Central Eurasia 2006

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Central Eurasia 2006 CENTRAL EURASIA 2006 Analytical ANNUAL CA&CC Press® SWEDEN 2007 1 CENTRAL EURASIAFOUNDED 2006 AND PUBLISHED AnalyticalBY Annual INSTITUTE INSTITUTE O OR CENTRAL ASIAN AND STRATEGIC STUDIES O CAUCASIAN STUDIES THE CAUCASUS Registration number: 620720-0459 Registration number: M-770 State Administration for Ministry of Justice of Patents and Registration of Sweden Azerbaijan Republic PUBLISHING HOUSE CA&CC Press®. SWEDEN Registration number: 556699-5964 S c i e n t i f i c E d i t o r i a l B o a r d Eldar ISMAILOV C h a i r m a n Tel./fax: (994-12) 497 12 22 E-mail: [email protected] Murad ESENOV D e p u t y C h a i r m a n Tel./fax: (46) 920 62016 E-mail: [email protected] Jannatkhan EYVAZOV E x e c u t i v e S e c r e t a ry Tel./fax: (994-12) 499 11 73 E-mail: [email protected] Abbas MALEKI Doctor, Director General, International Institute for Caspian Studies (Iran) Ainura ELEBAEVA Doctor of Philosophy, professor, director of the Research Institute of Ethnology, International University of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic) Ariel COHEN Doctor, leading analyst, The Heritage Foundation, U.S.A. (U.S.A.) Vitaly NAUMKIN Doctor of History, professor, Director, Center for Strategic and International Studies of RF (Russian Federation) 2 Vladimer PAPAVA Doctor of Economics, professor, Senior Fellow, Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Georgia), Fulbright Fellow, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, The Nitze School-SAIS, Johns Hopkins University (U.S.) S. Neil MACFARLANE Professor, Director, Center for International Studies, The University of Oxford (Great Britain) Roger N. McDERMOTT Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Kent at Canterbury (U.K.) Lena JONSON Doctor, Senior Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Sweden) Timur SHAIMERGENOV Member of the Secretariat of the Kazakhstan Parliament Majilis (Republic of Kazakhstan) S. Frederick STARR Professor, Chairman, The Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, The Johns Hopkins University (U.S.A.) Bülent ARAS Doctor, Chair, Department of International Relations, Fatih University (Turkey) Xing GUANGCHENG Doctor of Political Sciences, professor, Deputy Director of the Institute for East European, Russian and Central Asian Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (China) The views in the Analytical Annual do not necessarily reflect those of the Scientific Editorial Board Editorial Office: CA&CC Press AB Hubertusstigen 9. 97455 Luleå SWEDEN WEB ADDRESS: http://www.ca-c.org © Central Eurasia 2006. Analytical Annual, 2007 © CA&CC3 Press®, 2007 CENTRAL EURASIA 2006 Analytical Annual CENTRAL EURASIA 2006 Analytical Annual CONTENTS AFGHANISTAN Viktor Korgun GENERAL OVERVIEW .................................................................. 9 Viktor Korgun POLITICS ........................................................................................ 12 Ubaid Okimbekov ECONOMY ...................................................................................... 20 Iakov Trofimov RELIGION ....................................................................................... 27 Viktor Korgun INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ........................................................... 30 REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA Agasi Enokian GENERAL OVERVIEW ................................................................... 38 Manvel Sarkisian POLITICS ........................................................................................ 39 Vaagn Khachatrian ECONOMY ...................................................................................... 48 Vagram Melikian, Egine Mkrtchian RELIGION ....................................................................................... 55 Sergey Minasian INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ........................................................... 61 AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC Nazim Muzaffarli GENERAL OVERVIEW ................................................................. 69 Nazim Muzaffarli POLITICS ...................................................................................... 72 4 Contents Rasim Gasanov ECONOMY .................................................................................... 79 Elmir Kuliev RELIGION ...................................................................................... 87 Jannatkhan Eyvazov INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS .......................................................... 95 GEORGIA Teimuraz Beridze GENERAL OVERVIEW ................................................................ 105 Giya Zhorzholiani POLITICS ...................................................................................... 108 Teimuraz Beridze, Nodar Khaduri ECONOMY .................................................................................... 116 Zaza Piralishvili RELIGION ...................................................................................... 125 Archil Gegeshidze INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ......................................................... 131 REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Timur Shaimergenov GENERAL OVERVIEW ................................................................. 140 Askar Shomanov, Alisher Tastenov POLITICS ...................................................................................... 143 Larissa Sidorova ECONOMY .................................................................................... 149 Iakov Trofimov RELIGION ...................................................................................... 161 Timur Shaimergenov INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS .......................................................... 168 KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Leonid Bondarets GENERAL OVERVIEW ................................................................. 179 Askar Jakishev, Zaynidin Kurmanov POLITICS ...................................................................................... 183 Lyudmila Baum ECONOMY ................................................................................... 190 Kadyr Malikov, Ikbaljan Mirsayitov RELIGION ...................................................................................... 202 Muratbek Imanaliev, Erlan Abdyldaev INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ......................................................... 210 5 CENTRAL EURASIA 2006 Analytical Annual REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN Jamila Majidova GENERAL OVERVIEW ................................................................. 216 Parviz Mullojanov POLITICS ..................................................................................... 219 Sobir Kurbanov ECONOMY .................................................................................... 228 Abdulvokhid Shamolov, Abdunabi Sattorzoda RELIGION ...................................................................................... 238 Rashid Abdullo INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS .......................................................... 244 TURKMENISTAN Azhdar Kurtov GENERAL OVERVIEW ................................................................. 255 Azhdar Kurtov POLITICS ..................................................................................... 258 Igor Proklov ECONOMY .................................................................................... 263 Iakov Trofimov RELIGION ...................................................................................... 271 Azhdar Kurtov INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS .......................................................... 275 REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Farkhad Tolipov GENERAL OVERVIEW ................................................................ 282 Nikolai Borisov POLITICS ..................................................................................... 285 Lola Sultanova Albina Gaisina ECONOMY ................................................................................... 292 Bakhodyr Ergashev RELIGION ..................................................................................... 302 Dina Malysheva INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS .......................................................... 308 CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS FOR 2005 Politics Afghanistan ....................................................................................................... 316 Republic of Armenia .......................................................................................... 317 6 Contents Azerbaijan Republic ........................................................................................... 319 Georgia ............................................................................................................... 320 Republic of Kazakhstan .................................................................................... 321 Kyrgyz Republic ................................................................................................. 323 Republic of Tajikistan ........................................................................................ 327 Turkmenistan ..................................................................................................... 330 Republic of Uzbekistan ..................................................................................... 332 Economy Afghanistan ...................................................................................................... 334 Republic of Armenia .......................................................................................... 335 Azerbaijan Republic ........................................................................................... 337 Georgia ............................................................................................................... 338 Republic of Kazakhstan ...................................................................................
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