Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33

RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Cross-kingdom host shifts of phytomyxid parasites Sigrid Neuhauser1,2*†, Martin Kirchmair1†, Simon Bulman3 and David Bass2

Abstract Background: Phytomyxids (plasmodiophorids and phagomyxids) are cosmopolitan, obligate biotrophic parasites of , diatoms, oomycetes and . Plasmodiophorids are best known as pathogens or vectors for viruses of arable crops (e.g. clubroot in brassicas, powdery potato scab, and rhizomania in sugar beet). Some phytomyxid parasites are of considerable economic and ecologic importance globally, and their hosts include important in marine and terrestrial environments. However most phytomyxid diversity remains uncharacterised and knowledge of their relationships with host taxa is very fragmentary. Results: Our molecular and morphological analyses of phytomyxid isolates–including for the first time oomycete and sea-grass parasites–demonstrate two cross-kingdom host shifts between closely related parasite species: between angiosperms and oomycetes, and from diatoms/brown algae to angiosperms. Switching between such phylogenetically distant hosts is generally unknown in host-dependent parasites. We reveal novel plasmodiophorid lineages in soils, suggesting a much higher diversity than previously known, and also present the most comprehensive phytomyxid phylogeny to date. Conclusion: Such large-scale host shifts between closely related obligate biotrophic eukaryote parasites is to our knowledge unique to phytomyxids. Phytomyxids may readily adapt to a wide diversity of new hosts because they have retained the ability to covertly infect alternative hosts. A high cryptic diversity and ubiquitous distribution in agricultural and natural habitats implies that in a changing environment phytomyxids could threaten the productivity of key species in marine and terrestrial environments alike via host shift speciation. Keywords: Plasmodiophorid, pathogen, Evolution, , Host range, Plasmodiophora, Polymyxa, Woronina, Sorosphaerula, Spongospora

Background of closely related species in the genera Phagomyxa (para- (phytomyxids) are a poorly known group of sites of marine diatoms; [7]) and Maullinia (parasites of obligate biotrophic, endobiotic parasites of plants, dia- brown algae; [6,8]). In addition to these described species, toms, brown algae, and oomycetes [1,2]. Their phylogen- several morphologically uncharacterised DNA-lineages etic position was long debated but molecular phylogenies have been detected by environmental sequencing [9,10]. now robustly place them within the eukaryote supergroup Plasmodiophorids are better known because they in- , as sister group to the omnivorous vampyrellid clude plant parasites causing significant diseases of crops amoebae [3,4]. The group is subdivided into two orders: including brassicas, potatoes, and grain crops (e.g. maize, Phagomyxida (phagomyxids) and Plasmodiophorida (plas- rice, wheat, sorghum). The best studied species is the modiophorids; [5,6]). Phagomyxids are very poorly known clubroot-causing Plasmodiophora brassicae, a parasite of with only four characterised lineages, comprising two pairs crucifers which accounts for up to 10% loss of the world- wide production of Brassica crops [11]. Other well-studied * Correspondence: [email protected] species include Spongospora subterranea, which causes †Equal contributors 1Institute of Microbiology, Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck, powdery scab of potato and can serve as a vector for Technikerstraße 25, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria Potato Mop Top Virus [12]. The otherwise symptomless 2 Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum London, Cromwell Polymyxa graminis transmits economically important vi- Road, London SW7 5BD, UK Full list of author information is available at the end of the article ruses to a number of grain crops [13] while Polymyxa

