Predromanicka Arhitektura U Hrvatskoj Pre-Romanesq!Je

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Predromanicka Arhitektura U Hrvatskoj Pre-Romanesq!Je VLADIMIR P. GOSS PREDROMANICKA PRE-ROMANESQ!JE ARHITEKTURA ARCHITECTURE U HRVATSKOJ IN CROATIA ART STUDIO AZINOVIC PREDROMANICKA ARHITEKTURA U HRVATSKOJ PRE-ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE IN CROAT IA EDICIJA LIKOVN I H MONOGRAFIJA nakladnik ART STUDIO AZINOVIC za nakladnika MIRKO AZINOVIC v PREDROMANICl(A ARHITEl(TURA U HRVATSl(OJ PRE-ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE IN CROATIA VLADIMIR P. GOSS arhitektonski nacrti measured drawings SREBRENKA SEKULIC-GVOZDANOVIC urednik, predgovor, ilustracije editor, foreword, illustrations ANDRIJA MUTNJAKOVIC ART STUDIO AZINOVIC 4 SADRZAJ I CONTENTS 5 7 PREDGOVOR - KULTURA I ARHITEKTURA PODRUCJA HRVATSKE DO PREDROMANIKE FOREWORD - CULTURE AND ARCHITECTURE OF CROATIAN LANDS BEFORE THE PRE-ROMANESQUE 39 UVOD INTRODUCTION 41 PROUCAVANJE NAJRANIJE HRVATSKE UMJETN OSTI STUDY OF EARLY CROATIAN ART 51 STO JE PREDROMANIKA? WHAT IS THE PRE-ROMANESQUE? 63 TRADICIONALNA PREDROMANICKA SKUPINA THE TRADITIONAL PRE-ROMANESQUE GROUP 161 KRALJEVSKA PREDROMANICKA SKUPINA ROYAL PRE -ROMANES QUE GROUP 189 RANOROMANICKA SKUPINA EARLY ROMANESQUE GROUP 203 SVJETOVNO GRADITE LJSTVO SECULAR ARCHITECTURE 211 ZAKLJUCAK CONCLUSION 222 POPIS SPOMENIKA LIST OF MONUMENTS 232 BIBLIOGRAFIJA BIBLIOGRAPHY 6 PREDGOVOR I FOREWORD PREDGOVOR I FO R EWORD 7 l(ULTURA I ARHITEl(TURA PODRUCJA HRVATSl(E DO PREDROMANll(E CULTURE AND ARCHITECTURE OF CROATIAN LANDS BEFORE THE PRE-ROMANESQUE Reljef s likom vladara na Having visited the Eastern Adriatic, the English archi­ Engleski arhitekt Thomas Graham Jackson kao rezul­ krst ionici katedrale u Splitu tect Thomas Graham Jackson published a study of local tat studijskog putovanja duz hrvatske obale Jadrana (vjerojatno iz crkve Sv. Petra Byzantine, Pre-Romanesque, and Romanesque build­ objavio je u izdanju Kraljevskog drustva u Londonu i Mojs ija u Solinu). ings in a publication by the Royal Society of London (Jackson, 1887-) prikaz tamosnjih bizantskih, predro­ King's Panel (believed by (Jackson 1887). Describing numerous Pre-Romanesque manickih i romanickih gradevina. Opisujuci brojne some to be from SS. Petar churches he concluded to have discovered the small­ predromanicke crkve zakljucio je da je ondje nasao and Mojsije in Soli11), est cathedrals in the worlds. This poignant statement najmanje katedrale na svijetu. Ovu pregnatnu konsta­ Baptistery. Split. should be complemented with later and current re­ taciju valja dopuniti kasnijim i aktualni m istrazivanja search in the Pre-Romanesque architecture in Croatia, predromanicke crkvene arhitekture LI Hrvatskoj ko­ which has established the existence, at the coast but jima je L1tvrdena rasprostranjenost ove arhitekture i now also in the continent, ofsome 200 more or less pre­ LI kontinentalnom zaledu na preko 200 vise iii manje served buildings, about thirty of which have retained sacuvanih gradevina, od kojih je tridesetak crkvi do their original form. This multitude ofPre -Romanesque danas zadrzalo izvorni izgled. Ova brojnost predro­ 11 1 monuments in Croatia (7 ' - 11 " century) deserves the manickih crkvi u Hrvatskoj, izgrade nih od 7- do 