
A , 4 Aaron, Ralph, 90 Albrecht, Hans Abeles, Elisabeth, 26 Enabling Act and, 72 Abelsova, Liza, 20 resistance, 72 Abrahamson, Beppy, 17 Alessandri, Arturo, 213 Abrahamson, Hetty, 17 Alexianu, Gheorghe, 52 Abschnitt, Bia, 23 Ali al-Kaylani, Rashid, 133 Adelsberger, Lucie, 21, 29n57 , 111, 113, 168–170, 176, 180 Adenauer, Konrad, 235 Allende, Salvador, 212, 221, 222 Adler, Gilbert, 42, 47n38 election of, 222 Adorno, Theodor W., 278, 280, 295 Alliance Israélite Universelle, 110 Africa Allied Control Commission North, 280 (ACC), 170 West, 224 Allies, 165–167, 170, 291 Agrarian Reform, 222 armistice, 170 Aibling, 94, 95 carpet bombing, 67 prisoner of war screening centre, 94 Iranian rule, 126 Ain Harod, 137 Jewish survivor welfare, 95 Akrotiri, 145 liberation, 95, 165, 167 , 4 occupation zones, 148 euthanasia, 31 Alvo-Benveniste, Mari, 107 Mauer-Öhling People’s Court trial, America, see United States of America 1948, 43 American Jewish Committee, 234

1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes.

© The Author(s) 2020 301 S. Bardgett et al. (eds.), Beyond Camps and Forced Labour, and its Contexts, 302 INDEX

American Joint Distribution Aser, Sara, 116 Committee (AJDC), 146, Asia 148, 170 middle, 195 American Legation, 130 Asia-Minor, 112 Amsterdam, 92 Assistant Secretary of State Amstetten for Human Rights and male sterilisation, 38 Humanitarian Affairs (now psychiatric hospital, 32, 33, 38 Assistant Secretary of State for Waidhofen, psychiatric Democracy, Human Rights, and cemetery, 33, 37 Labour), 99 Anders, General Władisław, 126 Atamukas, Solomonas, 187 Army, 126 Athens, 107, 110, 111, 113, Anger, Bert, 98 116, 212 Anglo-German Bilateral Atlantic, 149, 160 Agreement, 253–255 Atlit, 133 relations, 254 Auschwitz, 240, 243, 244, 250n48, Angress, Werner 263, 264, 266, 284, , 90 286–288, 290 German-Jewish emigration, 90 Aussenlager, 13 , 95 Birkenau, 11, 14–16, 18 postwar Holocaust engagement, 98 BIIe (Gypsy Family Camp), 14 Anschluss Crematorium 3, 18 impact of, 32–34 deportation, 284, 286–288 Mauer-Öhling, development of, 33 -, 243 Anti-Fascist Committee Moscow, 21 memorial, 14 Antisemitism, 169, 199, 201, Mengele, Josef, 11–26 210–213, 217, 221, 271 survivors, 108, 109, 111, 113, 116, American prejudice, 89 218, 222 Jewish emigration, 89, 169 Zwillingslager, 18 Apulia, 5, 165–180 Australia, 129, 168, 169, 179 displaced persons, 165–180 emigration, 168, 169 liberation, 169 Mengele, Josef, 14 refugees, 166, 169–173 , 166, 178, 183n59, 231 Arabs, 147 doctors, 33, 34, 43 Arab revolt, 1936–39, 147 German-Austrian, 218 Jewish migration in relation to, 147 German perpetrator blame, 33 Arendt, Hannah, 67 government, 236 Argentina, 208, 211, 213, 217, 219, Jewish emigres U.S. army, 88 221, 224, 225, 225n3, Lower Austria, 32 226n3, 234 Lower Austrian State Archive, 32 immigration, 208, 217, 225n3 Mauer-Öhling People’s Court trial refugees, 213 1945, 36 Arndt, Adolf, 242 Nazi medical crimes, 4, 33 INDEX 303

Quaker war relief, 70 testimony, 107 Upper Austria, 32 Berger, Hanus, 96 Axmann, Julius, 36, 37 , Rabbi Meyer, 134 welfare institutions, 36 Berlin, 13, 284 antisemitism, 221 emigration, 87 B headquarters, 76 Bacsi, Lajos, 19 Institute of Anthropological, Baghdad, 43 Biological and Racial Bailey, Brenda, 71, 80n7, Research, 19 82n27, 84n45 international Quaker offce, 73 Balkans, 94 Mauer-Öhling People’s Court trial, Balkan Wars, 106 1948, 33 Baltic Sea, 187, 194 Quaker war relief, 70 Baptists Reich Working Group, 33 Berlin World Congress, 73 Berlin Quaker Youth Group, 73 Third Reich, Free Church, 73 Berry, J. W., 215 Barackenlager 65, 35 Bertha, Hans, 34 Bari, 172, 175 Betar, 154, 155 Barletta, 175 Beyond Camps and Forced Barna, Ildikó, 5 Labour (BCFL) Bataille, Georges, 281 conference, 1, 2, 4, 6 Baum, Kurt, 284, 286 Beyth, Hans, 154 Beaudouin, Eugène, 278, 294 Binder, Max, 264 Beaune-la-Rolande, 283 Bitola, 109 Becker, Maximilian, 6 Bloomsbury House, 75, 84n46 Bejarano, Alberto, 216 Bnei Akiva, 154 Belarus, 107 Bohener, RC, 269, 271 Belgium Bojtar, Therese, 17 resistance, 235, 237 Boksbaum, David, 56 Socialist Party, 237 Bolivia, 208, 211, 225 Ben-Asher, Moshe, 131 Bonn, 236, 237, 240, 242, Benda, Ernst, 237 254, 271n8 statute of limitations, 242 Botton, Julio, 216 Bendersky, Joseph, 98 Bracey, Bertha Benjamin, Walter, 289 Jewish evacuation, 74 Berelovičius, Šimonas, 201 Quaker war relief, 70 Berelowitz, Chana, 191 Bratislava, 178 Berelowitz, Mordechai, 191 Brazil, 208, 211, 213 Berelowitz, Necha, 191 refugees, 213 Berelowitz, Shlomo, 191 Breslau, 18 Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Breuer, Marcel, 292 239, 261, 267 , 167, 170, 177, 181n8 304 INDEX

