Grosse .Pointe ~ws VOL. 45-No 41 Grosse Pomte, Michigan Thursday, October 11, 1984 30 cents 40 p.. I ! )

for your mformatlon J Gypsy moths stay away from area this year I

B't :\like ,\lldnejc1yl- a pupa a couple \~eeks before The to momtOl the Med, the depdrt. to mOl ethan 700 ld::,t '> ear In elm bark beetle!> or other pestI egg masses, resembllllg bits of tan ment can't affO! d to tl'ap the Hloolllfield, 4-13 moth., \\ ere trap- <,ould also help control the gypsy The Pomtes and Wayne Count" foam rubber cOlllallllllg 75 to 800 POllltei> next) ('ell as densely dS thiS pt'd, \\ Ith lJO found In a ~llIgle trap, moth larvae fyi are the onl) bl'lght spots In a bleak eggs, are laid III sheltered dreas to ) car Dollltopf ~al(i Dollhopl ~dld Ld~t )Cdr, 179 moth!> yedr of g) PS) moth trap results, Thb year, 5 000 acre5 of for~t By Tom Greenwood unproH:' their chdnces to :,urvi \'e \\cre tl dpped III Bloomfield according to the state Department the \\ mter Coun" \I Hie, 37 moth~ \\ ere found \\ ere def olia ted bv Ihe mOlh lar- of Agl'lculture The number of III 23 traps, he sald The l PPCI Penlll~ula '" \[unl:>mg \-de, a tenfold lllcrt'ase OH"r moths trapped Jocall) dropped dra. The decreased populatIOn buys 500 acres, Dollhopf said nJe Tote that barge. The Pomte~ "hO\I ed the onh de matlcall) thiS year compdred to the state a few years In the area, Lakeshore <11"0 retorded a dra- 5tate IS dra\\ Illg up d mamtenance A few \1 eeks ago I \\rote that creased moth populatIOn 111 !>outh last the onh area In southeast Dollhopf said A ~(aled do\\n \\alk- Old tiC lIlU ca5e 1Il Oll' moth popula- program to tn to combat the moth, I'm not a trendy hll1d of gU) I'm ~hchlgan to I:ecord a decrease through search \~III be conducted eastern MIchigan, accordmg to but must pno.ntlze I~ spra) log ef. also not a handy kmd at guy J tIOn, Dollhopf ~dld ~Iore than -too and the sta te \\ 111 return next veal' Dollhopf Three fold lllcreases In moths ",ere [r.lpped III dn dre.l thdt fort" because of I~ budget con- dOll't lIke to iL>.. thmgs Heck, I Traps, set at 64 a ~qudfe mile, trapped moths occurred ll1 Oak. to trap at a lower densll) than ll1 yielded sc\en molhs la~t iear, he stl alllt~, he said have a t?ugh tune butteTll1g m) ..,lelded 17 moths Last year, 63 land Count)' and problem aredS ~. ,,1 Ihe oa<;t \ears he ddded ,,':lId tlw fP""lt nf tr,ln<;Mrt.1l1nn nf Lua:>L UL 1.111: lIlVllJlIl/,;, :>u L III :>UI t:' \\ Cl t: r...-aUbUl UJ LJI~ 0.1. Co. e:t~ a. IV_I ...... 1 eXI::'1 {rUJII t"'url l1UrUIl to ,llUnrue larvcle or egg md~~e~ ulto the ared ! lie ~ldlC Celll dlluru tV \A1UUM:- not gomg to \ olunteer for house- denslt~, according to department The 51ate has been tr appmg .,prcl) 1,000 acres, Dollhopf saId County, he said, addll1g the ~tate IS from other lnfe:.tcd al ea~ hold fix-ups regIOnal supel visor Carl Dollhopf moths In the area Sll1ce 1981 In losmg Ib fight dgdlllst the g,~psy Federal matchmg funds Just about ThiS year's catch \\a~ scattered 1982,48 moths \\ere found and Id"t moth EVidence of the !>talt"~ I05ll1g double that, he .ldded So when Rose dsked me, across 10 traps, while last year's )ear,63 "What are your plans for the In Odkl.lJld COllnt\ 2"lOO moths fight \\ 35 \\ hat Dollhopf c.liled the First prlGnt) y, III go to pro- came from 16, he added "first truly heavy lllfe'>talion In the \\ eekend?" I kne\\ f was 1Il big Although the ~late \\ III contmue \\ere trelpppd lll1" \('at hiS utter peak" their franclilse " ,< house he Installed 0\" el the ....ef'k raised .. Too many l.jUl";tIOllS v,('re ..-talent say ed sounder reasoning That was the he added, "and Reagan was at an not answered, C\hlhllgll'lHn saId. Pre.... •... end, The re~olutlOn \\ as prepared the sUite locome Lax would be roll. consensus of three members of a utter low I thmk It's very sad be- Tlotmg that thl'l e \1,,1'>not enough after the board agreed to dISCUSS ed back to >{ 6 percent, and eJected I approach these manuals the high school debatmg team follow- cause Reagan' IS a dynamiC time Within the struclure of a lllg the debate Sunday mght on na- the matter at the Monday night, offiCials would be forced to jushfy way Rose approaches the speaker " te!l"vised deba te shower scene from "P5ycho " I tIOnal TV Oct 1, orpmlatlOllal meetlllg any nt'\\ (ax Increase to voters be- Norman Issa, a semor who IS III (Contll1ued till 1).I~t' j', \) Just don't want to look at It Be- after hearing a report flom ItS fore It could be passed ThiS In turn "In debdtl' \ou're Judged on two hiS fourth ~eM as a member of the ~ cause at the top of every page, ,~, leglslatlve couns('1 would make the state live wrthm team, said Mondale "deflmtel\ I~ budget, cut ....aste from the there are the thrf'e words I \\ on on Image Reagan unfortu- Dl~tnct busllles~ InJnager Chns- dread most. PREP ARE THE government and require InstitutIOn nately fell under pal' because Ill'> tIan Fenton saId pa~sage of Pro- of good mdnagemt-'nt techmques SURFACE age ~howed Ihrough " po~al (' \~ill co~t the dlstnct $4 9 million In Jost millage Increases, Opponents of the amendment lo Three little \\ ords that mean b~a ..ldded, however, that 'Red- weeks of frustrated rage [have $1 1 million III forfeited "truth In the stale constltutlOn say the roll, gan ..ame out on top \\ lth most of taxdtlOn" re~toratJOn~, and back ....ould IllJure not (01) state my own three words Prepare the argument5 .' thy checkbook I'd much rather $250,000 1Il categoncal aid for spe- but mUnicipal and l:ochool dIStriCts hire some guy named Blff III The students expres!>ed disap- Cial educatIOn by the end of 1986 which ....ould l~e mllhons of doUa.n, .....hlte overalls With a ZIllion pOIntment With some of the ques. \~hen the full rollbdck would take The resu!tlllg damage (0 state ser- pockets un It to do the Job nght tlOns and ans\\ers "tA elled vices and educatlOn would ::oloy,the the first hme If It's not nght, state's economic recovery, lo\\er "They Just were not covering the If lhf' dlstnct were unable to con- ItS bond rating and make the state then Rose can yell a t someone ~" \ lIlce \ aIel ~ to re~tore the rollback else for a change Issues," Nlccollm said "The Issues ;!{.,;1, a It'-ss deSirable place to locate for thev wanted to rover, thev covered WIthin 90 dclY~, the district would busmess Anyho\\, back to the \\eek. !>uperbly," addmg that Mondale y Jo~e $1 2 nllillon bv the end of thl~ '- end The first chore \~as to clean kept commg back to SOCial Secun y('ar, he added - Interim Superllltelldent Dr the sand box and store It In the ty and Reagan [0 the economic re- ~--~~ Be~ldeb the l!lrect lo~~, the dls- Jo~eph Sp..'lgnoll sUld dtl 'ldmInIS- rafters of the garage It's one of • '''>'- trallYe meet illS WrI!l 10 be held} es- covery ~ - ,. trid y,auld lo~e another S3 1 In IIhon those big green turtle }obbles, Norman lssa 1Il tdXlIlg dlltl1Ol'It\, po'>slbly gt>t a With a shell lid to keep the cats ChlhngJrlan said he thought Ihe l('onllllul'tl 011 Paj(t' 15-\) from domg In the sandbox "'hat your kIds do In the <;andbox • I dumped It rlll~ed It and Candidates for WCCC seat give VIeWS brought It to the garage The Robert Niecolml front of the garage As I raJ<;ed It 1'('1 hdp!> r .11>, lI1g IUltlOIl I'>lIle\ I If pO"'l,lbll' '\mbJ O~lO 'od~ '> that a lie ~.. j~ thdl mol!!) of tht> prob- thlllgs - \1 hether ) ou \\ In the B) Harl'i(>t \olan to the rafters. R05e let me ha\ e lound and hO\~ you '>peak " said tabl!', but If 'OU dOll t Off('l lI,I ...'>(''> \Ihole 11('\', hOdlrl l']l'lll',i Ilext Icm~ have beellignorl"d dnd l~ft for It ' !'iot the front rdfters, use the D3\ Id C1l1lJ'lglnan a !>ophomore In the fmal rdC(' for thl' l~t Dis peoplt' I\lll go ('h,'I\!It'! (' ,!lid \'l' mOJlth \I ould .1\ (lid 1.11 f) lng ,lilY the nt'\\ board ....ho \\111 "~f't to do ones III back" 'WI1\ ')" "Be and !>(:'cond Har debate team tnct seat on the Wol\nr (ollnl't Ill'('O ">onw lll',lllve Id!'.l" to dttl act of till' .,Ilglnd .lltdl lwd to the PT(' the dlrt~ \\ork of hou~edt'dnmlit cause It'S safer back here ' pwmbN at 'Cnl\'erslt) Liggett Commumty ( ollege BOdI'd of TI u~. ,>tudellI', Ill' .H!d" '> lOll... .ldm Ill1"t I II IIlll \\ hilt' the Bur \H' h.lH' to push (or Ir' oifs 'Wh~') , tee~ are Anthon~ Ambloglo of De former IrlJ"ll'(" Il\d \ h.nU\~ lht' \\ hilt' tht. pllH'e IS ~tlll !t'lpedklllg qual! \l'1I)I 111 1,1\01 01 ,I full I\' d'1d Hedgan for the pOlnt!> he got Irolt and Gro!><;t' Pomte Wood!> IOP(''> 1hl'll' llHdd 11t':1 t~'nd('nc\ to lInqu,lllflecl pt.'Oplt' a IIlI oi gOlxi , \\ ell one e nn tOUS1l1 DOtll!' IllIlt' !l',,( hl'lJ.' .,!.If! .lnd !t'(o)- 11 re~ldent Del1ll1:> \lo11~()\{'n Bolh 11\ 10 .,\~,l\ ollll'1" t,) Ih('lr \\,1\ of orll'''' .11 t' crYIl1f: for il'.h1t'r--OlP 1Il ,11.1'0'>'>r don t "e(' either one IJcmg \\Inlld ,dll,H I qlj.tlJtl [('.I,ll, I., \\Ihl put her turtle sandbox the t d ndJ(jdt('<; Yd'l t' mten 11'\\ ('d n' t1111l"mg ,:nd .1 nl'\, bO.11 d c()uld tWltl'1 ")(,U I1f (,tj both It V,dl> more \\ould 1)(' Il'.adll\ ,l\,Uldllll' to front rafters and a metl'or '> • l',I,II\ j!,1\t' 1111' dppt'.II.lIlCl' Ill" plIOll!lt'" lilt llldt' "t'I'''l'lm.: cl 01 I 1 t II' centl) by t1lf' Gn,"'>(' POlllte Ne\\ of \\ork 0\ a "tudenl'> s....hhed erhead and the vlhr<.l IlIg togt.t11t'1 fOl lIw good 1)1 the lit''''' 1'1t'''ld, 1.1 I Idlilll~ tnt "I, hOt\\ ,II \\ I' .,hOllld Ji.1 \ 1 I lid tI t! 11.1 ()t •.,{ nbwg hI" \\ork 11IqOl .. .I'> h( I ( lllllllllU'rl II" 1-,\ 1 tlOns cdu~ed It to drop from ;he .J UnJor !{nLI rl '\ l( colml \I ho IS ,llwlll ".III:" beIng pnnupal1:, empJo)ed .1 tHlIl'> 1\(.11 pubiH 1/( d fOI "Lltf ,1<1 rafter') to the ground \\here It !)('glllllil,g ill'- Il.lrd ,>(-ar ",> a mcm ",> pdTI tlm!' ,nstl \1(tor 1Il \\d\IIt' HlJn,'>11,llor,> .I I,d :ddill\ '>0 T1Oboll\ 'j hi" OIl!' h..., Ilt'l'll \I-t'd for poll rolled f'nd 0\ £'1'('nd do ....n the 'It'r 01 I hi dl I t ( 'tea Tl1 d 1so f(.1t (.II, dOli drl\ N, a) lli " Adult Eduldl iOIl ",1\ 11l<'\ t hnol', ,'.lIolt ''>('" tl'.d !'l1ll){hl" .!Iid th,1l h.I'o .lddt>d bor'" dog Thl,'" \.lay Itll unl: III 1 I Progrilm for th(' Pdq III \\',It '> IW( t('ll 01 IIH'lIl Il(' '> .. \., !o Iht, llrohlt'l1l Bllt Iwrh,II)" \ 1111 , ,"uur LJf unu r!'/L ilJ~ 1),U\t~1 '" VInil!.' O lwllIg .1 Irl'(' JdllU' I .III I hl'l'!' polltll" ollt 01 It " tll' II ,(''>''t'lltl,.! I" 11';\1' hl~1i '1.1J1 dog \H11('f AmliI O~II) ",1\:" hf' dl'( I1 Ilil \ ( HlIc"~I' .. lit III II tI( It '0 ,I iHllltt II VOll' ~a) ~o()dfl1~ht (Jl'ili If' dldl \\111 k II I.('d Ow'> ~~,I !Ill I C III r Ihl,lJ~h' \\In rlflll I I do Ihl~ dlid" '( II II~' I,olh • filli I .I111! l'lIlg j( I m T th('n \ l'iu"II/N! Ow ",lndt"'A "" I '- ,\mitfoglO - 1,>(,' OOWI pt lipll H. '''l!'-'' ,h I~L II \\hll' (IA 1.11\<1 I Hili I tlill" II' 1.11 1.1, Iht, plohil'll1" roiling rlov.n Ihe dTI\('v.a.., like holdllil~ olJ II (' ,l11d nl "'11 \, lIndl'l dill! \1" (lIlli, I 011 JI1I11l\li \ 10111 ,'C'" II'p Ihl ""\ "I i'l ,,11('" till" Ill'\\ (,,,mrnara 'I hI' ,J,lpdllc..,r' \I! qll.llfll,tljOI1" 11l('\ 11.1\(' I 11','\ I" \\ III ~ ,l1g \1 III, ,1,11111 " Ilt '/'1 lHI II d "hould ,"I" I'l n Ih,'11 \~ Ith ;..1(I/1"I('r 'I Ul' Ie "nd up ,HId (,!II do It .I" ,I,I'J! d" ,!ll\ OtiC' ">oll't 01 (1"lIlltll'l.dl, 1,1",01 ,>tlld(llh d((01llllll' If) ',llIlllddl(' Ill'lnn'> O\f'I' "I1av OUI n(>lgldJor C t IIIll!d ~'i (d I I 111111 \1"Ilf!OI c'n .\ h \ \ (',(1 old \\ 110d'- ,)()dif \\hldl ("dd I'lp<.l A'- hi, j J I)I \\ Oil iIi ht, Ii, filII ( II(,11 .. '> P ,It I of i(nntlnupn un P"gl' 1,\1 1 d j"~.,,1 Il" t' l)/J{I\ '" (,,"lll',11 l'dll itllN ( II Oil dnd r.lI.,( till' PIJI!JIl ' 1"'1 II'!"IIHI of !tll ! I ollbit, I'Idd Il'd 111,1'1" II 1\ I III g 'U',,'ll!)\llld I \ I :!' III .I , I ,,~ I hit" I pi ( n\ '( I}(KII II IH'l I too Jridll\ ('glj :!lld Inside Ill' \1.11k ',d thlll '1llIII,'" It It .. t I'\pt'n'>f\ I h,tII.llllll!l'l 1"1 .111'>,I.H' HU'lnl"!' Pl'hO!J 1111\ ,I,'''!'I',> hd\(' ( dfJ!£. 11'- \ldlilJi'\ Ih'lt 1I1I'.,I"II,II1t' Iii l!'nll\ ( id<.,c"fIPd II't.dll'11 "gll IIIO/llb,ld'K I One the candIda ••• 'or (1IItH,g fl'I,1i iI!nhll nl' III d('r 0' the r .1' UT (> l',ti!I' IIi "did poll( I 1"ld !lIlT, till' r Idill'> oil \;','( k I' hlilif ,111/ Il} 151 District •• al on Wlyn. COUn- David Chillngirian dill] Id'lJl1g /), I I (,1'0'>"(' Pllllll(' f{(',,1 (IJOlrol (Ul ,,!.I'lid 'I/-'II ~L Ht Il, (I, !l,t 1I' till .tllmll "1"\ ('IdOl I! d ,{(Ordlllg I.. 'lilt' II''' ty Community Colleq.'. 80erd of '>!lrJ( nl ~ I()~JC 'W ... c, IIlg "I ( I'rllll,J1 \ I,>,>W'" .I( ((1Idilly IlICoIltll'> III ' Illi1,lg(' III oplc' r ' r,x( I(!l Iii ...ho (,IIII'd thl' l1('I"'p.qwr to \IOi>If,glo Llik Ot (Ut'IIIj.' 1'.\lkll,lchlllg III ttll' f".,t 'Oor! 1fllsteests O.nn.1 Mongoven, of I A'I tl'T' 10 1',(11101' I, 71\ '(HJ'lrJ I', hil( (dlldld .. I(' \1ondrlj(, 1)11 II' (l< t l (1,1'>,>(,> "nil Idl'>\Ilg IIJlIIOII .11(' the Wood., above O~. Obit ua I'll''> J 1 \ d'liNj I ,wi 01I( :d qUI.'tlon'> I ('"t ,Ill! .ml Oil \I,1( k lH'X I I() "I () III dlld If {'Ill ~Ij( wt y liB IIHJlJlI" pi odw I oil I gol pulwrl (/\. I ,11110011 dlld gC'1 " Anthony Ambrogio, of o.'rott, , ~IHi\1 ~p/)rl~ ,> 12( from Ixtl'ml)()r,Jn('ou,> lIwnl I" ,!llo\.ll'lj III 1)( ti king I~ h('11 I don t riel V(' .J 11', '>(h()(ll lun" lIl{' n'>k of ( IO'>lfIg publication, Ipage Two-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, October 11, 1984 oW 2 Gates to speak on healing Martha Griffiths to speak Thinking ~... NAIL CONNECTION .;; Christian Science lecturer and Accordmg to Gates, there's nothmg • • of Leasing ~ractitioner Robert Gates Will strange or supernatural about to women ill SCIencegroup "'Speak Thursday, Oct 18, at 8 p m Christian heahng through prayer Lt Gov Martha Gnfflths Will be sumg SCientific and engmeenng ~ the church edifice at 14710 Ker. It's a matter of hstemng for dlvme the keynote speaker at the first careers Current studies show that Think of ;:cheval, one block west of Alter HIs mSplratLOn and trustmg It, he adds meeting of the newly formed De- only 14 percent of y,orkmg scwn. :'Ucture is tiUed, •'To Know God IS to The lecture IS open to the public trolt Chapter of The ASSOCiatIOnfor tlsts With doctorate degrees and on- DRUMMY :tTust Him." Care will be offered for small chll. Women In Science (AWlS) that Will ly 6 percent of engmeers are Located In :: Gates became a practltloner, dren LEASING INC. -part of the church's heahng mm- be held Wednesday, Oct 17, at women a Mile at Gratiot New VISIons Of You ,.. Henr)' Ford Hospital AWlS promotes pi e-college ma th 2' 026 Mack Ave Teen event i..,Sunday 772-6700 772.2200 Grosse Po,nte WoOds .. and sCIence educatIOn for voung ')d'old Bf'lfC)ft. V P In her address, Increasl~~ the women and recogmtlOn and pi'omo- Rd1pr FI .!t1~ Sdll:''' Mg 884.0330 The second teen social of the Role of Women In Science, she tlOn of women SCIentists m aca- school year Will be held Sunday, WIll diSCUSScurrent legIslatIOn af- demla mdusl!) and government Oct 14, from 6 30 to 9 30 P m at feclmg women In sCience and encou~ages college women to pur' the War Memonal method" women can use to ac- sue careers m sCience and engl Admls!>lOn to the e',ent whICh IS celerate their roles In SCIentIfIC neermg and lobbIes for ",omen III IN THE VILLAGE open to all Grosse Pomte students dlsclplmes ~clence 'programs at the federal In grades b through S, IS $3 TICkets A\\ IS 15 a 12-year-old natIOnal 01'- and slate level WIll be on !>ale until 5 pm, Sa tur- gamzatlOn \~lth goals of lIlcreasmg The meetmg wlil begm at 5 30 CORNER KERCHEVAL AND CADIEUX day, Oct 13, or until 500 dre sold thE' number of women m sCience p m at Henry Ford Hospital ltl All !>oclals are chaperoned and and engmeenng and combatmg room 2055 of the Benson Ford Ed students are not pel nutted to leave dlSCl'lmmdllon women face In pur- ucatlOl1 and ch Center the War Memor'dl before the event Re~eal • Farm fresh produce IS over unless a parent or guardian German immigrants may he due pension comes mto the Fnes Ballroom to • Cut flowers pIck them up The German Soclehes of the De- system, Includmg , German The War MemOrIal contmul"-s to troIt Metrooolltan area Will soon- milltan "f'fVI('P Ie; ('rpnl!pr1 wh~t .. nl ..._"'_ ..... 'I.';' neeo parent!> to help out at the sor a lecture on "German SOCIal pensIOn rights persons trom Ea<,t actIVities Am'one who can volun- Security BenefIts and ReqUlre- Germany and other area::. have, teer for one or two should call 881- ments " Martm Kerner, pensIOn voluntary payments mto the Floral arrangements 7511 YOU WILL FIND. ~ Robert Gates counselor from Mamz, Germany, system and WIdow and disabIlity Local bands who want to auditIOn ~lll be the featured speaker pensIOns ;jstry, after servmg as sports editor • Bulbs for the "Battle of the Bands," Sat- Kerner Will :,peak Sunday, Oct "'for the Chrlstlan Science Momtor urday No\' 24, should \\ flte to Persons who have worked In Ger- 14, at 3 p m at the German-Amer- QUALITY He will visit DetrOit under the spon- Jack Dotson, Youth Director, many for at least 18 months and Ican Cultural Center, 5251 E Outer sorship of the Sixth Church of Grosse Pomte War Memoflal, 32 y,ho have paId mto the German so- Drive Person!> who attend should & Christ, Sclentlst Lakeshore Drive, Grosse Pomte Cial secunly system may be en- brmg documents relatmg to their REASONABLE PRICES Gates, from Marblehead, Mass, Farms, 48236, withm the next few titled to a pensIOn from the Federal German work and mIlitary history believes trust in God 15 propor- days All auditions Will be com- Repubhc of Germany. Kerner's For further mformatlOn, call tional to one's understanding of him pleted by Oct 20 talk Will cover all aspects of the 961-3467 PRODUCE & FLOWER MARKET

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s' ,ef 190r; KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR • GROSSE POINTE g~~~~E50o~V111ra c i~"' OjJen Thursda)' 1"£'11111[.;.\ (II r) ()() 16837 Kercheval In Ih. tllII.g. J Vi&a HH2 16""0 :\1astf'rcard 0pln Th"fI"'~.a,\ •\ 8 5.-0 244 Friday. ~nlll i pm ~-, 8 , j II 11111111111I111111U11IIUlIIIIIlIIlIIIIIlII1IIIIII" 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1/ 111111111111111111/III Ii ~" ~r ~ _____ $ $------..,..~~I

Thursday, October 11, 1984 GROSSE Making good with Curtain Call

"DetrOlt Curtam Ca!J" started 21-year-old got IOvolved 10 almost doorman at the MUSICHall Center out as Richard Carter's Idea for a all aspects of backstage theater for the Performmg Arts, a Job he's cable teleVISIOn program that \\ ork He worked on set design and had for a couple years and enJoys would give Vle\\ ers a revIew of the construction as well as !lghting, tremendously gomgs-on of the performmg arts In Carter said That ""ork has helped the area The performmg arts' influence him m producmg for teleVISion, he stretched mto hI~ academiC plans, The half-hour sho\\, on the aIr said too, Carter !>ald He changed hIS now for SIX months \llth Grosse 'Workmg m the thedtcr helped plans from medlcme to performlllg Pomte Cable and pIcked up three me learn how to deal WIth people arts and IS no\\ a mass commun- months ago by Dear born 'r, Group (and) ho\\ a person should ICations major at Wayne State W system, IS produced hI Ice a :,peak m front of the camera," Umvefslty week mstead of month!) and dp Carter said "It helped me deCIde pears thrIce \\eekly on Channel b ho\\ the ~how :,hould come off on WhIle he's havmg "a lot of fun locally camel a and how to make thmgs producmg a program," Carter's Carter produces dll pcts and as run smoothh ' also \~orkinS on sel construction SIStS \\ Ith other pdl b of the f1)"g. Carter ha~ been 1\ Ith Group W and deSIgn for the ~ho\1 a!>\\ ell as aZlne-formdt :,ho\\ thdt t t'\ 1('\\:' fot t\\ 0 \ ear~ dod abo \\ orks a~ d bemg "a little crcatl\C ' movIes sho\\ s mU~jC \ 1(1(-,1:>.:ind hsts artl!>ts performmg 111 the dl Cd "The Idea Just flell out of my Liggett seniors honored head "C.~.rler d l!JSl \'orth grdd uate saId "LIke a Jot of peuple, I for achievenlents \1 anted to knOll whdt II a!>60ll1g on In the area In performll1g Jrb clnd T\~0 L'nl\'("rslt) LIggett students arshlps, \\orth bet\\cen $1,000 and had to call thIS PI ent hne or that IIere among the 1,500 semifinalIst:. $8,000 0\ er four ~edrs of college event lme ' ndmed recently 111 the 21st annual undergradud te l>tudy, \\ III be n ...... ".+ 1"" 0",11 ..~ ,.._...... , • .....,.,,1" .....t4 ""'...... _ +- 0 .....L 1 ~'-_ .,u .,r,;pn In lqJF; <;;m'np ?fN\ of fhp"p ...... 1. .. "'. I~"" ~v t"' ...... • "'LA ....~V.I ...... ,"- ..... "" ~ '-' 'Il,..- ....,.'" • IV"""'" .I. ~I ...... all that mful mdl10n together, Plogram for Outstandll1g !\'egro four.year a\\ ards \\ III be under- Carter saId !\10\ Ie:, openmg 10c<1l1)' Students wrrtten b~ about 100 corporatIons, arE' reViewed dnd musIc Videos of LIggett 5>emors 110\\ drd Faun- busmesses and profeSSIOnal artists soon to appear m the area troy and SImone Earl) \1ere orgal1lzatlOns I are presented, along \Ilth a hst of among the 73,000 black students !\lany grantors WIsh to prOVide who's appearmg 10 thE' clubs m the \\ho entered the competitIOn last encouragement to black students area, he added fall b) taklllg the PrelJmmat y \llth particular career mterests and dE'Slgndte their a\\drdl> for The sho\\ I!> ho!>ted by Enc ~choldStlC Aptltude Te!>t/1\atlOndl Speaking with a representallve of Albion College at last year's annual College Night were Or. and Mrs Stemer and RICk Schultz Stemer Ment ScholarshIp QualJfymg Test ftnalists plannmg related college maJors, others speCify theIr schol. Ign8tl05 Voudoukls and their daughter, ChriS. The event will be held this year at South High on Wednes- handles the theater and mOVie re. and requesting consIderatIOn In the day, Oct. 17, vIews whIle Shultz looks at the achIevement program arshlps for reSIdents of an area musIc mdustry news, Carter said J\llss Early hopes to major m where a company plant or office IS Stemer, a South gradudte. was m- bIOlogIcal SCIences III college to located, dnd a few corporate spon- sors offer awards for chIldren of school~ at College Night '84 volved In theater 10 hIgh school as pursue a career as a bIOlogIcal no their employees an actor and backstage helper SCIentIst, II hlle Fauntroy hopes to College Night '84 at South High IS Il>:\l)rna Smith oj Ill{' About 40 regIOnally accredIted 109 staff at each school -'laps of Stemer JOined Grosse Pomte study\\ to become an at- sel for Wednesday, Oct 17, begIn. the gym and surroundmg class. US college and UI1lVersity spon- comllllltee are Cath) Erner) .Jr Cable 10 Its fIrst year of productIOn torney, accordll1g to the achIeve. l1lng at 7 15 P m High school stu- room!> \\ III be prOVided GUides \\ ill rdogements . .:'.Iar) Dd..... hO~Plt,ll. sors WIll prOVide more than 100re- as a camerman In the program- ment program dents and theIr parents WIll have be present to aSSIl>t those Ity Bunny Denier. \ olunteer hv-,ts newable AchIevement Scholar- mmg department and IS co SCllllfmallsts are the highest the opportunIty to talk 1\ Ith repre- attendlllg and hosteSs~, .. Ho...g, ships for fmahsL<; who WIll attend \nn mlorma. producer of DetrOIt Curtam Call, sconng partICIpants m the states sentatIves of more than 110 col. CollegE' :'<:Ight,*,an annual event tlOn packetb, Pat Palm. publicI!} Carter added wlthm each regIOnal selechon UnIt their institutIOns leges and umversltles from Wmners of both NatIOnal 10 Grosse Pomte and IS held 10 al- and Teresa L10vd and Russ l.ut Schultz IS a native DetrOiter and establIshed by the program They throughout the Untted States ternatmg years at 1'\orth and South tmen. ad\'l~ers • AchIevement $2,000 scholarshIps aVId teleVISIOn, musIc and movIe WIll have to meet a number of add- hIgh school:. College ;'I;lghl 'P.4 IS arTl\-e .it and corporate-sponsored four.yeai Persons should plan to fan for many years, accordmg to ed reqUIrements and become fi- A WIde vanety of schools, m- sponsored by the South ~hgh South High In advance of t~ "; 15 Carter He deCIded to pursue a re- 111 awards Will be announced next eludmg all four milItary acad- nalists to remall1 competItIOn for :\lother's Club P m startmg time. since parkmg In tail management career but en. March InformatlOn about recI- emIes, WIll Jom With 35 Michigan more than $2 ml1hon m scholar- The College NIght '8-1 chaIrman the Immediate area IS !tmlled tered cable Industry as a local rep- shIps avaIlable m the spring of pients of college.sponsored colleges and others from Mass- resentative for Group W, Carter 1985 Achievement ScholarshIps Will be achusetts to Texas, and Georgia to said. Schultz' dutIes mclude 10- Every ftnahst WIll be conSIdered released m May and June Colorado, Park firemen pursue thieves studIO and remote-location work for one of the 350 non-renewable The WlOners named III 1385 WIll There is no admISSIOn charge Grosse Pomte Park Pohce Chief taming $8 The arrested man" as The two hosts 10tervlew a special "natIOnal" awards allocated bnng the 21-year total to more than "Freshmen and sophomores WIll Henry Coonce said the city's ftre- Identuled as Leonard Games, of guest each month from either the regIOnally Wmners WIllbe those m 10,200 outstanding black students benefrt by gamIng knowledge of men came to the rescue of three Marcos Street In DetroIt He's been local or natIOnal scene Next each reglOn judged to have the who WIll have received achieve- speCIfIC college entrance requIre- reSIdents who ""ere robbed last charged WIth larceny from a per- week's show features J J Walker, strongest combmation of abilities. ment scholarshIps valued at more ments enabling them to plan future month son and arraigned on $1 000 bond a dISCJockey WIth WHYT-FM, Car- achIevements and potenttal for fu- than 530 mIllion high school courses wisely," said On sept 19, a woman eatmg In a Fire LIeutenant Wilham Hunt ter saId. ture success Teresa Lloyd, a counselor at South restaurant on Jefferson Avenue at came to the aId of two {tliow While the audience IS the 18-to-35 In 1985, sll1gle-payment awards and a College NIght adVIser. noon had her purse grabbt>d off of churchgoers Saturday. Sept r.. age group, Carter saId the show's WIll be Increased in value from Correction For Jumors and seniors, College the table next to her b,' a man who after two men entered 8t Ambrose musIc stays mlddle-of.the-road to $1,000 to $2,000 Most of the Na- NIght '84 offers the occaSIOn to ob- then dashed out the door Church and stole the purses of t\\ 0 aVOIdputtmg off vIewers All kmds tlOnal Achievement $2,000 scholar- In las~ week's story on the tain InformatIon from a number of FirefIghter }1ichael SmIth, \\ ho women slttmg near the back of music are discussed on the show, ships \\ ill be fmanced by about 50 front page, "POlo tel'S help schools Without travelIng to each ob!>erved the man bemg chased bv He chased the t\\O on foot and not Just popular mUSIC, he added bUSiness and mdustnal sponsors, group," the names of the two campus other patrons and Citizens, follow- \\ as able to return the purses the WhIle thiS is Carter's first pro- and the remaInder Will be sup- Bon Secours HospItal doctors Upon arnval at the gym, each ed and wrestled the thIef to the thieves dropped 111 theIr ha!>te ducing shot, he has been mvolved ported with unde!>lgnated program should have read Albert Cer- partICIpating South and North ~tu- ground untIl pollee arrIved Coonce saId tll\O men havE.'been ar- With teleVISIOn and !lve theater funds avolo and Steve Tsangahas dent WIll receIve an mformatlOnal Coonce sa Id the \\ oman" as un- rested and the case I:' under ~n- smce hIS l!!gh school da>'s when the More than 300 renewable schol- packet assembled by the counsel- hurt and got her purse back con. vesugation FOR HER EARS ONLY 25% SAVINGS Special Serta

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t I 'page Four-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, OCtober 11,1984 ...... • South plans homecoming :.. 20791 lick A... _.... "Together agam" 1S the theme 12 3{J am, wIll be held at the h1gh Ii lrtnt hiIte .... for thJs year's homecommg events school and a!lstudents and alumm at South H1gh scheduled for Satur- are \0\ elcome to attend ! 111.3915 MACK day, OCt 13 Ticket information IS avaIlable . ~------'""' The day will begm with a pan- at the school : BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND cake breakfast from 8 a m to 10 ~ WNCH MON.SAT AND EVENINGS SUN-WED a m at the school The parade do....n Kercheval Avenue Yo III begm ~ DAILY YJ 1.I,~:rxlfm 99(: at 11 30 a m \\ Ith the football Service set game scheduled to start at 1 p m : GRIND 0110UfI fftfa:FWHI ROLl A memonal service for Dr .. The opponent th1S year IS L'Anse James Hoeh, Gro~se Pomte .. Creuse North schools' deput) supermtendent The da:oce, from 9 p m untIl \~ho dIed t""o v.eeks ago m West- : SPECIALTY SANDWICHES land. \\ III be held Sunda), Oct 14, ~ PERFECT FOR LUNCH OR DINNER at £} p m 10 the audItOrium of Art deco tour Grosse POl!1te South High School, 25 Art histonan ~llchael Farrell 11 Gros~e Pomte Blvd Hot Crab Meat Croissant ••.••.• $4 \\ III lead an afternoon tour of struc- The public IS Jm ited to attend NORSEMAN tures built m DetrOJt durIng the Golden o\ge of the 1920s on Satur- Roasted Prime Bee' 'oppea ,l/111i melteCl t'ia, ani & Spanls!' 0'\10'1 $395 OCI 0'1 a ho' F'ene" Bage"" A.; J"s da\. 20 Park offers tips 'The tour \\ III be preceded by a TOULOUSE LaTurk lecture at the War .\lemonal on on car theft Shced lye as' of t.Jr~ey capacola 11a'T' l"T'elted cheese w,tn cucumber $350 !\londa) Oct 15, at B p m PartIc- The Gros<..e Pomte Park Police dressl'~ 0'1 a fresh C'olssan' A FOWl wO'k of art ipants ha\e the optiOn to attend the Department \\ III hold Its monthly lecture ($B), the tour ($281, or to commumty relatIOns meetmg on Broccoli and Swiss Cheese Salad ~'1'7" ...... _ 'L.._ .. l-. ..,....-\ ~'L_ .. ~ _ L ~l... """' " "' 'V~ l " .I"--.&. .. Wlt~ fresh Crolssan' .....- - 1 nursaa:.. ucr 11, at , '>0 P m m mvolves some \\ alkmg, !peludes an the municIpal bUIldmg To Beef or Not To Beef early supper at Xlkl'S m Greek- A representatl\ e from the De- ThaIs a Sandw,c'1 - ltJln shcea roast beef Spanish O'Hon Me.led to\l,n troIt Pollce Department's Auto Sharp Cheddar cheese N1!h Cu' ONn crea:Y1y d'llSSlng on a warm Cro005 beer and mUSIC For reservatIOns, It recogmzes that carmg for :nange (\' Addr~S!. FOl"m53579 1099 call 885-8660 tWIns, whIle haVing a specIal ap- Kercheval Grosse POlnte Fa TYlS ),ll(" Fund." raised Will be used to buy peal, can be a source of stress and The Ckla.d1lne 10 new'S COp', IS orthopediC equipment for handi- anxlet)' Cor parents, because of the ~",noaJ r,OO"'l r::; H1'5Ure l~ri 0" I\Jl ad'J8rt Slr'Iodcopy ~U~9 ~ ... 1M capped children The group was extra demands presented by two f\!t:w'S Otff('"~ 0 t 1 a 'Tl .,. uCSday founded In 1\154by parents \liho babIes born at the same tIme, each COHAEC"'IO~,S A"~:;' ADJUST requmng a full measure of love at- MEf"-5 Res,.)ons ~Il"'t~ lO" d ~;tla)' wanted to prOVide a better hfe for a.-.c: c\~sIfIl"'d aOI6'1ISIf""..g e"re"- l'S theIr handKapped chtldren L0- tentIOn and nurturing I rr'le(l Ie if! ""rflt a C-2r.cMIJ@lttOn o. ttle In The club features a clothmg and cnar.;:re '0 a a re ru""l o' 11e pv"~ cated a '" 109 of the Grosse r e c,r ".,jot' ~al'Of' ""'.J~1 00 9 "p,. POinte Memonal Church, 16 Lake- equipment exchange at Its munthly r 1'1\E' Iv cO'" e:-'1Ol"" u.. t ..1E' kA!:.-v.,"\9 shore Road, the foundatIOn offers meetings ~peakers. programs and IS"'....~ Wf:~ .. -~r;ores;Jl')""'Sclrt.,. fo"'.-.e same a"e PiE' 1 1"'5 .... sel""l.O'n handlC.apped chIldren the early outmgs are scheduled throughout trammg and diSCIpline necessdr) the ;.-ear For more mformatJOn, to function In a normal environ- contact Jan ~10nfol ton at 881-h333 ment or .Je:'<;lca Ddher at 881..UB03 Caring Professionals University of Detroit working together ,Jesuit High School for bener health care and AcadeDlY ..

.College Prepdfatory ~ ~ ~ LurriCUIU'TI .t..JU~ Jl.-l -.lH. ... '__

~ ~. -¥- Q ~...... f) 1" ') 'y .. ~r<. ~) ~ /QETROJ)'-' _ ...... ') )r':V • (1 ...... r r Jj .....-: ' x J) • Prescr,p'lon J ."t ...~ . t .. r (( (. ]P .... (jf:J serw:.e DE LIVERY I~A- ~\ ..-:or i) J ,r-, n t.,.. () p'" ~2 ~ • Jobst Suppor , I /t ~, ~\ HOSiery I (/) /r... 'I't \ I a: 1 ~ 1 'I'" Vi ~(V • Dlat.ellc ~ell- ~ ~ II )} Testing Center " Crutches & OPEN \\{~~.;) 0 I wheelchairs Weanw HOUSE ~, ~ ~/jJ.. ~MO'#c:e to#' you IInd your SUNDA Y .\'1 6~ V fltml#v ST. ClAIR NOVEMBER 11'~ PHARMACY 1-4 PM ~" , s C", t ")f Bldg caJ1862-5400 ~~~' 2" 1"1 /I" )~& Rd D'l".)' MI ".' ~ f l ( )

l)~ • '..l 'i,. I L 1 1,1 r

1 Thursday, October 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS PaAe Flve-A What's on Cable -\ h~l or 10lal programs Oil Grosse Poinle Cable Thursda" October 11 5 P m - ' The Personal Computer Show" - Explore the applicatIOns of ol\mng a computer (6) • 5 30 P m - 'The Job Show" - From the Michigan Emplo) ment Security COMmiSSIOn (6) VILLAGE MARKET • 6 P m - Hank Luks \'s Crime" - A look at a electrOniC manufacturer of seculltl svstem~ (6) • 6 30 pm - DetrOIt Ruund.Up' - \\ hat's happemng around the DetrOit 18328 Mack Avenue - In The Farms area (1)) •i pm - Health Talks' - !lost Lmda Buck::. talks IHth Mary Ott on child abuse (6) - PRESENTS- •i P m - The Sa\ lUg \\ ord' - Weeki) meditatIOn::. and musIc from • ani the ~cnpturb I!»~ • 7 30 P m - Some Other Time - A ) aung man s response to havmg multiple ~clero::'ls and the help hE' flOds through the Multiple ~ fine "THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS" Sclera,l, Soclet\ (6) .•••'a,... -, • i 30 P m - 1 he Gro~~e POlllle l'mtanan Chun.h - \\ Ith Cralghtoll U'lnes Lededer i~) i~NII' CLOSED SUNDAY AND PRICES IN EFFECT • !l P m - "port, \'le,\ Toda) , - The all ard II mmng sport::. sholl ~~ liquor CLOSED WEDNESDAY, AT 1 P.M. OCT 11th, 12th & 13th ho~ted bl Ron Cdmeron ancl Rob Page (6) • B P m - \\ hI Pedce - from The Peace Imtlatl\ e III Southeast .Ml lhlg"n \!» • 8 30 P m - D..'troll 'led I" \lonlhl\ - With Chuck Galdlca and Gan Grdff (61' . OUR FACELIFT MAY LOOK SHINY AND NEW BUT J- nda\. October U • j 30 P III - PH.' Pel sana I Computer ~ho\\ - Explore the applicatIOns BENEATH IT ALL STILL BEATS AN OLD FASHIONED HEART OJ o\\mng a computel I{,) .6 P m - Ht'.llth Tellks - Infdnt mortaht, Ib) We're still a neighborhood store, even though our dimensions are larger. The Increase in size will make • h {On nl - nptrnl' Rmu,ti 1{~) - \,,"1h~t~....h:::;P!'Prnn~ ~rollnrl !hf" j)ptrOlf a""' ,..,.. "' _ " ..1 "' "".l"' f\ ,'" ,nt""r hac: nnllh'""n In ldls Jockey, (6) • BEEF TENDERLOIN • 4 30 pm - Amencan CatholIc" - WIth the Rev John POllelJ (8) • 5 P m - Health Talks - Host Linda Bucks Ulll.s With Dr Jay Corell STEAKS a::,he talks on Parkinson s disease (6) ~ (FILET MIGNON) .5 P m - Faith 20 - With Dr Joel Nederhood (8) • 5 30 P m - Sports VIew Todav" - The a\\ard.wmnmg sports program 6 TO 8 OZ. EACH hosted b) Ron Cameron and Bob Page (6) BACON WRAPPED, READY TO BROIL • 6 P m - Wayne County A Nell Perspective" - With Wayne County E\ecutJ\e Wilham Lucas (6) • 6 30 P m - DetrOIt Round.Up' - Vthat's happenmg around the DetrOIt area (6) •i P m - 'FLEC Presents" - Jonathon York director of the North- east GUIdance Center, WIll speak on pre mantal counselmg (6) •i P m - Sports SpeCial" - Girls basketbail Harper Woods Regma FRESH 1'5 Bishop Gallagher High School (9) •i 30 P m - 'Practical Astrology' - Host Rich !llIlastan vnll diSCUSSfI- CANADIAN PICKEREL FILLElS nancIal, me

l I Page Slx-A , Opinions & letters Thursday, October 11, 1984 normnee•

college IS offerIng the best qualIty educatIOn a\auable The other nommee, :\longoven .....ould brmg to the board admmlstl"dtl\e e:xpenence In both prl\ ate enterpnse and college educatIOn as ....ell as hIS more recent expenence as a lawyer spe- t:lahzmg m estate finanCIal planmng He spent 10 : ears at the Fruehauf Corp as an admmlstrator for Its corporate purchasmg staff and 12 at : ne State VmversIt,j as director of purchases for educatIOnal admInIstratIOn At Wayne. he dealt ....Ith a $125 mllhon budget and at Fruehauf wlth a purchasmg diVISIOn that handled $250 mi1hnn .rtmg our relIgIOUS leaders In Chicago that we for the problem Projects lIke m St Clair Shores on Sept 14 and ponse to our membershIp,> and \\ III not oniy pIcket all Ferraro-Fntz appear- classes v.hlch started Sept 24 ances. but that use of church tacilltles V.IIJ brIng Teachers: Grading methods The success of our opemng v. a:- mf;ltratlOn and diSruptiOn of any talks given by aue largel,} to the support and par- el ther of thIS pair " To the Editor any I \l,ould say the average liClpatlon of the 5t Clair Shores Cl- The directlve mcluded speCifiC plans for mak- I feel that ma) be teachers should Grosse Pomte student IS reccl\ t) CouncIl. pollee department, Ing Signs to be carfled b~ the pIckets. ho.... and exam me their gradmg methods mg As ThIS contradIcts the park and recreatIOn department, All teacher:. are not uSing the same teachers .....ho are not so permls e,ty manager and fire department. v"hen to chant the me~sage 01 OppOSItiOnand methods There should r;e a univer- <;lve the \1acomb County H,gh School \~a:s to "conceal' sIgns In bflef cases or hand- sal method of gradmg Students Other teachers have devl"ed a bdnd Lakevlev. High School bag~ \.\hen entermg meetmgs held mSlde halls, these days are receIving grades system called a curve, !>tartmg at Huskettes and South Lake High alld!toflums churches and conference rooms that are too hIgh the hlgt.~t s<:ore on a te~t a:>an A ~ ':>chool Citv of Groc,se Pomt€' and The purpose is clearl) stated . If man: pro- and dlvldmg the percents from (Jrosse POinte Woods L1ty offJual<; lifer::. mflltrate appearances b) these pro-abor- In today s schools the a\ erage IS there Thl" produLes a lot of high \\'e extend our mo~t <;mecre lIOn candIdates and display these ~Igns all at In the area of a B, m:.tead of the so- grades th. the effect on the dents are "marter" Ho\\ do they and f'Jtne<;c,(entN tn (Jur (omrnu class compare II) othf'r <;tudenl" speakers as ....ell as the pubJI( and medIa can be nit\- Ih\ Ight J) ('dd/. Dlff'( tor \To<,l teachers give out mon- -\s Joe Craparotta orp~t ' .. • ~~(Jn ~1'~(lUr .. H~"pltal t""'!,"":." rl...." ( "l .....rI C',,,'v (> ,nr. nf"'t "'lH: c~nllt (:,...(,(.(0 O""1P"'lfn" ,.,-,4, . , ~uLh tactIcs ...hether u<.,edD\ the left or the .II." cllLU a:uu J Hrll(-"'~ "'I(""ln~ r ngrt... ~'; he) ond the bound'S of f a'lr polJtlLal oppo- '11'(;'1 file:. dre ob\JOusl) attempt" to disrupt nJ(:f'tmg~ and "-peeches b) "peal-f'p- \\ ho are re- Grosse Pointe News garded on ttle other SIde of th(- 1'S'-ueBut dU of U~ haH' the ohl.gatlOn to pNlTnt free 'Speech to Puhluhrd "',...kJ) b. An1.H'b{) rJublulMT'I 99 KF.RCHf:VAL AVF: ( L\"'''IHf',J) IH~PI \ Y '~Ith ..... ~l f.(HIO tho'e hom .....e dl'dgree Thf' (JuotatlOn Gross!' POint!' F'8rm~, Mlc-h,glln 48236 ~Xl-T)l1O \\ldcl) attrJboted to \"o!talrp d pf:iraphra<,e of F" PI'I ..~ , ,} ~t'md (1.~, PI' .'.fl6r Pit d K:' lWtrrr,( \4lC hl,.n ",. .... rll!')f .....hat h(. reall~ v.rote l' apr)r('pnalf> to remem- I ~ ~ ~ ,r,4h()f'J A"'1l~1otnt If Puhh ..h".r .M",d {I~H '.,..d ~,f,ln"J:'".r , V ber . r dlsappro\(' (Jf ",hat ~ou sa:o but r v. III de ).1 ,.. "-..... 't fend to the death \ our rlghl to <"CJ;.. It ~~lilIhHf' ~H"1f"1) ft1llr ",...,,,,, PrrlmrJtl'rl V rt',. ,.]',. f.. (f"f, ...... ",.-l Ir .".. II • r {./ I ....~ ". J If • , ..., .. (j ( ~ ~ ,- . • ... . ~ i Letters tf'lltrr"l.ill (f nlluJt .. nt (IH( l r \flO"" i(X2 f,'tOO t. The ~eVrs v.e!come" letter'S to tht- eOltor l(-r v.r1ter~ \.\dJ be v,JthheJJ ufI(j(-r "}i('oai (Ir rfrom our readers Letters o:,houJd ~ <"Ign?d cum<;tdnce" only It' '" r (, 1'-<:1>:", : with a name, addres<, and teJephone nun,bf'r Address Jt-tler:- to EfJltfJr (,ro<,,,e POInte Publ'''h'''r t at which the Writer can be rpached durllW thr ;,.Pv." ~ Kerche\al. (;r(I<"<"(: Pomtf' t arm" Robert B. Edgar, Editor and Puhli"hf'r \'1"." t"",r \ollIff ,j£,.If f ('I,." '\ .... ~ t.rl tf'l ilnd " ...Uftf,,.l \,,. \0\ "Potllf r ....""-hl'" I"'tl(~ : day in case there are que~tJOns ;-.,ame!' ()f let- :\11(h 48236 IJ940-1979) I T Aurllt kur .. ,.u .. ',f {LTC uh,tt

Page Seven-A Opinions & letters Thursday, October 11, 1984

'\ I 1\ Schools everywhere are consolidating ",....- I \ .. - To the Editor: Pomte School System \1 hlch IS far the Grosse Pomte School System Three letters m your recent le~s effICient than It should be And shows a capacity of 13,975 students ~ ':: ~ Issues attacked my behef that IS that any reason to pt>rslst wIth a In the 15-sehool set-up and la,475 more schools should be closed III school system wIth 6,200 vacant for 14 schools I wonder \\here her Grosse Pomte smce taxes have ai- seats? . mformatJOn comes from most tripled m the past dozen or ::'0 The bottom lme IS, and It'S sur- She urges me to further examme )ears, \\hlle the school enrollment prlsmg that more young people the G P School System I thlllk m our fJ\ e cIties hds nose dived 47 don't realize It. that a ne\\ ethiC ha~ that'::. a hne Idea, and I II1tend to do percent 10 the same penod taken hold III thiS country smce the It U;.{S~~ Barb Saan says that I and SlnH- all cn~ls of a decade ago It IS, "We But thiS stili \IOll't alter the baSIC lar-thmkmg per~ons "choo!>e to Ig- Amencans have great resources, fact that school s)stems are eon. nore the mcreased numbers of new but we've got to stop '" astmg sohdatmg all over the country", lth httle Grosse Pomte cltllens .. them' even smaller enrollment reduc- BLESS YOU Well, that's right to the pomt Cmdy :\lcDougall Pangborn tlOm, than II e've had H's tllne for The number of htlle Grosse claims that the Grosse Pomte the Grosse Pomte svstem to be- Pomte CItizens' lJ1 our schools has schoo!'> only have a capacIty of come more effiCIent ' been decllmng Slllce the early 19705 9 500 students ThIS Just Isn't so J 0(' Callahan BOVS! and there's reall" no eVJ(ience that Thf' <;;1",,1,<:1'(,;11 Ann"",,1 Renort of Gro~se Pointe Woods thiS national. state and metropolt- - ~~~e~~OIt trend IS gomg to be Open Meetings Act If thiS'" ere the case, why are school systems all over thiS Metro- To thl' Editor: ho\\ reqUired dosed sessIOns pohtan area, thIS state and thiS I have stayed out of the school There are two questions that puz- contry methodically consoltdatmg controversy smce we were so han- zle me What are they trying to theIr school systems and closing dIly defeated m the electIOn by the hide, and why do they not realize schools when they're not needed? well-meanmg folks who thought we that the SUIt \\'hlch will mevltablv She castIgates me and others for were opposed to closmg any follow \\ III set the whole superui- not contmumg to support the school schools and favored hIgher taxes to tendent selechon process on Its board. ThIS board deserved to be support open schools at all cost I ear It Just doe~n't seem worth It to supported when they fmally began bit my tongue and did not respond me trymg to consolIdate and to stnve to the frothmg diatribe weekly pub- Da\'id K. Easlick Jr. for an effiCIent. practical school hshed by Mr Callahan Even when Grosse Pointe Park system the school census confirmed what The pubhc responded to thiS ef- we had saId all along, that the fort WIth an almost 2 to 1VIctory for numbers problem IS not at the board members III the recall elec- elementary level. Ikept my peace hon But there's a strong feehng But, as a lawyer, I am offended -----Prime Timeforseniorcitizens------now in the commumty that the that our self-righteous school board board must contmue WIth Its ongl- has determmed that It mIght at all By Marian Trainor economy m the purchase of real rest Most see no need for all) ma- We've corne a long way Man~' nal plan to close at least three more costs violate the Open Meetings From the cradle to the grave, goods. ThIS IS a problem? jor legislation In the foreseeable problems relevant to SOCial secun- schools Many people feel that thIS Act I don't necessarily agree WIth Last year President Reagan future tv have been solved for the re- boal'd should get on With the Job It security IS fundamental to peace of the premise that the Act IS a good mmd, and ultImately to a happy signed into law the $167 bilhon So- lilJ.lllder of thIS century But there previously said was necessary In- piece of legislatIOn or its premIse cial SecurIty rescue package - a As It stands, SOCial Security IS are more ahead as the population stead, It has strangely backed hfe. that decisions are better made if The mfant cnes to be held and measure the president descnbed not gomg to create a Utopia for shifts and the proportion of older away from Its responSibilIties taken out of the back room, but it is as historic for Social SecUrlty. older workers who drpend on II for cltlu'ns mcreases Even now there She also sets up a plamtlve cry cuddled The older child vies for the law of this state. Violators of parental attention and engages in It came out of a National Com. their day-to-day hvltlg Actually It are senous mlsgl\'lngs about the about "respectmg and embracing thiS statute subject themselves to was not meant to do so It IS not a natlOn's nsmg medical costs all age groups" Well. the tax- all sort of aberrant behaVIOr If it is mIssion on Social security Reform $500 fmes for each person attendmg aImed at putting Social Security pensIOn It IS a sYstem of ~()(.'lal in- There Will always be a need to payers of thiS commumty - a not given Adults enter mto mar- meetmgs in violation of the law back on a sound finanCial basis. surance and as ;\I('h does fulfill Its keep a v.atchful eye on any propos- much larger group than the f1age contracts seekmg a lifelong Decisions made at these Illegal EIght Republicans and seven purpose "Over the HIli to the Poor- ed lmlrs that wdl affect the well- parents and teachers - are now commitment of love and compan- meetmgs are subject to being VOId- Democrats served on the bl-partlsan house." Will Calleton's poignant bemg of the older population Keep- paying over $35 millIOn and almost sionshlp. Successful labor negotia- ed and costs and attorneys fees can tIOns ride on the pivotal wheel of commISSIOn verse about one pOOl' mother, dban- lllg \\ hat they have and seemg that $5,000 a year to educate each K be assessed agamst those mdlvid- doned and Without funds. aptly bNlefits keep pace \\ Ith the econ. through 12th grade student I thmk Job secunty and an adequate pen- Last April Congress enacted uals. sIOn Laws and the pohticlans who desCribed the phghl of the elderly omy IS the only way for many older that shows a lot of respect, plus a most of the commiSSIon's recom- before lhe government took a hand people to mamtalll some The statute essentially provides make them are scrutimzed on how mendations and added a few alter- great deal of extravagance. in the situation and S3\1 to It that semblance of theIr personal life- that all deCisions of a public body well the benefits of Social Secuflty Ms saari, hke many other propo- ations of ItS own - thereby pro- the eldel'ly had enough at lea~t to style - a lifestyle that makes them must be made at a public meetmg are mamtained and upgraded So It ducmg the most fundamental nents of the status quo III thiS save them from the heal.tbreak of a feel secure as a person because It is A meetmg IS defined as one at is, in all aspects of hfe, the need to changes III Social Secunty since school system, has several com- destitute old age of their own design ments about the semor cll1zens in which a quorum is present Closed know that what we have and hold 1935 WIll forever be ours this commumty This IS shghlly Ill- meetings are permItted for only a Some changes were controver- suIting to a great many people few specIfied exceptions These in- In our younger years and during sIal. but a mOSllm~rtant goal had all of our working years, we can ac- who've spent their hves In tJllS clude the revIew of apphcallons for been reached SOCial Security was community and who are now pay- appointment to a public office tively work to mallltalll supports of rescued from bankruptcy COLA mg huge taxes to educate the chIld- \\ hen the mdlviduallll queshon has both personal and economIc se- payments from July 1983 were de- ren in a very expensive way specIfically requested conflden- cUrity But as we enter our later layed until January 1984, savll1g years, we often find many of them Suzanne BOlvm wntes about (a) tiallty However, the statute re- the system $39 4 billion over the the hardship of teachmg in Grosse quires that all "interviews" be slipPlllg beyond our grasp Those 1983-1989period Payroll tax rates Pointe in the past, (b) about the be- made III public sessIOn Isn't It in- closest to us are gone. Physically were increased, a measure not as haVIOr problems that came With teresting that our school board has we are not as able as we once were. controversIal as Inlght be ex- "wall-to-wall children," (c) about reqUired all apphcants to sign a re- We are retired and the work which pected Given a chOice of paymg There's only one place in Grosse P.mte .... the status of her bank account and quest for confldenhahty before not only filled our days but also more or assuming the fmanclal proVided us With the means to live you get your choice 01 ec!ODOI8yPIIO'IOr consldenng the apphcatlOn Isn'tlt responslblhty for theIr relatives. other matters as we hked IS gone All that can be said about that also IUtereshng that they have most workers preferred to pay PHOTO!, custom one hour. or EuhD ... (a) most of us have had dlfflculhes elected to have "committees" The fortunate ones Will have re- hIgher assessments turns on mvestments and company III the past, (b) many of us have videotape mtervlews which are color processing. The place? You... e " .. III pensIOns to add to their SOCIal Among the gams was the ease- been III crowded classrooms With- then viewed by the board closed out being scarred and (c) what seSSIOn, m an attempt to skIrt the Security They Will have suffiCient ment of the rult'S of benefit contm- SPEEDI PHO'l'O! Illcome to carryon With a famlhar about the bank account of Open Meetings Act. I wonder how uatlOn after remarriage. Beglll- hfestyle ThIS IS Important. There thousands of Grosse POlllte tax- many noted the Irony of Mrs Ken- ning thiS year, benefIts earned IS nothmg more wrenchmg to an payers who are poUring ml11l0ns.of nel's convoluted explanatIOn on under a former spouse Will be con- PHOTO! PHOTO! ECONOMY older person than to ha ve to give up dollars each year mto the Grosse Monday mght that state law some- tinued after remarriage for diS- the last vesl1ge of personal security abled WIdows and Widowers and for COWR PRIN'ffi! ~ i\lcll1y of OUl' cu~tomers ha\'e told us the" - a way of hfe, a home that IS now divorced spouses PreVIOusly, IIant douhl(' plcllu-l'S of ('very photo on their too expensive to mamtam and these mdlvlduals lost sucn benefIts Pi...t;.t, roll of film, and Ihe; \\ant It at a lo"er pnce move to unfamIliar surroundmgs after remarriage ~ lIwl -\rbor Drug's PICTl'RE PIC'TURE.t or III With relatives. ~ . , We \'1' got It nm" . .' Mamtalllmg the status quo IS es- Also, begmning III 1990, those senllal to contentment Recently who choose (and are cho!>enl to re- 300 people were transferred from a malllll1 the work force Will not lose DetrOIt nur::'Jllg home and home for as much of their benefits when they : E.\ST;,\lAN KODAK COLOR By Pat Rousseau the aged by order of the Depart- contmue to work ..;; PHOCESSING! ment of PubliC Health Despite the For tho!le customers \\ lIo IIlSlston genull1t' Boxed Chnstmas Cards are out at deplorable condition'> whIch ex- ThIS might s('em to he a left- procc..,.,mg by Koo<1k. ~ehave It tool Bnng the League Shop 72 Kercheval on thl' Hill I.,ted there, the resldenL'> were Ill- handed benefit since Job!> are u., ) our ...lidt'~. color prlnt~. and enlarge-- Also a fine selec:.tlon of Chrl!>tma!>and oc- dlgnanl ThiS was home to them scarce By that time , It IS hoped the 11l1'lIt \101 k .llld \\ t' II .,t'nd It to Koddk for caSIOnal wrappmg paper and they did not want to leave It Job SItuatIOn for older worker!> will e Thl!> JIlcldent Illustrates the Im- be eased Due to smal)l'r famllle'>, ~lhl' fewer people Will be enterm~ the portance of the need for !>tablhty III WHERE HAVE THEY GONE? \\HO'" Pf<~R- labor force Morp than IIkl'(y there SONALLY YOURS hd<;rl'lo<:ated al 16847 Kercheval !'Iew the live:, of older pcr~ons :\1any people are ncwr faced will bf> more Job trammg oppor- O~E HOll1{ ClrSTO:\1 COLOR 0\\ nero Diana ha<;20% OFF all monogrammed toweling for tUOI!le'> for older work<'r!> J<~v('n the month of October Aba, free monograrnmlllg of purLhd!> WIth the frustratIOn of uny,anted PH l~TS & ENI..\HGE:\fEi'TS! change But therc are tho~c WIth- noy,. t1wre are two npw fedt'rally ed Items - blouses, sweaters and duffle!> 8fl2-.l580 1'111 tho""lh ...t ('lllln~l Ihhlllwr,,,, h()~ out adequate resourc('s who are fundl'd opportunltH's for Job tr.lln- mg Presently women and In('n of Paper ha!>10% OFF pt'r Tne onl~ dependclblC' !'upporl ;;5 or older 111 the Gro"l>c POlnlt',> or ~1'1o:I-'D1I'H()TO proc.'t~"lI1gI' .ar...,,,,':r ('O)oll prlJ1l gt'mt'nL ..arl'dol~On sonahn'd dnd boxed Chn.,tma<; Lard., for th{~ th('y ha VI.' I., Socwl S('( unty While anywhere eh.e III Wayn<' ('OUllt~ "'1l<'l {orlh('fll,t'''I.~h"rpt'St prmts month of Q(toher Fmd them at 115 Ker .. ~> ~o<.lal Sc;curlty WIll I equlre home an' ('lIglble to apply pc,'''lhlt., 1', \ II" \ IllI II hkt'lI,,1 cheval on the H!l1 • .. ,.,v ~ curlclllnwllt~ m [hplr !lv('s. With careful managPlnt'nt It can supply One cla,,~ 1II t<'lt'ma rkettng d ba~e .lgam!>t rlra<;llc change located m the MCI office bUlldlllg hel" "et., of hand"ome III ~ollthflC'!d, ((,dehe'i t('l('phone bra.,,, duek flreplace too)., l>pc WILD WINGS ~)(Jal ~(,(urll) I'> an expected l>ak.... ~klll., M( 'I will hlrf' udll: pnu'd $11JO at I Kercheval !lli') 4001 Open hevpn d,ly!> ~r;::~~r "I reVf'nue [0 cill rctlrc('.., but [0 [hose graduate''> of lhl' cOllr!>e The [kl; I... ~ u ''''Ilo\( I .. J I .. , l .~ ",M hn" ... ",hu,h tC JH\t n, "Vi' ",.1 J" ! f\1 :,~ .. , •• , ...... ~ ...... """"' ...... I .o" •• , "...... " I I. , In('onH' It 1<, an Import .. nt henpfti would bf> a m('(' !luppl~nwnt to ._~",,~ V{\ .J,~ • .,y .... - All Chrl.,lma" p clpparpnt th('n thetl all ml'.II1'> SOCIalS<'clIl'lty fllr lho!ooewho nf't'o L...:.-J :rJo"., OF!' through IIw monlh of o( lohr-r PI( k mll..,[ 1)(> lclkl'll 10 ~uard d~aln.,t more HEn (11'1) I'H It tH FH "U: hoOD \K COU)I{ up Jour ( nn.,lm,l" "lIppJIC',> f'arl\ !' buddlllg m,lIlltl' l' \PEB ( \Im~' JlHI' r"'ll.~l~ Apoth('(',lry 121 Kerthpval R81 ',()/Ui [0 I ('('lplI:-nt... 1111'1,. \, no hdl.'r .... 1.'< \ ,'I, ~n tl ..... h'l.lrprl\ .... nunc<', v.ll1l>l' held:lt Wa;rw ('01111 \\, j(' ( it'.Illlllgolll ('Ill II rPljllln'" Imnwdwt(. prot('~1 111If! "t I" Hh III ,Ill" "10\\1'1 1111J\ 1I1g d' \ HII .. ' 11.'\ N ~ a • ty Community ColIl'~l' E,I...ll'rJl 'il' fl. Ar ('<1 ('rnpl()~ l'r~ Y,11l JMY " ..,110',.1,rllfh'f('nllv Back III t1w r)(l!> 1111 If.\ IK t '''-Inl) lIdtlnn I., $(10111 hour \0\11 I "h 1111' maJOllty of poor lH'oplp \\I'r(' \ h~ •• ' ,I, I )!1 loll BRI f)8:n for an aPPollltmenl ,II II? KN(h('\dl I":.()O~ ')(,0' .~ ,,.. r 111\1\\0 ) W,l" O\f'r b H) 191\2 IIlal flgun' I .) it» For furlhpr dl-I,lIl" ,iii 2')2 mh2 I ,I I 11\1 I HI I \ 1\ ." • down In lid"" ('('n 4 pf'r('('n[ and HI It>; I!I \ \11'.j{J( 1\ ,\,\ ( onl!' "('(' ollr ),11(,.,1 AtI1l"h ,lfId \11'/1 alld IIllk wllh a ..,taf! 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Regular and Menthol.

