Office of Student Affairs 2011-05-01 A Modest Proposal, vol. 7, no. 8 Taylor Brigance, et al. © 2011 A Modest Proposal Find more information about this article here. This document has been made available for free and open access by the Eugene McDermott Library. Contact
[email protected] for further information. 1he Peer Advisors' nuz,aen Under (esilfentz:aL Life Pages 4&5 Student Government elections result in poor reporting and restrictive regulations Page 6 • 2 T H E · E·o 1T o R s DESK From the I disa~ree with much of this article, but I wjlllimit my criticism to your argument that anti-Muslim sentiments are not a major problem in the United Discussion States. You cite the statistic that 8.6% of the religious- motivated hate crimes Boards were ~gainst Muslims as evidence that there is not a significant race/religious problem with Muslims in this country.•The Arnedcan Muslim populat:ipn is generally estimate-d to be between 0.4% (American Religious Identification Survey, 2008) and 2.3% (Council on American-Islamic Relations, 2010). That means that violence against Muslims is between four to twenty times greater than what one would expect based on their composition of the American Ill take the word of I~dians actually "from India over you ·and Indian Ameri people. So while 8.6% might not be a large percentage, it is quite large relative cans on what actually offends them. Can anyone show me a blatantly racist and to the population of the group which is the recipient of the violence.