President-Elect CFHRA is currently in its 54th year. It is Aimee Brun, PHR...... [email protected] hard to believe that so much time has Past President passed. The Chapter continues in its Patrick Muldowney, [email protected] mission to:

Secretary • Encourage adherence to the Code Kim Ouellette...... [email protected] of Ethics of the Society for Human Resource Management. Director – Finance Gina Hall, SPHR...... [email protected] • Promote and foster adherence to We are here to “serve the professional higher standards of performance in and enhance the profession,” and we Director– Programs all phases of the Human Resource Amy Couts...... [email protected] continue to do so each year with new profession. and innovative programs, an electronic Director – Non-Dues Revenue newsletter, recertification credits, and Keith McCloud, MBA...... [email protected] • Strive for greater professionalism in opportunities to meet other members Human Resource administration. as well as program sponsors at monthly Director – Legislative Affairs Educate members in the art and meetings. Kristyne Kennedy, Esq...... [email protected] science of Human Resource Management. I encourage you to take full advantage Director – Diversity of your CFHRA membership. Come to Amy Lein, PHR...... [email protected] At the April member meeting, Dorothy meetings to network and socialize, Knapp, Regional Director of SHRM, Director – Communications learn something new or help a fellow announced that CFHRA had been Anne Rollins, [email protected] member. Bring a guest from your com- awarded the 2011 EXCEL Gold Award. pany or a colleague from another orga- Co-Director – Membership This award recognizes outstanding nization if there is a meeting topic you Steve Ostrom, PHR...... [email protected] achievement in chapter operations and think might be of interest to them. a commitment to providing meaningful Co-Director – Membership programs and services to the member- There are also many opportunities to Lee Ricci, SPHR...... [email protected] ship. It also recognizes our continued participate in the Chapter by becoming growth and development as a business a volunteer. We are also looking for vol- Director – Hospitality leader, capable of developing strategies unteers for the Jobs Partnership of Tonna Duvall, SPHR...... [email protected] that lead to success. Our Chapter distin- Orlando. If you are interested, please guishes itself as an outstanding organi- contact our Director of Workforce Director – Member Education zation dedicated to serving the needs of Readiness, Robert Newland. Sandra Green, SPHR, MBA...... [email protected] our members and to the advancement Additionally, HR Florida is looking for of the Human Resource Management volunteers to help with the state con- Director – College Relations profession. ference at the end of August. Please Heather McBride-Morse, SPHR, MBA...... [email protected] visit their website at www.hrflorida.org The Chapter has also been awarded the for more information. Director – Technology Chapter Champion designation from John Kinloch, PHR...... [email protected] the SHRM Foundation. Through the We are always looking for fresh ideas generosity of our Chapter members, and your participation will not only Director – SHRM Foundation the SHRM Foundation can continue to benefit the Chapter, but provide you Charlotte McDonald, [email protected] fund scholarship programs, academic with the opportunity to get to know research grants, and educational prod- other Human Resource professionals Director – Workforce Readiness ucts that advance the HR profession. with similar interests. Robert Newland...... [email protected]

// CONTINUED > < President’s Message continued from previous page

Join us for a festive and patriotic eve- tions. We currently need about 58 Members will enjoy a buffet of appetiz- ning in July when Aaron Zandy from more registrations; make sure to ers and dessert, while listening to holi- Ford and Harrison serves as keynote identify CFHRA as your home Chapter day tunes provided by the DJ services speaker. We also welcome representa- when signing up. of Jim Moore of Solstice Benefits. Jim tives of Employer Support of the Guard has provided the music for the HR and Reserve (ESGR). They will be asking September is all about Workforce Florida State Conference. Members will the HR community to support the Readiness when we host a dynamic be able to network and participate in brave men and women who serve vol- half-day program featuring Orange our popular SHRM Foundation raffle. untarily in the National Guard and County Mayor Teresa Jacobs as keynote The Board is very excited to extend this Reserve. Our commitment can make an speaker. free event to the membership. important difference for the communi- ty and the nation, especially at a time Our annual networking event will be Have a safe and enjoyable summer! when service members are returning held at Ember in downtown Orlando in home to find their previous jobs may October. We will be looking forward to no longer exist or that there are fewer cooler temperatures to be able to Annette new jobs available. enjoy the outdoor patio. Annette M. Wainey CFHRA President 2011 I hope to see many of you at the HR Although it may seem far away, Florida State Conference in August. If December is really right around you have not registered, please don’t the corner and we hope you delay. Even if you are only able to will join us at Leu Gardens for We make a living by what we do, but attend one day, the experience will be our holiday event. This year we “ invaluable. The Chapter has been asked are going to do something a lit- we make a life by what we GIVE. to obtain a certain amount of registra- tle different – a “Holiday Open — Winston Churchill ” House,” you might say.

UNLOCK a world of educational opportunities for your employees

The Central Florida Higher Education Alliance, a UVUWYVÄ[NYV\WVMYLNPVUHSS`HJJYLKP[LKZJOVVSZ works for you to provide: ‹-9,,HZZPZ[HUJLPUWSHUUPUN`V\YUL_[ LK\JH[PVUILULÄ[ZMHPY ‹-9,,^VYRZOVWZVU[PTLS`LK\JH[PVUHS[VWPJZ ‹,HZ`HJJLZZ[VYLWYLZLU[H[P]LZMYVTV]LY 30 Central Florida colleges and universities ‹0UZ[HU[YLJVNUP[PVUHZH higher education resource Contact us today: www.cfhea.org or call Karen Buchan 407-345-1139 ext. 202 CFHRA strives to provide ongoing value to your membership. Networking is a key component of our chapter’s success. In this feature CFHRA introduces you to chapter members from a variety of backgrounds and industries. We hope this offers yet another opportunity for you to grow and network in the HR profession as you learn about your fellow members. Please enjoy meeting this quarter’s featured members.

Here’s the Inside Scoop on CFHRA New Member JESSICA ASPRILLA:

WHERE ARE YOU FROM? HR was a great place for me to I am from Queens, NY. transition where I could still I am half-Cuban and half-Colum- work with people while also bian. supporting business goals and management needs. I started as TELL US ABOUT YOUR a Generalist, moved into an HR FIRST JOB. Manager role and am now with My first HR job was with Hilton my current company as an HR Grand Vacations. Specialist. It was a generalist position. I was filling in for someone on a WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE special project. PART OF THE JOB? Employee Relations and Process WHAT IS YOUR Improvement. In Employee CURRENT POSITION? Relations, it is critical to work // JESSICA ASPRILLA My current position is HR closely and partner with man- Specialist. I am part of the HR agement to balance the busi- Operations team with 21st ness needs and employee Competitive markets have ever- Century Insurance, a division of needs. Process Improvement is “ Farmers Insurance Group in Lake important to me because HR changing environments, it is important Mary, FL. services and programs must be to be flexible and adapt easily to delivered in order to successfully change. WHAT IS YOUR change processes and reach EDUCATION LEVEL? organizational goals. ” I have a Master’s Degree in HR Management and HR WHAT IS A LITTLE KNOWN WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU Development from Webster FACT ABOUT YOU? GIVE TO SOMEONE NEW TO University. I am very passionate and always HUMAN RESOURCES? go above and beyond to get the I would advise them that in WHAT LED YOU TO A CAREER job done right. order to ensure best practices, IN HUMAN RESOURCES? they must stay current with HR I actually have a BA in Social COMPLETE THIS SENTENCE: trends. I would also advise that Work. I worked in Social Work I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO since companies in competi- for a while and did not like it LEARN OR DO THE tive markets have ever-chang- so much. FOLLOWING... ing environments, it is equal- I’ve always wanted to ly important to be flexible go skydiving. and adapt easily to change. Here’s the Inside Scoop on CFHRA Board Member JOHN KINLOCH, PHR:

