
Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology

Volume 58 | Issue 1 Article 12

1967 Landmarks in Typewriting Identification David A. Crown

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Recommended Citation David A. Crown, Landmarks in Typewriting Identification, 58 J. Crim. L. Criminology & Police Sci. 105 (1967)

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David A. Crown has served for ten years as a document examiner with the Postal Inspection Service in San Francisco, California. In 1960 Mr. Crown received a Master of Criminology degree from the University of California and is currently studying for his Doctorate in Criminology. He has published articles on various phases of questioned document work including "Differentiation of Blue Ballpoint Pen " (Volume 52, 1961) in this Journal.-EDoR.

In a relatively short period of time the type- characters of varying width, similiar to that found writer has become an instrument of paramount in regular printing. In 1961, IBM brought out their importance in the correspondence and commerce of Selectric typewriter which utilizes a type ball the world. Although the Remington Model I type- turning at high speed to impress characters. All writer of 1874 was the first commercially feasible told, there have been over 350 different typewriter typewriter, patents for to impress letters manufacturers in business since 1874 (2, 3). on paper date back to 1715. However, none of In the years after 1878, when the use of type- these earlier machines had any utilitarian value. writers proliferated, it was inevitable that someone Earlier ideas, such as the keylever-typebar mech- would notice that not all typewriters of the same anism of Projean in 1833 and Beach's method of brand and type style produced identical typewrit- having typebars strike at a common center, devel- ing, and that the product of one could be oped in 1856, were utilized by Sholes, Soule, and differentiated from the work of another similiar Glidden in producing their typewriter, which was machine. marketed as the Remington Model 1. This machine The earliest known reference to the identification typed only upper case characters and was a "blind- potential of typewriting, curiously enough, appears writer", i.e. the produced was hidden by in "A Case of Identity", a story mechanism and became visible only by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, in which the following after the platen was turned. The success of the passage appears: model 1 led to the Remington Model 2 in 1878. "It is a curious thing... that a typewriter has The improved Model 2, while still a blindwriter, really quite as much individuality as a man's had a carriage shift providing for upper and lower handwriting. Unless they are quite new, no two case characters. This typewriter proved to be quite of them write exactly alike. Some letters get successful from a commercial of view and the more worn than others, and some wear ,only on typewriter began to take its place in the world of one side. Now, you remark in this note of yours commerce (1). ...that in every case there is some little slurring In the years after 1878, other typewriters of over the "e", and a slight defect in the tail of varying designs appeared on the market. The more the "r". There are fourteen other characteristics, important machines include the Caligraph in 1883, but those are the more obvious" (4), 1 the Columbia Bar-Lock in 1888, and the Wagner It has been established that Doyle recorded in his in 1893, the first practical visible type- diary that he finished writing "A Case of Identity" writer. The greatest majority of the machines on April 10, 1891 (5, 6). The source of Doyle's produced were of the key-lever and typebar vari- data has not been ascertained, but it is of interest ety, the turning typewheel designs were in the that his approach to typewriting identification is minority. The next step in the development of the sound and that his terminology is precise. typewriter was the Mercedes electric typewriter of The earliest comment in writing by a document 1921. While this was not the first electrified type- examiner on typewriting identification was by writer, it was the first one that had any commercial Hagan in 1894. Hagan writes: potential. In 1941, IBM introduced the propor- "All typewriter machines, even when using the tional spacing typewriter which was equipped with same kind of type, become more or less peculiar DAVID A. CROWN (Vol. 58

