
'~f. t '·, OFIICIAL I'UIUCATIOII OF THf AIICIAn IIIDUSTIIES ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA . ·~.,, . ..., U. S. CAPTURE WORLD LEAD Industry Overcomes Development Lag Caused By Wartime Production Effort By Admiral DeWitt C. Ramsey (USN-Ret.) Presid ent, Aircraft Industries Association

Recent developments in bo th mili­ and jet transpo rts, wi th tary and civil ~ viat i on have served and engines built in this country. to bring more sharply into fo cus the A major milestone in American tremendous advances made by the progress was marked re­ American aircraft engine industry cently when a speed of 823 miles­ in the decade sin ce World War II. per-hour over a measured course was Almost . monoton ous has become es tablished by a standard Air Force the procession of American combat jet co mbat fi ghter. This achievement A jet engine aircra ft through the sonic barrier refl ects great credit on both the air­ weighs I/ I 00 and into quantity production for our craft and aircraft engine manufac­ air servicrs. More lately, the impact turers. The power plant of this great " as much as of this progress of power has been plane, designed and produced in the a steam engine felt in the ann oun cements by Amer­ U.S., delivers more than 25 000 of equivalent ica's of vast new equ ipment equivalent horse power. ' horsepower ... programs in volvin g both The newly established 823 miles­ per-hour speed record gives new evid ence that the "Made-In-U.S.A." label on jet engines is the worldwide Titanium Is Costly, Yet standard for quality, reliability and One of the precision-built jet e ngines used to power a mode rn e ffi ciency. jet bomber weighs only one-hundredth as much as a 3,000 Reduces Plane Costs The pressures of winnin cr World horse power steam engine. It would take 25 of these steam Titanium, the aircraft industry's War II had dictated that ~\m e ri c a engines to match th e full power delivered by on ly six eng in es new "bea uty qu een" of metals is like co ncent rate .its engin e production genius on manufa turing the tre­ of this 600 mile-per-hour jet bomber. other beauty queens in one respect. 'PLANES' It's ex pensive. mendous quantity of en"ines In the building of today's highl y needed to insure vi ctory ovet': the Nazi Ax is Powers. No other na­ c9mplex and expensive aircraft ti on among the allies coul d even w11i ch provide air superiority for the approach th e piston engin e produc­ Sonic Plane Equipment Heat Poses , the aircraft industry tion requirements of World War II. is continually searching for 'vays to As a result of this wartime pre­ reduce aircraft costs. occ upation, th e British were able to Serious Problems To Research Consid ering the fa ct that a mod­ devote a markedly greater effort to­ ern jet bomber costs the nation ward the development of jet en.,. in es The aircraft industry, striving more th an any other, it .is the busi­ roughly $50.00 per pound it eems than were American aircraft e;gine constantl y l'<> im prove th e quality ness of building . a paradox that the industry is turn­ manufacturers. The Germans with and performance of American air­ Aircraft manufacturers are all en­ ing to Titanium- a virtually pre­ their Me-262, proved the wo;th of craft and e quipment, is now waging gaged in advanced research to fi nd cious metal. a batlle to find materi als and struc­ an improved cooling syste m for the jet engin e for modern aircraft But titanium is prefen ed to either u t the same t i•:nc so unding th e cl e a t!~ tures that will withstand the heat supersonic airplanes. Simple ram­ steel or aluminum, in some integral air cooling, 1:esearch engineers kn ow, knell of the p1ston engin es for mili­ a nd stress caused by the increased places in the manufactu re of air­ tary co mbat operations. use of electronic equipment in mod­ can do the JOb at speeds up to 900 craft, because it resists heat better ern supersonic planes. mph. However, a supplemental than aluminum- yet is lighter than U.S. Overcomes Britis'h Lead One rack of electronic gear in a cooling system must be carried for steel. . It ' ~a s not until Ameri ca emerged large jet , for example, hi gher speeds. Applied research has indicated that it wil! probably One crew of a certain type, for a v1ctorwus from World War II that generates enough heat to keep. two new jet bombers, soon to enter pro­ be done with a mechanical refri gera­ the cientific talent of America\ five-room houses comfortable m a duction, costs 