Golden Blade

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Golden Blade AN APPROACH TO CONTEMPORARY QUESTIONS IN THE LIGHT OF ANTHROPOSOPHY / ' . l The Golden Blade Te c h n o l o g y a n d A r t Rudolf Steiner A Lecture (hitherto untranslated) given at Dornach on December 28, 1914. Recollections of Rudolf Steiner A If red Heidenreich, Violet Plincke and others That Confounded Child A. C. Harwood Human Individuality A d a m B i t t l e s t o n Kt} Darwinism and the Archetypes John Waterman S c i e n t i fi c T h i n k i n g H. Heitler Hidden Forces in Mechanics George Adams Tobias and the Consciousness Soul Isabel Wyatt Speaking to the "Hollow Men" Herbert Hillringhaus W a l t e r J o h a n n e s S t e i n Herbert Hahn and Alfred Lewers Reviews of books by A. C. Harwood, Canon A. P. Shepherd, Arnold Freeman and the late Russell Davenport Edited by Arnold Freeman and Charles Waterman 1959 PUBLISHED ANNUALLY PRICE EIGHT SHILLINGS I ■ 1955 >956 Kvil ami the Future of Man The Occult Basis of Music R u d o l i - S t e i n e r Rudolf Steiner The Golden Blade The Elhcric Body in Idea .■1 Musical Pilgrimage and Action H. Poi'peldaum I'erdinand Rauter Copies of the previous issues are available in limited numbers Cosmic Rhythms and Healing Evolution : the Hidden Thread I'o~.ucrs Rrnst Leiirs John \\'aterman The contents include :— Early Memories of Rudolf The Ravenna Mosaics S t e i n e r I t a W e g m a n A. W. Mann 1949 1950 The Art of the Caves and The ll'eather in to66 its Meaning Richard Kroth Isabel Wyatt The Threshold in Nature and in Spiritual Knowledge : A H'ay of Man Ruddle Steiner h'/e Rudolf Stf.inbu 1957 1958 Th Ash : Yggdrasil - A P o e t a n d a P a i n t e r RUDOLF STEINER: RECOLLECTIONS Experience of Birth and Heath R r n o r . E S t e i n e r BY SOME OF HIS PUPILS Albert Steffen in Childhood Karl Konig Ancient European Clairvoyance Tendencies to a Threefold Order H 7 i o l i s 0 F a r m ? R i ' d o u - S t e i n e r Special number devoted to a complete translation of the A. C. Harwood C. A. Mibr Mithras and Christianity German symposium, Wir A. C. Harwood Goethe and the .Science of the .1 Third Way in Architecture Erlebten Rudolf Steiner. Physical and Elhcric Energies Contributors include George Future George Kenneth Bayes E. Pl-EIFFER Adams, Emil Bock, Herbert What is a Healthy .Society ? Meditation and Time Epochs of Evolution Hahn. Ernst Lehrs, Maria C i i a u i . e s W a t e r m a n A d a m B i t t l e s t o n John Waterman Rdschl-Lehrs, Guenther Future of the English Language Wachsmuth, F. W. Zeylmans A d a m B i t t i . e s t o n van Emmichoven. '95' '9SJ Price 8/- , or 1 doi. 25, for each copy (1958 special number 11/6, or 1 dol. 70), The Cosmic H'ord and Individual The Coining Experience of Christ post free, from the Rudolf Sleiner Bookshop, 35 Park Road, London, N.W.I, or the Rudolf Steiner Book Centre, 54 Bloomsbury Street, W.C.I. Man Rudolf Steinrr Rudolf .Steiner The Heavenly Hierarchies Heaven and Ascension A d a m B i t t l e s t o n Kmil Bock Evolution and Creation The Youth of Rudolf Steiner E. L. Grant Watson A d a m B i t t l e s t o n ANTHROPOSOPHY Form in Art and in Society The Endocrine Glands Owen Barfiei.d Karl Konig The Chess-Gazing Boy Rudolf Steiner and the Theatre All the published works of Dr. Rudolf Steiner and other C h a r l e s W a t e r m a n Arnold Freeman writers on Anthroposophy can be had either in English translation or in the original German, from; '95.-! '9.S4 F r o m P h i l o s o p h y t o A n t h r o Spiritual Emptiness and Social posophy Rudolf Steiner Life Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner Book Centre & Publishing Company, The Threefold Structure of the The Writing of the Gospels 54 BLOOMSBURY STREET, LONDON, W.C. 1 World George .Adams A d a m I t r r i i . e s t o n Michael and St. George (I) Michael and .St. George (11) and Isabel Wyatt Isabel Wvatt Rudolf Steiner Book Shop, "Going Through the Mill" The Siege of the Senses Maurice Wood Michael Wilson 35 PARK ROAD, LONDON, N.W.i The Feast of Torro The Art of Eurhythmy John Bolsover Owen Barfield Catalogues sent on request ill -== A new and important contribution = to Steiner studies THE RECOVERY OF MAN The Golden Blade IN CHILDHOOD I9S9 A Study in the Educational work of Rudolf Steiner A. C. HARWOOD This book presents a comprehensive account of the Educational Te c h n o l o g y a n d A r t Rudolf Steiner Philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, with details of its practical a p p l i c a t i o n . 