b use as to the work done by them. One of in 1909, plagarized Ames' complete statement on articles of these characteristics which each machine mani- typewYiting and ignored the landmark fests is that produced by varying alignment, in Osborn (9). 1901 and which some of the type make peculiar imprints In several articles written between document which very positively connects the work done 1907, Albert S. Osborn, the foremost century, clearly delin- with the machine by which it was produced, and examiner of the early 20th identification this occurs more particularly to such of them as eated the principles of typewriting 11) were have been used for some time, and so distinctly used today. The data in these articles (10, 1910 (12). The marked does this peculiarity become connected enlarged upon in his first book in Documents" is now with the printing done by each machine that second edition of "Questioned and legal libraries and little skill is required when comparing the work a standard in all document times (13). The salient done by a dozen of them. A knowledge of this has been reprinted many Osborn are as follows: fact sometimes becomes important in tracing up points enunciated by by the different type- the source of an anonymous printed by a a. The used differentiated on the typewriter machine" (7). writer manufacturers can be and have dating significance. This partial exposition of the principles of type- basis of design individ- writing identification was followed in 1900 by Ames b. Through usage, typewriters develop the typewriting who wrote: uality which can serve to identify "Since typewriting has come so generally into of a particular typewriter. of typewriting in- use, the question often arises as to the identity c. The gradual development and of writing by different operators as well as that dividuality plus ribbon condition date a document or fix done on different machines. This may usually be cleanliness can be used to period of time. done with considerable degree of certainty. Dif- it within a malalignment; tilting ferent operators have their own peculiar meth- d. Horizontal and vertical of impressions (off- ods, which differ widely in many respects-in the characters; lack of uniformity defects and mechanical arrangement, as to location of date, footedness); typeface scars, breaks, impression; and re- address, margins, , spacing, signing, deformities; overall depth of type- as well as impressions from touch, etc. bounding characters all serve to identify the The distinctive character of the writing done writing of a particular machine. more unusual than on different machines is usually determined with e. Some individualities are others and thus have greater probative value. - absolute certainty. With most machines there the identification of are accidental variations in alignment. Certain f. The principles underlying the mathematical letters from use become more or less imperfect, typewriting are controlled by applied to independent or become filled or fouled with . It is highly rules of probability as improbable that any one even of these accidents events. of striking the typewriter should occur precisely the same way upon two g. Peculiar habits machines, and that any two or more should do keys, spacing, arrangement, punctuation, incorrect corrections, etc. can be so is well-nigh impossible. It is equally certain character usage, mistakes, typists. that all the habits and mannerisms of two oper- used to identify a typist or differentiate be re-inserted in a ators would not be precisely the same. A careful h. A sheet of paper cannot typing comparison of different typewritings in these typewriter in exact register with previous respects cannot fail to determine whether they done on the sheet of paper. expanded are written by the same operator or upon the In subsequent years, other writers adding any new same machine. It should be remembered that somewhat on these ideas without 18, 19, 20). Possibly writing upon the same machine will differ in all basic concepts (14, 15, 16, 17, Osborn has been the respects mentioned at different stages of its the most significant article since published use and condition" (8). Hilton's article on typewriting variation pointed out that type- Both Hagan and Ames cover some of the aspects in 1959 (21), wherein it was process and that variation of typewriting identification, but fail to cover all writing is not a static relates the various