WHERE ARE YOU FROM? WHAT LED YOU TO A I am from a small town in CAREER IN HUMAN New Jersey called Roselle RESOURCES? Park. Actually, I spent 12 years on the other side, working for TELL US ABOUT organized labor. I was the YOUR FIRST JOB: bargaining business partner Right after high school, for the employees of AT&T. I went into the Navy. In this role, I dealt with high levels of management who WHAT IS YOUR would often ask how they CURRENT POSITION? could get me on their team. I am the Employment AT&T created a job for me Supervisor for the City of that I could not refuse. This Orlando. led me to the management side of business and I have WHAT PROJECTS ARE YOU worked in management for WORKING ON CURRENTLY? many years since. I currently We are in the middle of work in a management role // JOHN KINLOCH seasonal hiring for the and deal directly with recruit- summer youth programs. ment and employees. I am also working on bringing up the new applicant tracking WHAT ADVICE DO YOU CFHRA helped me to network system. HAVE FOR SOMEONE NEW “ TO HUMAN RESOURCES? within the HR community and flourish WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE If you want to distinguish interpersonal relationships. PART OF THE JOB? yourself in your HR role, you My favorite part of my job is need to bring better technol- ” the interaction with the peo- ogy skills to the table. You ple on a daily basis for hiring will set yourself apart from and recruiting purposes. This others who may have a is a love/hate relationship as wealth of experience and HOW HAS CFHRA HELPED WHAT DO YOU HOPE it can be very rewarding and education but no technical YOU ACHIEVE SUCCESS? TO GET FROM YOUR very challenging. know-how. It helped me to network CONTINUED INVOLVEMENT within the HR community WITH CFHRA? WHAT IS A LITTLE KNOWN WHAT POSITION DO YOU and flourish interpersonal Continuous learning. FACT ABOUT YOU? SERVE ON THE CFHRA relationships. I have gained Personal leadership qualities. I was on TV a number of BOARD? many friends that I may not I will continue to offer any- times in my prior role due to I am the Technology Director. have met otherwise. thing I can contribute to the my duties in public relations. I am responsible for all Association by way of my I also did a 30-second televi- changes to our Internet site. skills and ideas. sion spot on “Strike or I also oversee all technology Replacement,” which I still needs of CFHRA. have the VHS copy of. REGISTER NOW HR FLORIDA 2011 CONFERENCE & EXPO

August 29 – 31, 2011 Rosen Shingle Creek Orlando, Florida

To register, visit www.hrfloridaconference.org HR Florida Conference Report Lisa Betts, HR Florida Chapter Ambassador We currently have 92 members of CFHRA att ending HR Florida! However, in order to reach our goal, we need 58 more enrollments. Please remind your co-workers and friends to choose CFHRA as their chapter when signing up. (You do not have to be a member to choose CFHRA and by making this notati on CFHRA will receive credit.)

Here’s what to expect: • Key Note Speakers: Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com Lisa Ling, Acclaimed Journalist seen on “Oprah Winfrey Show” and CNN Daniel Pink, Author of “Drive and a Whole New Mind” • Concurrent sessions in all areas of Human Resource management • Five Master’s Series Sessions • Pre-conference workshops • Opportunity to earn up to 14 HRCI recerti fi cati on credits in only 3 days • Networking with over 1,500 HR professionals • Expo Hall of Top HR Vendors • Monday Night Grand Opening

To register or learn more, visit www.hrfl orida.org. If you have already registered, don’t forget to reserve your accommodati ons at the beauti ful Rosen Shingle Creek Resort!

Session Spotlight: HR Florida Conference Orientation

Sunday, August 28, 2011, 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Wekiwa 6 Room, Rosen Shingle Creek Resort

First-ti me conference att endees: don’t miss this session! You’ve invested your ti me and money; now it’s ti me to make the most of it. The HR conference of your dreams is closer than you think! Join this session to fi nd out how you can make the most of every conference day.

1. Discover all the conference has to off er. 2. Create a format that fi ts your personal and professional needs. 3. Design a plan of acti on to make the most of your conference experience. CONFERENCE-AT-A-GLANCE Day/Date Time Activity 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Certification Preparation Class Sunday, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (3) Pre-Conference Workshops 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm (3) Pre-Conference Workshops August 28 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Registration 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm Conference Orientation 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Registration 9:00 am - 10:15 am Opening General Session - Tony Hsieh 10:30 am - 11:30 am (7) Concurrent Sessions 11:45 am - 7:00 pm Expo Hall Open 11:45 am - 12:45 pm Early Lunch -or- (5) Concurrent Sessions Monday, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Late Lunch -or- (5) Concurrent Sessions 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Masters Series - Examining Cultural Differences: Increased Awareness for Global August 29 Leaders - Heather Keller, Ph.D. 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm (7) Concurrent Sessions 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Refreshment Break/Expo Hall 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Masters Series - A New Paradigm for HR - Ronald C. Pilenzo, Ph.D., SPHR, RODC 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm (7) Concurrent Sessions 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Grand Opening Reception/Expo Hall 6:45 am - 2:00 pm Registration 7:00 am - 8:00 am (4) Rise and Shine Sessions

8:15 am - 9:30 am General Session - Lisa Ling 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Expo Hall Open 9:30 am - 10:15 am Refreshment Break/Expo Hall 10:30 am - 11:30 am (7) Concurrent Sessions 10:30 am - 12:30 pm Masters Series - Follow the Yellow Brick Road: Using HR Technology to Drive Tuesday, Business Results - Naomi Bloom August 30 11:45 am - 12:45 pm Early Lunch -or- (5) Concurrent Sessions 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Late Lunch -or- (5) Concurrent Sessions 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm (7) Concurrent Sessions 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Refreshment Break/Expo Hall 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Masters Series - The New China: Challenges and Changes in the New World Order - Dr. Robert W. Robertson 4:15 pm - 5:15 pm (7) Concurrent Sessions 8:00 pm - 12:00 am Evening Entertainment 6:45 am - 9:00 am Registration 7:00 am - 8:00 am (3) Rise and Shine Sessions 8:00 am - 8:30 am Coffee Break Wednesday, 8:30 am - 9:45 am General Session - Daniel Pink August 31 10:00 am - 11:00 am (7) Concurrent Sessions 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Masters Series - The Leader’s Point of View: A New Paradigm for Leadership Development - Kathryn W. Davanzo, SPHR 11:15 am - 12:15 pm (6) Concurrent Sessions

Earn up to 14 HR Certification Institute recertification credits in less than 3 days!

Attendees can earn a maximum of 14 recertification credits toward hour time period for your convenience. The use of this seal means that PHR, SPHR, and GPHR by attending all concurrent sessions offered. This this program has met the HR Certification Institute’s criteria to be pre- year’s program offers concurrent sessions throughout the entire day. approved for recertification credit. Any questions or comments regarding As a result of this enhanced program, lunch will be available over a two- the quality of the program should be directed to the program sponsor.

CONCURRENT SESSIONS HR Certification Institute has approved the 2011 HR Florida Conference & Expo for a maximum of 14 recertification credits for attending the entire conference (including sessions during both lunch hours).

