Class of 1851-1852
CLASS OF 1851. 1.494 .. (Born MIlS.) ....GEORGE L. ANDREWS . .......(Ap'd Mas.) .. 1. Military HistOlY. Cadet a·t the U. S. Military Acadcmy from July 1, 1847, to July 1, 1851, whcn he was graduated und promotcd in the A.rmy to BVT. SECOND LrEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1851. Served as Asst. Engineer in the construction of Ft.. Warren, Boston Harbor, Mas., 1851- 54; and at t.he Military Academy, as Asst. Professor of Enginccl'ing, (SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, FED. 2, H154) Aug. 30, 1854, to Sep. 1, I8;)G. RESIG~'EIl, SEP. 1, 18;35. Civil History.-Engineel· of Amoskcag lVlllllufactnring Comp'U1Y, at Man chester, N. H., 1855-57. Asst. Engineer in the service of the United States, in t.he constrnction of the Fortifications of Boston H"rbor, Mas., 1857-G9, and at Sandy Hook, N. J., 1850- 60. Military History.- Scrveu dm'ing tho Rebollion of tile Seceding States, (LIEUT.-COLONf:L, 2D lVI.~s. VOLUNTJ::ERS, MAY 24, 1861) 1861- 65: in guarding lhe Uppel' Potolllac, July- Nov., 1861; ill ganison at Frederick, Md., and as Member of Board for examiDing Vohmtcor Officers. Dec., 1861 to Apr., 1862; ill Opemtiolls uncleI' Major-General Banks, in Ow i:lhenandoah V~lley, lVIal'. - Jlme, 1862, being ongaged in several Skil1uishcs, (COLONEL, 2D MAS. VOLUN1'EEllS, JmlE 13, 1862) and Combat of Willehester, lVI,1Y 25, 1862; in the Nort.hern Virginia Campaign, Jllne - Au~. , 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Cedar Mountidn, Aug. n, 1802; in the ~1I\ryhlllc1 Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Sep.- Oct., ]862, being engaged in the Battle of AntietflUl, Scp.
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