Guy of Warwick anon a Middle English romance the second or fifteenth century version, retelling the early-thirteenth century Anglo-Norman romance Gui de Warewic Translated and retold in Modern English prose by Richard Scott-Robinson This story has been translated and retold from the Middle English verse romance Guy of Warwick (itself a translation of an early-thir- teenth century Anglo-Norman French romance) found in Cam- bridge University Library MS Ff. 2.38, edited by J Zupitza for the Early English Text Society, Extra Series 25 and 26, 1875-6. Copyright © Richard Scott-Robinson, 2019 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be repro- duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy- ing, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author. The download of a single copy for personal use, or for teaching purposes, does not require permission.
[email protected] Guy of Warwick anon the second or fifteenth century version Sythe þe tyme þat god was borne · and Crystendome was set and sworne · mane aventewres hathe befalle · that yet be not knowen alle ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������· Therfore schulde men mekely herke · and thynke gode allwey to wyrke · and take ensawmpull be wyse men – Since the time that God was born and Christendom established, many adventures have taken place, not all of which are known about yet. Men should therefore listen closely and be prepared to learn from the wise men who have gone before them, for their marvellous adventures, their honesty, their suffering and their struggles have all been recorded.