
VOL. XXII, • NO. 1. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1910. 81.50 PER YEAR _L

treasurer to discount notei for $3,000 THB COLT ESTATE CBAltGES HAHDS. BRIEF COUNCIL MEETING for current expenses. J A resolution* was adopted ordering HOLY NAME PARM IN—SANDPIT ——-=—The Colt estate has— been I - • i that a draft be drawn for $20.54 to re- Oscar Daniels, a prominenen soltd to Mr. I FRESH BREAD imburse Mrs. Ellen Crosby .for taxes builder and civil engineer, who residebridges L| Delivered Dally. _ erroneously paid for the years 1903-1909 IntheW.H. Wheeler house on Cres-i inclusive on a lot she did not own. SonuDltWlll be Represented at ftpe Boys Smotbered In Sand cent avenue. ~"' * .' stile Removed on Time For the Street Committee, Mr. Ferry Chatham To-morrow TMa large estate which Is located in stated that the complaint of Jacob Wen Bank CaraJDponThfim the western section of Summit and FnTERER'S ROLLS^ Members of the Holy Name societies Mantel in reference to a bill of $3.0C Burled beneath ton»"ofKmdinaund ——FOB BREAKFAST. for cleaning gutters was uncollectible, of the Morristown district, 2,000 strong pit Sear tho West Summit station p: chased by the Colt brothers in the-£irly you've REPORT OF DOG WARDEN and the bill had been ordered cancelled. will parade at Chatham tomorrow. The tfieTasttTo ana ueuware orancn or thi sixties and upon the highest point making He reported that the request for cross- HorrWown society, headed by Father Ltckawanna Railroad, Saturday las erected a brick mansion which basforbed tlir CAKES, PIES walks and,gutteruon. Walnut street^;Brown, and President Chirles Whah' the lifeless bodies of-William B. Spin years been one of the show pUcesoff and the Twelfth Regiment (N. Y. N. 0. would be attended ttq as soon aa. nlng, aged 11 yean; Junior Walsh, 11 Summit and can be seen for a treat Street Repair Work ana Scwen Profress- Band, will have the head of the lim ANDPASTRIES, possible, and that the request of Charles years old, and Wilbur Kendall, 7 years, many miles, from the surroondlng^ br—Dorcmtu Street Opaitaf—Uck oi with GOO men., The parade'wilt form at were dug out by willing hands, bu '••It to FRESH ETEBT DiT. Gustavson atid Carl Peterson for per- country. Care tor StttdeTtte* mission to lay sidewalks on Shadyslde 2 o'clock at the Chatham station of the they were already beyond human aid or elf Kill Lackawanna Railroad. Information of the disaster flew ovel This building~vrar~Sccupled•T' i*,ndllne- avenue and Bellevue avenue had been several years by Qu«tav Schwab of the | . With the exception of Councilman granted. Other societies in line will be tho! the .town as on wings of the wind, ch nt)( MacCutcheon, all the members were of St Patrick's Church, Mendham, wherever it touched it left sorrow, North German Lloyd Steamship line., EMIL FITTERERr ;"•' present when President MemlLcalled' Mr. Ferry stated that the Street De- In 1903 the place was rented and used partment had been engaged during the Father Maher, 50 members; St Her And the expressions of sympathy foi 373 Springfield Ave., Summit the Council to order en Tuesday night nard's Bernardsyille, Father Ryan, IOC the bereaved ones wero many and from by the Summit Sanitarium under the( The monthly: report of this Building past two weeks repairing the roads In direction of Dr. Rcinle, and later pur-i the central part of the city and putting members; ^St. .Mary's of Dover, 300, the heart. Inspector, S. L. Wright, showed that Father Carew; Sacred Heart of Dover, chased by. Dr( Ofney.The -property OT( permits had been issued for the month the same in condition for the winter; To the broken hearted fathers, also contains four cottages. The pur- that the eastern section of • the-Bou)e- 150, Father Condon; St Mary's Whip- mothers, brothers and sisters, we ex- of September for buildings and im- pany, Father Clifford, 60; St. Patrick's chase price was about $100,000. Tho E T. Burroughs & Son. provements amounting to $43,625. Hevard had been resurfaced where, tend the sympathy of -the entire com- lease of the sanitarium expires, in 1911. necessary, and that work was now in Chatham, Father Keyes, 100; St Rose'B nranlty. May that peace which passe In also reported, that ill compliance with a Summit, Father Purcell, 100; St Vir- notice sent to the D., L. * W. R. R, progress on Prospect and High streets; aUunderstanding come to them from that Pine Grove avenue from Spring- gi(lis, Morris Plains, Father O'Ncil, 100; Qne*whb cares for each little sparrow CODKTY COURTS. IRKS officials, the turnstile on the bridge 1 SLVJncentVMadison, Rev.'Dr. Mac- field avenuelto Blatkburn road would (hat falls. ^~" : ; ;0P8.~ « NDERTAKERSand connecting the two'railroad- stations Dowel!, 200. The fall term of the Union County be next taken up and that street put in The children were at play in the pi had been removed within the time re- Court opened at Elizabeth Tuesday be- proper condition. After tho.parade the exercisejof the wlien,.without warning, theearth abov< quested. fore Supremo Court Justice'James J. I day will be held .on thegronnds of the cavedfln. Robert Walsh, 8 years old, The report of Elmer Day, the Dog They also found that Beekman road, Bergen. ' The*'* calendar consists of I parochial school. Addresses will be brother of one of the victims,' saw the Warden, was received and filed and *n the lower section was badly in need :hirty-six Supreme Court cases, eigh-.f EMBALMERS . .. delivered by the Rev. George F. Brown, feet of one of tho children protruding . showed that tags had been issued since lrJ Hamill, of Jersey City. The addresses .homo of Harry B. Spinning, father o! female dogs,- that he had served 175 that it would need a coating of stone, ~ Justice Bergen, in his charge to the if* Springfield Avenue, will be followed by the singing of the William, told him that the boys were notices and as a result of which 147 after which it would be * thoroughly grand jury, dwelt onnumerous alleged * •' national anthem. • .'• • . covered over with sand. With the aid SUMMIT, New Jersey. tags were procured; 25 persons served tiled, which would make violations of the excise'law'in the Benediction -will be pronounced by of neighbors, Mr. Spinning duff out the with.- the notices failed to procure ••ermanent improvement . county. He also called attention to the Telephone The last car of oil had been received the Rev. Father Keyes, assisted by the lifeless bodies. license tags, and the names of these Rev. Dr. J. W. McDowell and Father killing of a man at Scotch Plhins by be- parties had been turned over to Justice and the final oiling of the streets would As had been their custom, the little ng run down by an automobile.. lie completed this week. 'urcell. The instrumental-music~wili feflows were engaged in digging . Hlie^s for prosecution, in two cases In referring to an affray in Plainfleld, | be rendered by the Twelfth regiment houses ouf of the sand in the pit. when Sentence was suspended; one dog des- An ordinance was presented pro- when a man was stabbed—to—death band, and the Boy's Choir of the their lives were crushed out. William troyed by owner and three dogs des- nding for the opening and grading of lustlce Bergen said the assailant I Church of the Assumption, of Morris^ B. Spinning Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. JOHN R. (ROOT. troyed in the tank. He reported that Doremus street,- from Elm street to ihould be indicted for murder unless it I town, will be the chanters. Harry Spinning,,_of Passoic avenue- the total number of tags issued since Sayre street, was read and referred to was clearly proved to the satisfaction | Junior Walsh is a son of Mr. and Mrs. January 1, to date, was for 414 males the Law and Ordinance Committee. of the jury that the act was done in tho f Y..M. C. A. MOTES. John B. Walsh, of Springfield avenue. and 56 females. Uso an ordinance providing for grad- heat of passion and without premedita- ing and macadamizing of Sayre street, Wilbur Kendall's father is employed as A notice was received from the Joint tion. Charles P. Russ, of Elizabeth, is | Plumbing from Morris avenue to Doremus'street, On Wednesday evening,. October 5, engineer in the Millburn Electric Com. Meeting for the assessment for the ;he foreman of "the Grand Jury. Sum- which was read and referred to Law it 8 o'clock, the Bullding-Commlttce-of-j-panyVplant-at~Millburn. Steam anclHot third quarter for Sufnmlt'o proportion mit id represented on Hie jury by and Ordinance Committee. the Y. M. C. A. met to receive bids Before leaving his home Saturday of maintenance of the Joint Sower, William H. Hall, of 393 Springfield ave- J?. AVE J^Tin nnd Sliee from the contractors. The name of the morning, Mr. Walsh, who'had learned amounting to t2l7J8B. which was re- Mr. deSelding. for the Water and nue. •" successful contractor will bo announced of the children's habit of playing in the ceived and Died, and later a resolution Light Committee, reported that the Jobbing promptly attended to. ippllcation of Charles Siebert in regard early next week. sandpit Warned his Bon of tho-danger was passed authorizing the. payment of in the pit. Robert, tho ^ JtHB TOWtSTlLB REMOVED. Estimates furnished. same. • • a dead-end water-noaih on'Shadyside At a large and. enthusiastic meeting had been: taken up with the Water ^rother of the victim, was preseni A complaint was received prom Mr. of the Board of Directors, trustees and On Monday tho Ladtawanr* Railroad 20 Maple St., SUMMIT, N. J. Company, an4>,that the/matter would Advisory-Board, .field'btr"9 o'clock;vto Wen his father 'gajfe-4ba£utrucUoni- JL John N. May in regard tolthe bad con- officials remtivettthe turnstile erected e corrected at .once by the company.* -• These include 127 institutions, west side of Oak Ridge avenue for and._if_this_is .secured, earlyin the p. m. •hose aggregate resources amount to Laborers Furnished by the Day permissioiftoTay a cement"sidewallrin iii. Turn Hall, Elizabeth, Wednesday, winter, the sewer work could be laid in The! speaker at the Boys' Own Meet- ivening, October 12, under the 350,945,405.. The deposits were' $283,- "•" Teaming of All Kinds front of their property was referred tothe early spring. j-040:—As-eompared-with September^ Estimates Furnished the Street Committee and City Engineer ing to-morrow will be the ROY. Gustav mspices of tho Republican'County, Mr. Merrill reported the Summit committee and the Downtown Re- 1909, the resources show a net in* with pnwpi-. Blessin, pastor of St. John's English ; ivenue and Hillcrest sewers completed iublican Club. Summit, will be well aso-«(-»ial30S,738, atid the deposits\ A request was received from the Evangelical Lutheran-church.—All boys id the sewers on - the Risk estate &Gntod-at-the-dinner.—State Sena- in increase of 918,038,680. This is one trustees of the Free Public Library re- are cordially invited t" ^ h WALTER BROS., t ready for testing; that the sewers on ^mest R. Ackcrman will preside, >f the most substantial, gains indicated.! questing tbatsPennission be granted meetings. * rantwood Drive were partially laid; and^mong thq speakers are Vivian M. anj reports of the department in -DEALERS IN- for the construction of a cement side- the sewers on the property of the Lewis, candidate for Governor; United ecent years and the most forceful evi- walk on citlier.side of their property Beef, Veal, Mntlon, Lamb and Pork Commonwealth Land Company and itates Senator Kean; former Governor lence of the prosperity of the country —on—the-corner .i-of _Maple___street__and 1 ?owan-roatlabout-completed -and. the'; Idhn" W. Griggs, Judge William N. liat can be given. Yet there are some ?- Morris avenue. Referred to the Street t ewer in Edgemont avenue in progress. unyon, candidate for Congress and icople who suggest a change in* the; " Committee and City Engineer with bel Oysters, Clams and Fish. The committee were now investigating RestfuL ithera. loiitical policies of the country. * power. •. •' . Game and Vegetables in Season Mr. B. A. Taylor, in a1 communica- the request for extension of the sewer -» m » tiu- Summit avenue north, as to how far $240,000,000 In Automobiles cur tion, called attention to the fact that no Reading Don't .delay making your wants they could go on that, street and con- A tabulation of automobile statistics ' Springfield Ave. lights were maintained—on the gate After the grind of a hard day's known. The HERALD is the medium. lect with the Hillcrest- sewer. This ompilcd for the American Automobile \ posts'at the entrance to.Beechwood work forget it all for a while would be reported on later. ,ssociationr shows -jthat tlie output ofw«. Park since the dissolution of the Beech- by letting your mind follow, the For ,the Fire and Police Committee, utos in the United States for ,thc*ot-. woodwork Company, and he requested pleasures and successes of char- THOMAS BAIRD that lights be put in that territory or Mr. deSelding presented an applica- cason of 1910 reached a total of ap-'ug lon for. a pool -.license by Charles acters in some good novel. In iroximately 80,000- cars, valued aticli more preferable that two lights be re- other"words, get out of yourself. House Painter, ^ tained.: 'Referred to the Water and ipanjie at 514 Morris avenue'-which BEECHWOOD ROAD bout^*240,000,000. The tatal-annuaJ"pe- • Our book shelves arc filled JjghTpommittee with power. ipon motion was granted. . . utput of horse-drawn vcliicles is Paper Hanger, , with interesting" books. Come in - SUMMIT'S DELIGHTFUL Mr. Ferry, for the Finance Com- Mr. Ferry, for the Shade Tree Com- 700,000, including 925,000 buggies," and Decorator. mittee,'reported that he had attended a and let us tell you the names of ,25,000 business vehicles and '500,000 mittee, stated that the committee were some that are truly delightful NORTH SIDE-SECTION planning to dispose of the 172,000 re- inference at Trenton of representa- farm wagons. , . '.-•<, KattmaliH furiiiflied and Jobbing works. - Good books at all prices. Have' one new nine -room ' resi. funding bonds at ajjrivate sale, and al- ives from different parts of the State promptly attended to. Dent of work 50c, '$1.08, »1.20, $1.35, etc. guaranteed. ready had. an offer in advance of the iterested~ih~the treatment of shade deuce withln-easy walkvof station;' —:Woo( Gt-orte T. Ity, hardwood, floors and finish, farning them all the time. In-: this fiirrot, Kurro«aKurro«a««« ot th« CoiCoiuuu v of Union, stated] that the bankers thought very preservatlon'ol our shade tree3. The and Beech wood Ed. ti)R(ltti)R(lf AugmU :old in U^e United States would come 1910. or they will bo forever l>arreil froiu-|>ro- On motion of Mr. Ferry (100 was taken to protect the elm trees ori (tecutlnu or recovering the name acalnst iho .'Shown only/jy ! .' I placed to the credit of the Overseer of private property they would soon be W. fci. O AKS «fc CO. 'r4m Scotlaqd, and our hosiery mllla*^ — ^ubscrlb^rn entirely ruined. Mr. Ferry/regretted vould, be IfD6. If Mr. WUsofl *r his _ the Poor, ,.-',, CONTRACTING HDTCHKISS-J0B3 REALTY CO araflyVish to buy"ch^ap socks, (per- A .resolution was also adopted that there seemed to be a lack of public, Grading, JSxcavMlng, Laying of Side- spirit in Summit on the part of a good fibmmlt, N. 3i opp * 8tfttfon' . ^'pg they do not know^ of better grades,) . deceased. Pur- authorizing the proper officials to walks; , Concrete •udvCement Work. 1 _ ,_. _... .„ ..„. „._». „. _.orco T.--Parrot, execute a note tor*4,800 in renewal oi many citizens In this'rejjard, tHat whilo Crashed trap-rock -nuluble for-drlve- is'their own; concern^ ^)ut there are-" SurTOff»lt ot the County ot Unioti. midc oa the Jireh.».,^. Y. Vmerican jnade'fioqkaitaikt will outwear ppllcallon of Ihe uhdenltiitd,,executor of uld notes with the Summit Trust,Company the, city had taken the' precaution of ways at lowest prices'. '• _^ • jfCMttd, notice i> heir by t-iv-tn to the creditors ;| TELEPHONE 286 W. I ,ny socks madoJiv^Scotland or ariyr-— J of »ld drceaied to exhibit Xo tho lubscriber for public improvements. A resolu- onder bath or affirmation their clalmi or de- * Uon was also adopted authorizing the (Continued on Page 8). 26 nonntaln Avenue, Summit, N. J. ither;place^ndkit less cpsfc ~* *•" ^~R; R, i tn-lndi isainit the e»tate of »id deceased within ' :JKMJ nine raontb* from the ninth day of September, 1810, or they wUl be forever barred from pros©- cotine or recovering thr same ttralnit toe ran* ' •crib^r. * • EUNl.Bl^wm*.. ' - , . * FA • Ex«atorv -ting lit LKDABURY. OEPL'X ' o a w tt w.' Keea I11.1 it ^ c*


PRAED, 27 MEN DROWNED^ LISBON UP IN ARMS; t * • * 9.80 to IS—1 to 5. ank, Beeofiwood kd IN NAVALDISASTER KING IS A FUGITIVE How Much Can You Save jit N..4. .

