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Ipsos Flair Collection France 2011, A society of “extra-lucids” NOBODY’S UNPREDICTABLE* France 2011, A society of “extra-lucids” Ipsos editions December 2010 ©2010 - Ipsos 2| [Lead-in] Ipsos Flair: understanding to anticipate Launched in 2005, Ipsos Flair grew from a desire to combine the six types of expertise Ipsos offers (Marketing, Advertising, Media, Opinion, Customer Relations Management, Data Collection, Data Processing and Distribution), with a view to presenting a vision of society founded on an observation and interpretation of the behaviors, attitudes and opinions of consumer-citizens. The stance Ipsos Flair takes in relation to French society and the changes taking place is one — cherished by psychologists and by Freud in particular — of “benevolent neutrality.” Ipsos sees research findings as symptoms, whose analysis helps define a mapping of structuring and emerging trends. From this point of view, 2010 deserved its title of “no limits year” and its slogan “passion destroyed becomes passion to destroy”… Most of the standards that govern normal relations between individuals, institutions, authorities, etc. were smashed with incredible casualness and ease: the French soccer team refuse to train during the World Cup, looting and setting fire to cars accompany victory, likewise for the defeat of the Algerian team, urban riots break out in Grenoble or Saint-Aignan as reprisals for police actions, the “mass aperitifs” made popular by Facebook reinvent the codes of social drinking, and so on and so forth. After the vocabulary of denial and euphemism, the vocabulary of dysfunction and restructuring are no longer enough. So new words must be invented, words associated with a different perception of law and order.
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