
INDEX1 A Albania, 4 Aaron, Ralph, 90 Albrecht, Hans Abeles, Elisabeth, 26 Enabling Act and, 72 Abelsova, Liza, 20 resistance, 72 Abrahamson, Beppy, 17 Alessandri, Arturo, 213 Abrahamson, Hetty, 17 Alexianu, Gheorghe, 52 Abschnitt, Bia, 23 Ali al-Kaylani, Rashid, 133 Adelsberger, Lucie, 21, 29n57 Aliyah, 111, 113, 168–170, 176, 180 Adenauer, Konrad, 235 Allende, Salvador, 212, 221, 222 Adler, Gilbert, 42, 47n38 election of, 222 Adorno, Theodor W., 278, 280, 295 Alliance Israélite Universelle, 110 Africa Allied Control Commission North, 280 (ACC), 170 West, 224 Allies, 165–167, 170, 291 Agrarian Reform, 222 armistice, 170 Aibling, 94, 95 carpet bombing, 67 prisoner of war screening centre, 94 Iranian rule, 126 Ain Harod, 137 Jewish survivor welfare, 95 Akrotiri, 145 liberation, 95, 165, 167 Aktion T4, 4 occupation zones, 148 euthanasia, 31 Alvo-Benveniste, Mari, 107 Mauer-Öhling People’s Court trial, America, see United States of America 1948, 43 American Jewish Committee, 234 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s) 2020 301 S. Bardgett et al. (eds.), Beyond Camps and Forced Labour, The Holocaust and its Contexts, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56391-2 302 INDEX American Joint Distribution Aser, Sara, 116 Committee (AJDC), 146, Asia 148, 170 middle, 195 American Legation, 130 Asia-Minor, 112 Amsterdam, 92 Assistant Secretary of State Amstetten for Human Rights and male sterilisation, 38 Humanitarian Affairs (now psychiatric hospital, 32, 33, 38 Assistant Secretary of State for Waidhofen, psychiatric Democracy, Human Rights, and cemetery, 33, 37 Labour), 99 Anders, General Władisław, 126 Atamukas, Solomonas, 187 Army, 126 Athens, 107, 110, 111, 113, Anger, Bert, 98 116, 212 Anglo-German Bilateral Atlantic, 149, 160 Agreement, 253–255 Atlit, 133 relations, 254 Auschwitz, 240, 243, 244, 250n48, Angress, Werner 263, 264, 266, 284, antisemitism, 90 286–288, 290 German-Jewish emigration, 90 Aussenlager, 13 Holocaust victims, 95 Birkenau, 11, 14–16, 18 postwar Holocaust engagement, 98 BIIe (Gypsy Family Camp), 14 Anschluss Crematorium 3, 18 impact of, 32–34 deportation, 284, 286–288 Mauer-Öhling, development of, 33 Frankfurt-Auschwitz Trial, 243 Anti-Fascist Committee Moscow, 21 memorial, 14 Antisemitism, 169, 199, 201, Mengele, Josef, 11–26 210–213, 217, 221, 271 survivors, 108, 109, 111, 113, 116, American prejudice, 89 218, 222 Jewish emigration, 89, 169 Zwillingslager, 18 Apulia, 5, 165–180 Australia, 129, 168, 169, 179 displaced persons, 165–180 emigration, 168, 169 liberation, 169 Mengele, Josef, 14 refugees, 166, 169–173 Austria, 166, 178, 183n59, 231 Arabs, 147 doctors, 33, 34, 43 Arab revolt, 1936–39, 147 German-Austrian, 218 Jewish migration in relation to, 147 German perpetrator blame, 33 Arendt, Hannah, 67 government, 236 Argentina, 208, 211, 213, 217, 219, Jewish emigres U.S. army, 88 221, 224, 225, 225n3, Lower Austria, 32 226n3, 234 Lower Austrian State Archive, 32 immigration, 208, 217, 225n3 Mauer-Öhling People’s Court trial refugees, 213 1945, 36 Arndt, Adolf, 242 Nazi medical crimes, 4, 33 INDEX 303 Quaker war relief, 70 testimony, 107 Upper Austria, 32 Berger, Hanus, 96 Axmann, Julius, 36, 37 Berlin, Rabbi Meyer, 134 welfare