,. 10 mg 12' J I ~ "' c ear ~er..- ~... f .... '

Warning The Surgeon Ger.8ral Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to YCJur Heaith Thursday, October' 1, '984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nlne.A ------.,- ...J ------Moving, Engaged, New Baby? Getting Settled Made Simple This Week in Business New Town dilemmas fade after a WELCOME WAGON call Whitehead and Shrake Central l\llchlgan Umvprslty and As WELCOME WAGON Representaltve II'S my lob to belongs to the DetrOit Athletic help you make the most of your new neighborhood named v-p at FDA Shopptng Areas Community opportuM\l!S Special at Club. the Country Club of DetrOit tractlOI'lS Lois 01 tiPS to sa~e yo\.> time and money Jeff F. Whitl"bead Ill, and Da\ id and the SqUirrel Island Club Plus a basket of gilts for your family I'll be listening C. Shrake have been promoted to tor your call vice preSident at First of America- HELPFUL HINTS for Wechflns' en4 .. DetrOIt Whitehead previously \\as Whitehouse re-elected menta tOG! assistant vice president, sel1lor secretary of ADA-M staff assistant, and Shrake form- In!. J. \\ IIitehou!>l.'was t e-elected < iJfrrmne erly held the positIOn of branch :"ecretan ot the American Dla- l~O~ manager, assistant vice preSident Gro••• Point •... , .. , •.... , .•. u1.H1. bete:" A:"soclallOll-MlChlgan aC. St. CI.I, Sho~es " , "'.222' flhate lADA-l\1l She IS cl diabetes New .abll . , . , . . . . . •....•••. 822.0111 nurse educator at Henry Ford Hos- Bricker & Thomas pItal named to WICI board COMMISSION Women In Comm un Ica- Grow honored hons, Inc , elect- for service ed Chri!.hne B, The t\..ItlOliJI Board of State DI- Bricker as vice rectal" of the Independent Insur- preSIdent in :Hlce -\genb of America dIAA), charge of publIc honored Hobert J. Gro\\. of the FEES GET relatIOns, and \\'ood:", for past sennce. both at the Louise Thomas :"tate and natIOnal level He has • Chetk Heat Exchanger tor Carbon MonlillGe Lulai. Inspect held pOSitIOn:"a5>board member, Refk. In4en-,.1 t=1tt., .. f'ho a, .,~~ " l"'f T __ h .. ~~~~;:~~;:.L~f CXl::lUlI\t. UUdlU JIIt'lllUCI dllU IJle:,,- CIAClIl:n Flue an~ Chlmll~ • Inspect MO!of-an-g !IOwW-'-CMCkMi'd Ad\ll$l Fan fa lJrnlt Controls. Inspect GJuIlllIllll S/9IlI G'- t;-B~~k~~~.~ Ident at the :"tate level, and served jlft Tile CaR 01 BoIlers) • Check an~ A.a/USl SatIty Pilot. SlarI congressIOnal both JS d member and a special Healing Units. Test lor Proper CombustJOll and """ormane~ aide for press ' .. consultant of the IlAA Communica- -.... -.0.... relations to Con- tions CommIttee clnd chairman of :ture ~ products gressman Den- se\ CI al natIOnal committees In niS Hertel and Thomas IS director recogmtlOn for hIS work, he also re- • • of commuOications for the Greater ceived d specIal presidential cIta- DetrOit Chamber of Commerce tIOn III 1976 AGAINI Pointers elected Malcolm Denise directors gets award 'Welcome The American Lung ASSOCiatIOn Attorney :\lalcolm Deni!.e, of the of Southeastern Michigan elected CIty, I:" the 1984 reCipient of the Rod Burton and John Le\'is, both Mental HCdlth ASSOCIation's Advo- of the Park, to Its board of direc- cate award He has served two tors Also elected were Donald \ tel inS as preSident of the associa- Standard Brokerage Services, Inc. Lindow, of the Woods. and Georgt' tIOn and chaired the executive Polgar, :\I,D., of the Shores committee announces EXTRA discounts Kurtz Jr. Announcing. , . named president Consolidated LItho, of DetrOit, on discount brokerage fees. James H. has won the merit awal d m the 1984 Kurtz, of the Ci- GraphIC Arts Award Compehtlon ty, has been Woods reSidents Forest n. Wain- Plus ... the convenience of named pres- scott Sr., and Douglas A. Wain- Ident of the scott, chairman and preSIdent of James H Kurtz Consolidated, respechvely, said trading through any Steel Co replac- the wmnmg entry 10 the Direct Ing James H Mail CampaIgns category WIll be Kurtz Sr., who IS now chairman of pictured m the 1984 Graphic Arts Standard Federal Savings Office. the board. Kurtz Jr, has a mas- Awards Annual ter's degree in marketmg from - Harriet Nolan Charlie welcomes all hiS fmnds and Standard Brokerage Services gives you another good reason to customers 10 call or see him al Dalgleish Cadillac Peugeot Charlie has 30 years take advantage of our discount brokerage services We're cutting e'l:penence In the aUlomoblle busmess and IS Meet four authors commISSion fees even morel Now, for a limIted time only, you can read) to help you select your new or used CadJllac ur Peugeot A Book and Author Luncheon IS Denms Wholey, natIOnal teleVISIOn save up to 77% and more* when you buy or sell with our discount scheduled for Monday, Oct 22, at talk show host and author of "The coupons Minimum commission IS$35 00 the Fairlane Manor in Dearborn Courage to Change" DALGLEISH Tickets are $12 and mcludes If you make your own Investment deCISions,now ISthe time to start Speaking WIll be Mary Hlggms lunch at noon Cash bar IS at 11 trading With Standard Brokerage Services. You'll always get good Clark, author of "Stillwatch," a m ReservatIOn deadline IS Mon- CadiIlac.~ Janet Dailey, who wrote "Stlver day, Oct 15. Mall reservatIOn re- discounts on commlSSfon fees But now, with our additional reduc- 6161 _ward Ave • DetrOIt M141li02 WIngs, Santiago Blue," Ben Wat- South of the OM and FIsher IlIdp quests to Book & Author Luncheon, tions, the savings are even greater I tenberg, author of "The Good News The DetrOIt News, 615 W. Lafay- 875-0300 is the Bad News IS Wrong," and ette, DetrOIt 48231 Simply call 643.6505 In the DetrOit metro area, or outSide the Detroit area, call 1-800-227-1490 to place your transaction We'll execute your order promptly and tell you how to redeem your coupon on each trade You can even settle your trade directly through your Standard Federal Savings checking or savings account, or through any Standard Federal Savings office With one THIRTEEN WAYS call you can place trades, get market Information, and receive an Immediate status report on your account. And qualIfied Investors can borrow on margin at very reasonable rates. TO LOSE Big discounts on commission fees IS only one of many good reasons to trade With us You'll enjoy qUick, courteous service. You'll receive trade confirmation both by telephone and In wrltmg AN OLD FLAME. And you'll get a complete monthly statement

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Winter-wise your hard-to-heat hl,ltlll~ ~~'It III -",.li, I'!"~Ii ,'I,It' f, r r------.--I SAVE 20% I SAVE 20%-- I t I..JI !(XIIII • 1\ ~I'<' I d ' , ,~ ~11J\1 11>1( 'd rooms or new addition with cleon, I I:" )Ilur lhird dlM'ollnl hr"~l'n\Il.~ Irllll~lIll1,l I ~n )llUr f,)Urth dl!M'IlUl1t brilk~r~ rrallNl.lkm I safe electTicheat. t!(1 jfl ilil i ...... 'll 1 1.1 d ~ \1.., f ( j t r r ~{)t n< ( d( d ------t jll \\ 111'( I \\ I" , , I' I I , I II It '.rplt'I'lil!j~'Pd«( 11I,Il'll,!l;I\C' '1111111 \~ .1\1' i< ,ITII I" I' I " I • ( i( ';1, ,,)!".t,Hlt 1.( ,n v, ,fh 11.' drdtr-. ••••••••• A •••••••• ~ • '\.0 r luI nil fl,J('<' 110) -:-.J()

I i':( d j( f" or k !o hother \~11h • '\0 'J WITH El feTRIC HEAT I I Jd( ,j "tT;J1l1 "11 'r()l.r rr('o,('lll (I nlr,t1 J

L I L / Thursday, October 11, 1984 page Ten-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Car theft facts Farms records a Every 29 seconds an automobIle lS stolen JUDGE $25~OOOrobbery somewhere In the Vmt- A bra7en dayhght breakmg and ed States Automobile entermg Into a Kercheval Avenue thefts average about t\\ a cars evel y mmute, ~HATHAWAY home last 'olr eek netted a thief $25,000 In assorted Jewelry and or 120 an hour, or al for sterling silver dinnerware, accord- most 3.000 cars stolen 109 to Farms pohce reports each day 10 thIS coun- CIRCUIT tr)' Police believe the robbery oc- Each \ ear more than • COURT curred Fnda\, Oct 5, !>ometlme on£' mllilOn motor ve bet\\een 11 30 a m and 1 pm, lucles are stoien natIOn \\ hen the occupants of the home 10 all) In addItIOn there Endorsed by: the 200 block returned to fmd It are about 1 2 mIllIon completel)' ransacked thefts of contents and The Detroit News 1 3 mJlhon thefts of Entr) was gamed \\ hen the rear 'vehicle accessories an Detroit Free Press aecess door !fito the garage was nualh compleld) bloken do'An 1'\ume In ':\11(!11gdll, b3009 rlJUS Items \\ ere stolen 10 the rob- automobiles \\ €l e 5to ber) IDcludwg a Silver cham, gold len m 1982 An btl earnngs, dIamond nngs, rub) , mated 6,000 additIOnal l*dl I and dIamond earrmgs. gold E cars \\ ere stoler} In 198J bracelets, gold and pl:d.rl pms a DetlO1t dnd Its (ollar 108 pearl necklace, a fIve-piece commumtles mcludmg sterllllg sliver tea set marked SS on Macomb, Oakland and the bottom, a set of !>terllOg sJ1ver Wa)'ne counties, ac knives, forks, soup and teaspoons count for almost 84 per- Pno ( b,. "10,..,. GreenlJoood ~ and one hl!ver gravy ladle mono ,.,.,pnt nt '!\1',,...'h1 (T")1"\ (" •. "' ...... 1 grammeo With a large ~ \ ehide t-heft~- - - ._. Pollce canvassed the area of the ~llchJgan's monetan 1"'iger loyalty pays off" big ~ robbery but nelghbors reported loss from motor VehICle What you're looking at here is a portrait of five winners and one good-hearted loser. Those with cr. nothmg SUSPIClOU!>or unusual theft exceeded $200mil the big smiles and the cans of beer are the winners from the New VISions Hair Salon, on Mack trDf\omlque ID[(}JI hon m 1982 The na- Avenue, who've been Tiger backers all season. The unsmllmg gentleman In the rear, standing next tional monetan los!> 15115 Kercheval 824.4280 to hiS neWly decorated car, is John Dinkel, of the Roslyn Market. Dinkel has been betting against 6SS Home repair that ) ear was ap 2::> j OPEN 'we. 53' l' a m 7 p m an the Tigers all year long. Consequently he's been losmg beer to these ladles all year long. Accord- proxImate $5 billIon In- job fails cludmg the cO::.ts of m- Ing to Sherryl Moony, from the left, Gloria LOria, Dawn Slasinskl, Bobbi Foster and Patty Viglione, their biggest Win came over the Fourth of July weeklmd when Dinkel bet a case of brew that the Gourmet Meals To Go Up In smoke IS how Park flre- surance premIums and law enforcement, court Bengals would be in third place or less. Then he lost when he predicted the Tigers wouldn't make Os so Bucco WIth fighters deSCribe the last moments Tueday, 16th of a car tx>longmg to a Park youth and prIson expenses it Into the playoffs, He said he just did It to keep morale up in the neighborhood, but admits his Gremolata Herbs, About half of the na- betting partners have been giving him the horse laugh "pretty good," Hey, John, want to bet on Bouquet of fresh Veg- Accordmg to reports, the Pember- ton resIdent was workmg on hiS tIOn's stolen motor the series? etables $450 1976 Chevrolet wagon on sept 18, vehicles are recovered lnstalhng a new battery and fuel and returned to the Wednesday, 17th Chicken Wellt'igton, pump, when the electrical connec- owners MichIgan's re- Students earn commendation Asparagus S595 hon 19mted WIthIn mmutes, he turn rate lS less was out of a car, they saId 1\lost auto thIeves do Three local tllgh schools were no Boyer, Susan !\I Cole, Peter S of Grosse Pomte, Barbara A Thursday, 18th Mixed Grill Lamb not go to pnson Only 15 titled recent!) that 24 of the~r stu- Ecklund, Fredenck Fordon, Cam- Roman of Hamtramck and John F Chop Ground Veal percent are arrested dents were" named Commended eron R Getto, Stephen R Good- Stemhauer of Grosse Pomte Steak, Chicken Livers pwp to meet across the country, and Students for theIr performance 111 nch. DaVId Gualtlen, Kenneth E Participants entered the current wrapped With Bacon, 10 MIchigan about 7 the 30th annual NatlOnal Ment Harns. LeslIe F Jeffs, Chnstopher ment program by takmg the Veal Sausage, Match tomorrow percent are arrested ScholarshIp Program Lathrop, Sharon S Lee, George F PSAT INMSQT 10 the fall of 1983, Stick Potatoes 5695 .Statistics provided Renaud, Patncla S Roxas, Karen \\ hen most were Jumors Although The Grosse Pointe chapter of The students are part of 35.000 by the Uniform Cnme semors natlOnwlde so named for A Vltolms and RICk G WhItne)' the quahfymg test scores of the Parents Without Partners will 35,000 commended students were Poached Silver Sal- Report of the Federal placmg 10 the top 5 percent of more Friday, 19th meet tomorrow, Oct 12, at 8 p m Umverslty LIggett students nam- very high, they were slightly below mon, Basil and Bureau of InvestIga- than one mullan parhcipants in the at the K of C Hall on Little Mack ed Commended students include the level required for semIf10alist PistachiO S525 tIOn, the NatIOnal Auto- 1985 scholarshIp program and 10 MLle Road mobrle Theft Bureau, James V Cunmngham of Royal standmg In the compehtion for Guest speaker Marion Uppe!' will (All dishes are sUItable for microwave) the Insurance Informa- North semor Ene Clccorettl \\ III Oak, Peter W Dahhng of Grosse home 5,500 ment scholarships to be talk about procrastma bon tIOn receive a letter of commendatlOn Pomte. Kathryn M French of awarded in 1985 Other Dell offerings IOcluCle fresh fish meats & Institute, the Mlch There WIll be an after-g1o dance 19an State PO/Ice and for hIS performance Grosse Pomte. 'Ralph W Hoenle of The 15,000 sernifmalists 10 thIS cheeses, salads, great sandWIches fine Wines pastnes followmg the meeting, For more m- crotSSants and bread the Mich!gan insurance South students recelvmg letters 5t Clair Shores, Hllarv A Kublsta year's competition were announc- formation, call 881-5892. Industry 01 commendatiOn are Cathenne C of DetrOit Nicholas \~an Noecker ed by NMSC last month

fn WATCH THE MACK AVE. fn IInrlb @>.erit5 ~- WITH US! 1\.1....I)I~I I~ 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS ALWAYS LOW lnMU9(41 * 2 T.V.'s * OPEN: MONDAY-SATURDAY. 9-10, SUNDAY 10-6 PRICES * HOT DOGS 750 * *Assorted Sandwiches Available CURAD *10 Different International Coffees COLDS/FLU ALERT *The finest cocktails in the Pointes * End of the week special: FRESH IRIS'" SPECIALS! $1~..? LAKE PERCH DINNER JUST $5.95 (Thursdaysand Ffld¥ only) *Plus THE ORIGINAL 96c V3 LB. l:ElFFEE Fluoriga'r! GROUND ROUND (Sunday thru Thursday) ANTI-CAVITY (No c:any-outs) 6AR~. 6Rlbb lST 1M- DENTAL RINSE 18666 Mack Ave. Grosse Pointe Fanns 11$84 The Comolete 11& oz. 881-5675 Tile Keep you MaXimum Cold Medlc,f'e Parking in Rear Going Cola Strengt~ Formula Cough Reliel FOI en IIOren Medicine Capsule In a capsule 0", Low Price Complete Carry<>ut SeNice Chlr low Price Our ~w Price Our Low Price m1!'I!mI Open 11 a.m. until 2:00 a.m, ULTRA BRITE $2~! TOOTH PASTE (Gnll open until 1.00 am.) $1~. $1!.! $1~, CURAD EIITD COIITAC "COI.IKIFLU ESCAPE" SWEIPSTAICES! FLEXIBLE .. A ..... YAU.~I 30 COUNT 97.~ .~~:~. SEE DETAILS IN OUR STORE $132 IJeGm~ _m. ~ ""'MJ~COLGATE ~ TOOTHBRUSHES EcotIin ADULT - Soft Medium hard -...... ~ 2 for 73c · 'e 71--.ns DS...-n CHILDRENS ~ 89 Kercheval on the hilt ECaTRIN EcaTRIN tliedlJm & Soft ~~, *,""d"Y"s.tVl"do, 1:00 to 5.30 MAXIMUM STRENGTH REGULAR STRENGTH 2 for SSc ••• ...-..wIn TWIN ACTION "'"ld_r tIl Noon Ck»Md ~ ...._.... $3'T!un $3!!.UTI 62C I USDA CHOICE DOMunc WHOLE BONELESS NEW YORK LEG CHICKEN New HDR tl VEAL STRIPS OF LEGS 1E:tdn HAIRS DAilY REQUIREMENT PI STEW WHOLE $3~9 LAMB SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER HOO \ -EcaTRIN '~$399 '.- $1!9 MAXIMUM STRENGTH ECOTRIN WIll But1er1ly ~'79C" MAXIMUM STRENGTH ~ ell STE_~~S $3"'9 I No Charge NO e",CKS ATTACHED S~28 tf!o._ftft I~i .... ~ c...... $2~~, -- --..-"~~I -:::::::::::tJ .,, ,...... ,. FUu"y COOKED I DANISH I CHICKEN STONED MUENSTER ~-"Tl ECOTRIN - .. MilK ROAST I DENNISON WHEA T THINS • I REGULAR STRENGTH .AND OR PWS6 :::: REVLON BEEF BIJ,){jP.~~ t;fj::ldS r;.' ch,ckar 22 SHAMPOO :: "'- COlOR SILK ~'~.J1 .vl'f' mJ ~"")01'''5 Hr,d DANALETTE BREMNER Ecoain $7 r.ows""Ss'~:::rl NOFWAL DRY $ 99 Onton< " '1JppM ,n past" (LOW FAT CHEESE) PLAIN WAFERS ~ 2to eo-,~. I r / HAtR COLDR 3 & [lTo.;. BOOf ~ I . I ~k: $260 lB $1!! $3i9 99° I $1~~ FLORIDA CALIFORNIA I~EBERa I WHITE BUNCH, ~O-_._~. l~~----~IGlass--Plus' ~ I LETTUCE CARROTS , @:1J[? I .~,:.:.'", 20 IG~~2~~~ ... ""'..\ ...... ,<"0"'1(,- &~ ... _~. 32 oz. REFILL (( I 0 89 IIIEIIDIf '" 5 J NE. ;{~\\ 79° iUS9 590 ~. $1 OFF LG 27 SIZE f 8 LB SINE. -I" I J £A ~ NO DROWSINESS LESS REFUND 00 I BAG I $1 ! OFF FORMULA !, '. Fresh Baked Coffee Cakes and Donuts Every Friday and Saturday SPIUS MEDICINE CA""ULES I 8°.\ ~ w, ~~, the flphlltJ Ilmll qUllfltIIln Pf/cel In effec! through OctOWf 16th 1984 I , YOU':~YFUND BY.MAIL LOOK ..- ~~-- J I FOR SPECIALLY MARKED 80TTLESl , Thursday, October 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven-A Study shows common U.S. mental disorders QrnuclyUglJt Many researchers have assumed that depression ISthe most common psychiatric disorder Accordmg to or~imntt1 8'wttp orders III the United State.'> FIREPLACE WOODSTOVE A'lO OIL FLUE eLf MHNG CAPS Arm SCREEN INSTAll fo In the ~urvey, which when finish- ed will be the largest epidemIOl- Professionally Trained and Equipped ogical l>tudy done In psychlalry. to Serve your Woodburnlng Needs depreSSIOn ranked tlmd Of those '>urvcycd. alcohol abu'>c or depcn- NO MESS. INSURED • DEODORIZING • WOOD Bum.m~'3 ftCCESSOAIES u(>nce had been experienced by 13 6 percent, phobia!> 11 J percent, major MEM&fR Nallonal ChImney S p GUIld PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES- dcprc.'>.!>lon5 7 percent and 5 6 per- MICh'llan ChImney S p Gu,kI BURN SAFELY cent had had other drug abuse and dependence problem!> In another surpnsmg fllldlng, the .!>lu,dyfound no aSSOciatIOn belv.een major depres.!>lOnand bereavement, >\ hlCh has been thought to be a tng- g('r for home depres!>lve eplhod~ Some of the other flndmg., mclude \lIt: I\)IIU'" lug. Men have higher rates of 'rHE ps)'chmtnc disorders than women and a higher lIlc:dence of alcoholism BRONZE DOOR and antlhoclal personality Major \ (,() I D '> I \ R R [ '> r \ L k \ " I I depreSSIOn and phobias are more ~_) C1_C1110 •• 0_1J&&10 10 I'~ common among women THANKS :FOR MAKING OCR FIRST SC:\DA \ The 25-44 age group has the BRUNCH SUCH A SVCCESS! It \\ill be e"en bet- highest rate of phychlatnc dll>orders ter this week - see you Sunday morning! Brunch , is served from 11 until 3 p.m. - JOI~ l;S! There IS vlrtuallv no difference a.m. i, between blacks and whites In the ALL YOU CAN EAT, JUST $9.95 Come to our book sale, ]Jlease! types of rankmgs of mental Illness -, 1 0 dO Q U.D OJ_ e Blacks tend to have slightly higher "I, These happy faces know how much fun it can be to read. Back row, from left, Dean Balclrak, We are also featurmg a speCial each da)', including Short .' rates of phobIas, drug abuse and Garrett Ryan, Michael Mumaw and Megan White have joined schoolmates Jeanlne Taylor, Jona- Ribs of Beef, Lamb Shanks, Beef or Veal TIPS, or Roast Leg 1, dependence, while whites have of Veal with rice or noodles Monday through Friday Ii thon Rakiec and Shannon Green in promoting the "Great American Book Sale" that takes place slightly higher rates of major at Monteith School Oct. 15.19. Both paperback and hardcover books will be available in the gym d~presslOn and anorexia nervosa Every Wednesday night \\c will feature a complete Lamb Shank I: between 8:30 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monteith is located at Cook Road and Chalfonte and the kids would dmner for $9.95 (ll1c1udes soup or salad) ,., a Bronlc Door li,;1 like to remind you readers that it's never too early to shop for Christmas. faVOrite! I Farms resident Every Thur night we will feature a complete Leg of Veal dinner for $9.95 (includes soup or salad). 11 in 'Sugar' I Friday and Saturday nights our speCial WIll be Prime Rib Din- IIj Weekend college explained Performances of "Sugar" con- ner for $11.95 and Surf & Turf for $16.95. I tmue a l the Avan Players Play------P/us ourfineregularmtnu------I :\10 cy College of DetrOit WIll of- Respirator Care and Allied Health academiC stdndards a!> their house, 1185 Washmgton Road in Jerf") Robinson at the ke}board Tu~.y.S.turd.} i fer a speCial mtroductlOn to some EducatIOn (masters level) counterparts In tradItional college Rochester Oct 11-14 and 18-20 of Its programs for \\ orkmg adults These are part-hme programs programs Nick Dara of the Farms plays Luncheon ..erved Monday-Saturday ["30 a.m -3 pm j' Dmner Hour ..' ~1onday-Thursday 5 pm -10 p m. The Weekend College, evening and that enable employed adults to For further mforma tlOn, call the jerry, who along With hiS fnend, frIday and Saturda) 5 pm-I [ p m day pI'ograms Will be explamed take from one to eleven credit Merc} College AdmIS'iIOnl>OffIce Joe, witnesses a gangland murder dunng two oppn hOuse mformatlOn hours a semester while stili mam- at 592 GO'IO or the Weekend College Pursued by the gang, the two be- sessIOns at the Conference Center, tammg responsibIlities to families Offlce at 592-6100 come members of an all-female IWE CATER PRIVATE PARTIES I Thursday, Oct 11 from 5 to 7 30 and Jobs Mere} College IS located at 8200 band The mUSical comedy IS based 123 Kercheval o"llhehdl pm and Saturday. Oct 13, from 10 W Outer Dm'£' at the Southfield on the screenplay, "Some Like It HE BRONZE DOOR 884-7774 a m to 1 pm The advantage of Weekend Col- Hot ., We accept Visa, Mnt.rCaNI, Olll.r's Chth. American EJpma • No pt/'MJUI dI«b " Freeway between McNIChols and I, . SpeCial sessIOns Will be available lege clasfoes IS the mtenslve ap- proach to course work Classes Seven Mile roads m northwest For ticket informatIOn, call on how the Weekend College works. DetrOIt 656-1130 career tranSitIOns. admiSSIOns pro- generally h!cet five times III a cedures, fmanclal aid and semester \\ Ith students supple- employee relmbur~ement Degree menting classroom work With program offel mg,> WIll be explam- directed !>tudy assignments Behold the Natund Beauty \ Grossei. Pointe's Students cover the same course ed In detail m Busmess AdminiS- .. Oldest content and meet Ihe same tratIOn Health Care Administra- of Fine Crystal ~ 3' Food Marlcet VERBRUGGE'S ::~~~J.f!i' tIOn. Public.. AdminIstratIOn, Legal 17328 MACK at Sf. CLAIR CLOSED SUN. ASSistant, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Attic Theatre FREE e\ .Studles, Nursmg Degree Comple- ! 885-1565 WE..c~~~ORJ;\, lIOn, SOCialWork, Health SerVices, benefit Oct. 18 ~j DELIVERY :\ Record SCience, The Actor's Alliance Theatre Company \\ III present a speCial Iamb *.' C' U S D A CHOICE/PRIME US 0 A CHOICE/PRIME benefit preview of N Richard ~~ 'Q'~"• r.\ ~' ~ ... ,:Camera club meets ~~~~1~4 ;: Nash's, "The f<.dmmaker," on . ,.-F'"~"'; LEG OF LAMB LAMB LOll CHOPS Tile Grosse POinte Camera Club Thursday, Oct 18,at 8 30 pm Pro- , ~"'~ ...1...... -i- S441L8 ,\\ III meet Tuesday, Oet 16, at 8 ceeds WIll go to the recenll~ fIre- ;" ~ $189LB .j) m at the Brownell I\llddle damaged AttiC Theatre FRESH FROM THE In i\ '" '1001 260 Chalfonte, the The preview takes place at the JUICE TREE USDA CHOICE 1 "J ms home of the Actor's Alliance, The FRESH SQUEEZED AMERICAN FRESH MADE ThiS IS a speCial meet1l1g for the Lycee InternatIOnal, 30800 Ever- presentatIOn of the plctonal color green Road 111 SouthfIeld The $15 ORANGE JUICE • LAMB LAMB PArnES slides of the DetrOlt InternatIOnal ticket pnce mcludes an aftel glo\\ 1/2 Gal. $399 ". SHANKS 81 Salon The presentatIOn Will be set For tickets. tall the AttiC AT AFFORDABLE PRICES S1 LB to musIc The public I., welcome to Theatre at 96.l-778!JFor further in- Qt. $2.19 41LB LIght up your Itlt' or a IOUI'd one 5 WIth Ihese !/un- . " $1 'attend formation. call 642-1126or %1-7789 --.~,J!Ll~!r{: mng. mouth.Moun, hand-ehhed tases Prtcrd ~t1!l:: II! I from $2290 1/' \ \ II III III I I I I I I .'! U S D,A CHOICE Hohdp shipment Just arrived many NEW CITY CHICKEN BOILED HAM OCTOBER SPECIALS Items, RUMP ROASTS (Made from Veal & Pork) /SLICED) 11l8 81L8 I I CRYSTAL CENTER $2 $1 S249lB • :\ h WAREHOUSE OUTLET 19866 MACK - Between 7 &. g Mile If()' Iii! II!) - ~'I IO-! I:II ' IDAHO P II I 343.9078 .. i-, • - II I,,,, I , 49 I $1 l'_ 1 LR PACK U I 'i .... . J 'I ft The World's Largest Manufacturer of brllont Heating EqUipment NEW FROM BRYANT: HIGH TINTED CONTACT LENSES EFFICIENCY PLUS 90 FURNACE l\'OI/v' ONLY $89. IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY AND U1'() K1\:()W (~()I) IS LOWER YOUR HEAT BILLS AVdJlahlc III Blut', en'en, Aqua and Amhel T() TI{l'ST fIlM" [USE GAS FREE BAUSCH & LOMB DAILY WEAR <;39 t I IJ J I I l I ....I -.., FORAMONTH~

d \i I BAU~(H & LOMB 30 DAY LENSES s75 Buy a Bryant Formula gas furnace, and we'll refmb!Jr!t" ~o!..! fnr ~nur hIC"@~1 mon1hly CIII- hll~ PERMAFLEX 30 DAY LENSES s75 • UP TO 926% EFFICIENCY • FREE ESTIMATES lit OtlUllE (.AS ':AEO • 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE e FINANCING AVAILABLE CONOt~~"'Q 'UI'UoIACf ~c: GAS PERMEABLE LENSES '>119 ,..,. • I I. HI...... l~ I I t I '1' " r I 1 1 A TRIUMPH OF ]. did itIIIttl TECHNOLOGY -/ P":~::~~::,n.:~~,:,:',~::~~~:'~:.'~.'..~: I ,IJ L?f ~'::;~::,::,;,,~,~::,:~:''':~::~'''':'~. 'I 'I I , I J' f' j II r J I, • r, THl'HSJ) \Y, OCTOBEH Isth FLAME OPTICAL x.oo P ..\l. ,II 10,1\ I II ( III H ( If 0 I (I tH I '" I , J 2.+32 MOf,Wg Dnv(' 22216 (,ratlOt Av('nuc II \'1 hI 01,Jlwn FURNACE COMPANY !, I II/ I I I t rl /V) 11/I',!I' ',111// I (1!.11/,) 1 4i I..../I(K L H ( III \ \ I \ \ ... \ l I'. J 371-3560 775-6733 I 111.,(k \(,' "I \1'. I Hn Serv/nQ the Point •• Sinc. '949 - 35 'furs 0' DoIng II Right 'i U1 rJ JJud 1'1' II/ (' III t r,,~ fir,}\. lfl( t 1'1111 , 11/ Jt I" ( II I 3 lOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU • 527.1700 • 14847 Gratiot, nea, 8 Mile L------_. Page Twefve.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, OCtober 11, 1984

FISH' CHIPS Center offers Our DINNER 8th life workshop Year Other ... food dinners nadabJe The Center for Jung Studles of at 1111 tImes DetrOit ....'ll again sponsor a Life Context Intensive Journal~ \\ ork- OPEN MON.-SAT. • LUNCH shop Fnday clnd Saturday. OCt 19 11:00 a.m.-9:30 p.m. • DINNER and 2Q at :\ltller Hall. Christ 21809 Grealer Mack Church. 61 Grosse POinte Bl\ d St Clair Sl'lO<"es Mlch>gan 775-3120 • CARRY OUTS The ....orkshop begins Fnda~ Call Ahead and Ie\ emng from 7 3U to ~ 30 P m and 12 m. Broiled N.Y, STRIP STEAK DINNER S]95 .... 11I contmue all da, Saturda\ from Your Order Will CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE ON 10 a m to 9 p m 'Slster Chi-Istldn THURSDA Y EVENINGS Be Readv! Koontz Ph D . professor of Engl1sh ~ PARKING IN THE REAR at ~erc~ College of Detroit and registered Journal consultant \'Ill conduct the \\ orkshvp The proces:, of tht' \\ orkshop e....- penence enable:" tndH lduals to dra\\ their 11\ es mto focus and en- large thelT spmtual and creatH e qualIties The non-judgmental non-dldgnOStlc process I~ a \\ 03) of pel:>Onall,:. clanf) mg one slife :"tuauon determining one:> re- "Great White Bread" Sale sources and decldmg on ne\~ dIrections at a low price of $1.29 (regular $1]9) Thl<; \\ ork,hon I' Clnreon"01I1<;Itf' (All Stahl's products freeze famoush!) to Process ~ledltatlon Inte!'sl\"e Journal' Workshop Lilat \\111 be of Starting Tuesda." October 16 thiiJ Saturda", Octo- fered ill the spnng PartlCipallOJ! ber 20. All of us at Stahl's appreciate all of you ... certIficates are a\ allable from our customers! Dialogue House ASSOCiates The fee is $90 for fIrSt-time partlclpant~ With our sincere thanks, and $80 for pre\ 10US reglStrants There IS a 25 percent ruscount for 0" college students ....lth current I D Hun.t Club aids DIe Ivith $1,000 cards and to all seruor cltuens \\ lth .... MI.oblt .. ~rdL HEW cards The Grosse Pointe Hunt Club's 1984 Horse Show Series and Exhibition to benefit the Detroit Institute ~" ..... '~.o t"'.&nl.. .. F ... .: I(.Hk'" t"'\l Bakery Manager I...... ~ 'j(~ .. "T.rN:' ~,lh .& lNt ll'k For further mformatlOn call 885- For ChIldren raised $1,000 this past summer. Receiving the check is administrator Terence Vaughan HMBIaa ~.w.,wt.f'1: W{~t"n .. Stahl's Bakery ...... MMlirt \~~"Uriarl B7S-:2 from Michael Ghesquiere, left, chairman of the Riding Committee, and Dr. Richard Shenkus, president .....-..0s..n_ , '~Food ""'l<1 lu2~ 'r\h1't"", (' .z.t '\IUt- of the club, The horse show committee included members of the Sigma Gamma Association, staff from 'ld ,t....t" food a,,\.u'\.ti ()ooJ..."fr.O'" B-.t. 't'Vo ~ • ./h(')'"t' ~J~- D.I.C. and local GPHC members, The Institute was founded and is still heavily supported by the Sigma l' j...... :-3.. qqo Detroit Eastern Gamma ASSOCiation. OJ.C. is an outpatient diagnostic and treatment facility for physically and neurolo- reunion is Oct. 12 gically Impaired children from birth through early childhood and is located on Woodward Avenue in DetrOit. The DetrOIt Eastern High 15th annual class reuruon, v. hlCh In- cludes al! classes from 1905 ULS hosts through 1941. will be held tomor- row Oct 12, at 6.30 p m at the Pol1sh Century Club on East Outer dance concert Dnve Honored will be the 1934class on Barbara Selmger, artistic direc- Its 50th annIversary The reumons tor of DetrOit Dance Collective, Will were begun 10 1970 by the late present a solo modern dance con- Judge Edward Piggms, George cert WIth Richard Berent, plamst JaglowlCz and Ed\\ard Buck and composer, on Friday, Oct 12, Wismer at 8 pm The concert Will be held at For informatIOn, call Bill\' University LIggett School 10 the .Jacoby at 881--9185, Vlrguua Mor- studio of the Fine Arts Wmg, 1045 ganthaler at 884-31li or Hamet Garretson at ;;27-5611 Cook Road. Grosse Pomte Woods Ms Sehnger IS the recent recip- Ient of a second Creahve Arhst Grant awarded to talented artists Notre Dame fest m all fields by the MIchigan Coun- this weekend cil for the Arts In 1983, this award enabled Ms Sehnger to produce The 13th Annual Fall Festival her solo concert featurmg origmal and Apple Harvest, sponsored by works created smce 1981 The 1985 ~otre Dame High School, will be award wIll give her the opportunity h..Jd Fnday, Saturday and Sunday. to create and produce a new group Oct. 12-14. piece for the spnng of 1985 There will be ethrnc foods. danc- Berent, mUSICian for the Wayne Ing, a Vegas room, bmgo, an ar- State University Dance Depart- cade and a midwav DetrOlt's Blue ment, WIll accompany Ms Selmger , . PIgs wl11 perfonn Friday from 7 to and also present a solo piece I • 11 P m. On Saturday the Tempo For further mformatlOn. call Tt£NEe(J£10 WA10l Tones wuI entertam WIth polka 548-9664 or 884-4444 Seatmg is hm- ••• musIC from 7 to 11 pm., and on Ited Sunday, the ~otre Dame Jazz Band .... 111 {*rform from 7 to 9 p m •• Both parkmg and admISslon are Dinner dance $40000 OFF SUGGESTED PRICE free The school IS on Kellv Road. to aid children south of 8 Mile behmd the Eastland Barbara Selinger, shown above in Bluegrass Jamboree, will pre- • 40" PrOjection - Only 22" Deep PECAR ShOPPlllg Center. • Multiple Audio - Video - Antenna Inputs sent a solo modem dance concert tomorrow night at University lig- Dance heart-to-heart With the gett School. She will be accompanied by pianist Richard Berent. one you love thIS Sv.eetest Day • Full Fundloo Infrared Remote Control PRICE whIle helpmg a httle ChIld's heart • Widest Vievvlng Angle - 120 Degrees City home robbed at Children's Hospital of l\hchigan • 134 Channel Cable Ready $2395 A CIty resident reported a break- Heart to Heart IV. a dmner dance • One Year In-Home \\arrant',' m en her Rivard Road home Satur- Lois Wilson to speak sponsored by Ticker Club, Inc . \~III day, Oct 6. accordlng to pollce be held SaturdaY Oct 20 at the • FREE DEUVERY AND INSTALLATION The thief entered the home r'alrlane Manor in Dearborn ThiS through the Side door b} breakmg at Memorial Church Sunday year's Master of Ceremomes Will ~.~-~ IcAffOlDAlUJ out a .....lndo .....and reachmg through be Dwayne X Riley WDI\;-TV 4 Human nghts mternatlOnal af- ment In :"Jew York City to unlock the door The thief left the commentator and ne~sman faIT!' and peace-makmg are al~ays Born In Wmmpeg. ~Iamtoba, she home through the same door ac- ;~. ~355 FISHER RD. We delIver on the agenda of Dr LOIS Wilson, \.as the flIst \\oman moderator of Ticker Club, Inc IS a non-profit ., cordmg to police scheduled speaker at Grosse the Vmted Church of Canada and Taken from LlJe dmmg room orgaOlZ3tlOn formed m 1979 to -5100 o,...."SlO ,. ....OlI Pomte ;\1emonal Church on Sun- the first ....oman president of the aSSIst Children's Hospital of l\hchl- 882 ",_ (Ie ~ \\ ere se..eral SlIver place-settmgs da;- Oct 14 CanadIan Council of Churches She pollce saId From the upst<:i1rs bed- gan in provldmg the best posslble IS an ordamed minister With seven room mIscellaneous pIeces of care for Its young cardiac patients Dr \\ llson no... cp-dlrector of honorary degree!> from Canadian ]e....elI1 and a Smlth & \~ esson They are presentl) \\ orkmg to\\ ard 'PARMS tMARl@T the Ecumenical Forum of Canada UD!versltles 22-<:ahber handgun ....ere taken the purchase of computer assl!>ted In Toronto IS actJ\€ on behalf of She sened as ecumenical mlniS- Other Tooms appeared to ha\ e postoperative momtonng systE:ms human rIghts and peace In se\eral ter at Grosse POinte ~temonal for the hospital's [nlenslve Care fRESH GREEN ~n searched, accordmg to reoorts ll"temaLonal arenas ShE"oresenti\ Church in 1983 She return as one of Cnlt. necesSdn to children who 15 on£: of 'ie\ en F~id(;n-ts of the 11 guest speakers scheduled to ad- JUMBO Police arE' lm-est:gatmg ha\'e undergone complex open \\ orid Count' J 01 Churthe~ 10 Gene- drt:'Ss members and fnendl> of the heart ~urgery SHRIMP \d "CT"\€" on the board of Amnesty congregatIOn through the end of Coder the Jav.s of France If a International and t.....ILe reore<;ent thIS \ ea r Loca ted at 16 Lakeshore Tickets ....hlch must be ~ur S8!5 tree 1S more than 3(J : ears old, £:\ en f-O d ~pe('dl lr.ter~t group' - Pro Drl\ e Gros::.e Pomte \lemonal cha"M by Oct 15. are $70 per cou- it::, ov. ner can l legally cnop It ](-(t PlrJJgr.-l1arE-S - at lnltec ~a- sel"\lces begm at 9 1(J and 11 3fJ ple For informatIOn. call DIana d0''' n twn speual '>~"Inns (JO dlr.,arma am Lodge at 494-5j71

KRAFT OIL & VINEGAR Free 30-n1inutepersonal DRESSING 1 C !cz 99 ! financial consultation. If )..../ \menCdn J Jiprc"., ~ant<, to h(.1 p \ ou d( hlt>H ~r(,dter indn('Jdl ~cunh

1\ ~ ..I} • r ",.'" I ( ,," ... t "" (II:

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Rrun(h o.('(\/.d unlll J 0(1 I . / l"'- 1 j ....1n-r/ Tit f r .....;r;." 'I, I .: i" J.,,-'1 011j,..()(:;;'''(~ "'t,1l hnl} J.9.9:) \{'ult .. ------r J)\". • r" t or1 '-, f i., !ll( I . Ie " .'f' 14 ,f r '", r,J ( I ..r I{ .... , . $4,95 ChildN-n undt'T 12 I',., .r t; J'r lit '-..! J 11. i(f ..... " ~ I ( .."V'"~rJ.'!-1'1,0;, r I r .... ; t,.. _""I I 1.tP" r'>t r" (r ...... " <1 '" n If I rr d rf r 1.. r t,..... "n-~~At r'(~'(...... 1 l"~ J~' r , , l ...n.,IJ~ I'":,,u-ei ll'" \f r ~ ,t I I ..,\ ,f ,? / " \r -\, ""'TV I'll t {/~l~r 1 Ihl(,4 , .... 1 j Pl1 L-=--~~..-=-!' _L.. 1 "'~ .."~ ,."~-L_A:",J' ....,..J..,_111- .t-...4. .( L: • • • •

hursday, October 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen.A MADD workshop is Saturday n evenIng MADD (Mothers Agamst Drunk slstanct' to survivmg Victims ot ... of music for flute and Drivers) Will hold Its second an- drunk dnvmg crashe!>, programs plano will be pre.ented nual all-day \~orkshop on Saturday, for students; and both Project Sunday, Oct. 14, at 7 p.m .• 1 Oct 13, In the Archltecturt! Build- LlfeRide and Safe-Ride These the Macomb Cent.r for the lIlg on the campus of Lawrence In- projects are aimed at gettmg peo- Performing Arts by flutllt stitute of Technology in Southfield ple home safely dUl'lng holIday Glnka Gerova.Ortega and from 8 30 a m until 4 p m penods, Safe-Ride, in conJunc. pianist Leszek Barklewlcz. Everyone is welcome Lo attend tIon With the Explorer DIVISIOnof Tickets at $6 for adult. and The $15 registratIOn fee Includes the Boy Scouts, is for high school $4 for student. and .. nlor youth eVel'Y Fnday and Saturday luncheon and placement of the at- citizens are available at the tendees' names on the regular mght maIling hst of the chapter nearest box office or by r.serving their homes them on credit card by The program Will mclude presen- Don!' be a victhl1: calling 286.2222 weekdays tdtlOllS on the present status of the Edison offers tips from 9 a.m. to 6 p,m. The drunk dnvll1g problem m Nllch. center Is located on the Igan, the \\'ork of the Michigan Autumn IS a beautiful tIme of the Center Campus of Macomb Drunk DfI\mg Task Force, and year, but It'S also the tIme when con Community College at Hail panel:, revlewmg the cnmmal JUs- game actIvltle:, ~eem to mcrease and Garfield roads. tice system and drunk dnvlI1g, as- One of the games mvolves COil ar. tlStS posmg as utIhty company Prograul for adults employees For the safet) of their Galli's ltleathous customers, DetrOit Edison offers Ule In concert nith aging parents followmg gUIdelines to follow before _/~~lf ~ ~ 885-7290 admlttlOg someone mto the house A sIx-week program for adults 9 Grant and Wlnn, a piano duo, will return to the area Tuesday, 1. Ask for identification. Before \\ ith agIng parents and relatives th Oct. 16, at 8 p.rn to gIve a preview performance of their New admittmg any DetrOit Edison ~$ GM t~~ r:J:~~~~Xy WI)] be offered at Saratoga Hos- POdH"q M rtf'''' York debut. The concert will be held at the Edsel and Eleanor I. , .. _"' .... "" ,.... • •..."01 emnlovf'f' mto your hOlnP chpck lor ------P'''>!, ....vvv VI QUU' rI. \ t:: ! lit:: lJIO- Ford House In the Shores. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for proper identIhcatlon All DetrOit grams \\ ill be held on Tuesdays, 119005 MACK 7 Blk. S. 01 Morass J senior citizens and students. A reception will follow in the Ford from 7-9 pm, begmmng Oct 30 Edison employees carry identifIca. dining room. For reservations, call J. Sidney Probert at and endmg Dee 4 tLOncards or badges dJ.!>playmgtheir photos, and clearly labeled as 885.3300. The courses Will prOVide m- DetrOit Edison IdentIfIcatIOn formation on the emotiOnal aspects 2. Catl Detroit Edison, If you are of agmg, understandmg illnesses not sure about an employee's Iden- and confUSIOn m the elderlv It Will Astrology sho\v COlnes to cable hflCa tlOn The toll-free phone help Improve commumcatton, de. number is located on your bill The clslon-makmg about alternatIve PractIcal Astrology comes to cus~ed on the sho\\ , wnte Mllostan best rule to follow IS never let hving situatIOns and dealmg WIth Grosse Pomte Cable startmg ~Ion- at POBox 053119, Detroit, 48205, anyone mSlde your home untIl you your Situation and feehngs The da), Oct 15 The semI-monthly or Gros:,e Pomte Cable, POBox are sure who the person IS. programs will be presented by i program will feature RICh ~hlo- 36718, 19245 Mack, Grosse POinte 3. Detroit Edison employees never Eileen Fontana, MSW, from East- SIRLOIN STEAK 82.49 18. .stan, a student of astrology for Woods 48236 deliver cash refunds or "rebates" to wood Community Chnics '" eight years a customer's home. All account For more informatIOn, call the CLUB STEAK LB. l A member of the NatIOnal Speak- transactions of this nature are 82.49 ,ers< ASSOCiation, ~lllostan lectures CommunIty EducatIOn Depart- Auditions scheduled ment at 245-1450 handled through the U S mall or at PORTERHOUSE STEAK 82.99 LB. !'In the metropohtan area, wfltes for a Detroit Edison customer office 11~:" ;mne newsparx-rs and can b€ heard AuditIOns for "Murder at the' ~~< Mondays on WCAR-AM Howard Johnson's," a comedy to T-BONE STEAK 82.99 LB. t, . ~lilostan will diSCUSSfmanclaL be presented by Dennis WiCkline Halloween Overnight Yoga rescheduled ~ 'medical, relatIOnshIp, p':'fsonal Productions, Inc at The Golden There Will be a Halloween Over- Yoga at the War Memorial has PRIME STANDING RIB . 82.49 LB. and vocatIOnal astrology as well as LiOn Restaurant from Jan 11 nIght on Friday, Oct 26, at the been rescheduled to begm Thurs- .pass on information about lectures. through Feb 16 WIll be held m the Lakeshore Family YMCA for boys day, Oct 11, from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. < classes and ZodIac Reader Fairs m lower level of the restaurant, 22380 and girls, ages 6 to 10 The party With Golden Lotus instructor Betty 10LUAOI the area The program mcludes m- Moross. on Saturday, Oct 20 at begInS at 7-30 pm and lasts untll 8 Locke . IGROUND CHUCK S1.19LJ. I terviews With others lfi astrology 130pm a m Saturday, Oct 27 Although the course is deSIgned lUll 111II1I111I111II1I111I1I111II11II11II11I11I1I111II111II1I1I11111II1111II11I1I111II1I""tUltlllIIWlHltlUllllll ~ and gives trends for the comIng Two men and one woman are . Costume judging, a haunted for the begmner, it offers continu- , month and year A perIOdiC hve needed, age range 25 to 55 house, trick or treat, pizza and ing benefits to those who have had I JJI the 15.... ii-r U.S.D.A. PRIMl call-m portIon wIll be added to the Readmgs Will b€ held from the games are planned for the event yoga before PartIcipants should i IlllE .1111111,. __ I~ OR CHOICE shoy. as well as begmning lessons scnpt No prepared material ISnec- The YMCA is located on Jeffer- wear comfortable, loose-fitting SIDES .•••.•••••••••• '1.25 La. on astrology. essarv son near 9 Mile in 8t Clair Shores. clothes and brmg a mat or rug to I The program Will be structured For' further mformatlOn call For registration and fee mforma- class. ~HINDS ••••••••••••••• '1A9 La. to fIt community needs To suggest 773-5914, Monday through Wednes- tlOn, call 778-5811 Youngsters must The cost of the eight-week course lIilll/ 1111II1111I111I1I111I1II111II1II 1111I11I111l1l11ll111ll11II1I11I1II111ll !Ill II1I11llfN Ill" Utili Mil IIHnl 1IlIIfI • astrology tOPICSthat may be dlS day evenmgs, 6 p m to 8 p m pre-register IS $30 Pnces Good Through 10-17.84 SAFE FLUE CHIMNEY SWEEP Prole"lonal Service Since 1978 MeXican Restaurant .4 CHIMNEY FIRE FINEST MEXICAN CUISINE DELIGHT CAN DESTROY CALL NOW FOR YOUR PRIVATE HOUDAY PARTIES YOUR HOME1J 3 DINING AR.AI Our Specy'ty - 12 O"",.nt Enchlilld •• • AnImal Removal • Chimney cleaned OFF.PREMISES CATERING • Chimney Screen. & Caps Installed • Damper & Mortar Repair • Flreplece Deodorlled HOURS: M-F, 4:30-10 Bet., 5.10 Sun 4-a Wecan r Mess 882.5169 1123. MACK.t 3 Mile II. 10M Jouuse less ora. • • good thing _ You are invited to join the over 18,000 readership of the Grosse Pointe News

A new high effiCiency gas furnace could Cllt your gas heatmg costs by over 30%' hr:',eJ ), ""-1'/,1 r: ,rre'l' r .JturaJqas ralGS normal MI(,r,lgr:m wealhor dnd cl 9()}, Delivered with your (:'f c: U I rr.' r'1 d rPN rlfJrl pfflclf'ncy I)dS furnace r;ould cut your hedllnq bills by 0' '1-- ", " (r ~k'rJ-' , 1I'r( n ('ornparpd to the cost Of operal1nq mosT corvenllonlll '1'; .u'''- tj( t mail every Thursday An electriC heat pump coul(j be more tf>an tWice as expensive 10 operate as a high effICIency gas furnace

" ~,(-" '" (- Ir / " 11r) In ,(, d,1 1:"rl( " fI(,! PIV/llqf' to h(>,j! J(' Ir hr)f'l(- < IJflie ,(.nlly 0' r ,;' "I'l,r '1" (J,j' /I' 'I" I() J I (II.,./j;j rJrJc,v lIP "I',t(~m P. l'c,lI rJLJlnp t)d( !«.Ol,p r I ( (' II U. 'I,"" I, "I (Ij II II' (,',I rit;(, Jt l'~or/ rn(,(l' 1(, oper8!(- Ihdfl 1 t.rfJh (" I I ' , I ,j '," j( pI, C j r e'Jt ,J'n.) rJd')

1 YF A,R ~n NAME

STREET 1Y~ARS 'Vl4 CITY OIlI()!~lllt" the men and women of con $1'> $11) $4', STATE ZIP . r

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. October 11. 1984

.\ntiqueshow The Women's Asso- Obituaries clatlon of the Wmdsor also a member of the board of 5) mphony will present Henry Houston John A. Rode made to the Capuchm Monastery, 1740 l\1t Elliot. Detrl.llt directors of the Rehabil1tahon In- Its 16th Antlque Show A memOrial service for Mr Services for Mr. Rode, 6J, form- stitute of DetrOit. and Sale Oct 12, 13.and Ms Duffy's remaulS ",ere placed Houston 66, of the POinte, was held erly of the POinte, lately of ?\haml, m the 5t Paul Church columbar- MemOrial contnbutions may be l.-lm \It Incisor's HolIday Thursda). Oct 4, at the Grosse Fla. were held ~!onday, Oct 8,10 lum made to Tau Beta ASSOCiatiOn. 18 Inn POinte \\ ar ~lemoflal \'andergrtst. Pa . Radnor CIrcle, Grosse POinte Dealers \\ ill be on He med Sunday, ¥pt 30, In Bon He dted Saturda.... Oct 6, In Farms 48236 ~I hand presenting a col- Elizabeth W. Pierson &!cours Hospital )!lanl1 - lection of ltems mclud- Born In )Ian land. he is surnved :\Ir Rode was a retired professor ~Iemorlal serVlces for Mrs PIer- William H. "Whitey" l:1g glass, Je\\ ell'), fur- b) t'lll 0 daughters. :\!rs ~Iary Lu from the Cnn ersttv of MiamI and son, 88. of the Farms. \\ere held :I mture chma and nn- Barth and Kathenne 'I . a son, )hanu Bay Commuiuty College He Monda\ Oct 8, at ChrlSt Church, Temple tage maps and prUlts Jonathon~! one brother, one \\as also a graduate of the Cran- Grosse'Pomte Sen lces for :\lr Temple. 80. of IS AdmissiOn 52 granddaughter ar.d hiS good brook Academy She dted Fnda\'. Oct 5. In Cot-' the Park. \\ ere held Wednesday, Hours are Fnday JUDGE fnend -'laD :\lcLeo of the Park, lately of Petos- 25, at his home FRESH FISH DAILY • HOMEMADE SOUPS lOP SHOW • SILENT AUCTION Igan Indians. Inc. will key, will be held tomorrow, Friday, From 1953 to 1967, Mr. Lowry sponsor a Las Vegas Od -12, at the Verheyden Funeral was employed by North American Dally Lunch HAPPY HOUR • VEW ROOM Xight, Saturday. OCt Home Call Verheyden's for speci- Rockwell, servlIlg as plant man- SPECIALS 11 a.m.'" p.m. Mon ••Thurs. DON7 MISS THE aWE PIGS FRI. 20, from 6 p m. to 1a.m. fIC details ager m a number of faCIlities be- at the ~Iillwflght's She dted ~londay, OCt. 8, In fore bemg name<:!general manager Plan Your Holiday Parties Now THE TEMPO TONES SAT. & Local Vnton 1102, 23401 Petoskey. and VIce president of the Brake, N.D. JAZZ BAND SUN. Mound Road, War

A ~iemonal contnbutlOns may be tf) I I' ,or"i ma) not ex 'Ir Blair IS sun I ,red bv h,e, v.lfe from ~fack Goethe trl "Yorkto"'n" All mterE:'<;ter:lper<;on<;ar~ lr, ( une or expel" person made to the Dominican HIgh PriscIlla Balle} Blair - one sen 'olted tr) attended h~r:All,p lif ~(1~ or School EndQ....ment \femonal J(lh~ {j fr (JI'P <;l<;tpr ;;nrl Ol"f' otj-('nl~~ dlscnm. f" und granddaughter \'...dlt;:::>It:1 C re{ersen mat,. r~garc,ng terms (r(-matlon '""ll ne at rorest Trl!}ute<; ma\ be madf' tn the \11 (I P \ ]fl II 84 elt) AdmlfJl<,lr Luth~ran ChLlrch 2fJ33fj :\fack '.1e, Duff .. , 22 of K('n", 000 Court of I...abfJr In PU.,I'( rJ( (j f,rcJnlb,t< t.f'!p of (,ro<,,,p Prllntt' '\\(1f}(:l'i f(lr apprn\aJ ()f ? pro~I<;f'(1 '>all ",rJrd'~E' E l.-f'tkf' and .\farlha Hal ...ej flH~ Sch(J')1 \1.., Duffv 1I. 1..,<,llf,(j upon \1r<; Zeitz .....111 lie In state at She 1S ,>ur\ 1\ ed by her moth(:r Ronald D, H«lo.mlnn I j("d R \1or1l "I(Uf prdere,.(f I1mltatlOn author1/r'" Jr (r1mmi:ltlon ba~e

•I ,------......