Employee/Labor Relations Strategic Management • Mastering Employee Relations Results in a Superior Organization • Engagement Done Right: Lessons from Leading Global Organizations • The Sudoku of HR: Nine Numbers That Prove Your Value • Building a Culture of Trust - The Speed of Trust® • Leadership GPS – Goals, People, Systems™ • How to Lose an Unloseable Employment Case • State of Engagement: How Excellent Leaders and Organizations Drive Employee Engagement • Managing the HR and Compliance Challenges for a Globally Mobile Workforce • A Seat at the Table or Musical Chairs? Delivering Seat-Securing Value to Your Business • Building A Strategic Human Resources Foundation: 10 Key Steps to Winning Hearts, Minds • Reset, Reboot, Recover Your Operational Excellence and Profits • Human Resources: Does One Size Fit All? • From Florida to Kuwait: Best Training Practices in Middle Eastern Cultures • Resilient Leadership by Design • Cultural Competency in the Real World • Minimizing Unemployment Costs in 2011 and Beyond • Building Employee Engagement and Commitment During Turbulent Times

Workforce Planning Risk Management • Using Social Media in HR: Attract, Recruit and Engage Talent! • Bringing Background to the Foreground • Erasing the Org Chart: Toward a More Fluid, Results-Focused, Definition of Work • Kaizen: Your Employees Solving Their Safety Problems • Resume Fraud in Today’s Economy & Negligent Hiring • Covering Your Assets: How To Legally and Effectively Protect Your Trade Secrets, Cus- • Contingent Labor Workforce Strategies: Leveraging Non Traditional Staffing Alternatives tomers, and Employees • Good Retention Starts With Good Recruiting • Claims on the Fringe - Attorneys Gone Wild • Strategic Immigration Planning • Bullying In the Workplace: HR’s Strategic Game Plan • Managing A Global Workforce • A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Applicant Deception and the Risk to the Employer • HR Professionals in the Battle for Employee Nest Eggs HR Development • Close Call Solutions: The Hidden Safety Reality That Can Deliver a Zero Incident Safety Culture • The Extraordinary Coach: How the Best Leaders Help Others Grow • More Carrot, Less Stick: How the Tone at the Top Creates a Culture of Integrity • The Levity Effect: Why the HR You So Serious? • Critical Background Screening Resources for HR Professionals in Florida • Business Acumen for the Strategic HR Business Partner • Making Effective Leaders Out of Overworked Managers • Future HR Competencies: How to Prepare for the Third Evolution of HR Compliance • Lean HR - Applying Process Excellence to Your Practice • The Employee Handbook: Every Word Counts • Transforming Your Human Capital Expense Into Your Biggest Asset • Social Media and the Law: What’s at Risk for Your Organization • If You Build It, Will They Come? How To Create User Adoption of HR Software Applications • Workplace Health Issues - Effectively Identifying and Handling FMLA, ADA, Workers’ Comp, Health & Safety Whistleblower and OSHA Issues Total Rewards • Staying Afloat - What to do When the Audit Waves Come Crashing • Developing an Effective, No Cost Employee Recognition System • Family & Medical Leave - New Considerations for Employers • Building the Perfect 401k Plan • HR Compliance Audits - Why Are They Vital to Professional Success? • Tying Strategy to Benefit Design - Learning to Look Forward • Hottest Legal HR Issues in 2011and Beyond • Reduce Your Health Insurance Cost by Knowing the Numbers • It’s Time for “The Talk” - Top 10 Questions HR Professionals Have, But Won’t Ask Aloud, • Leveraging Payment Practices for Payroll Applications at Least Not to Their Legal Counsel • Employer Sponsored Child Care and Family Care - What You Need to Know • Are Your Diversity Metrics Undermining Your Affirmative Action Program? • Containing the Cost of Workers’ Compensation • The Brewing Debate Over Target Date Funds & Education in a 401k Plan • Family & Medical Leave - New Considerations for Employers • Discrimination Charge in the Mail? Don’t Be Scared, Be Prepared!! An HR Attorney’s • HR Compliance Audits - Why Are They Vital to Professional Success? Perspective on Surviving the Administrative Process • Hottest Legal HR Issues in 2011and Beyond • It’s Time for “The Talk” - Top 10 Questions HR Professionals Have, But Won’t Ask Aloud, Pre-Conference Workshops at Least Not to Their Legal Counsel For an additional fee, attend pre-con sessions on Sunday and earn additional credit hours. • Are Your Diversity Metrics Undermining Your Affirmative Action Program? • A Customer-Centric Approach to Internal Marketing; The Strategic Role of HR • The Brewing Debate Over Target Date Funds & Education in a 401k Plan • HR’s Role in Accelerating Results and Creating a High Performance Culture • Discrimination Charge in the Mail? Don’t Be Scared, Be Prepared!! An HR Attorney’s • Social Media Boot Camp – Beginners and Advanced Sessions Perspective on Surviving the Administrative Process • Suspect, Inspect, Detect, Correct and Protect! • Certification Preparation Class

NEW FLEXIBLE LUNCH SCHEDULE This year we are trying something new by running concurrent sessions throughout the entire day. As a result, lunch is available over a two-hour time period. Attendees now have a choice of what time to take lunch (early or late); alleviating a lunch rush. The intent is to create a more pleasant experience allowing attendees to enjoy a leisurely lunch and more time for face-to-face interaction with exhibitors. Event RECAPS APRIL / MAY / JUNE 2011

APRIL // “Life is short. Enjoy the Ride.” JUNE // Employee Abilities: The Business Case for Doing the Right Thing Popular motivational speaker Steve Gilliland packed the house at the April 19th CFHRA dinner meeting. Laughs, Joyce Chastain, SPHR, President-Elect of HR Florida, smiles and head nods were often heard and seen as Mr. spoke to CFHRA members in June on the subject of Gilliland connected with the audience on many levels. He getti ng over preconceived noti ons that people with shared life stories and examples of how some people are so disabiliti es cannot perform in the workplace. In fact, very disconnected in life to their careers, spouses and more. disabled employees are held to the same work Mr. Gilliland shared a few life lessons learned as a single dad standards as the nondisabled (they must perform working in jobs that did not give him energy to live his life according to the specifi ed job descripti on and abide with passion. by employer policies). Throughout the evening, Mr. Gilliland asked the audience, “Do you have purpose, passion, pride?” He stressed how it is so important to have these three elements to fully live in life’s moments. He encouraged attendees to, “Love what you do, have the passion to do what you do and learn to savor the moments. Don’t lose your focus. Don’t take any- thing for granted. Enjoy the Ride.”

MAY // Subconscious Priming and Employee Performance CFHRA members gathered at the Crowne Plaza as Dr. Ronald Piccolo of Rollins College shared his expertise on the subject of subcon- scious goal setting (priming) with the objective of The seminar included a round table discussion with a improving work perfor- panel of experts. Representi ng Bishop Grady Villas and mance. Quest Works, respecti vely, Desiree Robles and Barbara Moses explained how their agencies work closely with What we experience or employers to assist in the integrati on of the disabled see visually can impact into the workforce. They are committ ed to setti ng up our behavior positively or disabled individuals for success by coaching them negatively. In researching during their job search and beyond. the primpriming effect, Dr. Piccolo and his colleagues exposed test subjects to images and words Representi ng the employer perspecti ve, Greta Dupuy, related to being old. After viewing the imagery, subjects Associate Diversity Development Specialist with Publix walked slower and could not remember as many details and Buddy Meyer, Placement Specialist – Casti ng about the testing room as other subjects who were Services of Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. shared exposed to age-neutral imagery. their positi ve experiences with hiring disabled indi- Subconscious priming can provide focus and direction and viduals. spark self-regulation. Motivational poster images have the potential to tap into workers’ subconscious minds and As Ms. Dupuy pointed out, employers need to focus inspire them to work harder or aim higher in achieve- on the employee’s ability — not the disability. ments. According to Dr. Piccolo, if used properly, subcon- scious priming can motivate employee performance in a positive manner. CFHRA NEWS & INFORMATION

CFHRA Receives Distinguished EXCEL Gold Award

CFHRA was recently honored with the SHRM EXCEL Gold Award for 2010. This award recognizes our outstanding achievements in chapter oper- ations and our commitment to providing meaningful pro- grams and services to our members. SHRM Field Services Director, Dorothy Knapp, presents “This recognition is a distinct indication of the chap- CFHRA Board of Directors with EXCEL Gold Award at ter’s successful partnership with SHRM to serve the chapter meeti ng on April 19, 2011. networking and professional development needs of Human Resource professionals and to the advance- ment of the Human Resources profession,” noted Pamela J. Green, SPHR, Chief U.S. Membership strategic in nature. These efforts allow CFHRA to Officer for SHRM. increase our viability and effectiveness, as well as promote the HR profession at the local level. The SHRM Affiliate Program for Excellence (SHAPE) SHAPE raises the bar of excellence, using the EXCEL has been designed to ensure a strong connection Awards as a tiered recognition and awards system. between SHRM and our Chapter from a business perspective. In addition to clearly outlining SHRM’s We look forward to receiving a certificate of accom- requirements to measure chapter alignment and plishment and an award banner to display at meet- engagement with SHRM’s overall objectives, SHAPE ings. Throughout the year, SHRM will recognize focuses on activities and initiatives which are more CFHRA’s achievement as an EXCEL Gold Award win- ner in its publications and at its conferences.

