1 Pirates Unit Study Instructions

Thank you for downloading this product. This unit study is designed to engage the child in what they are learning. As they come to the activities they are to stop and complete them. This will help them remember what they are learning.

This lesson plan is designed to be used as a group and be facilitated by a leader or as a Give ‘N Go Unit Study. If you choose to use it as a Give ‘N Go Unit Study, the child must be able to read and follow instructions. This is a great time to boost their capabilities if they are weak in this area.

Pirates Unit Study I like to keep my supply lists very simple so hopefully, you have the supplies on hand. Here is the list for this unit study:

Pirates Unit Study Supply List (per child):

• Printed Unit Study • Colored Pencils • Pencils • Markers or Crayons • Electronic Device • Egg Carton • Internet Access • Straws • Fruit of your choice • Craft Sticks • Yogurt • Glue • Milk • Paper • Ice • Various Craft Supplies to build a • Scissors Pirate Ship What subjects are covered in this unit study? This unit study covers science, history, vocabulary, and writing.

YouTube Videos There are a few YouTube videos in this study. We recommend the parent preview the videos before letting the child see them. LongitudePirates and Latitude Unit Study Unit Study Instructions

Part One: Read or Listen to Chapters 1 & 2 of “Who Was ?” By James Buckley Jr. The child will read or listen to these chapters of the book. After they are done, they will complete the worksheet to review what they have just learned. There is an answer key for all the worksheets included.

Part Two: Vitamin C and Scurvy The child will watch a YouTube video about Scurvy and how adding Vitamin C to your diet can prevent the disease. They will look up some vitamin C rich foods and write down their top three favorites.

Part Three: Anti-Scurvy Smoothies Fruit is a great way to add some vitamin C to your diet and so the child gets to make their own smoothie using their choice of fruit.

Part Four: Read or Listen to Chapters 3 & 4 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” By James Buckley Jr. The child will read or listen to these chapters of the book. After they are done, they will complete the worksheet to review what they have just learned.

Part Five: How to Draw a Pirate Ship The child will watch a YouTube video and draw a pirate ship using the steps given.

Part Six: How do ships get their names? The child will watch a video about how ships are named. Then they will name their ship that they have drawn.

Part Seven: Read or Listen to Chapters 5 & 6 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” By James Buckley Jr. The child will read or listen to these chapters of the book. After they are done, they will complete the worksheet to review what they have just learned. LongitudePirates and Latitude Unit Study Unit Study Instructions

Part Eight: Flags of a Ship The child will learn that flags were used to identify the ships while they were out at sea. They will design a flag for their own ship.

Part Nine: Read or Listen to Chapters 7, 8, & 9 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” By James Buckley Jr. The child will read or listen to these chapters of the book. After they are done, they will complete the worksheet to review what they have just learned.

Part Ten: Build a Pirate Ship There is a YouTube video that the child can watch to get some inspiration for them to build their own pirate ship. I gave the children several items including egg cartons, paper, craft sticks, glue, and other various craft items and encouraged them to use their imaginations. Pirates Unit Study Schedule Example Day Assignments

1 Part One, Part Two, and Part Three

2 Part Four, Part Five, and Part Six

3 Part Seven and Part Eight

4 Part Nine and Part Ten Pirates Answer Key Part One: Read or Listen to Chapters 1 & 2 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” by James Buckley Jr. Complete the worksheet below. Blackbeard’s real name is a mystery but what do they think it is? Edward Teach

Name one thing the ships carried in the 1600s. Food, Rum, Gold, or Tobacco

What is a Letter of Marquee? Letter of permission from the government for the captain when he wants to become a .

Match the word to the correct definition by drawing a line from the word to the correct definition.

Cargo English and French Pirates

Privateers A disease caused by the lack of vitamin C. Goods carried on a ship

Scurvy A captain who was given permission to attack and capture enemy ships. Pirates Answer Key Part Four: Read or Listen to Chapters 3 & 4 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” by James Buckley Jr.

Complete the worksheet below.

What was the name of Blackbeard’s first ship? The Revenge

How did Captain Henry Bostock describe Edward Teach? Tall man with a long black beard.

What did Edward Teach name his flagship? Queen Anne’s Revenge

Match the word to the correct definition.

Sloop A group of ships sailing together

Fleet One-masted sailboat

The ship that carries the Flagship commanding officer Pirates Answer Key Part Seven: Read or Listen to Chapters 5 & 6 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” by James Buckley Jr.

Complete the worksheet below.

What did Blackbeard do to the Protestant Caesar? They set it on fire.

Why did ships have flags? So you can identify the ships.

What did Blackbeard do in Charleston, South Carolina? He created a blockade in the harbor.

Match the word to the correct definition.

Commodore A plant used to make blue dye.

Indigo A person in charge of the entire ship’s fleet.

Blockade Sealing off a place to prevent supplies from going in or coming out. Pirates Answer Key Part Nine: Read or Listen to Chapters 7, 8, & 9 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” by James Buckley Jr.

Complete the worksheet below.

What Island did Blackbeard spend most of his time on? Ocracoke Island

How did Blackbeard die?

He was shot five times and stabbed at least twenty times.

Match the word to the correct definition.