Thursday, October 11,1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page FI1teen-A Gypsy Illoths stay away this 'year «('oIl11l1ut'd from Page lA) In the IIlsect A cable teleVISIOn pro- could rebound III commg years of whIch th('re are large !lumbers gram also hlghlightt'd some of the The more scattered the trappmg III the Pomtes, Dollhopf said The problems With the msect ['('suits, the more difficult to find moth \\ as brought from Europe In where the moths Jre hatchmg, he 1869 by d SCientist hoplllg to test the "If It'S gOlllg to go a\\.1Y. \\t' are ,Hided ~pecle~' sill-. produc lug ablhtles gomg to ha \ e to Sit down and de The moth e~caped IIlto the t\ew clde what to do about the prob. Tlwl'c's no reason for reSidents to }{)ur (()Inp/('/e /'()()r! (Jnd Ileverage Center England lorests dnd has slI1ce lem," Dollhopt sdld "Il s not gomg \\onv dbout the moths for the rest * PACKAGE LIQUOR DEALER. SUNDAY LIQUOR * spre.pel'ts " PRIME RIB ROAST •••••••••.••• s3.29lB. mg " which !':Iccohlll ~ald I't'fel ~ to Il'",el \ e" fOI thl' \\ lllter ahedd The the repeated lJ~e of tlgUl e~ b\ d . Thel e ~ J lot of differences be. Boneless CHUCK ROAST ••••••• 51.99 LB. \\ edl-.ened tree b then ~usceptlble to speaker to oven\ helm hI:' tII een thl~ dnd debate," Nlccollm Winter's Skinless HOT QOGS •• 51.99 LB. o'hpr dl"p""p<; , t .01 I 1 I VPPVU\...JH ,:,~UU. loJUI,. l.UL4, ..... f;U \,...",,;:,v ":'UUUc.U Hal..;:, - t be)' \\ ere both spe.lkmg to Will " The I11mh IdJ \ ae hd tch III mld- ;\Iccollm also telt both (,dndl \ld~ Onl~ a half mch long at emer. dates prepal ed short ~ppeches on gence the lal \ ae \\ III grO\\ through \\'111 they be \1 a tc/ling the vanous tOPICS which the) tried to Vice-pI eSldentlaJ candidates' de. four Qr tilt' ,>tages to t\\ 0 II1che~ blend III With the questlOn~ they long batt.' tomght bet\\ een Geraldme were asked F€'rraro and George Bush? You To fuel that gro\\ th, the larvae bet But despite their cntlcl~m 01 tll(' \1 dl fped hed\'11\ untll 1111d July, SPIRAL SLICED debate \\atched b\ ,1Il e~tlm.lted \\hen the~ pupate, emergmg about I thlllk Ferraro IS really gomg 100 mIllion people', all thl ee stu- GLAZED HAMS $2.99 LB. tv,o \\ E'eks later as adult moths to come out blazmg," Chlllllgll'lan dents felt It served a u~eful !>dld --~ \\ hlch dIe ~hol"lIy after matmg purpose c hs3. added. "It's gomg to be Im- ~_ Chiquita BANANAS 19 LB, ' ,/0 'I I Groups such as the Gros~e POInte "It's Important to read thell portant for Bush III '88 " c Shade Tree Council have helped m- Fresh SPINACH 69 PKG. ~~~~ II form reSidents about the moth and ~I- \~ HEAD LETTUCE 59c EACH ~ Its life cycle, Dollhopf said The -----fyi----- Shaete Tree CounCIl mamtamed a "------:5 Fresh Zucchini SQUASH 49c LB. LlNGUINE_99C 2~ I holllll€ number for reSidents to call (Continued from Page L\) blue and the blood seeps from It they ~potted an Insect The group 1\la'( IS one of those mbred lit- Illy ears STAHL'S BAKERY FRESH DAILY • Cheesecakes from liThe Cheesecake Sho pen also put together displays for the tle thmgs whose throat swells Clt) halls and slide presentatIOns Afterward, while I Imitated a when he gets eXCIted Conse- for local orgamzatlons intf'rested \\ et dlshl'ag on the floor, ~he de- quently he pussyfoots aro'und II\'ered my second favonte hne: the neIghborhood coughmg at 'Gee, that wasn't so bad I Proposal C ... the mailman In!>tead of bark- thought It \\ould be a lot tough- (Continued from Page lA) mg er " terda)' to orgalllze an informatIOn When this feminine logiC LIke she's the one who's Just campaign about the proposal, with began to make sense, I realized Il1terested parents, dlssemmatmg used up a month's supply of hor- It v'as finally tIme for separate mones informatIOn to the community vacatIOns The loss of $6 million by the end No wonder they live 10 years Then It \\ as time to move longer thdn us of 198b ' 1\ ould be catastrophic to thlllgS Rose has thiS ob~es<;lon tIm, orgalllLatlOn unless It could be about heavy objects She'll Sd\ restored through a nllllage elec- somethlllg hke "Hone). what's CandichJtes tJon' Spagnoli said ••• the heaVIest thmg JI1 the base- (Continued from P .tgc lA) The c!Jstnct hasn't determined ment? .. "Oh, I ~uppose the cast unquallfled staff, developing top- Iron and cement washtubs III the \\ hat \\ Quid have to be cut as yet, notch faculty and programs to at- CHECK AND COMPARE OUR POP PRICES WITH YOUR LOCAL SUPERMARKET but the loss IS better than 15 percent laundry "oom Why?" "Well, tract and keep students, and of the dlstnct's budget I've been thmkmg we should operatmg wlthm a reasonable bud. move them onto the roof so get One admll1J~lrator likened the there's more room downstairs" probable cuts made necessary by Currently an attorney speclahz. the loss to "sphttmg an atom We ThiS time It was the freezer III mg III estate and fmanclar plann- know how to do It, but we don't the garage. Accordmg to the 111. mg Mungoven vIews Ius 12 years know where all the pIeces are gomg struchon manual, thiS baby IS spent a.., dIrector of purchases for to fly III the cham reactiOn." big enough to store SIXgangsters Wayne St.ate Umverslty and 10 and two Louie DePalmas From vears as adlmmstrator on Frue- Lowenng the dIstrict's bond rat- the SIde of the garage to the hauf's corporate staff ample pre- mg will atfect the Interest rate on back, where we'll have "more paratlOll for handling the Job of ItS tax antiCIpatIOn notes and cost It room," please trustee 'more money The distnct sells tax antiCipatIOn notes to keep it runn- FIrst It was onto a big dolly, He says he would like to see a Illg until It begms collectmg taxes then grunt and groan as I tned whole new bOal'd elected "It's not III December maneuverlllg It to the back All necessdry to bnng hIstory to a the time, waltmg for my favonte problem to settle It Could they :'\one of the Pomte mumclpal Illle "Is there anythll1g [ can do (former members) break all bodIes ha\ e taken an official pOSI- to help, Honey?" Sure, Rose Let loyalltles to the past and have they -tlOn on Proposal C me when nlY face turns heen loyal to their posItions?" WORSHIP SERVICES

First English Grosse Pomte Woods I~ CfJ, - IA (I ::fh Ev. Lutheran ~ ('] trJMlJ ('"f+.mIR (-y6YnMia/ tfl1Jltrh PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Church 19950 Mack Avenue Presbyterian USA. I hdllway belweeo ~orOSl dnd VeIn e, !loads I \ prOl( r Hoad d t 9 10 and II 10 \\ or'!.I? <'1'. \ Ie, , liB" I ~I,II SUIT \~ed~el' ,,00 Dm e 10 30 '11.ddll l/(our !'. Church ~Lhool !1M 50~!} ~ "Realistic Visions" Dr LOIS Wilson 1J A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP ------~CLEARAf\jCE--- ;:"m ) \\O..,hlP~ II) d m 1983 Ecumenical ;\JlDlster Church \o,o;;hlp 11 oJ m 16 I aKf'sllorr- IlrJ'H Children':, Lcarnm~ ('('nlcr~ ~ (~r(J\'\t ll(Hnk ! .Jrm~ NUr',ery PrOVided A SELECTED GROUP OF CURRENT '~!l2 5,JfJ 24 tlf, SEASON STYLES. $108 to $22H GROSSE POINTE I The best time to purchase that SUII Christ the King Sf. James you have been wanting IS right no\\- Lutheran Church BAPTIST CHURCH CHRIST CHURCH Lutheran Church 21\16 \1. .. k \\pnu. ,I r-' " See our selection of pure \"'001 20338 Mack. GPW "on The Hill" (,rlJ~'" 1'01111. \lo"'h \lr\{,lIlo ., Knr h,,"1 61 Grosse POlnle Blvd and wool/polyester blend deSigns 884-5090 K-lSt fl.ll 111-4&41 a collection that ranges Ir0m A Yf ...... ~ c ...... "" ~.. Simple career tailOring to men~W.,Pdl "'uJ [I...... (! rl'J (j IIJ c1 I'Tl :'if~. V.OH~HIP ::,r:RVICE~ ~/ r i 0 t t J( f J<1 ... q~ ,~ ." 3 m J .... J styles and SUits that can go 91li& I] ()(ldlll u .... fd'Yd) \~(Ir"''''lr It; Vlrl m ~, J he l~I)l,~C()pa/ Church W('/comps YOII t I ll()" '\,h P H()Ur II (l (1 m "ur,>f'ry hoth '>I nil'''» from day Into evening With d ..:1181190 , " ... C 'T' ~ lil il "fill( 11111' 'wn I( (." ,if e j t~ r/lc i I.c:'-; If, {h d Tn m <'un '><' hw! f ~ .-." of blouse and accossoriOS ( / rj I', d III h,mq hllrtll JrJq pt" iI lIuh Eu( & ( ~(!loul po f r I \ l'd"'!Of P .....{flr (,t or~~ " ~ lu II ....r ~... (' r Navy, grey blclCk, re(1 and oIlier \~H Ii \I( .... I I I." III '\lornll1g J'rol> I'r 01ncl ~('rmon r \ookt r l' t ....t,j( f(nlPf"rt \ f'lnttWI I , 1101\ 1'.Illh,lrI<,t - fo It <;t '>undn \ colors Misses sizes 4 to 20 I 10P III EVI'Il'>onK \t'c(md ~Ilnd('rVllt',> Holy [',\lehan'>l I I ~c!') 881.6670 Methodist " 'II P III "',J!LJrr1ll) I .-'1.- (, Ch"lfont., 8nd I Church g ()(/ II In "'unrl ~J.l Loth'op > ~ '"') ~---J f\ \n,l. I n Jl ~ r Ip .,. Dill If,.,!" r I\"or! I \1 K \Bot T blUI ,11'm lor \II)() 1'1 d m ~kll WI, V,iJr,bip II j', ol m (, \ "t I IJ J-, ' r-~,< -'ST MICHAEL'. the Grosse Pointe I rl J rr ...,;1 \. J( ( \1Jr'fry d\~i1nr,11 9 I n t I ~ " t r (II , EPISCOPAL (t Ii rn 12 1 t Congregational III III I HI V. l t 1,1 r j J i ~~,f \11 r.. / CHURCH and .rI',ltI, 1 I \ 1 l'lIlll1) \\\If! Il' \ II H I < I io r I' i 10471 ","I>"lnl(,lol< Park American Baptist J Jt (() 1 r]q \lltn'( r 1:1' HI IHLhl ( I )(1<\ I {.to ...... Ptllnl-- \\,.,;d1Jl Church Slil HWl .... Polnl. 21H C h.ltlOfll' d w., I Ilr I ~ I Ijl h tr 1,1 III(j r (9 (K I 1 I Y h J..,t (Jill. I ( (,III/II '()I ;;I(o(j Brl/l('(>( ") " ~<1 t ( r (~)l 1(J .. rr j .,t, I r1 rUe "II I y 'j I , "" j, I, 1 \ \IIJ \ II PitI I I ~ II ~4( '('f (I tJlf1t c: 101 '1','( '" ,nrJ MrJrarr 1 \',(111'1111' I 1\ \1 ,Ja(j()})S()11S 'I lO '" ) I I I" III <"r" III , H " ...."';, I , '1/) f rr &. (!II l:t 11.1 IIllfll ! I H'd .., \ I( II I) \ 'y Gro!\5fl Polntl' r/ HI.I m (hm I II 'II tlll"01 I ii..,t r (r I {Ij ""'-1!V '.,1 )(\1 W'l (,\10 I r 'If' f'f" , 1 , ~ ( rlh room f"llilllt" Wn ""'011 ()lnB Jaroh'ion 'l CharOA Card or n,,, A .. Il'11i ,Ill I , )lJ '0dl (j ~~ I...rA SOUTHERN BI~PTIS1 j q1lkHI,. .. (If ~"i nrhhlf lIt holtl <"'1 II( I''> IIr.rJr('

I I t...

Warning The Surgeon General Has Determined I hat Cigarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Health

..._~ . e.. (.4 ...... k"" • ic¥-+E ".4 d + ,..-.-----...... ~ ...""- - - ...... -""...... -,.---.,...... --..---'-~ -----~-______T'"------...-_......

Section B The Second Section Thursday, October 11, 1984

From Another Pointe Of View B)" JlIMt M... Uer

A fabuloul:l everung IS 111 store for the MIchIgan Opera Theatre benefit dudience this Monday, Oct 15, when the "SHOWTIME!" curtam goes up at 7.30 pm on a musICal revue featunng the ne\\ est fashIOns of noted desIgner Albert Nlpon, who WI]]be in attendance as guest of honor.

The 45-mmute revue, presented In the MusIC Hall, on the elegantly desIgned Act I Ballroom set of "The Merr\' Widow," MOT's fIrst 1984-85 season production which opens tomorrow night WIth Cleo Lame 10 the title role, was created by Israeli-born fashion coordinator Leah Marks, who now lives III West Bloomfield

T+'t"" -" 1\,,("'\'1"' l •• ,... ~ "" ..-t~ .., "" ~ \... n ...... ,) '"" .. t ...... ,..a. ""./10. " u.~" " ""'"t''' "",.,,)" L~\,A .&.&J, ~vv.t''''''' U "J,v "~"iLlJ, .....,v .. WIt Teller, choreographed by Regina Bell-Dawley and co- ordinated by Denms Codlsh And after the curtam goes down on the "Merry WIdow" set, onginally created for the Spoleto Festival, there's more to come: a gourmet stroll- ing supper in the Music Hall lobbies, plus Mr Nipon's special presentation of three of his fashions for the MOT benefit auctIOn that will take place durmg the evening. .", Among Grosse Pomters servmg on the "SHOWTIME!" committee chaired by Mrs Robert A. GerIsch are Mrs. J. Addison Bartush, Mrs. Kim K. Lie, Mrs. Frank Germack Ii / Jr., Mrs. Frank Donovan and l\Irs Charles M. Endicott. Tickets are $50 per person (tax deductIble as allowed by .,.,.. law). .", But you'll have to hurry If you want to be part of the /' "SHOWTIME!" crowd Reservations must be made by I tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 12 You can make them by calling YOU CAN'T BEAT IT for excitement, fun and variety, It offers 963-3717 Tickets will be held at the Music Hall door. everything from a German Beergarten to an Italian W'ine Cellar, from Sorina, a Middle East exotic dancer (alias IRENE HAT- Another On-Stage Benefit CHEZ, of The Pointe) to TRENNA RUFFNER. also of The Pointe, The FrIends of Barat Human Services, volunteers who member of the Great Lakes Lace Group, each doing her thing. It's help prevent ChIld abuse by supporting and promoting the the Original Old World Market at the International Institute of abuse prevention services Barat provides, will host a fund Metropolitan Detroit, and it \'vill run this year, its 58th )ear, from raising Evening a t the Players Club Thursday, Nov 8. 11a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 18, through Sunday, Oct. 21. at the Institute. located on East Kirby Street at John R in Detroit's "The Bowery Burlesque Moves Uptown" is the featured llnivel'sity/Cultural Center. The Market began during The Depres- play on-stage at the exquiSIte, mtImate Players Playhouse sion, as a way for ne" immigrants to make a little extra money on East Jefferson Avenue, bUilt in 1925fi" a private facihty selling their old-world crafts. Today, it is a full-f1etlged interna- for the "theatrIcal club for gentlemen" orgamzed in 1911 tional event, complete with entertainment, ethnic food, import and The curtam goes up at 8 p.nY' on Barat NIght at the craft booths from around the world. Woods I'esident Helen Kappuz Players A light meal will follow the play. Information on i~ in charge of the gourmet chefs. Used Treasures, Ethnic Books, tickets at $30 per person ($25 tax deductible) may be ob- a For Children Only booth and a fortune teller will be available. tained by contacting Ritz Grezhk at 833-1525. There'll be demonstrations of ethnic cooking daily at 1:30 and 4: 30 p,m., plus craft demonstrations ranging from American Indian Music In The Afternoon beadwork to Ukrainian Pysanki egg decorating. Plan to vi~it tht' The Grosse Pomte Symphony Women's ASSOCiatIOnwill International Pastry Shop early, for it invariabl)' sells out b) mid- hold its first general meeting of the season next Thursday, afternoon. Make a point of witnessing the Greek Orthodox W('d- Oct 18, at 10:30 a.m. at Lochmoor Club, and members are ding Ceremony staged by Father Kavadas of Assumption Gret>k encouraged to bring a friend, a neighbor or a recent new- Orthodox Church at 5::10 p.m., then stay on to enjoy a program of comer to Grosse Pointe to meet the Pointe Symphony Greek dance by the Hellenic Society for the Performing Arts. ~ Women's new board of directors and hear the group's Three Par. resJdeflts, BUf and Ni('k Simopoulos and Chris "'ftn plans for the coming year. Vourloukis, will be among the dancel's. Admission to tlte market is $2 for adults. $1 for senior citizens and youth ages 12to Hi, 50 cents I Luncheon at noon will be followed by - what else? (after for children ages 6 to 11. For more information, call 871-8600. all, these are SYMPHONY women) - a mUSIcal program. I Melissa A. Leonard, J. Sheppard, of Tren- Beethoven's Basement Sale ofBalfour Road, has re- ton, were Master Pomt The Detroit Symphony League kicks off its active season celved a Bachelor of wmners at the 1984 of fund raismg for its symphony thIS Saturday, Oct 13, on Arts degree from the North American Sum- "the other side of town" where Beethoven, busy again thIS State Umverslty ofNew mer ChamplOnslllps of past year wrltmg symphonies, dId not have hme to clean .Jersey Rutgers Doug- the American Contrdct out his basement. lass College Bl'Idge League In .." Wa~hmgton, DC, In So the League, under the dIrectIOn of Kathy O'Rourke. Hoberl \ \Iarllll. or July The) placed first Lochmaal' Bou!p\ J I d overall In a 72-player. When eyes are upon you (Contmu('d on Page un and hll> partner HlIbt'! ( one sc~<,j()11 ('vent what thoughts do they take away?

Hair Tells So Much!


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------~ ~ --- ~------~------,- . Thursday, October 11, 1984 'Page Tw0-8 Increase your effectiveness ~larllyn Semoruck WIll teach the skills needed to live and work In harmon) ~ Ith spouse, parents, fnends, relative:. and co-workers on three Thursday afternoons begm- nmg next week, O<:t 18, at the Grosse Pomte War ~lemonal The class, "IncreaSing Personal Effectlveness, ' \\ tll meet from 1 to J p m and costs $30 RegistratIOn mformatlon IS avaIlable by callmg 38l-i511 PartICipants ....!l1 be taught to .dent,h their O~ n beha\ IOral st\ les arJ Increase their appre<'latlOn of I)'her people's dIfferent st) les The emphasiS \\ III be on opemng com- mUnicatIOns \~1m others. creatmg F '" motivatiOnal enVIronment and .t reso!'dng conflicts - \\Ithout box- ng gloves

~'$, ",tr T"' .. -1 •• " { LXII.lJJll lUCU~ '" I t"s is Rothenberg A herd of local Ibex, at rest A dozen pamtmgs done ill the last two years by neo-expreSSlOnlst ar- Pictured aboH, uncharacteristic all, at rest, are Ibe>. officer!> for 1984-85, announced b)' Mrs. tl5t Susan Rothenberg are bemg Harry Esling, hOnOl"aQ president, at the club's annual meeting. he~d at the Grosse Point~ <:;lub. L~ft sho\\ n In the Contemporary to right are :\IRS. ROBERT \'IEWEG, \ ice.president. :\lRS. ROBERT F. WEBER, publiCity chair- Gallenes of the DetrOIt institute of man, ~IRS. RICHARD 'HRKS, pre!>ident, ,IRS. GEORGE E. P\RKER III, recording secretary, Arts through Sunday, Oct 21 :\1RS. DO~ALD BLAI~, program chairman, :\IRS. WILLL\M KERR, membership chairman, and Rothenberg has been a leader ill :\lRS. DO,",ALD \'ERCRl'YSSE, treasurer. ~ot pictured (they \\ere no doubt. too busy "doing" to "new image" art, in which allusive pause to be captured by the ca mers) are :\lrs. Gilbert GO,ve, house com m.ittee cl~airma~, an.d Mrs. Imagery emerges from overall ab- Joseph :\Iengden, corresponding secretary. Ibex opened Its fall season \"lth a trip to Histone Fort stract configurations, for the past Wayne, to visit the restored Commanding Officer's Quarters and the Indian :\luseum. James Con~ decade Her exhibItion here, made way, the Detroit Historical :\Iuseum's curator of Architectural History, gave a slide talk on the possIble by the DIA Founders S0- restoration, Husbands have been invited to join Ibex members in ~o\'ember, to hear guest speaker ciety Fnends of Modern Art, IS :\lichael Duff), tele\ ision critic, respond to the question: "Is TV As Bad As You Think It Is?" open to the public without charge during regular museum hours' 9 30 a m to 5:30 pm Tues- U degrees are granted Chrysanthemums day through Sunday of 1"1 More than 2,000 Cmverslty of MI- gmeenng. Robert W. Pethlck, of bloom Saturday A complementary IllStallatlon of chigan students on the Ann Arbor Grand Maral5 Boulevard, Bache- neo-expressionist work from the The Greater DetrOIt Chrysan- campus completed degree requtre- lor of SCIence In Engineermg m In- themum SocIety presents Its 24th DIA's permanent collectIon and on ments thl5 summer, WIth those who dustrial and OperatIOns Engmeer- . loan from area private collectors Annual Chrysanthemum Show thIS , ' dtd not attend Apnl commence- mg. Cameron E. Farquhar, of Har- Saturday, Oct 13, from noon to 9 15 bemg shown adjacent to the ment ceremonies expected to parti- vard Road, and Douglas WHeller, p m and Sunday, Oct 14, from Rothenberg lfiStallation, in the cipate 10 December commence- of Hawthorne Road, Bachelors of museum's Cavanagh Wing noon to 5 pm at the Tel-Twelve ment General Studies. and Lynn M Mall There IS no admission Grosse Pomte residents earnmg Kosek, of Btrch Lane, and Jona- charge Bachelor of Arts degrees mclude than B Stewart, of Hawthorne Set rummage MarJone J. ~orum, of lakesIde Road, Bachelors of Fme Arts "~lums on the Avenues of Beau- Court. Mark D BaSile, of ~lcK1O- Pomters who have earned ty" \\111feature many varietIes and sale Oct. 17 ley Road; Cind) A Cordoba, of graduate degrees include Ce<'U G colors of chrysanthemums, from Torrey Road; T1mothy J ~{cDon. Keith, of Bedford Road, and Helen the small, button types to the spec. A rummage sale w111run from 10 nell, of West Doyle Place, WillIam Van TIem, of Village Lane, Mas- tacular spIder and football blooms, a m to 4 p m next Wednesday, L Pnngle, of Lakeshore Road, ters of Arts; Cynthia C. Worrell, of The show Will also feature a flower Oct 17, at Saint James Lutheran Detrdre A. Roney, of Lakeshore Stratford Place, and Paul D. arrangement competitIOn Church, located on McMillan Road Road, and Joan:\1 lJrbanclc, of Shulec, of Grosse Pomte Boule- behmd the "Hill" shopp1Og area Stephens Road vard, ~lasters of Pub1Jc Health, CompetItIon IS open to the public The annual event features fastuon- Other Bachelors degree candI- Lee A Hamel, of BIrch Lane, Mas- Entries WIll be received until 10 able and seasonal clothmg, usable dates are Mana E Grodsmskv. of ter of Arts 10 LIbrary Science; and p m tomorro\\, Fnday, Oct 12 housewares and applIances, chu- YorkshIre Road. Bachelor' of CynthIa E Berry, of Falrcourt Further mformahon and show dren's clothing, games, toys and SCience; Wendy A Junker. of ;\ot- Drl\ e. and Damel T. Smale, of schedules ma)- be obtaIned by con- books - all kinds, in good condi- tingham Road, Bachelor of SCience Roslvn Road, !l1asters of Busmess tactIng James Buha, show chair. tron in Engufeermg In Mechal11cal En- .\dmmistration man, at 2il-1262

Sweetest Day ~pecial Monogramming Pointe Book FREE on Any Purchase $4.00 Limit on Monogram Traditional Men's and Women's Apparel! Club to meet The Pomte Book Club gathers thIS Monday, Oct 15, at the home of :\lrs Wmdsor Davles, who will be Sprott assl5ted by co-hostesses .:\frs William BaIrd and Mrs John Zolad, for 1ts monthly meetmg Street Followmg luncheon, :\1rs George Johnson ..vlll re\ Ie\\" "The Ken- 773-8110 nedys,' oy Peter CoUler and DaVId 22420 Greater Mack, S.C.S. HorOWitz

~...... -_ For a light look at the news behind The NEWS check out Tom Greenwood's FYI on Page I of The NEWS

11'0e Ej",a'1 'l<>O e,,, ~'\ I S ~0~ a~c~~trg ~~, 5'", So" (:j'lt:: a::-~ lea. v ....: f"J" !Y'JOtIoo r~ ... i.a 884-8858

,IVU R. S'/J\' G JIO;\1E

W~" I I -\'11 JHH~o.,()\ ~ rH I ROil \fl( H -E: _ Jilt shops of 821-3525" Watlon.Pi~rc~\. (Jf/Alln Dolly 9 er;-:;, 3(, ~ GROSS{ POINTE .. "" ....L PS/\(J ( Ak! ThurSdOy I I v ':£ ...... -.-=---,----_.------

Page Three-S _\Thursday, October 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS : Brunch party Take a day . with fashions off to travel Ctl6ffebe't'ty Getting away for a long vacation . for 'Navy Day" may be out of the question - but how about short Jaunts to attrac- KKib Tables 10 the ballrooms of Loch- tIOns Just a step beyond The , moor Club will be centered with POInte's own backyard'~ wiJite mums, on mIrrors, and set The Grosse Pointe War Mem- Ae£ W~6 cued 13~ With red and blue napkms on white onal has schE'duled four vacation lmen Thursday, Oct 25, to under- day trips In November and early score the patrIOtic theme of the December The first, on Wednes- ill 0JCe cued two. IJieu Detroit Women's Council of the day, Nov 7, ISan excursIOn to Mar- Navy League of the Umted States' shall, Mlch, often dubbed "The ~fy~ &at go. etJefUjwkettef annual Navy Day benefIt brunch Williamsburg of the Midwest " and fashIOn show A gUIde from the Marshall HIS- Nav)' Day IS tradltlOnally cele- tOrical Society w111 take particI- brated on Theodore Roosevelt's pants to four hIstone structures bIrthday, WhIChISOct 27 - but the set amid beautifully preserved 19th Council's monthh luncheons are century homes A drive-around held on the fourth'Thursday, hence tour Will provide ghmpses of the It was decIded to Jump the gun by a Greek Revival, GothiC ReVival. few days Teddy wouldn't mind Itahanate and Queen Anne style ex- The fIrst PresIdent Roosevelt, teriors of the Vlctonan Era houses whose motto was "Peace through Lunch at Schuler's Will be fol- " I'\f RC HEVAL Strength," upgraded the Nav)' dur- lowed by a VISit to the American mg hIS tenure as the nahon's chIef Museum of MagiC, housed 10 an ",v~l1hv", Wh",n h", "'(In thp 1\1nhPl ,,1P'1<.nt 1~1)-"p",; "trll('tll"p IIn,; Pea~e Prize In 1906, he used the ~ai(rt~ 'con tam the largest collec- • funds to found the Navy League of tIOn of magic memorabilia In the 11 \OU can't be there the Umted States a 1Ialson group world, datmg back to 1584 to care. Professional between lay men and women and The Marshall Tour bus wlll1eave ~I('dlcal Servlct'~ IS those who serve offICially in the the War Memonal at 8 a.m., re- the next bc~t thin~. tlve board for many years. United States Navy, Marmes and Mrs Peschel at nght, a former turmng around 6 p m Cost, includ- Home Carl' 'ur'\In~ Coast Guard Grosse Pointe resident who now Raffle chairman is Mrs Norman mg lunch, IS $29 Prl\ aI<' nul \ .....ur" nR II I OffiCial hostess for this specIal makes her home m Mount Clem. Kirkman, whose late husband servo The second "mml-vac," a Tues- Ilol1H'Jnes. Rochester Branch of the Woman's The chapter's 1984-85off1cers are Polish genealogy workshop slated National Farm and Garden Asso- Mrs. Stuart Crane, president, Mrs. ciation 20m50% Off John Martm, vice-president, Mrs The Polish Genealogical Society able to the first 100 registrants A Chmese luncheon is included in Derrill Mannle, secretary, Mrs of Michigan presents its annual Registration forms and further in- the $20 tour fee. The bus wiIlleave James Champane Jr., treasurer, Polish Genealogical Workshop Sat- formation may be obtained by con- the War Memorial at 9 am., reo All china and patterns earned and Mrs Richard Mertz, historian urday, Oct. 20, from 8:30 a m. to 3 tactmg the Polish Genealogical So- turn10g at 4 p m by the League Shop (except p.m m DombrowskI Fieldhouse on clety of Michigan, Burton His- Early reservations are recom- the campus of St Mary's College at toncal CollectIOn, DetrOIt Pubhc mended for all four excursIOns Herend, Hadley and Spade's lakeshore YMCA Orchard Lake. LIbrary, 5201 Woodward Avenue, Reservation informatIOn may be Chnstmas Tree pattern.) Featured speaker will be DetrOit, Mich. 48202 obtamed by calhng 881-7511 hosts pre-school Maralyn Ann Wellauer, of MIl- ah. . · The Lakeshore Family YMCA, waukee, WIS, author of such Memor Ie project for loUIsa St. ClaIr Repiace, Complete, Add SerVing Pieces located on East Jefferson Avenue guides as "TracIng Your Pohsh . m St. Clair Shores, just "across the Roots" "Tracing Your German The LoUisa St Clair Chapter, The memOrial, placed near the at very happy savings.' border" from The Woods, is pre- Roots:' and "TraCIng Your Czech Daughters of the Amencan Revo- altar, IS a brass tablet which sentmg pre-school programs under and Slovak Roots" veteran of sev- lUhon, has met tWice recently for reads. "SalOte Anne de DetrOit, the gwdance of Donna Stone agarn era I research tnps to Euro~. dedicatIOn of a memorial at. Ste secon~ oldest pansh in the country, this year. TOpICfor her mormng sltde lec- Anne Cathohc Church, estabhshed estabhshed July 26, 1701, by An- Classes include Pre-School Gym, ture presentahon IS "ImmigratIOn two .days after AntolOe de la Mothe tome de la Mothe ('adllla~ on feast for ages 3 months to 5 years; Crea- and Emigration: Routes and Rec- Cadillac arnved to found a town he of Samte Anne, Patron salOte of the tive Playtime, for ages Ilh to 2%, ords " Her afternoon lecture is titI. enVISIOned as controlhng trade by French, two days after the found- Story Time Fun, for 3 to 5-year- ed "Comments on Research In the umtmg tnbes, where all the In- mg of DetrOit." oIds; and After-SChool Gym, for DDR Poland and Czechoslo- dlans would be clvlhzed, "trans- The church, rectory, school and ages 5, 6 and 7 RegIStratlon infor- vakl~ " formed from heathens to chl1dren pansh hall are all listed on the Fee for the day IS $15 A free of the Church, and consequently MIchigan State and National mahon may be obtained by calling 72 KERCHEVAL Oil tlh' h:lI 3826880 778-5811 packet of informatIon Will be avall- good subjects of the Kmg " RegIsters of HistoriC Places

Featuring: PropertlPs removed tram the E<;ldle of George E Vdlerot 01 Gro,,;{' POll1tr rarm" and A Collccllon of O,",PI 150 reW" antique and fme guns and mllitarv acccsc;orlPS hy the- orciN of th{' UnlVPr.,lly of Mldllg,H), Ann Arhor ------~-- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19,7:00 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 11:00 A.M, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, at Noon ~------FRIDAY: Cum, mtlllJry aeressorle-s, Sam,lUri w,Iord". fl~hH1K('{lulprtwnl SATURDAY: 181h ('nlurv p(mt'l,lIfl~1 eHlIICJUt' IVory miniature,;, <;dhouptlec" hal1f'rs£>J boxes, VlntAgP clolhlf1K (,I',), gl)ll .,t1vpr SUNDAY: 181h ({'nlury Fn~lrc,h .me! Anll'rl( elll hJrIlI<,hll)~", Georgian ,,"VPf P..lInllnge, by Fugenp Boudin, 1;\ .111'[( ()I(;I~ by '>11Will,.I'l1 Ru<,c,('11rlml, dnd mow, ()Vl'r 1000 1111(' ()If(,'II1~<'

<'.thrlel NI( olel€' (C;wiu ."'~...... ~. t. , ...... I J" I; ~..,t ..Pt. '" , .... \lel', "Rl',lful Companv" 2'l' x 11>'1,'

Antlqtl(. C,M-raIOn thr("(> P'f'~I,1 fngh~h

dlnrn!! !.thle. (d 1800.tnd tt'fl AITlf'I'I( an ( hlppnwMk' mdhc"""ny dlmn,; {h.1lr\, {d 17~O

Wrn,IClw Hnmf'r IAnwr 11llh 1'I HII I h.llk .tOO ~.ttr'n ol(,r on pdfM'r. (,'1,")f ~y,' Ant,quI' <,h,.l(n,lc1 (o\ll'rpd !'l'llrN' dldw" pair, I' 14 ('nM.: S.:.; 01 H RS 1'" VII W , ,hd"I",n ll/'Kllh ( l' tob' f I) ('Oll.'I,Rrt: "I~t: Ot' .'1'.: .'. I.' j t 't If' 'f r (" I V( J IllP f,r tn,l' Mil /1III.1r 1j(~llr, 'hill Ill!' ,.,1(' ,Loll ~ 10', I'M "H,d,ly (), lob. r 1,1 I 1(Ill M ~1 't I 1L~ fd'/) f' (I Kay An()" ((('l'l1/,r Prn,lI" HI(r (1111.( ( ,lldlo~Ul'\ $/ll/O p' ,\lp,1II1 ~ I Oil Anos Furs :~:;:~~~,; 19261 Mad. (f)('!H Moro,\) TlC"llo WI'I\l(h lIitllllt' 886-7715

- ..__ .._------_. --.,.-.._-- -... --- -. ... - .... ~ ...... - \, ~, , '.. .;: .

~<. Thursday, October 11, 1984.- " ' Page Four-B GROSSe POINTE NEWS

HarokI D. S&rgeat, 0( ,STITCHER~ BlaU'Itloor Court, aJ)(i 200/0.500/0 &oU Sherman Niue. STREET of Lochmoor Boule- Make your Christmas presents vard, have receIved SAVINGS - 14 Classes offered between Juns Doctor degrees as members of tfie flrst now and Chmtmas in Knitting. class to graduate from Interior Designer sale Cross Stitch, Plastic. CanLlOs. the Um\ersltY of Den- HOURS: ver's College of La\\' at Lomps, Furniture, Picture~ M.W.F. 10.6, T. Th. 10-8:30, S. 10-5 Its newly completed fa. 20818 HARPER clhues on the former Wallcoverings, Fabrics, Accessories HARPER WOOOS 881- 7340 Colorado Women's Col- lege campus FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12 . 10.00 to 5'00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 . 10:00 to 5.00 AND SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14 • 12.00 to 4'00 INTERIORSBY XENIA 19876 Mack Avenue Private Duty Nursing Care 886-6667 Grosse Pointe Woods serving the Grosse Pointes and the Tri-Counties fREE FOR fALL O'Keefe & Merritt • MI~RnWAVE--- .-..MODEL~_.-5&-8474---or 5lH)473 ~rtvate Homes, HosDitals or Nursing Homes OR YOUR CHOICE OF An international afterglow DISHWASHER • TRASH COMPACTOR • 24 Hour Service. 7 Days a Week ~fODEL 61-1154 ~ODEL 52.2.Ut • Full Time or Part Time Coverage Afterglo'A chairmen )IR. and ~lRS. "ESLEY R. JOH~SO~, of with purchase of a Quaker Maid custom kitchen. • Bonded and Insured Tbe Pointt'. flank Detroit S) mpbon) Orchestra guest soloist \TZL'KO HORIGO:\IE, \ jolin, at a S....edish Heritage Week recep.- Offer good through October 19, 1984 WIth mlmmum tion in honor of guest conductor Herbert Blomstedt folio'Aing the purcl'.ase reqwred \'lSlt our ShOIlrTOOm By RN's, LPN's, Nurse Aides, and Li¥e In ~ntoN Sept. 29 DSO concert at Ford Auditorium. :Ur. Johnson is a direc ~her tor of Detroit-S 'A edish Council, Ine, 263.0580 Inald From A110ther Pointe .~'~~,~~~fJ~881-1024 Community Professional Nllfsing Service Of View 18332 Mack, Grosse Pointe Free Consultation lContinued from Page IB) ARPIN FURS OF WiNdsOR na~ onct again done the job for him, The Second Annual Beethoven's Basement Rummage Sale will run from 9 Fine/Canadian Furs at Very Special Prices a m. to 4 p.m. saturday at the Kensington Academy on Square Lake Road in Bloomfield Hills. Itwill feature rum- mage of all shapes and sizes, plus housewares, plants and 1 1 a special boutlque of unique items WHITTIER I i Cider and doughnuts will be available for those who, TOWERS after a few hours' rummaging, need to re-fuel. 415 Burns Dr. A More Elaborate Menu Detroit, Michigan 48214 The menu was a bit more elaborate when Tom and Diane Schoenith and Frank and Stephanie Germack traveled from The Pointe to the Bloomfield Hills home of Bill and a ~~eu1rea-nd ~all~"~.""9 Pat Warner on a mid-September evening for a Fabulous /01, /u~ Feast prepared by Doug Grech, of Restaurant Duglass, &ldl~em.ud Pt'fe and served by medIa celebrities Ted Anthony and Byron McGregor. The Feast, one of the auction Items at the Project Hope aUt/,. Grand Prix Fever Party last June, was bid for and won by • Private rooms and Apartments Paul and Sue Fme whose guests, in addition to the all with private baths f Schoeniths and Germacks, were Bob and .MilliePastor, ! Martin and Janie Kellman and Phyllis Marra. • Around-the-clock security

They dined on poached salmon and CalIforma grill. top- • Maintenance ped off by Pears Patnck . and then, smce the evening • Excellent Meals was mIld, those willmg to take a chance on NOT sinking • Registered Nurses on duty donned bathIng suits and jomed the "kitchen help" (the Warners, their friend Joyce Finegan and her son John, and I who at one time worked for Duglass and is now Pastry • Beauty/Barber Shop Chef at the St. Regis Hotel) m the outdoor JaCUZZIand • Grocery Store Come see Arpm's fabulous 1964-8S collection of fashion furs, expertly swimming pooL crafted moo today's eJtCltmg new desIgns and of course, you are • Doctors' Clinic assund of fine quality and value wben you shop Arpm's All semces for and proceeds from the evernng were • Gift Shop donated to Project Hope: the world health organization • Library dedicated to providing and promotmg health science pro- Duty and Sales grams wherever they are needed alt within the building Tax Refunded Showcased at Duglass Full Premium on Did you know that Doug Grech, the "Fabulous Feast" 10r further information or for an appointment American Funds Fllr Spericdbt fer eeet"5' !It!tIrs chef, has Just opened a gallery for the arts. Showcase 484 Pel~sler Street Duglass, at his elegant Southfield restaurant? . and that 823-6470 Park In the Downt01iltn the gallery's first featured artist (through the month of Oc- call LOIS NAIR Parking Garage - Wlfidsor. 1.519.25).5612 tober) is Woods resident Terry Henson1 Now you do. 822-9000 Park at PeliSSier Da!h 9 to 5 30. Fn to 9 Terry, VIce-presIdent of the Grosse Pomte Artists Asso- CIation, has taught art in the metropolitan area for more HAMMELL MUSIC, INC. than 20 years. Her background mcludes diplomas from Cass Tech and the Center for CreatIve Studies and hands- is proud to announce Steinway artist on experIence ranging from architectural model makmg to mural pamting RUTH BURClYK in CONCERT For Showcase Duglass, she has concentrated on dolls, ranging In size from three~uarters to 30inches The dolls are hand-sculpted, usmg a plas~lc-based clay called "Fimo" which orIginated m Europe where It IS used primanly for bas rellef and repamng old works of art. Flmo IS umque because of Its extreme fleXIbility and translucent effect, and because It does not deteriorate in finng hke other matenals Terry bUIlds some of her figures tradItIOnally, WIth sculpted hands. feet and heads and cloth bodIes Some of j her one-of.a-kmd figures are wired for fleXIbIlity Some are sohd Her sensItIve handlmg of features and equailv fme attention to clothmg detaIls nght down to tmy, hand- made leather shoes / put her dolls 1mmedlately m the col- lector's category She has authored tv-obooks on her '.;,.ork.and IScurrentlv J- -workmg on a nev.. llmlted editIOn of porcelam fIgures • Call Questers to convention '\ •-~.. ~lerrJx:rs of the Fox Creek, tlcketc;. hro\ and buy at a , 'l) / Grand \Yardls Gro<,<;e Prllnte Harvest and Craft Sale register STEINWAY -I~ 1<. .:;J- Pear Tree Pettlfhlntr- RJmon and en](>} ('offee uA Pianist's Utopia" ) ~c/1 '- Farms ar.ri \\ lndmlll Pc-,n!'" ('hap- Guest '~aker at Thur<;da. s ters of Que"ter~ ....l1J p;;rt IClp neP<:Jle-wc.rk selec. day (Jet Ii af1d Thur~da', (Jet H~ as guest plamst wlth the IIM_" sr....I,'. es In BJrmmgham JS at the ShE'Tator-Oar< H(/t~lln ~r,\d na',f,rall<, krro,n as a lecturer and INTERLOCHE7\ ARTS ACADEMY ORCHESTRA The:- IJ Ie}]") apprr,x,rr.d'el. -If) ." frNjlJf"T,tl:r fe2turf:.d at the Hpnf) B~/ron Har,son, conductmg Quester .. frrJm thrrJ ...grf/u' the "ta'i" Fr/rrl \fuv'um and Greenfield for ll;e t\l. 1')-<:1,1\ Tnrp.~.( f'JT tnf \!,rrl,gf:ln (,lues 11 Mncv1a \ thp l£ague of Cathol!c V';omen Youth Programs tratlon at a m \\ In !Pr', JdJ. ~.... r:"{'p, ng 1 P ...llh the hotel dtrn.m - Jr,r,f-'v. ((/r,\((I' (In h(1"l" an' the Compllmert<1n '" rr. r.dr- te, r.., WED:'JESDAY OCTOBER 24, 1984 - 8 PM \!MJrl \fr;,tr If )~ii;J(o<. \Till v"al featured InCludE' r~ngJ,< h "'TJ,< K rjpn ....r,..,rj.. HdTtlanrl ">!..-JgPtf'r., Lhd pter:> \l.ork Dinner 1<; <.(hpdu)p(j fr.r \\f'

. Thursday, OCtober 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Rose Society Dr. Adamany GREATWAYS TRAVEL CORPORATION will convene will address IS PLEASED at new site Pointe AAUW TO ANNOUNCE THAT The Grosse Pomte Rose Socletv Dr DaVid Adamany, preSident will hold its Wednesday, Oct ii, and professor of Law ItyWomen 111 at the back of the school bUIlding Grosse Pomte South High Sr:hool'~ The program, led by resident Clernlnson Hall Greotwoys TroYeI (Ot~ HIS subject IS "The FulUrE' of Consulting Rosanans,' appomted 100 Kercheval on the Hill 886-4710 by the American Rose Soclet) , \\ III Higher EducatIOn In :\hclllgan 'd diSCUSSIOnof the dJlemmd laCing HOUR~' \'\O'\J[)i\Y throuKh ~RI()A'y 9.') be an open diSCUSSion on tOPiCS relating to thiS year's rose gro\\ 109 the state as It confronts d I educt lOll In fundmg and gr 0\\ Illg demand ... season Members and guests are ~ inVited to share their thoughts, sug- lor quahty education, expen~lV(' :I gestions and solutIOns on such sub- trammg and eqUlpnwnt Ii Dr Adamany IS a graduatE' of ADD A TOUCH Jects as which roses grew well thiS II year, wluch ne\\' mtroductlOns to tr} Harvard College and Hal \ al d LI\\ II next year and problems hke black- School He obtallled IllS l\ta~lel ~ spot, mildew and Insect pests, and degree and Doctorate III Pohllcal OF ELEGANCE ...... ,...Jol"" .. .,.... _,....r"\~"'...,_ .. t'hn"""".. SCience at the Ulllvel'sit V of II Wlsconsltl He has hetd teaching The meetmg Will be preceded by posts at WIsconsin Stale Ulllver. 'I a Fall Mmiature Rose ShO\~. slty-Whltewater, the UllIverslty of II Members and guests ma) brmg up Wisconsin-MadiSon, We~leyan Col to three mml blooms (one bloom lege, where he abo ~erved as dean, It per stem) to the cafetena, arriving Cahfornia State Ul11versity, Long early to set up Entry tags and Beach, \\ here he \\ as vice presI- mini vases will be provided Rib- dent of AcademiC Aft a ll'C;, and the bons Will be a\\ arded UOlverslty of Maryland II Hostesses for the evemng are While In Cahforma and Marvland jl Ellen Guinness and Manlyn King. he participated III several hlgh~level The Pomte Rose Society IS co- commltlees consldenng the struc- I sponsored by the Grosse Pomte ture and needs of the higher educa r Public &hool System hon system. and wrote reports on hiS findmgs ! HIS background In public affan's Needlework night during hIS WlsconSlIl years IS ex. tenslve Dr Adamany IS also the I author of many articles and books, for Sigma Kappa DIcl.lllond .... IIHI gold h,wE:' never looked ~o good \Ve Jre I Grosse POInte Alumnae of Sigma on Constltutlonal Law, the JudiCial Process, American Pohttcs and proud to Imlutlt' 11m ullforgetlClbfe piece In our elegant (01- I Kappa sorority Will meet Wednes- Fashions for Assumption day, Oct. 17, at 7:30 pm. m the Har- Campaign Finance le( 11011 01 b',ll ('Ie[<; I per Woods home of Maurme Allan The Assumption Parishioners Association, in cooperation with The address, which IS free and t. I for a demonstration of Creative J.L. Hudson Company Eastland, will present Fashion Forecast open to the pubhc, WIll be preceded edmund AH EE jewelers Circle Needle Art by one of the '84, a luncheon and fashion show, on Saturday, Oct. 20, at noon at by a short busmess meetlllg 20139 Mack Avenue II members, during which each InformatIOn on memberl'ohlp 111 Assumption Cultural Center, located on Marter Road in St. Clair the local branch of the AAUW. open Gro'ose Pointe Woodc; woman present will have an oppor- Shores, at the border of Grosse Pointe Woods. BETTY MAGEE. tunity to have a "hands-on" exper- to women With a degree from an 88&4600 I at left above, pictured with STEPHANIE DASKAS (center) and approved college or university. ience with a craft. GEORGIA GIANOPLOS, party co-chairmen, is personal trade The program will be followed by may be obtall1ed by callmg 885 manager of Hudson's Woodward Shops, She will coordinate the a report on fall rush at Michigan 8247 colleges and universities, with fashions and furs and provide the commentary. Models will be SELLING OUT FLOOR SAMPLES special emphaSIS on the chapter's Assumption parishioners, their hair styled by Paul Azar, director assigned collegiates at Eastern of Tresses. and his staff. Donation for the day is $15 per person. Grand Marais Michigan UniversIty Dessert will Re'iervations may be made by calling 779-4362 or 882.8071. Traditional, Colonial and Early American be provided by co-hostess Gerry Questers meet Furnishings and Accessories Matthews. Mrs Sidney Probert Will Area Sigma Kappas mterested 10 Methodists' vision lives descnbe "The Romance of Per- 3 DAY SALE-October 12, 13, 14th making reservations for the meet- A Centennial of Women 111 Mis- president, introduced and we1- fume" at the Grand MaraiS ing are asked to contact the hostess sions was celebrated recently at corned the past-presidents, Betsy Chapter of Questers' meetmg Friday 10-9 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 12-3 at 521-4137 or the co-hostess at the Grosse Pointe United Metho- Horsch, Thais Slocum, Myrth tomorrow, Fnday, Oct 12, at 9 30 SAVE 10% more for 3 days on Floor Stock 884-3511. Sigma Kappas interested dist Church when the United Brownson, EUnice Hayward, Betty a m in the Jefferson Avenue .home ALREADY DRASTICALLY REDUCED in more Information about the Methodist Women honored their Reas, Virginia Shover, Helen of Mrs John MacKay Pointe chapter should contact Ruth past-presidents at a potluck salad Pnest, Kathleen Hersey, Helen Ellen Probert's program In, j------~ CI.OQS ", New fIIf, WI ...... ~ Saur at 331-5812, Delores Littlefield luncheon 10 Fellowship Hall. ' Saxton, PrIscilla Van Horne and eludes ah informal jliston>' of per-' ill'"I"•• ,,,.... , at 881.1042 or Maryn Horn at Hostesses were members of Mar1> Pat Deck, ' fume, how it was made and used 884-3018. Chapter meetings are tha Circle, Mary Jane Wriston, Evelyn Griffith and Mrs. Van over the centuries and anecdotes Fine Quality furnishings and Solid Woods open to any alumna or collegian chairperson. Mane Draper, UMW Horne received special UMW pIns relative to the ways III which Featured - Maple, Cherry, Pine and Oak in honor of their many continuing famous people used it She Will activities bring samples of fr3nklllcense, Included are Conover Chair, Nichols and Stone. Tell City, Hitchcock Spotlight women painters, sculptors The program, directed and nar. myrrh and potpourn, and ~xpla1l1 Chair, Kentwood, Superior Furn, Quollel, Three Mountlon .. rs. rated by Bilhe Deason, was a dra- to the group how to choose, weal' and Saturday, 11a m to 7 p m Fri- Riverside Desks, J.B. Ross Brass Beds. Grosse Pointe's LoUISe Nobili,. ma, "Llvmg the Vision," wntten and make perfume day There ISno admiSSion fee, but professor, Wayne State Umverslty, by Joyce Stanton for the JUrlsdlc- Ellen IS a docent at the Edsel & jurled the exhibit by members of donatIOns are welcome tlOn Meetmg of the United Metho- Eleanor Ford house and dlrectOl of the DetrOIt Society of Women dlst Church in Milwaukee, Wis the Grosse P01l1te Garden Cenler. ALL SALES RNAL-50LD AS.IS-NO LAY-A.WAYS Painters and Sculptors which In conjunction With thiS exhibit of Delivery Can Be Arranged opened last FrIday, Oct 5, With a 7 watercolors, OIls and a variety of It IS the story of outstandmg headquartered al the Gro~se to 9 p m receptIOn a t The Art sculptures, there WII! be a special UMC women in America Their POinte War MemOrial Cente:- on Macomb Place 10 Mount lecture presentation at The Art stories were told by Carol Davey, The bus mess portIOn of the Clemens, where it will run through Center from 7 to 9 p m Friday, Shirley Lewis, Margaretta Ohla, meeting Will mclude fmal planlllng 776.6230 E.C. WHITE CO. Wednesday, Oct 31 Oct 12 Addltlonal mformation on Mrs Hersey, Connie semerad, for chapter members to attend Closed Monday 26717 Little Mack Gallery hours are 11 a m to 5 the show and/or the lecture may be Ruth Chosy and Laura Wiczak Questers State ConventIOn, sche- pm. Tuesday through Thursday obtamed by callmg 469-8666 Each wore a hat representative of duled for next Wedne~dav and St. Clair Shores "her" time, furmshed by Mrs Thursday, Oct 17 and 18, at VISA & MASTER CHARGE Plan card party for De La Salle Chosy Sheraton-Oaks 111 Novi An anmversary card party spon- Common Road. between Hayes and sored by the Chrtstlan Brothers Schoenherr, in Warren Prizes and COMMUNITY Auxiliary of De La salle Collegiate refreshments WII! be featured is scheduled for Thursday, Oct 25, Ticket mformallon may be obt

I',t-hll1d e..l'ry ont>of D'lI dl"lIH,nd VIIII"'I" 15quaJllV thAI defin('"\ '> dJUI' "'~ ....,(II ,,\ 1,1,111"111' r,l 1 Il\

WJW Y(JlJth('{ Ul, ("lor ,Ind (I.inli 1r.,II' orroblfl( 1" tjl"k. , ,II h Michel Jean Pilor\let l A H 0 ~ < A • I N G of our dlam'JlJd~ ~pt"( tal (,h(I(I<;(') (,Ill \ r r'"'' "II r , "II. ( II"n 01 rou'ld,m"f'l'lI .... rmrr .•I

«(etl{lv( JdndHape dC\J.'(n, and pl~ntJn~ ot qUrlllty shdde trees, \hrub\, evcr~(tem, and Jar,ge ~ ~p{'( Jmen lrees CHARlES w. WAJ~REN

~ •.A • ., j r I ~ ,. j I 4 I

r I- 1.. .. (j \') ~ I"" I t' ,..11t '" , , ....1< f !j I} .... 11ot I ",,,~ i .....' II" t v t ~" ,. I' 823-6662 j low'" \.' .. rI ..>1 ...... rvJo "'''''' I 1... (. Thursday, October 11, 1984 page Six-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS , •, Ja)TWilliams Miss Tennent wed Aug. 25 The 2 o'clock ceremony Satur- IOned '" Ith short sleeves and ban. claims bride day. August 25. m ~iarlner's deau necklines Church at \\ hlch KatherIne Ann RIchard F Palmer acted as best Exchangmg marndge \ 0... S Sat- Tennent. daughter of )lr and ~lrs man for hiS brother Usherl11g were urda,'. Ma\o 12 III Samt -\nne's Rlchard J Tennent, 01Sunmngdaie t\\ 0 more brothers, Robert H ChaPeL Gros~e lIe \\ ere Kimberly Dn\€. spoke her marnage \ o....s to Palmer Jr. of Rancho Palos Ann Dlcke~ daughter of \{r and Jeffre\ William Pdlmer, son of \'erdes, Callf , and DaVld Palmer, ~trs James F Dlcke\. of Grosse ~lrs Robert H Palmer of BlaIr- ot Tempa. Fla. the brtde's Ue. and James Park Ja~ I \\ 11- moor Court and the late ~lr brother, Tyler Tennent, George lIams Jr, son of ~lr and ~lrs Palmer. v,as follo\\ ed b:- a recep- Beale. of Pittsburgh, Pa. John James P \\ lllidm" of ~lount \'(;'r- tIOn elt the Grosse POinte Yacht Long and Richard Zenn non road Club )lrs Tennent selected a short- The Re\ erend RIChard \\ In- :>Ieeved, street length dres:. of pale The 50 clock u?remOl1\ at \\ hlCh blue silk shantung. st) led With a The Re\e!end Rlcbard Felgen. gall:> preSided at the \.'eremOll) for \\ hlch the bnde cnost: .1 tea length pledted ~~Irt, for her daughter s baum, OSFS. 'Hld The Reverend \\ ~dJDg The bndegroom smother Da \ id B -\mon::.on pi eSlded gO\\ n of 1\ 01) peau d ange lace, st\ led \\ Ith d \ lctonan neckline also chose a street length dress, of follo\\ed b:- a !heptl0n at the pmk Silk. long-sleeved and fash- Grosse He Yacht Club alid bonnet ~le€\ es Her headpiece \\ ~b ,~\\ red HI ot ldce flO\\ er:, \\ lth iOned \~Ith an over blouse and pleated :,klrt C) mbldlWTI orchlds The bl Ide sele.:ted d : ramtlondl lace dnd 1I0WI. ",!ledrner:, and an formed each mother's corsage go\\n. off \\hite In <..0101' st~led IllLL::>lOn \ t'li ::>he carned an ar- :\Ir. and :\Irs. With a bodlce and slee\ t::O of Alen- rangement at \\ mte roses and The ne\\ h \\ eds vacatiOned In On- Jeffr('~ \\'. P.lImer :\lr. and :\lrs. con lace accented \\ lih :,eed pearls, -'Ir. and 'Irs. stephanotls tano. at Benmiller Inn They are at Thomas \\'. Calkins and d ~llk ch,lton ",l-.lft Seed pearls James P. \\illiams. Jr. Wmter, of Tra\'erl:>e Clt.. ~h and C)l1thw L Tennent honor maid home on Cardigan Court In War- ~"r.t,,~ "h4Jo n,~trhlrtO 1...... I.."p C"~n th~t • ~ 1 ~ ~~ 1\frs Richard H Palmer of Light- \\nst corl>age '>'d:> d Id!!;;t'. vli- !U[ Ht'l ;:'l;:, ..C:l auu Vl4\,..l"-""'U.'looolo.l"""""" house POint, Fla. ~lr dnd 1\Irs ~~ught her full length \ ell . Tern Palmer the bndegroom's Out-of-to\\ n guests mciuded the ~Calkins-Kay \~hlte dlld mau\e hl\ \\Ith dark George Battllla, of :\hnne3pohs, sl:>ter Knstlll Tennent. of ~e\\ brlde's grandparents, ~1r and Honor attendant Andrea J greener~ The bndegroom's Mmn. Mrs Vern Carlson. of York elt). and Paige Patterson. of 1\lrs Frank L Tennent, of Sturgis. Dicke" of '\e\\ \ ork a [ld bndes- mother pmned her h!~ corsage to Boulder, Colo. C\ nthld Palmer, of ~ritesare read ~Ilaml. Fla. cousms of the bride, her uncle, F De....ey Tennent. of maids" Sandra L Pet\ k!e\\ ICZ of her V-necked. cochldillength dress Redondo Beach, 'Cahf., and. from : The Grosse POinte Academy at Jade green silk chiffon and Pam :'\eal carned bouquets of Arm Arbor, and her uncle and aunt, Jacl0"on and C\ nthla S Dlcke\ of ~lr and )trs Edward 0 Patter- Fort Wayne, Ind, :\1r and :\.l1's • Chapel was the settlng Saturday, ~ovl. !>15ters the brIde. Cath- The newlY\\eds \acatlOned m the rubrum lIlies. carna t,ons, statice of son, of Miami, Fla Kenneth :\taxfleld, ~lr and :\Irs : August 4, for the ....eddmg of JulIe erme \\ Koelling of .:\e\\ Orleans. Ha Yo a llan islands \ I:>ltlng :'IraUI. and stephanotiS Joseph Ruffolo. :\lr and :\lrs Jerry - Elizabeth Kay, daughter of :\lr Kdual Oahu and Ha',lall The\ are Their tea length dresses of em- :\lo1'e \\ ere Sarah Gall, of La sder of the br,ce<5room, and Chester. "\ J :'IIr and:\1rs Foster Kuehn and Lucy Colhns : and Mrs. John Ho....ard Ka), of Therese L Turek;1 ore dres~es of at home In East LJl1smg . brOidered 1\ O!., urganza were [ash- : Grand MaraIS Boulevard, and lIlac taffeta. fashwned ;\Ith sv.eet- Special guests Included the : Thomas Walker Calkins, of Nauga- heart necklines. pUIfed sleeves and bridegroom' 5 gra '1dmother. ~lrs tuck, COM., son of Mrs ~lichael A-hae slarts v,lth back bustles Clarence J WillIams, of The May \vedding Pomte. and the brlde's grand- Fiore, of Harrison, ~ Y , and RICh- La \ ender stephanotls accented INew Arrivals I .ard calkins, of New York City father. Samuel R Dicke .. , of Dear- thelr bouquets ot off-\\ hlte gar- born . date revealed • demas and stepha1lOtls : Father Jobn Crepeau presided at Aha m attendance \\ere the At home In Brunsv.lck, 1\le , are :\11'.and :\lr!>. James BIrchfield, : the 5:30 o'clock ceremony whtch Best man Richard A Speer bndegroom's great-uncles and t:mted States ~a\'v LIeutenant of BIshop Road, announce the blrth • was followed by a feci!ptlon at the Jr L'shermg \\ere \1 James :\IcIn- aunts. ~lr and .\Irs Carl 0 WIl- lj g ) and ~Irs John Andrew ;\ole- of theIr first Child, a daughter, : Grosse Pointe Yacht Club tyre and DennIS F Wlggms, both of hams. of Pismo Bea<..h.Calli, and Connell. \\flO vacationed at Breton Lauren Anne. Sept 21 Mrs Birch- : the newlyweds were inV1ted aboard East LansIng. Richard C Cardoze .\Ir and .\1rs Kenneth P WillIams, Woods, ~ H , followmg theIr Satur- field is the former -'larta :\Iulder, : the Presidential Yacht "SequOIa," and Donald" Pnor. of Highland of Eaton Rapids. and the brIde- day, ~Iay 19. wedd.lllg III Chnst daughter of :'tlrs. Ryan :\lulder, of :docked there for a few day~, for a Park. m groom's COllsms. Dr and ~lrs WIl- Church. Grosse POInte Ann Arbor Paternal grandparents . : toast and tour of the hIStone shIp The mother of the bnde \~are a 113m E Bauble III. of Evanston, ),!rs :\IcConnell IS the former are ;\Ir. and Mrs. Jack Birchfield, The bride wore her mother's chapel length dress of gre} chIffon Ill, and :'aIr and :\Irs Steven J Elizabeth Baker Wllhams. daugh- also of Ann Arbor : weddIng gown of Ivory peau de and lace sashed In mam e Her Saftler. of Los Angeles CalIf ter of John H Williams. ~l D , of : soie, fashiol1ed with an oval neck- Glen Arbor Lane. and the late * * * : line, long court sleeves and a shIr- Elizabeth Adams WIlliams Lieute- Mr. and Mrs. :\lattheu Kosorski, • red, full bell skIrt fallIng mto a ca. Plan to wed nant McConnell IS the son of John of Falrcourt Road, announce the : thedral tram overlaid ....Ith Alencon W :\l:cConnell,:\1 D , of Plymollth, bLI'th of theIr fIrst child. a daugh- ter, Abigail Jean, Sept 15 1\1rs : lace embrOidery in November Mlnn , and the late 1\largaret Mur- ; A lace medall10n cap caught her phy 1\tcConnell KosarskI is the former Kipp) Berg, : veil. She earned an arrangement Late November \~eddmg plans The brIde wore her mother's daughter of ~Ir. and :\11'5. Thomas : of gardemas, Ivy and stephanotis. are being made b~ Gall Theresa weddIng gov. n. st) led v.lth a long. Berg, of Lake Onon Paternal pI'.eto "" Terrac",. K Can--lChael grandparents are :'tlr. and 1\lrs. Rlckerman. daughter of :\11' and sleeved bodice of Chantilly lace :\lrs. John A. McConnell : :Mary Clare Kay, of GreenWIch, Mrs Donald E LISS, of Hollywood over satm and a skirt of mousseline Don Kosorski, of Harper Woods : Conn., honor maid for her SIster, Avenue, and .\lark Ed;,ard Gag- de SOIl'.accented \\ Ith dIamonds of Ushers were the brIde's bro- : and bridesmaids Margaret and neau. son of .\Ir and .\lrs Charles *' * lace .....hlch fell 0\ er \\ hlte satm mto thers-m-law, DaVid M Chaklos and ~Ir. and ~Irs. Donald 'i. S\\een,' ; Alison Kay, two other sisters, and E Gagneau. of Garden Clt) a long tram Michael J Heymes • Mary Calkins the bridegroom's The bnde-elect a Grosse Pomte Ill, of Harvard Road. announce the Her trlple-hered veil of silk illu- The Reverends Bryant Dennison birth of their second child, a son, : sister, wore long-sleeved, tea ~orth High School alumna, holds sIOn was attached to a Juhet cap of and Edward A:'II Cobden presided Andre',\ ;'\I eil, Sept 6 ~Irs S\\ eeny ; len2th dresses of off-whIte cotton an ASSOCiates degree In ScIence heirloom lace v.hlCh belonged to at the 11 o'clock ceremony, which IS the former Candace Lee, : voile printed In a stnped effect from ~orth Central .\llchlgan Um- her grandmother. 1\lrs Clyde was followed by a reception at the daughter of :'tlr. and :\11'5. Harold B. t with tiny mauve flowers. They car- Ver'i31ty and studied Respirator; Adams Euchans orchuis, whIte : ried OOuquets of baby's.breath .....ith Therap} at Washtenaw Commun- Grosse Pointe Yacht Club . Lee, of Lakeland Avenue Paternal roses. stephanotIs and IVy formed grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. • tea rose accents Ity College She IS current!) the bndal bouquet Spec 13! guests included the employed as a Registered RespLI'a- Thmald l'I. S\\eeny Jr., of Lee Gate Susan W Chaklos served as her bnde's gralJdmothers, Mrs Adams Lane. Andrew's big sister is :\far. .~?Flower gi.l"1s were Rachel Ma- tory Therapist at Mott Children's and Mrs Clarence J Williams, of Seattle, Wash, and sister's h"onor matron Brides- garet,2 ; re, Hospital III Ann Arbor both of The Pomte, and the bride- anessa Mebus. COUSInS of the maids were Martha E Heyrnes, Her fiance. also a RegIstered another Sister, Cameron McCon- groom's grandmother, l\trs G.F. : "ride. Ring bearer another Respiratory TherapISt, holds a McConnell, of zanesville, Ohio. * " . cousin of the bnde, MIchael Toth. nell, M D, of :".hnneapohs, the :\Ir. and :\Irs_ Jerome R. Stock- :\lr. and :\lrs. Bachelors degree In Busmess Ad- of Wyckoff, ~ J brIdegroom s sister Sally B Others were the brIde's uncle ing, of DetrOIt, announce the birth James J. Glo\ ac ministratIon and IS employed III Roach, of Brunswlck, and Elame of their first Child. a daughter, Jen- Matthew Hamilton Calkins, who medlcal sales and aunt, Mr and Mrs Wl1lIam L LlVmg\\ay. of Cla\\son ~hhahk, of Port Washlllgton, Long nUer Ann, Sept 12 :\lrs Stocking IS resides in COnnectIcut, acted as their long-slee\ ed. floor length the former Suzanne Capobres, best man for hIS brother Another Miss Duncan Island, >tY , her great-uncles and dresses of rose chianti v.ere aunts, :".11' and Mrs Carl 0 daughter of Dr. and \Irs. Da\ld B. brother, Anthony Blair CalkIns, of fashIOned With sheer. draped Wllhams. of PIsmo Beach, Cah! . Capobres, of Grosse POinte City ~ew York, and the bnde's bro- is June bride Fall wedding bodiCes They carned arrange- Paternal grandparents are :\Ir. and thers, John Howard Kay, of India- and ~Ir and ~trs Kenneth P Barbara L) nn Duncan daughter ments of roses pmk carna- :\Irs. Jerome R. Stocking, of The napolis, Ind, and Peter Stuart WIlhams. of Eaton Rapids, and the of ~lr and :\Irs John Edgar Dun- da.te is made tIons, bab: s-breath and pmk Farms Kay, seated the guests brIdegroom's uncles and aunts, can Jr .• 01~llchaux Lane v.ore her Pianmng to be married m alstromena lilies Mr and Mrs. 'WillIam F. Murphy, Best man \\ as RIchard E *' .. The mother of the bnde ',\ore a mother's v.eddmg gO\\n of whIte )lm'ember. III Samt James Luth- of zanesVille, and Mr. and Mrs Ad- Groomes of Wayzata, ~lllln :\lr. and :'tIrs. Samuel J. Beh. .tea length dress of mauve silk jac- nylon net over blush pmk satin ltS eran Church. Grosse POInte, are diS Hull, of GlenVIew, ill Groomsmen \\ere \\ DaVid :\tc- ringer Jr., of McKinley Avenue, ;quard, styled WIth a wrapped, V- off-the-shoulder neckhne edged Ann E Peters, daugPter of Robert Connell, of Pljmouth, ~hnn. the In announce the blrth of their first ;neck and three-quarter length With appliques of fleur de bouquet L Peters. of Harttord. OhIO and Former Pomte resIdents at- bndegroom 5 brother, TImothy C tendance mcluded Mrs. John chIld, a daughter, Kathryn Eliza- lsleeves pleated to form a draped Chantllh lace studded \\ Ith se. the late Edith E Peters. and beth, Aug 30 :\Irs Behrmger ISthe qUlns Cor the Saturda) June 16. RIchard ~I Remman. son of )'Ir Hanson. of ~llnneapohs, theIr Foster, .\lr and Mrs Anthony ,'effect from shoulder to elbo .... brother-in-Ia\lo John P Roach, of Fruhauf, ~ir and Mrs Steven Or- former Linda Gro"s, daughter of ceremon) at \~hlch she became the and),!rs Joseph Remman of The Frances Gross, of Dearborn : The bndegroom's mother chose bnde of James Joseph Glo\ac of Brunsv,lck and Giuseppe Rosati, ban and The Reverend and Mrs Farms HeIghts, and \\ alter Gross, of :a full-skIrted, tea length gown of :'\ottlngham Road . ~I D , of ;-.;e'.... York, ~ Y William Tudor The bnde-elect a graduate of Umon Lake Paternal grandpar- :cornflower blue Silk chiffon Panels of matchmg lace fell from Thiel College Green; dIe Pa . The newlyvo'eds vacatIOned in ents are E, ania Behringer Boss- her 'Walst!lne to form a train She recel\ ed her ~lasters degree from Lois Cunninghaln is autumn bride uyt, of The Fanns. and the late Portugal. They are making their carrle{\ the Brussels lace handker- Edmboro State College. Edinboro Samuel J Behringer home m Naugatuck chief of her great.grandmother. Pa :,ne IS currently emplo) ed a~ a mmgham. after which the newly. Special gue,ts at the hrst ....eddmg LOIS Anne Cunnmgham daugh- ,. ~lrs Samuel Kmg;:,ton and a C(}- research chem!st at ~tcGean- v.eds left to vacatIOn In Nassau of their 29 grandchlldren ...ere ter of :\lr and .\!rs Kenneth \\. lomal bouquet of m,mature carna- Roheo. Inc Detrolt Cunnlllgham .Jr of Blrmmgham, 'Ir and \Ire., \llchael Engel- Mr and ~trs Ph!llp K )'Iet-us, of tIOns. S\\ eethed rt ro<:es stephano- Her hance 'haS graduated from The bnde. an alumna of St Mar- brecht, of \\'aterloo, IO\~a. an- The Pomte. the bnde's grand- and granddaughter of :\lrs Ken- tiS and 1\. Grosse POInte South High School neth W CunnmgJ1am of Berkshire garet's. WaterbuI), Conn, and the nounce the birth of their second parents The Re' erend Da\!d Antonson and attended Wa} ne State l-nlver- Road and the latp \!r Cunnmg- L'm\erslty of Denver. ISa flnanclal child. a !lon Chn,>topher \lichael, Also present ',\ere the bnde's presided at the') 1<) 0 c.lrJck tile" In Sit: He IS head pressman for \\ hlte analyst WIth ~tanufacturers Na- July 20 ~trs Engelbrecht IS the uncles and aunL'i. ~lr and \irs ham a former ~la\or of Grosse Grosse POinte \Terr.rmal Church A GraphiCS Clav.son. and owner of PomtE" Park martled Satur- tIOnal Bank The bndegroom. a former Kathleen Calalma, daugh. Patnck Gallacher of Albuquer- reception folio...,t:d 111 Ihe Grosse Pmnacle Pnntmg Redfora graduate of Choate School, Wail- ter of :\trs. La\Hf'nCe (atalma, of que, N ~i . ~Ir and ~fr" Philip K da) s<>ptember 29 10 Chnst POinte \\ ar \Iemonal::. .\lger Church ('ra nbr()()1{to ,John Ho'",e mgford Conn ..... ho holds degrees 5t Clair Shores Paternal grand- Mebus Jr , of The POInte. ~lr and House after \In eh the nbd\\~e :,on of Dr and ~lrs Fred- from the Umversltv of the South at parent<; are \11' and \lr". liarI') Mrs Wilham Toth. ofW\ckoff and left to \acatlOn n;1 Drummond Se ....anee Tenn, and \'anderbllt Engelbrecht, of The Park Chn,,- Mr. and ~lrs William ~lagUlre of Pointer Girls ene TrE'rr.alnf' Bllllllgs.Ir of lsland Thel arC' at hOJTl£:In 51 L'm\-ersltj, IS a research associate topher's bIg sIster 1<; J(>".,lca, 4 Seattle, and the bridegroom's un- ~ash\ ille Twn -\ receptIOn Clair Shore~ follov.ed at the \ llJage Club lrJ Blr- at Stroh Bre\\Jng Company cle and aunt ~lr and Mrs Jack Jdl Haele\\l,\'1 ,l,,," tonor aacn. cha,zge date Walker, of Fort ~I}e~ Fla dant for her (;f(l"C ?olnte \orth \lr and \II''> \11(haelll PO\'oer." The POinter Glrl'i ,),ill meel thb of Ann Arbor announce the birth of HIgh Scnoo! friend Bili1P-,ma ,0<; month on Thur-da\ Oct l.'i - m. Greely-Laux Newcomers a daughter, \fehe.,"'a \nn. Sept 17 v.ere Pdmela Stradr. d cou"m ,,'ead I)f ThuhOa\ ()(t 18 thf'lr ~frs" 1'- tll(' former Ann Vows sp()ken Denise SdmeJho lIaner. 01 the ll~ual thlrd-Thur~da\ of the month Thom'ion, daughtN of \11' and trlde s brl,thf-r and E!i7abeth VOWS spoken to lift forks meetmg dale Thle.,enan;sc 1" m ef \lr" . .fohn H. Thom<,rm. of Three Phelan 01 \r.n \,bor Hf>ather Thf' Gros<;e Pomle :-':ewcomers in September teet for (Jetobf'r rlnl'. Former POI~lte r("ldf'nL~ \Ir and ~lile Dnve Paternal grandparent" Glo\ae \loa- a JU'1"rr ~)r:(Je ..m"ld '.d IAiU\ ). \\!I! tra\- el to DetrOIt's Warehouse ~--:.:.:: C:. _",1 r h""r.H,,, rf::'llyhlPf \!ern bf'r<; ;jf(' rerjuf<"-lerl ~o con :\11'" rr.u(>1 «(Jilr,m ho are \Ir and \Ire., RCJhf"1t Pr1V>f'r'i, 7ii\., I~~ :~._ t- \~"-l'" TI-.;oI'llnr ...... nf ~ • • r.,..." • (~"l ') m~kr> IrPlr hom(' In Indwna- DI'itr,c.t for a . Forklift. thIS Satur . of ~tr and'Ir') \\ 11lldm ChJTlelkll Ide 1 '.I~'" TJ.l.lla~ I .I~-".' .. ~. , . of Clpar Lake Ihplr pal" blllr' 1,l:r,t' ('".r1 tunl ta {J.d.) ~)lL 1) '\ U\...I\.'-'Glli';) AC)llv-n't...u "") of Warren. and Jf'ffen -\lbprt 1f}.i2tJ\ 'l8tur;1a\ Oct /. J to ad\ l!le pOll" Ilid an00un('(' the rr.arnage dr~~<..p< V,.(TP :-~I!I~ rl "dt ~ r r,rJDn dmner ',I, III be "erved at Captam's Bentley. son of (he late \!r ann her If tt,e~ aff: r;r an' not rommg to of their O?Ugrl[c.r \m~ Harper deflr,ed ff-,t,r \,3:,1" .,-rj thh car on Sch\loelt7er Place begmnmg at 7 \11' dnd \11''' \\IJham \ {lIlf' Jr , Mrs Albert Bentle\ of Hunt ( lub th(' (Jet 25 mc."tmg L.:iIlY tel .I"mc>" \I~*rt (,rr,ph on ((l}r,,,,; drrd" ~(IT'l( .... rlP1 I t.., (;f (~r '1a I Udd', I)( trJ~}('r h d t a ga rden pm of Blrml'lgh'lm annotJllCf' th(' hlrth DrIVe. exch.:Hii'!:f'd rfldg'p \ fJ\Io ') ;-nd natlOn(; {l ....I.....I(.."'l drtl,\ .....brf.~th \<;,,,, ...tlng A] and Dede \f»,fJn of their f.r"t (hild ,s ,on \norf'" Satutday, Sept"mrA"'r 22 aT a 5 .~) cer(mun~ "t Irt( L:lU\ rr..,lrlpllce L..arr\ (JI()\od H l((~ ...... hl""'- (halrmf-n .).lth pdrtj plans are 1.0111", <.,f'pl 14 \1r" (Olf I" 1he o'clock candlelIght u'r('mon) In p.P\ (f' 'I J tI brother" be-t iT c.[' .~: t" { ;)Jr ("n Five Pointes Tn<- p, r ~!,:lker.,rln I{u"" anr:! Hlla. lonrad Dave and f(lrmer \manda I'ro( lor. (J.!llghlC'r Trimty Lutheran ( hurch brother flf tr.e r,r.,i,' Tr(,(l ~'" \f;;nn of Sam' \rrlrl ..... ' f'rp ..r,..,lpnan (arl))p (7alJagher Dale and ;\ancy of \11' ,md \lr'" I,..)UI'> Pn,clCJr, (}f Laura Ba up:, ed hf'r "pt. d" ard [Ja\p \\(,h,.,ng -ealfdat f!rjhlfeldt and .J!'ff and ~usan I3lrmlngham P,,!f'rnal ~r;,nd COUSIn's honr)r .1!tPnrlanl BridE''' Club to meet gt..e- t-- ttw (prpmllt)\ \l:,~ r I ;,nk Thr,mac; \.-11"00 pan'nL" arp 'II' c''lrl \II" \\ t1h,lhl maids ...en: Lon f :-hr [>t:ry)rah >{ 1("1 rJ'- \\r, [J"n, ',r r ',' ',1.t r.2lh f ,1,( P.. r',"- (J"r')!!'1 (.ub Hughf" [II m,j'r(j'1 fJf ( (>:Jpl!''-, nr v, I()(,ro"e.,(>Po.ntp dre ,\ (olf', of \~""t Bdl!,n(' (pl\ ),;le.,hi' .,(jfl" 1,('e.,lrr an . p](4<.d ~d .....~Ir. d r '1 d : f) 1L r h rrri t tl ,rl \lnrdd\ \ II t 1-, ",f I{ d n 'h!' f(,r tnf(}rrnallOn about the local nings, of Sagll1a .... 1 Delegatt.s ~h(),;{'n tJd!1Pl anri 'J(( "'(~ ~ ri d ~ r ... (()r H"rr pt(JD t anr,lJd] fall ',I,()rhhop th(' chaptN < dP!f'g,df'''' 10 Ih£> and Tracy Inger ROilrj In !l,H[",,'r \lc()()(Je., f,(,nrltlon 1<' \~f'(jm'<.,rl;,':, Ort ! at thr' hom!" of DAR'e; ?,4Ih \ftf hlgan ~t;,tp (nn The ntes at v.nlch Th(' ReI f,r( nd (~allKf'tchunl Gr()UI) Friday $1 r, flf r pr'r-"r f{t ,('n at Hln" aT(- \1"" fo rank \'v.ll.m wh(j ...... a" v!'ntl(Jf1 IHld 'lhurvldv Ibr(lIJ"h Wilton Flueggf> pn"It1('(j \H re nf'(f"'-ntC\' ~h{'raton :Yluthfif.ld ll(lll.1 Mre; Th.' rJl/ h' I( (,r',lJp of \11.." nul h (. (IJrt" d., h(,<,!(."e., Country Club a Her .....hie h thf' r"Hr' M n' Ihr' ">UOJN't of the prngram, Walt('r HUKhf'y King prr'''ld(-nl. (.ro,,')p P(lmt •. \l( mllrl..;' (hur( h ')('\(Jtlon'- \~III hf> g.\('n b) \fr" bj (ont<.Jcllng ( olJf'en Starr I<.lk at newlyweds left to ,,8c. !omornw, "r:(ldY O( t 12, ,\I(red ~ \!,arr£>11 Carolina, at Top sail Island The} the CIllO s past-president DAR, attended the conventllJn at 1pm In the chur( h lounge. With 127 PA~') or tlw "chool ::'26-0220 are at home In Detroit