STMAN, BafflesAlp Launch Filled With Revolutionists Want to Make for insurance? WhetheiTtarge or small sums, The Prudential has a policy lor ypu^ Sailors Upsets on Hudson. — Portugal ^Republic Premiums range -, from three * cents per • A sailing munch towed by a steam 'A revolution has broken out In Lis- week up. Premiums are payable weekly, funch, both of, the battleship bon, the cnpltnl of Portugal, and both quarterly, semi-annually or annually, ac- litre, rnrrying more than sixty ~tiKr~nrmy und—oavy— faavor-$olaed_th' bllora of Hint ship from the landing revolutionldta. • cording to the kind of policy issued. The |npe at \V<-st One Hundred nnd I'lf The actual Insurrection nppeara t« policies are liberal and guaranteed from i street, , went down have l>een brought on by the murder id twctity-tiOTcn tvere drontied. Tli» .of I>r, Horn tin rdn, a inaii^of eminence the first word to the last. The cost of |on were returning from forty-clgut and Boclal weight lij-Littbon, who bin urs* lilxTty an nhore. Prudential policies is low. —— The bodies of. fourteen of the scorv recently Joluetl.the HepultHcari"party, lOnmf-tne-New Ilrimi'Hhlre's «nll. He was shot byTnTilcutenant In tin i who were drowned hnvo been r army named Jtebello; whom iie~hnd-ftt |retvd from' the North ..river -pfter tended. '•six bourn' of dr»fc*K'»tr l»y thr 1'ortURiil, following the example o ? Irants-nt the warship auclioragt*. Spain, has b«'en Imbued In recent years ™ heso IKKIII'S wert1 taken to tile hos- with a strong anti-Clerical .sentiment, Ital ulilp Sulm-e 'fur .Identification, find the* people wiw In'.the murder o •her will 'be Vent""to UieTlmiuM^ol tbo chief -of the- Itefr families or burled In the national The Prudential Luietery. jMoretban the'imunl complement of Wtty-tonr iJicii crowded Into the T»uncli. "S^ine estimate the liuwb'er a* nkpn"nl)o;VrfrtIit''Xi!wTI.'iiupshlrenfter rescued li>j j,'iisi»Hne luunclle.* •K under powerful nearelillgiit: the Iditil^Itij'M houlslsiun nnd insafl which, jopether with the en §re"Korth Atlnntic ftqtmdron, ure tin I lii tli. In a Ktntement confirm 1 the report thut twenty-seven E\ tue. launch were unaccounted for I It Is feared that these men wen i of the fleet Rnld tlmt the nc Idcnt would undoubtedly prove to b< of the mosUn-ostly In. lives thnt KINO MANUEL. |ey could ret-ull ever Impnenlug In the of Clerical venjjenncv. Nothing more ilted States nuvy without the \ost was required to set loose popular in- \ a Bhlp. x dignation and bring about a rcvolu Ifieports of the ncftiftl cnusc of tlif tlon. Tho revolutionists attached the royal IctlnR, but the one' most general); 1 palace and attempted to either capture ^edited iiiitJ which [icrhiii'- * will be ac or slay King Manuel, and the warships luted by. the bonrd of Investigation^ la tho harbor ttcnt shot after shot of Nations •hlch tins been nppolnted to luvesti- against the marble walls of the palace. Tito the cause of the necJuVnt, in that no cutter towing the SHUIUR lnumii While 5Ianuel~wnH-falrtdcn~ln nn In- lirned Hharply and In doing BO caused ner cotnpnrttncht the bodyguard, as- Lo tow, Hue to Rlnckcn. sl«ted by ninny of tho old palace at- A Tribute to the People of All I When the hnwser became suddenly taches, fought off" a vastly superior lut npaln the weight In the bow of number of revolutionists. 1 |io BftlllUffiaunch nnd -tlio Kiidduu-jerk __SceIng^ tbe^eapturo of the palace In- Countries by the State's Greatest Store tbe nose of tbe 1>IR bont, mui evitable, a pnrt~of the palace royal trd-Burroiinlacos the blarat ernment would tm%*r furnnicbing ef- voting two days to each of six big nations, beginning jwith France7"from which comes, lr the explosion on the lnlmr unions fects afr-far-aa-the-Engllsh-aro-oori- Ihlch the paper lias fought for twenty cernedr ~^r - 2 ~perliapsrmoro-of-our-goods-than_from any country. This event will in no way conflict Kttrs. It is chafgevl that dynamite las sot off in n Mind alloy In the m\d- with the. ordinary course o( trade andthe everyday features That bring Ihi pnuplmuf aH-~ le of tbo buiJdiiis: . - HUGHES HAS RESIGNED. nations to the store will be many and varied. •A bomb was-'also Youud under tlic |mso of F. J. Zoehandelair, secretnrj Lieutenant Governor-White Sworn In ' tla» Merchants and Manufacturers . _« HU 8ucco«»or. We Cordially Invite Frenchmen and All Others Isoc'latlou, which lies right near the Governor Charles K. Hughes has re- fniea bulldinj;. * - . tired tonsKtmie Ills new duties next to Participate ••• • The lalwr union offlclals have lndg week os'au associate justice of the n led-t he-** li lilted States supryuie court, . L rewnni of *5100.OO0, believed to IK Tiie le largest In the history of ttieqmr turued the ofllce over to Lieutenant Bit of criminals, has been offered b*j •Governor Horace White after he had le city and'inenibers of the M«r:i tendered a.luncheon In the executive Inuts and MaiiUfiicturem* association nmnslou to his successor and tbe mem- \dice and civil oUleers believe that nl bers of the governor's military staff. Broad, New and Halsey Sts., Newark, N. J, t:tlir«!.nitrri were concerned In tht White was sworn In by Secretary of Itrape, which cost the, lives of mow State Kwnlg.' •an n score of Tlines employees. State Health Commissioner Eugene H. porter. Homer Folks'and Dr. Si- [CAR COLLISION-KILLS 37. mon Flexner of New York led a dele- ESTABLISHED X889 gation, largely representing the Stilt* ctf on Illinois ' Traction 8yst«n Charities Aid association, that called M«im« Many Passongor-s. upon Governor Hughes to thank bltn Jhlrty-seveu porsotiR, were Instantly for his work In aid of the campaign to : •ted and-tw»nty slx others were in Btatnp out tuberculosis.' • •: •• Choice MeatB, TreO when two Interurbiiu cars on tht "How I wlnh we cbuldihavo..done Unols tmctlou nystem coJUdtn] head more," said the governor to hlscallera. _ Dealer in • poultry, G-ame, Ifei f at lUckewon curve, near Spriug 'I leave ofllce not with a thought of ^J" . ^~ • . and Vegetables. lit). 1)1 _, ;~ wbnt I have done; but what 1 would ttb cara_5vere__g<>lnR nt ll "iK't ran have liked to have done.** v ^ SUMMIT'S BEST MARKET. poed, and as the curve where tlif\ Telephone 3xo ' " It Is nt tho Imttoin of n -bill, both DECLINES CHAIRMANSHIP. fro rpluilKed down bill. They inei Chestnut Avenue, Summit, N. J. cht on tbo curve, and so sudileu wa> Fitxpatrick Saya He Will Refine to Bi Jo colHsiou" the motormen barely t«* Democratic Pilot -'' PLUMBING AND HEATING. Ipcd with their lives by Juniplnj; Democratic County Chairman W. TL •jth cars were demolished, and tinFitxpatrick of Erie county, who waa Tbe chances are one in a hundred of Bad, dying and Injured were piled n talked of fuc Pemocrutlc state chair- roar geulng better Plamblug norh FREDE.LUHDEN fte bloody mass, .while the scremiis oi lone by.otber bauds than oara.. Why man to Rueceed John A. DIX, Issued bother experlmenttnitT We alwaya.do le maimed, and bleeding added lior a formal statement that he was not a ttoneat. conBclentloaB work, and do not lr to the eeene. ___ tandldate for the ntnto cbalrmanahtp ebarpe tbo mBmmotb. prices that most Choice Groceries, Butter, Eggs, Coffee . > •The coHlsIoji occurred between n In and would not accept tho place If ItPlnmbers do. For esumatlai; on any ll teala northbound nud'an exvnrsUn was offered to him. Mr. Pltzpatrlch kind -ot Plamblag or HeatfnR. gire'QP pin beaded toward St; Loul» nm nays: ... ho firot; opportanity. ,\ —....and Tea Onr Specialties tded_wlth pnasenRera on their wuj P'Vlei'F Hho parade of the Veil«l "I believe either Georgo H. Vanken- HENRY KLOCKSIN, ^ HOWARD HALL BUILDINQ, Cor. Springfield Ave. and Boulevai^l, lets la Bt LouLi. The accident nan of St. Lawrence or Thomas W. •mOInjrto ptcsent Information, wa* Klnuenne of Monroe would xnake aa odivlruble chairman, yet I have no tabing, Tinning and Metal fforHnf ie entirely to tbe-jdMrc'sard of orden Telephone pthe crew; of the locl^^ personal choice" . • .' Union Place, Summit, N.J. I '

!•• -I

. V- THE SUMMIT ^HERAJLD, 8a.TUJH)AY, OCTOBER 8, 1910 3 DEMOCRATS'CHOICE A LONG WASH FITTERER'S - Dean Alvord Bonds It Lattad a Week, but Came Only Four Times a Year. , APPEAL TO CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS FAUgJIPON DIX ^Every one bos .heard of the German HILL CITY BAKEBY. iynl Dutcb method of accumulating 75 Well Known Bankers clothes and of having a wash HAVE INVESTMENTS IN THESE BONDS ' only two or three times a year State Chairman's Refusal toNot cve^ry one_reallzes, perhaps thai The Bonds pay 6 per cent interest and carry a 50 per cent. FRESH BREAD the custom was brought over to thl* Delivered D»Uy.-. " Bonus of the stock. Run Delays Convention. country from Holland and tbnj the The highest class of references furnished upon rcgtiest. Dutch settlers long continued Its prnc- •tico. In these days of tho ever ready ORDKR Call, write or phone— . laundry It Is strange to read of the JOHN WILLIS WEEKS—--.',. laborious period which camo to our ; DEMOCRATIC TICKET. New Amsterdam ancestors four times YOUJ1AVI- NO IDEA > REPRESENTING a year. Ilelea Evertsorf" Smith tells FOR BREAKFA8TL_ DEAN ALVORD COMPANY? Governor John A. Dlx of Al- about It In "Colonial Days and Wayi how ilellclons randy enn be, if you'\ bany. U&yer tasted ours. The art of ma king Ill Broadway, New York. Phone 3195 Rector The custom 'of quarterlj clothes CAKES, PIES . Lieutenant governor, Thomaa rafthlQEs—was _jnalntt»lned, _notwlth nnd buylnp; enndy has reached tin P. Conway of Clinton. standing our summer"heats and thepoint of perfection with UB. If Comptroller, William Sohmer. Immense quantities of ^clothes ueccs "PURE, FINE CANDY AND PASTRIES, 8*cr«tary of lUtt, Edward sary to keep up tbo stato of cleanli- Laxaniky of Brooklyn. is what you desire, we can Klve It t< FltESH E7EBY DAI. ness required by Dutch Instincts. A you,- A sample of our caramels wil _ ' Treasurer, John J.' Kennedy of New Englnudcr who had married a Buffalo. "i convince you, We are alfo handling cltiecn of New .York;,-writea-ln^ 1700 Attorney general, Thomae F. of this practice, which was undoubted* Mr. Haslle'a celebrated t'rencli. .nuil at HavrYou Carmody of -Yate*.- . _••- ••• V u Amcrlean-brcad-aMni-rolls from New> EMIL FITTERER, — Stat#angln«errJohn A; Bans*) Iy strnngcto her; —r -of New York. "Grandmother Blum Is BO deep ark. Fresh every^fternoon. % 373 Springfield A\e., Summit An "Ad" calling attention to the best her quarterly wash this week that Bhe V Orders Delivered Sundays Attociate judge court''of ap- has, time only to send her love." poait, Judge Frederick K. Collln- . Tho wnshlng was done In an out-CHARLES RIVOT, of Chemung. house called tho . bleockeryen. where the water was boiled in Immense ket 434sSPRIN8EIELD AVE. I P. Burroughs & Son. in the City. O KEEPS THIS John A. Dlx, state chairman of th tics nnd nil the other processes of the \ , TEL. ISO L. prnrtrmtlp committee and the cholc laundrj work carried on. Tho work of Charles F. Murphy, ttao Tnmmnn:' required not less than a week," fre- SUMMIT STONE WORKS boas, was nominated for governor bj quently two weeks. . . ,-' ; ~ Fresh Rolls; Bread? During tbo time preceding this cruel- . JOHN J. MOOLUEE 1 BON. FBOPS. UNDERTAKERSand tjio Democratic eonventloi field li* ly hard labor the soiled clothes- were" Try our Pure and Pa- Rochester, N. Y- Ho received 43^accumulating (n very large hampers of latable Rolls ajid Buns. VQEGTLEN'S votes, while his opponent, Congress open bftsketwork^_Thls ^custom orlgl man William. A. Sulzor, received onl> nated the necessity for the great stores iMBALMERS Rolls delivered every \ Of Course 10. . • . of linen, with which every brido was morning. • Leave your Mnyor Gnyuor'a lette^ in which li> provided. 83 Summit Ave., Summit Order to-day. definitely'refused to accept the-Detuc Springfield Avenue, cratic nomination for-governor carm PARSCEY SUPERSUJJPMS. as a complete-surprise to the delegates SUMMIT. New Jersey. Seymour Van Sautvoord of Rensst- Siniiter Beliefs Associated With thi laer put DIx in uom I nation. Telephone . . • . "We have adopted a platform whlcl Many superstitions are connected 'Stands for. the higher-aspirations oi will) ' the herb "parsley, 'probably If You are Looking for a Reliable through jin ancient Greek practice, the the ^principles in which wo believe graves of the dead being strewn with and wo come to the moment wheu w< it nnd the. plant thereby gaining a want a "man who will measuro up ti sinister significance. JOHN R. (ROOT. GROCER those principles," he. said. "We don't In Hampshire It Is considered very unlucky to glvct,a root of this herb away, since they "say" that if this be Sanitairjy^ not only in QUALITT and PRICE ok goods but also done ill luck will fall upon them. In by PROMP^ SERVICE call on Devonshire to transplant parsley 1« Monumental and Bulldlnn Plumbing likewise to commit ~n~~8er!6un offense" Qranlle Bluestone Steam and Hot against the punrdlan genius who pre- marble Llmeatons sldps ovcr'the plants. In Suffolk it Is jTin nnd Slice Charles Sieberi^_ said that lf-iiantley be sown on Good WORKS 64, RESIDENCE 68 R. R. AVE Friday It will grow well and flourish. SUMMIT, N. ). TeL 214. 405 SPRINGFIELD AVE. but If it be sown on any other day it Jobbing promptly attended to. will not come Uouble. .