Giving Back to Central Florida Please join CFHRA in helping those in need in the Central Florida community. Donati ons for the following chariti es will be accepted at the following upcoming meeti ngs:

SECOND HARVEST FOOD BANK – July 26th – October 18th JOPLIN, MO ADOPTACLASSROOM FUNDRAISER – August 16th TOYS FOR TOTS – December 13th Thank you for sharing! CFHRA NEWS & INFORMATION

GOOD NEWS MEMBERSHIP NEWS Longti me CFHRA volunteer Dave Gentry, was Steve Ostrom, CFHRA Director, Membership quoted in the Orlando Business Journal arti cle, “What Health Reform Did and Will Do” on March 25, Thank you to everyone for their conti nued support of 2011. Thank you for representi ng our profession! the Central Florida Human Resource Associati on. At CFHRA congratulates member Debra Gaskin, our April meeti ng, Lee Ricci and I drew the winners of who recently joined Right Management’s Florida/ our Membership Appreciati on contest. Every acti ve Caribbean Region as Vice President – Client CFHRA member had a chance to win special HR Services. Florida prizes. Congratulati ons to our winners: We wish to recognize Board Member Heather Cindy Antor Ellen Manning McBride-Morse, SPHR who was recently Maria Gamez Susan Spradley promoted to Vice President – Human Resources Teri Collins Julie Ann Wheeler at Fiserv. Karla Brunig Daubney Todd Whisenant Congratulati ons to Spring 2011 CFHRA study group Growth of our membership is always key to the members Calandra Evans, Ashakia Gibson, Chapter’s success. Did you know we have over 1000 Jason Irving, Jaime Lesley, Crystal Melton At-Large Members in Central Florida? These are and Lisa Swingle who recently passed the PHR people who are currently members of SHRM but not certi fi cati on test. In additi on, classmates Deborah CFHRA. If you have any colleagues or friends that Sampson and Anne Rollins earned SPHR are SHRM members but have not yet joined CFHRA, certi fi cati on. please encourage them to do so now. Congratulati ons to CFHRA volunteer, Lisa (Chester) Kapp, who earned her Bachelor of CFHRA has some exciti ng events coming up includ- Science degree in Administrati on from Barry ing a half-day Workforce Summit, a free networking University in March AND got married in April! event and our annual holiday party. Plus, members are able to sign up for our Fall Certi fi cati on Study CFHRA sends its best wishes to CFHRA Secretary, Group at no charge. Anyone sitti ng for the PHR/ Kim Ouellett e. Kim, her husband and big brother SPHR certi fi cati on exam later this year will enjoy the Kingston welcomed a baby girl, Margeaux, on extra study sessions held once a week. May 18, 2011. Congratulati ons! We wish to thank Dave Gentry and all of the volun- teers that have helped welcome new members and Have a new job? Completed a degree? Had an arti cle assist CFHRA members with questi ons. As Member- published? If you have good news you would like to ship Directors, Lee Ricci and I are very lucky to have share with other members of CFHRA, please email so many people willing to donate their ti me to help communicati ons@cfh ra.org or complete and return us be successful. You guys are the best! the Good News Form found on the homepage of www.c fh ra.org. HOSPITALITY UPDATE Tonna Duvall, MS, SPHR, CFHRA Director, Hospitality

Our grati tude goes out to each and Studies from the University of Central VOLUNTEER every one of them for their ti me. A Florida, Healthcare Risk Management SPOTLIGHT: special thanks goes to Kathy Akbari Certi fi cate from University of Florida, who has assisted with the check-in and Master’s Certi fi cate in Health Care KATHY AKBARI process at 50% of our meeti ngs. Kathy Informati cs from University of Phoenix, has also recently taken on an added and will complete her Master’s in What do Kathy Akbari, Brett Bordwine, responsibility with the Hospitality Informati on Systems this August. Linda Bosse, Robert Clift on, Melissa Committ ee by lending a hand in some Cooper, Paula Fitti paldi, Jessie Kathy has been a member of CFHRA behind-the-scenes support. Hernandez, Ana Irving, Cynthia since 2007. She is also a member of Johnson-Guarino, Sharon Currently, Kathy works as a Workforce American Society of Training and Karklins, Sherri Lava, Maureen Soluti ons Advisor for the University of Development, Toastmaster’s Interna- Lonnquist, Katheryn Meagher, A.J. Phoenix where she helps organizati ons ti onal, Case Management Society of Nguyen, Caroline Nguyen, Steve assess and meet their learning needs. America, Central Florida Higher Ossenheimer, Cindy Senko, Gail Hill Educati on Alliance, and Florida Society Prior to working with the university, Smith, Andrea Stamper, Deborah of Healthcare Educati on and Training. Kathy was a Healthcare Administrator Straubinger, Bertha Verkay, Virginia for Plasti c and Reconstructi ve Sur- An interesti ng note about Kathy is she Ward, Jackie Webb and Stephanie geons. I have tried to get Kathy to tell has gone sky diving three ti mes! White all have in common? me of the celebrity wives who have If you said that all have volunteered at visited those offi ces but she is the Again, thank you to Kathy and all the registrati on tables at our monthly consummate professional and due to who have given their ti me to meeti ngs since January 2011, you HIPAA laws remains ti ght lipped! create such a welcoming and would be correct! friendly atmosphere at the CFHRA Kathy has a Bachelor’s degree in Legal meeti ng registrati on tables.

SAVE THE DATES 2011 Meetings and Events

AUGUST 16 SEPTEMBER 27 NOVEMBER 15 Breakfast Meeti ng Half-Day Workforce Dinner Meeti ng Wyndham - Planning Program Sheraton North - Maitland Internati onal Drive Wyndham - Internati onal JULY 26 Joplin, MO Classroom Drive DECEMBER 13 Dinner Meeti ng Fundraiser Holiday Party Sheraton North - Maitland OCTOBER 18 Leu Gardens Second Harvest Food Bank Toy drive for Toys for Tots of Central Florida AUGUST 29-31 Networking Event Donati on Kick-Off ! HR Florida 2011 Ember - Downtown Conference & Expo Final donati ons for Second Harvest Food Bank of Rosen Shingle Creek Central Florida! SPEAKER SPOTLIGHT Ronald F. Piccolo, Ph.D.


You have seen them in nearly But suppose similar motivational tional system in our brains, the every professional setting: those cues were presented outside of subconscious operates much not-so-subtle posters that an employee’s awareness, in more rapidly than does the display visually stimulating subtle, subliminal ways? Sup- conscious mind. The subcon- photographs complemented by pose important behavior, such as scious, therefore, can affect inspiring quotes. As motivational persistence and focus, can be one’s behavior before he or she spins on subliminal messaging, encouraged without explicit even recognizes the reaction. these posters – and a host of communication? Such are the Several recent experimental other similarly-designed gadgets questions I am seeking to an- studies have demonstrated this – are meant to encourage swer in collaborative research phenomenon. perseverance, leadership, team- examining the effect of subcon- work, customer service, and scious priming on work behavior. In one study, participants were other productive behaviors. The brought into one of two rooms logic suggests that if a concept A broad array of research in with nothing but chairs and such as teamwork is encour- social psychology reveals that magazines. One room contained aged, emphasized, and portrayed the subconscious can be infl u- magazines focused on health, in clear view, employees will be enced by intentional priming, fi tness, and nutrition, while the more likely to cooperate with which is the passive, subtle, and other room contained general others, and less likely to under- unobtrusive activation of the interest magazines with no mine collective effort. When a mind by external stimuli. When particular theme. After a few manager makes his or her introduced in a relevant context, minutes, participants were preferences explicit (i.e., dis- priming can affect thought offered snacks: chocolate candy played prominently in the break patterns and instinctive reactions or fresh fruit. Overwhelmingly, room), followers get the mes- in people who are not aware of the students who saw the health sage and heartily oblige. the infl uence exerted by the magazines chose fruit whereas priming stimuli. Like the emo- the students in the other room,

