~'., 4TH INE'.\:-ITRY, JULY 31, 1854) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 333


Scouting, 1854,-Ringgold Bl1rracks, Tex., 185±,-Ft. Humboldt, CI\I.. 1855-·56, -Crescent City, C.\I., 1856- &7, - Ft.. Yamhill, Or., 1857,-Siletz Agency, Or., 1857,- Ft. Hoskins, Or., 1857-58,-Ft. Vnncouver, Wash., 1858, - and Ft. Hoskins, Or., 1859. DIED, OC~I'. 12, 1859, AT FT. HOSKINS, On.; AGED 30.

CLASS OF 1853.