Grosse .Pointe ~ws VOL. 45-No 41 Grosse Pomte, Michigan Thursday, October 11, 1984 30 cents 40 p.. I ! ) for your mformatlon J Gypsy moths stay away from area this year I B't :\like ,\lldnejc1yl- a pupa a couple \~eeks before The to momtOl the Med, the depdrt. to mOl ethan 700 ld::,t '> ear In elm bark beetle!> or other pestI egg masses, resembllllg bits of tan ment can't affO! d to tl'ap the Hloolllfield, 4-13 moth., \\ ere trap- <,ould also help control the gypsy The Pomtes and Wayne Count" foam rubber cOlllallllllg 75 to 800 POllltei> next) ('ell as densely dS thiS pt'd, \\ Ith lJO found In a ~llIgle trap, moth larvae fyi are the onl) bl'lght spots In a bleak eggs, are laid III sheltered dreas to ) car Dollltopf ~al(i Dollhopl ~dld Ld~t )Cdr, 179 moth!> yedr of g) PS) moth trap results, Thb year, 5 000 acre5 of for~t By Tom Greenwood unproH:' their chdnces to :,urvi \'e \\cre tl dpped III Bloomfield according to the state Department the \\ mter Coun" \I Hie, 37 moth~ \\ ere found \\ ere def olia ted bv Ihe mOlh lar- of Agl'lculture The number of III 23 traps, he sald The l PPCI Penlll~ula '" \[unl:>mg \-de, a tenfold lllcrt'ase OH"r la.at moths trapped Jocall) dropped dra. The decreased populatIOn buys <lnd thl' Pictured Ho<.'k.., :\atlOnal )ear:> 500 acres, Dollhopf said nJe Tote that barge. The Pomte~ "hO\I ed the onh de matlcall) thiS year compdred to the state a few years In the area, Lakeshore <11"0 retorded a dra- 5tate IS dra\\ Illg up d mamtenance A few \1 eeks ago I \\rote that creased moth populatIOn 111 !>outh last the onh area In southeast Dollhopf said A ~(aled do\\n \\alk- Old tiC lIlU ca5e 1Il Oll' moth popula- program to tn to combat the moth, I'm not a trendy hll1d of gU) I'm ~hchlgan to I:ecord a decrease through search \~III be conducted eastern MIchigan, accordmg to but must pno.ntlze I~ spra) log ef. also not a handy kmd at guy J tIOn, Dollhopf ~dld ~Iore than -too and the sta te \\ 111 return next veal' Dollhopf Three fold lllcreases In moths ",ere [r.lpped III dn dre.l thdt fort" because of I~ budget con- dOll't lIke to iL>.. thmgs Heck, I Traps, set at 64 a ~qudfe mile, trapped moths occurred ll1 Oak. to trap at a lower densll) than ll1 yielded sc\en molhs la~t iear, he stl alllt~, he said have a t?ugh tune butteTll1g m) ..,lelded 17 moths Last year, 63 land Count)' and problem aredS ~. ,,1 Ihe oa<;t \ears he ddded ,,':lId tlw fP""lt nf tr,ln<;Mrt.1l1nn nf Lua:>L UL 1.111: lIlVllJlIl/,;, :>u L III :>UI t:' \\ Cl t: r...-aUbUl UJ LJI~ 0.1. Co. e:t~ a. IV_I ......1 eXI::'1 {rUJII t"'url l1UrUIl to ,llUnrue larvcle or egg md~~e~ ulto the ared ! lie ~ldlC Celll dlluru tV \A1UUM:- not gomg to \ olunteer for house- denslt~, according to department The 51ate has been tr appmg .,prcl) 1,000 acres, Dollhopf saId County, he said, addll1g the ~tate IS from other lnfe:.tcd al ea~ hold fix-ups regIOnal supel visor Carl Dollhopf moths In the area Sll1ce 1981 In losmg Ib fight dgdlllst the g,~psy Federal matchmg funds Just about ThiS year's catch \\a~ scattered 1982,48 moths \\ere found and Id"t moth EVidence of the !>talt"~ I05ll1g double that, he .ldded So when Rose dsked me, across 10 traps, while last year's )ear,63 "What are your plans for the In Odkl.lJld COllnt\ 2"lOO moths fight \\ 35 \\ hat Dollhopf c.liled the First prlGnt) y, III go to pro- came from 16, he added "first truly heavy lllfe'>talion In the \\ eekend?" I kne\\ f was 1Il big Although the ~late \\ III contmue \\ere trelpppd lll1" \('<!' compdred tecting "pnme food sources" I.D trouble But I have several tl'led The orange tnangular-shaped stdte" In the ~hdland/l\1ount lumbenng aredS Second pnorny I and true methods for duckmg traps \\ ere nailed to tree~ III late Pleasant .11 ea DeCiduous and will be recrea tJOnaI ared forest.s chores June and collected In mid-August evergreen tref'~ \\ ere ~tnpped bare and Hurd ....ill be urban forests, The traps are baited With a by gyp~y moth larvae so thick that Dollhopf Sclld When she hmts the screen pheromone that attracts the male reSidents kept pets mdoors at mght door needs repairs, I first pull moth mto the ~tlcky mtenor, to keep the larvae from beIng The young Ian ae need to feed on my Dr Leonard McCoy/Star brought inSide on the ammals' certam types of tree follage to de- Trek excuse "My God, Rose, A spot check of the traps dunng coats, Dollhopf said velop so they can feed on other I'm a colummst not a carpen- the summer turned up fewer moths types of trees. Dollhopf said PM- tel" " than expected OffiCials speculated The department may ask mumc- mary food sources are tho:!leaves of at the time the severe wmter or a Ipahtles