// CONTINUED > Dr. Ronald Piccolo discussed more often than not, opted for standard script for how to address “Subconscious Priming & chocolate. The experimenters potential donors. For one group, we Employee Performance” concluded that the presence of placed a 4” x 4” photo of a woman at CFHRA’s MAY 2011 health magazines, with images of fi t winning a marathon on the script. chapter meeting. and thin models, activated concepts The photo was meant to activate associated with healthful living – concepts associated with “achieve- which then affected snack choice. ment.” For another group, we added All of this occurred outside the a photo of professionals in a call awareness of participants. center, which presumably empha- sized the importance of the imme- Similarly, participants in a separate diate task at hand. A third group study were randomly assigned to simply had a plain script with no one of two groups and asked to photo. After a full work week, those complete word search puzzles. One who had the task-specifi c photo such puzzle included words associ- raised 16% more money than those ated with old age (e.g., retirement, with the marathon photo and 85% tired, forgetful) while the other more than those with no photo. puzzle included “neutral” words This study suggests that the sub- such as pencil, house, and fl ower. conscious can be primed for con- When fi nished, participants walked cepts such as achievement and down a long hallway. Little did they task focus, not simply involuntary, know: the walk was being timed. reactionary behaviors with no Those in the “old age” group apparent relevance for work. Ron Piccolo, Ph.D. is an Associate walked more slowly and failed to Professor of Management and remember details of the room they What are the implications of this Academic Director of the Center for just left. According to the research- emerging research? Do those moti- Leadership Development in the ers, the subconscious was primed vational posters actually affect the Crummer Graduate School of to activate concepts associated subconscious in a way that shapes Business at Rollins College. His with stereotypical behaviors of behavior? If so, how long does the research on leadership, moti vati on, senior citizens – all outside of effect last? How can images or and job design has been published conscious awareness. words be used to shape the nature in the Academy of Management of negotiations with a client or a Journal, Journal of Applied Psychol- Although these studies are very coworker? Indeed there is much to ogy, and Journal of Organizati onal interesting, they do not have much be learned about the role of the utility in a professional work envi- subconscious in our behavior at Behavior. Dr. Piccolo can be reached ronment. Or do they? Gary Latham home, at work, and in our everyday through his website, of the University of Toronto and I lives. We may be motivated by www.ron-piccolo.com. attempted to translate this phenom- concepts completely outside of our enon with a group of fundraisers in conscious awareness. a call center, all of whom had a NEW MEMBERS APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2011

Shirley Adams Hilary Langford Daniel Minervini Correct Craft, Inc. TrueBridge Resources Akimeka LLC Ana Rodriguez

welcome Mandi Barker Sherri Lava Sara Mohammed Fiserv RSM McGladrey Valerie Royal Valorie Moolchan Disney Miguel Barreto Michelle Long Fiserv HRxTension LLC United Stationers Supply Co. Maura Saliba Diane Nisbett Celebration Health Vicki Bautista Shelley Loutherback Human Performance Institute Pizza Hut Workplace, Inc. Deborah Salter Donna Pascoe The Andersons, Inc. Maria Bell Alan Lunin C.T. Hsu + Associates P.A. Orlando Tech Alternative Dispute Resolution Chris Sidla Center of Central Florida Cindy Pratt Target Corporation Melissa Benoit Haverty Furniture Osceola County Clerk of Courts Melody Lynch Tilden Sowdon Lowndes Drosdick Rose Quiles Heartland Institute of Jacqueline Brito Parc Soleil by Hilton Financial Education Rollins College Allison Marcous Grand Vacations City of Altamonte Springs Tracie Wilczynski Kristin Camorata Seema Rafay LMG Monster Vision LLC Jean Martin Spectrum Performance SEARCH, Inc. Management Bonnie Clark Hess Company Stefanie Mason EZYield Troy Clements STUDENT MEMBERS Debra McCandless Tamara Correy Florida Hospital Sandra Baird Aris Marton Voxeo Corporation Amanda Boeshko Jennifer McKay Brent McChesney Evelyn DeLaRosa InsideOut Development Anyeli Caro Caroline Nguyen The Nature Conservancy Marilie Daniels Tracey Oliver Dina McKenna Renee DeRouin-Jessen Julie Heitzler Dawn Pappas Michelle Meaux Iliya Hristov Jacquatta Simmons Markisha Geer Paychex HR Solutions Kathlene Martin Katy Wilson ZeroChaos Groeneveld Planet Fitness Tim Hall Colonial Life Rose Hutchinson Foley & Lardner LLP Justin Jelley U.S. Department of Labor Robert Kavanaugh Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas, Inc.

Tanya Knight National University ti ng // New Members enjoy a monthly mee CFHRA MAILBAG

Have a questi on for the CFHRA Board of Directors? We invite you to send your questi ons to communicati ons@cfh ra.org or complete a questi on slip at the registrati on table at each month’s meeti ng. If you include a name and email address, we will make sure your questi on is addressed if not included in the newslett er.

Q. Have you considered more social events like a cruise, bowling, BBQ, scavenger hunt, potluck, etc.? (R. Clift on)

A. CFHRA has focused on providing its members primarily with opportuniti es for conti nuing educati on and development. Each year, we do host social events including our holiday party and networking night. Event management requires a lot of manpower, and since we are an all-volunteer organizati on, we do not have the “staff ” at present to organize more social events. Our schedule is set for 2011 with a Networking Night at Ember in Downtown Orlando on October 18th and a Holiday Party at Leu Gardens on December 13th. If you have ideas for social events in 2012, please contact President Elect, Aimee Brun at presidentelect@cfh ra.org.

Q. Does CFHRA do any outreach to students to expose them to careers in Human Resources? (S. Mintzer)

A. Heather McBride-Morse, our Director of Community Educati on, works with local colleges on developing and maintaining their student chapters of SHRM. Periodically, CFHRA receives invitati ons from local schools to parti cipate in career fairs or panels.

CFHRA would love to do more outreach, so if you know of any opportuniti es or are interested in heading up our eff orts to reach younger students, please contact Heather at communityed@cfh ra.org. CFHRA CERTIFICATION STUDY GROUP: SUPPORT LEADS TO SUCCESS Anne Rollins, SPHR

With a lump in my throat and But I was hardly alone. I knew mitment to support each other. sweat on my palms, I walked into that there were nine people – 10, If someone missed a class, he or the testi ng center to take my counti ng my husband – crossing she could count on an email from SPHR Certi fi cati on Exam. It had their fi ngers and sending positi ve somebody in the group. If been 9 ½ years since I took the thoughts my way that aft ernoon someone missed a questi on read PHR exam in a similar facility. in June. I had come to know aloud in study group, someone So much had changed: no more those nine people very well in was always there to whisper, “It’s paper and pencil testi ng, no the CFHRA Study Group. We had ‘C.’” waiti ng two months for results. laughed together, dined together I would see whether I passed or and pulled out hair out together Our enthusiasm waxed and failed the exam exactly four hours while preparing for the PHR/ waned as we plowed through the from the ti me I clicked “Start.” SPHR exams. six SHRM Learning Modules. A team of facilitators, assembled While there were other test-tak- Over 13 weeks of study, we had and led by Sandra Green, ers in the room, it was just the bonded in pursuit of a common CFHRA’s Director of Member test and me, alone. . . goal: to pass that test. Though Educati on, kept us focused and never spoken, we made a com- disciplined. Each facilitator brought a unique perspecti ve to ourour studies, sharing on-the-job experiences,exp as well as their ffavoriteav test-taking ti ps. Since aallll had earned certi fi cati on, ttheyh made sure to give us the susupport and encouragement ttheyh knew we needed.

