
Nov. 10, 1936. E, E_ LAND|$ 2,060,327 RULING AND LINING GUIDE FOR TYPEWRITERS Filed March 2, 1935

3mm " Earl E. Landis Patented Nov. 10, 1936 _ 2,060,327 ‘r

UNITED STATES‘ PATENT OFFICE 2,060,327 RULING AND LINING GUIDE FOR TYPEWRITERS Earl E. Landis, Seattle, Wash. Application March 2, 1935, Serial No. 9,077 10 Claims. (Cl. 197-113) My invention relates to typewriters, and is in In the accompanying drawing I have shown my corporated in an integral part of , invention embodied in connection with typical not in an attachment. typewriter and line and guide forms. Frequently in it is desirable to under Figure 1 is a perspective view of a standard 5 score a line, to draw horizontal lines, or to draw typewriter, showing the manner of using my in- 5 column lines. While there is an underscoring vention, which is incorporated therein. type bar on the typewriter, it only Figure 2 is an elevation of the line and letter one letter at a time, and to a whole guide of such typewriter, showing the manner in line the underscoring type bar must be pressed which the same cooperates with the work to 10 for each letter , entirely across the line. effect ruling and lining. 10 Such a line, moreover, is sometimes ragged due Figure 3 is an elevation of a modi?ed form of to improper registry of the two ends of the type line and letter guide, showing my invention in bar. There is no provision at present in stand corporated therein. ard typewriters for the purpose of drawing ver The typewriter differs but little from any 15 tical or column lines, and the only way a column standard typewriter. It comprises a frame I, a 15 line can be drawn, other than taking the paper carriage 2 slidable transversely of the frame, and out of the typewriter and ruling it, is to employ carrying a platen 3 which is rotatably mounted a type bar such as the colon, shifting the car in the carriage, and the rotation of‘ this platen riage and platen each time to align successive may be accomplished by such means as the 20 strikes vertically, which is a tedious job. handles 4. 20 Accordingly it is an object of my invention to Mounted upon the frame, usually at opposite provide means associated with the typewriter sides of the guide which receives the heel of the whereby the underscoring of lines or the draw type bar in striking, which latter is indicated at ing of transverse lines, and the ruling of ver 5, is a line and letter guide 6. This lies closely 25 tical column lines is made easy of accomplish adjacent the front of the platen 3, and its upper 25 ment, without removal of the paper from the edge I5 is located immediately beneath the line typewriter, and by means which insure the de being typed or in position for typing. As may sired registry with the lines and letter spaces. be seen in Figures 2 and 3, the line and letter It is a further object to accomplish the above guide has graduations ‘l which de?ne letter 30 ends in an extremely simple manner, avoiding spaces, so that the typist may effect registry‘ of 30 the attachmentto the typewriter of extra de the sheet with previously typed matter upon re vices for this purpose, and avoiding the employ insertion of the sheet in the typewriter. The ment of any means which will interfere with or means of mounting this line and letter guide are detract in any way from the normal operation of unimportant, but as shown herein they comprise 35 the typewriter, or from the convenience of the light spring ?ngers 8 having holes 9 whereby they 35 typist. may be riveted or screwed to the frame I; the More speci?cally it is an object to provide, in guide will be pressed ‘against the face of the association with the normal line and letter guide platen or against a sheet of paper III which is of a typewriter, a device for positioning and hold rolled about the platen. . 4() ing the marking tip only of a pencil, to the end Associated with the line and letter guide 6, ac- 4Q that by shifting the carriage transversely with cording to my invention, are the means for en respect to the line and letter guide a transverse gaging the marking tip only of a pencil I l, which line may be drawn, or a typed line may be un may otherwise be supported in the hand of the derscored, and whereby by rotating the platen typist. These means comprise simply holes I! 45 Irelative to the line and letter guide a vertical and I3 in the line and letter guide 6, so located 45 column line may be drawn, either in registry with as to enable the lining or vertical ruling of the a type space, or if desired, intermediate two ad paper in the manner described. jacent type spaces. 1 Let us assume that a line It has been typed My invention comprises the novel line and let upon the paper Ill, and that it is desired to under 50 ter guide, and the novel combination of the same score this or to draw a guide line across beneath 50 with the associated typewriter parts, all as shown the type line H. The tip of the pencil II is in in the accompanying drawing, described in this serted in either or any of the holes l2 and I3, specification, and as will be more particularly which have been located somewhat beneath the pointed out by the claims which terminate the upper edge l5 of the line and letter guide. With 55 same. the pencil thus positioned and its ‘outer end held 55 2,060,827 by the typist, the carriage is shifted transversely whereby, by reciprocation of the carriage past a ‘ Y with respect to the frame, and the resins-.13 a pencil so held, to underscore a line just typed line such as It which underscores the liii’e‘twhich on work held upon ‘the platen. had Just been typed. Furthermore, this line will, 4. In combination, the frame, carriage, and ro press through to show on any carbon sheets, and‘ tatable platen of, a typewriter, and a line and it will be clear, distinct, and unbroken. Its _ letter guide having a hole disposed in registry length is controlled by the amount of movement with a type space in the printing line of the platen, of the carriage. ' . of a size to receive only the marking tip of a Now if it is desired to draw vertical lines, as pencil held by an