^_=J Estimates famished. HIOH ORADE TEAS AND COFFEES, In Shropshire they have a saying '•• • PANCV BUTTER OUR SPECIALTY that where parsley grows In the gar Jhistavson Building Co ZO Maple St., SUMMIT, N. J. HEAUQUARTER8 FOB 8WEET lochamshlro_paraiez._ls. rojiarded as a .CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS somewhat uncanny herb, and an old gardener once assured me on bearing Flans prepared and ^stimiitea givea. WW^ me laiflent that the seed I had sown Jobbing promptly attended to. bad not come up that It was necessary to sow parsley for nine times before Ch as..Oustav son, nanojcer&Trea surer, one could get any to grow. This say- Carl.Peterson, 5cc/etory, 7 Doremui ing I have heard later in Shropshire, Street. • & General Painting Fall Painting Where they say the devil takes all but the last. Likewise, too, in Shrop- P. O. BOX 175. •TELj aflP-L DEALERS IN is Like shire, they say that to -transplant-pin Wall Paper, Window Shades Painta ley will bring about a death.—West- Oil Eto., Etc • -. Fire Insurance @ 1910, by American Presa Association. minster Review. If''it's a surface to 1 tft painted, enameled, STATE CHAl'ltMAN DIX. 346 SFRINQFIELb flVC. want one who will not live up to those An. Oversight. stained, varnished, or You insure your home principles. The whole state and thi To impress on young children Just T«l«phon« 157-R finished in any way, nation also Is waiting to bear. what should and should not be done there's in Acme Quality against fire. Why not insure and why Is among the most trying MORRELL & REEVE —Kind to fit the purpose. "I tlflnk flint tho man I name, John it against decay caused by A. Dlx, will make tor justice and sin problems of parents, as evidenced by cerlty. the recent experience of a West Phila- 26 Ruthven Place , sunshine, rain, snow and "We have got a bitter fight, a fight delphia mother. Last Sunday she against the most marvelous Institution asked her smiHI son, aged eight, to _sl,eet? They destroy as cer- that this world has ever seen~gnd~vrhtr xarry a chair-for-her from the dicing GENERAL COMRACTORS tainly as fire, unless the ls supposod to be a marTof genius, bui room to the parlor. Hestartetl-off- Grading and Concrete don't forget that sometimes genius Is wllllngty, but In tbc hall he tripped surface is protected with sometimes allied with Insanity. Lei and fell. Amid, the crash could be Work a[Specialty UB mnko a real tight against this heard the boy giving vent to utterances paint. Dutchman." that would bave done credit to n pirate jabofers FnrniBhed by the Day • Mainly on account of bis office at of ancient days. The mother was taken by-surprlse and was greatly .Teaming oX All Kinds state- chairman, but for personal rea- Estimates Turnlshe* Bons: also, Mr. Dlx stood out agninpt •shocked. She gave tho boy a long tho wishes of the leaders until af^ei serious talk on tho Bubject, of pro- the time set for the concludlng^ses- fanity. This apparently did not make HOUSE PAINT Blonrof-the-cbnvention. M'hen ho hadtho right ImpresBion. for when sbo con onco accepted tho offer of nomination eluded the boy added to her dlscom- gives the greatest durability the reat of the ticket took only tw« flturo~by exclaiming, "I nm sorry hours to arrange. swore, mamma, but I forgot It was Beef, Veal, Motton, Lamb and Pork and beauty, and best resists Tho platform presented to the con- Sunday."—Phllndelphia Record. vention-pledged the party flrat to the -rain and shine. " " , . 1 preservation of the "old national la ni. ' _^ iL-Thackeray-on-Fame. Are you on Insurgent?* U condemned "all attacks upon the Oysters, Clams and Fish. Thackeray's literary work did not Have yon beguii in rebel ~Tt costless bccause"itTakes~lc3S~and- -supreme-court—of—t ho—Jin 1 ted-Statea^l ..elp—hlm*-much—wiien-^he—Bonght-t Game and Vegetables in Season lasts loneer. "tcr us show you the Iirea= It-declared for Boverelgii^ghtB, "for enter the~house~ of commons.' Th "agoliisr'alTbefMvUIcTlj contin• the largest possible measure of home Vl ually pjucli ati't Irritate" your fashionable color combinations. • Rev. Frederick MeyrJck In bl9' Mem- rule for all cities of the~stiite." ories of Oxford" tells of a dinner given feet because they do not pro- Inrllniflcld Ave. " It .denounced the Republican party when ho stood as a Liberal for tha perly fit? > for its government of the state. . - cjty: "I remarked to him that hi Tiny buy ItalHtoii Hlioe**.- must be a special experience, as he Hal"tohH are iuiide on Foot* THOMAS BAIRD SUCCESSOR TO WOODRUFF. was known by fame to most of those Moulded last". They are HIIUR B. B. Walling, Summit, N.J, whose votes be canvassed. *Now,*~he said, laying dowu his knife and fork but n. t tlRht— (In not pinch House Painter, Prentioo Chosen Chairman of New or bind, amlMioltl their i-hnpe York Republican Stato Committ««. anu holding up a flnger. 'tbere__was only one man among all that I went aiitil worn out. ' Paper Hanger, Ezra Pnrmalee I'reutlee, ex-membei to see who had beard my name before, W. H. HALL of the New York assembly nnd at pres^ and he was-sa circulating librarian. and Decorator. ent deputy attorney general of tbu Such Is mortal fame.'" That was in JCxchtttivc Ayfitry EattmaUH furulchcd and Jobbing state, was ununimoutily chosen chair- 1857. ten years after the publication of 303 Springfield Avenue. iromptly nttenxltd to. Be-st of wort man of the Itcpubik-an Htate commit- ''Vnnlty Fair." uarauteed. ' tee to succeed Timothy L. Woodruff, Summit, N. J.. - who had held the position Hliice 1000. 71 SUWMIT AVENUE, HIH selection was detenu I ut'd upou New Family. Summit, N. J. ' at a conference at the Hepubllcan clul; "Mnmma." asked the little boy, ."who (AUTHORITY STYLES] ,nre the Hlht?* /STATE or TllSoSore F. Whit,', tloccaaed. In Xew-Yurk-at-whleh Ray--SnriH>-of Zi I'urHuant to the-onltr c( Gt'orue T. Syracuse was the ouly-^om-suard^-jul. '•'Illghwaters'/" answered tho mother'. »rrot. Kurrotcato of the Count)- "t Cnlon. "I don't know any such family. Why ado on ttu* Qt'pliciitlon of tho mnIi-Mcncd.' berent present. Smith \rn» admitted, tocutorft of hald dcci'vcd. iniHc io herebr It wns said, to give thi> Hendricks or- do, you ask?" ee*a*««e*o*e««(*«*e*e*e*« vpn to the creditor" of wild ileceajw'd to "Well, I heard Mr. Perkins ask papn ^hlblt to the-»ul)ftcriben* under oath or ganization, whone -reprcHontatlve on r lfllrraatlon their ctalmH or tlomatnH ncalnst the state ticket Is , if he'd be over to the little game to- «thte of nalJ -Ipct-aAcd wltlilu oloe ilght, and papa said he'd be there In mis ironfrom) inthe iiiivcin(Iftcctithn nada>y >'cfi AuicusAUS,-b~ GOOD the candidate for lieutenant governor, ipito of Helen Hlghwater."^CbIcago .-10. or thi»y will bo forever t'arrvd- from pro* a voice In the selection. A BECK ^ocutlneot r rccovcrlDU tlu> Kame against toe ?O8t.. . ' ' » have yon tried onr Ice ? Ifaq yon ID sood. honest, well-screened Coal can be quickly had If TOU leave roar orders'wltn ; j JE vv E; iw is i will sot need as to tell you that us. It Is clean Coal, too—free from dirt and A Morning Call. It Is in man; rubbish, and the fall weight Is Indisputable liarsfc. small or medium Biros for.. stove. 19101 OCTOBER |ww Swamson (bashfully)—Is Miss Trcm- ESTATE OF Fml B. Bllnn. deceased. Pur- range or taroace. for home, factory or work- mcr in? Housemaid—She Is, sir, but .No. 4 Moplo St., U iu*nt lo the order of Geonre T. Parrot. THE VERY BEST ICE shop Is ready for Immediate delivery at fern. To.. Wed. T»». PH. St. Stirro^teof the County of Union, made on tbo present market prices. You will never (ret sho Is engaged. Swamson (who bad SUMMIT. N. J. ipllcation of the underpinned, executor of tmid that can be bought, Made; from , as irood a load, of as Rood a quality CoaX at settled things, the evening before)—- :e«ed. notice i> hereby ctvett lo the eredlton • • 1 uld deceased to exhibit to tho subscriber ' distilled city water. the aame prices. Yes, | know.. I'm the young tnan. der oath or affirmation their claims or de- i 3* 4 V 6 7 lands ualnst the eitate of uld deceased within 8 > Witch loipcctor for D., L. & W. R R. { months from the ninth day of September, Summit & Hadison /Ice Company, 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A Specialist. ' ' -'or they will be forever barred from pros*- 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 A compositor, on being remonstrated cntine or recoverlntr the same aca^al the inb- Hygiene'lceyg . AUodoitwli C


THE SUMMIT HERALD |done ^a"- n. 5?wb0 bluettat ""* ^ ' ' ' have made tome mlitakcj, but'they \2tiS.'. Can we assist you in TBOM wtibtna to tik« 55Hetpr'13olWl1* F*"". fifteen >< i the' Demo- msons picas* address her Short Hill*, or leirv •electing a _ ' -?UHN W.CUrf, Ed»6ran Ibvif UaAarasd adtfffen at Mlrt tf- D^ Kltdit^'s SUMMIT, N. J... '_. tl •_\t ISMnie tforc. ,, 8 " crota have done "* 9TOtaXos«arsttarBooa.aBbMtssbiH)*d L B«rubltoaa Ntw>t>iMr dcvotM ta the ini- that they have not had' die opportunity wbue ^n brooch-tm in blab rtUtl- HOME? Capital $100,000.00 Surplus $75,000.00 Ctortsu of th« citr.Couatr imraate, ~- plnHedtoBwUreliacs bdL Rewirtfor iu re- ererr rrUTUB MOItNINQ from but the reason for this lies in Demo* turn to tb« Kcat Rae* School > ththcOfle Offle*l . No. Bl, Uoloa TUce~ We are offering some . Interest allowed on daily balances of $50yenne- 48tf . For Gomtablc ', . ANTED—Thre* usfcraiib*d rooms in pri- FlntWird^-EUIER-DXY- **N ACCORDING to "The. Newark Star," vate family-. adapcetS far lifitt hoosektep* incW. Ilutfant rcCcnsccv Addrcu 'Steady," owned by James Smith, Jr., and re-Herald office, . 1 Plumbing garded as the representative organ of ANTED-A siH for craeral faooKwork in Wood row Wilson, so intimately is its W tzmils of Ifoer. AicOj at once. 4 Oik Bldjre iTtnce. Somsit. '•. . * Heating... Princeton furnished two democratic proprietpr. associated with Wilson's UAIX FABU WASTED^A "enstotbe candidates for Governor before Wilson candldacy Dr. Wilson is reported as r wishes to purchase a Cairo, not to lanpe, t Santl with tome Kpod taed on It. Must Kace was named. These were John R. saying: "I would put' In'the power fair bulldinc*aod benearaiaUroad station. Tin & Copper Worlf" Hep'l tn*» all trttrotarft. and most, favorable Thompson in 1844, and William C. of- the prosecuting attorney the priv- terms. BTETEX BL AIEES. mi Broadway Alexander in 1856. Both were defeated. •lege of altering indictments to include ANTCZWW&na-; ALL WORK QUARANTEED. Mr. Alexander, who had been presi- W lertnterera)l tc^fttrr a conntTT^iireferabr officials who crawl to cover and. might Wowe with bath and six ovarts jstlk dalln «o CHARLES WACENSEIL, Prop. You Cannot dent of the State senate for two yeara," metis. Stats lowesXtencL F.L- Room 24, Sum- be located were the laws of evidence mit Siti " — Successor To Have Pure "Wia.ter was a man of unimpeachable character, more elastic." If those words mean SUMMIT BAK1NQ COMPANY Is dftfectlvo. if your ANTED—F«xniifc«S roan with or without Is not what Itoauhtt oauh o be. send for tia, 387 Sprincfletd Avenne, ability and statecraft, but ha was not a anything—and Dr. Wilson is not given Wboard. Mr*. WOki=> Reed, Walnut street We willll ffaarantoeW.ffaarantoeW. finfind and remedy the Summit. . >-^. . S3 A bakery where ono can obtain troublee . If thee faaltlifaaltla In tththoo pipes. Modorn- "mixer" among. the common. people, tojpeaking idl,e words—they certainly wbat Is wnnted, at the time wanted, plomblQE at moderate coscostt. Telephone 271, Summit, N. j As Dr. Wilson proposes to do, he made seem to mean that Dr. Wilson would and in perfect condiUon Is not so com' a carefully prepared speech nnd de- *1XTANTED—A place *s eoolt or renend mon as one might suppose. have persons held to tfnswer for serious T V nonseworter or dxr or week.1 Can be livered it verbatim et literatim In each •ecu at her present eapiorcr'a IS5 Summl The Summit Model Bakery is an un* criminal offences without presentment common bakery anyway. Tho Bread of the counties of the State. In theor in-ictment by a* grand jury; contrary YOUNG MAS. aced It. experienced,- wisbes Pies, Cakes, etc, produced are un- Aposition In office., witii ctance oljidvance- Gentleman's Country — rtneanwhlle, Newell then only a plain, to^tho explicit provisions of theconsti- nenL Ernst Ertebon. S3 Morris twane, Sam- usually good. -They are made of high country doctor, was noted as a good futions. of the Stafe-oLNcw Jersey and rniL . .- 53 grade material by bakers who strive tho United .States of America, v ll/ANTED-Win par easb tor a few rood for quality rather than quantity. Estate at Exclusive "mixer," and put In his time in per- W second-feandoen-. and hen' bicycles or will take them ta exefcance for new wheels. A trial win convince you. < . sonally meeting the voters from Sussex Atrent for the (amotrs ~ITCT Johnson" Bicycles. to Capo May. Thu same cuiiditionr —George L. Record, the Republican Call and see then. Frank A. Wahl. corner 468 Sprbiffield Avenue. Murray Hill.—— candidate for Congress in the 9th New "ommit and Sorina&eSd arennes. Somait. S3 *tel. 121. Orders promptly attended tto feed botllo-babies properly- and - to . $35,000. Easy terms can be arranged. It will —~—. ncter, as if-they-never-before liad a better speeches than he has thus far WUGira W. Wnztit. Sbort HilU. N. J. care for them. Select your bottles with care, as well as foods and simple reme^ 'make an ideal suburban residence for some lucky delivered. Mr. Wilson tells us of a SALE—Bibcock Sui I W«on; also ••" similar candidate(-which.J9ra"harshre- ,—bat can give us no - dies, - preventive—medicines,—etor--Yo*i£- numbepof^ifils,bat can give us no will find everything In this line tbat buyer. FOR PHOTOGRAPHS AND FURTHER IN- flection upon Kntzenbach and others. remedy. ThflVs whah t we have been yoaneed at • t the Regublicans have more than seeking. "We all agree with him-that Oft SAT F— FORMATION ADDRESS"^. . pany. matched their nominees in every essen- there are evils, but what we have been WEBER & CO. Ual qualification foiv a competent State looking for Is something to wipe them Druggists, . out. Why hasn't this great publicist. •' . Opposite I. B. 0. A. executive, nnd some ot-the-DemocraUc_ wtnrlivua unly u, dtumi mites-fr -CHATHAM mi the Gre«niniaUc peaca basket. papers are-ho ^^"capttalr~taken an'interest in PEARS while indulging in the usual "slam things before now, and come to us at Fine Pears for Cannier 50c 3c and H.00 peach basket Order* taken now to be delivered when baggine" of the party he represents. the State House and suggested ways ready in October. W. F. Ely. Florham Park, N.J. , • ----- j^ It is rather nauseating tojread the ful- and* means of curing them." some remarks touching the professor's The Passing of Korea. Tft LBT Sale "magnificent equipment," when truth It. cornea as no surprise to the world 0 LET— Hotuc iix roans and bath, steam In order to reduce bur large 1 - beat, all usproTeaeGls. iL Macdonald. 