As a member of the study grgroup, we had access to a vvariety of study materials, iincludingn the SHRM Learning MModules at a signifi cantly ddiscounted price. Coming ffrom companies large and


small, jobs specifi c and general, we shared our experiences to help every- one’s understanding of the subject matt er. We shared our opinions of study books, websites and LinkedIn groups.

So much to know and so many diff erent sources of informati on! It helped to have nine other people going through the various materials available. We learned from each other’s mistakes and successes, and as a group we are bett er for it.

According to SHRM, the 2010 pass rate for the PHR exam was 56%; for the SPHR, 50%. It’s a fact! Certi fi cati on candidates who study with others Our Spring 2011 study group PHR pass rate is are twice as likely to pass the examinati on as 86%. those who study independently.

Since the end of our study sessions, each Registrati on for CFHRA’s next PHR/SPHR Study member has reported in via email on test Group opens July 15th. Sessions will be held on results. Each ti me, my heart would leap upon Thursday nights, August 25th – November seeing the words, “I passed!” -- followed by a 17th. Please visit the Certi fi cati on page at barrage of comments like “Way to go!” and “I www.cfh ra.org for details. Additi onal knew you would!” questi ons can be directed to Sandra Green at membered@cfh ra.org. In our 13 weeks together, we had come to admire each other’s excepti onal talents, winning drive and charming personaliti es.

As one aft er another reported in with a passing score, the idea began to grow among us to have a group “reunion.” A party to hang out with a great group of people, away from the stress of studying for an exam, is in the works.

Four hours was up. I was drained and holding my breath as the testi ng computer fl ickered and hummed. Peeking through the fi ngers covering my eyes, I could see the word “Pass” appear on the screen. Aft er doing a silent “sti r-the-pot” dance in my chair, I rushed to my car and immediately emailed one of my study group buddies. It was my turn to say those two sweet words, “I passed!” GIVING BACK can build cultural competence, part 2 Rebecca R. Hastings, SPHR

Part 1 of this arti cle can be found in kinds of casual connecti ons made what they learned, how diff erent and CFHRA’s HR Update, Second Quarter during a group trip. similar things were -- so the knowledge 2011 available at www.cfh ra.org. is shared,” he explained. “One thing we don’t want them to do Maximizing Results is align themselves in a mini expat “We require that all volunteers do community with people of their own some sort of developmental sharing Gary Baker, managing director at Baker culture,” Horan added. with the local staff ,” he explained, such & Associates Consulti ng in Stockholm, as how to create a PowerPoint presen- noted that “any sort of out-of-country Other elements of the volunteer tati on, communicate eff ecti vely, etc. experience increases one’s cultural assignment can impact the end result. “They share the culture they bring with competence.” The real value -- to the them so our local people become individual and the organizati on -- will Bea Boccalandro suggested that organi- bett er business people.” be determined by the extent and zati ons consider a teaching method durati on of immersion and the known as “service learning” for clues “If there is not a clear ti e-in with the relevance of the volunteer opportunity on how to structure such a program for organizati on’s overall objecti ves and, in to the individual’s job. maximum results. Key elements parti cular, the individual’s job once include: they return to the workplace, then Short-term “voluntourism” experiences someone needs to look very seriously can be eye-opening, Baker said, but are • Preparati on - Design the experi- at the expenditure,” Baker said. less likely than a longer trip to require ence for learning, not just volun- teering. an individual to “fully invest them- Baker, who serves as president of the selves” in a cultural growth experience. • Instructi on - Teach concepts that American Club of Sweden, favors will be applied while volunteering. volunteering locally with community- Horan said that short-term visits to based organizati ons. “In today’s world, other countries serve a purpose -- such • Service - Off er tasks that enable most citi es have a microcosm of the as opening someone’s eyes to the fact the individual to apply the con- world at their doorstep, with all its that there is life outside the country cepts being taught. challenges and cultural learning,” he in -- but he agreed that a • Refl ecti on - Provide an opportunity explained. The most enriching benefi t longer visit (i.e., three months or more) to examine the meaning and of “traveling locally,” as he described it, is needed in order to give an employee knowledge gained from the is the opportunity to build individual meaningful exposure to a local culture. experience. and organizati onal relati onships over However, for even a short visit, employ- • Assessment - Collect data to ti me. “These can develop into new ees need some level of intercultural determine sati sfacti on, what opportuniti es for sponsorships, competence, Horan added, “as worked and what didn’t work, any partnerships, knowledge transfer, opposed to going in cold.” skills developed, etc. marketi ng, sales and even recruiti ng.” The level of interacti on with “the locals” is another indicator of the value Make It Relevant The goal, according to Kevin Horan, is of the experience, experts say. Rebecca R. Hasti ngs, SPHR, is an online for an individual’s travel experience to editor/manager for SHRM. benefi t all, including those in the “When traveling alone, one is far more Reprinted with permission of the country being visited (who generally inclined to make ongoing contact with Society for Human Resource Manage- hail from around the world) and those locals for not just the necessiti es of ment (www.shrm.org), Alexandria, VA, back at the home offi ce. “Companies food and lodging, but for social con- publisher of HR Magazine. © SHRM tact,” which Baker said is more likely to require people to really share their lead to cultural exchange than the knowledge when they come back, LEGISLATIVE UPDATE Kristyne Kennedy, Esq., CFHRA Director, Legislative Affairs

Senate, and was presented to FLORIDA Governor Scott for signature on June 13, 2011. The bill is part of reform to MINIMUM WAGE Florida’s Unemployment Insurance INCREASE laws and includes provisions making it more diffi cult for employees to In additi on to being mandatory for collect benefi ts, such as changes to federal contractors, Florida agencies Eff ecti ve June 1, 2011, the Florida criteria by which employees are and state contractors are also now minimum wage increased from $7.25 disqualifi ed from benefi ts. For required to use the E-Verify system. to $7.31 per hour. The minimum example, the bill changes the stan- On January 4, 2011, Florida Governor wage for ti pped workers increased dard for a fi nding of misconduct to Rick Scott issued Executi ve Order from $4.23 to $4.29 per hour. The “conscious” rather than “willful.” It 11-02, requiring state agencies and Agency for Workforce Innovati on also provides for disqualifi cati on state contractors to use the Depart- calculates an adjusted minimum from benefi ts to claimants who ment of Homeland Security’s E-Verify wage rate each year. receive severance pay, and will allow system to check employment eligibil- employers to challenge an employ- ity of current and prospecti ve state Florida’s minimum wage was ap- ee’s eligibility for benefi ts based on employees. Executi ve Order 11-02 proved by Florida voters as a consti tu- off -duty conduct. Additi onal chang- further requires agencies to include ti onal amendment on November 2, es include employer tax relief provi- in all state contracts a requirement 2004. The minimum wage applies to sions and a reducti on in the maxi- that contractors must also uti lize the all employees in the state who are mum number of weeks claimants E-Verify system to verify the employ- covered by the federal minimum may receive benefi ts (23 weeks). ment eligibility of: (a) all persons wage. Employers must pay their employed during the contract term employees the hourly state minimum by the contractor to perform em- wage for all hours worked in Florida. E-VERIFY ployment duti es within Florida; and Employers who fail to pay the state’s (b) all persons, including subcontrac- minimum wage or any person violat- UPDATES tors, assigned by the contractor to ing Florida’s minimum wage law can perform work pursuant to the be liable under a civil acti on or an The U.S. Citi zenship and Immigrati on contract with the state agency. enforcement acti on brought by the Services (USCIS) published a fi nal state Att orney General. rule in the April 15, 2011, Federal Register, which adopted without ADAAA change an interim rule to improve FLORIDA the integrity of the employment FINAL RULE UNEMPLOYMENT eligibility verifi cati on (Form I-9) (...Finally) process. The fi nal rule took eff ect May 16, 2011. The expirati on date of INSURANCE The long-awaited fi nal rule imple- Form I-9 (rev 2/2/09) has been menti ng the Americans with Disabili- extended unti l August 31, 2012. The REFORM ti es Act Amendments Act of 2008 full text of the rule can be viewed at On May 6, 2011, Florida House Bill htt p://edocket.access.gpo. HB7005 passed in the House and gov/2011/2011-9152.htm // CONTINUED > LEGISLATIVE UPDATE, cont.