Britain/United Kingdom (UK), , 16 126, 145–149, 160, 253, 256, Bund der Verfolgten des Nazi-Regimes 257, 259–262, 264, 270, (BVN), 236, 239 271n8, 273n8 Bundestag, 237, 238, 242–244 army, 132, 133, 135, 267 statute of limitations, 242 British Isles, 259 Bundeswehr, 240 colonialism, 146, 149, 280 Butenandt, Adolf, 25 concentration camp experience, 255 Butler, Richard, 253 Britain/United Kingdom (UK) government, 69, 74, 79, 254 Jewish evacuation, 74 C Jewish immigration, 149 California, 221 Mandate of Palestine, 146 Camacho, Ávila, 213 national identity, 267 Camhi-Sefcha, Nelli, 107 Parliament, 69, 254 Camp Ritchie Quakers, relations with, 70 citizenship, 91 Quaker volunteer aid, 69 culture, 90 refugees, 254 psychological warfare, 90 Royal Navy, 154 Canada, 169, 179, 219, 221, victim compensation, 6, 253–271 223, 225 victims, Nazi persecution, 253–271 Quakers, 77 British Foreign Offce, 78 CANDLES Holocaust Museum and British Second Army, 95 Education Center, 14 Brno (Brünn), 19 Caraolos, 146, 150, 159 Bruhns, Friedrich Karl, 88 prison camps, 146 Bucci, Andra (Alessandra), 16, 17 Cárdenas, Lázaro, 213 Bucci, Tatiana (Liliana), 16, 17 Care and maintenance (CM/1), Bucharest 171–175, 177–180, 183n60, Jewish community, 62 183n61, 184n69 Lipmann Kunstadt, newspaper, 50 Carpathians, 22 Buchenwald Concentration Camp Carpatho-Ruthenia, 17 Quakers in, 76–78, 84n45, 85n57 Carr, Gilly, 6, 258, 260, 272n17 Bucher, Ewald, 237, 238, 244 Cary, Mary, 70 statute of limitations, 238 Cary, Richard, 70 war crime trials, 238 Caskey, Edward A., 92 Budapest, 166, 169, 176, 178 Caspian Sea, 126, 128 , 166, 169, 176 Cassuto, Berry, 109 Buenos Aires, 212 Castañeda, Ernesto, 217 Bug River Catchpool, Corder, 70 deportation, 49 Catchpool, Gwen, 70 Djurin , 57, 63, 66n15 Catholics, 216 (see also Transnistria) Church, 72, 73 , 111, 121n29 emigration, 88 INDEX 305

Central Jewish Board (KIS), 108, 111, Chulsky, Juzef, 192 113, 114 CISROCO (Comité Israelita de Central Name Index (CNI), 173 Socorros), 218 Central Offce of the State Justice Cité de la Muette, 277–279, Administration for the 291, 294–297 Investigation of National Socialist architecture, 277 Crimes, 238 historical monument, 291 Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Clairvaux, 261 Contemporanea (CDEC), 14 Cluj (Klausenburg, or Kolozsvár), 18 Cerda, Pedro Aguirre, 213 Cohen, Rachel, 107 Cesarani, David, 1, 7n1 Cohen, Salomon, 111 Châlons-sur-Marne, 261 Cohen-Rodriguez, Abel, 286, 287 Channel Islands, 259–262, 264, 266, Cohen-Rodriguez, Maurice, 286 267, 270 Cohen-Rodriguez, Michelle, 285, 287 compensation, 259, 260 drancy internment, 285 deportations, 260, 261 Cohn, Dora, 224 political prisoners, 260 Cold War, 2, 3, 6, 146, 233, 234, Charter of the United Nations, 239 237, 245n4 Chenin, Fernande (née ideology, 234 Magalnik), 288–291 propaganda, 233 deportation, 289 prosecution of war criminals, 236 Cherche-Midi, 261 US Greek orphan adoption, 107 Chile, 207–225 Cologne, 96 citizenship, 216 Colombia, 208 Communist Party, 212 Comité International de Camps dictatorship, 211, 212, 222 (CIC), 237 , 3, 207–225 Comité Israelita de Socorros immigration, 208–210, 213–215, (CISROCO), 218 217, 224, 225 , 177, 178, 210, 222 Jewish narratives, 207–225 anti-communist, 171 national histories, 211 arrests, 178 Socialist Party, 212 German resistance, 67 transnational narratives, 207–225 Greek Civil War, 107 Chillán, 221 ideology, 169 China, 221 regime, 168, 171, 180 Christian Democratic, 237 Compiègne, 261 Christians, 113, 116, 132 Concepción, 222 Christian Saints, 78 Conrad, Colonel G. Bryan, 97 Church, 72 Conway, John S., 72 German and Austrian emigres, 88 Cordillera, 224 Greek Christian, 113 Corfu, 107, 114, 122n42 religious concepts, 72 Cracow, 110, 224 resistance, 67, 69, 72 Crinis, Max de, 34 306 INDEX

Croatia, 94 Displaced person (DP), 136, 147, Cuba, 208, 220 148, 152–154, 165, 166, Cyprus, 145–160 169–175, 182n21, education welfare, 157 182n24, 182n26 internment camps, 6, 145–160 camps, 136, 147, 152, 154, Jewish life, 146, 147 165–180, 185 political agendas, 152–154 emigration, 3 refugee community, 149 maintenance, 4 rehabilitation, 145–160 milieus, 3 work programmes, 150, 151 resettlement, 4 Czech, Danuta, 13, 15–17, 20, 22 Djurin , 178, 218, 220, 222, deportation, 53 231, 235 ghetto, 50–54, 63, 65n11 international Quaker appeal ghetto community, 51 assistance, 71 ghetto social and economic Mengele and, 13, 15–17, 20, 22 stratifcation, 54 Jewish community, 51 Jewish council, social critique of, D 53, 56–62 Dachau concentration camp, Romanian authorities, 53 188, 194, 219, 269 (see also Transnistria) Damascus, 43 Dniester River Darnton, Lawrence, 72 smuggling, 54 Davidoff, Ana, 220 Transnistria, 49, 50, 54 Davidoff, Simon, 220 Dobruja, 35 Dekel, Aleks, 23 Dominican Republic, 208 Delegazione Assistenza Donskienė, Riva, 194, 198 Emigrazione (Delegation for Drancy the Assistance of Jewish architectural history, 6, 277–295 Refugees), 170 collaborator prison, 290 Denazifcation deportation, 280, 283–287, 290 German and Austrian Jewish internment camp, 6, 285, 289 U.S. troops, role of, 88 liberation, 283, 289, 290 historiography, 88 museum, 291, 292, 295, 296 questionnaire, 92 prisoner treatment, 281, 283, 284, Der Quäker, 68, 77 286, 291 Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft victims, 290 (DFG), 12 wartime identity, 279 (see also Cité Diener & Diener, 292 de la Muette) Dijon, 261, 273n40 Drexler, Rachel, 126 Dindelegan, Iosif, 53, 65n6, Dror, 154 65n10, 65n11 Düsseldorf, 92 INDEX 307

Dutch, 235 Quaker war relief, 69 Dutch, Dr. Oswald, 153 Western Europe, 169 Dwork, Debórah, 137