5 stock of ferns and to make room compels tlip/statemcnt that he pos-tbat Korea, Land of the Morning Calm, Sayre Street. . ' 52H we now offer ferns at very low (indent kingdom of tho orient, hna sesses no equipment whatever for the 1*0 LET—Large newly fomubed alcove room. prices. Come and see tuem and off tho mnp. Tuo mikado of I. Suitable lor man aad wife, or two padies. secure a bargain. ^ executive pfJus^adqpXed State, beyond mrate family. Answer Tl. S." Snmmit Herald.' VAVCUUA* MU^«yyiHVu•«««;,. VW^L =aJU»BrlHMMioiWilB We eraser rcady-for the fact that his scholarly attainments- Muscats. WOKI»B to use It only F11& RENT—LirceKrany fmniihed front room, fHACDONALD THE FLORIST 1 arc of a high order, but for all essential -when the act of erasure would create • aUo MttaU rooea ta pnvale tamil abte. 5 SAYBE ST., SUMMIT, N. J. uses they are otnoaccount'_when_com- no protest from tho powers. Korea. Telephone Orders Receive., paredwith practical knowledge of and being a_ weaker Bister, has fallen by ESIRABEE rooms with board for fall and Dwinter: house beaud by bo! water system. Prompt Attention experience in public affairs. Think- the wayside. Japaii. grown powerful Mrs. J. S. Johnson. US Scraiait arenue. 1-4 ing people should bear the fact in mind those past fifty years, since Commo- *0 RENT with board two connectine rooms, dore Terry opqped bcr ports to the1 southwest exposure, or two single rooms. that so far as equipment for fulfilling 11 HilUide aTenofc tf } Distinctive Fall Suits worldsacorns to bo the proper-guard- XECUTOR'S SETTLEMENT—NoUce Is here- EJ by eiven. tbst the account of the subscriber. the duties of governor is concerned, Ian, or, rather, stepfather, of Korea, _ _ ,__ .i ssitable for Vocal. Executor of and Trustee under the will of Nlch- the professor is not in it Witli Vivian Violin or Ptano lrrK*niL A north liffht makes it 0U1H. Cheseboraush. deceased, will be audited - COPIES OF IMPORTED _,,„_ which lagged behind, Bttcklng to an- available also for Art r*«"rt. Apply to Mrs. and stated by the Surroffate, and reported for M. Lewis.—Gamden Courier.- cient forms and fancies, preferring to Hicks. Van CiseBaildisc Mondaya and Thnrtf' -settlement to the Orphans' Court ofvthe. County daya S7-53 of Union, on ' Wednesday, the ninth day of bo In morning calm rather than noon- November next WILLIAM CRANSTOUN. JSodish JBedels TT«RF . Dated: October 6,1910 o a w 6 w IN comparing the platforms of the day heat or tbo afternoon sirocco of JJ an Fce.MJSX modern civilization. Showing aomo of the handsomest creallont of the two parties in this State, an exchange O RENT— Furnished rooea with or without XECUTOR'S SETTLEMENT—Notice Is here- man tailored art. Materlala this season are-Eng- board. £24 Morris avenue. Summit S3 E by Biven, tbst the account of the subscri- says: " > ,< - . < It Is not to bo disputed fhat Japan T ber. Executor of Marmretha Bltzel. deceased, lish Leathers, French Boneless Imported Mixtures has strong armed Korea, using the OVSE TO REXT-Niae roosu and bath; will be audjiled and stated by the Surroiraie. and Fancy Cheviots, Lustrous Broadcloth. v "So for as purely State issues are flneto^JioMewlrdeeorattdlli reported for settlement to the Orphans' Court of gnrroto method Iq.subdulng the UttK* mmem*. the County of Union, on Wednesday, the ninth mlnntea*walk . „ _ „. day of November next. CHARLES 0. WEI3E. concerned,, the Republicans^have, in kingdom to bcr Imperious will. * Korea. •Utitm. Lot extends troca drectto street room Dated: October 0.1910. . All garments of • the plainly tailored and richly E. A. Quayle, Proctor.^ . HieirXpiBtform, a decided strategical qualntJL^contcnt nnd calm: had not Fees $4.20. o a w 5 w trimmed styles so fashioned this rail. advantagfexover the Democrats. Tho learned tho strenuous Ufo,*,.Sho,Tcoew 17*0 R-RENT—Lars* senny front room with Warranted satin linings, skirts, of the modlfleaT Republicans can point to actual aohieve- noti how-to ,walk \n tbo ways of other r boant- Private family. Address "Y."care nnt,Ion8, .thos«j which have acquired of Summit Herald. 53 PAYNE ELECTRIC-GQr- hobble and kilted effect!. ° . mont The Democrats can offer only the1 battlCBhlp and the disappearing OR RENT—to room boose ready for Immtz. F diate occupancy, erery imjirorement in- EliEOTBIC LIOUT WIBINa AND To better Introduce our mobes to shoppers or Sum- criticisms .and promises. It is. farffun and^the adept man Blayer. As a cluding electric Uff&ts. cas, hardwood floors, CONSTRUCTION— . etc Good neighborhood- • minutes from sta- mit and. vicinity, wo nave specially priced them • easier to criticise than it is to create, and bone of contention between tho trlaD- tion. Rent Ha CaU crpou Dr. John Borlins. Prompt andEfi^c!ent6fervlce. v Phono 108 J gular dogs of war—China, Xtussla and 3n Springfield area— '~ at .;•., ..., - far easier to promise than to perform. It 420 Springiteld Avenue, Summit Black, Navy, Bavanna, Grey, was, iri fact their ability to promise and Japan—tittle Korea has been chewed a FAYSE. liitoirith W. P. Shantor. Entton Bine, Smokeollze and Ihclr Inability to perform which drove to fragments time and again. Now Catawba and SnuQ. tbat her destiny, seems to be fettled G^DRGE BARROW, the* Democrats from power fifteen deflulte'iy'by Japan's -outright SPRING CHICKENS Odd garments of diB- years flfjc—a fact which,,as might haVQ *caredfar. FRESH KILLED' 32S-S30 Values contlnuous.styles, while Uon her people- probably* l n "-ey last lalf. naturals been expected, is by no mcan^ lost better chance for bapplneu and ere^' RcXcrcnces Olyea. for bromn*. frrtnx and routine. AIM Dew .bid I Sample 1 1 - -JUten: >" ' • ecfct tor UMe KM. . ;,:• and sizes and shades, sight of in the Republican platform. for tbo morning culm H " ^ tboy I : Suits rich garments. bad la ""Tny years. • - • . 88 SUfilUT AVENUE.. II. C. THOMPSON. The Republicans in New Jersey have WeitSommlt. N. J. Tel. Jpi-RSommlt.

':• : • 1 • -¥-


NMr- Mrs. O. M. Brown Jjave return Dr_.H. W. Ryman ha» returned from to Summit after,spending the summer • RIGHT HAND RUIE. a ten days' camping, in Pennsylvania, JOHN N. PKBT, pBtatDErr 3. ROTD BIBK, 1JjBl NEWS fTES aFAt!an~uTHit:hTanas>r——F andbaVresumedaiirprotessionalduti'es^ h*rW.y U-U AppU«d In Driving «w Plans' have been prepared for twc In Navigation. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Brown have re The annual reunion of tho '11th more houses to be erected for August turned.to Summit after spending the London's drlrcn, sitting on the rlgl •C.|Hahr in the eastern section of the city, regiment New Jersey Volunteers •.•Wrf of the driver's sent, turn, lo t summer at Atlantic-Highlands- *** Association, will be held In Plainficld, left. Why? In. order thnt looklm The first of (he season' of the de. Charles Rivot, -the confectioner, on Wednesday, October 12. tlo\rn at the rlcl^ftldo of tti'e rehlcl 3riret IWational Bank Ilcloiis. caramels made - by Charles selling agent for Basile'3 celebrated they^may paiiRo to'tt fraction of . Rivot were to be had last week at bis The Rally Day services of the East Inch the hubs of_jx_j-chiclo mee French. and.American bread and, rolls, Summit Sunday School will be held in ..-, *--'• . OF SUMMIT, N. J. Springfield avenue store. . r fresh from Newark daily. them. In the United States the driv the chapel to-morrow evening, at 7.30 •till preserves ttio right sld» of t Former Councilman and Mrs. Ruforc o'clock. Rev. Hi. W. I. Haven will be Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hazel seat and In turning to the right of t Capital 350,000.00 Surplus and Profit *W2,80O - Franklin have returned to thelr^home and family have, returne<"Lto"i thei the speaker. roadway, has the least knowledge 'Tin "Norwood"avenue, after-spending where bis hubs may bo la passing. home on Euclid avenue after; spend- The Unitarian church in Sdmmlt will the summer at Bay Head, N. J. ing the summer at' Bailey Island. But In jnterndtibndl' navlgnitlori^t Wo welcompthD accounts of individuals und corporations Mrer-Hilmar—Mohr, of 40 Ashwood resume service at the Woman's In right hand rules always obtain. It The house and tract of land iu Hotan stitute; Maple street to-morrow, xixo^, narrow channel winding Into-ato whom wo assure courtcoua treatment and offer every facility -avenue, East Summit, sailed for Ger- avenue formerly occupied and owned Octobers, at 11 o'clock. Rev. Charles port where, tho extrcmest of cmphas consistent with prudent and conservative banking methods. many Wednesday, and expects to re- by Charles F. Wood, has been pur- '. Wellman will preach. Is laid iipon thoj'csscl keeping to star main abroad about throe months. chased by the First National Bank. board, no matter, how many crooks ant Mr. WilJiam Tyler Green was calle A church social will be held In the terns'and loops tho channel may make SAVINGS DEPARTMENT to Scnmton7~PaV~lKfirTSreek by the ' At the Baptist church to-morrow, th last Summit.chapel onThursdayeve- This was Illustrated In a collision < death o( his mother, Mrs. J. J. Green, pastor, the Rev. Robert Chipman Hull, ning Oct 13, at 8 o'clock, under the aus- tho Whangpoo river. In China, whi . which occurred on Monday in that city. will preach on the following themes: pica. uf the Ladies' Aid Society.,,AH the Pekin and the Normandio collided Interest at n] per cent. p_er annum Morning: • - "Is God to Blame ?" Even-friends of the chapel are invited. The Normandio was deaceniilng thi Payablo U2 quarterly Rahway has organized a branch oi ng: "Missions ut P6Ho Rico." .JB strcnm, keeping to starboard. Thi ' the S. P. C. A. with Mrs. George C. strated-with stereopticon views. .Mr. J. F. Haas, secretary and treas- Pekln was ascending tho chnnm Alnsworth as president; and' J. C urer of the Summit Trust Company, kdcplng to Its starboard. At a Bharp Bio re agent. The Summit Jbranch se _ At the Gospel Hall, Summit avem and Mr. James B. Gallagher, president turn In the channel" the, two boa -greetings. • . iStFWalnut street, Mr. D. L Boss, of .the Y. M. C. A., left on Thursday for collided. The Pekln's roaster declare) manager of^ the Gospel Publisbin that owing to the sharp bend In thi three weeks' trip in the Adirondacks. river It wos n "croRslng" cftse, In whlcl The Young Woman's Missionary House, New" York, will preach to Postmaster A. M. Jonesiwho has been the Notmaiulle wfts to blame. .Society of the M. E. church will meet morrow night, at 8 o'clock. A baptismal In tho house of lords,- however, .at the home of "Mrs. Voegtlen, 131 service will dose the meeting. confined to his home on Overlook road, for the past three days, by a slight was held that the right of iiny chann Morris avenue. Tuesday, October 11, at George F. Bingham, of .New York, of any degr-ee of irfnuos-Kj- Jflj- at tin 3lp. m. illness, expects toTeturn to his- duties ifyctit of the channel's center;' tha who has occupied the Franklin resi at tile post office .the first of the week. The itinary of Vivian M. Lewis, thi dence, 29 Norwood avenue, for the past therefore, when the Pekln failed t three months, has purchased the house observe the rule In the sharp' bebd ant .Republican candidate for Governor, in' The Athletic Association of the Y. M. "cut across" it became an o'ffendci • eludes only two dates in Unio.n County in Norwood avenue, formerly occupied X. A. has oi-ganized a good football ngalnBt the law -anU must pay dam viz: Oct irat Plainfield, and Oct 15, ai and owned by Carroll P. Bassett. team, vith J. S. Reed as manager. The jlgcs.