Sanyu Babies’ Home Quarterly Newsletter – Issue 28– July – September 2015

IN THIS ISSUE Letter from the Chairman Letter from the Director  Run for the Innocent Children Hello’s & Goodbye’s Baptism The arrival of Mercy Malaika Meet Johanna Volunteer Report  Volunteer Opportunities  Sponsor A Child Donations Needed  How to Donate Donors this quarter

LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN Whenever I look in the faces of these gems I get filled with joy and gratitude. Look at the one on the left she is so self- assured – how can the world let her down! The boy seems so ready to take on the world and win. May God help us to give them the opportunities they require? I take this opportunity to thank all of you who participated in the Marathon run for Sanyu Babies Home rehabilitation and support. We targeted raising UGX 450 million. In the event we had a wonderful time and raised UGX 104 million - so far. We trust that God will, through you, perform amazing miracles and will provide all the resources required to transform the home into the best children’s home ever. Your continued and generous contribution and support are great inspiration to us. We are committed as ever to never let God’s banner at Sanyu Babies Home burn out. May God bless you always. - Rev. Prof. Sam Luboga – Board Chairman

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, , Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) LETTER FROM THE DIRECTOR It’s a great honor to present to you the 28th issue of the Sanyu Babies’ Home Newsletter. God has continued to be so good to the Sanyu family and we praise Him for using each one of you in an amazing way to bless us. Though it’s nearly impossible for me to count all our blessings over the last few months, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who generously contributed and participated in the 2015 Sanyu Babies’ Home Rehabilitation run. The event successfully took place on the 8th day of August, 2015. We are forever grateful to you our dear friends. The last quarter has been a period of encouragement and a busy one. Praise the Lord for continual health for the Sanyu family despite the challenge of mumps among the children. We continue to look towards the future with great optimism about the future of our Home. I now have the pleasure to present to you some of the testimonies and updates of what has been going on here at Sanyu. I hope you enjoy reading all the way to the end. Barbara Nankya Mutagubya – Director


5km race participants being flagged off

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) In an effort to raise funds for the rehabilitation of Sanyu Babies’ Home, a marathon run through the Bishop’s appeal fund was held on 8th August, 2015. The theme for the day was “Run for the Innocent Children”. This is one of the unforgettable marathons which captured the hearts and minds of the nation. People up and down the country embraced the magic of giving back and used many inspiring ways to join in and support the innocent children. 2,345 people registered to participate in the 10 km run and the 5 km run; while others participated by walking around the cathedral gardens, and Sanyu Babies’ Home.

Participants praying before the start of the race Bishop flagging off 10km race participants The event was not only a fund raiser but also a team building exercise for all participants, who showed their solidarity through their kind personal contributions. The run was flagged off by the Bishop of Namirembe Diocese the Rt. Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira at 7:00am after the participants had been taken through some light aerobic exercises. The participants were welcomed back by the Sanyu children who made musical presentations together with the mamas and the volunteers.

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) Sanyu children, mamas and volunteers on stage performing

We thank all the corporate companies, schools, civil society bodies, religious institutions and all individuals for your generous contributions as well as participation in the marathon. In a special way, we thank MOVIT for the 1,500 marathon t-shirts, 2,000 bandanas, and a cash contribution; Events Ware House for the stage, sound, timer/clock, and marathon rout mapping; Fountain Supplies for the 200 marathon registration books; Namugongo water and Rwenzori water for the drinking water; Vision Group, Central Broad Casting Services (CBS), Salt FM, Impact FM and Namirembe FM for the Publicity and Advertisements; Uganda Police for the security and traffic control, Uganda Red Cross Society and Mengo Senior School students (scouts) for the marathon volunteers; Mengo Hospital, Galilee Community General Hospital, St. Johns Ambulance, International Air Ambulance (IAA), Boda boda 2010, City Medical and Case Hospital for the ambulances and medical staff that offered first aid. Without your support, the marathon would not have been a success. 104,488,820 Ugx was raised. We honorably remember and appreciate the marathon organizing committee which was chaired by John Fred Kazibwe. We therefore say “Ebenezer- Thus far the Lord has helped us”.