F E Fabian, Jolan, 17 Eaton, Joseph Falla, Frank, 259–262, 265, 267–270 denazifcation, 96 correspondence, 259, 260 Egelfng/Haar, 33 victim compensation, 259 Eichmann, Adolf, 233, 234 Faust, Gisela, 73 trial of, 233, 267 Federal Constitutional Court, 235 Eiffel Tower, 283 Federal German Government, 253 Eisenmenger, Richard, 36, 43 Mengele victim compensation, 11 Mauer-Öhling People’s Court trial, Federal Republic of , 1948, 43 231–236, 239, 240, 242, 244, Elek, István, 178 254, 256, 271n8 Elek-Lukács, Anna (nee Steiner), 178 justice system, 241 Erhard, Ludwig, 235 parliament, 244, 245 Europe, 55, 146–148, 152, 154, 156, statute of limitations, 233–236 157, 165, 167, 179, 208, 210, victim compensation, 254 214, 215, 218, 220, 235, 242, war crime trials, 238, 240 264, 273n38, 278, 281 war criminal asylum, 244 Camp Ritchie graduates, 90 Fédération Internationale des Anciens , 217 Prisonniers Politiques democracy, 167 (FIAPP), 232 East-Central, 171 Fédération Internationale Libre des , 167 Déportés et Internés de la Eastern, displaced children, 106 Résistance (FILDIR), 232 Eastern Europe, 147, 166, Fehmarn, 95 170–172, 181n8, 214, Feit, Dov, 127–129, 132, 134–136 217, 237 Feldhof, 32, 33 European concentration camps, Ferramonti, 169 154, 167, 169 Ferrer, Raquel, 214 European Jewry, 146, 147, 159 Fettmann, Anna, 17 Europeans, 207, 212, 213, 216, Fettmann, Leona, 17 217, 223, 225 Fidler, Gutol´ Abramovits, 200 history, 171 First World War/ immigration, 225 German Quaker colony, 69 Jewish evacuation, 74 Mauer-Öhling, 32 liberation of, 96, 99 war graves, redistribution of, 36 Mengele, 14 Fischer, Adolph, 19 occupied Europe, 95 Fischer, Eugen, 18 308 INDEX

Fleischmann, Erzsébeth, 19 Freiberger, Margit, 17 Fleming, Katherine, 294, 295 Freikirche (Free Church), 73 Flossenbürg concentration camp Fresnes, 261 liberation, 93 Friedrich, Brenda, 73, 75 Foreign and Commonwealth Offce Friedrich, Leonhard (FCO), 254, 255, 257–262, arrest, 75, 76, 79 264–273, 274n41, 274n47 Buchenwald Concentration Camp, compensation, 263 76, 78, 84n45 paternalism, 266 German-Jewish aid, 75 victim eligibility, 6, 268 international Quaker war relief , 261 and aid, 70 Fortunoff Archive, 108, 209 publishing, 75, 77, 84n45 Forty, Adrian, 284, 293 resistance, 79 Foster, Melissa Willard, 97 Friedrich, Mary Foundation for the Memory of the German-Jewish aid and support, 75 Shoah, 292 Gestapo inspection, 75 Fox, George, 69 international Quaker war relief , 125, 220, 231, 260–262, and aid, 70 271n2, 273n28, 279, 281, 283, resistance, 79 287, 288, 290, 292 Friends Service Council, 70 administration, 187 Friends War Victims Relief Committee colonies, 280 (FWVRC), 69 deportations from, 283, 287, Frontstalag 111, 279 288, 290 Frydman, Yvette, 220 eastern France, 290 German occupation, 279, 286 prisons, 290 G Resistance, 282, 286 Garland, Evelina, 266 Franco regime, 213 Gatenio, Iosif, 116, 117 Frank, Hans, 96 Gauhauptmann, 36, 43 Frank, Mira, 190 Gaullists, 236 Frankfurt, 243, 244 Gaunerstorfer, Michaela, 32 Frankfurt-Auschwitz trial, 243 Geddis, Arie, 156, 157 prisons, 259, 265 Gelny, Emil, 35, 36, 43, 44 Franko, Dario, 109 Mauer-Öhling People’s Court, Franko, Ester (also Ester Gatenio/ 1948, 43 Aliki Papadopoulou), 6 SA-Brigadearzt, 35 Holocaust survivor, 114, 117, 118 Sanatorium and Mental Hospital, Jewish orphan identity, 106–118 female ward, 35 memoir, 106, 108, 117 Gemeinnützige Franko, Leon, 109 Krankentransportgesellschaft Frazier, Tom (Ulrich Heinicke) (Charitable Ambulance), 34 German-Jewish emigration, 88 Gendarmerie (Romanian), 280, 283 Frei, Norbert, 234 Djurin Ghetto, 59 INDEX 309

Major Constantin Nasturas, psychiatric institutions, 38 Commander of Mogilev, 59 psychological warfare, 90 People’s Court, 1945, Quaker food parcels, 77 investigation, 34, 43 Quaker war relief, 70 General Federation of Labour, 155 religious/political refugees, 88 Genoa, 212 resistance in, 67–79 German Communist Party, 76 Sanatoria and Mental German Democratic Republic Hospital, 33 (GDR), 240 German Yearly Meeting, 68, 72, 79 Eastern Bloc, 240 Germany Emergency Committee German Mennonites, 73 (GEC), 71, 72 German Quakers (Society of Friends) Gestapo, 255, 262, 288 Bad Pyrmont, 69–71, 75, 76 prison, 94, 262 emigration, 71, 74, 78 resistance, 71, 75–78 physical aid, war relief, 69 Ghetto Fighters’ House, 107 resistance, 67–79 Gilinskii, Samuel, 192 Germany, 154, 166, 186–188, 192, Glaessner, Phillip, 91 194, 231–236, 239, 240, Glen, Arnold, 264 242, 244 Globke, Hans, 234 annexations, 187 Godignon, Madame, 287 antisemitism in, 89, 90, 98 Godignon, Monsieur, 287 army, 188 Goldensohn, Leon, 96, 102n47 brutality, 265 Goldman, Hanna, 17 Church leaders, 72 Goldman, Josef, 17 criminal code, 234, 241 Gomel, 190 declaration of war, 87 Gordon, Ana María Karman, 220 denazifcation, 87–99 Görög, Doz. Denis, 19 East Germany, 77 Gottliebova, Dinah/Dina, 19 fght against, 88–90, 92 Gottschaldt, Kurt, 18 forced labour, 261 Gourdan, Paul, 270 Grundgesetz (FRG), 235 Govrin, Yosef, 156–159 housing ethnic German evacuees, 34 Graudenz, 263 interrogation, 91, 92 Graz, 32–34 Jewish deportation, 49, 282 Greece, 106–112, 114–116, 145, Jewish emigration, 87–99 239, 249n41 Napoleonic Wars, 69 displaced children, 106 Nazi perpetrator blame, 33 fring squad, 113 occupation, invasion, 108–110, 113, foster families, 108 126, 281, 288 Greco-Turkish War, 106, 107 post-war society, 77 Greek Civil War, 106, 107 POW camps, 97 Greek Orthodox Church, 109 prisoners of war in, 67 Gricmacheris, Benja, 191, 196 prisons, 260, 265 Gropius, Walter, 278 310 INDEX