causes the essential points. The on typist iden- in typing exists. Hilton to the process of examina- tification is understandable in view of the lack of of typewriting variation standardization of punctuation, arrangement, etc. tion and identification. in the earlier days of typewriting. Lavay, writing While the principles of individual typewriting LANDMARKS IN TYPEWRITING IDENTIFICATION identification have remained relatively static, ex- Title 4, Chapter 11, enacted in 539 A.D. (30) how- cept for the problems posed by proportional spac- ever, the first case of record involving handwriting ing typewriters and Selectric typewriters (22, 23, testimony by an expert did not occur in the United 24), new complications have arisen in the area of States until 1812 (31). In 1812, the first known typefont differentiation, i.e. the determination of case involving printed characters was also heard. the make and model of typewriter from typeface In McCorkle v. Binns, the court stated, "I think designs. In years past, the American typewriter that a foundation being first laid, the jury may be manufacturers designed and produced their own permitted to compare the types, devices, etc. of typefaces. Each company had different typeface newspapers" (32). In a subsequent case in 1819, designs which were changed or modified as the the court commented that, "The evidence was years went by. The sized typefaces used on an dearly admissible ...the (expert) witness stated Underwood standard typewriter manufactured be- that from his knowledge of the notes of the bank, tween 1924 and 1926, for example, could be readily the paper, type, and the whole appearance, the differentiated from all other Underwood typefaces (banknote) was forged" (33). of another era and all other brands. The few in- The first case of record in which expert testimony stances wherein one company copied the designs regarding typewriting was heard was Levy v. Rust of another company, or utilized several different in 1893 (34). The expert in this case was a type- brand names for the same typewriter were known writer mechanic who pointed out that some re- and posed no great problems. European type- ceipts in issue all possessed three peculiarities writers were relatively unknown in the United which were not found in typewriting prepared on States prior to World War H. In the 1950's, with the defendant's typewriter. The Hon. Mahlon the influx of inexpensive European typewriters and Pitney, who heard the case, stated: the purchase of European typewriter factories by "An expert in typewriting is brought here and American typewriter manufacturers, the simplistic that expert sat down by my side at the table, situation of pre-World War 11 changed drastically. and explaining his criticism of this typewriting, European typewriters are manufactured in a multi- and I went over it carefully with the (magnify- plicity of unit spacings, as opposed to the basic 10 ing) glass and... it appeared very cdearly... He and 12 characters per inch spacing used by Ameri- says these receipts running from February 2, can manufacturers. The European typewriter man- 1891 to September 11, 1891, all contain certain ufacturer may or may not produce his own defects in the mechanical work which are very typefaces. Typefaces produced by a typeface clear to the ...expert... He says that in every- manufacturer may be sold to several different one of these the period is too low.. .the letter European typewriter manufacturers, and a type- "s" is "off its feet", and everyone of them makes writer manufacturer may purchase typefaces from a bad mark, and everyone marks exactly the several different typeface manufacturers, some- same. There is not a period mark in one of the re- times concurrently. Furthermore, American made ceipts and there is not a letter "s".. .in one of typewriters have been equipped with European the receipts that has not the same character- typefaces, and European typewriters have been istics. Then he says that the letter "u" is a little sold under American typewriter brand names. The too far to the left.. .if you compare that type- relatively simple schemes detailed by Hilton in the written work which was apparently made on the 1950's for differentiating American typewriters (25, 9th of March 1892, nearly a year after this other 26) must now be correlated with the existing work was done, it contains precisely the same incomplete differentiating schemes for European peculiarities ... " typewriters now available (27, 28, 29). The absence The judge, who found for the defendant, did not of any comprehensive scheme for typeface and cite any prior cases on typewriter examination. typewriter differentiation leaves the document ex- The judge felt that the seven receipts in question aminer in the anomalous position of being able to had not been prepared on the defendant's type- identify the typing on a questioned document by writer, as alleged by the plaintiff, but had un- comparison with a known exemplar, but unable to doubtedly been prepared on the plaintiff's type- state specifically the make and model of type- writer. writer used to prepare the questioned document. In a series of legal decisions subsequent to Levy Document examiners trace their professional v. Rust, typewriting identification gained accept- heritage back to the Justinian Code, Order 49, ance in the courts. In Hunt v. Peshtigo Lumber DAVID A. CROWN [Vol. 58

Co., tried in Wisconsin in 1903, it was conclusively faces and typebars of the machine could be altered demonstrated that a document purportedly pre- so that this typewriter could produce typewriting pared in 1893 must have been prepared after 1896, precisely similiar to the work product of another the date when the typeface in question was first machine. While on a purely theoretical basis it used on a Smith-Premier typewriter (35). In Huber must be granted that such is within the realm of Mfg. Co. v. Claudel in 1905 (36) the writer of a possibility, on a practical basis, it has not proven typewritten letter was identified by a document so. In two landmark cases such a defense was uti- examiner. lized, forgery of a typewriter was tried, and the In the State of Utah v. Freshwater in 1906 (37) objective was not obtained. a typewriter expert testified that in the documents In the case of the People v. Risley, William he examined: Kinsley, a document examiner, demonstrated that "That certain letters were defective, broken and the words "the same" had been added to an affi- out of repair, that certain others were out of davit. The body of the affidavit had been prepared alignment and the spacing between certain on a Remington typewriter equipped with pica letters were too great; that those peculiarities sized type, while the words "the same" had been and defects appeared in the affidavits and type- typed on a typewriter equipped with Underwood written letters and the addresses referred to Medium Roman sized typefaces. Kinsley compared which were typewritten; that he examined 24 the individualities found in the words "the same" typewriting machines in Provo City (Utah), one with the exemplars taken from an Underwood of which had the same defective type, which Medium Roman typewriter owned by Risley, the made lettering, lining, spacing in exact con- defendant, and found agreement in thirteen type- formity with the peculiarities in these respects writing peculiarities. The defendant hired one of the affidavits, letters and addresses in the Arthur W. Buckwell, a skilled typewriter mechanic envelopes." to rebuild and alter a similiar Underwood type- In the People v. Storrs in New York in 1912 writer equipped with Medium Roman typefaces (38), the trial judge allowed typewritten exemplars so that it would produce typing similiar to that to be introduced into evidence which were not found on the questioned document. Buckwell later relevant to the case in issue, but were introduced stated that although he had worked extensively on solely for the purpose of comparison with the type- the typewriter, he was unable to make it type pre- written will in issue. The exemplars were intro- cisely as the machine used by Risley to make the duced over the defense counsel's objections. On addition to the affidavit. Kinsley was able to show appeal, the court stated: that the typing from Risley's typewriter and "In as much as its (typewriters) work affords Buckwell's typewriter could easily be differenti- the readiest means of identification, no valid ated (40). reason is perceived why admitted or established The second case involving alleged forgery by samples of that work should not be received in typewriter was the Case, the most evidence for purpose of comparison with other celebrated typewriting case in legal annals. The typewritten matter alleged to have been pro- case is of particular interest since it encompasses duced upon the same machine." the most important aspects of typewriting identi- In 