Monetary Policy in the New Neoclassical Synthesis: A Primer Marvin Goodfriend¤ Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond September 2002 Abstract This primer provides an understanding of the mechanics and objectives of mone- tary policy using a benchmark new neoclassical synthesis (NNS) macromodel. The NNS model incorporates classical features such as a real business cycle (RBC) core, and Keynesian features such as monopolistically competitive …rms and costly price adjustment. Price stability maximizes welfare in the benchmark NNS model be- cause it keeps output at its potential de…ned as the outcome of an imperfectly competitive RBC model with a constant markup of price over marginal cost. ¤Senior Vice President and Policy Advisor. The paper was prepared for the July 2002 International Finance conference “Stabilizing the Economy: What Roles for Fiscal and Monetary Policy?” at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. The discussant, Mark Gertler, provided valuable com- ments, as did Al Broaddus, Huberto Ennis, Robert Hetzel, Andreas Hornstein, Bennett McCallum, Adam Posen, and Paul Romer. Thanks are also due to students at the GSB University of Chicago, the GSB Stanford University, and the University of Virginia who saw earlier versions of this work and helped to improve the exposition. The views expressed are the author’s and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond or the Federal Reserve System. Correspondence: Mar-
[email protected]. 1 Introduction Great progress was made in the theory of monetary policy in