© 2014 Neuhauser et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 2 of 13

betae is the vector for beet necrotic yellow vein virus, the potential to damage crops directly by causing diseases or cause of sugar beet “rhizomania” [14]. Given the impact of indirectly by transmitting viruses [2,15]. plasmodiophorids on staple crops it is not surprising that To further investigate phytomyxid biodiversity we used research has been focussed on the species causing eco- a parallel approach to screen selected soil ecosystems: nomic damage, while research on species from outside of microscopically examining potential hosts, coupled with agricultural environments has been rare. targeted molecular screening of rhizosphere-associated Phytomyxids are biotrophic parasites, i.e. they infect and root-free soil from the same sites. Soil samples were and multiply in a host without killing it, as opposed to obtained from sites ranging from intensively farmed to hemi-biotrophic or nectrotrophic parasites, which ul- those with restricted anthropogenic input; we hypothe- timately kill the host [15]. Upon infection phytomyxids sised that sites harbouring different host communities use an arsenal of methods to manipulate host physi- will also differ in parasite biodiversity. We also aimed to ology and to escape defence responses [16,17]. A de- test whether phytomyxids that parasitise oomycetes pendence on living hosts to survive and to complete group with phagomyxids or plasmodiophorids using a their life cycle is invariably associated with high host combination of isolation, microscopic identification, and specificity because of the highly specialised interactions 18S rDNA clone libraries. Through analysing 18S rDNA involved [16,17]. sequences we identified cross kingdom host shifts within Phytomyxids have a complex life cycle consisting of Plasmodiophorida and Phagomyxida. two functionally different zoosporic stages (primary and secondary), which upon infection of a suitable host de- Results velop into multinucleate plasmodia inside the infected New phytomyxid isolates and phylogenetic analyses host cell (for a detailed review of the life cycle see e.g. 18S rDNA sequences were generated for 20 phytomyxid [18]). These plasmodia either develop into a zoosporan- isolates for which resting spores could be characterised gium which rapidly releases large numbers of secondary by microscopy (Figure 1, Additional file 1: Table S1). zoospores or into resting spores which are the survival These isolates were identified following morphotaxo- stage of the parasite and from which primary zoospores nomic concepts (Figure 2; [20]). Resting spore size, are released [1,18,19]. The resting spores can be aggre- shape, and arrangement are the primary defining taxo- gated into so-called sporosori and this arrangement is nomic characters of phytomyxids, along with the identity characteristic for each genus. Because of their complex of their host species [1,26]. The new sequences were in- six-stage life cycle [1,18], their small size (3-6 μm; [20]), cluded in Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood phylogen- and the fact that some life cycle stages are difficult to etic analyses with phytomyxid sequences from previously find and identify morphologically, there have been no re- characterised specimens, phylogenetically informative en- cent studies of plasmodiophorid biodiversity; previous vironmental sequences [9,10,27], and the closely related studies date back to the pre-molecular era [1,20,21]. environmental lineage ‘Novel Clade 9’ [3]. Our new iso- Phytomyxids are not well represented in DNA databases: lates represent six previously described species as well as sequences are only available for nine of the 41 described two undescribed lineages (Maullinia sp., Figure 2e; Poly- species. An ecologically and evolutionary important myxa cf. graminis 2; Additional file 1: Table S1). We pro- group missing from molecular phylogenies are the phy- vide the first 18S rDNA sequences for Sorosphaerula tomyxean oomycete parasites. These were originally viticola (four isolates from the vine Vitis spp., Figure 2a), placed in the now superseded taxon Plasmodiophoromy- Ligniera junci (two isolates from the rush Juncus spp., cetes, then still included within Fungi [22]. The taxonomy Figure 2d), Woronina pythii from the oomycete Pythium of one genus of oomycete parasites–Woronina spp.–was sp. (Figure 2b, c), and Plasmodiophora diplantherae from studied two decades ago using ultrastructural studies, but the angiosperm sea grass Halodule wrightii (Figure 2f). Woronina has not previously been included in molecular We also sequenced five isolates of Polymyxa graminis phylogenies including more recently discovered parasites from the grass Poa sp.,twoofPlasmodiophora brassicae of other stramenopile hosts [7,8]. from the crucifers Sinapis sp. and Brassica sp., and a Molecular biodiversity studies are important for under- plasmodiophorid we identified as P. graminis from Poa standing the evolution, abundance and the possible eco- sp. (referred to as Polymyxa cf. graminis 2) which nomic and ecological impact of parasites, especially as formed a distinct clade branching basally to P. graminis, global parasite numbers are thought to be hugely underes- S. veronicae, P. betae, and S. viticola in the 18S phylogeny. timated [23]. This unknown parasite biodiversity may have The two orders Phagomyxida and Plasmodiophorida, as a large impact in a changing environment, where the previously conceived, were robustly supported. Seven dis- emergence of existing and ‘novel’ diseases can have devas- tinct lineages could be resolved within the Phagomyxida tating effects [23-25]. Therefore, a targeted study of phyto- and eleven within the Plasmodiophorida. According to myxid biodiversity is overdue, because of their known this analysis, all plasmodiophorid genera (as currently Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 3 of 13

KF111233 PD0241 P. graminis KF111219 PD0002 P. graminis KF111232 PD0239 P. graminis 0.96/89 KF111220 PD0008 P. graminis Polymyxa graminis 1 AF310898 Polymyxa graminis KF111225 PD0229 P. graminis 0.35/- KF111223 PD0194 rhizosphere sequence P 0.64/- AF310900 Sorosphaerula veronicae Sorosphaerula veronicae L 0.45/- AF310902 Polymyxa betae Polymyxa betae A S KF111235 PD0385 Sorosphaerula viticola Sorosphaerula viticola M 0.90/- KF111222 PD0193 Polymyxa cf. graminis O Polymyxa cf. graminis 2 D KF111226 PD0230 Polymyxa cf. graminis I 0.99/89 KF111227 PD0231 Ligniera junci O Ligniera spp. KF111237 PD0387 Ligniera sp. BB P H AF310899 Spongospora subterranea Spongospora subterranea 0.99/89 O U18981 Plasmodiophora brassicae R KF111236 PD0386 Plasmodiophora brassicae I D 1.00/94 KF111224 PD0228 Plasmodiophora brassicae Plasmodiophora brassicae A AB094974 Plasmodiophora brassicae 0.59/42 AB094976 Plasmodiophora brassicae EF024581 uncultured Elev-18S-900 Lesaulnier et al. (28) KF111231 PD0236 Woronina pythii Woronina pythii AF245217 Spongospora nasturtii AF310901 Spongospora nasturtii Spongospora nasturtii 0.99/69 EU910610 uncultured Plasmodiophorid D20 AB191412 uncultured TAGIRI 4 P Takishita et al. (9-10) 0.86/95 AB252759 uncultured NAMKO 19 H A 0.65/- KF111238 PD0388 Plasmodiophora diplantherae G AF405547Maullinia ectocarpii Maullinia ectocarpii O M 0.74/75 JX163857 Maullinia sp. Maullinia spp. Y AF310903 Phagomyxa odontella Phagomyxa odontella X 0.75/70 AF310904 Phagomyxa belleroceae Phagomyxa bellerocheae I D AB191413 uncultured TAGIRI 5 Tagiri 5; Takishita et al. (9) A EU567270 uncultured vm17 NC Endo 1 NC Endo 1; Bass et al. (3) EU567271 uncultured jj9 NC9 EU567272 uncultured h6 NC9 Novel Clade 9; Bass et al. (3) AY620362 uncultured 745 NC9 AY642743 uncultured A51 DQ409121 uncultured Cercozoa VP16 EU567294 Arachnula impatiens A155 O U 0.83/61 AY620291 uncultured Cercozoa 10-3.2 T EU567262 uncultured Cercozoa DB-2703-5 G EU567266 uncultured Cercozoa lb10 R O EU567269 uncultured Cercozoa Rhiz-T11 U AF372744 uncultured LEMD052 P