1.36. Formerly, this en.g in e. industry could be give n free North Dakota winter. But it makes tor, a wa ter eva porative system, or same crew was manufactured of ;·~ t g n •n creating jet power plants. the inside of the airplane cabin a fuel heat-sink system, but at the steel and cost only a half·cent. But I hat th ey successfull y met the chal­ about as comfortably cool as a Fin- present time, each of. th ese methods still present some knotty probl ems. by u in g the new Titanium screw the lenge and ove rcame a head sta rt of nish steam bath. . . . aircra ft manufactu rer is able to lop seve ral years, is evid enced by the Airborne electronic eqmpment 1s Apart from but integrated with cooled by apparatus which equipment conditioning is the study off 99 precious pounds from the fact that the most powerful and usua ]ly . d d plane's we ight, repre enti ng 4,950 mos t successful production en cr ine rams cold air around 1t an umps of perso nnel conditioning. Efforts savin g in the aircraft's cost. in the world today is of American the heated air overboard . . However, are bein g concentrated on the man size and complexity of the and to a lesser degree on the cabin. A titanium bolt used in the same design and manufacture. the In the past few years Am eri can easlec tronic gear 1· ? au· ·cra ft h ave gone Cooled, ventilated fl yin g suits for plane costs the manufacturer $3.65 so have theu· heat output, and, crew members are now bein g con­ each. The same bolt manufactured manufacturers de igned and pro­ sidered. of stainless steel cost· only 4·5 cents. duced jet engin es of eve r increa. in g ~~ fortunately, t ~1e volum e and performance and efli ciency. ot weight of the col lJI1 g apthratt~s htve Aerodynamic bea tin g, th high Yet, the weight saved by usin g the skin temperature caused by a su­ ti tanium bolt amounted to 228 only were they challenged by entire­ climbed righ t a o~fg. h ,erem ~es ly new con ept s in engin e des ign, ,, pr·•JlJlcm- for 1 L . ere s on m- per, onic air plane's friction against pounds-a av iu g in airerafl dollars t A SUPERSONIC RE-5e.ARCt+ requirements essential to preservation of American leader-­ ship in the air; PLANE PRODUCc5 illustrate and explain the special problems of the aircraft APPROXIMATELY rHE industry and its vital role in our nationaJ security. !:7AME-POWER. ASTHE: Publication Office: 610 Shoreham Building, 5, D. C. GIANr $~ Office : 350 Fifth Avenue, New York I, New York. OF A NAVY J.I::i Los Angeles Office: 7660 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles 36, . GRUIS&R.


Qualitative Quality A MEPIUM ~IZEP In terms of urgency of current producti on and work in progress, no TURBO.-r lN61NE industry in America, in a sense not even that at Oak Ridge or its , US~!' IN A MO'DERN is more important to the freedom of the free world than the U. S. aircraft industry. JET PL.ANE BURNS The members of the nuclear bomb family, of course, represent the IT~ OWN WEI6Hf acme of the destructive power of U. S. weapons. There was a time when the naked threat of the U. S. to "drop" the bomb might have been sufficient OF FUEL to ensure world peace. But since the secret is no longer ours alone, the pros pect of retaliatory atomic warfare subtly shifts the emphasis to the A7Vr\\ ~--~ . aERY 20MINUTES ability to "deliver" the bomb with rapidity and precision. Henceforth, the potential foe will be afraid to strike only as long as he respects and fears ~THOUSANP I the quality. and efficiency of the vehicles that transport our explosives to SPRINKLeR HEAt'S critical targets. The United States aircraft industry- air frame, engine, electronics and AN'D 2.SOMILES ~ ~ associated components and accessory manufacturers-more than ever OF= S~INKL.ER PIPE/I · ~ ~ before is concerned with the quality and effi ciency of their products ARe USED IN THe and how they perform in the aerial weapons system. This concern is gen­ FIRE PROTECTION erated by two considerations. First, that the increasing cost and co m­ SYSTeM OF ONE plexity of equipment demands exceptionally high levels of quality and AIRCRAFT~._ reliability. Secondly, the vastness of the aircraft industry supply system itself makes it extremely diffi cult to keep an eye on quality. MANUFACTU~<.e~<..H New voRl( zy wAstiiNGToN In the aircraft industry the process which assures "built-in quality" ' PL.ANES' is called quality control. Quality control doesn't begin at the end of an aircraft company's pro­ duction line, nor even at the beginning of