The walking participants’ flag off

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) HELLOS AND GOODBYES In the past three months, we have received 8 children, 4 have been re-united with their families, and 1 transferred. Admissions: Diana Nassolo (1 month old) Arrived on 30th June 2015; She was wrapped in a blanket and abandoned by an unknown person near a pit latrine in Nansana. Patrick Agaba (3 days old) Arrived on 14th July 2015; He lost his mother shortly after delivery in Hospital. Enoch Ariho (2 days old) Arrived on 16th July 2015; He was abandoned by an unknown person around a garbage area in Rakai District. Daniel Muwanguzi (2.5 months old) Arrived on 20th July 2015; He was rescued by residents from his lunatic mother in Kampala. Tendo (6 months old) Arrived on 18th August 2015; She was rescued by the mob in Kampala New Taxi Park from a seemingly lunatic man also suspected to have kidnapped her. Abigail Kiconco (7 months old) Arrived on 21st August 2015; She was rescued by a police officer of Wakaliga Police Post from a fighting couple that attempted to strangle her. Patience Nabukeera (6 days old) Arrived on 9th September 2015; She was a result of rape of a teenage mother by a stranger! Mercy Malaika Nvanungi (11months old) Arrived on 25th September, 2015; She was rescued by Police from a good Samaritan who was caring for her but using her as a tourist attraction, after her mother tried to strangle her because she was born with half arms. Reunions: Diana Nassolo (7th July 2015) Tendo (19th August 2015) Agnes Gift Nakamate (20th August 2015) Abigail Kiconco (24th August 2015)

Transferred: Patrick Agaba (27th July 2015) He was transferred to Watoto because it was discovered he had siblings there.

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) Baptisms at Sanyu On 17th September 2015, we were privileged and greatly honored to have Rev. Patrick Jameson Ssemanda come and baptize 12 babies at Sanyu. We are so thankful to the Reverend for having come in our home to baptize the children. The babies that were baptized: Joshua Ssevume Christian Byaruhanga Joram Tumushabe Elvis Ssegawa Paul Twesigye Marie Bakhita Nabbanja Francis Wamala Nicole Mercy Nakitende Erinah Nagawa Enoch Ariho Daniel Muwanguzi Patience Nabukeera

FEATURE: The Arrival of Mercy Malaika Born with half arms, Mercy’s story was a fight for survival right from her birth. At 1 day old, her mother tried to strangle her to death when she realized that Mercy has special needs. Luckily enough, a Good Samaritan rescued the baby but the mother disappeared. For the past 11 months, Mercy has been under the care of the Good Samaritan who was struggling financially and hence decided to use her as a tourist attraction to raise funds to care for her family. On Friday 25th September 2015, the Njeru Division Police – Buikwe District rescued her and brought her to Sanyu Babies’ Home for care and protection. On arrival at Sanyu Mercy was very weak and small for her age. She was listless and so extremely sad you just wanted to hold her and reassure her. For Mercy, this is a new beginning, she is fortunate to have been removed from her distressing life so far and she is already thriving from being in an environment where she is loved and cared for. She has been seen smiling and interacting with the other children, each day there is a new milestone for her. Please pray for Mercy’s continuing improvement and that she may grow stronger each day. Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) MEET JOHANNA In our December, 2008 1st Issue of the SBH Newsletter, you met a little girl named Joan who was the newly admitted baby in SBH. At less than a day old, Joan was abandoned in a black polythene bag and hung at somebody’s gate in Kamokya at night. In the morning when the gate was being opened, it was found that there was a baby in the polythene bag. When they opened the bag, they found a little girl, umbilical cord attached and very fresh and almost suffocating to death.

Little Joan was brought to Sanyu Babies’ Home and her life has never been the same again. The bible scripture in Jeremiah 29:11. (For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future) clearly defines Joan. She is completely a different child now. Joan now called Johanna was blessed with a lovely adoptive family. She is being raised in Kenya. Her parents report that she is a very happy, loving, caring and intelligent girl who is doing so well at school. She is a blessing to their family. We are so happy to have success stories like Johanna’s and are proud to have raised her.