" ___ •• .4-.._. .--. ~~_...... -~ ------...... -...... - -

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven.B Thu rsday, Octo be r 11, 1984

WOMEN'S FASHION SHOES Sizt's 9 to I'! M to fEE A year of fun for Youtheater Peter Rabbit. Peter Pan and Scout, Blue Bird/Camp Fire and Bach ., Santa Claus, Cmderella, Cub/Boy Scout Salute Days FlHS1 OFI' EIUN(, - Popular pi Iced Engh~h Tudo; 111 Grosbe Pomte City fealureb hard~ood floor, hvmg loom flrl'pl.lle. fllu~hed pld) loom III l>tl~elllenl ,IOUbeaullful new kitchen wllh oak lahlOf'tl>, lAU.iu SHOES Jackie Robmson and Lassie ,. all Season discount passes and 1~50 Wood",.srd A\OcnUl' new COUlltCI~ flam ,lI1d .lpphJIIC('~ Excl'lIcnt 1,1O11 ('onlrdcl or a~"umptlOn <1\ d i1Jblc Will make appearances during this group rates are all part of [)o ....nlowo Del1011 96Z 8b.!lS You thea tre' s options, Indi vidua I th ..... " I P 11).,01,. season's October through May De- "'GO GET 'EM TIGERS" . t'. tickets at $3 for children and adults WI> t[ t. • t •• U It.I1''' I ~l I _", I I'", troit Youtheatre "Something Every Saturday" programming ($2 each m groups of 10 or more), Ldl ge Income 011 HI\' \HI) 'llll~l\ ll'dUll'd pi Ice In all, 34 different, !lve, profes- Wiggle Club memberships at $12 50 '1\\ 0, thl ee bedloorn Ullih 1\llh [II epl,lccs for five shows, $15 tickets for the hows explormg ASia, also be purchased at the door pn It 11mtIIfd Complete "Somethltlg Every Sa SpaIn, Afnca. the Umted States \('dr '( hooh and "hupplflg thl- Ihrr (' 1>1dr(J',rTl \~ '1t. • 00 tt yourselt turday" fa mlly theater schedules and Europe First-timer tours to hUUg,llol\ I~ Ju~t (X'rfeLl fOI thp ..,ung f"rrdh or • Insl.H.llGn may be obtalOed through the 4y.l~bll show-related museum exhibits, I eason opened 1>1 ,uperlJ En~Ii,1J I 1)1, ,\ .,Id 5.1 I U spec!al !>how-theme lunches and mime, dance, musIc and puppets .. ,<1- - ,,.'>co,, 'T'hp "hnw ,,, np<:Hmprl manor ....IJI el1ClIdn! dn~ u)nrlCJl~"1 Uf IJI IllIe :>l1dl.r.:> L~;se age 5 and older. chl1dr~n horne' '>ltU Your theater adventure in a five-show An animated film, "Peter Pan," WESTCIIE!'lTEH - De~lgl1ed \ll1h the Ialllih In IClllureJ) \ Ie\\ lIlg o[ lhl" remarkdbll' pr'J~,,'r g{zduO'/V series. Members receive an offiCial Will be featured this Saturday, Oct Illll1d 1''''0 e\11 d fll::.t floOl room" 111thl~ de I) IIIsure to be a mo~t rC\l"lrdHlg ('l'peP( '" e 13 The Saturday after that, Oct 20. hghtful thl ee bedl oom Culomal offer PII\.Il'\ club button, a personal theater and comfOi t for ,Ill aLln Illes ,\ .'1 m .lppe,1I card pass, a graduation party and brings the season's fIrst Wiggle Club IIlg mterlor dCl'OI keepsake certIficate at the end of presentatIOn "The Teddy Bears' & PICniC" and "The Frog Pnnce" the series and a complimentary BI:UF Wn/ shows. " mann from Cahforma's Fatryland four bedl oom Colomal E\ el ylhmg uccor,llor Birthday packages are avail- Park perfect. ....eJ! mmnl:llned ,md 1rl1X',\uh[ulC(11l able, With tickets to any show, mVI- New York's Broque Opera Com- dltlOn OPEN SUNDA Y J1{ittl/Yl/# ab tations, the birthday child's name pany pokes hve mUSIcal fun at on a special lobby sign, a salute "Jack and the Beanstalk" on the SpacIous five bedl loom, t\\O dnd one h; SU:-';DAY stage for the first programs m the Stephen Taylor offiCIally opens at condlhonmg Detroit SymrhOny Orchestra's Wayne State University's Hilberry 1984-85 Merril Lynch Weekender Theatre tonight, Thursday, Oct 11. at 8 pm, following previews Friday OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 I Diet Pill Sweeping U.S. Pop Series on Fnday evening, 736 Bl':DFOHD - GI'O~,bePOInte Park Oct 12, at 8:30 p,m. and Sunday and Saturday, Oct 5 and 6 1.119SOl"ill ItE~Al'D - Grosse Pomle Woods afternoon, Oct 14, at 3 30 P m, The play, set in Stuttgart, Ger- , New Grapefrutt Kenneth Jean, the DSO's resI- many, in 1951, after President dent conductor, will be on the Harry Truman had ordered the podium. Tickets, ranging in price United States Army raCially inte- grated, focuses on Lieutenant Col- Allee Bo)er Schulte~ from $13 to $19. are available at the l\hchael Awodey c~nlhla Kel'\\ In 'Super Pill' Gives Ford Auditorium box office, 567- onel Frank Harrow, highest rank- WIlham Ma~hllll ing black field commander In the Betsy Boynton Ccifohne MeK('C 1400, and all Ticket World outlets Ronald Carpenter The guest artists will present po- army at the time Harrow. facmg GInny Damman Dmuh :'llurphy Fast Weight Loss pular Broadway and motion pIC- admmistrative charges, discovers Janel Dreklch Lmda Parnell :\Iananne Pear ture music, plus some American that he IS to be represented by a Cynthia Elherldge 881-8900 No Dieting - Eat All You Want • ~uc Se ....ard "red neck," while a hberal Jewish favontes Beverly Haltom Ch,lrle~ Tro\\ bridge PifJ Does All the War/( lawyer IS assigned the prosecution Peggy lIurne 710 NOTRE DAME BEVERLY HILLS, CA, (Spe- "Appear and Show Cause" is clal)-A..n arPazmg new "super" Money talk based on an historical episode, but grapefrUIt pIli has recently been the concepts, arguments, dialogue developed and perfected that re- for Phase I and Individuals portrayed are aJJ OPEN SUNDAY 2.4 portedly "guarantees" that you fictic IOUS, It Will play III repertory ! FIRST OFFERING J JJ2 BEDFOHD Five bedroom English m Grosse Pomte Park 1.1' 1l1groom Illth Frank Beam, a Certified Fman- at the HiIberry with "Hamlet" and WIlleasily lose at least 10 pounds in natural flreplac<', formnl dllllllg loom, modern kitchen'" Ilh eatmg area, den and atll aclJH deck cial Planner with First of MIChi- Noel Coward's "Blithe Spirit," 10 da]s. Best of all, It allows you to o Com eOlent 10school~ 'ihoppmg' .ll1d [rdn~pOllallOn "eat as much as you want of your gan, wtll speak to Phase I, the opening Nov 1, through Dec 1 fa\ONe foods and sull lose a group of smgle, young adults (ages Ticket and schedule informatIOn 105 MAPLETON In the h(,drl of the Fdrrn~ Charllllng three bedroom. aUractl\ cl) decoratcJ how.e \\ Iln pound a day or more startmg from '; 25 to 40) who gather regularly for may be obtained by contactmg the deck Nlce!v Idndsl'JIX'd yard the \ery first day until you achIeve Sunday evening program meetmgs WSU Theatre box ofhce, 577-2972 I the ldeal ....elght and figure you at Grosse POInte Memonal Group sales information IS avail- BY APPOINTMENT. , . .c Church, thIS Sunday. Oct 14, at de~lre " able by calling 577-3010 TIm "super" grapefrUIt pIli IS a 7'45 p m FIRST OFFEHING Lellinglon HOdel III (;1 O''i(' Plllnte F,mll'i Bnd, !MtlO:>both IItlront ,lilt! I ('dr ~,Ird dramatically Improved version of Hts tOPIC tS "How to Improve Eli'iabeth Lee Fruehauf, deplcllhe lh.lrm \\llIeh IS L.IIIINI t1l1ough tl\l~ ('lillie one Jlld Olle half :-otOl}home lll\\ll l'nterlllg you \\ III appreuale the t,lbtefllJ delOl CI o\~n lI1oldlllg~, celllllg fan:. a masler bedroom whIch 21" t4 plu:> dre""mg IS far more effectlve than the area COl) den. bright Flond" room formal dllllllg room ,1Ildfmlshed b.:J"emcnt make thl~ a high!) on how to make the tax laws work ceIVed a Bachelor of Arts degree in ongmal and e!Jmmates "the mess, o debll'able home fuss, and high cost of eatlng half a 0) for smgle people and suggest ways HIstory, with a mmor in economics, fre~h grapeirutt at every meal." to buIld a fmanclal plan that allows from Demson University She was FIR~T OFF[-;JUNG Falrholml', GI'l"'l' PUllltl' \\ (}od~ lIl11qllc thrcl' 1Jt.'tlroom one ,1Iltl one half :>ton an mdtvldual to keep more of the graduated In 1980 from Umverslty home on a pi ell) lret' hned ,lrep! ',lllll,1I f1repl,lcl' III h\ IIIg room greal room den ..Iudl.trg...m.hler "Pill Does All the Work" Liggett School. ALcordmg to the manufacturer, CD money he/she earns bedroom on :.econd !Ioor "the pIll Itself does all the work I ....hlle JOU qUIckly lose \~elght WIth NO ,tar"atlon "dIet menus" to N Pointe Garden Club to meet folio ...., '""0 calone countmg, NO A Wealth of Wreaths IS the pro- meler. Mrs John Stephen!> and exerCIse, and NO hunger pangs." It CO gram for The Pointe Garden Club'!> Mrs Hansel Wilson PresentallOn ,~ lrx)cro safe You slmpl} take the meeting Monday. Oct. 15, at the partIcipants are Mrs Damforth plll with a gla~~ of ....ater before CO Sunmngdale Dnve home of Mrs French, Mrs .Juhan Hayden, Mrs eaco meal and the amazing combl- Robert Russell, who WIll be Paul Hostetter, Mrs Robert nat ,on 01 PO'"erful mgredlents are • aSSIsted by Mrs Harold Kohl- Wmter and Mrs Russell >0 ef !t'Cllve the} take over and you ,lart lo,mg ....clght ImmedIately Fort Pontchartrain bridge & boutique 1"1\ e bl.'droom.. lhree 'Illd Olll'll d. "~uper-pill" It con- seum m Dearborn has been planned the Mesdames Robert Bnnes, Gor- lall1~ mghlj potent grJpefrull con- for Fnday, Oct 19, by the Fort Pont- don N Cameron, Robert Cnllawdy. Lcnl ratc and a dlUrctlc to help chartram Chapter Daughters of the Paul Hondench, Leonard L Jen- l1l'll n,,!L hloat and put fincs.. No American RevolutIon sen, George F KIlleen Edwm T,.'''; '(, take' ally vltamms to mam- Langtry, F.ank S McKll1non, 1,\" ,our good health and wergy. The day begms at 11 a m Wllh a Fredt>nck McNamara, Charles Th( rill" fortified ....lth ALL sO<:lal hour and bouttque shoPPll1g Ross. Bernard L Seltz and Joseph (IC~Jr'(J) 01 thl U~ (,'l\ernment Luncheon at noon Will be followed Thomas FOllr b"llroom .. 1110,lilt! (l1ll' h,ll( 1 'HIl t .. III (~'IlI~ '\\" ilHI Ollt' 11,111 '1hi ,'t' h,'dl ,..llll, l'h" h.lL h '.Wlt (hil;. . 1t,liTllll reqUIrements ======.... It:tlh" fllmll\ loom hlll,lI\ ,llll! h.dl" l.tmlh I ,,'III 11\11,1,'11 h IOr, of m('('llng [)onatlon~, 10 tw u~crl for \ J'Lldr\ tlhu dhLO\l,~rJ trom Japan Lak(,.,hor(l Lane, aI'(' member ... of plogrdm<, for c1111dl(In \\ III be 111'(' j ""cc<,ftJlI" for over 1500 ... the' Alpha Ep<'l!nn Chaph'r of Alpha mdei<' In Ill(' n.I1TIt'of ADK to thl' St .. ,Cal') :I'dl (vpand, In Jour ';lO- CI) D('lla Kappd, an honorary f,Oroflty Cl

I" f' •d Y o1nd L\lt ""(I/lht lo,~ A ...hdl' pn'<;('ntatlOn (o!fowNl by l'('l'ogl1111on of lht' fOllne!lnJ/: (If I 'Vhl h.. droollh ,," II 11Ii, 1111" I Lilli I" Ii" hllll' t\\ 0 .1Ild mlt' h,.l1 ~\'lIr t",,11 'llll'h tlll t.,' '"'1'.,, !.Im j'"lll !', mu:~ o,t,khr people a Found('r ... Day «'I'('01On] \'. ill Alph,1 D('II•• KdPPfI 1,~.i111rr,'~ loIflllh I'Hllil ,11Il 11111 1>11)" 1111111 1'~liII h 1t~II1~ 1 pool 1 ,II .II' ,d~' ( f Ilfc whn Me now IllIn 1'1-1\ dill(] ,lllr,lCll'( dg,t111 • I ""Vv A~911.1hll10 Public YOUR CABBAGE PATCH DOLLS 'n ordl r ,OIH ,UPi'll" of THOAOUGh COVf-HAG[ OF GROSSE POINTE PROPE-RTIES ~II~~ f IH.l.~vftll lO,upcr't NEED DIAPERS TOO! • J , " p Ih IIlO"" ,1\,JII"hlc 'Ill II "'L 111,j',1J1 i\ llircr hv • Soft cotton flannel ,J '>;ll\)hy ll,dlnll')l.lfor • E()<,~ Veicro c1osu(es • IlInlll' lit (IllI .. tll 1"tK.I lit. lill \lJ III I 1 f II " ,1 dr,pl' {"r ~2{J fur a I -, I I rl. ""bF f',1 ,t!J.ld"J • SIX assorted colo(s , , 11\ ,11011"1,111 '1'1"111111" I,r I" "" Ih,' Ii"" , '" ,I , , I ,, ,~ , hi' k, or IJIOfl('~ • Also fits 17" & 15" dolls '\jwc\J1e~ 1111\ II III lilt , l'I'f(~\ \It" pll\ 1" I I \1, I Ii, ,\I " '(, (III', Indll'1rJC~, .... 9'XJl -- • Chm,tMo.s dlape(s available tool ' ...l-,IP 1111" \ "1111, r IBIII' 1'I lilt 'I, I ," 1\ <. , ,'I \11 I I' t !II, ()l I'll V.24, / 111111//1I, /)~II I, 1I(I)~1i \\Ihol\ \1.111\'11 \\I~,d \) III "I, 11, , I~ 11'11, (,1111 ',,212 ({)n- -- (, 111 '>'1011 "hlill \ '>. Ii, ~'!lIq. \1,'11 \ \"",11<,1- en pelsonallz4t (tach diaper with doWs name ,'lI (fI/lIlII/final !IIot:('} -!Ju,k. KutlranlU /11/;/,/1 «(, JII/';: Johl\ I\lhhrll'l 1"..'1 I ,I'l-" \ II WI' ,(/11\//('11) V,<", ~d",cr( ,ud. en ~l(; 95 6 dIO('f-'IS ($100 (rj/ pNSOfioilllllg) ,1I dAme f vprr,' Ok (~nd lard CO ~18q5 12 dloper" ($<100 for pprt,orlollllnq) /1//11 /,)11111 76 KERCHEVAL I,' I ii' r cVprrdl1 HI d'lll, ,md '>Il/. fr)( (fIc,re, Infr~(Inr.,tI(; I ((,II U5.3781 or U2.1939 I ,it I ,t or ',hl('! ,CIVlle for 885-7000 (J{ wr If. l ( r,«(), ),, ',( (' jClf'~ r~(, wo(""J f)1 /f' \ r' ,I, lrd ( rd'" ():-"l Y Lall loll I - C(o'M' P(nrt" Wr)od', rn" t,,, (,I) t1fj?111 I IIce I 11<(.':1),'Io2-f,262, (:,:' W2.1 o Ll "~lIiMhl I'j~~ Thursday I October 11, 1984 p-eaij8 Six-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Jay Williams Miss Tennent wed Aug. 25 The 2 o'c1ock ceremom satur- IOned With short sleeves and ban- claims bride day, August 25. In ~iarmer's deau n~khnes Church at \\ tHch Kathenne Ann Richard F Palmer acted as best Exchangmg marriage \ o\~s Sat- Tennent. daughter of :'Ilr se ~1I"'S Robert H Palmer. of Blalr- of Tempa, Fla, the brlde's He, and James Park \Ja'l I Wil- moor Court .and the late ~lr brother. T) leI' Tennent, George liams Jr, son of :\!r and ~lrs Pdlmer \\ as tollo\\ ed by a r~ep- Beale. of PIttsburgh, Pa, John James P \\ Il!lams of :\lount \ er- tiOn at the Gro~se Pomte Yacht Long and RI(hard Zenn non road Club :'Ill'S Tennent selected a short- The Re\ t'fend RIL'hard W In ~lee\'ed. street length dress of pale The j 0 clock I.el emon\ "t \\,hleh galb pre::'ldeu "I tne ceremon) , for blue silk shantung. st) led With a The Re\ erend Rlehar~i Felger..- pled led slurt. tor her daughter's baum OSFS and [he Re\ erend \\ hlch the bllde Lho.,e a tea iength gO\\l1 01 l\ or) pE'dU d .mge 1.1ce, \\ eddtng The bridegroom smother Da\ld B \otOI1<;OO pre::'lded \\as st\ led \\ Ith d \ le tanan neckline dlso chose a street length dress. of folio'" ed b} a reeep! IOn at the and bonnet ~,~\ b He! headpiece pmk silk, long-slee\ ed and fash- Grosse lie \ aeht Club \\as a \\realh uf ld\.e lJO\H:'rs. \\Ith IOned \\lth an o\'erblouse and pleated skIrt C) mbldlUffi orchids The bride "ei~[ed -.1 trddltlondl lace dlld Ilbbml ~t! edlDt'fS and an fOImed edch mother's corsage gO\~ n, off ,\ nne In \.0101' ~t} led dluSlOl1 \ ell She Cdl ned dn ar- :\Ir .• .lI1d )11 s. '" Ith a bodlle df1Q "Ie€\ b of Ale'1 rangemel1t at \\ hlte ro",es and The ne\1 lv\\ eds \ acatlOned m On- Jl"frre~ \\. Palmer ~tr. and ~trs, con lace accented \\ llh "eed pearls. 'Ir. and ~Ir~. ::.tephdnOl!::. tano, ilt Be-nImller Inn The)' are at Winter, of Traverse Clt) :\lr and Thomas \\. Calkins and a Silk duffon :::-klrt Seed pearls Jame., P. \\ illiams, Jr. C)l1thl3 L Tennent, honor maid home on CardIgan Court m War- , _-. _,t ~lrs Richard H Palmer of Light- nottf'rl the lIldtchml! lace cap that [V~ :-.~ .. : ...... ::0:- ..:~~ h....I~~n'-=-lrlc: r<>n ,,",,~i~1. '-"Vl.>aO ..... n",..> u "' ..... bo ...... house Poml, to la, ;\lr ana l\lrs caught her full lengtlo .,ell Tern Pdlmer the br,degroorn's Out-of-Io\\ n guests mcluded Ihe :Calkins-Kay \\hlte and mall'e lil~ \llth dark George Battma, of ~llllneapohs, greene!! The bndegroom's Sister. Krlstm Tennent of Xe\\ bride's grandparents, Mr and Honor atlendd'lt Andrea J :\lrs Frank L Tennent, of SturgiS, MUlll. :\lrs \'ern Carlson. of Dlcke\, of Xe\\ \ ark dnd brides- mother pmned her hi} eOl'Sage to York elt) and Pdlge Patterson, of ~ritesare read her uncle. F De\\ey Tennent, oi Boulder. Colo. C\ nthla Palmer. of maidS Sandra L Pet\ kle\, ICZ, of her V-necked. COd.tdlllength dress \1Jaml, Fla. COUSinS of the bnde, Ann Arbor. and her u'ncle and aunt, Redondo Beach, -Cahf , and from : The Grosse POLnte Academv of Jade green silk chIffon and Pam :\'eal Larned bouquets of Jackson, and C) n!hla S Dld.e) of :\lr and :\lrs Edward 0 Patter- Fort Wayne, Ind. Mr and 1\11's : Chapel was the settmg saturday, ~OV1, sister:. of the bnde Cath- The newh 1\ e<6 vacationed 10 the rubrum hiles, earnanons, statlce son. of Mlanu. Fla Kenneth Maxfield, :\lr and :\lrs . August 4, for the "" eOdmg of Julie Ha ,\ allan Islands, \ ISltlng :\IaUi and stephallotls enne W Koellmg of :'\e\\ Orleans. :\Iore \~ere S<1rah Gall. of Joseph Ruffolo,:\1r and :,Irs Jerry . Elizabeth Kay, daughter of :\1r KauaI. Oahu and Hd'\ ail The\ are Their tea length dresse~ of em- La . sister of the bndegroom. and Chester, \ J \11' dnd ~lrs Fostt>r Kuehn and Lucy CoHms :and !\om. John Ho....ard Ka), of Therese L Turek ',lore ell esses of at home In East Lan"mg . brOIdered 1\ or) organza \\ ere fash- : Grand Marais Boulevard, and hlac taffeta fashIOned \\ lth sweet- Special gtlest~ mc!uded the : Thomas Walker CaUuns, of Nauga- heart necklmes. puffed sleel es and bridegroom's grandmother. :\I:rs ttK:k, Conn., son of Mrs Mlchael A-hne skirts \\ lth back busHes Clarence J \\ IIlJams of The May ,vedding Pomte. dnd the bnde s grand- Fiore, of Hamson, NY, and Rich- un ender stephal10tis accented INew Arrivals I .ard calkins, of ~ew York CIty. father. Samuel R DlCke\. of Dear- , their bouquets of off-v.hlte gar- born . date revealed demas and stephanotiS : Father John Crepeau presided at Also In attenddllce \1ere the At home m Bruns\\ Ick. :\le , are :\11'. and "Irs, James Birchfield. -the 5:30 o'clock ceremony which Best man was Rlchard.\ Speer bndegroom s great-uncles and Cmted States ~a\ Y LIeutenant of Bishop Road, announce the birth :was followed by a reception at the Jr ushermg \\ere \1 James :\IcIn- aunts . .\I:r and 2\Irs Carl 0 Wll- (j g ) and :\Irs J ohzi Andrew Mc- of their first child. a daughter, : Grosse Pointe Yacht Club where tyre and Denms F \\ Igglns, both of !lams, of PIsmo Beach Calif. and Connell who vacatIOned at Breton Lauren Anne, Sept 21 :\lrs Blrch- : the newlyweds were inVlted aboard East LansIng, Richard C Cardoze :\I:r and ~I:rs Kenneth P \\ lIhams, Woods, X"H , followmg their Satur- field IS the former :'Ilarta '[ulder, : the Presidential Yacht "Sequoia." and Donald W PrIOr of HIghland of Eaton RaPids. and the bnde- day, :\lay 19, \\eddlllg m ChrIst daughter of :'III'S. R} an :\Iulder, of • docked there for a few days, for a Park, Ul groom's cousins. Dr and Mrs Wil- Church, Grosse Pomte Ann Arbor. Paternal grandparents • : toast and tour of the hIStoric shIp The mother of the bride \\ ore a lIam E Bauble Ill. of E\ anston. ~lrs ~IcConnell IS the former are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Birchfield, : The bnde wore her mother's chapel length dre:::-sof gr€\ chIffon III , and and :\[rs Steven J Elizabeth Baker Williams, daugh- also of Ann Arbor : wedding gown of ivory peau de and lace sashed. ,n wau\ e Her Saftler, of Los Angeles. Calif ter of John H WIlliams, ~l.D , of : soie, fasruoned ....ith an oval neck- Glen Arbor Lane, and the late * * Mr, and Mrs. Matthe\\ Kosorski, : line, long court slee'o'es and a shir- Elizabeth Adams \Vl1l1ams Lleute- of Faircourt Road. announce the • red. full bell slurt fallIng mto a ca- Plan to wed nam ~lcConnell IS the son of John birth of theIr first child, a daugh- : thedra1 tram overlaid With Alencon W :'\1cConnell, :\1 D . of Plymouth, ter. Abigail Jean, Sept 15 Mrs : lace embroidery. in November :\1mn , and the late Margaret Mur- : A lace medallion cap caught her ph: :\1cConnell KosorskllS the former Kipp} Berg, : veil. She carned an arrangement Late ~ovember \\eddmg plans The bnde wore her mother's daughter of :\lr. and :'III'S.Thomas : of gardenias, I\'y and stephanotIS are bemg made by Ga 11 Theresa \\ eddtng gO\\ n. stJ led \\ Ith a long- Berg. of Lake Onon Paternal pIloto by I_a""" K Cvr-vchael grandparents are :\lr. and :\Irs. Rlckerman, daughter of :\1r and sleeved bodJce of Chantilly lace :\lrs, John A. McConnell : Mary Clare Kay, of Greenwich, Mrs l)Qn.ald E LISS, of Hollywood over satm and a skirt of mousselme Don Kosorski, of Harper Woods : Conn. honor maid for her sister, Avenue. and ~lark Edward Gag- de SOle. accented \~Ith diamondS of Ushers were the bride's bro- : and bridesmaids Margaret and neau, son of \lr and ~lrs. Charles * * lace whIch tell 0\ er ~\hite satm mto thers-IlI-Iaw, Davld:\{ Chaklos and l\1r. and :\lrs. Donald '\. S",eeny : Alison Kay. two other Sisters, and E Gagneau. of Garden City a long tram ;\hchael J Heymes 'Mary Calkins, the bridegroom's The bflde-el~t. a Grosse POinte III, of Harvard Road, announce the Her triple-tiered '0 ell of Silk illu- The Reverends Bryant Dennison ; sister, wore long-sleeved, tea North HIgh School alumna. holds birth of their s~ond Child, a son, sIOn \\ as attached to a Juliet cap of and Edward A M Cobden presided Andre", Neil, Sept 6 Mrs Sweeny : length dresses of off-white cotton an ASSOCiates degree In ScIence heirloom lace whIch belonged to at the 11 o'clock ceremony, which IS the former Candace Lee, : voile printed m a striped effect from ~orth Central ~hchlgan lJm- her grandmother, :\lrs Clyde was followed by a reception at the daughter of :\II'. and :\lrs. Harold B. , with tmy mauve flowers They car- verslty and studJed Respiratory Adams Euchans orchIds, \\ rute ; tied bouquets of baby's-breath \\ith Therapy at Washtena\\ Commun- Grosse Pomte Yacht Club. • Lee, of Lakeland Avenue Paternal roses. stephanotiS and IVy formed grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. tea rose accents ity College She IS currently the bndal bouquet Special guests included the employed as a Registered Respira- Donald N. S\\eeny Jr., of Lee Gate Susan W Chaklos served as her bride's gra!J.dmothers, Mrs Adams Lane Andre\\'s big Sisler is :\lar- ~-~¥lowet' ~1s were Rachel Ma- tory Therapist at :\fott Chl1dren's and Mrs Clarence J. Williams, ~, of Seattle, Wash, and sister's honor matron Brides- garel,2 Hospital III Ann Arbor maids were Martha E He) mes, both of The Pomte, and the bride-- Vanessa Mebus. COUSInS of lhe Her fiance, also a Registered another sIster. Cameron .:'tlcCon- groom's grandmother, Mrs G F * ,&ride, Ring bearer was another RespIratory TherapIst holds a McConnell, of zanesville, Ohio. , cousin of the bnde, Michael Toth, nell, MD. of :\lmneapohs, the Mr. and :\11'5. Jerome R. Stock- '1r, and :\Irs. Bachelors degree III Busmess Ad- of Wyckoff, N J bndegroom's sister Sally B Others were the bride's uncle ing, of DetrOIt, announce the birth James J. Glo\ac mmlstration and IS employed In Roach, of Bruns\\ Irk. and Elaine of their fIrst child. a daughter, Jen- Matthew Hamilton Calkms, who medIcal sales and aunt, Mr and Mrs. WillIam L Livmg\\ a). of Cla\\ son Mlhahk, of Port Washmgton, Long nifer Ann, Sept 12 l\Irs Stockmg IS resides in Connecticut, acted as Their long-sleeved. floor length the former Suzanne Capobres, best man for hIS brother Another Miss Duncan Island, NY. her great-uncles and dresses of rose chIanti were aunts, Mr and Mrs. Carl 0 daughter of Dr. and 'Irs. Da'id B, brother, Anthony Blalf Calkms. of fashIOned \\ Ith sheer, draped Capobres. of Grosse Pomte CIty ~ew York, and the bnde's bro- Fall wedding Williams. of PIsmo Beach. Calif. is June bride bodICes The) carned arrange- and :\tr and :\lrs Kenneth P Paternal grandparents are :\11'. and thers, John Howard Kay, of Indla- Barbara L) nn Duncan. daughter meflts of pmk roses pmk carna- :\Irs. Jerome R. Stocking, of The lh"lpolIS, Ind, and Peter Stuart Williams, of Eaton Rapids, and the of ~,I:r and :\Irs John Edgar Dun- date is made lions, bab;.- ::.-breath and pmk bndegroom s uncles and aunts, Farms Kay, seated the guests alstromena hhes can Jr ,of ~1Jchaux Lane y.ore her Planmng to be marned In :\lr and :\1rs Wllliam F Murphy, * .. .. mother's ....eddmg go\',n of whIte Xovember. In Samt James Luth- Best man was Richard E. of zanesv1l1e. and Mr. and Mrs. Ad- The mother of the bnde wore a Groomes. of Wavzata. :\1mn :'Itr. and :\Irs. Samuel J. Beh- . tea length dress of mauve SIlk jaC- njlon net o\er blush pmk satin, Its eran Church, Grosse Pomte. are diS Hull, of Glenview. III Groomsmen \\ ere \\' DavId Mc- ringer Jr., of McKinley Avenue, :quard, styled WIth a wrapped, V- off-the-shoulder necklme edged Ann E Peters. daughter of Robert Connell, of PI;.-mouth :\11nn, the Former Pomte resIdents 10 at- announce the bIrth of their first .neck and three-quarter length With apphques of fleur de bouquet L Peters, of Hartford OhIO and child, a daughter, Kathr} n Eliza- ChantIlly lace studded With se- the late Edith E Peters. and bndegroorn s brother, Timothy C tendance mcluded Mrs John :sleeves pleated to form a draped Hanson of :\hnneapohs. their Foster, :\I:r and Mrs Anthony beth, Aug 30 :\Irs BehrInger ISthe .effect from shoulder to elbow qUlDS, for the Saturda), June 16, Richard ~1 Remman, son of ~lr former Linda Gross, daughter of . ceremom at \\ hlcn she became the and :\lrs Joseph Remman, of The brother-m-Ia ...., John P Roach, of Fruhauf. Mr and Mrs Steven Or- : The bndegroom's mother chose BrunsWIck and GIUseppe RosatI. ban and The Reverend and Mrs. Frances Gross, of Dearborn bnde of Jam~ Joseph Glovac of Farms Heights, and \\ alter Gross, of ;a full-skirted. tea length gown of X"ottmgham Road The bnde-eled a graduate of ~I: D , of :'\e\\ York. ~ Y William Tudor . .cornflower blue Silk chiffon Umon Lake Paternal grandpar- Panels of matchmg lace fell from Thiel College. Greem die Pa, ents are E\ ania Behringer Boss- , The ne'o\l)'weds vacationed In her \\alstlme to form a tram She recel\ ed her \lasters degrt>e from Portugal They are wakmg their Lois Cunningham is autumn bride uyt, of The Farms, and the late carned the Brusseb lace handker- Edmboro State College Edmboro. samuel J Behrmger home in :\augatuck chief of her great grandmother Pa She LS currentl; emp!o)-ed as a mmgham. after \\ hlch the newly- Special guests at the first weddmg LOlS Arone Cunnmgham. daugh. :\lrs Samuel Klrgst,n dnd a Co- research chemist at ~fcGean- Y.eds left to vacatIOn 10 :"rassau * .. of theIr 29 grand('hlldren were tel' of ~~lr and :\1rs Kenneth \\' lomal bouquet of mlnlature carna- Rohco lnc, DetrOlt Cunningham Jr of Blrmmgham, ~Ir. and :\Irs. \Ii<.hael Engel- Air and ~trs Philip K ~I:ebus. of hons, Sweetheart roses stephano- Her !lance \\as graduated from The bride, an alumna of St Mar- brecht. of Waterloo, 10'" a, an- The POinte. the brIde's grand- and granddaughter of \lrs Ken- tiS and 1\'\ Grosse Pomte South High School peth \1,' Cunmngham of Berkshire garet's Waterbury, Conn, and the nounce the bIrth of theIr second parents The Re\ erena Dil\!d -\ntonson and attended \\a\ne 'itate l"m\er- Road, and tpe late ~I:r Cunnmg- Cn1\ erslty of Denver, ISa finanCial child, a son Chno;topher 'Jicha('I. Also present \\ere the bnde s presIded at the S '3(, 0 doer( rites In Slt;.- He IShead pres<;man for White analyst \\ Ith :\ianufacturers :"ra- July 20 ~trs Engelbrecht IS the uncles and aunts, ~fr and ~trs ham a former ;,!a\or of Grosse Grosse POinte :'tlenlonal Church A Gra phlcs Cia.,.,son a od 0\\ ner of Pomte Park ....a<; married Satur- tIOnal Bank The bridegroom, a former Kathleen tatalma, daugh- Patnck Gallacher of -\Ibuquer- in r~eptlOn foUul'.ed the Grosse Pmnade Pnntmg. Redford day Septemher 29 In Christ graduate of Choate School. Wall- ter of \11''' Lav.rpnce Catalma. of que. l'i ~1 . ~fr and ~1rs Phlltp K Pomte ,\ a r :\I:err.ona I S Alger Church era nbroQ1{ to ,John Hoy.e m~ford ('onn. \\ ho holds degrees St Clalr Shores Paternal grand- Mebus Jr , of The POinte ~fr and House aiter \\hl,h the ne\\h,\eds Bllhng;, son of Dr and \Irs Fred. from the lJm\erslt) of the South at parents are \Ir and \11'0;. Harr} Mrs WillIam Toth of \\'\ckoff. and ieft to ,,;catlon on DrumlT'ond Se\\anee. Tenn, and Vanderbilt Engelhrecht, of The Park ChriS- Mr and ~irs William ~fagulre of Pointer Girls er.c Tremame Bllnngs.Jr of Island The \ are at hl)me In St ;.;rash',llle Tenn \ rpceptlOn l"ml erslt)', IS a research associate topher's big sle;ter Ie;,JP'i'iICa, 4 Seattle, and the bndegroom S un- Cla,r Shore; follov.ed at the \ l!lage (Iu!) In Blr- at Stroh Bre\\ lllg Company cle and aunt ~tr and ~1rs Jack Jdl Haele\ \\., n '3" hrJfl)r dlt.-n chJ1nge W1te \11' and \1 r" \Itlh af' III 1'0\0, ero;. Walker. of Fort ~t)ers Fla dant for her (1rr"q~ prJmt(. \ortn H,gh Schor.! (r,f'nd Br,dbm31ds The Pomter Girls .',111 'llef't thIS of Ann Arbor, announc.e the blrth of montl1 on Thursda\ Oct 2.') -- m. ~Newcomers a daughter \1('11.,,,a \nn. Sept 17 ,Iere Pamela "tra:th a ('I)U.,IO Greely-Laux ~tead of ThUr.,a,,\' ()tt lP. !helr :\1re; Po\\ere; 1'3 the formf'r \nn Vows s/Joken Denise ;.;ar1elko f:,J'lCP of the usual tplrd-Thur"aa\ 01 'he month Thomo;on. daughter of \Ir. and hrtde s hrolbE r "rod U 7Ir!Pll(e .\ ...c,I"tlng \1 and D('de :\ebon, Satutda\ Septr'moer 22 at a ::. '3() I...arr.. (J!Uwdl ~ jC(~ d"l rll' (h,i1rrnr'n IJ. ilh part) plans are Loui" "('pt 14 \1r" (ole. i" 1he o'clock 'candlellght u'f!'m(>n) 10 brrJther, bf.... n an H~d(( [)\lr,cl,II< prhlded at Hohlfe1dt and .Jeff and Susan Birmingham Pd!(-rndl grand COUSin'" hOD(Jr it tlf rl1ant Bndrs Club to meet gL.r'''b th(. u'rr-rr.rJ11\ \lr" f- r d nk Thomd<; \r'doon p3rent~ a fl' 'Ir "nr:! \I r~ \\ ,lIialn maids \\en' fI;'1 f '''',('r fJeb(,fdh '.fr, ;J,,-( ',' ",,-, l' '-(,- ("gth ~ ....r f'r r'~~.. {'drd~ 'l { Jub Ht..ghr .. T11 (Iuj;:," md'r(ln of ( (Juplr'" np'", I'J (,ro",,,e P(Jlnte arc \ (olf', of \\ ('-l B;lll"nljo l1e(ollrl Kowalik i)(nl"(' I~ :-g,<,or:h\ of gf) .....r,(J:h.J((r:tJr .. r It,d "thd ffiP7r1f,E"f"" g.-:titl(r ...,it IL ~(J prn hlmnr fr,: rr [ -I II r \;r;<'rt \1(( 0) 1m Itf'd !r) (all fl21 4 n4 or f<,p,l).2%6 East"ng anrJ hdfhara'( un plt',:ll'd -k rl ,.rr~ " , Ild',n/-, eI, ftr,n \10f\lla\ ()( I ,- • ,r «(d In Ihp (,rr'p;" J.;," hi- '00'] c, O("t (['In f(,r Information about the local mngs of l;)al;ln<1'''' Delegatf's ~h()~en pone. on(~ ""I(t ~..... (.. I j ( r rj-.t «(J[ H, rnpln( f{I,,,d I, ,rn(' n: \lr< '('),((Jmf'r.., (lllh Best man II,d", 1n(w",. - 1)( m( rr", ~a~(' (Jf .' h ~( (t~rlj. *!/,n'- !e;r t)fr I!,q(t!(; !ir.flr(r r,l,.,) .11 ~w hy .Jo~iah Ilarlnar Vshenng I,.l, err' t hp tJ' de~ro{;m' " 1 II,I'fe ",(']('( t br,d('~rl)l)rr ", f!.r,' I ,'n, r r reHI v ,Ii f(Jdo'). d'1d 'I'I ajl'-rno(;n \.\,)11 Charles Bpntl( \ UW b',rip " 10<,l;lh cr., "'l?f'd101 r I,t r 1.'1" \" ",rl'I-,(' (or;clur!p \' lth a I.,'" 'J ,,!k ,;tKIU! Thr. Rr gl nd I! I2h ')( fH>01\i othpf<, cd bv th(' (,('nr'r,,1 Ilarmar brothers. :\farlo: ('f',mr-lkrJ (Jf V. rJOd for gardeners ('h ond .. "un(,f C Il"',j(,f, ~<'ryNj \!(,nd"" .)( 1 /.1. ::lt l2 1'1 Chmelko. and Jta) monrl Platt'i III pm dt thr- ,>,h(;)! ,(t{ "lr-n (J7) Kell) (iurJ hf.jd 11., annual fIdro ''''" \1r" (.porge ~atllrday ')('r)t ?(l 21 ilnd ~2 allhe followed by a recepllon at Fern Hili at lhf' dO(li and rr,d. ~Jf' ob'alnf'd (,f('ntkf' BiI.,kr-t Arrangf>ments ~heraton ~()lJthflf'ld JI(MI ~1r., The fo,ll7dtWth j{r I" dll (,fOI/D of \1.".. F{uth ($ (wI,,> :J.. ho'"" Country Club. after Y.hl('h the b) cl,nl.atlonal ~K'iety mf'€b tomorffl", r fJ da' Oct 12, Alfred!'l \\ a rren C.arohna, at Top SaIl Island The) ')27 34ft, or thf ,,( hool ')2fl fJ220 the club 'i pa'll-presldent DAR, attended the conventIOn at I pm 10 the (huf(h !c;unge \\ Ith are at home 10 Detroit

• __ .4.4_._4""'4_C_...._..--._ ..... ~~~~~_~_-~~_~~_~_

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven.B Thursday, October 11, 1984

WOMEN'S FASHION SHOES Sizes q to I:! AA to EEE 1 A year of fun for Youtheater Peter RabbIt, Peter Pan and Scout, Blue Bird/Camp Fire and Bach . Santa Claus, Cinderella, Cub/Boy Scoul Salute Days FIHST OFFEIUM, - »opuldr pIIced ~:lIg11.,h't lldn~'III Gro!>~ePOIntelily fCc.llurL>~hardwoodull d !lllCe In all, 34 dIfferent, live, profes- Wiggle Club membersillps at $12 50 T", 0, three bedroom Ulllh \\ IIh III ep llll(' shows, plays and films w1ll be pre- flve-parl "Va Gotta Have Art" sented Two performances are series and birthday parties at $30 given each Saturday, at 11 a m and for 10 guests or $45 for 15 guests are agam at 2 pm, In the DetrOIt Insti- avaIlable 10 advance through the eo% tutE' of Arts' mam theater Art Inslltute Ticket OffIce (B32-2730 Off Matulal. New thIS season IS Youtheatre's dUring regular busmess hours) $GIlt! ~n:d. J(J 2J U "Ya Gotta Have Art" senes, a col- IndiVidual and group llckets may • Ollt untt lectIOn of sho\'rs explonng A~la, also be purchased at the door pn III,mllled Complete "Somethmg Every Sa- Sp.un, Afnca, the Ul1lted States \('dl ~(hrlO);, dnd .,hflPPIfl!1 lhl- lhn, r~iJr()'I'r1' • 00 h yourll" and Europe First-tImer tours to turday" family theat('r schedules bung.doll I~ J'I~t perfl'( l for Ihe ,oung IMud. '){ • 1"1111I.lIen may be obtamed thruugh the n.'lIbio show-related museum exhibits, Jl'tlrl'" Ldrgl Intng rrJom ....llh I dl'lr,,1 flrl pi" ' • AI ... n With treasure maps and gallery museum's ttcket offIce ~ nrrndl (Jln nj! r(.!IT, I' [) on TV dIscovery hunts, are mcluded m The Youtheatre ~('a~on opened rWdl(Ml!n" and full l!l'~en{elmll} tw(j'O',rrh I.:rh gIves the younger set Its first real to the audltoflum. bath!>plu., additional gue'>t qu..srttf> "')ur theater adventure in a five-show An ammated film, "Peter Pan," WEST( IlE~TEH - [}e"lgned \\ llh the f,lIl1ll\ in lel~ur('JyVIC....lOg of thl" l'('flI.Hkdblepr<,r~N senes Members receive an offiCial Will be featured thiS Saturday, Oct mmd 1\\0 pxlrd ftr~l flool loom,> 1Il ttll', de I) I' ,>ure to be d JnO'>t re\\ drdlng ('-W,lI m dPIJ('dl card pass, a graduation party and IIlg mlcnor dceOi keepsake certIficate at the end of presentatIOn "The Teddy Bears' Plcmc" and "The Frog Prmce" the senes and a complimentary BEDFORD - BU.,UH .."" lI,Ill.,!cr Ion I'd IIl".,e ticket to next season's "big klds' With master-puppeteer LOUISMahl- owncr~ to reg!ctlull~ gl\e up lhl~ fdbu!ou'i shows." mann from Califorma ':, Fairyland four bedroom C010l1l.1J 1<:\ CI}tlung dl'('01dlm Blrthday packages are avatl- Park. perfect, \\cll Indlnl'l\lIeri,wd Bllx'dullful con able, with tickets to any show, mvi- New York's Broque Opera Com- dillon OPEN SUNDA\ tatlons, the birthday chlld's name pany pokes live musical fun at on a spectal lobby sign, a salute "Jack and the Beanstalk" on the ~PdCIOUS(IVCbedroom 1\\ 0 dlld une hellI bJIh final Saturday of the month, Oct brIck Colomal on BEHKSH!HE, under from the stage and a gift from the $80,000Den and fc.lmll}room Fet';SU:-;DAY stage for the first programs in the Stephen Taylor offiCially opens at condltlOnmg Detroit Symphony Orchestra's Wayne State Universlty's Hl1berry Theatre tonight, Thursday, Oct 11, 1984-85 Merrill Lynch Weekender OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 I Diet Pill Sweeping U.S. Pop Series on Friday evemng, at 8 pm, followmg preVlews Fnday 731.>BEDFOHD - (,Io"se Pomte Pdrk Oct 12, at 8:30 pm. and Sunday and Saturday, Oct 5 and 6 1439 SOL"IH RE:-IAliD- Grassl.' POllltl.'Woods afternoon, Oct 14, at 3.30 p.m The play, set 10 Stuttgart, Ger- New Grapefrutt Kenneth Jean, the DSO's resI- many, in 1951, after President dent conductor, WIll be on the Harry Truman had ordered the United States Army racially inte- podium. Tickets, ranging in price Ailee Boyer schultes from $13 to $19, are available at the grated, focuses on LIeutenant Col- c) olhla Kerv.m 'Super Pill' Gives onel Frank Harrow, highest rank- Michael Awodey Wilham :\Iashml Ford Auditorium box office, 567- Betsy Boynton 1400, and all Ticket World outlets. 109 black field commander 10 the Ronald Carpenter Caroline ~irKee The guest artists will present po- army at the time. Harrow, fac10g Gmny Damman Dmah Murphy Fast Weight Loss pular Broadway and motion pIC- admimstrative charges, discovers Janet Dreklrh Lmda P.lrnell that he is to be represented by a CynthIa Ethendge \Idl'ldnne Pear No DIeting - Eat All You Want ture music, plus some American 881-8900• !'>ue ~\\afd favorltes "red neck," whIle a liberal Jewish Beverl~ Haltom PIli Does All the Work lawyer is asslgned the prosecution. Peggy Hume 710 NOTRE DAME eh lrl~ Tro\O hndge BEVERLY HILLS, CA. (Spe- "Appear and Show Cause" IS ClaJ)- A.n amalmg new "super" Money talk based on an h1storical episode, but grapefruit pill has recently ~n the concepts, arguments, dialogue developed and perfertcd that re- for Phase I and mdi".ridualsportrayed are all OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 portedly "guarantee:." that you flctIcious. It will play m repertory e FIRST OFFERING 11.12 REDFORD F 1\ Ctx-droom English III Grosse Pomte P:Jrk LII 1I1g room \I, lib Frank Beam, a CertifIed Finan- at the Hilberry with "Hamlet" and "'111 easIly lose at least 10 pounds in natural flreplace. form.JJdmlllg loom. modern kitchen ~Ith eatmg drea. den dOG allractl\(~ deck CIal Planner WIth First of MIChi- Noel Coward's "Blithe Spint," 10 days. Best of all, it allows you to Convement 10 schooh. ~hoppll1g••.l1IdlransportatlOn "cal as much as you want of your II-o gan, WIll speak to Phase I, the opening Nov 1, through Dec. 1 fdlulUSf'\\ Ith pound a day or more startmg from (1) 25 to 40) who gather regularly for may be obtamed by contacting the deck Nicely landsc,lped )ard the \er) first day until you achIeve Sunday evemng program meetings WSU Theatre box office, 577-2972 Ihe Ideal ",eIght and figure you at Grosse Pointe Memonal Group sales mformatlon IS avaIl- BY APPOINTMENT de~lre " .c Church, thiS Sunday, Oct 14, at able by calling 577-3010 ThiS 'super" grapefruit pIli is a 7 45 pm FIRST Of'FERI1I.JG L('xmgtol1Hund II'Gro'l'lpPomlt' Fdfll1' Bnck p\I hlch ..Idd the \\orld tamous grapefrUIt dIet. It Your Fmanclal Future by Avoldmg daughter of I'll', and Mrs, Harvey o C. Fruehauf Jr., of Rldge Road, re- touche" of elegance TII1~graclotl'>hOI1l(,offer::.II master bedroom whIch I" 21" 14plu:>.1dr~lOg IS tar more effective than the Money Mistakes" He wlll give tIpS ceived a Bachelor of Arts degree m area Cozyden. brlghl Flonda room formal dm1l1groom dna funshed ba"ement melkethl" a hlghl) onglnal and elImmates "the mess, o on how to make the tax laws work deSirable home fus" and high cost of eatmg half a for smgle people and suggest ways History, with a mtllor in economICS, from Demson Umverslty She was fre,h grapefrUlt at every meal." en to build a fmanclal plan that allows FIHST OFFEHING Fall holme. GIO'l'lCPomtt. \\ nu(!'> ll[\lquc thre<' lx't!room nile and "nt' half .,tor~ an mdlvldual to keep more of the graduated In 1980 from Umverslty home on a pretl~ tl et' lined ~11l'l'l :-""ll'ra11:repJ.ll't' In 11\ lllg room great room den ,!OJ large m;l~!t'r "Pili Does AU the Work" LIggett School. Accordmg to the manufacturer, CD money he/she earns bedroom on second lIuol "Ihe pill Itself does all the work I "'hlle yOU qUIckly lose weight WIth to NO '>larvallon "diet menus" to N Pointe Garden Club meet folJo\~, ~O calone counting, NO A Wealth of Wreaths IS the pro- meIer, Mrs John Stephens and exercise, and NO hunger pangs," It CO gram for The Pointe Garden Club's Mrs Hansel WIlson PresentatIOn 15 100010 0 effccme the~ take over and you Mart lOSing ~elgbt Immedlalely Fort Pontchartrain bridge & boutique 1"11(' hedroom" till t'{' 'lnd 011('naif 11111'" lx'd, oom" 1\\ II hilth~. f,1ml rill Has ALL Dally Vitamins • hdlh~, lIhr,ll) 'lnd foll1l1l) I noIn 1\ rO,lIll <1111\ d('1\ Tht: po\Verfuland umque combl- A luncheon, cdrd party and bou- by an afternoon of cards oat ,00 of mgredlents are what • tique at the McFadden-Ross Mu- Attendmg from thIS area Will be m"kc thl' a '\upcr-P1II" II con- seum m Dearborn has been planned the Mesdames Robert Bnnes, Gor- tali), hlgftl\ potent grapefrUlt con- for Fnday, Oct 19, by the Fort Pont- don N Cameron, Robert Callaway, Paul Hondench, Leonard L JE'n- u.n!' dte and a dlUrellc to help chartram Chapter, Daughters of the ; I I I•I UI'1llflJ.fL bloat and pu!fme,s No Amencan RevolutIOn sen, George F Killeen. Edwlll Ocl J II) Ide an} ,Ilamlns to malO- Langtry, Frank S McKmnon, Lllll ;our good health and energy. The day begInS at 11 a m With a Fredenck McNamara, Charles Ir-~II:IJ .~..A " Ross, Bernard L Selt? and Joseph Ht: pili 1\ fortified "'Ilh ALL SOCIalhour and boutique shopPlllg • (!IYjU,,) of Ihe L ') (,O\ernment Luncheon at noon .....111 be followed Thomas Four twdl (>om" t\\ 0 ,llll! Ollt' b,lI! 1 11\11'h, ,II O('tlh III" ,1I1li 'IIW h,,11 1hn'". 1'<',in"ll1l'> pn,' [,..1:11 !."nl 'Idmm reqUirement< dail; . hath". fllmil\ room hhr'll' oIml b,llll .. 111\\11\ I"dll\ 1'11,1('11 11 rooll\ Lontllln\ Japane<>e'(.Iucomannan' pool I ach pdl al,o contain, dn ama;- Alpha Epsilon ADK to honor founders mgl\ rflc, t1~e amounl of "glueo- Chrt" Burt and Carol Holler of hlghllght Ihp Ch.lph'r's Octoher mannan' , Ihe remarkahle natural Ho"lyn HOlld,'lnd GlOria WE'twr. of Im.dlng DonatIOn!>,to be u"ed for dilld') fihu dl\\"oycr) from Japan Lakc"horr Lane, .If(' memhl'r" of pro~rarn... for chIldren. will bf' ('I'C,J \IJU c\~full) for mcr 1500 lh(' Alpha Ep'illon (,hapter of Alpha madt'ln Ihc namE' of o\lJK to the St ('I,llr }(~dr I 11..11 eeHa Kappa. an honorary "Off'rJty ~horf''' and Df'trolt ~ymph()ny r'1" ' "d vl~e, \0,' a full and \atl',- of v.omcn (>ducdtors, ~hlch WIll ()r(.!l(."trd" I In addItIOn. IfIdlvlduaJ m('mn('r!> iI,>,' .nl' illl da\ long commemorate ADK'!> Founder's ,. ,. l r.._ 'II U out •• ~ •• 1 _ ,. \O',.JO I ....i,. "".. t~ I rill \IJjJCf pill h alrr'ad; \""ecp- IJa~ wlIn d "'UWly VI in IIVIH<-") In III : lro~ , k ( ;llfzlri' \'-1t1J yiO\\mg re (juring the I,l, (,f'k of Oct 14 to 2fl IhE'lr "('hool,, and (Omrnullltl('!> f",r' "'<1-1 IX !.,lIb, tblt'( 1 IIl1t 1"dl""llh lllO.ll,d'IIWh,111 l-llllrl ...... IIll('Ill' thlt', h"a" 1111\1 j)('ltd IOOI1l II 111ft I> 1(1(1111 fr"II' ' "n1 .. fh ,,~r-rV.(.I11111 )")Cople follll\1I d. 111, .. 1',1 iI\ 11 ""'In I pool lr 1,1 ~ "Ik\ (j life \Vho 11 (.., jll/'/I !(Jhll I\lJ'>lIn('1 ,11><'1 , ,\,~, \ I II fill! \Of/I!U,i/ ) \ 1',,1 \1a<,l('r( ard, $1095 6 dlf)PP(S (~200 for pf'r~ol1o.llmq) , <' n I \m( r I x;m ,'OK (';endlard CO $18 q5 12 dlo.pror5 ($400 for pp(c;ono.llzlrlg) //(/II/.j!l11'r 76 KERC HEV AL "I, r cyrlfdllofl (Lttl, ,wd ~11l, ((A mOti' InfcAIT0tlon coil &65-3181 or &62-1939 11 I,'"' ) t (,r t,j'f,'\1 ~(!\'cC lor 885-7000 (,I WI t(. r P'f" JUI t,u,~ 1(/fJ,1 N( rWlJod [)r, /I' (" .II '" , "rdu' () .....I Y (,0111 loll - (,I05S(' Pe, roll"' W<,r,ds m,d". Cjr, t1!j2VJ Iru' 1 (k((J) k62 6262, exi W24 o l.-~(1"~h ..:...1.:.:1'1l\4~~ ~ \ Thursday, October 11, 1984 PAge Eight-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS

" Mortgages, GROSSE POINTE CITY SINE REALTY L \K~L.\ '\D - Outstandmg EnglIsh Tudor With . IT'S \\ORTH YOl R Tl\1E dllmooern convenIences Many energ)' say. Land Contracts Planning to sell mg features Remodeled and renovated Call TO C\LL SI"E for the man) extra~ and other your house? HARPER WOODS GROSSE POINTE WOODS Bl \IR\lOORl""f ~ Fl\el>edroom t....oandone HarperWoods \an.-\I1l\\erp \\ce No t*'.irovm Creative Financing" Talk to a hair bath lololllal Famu} room Low healing brick ranch updated hitchen L,rgt: llHl'g bllb Fml"hed basement room, natural itreplace tarpd!rg reueJt 0" room, drl\e g"rage professional. Cal! GROSSE POINTE WOODS E -\ST KI '\GS CT - SpaCIOUS thr€€ bedroom any member of r.1l1 beaUtifUl thr€€ bed Real Estate room Colorual on Washington 1% Hl \ TI\GTO'\ SDaCtOUSthree bedroom Exchange. '" brick bungalo\\ on qLllet "treet Large It\ mg ~ ,.\.! e! ~" ~;"Ilt' ;... 'I r1 e .. t"t. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 room \Hth t1replace d..mng rOO'll WILEOH " CE\TlP'r 2' LOCH\ICOR .<.e ....Ith bUIlt.m dUJl.a cabmet kItchen" nh bUllt. They have the O'Q,-t' a c ... r ... 1"t! oJ "'t.... ,r r€.:> c.,....~tce 1~t'~l"J\ton - G P P In breakfast booth and famll) room Ba"e REALTORS i,~ ~ .... c;.~=~_' .::'<-'.... : ~ . .,.. . .' I ,21 ,. tl,e \(,L' '" ') \f <: J~ ~2 S OU\ dl - G P S ment features recreatIOn room. extra L S be. .\e'l ~'.:'- .-:-.'-'. ---' ". ~ . • ,~Qol r .'In'",.pr - H \\ /l,lli. t-ir'Vlm I,,"nnn 1",,:100 ....orkroom \[an\ know-how! 0~ .... "" A " ,.. r' " n ~:~ -~ ..------~ b<...... ]~ i 0 rc'" CO.J.O'l! J~r .J ~ c: " 12)i H..:'T'PU - G P \\ other charmmg features oO'+Wv,",'-'U .(J\r~J)~'I"'~ 0\ [~Io rg t"" ., >"A' liH61 KE'{\IORE - ThIS Im'ltmg ranch features -, ~~4-5280-~ L ar attached tv. 0 car garage CO\ered front porch and a ne ....roof -\ddIlIonal features in- ~ BE -\t:F -\IT -ot. TST -i. \[)I\G Co :Jr ,,] 'tbe Gro,,;,e ",)ll't<:' 5d'oul ddflU ot Harper \\ ood." Thr€€ clude thr€€ bedrooms. lIvmg room. dIrung L. bedroorl\~ Ofl.P a:Vl o"'e ~alf ba(~"~ l;;1rge "d."".lh rC;(1["" ~~.;;, r~'Grtgdge d~~urnptlon kitchen" lth table space, bath RecreattOn room and !a\atory In basement Grosse POInte OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P,M. 75 WOODL-\ \0 SHORES ORI\ E . SJperbl} bUIlt cUSlO"' h)~" for rhe r>,t",t d ,.:ronllOJtmg purCJlaSer Schools Excellent Value' OPE'{ Sl':'IiD-\Y Super 10<:3.t on half b;o.." rr Jrrl La"",;;' C'J r ar:! l 'c (J r .. " T"", non'" ra ... all the amerIl'€s ' 25 IN THE WOODS - 1194 ALINE On a cul-de-sac You ....illfmd a large, mce- 42S Dt:VAL ~PLE\DID ~~oom th.r€f>and or.e hd:t bdf!l" CaP':' Cod Co:on dl 1~lt[llarge fanllh I) landscaped lot, a three bedroom, bath and room hbrary arC rrar) Man) €"tr25 Rt:eentlj redlJct:d \llth e\cel1er>T Lana COTltract terms a half bungalo ...... Ith a modern Iutchen and an exceptIOnally large porch With a hne GREAT V-\Ll""E Spac:ws four bedroom S€m ranch In Harper \\0:de!'ce has e~ en rhll'g I"eludlng grea' La'111 Contract lerms us SCULLY & HENDRIE REAL 21543 BOt:R:.\E\IOI TH Cha"1llIng brick bungalo ....1'1 great 'ocat'on of Harper \\ ()()(\."Large updated ESTATE lutcnen alurmnum trim o,erslZed garage IJnu,hed oa ...,,;rlen' a-d IT,ure Call rOf detatls 20169 Mack Ave. 881-8310 3Joqn$. @ooaman CO'T"j.}u'e zed - MUll/listed 93 KERCHEVAL 886-3060 GROSSE POINTE \\AR~ER ROAD - PRESTIGIOt:S FAR~IS Esrab slJed 195' LOCATIO~ IS the setting for thiS four bedroom residence Paneled library Llnng room and paneled famIlY room both have fIreplaces Terrace overiooks vitidflo\.\ers. v.ooded area and seasonable planllngs Large modern Iatchen ;\ew gas furnace Central Secunt)' system Tuned spnnkler system Two car attached garage With Homerica you get that S RE~Al:D - SPACIOUS THREE BEDROG:\I hometown feeling . . . fast RA~CH on S Renaud ~1any home 1m provements 19 foot fa truly room, paneled E\enone 11> concerned about relocation Leav10g a famIlIar hometown and recreatIon room \\,th fireplace. bar and ftndlPg a nC\\ one I:an create considerable \\ orry and anXIety for a tamlly lavatolJ Lovel~ yard and patio Tv.o car RelocatIOn dO€Sll t J'bl DlGl!' ilndmg the right home i~"""""'-~..." garage !lOX 145 lot DE\'O:\SHIRE RO.\I) . A home for an) sIZe famI- BERKSHIRE RO -ill - Jl~'" OFF \\lXm.ULL It means fmdmg l\ beautliulh mamtamed ~lodern kitchen :\toROSS - ADJACENT TO THE COU~Y • the nght communlt} POI~'TE DRIVE Custom b\Ult In 1980 b) bullder SPaCIOUS dwing room v.lth itreplace l~x 15 CLUB OF DETROIT fauviays on a 120x 1;9 • the right 'lelghborpoOO {or tus 0""11 usage FOI.:r bedroom three an a big diHerence S169 c.)) RE~AUD ROAD - Excephonal Shores locatIon Our famlh relocatIOn counselmg ser.lces are available through Homenca Just off Lake Shore French style Colorua1 \Io;!h offIres and "Iahonal ReJocatwn centers 10 major metropo~tan areas You'll four bedrooms and three and one half baths , ~ls~ fi:J}Q \IQl71frtH;o;l.l)..fE'Jp tn,smaller CIties and to\\ns across the nation Beeutlful gum~led library ...oth fIreplace -'farble floored famJl~ room \Iolth bar As soon as \ ou get m touch \\ lth us, ~ou II hear from one of our Relocation overlooking patio and yard RecreatIon room Conselors t..ll Homenca RelocatIon Counselors have been selected for thetr I1>1!hbar Central aIr La\\ll spnnkler system extremeh hIgfJ standards standards that have been refmed over more Towa car attached garage and Circular dnve than 25 ;.ear~ Tn"! <; '.\ hI Hnmenca trul) IS the fIrst name 10family reloca- -, Secunt) system LocatIon IS hard to beat tion BEDFORD ROAD, SPACIOL:S COLO~IAL SQuth of Kerche\'al Updated Iutchen Family room Four bedrooms on second plus a fLfthbedroom on Hurd If needed Thr€€ stall attached garage Just o\er $100 000 HIGBIE MAXON, INC.Im]WGBIE S DEEPLA:\DS - JCST OFF LAKE SHORE 83 Kercheval CLOVERLY ROAD ,{E~R GROSSE POI\TE RAD~OR CIRCLE. Desired Farms location .\t- Four bedroom. t\\ 0 and one half bath center BL\'D Tree l'ned boule\3rd street In prestigIOus 'ractl~ e Cape Coo First floor master bedroom hall Colomal \\1th three car attached garage Farms location FI~e or 51" bedrO'lm Eflg!t5h Kitchen has large breakIast area Famll~ 886-3400 ~MD-ON \lIth bath Llbran. or fourth bedroo'l'l 17x25 foot L1brarv with fireplace plus a garden roorn Char tamll} room ';nth fireplace adjOinIng modermz. room WIth fIreplace has bullt.m cupboards mmg kitchen wllh hu!!t IPS Paneled recreatIOn ec kltchen v.lth bUIlt Ins Tv.0 large bedrooms and Extra actlVlties room over attached garage room Other amen t es.rc:ude spnrtk:er s)stem bath 'In secor.d ='iey,.er furnace ,\ lth central air accessIble by pnvate statr\\ay Immechate secunty Sjsten" t;.o car "ttached gdr3~e 3l'd A HOMERICA NATIONAL RELOCATION CENTER COlldltLOnlng Front }ard spnnkler sjostem T\\o possession POSSible seller fmancmg mcel; lar.05capt:d 10'> Ii,) lot car attached garage Immediate possessIOn HARBOR HILL CL'L-DE.SAC off Lake Shore PROFESSIO:\-\L Bt:ILDI'{G r'{ GROSSE Road In the Farms One and one half stot) P(JI'o,-rE F -\R\IS on \Iack -\.,encle ReceptIOn \Io1ththree bedrooms an\lmost an Impossible fInd Pomle Park c]o"e t<, ",",o[)';and schools SpaCIOUSrooms Include a hvmg F.rst f1",or ma'Ster bedroom prl\ ate bath Jefferson .\partments Entrance fo)er 22 )115 room l\lth natural fIreplace paneled family room fimshed basement. t....o Lbrar. FIl"':>t fjt)t)r utlLt\ T'-1-.r) nedrooms and lI\Ing room ....Ith bar Formal dmmg and onp half car attached garage ba!.h !i"n s..("ord 1 ....0 car attached garage room Den v.,th parq~t floor T....o kmg Size LocaTed - ',r r.JJe ne; "J~'" Slflr cIO"~ to bedrooms and t~o baths '{e central air BY APPOINTMENT

B,..t'I';:;;:f" ,.41"" .. !1rJ=;pl"al urnt Y-ateriord ct)stal chan'""(jr,,€, to snoppmgand transportatlOo ImmOOlate

r PRO\ '"E:'atn and ~tf;roage rJn ~rlrr.: 'T;. j {'dr apartmeTJt 123/3031ot \Ian) features Call garage \l.d ~J) , for further details

R(J-'EOALE GRE-\T ST CL-\IR SHORES L()(.\TIO'., Charming three bearoom re"idence on 50 hot lot Panelc-d recreatIOn rOf,ffi and lavalot) In ba~emF'nt T....o car garage S')-) ';()() r [j{, f. \~I J' ,r) ',1',' H r.'" E ...HI) R r. R( > \ IJ 1 r ~rf 'rl"/~(<' ~\~,j+ r I (,-h t~.. H.L.,~~I] th <:.. aUrae \lr)f{-\ .... RO.\D Great Farms locallo"! Llbrar;, ... p r2"'C" r,'.~r~ trrf4-' r~"(V)rn~ dr':1 t},() '...:11 and famIl~ room SeCflnd floor h.a!">master (" 1 "",."...... ~/; .. -,..e I 1 r~ ..~_....,.. Art1 ~h,p ~:.2I - _~. ..1_- ""'.... ~"" ...... ,...... ~---- ~ - ~--- • /yjff, i" .;,;..f..r <" rcx,"T\ ,? :(/,1 "re<'r~ "rrJ ll'Ja-,erl r T.<. 0 ~h~~~"add~;I;;n.~.I-~-;.~~~ and- bath g -we'~ «;:.::;:;:: :;:;! 441#t [;:,2- (r'" r~ 10Ar r ....rr(;:.. r,n {(:;l';rrlc:... ~id );"'1, j'Or] 1'1 bedrt)t')ms and t\A.O baths on thlrd T....o car rJut~l;;('(ling (.f', f (., r;;m f' r.n'lJI'Ih ,,'.,Ie (oloolal Spa(]')Us rooms A ~lately ""--1 .. rY"'< o-If (£ r-'t""dl r" ,.. r;..p'-urt ...... ,::;:.f-Tn ;,nd l;t'Wr 'laral1'e fmmedlate possessl')n .. ""J" f .....2 p...... J J {..-.::'" ~'" ~(i--,4'"-rl ~dr~2f" 1\rlng rly,tr, [0« .In )",c"'<'d Ii~,r"r) ; Ith MIura) f'r€'place glas'I pnclosed pI;",rrJf>nr(y,m , I'h I(J\( ,\ "",'d( r, \ Jl'1Io \1,lIn bedrooms on '\eC'ond floor have , \'. ILLIA \1<"EH. RG (e)L RT EASTLA '.D R(J\\ ' adJ"u'nt baU \1, "J (,dt~t;.. rj,rg a m Nil tie'> IncludlOg an r-Iegant carved oak I!!UfIfIll! Ii ,I;; , (O\D()\U \ IL ',I T-/.,()bedroom or.e andone "f- 'di!{I-, It' \ 'I) f '.,(,1 !....H rr j)(jR 'Ilalr rail (Ai '.' d (('ling molljmgs panlr'l -1-.,lhbUilt In refngerator and s('r Ii rn 'C#1; hal' b;;th UPlt Large hung dining area "d (,jf',S'" .r' tr .. f) d"J1f)~.4- I"'; r{ ap,-jOul \1((: sta,r-. 'n,rd fJ(,rlf r()(,n,; 'tJ('al for Il'la\l,'I apartment Call for your \f(.>den, Kltrhen (rntra, "Ir ~,ndum! afiords I 1fI!~ \.()"fr j1,1",tJ'1"~l.r"". rr,l'.! 2";"}f}.j rj~r()f"jm appoIn'rnl'nl adl:!'11(Al<; ;, r,ll rJ [It ..' ( ..;.... r ,.. • f ')1 .... t'!f.... " • r ( .. ('i(.(rj ;1',:,,(" F " ~~ "'--~""r.(I"""I~ f3:rl1' ~ {J ;;rl'1 (,()(0Imf.qmi r' r,fl,p" r', I ..rrl (,,,lr,,11 t"rrn- ;,v"li;;ble on tt,,~ two family full bdlr, Thri f- r....~ 'It (JUf dnd Ol'lf' half r- ~ • .-1" (''''' .. r~Jrn ~ "1 P I f tMr0'-,m !hr~ h:,th "r. r- ...-...n..... ~U"<'T'• ,th Lrf-pi;,(( t,r(~ '1..,1 1h"..- r"fJr'" f (I" I-I"r ItJ•• r()(JDJ In (',,(hum, <"i'paralf' furnaCe!> conll \!;,-"f r,r';',,... ~ ~.. /" ~ .. {:" -I- (ortj(,m,nllJTTI (rrtral air '>uPf'r drp.. ')1)1, oJ'" ,... f' ( ...,.. ; ~. -.". I Q L \."um"bl ... \I()rtg.g~ 'I .'<,., Jli'1IHI "t (1"lr'>-llir ~\(,II-I!\r'l r o'II,flril(,\t'i'\altH.(,fthl'll'ol'llmalntaln HF\,T \I~~ "ge P01llte prol*ftlf'-1 If ,'Td"lr D0nJJ! I~ " j'h ",,- R,Ijj(('r ytU'r, "'')rt~1 OPEN SUNDAY 2 00-5 00 fid( I-;foj Kd m" ',n )clllllS...... 1m] lwoplt> \\r-,T) "'''' IT ry,dfl I \\lJ:larr L [>.... I.r "mat('hinl( (fJ \ ErljO;('v'rxJ<'1 'l tRdrc)f)m 2 b;,th ranfh \(;,r JJr "',t"-'ltlXf' (or.'lJ( (Jrd'/Tr-I 'Ii') (if, hOUJw,~ )"rk!' V."l"h f';; J I! ..,t ••r and ~f, H"rr,or Hill -, rJedrO


GROSSE POINTE WOODS. Beautiful three bedroom, two bath ranch The kitchen has been totally remodeled \\ lth all bUIIt.lns House alloo has a newer roof, new landscapmg In front and back, centrdl aIr condltlonmg, addltlonallO" of insulatIOn, attached garage and falmly room Plus, a finished ba:,e. ment ""lth recreatIOn room Cdll for more detaIls • ?~~ ~~ ~~ • Jl PRIVATE ENTRANCE OFF MASTER BEDROOM mdkes thiS a perfect mother m la\1 ranch Now add t no WHl1vl'lEH - l'J!i\H:\1 l'H,\HM'llm 521 FISlIl':R ~paclOus two bedroom ranch 10 a three more famIly bedrooms, full bath, plm. h\o lavatones and famIly loom II ltlt fireplace 'l\vo car Ql .\LJ J Y CO~~THUe1'l()'\( dIe a natural flreplelte m the hVlng room and a sum garage and central alt condltlOmng detdll fill ee ,pacIOU' he{h oom,. :. 1<1 \ atorIl'~ p,lIleled hblelr> ('elltlal all C,1I1 todd' Iller porth off the dining room Priced Just ALL TERMS CO~SIDERED b) oll'ner:> on thIS special fOUl beuroom Cololll,ume mor GREAT FA!llILY HOME II'lth many e>..tra:, Thrl'C bedroom bnck bungalo\l \11th celllrdl ,m condHlOn FJectllllod ~ b9 '~){J !. 1 109, gas heat, !>un room, recreatIOn room and tll 0 cal garage Most telm:> Mcppteo IgdgP or 1<'a,e .It Sb2,) per mo Llkl'pOllltl' 'iB 90() bl \1(10 1\10 bllck IlltOme propertles \\iIUl ell! umt.<.OCLUPled !>eP utll \ Ill'\\ kitchen bnght FlOrida room den and recreatwo room BRICK BUNGALOW close to Grossl' POlllte and priced at onl\' $2b,OOO Hd!> tll 0 beth OOIn!>down and one I!untlngton ) lK l}(){) up The roof IS new, plus there's a full bath and recreatIOn room ~Ith \let bars BE'dullfuJ bll(k Imome Kitchen!> and bath!> both updated Alte,! Itoad ilW() J 2 OFFERING 1,500 square feet for $24,900 Abu)' f NIce bnck, tbree bedroom COlOUldl Illth iI\ mg 100111 Clall \ lel\ Court tl)(,OOO J 1'. ImllJ.ltulate ,upddtcd kitchen and more ( harming bungalo~ for loale or ICdse at $500/month dmmg room and kitchen, basement IS pdrtlal with lavatO! y Seller Will pay c10slllg co!>ts All rooms KenmOle 'iB9W l'l are SpaCIOUS and there's a t\\O car brick detached garage 1H,!JO(J -1/2 JU!>t reduced I ~paclOUS fll e and five Land LOntract term., Neff .. • t _,...... 1"" "" t ""., t,..,... ,t ,.",,1 .. ro;oltlllgham ,)~ UW tHat\UUJII~.h::Ue;'C'LVVIU,).U"""\.\""""'.'.~t"._ , ~ .._.. _.- Bc,lUtlluJ brick Income, natural flreplau'lo !>eparate utllltl!;'" PURDY and STRONGMAN ASSOCIATES Somerset G9 'J()() 1btl40 KERCHEVAL "IN-THE-VILLAGE" OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Youngblood 881.0800 'i21 F"hpr 1310 Whlttlel 2013 Kenmore ReaU y 11\(. ON THE MOVE If) ou re con~ldenng a move to another town, we C,1ll pro\'lde you ~ Ith .lrea hOUSing mforma QUESTION?? tlOn WITIIOUT ANY OBLIGATION Call [or details Where's the "best buys" in Grosse Pointe today? Answer: We have them at ,

S~ 20439 MACK AVENUE &,~,~~~t4~ Grosse POinte Woods Hampton Flrstoffermg First Beaupre, FlfSt Offering At the 886-8710 Barrmgton $ 79,500 block off Lakeshore IS thIS very at- foot of Kenwood Court In the Beaupre $125,000 Farms ThiS hne English home tractive ranch Three bedrooms BY APPOINTMENT Bedford $159,500 75'XI50' lot Ideal locatIOn for OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 has had a lot of TLC Fam lly room Belle Meade $284,900 young or old and what a price' & ltbrary, large lutchen area Neat Blalrmoor . $157,900 Won't last at $92,500 location' Blalrmoor Court $117,900 Buckmgham $135,000


01- Kercheval $170,000 Cadteux $170,000 Lancaster $62,500 Dean Lane $170,000 Lochmoor $185,000 Devonshire $158,500 McMIllan $98,500 Edgemont Park $225,000 McMIllan $85,000 Ellalr Place $167,500 MIchaux Court $345,000 GHOSSE POI!\1'E CITY. Deslgne old Hoof new III 1981 Spnnkler fireplaces Four car garage WIth 8 tv.o bedroom rentabll' carnage house Contact one of our agents. If you want to get one system Three cal gal age of the "best buys" In today's market. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5

313 HILLCREST GROSSE POINTE FARMS COli one and one half story home With three bedrooms, OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 natural tlreplace, neal tran;,portdhon and schools Recreallon room WIth wet bar Aluminum tnm 125 Beaupre 226 Stephens 21143 FLEET\\ OOD ImmcdlesslOn LInd Contrelct terms $25,000 dOlI n Sh.lrp thrt.'e bedroom In the Farms between Moran and McMIllan One 0\\ ner bpaclOUS quality home T~ () first bllngd)C)\\ ~edrl\' nl'\I cdrpetlllg rnof I" anI) flle )cal":> old Grosse POI i.' School :»:>tem Three bedrooms One that's easy to call home floor bedrooms, one above LIbrary, elc "FIrst shOWIng" extras Po:>sesslOn at c1o<;e Estelte "ale Between 2095J HAMPTON - Hdrpcr Wood!> II Ith Gros;,e POlllte School 'i) stem Custom bUilt 10 I!n;! Tv. 0 bedroom RIdge and CharlevOiX bnck Ianch Den could be t1l1fd bedroom Flr:>t floor laundry

44 Belle Meade BY APPOINTMENT Grosse Pomte Shores Take Lakeshore to 230 Dean Lane l':nghloh I Bdrm Excellent condltlOlI Roof ne\~ III 1980 Pfl\ ate \ ard "First showmg" of custom Colomal FIve Fontana 1'2 block left to Belle Meade four l!llIcrest bedroom executl\,e home WIth all the extras Lochmoor Cape Cod 5 Bdrm 4 full bath:>, 1 la\ , library, family room \'er) large lot bedrooms Family room, wmdlng staIrcase, Ranch 1 Rdrm Hcdllced to sell qUlckl~ Family room, IIbrdrj, ullht) room etc Great views and only $170,000, Hurry Vacant $284,900 S Renaud Stillmeadoll- Coloma I 4 Bdrm Cu:>tom bUIlt Great hall J9"- ~1 Master bedroom all first noor Sunnll1gdall' Coloma 1 'i Bdrm Library, Flonda room three fireplaces Recreatlon room Duplex ~12 Bdl m ,",eparate utili lies Separate garage~ Famll} IOt1Jn:> 20647 MACK AVENUE Opposite Parcells Middle School 884.6400 Vt'rl1ler Wlllo\1 Tree Colonial 4 Brinn ('lI.,!OJn built On cul de :>3(' F'lmll~ room }-'Icst noor laundf) Condo I Bdrm lIa I I)('r \\ oods Super ltfl'a Lnge 11,Ing room Prt\'dle parklll;l 395 FISHER ROAD Opposite G P South High 886.3800 LII11t'!>tom' CONGRATULATIONS TIGERS AND The


nR~T OF!- EHll\G Exceptlon,lll) ~ell m"lO talned Engll.,h TlIdo: Hp3utlful Ma.,ter SOIREE AU CASINO DE MONTE CARLO hl?droom ,ulll' mothpi Itl lall ~lJIte "nd four othpr !J('(Jroolm ,\,.,um,thle mortg.lgc A at the i(f('at home' for ,om('onp I' ho apprc'cHltp:. I"rg('r room, for ('lItl'rl

Saturday 7:30P.M.

"\ "'1 EAL of .. fll ,t IIff('111l1-( 111111 II I 0 ho'(1t (HHm, BE II IH.RO and buy )our lanHly thl., I' m~ I (If' (110 ,I7H1 0714' nlll! ll.lln'> .IIlI' 1l1',1! Ii 1i""1 "111.11' 111'1 ~llh ,I mllllllllllli dO\lllP'1\ nWllt I",,~ Illm I \ I F!-~IU'I/(, In thr hc"rl of thl' Jo'ilrm, \\ hie h In( I"rI{'<; \J (0""1 HA( I ,1I",I.,h1l' 11)11' "till I" ("I gdl I~" an Inttrounll "'.Imming pool "nd JIll IJlII hr,lnd ! f":'W kltch<'ll With (ldk cabln( tr] l"rge' I('ad('d 1(1,1...., {('ntr"lnli ,nrl dford,dol, l<'lln~ \\ \Il \1\\ I A WAU< 10 "clloo!'>, .,nop" "nd Ir"n.,pOlI.lIlon, wllldllW~ (111Il>he.doak pane'hnll dnd pJf'nty of bed IMMLD]A! I U S!o.«() per JX'r~on nol to III Plo I IOn Ih(' l"lIk \\dlh III" I' IH"T OFI- 1 Jl room." hath .. for all 1\(, Oil 0111\('7'11) (,1,1(1011, olel!'r hUllll' liBOVI-; AVJ-llA(.!' II' <\'" I ,nd '111,,1,11 , Ihl~ llH'llllllolJ,J> 1Ildroom family I he'n I.,f.t~t('r 'Ill II' \llr'llIdf'~ "lllnJo( room dn'"" pl,l{'(' pill!' p.lIl1'll'd d, II ,1I1d I,ll 1-(0kit< Ill'll ,,,Id hilmi' that prnvlr!('" al"rgl'r l hornl' 1"0 II' 1"0 go to ,I' "d .. b)l Imrnl dl,llf II .Illhllllol,jl' Illllr.t! iii "nrl,plll,klol "~ ,"0(1)( "II .... Illll"lld I< ,oIllllllg ,rolJ tI, 1110"111 1/111 (or,)1 \\1'1,[' 1"1,1111,[1 Hl'd"(IJ!.d/l! ~IU.~, I'A'-,\ on Ihl' flr,1 off(llng 1\1 ()\H 1I\l11t",klll~dIlA\\ \!CII\\I\\I\l'f:,"tl'll lr Ih' oll;!h, III In Ihl 1,,11'.10 II II 1\11fOI llurl, r lht' I('II.,nh 1.If \ filii ]11111 t.lllllh 1'>~lo","I'111 1"'III"lill'i1I1J~()t 1'J{Cll'l-~H IY 1,( 1 Ihl p '\ $,110 IIl~1 rrH,rt.l(<1W' 1111 'Oil ,d $II'II~XI LOW,!)., fi\I(\I"(Il!(I\I\! 1IIIIhllf'I\lth f>()1 HI.!- PLAY ""llh t,l,l, I' ,Irrn., II!! ,II '1m Ihll'l' Alhance Francalse de <.iro,\C Pointe till 111<1,,\ < bOllll\l,rI JI fJf r1f(II,m (III inloll .. ,I\ild.hl/' (JO f"'l'u)"r ,,,,lor .1,,11 \lhnl,1 ,lrN'I., <1J(h " .. \f( 1<1111(') ,wd 'v'/( rnwhilh, r Idr.',hI71~"pl",IIIIIIII\ till' I'> I", "' 1111111 n"th h"w' nl{(' farrlliv rl,om'l ,1l,d Olll' h,I" a .,,,nd~ oVI'r \111011"nlll", lIurlll'" .11(' ,e'lllIl~ (01 '17'\% mflrtJ(ail(' With only $14/,O() to

" Thursday, October 11,1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

1 Jim $lU'O~ A!1.>ene~ Jn~ , 11108 MACK 886.9030 ~6200 .~ TAPPANAND Tt\PPAN.AND IIA.SSOCLL\TES' .;\SSOCI.A.TES A HARVEST OF FALL VALUES ~~ ' nt%(.~ .. - ' .- ~ ----

728 CANTERBURY CT. 15231 WINDMilL POINTE OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 OPEN SUNDAY 11.2 }o'antasuc pnce reducuoo' Four ~oom Colorual Fabulous estate' Featunng fn e bedroom:., lIu-e€ .\ttractl\'e three bedroom, one and one half bath on sutler Ole shaDed lot' l.Jbra..-y [amJ..1y room IHth and one half baths, llbrary, sunken llnng room ," ~"'l" "I'll" r 1',."01 rln"ll "pIn_ make thiS :l1U\.U center entranlt~ \.OlOllhii iM:.:; raCoEd hearth flreplace, tv. 0 and one hail bathS ~ltn !'-aDOcan eo llreplace. cenlr,H tdesirable r"."...... ,,,,::.,".:.. fimshed basement, sWimmmg pool; more' Stop by and YIe" tlus super home' Open \\ lth gnU. countr) kItchen Situated on large lot First floor la\ ...... :Inn COZ\ recreauon room close 1 Fabulous grounds' $189,00:)" Open Sunday 2-5 Sunda) 11-2 to schools. shoppmg. tranSportation and pnced m ~lore' REDt:CED. $97.000 the 80's are addltwnal pill:>.:':> Call for more SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 Tn RIDGE!lIO:\"T . Superb wee bedroom bungalow" Just reduced to 01'.1) $82,900' ~ Large master bedroom, formal duung room, recrea bon room, newer root, more' FantastIC dEcor' lIove InrondJ !.Jon 1751.' \ ER\lER -\PT 2 .. - CO\DO - BERKSHIRES - Cruque one bedroom. one and one half bath

de1u\e umt Beautiful decor modern kitchen central air REDUCED I 41 LOCH.\IOOR . FIve bedroom home perfect [or enlerta.JllJng' Four and one half baths sen Ice slair;. fauul> room.l1brar). two pov.der rooms second floor laundry room' Alarm s)stem much more" 53 HA\\'THOR~E - Fast oecupanc) Bnght and cheery Modern kJtchen, excellent [amlly home Three ~lloow' . , bedroom.;; one and one half bath center entrance two story A must for the bu)er Interested IIIGROSSE POI~'TE SHORES ani) $125.000 207'2& ~TER ROAD. Three bedroom Coloma] at a super pnce' Two and one half baths, sharp kitchen WIth applJances mcluded, central arr, great floor plan parttall' fl1USbed basement mucll mo .....! 321 \IERRJV,'EATHER In the heart of the FARMS Three bedroom, one and one half bath Side entrance $99,900~' ," '''' Coloma! 16:-- 16 famJ1) room modern kitchen. central aIr, unmed1ate occupancy and pnced to sell l689 BROADSTO~'E . Super four bedroom Colmuallll Grosse Powte Woods' TIurd floor exparu.lon. at- SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT tached garage, extra lot~ BeautJIul tree filled lotI Reduced to only $89,900' 30:0. Dl.\ AL - AttractI\ e center entrance four bedroom Colonlal With family room, t\l.0 car attached 1323 KE:-';SINGTON . Gorgeous three bedroom Colomal fearunng Th1rd floor e"Cpamnoo farnlh'room garage Close to lake In GROSSE POI!\"TE SHOP.ES QUick possessIOn modem kitchen, natural fireplace' $129,900' Call today for' Owners are mollvated' . 1151 S RE~ACD - Ideal ranch Voltht\\O and one half car attached garage For the couple desU'lng loea- 124l NOTTL~GHAM: • Well mamla1ned h.ome! Three plus bedrooms, updated kitchen with bUllt.U1 and mlmmum of care T\\o bedrooms, den. updated kItchen and more' dlshwasher, natural fireplace WIth bookshelves on both SIdes, fully msulated' l'dueh morel Call no" 30 BEACO:\' HILL - Beautifully updated and remodeled four bedroom, two and one half bath Colomal. l236 W A 'fB UR1"'; • Super spotless tl-.ree bedroom Colomal! Fonnal d1ntng room YlIth wood beamed cell. Features l1brar). family room, gourmet lutchen, plus more fine features mg, gorgeous landscaped background' Superb home in Grosse Pomte Park t Don't ....alt, call today I 19949WILLIAMS COURT E - Immaculate three bedroom ranch 10 a qwet locale Features famJ1y room, 1925&UNVILLE .1bree ~ Cox 6: Baker bwlt home! One and ODe half baths two natural fIreplaces central air and attached garage natural wood througbout, fanuly room WIth parquet floor! PrIced at m ,900' 1>OO't DllSS this great buy ; ADDITIONAL FINE OFFERINGS 2l25O LlT'l'LES'l"ONE • Fantasbc two bedroom ranch III Harper W~, Huge famJ1y room, fllllShe

TAPPAN & ASSOC, 90 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE POINTE FARMS 884~620(' William J. Champion & Company

1007 CADIEUX - OPEN SUNDAY 2:004:00- 572 mOR.N TREE - OPEN SUNDAY 2004.00 STATELY COLONIAL m move-m condlnon - DESIGNED WITH YOUR FA..\IILY IN feature5 four bedrooms, two baths, additiooal MIND, um beautiful bnck Coklmal offers four first floor bedroom and bath, faml1y room, bedrooms. two and one hall baths, SpaCIOUS natural f~ and two and ooe half car fanuly room newly updated Ictchen and com. p1etely mamtenance free. Near Star of the prage. Not a drive by' Sea • -FIRST OFFERING - 89 HAMPTON - OPEN SUNDAY 2 oo-t:OO- THIS GROSSE POI!'l'TE 807 PEl1BERTON - OPEN StiNDA Y 2 ()(H 00 SHORES two bedroom, ODe and one half bath - EXCEPTIONAL Coloma I offers rIch ranch IS loaded With curb appeal three natural woodwork, hardwood floors, great flreplaces, central air and an underground floor plan, central air, three bedrooms, tv.'o sprinkling system are ]USt a few of the many and one half baths, family room, bvmg room out.&tandmg features thIS bome bas to offer Wlth marble fireplace, breakfast room and Great location and prIced to sell possible I..A..1Iffi COt-."TRACTTER.\1S

199112W DOYLE-OPEN SUNDAY 2 00-4.00- -FIRST OFFERL"iG - LOOKING FOR YOUR SUBS'TAl''TIAL PRICE REDucnO.s on thIS FlRS1' HOME? Here's a freshly decorated oae owner tn.level bouse located on a qwet Cape Cod WIth three bedrooms, family room, court In Gr065e POlllte Woods It IS a one of hVIng room WIth natural fireplace, formal dJn.. a Ir.ind Special house destgned for converuent mg room, newer kitchen and roof, beautiful lh-mg A must see! yard and two and one half car garage Move- III condItion for thIS charming DetrOit home -FIRST OFFERI~G - H..o\RPER WOODS Priced w the low 50's STARTER is pnced to sell at only $2i.5001 nus clean three bedroom bungalav. on IN THE F AR.,ts, Uus darlwg one and one hall Kenosha has been updated WIth newer elec. story has three bedrooms, two baths, den, tncal set"'t"lce, newer roof and furnace Ap- faml1y room, central air, Mutschler ~Itehen. OW:'."ER TRA:\'SFERRED Ready to move FRESHLY P AfNTED AND CARPETED through. four pliances 10 large kJlchen are Included' natural ft.replace and COllvernent locatlon nght m" A.:>sumean eXlstmg Land Contract on out thIS bedroom two and one half bath center Land Contract comndered thIS SpaCIOUSfour ~room Coloma I Completel) hall Colomal SpaCIOUSrooms, goodtraffic pattern redecorated In past 24 months Lo;el) paneled and good construction make thlS a perfect house librar) plus iamli) r'-Jm aJ]o'...s for plenty of for a farml) Well located close to schools and space for faml!) or erterlalflng public transportation

LOOK AT THESE TER~ts - Land Contract 20% down. five >ears at 11%. simple assumption at CHARMING CAPE COD located 10 the Woods 71~% at end of t.ern1 attractJve three bedroom features two bedrooms. t'Wobaths. famll) room. bunga~, hVlllg room, dmmg room. large kitchen natural firepla~, recreation room, screened ter- 0\1, \ER TR.\ "'Sf- ERRED Extremel .. ',l.ell PRICE REDCCED .:'\eat and Tid} Harper and nev.' pnce $32.900 You too can enJOY our race. large klt and a tv.'!) car garage $67,000 pncrd four or fl\ ( bedroom house"" ltt. three full V,oods home Inth Grosse POInte S<.hool" Fre,hlv Grosse Pomte Parks and schools '>ath, BeautIful lea1'~ gld,s., \lo1nd,),,-s throughout, pamted and nev. carpet allir tastefUl and neutral TOT.-\LL Y REDECORATED A:-'"DRESTORED <;p<.cO'l,. kItchen \of, 1& 'irsakfa~t pooh and charm colors mert to be compatible ....llh an} one s t.aste A HOLSE TO RE~rE~tBER Uus statel) Chi ll'HnI manse ....,th a super master SUlLe four Ilig i1brdr~ PIU5 a f,t'" 'lOOT b€-d roo I'r. and bath V,ell m.c,ulated for economy heatmg .\ must see offers SiX bedrooms four baths two additIonal bedrooms, and two ana one naIf PT\CM ur.,j.-r S~j If~ la ~atones lJorary, (amll) room. sprInkler ba~, faml1y room. wn room Wlth natural s)-stem patIO, central air, three car garage fireplace. M:utsct-Jer kItChen and much more' and has eVer)thmg to sallSf) your famll) Calf for list of amemties and loc.atlOn needs THE ',\ ORLD L()(JK.'i BRIGlITER from)our """11 I~WORTED srO;".E EXTERIOR highlIght" the vm)(j(Jw~ TIns sparltlmg Cclomal features four outside and Ills:de hlghhghts mchlde lne bedrooms t'Woand one half baths, library bedrooms three and one half baths family famll) room modern lntchen spnnkJe. sys. room uj:l

'4i 7 nr I--- PRrrF.: Rf.fJ[ (F.:D (;rci'lt curb ....lth VERY PRIVATE STREET 0'.; the turn of the old pqual,\ "nr d( Ih C Inli 0'01' , n lhl" thr("f' lJedrnom rilC(' cOIlro;;e All the y, onderful open rooms pm. ~(-ml r;,!"'(r ,r tn;; \\I, ...d" [r;.nf'r ;,rXlmlS to <,ell \ ldf' /'xu'lIi'nt traffiC pat1ern !or famIly life style l1w; ....f'll malr,I"I",'" horn( ',(" ....Kltchpn nC\\. roof or entertaining Seven bedrooms plus a three room ond tnm (r>'1( ,,"ork ((jl"1pleterl $61 WI apdrtmcnt over th(' attached garage

STl ...."'l ....G f:"GUC;H TI'OOR \'i 8u:ented b.. ll~ plcturesq~ <;.etl.nlil <\rnPf tltl"" ,ncluoP mrJdf'rn ATIR.\(iIVE ST (L<\m SH'JfU.S raner, on kltet.eT1 ref,msh~ oak Lo()f", ma~leT bedroom PdrK Lane four ~roofl1~ t)nc dno 01"1' half ba'h~ (amil} room ~Ith natural flrepla('( hard With sItting room t~r) addlt,on;!: r..edromr.s t .... o and one hal! battJ.<;har. trans!erred M: aJ)('111ot and pn ced In the PI! 5

lIWM oJ / Member cA the Sf\,f.LY 'II Till-.H'_ ({JJ[)\lAI on a 1:', KUUlY Tf,f{\j<" ,\VAILABI 1-, (111 thl'S LOCATED O~ THE HILL GrO!>'ie POlllte Rf'JlI F.~tlite Exchange l,rKllll1r,ll IA.lnr;no:'trut ~[I~rl) palnl('lj and j{J\( Ii ({)1l1 (o(.,j ror,lTJ "rod (10(' h.. l1 r.d! h hOlTJ(' Macomb Board iJ Realtors n :,r1'. 1(1[',{"I r,,(i.t Ifl (N,nl r Iran~!f'rrl'd Th,' '''''I ::: GrONe POlnt~ Farmll (Jy,w'r" dnX'(JU" In ~~ion hl;l ), J ndtur-JI (I{,..i' 10 '>Ch(,,'J\, bring nH('r acTOIS from Perry O~ DetrOll Board cA Realtors IjV~I.''''' "fflJrd I'll r' of Ii~h, '" iJH- m Keltheval 834-5700 (rnnt" O(J :tw roM k t!-J, \ lr,(\Oy., leI." }(;-u enJoy the MOH lfl ulOdlllon uJlj p.:lnclcd den and enclos "p,sl"oo:', Io,('ll ldnd r..-d ) a rd cd purch overlr,rJklOg E'xtra irA

...,3_d .., ._------..------

f t ceccces e • 4 • c c • c C 4

Page Eleven.B .:rhursday, October 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 1~2!.'''Jli$?h~. We've Got The System! CAPTIVATING DUTCH COLONIAL It s new It s mnovatlve It's a revolutIOnary markt.'tlllg ~ystern lhllt r' packages the lI1dustry S most e"cltlllg tool~ Into one unlfled pldn It ~ all the help you need In marketmg your home "t the fight price, to the fight buyer And only one real estate company offer., thiS proven system to sell your home Schweitzer Real Estate/Better Home~ and ~------"- Gardens We ve Got The Sy~tem thai produ<.e~ re~ultsl Celli us tUUel}' to flf1d •• out more ddail~ ,t

CHARM OF THE PAST \llth to THAOITIONAL COLONIAL III .J NESTLED IN THE VILLAGE daY's comelliences Super clean \Iondedul ared for chlldl en An Lovel\ de~ll,lble locdtlOn for d A gruceful 'ornbmatlOll of cla&slc formality and old fd.,hloned chdl'm make thl:> nome \\ lth tht.' grace of leaded excellent floor pldn Illcludes three 10\,('1\: tl ddltlOnal Colomal Three distinctive re~ldence on Lmcoln Road a delight Completely restored and glass \I IIIdo\l s, comfortable 1I1 bedrooms, t\\O and one half bath~, generous bedl ooms, aUrdctlve kit rpdpcornter! Ihl'> <;tllllmnl/: re~ldence orfer!> the flll~t hfe~tyle that can be extended L~1101 dllU exlt~nor lhat s IOrmal Qlmng room anO eatlllg cllen \1Iln IIIedKld~t oa) , pdneleo for \ our per~ondl plea~ure The beautlfuJ foyer IS enh

The ~econd floor IS hIghlighted by a spectacular master sUite newly remodeled I "hIS and her" bathrooms, dressmg room WIth two closet walls and cozy !>lttmg room I There are three additIOnal bedrooms and two full baths AN EXCEPTIONAL HOME In BY WINDMILL POINTE, thl~ BOTH INSIDE AND OUT, thIS Grosse Pomte Woods ThIS fan. newer Coloma I IS SpaCIOUS and spacIOus home shows very weill AddItIOnal amen Itles lllcluded 111 thiS dlstmctlve resIdence mclude gazmg pond, at. tashc Coloma IWIth a fresh decor graclOu~ Large paneled fanuly InSIde plush carpeting, new tached two and one half tar garage, Hurd floor attic storage and surpnslngJy low throughout IS m move-Ill condthon room With bUlIt.m bookshelves, fll eplace, slate hearth, foyer, out- heat bl1ls Dmded basement has half bath kItchen WIth bUlIt-ms plu~ fIve Side ne\1 dnvewa}, stone front, Extra insulation helps keep bedrooms Quahty feature~ aluminum tnm, new garage door Call for your o\ln pl'lvate VleWlIlg today heatmg costs 10\1 $74,900

1013 THREE MILE, OPEN SUNDA Y Bwll In '50, thiS Colomal In the Park IS In fabulous condlhon Family room With natural fll'eplace and doorwall to lot, den and bath on first floor $145,000 (G-689l 886-4200 JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE, INC. 1~4 KENMORE, OPEN SUNDA Y Super sharp ranch on qUiet street of Grosse POInte Woods Family room, two bedrooms plus den Wet bar, garage door opener SImple as~umptlOn terms $79,900 (F.728J 886-5800 rCHECK THESENEW OFFERINGS! HARD TO FINDI Three bedroom bnck ranch WIth family room and two full baths Remodeled kitchen and central all' A rare fmd for $59,900 WIth good terms as an extra IIIcenllve' IG-690J 886-4200 VERY SPECIALl SpaCIOUS SIX bedroom, five and one half bath COLONIAL on lovely 158)(250 site 11l' eludes all the amemtles for luxury hvrng - large famdy room WIth fireplace, garden room. musIc HAWTHORNE, GROSSE POINTE WOODS Attractive executive ranch In supt;r area Offers natural room 17--<3{)'Iivmg room WIth fireplace, exercise room with sauna and new pallO W1th fenced pool fireplace 111 Itvmg room, apphances m kitchen, formal dmmg room plus parhdll) hm~hed basement Complete new decor mcludes all wool carpetmg plus custom wmdow treatments All the CXCltmg $76,500 (F-729) 886-5800 detaIls at 881-6300 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY on thIS bungalow IIIdesIrable Farms locatIOn Central all', all' cleaner, slldlllg POPULAR FARMS LOCATION for thls three bedroom, one and one half bath COLONIAL \11th den and glass doors on front porch, newer roof and dnveway RecreatIOn room WIth natural fIreplace III full library, Illce kItchen WIth large paneled breakfast room plus separate dmmg room - all updated basement $88,500 lG-691J 88&-4200 throughout I UNDER $100,000' 884-0600 CHARMING AND COZY three bedroom Cape Cod home close to Village and bus lines Updated bath, DESIRABLE WINDMILL POINTE AREA and a mmt condItion three bedroom, t\loOand ont' half bath carpetmg throughout, famIly room, lovely hardwood floors In one bedroom, freshly pamted mtel'lor center entrance COLONIAL With den, central air plus excIting extras' Great space and beautuu) plus low mamtenance extenor. $79,900 00 four bedrooms WIth attached baths, pl'lvate balcorues, beaullful landscaped lot Perfect for famlly and entertammg needs QUIck occupancy $5,000 allowance from Hudson's to purchaser for move.m expenses (0-549) 886-4200 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5

LAND CONTRACT TERMS Townhouse CondommlUm on Maumee at Rivard Ne" furnace four 1454 FAIRHOLME - Recorated three bedroom Colomal has faml!) room, sharp kitchen 10% land bedrooms, two baths, stuoy or bedroom on thIrd floor, and remodeled kite-hen , , two and one half baths, large famIly room and den Ne\l gas furnace $t44.fJOO I II0171 885-2000 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT 1222 BUCKINGHAM, GROSSE POINTE PARK, OPEN SU~DA Y Beautiful design and floor plan IS featured WIth thIS lovely English Tudor Library, five bedroom!., remodeled kitchen, terraced yard and much more $139,000

GREAT STARTER HOME III Grosse Pomte Woods Just \\altmg for )our decoratlllg skllb' Three bedrooms, full basement Convement location $44,000 (G 545) 886 4200

16 MOORLAND, OPEN SUNDAY One of Gr~sc Pomte Shores fmest Contf'mporary ranch \11th excep tIOna Inew kitchen mcludmg lop-quahty appliances, fieldstone fireplace III liVing room and family room WIth grIll $166,995 (H-027) 885-2000

1952 ANITA, GROSSE POINTE WOODS, OPE;-'; SU;-';DA Y All appllancc~ plu., lhret' l>CdUtlful celhng fans stay m thiS custom bUIlt bungalow Large counlr) kitchen, hVlng room \llth naturdl fireplace $64,900 (F -679) 886-5800

QUIET CUL DE.SAC LOCATION 111 the \\ oods Exqul,<,lte ranch, la,<,tefuJl) de( oral('{j ,md orrel'lng fJllhhed IN THf<~PARK Beautiful tradltlondl EnglISh EXCEPTIONAL four !A.'{jroolll. four and O~ h.1lf basement \11th recreation room \Iet bdr pool room and half bath that I" Ideal for 'your cntcrtmn Tudor hel'>over 2800 "quare f~'('t of great a('com bdth Enjtlll>h full) reno\ nted throughout :\.'\\. men! needs' (G-63U 886-4200 modahons lIIeludmg four hedrooms three and one Io(ourmet kllchen hbraI) mal>tt"f :>Lllt""lth slltmg hdlf l>.Ith, Florld'l room and f1n1~hed basement room and flrepldce, games room \\lth slolw hI''''' TROMBLEY AND RIVARD- INVESTMEr--T OPI'ORTL '" ITY - t \10 pi Ime lilt IIllle prolwrtl<''> 111 GI'c»,.,e f<~l1erg)'efficient' 881 4200 plal't' dn 2000 GHO"SE POI~TE SHOHE~ OUI~t,lndlllg four bt'droom, Ihree and one half bath l>eml ranch Oil qUlt'l ?1&REE!'.BRIAH GRO<;SE POL"iTE SHORE;" OPE\ <;'C\[JAY \p~lle b) ulh('1 of Ih .. l\lo he;,ullfuJ court off 1..lkl,~hol., offer:- large fdmll) room \\ ,Ih beam t'ellmg, Iln'plact' and paryut'l f)tlol)r h,u)(J, natural fireplaces to thiS fine four bedroom Colomal Whirlpool tun AndpI'on I'.IIldu"., dnd m,my 1l1llrC fll"ot floor Jaundr) fllll.,hl'd bll~l'ment dnd many adl1!tlOnlll ametllllt"\ S84 t1l!l'O quallty appomlments $194 900 IF 686) 886 '>&J(j I'OP('LAR 1'\'IVEn~IT\ L!(;GE'M' ,\HEA offer~ lovely thr~~ bt-droom. t\\<1 b.1lh Cll-'>hllll rdl1ch \\lth S COL01\IAL COURT, qUiet wi d(' .,ac ,>clllng for Ihl., "P< 20 fMnll)' fdmlJ> room .. nd fllll~hcd h.IM'lllent on qUlet court PrIced to M 0 V E' 881 -L'L'O room With natural flreplac(' Supl'rb ~hore<; locallon '(,6;(1/ BAA42()l1 I:-':\'£<:"<;TOH'~Fl:'lrablt. Fdrm!o IlX'atUlI1 nt'M lilt' 111111\1 0 bl'\lom.~ HAVE THE UJ\ff OHTC, OF H(J:-'Ifo: "Ith condominium ('JII\ I'llIf' n( ('~ FII -t floor (OndOlllllllurn 10<.11('d flr.,t floor ldundl> 111 t'cl('h UllIt PI'IC('{I In the 8{)'!> B8~0600 on :\otrl' Dame, dose to Village "hoppIng Two t)('dmom., (1I1HO, fill. 21100 i\1,\.JOI{ !'IW'F HElll ( no\ onthl' lI.llpt'r \\oolom ranch ha,<,lt'rnfli,' t.lnllh room l':U':GA\l RHICK COU) .....IAL recently redecordted ,llld offNlng Fr,Hlklm ,loH' III f,lmlly mom pili" dntl gre,lt .,p.ll'l' GI (I!<"(' POlntL' 'I'hool., .'omp.lre ami ::>U\t" lI8t ~.'{JO nev. adJollllllg d<.'Ckoverlooking ("«eptlonaJ larg(' \ ,ml IF f>f,sl &% ,KIMI • L,\I{(;E FA:-'I[I.\ IHln\t and l'O\ 1'1 I'd P.I IIII ('lIh.lIWt' lhl' thl~' 1~'(ltl)(ll1l 1\'0 h..llh l,mdl'll th,' \\,)(xb 14,; FAHU10L\lE GHO"'~E POI:\lE \\OOfl'> O),t-.I\, ~1 \[JAY I)on 1111'''', "('('11'1; Ihl" ~h,Hp f'JIIr olfL'nnll: ,,'ntr.<1 .111' ,Inri tl\O lIlr ,dt.l{ h,'<1 ~,lr.l~" 0\ flllOl'lt(' Io..'.ltlol\' flJIl bJOlI bedroom bungalov. I'.lth 01;' nJ d l!r,H 11\'1' ,inri n( I'.('r It dIt' ht"(lrt)om,<, ,\lId d.-nl 11'.,\ lull tl,llh, hU¥.l' Irilll1l1 ,,"r,U ;0; 1\:' I .. t t':u,,-, Ul;"::'" .._ "1~~.."'..h ....-I ~ ...... ,:" """,,1' "'U"'rM l,t U...... 1 4)" 'C11.' llllll\' ~I ""~,_\ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 "Ill', (halfontc (,T()<,.,P ['OlotP Farro., l\ I (,I (1'lIhn,1I (" 0'" I 'nuil, '>hm I., \1 \ '\ ( 111',....11:1{ (, r< ,It ,1,1I1"T bung tI"", II", LO/} fln'pltH't' fllll'ht'd h.l,,''ll,'nl '" IIIl .. ' tr d h,llr ~Ih 240 (In\erl''df (;'r~,(' POinte lolrm., II) \lol,rl,mil (,ro,"I' l'IlII,11 "I1I'I£" g,lIl1~I' ,11111.1 l!'mpllng prH \' of $1>4"00 1\1111011 ...1 144 \1our;" (, ro.,,,(, POint<' r nrm., 1',.2 Anlt" (,rI)."I' J'(lIntr \~olld~ 12'; TOnOdll( ()Ilr (,TO"V !'rllnte r arm., 14','. !' ,lIrh"llIH' (,r""~1 1"'IIltl \"ood" 1 Nl:--! 1\1 \ \It I "Jhl~ 10\11 h..<1nll,nl 1l'.",W" IlIlt' tll,.1 ,OUnll\ klll'ht'll Ill'\\. L'.lrpt'tlll~ .lod ,I pne .. 'Oil II lll\t" lllli -4_,\\1 lfWI ThrC'(' \11)(' Gr(l'."p Pornt/"' )'(,.q,,'ll'd 1/.,11111''' loorn u'lllr.II.11I ,'nl'l it) ('fll'll'nl 1ll'>lll1llWil lllid \H 'ell :\!IlIU:' FII1.1Il11111ol OPEN MONDAY FRIDAY 9 a m 9 p m and 11,'1.111., and ,Ill llJlpolnlnll'nl 10 '1'1' III lUll h-IOO 930.530 SAT and SUN OUT.Of.AREA CALL lOLL FREE , 800-747 5ro

Ichweltzer." I~1U"r _>II,.,. w T--r..... I I~~.JJ.~~. FIfteen Offices in Four Counties "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" GROSSf POINTF FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE V\OODS 82 Kercheval 884-0000 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300 /" I ,II l

Page Twelve-B Feature Thursday, October 11, 1984 ------: ---P-o-in-t-er-o-f---' -"- - t,. i. Elegant

Interest . ,. • Eatin!l f1~nte ';:.t"'"'" ,. ~ ;.. ~ .. -"r .....~ L--. __ ------J .,.~ ... , :~ , .'\ selection of recipes from the Counter Points B) Janet 'lueHer IO\lo-calorie. lo\\-cholesterol- and By Pat Rous.seau Sh.: sees oopulauon control 35 penn) -'" ise - collection of Th) ra the bottom line . I \ e belonged to Gre\ Ho.....ud and Helena DeWitt The ~otre Dame Pharmacy has L Oreal Shampoo the JunIOr League SUlce ~97:3 ., sa) s Roth concf'lllrating. this \H'ek, on and Hair products at 25% off e\"er~ cia) pnc~ 16926 Carol Gliday ~lart or until gelatin is dissolved. specia:ties in Wood Mode, Grabill Cabinets at 20227 from 10 a m to 3 p m In blender container. combine trams) oung men, ages 15 to 19. 10 pineapple juke mixture. plain and Mack A Venue. ~ admlSSlon 15 $2 Lunch- ~1artha. 11. a Umverslly LIggett SpecUIC. targeted hlgh-nsk areas, vanilla yogurts, \'anina and spices, • eon will be available Parking IS SL'(th grader. has just started smg- prOVIdIng them \\ llh responsIble Process 1 minute, or until smooth, S-.rdffi Da) Spe-ciaJ. • at Francesco's Hair .-\nd Skin Salon. free. ~lost of the shops ljI,ill take IDg under Fred De Haven s tu- faml1) planmng InformatlOn, then Pour into medium metal bowl. Re- Purch.ue a gift certll"~ate at t~ discout can 882-2556 Masta'Card or VISa telage. * • • sendmg them back mto theLr com- frigerate until the consistency of Carol Gave. ongmal1y from 'Tlumtles to dI5Seml'1ate that mfor- "hippet! cream and almost set Wallace Travel. brings you the A PRE"El\ PARTY for Bene- factors, Sponsors Patrons and Washington, D C mo\ ed to B,rm. r..:at.on (about 112 hours>. u.u world ~We proudly present The Sound Fnends v. ill be held Vi ednesda \' mgham when she a Jumor lTI Partially fill a larger bowl with The )oung people are paId em- .". L of ~Iusic Tour. departing December 20 evening. OCt. 17, from 5'30 to 8'30 high school She met her husband. ice and 't\ater; place bowl of ~ RAV. for 17 days, featuring New Year's Eve pm It v.ill be followed by a buffet Gilbert E Gove, an attorne" at a pIa) es of Planned Parenthood gelatin mixture on top of ice; set Impenal Ball in Vienna, luxury hotels, a Christmas dInner, with music, at the LIttle party at the Grosse POlOte 'Yacht The) take 20 hours per week of aside. Beat egg ",hites ",ith cream Day sleigh nde, sightseeing, some meals, visiting Club. for v.hJch advance resen'a- Club They deserted' .the other Side trammg durmg the summer, then of tartar until stilf, but not dry. commit to SIX to 10 hours per week tIOOS are ~ry InformatIon of town" to settle permanentI) III peaks form. Austria. Germany. Hungary. _ . $2,711 land and air as InformatiOn resource personnel fram ~ew York Happy Holliday from Wallace Travel. on pre\'1eY!' rught actnities IDa} be The Pomte 15 ) ears ago Beat pineapple gelatin mixture obtamed by calling 881-4611 dunng the school) ear until foamv; let chill on ice 5 min- 886-8805. If she has a few pnvate mom- utes; beat 2 minutes; let chill 5 • • • There's a specJa1 Silent AuctIon ents. you'll probabl) find Carol Carol emphasizes that In Its climes Planned Parenthood minutes looger. Fold in eo wbites, WIl' . a Pande Cameron oriental rug Enter the slated for the prevIeW party guests With her nose in a book "We take a then ....eIJ-drained pineapple. POW" Bids will be taken. that mght only. lot of car tnps," she 5a)'S The most teaches all FDA appro\'ed methods natlonal s'Weepstakes at Ed Malrszel4ski and also be of bIrth control, Includmg Natural into prepared souffle disb. Chill 4 on a \"Illa on Ne,'lS for Easter memorable was a cross-country eligible for their own drawing for a 4"x6'" handmade Family Planrung (the "Rhythm" bours, or until firm. Garnish with Week a three-bedroom home With camping expedItIOn ....hen Stephen , oriental on display at 11435 Mack. Ask/or the free book. pineapple and mint leaves. :\lakes :\lethod J. And the only surgical ser- Its (WiI) pool and Its own maid Thts was 2 and Martha Just four months let. Visit before October 31. 7'16-5510. \"lee Planned Parenthood pro\ldes 8 servings. fabulous vacation opportunity has old The Goves pIled themsehes. Calories per serying about 120, * * • the kIds and a ) oung neIgh- IS ...asectomv "We do ~OT do been donated bv Bea and Steve Cholesterol O. COLOR \1-\GIC ,. Learn "hkb c~ ~mpl1metlt}ou mOIl. Hubbard, longtime :\tart sup- bor/babYSitter into the car and abortIOns \Ve do coun...~hng and re- all terral. and we mOnitor eXlstmg fa- COol«aa.ahsl5. eosmflJC aDd swatches b.. Karen HewiU. Call ror porters took off "Fortunately." says '"PEAR'" ~10LD'" appoialmeut. ~. • CIlitIes. but "e do not beheve In Carol. "we had a love!'. house 10 3 There's another Stlent AuctIOn abortiOn as a method of bIrth con- mernurn pears '" '" Carmel to stay ill when'" e got to 2/3 cup -t- 3 Tbsp. sugar The Convement Place to brmg your lamps for that ",-111 run throughout the ~lart Cabionua ., trol 112 cups water, separated the proper fit for a new lamp shade is Wright's Gift and BIds WIll be taken through Satur- \t, e do, hv....e\ er. support the day. Oct 20. the fmal )'lart day. on There ve been family skllng tnps Dash of salt Lamp Shop Also most lamp repairs can be done wiule out west. ana toe Goves are Just right of a ""oman to deCide for her- a large do11hoo...~dona ted by :\lrs seif ho'" to dpa! WIth a problem 1 env unflavored gelatin you wait. FREE PARKING next to the building, 18S50 bacK from a \"151t to Chmcoteague C Brooks Begg It was buJt by her pregnancy And Planned Parent- 3 Tbsp lemon juice )lack A'ienue_ I I husband 35 years ago, and 15 an ex- home of ":\I15t) " and Assateague • hood belle that abortlOns, Yo hen 1/4 cup creme de menthe '" act replIca of the Begg resIdence m Islands on Vlrgtrna Green food colonng (optIonal) THE WOOL SUITS ARE IS and you'll deemed necess8l), should be per- Grosse Pomte Smce Planned Parenthood's four formed under the safest posSible 1/2 cup cold skim milk find a nzce selection at the POInte Fashions in :f ' --. There'll be a Hobda} ~lart dra1,l,- ClInlCS 10 the tn-<.ountry area are medical conditIOns 1 env. whippmg topping mix '0 ..ariety of colors and styles A.fIJII:i destgned to b€ self-sustammg. fashi.on-wise choice for the seasons ahead. mg. for such pnzes as orchestra 1/2 tsp, vanilla "tit seats for a ~letropolltan Opera per- funds raLsed via the Holida\ ~lart To tell the communit) JUSt exact- Sizes 6 thru 16 So charge for alteratlOrtS at ~ ~ go pnmanly to the orgamiatlOn s Peel pears, cut in halves. and re- formance In D€trOlt next spnng, 1) ....hat Planned Parenthood be- mOH cores. Combine 2/3 cup 15112 Kercheval In the Park 822.2818. ~ ~_ .. education programs brunch for SiX on the new •.Star of lle' es and does the orgamzatlOn 'A • a '" sugar. I cup Olter and dash of salt DetrOit" cruISe ship, a ljI,eek of TI\ 0 OF TIlE:'. E\\ EST of these. mamtalns a Speakers Bureau "We in large saucepan and bring to a 31Sf HAPPY 0\.."1\ ERS-\R\ S-\LE . boarding (the dog. not the pnze the Peer Educator Program and hke to explain ourselves to the boil. stirring until sugar is dis. hcket holder I at Wmgford Kennels communlt ..., larol Go\ e says To 501\ ed, -\dd pears. Co, er and cook ~ ..n . mw'I "-IlCIi ISCELEBR-\Tl'G THIRn' ~lale Involvement, are aLrned at -.. _. - _ ...... ~ 0'£ YE-\lUll' THE -\REA teenagers "KI!1S LISten to Kids is arrange 'ior a speaker: call 10 to 15 minutes. or until pears are "1 WiSh" cards are a nev. ~lart 9€3 22!') That s alSD the number to Y.lni -\S\LE TH..-\TOFFERS \ at. 5.\ \l~GS 0' F \5HlO'S FOR featu.""e Shoppers may fill them the theoretical r;asls for both The lender. Let pears cool in syrup. 'IE' \'0 "'O~E~. I~F-\~IS, CHILDRE' .\\0 TEE'S. Peer Educator concept ';.as first cail If jo ou d like to arrange for a Drain pears. resen Ing syrup. out. 115tmg SIZeS and preferences. Peer Educator ~o speak to a teen SPECI-\LS THROt'"GHOt T THE STORE l,eLtDE 1200 and put them on hIe Parents, chilo used 10 alcohol substar:ce abuse Set aside 2 pear hal\les. Puree re- S\fIE\THERS REGl'L\RLY r.A M -\..'i~I\ERS.\RY PRlCED ,\1' programs \iale Involvement age group maining pears and add s)'rup, if S1-\" THEY CO\IE 1'\ SIZES l5THROl:GH 28 IT'S Y,ORTH THE dren. fnends and reLatl"es can refer to the cards and enl15t the ser. needed, w make I cup. Sofum gela. ORI\ E TO \f-\CK \\'E'lE 0''£ BLOCKSOLTH OF 3 'dILE, tin in 1/2 cup cold ",ater. Heat ",ith 7jj-M~ "''lces of a ~lart commIttee of per- a smIal shoppers to assISt with selec- pear puree. 3 Tbsp. sugar and dash [ Short and to The Pointe ~ or salt until dJssoh.ed, Slir in lemon tlOOS ~-..:. There IS a re ....ard JUKe and creme de menthe, ,'odd (6iJOuTrd garni<;h "Ilh sikes of resened " B.oad and SCJphf,rr,ores lull.. \ pear and "hipped topping ~akes 6 FRAGGLE ROCK i\ .specwi place that Blrmmgham fnend or "out back' at th~ War ~!emc;nal as SmIth, uf HOlJyv,OfJd RfJad "rod Hrf'm<:t \Ianfo J\alajl'tn d"ugJ:'er "f'r\lllg"i €nsts .'u.Stoeyond ever.,da) ~eQltt} The ne .....est SancUa \"oj-d.anoff. of York~blf(: ( .. IQTlf''' Iif'r ..eninl{ ab.. tn presents (J<':rr,i:'ld ~lar rr.emfJN ljf 'l.grn" ant:! '1 J d" " - ~ 11 I Ifl "nd h<1I1f(,r 1 minut .." (001 and a Ba<.helc)f" of An~ r1~r~ .n (; arrl;:, ~aCr,H')r (,( \111 (amp'.r4'!> '.If"j! ((, ,r: '(,mpet,']('1i mIx "'Ith lemon JUlU Fff'f'Zf' in Icl" ')unaa ... r se.:;.".;:'l "atclrl1a', and l)ct 21;and 1S tl:.. " (att,edral "\SSO(la rlt (s j 'ompartmf'nt of r~fn~f'rattJr, ~tir ch~ lb ,'¥:.~-?-.) 'c)n,(Jrr(, ... ~!( Ir. \1)1((: f'f-,.j',rrr,;;'1(i' na~ r,'-for) In r Jd"'IJ(jr ~.. ("'dr 'h~ 1(" n1 21 ar.d'at 6 1{, r-m' Sur.d.a) eve. t,,(, (Ir thrp(- tlmp<;, and allow thrl'f Fnda) ()(t :2 ;,t :he \ftl..",: HaIl t,(Jn s Eastern \1 cr,ii!an chairman a ..."n.u-rl a f J:r,rl"r,1 grer\o f''> I) Tck"'5 ;;,re a'.,iliac]!:: aT t[le &II L.aln~ If "r~~ tl.~"" ...~ ..."de of Fr;,n7 Ha'. en In furd ra.s ng fc,r tt,e Cflrst L:'nar Jr .....rl" P.o,)" ",urr, ~~,,",,I(,('r ,I tJ'M " V'''i'",r ), 'r, Ij-(- (, ..nefol (alorll'<\ pf'r .,..nJng about t \l<.l..~ c Hal, r'}()X r.f!lCe ':1F>-1-7 )i'/J. (r,urcr. (Jr(;5.5€: Po;nt.e O',Dlr tr.p5 \.fr/(jT" If :2'.r::d .. +,.(){f ( h(IIf'.,tforol 0 Ld"J.I1 r Co \~ f:"r-""""" .. y,. ~G'" man) r.lgh <>e 1',(....., , ..,hf-'", .1;1[" ",,:r. "rd all CT( Tll'ket v, ()fJj ()lJIi":ts Tnls p:'-1,~(~;or. if-htclres tr... at:: a f,road Cr€-rman a ••d '-;;..:r :"r, a~ (jr", r Ir \f{)T'i 14th ,f'a-f)'i "t 'l-e \LSIC clalIT:pC:: ~pt ..,~~-:: OV<. ;:;rrord 1(,'" .he .. o~ ;; (har'for .1'f-m~;I'-r d 'r,f- (;«' !fa .• ),11. a,S(J ''',.,ud<- pr(.}(juftJms Hf"'r )1-1f:" ""Ai B:~~-jrl1 d .....f-r.,(Jf To review ltalJa~ ..~rr~r~rd"l "~I.P'.() fpr;.~ rr,an \!.:::y,..' , ((jrnml'!N' "fjrl Aa, best-seller dt 'hf> I '.I;f-,"',t, (,i -\r 7f,'"" ;.rv), t rlll ((' .... If " ,m;1]1 (Jhl(1 I {II,HI (r(ITf, tel "1 ~f-d rJ\' r)CI')m (, \f(; ~ \lrr,' Ii BdrtJ"'r of 'Str~t' t ~~J ,,- ~J l ()) l,\r' Tdjl(l[ ),f.() [(''-,dr.' In Trlf' ag:a ,f! t;l'- ;("rf>d fJj [,f'f rr,,,~I':- 'Flf>el (hn ..tln;o Rf'fo\ ..." J!f Uhf h ,.Jt1... (}{ rI. : (, 1 r ~ (.. {(Irth frorr, r ~/)r, <. rr,rJ\Jtl-:dunng \r)\ :f. Pll~<; t',l,O h.. ,.,rrr,., 1\ ~r,jr]'Jdl( (If A~nf'<, ~ olt tj.rf:(~f)r r,....,1"x.nd JrJhr, rJ<:tnltJ.orth (}pI"li.r,g perlr'f ti~'i~r.'f-r (,I \fn. 'pan ( .. nfllfor (,f r ',""Jr I ...rtr" t 'J' .., ~ +"l (r 1"(( ti r thdt m€'r.'iofable pl'"n(,rman.c.- - If' (,0 wall m .. r:.ces (Jf \, r'rd! s Aida on Apn! ((;unlr, (Iuh [Jr,'.f' j(.u ....r.(j d ((;)I"W A11 .. r.l<'l .,hf> "'ht; ',I,oJl {(In.1JO ',I,lth the ch(llr at ('arrleg.,e Hajj 18 and 1':1 l~) 8( ~lasomc I Ir 'If,<.r] 1[, Llbr'lrj ~;f l~'q( (- E]~',~r. pt-r10rmdnCl"" ,1.1/1 r* tr..e Bdche I(,r r,f :\ r h rj ,.>;[n. f r(,.r, \1r- \'1" I: f J, "r, "rr. {.;, f gl~~n at ~ pm on cJP'f" night Tpmpl~ AU':lltoT1l.lm ',i,f'II~J~j r r .,,"~r ',j iiJT.(' -,;W, ". '.~rj(: L~(~ ( (i '...- r (l )""....tJ I ,,-J!(,r, "rr' ...,.Ju,fn(' al th(; prrr But ,,«-(,00 Y>:l ~t~'phN ]'j In thf: 'Sp t;f---t.( '1f'( Ih,:l ~I'-'nr,,'" l!'lf- 'y;;tlfJfL:, m"y ~ made hy calhn~ AA2- ~hooi crer.,secl the Atlant1c obtained b) calling the :\fOT ~ub. l!H"- (JI merntkf<' (II d ,I,f'rorj (rut, '''~'jlJ day, Fn08: and ~turday Oc' 18 the (''hn5t C.'hurch ChOir Daughter phll(.&Jphi' l~ aM 20 at 1 3(1 pm on Sunday. scnptlOJi "Hotline.' 963-0920 - , Section C Sports & classifieds Thursday, October 11, 1984 r-"'!.,!""Il"'------...., Runners ready for Marathon Day