it. It begins in the aluminum and steel mills in Pennsylvania and Nevada, in the rubber fa ctories in Device Turns Blueprint PLANE FACTS Ohio and electronics labs in New Jersey. The superior quality required • 72,000 fluorescent li ghts are in the hi ghly complex fi ghter craft and civil transports today, has to be Into Finished Part required to illuminate one pro­ built into the equipment during the entire aircraft manufacturing and duction plant operated by a ma­ assembly operation. A new method of producing vital parts for America's jet engines is jor U. S. aircraft company in th e The very complexity and interdependence of all com ponents of modern manufacture of one of this na­ aircraft means that quality mu st be kneaded into an airplane at every now doing a job in two to four hours that normally required at least five tion's latest military transport stage of its development and manufacture. It cannot be bestowed with a planes. More than 70 miles of rubber stamp after the plane is fi nished. Today an army of quality control to ten weeks production time. Called a "cam machine," the flu orescent light tubes are serv­ men, armed with pressure gauges, refl ectascopes, torque meters, and many iced fr om 40 mile& of catwalks. other intricate devices of great accuracy, measure, test and check from the revolutionary new device uses elec­ tronics to turn a blueprint into a The co mpany uses 38 carloads of time the raw material comes out of the ground until the airplane fli es th ese lights each year. away, and even after. complex fi nished produ ct. The de­ ~ The crew of one of this na­ As an example, one large aircraft manufacturer is now spending $51j vice automatically produces an in­ 2 tion's strategic bombers has spent million on quality control annually in one production plant alone, and this tricate cam, which is the heart of a more than three months in the air corporation has three other divisions in two other states. jet ai rcraft engine fuel-metering and during the last 12 months. Dur­ "How to do it" experts at this typical plant take the engineers' drawings fuel-control system, remov in g one ing this time they have travelled and de termine how to form sheets of aluminum to difficult contours without of the bottlenecks in th e producti on compromising material strength ; how to evenly heat treat large pieces of of to day's jet engines. 430,000 miles. Their plane has highly tempered steels to increase their reliability; how to drill a hole at Although developed to meet a burned enough fuel to drive an tolerances of two ten-thousandths of an inch, etc. special probl em in the producti on auto mobile around the wo rld 818 Another group of the quality control team prepa res and co ntinually of aircraft fu el systems, the new de­ times. The oil used wo uld fill the updates inspection directives to see that the processes wo rked out by the velopment is expected to have wide of 5,374- automobiles. "how" people are complied with. appli cations in machine tool proc­ • Every time a gui ded miss il e is A third group- the workina inspection team- do the actual measurina esses. fi red, the ground crew knows more and testing. These experts ha~e the r un of the aircraft plant. They pok: It converts th e blueprint into the about what it is doing than any th eir ~oses into everything, and if they don't like what th ey fin d, they fi nished product through the use of on e of them knows about how his order mstant corrective measures. servo- mechanisms actu ated by a automobile is performing as he Today we fl y at speeds measured in Mach numbers instead of mere . Coded in formation is drives it over the highway. Engi­ multiples of hundreds of miles per hour. To get to Mach one (the speed punched onto a paper tape and the neers have developed missile­ of sound) , a fi ghter must have an engine that will develop upwards of computer then reads the data as to borne automatic radio "telemeter­ 10 , 0~0 pounds o_f or, in the case of 600 mi le-per-h our jet bombers, the shape of the required cam, send­ ing" devi ces that transmit simul­ m ul tJp l_e~ of engmes developing as much as 100,000 equivalent horsepower. ing instructions through the servo­ taneously over 100 different cate­ In add~tlo;'l , these pl_anes must perform faultlessly at altitudes where, save mechanisms to th e to ol that does the gories of information about the for art1fic1al protectiOn, the pilot's blood wo uld boil and his body would actual cutting of the part being