In affected areas to take ThiS doesn't work anymore oak, beech, birch, cherry, apple late hatch may have cut the pop- more responsibility for control of linden and Willow Then I use the "dlVlne revela- ulatIOn of emergmg moths, the insect, Dollhopf sa Id An expan- tIOn" pIa)' "Rose, see thiS metal ~lOn of summer ~praYlng programs Another fa\'onte I~ tile mulberry, spike In my hand? It's called a Although the severe winter may for Dutch elm disease-carrYing (Continued on P.g~ 15A) nail And thiS thmg at the end of have killed some of the eggs, my thumb? It's also called a spraymg done by residents for nail, To you, tillS IS merely a co- other pests, like elm bark beetles, incidence, but to me It's a direct IS more likeiy l'esponslble for the warning from God above He's decline, Dollhopf said Proposal C will hurt saying 'Tom, why do you thmk I gave them both the same name? "We should have come up with Think, man, thmk! Put down the large numbers of moths m certain schools, says hoard hammer and go watch TV ' " traps , In the density at which they were set," Dollhopf said "I • By )I1ke Andrzejczyk lowered bond ratmg from But after 14 years of mar- don't know who to thank for it, but The only destructive stlge of the gypay moth cycle IIthe larva, or Standard rIage, she's not buy 109 thiS " caterpillar, It f.eda on the leavel of hardwood, forest, shade, fruit If voters approve Proposal C in & Poor and have to spend $10,000 elttIer So I thought I'd earn a and many ornamental trees. This Is a close-up of the damage a November, the cutbacks It will for an election to seek approval ~ Eggs are laid by the adult female cause Will hurt the qualIty of edu- millages already apprCU'ed by v0- few pomts and put 10 a "honey- slngl. Insect doe. to one branchful of 1.8ves. Multiplied by the moth In August Because she is cation in the diStrict, according to ters, according to the resolution, do" weekend You know, "Hon- billions, the damage amounts to the defoliation of hundreds of ey-do-thls, honey-do-that .. una ble to fly, the moth lays the the Grosse Pomte Board of Educa- eggs near where she emerged from thousands of acres a year. tIOn Proposal C, dubbed Voten The first thmg Rose dId was ChOice dUring the petltton dnve hand me one of those do-It-your- Faced With thf' loss of $6 mJll10n that put It on the November ballot, self manuals You know the by 1986 If the amendment passes. would roll all state Ulxes back to kmd "Install Formaldehyde In- Students rate the great debate the board unammously approved a 19tH levels, cap non-restdent city sulatIon Yourself and Save'" In- resolutIOn opposmg the amend- lI1rome taxes at 5 percent and re- SIde, there's always some clown thlllg to say, I use that," NlCcohl1l fjUe"tlOn rega rdlng religIOn lT1 poli- ment Monday mght and asked ...0- qUire voter arPrO\'al or an 80 per- By Pat Paholsk) ter~ "to advI5e them~e!ves proper- cent appro\'a by the slAle leglSla- In a demm shirt smiling as he saId tiCS \\ as not relevant, however, he Walter Mondale prOjected a bet- Ij on thiS Is~ue before f'xecutmg flmshes the sauna/JacuzzI/out- felt the abortion Issue needed to be lure for all new Increases ter Image v,hlle Ronald Reagan us- , l\1ondale waf>at hiS utter peak" their franclilse " ,< house he Installed 0\" el the ....ef'k raised .. Too many l.jUl";tIOllS v,('re ..-talent say ed sounder reasoning That was the he added, "and Reagan was at an not answered, C\hlhllgll'lHn saId. Pre.... •... end, The re~olutlOn \\ as prepared the sUite locome Lax would be roll. consensus of three members of a utter low I thmk It's very sad be- Tlotmg that thl'l e \1,,1'>not enough after the board agreed to dISCUSS ed back to >{ 6 percent, and eJected I approach these manuals the high school debatmg team follow- cause Reagan' IS a dynamiC time Within the struclure of a lllg the debate Sunday mght on na- the matter at the Monday night, offiCials would be forced to jushfy way Rose approaches the speaker " te!l"vised deba te shower scene from "P5ycho " I tIOnal TV Oct 1, orpmlatlOllal meetlllg any nt'\\ (ax Increase to voters be- Norman Issa, a semor who IS III (Contll1ued till 1).I~t' j', \) Just don't want to look at It Be- after hearing a report flom ItS fore It could be passed ThiS In turn "In debdtl' \ou're Judged on two hiS fourth ~eM as a member of the ~ cause at the top of every page, ,~, leglslatlve couns('1 would make the state live wrthm team, said Mondale "deflmtel\ I~ budget, cut ....aste from the there are the thrf'e words I \\ on on Image Reagan unfortu- Dl~tnct busllles~ InJnager Chns- dread most.
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