Martel's First 0-Week Moved to 2002 Setter Dismissed from Team 2001
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Vol. LXXXVIII, Issue No. 10 SINCE 1916 Friday, October 27, 2000 Martel's first 0-Week moved to 2002 by Tommy Belanger said using the building would be imprac- tributing to the decision were the lack of THRESHKR STAFF tical because other colleges also use it bicycles and the lack of funds to buy during O-Week. bikes, the urgent need for more impor- Martel College will not receive in- However, Martel will still participate tant issues to be solved and discussed coming students next fall, the college's in O-Week by attempting to arrange an and the desire to establish good relation- founding committee decided last week- all-college meeting sometime during the ships with other colleges by having ! end. week, presenting information about Martel transfers participate in their origi- • "The idea of throwing the freshmen Martel and sending out brochures ex- nal colleges' Beer-Bike. ice Radio of Martel College into all the other eight plaining Martel to incoming freshmen "Our first involvement in Beer-Bike rin colleges for the first semester next year over the summer. will be as a full college," Parks said. §5 ' / and then forcing them to go to Martel "We're kind of taking a low profile, Students transferring to Martel dur- Who listens to KTRU? second semester is not fair," Gavin but we certainly want to have a presence ing the 2000-'01 academic year will have Parks, co-chair of Martel's Representa- during O-Week so that the freshmen will "dual citizenship" in both Martel and Howdid a student-run station tive Subcommittee, said. Parks, a Han- know that they have an opportunity to their original college. szen College junior, is the liaison be- transfer second semester," Few said. Students wishing to transfer to Martel epd up with 50,000 watts? tween the newly founded Martel Found- Few, who is also the interim master of will be allowed to apply online starting ing Committee and the Rice community Baker College, explained that although Nov. 6, after the college presidents and at dj6es KTRU play, anyway? at large. freshmen will not be accepted into Martel masters meet to discuss the founding * Martel's building will not open until during the fall 2001 semester, applica- committee's plans for admitting students What would students January 2002, and Martel Master Arthur tions for transferring to Martel will be to Martel. Few said a major problem in holding a posted sometime after the fall break and "The number of students that we take like to hear an KJTRU? Martel Orientation Week in 2001 would approximately 64 students from the in- from each college will be proportionate be its location. coming class of 2005 will be accepted as to the number that are living off-cam- 10 con\ "It's very difficult to have an O-Week transfers. pus," Few said, detailing the selection faidentrJ without a place to have it," Few said. The Founding Committee also de- process pertaining to individual colleges. The founding committee considered cided against participating in Beer-Bike The overall selection process will be roll- using rooms in the Student Center, but this spring. ing, in which applicants are reviewed Student Center Director Boyd Beckwith Few said the three main factors con- monthly until Martel quotas are filled. ws Feature, Section. Setter dismissed from team by Chris Larson ment [about] what should be my THRKSHF.R F.DITORIAI. STAFF priority," Kalagoglu said. "It came to the point where I needed to go to job Senior setter Nil Kalagoglu was interviews, and I'm not talking about dismissed from the volleyball team any job interview, I'm talking about by head coach Julio Morales last very, very good companies — the week after she elected to skip prac- top companies in the world. tice to attend a job interview. "1 do understand how important Kalagoglu said she met with volleyball is and 1 feel very respon- Morales to inform him that she would sible towards my teammates, and at need to miss practice to attend a our meeting I also said I don't want final-round interview in New York. to quit.... I guess he didn't want me Morales told her to decide between on the team the way I had my priori- staying on the team or going to the ties." interview, Kalagoglu said, and she Morales declined to comment, chose the latter. saying only that she is not on the ROB GADOI/THRESHER "(We] couldn't come to an agree- See VOLLEYBALL, Page B3 Nil Kalagoglu Low profits close Sammy's Late Night Sammy's I,ate Night was operating lege senior Kris Chikelue said. by Liora Danan at a loss and could not be sustained "Sammy's has pizza, sandwiches, THRKSHF.R F.DITORAI. STAFF given the amount of business