VOLUNTEER REPORT - Tina Gardner It had been a year since I left Uganda. A long, painful year that had tested my trust in God more than anything had before. I hadn't realized, going to Sanyu a year ago, how deeply I'd fall in love, or how much it would hurt to leave. I spent a month there last summer, but when I left, I spent each day praying for the kids and mamas I had grown to love so much. I was able to return to Sanyu in April, and stay for 3 1/2 months this time. I can't say enough amazing things about this Home. You might think that a home for abandoned babies would be a sad place, but Sanyu truly is a home of joy. The diligent, hard-working mamas pour love into each and every child that passes through Sanyu, whether for 2 days or 4 years. It was so cool to see how much the kids that were still at Sanyu had grown since I was there, and how well Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) they were all doing! It was also encouraging to see how many of the kids had left and were in families of their own now. And this meant so many new little ones to love. When a new child arrives, it is such a hard adjustment for them, and they've gone through so much already. But after a few weeks of love and care, and they are running and playing with the others! One boy, Francis, arrived while I was at Sanyu. He was so sad and quiet for the first couple weeks, his huge, beautiful eyes showing how hurt and lost he felt. Every smile I could get out of him was an achievement. But the boy I left was a completely different, carefree, happy, loving boy. Or Joram, who just wanted to be held, but after a few weeks, was playing and laughing with all his new friends! It is beautiful to see the new life in these kids after a few weeks of love and care. I also have to mention the amazing nurses, Juliet and Sylvia, who work so hard to keep these kids healthy! All the workers amaze me, as many of them have their own families at home, but they still love all the kids at Sanyu like their own. While I have left Sanyu for now, I am blessed to be able to come back and visit on weekends, getting to cuddle all the kids, and be "Mama Tina" again. It truly feels like going home!


My experience at Sanyu Babies’ Home was absolutely incredible. I wish that I could have spent more than just two weeks there. Every day was an adventure, and a challenge. Every day was full of lots of laughs and smiles from the kids. It wasn’t easy all the time, but it was worth it. Being at Sanyu is about more than playing with the children; there is always work to be done whether that’s washing dishes, sorting laundry or changing a kid. My favourite part of the day was always the afternoons because if the weather was nice Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) that day we would all get to go outside. The younger babies would just lie on a blanket, and the older kids would run everywhere and burn off energy. All of the kids have their own personalities even at such a young age; some kids seem to smile nonstop (like Simon), some are simply content with life (like Christian) and some seem to have a little sass (like Deborah). I remember the two weeks as if I was just there yesterday. Every time I think of Uganda I think of these 44 children and I begin to miss their smiles, snuggles, laughs and even the crying and screaming. At Sanyu there is no such thing as a dull moment. The kids there are so beautiful and incredible, they blessed me so much. I miss them constantly. If I could hop on a plane and go back right this very moment I would not hesitate. It is amazing to think of what Sanyu Babies’ Home does for these children, and it was even more amazing to see it first-hand. When I first arrived I had no idea what to expect but within a few days I knew I would never want to leave. This experience was more than I could ever dream of and I cannot wait to go back to Sanyu someday.

Volunteer Opportunities at Sanyu Babies’ Home We offer a number of ongoing opportunities to come and volunteer at Sanyu. On site is our guesthouse, which provides each volunteer with a comfortable and safe place to stay while being steps away from the babies’ home. Please check our website for more information. We’re also on Facebook where our new video has been posted; LIKE AND SHARE!

Sponsor a Child Would you like to sponsor a child at Sanyu Babies’ Home? For just 233,496 Ugandan shillings (£53/$96/€65) you can help sponsor a child’s food, sanitation, medication and education for a full month. In return you will receive twice yearly an update and a photo of your child. This sponsorship will help the most vulnerable children in Uganda and change the lives of children at Sanyu Babies’ Home. Please contact Barbara, the Director if you can help us by sponsoring one of our babies.

Donations Needed Sanyu Babies’ Home relies almost entirely on the generosity and support of friends like you. Over the years, we have received many donations which have been enormously valuable to the home and especially the children. We thank you for all your love and support. However, we are always in need of contributions to keep the home running. Our wish list is endless and includes some of the following;

 Lactose free baby formula milk  Baby formula milk (Cow & Gate 1)  Feeding bottles  Pampers / disposable nappies in various sizes from newborn to toddlers’ pull ups

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)  Baby wipes  Baby rocking chairs/ soother chairs for the classroom  Disposable gloves  Food – rice, milk, sugar, eggs, fresh fruits, vegetables, matooke, potatoes (sweet and irish), fish, meat, peanut butter, blue band, ground nuts, etc ...  Milton Sterilising tablets or own brand sterilising tablets.  Cleaning products – ie. Detergent, bleach, washing up liquid/soap, washing detergent, stationery for administration work and classroom  Activities, toys, books, arts and crafts suitable for nursery class.  Kids toothbrushes and kids toothpaste  Kids shoes – Croc style (rubber type flip flops)