0.1 Figure 1 Bayesian analysis of 18SrDNA sequences generated from isolates (bold) plus a comprehensive representation of Phytomyxea sequences from GenBank (underlined). 44 sequences, 1795 positions. Bayesian support values shown if 0.70 or higher, or applied to a bipartition of particular interest. RAxML bootstraps shown for values of 50% and higher. Nodes with a support higher than 0.95/95 are marked by black circles. Further information to the isolates sequenced can be found in Additional file 1: Table S1. circumscribed) that are represented in our phylogeny by in clone libraries of deep-sea/anoxic saline sediments more than one species are polyphyletic (Figure 1). [9,10]. The oomycete parasite Woronina pythii grouped within plasmodiophorids, closely related to Spongospora Cross-kingdom host shifts of closely related Phytomyxids nasturtii and Plasmodiophora brassicae, both parasites We show that plasmodiophorids infecting angiosperms of cruciferous plants (Figure 3). However, the branching are paraphyletic with respect to those infecting oomy- order of these lineages within Plasmodiophorida is not cetes, as are stramenopile-associated Phagomyxida to resolved; Woronina may in fact be the most basally the angiosperm parasite Plasmodiophora diplantherae. branching plasmodiophorid lineage. Light microscopy of P. diplantherae branches robustly within phagomyxids, W. pythii showed that size, arrangement and develop- sister to two environmental sequences which were found ment of the resting spores from sporogenic plasmodia Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 4 of 13

Figure 2 Morphology of resting spores from selected phytomyxids. Bar = 10 μm: left column: Plasmodiophorida, right column: Phagomyxida. Left top to bottom: 2A: Sorosphaerula viticola: hollow sporosori in the roots of Vitis sp. 2B: Woronina pythii: resting spores in Pythium sp. 2C: W. pythii in Pythium sp.: lobose plasmodium, just starting to develop into resting spores (arrow); right more or less mature resting spores. 2D: Ligniera junci: resting spores in the root hairs of Juncus effusus. Right top to bottom: 2E: Maullinia sp. resting spores in Durvillea antarctica. The resting spores are slightly irregular in size and shape. 2F: Plasmodiophora diplantherae: Resting spores in Halodule sp. Resting spores are in enlarged cells of the host, Arrow: starch grains. 2G: Maullinia ectocarpii: hatching zoospores (arrow) from an enlarged infected cell of the host Ectocarpus fasciculatus. Asterisk: plasmodia in enlarged host cells. were very similar to that seen in other plasmodiophorids hosts (Figure 4, Additional file 1: Table S2). Interactions (e.g. P. brassicae, S. veronicae, S. viticola) (Figure 2B, C). with alternative hosts remain highly understudied; how- The resting spores of P. diplantherae (Figure 2F) on the ever one characteristic common to those known is that other hand strongly resembled those of the phagomyxid resting spores are rarely or never formed. According to Maullinia sp. (Figure 2E) in ornamentation and a loose these data some plasmodiophorid species can infect host aggregation at maturity. plants belonging to two or more plant families; Ligniera Furthermore, plasmodiophorids are known to rarely junci, Polymyxa graminis, Plasmodiophora brassicae, and infect a range of so-called alternative hosts in which very Spongospora subterranea are known to parasitize both limited (i.e. to single host cells) infections can be ob- monocot and eudicot host species (Figure 4). Plasmodio- served. Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive litera- phorid parasites of oomycetes and the phagomyxid M. ture study to identify and summarise possible alternative ectocarpii (Figure 2G) can infect a range of distantly Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 5 of 13

P. graminis 1


0.64/- S. veronicae 0.45/- P. betae Poa S. viticoloa 0.90/- Juncus Monocots P. graminis 2 Halodule 0.99/89 L. junci Beta Angiosperms

S. subterranea 0.99/89 Veronica

Solanum Eudicots 1.00/94 P. brassicae Vitis 0.59/42 Brassica EF024581 Woronina pythii Nasturtium S. nasturtii

0.99/69 EU910610 AB191412 0.86/95 AB252759 0.65/- x 0.5 P. diplanthereae Oomycetes

x 0.75 Maullinia spp. Brown algae Stramenopiles Phagomyxa spp. 0.75/70 Diatoms AB191413 EU567270 Figure 3 Diagrammatic co-phylogeny comparing phytomyxid taxonomy and phylogenetic relationship of their hosts. Phytomyxea are connected to their primary host species to highlight the degree of host switches between and within vascular plant and stramenopile hosts. Left hand side: a modified version of the tree shown in Figure 1. Dotted branches were shortened (scale indicated). Right hand side: diagrammatic tree of green plants and stramenopiles (based on [4,28,29]). Red = monocot plant host, Green = eudicots plant hosts; Blue = stramenopile host. related oomycetes or brown algae respectively (Additional environment in which the host species were found rather file 1: Table S2). than host taxonomy: plasmodiophorids are a monophy- Despite an extensive sampling of living plants in this letic lineage of parasites of land plants and soil-dwelling study, no alternative host associations in nature could be oomycetes, while phagomyxids are a monophyletic lineage confirmed by microscopic observation. However, direct infecting marine plants and stramenopiles. We tested our and clone sequencing of rhizosphere samples revealed plasmodiophorid-specific primer combination on pha- phytomyxid sequences associated with possible alterna- gomyxid isolates (Maullinia sp., Maullina ectocarpii, P. tive host plants (Additional file 1: Table S3). Sequences diplantherae), and on a selection of marine algae (brown, closely related to Polymyxa graminis 1(primaryhosts red, green) and marine (littoral) sediment from the South Poaceae) were found associated with Taraxacum sp., coast of the UK (n = 38). All results were negative: no Veronica sp., and Vitis sp.; sequences with a 96.4-97.2% plasmodiophorids were detected in marine environments. similarity to Polymyxa betae (primary hosts Amaranthaceae) with Vitis sp.; a Spongospora nasturtii-like sequence Environmental sequence analysis of plasmodiophorids (96.1% similarity to AF245217; primary host Nasturtium Plasmodiophorid-specific PCRs were carried out on 385 spp., Brassicacae) from Carex sp.; and S. subterranea-like individual rhizosphere and soil samples (Additional file 1: sequences (98.4% similarity, primary hosts Solanaceae) Table S4), of which 153 gave positive results. After pooling from Trifolium sp. The nature of these associations re- of amplicons for cloning, a total of 303 18S rDNA reads mains unclear; microscopy of the associated root samples were obtained from 21 clone libraries and direct sequen- was not conclusive and sequence data alone does not pro- cing of rhizosphere samples (n = 19). After quality and vide sufficient information about organismal associations. chimera checks 295 of these sequences were analysed fur- The division of Phytomyxea into Phagomyxida and Plas- ther. A total of 81 different plasmodiophorid sequence- modiophorida was confirmed by our phylogenetic (Figure 1) types (18S-types, defined as described in the Methods) and morphological analyses, and also corresponded to the were detected (Additional file 1: Table S1, Additional file Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 6 of 13

