

I. B. M. Jenkins, Intcmiltional Terrorism: A Ncw Kind o( IVorfilre (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, June 1(74), 4-7. B. M. Jenkins, Intcull/tional Terrorism: The Othcr World War (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, November 19R5), 9-11. M. Crenshaw Hutchinson. Rel'O­ Ilitionan' Tcrrorism: The FLN in Algeria, 1954-1962 (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 197R), 36-R, 137 . .I. Wright, Terrorist Propa­ g£7l1da: The Red Arm)' Faction ([nd tlze PrOl'isiona! IRA, 1968-1986 (Lon­ don: Macmillan. 1(91), 77. 2. M. Crenshaw Hutchinson, Revo!lIIionarv Terrorism, 20. For a list of definitions see A. P. Schmid & A. J. J(;ngman, Political Terrorism: A nell' gil ide 10 actors, lIulhors, concepts, data hasc.l, thcorics, and litc/'{/­ tllrc (Amstcrdam: North-Holland Puhlishing, 19RR). 32-R. 3. M. Crenshaw Hutehinson, Rcvollllionill}' Terrorism, 21. 4. C. Gearty, TaroI' (London: Faber & Faber, 1991; 1(92), 151-2. R. P. Clark, The Basqllc Insllrgcllls: ETA, 1952-1980 (Madison, WI: Univer­ sity of Wisconsin Press, 19R4), xv-xvi. 5. US Department of State, Bureau of Publie Affairs, Uhl'll IInder Qildlw{i: A Pattern or Aggrcssion, Special Report No. 13R (Washington, DC: U.S. Dept of State, January 19R6), I. R. Gillespie. Soldicrs u( Pcron: Algclltina's Montuncros (Oxford: Oxford Univen.,ity Press, \9R2). 244-52. J. Burns. The Lllnd ThaI Losl Its Hemes: Algel/tilla, The Falklallds alld AlfiJl/.lin (London: Bloomsbury. \9R7), 20-3. 6. E. S. Herman, The Rcal Terror Nctwork: Terrorism in Fact and Propa­ ganda (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 19R5), 2\-5. E. S. Herman & G. O'Sullivan, The Terrorism Indllstl),: The Experts and Institlltiolls That Shape Our View o( Tcrror (New York: Pantheon, 19R9), xii, 45-7, 152, 157. E. S. Il<:rman & G. O'Sullivan, "Terrorism" as Ideology and Cultural Industry'. and A. George, 'The Discipline of Terrorology', in A. George (ed.), I'l/cste/'ll State Terrorism (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1(91), 39-40, 57-62, 6R-9, 77, 92-3. 7. 'Gonzalez drawn into "death squad" scandal', Thc Independent, 10 De­ cember 19RR. '''" scandal worsens', The Independent. 21 De­ cember 1994. 'Madrid sues over "dirty war" claims', The Independent, 11 January 1995. 'The noose is tightened around Felipe's neck', The Gllardia/l, 23 February 1995. P. Taylor, States of' Terror: l)elllOcmcy and Political Violence (London: BBC Books, 19(3), 9R-I04. M. S. Dillkno, "'Guardians of Democracy": Vigilantes in the Philippines', and J. Caceres, 'Violence, National Seeurity and Democratisation in Central America', in M. Kirkwood (ed.), Stales of Terror: J)ea/h Sqllads or Devc/opmcnt? (London: Catholie Institute for International Rela­ tions, 19R9), 4R-53, 105-7.

183 184 Notes iI. M. J. Akhar. India: The Siege rFithin (Harmondswurth: Penguin, 19i15). lil9. M. Tullv & S. Jacob, Amritsar: Mrs (;(/ndhi's Last BailIe (Lon­ don: Jonath,;n Cape. 19i15), 57-61, 105, 121. B. Vaughn, 'The Use and Ahuse of Intelligence Services in India', Intelligence and National Secllrity, ii, no. 1 (January 1993). 9. J. Schmeidel, 'My Enemy's Enemy: Twenty Years of Co-operation he­ tween West Germany's Red Army Faction and the GDR Ministry for State Security', Intelligence and National Scc II rity , 1\, no. 4 (Octoher 1993). B. A. Scharlau, Lejt- Wing TerrorislIl in the Federal Repllblic of (;erman.\', Ph.D., University of St Andrews, 1991,56-61. 'East was haven to German terrorists', The Times, 15 June 1990. 'More German terror suspects seized', The Indepel/dent, 16 June 1990 .. Arrests expose E. Germany's terrorist links', The Independent, 20 June 1990. 10. C. Seton-Watson, 'Terrorism in ', in J. Lodge (ed.), The Threat of TerrorislIl (Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 191\i\), 92-3, 105-6. M. Bull, 'Vil­ lains of the Peace: Terrorism and the Secret Services in Italy', Intelli­ gel/ce lind National S'ecurity, 7, 110. 4 (October 1992). 'Italians hlame shadowy powers for bringing terror to Florence', The II/dependent on SUI/day, 30 May 1993, The underlying thesis in P. Willan, Puppet Masters: The Political Usc of Terrorism in !taly (London: Constable, 1991). is that many right-wing terrorist groups in Italy were manipulated and directed to a degree by the Italian secret serviees. 11. US Department of State, Pallems or (Jlobal Terrorism: 1989 (Wash­ ington, DC: Government Printing Office, April 1990), 6. US Depart­ ment of State, Pi/Items of (;loblll Ta/"OrislIl: 1990 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, April 1991), 40. 12. D. Moss, The Politics of Lett-Wing Violence in Illlly, 1969-1985 (Lon­ don: Macmillan, 1989), 2. V. S. Pisano, The Dynamics of Subversion and Violence in ContemporlllY !taly (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 19i17), 3i1, 51. J. Pearce, Colombia: Inside the Labyrillth (Lon­ don: Latin American Bun:au, 1990), 7, 195.