pro­ missile in fli ght, temp erature, ex plod e like a balloon . du ced. altitude, roll, pitch, direction and And every foot of altitude, .every new knot of speed, every new mile The computer also checks itself other key data as the missile of range adds to these stresses and strains. Yet, we must not fa il ; for on the for error, making any adjustments soars upward perhaps 100 miles quality of our aircraft will_ depend much of this nation's ability to withstand required while th e ma r. hine tool cut­ in two minutes. the great stresses and strams of international relation s. ting process is under way. AOPA Claims General Aircraft Owners Will Number 100,000 By 1965

General aviation, which accounted these single-engine aircraft in op­ for some 93,000 airplanes last year eration during this period and and fl ew more than 8.7 million hours another sets a figure of 12,000 for from is just beginning to come into it ~ the 1965 total. own, according to the Aircraft Own­ same size Since· the precision and •' ill that engine ers and Pilots Association. goes into the manufacture of these . 1 These aircraft engage in all the planes, plus the completeness of fl ying that is done with the excep­ maintenance required by the Civil tion of the scheduled airlines and Administration, gives the military, and last year they were li ght aircraft unlimited years of use­ in the air almost three hours for ful life, the number of planes en­ ' each hour flown by the big com­ gaged in general aviation in 1965 mercial transports. should easily exceed 100,000. After researching the status of gen­ eral aviation today and its prospects 10 years hence, AOP A says that one light aircraft manufacturer ex­ pects to have at least 6,000 of its twin-engine models in operation in Ben Franklin's Kite 1965. Another estimates a total of 2,500 of its twin-engine type will be Building the world's best jet engines to power America's flying at the end of the decade and military aircraft requires infinite skill and inge­ another sets its fi gure at 1,500. Just Ai~s Air Industry these three types from only three nuity. One new jet engine now in production produces 50 manufacturers account for 10,000 Instruments sensitive enough to per cent more power than its predecessor, yet the size of the planes, nearly seven times that of measure .electrical current as low as engine frame is the same. This clean, efficient design saves the scheduled airlines combined. l/1,000 million millionth of an am­ not only time and money in building superior air power, but pere are being used by aircraft in­ This figure doesn't include the also conserves precious pounds of hard-to-get materials. tens of thousands of other types of dustry research scientists to probe light planes that will be flying at the electrical secrets in the stratosphere. ' PLANES' time. One manufacturer of popular Scientists temporarily loaned to four-place aircraft says his com­ USAF's Air Research and Develop­ pany will have as many as 18,000 of ment Command, elaborating on Benjamin Franklin's famous kite­ Computer Lops $29,970 and-key experiment, have started Air Quotes launching special electronic "field strength meters" soaring aloft with Off Taxpayers' Bill We need the strongest, healthi­ huge plastic balloons from a est possible domestic and inter­ Subsidy Doesn't Air Base. Electronic used in enai­ national airline system . Time af­ neering America's sa~e ter time in emergencies our com­ These meters, designed by re­ mercial airline crews, equipment, ' Amount To Peanuts search engineers of a large aircraft the taxpayers many thousands of dollars every year. and staffs have helped to con­ electronics company, are capa­ The cost of air transportation to tribute to a crucial military mar­ ble of measuring electric current as As an example, mathematical the people of the United States gin, as in the early days of the low as 1/1,000 of a million mil­ problems which would cost $30,000 doesn't amount to peanuts, and the Korean conflict. lionth. Roughly speaking, one hun­ for every million operations by a only big thing about airline subsidy dred million million times as much clerk using a desk calculator are The aircraft and airline indus­ i~ the return which the country gets current would be needed to momen­ now done on these complex com­ tries are not a luxury for Amer­ for its money. tarily light a pencil fla shlight. They puters at a cost of only three dollars ica. They are not simply another Thr;se facts