
c. “They” Live

Some 14 years ago I phoned into a local news talk show to discuss what seemed to be a very disturbing pattern. The Clintons, who had seemingly emerged from nowhere, had just won the White House and something wasn’t right, no pun intended. My contention was that the whole scene seemed like Orwell’s “1984”. I cited an abysmal educational system that seemed to not teach history and math anymore and religion that seemed to be getting marginalized. This concept of “re-education” all resided in Orwell’s book. “Gays in the military” never mentioned prior to the election was among the first order of business. It sounded not just like an attack on the military but the fabric of our society, the family itself. Just like in Orwell’s book. We had new politicians who “suddenly” discovered the budget deficit was much larger than previously known and taxes had to be raised for government “investments”- really a buzzword for massive waste. I had recently read two books on the burgeoning Federal Deficit problem and the forecast that the United States economy would expire soon, “The Coming Economic Earthquake” by Larry Burkett and “Bankruptcy 1995” by Harold Figgie formerly of ’s Grace Commission in the eighties. Neither was a “conspiracy theorist” and both had outstanding credentials. Even a “third party candidate”, Ross Perot brought the subject up time and again during the “Presidential” debates. Yet the problem “disappeared” or more accurately “they” stopped talking about it. Something called “The Fairness Doctrine” that really limits free speech in the name of what the government deems as “fair” was being revived. The order of the day was “free” health care from the government that really hasn’t the means to do anything without taxing the very people for whom it was “free”. The only logical conclusion was that centralized government control seemed like the overall intent with these people just like “old” Communism and Orwell’s “1984”. Taken as an aggregate in true Orwellian fashion everything was being brought to “we the people” by a bunch of people that were themselves very rich. “They” had no intention of joining their own “free” health care system much less tell the truth on anything in true “governmentspeak” and “newspeak” fashion. The host listened and proceeded to laugh me off the phone. Little did I know how right I really was. The movie “” serves as the inspiration to the title “The THEorY of LIVEvolution”. As pure science this theory is worse than bad as will be copiously explained and its pervasiveness is no accident – it stands at core of the drive for the “New World Order”. Director ’s movie hits the proverbial nail on the head of what’s really going on. The following is a brief synopsis and many of the quotes may not be exact. The symbolism in that movie helps lay the foundation of this entire book. Judging by my research John Carpenter could not have done a better job in a 90-minute movie, which on the surface seems patently ridiculous but when you really look at it the movie is a creative masterpiece of how the world really works today, 2008, from a Christian worldview. Ex Professional wrestler is an “average Joe” just looking for a job and ends up in . His first encounter is an old and lonely Priest in a park giving an impassioned sermon about what’s happening in society to a handful of listeners. He laments “They are our owners” and “Why do we worship greed” and “They have recruited the rich and the powerful and they have bought our politicians”. He hooks up with the character that gives him a job and a place to stay. The two have a conversation where Keith David complains that no matter how hard he tries he simply can’t get ahead. He does everything right yet still has to leave his family behind to make ends meet. He laments “it’s the golden rule, he who has the gold, rules”. That night on television an elderly man who is involved with the priest tries to break into the television programming that normally has shows that look a lot like the garbage shoved at us today. The messages include “They are safe as long as they are not discovered” and “their goal is the elimination of consciousness” and “we are their cattle, their goal is the elimination of the middle class, they want us asleep”. Within a short time Roddy Piper stumbles upon the pastor’s church across the street. In the back he discovers dark sun glasses and he physically encounters the blind priest who comments “the world may have blinded me but the Lord has made me see…” and comments to Roddy Piper “…you’ll be back”. Within a short time the small church is taken down in a large-scale raid. Roddy Piper returns after the mayhem and discovers the glasses. He puts them and sees the world in black and white. He can hardly believe his eyes but sees subliminal messages everywhere in newspapers, signs hanging in the windows, the sides of buildings and televisions. The messages include one and two word directives such as “stay asleep”, “obey”, “no independent thought”, “consume”, “conform”, “don’t question authority” “watch TV”, “marry and reproduce” and so on. A small radar dish rotates on a light post constantly saying “sleep. sleep…” Small UFO like objects flies through the air with the same messages. Before long he discovers that some people are really space aliens. On the television he sees a politician (really an alien) proclaiming a lot of **** like “a new optimism” and “today is a new day” that sounds just like our very own pre-selected “Progressive” (really Collectivist) “Presidential” candidates for “change”. Roddy Piper’s comment is something like “it figures it would be something like this” as he shakes his head in a sarcastic laugh. Within minutes he winds up in front of some police officers who say they need to speak with him and that he “stumbled onto to something”. He gets in all kinds of trouble and eventually hooks back up with Keith David who also puts on the sunglasses after a prolonged physical struggle. By the end of the movie the two end up at a local television station and discover all sorts of information. They see a formal dinner party with an alien businessman or politician lecturing a combination of humans and aliens that their success and wealth has grown since joining up with Their plans. From there they hook up with an anonymous businessman who gives them a tour of the whole place. They visit an alien launching pad