2 1 s n e t Recollections of Rudolf Steiner . Alfred Heldenreich, Violet Plincke Also available and others A Scientist of the Invisible a. p. shepherd A study in the life and work of Rudolf Steiner 12s 6d net That Confounded Child A. C. Harwood The Redemption of Thinking rudolf steiner Human Individuality Adam Bittleston A study in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas 12s 6d net The Publishers are HODDER AND STOUGHTON London^ E.CA. Darwinism and the Archetypes John Waterman S c i e n t i fi c T h i n k i n g . H. Heitler H i d d e n F o r c e s i n M e c h a n i c s . G e o r g e A d a m s 8 6 Canon of Worcester IA. p. SHEPHERD, D.D. Tobias and the Consciousness Soul Isabel Wyatt 100 Marriage was made for Man Speaking to the "Hollow Men" Herbert Hillringhaus 109 A Study of the Problem of Marriage and Divorce W a l t e r J o h a n n e s S t e i n . Herbert Hahn and Alfred Lewers 115 in relation to the Church of England B O O K R E V I E W S The Bishop of Worcester, in his Foreword, says that this is a controversial book. It is in fact both challenging and revolutionary, attacking the rigorist attitude on grounds of logic, scholarship, Christian Edited by Arnold Freeman and Charles Waterman principles, and legality. This thought-provoking work, which everyone should read, may be obtained Price 81- (8/6 post free) from the Rudolf from Rudolf Steiner Bookshops and all booksellers. Steiner Bookshop, 35, Park Road, London, Ss6d N.W.I, or the Rudolf Steiner Book Centre, 54, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.I. METHUEN 36 Essex street tyC2 Technology and Art: Their Bearing on Modern Culture Rudolf Steiner A Lecture, hitherto untranslated, given at Dornach on December 28, 1914* Thebuild essential a bridge aim from of the knowledge lectures given yielded here by recentlySpiritual has Science been to to a view of life demanded by present conditions, and I should like now to say a little more about this. "Modern life"—as we call it—makes a strong impact upon those who have been torn away from any direct connection with Nature by life in cities and towns. And it is common knowledge that ever since the onset of this modem life, men have been appre hensive about its effect upon the material as well as the spiritual progress of humanity. The important thing now is that the impulses we feel coming to us from Spiritual Science should find their place in this modem life. Anthroposophy, a way of thought rather than a We must come to feel that Spiritual Science is a necessary counter body of dogma, springs from the work and teaching balance for elements in modern life that have an injurious or even of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). He spoke of it as destructive effect upon the divine-spiritual life-forces of man. "a path of knowledge, to guide the spiritual in the When a man who has reached, shall we say, the first stages of initiation is in a position to allow the effects of modern civilisation human being to the spiritual in the universe to work upon himself, he has experiences which inform him more deeply about what this modem life signifies for the human being The aim of this Annual is to publish writings which than external observation can ever do. For example, anyone who bring the outlook of Anthroposophy to bear on ques has taken even the first steps of the initiate-life lives differently tions and activities relevant to the present time. through the experience arising from a night spent in a railway train or in a steamer—especially if the night has been slept through. The difference between one who has reached the first steps leading The title derives from a reference by Rudolf Steiner to initiation and one who has no connection whatever with it is that to an old Persian legend.
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