operator, whereby, upon rota 10 H, to set oi! columns of ?gures for example, the tion of the platen and consequent movement of pencil is placed in one or the other of the holes work held thereby, past a pencil so held, to draw I2 or l3, which are diiferently located, and by ro a line in registry with a type space. tating the platen 3 the lines are drawn as before 5. In combination, the frame, carriage, and - on the paper "I and on any carbon copies be rotatable platen of a typewriter, and a line and 15 neath. If it is preferred to draw the column letter guide, having‘ a hole disposed intermediate lines, indicated by the dotted lines l8, through a two type. spaces of the printing line of the platen, letter space, the hole I! is employed which is lo of a size to receive only the marking tip of a cated in registry with a letter space on the work, pencil held by an operator, whereby, upon rota and thus by rotation of the platen the column lines. tion of the platen and consequent movement of .20 I. will be drawn in registry with vertically aligned work held thereby, past a pencil so held, to draw 20 le'tter spaces. If,-h0wever, it is preferred to draw a line in registry with the space between letter lines I‘! which lie intermediate the letter spaces, spaces of a line just typed. - then the hole I! is used, this lying between two 6. In combination, the frame, carriage, and letter spaces on the work, whereby upon rotating rotatable platen of a typewriter, and a line and 25 the platen the lines I‘! are drawn lying in exact letter guide, having two holes, one disposed in 25 registry with the boundary of two adjacent letter registry with‘ a type space and one disposed in spaces. termediate two type spaces of the printing line Figure 3 shows the same idea incorporated in a of the platen, said holes being each of a size to shorter line and letter guide such as is used in receive only the marking tip of a pencil held by certain so-called portable typewriters. an operator, whereby, upon rotation of the platen 30 The line and letter guide need not be altered and consequent movement of work held thereby, in form at all. or at the most may be slightly en past a pencil so held in one or the other of such larged adjacent the holes I! and I3, as shown, to holes, to draw a line in registry with or inter somewhat strengthen the metal at this ,‘ but mediate type spaces on such work. 35 except for this (and the enlargement is optional) 7. A typewriter line and letter guide compris 36 the typewriter need be changed not at all, and ing a strip of sheet metal having graduations there is no large attachment in the way or ob spaced to indicate letter spacings, its upper edge structing ready access to the work, yet the ruling de?ning a straight line beneath the printing line and lining device is ready for use at any time of the platen and having supporting means adapt 40 merely by holding a pencil in the appropriate ed for cooperation with a ?xed support thus to guide and movingwthe carriage or platen, as the position the guide, said guide also having a hole case may be. of a size to receive only the marking tip of a What I claim as my invention is: pencil, and disposed beneath its upper edge. 1. In combination with the frame, sliding car 8. A typewriter line and letter guide compris riage, and rotatable platen of a typewriter, a line ing a strip of sheet metal having graduations 45 and letter guide carried by the frame and dis spaced to indicate letter spacings, its upper edge posed in front of work held upon the platen, said defining a straight line beneath a line being typed, guide having a hole therein of a size to receive and having supporting means adapted for co the tip of a pencil held by an operator, and lo operation with a ?xed support thus to position 50 cated wholly beneath the printing line of the the guide, said guide also having a hole of a size 60 platen, whereby to draw straight transverse lines to receive only the marking tip of a pencil, and underscoring a line just typed on the work, by disposed in registry with a type space. the reciprocation of the carriage, and straight 9. A typewriter line and letter guide compris longitudinal lines by the rotation of the platen, ing a strip of sheet metal having graduations 55 past a pencil so held. spaced to indicate letter spacings, its upper edge 55 2. In combination with the frame, sliding car de?ning a straight line beneath a line being typed, riage, and rotatable platen of a typewriter, a sheet and having supporting means adapted for co metal plate carried by the frame and disposed operation with a ?xed support thus to position ‘close to the platen and in front of work held upon the guide, said guide also having a hole of a size the latter, said plate having a small hole therein to receive only the marking tip of a pencil, and 60 of a size to receive only the marking tip of a pen disposed intermediate two type spaces. cil held by an operator, and located wholly be 10. A typewriter line and letter guide compris neath the printing line of the platen, whereby, ing a strip of sheet metal having graduations with a pencil so held with its tip in said hole and spaced to indicate letter spacings, its upper edge 65 resting on the work, to draw straight transverse de?ning a straight line beneath a line being typed, 65 lines underscoring a line just typed upon the and having supporting means adapted for co work, by reciprocation of the carriage, and operation with a ?xed support thus to position straight longitudinal lines by rotation of the the guide, said guide also having a hole of a size platen. v to receive only the marking .tip of a pencil, and 70 3. In combination, the frame, sliding carriage, disposed in registry with a type space, and hav 70 and platen of a typewriter, and 'a line and letter ing a second similarly sized hole disposed inter guide, having a hole disposed beneath the print mediate two type spaces, each of said holes being ing line of the platen, of a size to receive the located beneath the upper edge of the guide. marking tip of a pencil held by an operator, , EARL E. LANDIS.