—Chfcago Tribune. .Elizabeth. The members of Union Hose Com- first came of the season will be played* this afternoon with'the Franklin A. A. Edward Collins, of Morrisiown, has pany, accompanied by the Monistown of East Orange, on the Park avenue EYE OF THE CAMER/C . purchased the House, recently com- Drum Corps, left Tuesday morning for grounds, when an opportunity will pleted in Cedar Grove from Augusf New Brunswick, where they parti be given, to* see the working of the Th* Pietur* It Brought From put C. Hahr and removed to' his- new home pated in the firemen's celebration in • football rales. last week. ... y that city and'presented a fine appear Dr. Franda Clark told an interesting story of a youth living In Maine wh A. J. O'Keeper and M. E. Green, who Ofl Sunday, October 9th, at 11 a. m. was but In the woods ono day ttiklns Friend of the Housewife^ have been-inHrae- employ of the En- The Rev. Minot C. Morgan, ,of pom- and 8 p.m. the Rev. James DeHart photographs of attractive, bits of scon terprise Laundry, leave Summit to-day rait, addressed- the quarterly meeting Bmen, of Belvidere, will preach in the cry. He came.upon tho moutb of.a lit - -for Bonham, Texas,' where they have of< the Sunday School Missionary •: Central Presbyterian church. - This tie cavern between tho rocks, and h T is the most useful thing in ' -accepted positions. ' . cioty of the South Street Presbyterian church owes much to Mr; 'Bnien, who said to himself,. "I will see what sort of picture I can get out of- that cave, I the house," said a lady of as its first-pastor, for the efficient Clifford Bonnel, "superintendent of church, Homatown, last Sunday after- and as It was a dark .driy be decid- v noon. H13 topic wSs the Edinburgh ioneerwork which he did and upon the Commonwealth Quarry Company, which his successors have built ed to tako a "time exposure" her Bell Telephone. *'It takes has leased the house just completed on conference. stead of a "snapshot." Steadying th< my message to the market, to the Morris avenue by John Kentz, and re- A slight fire on thereof at the building The first, meeting-of. the season of camera upon bis kneo as well as h< —moved to it on Monday. — could at the edge of tho cave, he gavi occupied by the Wet Wash Laundry on theBoardofTradewill be held in the the -sensitive plate a long,- deliberat merchant, to the doctor, to the : __ William H. Badgley died suddenly Chestnut avenue, was theoccasion for City Hall, comer Springfield and Sum- look at the scmldarkncas within. Then . . ; _ / I Tuesday at his home in New Provi- calling the chemical engine Tuesday mit avenues, Tuesday evening next at* be continued his tramp through the fire station, to anybody Tat any . dence, aged about sixty years. •'The morning. In the evening the entire o'clock, at which time it is expected woods and after a few hours returned -funeral was held from the-Methodist department responded to an alarm from that the Convention on Systematic to his camp. ' place." -church of New. Providence on Thurs- Box 27, when it,* was found that the Beautification of Summit Will report Several weeks afterward, when de- Bell Telephone Service is the standard day. _ burning of the contents of a baby upon the proposed park and playground veloping his plates, you can lmagln service ofthe world, ftud evtiry BelHFele—-^ carriage In the "house at SZ Railroad scheme and the advisability, of submit- his astonishment to see In the picture, ' phone is a Long Distance Station. Dr. A. RTTuttle, pastor of the Mctho- avenue, was responsible for the alarm. ting it to the voters at theapproach- In the very center of tho cavern, wit •dist Episcopal church, will preach to- ing election. . . arched back • and bristling fur and morrow. His topic in the morning will Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Skfdmore and within springing dlstnnpe~6f the-Bpo1 Have you a Bell Telephone? , "tjeT^TmrHoly-Catholic Church," and family have returned to. Summit after St. Joss's where ho had balanced his camera, t in the—evenlnB7-"Eyes—That—are : Lutheran Chorea. t^go Canada Jyux tbat might casll, NEW 1OBK TELEPHONE COMPANY: spending toe-summer-at-thelr «otf3ge Beeefctt-ood road and DeFnrost avenue. -HoMen."* • at the Water "Witch Club, Highland* G- C. Bleaeln. ifiinlEter. 31 Beechwood road. iinvo destroyed his life. And yet hi Bvay BtU TtUphont It a\ Long BUita.ce Station. . N. J.; and areijocupyin^ their home on Serxfee»tn».m. c&mo and went "and saw DO signs o! taeorgeH. Stitcher,' another of the danger.—Christian Herald." •"old guard" on the Lackawanna, died Norwood, avenue. Mr. Joseph V. •September 27, at Newark, aged. 64 "lark and family who occupied the years. He ran the Dover express for house during the summer have re- • twenty-seven years, and was for a turned to their Newark home. . number of years engine dispatcher at Hoboken. The, Progressive forces in Hudson county are going to support tho entire Georgo Krementz, - a- .prominent Republican ticket from Vivian M. Lewis jewelry manufacturer, who has oc- for Governor, down to the last candi- At Popular Prices cupied theM. J. Kenny house in Sum- date on the ticket As the only hope Hnts'trlmmed Feathers Cleaned or mit avenue for several summers,.re- that exists for the election of Woodrov 50c curled In one day turned to his Ne-work_homejast Satur- Wilson lies iir-the_abih*ty off Hudson day, and Mr. Kenny and his family county-, to overcome the Republican •"NOTE" When choosing your fall hat, take a food look LOT DEVELOPMENT ^haye returned from Asbury Park, and majority in other parts of the State, --; around then come to us and you will get - are again located in-their owo.hdme^ ••' this is a severe ji ~~ "" just what you want. ~ •• . clique.^ THE ATHLETIC OR •On account of ill health, George F. WiisBn, who forjtlie past six years has Hon. John W. Griggs, "a graduate of been purchasing agent for the Lacka- Princeton, who Is to be-one off the BASEBALL FIELD wanna Railroad, has resigned, and Mr. talkers in behalf df our candidate for C. C. Hubbell, who has held the posi- Governor, Vivian M. Lewis, believes Fronting on Main Street and Sum- Uf auditor'for n nnmhpl- of ypnrs, -that he will be elected. Commenting ucceedshim. . on-DtCWilson'S- speeches. Mr-I mit Avenue & Located Trolley Line iid- "Dr. Wilsnn.i The local correspondent of the New- iected to tell the voters what he really 437-Springn«ld-AvonuO —ark-'Star, attended the meeting of the proposes to do if. elected Governor.-be- •- Common Council on Tuesday night and cause he himself knows but little of our heard the.report of the Water and Stitte government'-* Light Committee on the complaint of : "dead ends" in the -water mains on The::number of deaths reported to Valley View and Shady Side avenues, the State Bureau of Vital Statistics for 6 Minutes from Railroad Station and then wrote-the.story that.itwas tt*e month..ending September I(\ was reported that-"deadhens". had beep 3;462..-Byf .^e periods": there were found in the water mains. . : .:•- .009 deaths among 4n?aAtar^under one ; ear,'-^26 deaths of children over^ one Tbe-alhlctlc or bateball tract at Main street and Summit ftvenue. bnovn To mark their appreciation of "his m the Mahlon Mlnton EiUtc, toffclhcr with tho adjoinina Urn. laabellA earjand- under fire- years and 600 ward houio and plot on Main Street, in nllTibo-a-htwentr-flve «cr«». haro services, the members of the 'State tenths of persons aged sixty years and been purchaied by the Chatham Land £ Improvement Company, William D. Brokaw being Interested In the Compatiy. and the proooicd Immediate Republican Committee presented a lov- iver. Deaths from jtfrhqopiog cough development as "Clearvlew" Into larse lota to be told (or homebulldlna ing cup to Franklin Murphy, when he or to Investors for a future protlt Wide, 60-feet itrc«ti, wlth*«-feet md typhoid fever~frpin September wide cement ildewalka are lo run throush the property, both from Main retired from the State chairmanship last ihow an in crease-over-corresponding street and from Summit avenue. A fine chance to secure low price lota under reasonable residential reitricUons. on which can be butit moder- week;^.United States Senator John periods of previous years. ate priced houses, say 13,600. fi.OOO to 13,50a II Is Mr. Bnikaw's intention Kean made the presentation'address. to sell the first few lots at particularly low prices. An opportunity for our Will show you the handsomest, best thrifty Chatham people to get In an the wound floor for a home or profit- United States Senator Frank O.Briggs In -Newark last week Judge Jay Tea able nsaJe of lota. tailored Fall Suits you ever laid eyes on The tract has been laid out In blocks, with streets running both ways. was chosen to succeed Mr. Murphy as Syck of the Orphans* Court, refused 1 A new street, parallel! ad Summit avenue'rls called' Minton Avenna, and chairman of the State^Gepublican com- :o punish Mrs. Maiy Wood, of Summit, for 818. Made of the some grade of fabrics three others interseetlnir thla at right anslcs will bo known aa Myrtle Ave- r nue, Fem Avenue and Vine Street- - - mittee'. \ ot not tfarning over her fourteen-year- most stores price at $25; and,ovon then we go while we deeply resret the paiiltiff of Athletic Field, we cannot but reel. that thli new development will be advanueeous to Chatham.—From tho The Summit Choral Society will be- )Id daughter, Loretta,. to the sari's these stores one better in tjiij way we tailor our ' "Chatham Press." AujnW IS, 1910. . Lunt,'Miss Jessie Wood, of Newark. gin its second season on Qctoberv20th, Suits and in the way they fit. with a rehearsal at the Women's Insti- Counsel for the aunt obtained an order tute building on Maple street -The or Mrs. Wood to show cause why, she Lakewoods for young fellows—conservative.. services of Mr. Arthur D. Woodruff ihoizldnot be punished; but when it N eras explained that an action was pend- styles as well—in beautiful gray worsteds,brown have again been secured, and the club diagonal weaves, shadow-stripe blue sergesr-. v anticipates another successful year. ing in the-Chancery Court, Judge Ten 50 X 150- Applications for membership should be Eyck refused to interfere. rich silk mixtures and" fancy stripe black worsteds—a splendid variety at 818. and larger or as wanted. Lots are offered made on or before October fifteenth State Convention^of the Woman's to the secretary, Mrs. William B. Miles, Christian Temperance^Jmon of New at LOW PRICES, and right terms, Includ- '64 Oak Ridge avenue. . •. JFancy Fall Overcoats at %lS,juel at marked- ; Jersey, will be herd in the first Presby- ing graded streets and cement sidewalks. The American Tract Society is doing jriah • church, Broad street near ly tuperior in logics and value. See if they're not. For -(heps and lull particulars, see or write to 'a larger and more effective \rork~than Market street, Newark, October"1^ 13 is generally recognized! "it relates ind 14. Wednesday evening welcomes^ Fall Suits and Overcoats, 918 to $30 itself directly both to the immigrant jid address by Hon. Raymond Fayson NEW YORK problem of America .and to. the work of lobson, the Santiago hero; Thursday, AND world-wide evangelization by the pro- iresldent*s address, reports of officers SUBURBAN BROKAW REALTY duction of Christian literature in many id superinterftlcnts; Thursday even- foreign tongues. Its secretary,' the ing, musical address by Mrs. Frances , Rev. Judson Swift, D. p., who was an Srahara; Friday afternoon. Loyal Selling Agents for the Chatham Land and •official delcitate to the great Edinburgh 'emperance Legion exercises; Friday Improvement Company at .Chatham, N.J., •conference last June will speak in the ttVcning, oratorical contest for diamond or 100 Broadway . .chapel of the Presbyterian church on medal.!. All members of the local W. C. 797-80S ^road Street NEWARK, N. - 'Wednesday evening, October 12tb, at U. and their, friends arelnvited to •eight o'clock. kttend.


was knows to hare carried consider* ble money with'him. DATES FOR WORLD'S —niv5Tr>- over a tflgl b^twgen" rbndacU tunuutaliiecra of XorthvJlle. N*. Y« ended In niunlur. A posse o SERIESJRI SETTLED townfineu beat their way through tin Real Estate I Kept Under Cover Well Screened | undergrowth Into ihe heart of tho hill' In a search for Seymour Uonimlil. tu- and the home builder, who becomes ai Prompt Delivery Lowest Prices First Baseball Game Between slayer of.William Trarlu.' After th* posse bnd scoured the hills for hour1 factor in. the great deTelopment which i» Ronnold wnn found sleeping In hi' expected In New Jersey suburban prop- Champions Is on Oct. R cabin on the outskirts of NurtuvUlf f. B. MILLER COMPANY U« admitted tlmt he killed Travin. erties,-should protect himself first of all EntntHng n loss of more than.jaOU. by the assurance of a PERFECT TITLE. LUMBER AND MASONS' SUPPLIES Ganjes between,the Chicago National 000, fire destroyed-twenty 5ulldliiff»-tr ietigne tearo^-trad tbo Philadelphia tho vlllnges or Cannlcn. Oneldii couii An ordinary search does not furnish, American* tor the world's baseball ty. The blaze originated la tho Whit In championship uJII begin In tbo Penn- ney House, a frame structure."and that absolute assurance. -r— sylvania city on Monday, Oct. 37. The- fanned by n strong wind, spread raj»- otber games ore scheduled as follows: Idly. An apfVeal was sent to Home for Second j?nme, Tuesday, Oct; 18. 01 help, and'members of the acpartment Fidelity Trust Cp. Philadelphia. • nnd-apparatus succeeded In getthu Talk Wednesday, Octr—10r-teams-on-roll- ctintrnl, of-thn hlaac after about four Newark, N. J.r rood going to Chicago. hours* hard work. , . Third gome, Thursday,~Octr-20, n rffSfto men were killed and one serf' •Guaranty o! Title provides againat even .Chicago. ' ou^ly hurt by an explosion at the p g Fourth game, Friday, Oct 21. a Washington navy yard. The crash oc midiscoverable defects. It is the PERR - Chicago. ' „ - fc curreil in the "high explosive room." Over." Fifth eame, Saturday, Oct. 22, after where stores are .kept. The accident FECT PROTECTION. . fast run from Chicago to Philadelphia. happened while high explosive fuse? The cost is not high, while the guarantee 1HC OLD REUABLE HOME FURNISHERS nt Philadelphia. . " were being assembled. One of tlTe Sixth grime, Sunday, Oct 23, after fuses exploded qnd Ignited others is definite, absolute and'complete. . fast trip on train to Chlcagof'at Chi nearby: . _ . cago. Three young boys of Summit,, N. J. DNION COUNTY AGENCY, 233 Broad Street, Elizabeth. \ Place of seventh game, If necessary, wore instantly killed •wnlle playing In IOENGO. to be decided by tons of coin. a cave which they jhad built six feet 73»75 MARKET STREET Tho ftntloifnl league umpires will bo into th'e side of ji bank, the eartb over- Messrs. O'Day and Rlgler. Tue^Vmer- head suddenly giving way nnd piling Railroad Fora allowod to.out of"town Patroos lean league umpires will be selected In down upon.them. TJio biys were bur a few days. . . ' led/ by. earth' and rock. It required THE MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK.

