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Index Absolutio ab instantia 34, 147, 203 Arbitration 24, 205–206 Academia Carolo-Gustaviana 137, 237 Arbusow, Leonid 17, 42, 47, 50n2 Access to justice 4, 125 Archaic law 4 Accusatorial procedure 5, 12, 19, 31, 121, 142, Archbishopric of Lund 64 151–152, 168, 173–189, 193, 205–206, 215, Archbishopric of Riga 21, 24, 51 217–219, 226, 236, 260–261 Arnell, Sture 17 Early modern Europe 173–177 Article procedure 5, 35, 163–168, 236 High Court of Dorpat 217–219 Artikelprozess see Article procedure Livonian lower courts 177–181 Audiencias 90 Public prosecutor 181–188 Auséen, Samuel 237 Advocates 35, 37, 40, 118, 123, 132, 137, 139, Axel Oxenstierna’s Judicial Order 116 140–144, 150, 155, 157–158, 160, 162–163, 166, 168, 178–179, 198–199, 201n3, Bailiff’s Court 28, 126, 150, 259 203–204, 211, 215, 227, 231, 233, 237, 239, Baltic Provinces 14–15, 17, 108, 182, 246 240–244, 249, 254–255, 260–261 Bartolus 240 Livonian lower courts 140–144 Báthory, Stephen, King of Poland 27, 29, 60 Ordinance on Advocates 218 Bauergerichte see Manorial Courts Advocate-Fiscal 132 Bauerrechte see Peasant Law Albert of Buxhoevden, Bishop of Riga 23, 44 Baugericht see Court for Buildings and Lots Alexander iii, Pope 172–173 Beneficium revisionis see Revision Procedure Alfonso x, King of Castile 64 Beisitter see By-sitters Ältestes Livländisches Ritterrecht see the Old- Berman, Harold 44n4, 46 est Knightly Law Birger Jarl (Earl of Sweden) 67 Amend-Traut, Anja 170 Bishopric of Dorpat 1, 21, 24–25 Amicable settlements 33, 34, 36, 41, 205– Bishopric of Oesel 21, 23–25 206,
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