By Peggy O'Connor Pomters who will lIne the mara- thon route, cheerlllg, wavllIg signs ThiS Sunday, Oct 14, 25 memo and mannmg garden hoses and bel'S of the DetrOit Tigers Just water tables for tired maratho- nl1ght be vying for a World Senes ners The Pomte support IS a um- champIOnship At about the same que feature of the marathon, and time, more than 4,000 runners Will does not go unappreciated by be workmg for a victory of a dIf- runners ferent sort as they compete III the seventh annual DetrOIt Free Press "Oh, It deflfiltely help~ you to InternatIOnal Marathon run I've been m races where there nith JJl due apologies to those nho hal e kept l'Ulwing Jogs have been hardly any people on the ) More than 100Grosse Pomte resI- "1 ...~ of the Detroit Tigers' season ... on behalf of those of us nJIO dents have registered for the SidelInes You run better when Grosse Pomte comes out and ~ . n hadu 't. 26-mIle, 385-yard event WhICh be- sometimes ish the\ cheers you," says Evelyn Damm, ~{l Dear Dial'.\ • . gms at 9 a.m 10 Wmdsor's Jackson Park runners and wheelchair par- of LeXington Avenue >'0 ... I ,.. ...,'h fh,.,. t1(~;~i~ "',,11 T h.,ri "h 1 h.,,,, ..rl t"mp kppnin' mV<;E'1f from havin' '1 ....,..• LH ...&j.iaULo::t ",1", "'* ""'"' ,"u'" V b'" ...... Udmm, ;>U, I t~l:>lt:l t:u IUI Suu- llT"I'l1';" , a ~~~~~~~-)-:l;;t-\~'~~k~nd as. our Boys - Bless 'Em - got DetrOlt-Wmdsor Tunnel, round the day's marathon, her fIr&t, but mdY thelrselves into the World SeriOUS by beatm' those not-so- corner at the Renaissance Center, not be able to run because of an 111- Royal Kansas City feHers like a drum. briefly loop through Greektown Jured leg She admIts that she had and head out Jefferson to Grosse looked forward to runmng the Free ,. And who could have believed that San Diego's McBaseball Pomte Press even~ because of the excel- Team \Owned by McDonald's founder, the late Ray Kroc) ~' They'll proceed through the City, lent course and the response the would add to the Chicago Cubs' history of chokin' up when the community gives runners "!t's game was on the line? DIary, that game-winning homer to tie Park and Farms down Lakeshore Road, makmg a U-turn and travel- really neat" . the playoffs last Saturday night by Padre Steve "All-Amer- mg uphill slIghtly at Kerby Road, Paul Szabo, 70, of Alme Drive, Ican Boy" Garvey was enough to give a Tiger fan like me ter- before heading back through the has I'un four prevIOus Free Press minal goosebumps! ! ! Pointes to DetrOIt via Kercheval. Marathons He was registered for And what a topper - making those stumblebums from At Conner, runners return to Jef- thiS year's event, too, but WIll Sit It ferson Avenue for the home stretch out on doctor's orders ChIcago lose a 2-0 series edge and a 3-0 lead in the sIxth mning and the flmsh at the Belle Isle Casi- of the fmal game!!! All the water in Lake Michigan couldn't no "!t's Just heartbreakmg, after all wash down the lumps in the throats of the Chicago chokers the traming I did," Szabo said right about now! !! Runners should be aware of "The Free Press Marathon IS some changes In the 1984 special - It'S such an mcentIve to So, now we're right -dab-in-the-middle of a "Fast marathon. run III It because of the spmt of Food World Series," Diary. You know, Domino's Pizza ver- • Construction work IS underway competition" sus Big Mac. I've got a hunch the Pizza Bunch will send the on the Belle Isle BrIdge and traffic Back m the Free Press Marathon Padres back to the coast without a prayer when this thing's m the area may be congested all over!!! after a one-year layoff ISthe Park's • For the first time, an aid sta- Jeanne BOCCI,41 She's runmng the But back to the playoffs!!! I watched them on TV and in t10n and splIt time Will be at every event With an eye toward the New living-eolor-up-close-and-personal and I'll tell ya, Diary, mile pomt along the route York City Marathon on Oct 28 nothmg could match the Tigers-Royals senes for pure, dull "I've got a number for the New • Long sleeve T-shirts go to partI- baseball. Winning IS boring I guess, when you do it all the York Marathon - the fIrst time for cipants: medals to all hmshers. time. But I'll take about four more games of being bored, me - and I want to use the Free Press run to train I'm lookmg to ,. Diary!! ! For the first time, four major • k< sponsors are conductmg the race: run a good race here, nothmg fan. A familiar sight: marathoners emerging from the Detroit-Windsor Just wondering how to celebrate a Dee-troit World Serious the Automobile Club of Michigan, cy, just conservative," BOCCIsays Tunnel. vietory, Diary. I've got a couple of days to think on that one, Crowley's, National Bank of De- "I enjoy the Free Press Marathon because it's local I lIke the Idea of Bloomfield Hills HIS tllne of NeIther aids or Barber \\ III com- I hope I kin come up with a real bash!!! Now that we've got- trOIt and Stroh's Runners can also 2.16'10 was three minutes off the pete III thIS year's event. orga- ten obnoxious Cosell and Company out of the way and NBC collect pledges, running and raIS- running through the tunnel an through the two countries" course record of 2 13 07 set m 1980 mzers say North filgh graduate is telecasting the World Serious the way it should be done, I ing money for the Multiple Sclero- by Greg Meyer, Women's course Bill Weidenbach is conSidered a top SIS Society can sit back and enjoy the whole thmg, Just a few more The Marathon, which is sanc- record holder IS Karen Blackford- contender for thIS ,'ear's tltle Wei- thoughts, tho: As usual, runners Will be greeted tIoned and certifIed by The Athle- Hubbard, of Ann Arbor, With her denbach fImshed i 07 behllld Glds by scores of enthusiastic Grosse tics Congress and serves as a qualI- 1979time of 2 44 49 Cmdy Barber, last year, and abo competed in tilt> Now that Kirk Gibson was named MVP of the American fier for the Boston Marathon, was of Lmcoln Park, won the 1983event OlympIC mar"thon trials III Buffa. League Playoffs, maybe "narrow-casters" like Cosell and won In 1983 by Dave Olds, of III 2 4G 22 10, N Y thIS past May Company will stop calling Grosse Pointe Park's faVOrIte son "CurL" It's Kirk, as in "Douglas." Traffic changes Bet after this Series is all said-and-done, they'll be Detroit Free Press Mara- remembering his name, Diary. A few "Gibson Goners" over Three in a row for North thon Day is this Sunday, Oct. the rightfield wall in San Dee-yego and they'll jest about have 14 and that means a few traf- By Ed Comber day Secor ru~hed for 104 In 26 Celeste S<1rtos and Paula Harms his name tatooed on thell' foreheads!!! fic changes in Grosse Pointe. North High carnes led North scormg With 16 POints And I've got another bone to pick with those sportswriters In the Farms: North HIgh's varsity football On defense, tight end Paul Mat- and 30 rebounds and TV folks who covered the glued-to-my-seat, chaw- • Lakeshore Road will be team racked up Its thIrd conse- tes, fullbdck Dan Kopltzke lOne in- On the JV SIde, l'\orth topped one lane, two-way traffic be- cutive Will by defeatmg BI-County lerceptlon) gual'd Ken Werenskl South Lake. 28-25, after tl'alllng chompin, thrill-a-second wm that gave Our Boys an 15.11 at the half Julie SIIO\\ led American League champ-een-shIp last Friday night: That tween 10 a.m. and approxi- rival Lake Shore, 21-7, last FnddY and tacklr Roh Brumer played well "The front lour played u North III &conng wasn't Tiger catcher Lance Parrish who hu~~ed "Mr mately 1 p.m. night North started the <;corlllg 111 the great g<1me," Sumbt-ra l>.lld Full- Wonderful" Willie Hernandez after the pennant-clinchmg • No parking will be per- back Gt'orge Kaszd had l>eveJ!l>olo A soccer tie mitted on the marathon route second half, after neither team catch of the fmal out by :\Iarty "Who's on Third" Castillo. lacklel> GUido Regelbluggt"S \'drl>lty soc- (Lakeshore Road to Kerby could get on the board III the first 1\'0000 Parrish was over near third, backmg up Castillo like half Quarterback Joe WeIdenbach North has a reelI chdllenge thll> cer squad played to u 0-0 tie 1I\ a and Kerby to Kercheval a good All-Star catcher should and when the out was made, took the ball III from the fIve yard. week, however, when It faces unde- rematch With I:rosstown 1'1\ ,11 he jumped up and put a Bear Hug on startmg and winmng pit- through the Farms). 11111' to give the Norsemen a 7-0 feated LakevJe\\ on the I'oad thIS South Ihgh 011 Oct 5 The :'\orl>e. cher :\Iilt Wilcox who had raced out of the dugout. • East/West through traf. lead. But the Shonans came back Salurday, Oct 13 at I pm men, \\ 110 started the season \\ Ith fie should utilize: Charle- with the tymg score on a I-yard run l>even rOllserull\'e vlctones, are ut MeantIme, back on the mound, Hernandez was bemg voix, Chalfonte or Mack Ave- by KeVIn Krula Cagers win 7.2.'2 on lhe Hur Thev \\ III pIa,; .H mugged by a Jumpmg-for-Joy, JustifIably jubilant Tiger in- nue. [n the thIrd quarter, Weidenbach North's gIrls' \arslly baskctbolll lJl11ver~lty Clggett Sl'hool thIS Sat. fIeld! 'I SO there! "!! • Persons crossing the sprinted 30-yard~ for 11 touchdown team defeated HI-Counly l'lval lll'dav, Oct IJ at 11n m route will be con&iderably de- and after the extra pomt attempt South Lake, 311-26 North took .I Noi Ih's J\' .,neeer tedm lo~t to Anyway, DIary, as you read thiS, you probably know the Suuth. 1 0,011 O\'l 5 The rfford layed. However, all crossing failed, North had a 13-7 lead The 27 11 le.ld In the first half dlld J\' scores of the first two World Senous games - not that it mat-" .It 4-2 2 points on Kercheval Avenue defense held for Ihe rest of the stayed In front the rest of the \\ ay ters SInce the Boys Will have won both, I'm predIctm'!!! But game and Will Secor made 1119-7m I would lIke to see the World Serious end this weekend, for a will be manned by parade North's favor With IllS sconng run , ~ ..... METRO ..-. ~ couple of reasons. marshals to assist in cro'ising CraIg Como Illt Secor Wllh the two- South slips SKI SPORTS , when safe gap& in runners pomt conV(,f~lOn Pel~" and North & Hey, don't get me \Hong, Diary I'm lOVin' every mmute of a notch exist. took the 21-7 W1I1 thIS whole fantastic playoffs-Senes-wInnIng streak-MVP- • All traffic entering or Stall&tlcally, the Nor~{'mcn South IIlgh'h gll'ls' OCTOBER ~.. t media overkill-Tigers wherever you turn-thmg I mean, d t crossing the route will he de- came out on top agam. lctldlng III trnrm. l<'am sllppl'c1 what's more Important than the Tigers, Bless 'Em??? Cer- layed between approximate- lotal yardagp, 224 Itl North had lIotch In 1111' I\hclllg.lJI High Sdlllo] T('I1III1> , SKI , tamly, not the ?\londale-Reagan debates And the Ferraro- ly 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. 197 yard" ru&hmg to Ldk(' Shol'e'1> Bush go-round? Don't make me laugh. DIary 41 and the Shorwn" out passed ('ouches A~~OclatlOn • For at lea!>t a ont'.hour ranklllg" for IIIl' \\ eek , SALE • : ~ period (probably between North. 72-31 TIll' Nor l>t'llIl'JI hdd 10 In fact. who really care,;; what's gomg on m the world these hr"t down" to Lake Shore '& 'I of Sept 24 Thl' gll'b days? The Queen of England comes vlsitmg across the river 10:30 a.m. and 11 :30 a.m.) "I f{'pl that the team ha1> l)('en droppl>d flOI11 No 1 In Wmwcglans say a U S Jet. Coach Ffdnk SUmlll'l:t "Thl1> WIl1 lmcr on Its v;ay to RU~Sta aCCidentally encroaches upon the ph.te 'itand!ltill, W[lf,d('fllutclv a trllm Win " till' lop "polio t h( "Pl' PARKAS. BIBS. GLOVES Off eJll>lv('I);, \v 1'1 .IrHJ ond l>pol 111tlH' (,1.1"" .\ t dCIIll<1ch t senSItive alr!>pace over a key Soviet mIlItary base'l PIlot was In thf> Park: r,lJ1kmgl> probably h'>tenmg to a Tiger game on the radIO and forgot • On .J(.f(er ..on and Kf"r- .,emor fullh'lck S('( 01' It'd 1\ol'lh BUY NOW! DON'T MISS With three' to\le!ldown" W('ldcn t cheval, the city will do'e all \I,here he wa'>, rIght Diary? Sho' 'nuf! Norlh 1111 pi ()\ ('d to YOUR BEST DEAL Ian .... n(-an"t to th .. curb he. hach .Hlded fill Y(lf(j.., III ('lght ('.II' t l'oo Ii In I 101"" ,\ .1IId But rpally, I want to see the !>ca!>onend thl!> weekend With twt:'cn 12 and I p.m. 1',(..., 10 hlh tv.0 touchdov. n" 'll1d wa" .,1:1\('(1.11 No II 0\ 1'1 dll , OCTOBER SKI TUNE-UP SPECIAL j a World SeriOUS Win for our Boys 'CllZ I don't want to have to two for fIV(' IInd 2h ym d1>on the 111 llIP "lollt' .II n1l"lltn~ !:lee them go back to ~lcDonaldland and have to Win two , Reg. $18.00 Now 10 lIw 1,lIlklllg .. lTtlIVl'l $g.. , game<, the:re Our Boy,> sure am't the Cubs, but there'~ Team Dominican ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS "llv LI~g('lt "dliUll'" takes trophy , HOllRS "'ON THUAS 10 11 fRI &. SAT 10.. always a fIrst time, right. Diary? gill ..\\ I'll' 1.lIlkpd 111IhI' t A team comhln('d of AND COLLEGE STUDENTS '20343 MACK • SOUTH OF VERNIER And be<'tdc'>, I don't thmk thp 01' heart mu'>c!C' tan takE' 1\0 ,l "pol III (1,\"" <;ofthall players from CAreer f,oanc,lIl eXClt('ment :'-j(lt to mentIOn th(' f aet tha t Dominican 1I1~h and nd ~8rvtCe dflGtgnlld 10 p,OVlflo ',to ?'> 'l<,ur( us of I,rrln 884.5660 r vc JU<.,l about run out of da!>he~, hypcn!>, adJective'>, H('~lna ,(,('am Dom c,lIl aid malchod w,lt, Iho onr1IVldu,ll rltHldG .nTfHf,sl .. t ~ ~ ~ .--. n ••mf ..... In rlrfl!1 find quallllcall(J'lPl of v"h'lily ,In (~hJ{1nl1t Anr"l/llly ..... ~;::!;.,,:,,::''''''p""'\f~ ;.tno Cluamt Southprn Imoan trllik homE' th(' Ihere I"» over' DlllHHI tktlU1l-" win rhi ('J \ f " 1111"' 10'00 !:laymg<,' It" champlOn..,hlp trophy '- from Ih(' N('I~hh{)rh()()d (t,ed Iho'Jsrl"r1~ (If S()IHrf'~ of "II"nl',ll ,1,,",1 I"'" '''ti ."'IKnl'd, hill It,(i rfl~LJlI3 01 Ih'll IA~f1I1'( 10 ml', Vrl~1 dlltll Illl'\kG 'w..•• J.'our 11IikiflK-l'hi ...ThmK-f'or-/11J-lt ....Worth Club'" ~Irh,' fa"tpllch D-. Original 11 Ttmpued TIKi'r r;m playoff .. UII,> .,ummel' 'or Fr•• In'orm.lIon ('()mhlnln~ lhrlf '!klll Glan Fi~placf' Enclosurts 774.3500 and (.Horl" to !ilk,. 1111' 'RII .CRIIN 1Itle WI'rl' DonHnJ( dO FRE' INITALLATION J11~h "lud"n'" E",Anll _II _ [)wt!, ('lIrohnl' (;obh', .. '\ 'l" I IIIl''', r Itl' I Pd I Iii, I Ii' ,II III' I 1,1 ;'", Ing IJp fllr fhl' ,l,lTill'r ITI,jtll,r '-Ill (('r Ihf v.h,)lf' f,lTflilyl I "Indy f,II('" Monn t 'hn<, Hyr!('r and 'I',I"ITI !.,f dl!IW<, drl d\."jdbl( IIJr ,If! ..ICfJ ,l\.lil ..blt. fllr Il',ljllH' IN'" 1" I q 1111'( I" J ;'" h I hi 1111 1111 Lmda 'J ylJ, ,wd f{I'glJ1ll GUN REPAIRS I ,I Ill', r I I" 'I, , I. l] I I j , II "\ll\ J')UTlWt( r, Irt Klndl r,!,drl1 n 10 Hi JlI' Il'f m'.... .lor! r'Xlwrll"n( I' play('ro., MITI1 (1Irvlll, thlrr! ~rild(. ("Jml'" pl'l~l'd fir, 1111', "v,rt Hid! L,(I yl,'Jnwll'r' ('n l "I 111'1 " I "I "1\ ,lid, ill' 1 In..llI\1 .H" Mar y.J a nr' DOlll('y f 44 MAQ AMMO ON IALE 114.00 PER \011 ,Jrr!.o1 h If I IhI. Trlld(j)r- '( h'Il)1 ,jnd )IJ\I.d :.1"1 'i1',j"OTI !,f .1gill'" ..fl. for »010(('" Kd'lchalk and 10 . 'HUa NO" REYOLVER SALI 1.1 I lill 11 II I I I , .III l) Ill' ""~ t.lgh ,( hlllJI ~J rn" bl,lh !)(jY" and girl'!, ,Hid 1111.((' WIll (,all ~()h"',lk NEW AND U'.D, P.RMIT RIQU, .. ED I fREE Auemhly FilII Tan_ & fREE loul Dflllvirv wll P au Grill Purch... l' JrI"d rl'j.!Icfriltl()n 1< 'i :ll [J rn nol tj(' dny ((,nIJH I wllh fluldoOf HUNTINQ LlCIN'" AVAILAaLE \frJflrj'l) (u t 2) .If fh,. \( Ighhl)r <,IJi( f'r or ~M"hlIJiJJI Thc. flfllt More Sports )0.)0 WINCHE'TI'" ON SALI PARTI FOR I 2OM7 MACK AVENUE. r-111l"j (Iub J71',() \OLdlf)I") 'Ihf' !l'am pr'llll«(' will m' ~atufday, MOlT .. blkl N 04 V«nlef on 21006 MACK G fAN 881.5000 fe~I"lrallon fN' 1'1$.lI') plu', a CUf '\jov ~ Furttwr mf,)rmallon may GAl aRILLI l rent ;'>,el~hborhI1Od (Iub m{'mber b('£'d by (ailing flW)460(J Back Page

I, ,' , "- Thursday, October 11, 1984 Page Two-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS ULSnails MIAC title with 1wo shutouts Red Barons sweep three [t's been a long hme slIlce all The varsity scored lIs second 29-() three Grosse Pointe Red Barons shutout 111 as many weeks. The The Uruverslty LIggett School 'Wln The J V came out strong 'With Redskms took the openmg kickoff first half goals b} Bul Reuther. on football squads shut out thelf oppo- varsit) soccer team chnched its nt'nts III olle da\ - but that's exact- back to the Barons' 3 )'ardline, but an asslSt from Sch'Wao. and b\ Michigan Independent AthletIC 1\ \\ hat the Baron teams did to the the defense stopped the Skms on Karabetsos. on a superbly execu- Conference league champIOnshIp Sterling Heights Redskll1s last four downs Lmeman Brandon with t"..o YKtones last"" eek, shut- ted pass b) Attie Bill Jey, ett. sub- HenrY, Chris Meathe Jason Beds- \1 eekend stltutmg In net for regular goalie ting out Beth~da Chnsllan and The fr~hmell ~tarted the ddy b) \\orth. Chad Hawkins and David Southfield Christian, 4-{) and 2-D "hchael ,lj'nca. \\ as crocial to the 1\ I11J1lng. 1Z4.1, behlOd a defense Trent led the excellent effort 4.1 'WUl 'The Krnghts ~tarted the \I, eek \\ hlch :>tDppedthe Redsktl1s repeat- On the Barons' second offensive The L1..S Krughts pIa) thelf big- WIth the 4-0 \'lCWD against Bethes- t.>dl\ :\hller scored both pia), KeVin McCarron ran off gest game of the season on Satur- 'like da Although coach Da ..e Back- Baron touchdo\\ ns on end runs, tackle, broke to the outside and da\. Oct 13. at 11 a m at ~orth hurst's team \\ as somey, hat lethar- thanks to the tllle of Dan scampered 90 yards for the fIrst gic in the first half It came out m a (8') Da\id Sch~ab) Belln .-\lex Brmker IIas a terror B,Hons score From that pomt, the rampage ill the s&.""Ondhalf, scor- .,11 da} penetratmg the Re~I::.tmgon tackles fensl\ ely and defensi\'elv Meathe done b) KlI'k Hdggart;. Bob WLl. The Cnn el"Slt) LIggett Schoo! ,\[" m.lhlllg the b} himself caught t\IO passes for touchdowns, llams, \ tv. 0 and Ton) \Ialcoun cross count!> team had a rare Shd\Hl 'IcCann. Ja} Radloff Gar} one trom ChrIS Stebbins and one The assiSts \\ em to \\ 1!1Iams, Rob qUlet \\eek tra\ehng on Thursda), l'dmpbell :\IJtt S\\ 11-0\\ :,hl Harlan from ~IcCarron Joey Dunn kicked Heal\'. Harold Coib.... and Dan Oct -t to COlomblere Center \\here C-lmps dlld Jeff Osborn also played tl\ 0 e"trd pomts wood GooI:e Bnan Da\ld record- Spnngfleld Chnstlan h{):Sled the \\ ell The ll11a! score came on a pitch ed tus flfth shutout of the season Sprmgfleld [m ItatlOr'..a1 for CLS. The J\ ::.quad rail It.:> record to 5-{) around the end from Stebbms to The league champlon",hlp \\ as Fairlane Chnstlan and Tefl1p!e \\ llh a -;-{) \ Icton 0\ er the Red- :\lcCarron ior a 40-\ arder Brian won on Oct 5 In the game \\Im Chnst!an CLS fell to SprwgLeld skms Steve Crai>oralta s 3-} ard Ford ran through the hole opened Southfield Chnstlan a major 23-33. but dommated Falrlane, run laTe In the game \\ as the \\ mn- b) the offensive Ime for the extra league mal The t\\O teams met 18-+l. a!1d Temple, l~-l-l The race er Stt:\ e Shumerskl added the ex- pOInt last year and C<1rneout tIed for the \loas hard-fought on unusuali) dlf- After the game. coach RIck • _ • )..,...... , f .. t tra pOmt t.e:el5UC &(;'Q'U. a. u.\,. J.UHf,U\...,:) \.\"I\J't\- au IlCUlI terram lOr me Il",Hdna- ThiS game also started out as a .\1oore dnu une cOdcil ;i<1110 early lead a mmute mlo the game trained Grosse Pomte [earn Front defensl\ e struggle Injuries to key Darder said they were pleased With when Wllhams hedded a Colb .. runner for L LS \loa5 once agdlfl pia) ers Brandon Cromar and Jim the offensive urut's improvement throw-in into the net ThlS pia) \\ a's ireshman Gordie :\lanland 19 ~6) Kutscher couldn t stop the Balons Darder has worked hard on "power duplicated m the second hal1 The Coach Eric Linder's squad hosts as :\lIke Koemgbauer stepped m blocking" and said he was happy Knights' 2-l) VICtO!) v. as the SLXth South Lake on Thursda\. Oct 11 at and pIa) ed \\ ell Luke Bencle and with the result Coach Paul Garner shutout for goalie Da \ ld and hlS 4 pm' Shumers\.;.i also had excellent da\ s complimented the play of the de- virtually flawless defense thl.5 sea- Tom Dim emo had a ke\ fumble re- fensIVe end. as \\ell as that of Dan. son Haggart). JamIe :\k\hllan. Netters get ready eo\ er} mid\\ a} throug'h the game m Colhns, Brvan Jondretzke, Nell Steve Vreeken. Colh", Steve CLS glrls \ arslt) tenIllS team to stop a Redsklll drl\ e and Steve Stellm~\ erf. ~Iack Zoltowski and Schmidt, and Blasko RistlC have prepared for tlus ~ eekend s re- Horn played much of the da} In the Rob ZielInski been the rarely scored upon de- glOnals by beating DetrOit Country Redskm backfield, recovermg ano- The Red Barons will travel to fense, crncially Important l1l the Dav School 7-1. last week Charo ULS sophomore Bob Wilhams outhustles his opponent in recent ther fumble to help presen e the Denby to take on a tough Bulldog undefeated sea.."On varsity soccer action. Watching the play are Knights John Birgbauer Xauliyal. Xo 2 smgles, \Ioas out- Redskin \\In team next week The Krughts take on Grosse standlng, v. inmng e\ e!) game of (left) and Tony Malcoun (right), ULS is the undefeated Michigan In. Pointe ~orth on Saturday. Oct 13 her match Coach Carol ..on Stade dependent Athletic League Champion, in an 11 a m game at home (B) msPlfed the Xo 1 doubles palf. Bandits win ice tourney Walter ConnoU)) Karen Rahm and Laura RIZlO, to Conner. playmg ~o 3 smgles, pull- Wabeek Course on Oct 2, and fill- v.m Its match m the thlrd set ed off a 6-1. 6-1 HctOr\' lshed 11 shots behmd Cranbrook In the recent earl\' bird tourna- Grosse Pomte dominated the JV wins three The Lady Krnghts set out for Ann The next four mate-hes '.\ere all Peter Dahlmg contmu€S to be the ment ill 5t Clair Shores. the Grosse thlfd game, whippmg Cleveland, The ULS J V. soccer team man- Arbor Huron on Tuesda .., Oct 2 close \\ lth splIt set losses tor Xo 4 steady tnf]uence on the lmeup. Yo ith Pomte SqUirt AA Bandits played In 8-{) Scormg for the Bandits were aged to lengthen its unbeaten ~larcela Brane and Kathy Blanci, smgles Holl) Waggoner and the Da\lS Barlow shO'.\lflg potentlal one of the ~I1chigan Hocke} Kuna and VanDeweghe (two :-lo 1 streak to nine games \l,1th three ~o. 3 doubles. pla) ed a fme three- doubles team of Lon Sables Sean Thomas IS back to near form League Associa!lon's most excltmg each), Fredenckson, McMillan, strongly-fought games last week S(>t match. but could not pre\ ent and AlICia Peck. and straight set he shoy,ed In last year's strong hockey games e\'er - losmg a HI 'llcell and Warezak Earmng On Monday, OCt 1, the Knights the team's 7-l) loss On Thursday, losses for ~o 1 smgles Lesley fJrnsh The team takes on Grosse contest to the 'Iacomb Bulldogs lfl assISts \\ere Kuna, Warezak and traveled to ZIon School OCt 4, Grosse POinte South. a ~l:acLeod and Xo 2 doubles SlI1aO- Pomte ~orth on Thursday, Oct 11 sLx oYertrmes Bnan Crane (two each), Stefan nab ~aycock and Cmdy Flte The and pIa) s In the regIOnals on Fn- where they took a ').1 Wln over an \e!) competitIve team, came to The Bandits outshot the Bull- Tietge, Fredenckson. Miceli, ~o 4 doubles team of Ylvlan Kun da\ at the Willow Brook Golf Club aggressive Zion team Zlon scored L'LS and played \\ell ill a 7-l) 'Am dogs, 50-18. but an errant pass gave Telegadas, Scott Berger and its goal in the opemng seconds of On Friday, Oct 12. the Class CoD and Barb HerzIg \\on a pro-game In Byron, the Bulldogs the Win and sent the Gorney play, but ULS retalIated WIth five Varsity tennlS reglOnals will take set, 8--l BandIts home 8S runner-up They The champIOnship game Pitted goals by freshmen ffill1fielders place at L'niverslt) Liggett School The next match for Coach Kathy Win streak bounced back, though, takmg the the Bandits against Ray's Rascals Hoes' team ISat 4 p m on Wednes- Steve Stopyka, Kal AttIe, David startmg at 8:30 am tB} PauJa The L'LS varslt;. field hockey hUe m an ear]} bIrd tourney hosted from Plymouth_ Grosse Pointe won cia}. OCt 17, at Woods Park agamst Schwab, leading goal scorer Frank. Rodrigut>z I team has won Its last mo games, by Woodhaven whlch featured the htle by beatmg the Rascal's, Karabetsos and sophomore (or- Grand Blanc t B, Suzannah after a close 2-1 defeat on Sept 'l:i teams from Ph mouth. Dearborn 4-2, behmd the two-goal pertor- ward Bill Reu~r, \Iohocapped the A JV loss \Iaycock \ - to a strong Ann Arbor PIOneer Flint, Trenton,'Toledo and Cleve- mance of Michael Kuna VanDe- scoring with an unaSSisted goal on team The only goal in that contest land, OhiO weghe and Frederickson got the Uruverslty LlggeH School's JV Golfers spl if Grosse Pomte s ilrst game other goals, Don Harvey a corner kick tennis team suffered a 5-2 loss to was scored by sophomore LaUrIe 1..S took a one-soot Coacb :\turiel BrOCk's team The Bandits then played to rt:;r-.::-'-.I 'I'he feanropens i~~regular sea- VICtO!) oyer Oakland Chnsllan_ travels to Ann Arbor #J.lron on lie v.lth Trenton v.hen Trenton tIed son agaInst the MlChigan Dynamos Pt;fiJN 3177 r~~trr" ....- ""'e'oach Fo'l'tt't'.fattfref"s }:lla)o~rS full!' Thursda), Oct ftIor a'fp m con- the game In the thlfd penod after on TIiursday, Oct 11, at 7 pm. at E. Jefferson thelf problems WIth the tough test :\Ic:\hllan put the Bandits on top the Grosse Pointe Community PAVILI()N honore d Telegadas and ~l:Jceh drew aSSiSts Rmk Cross cou ntry win ~ If :\Ionday. Sept 17, In Academy teams in action didn't seem like a spe- Grosse Pomte South s girls the Grosse Pomte ~orth Imlta- clal da,,: to most Grosse cross countn team \loon Its second tIOnal and were led bv freshman Wend) Berger, who ran an out- Grosse Pomte Academy cross cludmg the Academy Donaldson Potnters. that s be- straight majOr 1m ltatlOnal m country runners partiCipated m re- ..\ as agam second, fmishing Just standmg 21.55 at Vermer HllI finest Chlnese-.Ameocan Food cause most Grosse record form. taklng first place m a lays at DetrOit Count!)' Day school four seconds behmd the winnner Banquet Fac*tJes - Rec.ernly ~ Other top times came from ~l:ary Pointers don't pIa) for held of 25 schools at last Saturday's on Sept 26, as Academy teams ~l:cGarvah was 16th: Pros, 65th, tt.rai CcdOaIllollllQt. ~ Hour Moo -fn J-6 ~ m Beth H1Cks, Shannon Burns. Julie the Farms-Clt''' Babe Centerhne ClaSSIC Gardella, 82nd and Steve Swasey, .- .... fiun.-;';i"t-Ti1'" ~&~-~ J"" 1111S,.r ~IJT Cunnmgham and KeIT} Broce. opened action last month Ruth All-Star team The South girls establlShed a ne'W Top fLmshers for the Academ} 88th The Academy team is coach- 259-1510 259-1511 - C"",out S~rvc" At press hme. South had a 7-n which honored meet record of 98 19 I the total v.ere Dan Fnedel. eIghth. and ed by SIdney DuPont hmes of the top fI\e runners;, dual meet record thlS season With Its 0'''''' day by the Da\ld Chute. mnlh. In boys' flfth .. .. . City councils of the breakIng the old record set by Troy WEJGHT and slXth grade, laUrIe Thomas, In girls tennlS actIon, the Acade- WATCHERS Farms and Clty Athens b.. over one mmute In a Frosh unbeaten 11th m bo) s' seventh an eight my lost to Umverslty Liggett, 8-1, Frosted Treat fIeld of 150 runners. Xancy Solter- A Rodger HunV.1Ck to Doug grade, :\lichal Cure and Peter & Dessef'!S lSCh the O\erall wmner Her on Oct 2. Laura Waterman and The team of 15 )-ear- Lucas pass \\ ith 55 seconds remaln- Donaldson, Sixth In boys' se"enth Lo Call.4ent. Kathryn Jagger took doubles ViC' .AM'SHORN olds \10 as recogruzed for hme of 18 31 smashed her own mg. follcw.ed by Lucas' successful a and eighth grade. and Sunny tory for the Academy •• S'AURANT Its slate tournament school record by 2S seconds for 5000 conversion kick. gave South HIgh'S Sv.arthout and Care) Gardella, I3 ~ l .... 1802 champIOnship, and a meters mIles undefea ted (oH) I nmth grade foot, Sixth and girls' se\ eOlh and eighth • • • 1'.10 MACI( AT sr CLAI. fourth place fmiSt:! m Personal bests ',l, ere turned In b) ball team a 7-6 decISIOn pre- grade The Academy's boys' seventh semor Barb Giroux 119 2'}). who GAILY ...... the eight-team. double "'lous)..- unbeaten Port Huron Also runmng \\ere Jeff Pros, ~a. and eIghth grade soccer squad ehmmatiOo regiOnal fi- placed SLXth freshman Ellen :\orthern ~hool gradudte \Jartm n the air ...tde being held to only Wlttmf>r I" rf>tum,ng -n on the groul"d - mcludlllg Ji) by i()r a "pcc,nd "edr a~ a I I fullback :\Jlke Paull :\ortnern had member of the Lake 111 yards rushmg and only nIne FOrf.q ( ()l!ege \ ,H'lllj I I }arcs pas..,rng slXcer team Jeff Flkar.} tnpped the de(f'ns,\e \\ a 'lopho umt ....lth JrJ tackles foJ)r)\!,ed bi more a 1 th(' I1Lnol" wi I I Lucas 'Y.lth se\f~n and i...anf' Debets lege ~ a \\ f.....)(].., r ..:>1 _r,..,~ i ....,th ';1;( J"mle Paiillh,)m blockf'd den' 1...aJ.:e Forv,t fl d pur.t dnd \nd) Housf". and Ted nJ~h('tr r fI(,'.... Thdnk<.~" Ing {{(If },(.) W of Cadieux I 885.4362 ,,' thr. I..lf.rj ;:1 th(' In).- ,I{:r 25016 GratIot fr(lm 2 If) i 1 pm T u(-<;daj and mu ers I Thur"d,,; fr(,m L If, " P Tn <)"Iur "nd ("nflf.lrl f)f'ilr N ofTen Mile brakes-.hock. .J rid;' L tel f, P m and ~und"j j() d m ht('r An'na 0)- Cd Ihng 771 (124<') at 562 ..1)) 'I)j ______4_4_4 ..4__ Q ~ ~_~~ ---- ...... ------...... ~ - - ~

Page Three-C Thursday, October 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

lUES. OCT 16 MON .. OCT 77 THE COWBOY AND THE ISALLERI. NA Clay whose lite centers around 8:30PM.? NBC (7 3OCIlntiMoul\t ) JACLYN SMITH ~11PM NBC (8 CentraVMountaln) DAVID DUKES the rodeo circuit andwhowanls to ra BASEBALL WoOd SeMs Gdme SIX lain hl~ fltle as world champion bronc (II necessary) SUN, OCT 14 MAUREEN STAPLETON nder discovers Natalie a RUSSian WED., OCT 11 9-11PM r-.SC 18CenlraUMountaln) JE&.SICA RENE CARROLL balleflna classified by the Soviet M WORLD 8:30PM.? NBC (I Jl)V'lIIMO'Jr.l ) SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY A suc government as a nallonal treasure", I cesslul B'oadv.av pJOducer and her • seeking refuge In hiS truck afler ')he I!ASEBAlL Game S~,Mol Ine World celebrate-d Slage actor husband find (fYlI has decamped from ~ler dance com- SERIES Serlo~ ('1 flPLe~SarYI V:THEFINAL their pr"ate lives camp etely altered pany Alter ~he convinces him 10 take AT., OCT. 2 by the arr val 01 a prec.o, IVl.S 8,ear SOPHIA LOREN her acros') the country to New York BAT 010 orpnall 'lamed I IbOy DANIEL J, TRAVANTI With him the cowboy pr\'dlctably also finds the ballerina 10 be a treasurel ~~ EDOARDO PONTI WEO. OCT. 24 . MY THREE lOVES Ms Loren, 9-11PM CBS (8GenlraIlMountaln} Oscar Winner for Two Women and who just turned a fabulous lilly Jast month makes a rare American lelevi Slon appearar,ce to c(}')tar with HIli ~jI SUN. OCT. 21 . tilUBS t:mrllY WlnlllllY trdVdllll mTlI~ srreet In a rorrantlc con1edy drama about a KARL MALDEN ) FRI • .oCT 12 beautiful woman who plays a series 8:15PM.? NBC (7 15CenlraVMount) of tflcks on her ex lovers In order 10 PAUL SORVINO BASEBALL G8fl16 Three of Ihe best pay for an eye operatloll ror her blind SHIRLEY KNIGHT of seven Autumn ClaSSIC With Joe son played by the real Iile child of Garaglola and Ihe great Vln Scully Ms Loren s union HOLLY HUNTER SAT. OCT 13 with producer WILLIAM DEVANE Carlo Ponti WITH INTENT TO KILL PsychologI Noon.? CBS (t1AMCenlraIiMounl) Filmed eal mystery about a hot headed un COllEGE FOOTBALL Spill naHan entire Iv In predictable hlgr, school football hero al cOlier age of Ilimois at OhiO State In Ital who seemingly kills his sweethearl a Big Ten match up, or Washmgton at one night aller he catches her In a Stanford In the Pac Eight lovers lane With another boy InSlsllng 1:15PM.? NBC (t215CenlIMount) that he blacked out during mosl of BASEBALL World Series Game Four the inCident he cannol olter any de- UPM NBC (3 CenlraUMountaln) tails of what transpired Found gUilly BOXING by reason of insanity, he is shipped MARC SINGER of! to a mentallnstltulion instead of a SUN. OCT 14 FAYE GRANT lall for life Imprisonment Now the 12:30PM.? NBC (11 30AMCI/Ml) twenty two year old youth has been NFL Reglonallelecasts startong al JANE SADLER released which turns the communtly 1PM NYT IndlanapollsalPh,ladelphla TUES., OCT 23 v: THE FINAL BATTLE (Part I) New IOta a turmoil including some who Houston at Miami !WIStS and furns In the susoenseful 4-SPM NBC (3 CenlrallMountalr) vow vengence against him Clfl~:jnnatl at Naw England story of people on Earth lighting 10 BETIY BUCKLEY safl Diego at Kansas CIty save their liberty, land and way of life N Jersey Jets at Cleveland against a deVIOUSand temfylrlg Inva RICKY PAULL 4PM NYT Buffalo at Sealtle Sion from outer space This IS the se- Pittsburgh at San FranCISco quel to one of the most popular mini CHERYL ARUTT serres ever lelevlsed and leads Into a BOBBY AND SARAH Story of a DEMI'ES: 12:30PM.? CBS (1130AMCtIMt) weekly show debuting Fnday, October slreef smarf boy from a broken home NFL Regional telecasts starling at 26th from 8.9pm V days With a con- who becomes Involved In an IlliCit ro IlfAGNt/MONDALE 1PM NYT N Jersey Glanls at AIlanta tinUing array of somewhat less then mance With an Amish lass Ms Buck. Anaheim at New Orleans lev won a Tony Award for Cats BUSH/FERRARO dazzling special effects (ThIS WeeIt s Chicago at St LOUIS Pop History Poser what late 60's ABC 9-11PM CBS (8Centrallf.Aountaln) THUR,OCI 11 Tampa Bay at Detroll weekly serres featured a man trymg, aI. 9-11PM NBC (BCenfraI/Mountaln) 4PM NYT Dallas al Washlnglon most always unsuccessfully, to con. THE COWBOYAND Minnesota at Los Angeles ..mce fellow Earthlings that the planet GEORGE BUSH was being taken over by aliens from ..... E BALLERINA GERALDINE FERRARO 4:30-6PM CBS (3 30 Cent/Mount) RUNNING The8th Annual Ameflca's another worlrf? Answer below) VICE PRESIDENTIAl. DEBATE Live Irom Philadelphia, the Republican In. Marathon slartlng from Daley Plaza 9-11PM ABC (8CentraUMountaln) cumbent and the Democratic norm. In downtO'Nn Chicago Ilimois SlNGI.ES BARS, SINGLE WOMEN nee followed by a debate analySIs, 9PM.? ABC (8CentraIlMountaln) Details are somewhat vague af press PRO FOOTBALL The New Orleans time, but one may not unreasonably MaN, OCI I~ CHARLTON HESTON Saints vlsltlhe Dallas Cowbovs assume that thiS teletllck may can 10011PM CBS (9 GentralJMountaln} taln Shockl'lg scenes ot life ,n the fast JOHN SAVAGE CAGNEY AND LACEY Third season lane accompanied by a soundtrack of MAUD ADAMS premIere With Sharon Gless and rec. MON, OCT 11 pop musIc JOHN RHYS-DAVIES ent Emmy AwarCl-Wlnnlng Best Act. IPM.? ABC (8CenlraJMountaln) MON. OCT. 1!) ress In a DramatiC Series Tyne Daly PAO FOOTBALL Anaheim Rams at NAIROBI AFFAIR An adventure lale A1lanta Falcons 9-11PM NBC (8 CentraliMountatn) filmed entirely on localion In Kenya, SUN, OCT. 71 POP HI$10RII POSER ANSWER V: THE FINAL BATTLE (Part II) about an esfranged fattler and son g.11PM NBC (8 Central/Mounlaln) 4:30PM.? NBC (330 Genl/Mount ) lUES. OCT 16 who smoke the Pipe of peace and Jom (Alrer the pt1enorrlJIlaJ :XJl:Cess 01 hrs The forces to help stop the poaching of RONALD REAGAN BASEBALL (If necessary} Game FIIf1/fW Sellfls, ptoducer QuInn Maron med 9-11PM CBS (8 CenfrallMountatn) Afrrcan ammals Trymg fhe mellle of WALTER MONDALE FIYfJ of the World Series. a 5If71J8I ilpptOaC" ""1tI Roy rrolf1fl6S 1')1"9 MON, OCT I!> each wee!< to COOVlflCe Earl" thal.r "as Oft two men among the nellles 01 bush PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE Live from PM ? ABC (8 ,,~ VM I) IIlQ IfIV~ by allflflS from BtI>OI/le( pldtltJ/. country' Kansas City, MISSOUri Sponsored by , ""ntra ounta n Not ccmcldenrally me oro<;)(am wasdflMed SENTIMENTAL • FRI., OCT 19 PRO FOOTISALL The Green Bay TIle klv.oen, btir ,t ne,er aclwmxJ a poJ(JU lhe League of Women Voters It will ' Packers VISit the Denver Broncos in laMy enJOyed by me R c~iJ(d Jansen sJlo'" ) 8-1DPM NBC (7 CentralfMountaln) LEE MAJORS once again be fallowed by an analySIS Mile High Stadium 0 101&4 CON OONO\lAN ASSOCIATl:S 1M: JOURNEY V: THE FINAL BATILE (ConclUSIon) LESLIE WING ot the debate PROGRAMS liSTED ARE CHOSEN AT niE SOLE DISCRETION Of COANEUUS DONOYAN ASSOCIATES INC S NEIL FUJITA DESIGN Newlase[TechnQlogy~gb


tTnique'True Laser-Cut at 001" 5mg~. A taste satisfaction "Flavor Chandler" Filter \\'e beUeve challenges cigarettes i\{~hiev(:\sI~xeepti()nal rUlste••. "ith n\ice as much tan 1\';1110111 l11cl'cas;ng Tar: !&ng~r Lnsting..ED~,ment.Nt.."- 1h.e is Laser 1echnology breakthrough packed "ith extra tci>acco so ~'()U can challenges belief that only high tar enjo.y it longer. Noticea~'longt..r. can deliver good taste. Nel\' Breakthrough Dye. it tJ1c.fuin..",t 'frue Exclusive. The "F1avor Chalnber" the only taste that ~ ~ filter is found onlv in 'lhle cigarettes counts. Yours. i C~J.S~~t~nt Pen(fing).lt~~a uniQue ~J' .. I filtrdtion system that bJ'ivesyou a [~ ...... - I flavor-rich tobac{~oexperience :i h..-.--J It tw..h ....tOf) !-!uod to bt' 'Ihlt'_

Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Reglilar 4 rng til!. l1 !) IIlq nlCLltlllC That CIgarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Health. Menthol ~ mq '1,1!' [) ~1 rl1~1rlIC,J!H1l\ iN pef clgartHlr by 11 C Mt'thl1d

-- ~------_._------

, , I, I " Call 882-6900

Page Four-e Thursday, OCtober 11, 1984 Classified ads J Aast AND lA-PERSONALS 11A-PEMONALS 11-PERSONALS ~s ~ FOUNp FOUR AMERlCAN Alrhnes 'WORLD SERIES - Game B THE YOL:'olG adults of Our L\1lEXTOC~IFIED OFFERED YOU have lost an ammal rouodtnp tldets l:! adult, 2 - upper pa \.J1hon, .....illtrade IF l...l.lh Star of the Sea cocd1aI, please \.'Ontact BALLOONS !~ Ites all}OODg adults to l-:tJo can.:~, ~ or ~ after 11IlOOII duld) to LA Must luve Oc- for Game A or C 1131-oo1$3 !li~ Ant! Cruelly, 891 il88 attend a HallO' .. ~.n CClStW11€ No .Acephcns tober 23rd aDd stay one HIGH FL \1 '\G HEll I \[ B -\LL00'\ Bl)l Ql ETS 1 13569 Jos Campau, Detroit For all o.:':lor.." lor a" little a~ $lu--- - A man e!Cllt> man's Bu~ • 110'leI' or bUy j gru,;, .\,GRE..\,T \\.!} to celebrate t\ of mur.chle:5 dnnk:>. 1 legal Noh,. 12D lo ... QtIoCI RJ~et P,operty SERVS type dog for adult 0\1, ners pt"_"b.iN ~tertall'.mem So 1A Pent , T:.T.c -3 p r:: 211 T""'Ion"9 and Ed;Kohon 13D For Sol. or I..eose TYPINGt ....."Ol'd processmg res- SER\ h.'E ~y<'~ \",- t1me (IX' small business fwd do good home soon Call GET RE-\D\ FuR P..LL ~ 'I D"tt' ,)~tOC",r z-; l~ 2C HobbY Inslfl.K1>O<' 14 R.ol Eliot. Wont.c wnes, term papers, reports I Reasooable, free esumates 882-1929 Bn,'lg }OW" P0'~"e P:~ee l)ur La~) Star of tt,.e 2D C to Lanswg. ~ ~~ ~efP S C S m-Z809 FOUND and orange MillE w~.~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ c:'",,"llot 1i::_P'V'~ (":ali ~ ..7?fllf' ~ u...... tt 4"""V: n ...... &.6 ...... I'-""J,-. v .... 1.Jr3n.:: K3 P't',C5 :illar~ ex «H::':~-s,;'';'-s.;.,-~~ 16C Pet !ooni,""" (pm) NoreQ\1eSttoo blgor PROFESSIONAL typmg - BRICh. \~(JRK lR0\~ \5 -\..\D FLlL1\ERS !="t"(l<."'e> ph,~l..p S81~ ...... " ('handler Park. Dnve 882. S S.'Ii\GICIA."'t 886-0647 Generous re\l,ard Ct.r",t.!Ila.S st-opp+_'lg I do aU 6C Office foe Rent R~ r see ever}tlung and ...ho offered Famtly pets tne .",a:"k afld )-00 chocbe 60 Voco'.on Rentals 200 lexum.tlu ROBERT COOPER show me the wa) to reach i;'un oor ca ta10g , $40 ....orth 61 Garage for Rent 20f IJtWlcmon ALL AGES OCCASIOr\S FOU~D White k1tten In my Ideal You who gIve me of free Call 6f Shete lrrmg Q\I and forget the ""TOOl that IS MAGIC SHOWS - AvaJ.1able As " comes and wh!Sks the 4717 6H For RlIt\t ~ SoJ. 20H floor Sending dooe to ~ aDd you who are for bil'tbda)' partles, ban- LOST - CAT, older gray and colored 1%\ es a't\a) doo t let} our -"-O-t-'LD--'i-'O-l-'-Ilk-' -e-be-lp-"'-iV-th 6J Holls ~( Rent 21 Movv'9 quets, your social allam>. whIte neutered male After fl) w In all UlStanees oi my Ilfe m the breet.e' Sell your UlJ-Nanted J-our t""'hr-.stmas shoppmg 6K Slor~ Spau 21A P-l(InoSernu Call Jun Shannon, 178-6105 6 pm, 331-2657 Items lIi the GROSSE POL'\-n: ~"EWS WIth me I, UJ Uus short Too busy .. octmg" Tr) my 17 Wanl"ed 10 Rent 211 Sewing Machi.,. CL-\sslFIEDS" CAll.~-QlOO dialogue want to thank )'ou SINGER-Comedian-MC $50 HEWARD Recovery large ~rson shop~r s~rvlce. ~ Ra<:mWarftd 21C for everytlung and conlInn AV"&.llaNe for your parties, older model 3 speed black BEFORE ~OO~ ON TL'ESDA Y S.!7-1552 15' Room and Wonted 210 TY Radio Repoir phooe &coni and that 1 want 1C Garage wcn.d 211 ~ and Scr_ oocemen oever baoquet.s, clubs. Call Tony Raleigh bike Theft Village be you HO~[E Bl"RGl'L.-\R alarm 7D St~ose Space Wonted 21F HOlM I"'P'O'V~ to separated from no - 881-2619 area, 7-8 pm, Fnday, 10/5 matter bow great the mater- I s}"Stem \\I.reless Easy to • Amde:s ~ Soie 21G Ro«ing s.mee - 885-2351 ial desJres maybe Iwant to PIANO InStall We tlme guarantee IA M"S1

    es for Sole 21.1 Pointing.. D.c«ohng be W1th you and my loved Grosse Pointe area DETROIT TIGEBS SlOO. Plano does It best. hair Alter .5 p m 882-2:.'74 Ie Offia Eq, C-IE waitress wanted, S200 Call 8 a m -5 D m At7fO DELIVERY. SbI.'"1'M never been Imown to fat! HOME or STUDIO expenenced preferred App- 362-6894, evemngs -' 545- car or drIve oun All Pt. '.ntea say Novena for 9 days 20943 Mack ly m person after 4 pm, ~ In the C.s free gas 286-1510 My request was granted Call weekdays Mama Rosa's PiZZerIa, B M P lllll-5880 :m-74Zl 15134~lack ad OXE ~ON,stop round tnp PRIVATE mst.ructlon VOice, Ft:LL TIME housekeeper THE THREE R'S t1Cket to L A Lea ve DetrOit pwlO, or organ MUSIC Edu- wanted :dust have trans- October 30, return Novem, catIon degrees, :ro year portat!on 884-9779 or 886- OF CLASSIFIEDS! ber 13 $22S 882-2549 musIc expenence 3967 RATES - RULES - REGULATIONS! "BE A STAA!" PatnCla Junker, 823-1721 PART.TIME valet perkmg Have your weddIng ceremony SUZUKI ViOLIN mstructlOn attendants and secunty per- 99 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE POINTE 48236 and ~ on videotaped Fall classes now (orming sonnel for hlghnse apart. rt full ~;nd sound m SuzukI AsSOCiates of ment complex on DetrOIt's 10 words (or $3.25 CASH RATE: CALL MEMORIES VIDEO Greater DetrOIt ~ eastside ~tust be lIcensed 25e each addl tIonal word driver ApplicatIOns are 753-2875 _ VOCAL Instruction also vOIce being accepted Monda} therapy B M Westm,nster BILLED RATE: $1 00 bIlling charge 00 YOU HAVE thr~ Friday, 9 am-5 C C, M S Umverslty $2 00 If not paid m 10 da}"S HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE pm 8200 East Jefferson Drug studies usmg medIcJ..DeS '" ISCOns In Experienced off. BABYSITTER In my home, 2 OPEN RATE: ~!easured ad $I) 00 per- mch already on 1M market, or pm'ate teacher 778-8612 BQt"der ad t7 (J1 per inch year old and miant, 4 cays c!rugJ previously studIed, PIA:-iO LESSOSS In your per week 8e5-224 <.TATJ() .... "tl('ndanl, YiP reserve 1M nght v, c1a.'Ulfy lIlJfl Bat offer 775-~ mN ham( or rr... nager, full 372-9884 eaeh advertlllement under the After 1 P !To r,r pa r( l!TIle I!l4 - appropnate head1ng The FREE MASrr.:CRE gIven 'We'll run your ad Chitlmcl"i ~!anddrrl Harper & Outer Dr. pubhsher reserves the nght to WIth yoor flnt tullr appoint. EXPERIF. ...Cf:IJ waltrrsll edIt ()f reject whmltted for FREE!! copy mer.t With Betty at Blondle', wanted Call for appoint We Pick-Up & Delivnr publlcaUon 882-6900 - Hair Designs 1JII()...7000 I men t 2Ml-8.12S 4 Q •