were disclosed at ~h e are being used ta measure the elec­ per million operations. And, fur­ business which we may blithely ]Oth Anniversary General Meetmg trical charges set up by thunder­ ther, it is estimated that in the fu­ watch lagging or encountering oi the International Air Transport storms. The mid-Florida site was ture through wider uses of the elec­ difficulties. Association (lATA) in New York tronic wonders, the cost for the same chosen because it is the scene of number of operations may be re­ America's free enterprise air­ by Sir William P. Hildred, director frequent summer thunderstorms. general of the organization. duced to as little as 30 cents. line industry today requires enor­ The electronic instrument, hang­ mous sto ckholder and bondhold­ It was recently announced that Not only behind th e closed doors ing about 500 feet below the bal­ of aircraft engineers and scientists er investments, simply for neces­ the U.S. government estimates that sary constant modernization, let it will pay out during the new fi scal loon, records such things as the are these revolutionary new ma· alone for expansion. Every effort year approximately $30 milli_o n _in change in voltage, the presence of chines paying for th eir keep, but to encourage so und moderniza­ -----· subsidies for overseas and terntonal invisible clouds (charged masses of they have also added enormously to air) and the electrical characteris­ the operational ruggedness and reli­ tion and so und expansion needs carriers. ability of modern supersoni c mili­ be made. Sir William points out that this ti cs of thunderclouds. The moment the meter picks up electrical mea­ tary aircraft and commercial trans­ Meanwhile, we can ill afford is less than one third the amount ports. American youngsters spend each surements, it simultaneo usly radios an arbitrary "stop and go" mili­ ye ar for comic books, and is a good the findin gs to a ground recording Devices Aiel Other ln.clustry tary aircraft production system, deal less-nearly $15 million less­ station. alternately expanding overnight, The development of electronic then being slashed overnight. I than the government spent in 1954. Data gathered will be invaluable units capable of withstanding ex­ on price support for peanuts. to American researchers in learning realize that as the world situation treme changes in temperature and changes, our military plans The low cost of modern air travel more about the nature of the elec­ severe pressures and shocks enco un­ trical current constantly fl owing to­ change, but surelv we can oro­ to the world's governments is fur­ tered at jet speeds and altitudes ha s vid e - gi·eater continuity in "our ther emphasized in the report by th e ward the earth. This alone is a also been essential in manufactur­ planning. Similarly, mass induc­ fact that the $60 million paid an· mystery scientists have been trying in g the delica te electronic compo­ ti ons of our cadets and then mass nually by the French government for to fath om for a half-century, al­ nents. Ultra-premium tubes are ca­ release of trained pilots doesn't beet root subsidy is much greater thou gh they do know that at sea pable of withstanding temperatures make sense. Meanwhile, the than that paid for public support of level the electric fi eld may be equal as hi gh as 550 degrees Fahrenheit. mi ghty civilian aircraft and air­ transport costs. to something like 50 volts per foot, Borrowin g from the control prin­ line industries remain as main· Also, the capital cost of London's tapering off to about 1/z volt per ciples used for aircraft and missil es, stays-mainstays of the very life airpor t is equal to only 10 per c ~ nt foot at 100,000 feet up. these electroni cs are now being used of this nati on in an age strewn in many industrial processes. ' of the subsidies presently bemg The stratospheric explorations are with peril. - Honorable Alexan­ paid to British agriculture in the preliminary research to piloted fli ght der Wiley, R epublican from Wis­ course of a year. By contrast, 340,- in the 60,000 to 100,000-foo t alti­ long·range military and civilian consin, United State Senator, 000 tourists arrived in Britain last 1 uly 16, i 955. year and spent upwards of $98 mil- tude. The research project is also comm unications and weather fore­ expected to have great impact on casting. lion. Heat Dissipation Poses U.S. Aircraft Engine Builders Have Air Fireman For the first time on record, a Research Problem Delivered 