Plasmodiophora Sorodiscus Sorosphaerula Plasmodiophora diplantherae radicicolus radicalis Plasmodiophora brassicae bicaudata Tetramyxa parasitica Sorosphaerula viticola

Caricaceae Potamogetonaceae Cymodoceaceae Juncaginaceae Zosteraceae Juncacaeae Ruppiaceae Poaceae Resedaceae Cleomaceae Arabidopsis Vitaceae thaliana Tropaeolaceae Rosacaeae Ameranthaceae Papaveraceae Tetramyxa triglochinis Caryophyllaceae Brassicaceae Polymyxa betae Ligniera Polygonaceae junci Plantaginaceae

Leguminosae Spongospora Violaceae nasturtii

Polymyxa Solanacae Sorosphaerula graminis Callitrichaceae veronicae Urticaceae


Geraniaceae Ligniera Spongospora Compositae subterranea verrucosa Cyperaceae Sorodiscus callitrichis Figure 4 Network analysis of plant parasitic Phytomyxea and potential host plants (shown as plant families following the taxonomy suggested on, 20.06.2013). Phytomyxids can use alternative host plants during their life cycle. for the majority of species only haphazard reports of the host range are available, while for some agriculturally important species like of Spongospora subterranea, Polymyxa graminis, P. betae, and Plasmodiophora brassicae extensive host range studies are available, leading to a seemingly wider host range of these species. It is noteworthy that, despite this bias, all species for which targeted host range studies exist hosts belonging to monocot and dicot host plants can be found. Pink = monocot plant families, Blue = dicot plant families, Red font = Phytomyxids for which hosts belonging to both the monocot and dicot hosts were described.

1: Table S3). These grouped into 16 phylogenetically well associated with plant roots of a glacial succession site, supported clades within the Plasmodiophorida (Figure 5). Clade 8 (monotypic) and Clade 12 were found only in Ten clades included sequences from at least one micro- South Africa fynbos soil samples, and Clade 11, Clade 14 scopically confirmed isolate, whereas six comprised only and Clade 16 in samples from Volga flood plains. environmental 18S-types. Clade 4 (S. veronicae)andClade Positive PCRs from rhizosphere samples generally could 8 (environmental) are monotypic clades. The environmen- be directly sequenced without cloning, while soil samples tal lineages Clade 2, Clade 11, Clade 12, Clade 14 each needed to be cloned even if the diversity within the indi- consist of two 18S-types. Clade 3 (incl. S. viticola), Clade 7 vidual samples was generally low (Additional file 1: Table S4). (incl. L. junci) and Clade 16 (environmental) comprise Every soil sample contained at least two 18S-types three 18S-types each, while Clade 6 (incl. P. cf. graminis 2) (Additional file 1: Table S4). Nevertheless the sequenced consists of four 18S-types. Clade 10 (all P. brassicae)con- plasmodiophorid 18S-types detected in any individual tains five, Clade 9 (incl. S. subterranea) six, Clade 15 clone library were never assigned to more than four of the (incl. S. nasturtii) seven and Clade 5 (incl. P. betae) 16 clades defined in Figure 5. eight, respectively. Clade 13 which contains W. pythii was From a German vineyard sampled repeatedly over a period shown to comprise eleven distinct 18S-types from five in- of two years only five 18S-types (Figure 5, Additional file 1: dependent samples, indicating a substantial diversity of Table S4) could be identified from 78 sequence reads ob- probable oomycete parasites. Clade 1 (incl. P. graminis 1) tained from four independent soil clone libraries. At the includes thirty 18S-types of which five belong to isolates. same time, three different species of plasmodiophorids All six unidentified environmental lineages (Clades 2, were morphologically identified in plant samples from the 8, 11, 12, 14, 16) were each found in one geographically/ same site: Sorosphaerula viticola was abundant in Vitis ecologically distinct sample set only: Clade 2 was found sp. roots, P. betae was identified from the roots of a Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 7 of 13

