Compiling a Monolingual * Dictionary for Native Speakers Patrick Hanks, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (
[email protected]) Abstract: This article gives a survey of the main issues confronting the compilers of monolin- gual dictionaries in the age of the Internet. Among others, it discusses the relationship between a lexical database and a monolingual dictionary, the role of corpus evidence, historical principles in lexicography vs. synchronic principles, the instability of word meaning, the need for full vocabu- lary coverage, principles of definition writing, the role of dictionaries in society, and the need for dictionaries to give guidance on matters of disputed word usage. It concludes with some questions about the future of dictionary publishing. Keywords: MONOLINGUAL DICTIONARIES, LEXICAL DATABASE, DICTIONARY STRUCTURE, WORD MEANING, MEANING CHANGE, USAGE, USAGE NOTES, HISTORICAL PRINCIPLES OF LEXICOGRAPHY, SYNCHRONIC PRINCIPLES OF LEXICOGRAPHY, REGIS- TER, SLANG, STANDARD ENGLISH, VOCABULARY COVERAGE, CONSISTENCY OF SETS, PHRASEOLOGY, SYNTAGMATIC PATTERNS, PROBLEMS OF COMPOSITIONALITY, LIN- GUISTIC PRESCRIPTIVISM, LEXICAL EVIDENCE Opsomming: Die samestelling van 'n eentalige woordeboek vir moeder- taalsprekers. Hierdie artikel gee 'n oorsig van die hoofkwessies waarmee die samestellers van eentalige woordeboeke in die eeu van die Internet te kampe het. Dit bespreek onder andere die verhouding tussen 'n leksikale databasis en 'n eentalige woordeboek, die rol van korpusgetuienis, historiese beginsels vs sinchroniese beginsels in die leksikografie, die onstabiliteit van woordbete- kenis, die noodsaak van 'n volledige woordeskatdekking, beginsels van die skryf van definisies, die rol van woordeboeke in die maatskappy, en die noodsaak vir woordeboeke om leiding te gee oor sake van betwiste woordgebruik.