
Historical Acquisitions Little Culprits In Auburn Court Ten Boys and Girls Made to Understand They Mustn’t Donations Go Blueberrying In Somebody Else’s Patch Androscoggin History ‡$VKRHDQGKDUQHVVUHSDLULQJRXW¿WDQGVKRHPDNLQJIRUPVW\SH' The newsletter of the Androscoggin Historical Society October 2010 No. 61 DPSIXVHVXVHGLQUHVLGHQWLDOKRPHVDODUGSDLOIURP(:3HQOH\ “Ten little culprits, who weren’t exactly sure what they’d Www.androscogginhistorical.com [email protected] 'RQDWHGE\'RXJ+RGJNLQRI/HZLVWRQ GRQHOLQHGXSEHIRUH-XGJH+DUULH/:HEEHU6DWXUGD\PRUQLQJ ‡$VHWRIROGFKLOGUHQ¶VZRRGHQEXLOGLQJEORFNVDQGDFROOHFWLRQRI ======/LJKWQLQJ$WODV(=6HDODQG%DOOFDQQLQJMDUVRIYDULRXVVL]HV and were made to understand that they should not go berrying in DQGFRORUV'RQDWHGE\'RXJ+RGJNLQRI/HZLVWRQ someone else’s blueberry patch. AHS FUTURE? MEETING NOTICE: ‡ 3DSHUEDFN HQWLWOHG Place Names and the Peopling of its “Charles Eveleth, who lives near Hillcrest hospital, $XEXUQ KDV HDVLO\ WKH ¿QHVW EOXHEHUU\ SDWFK LQ WRZQ DQG Towns E\$YD+DUULHW&KDGERXUQH3URIHVVRU(PHULWXVRI(GXFDWLRQ What should the Androscoggin Historical Society look Topic0DLQH¶V(DUO\$XWRV 8QLYHUVLW\RI0DLQH'RQDWHGE\3K\OOLV3-RQHVRI'DQYHUV0$ these youngsters discovered it. They thought they were alone The book belonged to her parents who were members of the A.H.S., LQWKHLUGLVFRYHU\DQGZHUHUHYHOLQJLQWKHLU¿QGVXQDZDUHRI like in ten years? What are our strengths? What are our &ODUHQFH (WKHO\Q3HQOH\ WKHH[LVWHQFHRIHLWKHU0U(YHOHWKRU³1R7UHVSDVV´VLJQV,W weaknesses? What are our opportunities? What are our Speakers5LFKDUGDQG1DQF\)UDVHU ‡ 7ZR half-pint milk bottles from Turner Center Creamery and seems, however, that they were not the only “discoverers” of challenges? These are some of the questions the Board of +RRG¶V'DLU\'RQDWHGE\'RXJ+RGJNLQRI/HZLVWRQ WKLVEOXHEHUU\¿HOGDQGWKDW0U(YHOHWKKDVEHHQWURXEOHGE\ the Society wrestled with in a daylong workshop and an 'DWH7LPH7XHVGD\2FWREHUDW30 ‡ )UDPHG $XEXUQ *UDPPDU 6FKRROV GLSORPD EHORQJLQJ WR $OLFH scores of other berry pickers, who industriously picked in his evening follow-up meeting. /L]]LH.HLWKGDWHG-XQH'RQDWHGE\:DWVRQ00DUVKDOO RI5LFKPRQG9$ patch. The Society hired John Henderson of Hometown History /RFDWLRQ: Androscoggin Historical Society ‡%RRNHQWLWOHGThe History of EnglandE\5REHUW)HUJXVRQ//' “The ten little transgressors – boys and girls, were hauled Works as our consultant to help us through the process. Free to the public and wheelchair accessible. 7KHERRNEHORQJLQJWR$GDP&ODUNHRI0LQRW'RQDWHGE\ EHIRUHWKH$XEXUQFLW\PDUVKDO)ULGD\PRUQLQJDQG0DUVKDO Our sessions were held on Friday, June 25, 2010 at the /LQGD+DQVFRPRI1:DWHUERUR 1LFNHUVRQDQG'HSXW\0RZHUZKREURXJKWWKHPLQKDGDOOWKH Androscoggin Chamber of Commerce and Thursday, Old automobiles bring fond memories — gleaming ‡*HQHDORJLHVRIWKH0DUWHO 6DXFLHUIDPLOLHVRI/HZLVWRQDORQJ appearance of conducting a picnic. But it wasn’t any picnic, July 1, 2010 in the Society museum. paint, shiny brass, and hill-climbing contests. Richard ZLWK D SKRWRJUDSK RI 5RVFRH 3HQOH\ 3URSULHWRU RI 3HUU\YLOOH as Judge Webber made the youngsters understand Saturday On the basis of our deliberations, Henderson 3KDUPDF\ RI $XEXUQ  'RQDWHG E\ 0DU\ ( %ULGJHV  5LFKDUG morning, and it is safe to say that these ten, at least, will watch DQG1DQF\)UDVHUZKROLYHLQ3RODQGZLOOVKDUHWKHLU 0DUWHO%ULGJHVRI(DVW%RRWKED\ LQGXVWULRXVO\IRU³1R7UHVSDVV´VLJQVLQWKHIXWXUH developed recommendations in the form of a four-phase extensive knowledge of antique autos and the auto industry  ³7KH\ ZHUH UHOHDVHG ZKHQ -XGJH:HEEHUKDG ¿QLVKHG KLV implementation schedule, all to be accomplished in the LQ0DLQH7KH\UHFHQWO\SXEOLVKHGWKHVHFRQGHGLWLRQRI Purchases – Additions to our library collection: kindly lecture.” next year. This report was entitled “Fire on the Water: their book, A History of Maine Built Automobiles and ‡'\NH+HQGULFNVRQ)UDQFR$PHULFDQVRI0DLQHCharleston, SC: Source: Lewiston Saturday Journal$XJXVW Re-Energizing Androscoggin Historical Society.” Motorized Vehicles, 1834–1934 with a History of Maine $UFDGLD3XEOLVKLQJ ‡'DYLG$6DUJHQWRemembering Lewiston-Auburn on the Mighty The Board has established part of the foundation by License Plates. Richard is a member of the AHS board. $QGURVFRJJLQ5LYHU9LHZV&KDUOHVWRQ6&+LVWRU\3UHVV North Bridge (now Longley Bridge) in 1875 GH¿QLQJ ZKDW KDG KHUHWRIRUH EHHQ DQ DPRUSKRXV DQG Coming topics for Androscoggin Historical Society ‡.DUHQ+'DFH\ The Stanleys of Newton: Yankee Tinkerers in the largely inactive committee structure, barely outlined in PHHWLQJVDUH1RYHPEHU³7KH*UH\1XQV´E\3URI *LOGHG$JH.LQJ¿HOG0(6WDQOH\0XVHXP,QF ³$XEXUQ VSULQNOHV KHU SDUW RI WKH EULGJH EXW WKH /HZLVWRQ the by-laws. We adopted new by-laws providing for the 0DU\5LFH'HIRVVH)HEUXDU\³7DOHVRIWKH9DOOH\´ portion is dry, dusty and disagreeable for pedestrians. There IROORZLQJFRPPLWWHHVZLWKGH¿QHGMXULVGLFWLRQV E\-RQDWKDQ/D%RQWH0DUFK³/RFDO$UFKLWHFWXUH´ South Bridge (now Lown Bridge) in 1875 is no point in the city where the winds have such sweep and ‡)LQDQFHDQQXDOFDPSDLJQJUDQWRSSRUWXQLWLHVSODQQHG E\ 0DUN /HH $SULO  ³%HJLQQHUV¶ *HQHDORJ\´ D “The new bridge over the Androscoggin already has two where dust is more troublesome. The city council should take giving, potential store operations. SDQHO RI ORFDO JHQHDORJ\ HQWKXVLDVWV 0D\  ³/RFDO QDPHV7KH/HZLVWRQ&LW\&RXQFLORUGHUVHYHU\ERG\WRFDOOLW pity on the throngs who have to foot it over the bridge.” Lewiston ‡ 0HPEHUVKLS &RUSRUDWH DGXOW \RXWK QRPLQDWLRQV :DWHUIDOOV´E\3DWULFLD+XJKHV,Q-XQHZH¶OOFRQGXFWD Cedar street bridge, while the Auburn folks say ‘Broad street’ Evening Journal, June 3, 1875. recruiting. tour of historic Danville. bridge.” Lewiston Evening Journal0D\ ‡3URJUDP/HFWXUHVWRXUVGRFHQWVVFKRROVFRPPXQLW\ events. 'RXJODV,+RGJNLQ(GLWRU ‡ &ROOHFWLRQV $FFHVVLRQGHDFFHVVLRQ PDLQWHQDQFH Androscoggin Historical Society displays. County Building, 2 Turner Street, Unit 8 ‡&RPPXQLFDWLRQV1HZVOHWWHUZHEVLWHPHGLDUHODWLRQV $XEXUQ0DLQH Board members have been distributed among the committees and we hope to recruit additional volunteers IRU GH¿QHG UROHV 7KH FRPPLWWHHV KDYH EHHQ ZULWLQJ detailed position descriptions for persons needed to accomplish the committees’ tasks. This may be a prosaic start, but our consultant has convinced us that this is the way to get started! The Board has a renewed enthusiasm. Stay tuned!

