Maine Sagadahoc |L!L!I!!Ll^ Lli Percy and Small Shipyard A-7 — T A97\ V

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Maine Sagadahoc |L!L!I!!Ll^ Lli Percy and Small Shipyard A-7 — T A97\ V Form 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR STATE: (July 1969) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Maine COUNTY: NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES Sagadahoc INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY ENTRXNUMBER DATE (Type all entries — complete applicable sections) //^^\J^^'^&^ */%£?/£/ |l!l!i!!ll^ COMMON: ^^f/ PtPI-lNIfeVi XCT^' Percy and Small Shipyard A-7 — t A97\ V~^ AND/OR HISTORIC: p J^H ** pj 3ft&$&$$&:&^ •••••••:•:••••<•'• •:>*•*,>:•'•'•.•: "•>: :•:•'!•' •H-JT-:lt:-:~'-M-:-:-AL-jiii»-r^--t:-J -•••••• •••••^''^-j. .-.•J :-.-.•:•. •.•.•.•.•.•.-:•.-:•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•.•••••. lli *$$$i<!b$3$$ww^^ :::ei»;:::::;e^g|^^i^^^^ STREET AND NUMBER: ^^^X < ^ >"*^ s/^/^ 451 Washington Street (1st Qis&$tj^fi^Qs CITY OR TOWN: ^^LiiliL^**^^^ Bath Zip Code 04530 Hon. Peter N. Kyros) STATE CODE COUNT Y: CODE Maine 23 -J£- Sagadahoc 023 CATEGORY STATUS ACCESSIBLE OWNERSHIP (Check One) TO THE PUBLIC 33 District Q Building l~~1 Public Public Acquisition: dj Occupied Yes: ca 1 1 -i I I Restricted D Site Q Structure SB Private d In Process XI Unoccupied pd w-i n . 1 1 Unrestricted D Object Q Both PC Being Consider JCJ Preservation work — in progress ^*-J PRESENT USE (Check One or More as Appropriate) \ | Agricultural | | Government | | Park 1 I Transportation 1 1 Comments [^ Commercial D Industrial J£] Private Residence D Other (Specify) O Educational [HI Military | [ Religious Museum Storage |~1 Entertainment CD Museum [ | Scientific .... Warehouse............... OWNER'S NAME: Mrs. L. M. C. Smith STREET AND NUMBER: »' 3460 School House Lane CITY OR TOWN: ST a.TE: CODE German town , Philadel phia Pennsylvania i/^ -37 ill COURTHOUSE, REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC: TY:COUN Courthouse (Sagadahoc County) Sagadahoc STREET AND NUMBER: CITY OR TOWN: ST * TE CODE Bath Maine ±6- Tl TLE OF SURVEY: ENTR Tl O NUMBERV DATE OF SURVEY: Q] Federal Q State | | County [ | Loco 23 DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS: Z -D co C CO STREET AND NUMBER: m 0 r~z CITY OR TOWN: ST/= DATE (Check One) O Excellent D Good [D Fair g] Deteriorated D Ruins a Unexposed CONDITION (Check One; (Check Oni sligl itly x3 Altered D Unaltered CD Moved 5£] Original Site DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (if known) PHYSICAL. APPEARANCE The Percy and Small Shipyard is located on a three acre lot at 451 Washington Street, about three-fourths of a mile south of the large Bath Iron Works Shipyard complex. The shipyard's four old buildings are situated close to the Kennebec River. The shipyard area has become covered with undergrowth since shipbuilding operations ceased in 19^0. 0nlY remnants remain of what used to be the ship ways. The only visible evidence to indicate ways were located on the site are earth impres­ sions, pieces of rotting wood and a few pieces of rusty metal hardware which may be found. The buildings that remain on the lot have lapsed into a state rn of deterioration. Before the shipyard ceased operation, the m buildings were kept in good repair as evidenced by enclosed photo of the 1909 shipyard. The four remaining buildings, all of basic wooden construction, include a mold loft and a pitch z oven. Other than being used somewhat as storage areas for the CO Bath Marine Museum, the buildings have not served any useful H purpose in recent years. TO C n H JAN II 197] PERIOD (Check One or More as Appropriate) Q Pre-Columbian | Q 16th Century Q 18th Century 20th Century [D 15th Century Q 17th Century XI 19th Century SPECIFIC DATE(S) (If Applicable andKnown) AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Abor iginal Q Education Q Political E~~t Urbar^Plarming I | Prehistoric PI Engineering [ | Religion/Phi­ (Specify) |~~] Historic Q3 Industry losophy [~] Agriculture | | Invention { I Science | | Architecture [~1 Landscape [~~| Scu Ipture D Art Architecture f~l Social/Human­ | | Commerce [~| Literature itarian | | Communications n Military [ | Theater | [ Conservation Music §£] Transportation TATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE The City of Bath, Maine, and the surrounding area has long been closely associated wife the shipbuilding industry. As early as 1607 the Popham Colonists built the 30 ton VIRGINIA, t/) the first English vessel built in America. z o In 1762 Bath f s first commercial shipyard was opened. After the Revolutionary period, with the help of protective legislation by Congress, local maritime activities expanded rapidly. u The ships of the local merchants, ever extending their cruises began pouring in wealth, and for more than half a century the operation of ships and trade were the more important thing; though the expanding shipyards and the related industries were always an important