Sandbar A long narrow sand bank.

Leaving someone trapped or Marooned isolated in an inaccessible place. Pirates Part One: Read or Listen to Chapters 1 & 2 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” by James Buckley Jr. Complete the worksheet below. Blackbeard’s real name is a mystery but what do they think it is? ______

Name one thing the ships carried in the 1600s. ______

What is a Letter of Marquee? ______


Match the word to the correct definition by drawing a line from the word to the correct definition.

Cargo English and French Pirates

A disease caused by the lack of vitamin C.

Buccaneers Goods carried on a ship

Scurvy A captain who was given permission to attack and capture enemy ships. Pirates Part Two: Vitamin C and Scurvy

Supplies: Internet connection, pencil, and this page. Sailors and pirates often suffered from a disease called scurvy. Scurvy is caused when a person does not consume enough vitamin C. Scurvy can cause a person’s teeth to fall out, spots on their skin, and their joints to hurt. Sometimes they would bleed from their mouth, nose, or gums. Watch this YouTube Video All About Vitamin C and Scurvy By FreeMedEducation https://youtu.be/fstgOxlHxN4 Scurvy is cured with a simple diet change because the main cause is not eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Visit this website to see a list of fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C.

21 Food High in Vitamin C By Very Healthy Life https://veryhealthy.life/21-foods-high-vitamin- c/?utm_source=%2Bvitamin%20%2Bc&utm_medium =21FoodsHighinVitaminC&utm_campaign=adw_us

What are your 3 favorite fruits or vegetables? Write them here: 1.


3. Pirates

Part Three: Anti-Scurvy Smoothies

Supplies: Your Choice of Fruit, Milk, Yogurt, and Ice

Fruit is a great way to get some Vitamin C into your diet. It’s time to make a smoothie with some of your favorite fruits! Activity: Make a Fruit Smoothie 1. Choose what fruit you would like to have in your smoothie. 2. Place it in the blender. 3. Add 1 cup of milk and ½ cup of yogurt. 4. Add 1 cup of ice. 5. Blend the smoothie until it all mixed. 6. Stir and pour into a cup. 7. Enjoy! Pirates Part Four: Read or Listen to Chapters 3 & 4 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” by James Buckley Jr.

Complete the worksheet below.

What was the name of Blackbeard’s first ship? ______

How did Captain Henry Bostock describe Edward Teach? ______

What did Edward Teach name his flagship? ______

Match the word to the correct definition.

Sloop A group of ships sailing together

Fleet One-masted sailboat

The ship that carries the Flagship commanding officer Pirates Part Five: How to Draw a Pirate Ship

Supplies: Internet connection, pencil, colored pencils and a blank piece of paper.

Follow along with this YouTube video and draw your own pirate ship. Color it when you have completed your drawing. Watch this YouTube Video

How to Draw a Pirate Ship Cartoon By Art Bee https://youtu.be/SaGRNWse-Gw

Part Six: How do ships get their names?

Supplies: Internet connection, pencil, and your pirate ship drawing. Watch this YouTube Video

Ship Naming- How is it done? By marineinsight https://youtu.be/3ZSLPRnRj38

Now, it’s your turn to name your ship. Write it somewhere on your ship drawing. Explain to someone why you picked that name. Save the drawing to use later in this study. Pirates

Part Seven: Read or Listen to Chapters 5 & 6 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” by James Buckley Jr. Complete the worksheet below.

What did Blackbeard do to the Protestant Caesar? ______

Why did ships have flags? ______

What did Blackbeard do in Charleston, South Carolina? ______

Match the word to the correct definition.

Commodore A plant used to make blue dye.

Indigo A person in charge of the entire ship’s fleet.

Blockade Sealing off a place to prevent supplies from going in or coming out. Pirates

Part Eight: Flags of a Ship

Supplies: Colored pencils, markers, or crayons and a blank piece of paper.

Ships use flags to identify who they are while out at sea and to send a message. The pirate’s flags were used to strike fear in the hearts of those who seen it. These flags were called the . A French Captain named Emanuel Wynn is credited to have been the first pirate to use the black flag with a white skull and crossbones in 1700. This flag has several different variations and has been used by many different pirates since then.

Design a flag for your ship below. Once you are done, draw it on your ship’s drawing. Explain to someone what your flag means and why you designed the way that you did. Pirates

Part Nine: Read or Listen to Chapters 7, 8, & 9 of “Who Was Blackbeard?” by James Buckley Jr.

Complete the worksheet below.

What island did Blackbeard spend most of his time on?


How did Blackbeard die?


Match the word to the correct definition.

Sandbar A long narrow sand bank.

Leaving someone trapped or Marooned isolated in an inaccessible place. Pirates Part Ten: Build a Pirate Ship

Supplies: Internet connection, pencil, egg carton, straws, glue, paper, and various craft supplies

Watch this YouTube video and follow along to build your own pirate ship. If want to be creative and do something different, go for it! Remember to include your flag and the name of your ship.

Watch this YouTube Video

DIY Pirate Ship out of an egg carton By The Kids Craft Channel https://youtu.be/E0OJ6lKS8_g Thank you! We hope you love this resource as much as we do! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We want to support you and this product any way we can.



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