85,000 Jet Engines forest fir e has been put out by (Continued from page 1) spraying water from an air­ craft. The fire covered 50 acres the air, is another heat source which. (Continued from page 1) data. Engines of this one type are near Wenatchee, Washington. A will require additional cooling equip­ now flyin g more than 5,500,000 miles ment but whole new fi elds of science had ground party, and the aircraft, every day, or 11,000 fli ght hours were di spatched to the fire at the At twice the speed of sound, or to be explored. daily. This experience is the equiva­ same time. By the time the about 1500 miles per hour at sea Jet engine tooling r equirements lent of a normal monthly airline level, friction generates heat on ai· meant that almost 100 per cent of ground party arrived, the aircraft schedule involving 34-0 four-engined plane surfaces as high as 215 , A the tooling h_ad had completely suppressed the transports. The experience factor fire. grees F. At this temperature 1 W. to be discarded in favor of precise of this one engine is still climbing. strength characteristics of the alu­ machines of new design. Entirely The American aircraft engine in­ minum in an air plane begin to de­ new manufacturing techniques had dustry record of production is un­ crease. At three times the speed of to be perfected and elaborate test matched throughout the world. In success of American jet engine de­ sound-Mach 3, or about 2300 miles facilities constructed. per hour- the temperature reaches During World War II, "fast" _400 th e short-lived span of jet propul­ sign is the announcement that 45 jet transpo rts had been ordered by one a sizzling 600 degrees F. where alu­ mile-per-hour fi ghters had engmes sion, the engine industry in the which produced about 1 horsepower United States has delivered more of America's leading airlines. This minum loses practically all of its than 85,000 engines, a great order heralds the advent of the jet strength. Other metals, such as for every 1 lj2 pounds of e? gi?e weight. Today, U. S. supersomc Jet number of which are in the 10,000 transport age .It opens a new era in titanium or stainless steel. are re­ fi ghter en rrines produce 1 horse­ pounds thrust class. Yet, as recently comm ercial fli ght and reaffirm s the quired for these speeds. But even power for ~ ve r y 4 ounces of engine as fi ve years ago, engines producing confidence of the airline industry in the present commercial grade of weight. The best engine of World thrust of this magnitude were little American aircraft and especially in ti ~a nium begin s to lose its strength War II delivered 3,000 horsepower. more than a designer's dream. American power plants as the most at a point between 800 and 900 de- Accompanyin g the progress made effi cient and economi cal engines in grees F . Yet , as a result of advah nced .U. S. 1 aircraft engine r esearc , engmeer- by the manu facturers of the turbojet the world today. Aircraft engineers are working on ing and manufacturing techniques, engines, has been th e developmental The turboprop and turbojet en­ another approach to the heat prob­ we are now developing engines with record in the turboprop fi eld. Two gines wi ll not compete in favo r for lem-that is, to install equipment a thrust output substantially in ex­ of America's largest airlines have airlines opera ti on, for each is best that will operate effi ciently under cess of 25 ,000 equivalent h orsepower. placed orders for 75 turboprop suited for its particul ar job. very high temperatures. Instead of cooling parts to keep The aircraft engine manufacturers transports powered with American The turboprop engine will meet the grease in them from melting, inve sted tens of millions of dollars designed and built turboprop en­ the airlines' requirement for load­ gin es, and options have been taken carying abiilty on short and medium researchers seek a grease that won't of their own money to supplement melt. Instead of cooling tkes to on an additional 35 . range passenger fli ghts and lo11 g federal funds in hastening new en­ keep them from blowin g up, the The U. S. Ai r Force has also r ange cargo fl ights, at considerably gine research and development, ~s need is for tires that won't bl ow up. placed substantial orders fo r a new hi gher-than-p resent speeds. These well as in building these new facil­ Instead of cooling airplane skins speeds probabl y will be in the 400 ities and production equipment. The type of U. S. military