industrial community. Ij^ 1855 Bath ranked fifth in the country in point of amount of tonnage registered, enrolled and licensed, being outranked only LU by New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore. UJ uo In 1857 over 500 ships were operating out of the Bath Customs District. Most of this early trade involved commerce with world-wide connections. During this era, Bath shipyards were mainly pro­ ducing the "Down Easter", a type of "Half-Clipper" noted for having speed without sacrificing cargo space. After the Civil War, the commercial phase of local maritime activities entered upon a decline, but the shipyards and skill in shipbuilding, which commerce had created in Bath, continued to grow, and for another half century Bath supplied the nation with the finest ships of wood. After the Civil War, with the decline of world trade, the schooner came into its own because of its ability to maneuver in" the tricky coastal breezes as well as being adaptable to crews of about one-half the size of a square-rigged ship. Owen, Henry Wilson, History of Bqth 1936 Chapters 24 and Rowe, William Hutchinson, Maritime History of Maine 1948 pp. 13U, lb*f, Ml, 243 and 244. Marks, Lionel P., The Maritime History of Maine 1930 Thesis :;:|:g;:;:;:;i;;:|:;>:jK::-i;si; LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES DEFINING A RECTANGLE LOCATING THE PROPERTY 5 DEFINING THE CENTER POINT OF A PROPERTY _ OF LESS THAN TEN ACRES CORNER LATITUDE LONGITUDE LATITUDE ., LONGITUDE Degrees Minutes Seconds Degrees Minutes Seconds Decrees Mjmjtes ASpconds ( Dearees Mirujtes Seconds NW ° o.i. Q » NE ' ', ° ' °. • , L APPROXIMATE ACR&*f^E'^5illj(yj^l§ATXD PROPERTY: Thr66 i ILIST ALL ST ATES^AS^^CoJjlWTJ,^ FOH^i^P ERTI ES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUNTY BOUNDARIES m ntC^Sv^ . \^\ CODE COUNTY CODE m *A ^ V^ft , A*\ \>~ __ — :, CODE COUNTY: CODE it\G'^'^p r~*f COUNTY : CODE ^^C\^^ ^ A^V CODE >v ^ is&y CO STATE: \^ //J?J--r-r^^ \*^J/ CODE COUNTY: CODE H t -x^ijjgl^- 7Q M$$ij£?.is$$ C NAME AND Tl TLE: ' John BrigRS, Historian n ORGANIZATION DATE State Park and Recreation Commission " • July 28, STREET AND NUMBER: 1970 State House CITY OR TOWN: STATE CODE Auausta .i-is— i»ilii»iiliM^ «!SiiM»&!^ •7 As the designated State Liaison Officer for the Na­ I hereby certify that this property is included in the tional Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665), I hereby nominate this property for inclusion National Register. in the National Register and certify that it has been evaluated according to the criteria and procedures set forth by the National Park Service. The recommended Chief, Office of Archeology and Historic Pre^rervaTTorT" level of significance of this nomination is: National FV, State (X Local Q Date Name ^/-J-fa^fa^ ^^X^^^Yy S/ Lawrence Stuart ATTEST?: .._ ^ Title Director i/l/tlM^Ujj/j/y^ Date / / y //>/ Date Form ia-3(K)a UNITED STATESjCfE^P NT OF THE INTERIOR (July 1969) SERVICE Maine :PLACES Sagadahoc FORM FOR NFS USE ONLY /Y ENTRY NUMBER (Number all entries) -2- Percy and Small Shipya (Con f t) The Percy and Small Shipyard was involved in the building of 44 vessels between 18?4 and 19£0, 42 of which were schooners. The Percy and Small Yard earned a reputation as one of the most notable of the strictly modern builders of wooden sailing craft. / The owners, Capt. Samuel R. Peipcy and Frank A. Smafl.1, special­ ized in the construction of large schooners for the coastwise trade. Dr|u)ing the yard's operating years, from 1894-1920, all but two of the vessels turned out were four, five and six-masted schoo­ ners ranging in size from 700 to more than 3700 tons. Percy and Small managed a splendid fleet at one time, measuring 25,000 tons, capable of moving 400,000 tons of coal along the New England coast each year. The most famous of the schooners built at the Percy and Small Shipyard was the WYOMING. This huge vessel, built for the Yard's own use in 1909, was 329 feet long and weighed 3,730 tons. This fore and aft rigged "Windjammer" was the largest wooden vessel ever built. The WYOMING *eiit down off from Pollack Rip Lightship in 1924. Another well-known Percy and Small vessel was the ELEANOR A. PERCY, the second six-master ever built and one of the largest at 3,401 tons. Most of the wood for building the WYOMING and the other Percy and Small vessels came from the southern part of the country. The local wood supply had been largely exhausted by the tre­ mendous demand put on the local forests by the local shipyards (over 600 full ships were built in Bath alone) so the Percy and Small Yard had to use yirginia oak, Georgia pine, and Carolina hackmatack for ship construction. The Bath shipbuilding tradition has carried over to the present time. The Bath Iron Works Shipyard is famous for its destroyer and minesweeper construction. The Percy and Small Shipyard is possibly the only existent wood shipbuilding yard which built large merchant vessels in the country.
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