Edited by Patrick Joyce

Oxford • New York Contents

Introduction - 3

A. The Classical Inheritance and Its Development ' Introduction 19 1. Karl Marx and on Class 21 2. Max Weber on Class 31 3. Ferdinand Toennies on Estates and Classes 40 4. ROSEMARY CROMPTON, The Development of the Classical Inheritance 43 5. HOWARD NEWBY et al., An Inheritance Reaffirmed: Weber 55 6. ELLEN MEIKSINS WOOD, An Inheritance Reaffirmed: Marx 64

B. An Inheritance In Question

Introduction . 71 (a) Positions . . 7. ZYGMUNT BAUMAN, and Postmodernity ' 74 8. ALAIN TOURAINE, Sociology and the Study of Society 83 (b) Arguments 9. JEAN BAUDRILLARD, The End of the.Social 90 10. DONNA HARAWAY, Fractured Identities *• 95 11. PIERRE BOURDIEU, The Reality of Representation and the Representation of Reality 99 12. JOHN B. THOMPSON, Bourdieu on'Habitus' 101 13. JOHN B. THOMPSON, Giddens on'Structuration' 103 14. ANTHONY GIDDENS, The Concept of Structure 106 15. WES SHARROCK and ROD WATSON, The Incarnation of Social Structure 108 16. JOHN B. THOMPSON, Castoriadis on the Imaginary Institution of Society 113 17. CORNELIUS CASTORIADIS, The Social Imaginary 117

C. Class and the Historians Introduction 127 (a) Culture and Structure: Orthodoxy 18. E. p. THOMPSON, The Making of Class 131 19. E. p. THOMPSON, Class and Class Struggle 133 viii CONTENTS 20. IRA KATZNELSON, Levels of Class Formation 142 (b) The 'Linguistic Turn' 21. GARETH STEDMAN JONES, Class, 'Experience', and Politics 150 22. JOAN w. SCOTT, Language, Gender, and Working-Class History & 154 23. PATRICK JOYCE, A People and a Class 161 24. DONALD REID, Ranciere and the Worker 167 25. JACQUES RANCIERE The Nights of Labor , 172 26. WILLIAM H. SEWELLjun., A Post-Materialist Rhetoric for • ' •' Labour History • : 174

D. The History of the Social ~~-

Introduction 183 27. GEOFF ELEY, Habermas and the'Public Sphere' , 186 28. JAMES VAN HORN MELTON, 'Society' and the 'Public Sphere' in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Germany 192 29. MICHEL FOUCAULT, Governmentality 201 30. COLIN GORDON, The Emergence of Liberal Governmentality, I 204 31. GRAHAM BURCHELL, The Emergence of Liberal Governmentality, II • • . 208 32. JACQUES DONZELOT, The Mobilization of Society . . 209 33. NIKOLAS ROSE, Towards a Critical Sociology of Freedom 213 34. DENISE RILEY, Gendering'the Social' 225

E. The Hermeneutics of the Social: Codes and Categories

Introduction' - :- .. 233 35. ROBERT ROBERTS, The Class Structure of the'Classic Slum', . . 236 36. RICHARD HOGGART,'Them'and'Us' , . 239 37. BERNICE MARTIN, Symbols, Codes and Cultures 249 38. BARRINGTON MOORE, jun., The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt - 262 39. ALAIN COTTEREAU,'Rebelling against the Work we Love' 271

F. The Language of Class

Introduction 287 40. PETER BURKE, The Language of Orders in Early Modern Europe 292 41. MARTIN j. WIENER, The Failure of the Bourgeoisie 298 42. LEONORE DAviDOFF AND CATHERINE HALL, Gender and the Middle Class 302 43. R. j. MORRIS, The Making of the British Middle Class: An Elite-Led Class 316 CONTENTS ix

44. PATRICK JOYCE, Narratives of Class 322 45. WILLIAM H. SEWELL.jun., Meanings of Class 332 46. BERNARD WAITES, War and the Language of Class 335 47. ROSS MCKiBBiN, The State and the Language of Class 343 t Select Reading List 349 Biographical Notes 353 Acknowledgements 359 Index 361