Grossmann, Atina, 136, Herskovitz, Pearl, 23 139n6, 141n24 Herzberger, Magda, 150 Gruber, Ruth, 155 Herzog, Rabbi Isaac, 134 Grzymisch, Ingeborg, 221 Hessen, 14 Guadalajara, 217 Hesz-Wood, Stephanie, 6 Guatemala, 208 Heym, Stefan, 91, 104n58 Guatemala-Chiapas border, 216 HICEM, 213 Guernsey, 259 Himmler, Heinrich, 76 Gugging, 34, 35, 42, 43, Hinzert, 261 44n1, 44n3 Histadrut, 135 Gutmann, Emmanuel, 157, 158 Histdarut, 155 Guttman, Ita, 15 Hitler, Adolf, 243 Guttman, Renate (Irene), 15 antisemitism, 90 Guttman, Rene, 15 concentration camps, 92 declaration of war, 87 opposition to, 67, 79 H Third Reich, rise of, 72 Hachsharah, 111 Holocaust, 2, 3, 5, 6, 126, 136, 138, Hadassah, 127–129, 133–137 146, 147, 153, 160, 186, Hadjisavvas, Eliana, 6 193–194, 197, 207, 213, 219, , 135, 136, 155 232, 233, 238, 244, 258, 261, Hajdu, Árpád, 18, 23 264, 267, 268, 290, Hajdu, Margareta, 18 291, 294–296 Hajdu/Sreter, Judit, 18 commemoration, 2 Hajdu/Sreter, Veronika, 18 denial, 68, 98 Halin, Hubert, 237, 244 education, 3 Halle, Anna Sabine, 74, 83n44 as European event, 5 , 16, 26 , 78, 107 Hanel-Halska, Maria, 19 Holocaust Memorial Center, 98 Hashomer Hatzair, 154 , 74, 79 Haurand, Kathrin, 5 legacies, global impact, 5 Haymann, Rudi, 217 memory, 5, 68, 291, 294–296 Hebrew, 127, 130, 136, 137, postwar awareness, 98 146, 155–159 refugees, 166 education and welfare, 155 second generation, 119n8 youth programme, 155 Shoah, 68 Heilbrunn Sisters, 20 studies, historiography, 68, 79 Heissmeyer, Kurt, 16 survivors, 114, 117, 118, 146, Helipern, Rabbi, 149 153, 165–180, 193, Hendeles, Louis, 264 194, 207–225 Her Majesty’s Government (UK), 253 transnational history, 138, 207 Hermann, ‘Mausi,’ 19 trauma, 219 INDEX 311

Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ International Refugee Organization Remembrance Authority, 114 (IRO), 5, 170–174, 178, 179 Hook of Holland, 74 screening, 171 Hornick, Yisroel Rabbi, 63 International Secretariat of Friends, 70 Höss, Rudolf, 96 International Tracing Service (ITS), Hossein L., Abdol, 125 165–180, 239, 256–258, 260, House of Commons, 253 264, 265, 268, 272n13, Howard, Elizabeth Fox, 70 274n41, 274n47, Hughes, William R., 77 275n41, 276n41 , 166–169, 177–180, 222 Arolsen Archives, 3, 165–180 borders, 176, 180 digitalisation, 165–180 Communist Party, 167 International Underground displaced persons from, 165–180 Committee, 76 economy, 169 International Union of Resistance and emigration from, 166–169, 180 Deportation (UIRD), 233–235, exodus of survivors, 168, 176 237, 243 government, 168 European Parliament of Persecutees Holocaust survivors, 5, 165–180 of , 237 Hungarian Holocaust, survivors’ participation, 6 166–169, 179 Ioannina, 107 Hungarian Jews, 165–180 Iran, 125–133, 138 liberation, 167 Iranian Jewish community, 131, 132 Mengele, Josef, 22 nationalistic narrative, 125 revolution, 233 occupation of, 126 Hunter College, 220 refugees in, 128 saviour of Jews, 125 Iraq, 133 I Irgun, 155 IG-Farben, 18 Isaac, Leslie, 264 Illich, Ivan, 289 Isfahan, 130 India, 134 , 125, 129, 134–136, 146, Innsbruck, 34 152, 159, 168, 169, 172, 178, Institute for Jewish History, 32 180, 181n15, 184n67, 191, Institute of Anthropological, 198, 215, 219, 220, 222, 223, Biological and Racial Research, 19 225, 235 Intergovernmental Committee on emigration, 168, 172, 181n15, 219, Refugees (IGCR), 170 220, 222, 223, 225 International Federation of Resistance Knesset, 234 Fighters (FIR), 231–244, 245n4 parliament, 235, 236 General Council, 237 Quaker relations, 68 survivors’ participation, 6 social resettlement, 152 war crime trials, 233, 243 Israel, Wilfred, 74 International Military Tribunal, 239 Italian National Association of denazifcation, 97 Partisans, 235 312 INDEX

Italy, 121n29, 127, 166, 169–175, 86n65, 87–91, 95, 96, 98, 177, 182n24 109–113, 115–117, 126, 130, armistice, 170 133, 137, 140n8, 147, 148, 153, authorities, 109 154, 166–169, 172, 175, 176, displaced persons in, 166, 169–173 178–180, 185–201, 261, 264, DP camps in, 2, 166, 169 268, 269, 271, 280, 282–285, government, 170 288, 290 mentally ill prisoners of war, 35 aid organisations, 131, 132 refugees, 166, 169–173 antisemitism, 89, 90 boycott, 71 child camps, Iran, 129 J children, 107, 111 Jackson, Julian, 279 children’s home, 192 Jacobsen, Israel G., 110 commemorations, 186 Jahn, Gerhard, 237, 242 community, 108–110, 112–115, James, Jimmy, 267, 269 117, 167, 168, 179, 186, 187, The Great Escape, 263 211, 214, 215, 217–220 Japanese, 87 compensation, 254 Pearl Harbor, 87 culture, 186 Jaurès, Jean, 292 deportation, 59, 280, 283, 288, 290 Jehovah’s Witnesses displaced persons, 165–180 in concentration camps, 78 Djurin Ghetto, fate of Jews, 50 missionary work, 78 doctors, 185, 198 Nazi treatment of, 78 education and history, 158, 187 Jersey, 270 emigration, 107, 186, 191, Jerusalem, 151 198, 217 Tehran children, 136 German Jews, 187, 210, 215, 217, Jeudi noir, 283 219, 221, 224 Jewish Agency, 127–129, 131, heritage, 192, 198 133–135, 137, 139n5, 140n12, holidays, 199 141n15, 147, 150, 152, 158 identity, 108, 113, 115, 153, Child and Youth Immigration 198–199, 214, 216, 223 Department, 136 institutions, 211, 218, 225 refugees, 137 internment, 147 Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, 197 Jewish council strategies, 53 Jewish Benevolent Society, 131 Jewish life, 185, 187, 197, 202n1 Jewish Brigade, 132, 135, 170 Jewish transport, 177, 178 Jewish Community, 108, 110, Judaism, 199, 218 112–115, 117 mass murder, 239 Jewish Relief Committee, 131 organisation, 234–236 Jewish World Congress, 234 pale settlements, 153 Jews, 40, 49–57, 59–61, 64, 72, 74, persecution of, 147 75, 78, 79, 83n39, 83n44, refugees, 109, 254, 255, 269 INDEX 313