it re- fruits and salads, and Subway is just Sammy's Late Night ended yes- ceived. Subway." terday due to insufficient sales. Food Baker College junior Christina However, Ditman said he hopes and Housing Director Mark Ditman Yin said she supports reopening to include some of the Sammy's Late made the decision to close l-ate Night Subway at night. Night food options at the conve- and to reopen Subway for late-night "I'd prefer Subway to be open nience store, and buying new equip- service. because 1 think their food is bet- ment to serve pizza or hamburgers The Subway counter inside the ter," Yin said. "I'd probably be more might be an option. convenience store will now stay open likely to eat at Subway instead of "What's particularly important to Sammy's." me now is that we have the right VIANNA DAVILA/THRESHER until 2 a.m. Monday through Thurs- day and until 11 p.m. Saturday and Other students said they pre- things in the convenience store." Protecting our resources Sunday. ferred the variety at Sammy's. Ditman said. This reverses the Sept. 25 reopen- "I don't think [the decision to end He said additional Subway items, Brown College Junior Thorn Blaylock wears protective clothes at the ing of Sammy's I .ate Night from 9 l.ate Night] is a good idea because I such as soups or other sandwich Rice Environmental Club's Smog Jog on Oct. 20. See Article, Page 13. p.m. to midnight and the closing of like the variety that Sammy's has as options, may also be offered. The Subway at 9 p.m. Ditman said opposed to Subway," Will Rice Col- See SAMMY'S, Page 9 2001 graduation speaker chosen INSIDE SA Homecoming elections OPINION Page 2 by I^eslie Liu physical violence," Sociology Department Pro- KTRU must remain student-run fessor Chandler Davidson said. Davidson, who THRKSHF.R F.DITORIAI. STAFF begin noon today introduced Dees last January, teaches a social A&E Page 21 Elections for SA treasurer and home- Southern Poverty I .aw Center co-founder inequality class at Rice. Better than a one-man band and civil rights lawyer Morris Dees will give "He's an important figure in the ongoing coming king and queen begin today. Vot- ing starts at noon and will continue until the keynote address at Rice's 88th Commence- struggle for civil rights and for racial toler- FEATURES Page 23 ment ceremony on May 12, 2001. ance," Davidson said. "His Southern Poverty Wednesday at 1 p.m. Dancing about architecture Dees also spoke at Rice on Jan. 26 as part of I .aw Center spends a lot of money on pro laptops will be available at each col- the President's Lecture Series. grams that are essentially adopted by schools lege during meals for voting. Students SPORTS Page B1 "I thought the students would resonate to teach tolerance." can vote online by following the link on Owls prepare for homecoming game nicely with such a man, particularly given his Dees serves as chief trial counsel and chair the main Rice Web site. accomplishments in the past year alone," Presi- of the executive committee for the SIM ,C, which Scoreboard dent Malcolm Gillis said. specializes in lawsuits involving civil rights There's more of us to love In September, Dees won a case against the violations and racially motivated crimes, and Football Hawaii 13, Rice 38 Aryan Nation in which a jury awarded $6.3 the education project he is involved in is called Because of the extraordinary length million to a woman and her son after a white 'Teaching Tolerance." of this week's paper and various other supremacist leader allowed guards from his Since co-founding the center in 1971, Dees factors, this issue will bt* distributed in Weekend Weather Aryan Nations compound to chase them down pushed for the construction of a Civil Rights three sections. Friday and shoot at them in 1998. The verdict is Memorial dedicated in 1989 in Montgomery, Sections A and B will be distributed Partly cloudy, 68-86 degrees expected to bankrupt the organization. Ala., won lawsuits that bankrupted the Ku normally. Section C, a news feature on Saturday "He's an outstanding civil rights lawyer Klux Klanand imprisoned perpetrators of hate K TRU, will be distributed alongside the Mostly cloudy, 64 81 degrees and has probably done as much as any single crimes. rest of the paper. Sunday person has in the last 20 years to put out of Dees was portrayed by Wayne Rogers in Happy reading! Partly cloudy. 59 79 degrees business hate groups that have engaged in See COMMENCEMKNT, Page 10 I THE RICE THRESHER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27.2000 TiniceRbeuL? Brian Stoler Jose Luis Cubria, Michael Nalepa Editor in Chief Mariel Tam Opinion Editor Managing Editors KTRU must remain in student hands Programming on KTRU should be determined only by students.