•"*"•.• — r" :alf an hour's work to dig their bodies out | . ' MOERISTOWN. NEW JERSEY^ - Mn or GENERAL >' William J. Kneeling in the_ midst of a bonflre . 73rd Seml-Annual Dividend i^atlca '•Hucwo Gay nor got buck' to which she mndo of pages of religious The Managers of this Bank have ordered paid from the earnlces of the business and magazines and had satu- for the We'll FurnishYour Home rated with coal oil, Mamie McCarthy. Six Months Ending June 30th, i9TQ ties ns mayor just two months lucking three diij*« from the day u-lien James years old, of St. Louis slowly to tho dopbaltors entitled thereto under the By-Laws, a Beml-annual Interest diTldead burned "to death in the. rear of her as follows: _ . • J. Gallagher shot bun Ju-tiohoken aa ut. Atthe rat«QtFOlJRp©r,centumperannumon.Rllacconntatromte.a>toll.oco ho was about to Bail for a vacation In home while, she prayed. and on the first $1,000 of all ltircf*r account*. FOUR PER CENT From Top to Bottom ! Za<1' At the rate of THREE percentum '13 percent.] per nnnum on the excess of Europe. ' He seemed'to be Iu KOOI! QQQ health, altbouKli his '-voice w«s husky '. Payablo on and after July lOtti, WI0. " and his neck appeared to be slight l.r Correspondence flollcited. ' NOTES OF . Bank open daily from fl x. M. to 3 p. u.. except on Saturdays and Holidays ~0n~ swollen. •"*•• 1)!iperi ?(|> 8 tIl]lt Evnc Saturdays from 9 A. M. to 12 o'clock noon. INTEREST. described hott President Taft has pnrtluned Edward Azeffi PHILANDER B. PIERSON, Pre». HORACE Q. WOLFE, Scc'y & Treas. You supply the "nest," we'll do the A.' Boyle, Jolm It; Cojie, Patrick J. as liead of the lighting Hu.sslnn soclal- HenneHsey^uud Thomas Kohoe, four :s and as a noted political police spy. rest. You'll hardly notice the costs, sugar weighers, who lire serving sen- Ima . been assassinated at Wiesbaden tences for connection with,'the cus- Germany.' •. toms fraud* at New York. Tho presi- China is said to be on the verge of for we'll spread tha. payments over dent _ pardoned the four men on Mr. another upheaval similar to the Boxer DO YOU UKE NICE, Stlmson's reeoinmeudatloua that the uprlKiug, aud the* lives of foreigners men'had given him valuable'lufortuu- are Iu ieojiardy. All through the sum- WHITE TEETH? a year, or a year and a halff asking tlon which ho used. In tho trials of mer months there haVc been mutter- Use 'Petty*s Peroxide Tooth Powder Uelkc and Gerbracjit ings of discontent In some of the Chl: the LOWEST prices for all your buy, Representative tfuiues S. lluveus; iiese provinces dne to the rice famine, There Is nothltiB better for bleaching the teeth—fbr"prodocln5,"lhatbciati"' who was u candidate for the Demo- dyxiustlc di ill cuttles and dlssatlsfuc- ful pearly whiteness—and for klllfnc fferms In the mouth. cratic- nomluutlon-for governor, when acts of the Pekln goverumenl Petty's Peroxide Tooth Powder has all the effect of liquid peroxide—and is guaranteeing qualities in every case. Informed that au effort, would be mude as to-foreign investments In China. much more agreeable to the taste. The NICEST and BEST tooth powder. to Induce him to utaud fur re^'lectlui Leon Morune, the noted, 'aviator, and Try it; rou'U be sure to like it. 2 oz. can. 15c.: 6 ci. boltle. 25c to cdngress suld: "I stated before tin_ his brother, Itbbert, met with a serious Pharmacy > j» J» nomination for representative In "con" accident In light. Both uro budly in- grew* that If elected 1 would not ac- -Jured, Leuii the more dangerously. Prudential Building, Kitchen and Laundry. &^'££^i™£ cept u reuoiulnittiou. I regard that as The aeroplane fell fifty feet at Boissy Newark, & j* * a pledge, nud I will keep It." Saint Legere, near Paris. Leon broke Stoves, Oil CliUh. Linoleum.'!. U'.i-Ji Vubs. Wringers, Cvoking Utcn&iU, T IViJ/ow Ware, nnJ all other hi'Iju IJI C*JJJ housekeeping. Dr, Frederic A. Cleveland, director one of hts legs In, two places. It of the bureau of wuulclpul research of nt tlr»t fearwl tlmt Uulwrt's akull |\* * '•* ITS Extension Tables, Sideboards, China Closets, New York city, is President Taf t's new fractured, but .later this, was UlTilTlg A^OOni Chairs, RURI,, Carpets, Pictures, Clocks, Cur- expenditure watch dog^.Dr. Cleveland thought to be the CUHC. tnina. Dinner rincLTeaSctaJiilUn-broud variety. has already begun hit* work of advis- William Dennis as agent -for the ing the president In the investigation Unltetl States begun his argument be- of-the-executive departments in-the-in-T Parlor Suits,-Rockers;—Music"" fore the court of Interuutional arbitra- terest of economy and; efficiency, for tion at The Hague, which is to decide y Cabinets, Corner Choirs, Desks, which congress appropriated. $100,000 Book Cases, Couches, Divans, Pictures, Lamps, Hangings, etc. tho dispute* between the United Statec at the last session. . • . and Venezuela growing _out 'of. the -Very shortly bannna growlag on D claims of the Orinoco Steamship com- Bedroom Suits, Chiffoniers, DrcBsoro* Enamelled large scale In the United Stntes.-bnck- pany, an American corporation. It Is Beds, Brass Deis. Badtlinc, Ruga, Carpets, Matting, expected that the arguments will oc- Toilet Sets, Shades, Curtains, Blankets, and innumerable comforts for ed by some of the heaviest Onancial ln^ the. home lover, .' - L terest of New England, will be an ac- upy two .weeks. MAttKET. HALSEY 6 BANK S' complished ttt^L- Experiments made A protest against the Jewish pale by In the past few years In the growing Count Leo Tolstoi'Is published in St of bananas under glass lathe con- Petersburg. The regulations' setting servatories In Central park have dem- aside a restricted district only within :-'• -V onstrated .conclusively. ..that._it. can- be which,Jews.may., reside legally, are-de-- • THE "ACME" done. , " scribed not only as absurd and Inef- Not only has New York waked up to fectual, but as Violating the -natural tho bnd effect pernicious moving pic- rights of all beings to live and move AboutrCoiinterfeit Values Portland Range. Washing Machine ture films have on tho youthful inlnd, upon tho earth. ~_ - • but there is to be a world wido cru- Professor Rein of the Red Croasp-whcr ^"OLD RELIABLE". AND_ -VICTOR TALKING MACHINES sade against what tho anpounccment was sent by 'the Russian government terma "the moving picture nbomlna- to south Russia to study, measures of WHITE SEWING MACHINES AND VICTOR RECORDS , tlon" at the first American interna- imbatlng~"tbe, cbolern, predicts that hnrnnno conference. It Is to bp there will be nn outbreak of the epl h"eld_In .Was -demlc in 1011 more serious than thai no forelgneFof^Hny~sort^ of the presenJ- year.— . •—•'---;: _for n husbaud forme1.' I am home ex- WO new counterfeit bills have made their appear- • pecting to continue nn American." d Wo 8t T oncer-one is a ten, the other a five. These bills • - SPORTING * 'Ba » too light- Thut was the'statement of Misa Kath- weight champion, may are by no means good—they are crudely executed and FULL: LINE OF AFFAIKS. arine Elklus, who was: preparing to flt not^of the right cqlpr^-but they are good enough to.fool _ Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Flower and leave New Yonk for her home In.West ixamlnutlon of the champlon'i)- left SOME PEOPLE and good enough to warrant Chief Virginia. She arrived on the Kaiser rm, which was broken In hid light Wilkie, of the United'States Secret Service, in sending Garden Seed, Lawn Seed, Paints, Varnishes, Wllbelm diT Grosse. of the^North Ger- with Tom McFarlaiid In Chicago, was .warnings broadcasttfiroughout the country. _ __ made;— The~ arm ~was" l)folcen^j UsVTifr" ; man^Tiloydllnc; ' - TakeoutYOUR Bank'roll and look it over. Maybe '. Agricultural Implements, etc. Fnr tho tlmn helng WllHn^ T low the elbow, and the attending ]ihy ilclan said Wolgast will not be able to you're entertalnlnB"one-of these BOGUS BILLS unbe- j i nor, Socialist candidate for mayor of known to yourself. -^ ~^~ " Vineland,'3S. J., will conduct his cam- ght again for four months .and possl- paign from behind the ba.rs.af the local ily never he able to use-the arm in How wfe^hun counterfeit- money'and how we guard at B. B.WALKING'S Jail. He was ordered to pay a fine ol hard tights again. . ourselves againstrtaking it in change. Intakes a pretty Jl for being disorderly or go to Jail for Grim death stalked In tbo-. wake of counterfeit to pass muster these days. ." •• * Hardware and Furnishing Goods Store. ten days, _IIe_decIded that he would Harry F. Grant us he'gulded his sput- As we said before, we guard ourselves against counter- Telephone 216. MELROSE BUILDING go to Jail, although ho had a dollar In' ering Alco cur to victory in the great- feit money as we would the PLAGUE, but there are hlfl pocket ._. st and most ncusatloual automobile other counterfeits*—just as poorly executed as the poor- race ever decided In this or any other est bill—which we accept every day and think little of ountry and won for tho second year it. SIx uours after he had ,n succession the coveted VandcrbllT CRIMES 1 . We mean COUNTERFEIT VALUES. AND ut^cked "Mrs. Hiram :up over the motor parkway on Long CASUALTIES StUCk°y' a P»«»»nenl [aland. Four lives paid the penalty of ' Many stores that WOULDN'T THINK of passing coun- tho lust for speod and the craving for terfeit money advertise SPURIOUS VALUES and many CASUALTIES, young. womno of Cor- MaKe The fiome Attractive ington county, Ala., Bush Withers, a gold and glory, while twehty-one oth- people .who would quickly detect the false color of a. ThuVlLarsest Will Paper House lu.the World. negro "trusty" at tho Henderson con- ers injured otherwise marred a strug- bill or the false ring of a coin, accept these self same gle that was as unfortunate as it wan x vict camp, was taken "from the warden values without a wink, ^i ' • ~ -^1 while en route to prison1 at Andalusia, brilliant " I o RICHARD E. THIBAUT [IKC.] tied t_o_a_Btiriio by a mob of -JO0 men Elmer Collins again demonstrated At this store we guard you^ against counterfeit values~in T ". and burned to death. hat.ho Is the fastest bicycle rider In the same way thatTve;guard you against bogus trooney. "PEERLESS" Fire completely wiped out tho busi- America when be beat Jimmy Sloraii This is a SAFE store to trade at because you are always 7 nnd George Wiley in three straight sure of WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. ness portion of tho, villago of Nesha- r ,nlc, N. J., causing a loss of moro-than _ieats nt the Clifton Btadlum in Pas- WALL PAPERS f80,000. Tlw firo Bturted in the cream- sate, N. J. Moran finished second ery of the Itarltan Creamery company •nch time. In the ninth mile of the ' Are noted for their Decorative Qualities. by tne explosion of a gasoline engine, second beat Collins rode la I tnlnutv end tho entire plant was destroyed, 10 seconds, breaking by two seconds 141-145 Halsey Street, • Newark, N- J. Vlth a loss of about 51,000. Tho lum- bis old world's record for a mile In • •' -'One block from Broad Street, rear of the Poatoffice. ber ynrd nod three hay presses and a competition behind small motor .cycles. grain store pear by wero soon ablaze, Joe Jeanette, the clever negro boxer MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY FILLED. Order through your decorator who has our sample books or call vlth a brisk wind fanning: tbo flames. from Union Hill, N. J., shaded Morris at_our Sales Rooms and make your selections. "Tho."" authorities " of Susquehanna arrlB^of Philadelphia by a mile and GOODS DELIVERED FREE. .... i halt ln*b_tt(ten rouad star* .boat at NEW YORK BROOKLYN BOSTON BRONX tounty

• '•' .!•: TJELE SUMMIT BF.K ATiP/feATUBDA-g<-bCTOBEB^8>-1910- LUM & SHIPMAN In their fight at the Rational Athletic dub: In Philadelphia. It wu» an ex- ARAB ENCAMPMENTS.- gooecason to GEORGE E. LUJtf, citing bout, which the Englishman iOpen Saturdays till 10 P. M. Closed other days at 6:30 P. B -iron Ky" lil^mijtoHhr »-lnp rrnff _and Th» Crowded T«nts In Which uildersand Contractors; hard hitting ability. It was rough • Shtphard Warriors' Liv«, ~ throughout Moore fought low~an - Arabs-aro true Isbmaclites. The! AndGenezml Jobbing Cupenten. nearly lost the fight in tho third ronn life Is a constant wandering. Thej ealth SUMMIT, N. J. _-• ' when he fouled Moran. live entirely on the produce of their Tommy Burns, formerly heavy weigh herds. Their tents arc quickly taken Keeps the Hair from champion of the world, is going. down or put up and easy of transpoi i_jfUUng Oat ca e tour Australia with a baseball tea They are made"of earners halrriooselj Ftlliftff hair Udne to lack ok T-— M •** $ mnd> up of star players picked fro woven, supported on poles or long guy nourlibmcDt at' tb» *»r*T RMI> and often to an «ZOMB the teams of. the Faclflc coast an ropes. They protect the ocenpnnta from dandruff on the scalp. - .northwestern leagues. Burns mad' the- hot sun, but not from the rain, Bay* Hair ncalth UMd rcjroUrlr, taTlgoratea knWn hto'phms when "he arrived n and la winter tbe encampments ai UaIrroot«,clcaQaM tnotcalp Now Jersey'* PUddre., from Vancouver. uncomfortable places; ol dacdruff, and la tbliwar "BEE HIVE. •tops taiUoff lialr and stlmn. Shopping Centr*. Tho interior Is crowded with all (bo latea a bealthr BTOWUI. "I theoffht of writlnr ym belongings of these shepherd warriors aomaumeaffoaboattbtttrnljr W3 The awakening —camel Baddies and gaudy ssddleA rvmay-lcable rwulu I bare obtained from th« liberal ate OF OUR American enterprise t bag's, rifles and ammunition, hunting of Days Hair BealUt. Formal Opening Ladies! dogs and falcons. The women occupy I have ooty words ot pralM for atteh a wonderful remadf, N-iaHWRs-ssuSirSi'-srn one half; the men use tho other, par- .Mrhalrbeiran to hi] out at tries of South America Is beglnning17t titioned oDf by tt brightly colored cur- a ranr early ape. Hay's Hair Healtn, in » »eriabort time, >BcquisiteAutunin Attire make Itself felt. In Venezuela Ins tain, Tbo whole of tho front of the covered my «calp wiUi » year the imports of Great Brltnli tent being open, there Is no privacy. rplcadl* flrowth ol hair. is indicated by a box of our genuine showed a decrease- of $1,257,503, thosi The average tent measures -twenty - CHAB. J. BuDtqxo, This week \ve held our forrnal opening of blgh grade clgara made from the fln- yards by. six. PbeaU, I*. I.** —*st selected leaf and guaranteed to be of Germany $17,024 and of Spain $175. _ladies_correct attire, on a^scale befitting-the gorgeous perfect smokes frou* every standpoint' OW. American exports Increased $740, Tho chief of tho tribe, however, Is not a_< 374, those of France $540,442 and o Skin." Phllo naj Spec^^T, NewarkTN. J, ~of~tKe~prevailing fashions of the period of froefcs^ They have an excellent flavor tual owns many tents, and he- bns for bis U. S. A,, and TerMJioe-'Can. . —** makes them popular with the beal Italy $70,-JS4.- Immigrants from th< own-use one giant structure, some- '. RCFUSB AIX SUBSTITUTES cloaks and waists for Fall and Winter. In reality judge? and the same may be truthful!} United. Stales who would sottje dowi limes spread "over a length or thirty a U1 eald of our cigarette, flue tobaccos and are n{sojwelconi'c,'''declared Isaac "A « and 60c. -^ «-- - -"- ^* nothing as noteworthy from a style standpoint has other smoker*' articles, and our prices six yards. In his other tents tho chle: Manning; United States.consul at txkeeps hla numerous wives, who hnv are fairness tbemeelves. Guayra. ER & CO./ ever been known in Newark, for the exhibit will certain proportion of their master'! With as mnch mystery as attended DRUGGISTS. contain the broadest possible range of garments, flocks .pjnd herds to look.'after. Hay. Summit. ' Chatham. B. H.FRUMKIN the theft of heirlooms and Jewels from Ing a separate.tent for each wlf> from the simple street suit on up to the most ela- Orr. Y.