Hope is not the conviction that something “ www.outlookafghanistan.net “will turn out well but the certainty that @The.Daily.Outlook.Afghanistan something makes sense, regardless of
[email protected] how it turns out. 0093 799-005019/ 777-005019 In front of Habibia High School, Quote of the Day Vaclav Havel District 6, Kabul, Afghanistan Volume Num. 4542 Saturday February, 13, 2021 Dalw, 25, 1399 www.Outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/afs Biden Vows to Bring Danish Says an ‘Responsible End to Wars’ WASHINGTON - The US Presi- tinuing to ensure that terrorist Interim-Government dent Joe Biden in his first visit threats cannot endanger the se- to the Pentagon as commander- curity of the American people.” in-chief, has promised to work “As your commander in chief, I Brings More Violence with Secretary of Defense Lloyd will never hesitate to use force J. Austin and leaders around the to defend the vital interest of world “to bring a responsible America, the American end to wars that have dragged people and our allies on for far too long, while con- around the world... More on Num(Page (2) 4) President Ghani Spoke to Tajik, Kazakh Leaders Over Bilateral Relations KABUL - President Ghani said leaders stressed the expansion in a telephone conversation of bilateral relations, regional with Tajik President Emomali cooperation and they also dis- Rahmon on Thursday has dis- cussed the Afghan peace pro- cussed the Afghan peace pro- cess. cess, bilateral relations, and re- The president of Tajikistan ex- gional cooperation. pressed his full support for Presidential Palace stated, dur- the views and plans of ing the conversation, both the Republic..