11. attention paid to it by this book. stoljeca, i postojanje originalnih primjeraka, zaslLl ­ zuje painjLI predocenLI ovom knjigom. Conceptual and spatial determination of the territory under discussion, which both expanded and shrank Pojmovno i prostorno omedivanje razmatranog te­ throughout history, is made possible by identifying the ritorija na sjevernoj obali Mediterana - sirenog i su­ situation in the Antiquity, during the Pre-Romanesque zavanog tijekom milenijskih povijesnih dogadanja period, through the Renaissance papal testimonies, - moguce je na osnovi anticke identifikacije, stanja and the current situation. During the centuries of LI doba predromanike, renesansnog papinskog svje­ the Antique period the territory determined by the docanj a i recentne sitL1ac ije. Tijekom vjekova antic­ northern coast of the Adriatic, the Danube, Drava, ke civilizacije podrucje priblizno omedeno sjever­ and Drina rivers, and the Eastern Alps, was called nom obalom Jadranskog mora, rijekama Dunavom, Illyricum, after the name of the people that lived there. Dravom, Drinom i istocnim obroncima Alpa, nazi­ In the Pre-Romanesque times, a Croatian state came valo se Ilirik (Illyricum) prema imenu starosjedilaca into being. It had almost the same frontiers, confirmed (!lira). U doba predromanike oformljena je hrvatska also by the style of architecture. The name "Illyricum" drzava. Njezine su granice ii i utjecajne sfere obuhva­ 11 was used in the Vatican documents until the 20 ' cen­ cale gotovo iste granice, dodatno identific irano isto­ tury, and when the High Papal Court decided to de ­ vjetnom arhitekturorn. Naziv !Jirik za ovo podrucje fine Illyricum in 1669, a map was made confirming zadrzao se LI vatikanskim dokumentima sve do 20. the above mentioned borders. This "Map of Illy ricum" stoljeca, a kada se sredinom 17- stoljeca pokazala po­ contained five provinces: [stria and Dalmatia by the treba <lase definira obu hvat Ilirika vrhovni papinski sea, named after the Illyrian tribes of the Histri and sud (Sveta Rimska Rota) dao je 1669. godine izraditi Delmati, the continental units of Croatia and Bosnia, zemljopisnLI kartu Ilirika kojom su ponovno potvr- 8 PR E D GOVOR I FOREWORD R s 0 Prostor Hrvatske u doba GrodO'tl I otocl - blzontske OalmoclJ• predromanike. 1'1e Map ofCroa tia during - - ----- . the Pre- Romanesque period. dene klasicne granice. Karta je nazvana Illyricum named after the Slavic nation of the Croats, and even i obuhvaca pet regija: uz more su !stria i Dalmatia, deeper in the hinterland, Slavonia, after the generic nazvane prema ili rskim plemenima Istri i Dalmati, name for the Slavs. The recent division was established na njih se u kontinentu naslanjaju Bosna i Croatia, in 1945, establishing two political units - Croatia, and nazvana po slavenskom plemenu Hrvata (Croata), te Bosnia and Herzegovina. This book deals with the Pre­ jos dublje u konti nentu nalazi se Slavonia, nazvana Romanesque architecture of Croatia. po skupnom nazivu Slavena. Recentno stanje uspo­ stavljeno je nakon 1945. godine, kada se vjekovno Pre-Romanesque architecture in Croatia is based podrucje Ilirika razdijelilo u dvije drzavne zajednice: on the earlier achievements of the omnipresent Hrvatsku, te Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Ovom knjigom Mediterranean civilization. The earliest traces of hu­ obradena je predromanicka arhitektura na podruc­ man presence have been established at the Sandaija ju Hrvatske. cave in !stria (ca. 1.000,000 years old), the remains of PREDGOVOR I FOREWORD 9 G If 0 •o•••••••· ................... IC.I..A.T08U.M. ~.