1913, Congress amended the U. S. Code to per- fication. On December 15, 1948, Alger Hiss, a mit the usage of admitted or proven handwriting former State Department official, was charged exemplars for comparative purposes. By court de- with testifying falsely that he had never turned cisions the statute was extended to cover type- over any State Department documents or copies writing and eventually all the states recognized the of such documents to Whittaker Chambers, a necessity for such exemplars and the inequity of former Communist agent, and further, of testifying requiring that a document be in evidence for other falsely when he said that he had never seen Cham- reasons before it could be used for purposes of bers after January 1, 1937. The first Hiss trial in comparison (39). 1949 ended in a hung jury, but he was found guilty One of the early objections to expert testimony at his second trial ending in January 1950. regarding typewriter identification was the possi- Forty-two typewritten copies of State Depart- bility of forgery of typewriting. It was postulated ment documents, which Chambers identified as that the inherent individual characteristics of a having been given him by Hiss were established typewriter could be eliminated and then the type- by expert testimony to have been typed on the 19671 LANDMARKS IN TYPEWRITING IDENTIFICATION same typewriter as a series of letters which had This line of reasoning also implied that the identi- been admittedly written by Priscilla Hiss on a fication of the forty-two documents supplied by typewriter which had belonged to the Hisses. The Chambers with the Hiss letters was erroneous, government presented expert testimony by Ramos thereby contradicting the reports of the defense C. Feeban, an FBI document examiner. In his experts. testimony, Feehan indicated some, but by no To bolster these contentions, the defense hired means all of the individualities upon which he one Martin Tytell, a highly skilled typewriter re- based his conclusion that the documents produced builder of New York, to fabricate a typewriter by Chambers and the Hiss letters were typed on which would produce typing identical to that on one and the same typewriter. Feehan was not the documents supplied by Chambers. Tytell cross-examined by the defense and furthermore, worked over a year on this project and finally built the defense stated that their own experts had what he thought was an accurate replica of the reached the same conclusion. This was conceded by machine used to type the Chambers Documents the defense in their opening statement to the jury. and the Hiss letters. The work product of Tytell's The defense introduced a typewriter, Woodstock machine was examined in comparison with other serial number N230,099 and identified it as the documents in the case and even the defense experts original Hiss typewriter. The defense then pro- conceded that the typing done on Tytell's machine ceeded to show through witnesses that the Wood- could be differentiated. At least five document ex- stock had passed out of the possession of the Hisses aminers made such examinations. The only solace in the crucial early months of 1938. The same de- gained by the defense was a statement by one de- fense was used in both trials. The government, on fense expert, that if one were less than thorough the other hand, did not try to show that Woodstock and were unaware of the attempt to forge type- serial number N230,099, produced by Hiss, was writing, one could be fooled bythe work product of actually the typewriter used to prepare the forty- the Tytell machine. two State Department copies or the Hiss letter The defense further tried to show through Don- exemplars. The expert testimony only established ald P. Norman that Woodstock typewriter number that the State Department copies and the Hiss N230,099 was a fabricated machine because the letters were written on the same machine. The amount of solder on the typebars and the nickel government had tried diligently, but was unable to content of the keys. The government was able to locate theHiss typewriter by their own efforts, since show by testimony from Woodstock factory per- only Hiss knew where it was. sonnel that solder variation on the typebars was On appeal, Hiss contended that Woodstock type- not unusual for Woodstock typewriters manu- writer number N230,099, which was located and factured in 1929 and that the nickel content of the introduced by the