    Page Flve-C Thursday, OCtober 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS i-kElp WANTED 4-HELP WANTED I 4l-HELP WANTED 5-slfOlfioN 5A-SITOlTil5R a=HEtp wlNTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP wlNTED WANTED DOMEITiC GENERAl GENERAL GENERAL GENERAL OOMESTIC GENERAL COMPANION/Nurse Elide, ex. LAWN CUTTING, le"f reo WE SI'EClALlZIo~ III the pillce AnT[ST I clln do jrtratts, MAID FOR motel, daY', mus t SUPER SECRETARY perlenced, wI'lhes elderly HAIR STYLIST needed for th moval help wanted Must be ment of Jlrofe~'>IOrl.l1 do what('vcr" CuI Kevin booth rental or (.'Omml~lon be able to work some week - Excellent bookkeeper WI care, $5 hourly, mghtll only t at least 18~ears old Thoma~ me~lLc an nllr~lllg Pl'l ~on 259 1700 9 5 P m ACTION ends Apply 11\ person Mote I good secretarial slulls Mus or !lve in LOVell lhe elderly Excellent Grosse Pomte g, LlIndscaplllg, 881;0292 net lIo\l,('keepN" l'ook~ Park S..~lon 882.7070 or 1l85. Marocco, 32160 Gratio t, be' loyal. hard workm MA N AND Wife to clean-up or F'rrc to travel Very llood • ACTION alert, capable Must puy aI --('ouJ.lll'~ Child C.ue NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 2038 levelllllgs) Ro6evllle, {13\)/ Mlle-Gra - LANDSCAPE - Snoy, ploy, cl('un oUl allic to basement, refer<'nl(''1> 838 7665 [)u\ WOl k l\1tlld, llol1ll' ? tlot) tentlon to details, manag e operator, male, femule, offll'e to warehou'le Hick Ill.:lIth ('.Ill' LIVl' [n 01 Oul RESPONSIBLE experienced ment ability, have an unde r. must be aVUllable Decem 949-7531\ 5C-CATERIHG non smoking mdlvldual to BOOKKEEPER standing for runmng a sma II Ple,llte Cdll TYPISTS. ber I, 198~ to April I, 1985, IIANDYMAN - all repUll'lI, [NTERNATIONAL CUlfllllC babySit 11, )ear old m my DowntO'\\ n Delrolt professlOna 1 busllless 922-1144 good dll\'l1\& IecOJ d Cull GalL Itmall ioh~, carpenter work, Hors-d'ouvres, dinner!>, huf 45-65 wpm home 5 da) '...eek Refer ftrm requIres experienced PART.TIME delivery perso n 286 4667 after 7 30 P m pall1lm~ Pete, 882-2795 felll small - large groups ences needed, owntranllpor full charge bookkeeper With PERSONNE~ SECRETARI ES beglllning at 2 p m Monda y- SHARP SALES CLEHK for 1-2 fJellvered 862 6295 tatlon 882-9019 dfter 6 p m office management poten ('Aln; Io'()!l eldelly or "Ick WIth or wIthout shorthand FrIday, mmlll\um 2 hours dayl> per wet'k Chocolatl' AGENCY MATURE dependable ....oman tlal Call Shirley M at 963 Call Anne of KathIe. 862 100 Kel ch('v" I ('an prOVide tr,ll1sportallon, a-FOR RENT 7417 for intervIew Inform a gilt shop m Hen Cen 1':x ,tJy ll,erll1ght 52b 6121 to babySit III my home, tlnce 2327. penence preferred but y, III (;IO.,ltl' POlnlc I-'.u m~ UNFURNISHED d \\eek from 2 30-5 30 pm, tlOn DATA ENTRY MATURE WOMAN neede d tram 259 l655 882-2928 i'AH'1 TIMl': gen('ral office for m) 2 boy's. ages 1and 2 dulle, exc('lIent refer LOWER FLAT 2 bt.'tdlc LIl'l'n ..el! dnl! BOllded IIdye'l/llou~ton Whlltler $2 per hour References en( c., Ea~t>lde $100 .....eekly PdrHlme pol>ltlon IS open a t weekends for cashier App Iy 3 year old, 2 3 dr, 11,e m, J l'hlldren, non. 1 WO HEfJHOn't upper III Kercheval Posillon offen; It hOM' DRIVER WANTED - Detro COUNTEH PEHSON \\ .I IIte<.l, fOI loom ,1Ill! b(Mld '\1'0 ltedrn.,tn'"" 1 allerd D F. A It area no pel., S325 ~moher E'ceJient ~alary public contdct, \\ Ith ex . e lion, ( ,ill Kr),> after 5 Many Automotlve Parts, enlranc plea~ant phone VOice, good pt'l ,on,ll bookkeeper need p<>rmonlh ( dll "unda)" on 286 7166 cellenl ~orhlDg condItIOns n level position Will tral With pubhc, I enlal CM ex ed rall ,lftl'l 7 P III Illll I) 3.B (filii Assignments NEEDED. lOVing, mature. and compelttlve salar) an d a. -~~- ---- Good driVing record un par penence helpful Appl} l!l ;)8~11 - PULl( 10;1\1,\"I and \\ Ife dc.,lre non ~mokl.'r for 2 children, benefIts Candidates mus t (,H()~~fo: POI ....rE V,oods 4 No tws !lve Call Bill, 882.5200 person l5501 Mack COOK ElIlWPEA \ el" offll..e cleorldble age~ 1 and 3 882.1522 have a good math aptitude , room upper 1II1..0me, '1to~,. WAITRESSES, dl~h\\d.,hers, lUng medl onl} 59 pm forC!-lunatephone52G4609 dlld refrigerator, Ideal for Partlfull time MARRIED COUPLE for cook. light typmg ablhty Cashle r CHRISTMAS IS LESS expenence preferred Part - bartenders, cooks Apply JII PleJ~e ( d n100lh Office II1g and ~ard\\ ork Three THAN 3 MONTHS person Irish Coffee Bar and 'Iond '.<. lhrough Fnd"', 9 j DAY u\ ~I:.. In m} Icen~e plus utllltle!> 821 65lf2 rooms plu~ balh apartment time posllton reqUlres ful I l> '" horne Infanr thru pre ~chool Work Gnll 18666 Mack, Fdrm:. Btl6 1960 Gro~ .. 1'OIllI(' references nrovloffi \\'nte Box 0 50 days of work Mondays and AWAY e THRF:E BfmR()()~1 upper t:xceHenl Gl'osse POInte Ne\l s, 99 Ker- n'luay::. anu uUler UlI.y::. LVLx:: O!"!,'lC.l'.. H.l'..LI' neeoeo pari- LIV1; IN compdllion mdtllre on" ~IJO carpelea, doun prca'rn:u discussed Apply IIIperson 10 lime, hours fleXible, 2030 Iddy ncded for elderly YIo:S GHOSSE POinte there II> no pets 88t 8269 af!r>r 5 p m Rates of pay cheval Grosse POinte • TYPIST Farms, .ul236 a m-3pm hours each y,eek Experl. \\oman Light hou~ekeep a college educaled \fary FIRST FEDERAL enced In offtce procedures 1I.g,';;ume per~onal care POPPIll~ 'flS I Excellent INDIAN VILLAGE LEGAL SECRETARY - 2-3 OF MICHIGAN necessary Typmg experl. CARRIAGE E!OV,>E MANPOWER years experience Down Hdl'per/l\Ioros~ area No Grosse 1'Olllte. Bloomfield. 63J NOTRE DAME, • WORD ence reqUIred Call John 01' smokmg References please Palm Beach refert>nce. 778. StudiO apartment. eompletel y to\1 n offlce 964-4200 d GROSSE POINTE • PROCESSORS Andrea at 922-3560 463.;)995 2815 reclone, ne kltchell an BABYSITTER Saturdays on- An equal opportumty balh, $300 per month plus Temporar) sen ICes LIVE-IN helper, non smoker COMPANIOl\" needed for NUHSE'S AIDE desJrt:s full I}, 4 30 a m .4 30 P m employer Utlllties FOR APPOINTME:>.'T Vegetarian preferred rldelly lad) Fnday dlld tllne pO'>l11on caring for Grosse Pomte Clt,. Will . • SECRETARIES WANTED Thousands of lov Duties food preparatIOn SdtUI ddj, 7 ,I III J P m ~un elderh Reference~ 791 LAKESHORE REAL TV need car Call after 7 p m . mg, canng, devoted and fun light housework Care of ll2 ddY, 7 a m untIl Monday, 7 1507' 331.8580 331 8lI8l 882-6004 CALL lovmg people to root-root - • PBX year old boy References a In Dml} personal care ELDERLY couple wants live- root for 25 young men who 881-2776 and !lght hOll~ekeepll1g, age CARPETS WINDOWS INDIAN VILLAGE AREA Detroit 965.7000 in, own quarters Cookmg, are workmg their way PARKER - 2 bedroom lower LOSE WEIGHT and slay 30 ~5 Must be dependable GROSSE POINTE 294.6330 light housework Must ilkI.' flat, completely redolle, $31)) Warren through the American Lea - • MEDICAL healthy Unhmlted mcome, References nece!>~arv Start arumals Must be able to gue baseball season No plus utlhl1es ex- opportumty for ambitIOUS after ThanksglvlIIg Call 882. HOUSECLEANERS drlve, fnnge benefits Salary perlence necessary Vlclruty TRANSCRIPTION ST PAUL -- 3 bedroom town- self.starters 881.9191 2326 lIave your home profCMlonal- '1'he World's Largest" negottable 623-9985 MIchigan and Trumbull. Have your skills provide your how.e, 2 flreplaces, 2 baths, EOE M/F ChrIStmas dreams We have EARN \VHA l' you are worlh 4C-HOUSE SITTING Iy cleaned by our experJenc $475 plus utilities INDIVIDUAL for rental de- Own transportatton Must be assignments III the locatlon $1,000 to $5,000 per month for SERVICES cd staff Free el>t1mates partment al local dealer- loyal, understandmg and LAKESHORE REAL TV TELEPHONE SALES right for you Call now , big people In sales and ship Experience helpful but prom pi salary commen GROSSE POINTE polLceman PAUL 881-5241 331.85llO 331-81181 Sell qualtlY, \\anted and need- surate WIth the rewards of Never a fee management Some trammg ed product Present callers not neces"ary, customer prOVides house\latchmg ser CUSTOM PAPER Hllnglllg TWO BEDROOM f1al. new VICtory I An equal opportuni- prOVided 881-4011 relations and phone skIlls vice References 8851961 and Pallltlllg Reasonable pamt, leaded glass. garage, averaglllg $12-$25 commls, Iy for all sn-5740 Slon per hour, Monday. Apply III person 18001 Mack FREE CLASSES PROFESSIONAL "oman re and References Call appliances 822 90'17 Avenue, Friday, October EXPERIENCED person for SUPPLEMENTAL Now's the time to start an ex- Thursday, 5 P m.9 30 p m turmng to Grosse POlllte IS Vlrglllia at 881 8089 MACK - \Vayburn - 2 12th belween 3-5 p m general bUIlding mamten. cIting career m Real Estate ExperIenced callers only, STAFFING INC. looklllg for a home to house ,.(' ARING &: DOING" bedroom upper, gas paid will tram After 3 p m. call DRAFTING TRAINEE ance Suitable for male The Temporary Help People Earn $15,000-$25,000, 1st year Pre-license and ad- Sit Responsible, qUiet, loves IS OUR MOTTO $310 822 om after Sunday 886-1763 No experience necessary Needed for hlghrlse condo- . GROSSE POINTE court re plants and ammals Refer GROSSE POIJIl'TE Park - Must be reliable mmiwn Must have strong vance trammg classes pro- • LIVE INS knowledge of plumbing, porter needs exQenenced ac - VIded Jom one of the most ences Call evenmgs, 882- Nollingham Road low~r, and willmg to learn curate typist With transcrip- • AIDES RN-LPN carpentry and electrical active real estate offICes lo 6663 newly de<:orated, 2 bedroom, Call nowl Call 557.1200 • RN's &: LPN's tion equipment References basement, secUrtty dePOSit JOB NETWORK work If quahfled send Macomb County Call Joe PROFESSIONAL buslIless For Home Heallh Care Pnvate duty operung ill Grosse resume to 8200 East Jeffer- Please call 884-5385 after Tabbl, 779-77&0 463-5357 Pomte area Top pay and 27300 Southfield Rd Fee 5.30 p.m weekdays or on man seeks houseslltmg ar. At Its Best Call son, DetroIt, 48214 Atten- rangement Extremely bonus hour program Please AGGRESSIVE young male or weekends FIVE ROOM lower. carpettng, hon Manager RECEPTIONIST responSible and trustworthy MED-STAFF mint condition. completely call female for yacht'mainten- 1 NO EXPERIENCE FULL TIME parts drlver BABYSITTER for baby, 3 '2 With excellenl references 557.2505 remodeled, garage ll8.S-1173 ance, canvas work, mlsc days per week m our home NECESSARY needed Drlvmg record Call Mark at 964.3777 durlllg CADIEUX/Harper, clean, 2 Flonda travel m winter Dominican High School Hiring Now Call 557-1200 office hours SA-sitUATION SeriOUS mqUlres only. 882- Apply III person Maher JOB NETWORK bedroom upper Carpeted, Chevrolet Parts Depart- area 526-8699 DOMESTIC 343-4357 0364 27300 SouthfIeld Rd Fee TRA VELING? - StudYlllg? - large rooms, S32S 88Z--H58 ment, 15175 East Jefferson TROY - WOMAN needed In VISltlllg? - mother/daugh MEDICAL recepholllst full or TWO MATURE women, relt- APARTMENT available 10 FACTORY YOUNG MAN to help deliver my home, 2 p.m to 12, Tues- ler WIll housesll 1\Ilh TLC able, seeking house c1carung day through Friday to care part time Experience III well matntalOed buIlding PMS OPENINGS on produce truck 881-7142 dIsability insurance forms, 778-927l WIth excellent, excellent near GrosSof' POInte Cad. for and assist stroke patient Grosse Pomte references WIll tram or expenence INSIDE SALES/order desk 886-8193 telephone, appomlments HOUSESITTERS, mature, leux/Mack area One bed- ProfessIOnal Medical Servtces Hmng Now! Call 557-1200 posltlon for flUId power rep trust\\ orthy couple, aVall- 775-&151 room Carpetlllg. alJph. EXPERIENCED sales per- blood pressure and temper AffilIated with JOB NETWORK Good opportumty for ad. ature taklllg Excellent able now thru Apnll985 m. WANTED - houses to clean ances, aIr condltlomng, son apply at Yankee Pedler, samt John HospItal 27300 SouthfIeld Rd Fee vancement, must type and benefits 865-4346 7078 on weekly baSIS Will do recently palllted S350 per E8l!ItIa8d,l 0at0beIl from 20020 Kell] Rd " 'I "COOK l' 1')")J tBltI\ shoppmg 'etc, Call Mary's, month plus utilities - have-teehmcal-back&1'W1ld PETS UNWELCOME on Harper WoOds, MI 48225 10«!~ i HAl:' I TRUCK DRIVERS Especu ...lly SUItable for Days .or'RI~'''Expe~e , q'r'tj~j_ ~J'litq~ orig,\n- vacatIOn? Leave them m Domestic SerVICes, between WIth 1me, prep, bOiler and ated CaU Industrial Air and BABYsrtTERinanny for 2 Will tram or experIence 4 30-7: 00 p m 526-7202 adults 823-992<4 Equal Opporturuty Employer theIr own home With 24 hour sautee a must' References HS'draulic! Cbinpany:' 366- month"~tfWcdrtH! In to my Must be reliable, MOROSSlI-9.f, 2 bedroom home Monday-Frlday, 8 HlrlOg Now Call 557-1200 10vIIIg ca re Excellent MAID TO Order - house- CHAIRSIDE dental assistant Near Ren Cen 259-3273 be- 8141 Grosse Pomte references dea nlng service Free duplex, reereatlOlI room. expenence required 885- tween 9-3 WAITRESS WANTED, part- a.m-5.3O Permanent posI- JOB NETWORK near hospital, clean 886- 27300 SouthfIeld Rd Fee 37l- 7441 or 779-3939 estimates References 778- 4460. time Apply after 3 pm, 63 tion Non smoker preferred 2206 PIZZA makers and phone Grosse Pomte Park 331-9005 MATURE WOMAN hOllseslt- 7429 after 2 p m answermg people wanted Kercheval, Golden Coffee MATURE WOMAN to watch 3 SMALL HOUSE 2 bedrooms, LADIES - earn extra BABYSITTER needed to take chIldren, 2 school age, 8, ') tlllg III exchange for rent WILL DO house cleaning Must be available weekends Pot References 791-6902, 61b hvmg room, dlllmg room, Chnstmas money all year 2 children to and from school I preschool, 4, lo my Grosse Mary Gadowskl Aller 6 long, become a IIngene 7 Mlle-Kellyarea 372-1460 7142055 pm, 366-8832 or 892 2353 kitchen Appliances, base- also to care for them approx. Pomte Park home 7 15 ment Whlttler-Kell) areoi speclahst Have fun wrule MATURE and experIenced HOMEMAKERS Imately 3 hours per day 526- a m -5 15 P m 882-7378 after TWO EXPERIENCED office S-SITUA TlON $375 a month lW Wl-l ea.nung money Undercover woman, to gIve lovmg care 0558 after 5 p m 5 p m and housekcepmg women Wear has immediate open- for 2 small chtldren, m our WANTED desire employment Bonded GROSSE POINTE Park :south mgs for woman With home Grosse Pomte home Full A.M. ROUTE DRIVERS ACCOUNTANTS PAINTING and rlllsc repaIrs Own transporlatlon Ver} of Jefferson, 3 bedroom lip party plan experience No time, non.smoker Send HOME HEALTH Applications now bemg laken ENTRY LEVEL Excellent work Reason- thorough Excellent Grosse per Fireplace, carpeted, no collecting, inventory or resume to Grosse Pomte for AM delivery of The Hiring Now Call 557-1200 able 881-4715 or 882-1447 Pomte references Will do pets, $0100 Security depu'ut dehvery Must be over 18 News, 99 Kercheval, Grosse Detroit News in the Grosse laundry and Iromng, wmOOw References requIred 8\<111 AIDES JOB NETWORK COMPETENT and have car Call Yvonne, POinte Farms, MI 48236, Box Pointe area Route hours 4 and wdll washms, scrub able December 1st ~ .. 101" 27300 SouthfIeld Rd Fee SITIING 882-«363 K-2 a m -7 a m Rellable car f1oor~, ovens, and any out needed. Apply Tuesday/ LANDSCAPE - male, female SERVICE SHORES RANCH, .3 bed NURSE AIDES lawn (,\Itter for crew servmg Side work 526 6486 rooms, family room $llOO LIVE-IN Wednesday, 10 a m -noon at HOME CARE - ELDERLY COMPANION AIDES The DetrOit News, 17545 Grosse POlllte $390 hourly PreVIOusly WIth Hammond MOTHER/daughter c1eamng per month East Warren start Ca II 286-4667 after 7 30 Agency Days, mghts, & 24 team Dependable, e~pen- McBrearty &: Adlhoch l1VEINS COMPANIONS pm hour rate~ available enced Joo\nn 882 9624 882-5200 Pnvate duty nursmg In Grosse POinte area ImmedIate Temporary openings m Oak. EXPERIENCED dental assIS- COMPUTER OPERATOH LICENSED BONDED CLEANING LADY Wishes operungs ChOice of hours and days Call betYreen 10-4 land, Macomb and Wayne tant wanted for orthodontiC SALLY THOMAS 772-0035 da}s can start llTunediately p m Monday-Fnday counties Top pay and a offiCe. Part-time WIll tram ALTER dt Jerrer::.on, near ENTRY LEVEL References expenence 922. MACOMB 1'II1JRSING UNLIM[TED bonus hour program Please 881-5890 NO EXPERIENCE AURA'S bus stop NIcely d«orated. 8286 large I and 2 b«trooms, call ARE YOU READY TO NECESSARY HOME SITTING SERVICE eJe. 263-0580 vator, onl) $2$) \Includes CHANGE YOUR LIFE? Hiring Now' Call 557.lloo T L C of children, elderly EXPEH[E~CED woman JOB NETWORK Hourly, overmghl and 24 wl~hes general housekeep- heal cookilli and water I 27300 Southfield Rd Fee lllg Monday, Tul.'~da~, Fri' EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEWER G rowth orienta ted agency hour rates 12 year~ Illtll Walker .-\lklre - ~Irs Hammond, y,hose dav 0\1 n transportlillon PART TIME 343.4357 seeking high cahber mdlvld- CERTIFIED OR experienced agency ~erved Gros~(' Beterence~ After oj pm, Downtown DetrOIt Company IS seeklllg an expenenced m- uals for sales and manage- nurslllg assIStant Part-time Pomte over 30 ) can, Llcem. 37.? 21153 RE:-':T WITH option to tentiewer Must have 2-3 years of experIence III ment p'?sltlOns Tram part- and on call poslllOns All I bu~ BISHOP near J:o.: clencal and professIOnal recrultmg, testing and hlr. PMS tIme tIll ready for full time shifts Apply m person to ed Bonded WILL CLEAN )our house. Ing. WIll work 2-4 days pers week Bachelors degree management Ideal for Georgian Easl, 21401 Mack 247-0283 ap.lrtment, ofhcl.' Reason- Warren \ttractl' e j I ProfesSIOnal Medical ServiCes able r <.l9'!O 527-6122 Kargol, RegIOnal VIce Presi- care for 2 rhlldren age~ 12 UNFURNISHED dent and 14 m my hom/' Will ,\round the dock PARKI~G LOT attendant, In twnw ho.,p\l al or nlll'IIlK FINANCIAL PLANNING need II car CfJH "fler 7 p m early evenlllg hours Apply honw 1t'I,., LP-';, \1111", PRESTIGIOUS LUXURY APARTMENTS College graduate of prlor bUSI- 77618')4 III person after 3 p m at lompdlllOll<; m,IlI' ,I!t('n Jeffl'r.,on at G rOb'Ie POlllle Clt~ hITllI -I litOI') e"" ~tOf ness salesperson preferred Penm'~, 10721 Whlllier EXPERIENCfW cook" "nd ciani' 11\,' IIh ",Cl('('Jll'd ,wd llUlldllll!. \I Ilh larl!t' rooms one and l~o bt"drooms Career p to Inve!ttlgat lhe !tpeclallz A Career in Real Estate DE~TAL ASSISTANT Chair- dishwasher~ needed at bondp(j 2~ hour ..(On Ice Hrferel1l.'l'" Ilnd l>t"<.'Ullt~ required I'd field of fmanelal and Side, expenenced only, full Gro'>se Pomte fine dining L" l'Il~l'(1 1\111"(" lor In W-\LKEH ALKlRf~ R~:ALTY estate plannmg ThIs career tIme Mt Clemens, 46~1 establll>hmcnt Apply ParI- ,1Ir.lnc(' ( ,1"" tl86-{)9'2tl opportunity offl'l'S extensive Place Cafe, 1:>402Mack POl~TF \ HI<'\ \1'H~l';~ PART TIME secretanal posi teachnlcal and skIlls traw tlOn WIth downtown law It ~ lUlU looking for a Job that offers Ing to qualifIed IndiViduals firm ExcellEml lYPlllg and 4A-HELP WANTED m:11It!- 1-) -11\~\1\\- • Freedom to set your own schedule Please call Rost' Portaro, DOMESTIC 'lpelllllg e'lsentlal No 6~9 3250 MlIIm r<'pollr~ (III pl'1l1n • Unlimited Income potential prevlOu<; legal ('xperlence _._----- ..(IOKING 10'01{ Gros'>C POlnle ell" III( ,II plUlllhll11l; hrnkl'n n('c£,.,~ary Call Mrfl I GROSSE POINTE • A challengmg and rewarding opportumty arl'a women With lranspor \\Inoo"",, "nd ,00.,h IOld Galbfilllh at 961 4700 EMPLOYMENT 1,'pl,1( PO pIt ]{('Il"Olld hip I to help others With Important deCll)10nS tatlon a~ halk up MIter tooc t""iliun,u:dh ,...... ,. 1...._ -- ,. A'*',...... I""''' " Then come to our Career $emmar, Saturday, Hf;AL ESTATfo. SALE" r \"'-A ...... "'" I ~t'"r old 'un In ('ven( 10\I'FHn \( Ffl \1 ""1';" - uctooer Jj or r nursaay, vctODer It) a[ IOU I appan and Assoc Inr- on ()f 885-4576 till'; IlIrlC'~~ ,II(!(',> .II ,1I1"llll' HI 01'01101111,' "TilE HILL" opening!> rmnM or lalrh k('y ',() ,",11' n'li..hh' 'll \ II" pm I..lo'>mg,> llll6 4 ill I ! oil .... I rol'>ll \~('I\( \ "'1111(' for Heal E~tat(. 'iIlICllpeople :'."('lh e'>Jlf r1('1\1 (,II (ook, lit "Ihl'd ,lilt! hOlld(,t! You II learn the speCifiC knowlpdqe and <;kliis w,~arp a reputable firm PART TIME exp('rll'n('ed Nannl('" :'If,lld., IlolI,,'kN.'p ."ll I, 17 needed to become a successful 'iale,; assocldle With mllny yelirfl of 'lerVIC- beduty '>t l'f', (;,If(j('n( r.. ( hlil/If"llr' ln~ th#' Grosse POlntefi If through our profe:>'ilonal training program Call AA4 1lfI.'i1l Hilt In.. r lJllph', "<11f" Ll""I'HIL \,( 1.I) 11111'I "I\d,' yOIl tire new WI' hav(' a fme ------~-- Alell'" «()J11J1"n,on .. ,111r1 II,., It('"I', pI1\Ilk dllh .." And, Schweitzer Real Estale/Bplter Homes and ('<1ucdtlDnal pro~r8m, If you 1.001<1"1(; f 01{ mom 10 ldh' my Monl('llh I~l gr,H!I'r III Workl'r' lor prl~"l' hOIiII" u'I!"nl 11'f('1I'll' (, ....0 11\ t' Gardens has a unique maIrlillp: (,ro',~(' nl(' prHI time afternoon", F,I rm~ f, rla .., from <>1\ P Il\ ~on 10 Tf'pmr wood doll hOU.IIC ~HA\i\ '11,'lIt!\lIldll"(rlll" wPekendb for book <;tore ~omf'IIl1I('~ plllwllt milY brok('n III move Add carpet W,lllp"pNIOt-( p.llnllli!( IInd Apply In person al 2.1409 n('ed to l)(' .,('( V('r\ IIp,l,III' III1(, i1!(htIllR Musl have 1111" I 111111"011" Il'p,lIr~ And Enj~y 5 Acr~s of Backyard Mllck 10('(11 ,I~(' 1O',0 ~ull IIl'l' tll f(Ire Chmtmas 225-711&4 7712111 (tH'l, pl,1I n whol(,,>mTll' (ook On the Detroit River tw'fore <, p m GOVERNMl<:NT job!; $16,559- The Rlllf'r 'Terra<.e Apartmenu $50,S53/year Now hlnng 1Il1l; ~,i1,1ry rlr-pc'llll, on ('X CI'A ~1o.1'.I\'" pill I tlnlC' (011 (Oppollte Indl.n \lUlltge) LAIJIJo:'l F.arn the hMlt, w('.ar pc'rH'nc(' In pnvlLll' hoow lrollltr pO..llwn H('(lIl( £' ur Ihp he

    , >

    I I I Thu~y, ~ober 11, 1984 ~ Page Six.c GROSSE POINTE NEWS i-lAimi a:::FdJi ii!Nf \&=fOR RENT I6-FOR FENT ix:FQRREi1t' 6C-OFFlCE FOR I iD-vlClTiON ID-VACAT1ON RENT ALS I ReNTALl FOR SALE lJNFUMISHED UNFURNISHED I UNFURNISHEQ FYRN!SHEQ RENT I FOR SALE Tune-5bare "eek FORT LAUDERDALE - one BABY GRATIOTn M1le 5 room u~ GROSSE POI:\'TE Park - 4 ALTER ROAD QuIet. se<:We A'ITE~ION EXECUTl\"ES nSHER ROAD \ SEoptffiiberl at South Beach boHroom apartment on FURNITUREJ per. Very clean 1de.11 (or room apartment Illth 1 DOt' bedroom flat Garate ODe 01:' 2 bedroom apartments, Large, swte-, pov SoeaPUleSon beautliul HJ.lton ocean Season &&5-5982. wcrtuJg or retued coopj.e be-.!59"2 heat;-;4 ltJI..'5 "Her 5 .lbi-e ,,",0\ em bet II:l+90H. from S150 Nursery Lamps HL'TCH1:'\SO"l:lSL-\.."D/Flor. coastal. full) furmshed, ~1075 7714916 .Maumee corner -)mall )Wte. Chlfferobe after 6 P m K.\RPER \\ (IOnS 2 be\lrvo£11 GROSSE POI:"o."TE 3 room Ida l bedroom, .! bath large. 1bedroom apartment prl\ lav,'" mdollos BatJy Scales THREE BEDROOM home e'or 10 Large r,-,,)rlb <''I:' duplel\ and basemeot At. OC"l!'anfrontcoudo comple-te- ltx8 screened terrace. 3 Cad1eux area :\e ....h dec. e\le"o:nt Cor"l,' 0n r.'t'",f~"( ~ractl\t' \<"'" carpet1ng, and MOTEL Dressers Hand\ HILL hldewa\s - 1\ furntshed ,\\allable months mlrumurn January FoldUlg H1ghehalfS orated. 2 full baths $39;; per P,~,\ .. } :>hCIl~h!\g dl'd St gJrwge dLSposal ~o pets MOROCCO December and Januar) 1&th-Apnl 15th 465.2048 If'; el, from '$125, B~tl canopy crIb mooth 979-5095 .10M H~p,:"j ,-<::. 25.)0 OSl _~ __ -.l_;+l_' 1 ROSE\ILLE $1 200 per month 886-1695 month Bassmet GROSSE POl~'1"E Cm S.rnaU 7l~'1 '\uTTI'\GHA~. south of Jef 32160 Gratiot &: 1312 :'title Rd CLEAR\\ .\TER BEACH -He I SHA~TY Creek, Bellaire. ~hchlgiln Contemporar}' 3 bedroom ~ \e\\ kll LO\\£R FL-\1 _ r~",-.m"" ier:.un 3 bedroom upper ACROSS FROY Bassinet liners & skll'ts KELLY ROAD \\ e-st - 2 bedroom, 2 bath h.ouse -l bedrooms. J baths, Porta.Crlbs chen. close to \Illdge S5W Sl'l't"~d \\'.rro:r, are.. ~A> munthl) plus secunt) ~lo\Cm.lB :'tIALL Xear 8 ~hle - 1 Ob";'sq ft. 1u.'l:UT\condo on Gull 6tH. and sauna beautlfull." Mesh Playpen month!) p!1J;::,u::ln,e:. l38:!. Dt:-:r..,1 ~,-"\."r.l, (!c ;...."'l' 1.1~[lQ>lt ana utilitles Ideal One bedroom IlltchEnettes ard moo. dent/general offi~ 17H . (\e(.'M'ated Indoor and out Perego 2 seater stroller 87~. 791-1i.i3l:1 _~ _"2'" t-c'''' ..~ ,h 0 lJ'" or rO!" ',1Qfl,lIlg couple 822-1W. sle-epmg room All utilities SKI SEASON door s~lmmmg. golt, lelUUS, Cflbs VERY SPECI-\L J ~rv)f'1 77~ -~ ~ 1"" l5 D m or after 'I p m paid Funusherl no pets \ea.r 8' ~ ~!Lle - 1 25S ft and s~ur1ty HARBOR SPRI2\;GS CH.-\LET beach ClSmng and boatmg Infants &. toddler car seats duplex on ~!oro:>" 'car . _~ e \ope'o Re- \, I" ...n "~'CJ r.:t'.H tor \ \ior~ Basement garage, 823.4103, 823.5605 HILTON HEAD Palmetto Gerr} back packs ferences $€~'V ot'cur coopleoro.rgje L\hG::."\t ',-dr.'! "part j !:~roorls 2 bat..~ ldeal \ lrgllUa S Jeffne:. ed \\ e;>kl\ monthh sea. Yello\'. '\~hlte or brown tHO)L. preferred S-r.5 Pa) OlIn' -,C'J.<:'0' .",,:; De"n.t v<..d.','Jil half block (rom Realtor 8S:!-0899 s"nal 886-8280 . HARBOR SPRI~GS Home WIcker changmg tables utiliues 521 3«l:i I ~.:c c: "Ie _' n..., r l "e cLl.\ \ I •• "g" oehmd Jacobson s LO\ ELY 2 O€ condo. Gates ~ORTHE -\OS! De1rolt border- PO\iP \XO BE.ACH Flonda Make )our FALL COLOR Potty ChaIrs CJl-\TSWORTH~e-ar\\arnoI11 :.;~~ ,:»-'" eel i~_1 0- I $W'pllLSoeposn 881.H904 mlOlum '. l!lage $750 Inll Gros:>e POlflle area on E'tclusl\ t' oceanfront l'ondo reservaUons earl)' Special ~\.... ~..... ",...... - C;;\l,'Vi'1~-o-mlltlc s\\m~ 'f')" . rtW,""U'tt: _ ~VJ.H ...... ,~l r t:"',",1 n ...... - \, ...... ,,~ 1.IV4.r.~ .....: """"'""' _TT' ..... "' ...... I~ I C.adleux Road and 19-1 e'( Lonlple'~l) JuraJ~UC\l 0 ~Qo..,ri r~t~ $:.'75 plus se<.'Uflt;. \ 00 Po!! -l--\-J:j-l-F.-'-- ....-l-.; ~-.--~-----L-,,-r-g-e-2 -; \:-; i~~.;;~,b;~ 'c;i -\\ atlaole lomed!atel} 882-2597 - Strollers rP ~a) L'p to 4,{....hquare -\\ allaole \o\i~mber. De- utilities 885-1)122 !JrttrlJv", OJ \ e' t rep'.lce )r'd' llreplace den, a~ ~JARCO lSU ...'\n, FlOrtda - ct'RRE:\ TL \ unQ'1I I!"",,g,- "'"S"",t"~' 'e:'.gt'r pl,ar."e5 basement and 112 Seas West, 912 t100 6 rooms attached to \'.1th60carparlung 835-1l2O Ll'XLRlOl'S YE-\R round South A To) Resale Shop Clean, SpaCIOUS t ...,) "tor 0'"",.. F.~'Jre "no b.::h:; car garage $375 maw house pr.\ ate en. BeautJIul2 bedroom, 2 bath PRDIE GROSSE POI:\TE home, at Sugar Loof Village, 16631E Warren 882-7631 bedroom. 10000erflat $:200 ~r '0\ ork rl~ aot.l! prererred EasGtde '!anagement Co trance carport, on Lake- coodo. front gulf\'1ev. on the WOODS MACK AVE llt'ar Tra\ erse CJt) For rent mooth, $25Q secunt\ \0 \'. lW re:ere:, ,t-:> ,,) pet", 884 .:..~ shore Rd $700 month!\, beach Golf, tenrns, pool, GARAGE SALE, Friday, La", fl!"tIl has 3 SpaCIOUS oi. or lease, mmutes from pets 7920MB' S.?75:!'{J'Hr:!'. ~'tD i.l':ll"e:, DE\ 0\SHlRE near Warren aCter8pm ~7 . decQralor fUrrushed, cable Saturoa\, Sunday 9-l 1099 t1ces a\ailabJe mdmdualh Sugar Loaf \fountam Ask _ 1')' \'. D I. and ,,,,- ...r '\ -\"<:1" ~ P PI S1\.~ ~ ar>d\loell"---ted basement T \' ,days 40-1-3700. evemngs Grayton \Park): corner of CQLNIDO _. "n \"e 1 --- ~ - • """- ...... FCR'\rSHED or as a swte III ne\l. h reno.. for Tom 56'i-D59i large bedroom ,aundn _ ,> • ..,.0. \'- "'.~ 3CA:tlr..umnoose Fu-ep!ace, 477-8270 St Paul studiO apartment Grosse \aterl presllgJous bo.Uldmg PO\IP-\\OBE.\CH Flonda DINING ROO~l set, 4 cane room, 1~ baths. gas and ST JOl:L'. HOoplt.a}anoa Cum' hJJl ba.oement 2 car garage POUlte area 88+5381 after 6 Includes library, cooIeren<.'e Oceanfront lU.'tUf) condo, 2 DAYTONA Beach - New lux- back chairs, matchmg water U1Cluded, appltances pletelJ remodeled one 5.r.5 t..astside Management pm and 'Iloeckends room. ccpler, modem pbooe bedroom, 2 bath, $2,000 per ury, 2 bedroom condo on ocean 6th floor balcony, server antlque mirror, end extras $450 moothh seeun. be-dr00.1:n t.Jl:le SJlJJ 881 Co 8M-3S90 TWO BEDRoo)1 home mcet)' S)'Stem already IIlStalled. month, -t months mlillmUID furmshed tables 771.8155 tyclepos1t So pets '751.3.)81 -tS8'7 SmrERSET near Cbandkr furmsbed Ideal (or 2 men or kitchen area and shower, 882-6057 completely Ta6-ei95 'BE.-\l TIFt. L fi\~ room Park Dr Sharp tv.o bed. coo..'Ple Lasl of ~O\'ember- uultues on Site, -O-A-\-'T-O-~-'--\-B-E-A-C-H--a-re-a-Reasonable rates After 7 GARAGE SALE, Frlday- pm, 278-7557 MODER.'" 3 bedroom ranch. apar!men" \'::tura! fire room upper Basement. ~!a) 1st 372~ secretarial space '0\ Ilh Oceanfront, Curmshed, 2 Saturday, 831 Bedford TV, attached 2 car garage full pla~ leadeD. glii~ n€\\ garage 1250 EastSide shared secretal"Lal ser\lce8 bedroom 2 bath condomm. CLEARWATER Beach 440 8 track tapes, record player, fmished basement :\eai carpet 1w r.a.ce appi>anee:. \!anagement Co 8&1-3890 eB=R6OMs avaJ..labie Ideal for accoun- turn Sleeps 6 Rental by West - gulf front lUXury 2 pIctures, frames, books, shopping, bus, hospital and decor 5I.i35De\or.5h1re L \KEPOI~TE In Grosse FOR RENT tanllallo)er or other profes- month or ....eek Xear 2 golf. bedroom, 2 bath C~ndo mIscellaneous household Available October 15tt> S.~5i POinte Park 2 bedroom, 5 slooals 884-1234 courses one bour from Pool, beach, walking d1s- ttems. duldren's clothwg QL'1ET CLEA"I/ pe1"SO'1 over and (6-12 years). luggage. much $1.000s.ecurit)' depo.:;,t $';'SOL 'u"" ER FL -\T .!. lkdruom" !'')Om lJp~r cQmpletely 10 MILEII.94 Doctor or den- DlSne\ World 1st floor tance to shops 30 Four doon from bus, restaurants. 5534104 more monthly Retl.N!e l){"eferred Ha\ ertll!..l r.ear East Warrep_ redecorated lIldudes one tist, 4,800 square foot. 22 of. m-8066 after 5 p m VIUagearea Call882-5519oc S2;u a month ~e.:urlt\ nedroom molher'ln-Iaw shoppmg and restaurants SOFA AND loveseat, beige/ 882-9686 dePOSit 83+419.. 8&i J3l4 . apartment $500 Eastside ~lce room Outer Dm'e/ flces All Ot' part Lease or PETOSKEY/HARBOR iE=GARAGE blue, cut velvet. excellent WarreD area ~3039 sell 28&-8113 SPRIXGS GROSSE POl~'TE Park - I -S • ~HLE GratIOt. near ~[anagement Co 88+3890 FOR RENT condJhon, red velvet sofa S~GLE ROOM QUIet neIgh- BUIlDING FOR lease -20451 Lakeside Club CoodolIUDlUID and loveseat and end tables House 5, Mal)-Iand. S32Sper SaratOt!a Hosp,tal 2 loed RENT TO OWN Mack Ave, - Grosse Pomte Fall color and golf reser.'a. IDEAL FOR boat or recrea. I. borhood, food optIOnal, 884-2414 rnooth. one month dEposit In, tional Yeh.tcle, heated With Available Xovember 1st room ,o; liat ...ppuanees ! Your ov.n borne Good areas reference; 82+-3352 Woods .(;xIS 6 Air condJ. boos IlO"ft being taken Com. 885-7138 carpeting $'285 per month Suburbs and Detroit Small htgh ceiling, 10 Grosse TRA.~SFERRED Selling an. ______3ll2~ or 372-ll5J4 d W ~ I uoned, part1al basement pletely furnished luxury. 2 ROOM A.,rn bouse use Neff Formerly used as medIcal bedroom, 2 bedroom Wlth PoInte Farms Call 8111.1107 tlque brass mcltnometer SOMERSET/Outer On"e 'c ,,~.._ own or .. mg peop e Street call early.\),1 or late from English cllIllC ideal for msurance, loft and to\\--nhouse rentals 1/2 OF double brick garage., area. 2 bedroom lo~ er LlE A \1) clean 2 Jt:W oom preferred. evemngs 885-531Y7 Unusual gift for saIl en. lo~er St Johr area S"Jt-} HANDLOS 882 7300 accountmg or attonle)"s of. on Round Lake By the OUter Drive near Chalmers. thUSlast, $30 8 Baker Stove, n-frigerator, S32S In- plus spl,t m.lIt'€::> Refr.ger.' - KITCHE="I A~n fanuly room flee $575 a montil Shon;- weekend, week, month or rt 521.3669 sofa. down cus!uons, sh~ ~~7Depoolt re- ater sto',e mduded Call ALTER-CHARLEVOIX prmleges Cook Road. Son- "ood E R l3ro',l.1l Realt\' season. EnJOY our all sea..."OO 88fH!710 . pool/spa facility Wlth the UVING covered soft yellow, $150 = I. 6 p &.'>-8495 Pomte Side, • SJMiung E\'~, 641.1~_ 6F-SHARE -'-,r launa.l'") er v.asber I:dryer Parting Illg Grosse Pomte area on QUIET, responsible female to secunty dePOSit InqUIre parking lrar", 1m. gararge No pet! ~ per 6D-VACATION room, 2 fun baths, fireplace, sole TV l:KV2602 purchased CadIeux Road and 1-94 ex. sleeps 12 Roomy deck over. share home witil two others 6/83 Full \\arranty 6/1l6 Ex- evenings at 5.21~103 maculate HBO gas S125 month plus utilitIes Fll"St. 4,Wl RENTALS ___ ~______886-~O or ~2 9549 last & secunty 82~ pn!SS\loay l'p to square lookJng lake 882-5749, 591. $175 !Dcludes utllltles cellent condJhon, $650 979- Ieet, modern office complex EXCLL'SIVE 2 bedroom 6180 Secunty dePOSit. 776-1400 TWOBEDROO!ttbndtbunga I Hnt:SE GR S 1435, 5-8 pm low, kitchen dmmg room. GROSSE POI.\"TE Park - .2 J • 0 SE POinte ....lth 60 car parkwg 88S- apartment In Pompano --,...,..--E-CH----- days Ask for Brenda ESTATE SALE 45 years ac- hviDg room, natural ftre- bedroom upper Xo pets Park $800 -t-6 months lease. 1.220 Beach Avatlable for rent BO:-\•• A B A Club condo, 886-0024 Flonda, 00 Gulf, 2 bedroom, FEMALE WANTED to share cumulatIOn ChIna, furro. place, fhushed baserr,ent Idea I t or adults $250 \lust sho~ upon request 1,300 SQ{;ARE fool office. 2 bath available OCtober 2 bedroom condo m Lake- recreal.Jon room garage lI' monthi" reat wduded ~,..I900, ext 2201or 882-9812 ture. bnc a brac Thursday. panelled carpet all' Rea. ~tARCO LSLAXD. Flonda - through January and Apnl shore Village WIth same Saturday, OCtober HH2 1()..4 eludes refng~ator slove 3Z-Ht14~'alter'; "fter 6 p m or ....eekends sonable 17411 Easl Warren South Seas 2 bedroom, 2 through June Jgi-8625 S200 monthly piUS share P m 167 Morass Road washer, dryer S315 plus l'PPER n -\T - Eas! '''ar GR(JSSE POl:\'TE Park 1102 88l-al25 bath. coo construction rushed, heated pool, tenrns """ L~ ;> OU:-'7Al;'l; Chalet, CentUJ") 21 And - 7i8-8115 courts, clubhouse Adults b) ~eek or ~eekend, fully EAST OL'TER Dnve - WhIt. 573-4495 8&t-:i7oo TI't'O BEDROO\l rO\C~ ~ Ith BISHOP near ~Iack 3 bed- tler 3 bedroom furnished preferred $800 monthly. op- eq'Jlpped Skl and SWIm Call JAMES A MONNIG SUPER~'lCE:Hbedroomtn. I garag.~ ~sto',e aNl remg "oom (12 bath bungalow PROFESSlO="IAL OFFICES bouse - garage Share With bon to buy Call305-793-H73 Sue, 581.4350 or 445-2180 BOOKSELLER level Fireplace 2 car at. erat'Jr __ 'fIle Harper I \l.llh fireplace garage 1m. illS! CIaII' Shores One male per month No :e,:~~ or 747-{)102 evenIngs S250 15243 MACK AVE tached garage. appl ..meES area, ,.;-0-.,.;).:;.;) I medtate occupancy S500 mmute from 1-94 and i-f.96 utilIties mcluded 884-7226 (at BeaconsfIeld) quiet, clean, cllJ6e to e~el]' GROSSE pijI''TE C t: - fcr 2,.'>,.; .. J600 Latesl cantem porary deeor m.,lCHJNSO~ Island Flonda FORT MYERS Beach gull I BooIts Bought & sold 10 many thing Utica schools $695 a o".e ....t;r; ilLes ar, .musuai ! JOH\STO:-''E & JOHXSTO:'-o'E Rent rncludes be:a t, all, elee. ~oodo _ at Green Turtle front condo. first 2 weeks, &G=SfORE tnClty and ;amtonal ser. Cove 2 bedroom. 2bath ten- Janual")' 1965 881-5728 different categones CaB month. ~T.105 apar:rrer,1 Bea'J'lflJl~) GROSSE POI"TE area 3 LEASE 885-2265 VIces 200-1.600 sq ft 1m. nIS boat dock. Immedtate SOUTH FLORIDA - Fort TWO BEDROO~t 7 !oca, ..-..1 ," Gr j:>S( Pc r,.e LI bedro.')m ! fireplace GROSSE POIl-.TE area Store mewate occupanc) Affor. ocean access One month "ljers Beach apartment Anytune for InformaYOn Mi.le-Gratlot $190 plus I.:till t), row" - u.l r;.atn !4l.,) gardge appliances $'295' for rent Inside In 16129 SUM~tER HOURS dable rates.. Cotl1J!l(lffl.ealtil minimum ..haliable Great locatIon, week, t1eS So ~ts 5ecuntj de Ide.. ' for' ,gk ,;or...: ;,4 i7~....~11 ~fack Corner o( BedfOfu 10 am. 5 pm 288-0022 ~ovember 1 through \larch month. season 881-5128 posit 8f.Hl90 F-\R\lBP'!)I)K ~t ,,,,,r 'Iaa GROSSE POI\!E:1 bedroom Rea!Onable rent. utilities FRI ,SAT & SU~ 15 $1 350 monlhly 222-35.13 'BISHOP - 4 bedroom l.: ar..1 \', ar-(-" .....e HkdrrY,m ..-x<.dlentCOt'J£iltlOf'land Ioea: H1.\1Smn..ITY Village toea. or 822 19'96 I \lILUO'liS GO TO FUJRIDA, fle'Aly decorated Beauty bath EnglL-;h Llbrar;. S65fJ rerr r.JC~l€';; ,;:cr..e'1 aM oath I t,V') $.U5 per month plus UOO Wlth pnvate aDd public but only a fev. may stay at sakln for 30 years (N,-ner RUMMAGE SALE month I ,'(}H~ rfIr 0;:< :d'CJ" $11'0per I ::e--'Jr.:\ .and utilities Call parkmg a~allable 1.000 SA.R.ASOT-\ Flonda ~teaclml.s Pehcan Cove Condo, on Gull retlred Call 882-0798 PEACE LlJTHERAN :-r,l}r;:r. pl..,lS ,../I:lt1oP:-; De~~ ..t I ';j..z..~)2..18 square feet rev. office space Conde 2 bedrooms 2 battiS, oC MexICO In Anna Mana CHL'RCH a,oVERLY-4tJeCroombath Coloma. Llbrar, 2 &.-I _r_e-a_JI_r_eG_,,~-r'.._~._}_.....' I1------BEfJf(JRD - 2 oed:oom WIth rest room F AlCAC pool, golf and ler.n1S Cau Island Beautlfull) ~a. 7-WANTEO n700 E WARRE:-' Pn ....ate entrance addjlloo 882-2237 led 2 bedrooms Call days - TO RENT FRro~ Y. ocr 12TH,9-1 garden room $1 50}!'morth n\~) BE:JW,.j"! "r""",F- C ": II ,I),o,er Heat 'ocluded 365- rlO'itunder (.onst.-.JCtlOOOc. , '>l'J.-S'l.li8 ( la I r ~"';r:. .. C" ~l1..1 Der f-;;r;-; l.f77 9074 , NEED TO rent 3,00(.'.5.000 cupa.'lI..'Y....Itilm f/) da}"S Call I m::-'TER'S DECOYS BERKSHIRE - ;) bedroo'Tl mC',...•• l,.:r~(tl~'2 "p I t'lTF'ORrent-East;~iiJe .J.Jlce Schultes 821~ FUJRlDA Longboat Key 2 squ.are feet bul1dJng space p .4 ....(f~ '-<... !...o: ..... t-d. .o;j11 c..., r. $200 a month 2 1500HARPER Desm:;ble of ocean \ionthl~ ren:41 only program, 2 days and 2 even. Rm $1.w:l month or Sl fj~) I flce 162xll' Ideal for I Pmate 26.'J.-~ • ,ngs per ....eek 881~OO or "",th an<.hors. $15028 VIC' furnIShed I "fJ' "t. \( I'l'."~[1' [rJ " :,?! D u.~,*CJ"tj refererx-es re I FOR lor plastiC du<.k decoys, I "~h"" f .," ;:>}-,~"~::..A r G~ ree (",II elfin 6, 771.32-41 rna nuf acturers representa 541-3477 P(J\IP-\'I,lj BEA.CH 2 bed mallard~ camas backs, LAKESHORE - .)'1 trl F'.J- ~ f t ..J"''P4-~ -, (..... rt! L ll..e busI!'le"...sperwn, ete f rOOIT,cor,do overlook\ng In- LARGE 1ST floor flat III the Water SpaC:'X,5 <:''l '=.'''; (" fH'rJ" ~~,. :-~J 1',,',-\LZi ((J'.(XJ Cot' rent' Comer of Cha 100 5t Clair i ....Ith anchor" $100 teTcoasl 'r t:' ..<' (Jreat; oe0~ 'd ," " . r ! k.'chen ~'){J ~tau. \ <...... I)\BiA~"> ColoradQ - Re REfI~'ED ADliL TS dr~lre 8B6-3-¥.fJ pa rklng kA t-er.tra! heat and I ' ..~ :~ -:,rf 1,-l-1 ~: ~ (,r""\ f rrr"" r,d R1vard ("! Calh~ I IlJ'>"erCIat or '>lOgl,. home Birch (lining r(....m: 5>et ~IX GROSSE P(JI'TE. aIr con Reascn"bl( R,,'€", (, _ ~ r ' '" • I (,f{ )....:,f POI\TE Park area Plec~ S2:.I) Esperanto by ~J 1'\. '1' ..c...... d "..;; bUlIF/,..f'/lfJ 8-ARTIClES .>~J'tOI I'~-H')ll ' H \1 I r;- .(, ' " ',ur;<..j HEO S-r.5 ~, fOR SALE mOl].;" ofCtr Stark upnght r(~ "'''1''' r .... r ... ~ .. J' ". oI"",.,..A .r~JfJ MIler- ~cretatj Jlt1CE DL'PLEX 'f) rr r' 2! plano $1 (IX! ('all aCtl'r 7 i ...;- ...," j '"--1 ..... ~1 , ------copier eomputt'r:;\ allable tr;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;;:=::=~' SA\JB1-,L I">L.\\f) f 'ondit bedrooms 280 \J'er Pt,.-/ (.ftl,,>-'r, P(/fYlF" Pan: - S2I)"J per ml) Includes I LllJrunO\.M'2 tof"(jrl)(,m2 bat.h FURS WANTED pm &.194%7 I ------O I I \', \H.t.~r" .. !.,{ J ~r .. and apphaoce" ~n. rr,f)~. .. ,c ..., _ ,_ \'"r.: .."..1 1tJp-:jroommeT utll/t,e5. alT c()fj(jltlOnmg et=6FFlcE Gulf ([('''It ('onljf)'; on thly 822 ~l1" ( f ~ ... "" (,'-' .. fl" ~ 2" ;, m(J .... ~ Z?h ~1l3 carpet dr"pe5 776-4if/J FOR RENT ~>f'...,ljllf\IJ <,,~'jIJn~ &>:trh All FJ ~.. ~(,. r-f (,...."" oI,..-jrd':"""" ! ------;,mE1"IJ:I~ mdud ~ prJOIand gros;e pOinte \ dJdo!( t~t- I.'j (I'J; v,rl k' '.{" (\1,11',[ X ',l,arTf'n area 2 1 t ..r,r,l~ ',l,,'e;;l) fA') :>498 LEE'S CesslOna! ru,der,r' 1 I Pr, (... ; • .-I! ( \r ~/'~r"""/m CdflJ'P'-:,et:t ~trJ~e ;j ( J I \l;I\TERATYJUthc:;...... 1' ., "'j r,f pf,i\TE - 2 ~J>f':f1rlf>rr. r .'ll2 12:"~ I 10')"( ['d' TWO BEDRoo ...r I ;.~ ...... i J::-):"rdrlltjr",'r'l'O-0ITP allap- I \fAR( I) J'L,\ 'fJ ((JfIljr/ clean, all UtJ,,!le-< Fh. fer , ',,- .rr~ I :- .....((/ $ -I, rTlf.Jr-'r. ~.a~ retirees E"SlV:::" S • : " . ..., (~- 'k W/f"'"~lrr.a1 oe( or ..,[t.r t. n ~r,,""/. 2f;) ".Ii " fJ r,f lll" r~J:' "'par,.. 2 secunty '.0 po: L- • L. -,; ~ ;_'..C ., "'1 \ c <;'J( i',:'A 4',2I"Jli ~}Pfjrr...,'T L h..,th j;,r'UlI. In UPPER FLAT Su;-" -c- r I ...... ,. t '- . r I) t' )"", }'rJ r,(t farm~ .; (rJff(}() n"'drj'rtJ 7J ,,(' J-a tIn plus secuntj (!t,.p t ,t J ( •• 'Jfr,r,'r h'J'I1P 1 l rkll/'""" rjr,."!' 'r,,"h rroA, Ar",rtr(,/r: .. mg room dmmjil rr,t",m H.-rj ,.. ~" ( ! rf ilr,.... '.(, (r,,((:r H.l~ldt-r,II.Il1 ~u,t€'> (rmlll'JlJVj ft If); (If) ~q 't ;,lor,l"ih.-r\IU (X ( ...~( (,I ,1' - r r,i, \hl} SpdOOUS 3 ford bet'oloeen \Iii( k ....ell rf-r r r- , f:("1,)1\~ef,f(ICel1 A\ailatlle Jilnuary I ,'iffr, lJ po- 11\ "'ii IrJnfl (form 1,....,Sl(~ -.3151 after I) p IT c, ~ j"''1J!r ~ ,,,, yF" r b..-(lr(,(Jm~ , halT, !CNer rJ(~IT(qj ~;:.., iflA /1 ' . ~!.I, I'.?A '()'f; ------PARK - 1426 \1an d7rJ- ,1 I!J() 1",(', y., ,'"nti.. I \f J j , ,I111r fWHI-.RT K <.,I-IRf> &I _\!->.'lfJ{ 1\\ Lower 3 t~()orn .(" ....n \()TTl \.....Jl • ("Jlf f((,fit 2 ~/{dr(....,m' (ad carpeted, appllAfl('e, g.a rage ff;n ~ h'~(1r-~Jl)rr~ 1(1;" t~r CLASSIFIED ADS 1J1--7i6-i261J for brodlu,,,,, BliH'AlJ2 8Jl2 _ not locludulg utilltl~ Ilrpp,,,u ~hdrr U j,lt,l" ' CALL 882-6900 4.J(fl • (II and &a"e thiS ad • az.8259 $2.'1, ?J'A,',;4 « • • • c •

    Page Seven.C Thursday. October 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS . i-ARTICLES i-ARTICLES 8-AR'lcr:ES I-ARTicLES 8-ARTlcLES a-XRTiClEs a-ARTiClES a-ARTiClES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE I FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD moving sale DEER RIFLE, Brownll1g MOVING - AIR cond!1I01lt:"S, THE LAST great garage sdle AMERICA'S CUP Rare and GARAGE SALE - Furmture, CYBIS Poreclam 3 rel1re

    J ' Thursday, OCtober 11, 1984 -Page t;ight-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS 120=tAkE lNb RIVER 11-CAAS 11-CARS ..~a-lRt1CLQ 8B-XFNiOuES 9-ARTICLES 11-CARS 11-CARS FOR SALE PROPERTY -:; FOR SAlE 1 FOR SALE WANTED ,FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE WATERFRONT GARAGESALE-someantl FlR~ITl'RE refm~she, loadeUfl.rooi ;7K mile:> OngUlaI 0 ....ner Loadt'd 10.\ ?Iml condltlOn throughout nt'" block 293 5497 or .HI BerksIure, \ Pdrk garage sale O"ental rug~ 108- TRUCKS t'{jJIPpt'd lc',,~ellef1t condl- S1 200 885-1i3l nu!ea2e excellent condl'lon Features GREAT ROOM $3.95()- offer S81-4J50 31126 GARAGE SALE - 1983 Fair Kl:lm ::-3rOlJ\.;" other;, 18th FOR SALE tlvP H 1I\.l.' !1,lb Sl\J (M) 198-1 OLDS Della llll concept WIth custom Yolcan- moot Blc)cle plus part;:, \."r.tun c3'1dle"tanos H;a Dl)DGE \an Ro\al 88b-r.l~ Brougham, " door, full) 19tH BL'ICK RI\ 'erd diesel. 1900 l HE\ E ITE -- excellent IC rock hreplace and door- Lionel tra'n. ',lIrter c!otne> \\ lnd''een Bea lI'aple SIde Cl-:i!f Ir,)[\ 8lf2-tril': good lOn<1Jtlon dean $3550 1977OLDS Regenc} 98 Tnple 1978 COL'PE de\ Ille loadt:'<1 CODSfield<1:.0 Harper l'ranJeller pair Sandlllch .. or ~t otter E\er'lllgs ~ rU'lproof ~6 ()iJt) 1l11les seav.all at the canal A large black 4 door good condJ under -IU WJ mil"", Sol ';1I(l S3 '1\.10)dll1 Oi68 kltchen v. IUtexcellent duung SOLID OAK round CDttee lamp::. \ ll':O~'an I urnlture 11-CARS ~52':> tlOn After -I p m 884-2598 best S82 17Lr2 table, \lml E Z Bo\ ch.alr \la'll col!fftlble,aoolbelul FOR SALE lS7~ FORD \Iustang - ~ r ..\lARO 197b 305 \' 8 area, mcludes all ap- 1979I~P ALA v.agoD aIr coo- 1'::l8-4\IO\"1'E Carlo SS 9 OliO) pllances 3 bedrooms lIlrlud- color T\ . sue 11.>-12lame:, lte:n~ furr telfe P3111tllli!S !975 \Il. \l>!Jget Fk'nda car L \ llraer :<.O84 2\173 -\\1 F\l ,tereo la~~ette "Garage Sa!" Qu,,:'t •. :<:,,'~ OUT OF GROSSE &H S2SS 82~ .lllJ4 garage 'ExceptlOnally 197-1OLDS Omega - 2 door 6 1~ \I\LlBl Goodtran"por ,r'drp S13 .350 83"2-{j711 Bah> fUfT' ture ~h 'd:t'r, ',!-\'\lHE:,1ER pnced at $98,500 clothes "!t..... '!l"".'...r~L -\\TI~L'E\!-\LL POINTEAREAMUST ,...:; H1lRlLl\~\ TO natch c\ hnder suck .\.\1 F~t ta lion $150 or be-< t go2=? !777 I h 1%2 rut PE :11:\Ille - ,\hile C.\.LL GIL WIT'TE:\'BERG ---"'lmg"" 'J.,.. l nll::cLl! ...., Inut \ fJlld ;:, 'Iep Dad, .\< \\ \!lc t:'l,'1 tires Runs good $-lli 3-43-0650 1~ PU'\"1'IK ::-u!'h1rd -\'1 -• ....,.. :..a ~ ~\l'fal S.,,"'" BE PREPAID'II r b k llf, \\ lllte r B e"cellenl FOR PRI\' ATE household te,b mc,udill,i( oac .. cllir:a cablri:'t "-iti' u••lj !.. re ,. ["doo!"'> ar.dlaned GROSSE POINTE "1:\\ tune..!;> -\\\ F\Il"ddlo condJtlOn cheap .3434483 tng -f C) lmoer 11t:1I paint - lam ps.ta .hJ'"-,,;l'Ub.,,er I " ' '\e\ er jr, \ en In .1 mter SHOWI:-\G - 488 Was~lngtor; Frlda._ crb'lng 11" Ea,;,t \lam NEWS ,11e\('~1l"l'Jt lOEOlUor smer is'; 4 ~lERCl"RY \lontera) red .w IJ\)l.} mile" 5"2S()O or CE~Tl'RY 21, AVID 10/12 1(1-4 Saturda. JJ 13 \IdnC'le"ter open 7 da\:> Altn plaid Irtenof -u.klng S11 -l7:J 7.>9 VLl2'3 custom \e~ tlres batten best ~2 1739 7;H~) Ti8-8100 ~3 . W-5 .u8-9"J57 I D0D(,E D \RT l~ - n:t_U1_1~ S2 ~I\) Call d.i)~ 7768500 _...... _\ ..,f'HnO'.:: ~ Q"r~ €~hau,t ,>\stem S900 beSt lr 5r(..," e"teLor l!1.!iCHE\ETIE 4s~.;,au-, Outstandmg, umque, charm- foe estates oan.lo:s nrH I p'-'Y .. bufrel E"(cel1e'lt (Ono)lt,(,'1 olad. 'Herlor .'l1f needs radIO 265uO nllle> $'2200 1977 CHRYSLER Cordoba I981 CHR\SLER Impenal -- 109 describe thl!> lakefront • ~?~~:1,0?~"1 ,,;:,Ca II john S700 88.f--L165 trunt erd '.I orr-. Belore i - 8.-".-1 US/I Full) PO'"er. interior \t''I] 35 000 mile" ~lh er exterior WANTED home BO' of steel sea ....ell l .xcuuc .pla;. cmtec:ura! antiques lJ1 u-e ru:-.s "ell Res")rab1e S811) dJtlOI1 $3 m make offer 77~100 • 3363 ~Ld""est Featunng a \ast Call8S2-4!:1&! &s1 j558 PO:\ T1-\C 1982J 20011 ioade-7835 ceHent coOOttlon. $11,500 brakes automatIc $5.000 Unwanted Car. ton G P and ',\mdo',I,s fireplace ------822 ...'liH6 E ..ecwgs 881-3320 Grosse Po1Ote Woods - _ ,rosse olnte Park mante.s bars back tars ClT -\TlO\ 1982 Hioor Hone TOYOT.\. Tercel SR-5 1982. BU LL AUTO PARTS Park Immedlate posses- 1977 COL'FE de\'tlle, \Hle's FORMICA K[T(,HE~ set 4 orass chand ...llers and ar e"(tras best offer 884 3OS4 front y,lleel dn\e TuIfkote. HO~DA o\CCORD LX 1981- S1On. (4QCLA> Call Tonya car 047,000nules fie ... pam!. hatchback, 5 speed, stereo 894-4488 - chairs. $'1..5 Solid rrJWln'green I a m .5 pm'; da) S a \\ eeJ.. 03'2S sun roof loaded. ~ltchelms deVille JC'\'K OR \\ recke, A~I F~I MOTORS 8100 10-'" llrn'e. - lully e~ulpped Wire ....heels S1495 208i0 Fnda .., October 12th.i-lO rust or dents miles \lust "_aulflce Best offer 14 -\LL\n.'\L'~l fishmg boat BOAT LOVERS PARADISE $2SO Oakdesk-7dra\\er- pm Sa' turua)-'- vduvdr>_ -,,- l->u',," runs great S1 195 or offer 8&1-9018 526-9"2fJO $10,800 8M-4993 ~lack A\e II ith oars $300 886-9894 Excepnonal waterfront home needs stripping $75 Atan noon ~o10 p m Sunda) OC ';5!t-5&i7 1'''''''' OLDS _ ""', Rpc_en~\. I 1978FlREBIRD Espnt load 1979 VW Rabbit dIesel - -1 before 2 p m located on extra Wide, extra with games. Sl00 Rattan tober 14th noon to 5 pm""" "" '-" '" ed. t-tops. no rust 101\ clJair W1th cushiOns ex. Hohdaj Inn \\mdsor Ad- 19'74CHRYSLER :\e-"'port - Loaded ~ door excellent speed, air. hke IJe'lL.\. ... l'ringerator J.C. WYNO'S 198:3 REGE'\'CY Brougham Excellent condItIOn. ne\\ tic, loaded, white, 32,000 transportatIOn. and co\er Great for fIShing features 3 bedrooms, 2 -n Thursda} evenmg. 884-1695 $25; pull d<>?Bl ICK Centur.. 2 door 4 - """"" '9 """ 1970~n..STAXG Mach 1-351 277Ti Schoolcrait at Inkster """ green, ") Sr-~~ alr_ " vvv 1979 \\ ELLCRAF'T. 196 sun fonnal dIning "L" overlook- Cleveland, -l harrel. super 1979OLDSMOBILE 88 2 door ....- .. USlCAL I C\ 11nder. mmt cooomon. mtles sharp S3.650 885- hatch EZ loader tratler.lov. mg water. Lovely fanuly -' Ln0lll8 most optIOns S81000r best 6719 straight, Caroltna car automatIc. alr, clean S4 350 hours e"(cellent condJtlon room mcluding flreplace .; INSTRUMENTS I Hours !H Free AdmlsslOn 8&l-J.OH / Sharp, S3 795 or best offer 882-44)38 , Over 100 Dealers I 1!r.'6 PO:\.,.I -\C Grand Salan ~llJStsell Days 574-3400,ext and doorwall facmg canal 881-5546 "'eekends, v.eek- 1982 FORD Escort -I door USED PIANOS J C WYXO 1979 FORD Falrmont statIon statlOn ....agon $850 881.8931. fjg22 E\'emngs 263-0223 FlI'St floor laundry including days (519) 893-2968 A~lJn! stereo 4 speed I 172.2253 '<\ agon Au- steenng/ i!r. 4 FlREBlRD Trans Am - ~tt:ST SELL washer, dryer Central au-, SALE NOW. $3,200 886-9215 after 6 p m ON . brakes ne ... shocks all t~6 PACER - excellent con- 30 19i6 C C seasklff cabm underground spnnklers, • Consoles - Spinets. Grands '.\eather tires brakes ex- ~t~~ Surestart, 8C=OFFICE chtlon, 34,000 miles. $1.200 1974 PO~TIAC 2 door 6 cruiser tll In engme $1 900 steel seawall, attached ABBEY P!A.,\,O CO EQUIPMENT cellent condition Best offer Call after 5 pm, 824-3830 cyhnder, good engine 1952 3-1 C C Commander garage Reducedto$118,OOO. ::, ROYAL OAK - 5-lHU6 1978 ~IERCt:RY Zephjr traIlSrrnsslon, tues muffler. n\o PERSIA'\j t\pe 9'>:12 886-9335 .....agon VB. automatlc au- 1m FORD Fiesta - standard, t\lm 175 10 CALL GIL WITTENBERG • " PIANOS WANTED ,.",,<: Xerox 550 SVoweland Hfi9 ~tERCl'RY Capn - 4. II t dJt good cond1 bon CallIl81-279(l, heater $-tOO Call after 6 v.ater S4 000 Both need FOR PRIVATE • eH PAID • "'eo' I .. s,ereo, exce en oeD Ion. pm 823-2717 TOP C n.;) ~ office ehaU'S 1 Phone Mate CI a utomatlc aIr 51 850 296-3769 ~8045 1m 'Y'Vi - ne-.\ brakes, good some \Iork' 0....ner forces - GlAR.\.\TEED ...... exce ~nl co t10n 9-ARTICLES e9/i!1 after 5 p m chalrs good rubber S2 700 dJhoo. $80() or best offer 259-8500, ask for ~Ir Regular Polj & Canvas freighter channel of Lake St. ClaIr 45 mInutes from 331-0873 alter;) pm WANTED B84-{f227 Bal-1745 Duncan CO\ ers .\vallable '6AXOPHO.'\E. .\lto Bund; ...... , 1919 F.\.IR \10:\ T nlack I," 8 1915 \ "EGA - Automatlc ask- DetrOIt 1983 HO~DA Accord SE 1978 ~fAUBL' ClaSSIC - air at Super Discount '_ with cassette lesson and SHOTGC':-'S and nll~ ''\, st~r- PROPERTIES sen1ce records 9 '#) 445 211'..0 • CadIeUX at E .\am:n TOY TRAINS I ,r,g po-"'er tlrake:> \;,! f:\t 131"u'.f.j1 hres shocks, brakes 58 000 eo 'Ii mpg ~ ilf{) Wr JP)'",j S),( offices, one effiCiency :Flea Market e~e'l] SatoJrJ.aj ANY CONDITION 3 IJrnO\ ar.d I. ~kf'rd, {I)!t-Z;;2 #'\ I ~llJt"1 All new tires pm &aj,.2Ml after 4 p m : between 10 aM il 'i:; \!or.1 "ER'l f LE-\"" BETTER I rp, r y\,x _"',., - .-' I: I~A P().\l!-\(