(ADAAA) fi nally appeared in the “regarded as” clause of the statute. address employers’ use of credit Federal Register on March 25, 2011. The full text of the fi nal regulati ons scores when taking an adverse acti on The ADAAA made a number of signifi - can be viewed at htt p://www.gpo. based on the scores. If a decision cant changes to the defi niti on of gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-03-25/ regarding eligibility for employment is “disability.” The fi nal rule, which was pdf/2011-6056.pdf. based on a consumer report that eff ecti ve May 24, 2011, addresses includes a credit score, the employer issues such as clarifying that “disabil- will be required to disclose certain ity” remains an individual determina- Amendment to informati on to the applicant, including ti on; reinstati ng other basic concepts FAIR CREDIT the score and the agency that pro- of the ADA, including defi niti on of the vided the score so the applicant can major life acti vity of “working” and REPORTING ACT seek to correct any errors. Employers use of “conditi on, manner, and who base employment decisions on durati on” when trying to determine EFFECTIVE JULY 2011 informati on in consumer reports must disability; and removing an unneces- be aware of other specifi c noti ce and sary “clarifi cati on” prohibiti ng employ- Amendments to the Fair Credit disclosure requirements under the ers from taking acti on based on a Reporti ng Act (FCRA) take eff ect July FCRA, and be careful to comply with “symptom” of impairment under the 21, 2011. One of the changes will these obligati ons.

Search local jobs and post your resume . . . FREE!

Online Holiday Hiring Career Fair Oct 15 - Dec 31, 2011 careerfair.orlandojobs.com Call today to advertise your company and open jobs, 407.645.4224 STATEMENT OF SUPPORT FOR THE NATIONAL GUARD & RESERVE

At the monthly meeti ng on July 26, 2011, CFHRA members will have the op- portunity to recognize Florida citi zens who serve the state and country in the Nati onal Guard and Reserve.

Many of us know of a member of the armed forces who has served our country in the last 5 - 10 years. America’s “Citi zen Warriors” oft en face challenges transiti oning back to the civilian life, including fi nding employ- ment. In response, SHRM and its many councils and chapters across the nati on have pledged support to the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR.) ESGR provides no-cost educati on services and media- ti on to HR professionals regarding the Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA.)

CFHRA invites chapter members to join us in signing a symbolic State- ment of Support at our July meeti ng. By posti ng the Statement conspicuously within your organizati on, you are publicly affi rming the HR community’s support of the brave men and women who serve voluntarily in the Nati onal Guard and Reserve. We hope you will join us.

To request a personalized Statement of Support for your employ- er, please visit www.esgr.org/site/Programs/ StatementofSupport.aspx.


ABOUT THE PROGRAM The Central Florida Human Resource Associati on provides—as a benefi t to its members—a 13-week study group/course designed to assist in preparati on for the PHR/SPHR certi fi cati on examinati ons. These exams are administered by the Human Resources Certi fi cati on Insti tute (HRCI). The Study Group uses an informal platf orm to review the six modules of the SHRM Learning System, handouts and other study resources.

RESOURCES CFHRA uti lizes the SHRM Learning System to help parti cipants pre- pare for the examinati on. T he Learning System is available for pur- chase at the price of $500 (discounted rate) with advance noti ce. You may also purchase the books directly through the SHRM website. CFHRA Study Group started uti lizing LinkedIn as a resource to mem- bers trying to prepare for the PHR/SPHR examinati on. If you are interested in “linking in” to our study group, sign into your LinkedIn account and search for CFHRA PHR/SPHR Study Group.

DAYS: RUN DATE: Thursdays August 25 – November 17, 2011

TIME: LOCATION: 5:45 - 7:45 pm Ford & Harrison, LLP 300 South Orange Avenue 13th Floor Orlando, FL 32801

The fi rst class will be an introducti on and overview followed by review of the fi rst half of Module One.

If you would like to join the CFHRA Study Group, please visit www.cfh ra.org and click on the Certi fi cati on Page. HR COUCH Dr. Mimi Hull, Hull & Associates

? Dear Dr. Mimi: I am working with a person who can’t make a Dear Dr. Mimi: ? We have 22 employees and have been experi- decision. She spends a lot of time thinking and encing increased turnover and we don’t know thinking rather than deciding and acting. What why. We are committed to improving our she fails to realize is that her indecisiveness organization but don’t know what to do. Do keeps me from doing my job. I want to scream you think doing a survey would be helpful? at her, “Make up your mind!” I know I can’t. What should be the goal and the key areas She’s the boss’s daughter. covered, and how can we make sense of the — Decide, Please!!! results? We have never done anything like this and do not know where to begin. Help! — Survey, Oy Vey! Dear DECIDE: It doesn’t matter who she is. Screaming wouldn’t help. In fact, it would only further paralyze her deci- Dear OY VEY: sion-making ability! So what are you to do? Start by An employee engagement survey is a wonderful setting limits on her options. Try to give her only two tool to help you determine how committed choices. Tell her your recommendation and then employees are and how this commitment give her a time limit on when you must have her influences their work effort. Studies have found answer. Let her know that if she does not meet the that highly engaged employees are 1.3 times deadline, you will make the decision. If she has to be more likely to be high performers than those with the one to make the decision, ask her what is keep- lower engagement -- and 5 times less likely to ing her from deciding. Try to unblock the block. If all leave the company! else fails, sit down with her to help her decide. Ask If you are committed to making changes, I suggest her to list the “pros and cons” of each alternative. that the engagement survey should cover how Take notes on a sheet of paper (or flip chart, if one is satisfied people are with the organization, their available) so that she can see her responses. If she job and their boss. When we customize the items still can’t decide have her rate each pro or con with to reflect your particular organization, the how important it is and then total up the points. resulting data will help you discover what the real Good luck! — Dr. Mimi issues that need to be addressed are. We recommend and use an online platform that not only helps ensure confidentiality but also allows people to make comments and suggestions for improvement. In our experience, if you act on suggested areas of improvement, the whole organization improves and the right people stay and support the organization. — Dr. Mimi

// CONTINUED > HR COUCH, cont. Dr. Mimi Hull, Hull & Associates

? Dear Dr. Mimi: Another employee and I have been discuss- Dear PERPLEXED: This is not a new question and one that is often ing, “Who makes a better leader, a person debated. Why? Because you need to be able to do who communicates well with other people, both to be an effective leader. Effective leaders are or a person who gets the job done?” My tuned into the needs of their followers and the feeling is that you can’t have followers needs of the situation and are able to communicate unless you are a good communicator and effectively so as to achieve positive results. without followers, you are not a leader. What do you think? — Perplexed The goal of leadership is not to get more followers but rather to create more leaders to get the job done. Communication is essential to develop the people AND to get the results. In our communications training, we always say that the Dear MOM: communication goal is to be sure that the message I realize that it is not a great economy for that is meant and sent is the message that is high school students, but having said that, it perceived and received. Not an easy task! Good would be better for both you and your son communication involves more than giving orders for him to find employment elsewhere. and making sure they are implemented. It is Help him to assess his needs and his talents. empowering people to use their strengths to Help him to determine his options. If he achieve the necessary results. — Dr. Mimi thinks he knows what type of work he would eventually like to do, point him to the appropriate industry. Remind him that he cannot expect to start at the top. Feel free to let people know that he is available and ? Dear Dr. Mimi: use your contacts to help him get an My son has asked if he can work at my office. He interview. If he is a potentially good is a bright high school student and definitely employee, he will be able to find something could use the extra money. I could see how this could cause resentment because one of my outside of your office. — Dr. Mimi employees has a daughter about the same age as my son and I know I could not use both of them. What would you suggest? — Mom

Dr. Mimi Hull is the owner of a training and consulting firm that helps leaders improve organizational and personal performance. Do you need advice on unruly employees, or help with a conflict at work? Here is your chance to receive ? valuable advice from a licensed professional! ADDRESS YOUR QUESTIONS TO: Hull & Associates, ATTN: Dr. Mimi Hull // 225 S. Swoope Ave., Suite 210 // Maitland, FL 32751 // [email protected] RECRUITING BYTES how will employers treat long term unemployed returning to the workforce in central florida? Does your technology or screening process prevent these job seekers from getting Interviews?

