Root. Walter Bros
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^ VOL. XXII, • NO. 1. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1910. 81.50 PER YEAR _L treasurer to discount notei for $3,000 THB COLT ESTATE CBAltGES HAHDS. BRIEF COUNCIL MEETING for current expenses. J A resolution* was adopted ordering HOLY NAME PARM IN—SANDPIT ——-=—The Colt estate has— been I - • i that a draft be drawn for $20.54 to re- Oscar Daniels, a prominenen soltd to Mr. I FRESH BREAD imburse Mrs. Ellen Crosby .for taxes builder and civil engineer, who residebridges L| Delivered Dally. _ erroneously paid for the years 1903-1909 IntheW.H. Wheeler house on Cres-i inclusive on a lot she did not own. SonuDltWlll be Represented at ftpe Boys Smotbered In Sand cent avenue. ~"' * .' stile Removed on Time For the Street Committee, Mr. Ferry Chatham To-morrow TMa large estate which Is located in stated that the complaint of Jacob Wen Bank CaraJDponThfim the western section of Summit and FnTERER'S ROLLS^ Members of the Holy Name societies Mantel in reference to a bill of $3.0C Burled beneath ton»"ofKmdinaund ——FOB BREAKFAST. for cleaning gutters was uncollectible, of the Morristown district, 2,000 strong pit Sear tho West Summit station p: chased by the Colt brothers in the-£irly you've REPORT OF DOG WARDEN and the bill had been ordered cancelled. will parade at Chatham tomorrow. The tfieTasttTo ana ueuware orancn or thi sixties and upon the highest point making He reported that the request for cross- HorrWown society, headed by Father Ltckawanna Railroad, Saturday las erected a brick mansion which basforbed tlir CAKES, PIES walks and,gutteruon. Walnut street^;Brown, and President Chirles Whah' the lifeless bodies of-William B. Spin years been one of the show pUcesoff and the Twelfth Regiment (N. Y. N. 0. would be attended ttq as soon aa. nlng, aged 11 yean; Junior Walsh, 11 Summit and can be seen for a treat Street Repair Work ana Scwen Profress- Band, will have the head of the lim ANDPASTRIES, possible, and that the request of Charles years old, and Wilbur Kendall, 7 years, many miles, from the surroondlng^ br—Dorcmtu Street Opaitaf—Uck oi with GOO men., The parade'wilt form at were dug out by willing hands, bu '••It to FRESH ETEBT DiT. Gustavson atid Carl Peterson for per- country. Care tor StttdeTtte* mission to lay sidewalks on Shadyslde 2 o'clock at the Chatham station of the they were already beyond human aid or elf Kill Lackawanna Railroad. Information of the disaster flew ovel This building~vrar~Sccupled•T' i*,ndllne- avenue and Bellevue avenue had been several years by Qu«tav Schwab of the | . With the exception of Councilman granted. Other societies in line will be tho! the .town as on wings of the wind, ch nt)( MacCutcheon, all the members were of St Patrick's Church, Mendham, wherever it touched it left sorrow, North German Lloyd Steamship line., EMIL FITTERERr ;"•' present when President MemlLcalled' Mr. Ferry stated that the Street De- In 1903 the place was rented and used partment had been engaged during the Father Maher, 50 members; St Her And the expressions of sympathy foi 373 Springfield Ave., Summit the Council to order en Tuesday night nard's Bernardsyille, Father Ryan, IOC the bereaved ones wero many and from by the Summit Sanitarium under the( The monthly: report of this Building past two weeks repairing the roads In direction of Dr. Rcinle, and later pur-i the central part of the city and putting members; ^St. .Mary's of Dover, 300, the heart. Inspector, S. L. Wright, showed that Father Carew; Sacred Heart of Dover, chased by. Dr( Ofney.The -property OT( permits had been issued for the month the same in condition for the winter; To the broken hearted fathers, also contains four cottages. The pur- that the eastern section of • the-Bou)e- 150, Father Condon; St Mary's Whip- mothers, brothers and sisters, we ex- of September for buildings and im- pany, Father Clifford, 60; St. Patrick's chase price was about $100,000. Tho E T. Burroughs & Son. provements amounting to $43,625. Hevard had been resurfaced where, tend the sympathy of -the entire com- lease of the sanitarium expires, in 1911. necessary, and that work was now in Chatham, Father Keyes, 100; St Rose'B nranlty. May that peace which passe In also reported, that ill compliance with a Summit, Father Purcell, 100; St Vir- notice sent to the D., L. * W. R. R, progress on Prospect and High streets; aUunderstanding come to them from that Pine Grove avenue from Spring- gi(lis, Morris Plains, Father O'Ncil, 100; Qne*whb cares for each little sparrow CODKTY COURTS. IRKS officials, the turnstile on the bridge 1 SLVJncentVMadison, Rev.'Dr. Mac- field avenuelto Blatkburn road would (hat falls. ^~" : ; ;0P8.