religious activities, 201 Kastoria, 109, 110, 112, 113, settlements, 110, 153 115, 116 soldiers, 188 Katz, Moshe, 53, 60 state, 136, 146, 150, 151, 159 critique of, 60 survivors, 106–108, 147, deputy head Jewish council, Djurin 165–180, 232 Ghetto, 53 traditions, 199 Katz, Saul, 192 victimisation, 185, 197 Kaunas, 187, 188, 194, 200 youths, 154, 156, 157 ghetto, 188, 194 Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Kavala, 107 110, 111, 113, 114, 128–131, Kazakhstan, 126 139n6, 140n8, 170 Keine Verjährung der global Jewish relief, 148 Naziverbrechen, 238 Jewish child refugees, Iran, 130 Kempner, Robert, 244 work relief programmes, 148 statute of limitations, 239 Jong, Leo de, 215 Kfar Hanoar, 155, 157, 158 Joselewitz, Asher, 191 KGB, 187, 198, 200–201 Joseph, Emperor Franz, 31, 32 trials, 189 Judenräte, 52 , 152 Jury, Hugo, 36 Kiel, 18 Kifssia, 110, 111 Kinderblock K Mengele, Josef, 13, 16 Kádár, János, 233 Theresienstadt, 12, 13, 16 Kaduk, Oswald, 244 Kindertransport, 5, 215, 219 Kahn Bar-Adon, Dorothy, 136 Quaker resistance aid, 74, 79 Kaiser-Franz-Joseph-Landes-Heil- und King David Hotel, 148 Pfegeanstalt (Emperor Franz Klaipėda, 185–201 Joseph Regional Sanatorium and Convention, 187 Mental Hospital), 31 immigration, 186, 187, 189–190 Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for jail, 191 Anthropology (KWIA), Jewish community, 187 13–15, 18, 23 KGB arrests, 200 Kalavryta, 239 postwar migration, 5, 191 Kaliningrad, 186 University, 187 Kanovich, Grigory Yaakov, 187 Klarsfeld, Serge, 292 Kaplan, Izrail´ Izrailevits, 200 Klein, Adalberto, 214 Kaplan, Sofa, 194, 200 Klosterneuburg, 35 Kapo, 3 Klugman, Ed Karachi, 134 antisemitism, 89 Karalnik, Rabbi Herschel, 51 Jewish emigration, 89 Karolos Koun theatre school, 116 Koch, Colonel Oscar, 97 314 INDEX

Koen, Zermain, 111 Latin America, 169, 207, 208, Kogon, Eugen, 268 210, 217 Kohn, Zev, 132 immigration, 207, 208, 210, 225n3 Kokkonen, Susanna, 172 Jewish life, 217 Kollander, Patricia, 5 transnational history, 207 Kolner, Joseph, 19 Latvia, 219 Königsberg, 190 Laub, Morris, 149, 151, 152 Korf, K. Frank Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily camp liberation, 93 Diseased Offspring, 33 German-Jewish émigré, 88 Le Bourget, 284 prisoner of war screening, 94 Le Corbusier, 278 Körner, Theodor, 43 Le Havre, 212 Kounio-Amarilio, Erika, 107 League of Nations, 147 Králová, Kateřina, 6 High Commissioner on Krasnovodsk, 128 Refugees, 71 , 210 Lebanese, 145 November , 270 Lecce, 172, 175 resistance, 73, 74 Lehi, 155 Kubica, Helena, 12, 14, 19, 22 Leiserowitz, Ruth, 5 Kuhn/ Kun, György, 17 Lemberg, 186 Kuhn/ Kun, István, 17 Lenin Square, 190, 193 Kunstad, Itzchak, 50 Leodolter, Felix, 36 Kunstadt, Lipmann, 4, 49–64 Lewen, Si diary, 49–64 antisemitism, 89 Djurin Ghetto, social criticism, 51 Jewish emigration, 89 Jewish council, 50, 57–62, 64 postwar Holocaust engagement, 99 social and economic Libor, Sarolta, 17 stratifcation, 54 Lidice, 239 Kupiškis, 193 Linz gendarmerie interrogation, 34 Schloss Hartheim, 32, 33 L Waldegg, Barackenlager 65, 35 Lachauer, Ulla, 187 Lisbon, 212 Lang, Pierre, 284 Lithuania, 187, 188, 191, 193, Langbein, Hermann, 250n48 196, 199 war criminal prosecution in, agriculture, 200 237, 240 German-Lithuanian border, 188 Langsenlehner, Ludwig, 38–39 Jewish community, 187 Laniawska, Katerina, 25 Lithuanian Jews, 187, 191, 198 La Rafe, 283 Major, 189 Larissa, 107 nationalists, 191 Lascinsky, Tamar, 17 Science Council, 186 INDEX 315

Soviet Socialist Republic, 186 Mechau Family, 12, 15 Soviet-Lithuanian, 188, 197 Mecklenburg, 18 Western, 187, 188 Mediterranean, 170 Lods, Marcel, 278, 293, 294 Eastern, 146, 147 Lodz ghetto, 218 Melas, Pavlos, 113 London, 148, 149 Memel, 187, 188, 191, 193, 196 Los Andes, 212, 219 Memoria Viva, 209 Los Cerillos, 215 Mémorial de la Shoah, 292 Loules, Vassilis, 107 Memorial to the Martyrs of the Lower, Wendy, 5 Deportation of 1962, 294 Lubezky, Roman, 219 Mendoza, 212 Ludwigslust Mengele, Josef, 11–26 interrogation, 95 Merkaz la-Golah be Italia (Centre for Lutherans, 88 the Diaspora in ), 170 Lwow, 214 Meseritz-Obrawalde, 35 Mettauer, Philipp, 4 Mexico, 207–225 M antisemitism in, 217 Machon, Roy, 265–268, citizenship, 216 273n41, 274n47 Holocaust survivors, 3, 207–225 compensation, 266 immigration to, 208–210, 213, 215, prison, 265, 273n41 218, 219, 225, 228n23 Magnussen, Karin, 15 Jewish community, 211, 217, 218 Mandl, Juan, 224 Jewish narratives, 214 Maquis, 286 Mexico City, 212, 217, 220 Marc, Huguette, 287, 288 national histories, 211 Marianske Lazne, 231, 235, 241 transitional narratives, 207–225 Marseilles, 212 Michaels, Rudy, 91 Marxist, 221 Michel, Ursula, 218 Massin, Benoit, 14, 21, 26n3 Middle East, 145 Matarasso, Isaac, 114 migrants, 146 Mauer-Öhling Mikveh Israel, 135 cemetery, 35 Milan, 14 murder of psychiatric patients, 32 Military Government and the United Sanatorium and Mental Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Hospital, 32, 39 Administration, 96 Mauthausen concentration camp, Military Intelligence Hall of Fame, 98 239, 261 Military Intelligence Training Mayer, Josef, 36, 43 Center (MITC) Mauer-Öhling People’s Court trial, Camp Ritchie, training exercises, 90 1948, 43 German and Austrian Jewish psychiatric patients, 43 emigres, U.S. Army, 90 McDonough, Frank, 67 Minden, 69 316 INDEX