defense, was not the original keys was the result of dipping the typebars in a Hiss typewriter, but a machine fabricated by Whit- nickel bath to plate them and not the result of re- taker Chambers to produce exact replica typing of soldering. The defense contended that spectro- the original Hiss typewriter (that which typed the graphic analysis indicated that the type was not Hiss exemplar letters). The defense contended that all made from the same batch of metal. Again Chambers accomplished this fabrication between Woodstock personnel testified that because of the August 1948, when Chambers publicly accused normal stockpiling of typefaces, in the neighbor- Hiss of being a Communist, and November 1948, hood of 25,000 pieces, a full set of type would when Chambers produced the documents. logically be drawn from type produced on several remarkable argument had several implica- This different occasions, and from different batches of tions. One, that Chambers knew where the original steel. Hiss typewriter was located, and failed to tell the The Hiss Case was resolved in July 1952 when FBI; two, that he was able to fabricate and substi- tute the typewriter in a span of three months; Judge Goddard ruled that Hiss had not introduced three, was able to substitute the typewriter with- any new evidence and that Tytell had not been out the recent owner being aware thereof; four, had able to demonstrate the practical possibility of the appropriate State Department documents to forgery of typewriting. copy; and five, had "the incredible ingenuity to Judge Goddard stated unequivocally that the lure the defendant into producing the typewriter Hiss defense had spent at least a year trying to and thereby bring about his own destruction" (41). fabricate a duplicate typewriter and that this DAVID A. CROWN [Vol. 58 fabricated typewriter "still falls short of being a REFERENCES perfect duplication" (44). 1. Anon. THE TYPEWRITER HISTORY AND ENcYcLo- PEDIA, reprinted edition of Typewriter Topics, In this case, which received a searching analysis October 1923 by many competent experts, the basis for typewrit- 2. JoNs, C. LEROY, TYPEWRITERS UNLITrw- ing identification was not diminished in any way. HISTORY OF TE TYPEWRITER, Rocky's Tech- nical Publ. Springfield, Mo. 1956 The best possible type of experiment had been car- 3. PURTELL, DAVID, IBM TYPEWRITER SURVEY, ried out and the experiment was not successful. The American Society of Questioned Document Ex- aminers, 1963 Conference theoretical possibility will always exist, but as a 4. DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN, A Case of Identity practical matter, the Hiss Case removed such a appearing in TALES oF SnERLoCK HOLMES, possibility from the realm of practicality. On the A.L. Burt, New York, 1906, p. 409 5. CARR, JOHN DICKSON, THE LIFE Or Sm ARTHUR other hand, the case certainly pointed out the CONAN DOYLE, John Murray, London, 1949 p. 85 necessity for thorough, painstaking examinations. 6. PEARSON, HESKETH, CONAN DOYLE, Walker, New In July 1952, Tytell published a story about his York, 1961, p. 129 7. HAGAN, WILmIAm E., A TREATISE ON DISPUTED efforts to aid Hiss in "True Magazine" (42). This HANDWRITING AND THE DETERMINATION OF ghost written article implied rather strongly that GENUINE FROM FORGED SIGNATURES, Banks, Tytell had in fact been able to build an exact rep- New York, 1894, p. 203 8. AMEs, DANIEL T., AMES ON FORGERY, Ames- lica of the typewriter used to type the Chambers Rollinson, San Francisco, 1900, p. 117. documents. A short editorial accompanying the 9. LAVAY, JEROME B., DISPUTED HANDWRITING, Harvard Book Co. Chicago, 1909, p. 50 article included the unfortunate statement: 10. OSBORN, ALBERT S., Typewriting as Evidence, "A serious doubt is now thrown on the validity ALBANY LAW JOURNAL, Vol. 63, No. 11, 1901, of convictions based upon.. ."expert" testimony. p. 472 11. OSBORN, ALBERT S., Date of Typewritten Docu- Certainly judges and juries will henceforth re- ments as Proof of Fraud, TYPEWRITER AND quire much more proof than formerly to estab- PHONOGRAPHIC WORLD, Vol. 29, No. 4, April 1907 lish that a typescript did or did not come from 12. OSBORN, ALBERT S., QUESTIONED DoCmNTs, a specified typewriter" (43). Lawyers Cooperative Publ. Co., Rochester, New York, 1910 The techniques of typewriting identification 13. OSBORN, ALBERT S., QUESTIONED DOCUMENTS, have not been advanced significantly beyond the 2nd Edition, Boyd, Albany, N. Y., 1929 14. H