~ « NDERTAKERSand connecting the two'railroad- stations Dowel!, 200. The fall term of the Union County be next taken up and that street put in The children were at play in the pi had been removed within the time re- Court opened at Elizabeth Tuesday be- proper condition. After tho.parade the exercisejof the wlien,.without warning, theearth abov< quested. fore Supremo Court Justice'James J. I day will be held .on thegronnds of the cavedfln. Robert Walsh, 8 years old, The report of Elmer Day, the Dog They also found that Beekman road, Bergen. ' The*'* calendar consists of I parochial school. Addresses will be brother of one of the victims,' saw the Warden, was received and filed and *n the lower section was badly in need :hirty-six Supreme Court cases, eigh-.f EMBALMERS . .. delivered by the Rev. George F. Brown, feet of one of tho children protruding . showed that tags had been issued since <f repair on account of the surface hav leen Circuit Court cases and three In- ng been ruined by automobiles, and of. Morristown, and ^Congressman J. A. from tho sand, and running to the his appointment for 192 male and 37 justice Appeal s'uits* .i>lrJ Hamill, of Jersey City. The addresses .homo of Harry B. Spinning, father o! female dogs,- that he had served 175 that it would need a coating of stone, ~ Justice Bergen, in his charge to the if* Springfield Avenue, will be followed by the singing of the William, told him that the boys were notices and as a result of which 147 after which it would be * thoroughly grand jury, dwelt onnumerous alleged * •' national anthem. • .'• • . covered over with sand. With the aid SUMMIT, New Jersey. tags were procured; 25 persons served tiled, which would make violations of the excise'law'in the Benediction -will be pronounced by of neighbors, Mr. Spinning duff out the with.- the notices failed to procure ••ermanent improvement . county. He also called attention to the Telephone The last car of oil had been received the Rev. Father Keyes, assisted by the lifeless bodies. license tags, and the names of these Rev. Dr. J. W. McDowell and Father killing of a man at Scotch Plhins by be- parties had been turned over to Justice and the final oiling of the streets would As had been their custom, the little ng run down by an automobile.. lie completed this week. 'urcell. The instrumental-music~wili feflows were engaged in digging . Hlie^s for prosecution, in two cases In referring to an affray in Plainfleld, | be rendered by the Twelfth regiment houses ouf of the sand in the pit. when Sentence was suspended; one dog des- An ordinance was presented pro- when a man was stabbed—to—death band, and the Boy's Choir of the their lives were crushed out. William troyed by owner and three dogs des- nding for the opening and grading of lustlce Bergen said the assailant I Church of the Assumption, of Morris^ B. Spinning Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN R. (ROOT. troyed in the tank. He reported that Doremus street,- from Elm street to ihould be indicted for murder unless it I town, will be the chanters. Harry Spinning,,_of Passoic avenue- the total number of tags issued since Sayre street, was read and referred to was clearly proved to the satisfaction | Junior Walsh is a son of Mr. and Mrs. January 1, to date, was for 414 males the Law and Ordinance Committee. of the jury that the act was done in tho f Y..M. C. A. MOTES. John B. Walsh, of Springfield avenue. and 56 females. Uso an ordinance providing for grad- heat of passion and without premedita- ing and macadamizing of Sayre street, Wilbur Kendall's father is employed as A notice was received from the Joint tion. Charles P. Russ, of Elizabeth, is | Plumbing from Morris avenue to Doremus'street, On Wednesday evening,. October 5, engineer in the Millburn Electric Com. Meeting for the assessment for the ;he foreman of "the Grand Jury. Sum- which was read and referred to Law it 8 o'clock, the Bullding-Commlttce-of-j-panyVplant-at~Millburn. Steam anclHot third quarter for Sufnmlt'o proportion mit id represented on Hie jury by and Ordinance Committee. the Y. M. C. A. met to receive bids Before leaving his home Saturday of maintenance of the Joint Sower, William H. Hall, of 393 Springfield ave- J?. AVE J^Tin nnd Sliee from the contractors. The name of the morning, Mr. Walsh, who'had learned amounting to t2l7J8B. which was re- Mr. deSelding. for the Water and nue. •" successful contractor will bo announced of the children's habit of playing in the ceived and Died, and later a resolution Light Committee, reported that the Jobbing promptly attended to.