Roger Lear, OrlandoJobs.com

In our bi-annual survey of Central “I know many great people who are challenge is the amount of time Florida companies, we are happy to unemployed for no reason other than required to go through stacks of report that we found over 10,000 open circumstance. I can’t even imagine resumes. With plenty of solid candi- jobs in the area, plus many more pro- eliminating applicants in this economy.” dates, are long-term unemployed job jected for the rest of 2011. (Download seekers getting a fair look? “We will treat everyone the same. If you the entire survey at OrlandoJobs.com/ have been unemployed, we are now just whitepaper). The jobs fell into three Our survey shows that employers have making sure that was legitimate.” main categories: low paying jobs, high compassion in getting the long-term paying jobs and hidden jobs. Hidden “We look at qualifications, not if you unemployed back to work. I just hope jobs are the jobs that are not adver- are employed or unemployed.” the technology companies use to tised anywhere and are filled through screen candidates does as well. “We will not hold unemployment internal referrals, word of mouth and against them. We examine their entire networking. For job seekers, especially OrlandoJobs.com conducted phone history. That has to line up.” those who have been unemployed for interviews with 166 Central Florida- awhile, finding and getting these jobs is “As long as their skills are up to date, based companies between December posing a major challenge. we will consider them.” 13, 2010 and December 30, 2010. The 166 companies surveyed employ an Before 2007, if you were out of work “If we don’t consider those (who are) overall total of 186,431 employees in for more than a month, an employer unemployed, we would be doing harm Central Florida, and cover 17 sectors, would really question you on the rea- to our global hiring process. It is all including: accounting, automotive, son. Today, many job seekers who have about a fit.” banking/finance, call center, construc- been out of work six months or more tion, education, government, health- are worried that employers will not Employers are clearly willing to over- care, hospitality, insurance, law, man- consider them as a viable candidate -- look long-term unemployment if your ufacturing, non-profit, real estate, especially if they are competing against job skill sets match the job you are sports/entertainment, timeshare, candidates with the same skills who are applying to. One thing is for sure, transportation, and utility. currently working. though: you’d better be able to clearly explain why you are unemployed and We asked 166 Central Florida employ- what you have been doing since your ers that exact question: How will you last job. treat the long-term unemployed who ROGER LEAR, President of OrlandoJobs. apply to your current job openings? While most will welcome the long-term unemployed with open arms, it is com and Lear & Associates, has long The answer for most companies was been a leader in the executive search important for companies to make sure extremely positive! Most will overlook and internet recruiting industry. Since that applicant tracking systems or front current employment status, as long as 1987, he has recruited for some of the line screeners are programmed or pre- candidates have the skill sets desired. finest companies in Central Florida and Here are some of their comments: pared to make sure these resumes get around the nation. Reach him at: considered. Surveyed employers No. 1 [email protected]. YOUR CAREER PARTNER Career and Job Search Tips for HR Pros CONNECTING THE DOTS: Researching to Land Your Dream Job

Newland Associates, a CPI Partner

Investigating potential employers intelligence database of more than Uncover job leads through net- and possible job opportunities can 17 million companies. The first working: The last step in your be overwhelming without the step in the process is to prepare a research is to explore the job proper resources. The internet has list of potential companies and opportunities within the target an array of resources, from job search the database. Once the company. Make some inquiries on boards to company databases, companies have been identified, SimplyHired.com, OrlandoJobs. which most job seekers access on measure the pulse of the company com, and other job boards to see a daily basis. Research is important and identify potential growth if they have any published jobs because it allows you to develop opportunities simply by reading over the past 30 days. At this lists of target companies and the published financial reports and point, take the list you complied, names of key decision makers. It SEC filings. OneSource also allows examine it and network, network, also helps you to uncover job you to locate “neighbors/peers” of network! leads and become more knowl- the target companies. This allows edgeable about companies and you to expand the search to com- If you don’t have OneSource: industry trends so you can make petitors within a geographic area You can still go online to find com- sound career decisions. and provides a list of additional panies and decision makers companies to research. through search engines like Visiting the company’s website for Google. Just keep in mind that it information is not considered Identify key decision makers: will take a lot longer so plan for research. There is much more to After some investigating, you are that. Nothing is impossible if you it. You need to be informed about now ready to compile a list of make your mind up to do it. what’s happening and how it potential decision makers. The impacts your potential employer. beauty of OneSource is that it The Central Florida Human Resource Researching the right way will also takes the guessing game right out Association (CFHRA) has partnered prepare you for interviews and of the equation because it pro- with Newland Associates to offer its networking with company deci- vides you with a list of key deci- members a free career transition ser- sion makers. The keys are to get a sion makers and executives for the vice specially designed for them. The good feel for how the company company, along with email JumpStart HR program is available to presents themselves, understand addresses and, sometimes, even all members in good standing. The what they do and how it might telephone numbers. Powered with program consists of 1 one-on-one affect you. this valuable information, you can coaching session, free weekly enrich- begin to network using resources ment webinars, an online reputation Read the financial reports and such as LinkedIn to view any con- assessment and access to a world- research the competitors: When nections to the potential decision class online career portal. To learn more about JumpStart HR, visit we are working with a candidate makers. www.Newland-Associates.com, click during a transition, we provide on the “Special Programs” link or call them access to OneSource 407.771.4141. Research, a powerful business PEARLS OF WISDOM LEADERSHIP Gina Hall, SPHR

Leadership is about know. Good leaders surround them- team members do as much and as behaviors first and skills selves with individuals that know well as they possibly can. second. While management skills more than they do on many sub- are important, true leadership jects. They build teams that they A leader takes care of people – relies more directly on less tangible then encourage to think, to innovate Leaders know the people on the things like trust, inspiration and and be creative. A leader’s talent lies team: their strengths, weaknesses, decision-making. These are ele- in blending a group of individuals aspirations and fears. Leaders bear ments of humanity and are direct- into a cohesive team that generates the criticism from outside the group ed predominantly by the leader’s successful results. while making sure to compliment personal character. team members for their contribu- tions. Many of us are searching for leaders… in our companies, A leader is honest and truthful – our government, our organi- Leaders are dependable…when zations, whether civic, reli- they give their word, you can gious, or professional. In always count on it. They don’t order to find leaders, we cheat or try to find an easy way must know what to look for, out of a tough situation. They so let’s explore some of the don’t waffle on principles. They important qualities that make are not inflexible, but there are a good leader. boundaries they simply will not cross. They demonstrate integrity First and foremost, a lead- and ethics and possess a strong er has vision – It is really sense of right and wrong. hard to get others to do what you want if you don’t know what Having articulated characteristics of you want. Having strong vision helps A leader leads by example – a good leader, look around…is there leaders to navigate direction. Good leaders inspire team members a leader looking back at you? to work to their capabilities and A leader tells people what needs potential. They expect individuals to work hard and be committed to to be done — not how to do it – GINA HALL, SPHR Most successful leaders are smart in team goals. A leader may not expect With over 30 years of experience, Gina Hall, SPHR the traditional channels of educa- the team to do as much or as well specializes in HR consulting, training and transition tion and work experience. However, as he or she does, but insists that planning. She can be reached at ginahall24@ gmail.com. smart leaders know what they don’t

www.cfh ra.org HRUPDATE