~ ..... _...... ..,,... .. ...._.c.-.. ......... m.~ el'. .£udt~ Do_.... _...,..__ D"."'l!'ET)l.O co-..;rs rgarxxvo DE ZJUN, M_.,..,.,,,,..._ .. jt. ........- ,,--,,_a.- ....._ --.J>A.LJUXU:, C&O.Uut k SC.X.A.VOXU BA)(O, __ Ba- L.1:itd.atarao ..>la.riri-. .............,..,_..~--. .,,..~--_._ - ~~-~.A,J,,,,-~·· -~~-M'~~ ~ '!lf-u,J.J,,/,,;,.-~. - . ---~¥;;..._.u._.... «a :,(Ii -~c:r;O · a-:,,.,,;,,,,. s- <..fao, -4#~,c,;.--;,. ---:n:o;o..,,._n.,. _ Sveta Rimska rota, Ilirik the bones of the Neanderthals from early Paleolithic Afirmacija predromanicke arhitekture u Hrvatskoj (Blaeu, J., 1669.). were found at Husnjakovo near Krapina, ornament­ temelji se na prethodnom supstratu intenzivno Sacred Roman Rota, ed bone artifacts have been discovered at Sandaija II prisutne mediteranske civilizacije. Zanemarujuci Illyricum (Blaeu, }. , 1669). (20, 000 years old), and numerous Neolithic pottery postojanje najstarijih tragova europskih praljudi workshops have been identified in Slavonia (Vucedol), nactenih u spilji Sandalja (Istra) od prije milijun Bosnia (Butmir), and Dalmatia (Hvar). However, we godina, nalaze kostanih ostataka neandertalaca iz should center on the humanization of the territory in epohe starijeg paleolita u spilji Husnjakovo nada­ question as it entered the historic world of European leko od Zagreba, nalaze ukrasenih kostanih artefa­ civilization. kata od prije dvadesetak tisuca godina (Sandalja n), otkrice brojnih neolitskih keramicarskih radionica The primary ethnic stock of today's Croatian territory u Slavoniji (Vucedol), Bosni (Butmir) i Damaciji represent various tribes called Illyrians by Ancient (Hvar), zanemarujuci i niz drugih kreativnih nala- 10 PREDGOVOR I FOREWORD Gradina lvlonkodonja. "Gradina" Monkodonja. za iz doba pracovjeka, potrebno je usmjeriti paznju writers. The Greek poet Alkmenos mentions them samo na humanizaciju promatranoga podrucja u already in the 7 111 century B. C. It was believed that doba ulaska u povijesno vrijeme stvaranja europ­ Illyrians were the tribes mentioned by Homer that took ske civilizacije. part in the conquest of Troy. The Illyrians lived on the entire Balkan and in the southern and northern parts Primarnu povijesnu etnicku osnovu h rvatskoga te ­ of the Appenine peninsulas. They organized a political ritorija sacinjavaju srodna plemena nazvana po an­ entity, a state, on the Croatian territory at the end of tickim piscima Iliri (Illyrii), a grcki pjesnik Alkman the s'" century B.C. Their culture was influenced by the spominje ih vec u 7. stoljecu stare ere. Misli se da Greeks and the Etruscans, but the multitude of bronze su Iliri ona plemena koja navodi Homer kao su­ artifacts and stone reliefs demonstrates also the native dionike u osvajanju Troje. Iliri su bili naseljeni na creativity (Stipcevic, 1974). podrucju cijeloga Balkana, u juinom i sjevernom dijelu Apeninskoga poluotoka, a na podrucju hr­ The Illyrians formed numerous "gradinas,"
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