uRsON, WILSON R., SUSPECT DocUMENTs, concepts advanced by Osborn around the turn of TaEIR SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION, Praeger, New the century. It remains the function of the docu- York, 1958 ment examiner to adduce the individuality in the 15. CONWAY, JAMES V. P., EVIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1959 typewriting under examination and to determine 16. QUIRKE, ARTHUR J., FORGED, ANONYMOUS AND the probative significance thereof. The relative SUSPECT DOCUM.ENTS, Routledge, London, 1930 17. MITCHELL, C. AINSWORTH, DocxmMNns AND TEm rarity or commonness of each individuality and its SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION, Griffin, London, 1925 relationship to other individualities in the typing 18. GAYET, JEAN, The Individual Identification of Typewriting Machines, INTER. CRIMINAL POLICE must be evaluated by the document examiner on REV. No. 43, p. 340, Dec. 1950; No. 44, p. 21, the basis of his experience, knowledge, training, Jan. 1951 19. MALLY, RUDOLF, The Identification of Type- and judgment. Normally, the examiner does not writers, KRINALisTIK May 1955, p. 182 assign a numerical weighting to each typing in- 20. HAAS, JOSEF, Determining Class Characteristics dividuality, but usually gives an estimate as to the of Typewriting, KRnmaNAsTIK, No. 2, April 1954, p. 13 sufficiency of the sum total of the individuality for 21. HILTON, ORDWAY, The Influence of Variation on purposes of identification. If in the judgment of Typewriting Identification, JoUmNA oF CaRs. LAW, C=in. AND POL. Sci. Vol. 50, No. 4, p. the examiner, the sum total of the adducible in- 420, 1959 dividuality is less than sufficient for a definite 22. HILTON, ORDWAY, Problems in the Identification of Proportional Spacing Typewriting, J. oF conclusion, he so states. FORENSIC SCIENCES, Vol. 3, No. 3 July 1958 Future developments to be anticipated in the 23. GODowxr, LINTON, Proportional Spacing Type- writer Examination, American Society of Ques- field of typewriting identification are statistical tioned Document Examiners, 1958 Meeting analyses of large groups of typewriting individ- 24. HILTON, ORDWAY, Identification of the Work From an IBM Selectric Typewriter, JOURNAL OF ualities to give statistical backing to the concepts FORENSIC SCIENCES, Vol. 7, No. 3, July 1962 of relative rarity of certain individualities, and to 25. HILTON, ORDWAY, Identifying Make and Age- determine the dependence and/or interdependence Model of Typewriters JOURNAL or ClR. LAw AN CRIMN. Vol. 41, No. 5, p. 661, 1951 of specific typewriting individualities. 26. HILTON, ORDWAY, SCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OF LANDMARKS IN TYPEWRITING rDENTIFICATION

QUESTIONED DocumENs, Callaghan, Chicago, 36. Huber Mfg. Co v. Claudel, 80 Pac 860 (Kan. 1905) 1956 37. Utah v. Freshwater, 85 Pac 447 (Utah 1906) 27. HAAS, JosEF, Class Characteristics of Olympia 38. People v. Storrs, 207 N.Y. 147 (N.Y. 1912) Typewriters ARcmv. I. KRnMNOLOGIE, Vol. 39. Post Office Department, PosTAL DEcISIONS, U. S. 121, No. 5/6, p. 126, 1958 Govt. Printing Office, 1939 28. HAAS, JOSEF, Determining the Make and Model of 40. KINsLEY, WmLI_ J., Typewriting Identification, Typewriters Based on Elite Type, Aacmv F. Its Use in Court, ca. 1915-1916, pamphlet re- KRIBUNOLOGIE, Vol. 123, No. 3/4, p. 65, 1959 printed from the TYPEWRITER WORLD, N. Y. 29. CROWN, DAVID and CONWAY, JAES V. P., Class 41. Lane, Myles T., United States Attorney, Southern Characteristics of European Typewriters, Calif. District, New York, Brief of the United States Assoc. of Criminalists, 1962 in the Case of the United States v. Alger Hiss, 30. BAKER, J. NEWTON, THE LAW OF DISPUTED AND on the appeal from denial of a new trial, sub- FORGED DocumrENS Michie, Charlottesville, mitted to U. S. Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit Va., 1955, p. 4 42. TYTELL, MARTIN (as told to Harry Kursch), The 31. Saure v. Dawson, 2 Mart. 202 (La. 1812) $7,500 Typewriter I Built For Alger Hiss, TRUE 32. McCorkle v. Binns, 5 Binney 340, 6 Am. Dec. 422 MAGAZINE, August 1952, Vol. 31, No. 183, p. 17 (Pa. 1812) 43. Editorial, Can the Experts Be Fooled, TRUE 33. Commonwealth v. Smith, 6 Scrg. and R. 568 (1819) MAGAZINE, Vol. 31, No. 183, p. 18 34. Levy v. Rust, 49 At. 1017 (NJ. 1893) 44. Decision of Judge Goddard, U.S. District Court 35. Hunt v. Peshtigo Lumber Co., tried Grand Rapids, So. Dist. of N.Y. in U.S. vs. Alger Hiss, 107 F. Wisc. 1903 Supp. 128