Minister for Light Industry, 200 Natzweiler-Struthof, 261 Ministries of Foreign Relations, 213 Naumburg, 259 Mintz, Rivka, 17 Nazi Mischlinge, 16 Nazi hunter, 292 Mizrachi, 134 Nazism, rise of, 147 schools, 134 Neishtot, 191 Mizrahi, Estir, 113, 114 Neologs, 167 Mizrahi, Haim, 114 Neo-Nazism, 240 Mizrahi, Leon (also referred to Arieh , 215 Mizrahi), 113, 114 Neuengamme Concentration Modernist Movement, 278 Camp, 93, 261 Mogilev Mengele, Josef, 16 ghetto social and economic New York City (NY), 127, 128, 133, stratifcation, 54 138, 278 Transnistria, Jewish deportation, 50 New Zealand, 169 Mokhtari, Fariborz L., 125 Nice, 19 Molho, Rabbi Michael, 110 Nicholls, Nancy, 5 Monowitz, 18 Niedernhart-Linz, 33 Montalva, Eduardo Frei, 221 Nir, Yehudit, 53 Monterrey, 217 Nissim, Yitzhak, 114 Mordtransporte, 34 Nitsche, Paul, 34 Moscow, 192, 196, 197 Normandy, 261 Moss, Rosette, 284, 285 Northern Bukovina Mostny, Marion, 221 deportation, 56 Mozes Kor, Eva, 19–21 Scazinet ̧ camp, Jewish Mukachevo, 186, 218 deportees, 56 Müller-Hill, Benno, 13, 14 Norwegian, 236 , 243, 265 Novitch, Miriam, 107 German-Jewish emigration, 88 Nuremberg, 93, 96, 97, 239, 242 prisoner of war screening, 94 German Quaker colony, 70 Munkács, 17 Nuremberg Law, 72, 88, 242 The Museum of Modern Art, 278 Nyiszli, Miklós, 13, 18, 19, 25 Muslims, 294

O N Oberstabsarzt, 34 Nachman, Eftychia, 107 Oberursel, 95 Nar, Almpertos, 107 Odessa, 192 National Socialism, see Third Reich Ofer, Dalia, 4, 152 Narodnyi Komissariat Vnutrennikh Offer, Moshe, 20, 28n33 Del [People’s Commissariat of Offce of Military Government, Internal Affairs]) (NKVD), Germany, 96 126, 194 Omer, Devora, 137 INDEX 317

Operation Barbarossa, 49 Paraguay, 208, 211 Oppenheimer, Jaroslav, 15 Pardo-Asser, Rozina, 107 Oppenheimer, Zdenek, 15 , 107, 261, 278, 279, 281–283, Oradour-sur-Glane, 239 286, 287, 290–292 Organisation for Rehabilitation liberation of, 288 through Training (ORT), 152 prisons, 261 Organisation of Jewish Refugees in Paris Peace Treaty Conference, 168 Italy (OJRI), 170 Parliamentary Commissioner for Orphanage Asylum Committee, 111 Administration, 271 Osherovitz, Hirsh, 197 Partido Revolucionario Institucional Oświecim̨ (Auschwitz), 23 (PRI), 211 , 217 Patt, Avinoam, 136 Ovitz, Perlach, 23, 24 Pearlman, Maurice, 155 Ovitz, Shinshon, 25 Pennsylvania German-Jewish emigration, 88 Quaker emigration, 69 P Penslar, Derek, 90 Pahlavi (port), 128 People’s Court, 33, 42 Pahlavi, Mohammed Reza, 126 Sanatoria and Mental Hospital Trial, Pahlavi, Reza Shah, 126 1948, 43 Palestine, 146–152, 154–158, 160, Perestroika, 199 166, 168–170, 176–178, 181n8, Persian, 128 184n67, 212 Pétain, Philippe, 279 citizenship, 155 Piekut-Warszawska, Elěbieta, 21 emigration from, 166, 169, 178 Pingusson, Georges-Henri, 294 immigration to, 3, 111 Pinochet, Augusto, 212, 222 Jewish community, 148 dictatorship, 212, 222 Mandate Palestine, 125–139, 146 Pissirilo, Reveka, 109, 110, 112 Palestinian organisations, Pithiviers, 283 150, 152 Plan for War Children, 111 Palestinians, 145, 153, 157, 158 , 134, 136, 166, 185, 191, partition of, 151 210, 214, 224, 264 postwar resettlement, child refugees, administration, 130 3, 125–139 archives in, 238 social resettlement, 152 army, 126–129, 132, 133 Paneriai, 197 child camps, Iran, 129 Papadopoulos, Eufmia, 117 criminal prosecutions, 240 Papadopoulos, Isaac, 112, 114, 117 emigration from, 191 Papadopoulou, Athina, 112 , social and economic Papadopoulou, Mimitsa, 112, stratifcation, 55 114, 117 , 96 Papadopoulou, Vlampia, 112 non-Jewish refugees, 125 318 INDEX

Poland (cont.) resistance, 67–79 Polish-Soviet, 126 See also Society of Friends refugees, 130, 133 Quäkerspeisung, 69–71, 82n34 resettlement of Poles, 192 Quiriquina, 222 Soviet-occupied Polish territory, 126 Polish Main Commission for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes, 231 R Popular Unity, 212, 222, 225 Rabinowitz, Mika, 191, 193, 198 emigration, 222 Raider, Mark, 152 Prague Pathological Institute of the Raisko, 13, 18, 19, 22, 24 German University, 19 Ramler, Sig, 96 Pramer, Leopold, 42 Ravensbrück, 261 Praěmowska, Jadwiga, 19 Red Cross, 110, 112, 281, 289–292 Preparatory Commission of the IRO American Red Cross, 130, 131 (PCIRO), 170, 173, 174 holding installation, Price, Evelyn, 5 Theresienstadt, 12 Prisoner of war, 264, 279 International Committee of the Red camps, 255, 270 Cross (ICRC), 256, 258 compensation, 263, 269 Jewish orphan, foster families, 110 detention, 292 liberation, 289 The Great Escape, 263, 273n33 Quaker War Relief, 71 POWs in Drancy, 281–283 Russian Red Cross, 131 Probst, Christopher, 72 Reichenbach, Ephraim, 25 of Bohemia and Reichenbach, Tibi, 25 Moravia, 35 Reichenberg, Ephraim, 17 Protestants Reichenberg, László, 17 German and Austrian Jewish Reich Research Council, 18 U.S. troops, 91 Reichsarbeitsgemeinschaft (Reich Nazi religious policies, 72 Working Group), 33 Quaker war aid, 73 Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA), Psychiatric Sanatorium and Mental Reich Main Security Offce, 13 Hospital, 4 Reichsstatthalter, 36 Puzyna, Dr Martina, 18–20 Reichsstatthalterei Niederdonau psychiatric patients, cemetery, 36 Reich governor, transfer of mentally Q ill patients, 41 Quaker International Centre, 71 Reichsthaler, Elfriede, 268 Quaker Meeting for Sufferings, 68 Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden Quäker-Hilfe, 79, 86n66 (Reich Association of Jews in Quakerhouse, 75, 77 Germany), 74 Quakers Reimers, Carl, 34 Jewish evacuation, 74 Reisch, Otto, 34 INDEX 319