transport to keep them from melting, materi­ using American made tw· bopro p to 450 mile-p er-h our class. ma rr nitude of these priva tely in­ als that won't melt are sought for engines. v e s ~e d funds of the aircraft engine The turbojet, with its very high skins. manufacturers for development of Progress in the development of effi ciency at high speed and altitude, One major aircraft co mpany has j et engines primarily for military the turboprop engine in America, is ideal for long range deluxe pas­ already partly whi pped the prob­ use is unique in the annals of mod­ because of the over-riding military senger travel. This will be the 550 to lem by the development of aircra' ern industry and warfare. priorities, has not been quite as rapid 600 mile-per-hour plane, which will bearings which will operate at hig It was indeed important to the as has been the progress in the tur­ sli ce hours, instead of minutes, off temperatures and high altitude, successful prosecution of the air war bojet fi eld. However, recent and trav el time coast-to- coa st and on F antasti c as it sounds, bearings have in Korea that our engine manufac­ significant orders by military and transoceanic internati onal fli ghts. been built which will operate dry turers had made such rapid strides by commercial operators for these Thus, as we phase from our piston at temperatu res of 100 degrees F. in the fi ve previous years, for the engi nes are evidence of the fa ct that engi ne transports to the new equip­ The aircraft industry is progres­ United States was the only free na­ our engine manufacturers and de­ ment which will meet the new, high­ sing steadily in fi nding new ways to tion that had military jet aircraft of signers have met the challenge of er speed req ui rements, the U. S. beat the heat. There is no doubt the required quality and in suffic ient fo n~ i g n competition in this fi eld as engine industry is ready with two they will succeed, if past- perform­ number to turn back the threat of well. proven engine types - each meeting ance in maintaining American air­ Communist air power in the Far The most recent testimony to the a particul ar need. craft superiority is any indication. East. The 14-to-1 r atio of kill set by the United States F -86 over the Mig- 15 left no doubt as to the superior­ ity' of American made aircraft and en gines. R eliability S aves Millions P aralleli ng tremendous adva nces in performance and in the weight power ratio, hav e been the i n c r e ~ s ­ ing reli ability and economy built into our jet engines. This is best illustrated by the fact that the gov­ ment was recently able to cancel an order for orne 1,600 jet engines, representing a sav in gs of more than 56 million doll ars of the taxpayer's money. Thjs economy did not result from any reduction o-£ the combat capa­ bility of the military services ; rather it r esulted from the fact that engine reliability and engine life was much greater than had been ex pected, and Pictured above is a striking example of the extremes of motive power needed in the building of Anterican was a tribute to the p a in s t a kin ~ air superiority by the United States aircraft industry. ~ how n at left is the assembly unde•· a m agnifying glass thoroughness in the design, engi­ of a tiny, electric, servo motor weighing one and two-tenths ounces. It develops one two-hundredth horse­ neering and manufacturing, which power. Th is smallest ever built for aircraft use has a maximum speed of 19,250 revo lutions per is the hallmark of America's j et minute and is used in the m echanism of a new aircraft gy•·o system. Note two other of the m iniature engine manufacturers. motors in different stages of completion, caugh t by cam era angle undCI· the magn ifying glass wh ile a. worker's fi ngers dwa rf the third being assembled. P ictured at right are th e wo rld's two most powerful elect•·tc m otors for example, th e jet e n ~ in e ~t se d used to develop supersonic gales for a giant wind tunnel n eeded to test new aircraft designs. Each giant motor to power a c u~-r ~ nt mt~ti- e n g m e d develops 83,000 h orsepower and weighs 225 tons-as much as a raih·oad l?comotive. Two ."small" electric ·et bomber is gmng engme n~ a n u ­ motm·s, each developing 25,000 horsepower, are required to start the two b•g motors. Contbmed horsepower L cturers a great deal of expen ence rating of nil four is 216,000 horsepower. The entire installation occupies sp ace as long as two football fi elds.