How to Donate You can do international transfer via the following bank details or by cash and or cheque written out to: Beneficiary Bank Details:

Standard Chartered Bank Uganda Limited 5 Speke Road, Kampala, P.O. Box 7111 Account Name: Sanyu Babies’ Home UGX Account No: 0102010619500 USD Account No: 8702010619500 Sort Code: 08-02-47

Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited City Branch, Kampala Road Account Name: Sanyu Babies’ Home UGX Account Number: 9030005856247 Sort Code: 31008, Swift Code: SBICUGKX

You can also send money using the MTN Mobile money collection line – 0788162147. You can post items to: PO Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda

Please ensure you let the Director know if you send any donations so they can be looking out for them. Send us an email: [email protected] or call: +256 414 274 032 or +256 712 370 950

Donors – We thank you! Every gift that is given to Sanyu is so appreciated and we want to thank everyone who has given to the children of Sanyu. The donors listed have given in cash and also in kind (formula, food, clothes, toys etc.) and we know that it is the heart of the giver, not the size of the donation. Thank you so much for your kind hearts! This list is for April, 2015 to June, 2015.

CRANE patterning with Viva has donated start up packs for all the children reunited with families, the Province of the Church of Uganda staff, Christine Nakaweesa, Buule Ronald, Graham Carr, Benjamin Mwesigwa, Ameet G, Yasin Keshwani, Mrs. Mulwana Sarah, Mrs. Dorothy Lubega, G &W Investment, Worship Harvest Ministries, Nancy Mwangi, Jessica Ginnellon, Kitiibwa Joan, Young Living Oils, Susanna, Stella Kakai, Mr. Chandramouli, Nadia Sahil Kotadia, Dolphine Pharmacy, Mayanja Ronald, Boys &Girls brigade Namirembe, King of Kings International College, Scouts from Elyon K.P.S, Jenn Ben & Teri, Kasabiiti Jennifer, Varun Compeist LTD, Abigail Confectionery, Katende

