
Curry College Student Financial Services 1071 Blue Hill Avenue Milton, MA 02186

2020-2021 Student Household Expenses / Benefits Summary

Student Name: ______Curry ID #______

The income reported on your FAFSA (Federal Application for Federal Student Aid) appears to be insufficient to support your household size. So that we can fully understand the student’s financial situation, please provide information below about any other resources, benefits and other amounts received by the student and any members of the student’s household. Curry College may submit updates or corrections to your FAFSA to reflect information on this form.

Please identify one of the following that applies to you:

__ I am a DEPENDENT for financial aid purposes. I provided my ’s information on the FAFSA. (This must be completed by YOU and YOUR ).

__ I am an INDEPENDENT for financial aid purposes. I did NOT provide my parent’s information on the FAFSA. (This must be completed by YOU and YOUR if married).

Receipt of Federal or State Funds (check all that apply)

__ Social Security ___ WIC ___TANF ___SNAP ___VA Benefits

 When reporting support, Social Security, TANF, VA, Medicaid, or SSI benefits, report the current total monthly amount received for ALL members in the household.  If someone is providing you with , please note this under “Explanation of how living expenses are met.”

Monthly Expenses for 2018 Student/Spouse Parent(s) Monthly untaxed Income and Benefits for Student / Spouse Parents (Independent) (Dependent) 2018 (Independent) (Dependent) Rent/Mortgage Child Support TANF Groceries Social Security/ VA Benefits Insurance Medicaid Transportation Workers Compensation Family Members/Other

Explanation of how living expenses are met: ______




Student Signature:______Date: ______

Parent Signature:______Date: ______(Required for Dependent students only)

Student Financial Services (617) 333-2354 Fax: (617) 333-2915 [email protected]

Please allow 24-48 hours for documents to be posted and/or to confirm receipt.