0.99/91 KF111176 PD0082 Vineyard samples 1.00/47 KF111162 PD0041 0.75/- KF111178 PD0089 Volga flood plains 0.96/- KF111171 PD0070 South Africa samples KF111164 PD0043 KF111153 PD0007 Glacier forefield 0.74/- KF111187 PD0140 KF111219 PD0002 Polymyxa graminis KF111232 PD0239 Polymyxa graminis Flood plains Tyrol 0.89/- KF111196 PD0200 KF111198 PD0217 KF111182 PD0104 isolates, direct sequencing 0.93/18 KF111233 PD0241 Polymyxa graminis 0.91/33 AF310898 Polymyxa graminis direct sequencing KF111205 PD0322 Clade 1 KF111204 PD0258 (incl. P. graminis 1) rhizosphere clone KF111206 PD0369 soil clone KF111207 PD0398 1.00/82 KF111211 PD0430 0.85/- 0.76/- KF111212 PD0434 KF111208 PD0401 0.87/27 0.99/81 KF111213 PD0459 KF111203 PD0253 1.00/94 KF111158 PD0022 KF111173 PD0077 KF111225 PD0229 Polymyxa graminis KF111179 PD0094 0.71/72 KF111188 PD0152 KF111186 PD0139 0.68/41 KF111223 PD0194 KF111167 PD0049 Clade 2 (environmental) KF111193 PD0196 0.42/- 0.73/99 KF111218 PD0478 KF111180 PD0099 Clade 3 (incl. S. viticola) KF111235 PD0385 Sorosphaerula viticola AF310900 Sorosphaerula veronicae Clade 4 (= S. veronicae) 0.97/- 0.96/- KF111152 PD0005 KF111156 PD0017 KF111194 PD0197 KF111177 PD0085 Clade 5 0.94/95 KF111183 PD0117 (incl. P. betae) 1.00/88 KF111184 PD0118 KF111181 PD0101 0.99/92 AF310902 Polymyxa betae KF111192 PD0195

0.93/88 KF111159 PD0025 KF111222 PD0193 Polymyxa graminis Clade 6 (incl. P. cf graminis 2) KF111195 PD0199 KF111226 PD0230 Polymyxa graminis 0.67/83 KF111227 PD0231 Ligniera junci Clade 7 KF111221 PD0013 Ligniera junci (incl. Ligniera sp.) KF111237 PD0387 Ligniera sp. KF111209 PD0408 Clade 8 (environmental) 0.76/60 0.39/64 KF111199 PD0244 KF111201 PD0248 KF111155 PD0016 Clade 9 KF111217 PD0477 (incl. S. subterranea) 0.77/42 KF111200 PD0245 AF310899 Spongospora subterranea U18981 Plasmodiophora brassicae

0.61/59 KF111236 PD0386 Plasmodiophora brassicae Clade 10 KF111224 PD0228 Plasmodiophora brassicae (= P. brassicae) AB094974 Plasmodiophora brassicae 1.00/- 0.27/99 AB094976 Plasmodiophora brassicae KF111165 PD0044 Clade 11 (environmental) KF111174 PD0080 KF111215 PD0463 Clade 12 (environmental) KF111216 PD0473 KF111172 PD0074 KF111169 PD0056 0.97/56 0.56/84 KF111160 PD0033 KF111157 PD0018 0.85/- KF111231 PD0236 Woronina pythii Clade 13 0.41/95 KF111202 PD0252 (incl. Woronina pythii) KF111197 PD0212

0.38/74 KF111191 PD0191 1.00/81 KF111189 PD0164 KF111190 PD0182 0.86/52 KF111175 PD0081 0.99/71 KF111166 PD0045 Clade 14 (environmental) KF111170 PD0057 0.94/99 AF245217 Spongospora nasturtii AF310901 Spongospora nasturtii 0.71/82 KF111161 PD0037 0.45/73 KF111154 PD0014 Clade 15 KF111185 PD0120 (incl. S. nasturtii) KF111210 PD0414 0.86/97 KF111214 PD0461 KF111163 PD0042 KF111168 PD0054 Clade 16 (environmental) 0.99/93 EU910610 Uncultured Plasmodiophorid D20 AF310903 Phagomyxa odontolla Phagomyxa sp. AF310904 Phagomyxa bellerocheae 0.1 Figure 5 Bayesian analysis of environmental 18SrDNA sequences generated in this study plus a representative selection of Phytomyxea sequences from GenBank (highlighted by boxes). 94 sequences, 1690 positions. Bayesian support values/RAxML bootstraps are shown if 0.70/50% or higher, or applied to a bipartition of particular interest. Nodes with a support higher than 0.95/95 are marked by black circles. Sequences are colour coded according to the origin of the sample, and the type of sample (soil sample, rhizosphere, isolate) are indicated by icons. Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 8 of 13