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) Musa, Juliana & MB. Namugera, Namuddu Esther, Lukka Vipil, HEAR Uganda, Aluma Kingsley Ndubisi, Sheila Wandege, Mrs. Obiyo, Samuel Ngugi Nyambura, Eng. John K. Msemo, Albert Ngusaru, Abby Glhulua, Kabasinguzi Joyce, Ongena Ivan, Kasumba Enock, Dr. Vaidyanathan, Dr. R.R. Chandramonli, Emily Cheers, Cambridge News Network Cambridge S.S, Ravi Patel, Meg Anty, Vallerian Primary School, Juliet Sentamu Family, Bunnya Stephen, Trideep Sanjay Pindoria, Capt. Turyagenda, Kizito Jimmy, Nazziwa Robinah, Eritam Sigh, Shakintalaber Patel, Jallynwhite, Md Abdul Walab, Muwanga, Dakan Bigwirwa, Alexia Rugasira, Pr. Robert Ssesanga, Mrs. Muwanga, Paulo Wafula, Lynette Wabwire, Ivan Muhumuza, Sai Baba, St. Anthony of Padua Learning center, Progressive, Kibibi Junior School, Ogullei Kenneth Timothy, Ethel Wanyana, Nsiimbi Moses, Eng & Mrs. Kalega, Megan Knox, Sylivia Agaba, Look at Christ not Crisis, Musa, Eunice Nkomeje, Robert British Airways, St. Hohns Church Kitintale, Pravina, Rev. Canon Sentongo, Little Beetles Kindergaten Kiwatule, L.K. Nyombi, Shunamite Women Faith, Irene Patel, Chiristine Gardner, Excel soccer Academy Parents, Briana, Asiimwe Rosemary, Moses kato, Selina Baumgarthor, Cornerstone Age Ministries, Roxy Cant, Michelle& Thomas Warrines, Kasirye Winnie, Shyam Chag, Dave Maud, Leoni Bennett & Sally Aziz, Rachael Asiimwe, Nicole & Sarah Conners, Esther Josph, Patel Kinjal & Patel Ruchunu, Nanziiri Faustar, Kakinda Bernard, Jessica Gianelloni, Segawa Julie, Oweka Anifa, Asiimwe Rogers, Moses Bwogi, Mirka Dolezalova, Kiran Dinesh, TASO Mulago Center, Kwest Excursion LTD, UPMB, Mr. Godfrey Baguma & family, Nsemere Esther, Yasin, Delphne Josiah, Mercy House Church, Hamidu, Mbabazi, Mwenyango Irene, Muyimba John, Samantha Gregory, MSF , Poni Augustina, Sonia Nabeta Foundation, Kathibati Baguma, Wendy Morrison, Faith E-Nabaggala, Nalutaaya Sharifah, Namaseruka Jackie, Fred Yiga &Family, Ainembabazi Mercy, Jay LTD, Mirembe Prossy, Buule Ronald, Isabelle Dullin, Juliana Davies, Kizito Jimmy, Maria Rasheva & Sandra Aitmeyer, Odysey Nursery Dubai, Mulagira& Family, Alpha Ladies, Mr. Luyind Raymond, Dipa Daltoni, Abera Jane, Nabuyongo Eve, Assimwe Prize(LCM), Mital Patel, Onwuamaze Chukwudi & family, Ngobi M. Masoud, Karolyne & Stephen Lukwago, Teddy, Jessy, Jashika Govind Hulal, Church of Jesus Christ Of Latler Day Saints, St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe, Sentongo Ronald, Nakinjowa Carolyne, Nambooze Shatrah, Abigaba Victoria, Jitu V. Maru, Dinesh Kanabley, Birungi Joanita,Luyimbazi Godfrey, Pallin Koteene & family, Annet Dattani, James Mugabi, Embassy of God academy, Mbolio College school,Hajjat Hon. Lukwago Shifrah, Amim Papatia, Shyam Chag, Omwany Francis, Kanyankole’s Family, Hirani Nanji Keshra, Lamula William St. Stephens Sunday school, Justine Oboth, Evelyn Kyomuhendo & Amelia, Joey& Anssa haywood, Ngobi Mohammed M, Mbareeba Agnes, Katikamu SDA SS, Helena Heckmann, Jitesh , Juliet Kaggwa, James Mugabi, Aisha Hussein, Redcross Link Kako SS, Naomi Magowan & Katry Rowe, Ritesh Patel, Beta Healthcare UG LTD, Africa Elevation, Hiral Patel, Scymin Papatia, Fredrick Luboyera, Dennis Jjuuko, Stephen & Karol Lukwago, Mucunguzi Harriet, Geeta Constractions & hardware , Denis Kulubya, Peter Luyima, Samali Sengonzi, Mountain of fire& Miracles Ministries, Naloka Janet, Maureen Nagasha, Mildred Areeta, Elizabeth I, Mukasa Josephine, Tam de Wit, Cillas Ovens, Saturday Obed, Perebts;s Hope P/S, Monica Kalemba, Robinah Isakwa, Muzenze’s Family, Simon Peter Senyondo, Barbara Sentiba, Birimuye Lydia, Aida Obiga, Hardik Bhatt, Allen Wanyana, Claire & Kimba, Birothday Radhika, Sseruwagi Benson, Ssekitto A.Karim, Beneth & Francis, Ritah atuhairwe, Amos Akampulira, Atim Gladys, Seeta High school, Wajambuka & Family, Ritesh J. Patel, Watoto Cell group, Kizito Dickson, John Collins Mugoda, Patrick Gwayambadde, Dorah Kabonero, Sylivia Karungi, Joanita , Bamanyis Vincent, Mr. Shamji & Harish,Justine Nakintu, Parricia Ssewungu, Nakamya, Gusai Prafuben, Outlet Supermarket Freedom City, Jjumba Michael, Ritiesag Bhatagas, Mpanja Dianah,Kanti Kelai, Poni Angustina, Fresh Start Uganda, Rebecca Mubiru, Jjukko Marvin, Kalema Mark, Truth Fountain Church, Dorcas Angeicon, Wandwasi evelyn, Pilar Rodriguez, Gloria Torres, Sarah, Holly & Hannah Mitchell, Shannon Bayd & Zoe Deazley, Liz Sentamu, Eden Revival Church, Sarah Ssebadduka, Asiimwe D, KK grocery, The Muwanga Family, Sandra Cemirares, Moses Kato & Grace Masiko Family, Sserwada Marting, Ssekitto Susan, Janet Nakibbuka, Maureen Mukisa Kavuma, Ashen Oliver Nakato & Mirembe, Yasin Katiso, Kyaide Fred, Christine Kasule Mulimba, Mulungi Mulimba, Brenda Mitchell, Sandra Topinka, John & Diana Lubega, James &Mellida, Zims, Hannah Mary Nakawunde, Mr & Mrs. Musoke Juliana, Tina Brunet, Hospital Training School, Ssesanga Paul & Agaba Brendah, Davide Cobliat & Necy, John Byantalo (BA crew), Mr.& Mrs Damba, Nakaye Janet, Varun Computers LTD, Akoberwa Julian,

Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9) Damalie Ndagire, Birungi Winfred, Fredah Mugagga, Suzanne Kavuma, Chief Distilise LTD, Namaseruka Jackie, Nalutaaya Sharifah, Faith Nabaggala, Mahesh M, Maryveparatrix Girls Sch Entebbe, St. Mary’s College Kisubi, Manesh Deepak, Denis Kulubya, Eric Egau, Muyanja James, Modha Kishir, Patel Diapyskla, Kayemba John Bosco, Edward Senyonga, Biryoho family,Purpose Driven Chariots, Friends of a Friend, Rock & Success company ltd, Look at Christ not the Crisis, Zinda Farouk, Mathew Hassan, Matovu Herman, Birungo Joanita, Musaala Irene, Melvin Pierie, Aidah Nabakooza, Heather Bennet, Jane Namuddu, Ayaz Dewari, Bagala Nudini, Agaba Brendah, Paul Ssesanga, Wesonga Family, Mr Mayanja Ronald, Mr Katumba, Sadati Kasuule, Angella Nsereko, Miller Alex, Fivily Bullen, Asiimwe Amos Patrick, Nsubuga Mark, Josephine Magoba, Lusiba Andrew, Ronald Nyende, Zake Agatha, Kiyaga Samuel, Emmanuel Muhire Kweya, Joseph Aliker, Susan Zawedde Leah, John Baptist Matovu, Nancy, Nasejje Rose, Nalwanga Caroline, Miss Crystal Alexa Lau, Miss Chen Wai, Rachael Iredale, Joanita, Bamanyisa Vicent, Chris, Seroma Ltd Payex, Entebbe Handling Services, Katie Synman, Amy Holman, Barbara Semwanga, Rebecca Fund c/o Irene Heare, Cathy Kukiriza, Joyce Mirembe, James Kafeero, Aclaim Africa, Anne Carling, Nakazibwe Sylivia, Kitiesag Bhatagas, Patrick Igella , Redeemer Church Centerville, Kate Makanga, L2D Limited, AMISTAD International, Joseah, Pastor Sempijja, Asiimwe David, Prof Dr Steven Olga Kaddu and Friends from Graz Australia, Patrick, Calva Violet, Mrs Juliet Segawa, James, Jalia Paricharak, Ssekitto Susan, Mr Kigozi , Bayite P, Ken, Kim, & Margaret, Mrs Justine Mubiru, Mr Katete, Moureen Mukisa Kavuma, Lameck Nyanzi, Lammella Paivi, Dorothy Kasoma, Mulago School of Medicine, Mr Baite Paul, Mrs Bazanyanengo, Mr Kabuye Godfrey, Joanita Birungi, Denis Kulubya, Mr Konice Kihembo, Rock & Sucress Company Ltd, Matthew Hassan, Gordon Aroho, Katerega Kayondo, CWF, Olive Idaali, Rev Tom Kakanyi, Ekit Monica, Mulago School Of Medicine Year 4 , Kabano Alexandra, Rose Nakulembe, Ssekitto Abdul Karim, Joviah Akandwanaho, Ms Kebirungi Samdra, Mathew and Esther, Kamya Chris, Udeagha Emmanuel Benjamin Mwesigwa, Segawa Juliet, Noha Adway. Nancy, Monica Kalemba, Robinah Isakwa, Obed Saturday.

“God loves a cheerful Sanyu Babies’ Home, P.O. Box 14162, Mengo, Kampala, Uganda Tel: +256 414 274 032 Mobile+256 712 370 950/ +256 705 681 603 Email: [email protected] Website: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we shall reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)