Reiss, Emil, 40, 41 Russia, 153, 191, 196 Relief and Rehabilitation mentally ill prisoners of war, 35 Administration (UNRRA), northern, 126 170–172, 174 Russian language, 195, Religious Society of Friends 197, 199–201 postwar survival, 78 schools in, 189, 199 Quaker emigration, 69 See also /USSR Quaker resistance, 68 Rutenberg Educational Trust, 157 Resnais, Alain, 238 education and welfare, 158 Revah, Jacques, 110 seminars, 157, 158 Review Offce of the Rome Intake Centre, 179 Riga, 219 S Rikleris Jakovas, 191 Sachsenhausen concentration Ringel, Anita, 214 camp, 17, 267 Roger, Ada, 137 Safronovas, Vasilijus, 187 Roger, David, 127 Salvation Army, 78 Roma, 11, 12, 15, 22, 24 Samarkand, 126 Roman Catholic, 179 San Antonio, 220 , 222 Sanciai concentration camp, 219 Djurin Ghetto, social critique, 62 Santa Cesarea Terme, 172, 175 government, 51–60 Santa Maria al Bagno, 172, 175 Mengele, Josef, 17 Santa Maria di Leuca, 172 Rădăuti,̧ Jewish deportation, 49 Santiago, 212, 215, 217, 218, 221, Suceava, Jewish deportation, 65n11 223, 224 See also Transnistria Şargorod, 51, 53, 58, 65n10, 65n11 Rome, 179 Sawicki, Jerzy, 240 Rose, Alison, 151 Scazinet ̧ camp, 56, 65n6 Rosen, Sara, 4 Schaary, David, 155 Rosenstein, Bernardo, 224 Scharpf, Michael Rosenstiel, Werner von institutional director, German and Austrian emigration, 88 Mauer-­Öhling, 43 Rosenstrauch, Dr. Max Mauer-Öhling People’s Court trial, Jewish Council chair, Djurin 1948, 34, 36, 41, 43 Ghetto, 53, 65n11 Schicker, Josef, 41 Kunstadt, critique of, 59 Schiff, Anna, 224 Ross, Magda, 128, 132 Schiff, Blake (Boris), 224 Rothfels, Hans, 67 Schiff, Irene, 224 Rotterdam, 239 Schifter, Richard Roussos, Salomon, 113 Austrian Jewish emigration, Rückerl, Adalbert, 238, 240 U.S. Army, 92 Rusinek, Kazimierz, 239–241 denazifcation, 96 320 INDEX

Schik, Hanni, 20 Drancy internment, 280, 283 Schik, Hedi, 20 Seine Offce for Public Housing, 277 Schik, Josef, 20 Seiner, Hana, 15, 16 Schloss Hartheim, 32, 33 Seiner, Milada, 15 Schmied, Irene, 219 Seiner, Milan, 15 Schmitt, Hans, 90 Selinger, Shlomo, 290, 291 Schmutz, Josef, 39, 40 , 35 epilepsy, death of, 40 Seventh Day Adventists psychiatric patient, disappearance of, 78 institutionalization, 38 Third Reich, Free Church, 73 Schoenack, J. F., 178 Sharett, Moshe, 129 Schrafstetter, Susanna, 263 Sharett, Tziporah, 129 Schratt, Katharina, 32 Shvartsman, Yakov, 192 (SS), 240, 289 Siberia, 126, 188, 191 Ahnenerbe, 12 exile in, 188, 191 doctors, 11, 15, 24, 25 Sichel, Rudolf, 93 treatment of Quakers, 76 Siebert, Franz “Wiking” Division, 13 Mauer-Öhling, People’s Court Trial, Schweitzer, Jacques, 280, 282 34, 39, 41, 43 Drancy Internment, 280 senior physician, Mauer-Öhling, Sébikhotane, 224 male ward, 39 Second World War/World War II, Sikorski-Mayski agreement, 126 107, 108, 146, 166, 169, 186, Silberstein, Viorica, 222, 223 187, 191, 201, 211, 233, 234, Siman, Yael, 5 259, 263, 264, 267, 273n38, 291 Simcha, Alexandros, 107 child refugees, 125–139 Simone, Sergio de, 16 Djurin, Jewish deportation, 51 Simonsohn, Luis, 215 Greek winter famine 1941/42, 107 Sinti, 11, 12, 15, 22, 24 historiography, 88 Skovronski, Jack, 128, 132 international organisation, 166 Slomowicz, 24 postwar Soviet relations, 97 , 35 prisoners of war, 97 Snieszko,́ Tadeusz, 19 public memory, 264, 267, 273n38 Social Property Area, 222 Quaker resistance, 69, 74 Social Democrats, 237, 242 United States army, 88, 100n6 German resistance, 67 Secretary of State for Foreign Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Affairs, 253 Français (SNCF), 291 Seelmann, Gunter, 222 Society for the Protection of the emigration, 222 Israelite Immigrant, 213 Popular Unity, 222 Soussi, Rosa, 107 Segall, Eliahu, 129 South Africa, 168 Sehn, Dr Jan, 231 Southern Bukovina, 4, 49, 52, 53, 56 Seidman, Raymond, 280, 281, Soviet Commission on German 283, 284 Crimes, 14 INDEX 321

Soviet Union/USSR, 126, 128, Stavenhagen, 18 139n6, 165–168, 186–189, 191, Steiner, Jiří, 15, 16 193–195, 197, 201, 220, 222, Steiner, Zdenek, 15 233, 235, 239, 240 Steinhof businesses, 189 Am Steinhof, psychiatric hospital, 35 civilian labourers, psychiatric murder of psychiatric patients, 32 patients, 35, 126 Stern, Guy denazifcation, 97 German-Jewish emigres, 87, 92 economy, 186, 189, 201 postwar Holocaust engagement, 92 evacuation, 191, 195, 201 Sternbach, Klara, 218 Great Patriotic War, 197 Steyr, 36 immigrants, 189, 193 Stöckler, Lajos, 168 Kunstadt diary, 55 Strasbourg, 19, 220 liberation, 165, 167 Streicher, Julius, 96 military, 186, 201 (SA) Polish-Jews, 3 Brigadearzt, liquidation of prisoners of war, 239 psychiatric patients, 35 propaganda, 233, 240 Mauer-Öhling, doctor Red Army, 51, 188, 191, 192, 194 membership, 35 refugees in, 125–138 psychiatric patients’ cemetery, 36 repatriation from, 166 Stutthof concentration camps, 188, secret police, 126 193, 194, 239 Sovietisation, 201 satellite camps, 193 threat of, 97 Suez, 134 , 222 Supreme Headquarters Allied Spain Expeditionary Force citizenship, 113 (SHAEF), 173 Judeo-Spanish heritage, 116 Syrians, 145 Spanish Civil War, 212 Szold, Henrietta, 133, 134, 136, Spanish language, 215 137, 154 Spear, Hans, 92 Spicer, Kevin, 72 Spiegel, Ernst (later Zvi), 17 T Spiegel, Magda, 21 Tampico, 212, 217, 220 St. Pölten, 32 Taylor, A. J. P., 67 Stadelheim, 265–268, Taylor, John (Ulrich Johannes 273n41, 274n47 Wolfgang Schneider), 221 Stalag Gneixendorf-Krems, 35 Tehran Stalin, Josef, 240 refugees, 3, 5, 125–139 antisemitism, 244 Tehran Children, 126, dictatorships, 167 134, 136–138 , 186 Temuco, 212, 218, 221, 224 State Police State Protection Jewish community, 217 Department (ÁVO), 167 Terry, Eli, 268 322 INDEX