Chenopodium sp., and Polymyxa graminis was fre- recently identified in Maullinia sp. from the kelp Dur- quently seen in the roots of Poa species. The latter was viellea antarctica in their ornamentation and loose ag- the most abundant sequence type from the soil clones gregation (Figure 2e-g). Such loose arrangement of the and rhizosphere samples, while S. viticola and P. betae resting spores is also seen in the plasmodiophorid were not detected in the soil clone libraries, but were P. brassicae, but ultrastructurally P. diplantherae is sig- found when rhizosphere samples from primary host nificantly different from P. brassicae (e.g. larger nucleus plants were sequenced. Therefore the 18S-types de- in P. diplantherae and differing numbers and arrange- tected morphologically were a subset of those detected ment of the synaptomal complexes) and all other plas- by sequencing: all species identified by microscopy were modiophorids [35]. Ultrastructural studies have shown detected in the respective soil/rhizosphere/plant sam- that the timing and morphology of meiosis in Woronina ples at least once, but not all DNA types could be phythii are very similar to those in the closely related P. assigned to actual isolates. Across all samples, plasmo- brassicae (Figure 1, [22]). Taken together, our new se- diophorids were generally more easily detected in the quence data, phylogenetic analyses, and complementary rhizosphere of their assumed host than in neighbouring morphological investigations question existing concepts bulk soil. of phytomyxid parasitism. Based on our phylogenetic analysis (Figure 1) we infer that in the marine environ- Discussion ment parasitism of stramenopiles developed first, Two host shifts between plant and stramenopile hosts followed by a host switch towards angiosperm hosts. were found in the phytomyxids (Figures 1 and 3). Prior The direction of the host switch within plasmodiophor- to this study it was thought that Phagomyxida were ex- ids is equivocal, because of the unresolved branching clusively parasites of stramenopiles and Plasmodiophor- order of the deep branching taxa, including Woronina. ida exclusively plant parasites [5]. However, we have However, we raise the hypothesis that the ancestral plas- shown that Woronina pythii, a parasite of the oomycete modiophorid might have been a parasite of strameno- Pythium spp., branches within the Plasmodiophorida piles, which then bifurcated into lineages with plant (Figure 1). Conversely, Plasmodiophora diplantherae, a hosts and those with oomycete hosts. Further sampling parasite of an angiosperm sea grass, branches robustly of the lineage diversity at the base of the phytomyxid ra- amongst parasites of diatoms and brown algae. There is to diation and determination of their parasitic status would our knowledge no other group of obligate biotrophic enable this hypothesis to be tested further, as would eukaryote parasites showing such pronounced cross- characterisation of Novel Clade 9, the immediate sister kingdom host shifts. In the cross-kingdom host group to phytomyxids [3], and multi-gene phylogenomic shifts are known from less host-dependent opportunistic analyses of characterised members of the whole or necrotrophic parasites belonging to fungi and oomy- vampyrellid-phytomyxid radiation. cetes [28,30], while host shifts within other biotrophic par- During the last decade it has become clear that cases of asites seem to occur only between relatively closely related co-speciation between parasites and their hosts are rare hosts [31-34]. Biotrophic oomycetes include parasites and that the diversification of obligate parasites is more of both nematodes (Haptoglossa spp.) and brown algae often shaped by host shifts [36]. However, how parasites (Eurychasma spp.), but these parasites show distinct and their hosts co-evolve alongside each other remains a morphologies and adaptations to their hosts [28] sug- key issue in understanding both partners [36,37], and can gesting strongly divergent adaptations to different host also influence policy decisions on quarantine and control conditions. Phytomyxid parasites on the other hand measures by authorities [38]. Phytomyxids require their have a very similar lifecycle, morphology and develop- primary host plant to complete their life cycle and to suc- ment inside the host (Figure 2) without any obvious cessfully reproduce and persist in the environment, but specialised adaptation to a particular group of hosts. they can also develop infections at a low level in many al- Thus, in phytomyxids, closely related lineages can be ternative, non-primary host plants Figure 4, Additional file parasites of a wide range of fundamentally different 1: Table S1; [39-41]. However, the nature of such inter- hosts (autotrophic or heterotrophic) in different envi- actions remains enigmatic. We detected phytomyxid se- ronments (marine, soil, freshwater). quences in the rhizosphere of potential alternative host Our morphological analyses are concordant with the plants, but could not microscopically confirm any infec- cross-kingdom host jumps as revealed by molecular phy- tions of alternative hosts. The ability to infect diverse logenies. Resting spores and development of W. pythii hosts without causing a distinct, visible response or by strongly resemble that of plasmodiophorid parasites of causing restricted infections over a number of generations vascular plants, especially Spongospora spp. and Soro- could be a highly advantageous trait when the primary sphaerula spp. (Figure 2a-d). The resting spores of host is transient or rare. Restricted infections of phyto- P. diplantherae are morphologically very similar to those myxids in alternative hosts breach the first barrier to Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 9 of 13

