W, DALTON. STEAM BOILER SUPERHEATER, APPLICATION EILET FIEB, 20, l912, NAVNESS 4. W. DALTON. STEAM BOILER SUPERHEATER, APPLICATI0N FILEID FEB. 20, 1912. 1,031,693. Patented July 9, 1912, 2 sHEETS-S HEET NVENTOR ????? V- ?? ?? ?? " | UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. WILLIATI DALTON, or SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK, sTEAM-BOILEER SUPERREGATER. få,031693. Specification of Letters Patet, Patented July 9, 1912. Application filed February 20, 1912. Serial No. 678,835. To all whom it may concern I of the location of the superheating elements, Be it known that I, WILLIAM DALTON, of as smoke box and fire tube superheaters. Schenectady, in the county of Schenectady Each of these classes is necessarily open to and State of New York, have invented a certain practical objections, the smoke box 60 certain new and useful Improvement in t?? e not being capable of developing a suf Steam-Boiler Superheaters, of which im ficiently high degree of superheat to be provement the following is a specification. fully effective, and, further, involving a My invention relates to superheaters for material extension and obstruction of the steam boilers of the locomotive type, and smoke box, and the fire tube type requiring. 85 0 more particularly to those having a com the use of flues of materially greater than bustion chamber in the waist of the boiler, ordinary diameter, and superheating pipes and its object, is to provide a superheating of great length, and obstructing the passage appliance which shall be readily applicable of the gases through the superheating tubes. iniboilers of such character, without modifi A comparatively shall number of locomo-.
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