institutions, 36 Berlin, 13, 284 antisemitism, 221 emigration, 87 B Gestapo headquarters, 76 Bacsi, Lajos, 19 Institute of Anthropological, Baghdad, 43 Biological and Racial Bailey, Brenda, 71, 80n7, Research, 19 82n27, 84n45 international Quaker offce, 73 Balkans, 94 Mauer-Öhling People’s Court trial, Balkan Wars, 106 1948, 33 Baltic Sea, 187, 194 Quaker war relief, 70 Baptists Reich Working Group, 33 Berlin World Congress, 73 Berlin Quaker Youth Group, 73 Third Reich, Free Church, 73 Berry, J. W., 215 Barackenlager 65, 35 Bertha, Hans, 34 Bari, 172, 175 Betar, 154, 155 Barletta, 175 Beyond Camps and Forced Barna, Ildikó, 5 Labour (BCFL) Bataille, Georges, 281 conference, 1, 2, 4, 6 Baum, Kurt, 284, 286 Beyth, Hans, 154 Beaudouin, Eugène, 278, 294 Binder, Max, 264 Beaune-la-Rolande, 283 Bitola, 109 Becker, Maximilian, 6 Bloomsbury House, 75, 84n46 Bejarano, Alberto, 216 Bnei Akiva, 154 Belarus, 107 Bohener, RC, 269, 271 Belgium Bojtar, Therese, 17 resistance, 235, 237 Boksbaum, David, 56 Socialist Party, 237 Bolivia, 208, 211, 225 Ben-Asher, Moshe, 131 Bonn, 236, 237, 240, 242, Benda, Ernst, 237 254, 271n8 statute of limitations, 242 Botton, Julio, 216 Bendersky, Joseph, 98 Bracey, Bertha Benjamin, Walter, 289 Jewish evacuation, 74 Berelovičius, Šimonas, 201 Quaker war relief, 70 Berelowitz, Chana, 191 Bratislava, 178 Berelowitz, Mordechai, 191 Brazil, 208, 211, 213 Berelowitz, Necha, 191 refugees, 213 Berelowitz, Shlomo, 191 Breslau, 18 Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Breuer, Marcel, 292 239, 261, 267 Bricha, 167, 170, 177, 181n8 304 INDEX Britain/United Kingdom (UK), Bullenhuser Damm, 16 126, 145–149, 160, 253, 256, Bund der Verfolgten des Nazi-Regimes 257, 259–262, 264, 270, (BVN), 236, 239 271n8, 273n8 Bundestag, 237, 238, 242–244 army, 132, 133, 135, 267 statute of limitations, 242 British Isles, 259 Bundeswehr, 240 colonialism, 146, 149, 280 Butenandt, Adolf, 25 concentration camp experience, 255 Butler, Richard, 253 Britain/United Kingdom (UK) government, 69, 74, 79, 254 Jewish evacuation, 74 C Jewish immigration, 149 California, 221 Mandate of Palestine, 146 Camacho, Ávila, 213 national identity, 267 Camhi-Sefcha, Nelli, 107 Parliament, 69, 254 Camp Ritchie Quakers, relations with, 70 citizenship, 91 Quaker volunteer aid, 69 culture, 90 refugees, 254 psychological warfare, 90 Royal Navy, 154 Canada, 169, 179, 219, 221, victim compensation, 6, 253–271 223, 225 victims, Nazi persecution, 253–271 Quakers, 77 British Foreign Offce, 78 CANDLES Holocaust Museum and British Second Army, 95 Education Center, 14 Brno (Brünn), 19 Caraolos, 146, 150, 159 Bruhns, Friedrich Karl, 88 internment prison camps, 146 Bucci, Andra (Alessandra), 16, 17 Cárdenas, Lázaro, 213 Bucci, Tatiana (Liliana), 16, 17 Care and maintenance (CM/1), Bucharest 171–175, 177–180, 183n60, Jewish community, 62 183n61, 184n69 Lipmann Kunstadt, newspaper, 50 Carpathians, 22 Buchenwald Concentration Camp Carpatho-Ruthenia, 17 Quakers in, 76–78, 84n45, 85n57 Carr, Gilly, 6, 258, 260, 272n17 Bucher, Ewald, 237, 238, 244 Cary, Mary, 70 statute of limitations, 238 Cary, Richard, 70 war crime trials, 238 Caskey, Edward A., 92 Budapest, 166, 169, 176, 178 Caspian Sea, 126, 128 Jews, 166, 169, 176 