&DUULDJH"7ULF\FOH"$XWRPRELOH"&RPHWRWKHOHFWXUHWR¿QGRXW BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS Monmouth, by Bobbie M. Bowler WILDCAT STRIKE BY L-A CONDUCTORS  0HDQZKLOHWKHVWULNHUVIRUPHGWZRDEUHDVWLQIURQWRI   $QRWKHU LQ WKH ,PDJHV LQ$PHULFD 6HULHV SXEOLVKHG by Douglas I. Hodgkin WKH'R\OHEXLOGLQJODERUKHDGTXDUWHUVRQ/LVERQ6WUHHW Suddenly, it seems that books about local history are E\ $UFDGLD 3UHVV LV WKLV QHZ ERRN PDUFKHGWR$XEXUQDQGUHWXUQHGGRZQ/LVERQ6WUHHWWR announced with increasingly frequency. That is a good ZLWK SLFWXUHV RI 0RQPRXWK 0DLQH D :RUNHUV DQG VKRSSHUV LQ WKH /HZLVWRQ DQG$XEXUQ &HQWUDO /DERU 8QLRQ KDOO 7KHUH WKH\ YRWHG WR UHPDLQ thing. Since our last newsletter, four books have come town bordering Androscoggin County. DUHDZHQWWRWKHLUWUROOH\VWRSVRQ'HFHPEHUDQG ¿UPLQWKHLUGHPDQGV to our attention that may be of interest to Androscoggin The historic images are of individuals found their usual mode of transportation unavailable.  $IWHUDVWULNHUV¶PHHWLQJWKDWHYHQLQJ*HRUJH%3UDWW history buffs. important in the town’s history, as well They had to walk or make other arrangements, and “the president of the union, demanded the “expulsion of the DVWKRVHRI¿UHVDQGRI&XPVWRQ+DOO MLWQH\VGLGDWKULYLQJEXVLQHVV´$ERXW¿IW\FRQGXFWRUV Rooke register,” discharge of the nine workers loyal to the Franco-Americans of Maine, by Dyke Hendrickson Bowler is past president of the DQG PRWRUPHQ RI WKH /HZLVWRQ$XJXVWD  :DWHUYLOOH company, dropping of any charges against the strikers, and We have added to our library a new book in the 0RQPRXWK0XVHXP,QF6KHVHOHFWHG street railway had suddenly refused to report for duty. IXOOSD\IRU'HFHPEHU0DQDJHPHQWUHIXVHG7KHVWULNH ,PDJHV RI$PHULFD 6HULHV SURGXFHG WKH SKRWRJUDSKV IURP WKH 0XVHXP then expanded to all divisions of the railway including E\ $UFDGLD 3XEOLVKLQJ Franco- collection and from those provided by local residents. %DWK )UHHSRUW$XJXVWD +DOORZHOO DQG *DUGLQHU  Americans of Maine, by Dyke  SDJHVIURP$UFDGLD3UHVV PLOHVRIWUDFN RQ'HFHPEHULQYROYLQJWZRKXQGUHG Hendrickson, reproduces many men. Androscoggin County photos as well The Stanleys of Newton: Yankee Tinkerers in  /DWHLQWKHDIWHUQRRQRQ'HFHPEHU3-2¶%ULHQ as others around the State, organized the Gilded Age, by Karen H. Dacey an international vice-president of the Amalgamated in chapters devoted to Work, Twin brothers Francis E. and Freelan O. Stanley of Street Carmen’s Association, met with the strikers and )DPLO\ 5HOLJLRXV /LIH &RPPXQLW\ .LQJ¿HOG 0DLQH WUDYHOHG D ORQJ ZD\ IURP WKHLU UXUDO in a contentious meeting persuaded them to go back to Sports and Recreation, Arts and URRWVYLD/HZLVWRQ0DLQHWREHFRPHH[DPSOHVRIWKH work. “They had acted hastily, and had overstepped their Entertainment, Education, Franco- new technocratic entrepreneurial class authority in declaring a strike” in direct violation of the $PHULFDQ3ULGHDQG7KH$FDGLDQV LQ 1HZWRQ 0DVVDFKXVHWWV 7KH\ JRW union contract for not following grievance procedures. Hendrickson selected photos to focus “on the successful their start and their comfortable fortune A committee of the strikers met with management and transition that Franco-Americans have made over the LQ WKH 6WDQOH\ 'U\ 3ODWH &RPSDQ\ RI DJUHHGWRUHWXUQWRZRUN1RFRQFHVVLRQVZHUHPDGHWR GHFDGHV,WLVGHVLJQHGWRSURGXFHYLVXDOHYLGHQFHRIWKH /HZLVWRQDQG1HZWRQ ± EXW the workers, except none would be dismissed. Bowie happiness and prosperity that many families were able their fame derived from their Stanley did assure “the men that the rubber supplies for the car to achieve.” We see family groups, weddings, bands Steamer automobile, a successful washers and pit men and the stools for the motormen, had competitor on racetracks and a potential been ordered for a long time … but their shipment had and parades, and snowshoeing and other team sports. 