-.SLCA. Lady Antrim at the Royal Alexandra thus does away with all chanoeof do- hotel In Winnipeg, 3Idn.» two weeks mestic quarrels.—Argonaut^ borate, costumes for dinner and party wear, and re- 394 Springfield Avenue ago they were recovered by a detec- FRANK BRENN presenting the masterpieces of famous Paris dress- tive: .Beyond the fact that,they arc worth'-nearly $10,000 the' detectlvi TRS LATE. makers. ' ,The opening willbe of unusual scope, in would say nothing. Chief of Pollci Harness, Blankets, McCrea of Winnipeg refuses to give A Train JK.t .Won tho Behind Time that suitable apparel for every purpose and occasion any details in connection with tho af: Record Medal. Saddles, Whips. will not only be fully represented, but may be Vreeland & Vought fair, but suggests that arrests will be _„ -.in of a railway,system in the made shortly. .southwest once nrrived-at_itsjlestinai_ selected with the certain assurance that lines; the Successors to Waller P. Shsptcr Horse Equipments, Harness Fifty iK?rsons, passengers on tion nearly three years late. Tho clr-_ colorings arid the fitting meet in every'way the clflc Steam,Navigation steamship Chi cumstanccs wcro thfcsti: Dressing, Oils, Soaps, Etc. • Re- fashion edict for the coming season. The expense rlqui, are believed to havc^drownec The train left Bolivar, Just across pairing of Harness, Trunks, Etc. Electrical Contractors •when an explosion- snnjc^fhe vessel al Galv-eston bay from Galveston, on of providing yourself with one of these garments . . AXI> JOBBERS Point Jarachine, about eighty mile- Sept 8, 1000, and was caught In the from Panama. NCws of the catastro great storm that so nearly destroyed Robber Tiring on Short Notice. will be found to be materially lessened in tnis com- phe, which opeurred on Sept 20, wastho Texan city. Bolivar Is Beventy prehensive ensemble of the Autumn styles. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES received jU^uie company's offices li flvo miles from Beaumont, which ,was Baby Carriage Wheels Retired. Pana the point of-the tralnls destination. •'! In. all other departments also are shoWn the 3 Beechwood Road Td- ing to tbe almost complete fnl Before the train had traveled tdt on CORZ«I£ll latest effects for Fall,* such as among the new dress of the shore flstrCFleso f tho scaso Its journey It was caught hi the storm. Iblrty-Jnlle3 of tho track were washed Park & Chestnut Ave's., ^goods,-silks,_trimmirigs,-'sRoes,-hosiery,-ladies^ fine- soon to close Itis-feared that tho pri -SummltrNrJ— rations of the Labrador fishermen wll away, and the train was left stranded neckwear, millinery and furs, and not forgetting be particularly severe during the com- on a sandy, waste. Many persons who Inc Yrfnter. The season's catch la be-lived on Bolivar peninsula were saved elaborate assortment of clothing for the bbys and SUMMIT CARRIAGE SHOP lieved to be the smallest ln tbo annals from death by taking refuge ln the youths and fine haberdashery for the men. These e. P. ANDERSON, Prop. of the' organized fisheries. train- .After (he storm imbslded they Carriages and Wagons An explosion f- No. 2 coal mine of walked to Bolivar with tbo passengers, ill be found very inexpensively priced, when one tbe Mcxlean Cutil and Coke, company, but the abandoned train was left on | made aud repaired at consider the superior styles, material and page Blacksmith and near Esperanzi\ Mexico, cnused the the prairie. ; to death of 129 miners. It Is reported The storm bankrupted tho railway, are of a character that a lnrgenumber-6f~bodlea~!have "*,nd-no-effort-to-r«scue-tbe-cnginb-and] - . FARROW'S on a par with the Horse-shoer been recovered and that tbo list of thecars was made until 1003. .Had not dead and missing numbers 120. the road suffered so seriously In that - 398 Springfield Avenue. and Paris. .. Carriages Bepaired, Fainted, storm the property would bavo proved Trimmed and Bobber Tired. Diplomatic relations between 'Vene- of great value a few months-Jaier, Selling out at cost my SATISFACTION GUARANTEED zuela and Colombia, recently severed because of a boundary dispute, have when oil was struck at Beaumont In entire etock of carriages, led Promptly, SUltirtlT, NEW JERSEY.' boon restored. President Gomez ha 1003, however, the road underwent re- coupes, station wagons, officially "TecelT©4 Dr. Torres as Copairs, when the' train was drawn into Iomblan minister to Venezuela. Donumont, whero It was greeted by-a- runabouts and business p., Newark, N. J. cneerlag crowd,—New Torta i?xesa. wafons. ' OEATHR Former^ United States The Diplomatic) Room. OF NOTED Senator; Hufus Blod- One of the most Interesting and most ;" C. W. Farrow E?tt 6t JetSey visited-places -In--Washington-Is-the PEOPLE " *"*«" diplomatic rcceptloh room ln the de- Summit, N. J. PEOPLE, ^I^J a£ big nomo partment of Btate, where the.secretary Long Branch, N. J., at tho age of sev- of state transacts bis business with enty-six years. Ho was general super- the envoys of ^foreign governments. 6»»«ao«a»» «»<•••»•»• intendent of the New York and* LongThis room Is close! to the secretary's • / Branch railroad and except for his six fllce dad looks southward to the Po- years' term in the senate had held tomac, the Washington monument Melville M.Rutan that position since ISSi.. looming up with. stately effect at tho You Can't William West, president of theleft Thursday of each week Is set Ish-Air Heaters POULTRY, GAME AXDPBODUCE Hamilton (X. Y.) National bank and apart for tho diplomatists, who are re- treasurer of Colgate, university, died vived ln this famous room by the sec- Go^Wrong "Alwajrsthe Best-." In n Rochester hospital*. Mr. West retary of state or the official who may We back every shoe that goes out was a delegate to the Democratic con- be acting .In his, absence. The room if this store with a guarantee of good- |lon. Thousands are 881 Springfield Ave vention and wus taken 111 with appen- Itself when not occupied by the for- lesa resting on a reputation of many States. Arejthe^ dicitis when attending the convention eign representatives- Is open to the pub- ear's making. and went to a.hospital for treatment- lic. In It most' of our treaties of re- You know that if a shoe we sell possible to make. Colonel William C. Booth djed ai cent years have been slgnodriraa nin ny su't right'that we make It right. We Theyweat where others fail—give best satisfaction. ills home In Brooklyn. General debil- have been the notable assemblages ouidn't back poor aboes with such a ity had confined him to his bed forgathered within Its walls.—New York uaratitee. wouldn't..Btay_ Send for descriptive circulars. nearly a inon,th, ne was seventy-nine ess long If we did. J years old,' was a member of the Four- Have you seen our $3.OO line of ~ Sold by AH First-Class Dealers teenth regiment and went with thai Prices Paid by Forty-ninera. Men's organization to tho civil war. Calf, Box Calf aud Vlcl Kid in George W. Patten, brother of James Heroin tho price list on the."carte" of. tho Eldorado-hotel of Phicerville, totible or single sole ? ATPflttenrnnd a partnerof tbe-former 1 wheat king, died at the residence of Cal.', In tbe days .when it entertained iVULFFS SHOE STORE, bis brother hi Evanston, 111. His death the forty-niners. "Payable In advance," 8 Maple Street Upholstery and was caused by tuberculosis, from it proclaims; "goId.Bcalcs at the. end | ARTHUITMANSER which disease he had suffered for' the of bar." . • ...... - . i . ^^ Cabinet-MaKing last twenty'ycare. . A "square meal, with dessert," Is li Bear' Admiral Charles R. Roelker. priced at $3, and other items that retired; died In Washington, Ho wrfs probably interested tbe patrons of the Summit Hardware : and ; House- | -Mrs. Frank Hellquist born ln Germany in 1541, saw service Eldorado arc set. forth as follows: •will continue the business of upholster- la the civil war as an engineer and Beef, Mexican prime cut, $l.G0; beef, ing and cabinet making, in charge of during the Spanlsh_Wnr was ajpcmboi uplong, $l,G0; beef," plain, $1; beef with Rudolph Anderson. of the inspection board,—*-" a potato, fair, size, $1.25; beef, tame, Building ® Loan Furnishings Judge Alfred -^>. Vaadoren, a promi- from tho states, ?LD0; also two po- ' Carpets Laid; Shades made and ttoes, medium size, CO cents; two po- Hung. -—'— • nent Grand -Army veteran and for six years city recorder of Long Branch, atoes, peeled,* 75 cents; hash, low "^Association^ -AWNINGS A SPECIALTY ;. J., died at his homo In Long grade, 75 cents; hash, 18 carat, $1; Branch from peritonitis, nged seventy. rlco pudding, plain, 75 cents; rice pud- 431 SPRINGFIELD AVENUE 472 Springfield Ave., SUMMIT, N.J. ding and brandy peaches, $1.—I^os Genorar Markets. Angeles Times. GEORGE BARROW, BUTTER—Steady on top grades; re. ceiptt. 6,703 packages; creamery, specials, - Eleven In • Bod. New fellies General House Clesxilaff. White Wsjhlm per lb.,-SOHc.; extras, 2&\ia25c.; thirds to In early Victorian times the work- Gardenias, Lawns and Furnaces cared forJT firsts. 24aSc.: fctate dairy, finest; 2Sc.'i cpm- man was accustomed to rough It. Isa- Satisfaction Guaranteed. . IReferesces Given, mon "to prime, 23aT7c; process, specials, Address: 27c:; aecand9 to extras, 23a?G%c; factory, bella Fyvle Mayo ln her "Recollec** r Juno make, 23Ha24c*i current make, 22a tion" -mentions .that one flourishing Opened 88 SUMMIT AVENUE. 23c.: Imitation crcamcrr, 24a25c.' firm of bnkers—patronized by royalty Boi US. Telephone 436-w. 12-13 . CIIEESK— Firm; receipts, 2,103 boxw; —"kept eleven men and had only one state,•whole milk, specials, 15Hal7c; aver- 'ago fancy, small, ' white, l£^4c; large, bed for them all. Daring the twenty- MAY 12, 1910 white, • ISVic.: small, colored, IS^c; largo, four hours they occupied*It-turn and colored, lS^c; choice,UMalEc.; good to turn about One of these unfprtunatcs AND prime ltaHVic; common to fair, Ilal3^c was generally In Charing Cross hos- When War -•klms, specials. 12Hal2%c; fine, UHall 1 fair to Rood, B^alOSic; common, Ca7 pital, and.the 'master got a reputa- For full particulars address full Bklnis. IHilc- tion,for generosity by his'yearly sub- with Japan breaks out EGGS-Stcady to firm; receipts, 12.1*1 scription to Its funds." cases- state. Pennsylvania and nearby, Wm. S. PORTER, Secretory. you won't need to behennery, -whlto. 33a40c; Bntherod. white. SOaSCc- hennery, brown, 30a32c.; gathered, brown 2fta2)c; fresh gathered, extra firsts, y , ashamed of your Ameri- aa27c' nrsts. 2*o25c;' Bceonds, 22a23c. Albert—A dog'that riina under a car- POTATOES—Weak; Maine, per bag. Ha riage is called a.carrlage dog. Is it not; canism if you have had l£0- state, per bbl.. Jl-50al.75rX«nff Island, per bbL, «L50a2; Jersey, per bog, H.*)ol.T5; Egbert—Certainly. AS. BRBW5TER ; your work done by sweets. Jersey, per bbl., Sl.G0o2: per bas- Albert—Well, what would you call a itet. COaSOc* southern, per bbl., pal.62. log that runs* under n motor car? HAY AND STRAW—Bloody; timothy, Egbert—Why. a dead one. UNDERTAKER GHAS. T.CORBY & SON, per 100 lbs.. 77Wc.aJ1.10; Bhlpplnff. 65aTS^c; clai-or. mixed. aa»c.; clover, Ca76c.; long rye straw. EaGOc.; 0»t ond wheat, UaUc; Economy of Time.. ' . Lumber, Masons' Materials. ENTERPRISE LAUNDRY half bales. 2}fcc; less. • • •-Friend—1 nay. Tine of your clocks li EM BALM ER LIVE POULTRY — Entire^ absence i: of slow and tbe other's fast Young Law- business, and-prices-nominal. —iT _ We we Ivory Soap. DRESSED POULTRY — Steadier, but ; Yes; I start work by. tho slow one 'enonal Attention Day and Night otTift; fresh killed turkeys, western, rstop by the otherV-^Ilfe. ' N Bprlng per lb- 20aSc:; old, lSa22c; broIM Cor. Morris and New England Aves., era, Philadelphia, squab, per pair, fOaGOc; Telephono 318. Sammit, N. J. _ I to 4 Ib». to-palrr-pep-lb-.-23*!*^.: Picnn- Discretion of speech Is more dcslra- sylvonla, 3 to 4 Ibo. to pair, per lb., 15a2Dc 503 SPRINGFIELD AVE.. SUMMIT, FJ. J. TEL 6 e 7i 3. . ••' . ile than eloquence. BEECHWOOD ROAD. 8U>f#HT HERALD, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1.910

fifltt UllDDllV j^ unite Jn river improvements and. det \ IHIff. InlHirtll Jus•tt and generous lows; and tbe natipt mand for atftlley, all I ask is that! got ._ profoundly Indebted, for this gnat work to'tho kindly and courteous "and what all other* get In .Summit, what I far-«celne and unflinching leadership get in New York and other places, for of-WUllun Howard Taft, ''By ifi the fiute* I pay. but I will not subniit to- You cannot afford to take any un- ' iitvestigate everywhere, then cots* here. works shall ye know him." ,' r Registry and Election intaUon. - - neort«ary rl«k with your bard earned .'- Positively* ToJ&e People ol New Jersey; They are great worki I - HENRY GBEEKE,•<•• savings. - —» ,...."„_•.„... /. Pnmnntfo Uw. Notice Ii HewbrOlTen T6«t I have been requested by. tho exe- FRANKUN llunpnv, All sorts of investments are oHered the Boird of Reoistrr aannd dection* in andlr 233 Central Park, West, N/Y. extrr electioelction diitrict In cutive committee of tho Republican and uoless grent Cantlon Is exercised Chairman Republican State Committee, errorSTTre likely to be made which will State Committee to call your-attention prove co«ly. Tbe tlty of SommlL <•T to the great work that has been ac MISS ESTHER WHITE wUl meet foiLthe purpose of nuking* r«riitr» tion of voton on compUshcd by a Republican Congrcas BRIEF COUNCIL MEETING ", ". wlllnnuw Tbe Morris Connty Savings Bank and a" Republican President. Inxtnictlons In Slnilnr Tuesday.November 1st, 1910 Let me begin with «n Illustration: (Continued from page I.) MORRISTOWN. N. J. •ttbeliotir of one (O o'clock in tho aftemoo^ after Octoptr 1st and remain la Mulon until nine (») o'clock In On a North River ferryboat a littlo spraying and caring for elm trees along In Summit ul la Mnir York offers not only absolute, security but • tbt eveninil for tflo parpote of revUtrifr and corr while ago the attention of all the very generous rate of Interest. rectlnv the register* and of addlrurtnereto the the streets; that private owners had 7 East-45th Street Box 293 namea ot.Mll,pewona enUtled to tb» right ot tat- passengers waa drawn to the magnifi- . jMposlui made on or before the third fnure In the respective election district* at the neglected to look after tho elm trees NewVork-;—:--:•—•• ^i day-of any monUi will be entitled to cent Hauretania, with its thousands of on their property, and stated that some Ititerest from the first of-the-montli^ WJoHQror the bo«rd.thit they are entitled to tofts'of canto *nd with'people enough united action would have to be adopted Tbe ilntereat. will be credited (o your vote In that election dUtrlct at toe next election for a good-sited' country town, aslt If we are to saveTBb~eIm~treesi In this mSTRUCTION account January 1st and July 1st. therein, or who snail b«/>hown by the written ^*pd through tho waters almost as Deposits by mall In form of a check affidavit of a voter residing In the aaine election Other excepUcntl values up to *3.0a R«paJr city. At the Trenton meeting the district to b* fcoentitle d C6 vote therein, and also departntent-aatistacUpn saarutsod. Old , silently «j the seagulls about It floated JOSEFFY METHOD or l'i»toftlce ..Money Order will be far the purpose of erasing therefrom the namea proposition was discussed in reference TSrbniDtly acknowledged. of anr persons-who, after ft fair opportunity to fe«ibers made into Willows., through the air. 1 thought of Presi Mre. Byrd Platt Lathrop be beard, shall be shown not to be entitled to 9 to setting out trees on roads con- 1 vote therein by reason of non-residence or other- "The Popular Feather Co.