extending host range and may open the way to integrated The overall diversity of phytomyxids in individual sam- adaptation to new hosts [42,43]. Based on our findings, we ples was relatively low, especially when compared to the hypothesise that the main evolutionary driver of phyto- diversity found within many groups of free-living pro- myxids is related to their ability to infect a wide range of tists, where often tens of relatively closely related but hosts, while the main constraint is ecological. We also biologically distinct 18S-types can be found in a few cm3 conclude that speciation in phytomyxids is based on host of soil [55-58]. In soil samples of the intensively sampled shifts rather than other co-evolutionary processes [44,45] vineyard (a total of 300 g soil DNA was extracted and because of the fundamental (taxonomic) differences be- analysed during the two year experiment) only five 18S- tween the respective host species. types belonging to two clades (clade 1, clade 13) could Phagomyxida are apparently exclusively marine and be identified via soil clone libraries while at the same site Plasmodiophorida are apparently exclusively non-marine, three species were identified microscopically and from but we show that potentially the host range of both groups targeted rhizosphere clones (P. graminis–clade1, P. betae– is larger than previously thought. A division in marine and clade 5, S. viticola–clade 3). This contrasts with the detec- freshwater/soil lineages is common in ; very few tion of eleven 18S-types belonging to five species found in free-living protist 18S-types are found in both marine and a smaller volume of targeted root and rhizosphere samples non-marine habitats [46], and in some protist groups evo- from the same site, highlighting that the soil clone librar- lutionary transitions from one environment to the other ies on their own underestimate the abundance and bio- appear to be infrequent [47-49]. Ecological structuring diversity of plasmodiophorids. also operates at taxonomically lower levels within plasmo- diophorids: we revealed distinct, (novel) lineages and ra- Conclusion diations from geographically and ecologically separated Within each of the two major phytomyxid clades there samples (South Africa, Volga, alpine glacial succession have been cross-kingdom host shifts between closely re- site, Figure 5). This supports the hypothesis that eco- lated parasite taxa: from stramenopile to angiosperm logical barriers phylogenetically compartmentalise the hosts in phagomyxids and between the same two host diversification of phytomyxids. groups by plasmodiophorids. Such large-scale host shifts Overall, we show a high 18S-type diversity of plasmo- between closely related obligate biotrophic eukaryote diophorids in soil ecosystems (Figure 5). Isolates from P. parasites is to our knowledge unique to phytomyxids. graminis, for example, seem to be highly variable at this The fundamental constraint in lineage radiation seems level, e.g. average similarities 96.9 ± 1.5% between the 30 to be the environment: plasmodiophorids and phago- individual 18S-types of Clade 1 (Figure 1). However, myxids are monophyletic groups with, respectively, non- within this clade we could identify no pattern in 18S- marine and marine hosts. Environment type also seems type–host-plant species association, although the branch- to compartmentalise lineage radiation within plasmodio- ing order is not always well resolved. It is possible that this phorids at lower taxonomic levels. Our results indicate cryptic diversity displays the natural variation within P. that the current research focus on a few economically graminis, as result of evolutionary failure to speciate along significant phytomyxid lineages may lead to a limited with their hosts [44]. But on the other hand it is possible understanding of this highly varied and largely enigmatic that sequence clusters deriving from within similar envi- group of parasites of plants and stramenopiles. Some ronments in this clade represent P. graminis strains (or phytomyxid plant pathogens also have the ability to de- cryptic species) with different, locally advantageous host velop at least part of their life cycle in alternative hosts. preferences, a phenomenon reported previously for P. Further work into phytomyxid diversity and their inter- gramins [50,51], but otherwise are currently unknown. actions with hosts in marine and non-marine (e.g. fresh- The nature of species complexes or cryptic species which water) habitats will determine (i) if high level taxonomic are specialised on specific hosts/environments is increas- host shifts are more frequent, (ii) whether other high ingly recognised for fungal and oomycete plant pathogens level eukaryote taxa (phyla, supergroups) are used as [52,53] and is likely to be valid for phytomyxids in general hosts, and (iii) whether the diversity and spatial occur- and P. graminis in particular [50,51]. Cryptic speciation rence of more closely related (i.e. around species-level) and infection of novel hosts via host shift speciation is phytomyxid lineages is most strongly determined by host considered to be the most frequent reason for the devel- specificity or a wider range of environmental factors. opment of emerging diseases in fungi and oomycetes [42,53,54]. Host shifts between closely related parasites Methods can also lead to more severe disease symptoms [42]. Our Sample collection findings raise the possibility that host shifts and subsequent Samples were collected from a variety of environments adaptation of phytomyxids to new hosts could become (Additional file 1: Table S5), including 40 individual soil more frequent or intensified in changing environments. samples and 10 plant samples collected repeatedly in Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 10 of 13

2009/2010 from a German vineyard (Bernkastel, Moselle of 60°C and 58°C and finally 30 cycles with an annealing valley). The soil samples were analysed individually, temperature of 54°C and completed by a final elongation whereas the plant samples (blocks of 30 × 30 cm) were step at 72°C for 10 min. pooled into plant families prior further processing to keep PCR products were cloned using the Fermentas insT/A the sample size manageable to allow a parallel DNA-based cloning Kit (Thermo scientific, Germany). Positive clones and microscopic study. Potential host plants for phyto- were identified using the PCR primers described above. myxids were collected independently since 2004 to in- PCR products were PEG-purified (http://www.mcdb.lsa. crease the taxon sampling for phylogenies. Plant samples and sequenced using were inspected microscopically, and if a plasmodiophorid the specific primers (Macrogen, Korea). Sequences used in parasite was found, DNA was extracted and sequenced this study were deposited in Genbank accession numbers (Additional file 1: Table S1). KF111152-KF111238.

DNA extraction and PCR Sequence manipulation, chimera check, and sequence Soil samples were sieved through a 2 mm mesh size selection metal sieve (sterilised by flaming with Ethanol between Sequences were initially blasted against GenBank (blastn) samples) to remove stones and other large debris before to identify phytomyxid sequences. A primary alignment of DNA extraction. Root samples were picked directly from all sequences was created using MAFFT [61] implemented sample blocks using sterile tweezers, carefully rinsed in Geneious pro (version 5.6.4; [62]) and this alignment with sterile distilled water, and used for DNA extraction. was improved manually using BioEdit (version This approach of root sampling allowed tracing the se- [63]). To exclude chimeras Bellerophon [64] was used. lected root to the respective plant also reduced the risk We also compared trees computed from the alignment di- of washing away fine roots which would result in a con- vided into half, and compared the respective positions of siderable loss of root biomass available for analyses. all sequences on these trees. Sequences which showed sig- Each soil sample was extracted in three replicates (0.5 g nificantly different branching orders on the two trees were each). A fourth replicate of each soil sample was spiked excluded. To group similar and/or identical sequences with +/- 0.5 cm2 fungal mycelium as positive control (Roe- PhyML [65] and MrBayes [66] trees were calculated and sleria subterranea strain IB 2005/0506), ensuring that highly similar sequences grouped and subsequently re- negative results are not false negatives caused by PCR in- moved: sequences from individual clone libraries with a hibitors. A negative control and a positive control without similarity of 98% or higher were treated as belonging to a soil (R. subterranea strain IB 2005/0506) were included in single 18S-type; only one representative sequence of each every extraction. 18S-type was used for subsequent analyses. The cut off- Soil DNA and DNA from plant roots was extracted as value of 98% sequence similarity was not applied to se- described [59] or using the MoBio UltraClean Soil DNA quences from isolates or for sequences from independent isolation kit (South Africa samples). Each DNA extract clone libraries, as these sequences were considered to be was tested individually using fungal primers (V9G, LS266) ecologically and phylogenetically informative. [60] which served as yet another quality control for the DNA extraction to exclude false negative results because fungi are present in all samples, hence all samples should Phylogenetic analyses amplify with fungal primers. For phylogenetic analysis sequences were re-aligned using To detect plasmodiophorids a nested PCR using two the l-ins-i algorithm in MAFFT and refined by eye in sets of 18S rDNA primers was used. First round PCR MacGDE. The refined alignment was analysed in RAxML Primers were Plas1f (5′-TCAgTgAATCTgCggATggC-3′) BlackBox (GTR model with CAT approximation (all pa- and Plas 1r (5′-ggTgCSKCKAgRTVCAAgAggC-3′); second rameters estimated from the data); bootstrap values were round primers were Plas2f (5′-TggATgTACgAGAgTAC mapped onto the tree with the highest likelihood value. TACATgg-3′)andPlas2r(5′-CgTTgAACCTAgCATTg Bayesian consensus trees were also constructed using TAgCg-3′). MrBayes v 3.1.2 in parallel mode. Two separate MC3 runs PCR-reactions (20 μL) contained final concentrations with randomly generated starting trees were carried out of 0.2 mM dNTPs, 0.1 μM of each primer, 1 × PCR-reac- for 6 M generations each with one cold and three heated -1 tion-buffer, 2.5 mM MgCl2,2μgmL Bovine Serum Al- chains. The evolutionary model included a GTR substi- bumin, 0.5 U of Taq-Polymerase (Dream Taq, Fermentas) tution matrix, a four-category autocorrelated gamma and 3 μl DNA. A touchdown PCR- protocol was used: 96°C correction and the covarion model. All parameters were for 4 min initial denaturation, followed by two cycles of estimated from the data. Trees were sampled every 100 96°C for 25 s, 65°C for 25 s and 72°C for 1.5 min suc- generations. 2 M generations were discarded as “burn-in” ceeded by two cycles each with an annealing temperature (trees sampled before the likelihood plots reached a plateau) Neuhauser et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:33 Page 11 of 13