6WULNHUV3DUDGHDW+HDGRI/LVERQ6WUHHW/HZLVWRQ(YHQLQJ-RXUQDO'HFHPEHUS 1RWRQO\DUHWKHWH[WLOHPLOOVDQGVKRHVKRSVSLFWXUHG alternative to the internal combustion been delayed as in the case of many other supplies.” The immediate grievance was a notice issued by but also a great array of occupations including farming, engine. Dacey also shows how the The Lewiston Evening Journal concluded that all were management that Rooke registers would be used – “an lumbering, baking, tailors, stores, and newspapers. 6WDQOH\V MRLQHG WKH VRFLDO FLUFOHV RI VDWLV¿HG ZLWK WKH RXWFRPH HVSHFLDOO\ RI¿FLDOV DQG WKH automatic device held by the conductor in the palm of his SDJHVIURP$UFDGLD3UHVV 1HZWRQDVSDWURQVRIWKHDUWV7KHUHVHDUFKLVPHWLFXORXV public. Allegedly, even the strikers were glad to be back and based on archives and diaries. hand, the passenger himself pushing his nickel thru a slot.” at work, even though their cause had failed. “A week Remembering Lewiston-Auburn On The Mighty SDJHVIURPWKH6WDQOH\0XVHXP This device had been used without incident on other lines of from now it will all be forgotten.” Androscoggin: River Views, by David A. Sargent WKHV\VWHP3RVVLEO\LWZDVUHVHQWHGEHFDXVHWKHUHKDGEHHQ Sources: Lewiston Evening Journal'HFHPEHULewiston A selection of his twice-monthly columns written for complaints touching on the honesty of conductors. Although Daily Sun'HFHPEHU the Lewiston Sun Journal, this is a collection of historical REQUEST FROM THE SOCIETY this device presumably relieved the conductor “of any slur vignettes, often including a personal upon his integrity,” it was resented in this context. recollection by the author. David Sargent May we have your email address? ,QRUGHUWRVDYHPXFK The workers supplemented this complaint with grew up and continues to live on a farm needed funds, we request your email address in order to grievances concerning matters of back pay, increased bordering the in send notices and other mailings. However, the Board of work, failure of the company to provide rubber coats to $XEXUQ0DWHULDOVVHUYLQJDVWKHKLVWRULFDO Directors has realized that many of you prefer to receive car washers and other equipment, and “discouragement sources are frequently local newspaper \RXU QHZVOHWWHUV LQ KDUG FRS\ 1HZVOHWWHUV ZLOO FRQWLQXH of the local association or union.” articles, but also histories, old diaries and to arrive in the mail. We shall use your address only for  *:%RZLHJHQHUDOVXSHULQWHQGHQWRIWKHUDLOZD\ other documents. Society business. responded that the use of the Rooke register was a  6XEMHFWV FRYHUHG UDQJH IURP ¿UVW  3OHDVH VHQG WKH DGGUHVV WR DQGURKV#P\IDLUSRLQWQHW decision in the management’s prerogative and that the settlements to the present. The sections if you are willing to receive communications from the men had broken their contract by having failed to follow DUH(DUO\,QGXVWU\6QRZ)ORRGDQG)LUH $QGURVFRJJLQ +LVWRULFDO 6RFLHW\ LQ WKLV ZD\ ,I QRW ZH grievance procedures. Workers who did not return would 3HRSOH DQG 5HFUHDWLRQ DQG :DU DQG 6SRUW ,OOXVWUDWLRQV shall continue to send this material via the United States include family photos and some taken by the author. 3RVWDO6HUYLFH be dismissed.  SDJHVSXEOLVKHGE\7KH+LVWRU\3UHVV The company operated as many cars as possible with Newspaper Decides All Parties Were Happy with Strike Outcome

management, master mechanics, and a few workers. Lewiston Evening Journal'HFHPEHU