* dent TafN-ef his quiet, gigantic, resist- structed under State aid, and it wasSummit on Thursday, Commencing PeposlU, ' '.... .*3,682,786.80 less power, as he is fnovfngamootbly September 29th. • Surplus,... »3JP,7S9.96 The following places hare been.desijrnited for 178 Washingtog n St., Newark, N, J. proposed to secure the' necessary tbfc said registration and election: Tbree block* north from MarMarkek t Street tad on with his great burden of national legislation to bring about this dwirabli- 18 Rathven Place First Ward. First District Mose Company No. t tlyee doors north of the Interest July 1st, 1910,4 per cent per .quarters. Municipal "Building, Summit avenue, tl ds north of the CanaL problems. annum up to $l,00O«0O corner Bank street* Second District, Willard result on roads built by State aid in the Hall, Springfield avenue. He started out to get things, to have future. Second Ward. Pint Diitrlct, the Hook *_Lad-_ —lawn—niade1,—to—fulfill—Republican PHILANOERB. PIERSON, President der Building on Park avenue. Second District, ~0n motion 6? Kir. de. Selding a resolu- promises, to meet the public demands, HORACE a WOEFE, Sec'y and Treas. tbe Hose Company No. 2 building, corner Park The Well Dressed Woman tion was adopted cancelling the taxes and Aihwood avenue. and in this great work ne must recon- EXECUTOR'S SALE. Ana notice U hereby further 'rived that the JTind of world do io hera— . cile factions and get peoplo's heads to- assessed against tho city municipal Board of Registry and Election will meet In the gether without knocking—must hold building for 1909, as the property was On Thursday, October 20th, . W. WOODRUFF above named Places on . < , ftesllf loaltei you swell «DPC&r, Irresistibly to his own safe course and Under tho control of the city on Decenv Manicuring,. Vibratory Massaje Tue8day,Novemb6r8th,i91O Qhliiiiateitityleintrotltmt,—~y' ~ ' draw in the extremists from every di- ber 20, of tbnt year. 1910, the Executor of the:George - /Shampooing, Facial, Massage, from 8 o'clock In tbe morning until seven o'clock rection and persuade them to work to- la tbe evening tor tfte purpose of e/ectinir candi- tiobby itMblon beyond « doubt. ' After approving the following bills Manley, Estate will offer for / £caI|TTres'ment. ' dates for^be following office*: gether with him. Httlr foods made toxmlar. • • • Governor of the State of New Jersey; Member \rtblil* jott the bome of ityle,.. •. Abraham Lincoln Is the only, other the Council adjourned: salo at public auction real es- of the. Home of Congress froth the Fifth Con- statesman this countitry has, iproduced Fattons atUQdcd at re"ld«&ee W appotat- gressional District; three members of Assembly; n teli>» viill-U worth your while. Hairnet Co. I 252 +1tato in Summit jind vicituty, Coroner; Councilman-at-Larse; a Councilman in with Taft's power oltt narncicssin: g wild EugeneC. Pierson 65 00 M SprlnilHoij avonuo. BD5IMIT. N.J each Ward, and a constable fa the first W*nL ultlte suits Tor Udles that know. horses into a Btcady and vigorous team. B. H. Frumkln 6 82 consisting of vacant lots,-dwell- J J. EDWARD ROWE, ' ~" Taft found the' Republican Congress Matthias Plum...... 13 19ings and acre property. For Clw Clerk. et me you. satisfaction show, badly-divided against itself, and ho re-The Bond Buyer. 14 24 |)olnK alleratlons iust the best memuered Lincoln's warning tKaTJu» Summit Express Co 28 34 particulars, maps and condi- touso -divided—szninst—itEeJP'cS'nnot Public Service GnGas C< o 2 8 800 tions apply to K.'M. Manley, Norton's "Look for the Red Horse" •hen here I keep you so well dressed. stand." Quietly, pleasantly, gracefully, Stephens Bros.., A nd look at life lust as you can; unswervingly, tie has held- on his D. P.Carter 21 40 Executor, or Manley & Grand, —— course, and has Influenced all factions U. B. Walling ; 19 09 32 Broadway, Now York. HORSE BLANKETS I elolhes that make the woman or man. to work with him. He has brought the Barrett M'fg. Co 349 03 . great ship smooth); up to her dock, St.. Committee Pay Roll.....*. OB 75 Now Ready For Delivery are Jodntd by their clothe*. with the richest results that one C.L.C.L.C.. ReeReevee , 73 03 |h ! it matters hot where one coe*. session of-Congress ever presented to LarsoL n TraT pR Rock Co 164 92 349 Plail0 st the American' people: . • E. E. Norton * 16 6fi - Really for fashion—latest mode, ' This Republican Congress has given Eugene Scully. ....-, 90 10 Newark, N. J, Try Number 10 Bcechwood road. the American people a -* railroad bill George W. Brown 2 15 which is wise and strong and safe be- Newark Nickel Plating Co. ...-.*•' 7 00 yond previous conception. The three E. W. Compton..-...Ctoi . 11 000 great provisions of this bill art:: Tllnt M. Chrystal;...... ,'...,:...... 2 «J8 it not only puts railroad ratos directly Fred Evans. 50 under government control^-but it for-W. L. Oaks A Co 60 60 bids the raising of rates until after the Commonwealth W. & L. Co.... 1455 28 McGibbon & Company .Commerce Commission has passed - on John S. Ltimson, Jr. 420 97 ithem. Robeson Process Co. 75 07 BEDDING DEPARTMENT Tint it rrcatps n spirinl rhmmerce- F.tl" Pough. —JS-09 ir you break a lens we^hnye (be - Our Brass and Enameled Beds are msuie-of best court to which the people can instantly Post & Congestion 23 60 mechanical equipment to duplicate appeal with any complaint against rail- John C. ScVntle - 2440 20 K You {feed quality materials and are sold-under-our-guanui-^^ road charges.. * v that lens In a few minutes. Stoves (Heating or Cook-' tee—very important matters to consider, when That it provides a special invest! - gating committee on the issue of rail- If you need new glasses we possess ing)^ ' v- -- purchasing articles intended to last for many years. road Blocks, that the Watering of - ~ for all your buy, the professional ability to fit your . Oil Heaters . ' curitles may bo prohibited,'hich they buy in the market. F what they may require. . Brass Bedstead, very well made . $14.00. This-Kcpublican Congress has given | Stove Polish and Enamel •- -• — Box Spring to Fit .. - 8,00 - the American people.anothcr great ad- Over thirty years experience in i Fireplace Screens ~ vantage in their use, of public service Horse Hair Mattress ...... 9.00 large city stores. '• 'I •— GasrTiibing and Mantels coirorations^ by bringing the telegraph ,.. \ Horse HairMattress,stitched edge I3.OO , and telephone companies under the Cab'.ncts, Cupboards, Tables, • Summit's Headquarters for Hardware, rule of the interstate commerce act. CViir.*, Itantfos, • Laundry... PflM" from tl.00 up fof House Furnishings, Paints, OH s, Wrin^crB^ooking Utensils,— This Republican Congress has given I housekeeping. • . • new Uuqes. Window Glass, etc. - . BROADWAY" AND lBOl^STBEET, NEW YORK the American wage worker -the abso- BJQHTOOOPS RIGHT PRICE lute insurance of his hank de eits by _ Watcbec, Clocks,—Jewelry and creating the system of. Sideboards,'China Closets, Optical goods promptly repaired. '' ••ssrssb- ' banks, and there U no 1 ker whch r Stors '?^ Carpets, Pictures, Clocks, Cur. NORTON'S bUhd 1886 ^maknut Jokee goodJbo__goodJbo_r which _requireJ s k dJboJsM govern* "' ment itself is pledldg I not only .to pro- F. W. POOLE, duce every dollar th it is deposited, but Parlor Suits, Rockers, Music ' Optician and Jeweler, to pay interest on it J Cabinets, Comer Chairs, Desks, THE WAOLEY NURSERIES. 77 Union Place, Summit, N. J. '?:• This Republican Congress has shown i. Lamps, Hangings, etc. its devotion to the (jreat common in- Bound Brook. N. J. terests of the people in many wayB. It has placed a special tax of thirty or Chiffoniers, Dressers, Enamelled T& HAVE a nuurnlflcent stock of ORMAMENTAL SHRUBS) CVERQBEEN8 - forty millions a year on corporations^ , Bidding, Rugs, Carpets, Matting, of aU eorta; SHADE TREE9 of sreatcst beantr and ntlUtv;.FRUIT TREES) V11CES; ROSES, and HISGELLAICEOUS PLANTS. Wa h»TO never ieen our It has passed a tariff bill which has and innumerable comforts for* been declared by President Tatt the Block looklnaBOtrcU, and one jrreatadTMiUao a,boai U t» that everything ia (frown "oest tariff bill ever passed—of. which and developed right here in New JentY, under our own peculiar conditlona of soil nioro later—and it has given power to. and climate, ao u to set the best resolta ween Mt ont in oar own State. — • the tariff board to investigate the ditference in the producing costs of ARTISTICALLY LAID OUT GROUNDS dutiablo_gooda-here and abroad; that Add many, many times to the value of one's property and the attractiveness of one'i - tho duties may bo adjusted to those dif- home. We have ganja of men all over Central New Jersey laying ont Iawna, gardens ferences, and tho American tariff be- and parks; and planting orchards. - ' come absolutely a tariff for the pro-EDITOR OF SuMurr HERALD: \ SPRAYlNGrTRUNING rind RENOVATING OLD TREES tection of'American wages. Dear Sir:—Some one, In your name, It has authorized a twenty million Is a very important part of oar busibes*. We are experts at it. We have apodal dollar bond issue for the prompt com- took it on himself to say, in your last LATE REGRETTING machines for moving trees of anj alrawithontloas. * pletion of groat irrigation works. issue, "If the buildings refeVred to as means early repenting. Nothing to do, after It has created the bureau of mines, dismantled had been kept in tenantable the house is In aihes, but to build again if you IF YOU WANT" ~T * to protect miners from accident. ' • condition, such results could not have can afford to do it Exactly what a policy for Anything In this line; If you want yoor lawn pnt In shape; if yon want some new It has made a strenuous law for.the ahrnbs set ont; or anything of that natnte, lost write, or telephone to -as, giving e> use of safetf y applianceli s on railroadsild ; occurred^-^rhat-HBhows-gross-iBno lULL B&TICKLE[> ^- -LIFE-INSURANCE """ \ . snggestion of what yon have In mind and we will work It ont, submit a plan to yon, and'an estimate, and yon will bo surprised to find ont how little It costs when com* -an—di requirin1-:—g al-til commo— n carrier.-—s t»o- ance. They were both in pperfect re- to death with tbe Wet Wash would have done without tbe expenditure of a single dollar. .Canyon beat Fire insurance a pared with the result in the attractiveness and increased valno of yonr property, , . - furnish detailed reports of accidents to pairi , one was leaseldd threth e seasons ffor M L- : -: — the Interstate Commerce Commission. system of washing-clothes. Have aa Ideal - invtstmtnV?—We-wrltfr^Atem-=wHb hlhhfl It has mode drastic regulations for the summer, furnished for $1,000, and you tried It? If not, then you— itrontrest companlek at smallest premiums. Let Nov li the best time of all tho year for testing ont treos and shrnba anil many of theplaata. 8om0Ofthemcannotb«tnuuplAntedfATorablratanrothertlmoofrear. • ' .'. the prevention of collisions at sea. unfurnished at $125 per month. When bave been breaking your back us:write yours today. ^ 1 It has made better laws for the con-they were given up 1 Was in Now York, Fleue'«€naforoarUlnatraiedFallcatalogiio. We ffnanntea aa true 'to name, all these years. Write us for. •TaTythlAff-veBeUioejironD. Addressairaply» -*• • . servation of natural resourcqt. than the and 1' say again they were gutted, f most extreme devoteo to conservation particulars. The average family EUQENE C. PIERSON -ever-thpughtrout—such-as-reserving plumbingstoleji, glassbrpken, billiard wash costs only, 60 cents. Please Real Estate, Insurance & Loans THE WADLEY NURSERIES, coal deposits to the government while table a wreck :iJmow..what_l-say_I do not forget our flat work Iron-/ granting settlers a title ,to tho soil—such sold one and on foreclosure got it back, log department.. ' Opp. Station, Summit, N. J. Telephone 161, Bound Brook. BQVND &JtOQK,Jf^J. as legalizing the withdrawal of water- then I sold it to Mrs; "Pott,- after she power sites already.'made- at a venture, OPFIC&—K1--BB0ADWAY and giving the-.Presideot—not a sub- sold it to the railroad, for the first time ordinate olficcr—tho full power to order it was out of repair, not during 'my SUMMIT --* -. any further "withdrawal that, the in- ownership. The second building I sold terests of the. people at large may de-to a party who sold it to Nelson who Wet Wash Laundry mand. -.. "• This Republican Congress has added leased }t to James Moore. I went tb the the last two stars to the American flag owner and told him he was maintaining W. S. BIRO, Prop. in rivinff Statehood to the'only re- a nusiance." He said: "you can stop it maining Territories of . Arizona and by purchasing it." I bought it only to Pbone 875-m-4.11 Chestnut Ave. New Mexico. tear it down, which I did. It was sadly It has provided for the raising of tho Mainc,(and the honorable interment of out of repair, but how was it my fault? ;! her sacrificed sailors. I never asked tho city to develop my It has authorized a substantial iri- land, and I claim .the right to refuse to Interior Decorative '^v- crease in the navy. sell, If I think the time has not come It has created the magnificent Glacier National Park in Montana, and safe- for the right kind of improvements. My Woodwork... . guarded the big-tree forests of Cali- refusal to sell is niore for the good of fornia. the city and locality than if I built fifty Panelled Wainscotting, Beam'Cell- I must not fail to speak of the busi- homes for mechanics, as you suggest. Ing, Mantels, Etc. •• - ' ness economies inaugurated in various .l>eslgan made and submitted. : departments of the government; of the I have built two homes for my children Jobbing of the better kind at a very prosecution of Sugar Trust thieves, and within a year, cost of buildings $15,000, reasonable price. the honest collection of duties at ourand gave them a block of land which Prompt, personal attention, to all • ports of entry; of the protection of. the the/are at liberty to sell to desirable Orders. seal fisheries; oL_thq_compulsory ' "i~^-^ publicity of campaign contributions; of neighbors; I am building over the the generous provision for the pro-station at a cost of $5,000, added to R. HUGHES, Carpenter tection of emigrants; of the reforms in building and kind; nevertheless, let mo the Hawaiian Government; of the laws P. O. Box 137, SUMMIT, N. J. repeat the street where they all stand whiccbh greatly bbettee r the condition of has not been worked at all, or sprinkled the"Indian; of th" e stringent laws against (be adulteration of chemicals; of penal- once, for a year. Is any other part of CARAFANO & MEZZANO, ties enacted against the-'iwh!tejilave" town neglected so? If these, three trade, and of many other regulations In houses were Jeft unoccupied would the interest of public. safety and they be protected by police, and could General : Contractors morality, of universal justice and fair- their demolition bo excused by saying: dRADINO'AND MASON WORK ness. 41 1-2 acres 2000 feet front Division and Mountain Ho Congressional majority' in"rthe "(hey were not in tenantable condi- Concrete Work a y ol this rtbublic ever went tion?" Stand up for your city, so will the voters with such a magnifi- Avenues. High ground favorable for immediate de- cent"record of wise and"safe and noble 1, but stick to'tBeTnitli: 'J-' -' " Unnustal by tho J)ay and progressive-things done. Once ,-1 haye'oskedjor a sidewalk, and.will Office.: 20 HAVRE STREET. velopment. :.• R. M. MANLEY, EJKT., -. more the Republican party has risen to pay my-asserament, H it ever comes. _ ' the occasion, met the demands and cm- I have announced my readiness to Telephone 414-J. , Sonunlt, N. J. 1 , 32 Broadway, New Yjork* ""• 'i .'" • | t,