    13-REAL ESTATE 13A-LOTS 16-PETS 1'E-COMMERCiAl 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE GROSSE POINTE Pal' k 20 UNIT COMPLEX CARRINGTON Place $95.000 FREEl !,'ULL ~rown Labra- INVESTMENT PROPERT'x GROSSE POINTE WOODS GROSSE POINTE Shores 2 GO Large clean spacIOus hOIll e TAX SlIELTEH Grosse Pomte Farms Be. dor Good WIth children - Lower level commercial, Spacious H bedroom Coloma I bedroom ranch Move In Big fanllly loom, giant fo r. Modelll terrace apal tments tween Lakeshore and ('oun. _ Shots. spn)-ed BM 9048 second floor apartments GET Family room, fireplace condltlon I\1dny extras 035 South Edgewood Dnve ilia I dllung loom, till e e over lookmg a garden faun try Club Golf Course Owner FREE KITTEN..., - 6 y,eeks Completely rented Call for Freshly decorated, new car. con!>lders finanCIng 644- petlng Beautiful neighbor- Days, B81 1B87, evelllngs bedrooms, with I.lrg 'C tam 8-Mlle GrdUot area old Call Gdll, 1186-1848 or details 'EM r. 4792. 962 0186 hood, 1112%-$77,500 885,7710 closets, near schools. affo Sepal ate meters, excellent 4456510 DANAHER, BAER, dable $54,900 \i\1.llj2) (,llsh I etUl n $17,000 per umt WILSON & STROH TIGERSI r, OPEN SUNDAY, 25 1773 13B-CEMETERY PEKINESE pUpplC!> - 10 Chambellam 771 8900 Land Contr.ld tel ms a\ all \leeks old, !>hou., ....ormed, 885-7000 FORMAL ASSUMPTION Prest 1\ Ick ImpCt'cabl)' able PROPERTY Hereford - Sharp 2 bedroom malllt.llned .3 bedroom bllCk CADIEUX/r.lOHANG alea AKC paper'> 772 3978 EXCELLENT tradltlonal ~EFF-MACK area 2 bedroom HART REALTY 11851220 FOUR GU:N fo:den MemOrial WIth expansIOn attlc Appll, low down paymcnt 1:.III DALMATIAN pup, :; monthll commercial bUlldmg on alummum. full basement landl Ne\H'r loof, fUlndce, Cemctery plots $'395 each ances, basement. huge treed hot \~.Iter hp,lter, I('modeled move you IIlto thiS .3 ~'l' ('LAI H I\llclllgal1 \ on golf old male ~h()\1 home only The HIli Approx 2500 sq Land Contracl tellns, 10 lll') llll'i lot With garage and brick kitchen, ('tate 886- flreplac£' H('llt I}lth optl 011 (,l1l11ly IIICOlllt' ghl'at ex 2 l EMEIEHY lol!> at Mt ------foot lot mediate pccupanc} A!>kfor lUTE LI1'fLE pupplrs - $2U 4200 .lIso aV.ltl.lble Centu I)- lellct>! 10l,Ition fll'xlble 0111et Cemeter)- ::492 !.ectlOn DANAHER,BAER ('r:llil - Centurv 21 Villa EXECUTIVE COLONIAL 21-Avld, 778 8100 Call 121 1711 521-isoo . ' 1899 LOClli\WOH 11~ :,tory 'clm,> Hll5 6215 H, $lHOfor both ('.111aftel 4, WILSO~ & STROH Edmunton, 4 bedroom in 5t Two bedroom!>, plus I\alk 855 COOK 3 bedl oom, 2 ~tor Y TWO BEDROOM cO 01' I'lr!>l 978 B lb-l 885-7000 KELLY - 9 r.hle area E.lSt CI.Hr Shores finest area, 2 ~ 16C-P~T ' thru, 2 balhs Llvmg Ideal 10eatIOn O\~ IlC r. floor, lle,lI VlIldge, I ('d~OIl DetrOit Custom 3 bedroom bath fanuly room. first floor rooml BOARDING FOR SALE -- Plofes!>lOnal flrepldce, den, F!ollda $120,000 Evcrtlllg!>, b41 7158 able Shol e~1ood 882 -l088 14-REAL ESTATE Colomal ranch famd~ room laundr}, attdched gal age bUlldmg, 123 Mack fron- room All .1lumll1t11ll tnm, us WANTED \\ lth flrepldce, 21l baths, S1' CLAIR Shores - gO! geo BAHLO\\' Iledr GlatlOt II \ v!'~,\ happ} hM'>e board tage Glos!>e Pomte \\ ood!> nml fUI na((' ne\1 er loof ng ,HJ{)800 . central aIr, Ile\\ fUInace. CON'DU~tlNlU 1\1 2 bedroom condo LIVI Hllck 2 bedroom 118-l.355!1 GUARANTEED SALE at K \lre ... B(JX .,tpt ~uur home ....Ith us If It an'n,l ,\ORTHEAST Detlolt at 1-94 ,Ifler 4 p m 886 B8ll7 $82 ,500 kitchen, l' _ bdth!> PllV.l te penH'lIt, carpol t ut.lI I} d()('"n t !>ell \1...... \::'sumable mortgage 775 apphances, .llr, $.l5,900 plat I.' BII-I JjilJ 2111:> BaltImore 8,000 !>quare foot, modern 01 LINCOLN ROAD \\e \\ III Bu) It ' 1789 extl d!. (l\I.I!>OlllCI ill:e buildmg I~Ith large ad 11\ 5 '; lldt YOI J..shlre near 20-GENERAL INCOME PHOPEHTY GROSSE POINTE CITY LIKE NEW -- 3 bedlou STIEBER REALTY Jacent parkmg lot 50% lea!>e LEo\SE OPTION, 5 bedroom blilk Ianch, (u!>tom LJulit (hdlldlel Pdrk 01 Ill' l ppel 775-4900 SERVICE 6/3 brick III mce area Ne\\ fur. Beautiful!'. mamlmned center 'iIlKe t9l11 to long tune tenant al double Park home - newly decora. ed I ('Ilted ,It $l2:>, 10\~er 1,1(,lI1t ------nace, hot II ater dnd electflc ha II Colomal tin ee bed. kitchell, tastefullv delOrdt HOUSE: OJ{ I"LAl U:. G CO\'lTRl nIO\, CU net 50% Alallable for 0\\ ner ted I~Ith nell falmh room e AppJI.lnee,> JIIeludt'd Anx Fireplace, dell, all updated looms 2' ~ new bath!> throughout 2 cill gal dg Ha lid) man \\ ant., propert} ~fa~onr)- rl.p..llr~ lhlrnne)s. - user or to lease at double modern kItchen, available l\lodel n country kitchen lot!> of extl.l!> 1\1l1\t lOnd 1- lUllS 10 ,cll, $l3 000 lot.!0279 Good flllancmg !>llltable for rentnl In the pahlJS pordw,; ">peclallzl1lg net 885 1220 October 15 9'22 3560,9-5 P m $125,I.lOO . tlOn Open SUnd.l) 2 5 229:>-! NEFf" :i70 572, 2, bcdlOOIl1S <-;Io!>"e POlOte drea Bob In Fwldc,tone fireplace.. LJ 885,7751 after 5 BY O\'v;llER CldU wood Sch'" CltZCI He d I dlldU!': VlI 11 ~;,;.: for sale $400 per rental 6136 775-4900 ATTE,,>; 110:"0. Broker!>, HA:'I:OY\IA' y,lth trUCK and Harper E ...cellent ta ... :'110BHOKE1{S 8828890 Gal dcn!> 886 -1200 S'1 ('L,\lH .l bedioolll, 2' YorkshIre 881-6966 CONDO - Beautiful locatIOn Bdnker!>, 0\\ ners 1m .",tor; lIedn bd'>Crf)ent". ,;.. rage. advantage THREE BEDHOl\I bungalo\ v bath cOlltcmpol al) home, on Lake St Clair 2 bed, TWO FAMILY flat, Grosse etc We !.IU\ All eash etl. An~ haulmg odd JOb:. 51' CLAIR Shores - 22645 4 houses off Moro!>'> ne. \l "pu a I !>t 6.!Tl \IEDlCAL bUlldmg - on Kel Rosedale Charmmg 3 bed- $650 a month mcome 103~% Kelly FIllIshed !;dsement, 2 \nuel !>cn II mdoll '>, l.u!>tom ------room 112 stor) resIdence on 212 baths. newly bUIlt, pnce baths, 2 cal garage, cal pe t Immediate clo:>lIlgs ClIl IIA'iOY~I1':\ - experienced Iy m East DetrOit 3 uruts, assumable mortgage kitchen 95xl51 lot III 8869116 Eastland Realty 50xlJJ lot, paneled ree room $115,000 773-5872, 881-1236, IIlg Tip top shape Ca II pi estlglOus nOI thend neigh III odd JObs boa t ~ ork, \ ard -1,700square foot. nev. er con- $49,900 2B6 8113 Co, 16325 Harper Ave, structIOn A solid Illvest. and lav m basement, 2 car 1?Q-7440 weekdays after 5 p m borhood A,klllg ~B5,OOO \\ork, gutters. pal1llmg. etc garage. excellent condition Delrolt, :\Ilchlgan 48224 Call Tom 886 -llil!2 Dtate - 4 Call after 4 pm, 79l--l199 bed I 00111 2' _ bath Engh!>h II1ACK AVE~UE near Warren BY OWNER Outstandmg Enghsh 1'udOl Four bedrooms EXCEPTION ALL Y lllce -I I. Tudor home, 3 doon\ ,Ills 15-BUSINESS 20A-CARPET & Mack mtersectlOn Profes. 311 TOURAINE ROAD and office 2nd floor, JI2 baths Marble stall'S and bedroom center hall Co OPPORTUNITIES slOnal bUlldmg \\ lth '6) ex- fireplace Gold-leaf trun, Gumwood, leaded glass olHal on North O'lford Hd lcadlllg to decks, fam'l} LAYING Grosse Pomte Farms 4 bed. room features hrepldce ,lI1d HIGH-RISK - HIgh Yield amming rooms, (2\ consul. rooms, 412 baths, large den doors on 1st floor Pel\abic tile Modern kitchen Has a den and large falllil Y wetbar, master sUite \llth Motel O\'cner In active CARPET I:'O~T \LLATIONS tatlOn rooms. (4) lavs . of. 1\ith stone fireplace, wood Fimshed basement 4,000 sq it 3rd floor bedroom and room With raised bnc 'k fireplace, Mutschler kit recreatIOn area ~orthern - $1 50 a )oard (' house prlces Over 20 years III block from Brownell and 329-9036 HIGBIE-MAXO~. INC Kerby Schools ThiS IS a natural fireplace, large updated kitchen, family room, OPEN SUNDAY, 2-5 826-3743 expenence 886-3400 truely outstandlllg home dmlng room, fInished ree room With \\ et bar, central 121 RIdge Road, Four bedroon 1 EAST DETHOIT - Open Sun- ADULT FOSTER care faclh 776-3604 all'. gas heat, spnnkler system, 212 car garage, 2,550 d daY,25 19065 MorningsIde With a superb hvmg plan brIck FIreplace, fmlshc ty located on the St Clair CARPET LA \'I:'\G 12F-NORTHERN Ideal for family or entertam square feet corner lot, beautifully landscaped. cir- basement, 2 car garage, e ... FlIlest area of h:ast DetrOit Rlvel', currently hcensed for cular dnve, 3 schools wlthm 1'2 mile 10% Land Con- IS offermg a gl eal buy on NEW AND OLD PROPERTY IIlg By owner, 886-2737 tra deep lot $84,900 6, can be expanded Flr5t StaIrs Carpeted Shlfled tract terms avallable $119,500 Immediate occupancy THE REAL ESTA l'E thiS 3 bedroom brick ranch. CADIEUX - East Warren 3 class operation. shOll lIlg Repairs of All Types GAYLORD AREA central all', country kitchen, bedroom brick bungalo\\ MARKET good cash flolY ALSO 5% down. 912% IIlterest, 5 year BY APPOINTMENT - NO BROKERS - OWNER 445-1300 2 car garage Priced to sell 212 car garage. full bas, CARPETI~G, \'I~YL balloon flllanclllg offered on 886 3456 Make offer Century 21- ment For sale by owner, PRICED TO SELL 2,000 SQUARE feet of retail HARD\\OOD thiS lakefront chalet With 4 Nance Ask for Ursula 771- space III the St Clair shopp cheaper than rentmg Land ExceptIOnal opportumty 011 Samples Shml II III bedrooms, 214 baths, 21'2 car 7771 Contract or rent With opllon large 4 bedroom Colomalu 1 IIlg mall 2 entrances Your Home garage With 360 feet of front. HOUSE FOR SALE to buy Must sell For ap- prime executlve area nea r ELEVEN MILE - Jefferson BOB TRUDEL age on Island Lake Asklllg SpacIOus 3 bedroom bnck Colomal home IS located III a pointment, 832-3755 Metro Beach PflCed $10,000 area Condomlmum - qUick ST CLAIR hotel and bar, close 77-17590 days. 2901-5896e\'K $105,000 For details contact' lovely qUiet neighborhood Situated 111!blocks north possessIOn, $35,900 or best of. to St Clair Manna. estab- M:ORA VIAN FOREST under slmular homes III GLASSER REAL ESTATE of Mack Avenue Three blocks west of Cadieux Pro- fer Beautlful large one lished clientele, attach(,([ 2 Beautiful private sub diVISIOn area - for qUick sale For 20a-REFRIGERATION 149 W MaIn vldmg easy access to the amemtles of the Pomtes, as bedroom upper, carpet and bedroom lIVIng quarters 111 Chnton Township, 12 mal dming first floor,laun - AND AIR Gaylord. Michigan 49735 well as pflvate and pubhc school faclhtles ThiS 1,Boo 1 dry, large kitchen, 2 L baths appliances Excellent condl CONDITIONING block north of Metro Drive, square foot home also has 1 full, one 1 ~ bath, kitchen 58 SEAT remodeled restau. 517-732-6464 family room, flreplacc, at tlOn,881-8817 and Garfield First offermg With breakfast nook, family room. formal dInmg r.lnt, new kitchen, large REPAIR 1 tached garage Land Con 13-REAL ESTATE Light brIck ranch, 2 '2 car room, natural fIreplace. drapes, appliances. natural 1oti5 MAHYLAND 3 bedroom parkIng lot, poSSible Land tract terms, 7 }'ears RICHIE'S apphalll€S ,erVll.e attached garage 3 bed- \',ood\\ork, and more Decorated III earth tones With bnck, $1,500 down to FOR SALE CALL GIL WITTENBERG Contract terms center Sen Ice on ,111majOr rooms, 2101 baths, family carpetmg throughout Priced to !>ell Oflgmally listed qualified buyer 822 86-16, FOR PRIVATE JOACHIM REALTY, INC appliance, 100% guar,mtee ST CLAIR SHORES One of a room WIth fireplace, first at $55,000 Now askmg $45,000 Could be estimated m 11243B34 kmd beautiful 4 bedroom APPOINTMENT SHOWING 32!HlOJ6 885-0079 floor laundry room, come propert)o Call DebbIe 313-239-5822, 9 5 P m or FRASER - 5 acres. J bed- Coloma I FeaturIng fonnal CENTURY 21. AVID hydromc heat, extra large 313 232 8015 evemngs and weekends room, ranch utility bUlldmg. INVESTORS WANTED for 2oc-CRIMNEY dmmg, family room, 778-8100 expansIOn 1Il Grosse Pomte AND patio Many beautiful trees frUIt trees. etc 791 0569 FIREPLACE {Ireplace, flmshed base- Priced to sell $10B,000 GROSSE POINTE Woods con area Established fitness ment, bUIlt-in pool, canal BmCH LANE- cOI'porallon looklllg for REPAIR Corrie-and-see thiS property do - 2 bedroom, 2' ~ bath . rights, profeSSional land. SUNDAY, 2-5 many extras, must see, 2 car IN THE WOODS sllent pal tner Excellent op- FIREPLACES, \I ood StOH'l>. scaplllg and more' Askmg 16256 TIMBERVIEW carports storage, sunn) , B )0 Ollller, three bedroom PQrtul1lly Please reply to 011 flues cleaned CtrurtlOn, charm Coachhght Chlnllle} ~\\ ,....p fllllshed basement, new fur- formal dmmg room, [anlll) , Comp.111} $64.900 Open Sunday, 1-4 IlIg detatls, natural cherr} ~ASHA (mall' <.; Ill\( ,e I nace, hot \\ater heater, new loom, 2 nnlural fireplace!>, p m 882-4027 No brokers I\OOdl\Ork, leaded glass insulatIOn, marble fIreplace garage Heduced to $77,900 al~altLllg ,\Clopl tnend marble SIll>, plu~h wool 885-3733 With solld brass CU'ltom Ask for Audrcy Iy home o\~lie. I doca tmg SHOREPOINTE 1993 Condo- fireplace doors Refrigera- carpet, oak floors Kitchen 885-8507 Safel~ Burn \\ 001 il;;-- mmlUffi III Grosse Pomte tor, !>tove, air condillomng III METRO and family room remodeled ONE 'x fo:AR old ('tandmg land. mcludmg Jenn Air range Chimney NI.'el\lnal Woods, front umt Call master bedroom $69.500 scapmg With brick wnlled court and private bnck terrnce, EAST REALTY \\eek old kltlen~ Free to 881-9133 for appomtment I 7754720, John D and bUIIl'1Il book cascs good home 884 4oM.! Care, cleaned and h~~led make thiS 4 bedroom, 2''2 bath home a must to see at 372-4800 $93,500 BJ7 FISher Road 1186- With No Mesl>, No Dust $198,500 Many. many other speCial features too numerous ONE BEDROOM condo Heat 6294 BEAUTIFUL puppies, 6 CERTIFIED AND I:'liStTRED 1246 BERKSHIRE to list here Call for all the details Included 881 7717 months, housebroken Free J & J CHIMNEY NCOME, 5/4 recently, S\\EEPS GROSSE POINTE PARK TAPPAN & ASSOC. 884-6200 I to elderly pt-'Ople 881-3276 77J 1#4 TODAY'S BEST remodeled, natural wood- By Owner Well mamtamed English style brick home on work. leaded glass, good FREE PUPPIES Sheltle/Col- deep and attractive lot 4 bedrooms. tv"o and one half CHANTICLEER BUYS startel home or lIlv~tment lie mix Black llnd \\ hlte. 1 ~ baths. 2 fireplaces. natural hardwood floors Study or Offenng the mcomparable GROSSE POINTE Must l>ec 881 1089, afler 5 male, I female S \leeks 839- CHELSEA LOCK 1."0 family room off lIvmg room opens on to patIO Dm New IIstmg 7 room Coloma I pm 7.!12 17012 MACK - G P P AWARD WINNING CONDOMINIUMS Bonded Locksmiths mg room, breakfast room and kitchen With Jenn-alr Lavon first floor Gas heat, IVAHD - SpacIOus Enghsh ANIMAL HOSPIT.\L Spectacular smgle family ranches and to'Wnhouses avaIl- R Locks - • Iru.lallt."idedrive. Tudor IlIcome, musl sell We have cals, kltten~, and a blocks from schools Owners transferred. mortgage able on our successful "BUYERS INCENTIVE PRO. 2 car garage Under $40 000 lop {'tnal fIreplace, two bedrooms and hbrary, 21l balhs, 1st floor 4 Family bllck flat, gl eat III C1call ,Idu...c 2 brdroom OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P,M. laundry room, full basement for necessary exparu.lOn, two 343-9144 lome Modest price E.t~\ tOIl nhou.,e ('orner \ifill, \~ltl1 If you lose OR BY APPOINTMENT car garage With direct acces!> and MOHE Opemng new me tcrm'> MOlley m.lkl'l' <. .111 L(,lltl,ll all', \\f1 her, dr)l'r - bUlldlllgs In heaVily treed area for privacy DeSign your dl!>h~1,•.,her, d I po~al, IIll or find me own lIltenor for your c(lrefrce lifestyle llIld enjoyment for detilll> FOR Gro"sl' Pomte Park, I !It'd II1Hh!LPl $4!l HOO Furmllll c' Convelllently If)( (lted to ~hoPPlllg, culturnl centcrl>, OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 room Colorllal v.llh ('d Thur~day ~l(ll' dflle, lar~e 2 (,,11 TN l1111\ II no dO'>IIl~ 10"t; ThiS IS a vcr} special contemporary home near the lake 'IIorth off II \liI(' rtond, Col~t of 1 e1cgraph Hoad g,lfilgl' PIIl/.(1 to :-cll SJ7 IX~II "ldll'U'I I'1-/ ,lIl',1 III the l"arms • Custom.'>OClale $42,900 I'!,! m" Hill 0110\ T ....o <;tory studiO cellmg fo)-er • LIVing room With mar 354-4330 CROWN REAL TV COACHLIGHT CHIMNEY j blE-fireplace' Formal dmlng room • First floor master Another de\r!lJpmc'nt h} Monl'tary 111\l",>lment ciroup 13A-LOTS SWEEP COMAANY bedroom SUlte plu!. llx18 dre'>smg room and bath. Two 821-6500 ('0 op hr(,kerdge 111\ IIt'd FOR SALE eER 1It !i,.1) ...:so bedrooms and bath up • Po ...... der room' Family room TOM :o.h IHl:\,;\LO & SO;'IJ I lHll (;E~EHAl IO;'\; With Bar B Cue' Well desIgned kitchen' Garden room ill,1',111,) j lll/ III ;\Idl' II' 'l of No !\II"" • In_"ured I Yolth two c;hdmg wmdow walls' RecreatIOn room WIth $5,000 1 Iltll' '\l.lck III "t (1.\11 We'll run your ad l \ll\lpl~'ll' j :-'hOll'~ lont'" H I L uull! hI' flrl"place book '>helves and many extra features • Wor A.,"UIlH''> Lnnd 1'01111 H 1 Oll FREEl! \. hlnHll'\ i.':U't' I my chestnut paneling • Bnck walls • Parquet, oak H) 011\ 101'1'11 ~l (Jail \hOH'C, 882-6900 .l \"n~1 and slate floonng • Burglar and flf(: dlarm ,>y,>tem honw \... 11ktn~ (!J"I,IIlU' 885-3733 I -J • central aIr ,ondltlOnmg • Copper plumbmg • l':xtrd from \1 liter 2' _ I III fo(,lI, I ~e \\ \li'IU'IW\1' P'OI)l'111 c!()<;et space • 2'2-<,ar garage • rarport • Storage I!>tfllX,r 1'H1lldr\ I"rgl' \lard !Ilixlll"1 "'" I'll IIOlHl.'j 101011 ~<":'fY ~-,;~ buildmg • All thl'> on a Illcel)- la nrl",aped 101 ('(111for a :-.dll'r ~oICflfl\ (' C,III l!l'Ih 1 .. II-.e \1 (10111 tn 11,1111'011 111\111,111 P 11\1\ Illl\\ 10 hulld Sh}() SfltvlCl TO prlvdte !>bowmg CLEAN (IIEI':HFIIL 2 lll'tl I WALKER 4.LKIRE HEALTY ?.B6 (!'f2(j I11111<'"pll!lg oInd lH' II"Hh 10 AfP!t0\,tl' tll-:Hf:'$ I nom ('llflllille hOIl'(' ('O!HII, HII I' hI t"l n Ih" ''''In'lI~.~1 I ... ~I(I" 'h.";I( f,Q,:" "i. . ~ ~ ..,,. II Ith appll,lI\(,(,~ lOIlVl'n U\ 1'1 I dlllli ollil ,Ill Il'll1\' I lI'IlUI' I(K"ll'd In 1'14 7'l2 • ~')"'lh' ...0 I

    l i/ ~1" .... v • 0 , !W- ~ .,~ !l',71 • GR,X''''JNO - - -- - HI, ) Ii, II ,~ \'''1', 1.11., l ,11,)0111 hllck '1l\lE!.I'."'" :'1l'II1\ fOllr h,ilh" row fll ('pJ,IlI'~ Ex\ I'll Ptl"n .. Jo;1,>(I-. I" I IJ..I Kgh I, !'l tllm,l) I"hlt' fllll,twd h..""1 lI'll I ! (,Ir JOHN E. PIERCE ,1I111< jI,11 k, I Oll3J tlAMPf~ AVEr--l'f tl\.'LIU l'IXl"'" h.''\O(\I'''' fi.H 'lgf' }~ !..-'I(MI HHI I! l~ I II , III, ll!tl'l' 111\\l~~I, I ,I U A,M S'H)MF~ MI 4all82 .lOSH) S~INO...y I, H\)(,IC' ....'S & ASSOCIATES, INC. \111 AII'I',\';\ 11)(1 011 I ..k(' dool>l,'II,1 101101 \ llI1lt-. Ihuon ( 1'1 III III I ,1I1l h trOlN' ill 1111, II ,Illig htlllll Ilorll OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 PM Klloll\PIIII' 'h.'dn",Il1' 'f'I' 211'>1')) f ,1Irv.a\ L"nl' (,ro.,.,(' I'olnl(' WOlxl., 011 V('r $4 l O~~I Bot. ,2'1B 20C-CHIMNEV AND 2OC-CHIMNEV AND t\! 11\ tlll'\ 1(, 'lilt nIl': h,1 ll1H n(.tr \1"rj('r f_XN uti\! r"n, h (,v( rlnokml( FIAE'PLACE FIREPLACE • <.,1 (J \IH\!rIlI" \l.,'I'1 1 I It 11 ill I 01 I ot ~1/1 t>f>3\JlIlul L(j('hmoM (,oll (I,ur,>{' Thl., Ihn'l' lICd REPAIR REPAIR !loold I I .. ,Ii 01111\ hi II ~ rlJl',m tYooh, !l1\1'\1 \ '>\ HI ~ \ \\llh 111111,111, "Id '1IId\ l'lll( I 'I III 1 I t <., III \ I "I Ii \ 1\ 1 \14Ih.1I I' , II ~ H"jll I ,I, I .., I \ I 1 I II I '~~I 71(, B"lfr'lJf (,rry,'1 1'1)11111' )',,"!' 'rl-mY,)lIIlI"III] 111011 I" ..II. III '1,I"hlllil\ I, I I IiI \11\ I \\I, I \I I ' ".ngJ,c,tI rn ,nor Ihl'> IOllr tx drr>ll1TJ ,hf( I h llh , 1 (,)<\1'-,'-,1 ,'( 11\ II <"1,1111 d A"kl"~ !',4 'Hili ( oil(," I "I, 1\I'I1~ I .. UI llL"h\ ,<, y, I('I! LI~' hr,mp III fOl,y(, 10 lonrl,t'IJfj \'('11 III ....,lOt d 1'1 \\/ I ".,hll lip I" L "d, ,lid II:ltlli~I ,1111,'1 1,1 1I,1I: "I II, ! 1,1, :llllil " Ilo,xl, d I ,I V~j It' .I"~I 10 vl'>ll t~.,., hllml' ('Y/'n II yOll "n' nol I(){,klllj( for ,"~I J.." II 1/ 1\\.1'1\".1 IIn{' If, YI 111"llfId ..

    .., Thursday, October 11, 1984 I s:»age Ten-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS l 21.I-pliNTlNG, 213-Wm 21 G-ROOFiNG 21.I-piiNfiAG, I 21WucTRkll DECORATING PECORA rING WASHiNG _amm:mar= SERV1C£ SERVtCE PalnlUlg - Intenor WALLPAPER bangmg, and K-~tAI~"'E\'ASCE Company PROFESSlO:-> \L gutter 5<:. ~[ELl \"S CELLL"LOSE LLOYD ..\LL-\RD Elecwc €..'\tenor patchIng plaster- paInting, professIonal ....aU asJung. floor clearnng Inc: 882-5475 ResHientlal >lee and ~nm roof results lntenoc deslgDef' and axllJg Free estunates INSULATION repa.~ ReaS<-YJab!e Reli. ,ng stl.!('I.'Q\arru.shmg .....m ...-mng our "pecWlJt~ 5en.. cauUtlOg References ~ 882-0688 ce1Jiogs aDd Walls abl€, Ico m\ O\~n ...ork dvo,\ glanr:g and Complete WeatherizatIon, lIIiII Gt'(lIl.Se POtnt.e StOC-e 1939 ,\alJpaper Free e:Hlmate::.. Ql'ALlTY I'Tt..KIOR EX- Gf'tlMe Po ~:e(I:) ~rtlflCa' LICE\SED ~ 1'5: RED GROSSt: POl~"'E fireman caultmg. "glazmg Glas! re:is\OCl.3ble prlCi' Call an~ TERIOR paInting. 'Ilt all- ...ill do ....aU ...ashmg 811 COIl )~._ -",,, JOHN WILLIAMS t me '11~l1n ~5!f-5il99 re- repb~ or c-ompiIete papen.og. carpentry and .2984 wtIIIdow repl.acemem ELECTR!\: l,.L \\ ORK ~<.s 5313 pall" Expenenced reason- Door weatbentnplDC Re:.lCe .. t.a •• Commercia! WALLPAPERJNG able rnsured Sea\ er's 882- WALL Washmg neat. Uceosed llli5Ured LtCl:."f~ ~ I~-,, Th~ Best ?::perhar.ger 1».'0 sen Ice Rea~onable rates I m-&'114 ~4 BULI}.,r & Exctnca: For free estImates 882-6348 i ill To ....n P>\1~!ISG. \\ allpapenng Cor~ra~:or BEe -\CSE -\LL [ 00 IS I 2OF-W:UH~ )Jib Frtt ~1"~mar€5 and ....all ....ashtng Sernor I HA.'\G P-\PER C1~ D1...<:.coont Call Jan- 21K-WlNOOW DRYER REPAIR B..,:a.;; E-t e.5\ g-~; I 15 Years I!, the OO:.!ne5-S ~7 Kath~ -773-9589 .. WASHING I Cat Rcn H~ for \our t RETIRED ,,~-\STER <:.~r.n G OL\II:o.; RICHIE'S APPLIANCE PrO!c::,slc-cal F...stUnate I' C!2r L c-er;:,,£-(! \, .')-;a'lOD:> B&D \\1'.00 \\ CLE-\),I \ G SERVICE CENTER S<:r-4 ...t~ ,r:...... €'4~d \b,) 497-5766 SER\'ICE 100% Gt: \RA ..'.'TEE ~~~~ ;~.>C~ Tl :.-:-~ FREE ESTI\IATES SALES & SER\ ICE PAINTING PAINTING WE -\RE I\SlRED 8Ss.o<> 79 2,O-TV ANO • INTERIOR RADIO REPAIR 372-3022 WASHER DRYER Sen !~i: • EXTERIOR I...te" ()-1" T \ !Y.,c"('lC' ?rl ~c:. *r.,....~ I D -\LE Barr \\ mdo\~ c:ean,n.ed 497-5766 Bl T COS; LESS NUTTO ~Pll~NCE BRE'''' &s2~~ Ql-\.L1TY PAI'TL\G ::>tonT'...s ana :x.reer~ dlLlllll "~~;;;~'MI SER\ ICE num and gutters cleaned free estImates Lo\\est INTERIOR- ~P~!:e:In the POlnt~ 2OH=fj6OR EXTERIOR ,,3 ..1:>2;) ",-1329 SAHPfHG 2D j ears prof e:>S10"...a1 -\-OK \\ 1'\1)0\\ CLEASERS expenence Ser\"lCe 00 storms and screens \t-\ TI FLETCHER -\lsQ GOIDe'5l1C hOIJ.."-e clean 4151,r.gham ~l(r2 Ing Free e'5tunates \Ion JIM ESSIAN t1"J .. rates 775-:690 or 773- P~'1ter fL'1EX',.Jts:nan ahllLh 9839 to please Small JObs prefer. K-\\ ISDOW cleaning (om- red Call 882-S'jgs pany Storms screens gut- lers. alwmnum cleaned In- EXTERIOR.INTERtOR I sured Free Estimates PAINTING 882-0688 Best references. cabtnet stam- rng p!a.stenng, fast ser'.1ce, GROSSE POI:\"TE policeman lIcensed. free estImates. pro\ldes 'o'UJdO'\lr ~ashmg C E G Pa.J1JtlLg. i57.7232 servIce References :-OOBLE S Pault1ng' Intenor 88+7Ts2 and menur 9o'Ork guaran- GROSSE POI\;TE fIreman teed. :\!Jke 7iJ.-5lt34 Don ,;15- 1,\ ill dG clean- papenl'.g - repaIrs - gut- Ing, ...aterproofenng. ters cleaned - In-qued - sewers repa1red. senior dis- Free estlmates John 526- counts call 824-4311 i).-'j,36 21N-ASPHAl T WORK , j:. &: J ASP HAL T Pa\wg lne - CommercIal parkmg lots repaIr. sea!clJatlng and stnpplng ReSidential dn\'E:Ways Qv,nerISuper' 'tlWT Free estl!nates CALL A~'YTn[E 7/'A.lta ALS ASPHALT PA\T ..G Cm.fPA:->Y Pa\lr.g ~lcoatlng and ex. ca.."t,on P..eslden llal and commercial Guaranteed q'Jahtj ....orkmanshlp at r<-...a..«J"r.abiera tes ST -\TE LICE.'iSED A\-0 I~Sl'RED REFERE.'iCES ~l.(.-526 291-1.~ PE,nOLI.'i(;'S

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    Page Eleven.~ Thursday. October 11, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

    2 1S-CARPENTER 211 -PLUMBING AND { '. \ 21Z-CANDlCAPiNG 21O=CUENT AND THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS MAY BE PUR- SERVICE HEATING MAC'S TREE AND IRICK WORK CHASED FROM THE FOU.OWlNG LOCATIONS: Why SHRUB TRIMMING (Stores are ltsted by streets and from Detroit on KITCHEN Cabinets and Fur- SKLUT PLUMBING TESOLIN BROS. through the Grosse Pointes, Harper Woods and St. mture Custom made In solld COMPLETE WORK oak, cherry, or walnut, re- And Not Reasonable rates. quality ser Clatr Shores ) ,(I vice Call Tom 7764429 or ' CEMENT CONT. ferences. portfollo, free esll- HEATING 882-0195 Driveways. basement and DOWNTOWN: males, quality workman- Licensed, repalres, remodel. ('I1.,;rrt,~ ship Ken 521-1637 527-9282 ing, sewers. steam and hot ~ II A Adopt! garage floors. ratwalls. ~ I ,',- HOWARDS Ren-C~:m,Calumet Tobacco and Gut Shop, maIO le"el. water repairs and installa- footings, patios raIsIng near 100 Tov. er L l' , .~. TREE SERVICE garages Free estimales. ALBERT D. THOMAS tion Free estimates - ,...:...-.J- _I "014" Years In Busmess • tree removal JEFFERSON AVE,: INC. 547-3340 Brlllg lo\'e and laughter Into your hearts and homes • stump removal 7n-0642 or m.£263 Park Pharmacy. Notllngham and Jefferson COi'\TRACTORS, INC 21 • tnmmmg Village Wine Shop, Beaconsfield and Jefferson O-JANITOR ~Iany homeless ammals are waltmg to be chosen by you • topping MIKE GEISER \Ve are general contractors SERVICE • cal>ll1lg - One call takes care of all CEMENT MAUMEE: OFFICE CleanlOg done by VlSlt the • !>torm damage your bUlldmg.remodellng !"ully msured, free estimates Bon Secours HOSPital, Cadieux and Maumee, gift shop Grosse PolOte policeman CONTRACTOR problems. large or small Schettler Drugs, F1sher and Maumee and Wife, excellent referen- 758.6949 WATERPROOFING TU 2-0628 ces 881-1071 Anti Cruelty Association KERCHEVAL AVE.: REASONABLE TREE DRIVEWAYS, PATIOS -\rt's Party Store, Wa)-burn and Kercheval t3569 Joseph Campau, Hamlramck WALKS STEPS, C ARPEt\TRY SERVICE 21W-DRESSMAKING STUMP REMOVAL Re\co Drugs, 'In The Village" AND TAILORING TeCK POI:\'TING ~otre Dame Pharmac)', Notre Dame and Kercheval all repaIrs and small Jobs 891-7188 SERVICE. CALL NO JOB TOO S~IALL LIcensed i77-8714 Grosse POinte Book Village, on Kercheval, between TIRED OF Your fit I Excellent DOMINIC "Iolre Dame and Cadieux alterations and sewmg or FREE ESTIMATES ALTERATIONS - Moder- 882-5204 881-6000 GROSSE POlNTE NEWS, 99 Kercheval O1zallon, all bUlldlOg needs Before 5 pm call 886-1524 Perl') Drugs on the HIli rough to flO1sh In alllrades MEN'S CUSTOM tallonng The trail Apothecar) on the Hill Quality work Reasonable LANDSCAPE CLANDSCAPING SPECIALIZING IN CARPENTER - small and FalliS for PlantlOg Free estImate 8.l9..H49 Alger Party Slore, St Clair and Mack large Jobs, 32 years ex- eslimate 979-4098. COMMERCIAL We handle all phases of SMALL JOBS Rand's Pharmdcy, McMillan and Mack perience Free esllmates CUSTOM DRAPERIES RESIDENTIAL * )our Landscape em Iron- FREE ESTI~IATES Arbor Drugs, 7 Mile and Mack Quality work reasonable K Mallllenance Co SUPER SOD Licensed 527-0056 ment from design to the ac- LICENSED 5t John HOSPItal, Moross near Mack, Gift Shop and prices Wide selectIOns of SERVICE The Nook QtJALITY Carpentry and For- fabncs Discounts on rods, 882.0688 tual construcllOn Don't It - Sod It TU 2-0717 ~ent Woods Phannacy, Bournemouth and Mack mica ....ork. nev. or reraced, shades, shutters, and blinds * Trees and Shrubs Seed • Kentucky Blut' Grass Harkness Pharmacy, Lochmoor and Mack Commercial Resldenlial Hiidegard, 884-2610,978-2691 SNOW * All type!> of stone work R.L. STREMERSCH Hollywood Pharmacy, Hollywood and Mack Store fixtures, displays also * Sod • Shade Sod Mr C's Deb, Ridgemont and Mack counters, kitchens, varuties, ~1Z LANDSCAPING REMOVAL * Decks and Patios • One Day Service CEMENT CO:'\lRACTOR Bob's Drug Store, Roslyn and Mack ree rooms, hang doors All Call for a Personalized • Fresh Sod Dally Cement repairs and fInish work 16 WINTERIZE Appollltment • Fetll - Best lime to Sod Dnvewa}s EAST WARREN AVE.: years experience Free estI- YOUR LAWN SERVICE 757-5330 "Get It laid today - great Pallos grass tomorrow " The Wine Basket, Outer Drive and E Warren mates VitO Sapienza 774- HAVE IT FERTILIZED D LANDSCAPING Bnck ....ork Mr C's, Grayton and E Warren 8933 $160.00 PER SEASON Make your neighbors Basement Walerproofmg 7!Eleven, East Warren between Cadieux and Balduck MIKE'S LAWNCARE Most dnveways - 2" or morc COMPANY GREEN With envy, sod ': Steps CARPENTER work, paneling 884-7013 • Llrensed loday Park Partitions, shelVing, doors, • Sprmg Clean-Up Tuck POintIng Mr C's DelI, Morang & Kelly • Insured • Fall Discount Specials Xo job too small repairs Small JObs 882.2795 • Hefercnces AVailable • Cuttmg • Ont' Year Guarantee SNOW • Hedge Tnmmmg Free EstImates EAST DETROIT; • Prompt Hebable ServIce • Care Instructions glYcn Ment Book Center, 22425 Kelly near 9 Mile Road 21T-PLUMBING AND • Ea!>y payment plan • Edgmg • 20 years expenence SPECIALIZING IN PLOWING Lowest Pl'lces Around HEATING GREAT LAKES • References furmshed DRIVEWAYS AND ST.' CLAIR SHORES: * Yearly rates • Free E:.tlmate:> • 1 TONY * Prompt service LANDSCAPING 777-1329 BASEMENT CLANDSCAPING * RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Grosse PolOte Woods Shrubbery tnmmlllg, prumng • No JOb too small Parkcrest Party Slore, Parkcrest and Harper 886-3897 * Commerclal- Residential Weedmg, culhvatmg • TREE REMOVAL • CABLING & PRUNING y • Driveways and porches Hunter Pharmacy, Country Club and Harper * Lawn - Garden Seedmg, sodding • STUMP REMOVAL • STORM DAMAGE " our specialty Kaycee Drugs, Bournemouth and Harper LEAKY TOILETS and faucets * General Clean-ups Plantmg trees, shrubs and • THEE TOPPING • LAND CLEARrNG • Panos The TInder Box, Eastland Shopping Center, Alsip 7 repaired, smk cleanmg * AerallOn - Power RaklOg all other gardemng work done • TRIMMING • SNOW HEMOVAL • Chunneys Work limIted to above only * FertlllzIng Residential, Commercial • Waterproofing LIcensed master plumber * Tree - Shrub TrlmmlOg Insured, LiCen:.ed • 24 HOUR EMERGENCY WORK • VIOlations repa1l'ed 210-CEMENT AND 21P-WATERPROOFING 884-2824 * Tree - Schrub Planting CALL TOM TOGGER • FREE ESTIMATES CALL ANYTIME BRICK WORK * Landscape Design & Con after 6 p m 2116-4667 2060 ALLAnD 886-5565 R.L. STREMERSCH FRANK R. structlOn 881-8526 GBOs....,E POINTE WOODS CAPIZZO CONST. Fully Licensed & Insured MAC'S BASEMENT 757.5330 , ., CHAS, F,JEFFREY QUALITY WORK WATERPROOFING WEIR FAll CLEAN-UP.. I' TRIMMING, removal, spray MASON CONTRACTOR AlI'TfPes at 'CemeHt, 'Bnclt. Walle; RenalI'M PLUl\ffiING, HEATING, Complete yaJ d work, lawn. Stral~htened mg, feedmg and l>lump re- LICENSED-I~SURED Block Work. Garages RaiS- SEWERS AND DRAINS moval Free Estimates shrub and trct' trimmlllg, FALL IS THE TIME FOR • Bnck • Block • Slone ed & Set Down On New Rat. Replaced BOILER SPECIALISTS Complete tree service Call etc Rea!Jonable rates, qual- PLANTING • Cement Work wall & Floor All Work Guaranteed FlemlOg Tree SerVice, 774- Ity servIce Call Tom, 776. 884-7139 SPRINKLER REPAIRS 4429 or 882 0195 • Waterproofing LICENSED INSURED 6460 EVERGREEN AND DECIDUOUS • Tuck Potntrng TONY 885-0612 TREES AND SHRUBS • Pallos of any ksnd AMERICAN Waler - Proof 885-7711 TOP QUALITY PORCHES A~'D ALL BRICK Ing. seven year guarantee LANDSCAPING WORK A SPECIALTY THOME Construcl1on All ce- Free estImates Licensed 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS ment work done No Job too C!>fltraclor DIgg:ng done by Since 1925 Design & Maintenance Speclall!lt!l -, 882-1800 small Guaranteed 882-5836 Kellh Damelson ~.~ hand Call 372-4927 2 'e Licensed Master Plumber 527-2618 '-'.. .r BRICK slone, block, concrete, "FALL IS FOR PLANTING" GRAZIO bnck pal1os. chimneys, fire- CHARLES F JEFFREY CLEMENS SCHUETI places DeSender, 822-1201, all2 1800 • SODDING - SOD REPAIR CONSTRUCTION • BASEMENT WaterprlYlfmg MASTER HEATING MAN If no answer, call evenings Heating & Cooling • TREE - SHRUB PLANTING ! • lJnderpm fool lOgs • Cement dnve, Ooors, pallos Plumbmg Repair • DESIGNS, PATIOS, STON£o;WOHK .JAMES .I. LEAMON • Old garages raISed and D & L MASON Contrartors - • Cracked or caved In walls bnck and block fireplace Sewer Cleamng • POWER RAKING renev.ed • 10 year guarantee • FERTILIZATION 1 \"'Jll~t (\1 'I"'J(. III '-II( ,..... and repaIr n4-fJ(l32 Licensed Insured Free Esllmates • New garag~ dOOTSand 7 days a week- reframrng ' ...P STUCCO repairs Small JObs, No overllme charge 10% OFF ALL FALL PLANT!NGS 1'1 \N 11.....( • • New garages built 21Q-PLASTER AND POWER ItAKING reasonable Be?-5565 WORK «5~~ 775~lM FamLly operated Since 1962 824-0852 -, Licensed and Insured 21P-WATERPROOFING Alt Plumbing Repa1l1>, New CALL NOW - 527-2618 SUPEIUOIt PLASTERING FIxtures, Water !featers, 774-3020 772-1771 . A~D PAI ....TlriG COMPANY DIsprn.als, Viola lions J.W, KLEINER All types of plaster work , Corrected, 5ewel1> and drywall repair, c.ement stue HAROLD BaloCment Waterproofing Dralru. !'~k"CtricalJy Cleaned co repaIr, tuck powtlng In All Work Guaranteed CHAUVIN All Work guaranteed !lured GrO'>sePomte He{er L1CEII;SED FHF,f: ESTIMATES CE~fE~! CO~TRACT(JH ences Free c!>llmale!> Tom ALL TYPE OF TU 2-0717 835-6991 DAN ROEMER CE~!E:-"T WORK QUALITY Pla,>lLrJng u"ck '> PLUMBING ..... al!(.'l • Dnves • Porcoc"l MIKE GEISER eliminated Tailored re L1CENS1W • Pall(;S • Waterproofmg pair.. 3(1 yedr'> c;r(J,,~e MA~1 1m "'LUMB!'~H • Prl'-f..ast Slf1>S CEMENT CONT 1'00nl{' rr fen'nu',> f're (, f"ULLY IN~urn;J) • Tude POInting SpecialiZing In W,jterpro(jflO~ e<;lima lc.-TAHLl~HEfJ 1924 0141 • I...JUndry room and vlOldlloru JACK WILLlA \I;" All tW"1i r,f bill:(-rrll'nt water PL:\~T!',HI"'(, And !)rY.,I/,,11 • Old ,.nll rll'w work (,F. "'ERA!. ((J"'THAC'T(JR fo r"I' !',kllfn ..h'~. pn ....l.irJf! I'; y(;,,-., I?Wlr .. n~ rcp;'lr" '{('>.Iunnl( "nd "IUI • IJRrVr:WA Y-, • pf)Rr;HE..~ Md'ltN f{(,/en,n('(" 1'J''(r','jf;'' Bill I'lumh4:'T • PATrr~ • ')TE~ • f.TC «() In'.l,rl-r! f'LlI'l df.rmm:l (~tn of f',mil) 1';-;,,,#12 VIII.'r,] CAPIZZO CONST ------882.0029 }'I.,\~TI-,I(\~,(, M,d 11ryl1.,d I Bf. ...f','o1f'.... T TESTA CEMENT ""JI "'jilin..., I ,7 {(I7/. Y,/,ff',ftl-'f{(>"E-I ...(, CO" INC. PLUMBING REPAIRS f}(,"'fo, HI',ln 21 & ";I-r', ,"~ TIll" P(,lfjli~' I(! Yf,Aft (,I Mt,\Vl E-~f': R-FURNITURE "VWI',H ( L1';A'IIIN(; r (,1 '(1 y, ;,r~ /.I( 1'.\~!'-:rJ p,~1 'HE-.I) REPAIR f{I',''''Jn"t,h' H"ll°i< ,. or All rHI ',I'~~a) ~ ~ rd~e fl(ft,pi TON Y 885-0812 f-r f(~"11'1(1- rrfl,,,,,hr.r! " Mlkl' PilON 1.1, ~I,(J" v,r(h~' !"II (t.t! "t TlI" l "'I Y IY p' ,,I kll~ ICo',!! L!(.4jl'!;;, I"'~ I,'fll"i( I-r (l,llm.,!r, V,E-_THA'-.r.'rfI'.'.T" (f.,(l<~ , " 474 WI',I (,r 'W,ld,1I , --I 881.1016 ~~';;;,1j:;{:;:~i'i,;,,~(o{~ -Xii I i ACTIVE PLUMBING' HI)!I".11'1l01 lfllY I/~, N'Jf'k~!lAr" LI(('n",'l 1111 ,do JI' 1"" ,... 1.1-,( ,.1 DRAIN & SEWER \ A ',f)Y " .....A 'I>'.r{'/ A ".r) .. nt1 InJ\ur ...d kill A !.t',,/: ",I, I' r' r,l I 1I,,,.f' " h. 'j CLEANING r m',l",fo;V ItU'/dH m Z'/j'1J t. I \1',r d,,) thrlJ ,>•• lllf.I"j • 1.1 AI< 'r IlllI 1.'1" I ....ll m,,>/,'rj f,',(/I' ~,,!Jr • '))(11'1'1',(, / ,\( (I I'> '171 'j~/J, III,', \11 V, i Vo'()t'I.I(.;t "1'" r 'r~'" ," III JACK WILLIAMS • I'll \11:1'..(, Hf'I'AI/(\ .f>if .,. !.wl! v"rl,r'i! .,nr1 11/(1)1<1 .... < ~ '1-,/ /(', ANII ~/I Al II'; (r •.r:'lr,M," I ,,'. Hf.;,B (Jtf> 1.1"-""") .10 WATERPROOFIt~G f ,T'p.lrl. l'fJlTd. ,If{ .. lr tl(,r/lr WA I r.IL J 1'.1-:, !(/'.I'!\IHI' II ~IJrl-f1 i'J-,".I,r."t,!1 r flJ r...... 1' 1111 ( \1-. W f••I{ .. and WALL REPAIR rt rJdlr~ IIrld rt ...t'Jrtt!HUH-' Ilrr.,,'J~- 1:1:. If If ;-;:;.'1(~, * ( , I II '.d',(, .. - - .-f'ft(JI'f-I: <'1f-.lli(,1)' flf' I- ,,-, nt Ifll.:!. ~ r .lil • VI' - - - .. I A',I 1 \11 1(1,""'( Y R~I'Y. 1,{,ltl'; I (r." II yJtA """','.1I-.rt f'f{(l';f-I',(, (!'.I '( r"",I' / I ,.HO"" .../1 (,1~Al .1 HVlr I. "if Ii: v",.llnll ,tur( 1"'-/ ptK • HI (Y.LE-:1J 1:,\ '.f-. "1f- ., f f 'I'!' f~ I A','1 If II I- ("11111« .. J(f',!I' 1)'.11111. HAir," ,r..M I "I;",'..rr~ r.-p:.!r'" 'h t\ I j '. fl U'A lit l' f, VloH ,('v lIy f'J"v,r,;,r," 'iI;-I,~ll!.: _ ',II:\!f,IIIf',',f',IJ A',I, I' r"".r,II,V (, .. II I f .I'll' 1"''', I(,,,y ,I rill h ,Ii l'I'1l'. 1:1:11' f,l) 1.'.11\<1/\/1 ' kit!' Y. ftf.!'?Jft.", ;0'''' r_ .. ',I; 1',11 ),y II) 110.11','-, \ I'll A. '\01,\ .Il' I (IIAI(I.~ (tl r~lrf'/" r"fr('rl'''''. fit" / ',I) ~Il/(I /:<., ~,;,tt. '.)1 x V,H.tJr>' ( ..lJ 884-8840 .. ,\1 J ! 'lI'f,( (jf I ()', ~ 1T-- PLUM9iNQ ANO 7(1,. It t~~ ", Tt ...... ~,2 ( )'1':1 f-. /, '.I, 1:1:/( K HI', HEAUN.2.- t,rtl:{ fil- "IV) ", 'If f',~If' f"~'~ J? 'ruk C,(J .r,~l(f/ .- I, 'ff' !d". 1-1.1'1' HII' 'of to. ("VJ"ref,,.,.t r,,;lr -.v. I', f'( JI' ,'r f' I /lli ~lTll I'r I,d" Ifl 7r Y JI)lRSfl~ v- .. * AI I. I, I) HI': r" (II' ,~.'. (t..rr frl-, r.~,r' ,,-,;1 ,'''Mdt -/ f 1-.1, V, 1tI'n Y" r /(0, Pl UM~ It IG, jEWEP Cl.FAr~ f NG ~,,>I'm' ',,,,fI-rC'f,,,,I,, f/ 1-;;; 1'011\ If',(,/ r' flr.,,!r,rt I II IZY. .... 111M (/IJ1\'f ("1'" ~: /f..4'''' "~f1f (11"'"'' f)("J"If1 \1( f:;,dlf-rr, 885-0602 172 0580 ','If, 'IN, /I nt, ;'(J~ 1/1"1 (rill "tt,-, : (;j

    t • '".. ..• ... Thursday, October 11, 1984 ~age Twelve-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS .• . Exercisetips from a running 'guru' •. ~ Dr. George Sheehan. n<1tlOnally others "If a person gels Injured 109 ~o person 15 bUilt perfectl~ sy- ran Ix> mduced b~ exercise. Shee- ~own cardiologist, author and \\ hue exercismg. It's not the actl\'!- metncal We all ha\ e bod~ IdlOS~n- han stressed that. [or many people, ~'s "guru," \ISlted Bon Se- ty that ISthe problem It's probably cracles that ma~ make us prone to exercise can help rehe\t~ symp- eours Hospital 10 Grosse Pomte In ~ause of the p("fson's genetic ct'rtam InJunes toms of chrome dlsea::.e much bet- September as part of the grand makeup or Improper trallung or Shet'Mn dlso dl:>cu::>:>rothe lIU- ler than drugs or other standard Opening fest!\ ItlE:Sfor the Bon Se- eqwpment' merous diseases 0r health prob rnethma-hke:>~ mptollb \\ Ith e\ en E'\ercise IS the mJ.lIlsta~ treat- eornbined that kno ....ledge \\Ith hIS rous age group runlllng record:> sl'\toelghtm!llute5ofhe,l~S Iespond 10 e),.erclse The persoll s • remarks were timely since thIS Sa- If ) au l}a\ e a patient \1 lth an Some p€'Op~e dbO dt'\ elop olood blc"lOdpre:>sure 1\ ill nse but If a turday. Oct 1315 ~atlOnal RunnIng exerclse-mduced, ,:.ou ha\ e prOblems or detlclenue" per~on changes hi::. dIet and e'\er- C),nd Fitness Da) and the Fr~ to ask a lot of qUe:,tlOr1S Sh~h.m . The potential health problems CISt'Smore. the blood pres"ure \\ III press Marathon is Sunda\ Oct H told hlS audience . The persc.n's lor \\omen dre e\en more senous go do\\n "Runmng doesn t caL15e In- faml1~ hlstor} is \ !tal -\s\.. tho=per- In one stLld~ t:\ er~ IIom31l ath- Sheehdn also J1l1ted Ihat It had juries," Dr Sheehan told a group son \\here he get~ hurt - the sto- I,~tehad an Iron deflcl~m~ ::.31d oeen found that hldne~ patients In Of. approxlmatel) 50 ph~slclans. mach the leg ~ the toot he said :,net'h~n -\rd amenorrnea c~~sa- partIcular \1 ere mue!l healthier. 9llied health prolesslOnals and _-\sk\\ hat he does - runmng c~ cJ- tlon OJ rn~ men:>trua.l penod nap: e5p€1.'lally meIltdU~ II the~ e'\er- peps \\ 1m a lar~e numl'.€r 01 Cbed regularl~ than If the~ \\ ere -II t' f ULS 'ddl h I ~ounger \\omen athlete::. ~edentar~ . ac Ion or ml e so 00 Women tvo are 10 times JS '\0 one\>sIf !or e'\ample Fa lI\..el\ to ha H' bone sm.'ss fractures e'\erclse is good for dIabetes It • UniVersltv Liggett ~!lddle Quarterback Ene Da\ ld thre\\ a as men do he contlnuea ::>orne ma\ be But It c1elmltel\ IS gooa lOr " ~l's football team got on the pass to Rob Ta) lor for another of ph~slclans thll1k that ma~ be be- the-dlabetlc .- Winning track Fndav. OCt 5. b) de- the two pomt conversIOns_ v.hlle cause '.Iomen are often meting at All those problems that people teatilJg the CranbrOOk Cranes, Doug Wood successfully lucked hiS the same time as the~ are under- \\ orr~ dbout - smokmg. dletar,:. ~14. only comerslOn attempt takmg. a \ Igorous exercise pro: defICienCIes, slet'pmg pro~lems gram Lack of certain \ ItamlflS 0\ erv. eight - all of these proo!ems Dike A)ll'I scored four ;5~ytain ma~ cause the bones to become are because a person has somehO\\ lOUCIlOOWns on runs of 75. 11 and The Kmghts' next game "\111 be ~ \\ eak or bnttle become an mdolent lump' laugh- eight yards. and on a <;pectacwar pla\ed. on Thursda\ Oct 11 at~- Dr. George Sheehan at the Health and Fitness Center 10- ard kick return troit Countr) Day School at .; p m Beslue::. fOCUSing on dl:>ed:>ethat ed Sheehan DRIVE A GOOD FOR YOUR PEUGEOT DEAL HOME ~ FROM 1985 TURBO I\t\A\TER ROGER RINKE BESTDEAL DL-\LtR III J)U \11 tHU 1982 NEW YORKER 4 OR. SEDAN. Charcoal gre,'. J 'c • , I I ,( I CADilLAC see V-top, 318 V-B. a". stereo auto & pWf THIS WEEK'S BEST BUY! 57,495 NEW 1985 CADILLACS 1983 CHRYSLER E-CLASS SEDAN. Slfr,er grey Terry metallIC 4 cyf. frt v.dll d'rle alf COfld Cf<.!.se auto Available NOW & p r 17,480 MILES! $7,795 for Immediate Delivery Dawson 1981 RELIANT SPECIAL EDITION ST. WGN. Pea1 whrte, aJr, cruise. stereo & cass , auto & pwr ONE OWNER' 38.416 MILES!. 55.495 H>urGrosse Pointe Neighbor 1983 PLYMOUTH GRAN FURY 4 OR. Steel grey, 318 V-B, BJr,stereo, cruise auto & owr ... $7,395 Performance and Comfort 1978 NEW YORKER BROUGHAM 4 DR, HARD. TOP. Dalc green V-top, aJr stereo CfUlse fufl po.ver .0-50 in 6.5 seconds ONE OWNER - HAS HAD EXCELLENT CARE! .. •Bosch fuel injection S3495 AI c:an .-,.et 10 priof sale • Optn..... "T1I4lrs bl 9 GIll •Macpherson struts F'_ ... . __ AL'. IT'S ' .Orthopedic driver's seat , ••• • • ,

    ~ RIEHL"S ,: : J'~" l-696 a1 Van Dyke Open Moo & nus tj 900 : ROSEVILLE : DALGLEISH ; CHRYSLER.Pl YMOUTH ~ t1~~~::~EI758~800 Cadillac. ~t l.tL /"'- . J_.~ - I WE LEASE 6161 Woodward A.".nue. Detroit, W 4a2Q2 Serving the Grosse Pomte:s jar 27 years I ?5e~0o.G~A~I.~~d\ ftVl,~ GM VEHICLES 772-080C; (313) a75-C300

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    a.I'IJ~ ~11~"!3 #~ .~~ "r,A. :r~ .. 'e !J"C ~ 7're rV'~""'" rc. -.:; r~ ':tie ,It,.. .. COIf ~:r.~ LESS eo: f" ~lj "'tto/4~f~t;rt ~~ ~_~"~"',,",.~...-_ ~enJ""'Jff ~ .... _ e- r..ol-": ~ or, "CJ r<:V"": r": we ~"n ~'10,421a $13,495 '84 GRAND PRIX /tMCQ-4 c.=. ~ ... ~~ __ $J't; "~ A WIIn ~ '85 GMC SUBURBAN s.,.., "Ie ..- -'" ':'" Jo.'5 V-"ioP LIST S" M;E. 00 !/I I ,.. .( ~.. .. ,," i;- • "',Hl .- ?-"',ir lit~ P-S tN~ '-~C"9'5 :0\1"') Jr:~ j.l' "'IJ"i,."W (J« .....'~e t=-/"", 7f;.1(IIJ.Al<; LESS ~S(.(.OO ~ I!I ... ~!o...... ~ 1/"...... Pit' ,.....",)"1" ( W.,A..l' F't~ "'./'1" .... ~ ~ ~') J J' ," ft '9511" =E15 OTHERS 1-. SIMILAR SA VTNGS ~~:tE$14995 '85 BONNEVILLE 8A STARCRAFT 164Xl COH~ERSi~ YAN -. so J /40. I ,. ~ \ .. ",of! .... {~ ...... lJ, II" .. I (.- IIJ., /1 ... .. "~ SEDAN / / }... t'. I ( )./'''' ~ I r~:c-- ""'Ii- /.- -r" l ~"J.J .,. .. 'of •• lh"~ ...",~",...... ~"''''''~'' ...... IV ~I ... rl.le .. " V __ • .-k,- "." • • f ...... ~ (Y.. ..(~ ~~ ..,.r~ ~"t " .. .(.f- I)rlo(.!, P 1/ r t ..... " n, "*"_~ .to '" ~;lJrJf!I t;.?w ~ r,....,~/ ...... !"~ ...... , to/If ~ Jtt.Jr ... ~.!"':' J'" to J!r,T1j ivM"'1 _ 'ir-.,;4,.,..- r 11 SALE PRICE $9995 ~ftE $16,995

    • •.. .,.. .,. , •." .. ~ ------~-~-----