and consensus trees constructed from the returning 100; gravity = 100). The resulting network was manually sample. modified in Gephi until the final layout shown in Figure 4 was obtained. Fine adjustments to the layout (e.g. font Light microscopy colours, background colours) were made using Adobe Plant roots were carefully washed with tap water to re- Illustrator. move soil and organic matter attached to the roots. Samples were transferred into petri dishes with sterile, Availability of supporting data distilled water and roots that were still part of the plant Sequences used in this study were deposited in Genbank of interest were selected using forceps. These roots accession numbers KF111152-KF111238. Any associated where then either used directly for microscopy (in water) data are summarised in Additional file 1. or stained with cotton blue. The roots were screened using 250 × magnification and DIC on a Nikon Optiphot Additional file light microscope, and phytomyxean structures confirmed using a 1250 × magnification. Additional file 1: Table S1. Microscopically observed isolates. Table S2. Data and references used for meta-analysis of phytomyxid host range, including data used to compile Figure 4. Table S3. Dataset of environmental Bait tests for the isolation of oomycete parasitic sequences shown in Figure 5, including information on samples and phytomyxids abundances of the individual 18-S types in the clone libraries. Table S4. A few grains of soil were added to a 9 cm petri dish filled Sample numbers, positive detections using the plasmodiophorid specific primer strategy, and 18S rDNA types within each sample pool. Table S5. with a mixture of sterile tap water and distilled water Samples, sampling dates and sampling sites. (1:1). Hemp seed (3 seeds per 9 cm petri dish), niger seed (Guizotia abyssinica, 3-5 seeds per 9 cm petri dish) and Competing interests sesame seeds (3-5 seeds per 9 cm petri dish) were used as The authors declare that they have no competing interests. bait respectively. From Lohbach, Rotmoos and Bernkastel soils 20 parallel samples were tested with each bait. Sam- Authors’ contributions SN and MK designed research, SN performed research, SN, MK, SB and DB ples were incubated at 10°C in the dark and checked for analyzed data and wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final oomycete growth once a week for one month. The low in- manuscript. cubation temperature slowed the growth of zygomycetes Mucor Mortierella Acknowledgements (esp. spp. and spp.), hyphomycetes The authors acknowledge Lars Huber, Mark Hoffmann, Fred Unmann and (esp. Trichoderma spp., Fusarium spp.) and bacteria Martin Schletterer for sample collection; Allison Walker for providing which out-competed the oomycetes quickly when incu- P. diplantherae material, and F. Goecke for providing material of Maullinia sp. Sigrid Neuhauser gratefully acknowledges funding by the Austrian Science bated at 20°C. Baiting cultures were first screened for Fund (FWF) through a Hertha-Firnberg research grant (T379-B16) and an oomycete growth using a reflected light microscope with Erwin Schrödinger grant (J3175-B20), the University Innsbruck (718001 250 × magnification. Samples which contained oomycetes Nachwuchsförderung) and the Forschungszentrum Berglandwirtschaft (University Innsbruck). DB was supported by NERC New Investigator (NE/H000887/1) were screened in an inverted microscope for the presence and Standard Research (NE/H009426/1) grants. DB and SN were also of cytosori. If resting spores could be identified, a micro- supported by the SynTax project ‚Phytomyxids–a hidden world of parasites and scope slide was prepared and the presence of the parasite symbionts’. confirmed using a Nikon Optiphot light microscope (DIC, Author details 100 × oil). Samples with confirmed infections were frozen 1Institute of Microbiology, Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck, for subsequent DNA extraction and analyses. Technikerstraße 25, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. 2Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum London, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK. 3The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited, Private Bag 4704, Host range meta-study Christchurch 8140, New Zealand. 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doi:10.1186/1471-2148-14-33 Cite this article as: Neuhauser et al.: Cross-kingdom host shifts of phytomyxid parasites. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014 14:33.

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