Cassuto, Berry, 109 Buenos Aires, 212 Castañeda, Ernesto, 217 Bug River Catchpool, Corder, 70 deportation, 49 Catchpool, Gwen, 70 Djurin Ghetto, 57, 63, 66n15 Catholics, 216 (see also Transnistria) Church, 72, 73 Bulgaria, 111, 121n29 emigration, 88 INDEX 305 Central Jewish Board (KIS), 108, 111, Chulsky, Juzef, 192 113, 114 CISROCO (Comité Israelita de Central Name Index (CNI), 173 Socorros), 218 Central Offce of the State Justice Cité de la Muette, 277–279, Administration for the 291, 294–297 Investigation of National Socialist architecture, 277 Crimes, 238 historical monument, 291 Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Clairvaux, 261 Contemporanea (CDEC), 14 Cluj (Klausenburg, or Kolozsvár), 18 Cerda, Pedro Aguirre, 213 Cohen, Rachel, 107 Cesarani, David, 1, 7n1 Cohen, Salomon, 111 Châlons-sur-Marne, 261 Cohen-Rodriguez, Abel, 286, 287 Channel Islands, 259–262, 264, 266, Cohen-Rodriguez, Maurice, 286 267, 270 Cohen-Rodriguez, Michelle, 285, 287 compensation, 259, 260 drancy internment, 285 deportations, 260, 261 Cohn, Dora, 224 political prisoners, 260 Cold War, 2, 3, 6, 146, 233, 234, Charter of the United Nations, 239 237, 245n4 Chenin, Fernande (née ideology, 234 Magalnik), 288–291 propaganda, 233 deportation, 289 prosecution of war criminals, 236 Cherche-Midi, 261 US Greek orphan adoption, 107 Chile, 207–225 Cologne, 96 citizenship, 216 Colombia, 208 Communist Party, 212 Comité International de Camps dictatorship, 211, 212, 222 (CIC), 237 Holocaust survivors, 3, 207–225 Comité Israelita de Socorros immigration, 208–210, 213–215, (CISROCO), 218 217, 224, 225 Communism, 177, 178, 210, 222 Jewish narratives, 207–225 anti-communist, 171 national histories, 211 arrests, 178 Socialist Party, 212 German resistance, 67 transnational narratives, 207–225 Greek Civil War, 107 Chillán, 221 ideology, 169 China, 221 regime, 168, 171, 180 Christian Democratic, 237 Compiègne, 261 Christians, 113, 116, 132 Concepción, 222 Christian Saints, 78 Conrad, Colonel G. Bryan, 97 Church, 72 Conway, John S., 72 German and Austrian emigres, 88 Cordillera, 224 Greek Christian, 113 Corfu, 107, 114, 122n42 religious concepts, 72 Cracow, 110, 224 resistance, 67, 69, 72 Crinis, Max de, 34 306 INDEX Croatia, 94 Displaced person (DP), 136, 147, Cuba, 208, 220 148, 152–154, 165, 166, Cyprus, 145–160 169–175, 182n21, education welfare, 157 182n24, 182n26 internment camps, 6, 145–160 camps, 136, 147, 152, 154, Jewish life, 146, 147 165–180, 185 political agendas, 152–154 emigration, 3 refugee community, 149 maintenance, 4 rehabilitation, 145–160 milieus, 3 work programmes, 150, 151 resettlement, 4 Czech, Danuta, 13, 15–17, 20, 22 Djurin Czechoslovakia, 178, 218, 220, 222, deportation, 53 231, 235 ghetto, 50–54, 63, 65n11 international Quaker appeal ghetto community, 51 assistance, 71 ghetto social and economic Mengele and, 13, 15–17, 20, 22 stratifcation, 54 Jewish community, 51 Jewish council, social critique of, D 53, 56–62 Dachau concentration camp, Romanian authorities, 53 188, 194, 219, 269 (see also Transnistria) Damascus, 43 Dniester River Darnton, Lawrence, 72 smuggling, 54 Davidoff, Ana, 220 Transnistria, 49, 50, 54 Davidoff, Simon,
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