that sends people into another dimension in space. They then get to see the fake news studio. At this point the two mavericks demand entry and even shoot two of the alien guards. Their new businessman friend begs for his life and makes all kinds of comments like “they run the show now boys, there are no countries anymore” and “you can join them and have the good life like us” and “you can’t win boys”. Keith David is soon killed and Roddy makes it onto the roof so he can break the alien signal. He does but is shot dead by the alien police. The last scene depicts the space aliens that are now out in the open due to the lost signal. You may say this whole thing is simply ridiculous. But the symbolism is everywhere. Roddy Piper and Keith David are “average Joes” just like the disciples of Jesus Christ not some holier than thou religious leaders. The church that exposes the whole thing of worldwide deception is small and poor not some mega church. And the space aliens themselves even have meaning. First they indicate that some people will sell their souls for wealth and power and the “kingdoms of this world” just like Jesus warned. And in Section 3 there is a whole discussion on the reality of so called UFOs that is right in line with this movie. The fact that John Carpenter uses a physically blind priest and his followers and not some scientists as the ones who can see the whole deception accentuates this fact. The glasses themselves make one see the world in black and white. This is right in line with true Biblical Christianity, black and white, yes or no, in or out. It’s just that simple. And the intent that “They” have for us in keeping us asleep and treating us like cows while “They” eliminate the middle class is exactly what’s happening in this once great nation. The scene where people are being shot off into space is the real goal of the “cosmic” “New” Age movement, as we’ll see in Section 3. And what the businessman said in regards to who really runs the show could not have summed up the world situation any better. And the meeting “They” are attending is a black tie affair of politicians and business big wigs that could represent “our” very own Bilderberg meetings that you probably never heard of and if you have you’re a “conspiracy theorist”. And the very last scene where the aliens become exposed seems to be a symbolic reference to the Battle of Armageddon. One scene in particular spoke volumes. In the beginning of the movie Roddy Piper is looking into the small church where the sunglasses that would show him what’s really going on, are hidden. Keith David tells him it’s none of his business, he doesn’t bother anybody, and he follows the rules and walks the white line in the middle of the road. Roddy Piper’s response is that “the middle of the road is where the white line is, that’s the worst place to be”. Can it be anymore clear? The middle of the road, that’s exactly where “They” do want you. And it’s reflected by the comments of the collective manipulated clowns running for “President” in the real life Circus our once great nation has become. Everybody talks about “meeting in the middle of the road” or “reaching across the aisle” or some such nonsense. As will be pointed out that is not how this nation was set up. I’ll accept being a “kook” on the “fringe” whatever. The people with whom I agree include George Washington, John and Samuel Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln. True American patriots and all much smarter than the media elected self proclaimed “outsiders for change” collective group of Peanuts characters “we the people” have to elect to “tackle the issues” and “rescue” the economy, “stupid”. In reality the situation of “we the people” in 2008 is just like in Charles Schultz’s comic strips. In the Democratic Party if Lucy loses out no problem Schroeder will take her place with his piano or saxophone. For the Republicans if Charlie Brown doesn’t get the nomination Linus or Sally are ready to step in. As you will see I am dead serious about all of this, no pun intended. And it all hearkens back to God or lack thereof. Take God out of the picture courtesy of the ACLU and associated ilk and you have what we have now in the Late Great USA. That is a de facto Communist government, where the huddled (really herded) masses herd off to work everyday in the middle of the road like cattle so we can literally pay those who have successfully staged a quiet revolution. Meanwhile “They” literally laugh all the way to the sham Federal Reserve Bank. And “They” like the refined gentlemen “They” appear to be are ready to pull out our seat for us at the table of the New World Order of the UN-dead as sock puppet “Presidents” keep making a fools of themselves and this once great nation. As we’ll see “They” are everywhere and “They” rule. In fact this how “They” operate. The “conspiracy” is so pervasive it’s hidden. As we’ll see one “conspiracy theorist” noted the term “Audacity, audacity, always audacity” describing the Illuminati, the forerunners to “modern” Communism. This is exactly how “They” have taken over: with their figurative middle finger in the air saying SCREW YOU PROLES AND PILGRIMS WE ARE THEY AND WE RULE. I invite you to continue reading if are at least willing to at least consider this scenario. If not, put the book down and go watch American Idle your mind. And if you miss it “conservative” FOX sNEWS “who doesn’t back down from anyone” will have the results between the fake business report and sports or “liberal” CNN “the most trusted name in news” will have them between Paul McCartney’s divorce case and the latest on Britney Spears. Other than that everything will be fine at the end of this latest “business cycle”. “They” told us so. If not “They” will fix it like “They” always do. Stay Asleep. Obey. No Independent Thought. Submit. Watch TV. Don’t Question Authority. Consume. Marry and Reproduce.

Note: So as not to skirt specifics if you want a categorical list of which THEY are a book entitled “Who’s Who of the Elite” by Robert Gaylon Ross, Jr. can be purchased for a few Federal Reserve Notes at either Amazon.com or WorldNetDaily.com. The lists include members of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the bane of most “conspiracy theorists”. The familiar names include media moguls, politicians, bankers and many others in the Elite or THEY that are “looking out” for us.