Terry, Paul, 268 , 16 The National Archives (TNA), deportation, Mengele, 16 258–260, 271n2, 272n17, Troyes, 261 272n18, 273n28 Tuck, Frank, 262 Theresienstadt, 12, 13, 15, 16, 22, 25 Turkey, 133 Thessaloniki, 107, 108, 110–115 citizenship, 113, 114 fring squad in, 112, 113 Tyrol Jewish community, 113, 115 Hall, psychiatric hospital, patient Thilo, Heinz, 25 burial, 35 Third Army, (U.S.) South Tyrol, 35, 43 Headquarters, 94 prisoner of war, denazifcation screening, 97 U Third Reich, 72, 77 UCLA Drama School, 116 Christian church and, 72 Ukraine, 195, 196, 199 crimes of, 3 Czernowitz (Cernăuti),̧ 50, 191 religion in, 72 Djurin Ghetto, social resistance to, 77 critique, 54–57 victim groups, persecution, 3, 72 mentally ill prisoners of war, 35 Ticase, 175 Romanian exploitation of, 51 Tiergartenstraße 4 Ukrainian Jews, Djurin Reich Working Group, 33 Ghetto, 54, 59 Sanatoria and Mental Hospitals, 33 Union générale des israélites de France Tisné, Dr Jean, 282 (UGIF), 288 Tomasek, Vaclav, 19 Union of Fighters for Freedom and Torreón, 217 Democracy (ZBoWiD), 239 Toruń, 194 United Nations, 170 Trani, 175, 176, 178, 179 Palestine, 151 registration, 176, 178, 179 protection of, 2 Trans-Iranian Railway, 128 United States Holocaust Memorial Transnistria Museum, 14 Djurin Ghetto, 55, 63, 64 United States of America exploitation of Jewish labour, 52 antisemitism in, 90 Jewish councils, 52 army, 87–99 Jewish deportation, 49 Camp Ritchie, citizenship, multi-ethnic and multi-national, 4 90–92, 97–99 Transylvania declaration of war, 87 Maramureş, twin deportation, 24 intelligence, 190 Northern, 22 liberation, 87–99 Treblinka, 109 Maryland, 90 Tricase Porto, 172 Quakers, 69 Triest, Howard relief services, 148 German-Jewish emigration, 88 Rhode Island, 69 INDEX 323

South Dakota, 88 Vitebsk, 220 Texas, 220 Viteles, Harry, 128, 130, 140n8 University of California at Berkeley, 98 Völklein, Ulrich, 21 Urban, Florian, 278, 290 Volksdeutsche Uruguay, 208, 211 1945 expulsion, 67 USC Shoah Foundation, 187 Mittelstelle, ethnic german Mengele, Josef, 14 agency, 35 Visual History Archive, 14, 108 Volkskammer, 235 Utz, Josef Volkspfege (care for the people), 36 Mauer-Öhling, female ward, 34 Vollet, Robert, 235 Mauer-Öhling People’s Court, 1948, 34, 36, 43 Uzbekistan, 126, 127 W Uzhhorod, 186 Wachsmann, Nikolaus, 21 Waffen-SS, 244 Mengele, Josef, 13, 18 V Waidhofen an der Ybbs, 33 Valdivia, 217 Wallfsh, Claude Elise, 290 Valparaíso, 212, 218 Walter, Colonel Mercer G., 97 Vareikis,Vygantas, 187 Warburg, Gisela, 133 Varna, 216 Warsaw, 190, 224, 232, 239 Vélodrome d’hiver (Vel’ d’hiv’), 283 Ghetto, 92, 238 Venezuela Washington, 148, 160 transitional history, 219, 224, 225 Wayne State University, 98 Veracruz, 212, 217 , 244, 279 Verbovčiki, 190 German and Austrian emigres, 88 Vergangenheitspolitik, 234 medical offcer, 34 Verschuer, Otmar von, 14, 15, reserve hospital, 34 18, 23, 25 war criminals, 244 Vexler, Yancou, 19 Weil, Marc-Adrien, 289 Vichy, 279, 288 Weill, Roger, 289 Vienna, 178, 268 Weindling, Paul, 4 Austrian-Jewish emigration, 92 West German Central Association of Greater Vienna, 34 Democratic Resistance Fighters Mauer-Öhling, municipal and Persecutees’ Organisations crematoria, 36 (ZDWV), 236 people’s Court, state prosecutor’s Westbahn, 32 offce, 43 , 147 Quaker colony, 69, 70, 82n27 Whitehall, 146, 148, 149, 160 Steinhof, murder of psychiatric Whitney Museum of American patients, 32 Art, 292 Vilijampole, 219 Widawski, Sara, 193, 194, 198 , 187, 188, 192, 193, 197, 199 Willmott, Lauren, 6, 258 324 INDEX

Wirths, Eduard, 15 Yugoslavia, 167, 231 Wise, John Macgregor, 287, 289 refugees, 109, 110 Wöbbelin, 93, 95 Wolfowitz, Danielle, 214 Wright, Frank Lloyd, 278 Z Würzburg, 34 Zaborowski, Dr Jan, 241, 242 statute of limitations, 241 Zagreb, 94 X Zajbert, Bronislaw, 218 Xylotymbou, 146, 151, 154, 156 Zigeunerfamilienlager (Gypsy Family Camp), 12 , 136, 147, 151 Y educational work programmes, 147 , 108, 114 female identity, 151 Righteous among the Nations, international organisation, 167 108, 114, 117 Jewish youth movements, Yale University, 98 136, 154 Yiddish, 199 organizations, 201 , 148 political agenda, 152, 154 , 127 Socialist-Zionist, 129, 134 child refugees, 127 Zisblatt, Irena, 20 education and welfare, 154 Zlamar, Vladimir, 19 programme, 154, 157, 158 Zombirt, Maria, 21 ’ Federation, 235 Zuckermann, Dr., 198