1. B. M. Jenkins, Tlie Lessolls oj" Beirut: TestilllollY hefiJre tlie Long COI1l­ missioll (Santa Monica, CA: RAN D Corporation, February 19i14), 2. 2. 'Rajiv Gandhi assas~inated in bomb blast', Tlte Tillles, 22 May 1991. 'Rajiv Gandhi murdered by bombers at election rally', The IndepCll­ dent, 22 May 1991. 'What One-Eyed Jack knows', The Illdepelldent, 1 July 1991. 3. P. Wilkinson, 'Designing an Effective International Aviation Security System', Terrorism lind Political Violence,S, no. 2 (Summer 1(93), 105. E. F. Mickolus, T. Sandler, J. M. Murdock, IntenIational Terrorislll ill Ihe 198()s: A Cliroll%gv of £I'ellts. Volullle I/, 1984-1987 (Ames, IA: Iowa State University, 19i19), 376-il. S. Emerson & B. Duffy, The Fall of Pi/n Am 103 (London: Futura, 1990), 199-200. 4. 'Murdered RUe man's body found', The Independent, 14 September 1990. 'IRA admits shooting of sergeant', The Times, 19 September Notes IRS

1990. B. O'Brien, The Long War: The IRA and Sinn Fein, 1985 to Todav (Duhlin: O'Brien Press, 1(93),207. 5. Sunday Times Insight Team, Siege: Prince's Gate, London, April 30- May 5, 1980 (Feltham: Hamlyn, 19RO), 31, 45, 52, 61-2. E. F. Mickolus, T. Sandler, J. M. Murdock, Intemationul Terrorism in the 1980s: A Chronology of Events. Vollime 1, I980-]C)83 (Ames, IA: Iowa State University, 1(1)9), 40-2. P. Schlesinger, Media, State and Nation: Pol­ itical Violence and Collective Identities (London: Sage, 19(1), 31. 6. G. McKee & R. Franey, Tillie BOlllb (London: Bloomshury, 1(1)1)), 326-47. 7. P. Snow & D. Phillips, Leila's Hi;ack War: The True Storr of 25 Da)'s in Septemher 1970 (London: Pan, 1(70). G. Rosie, The Director)' of International Terrorism (Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing. 1(1)6), <)4-6. G. Chaliand, The Palestinian Resistance (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1(72), 167. R. 'Incendiary devices increasingly used in terror attacks', The Indepcndent, 2 December 1991. 'IRA switch tactics with store firebombs, disrup­ tion of rail commuters and mortar attack on Downing Street', The Gliardian, II January 1992. 'IRA claims responsibility for planting fire­ bomhs', The Independent, 2 September 1991. 'Mainland attacks admit­ ted by IRA', The Tillles, 2 September 1991. 9. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The PI'()l'isional mA (London: Heinemann, 19R7; Corgi, 19RR), 336-7. W. D. Flackes & S. Elliott. Northern irellilld: A Political Directol)' ]968-93 (Belfast: Blackstatf, 1'1(4), 15. K. J. Kelley, The Longest War: Northern and the IRA (London: Zed Books. 1(81)), 22R-9. 10. 'Insured loss may hit £150m', Lloyd's List, 12 February 1996. II. 'London counts the cost of IRA bomhs', The Independent, 13 April 1'In. 'Back-to-work City defies the IRA', The Tillles, 13 April 1992. 'City homh claims may reach £I bn', The Independent, 14 April 1992. 'Troubles chronology: Apr. Hr, FOr/night, May 1992. 'I RA City bomb­ ers identified hy police', The Independent, 15 '/uly 19n. 'Cost will ex­ haust pool of insurance money', The Independent, 26 April 1993. 'One homb: £Ibn devastation', The Independent on Sunda.\' , 24 April 1993. 'Taxpayers foot IRA bomb bill', The Times, 26 April 1993. 'Security to be stepped up in City after blast', 'Toll of injured rises to 51', both in The Independellt, 26 April 1Y93. 12. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked: Terrorism (lnd Conflict in the Italian State (London: Marion Boyars, 1989), lOR-IS. J. Agirre, Operation Ogro: The ExeclItion of Admiral LlIis Carrero Blanco (New York: Quadrangle, 1(75). 13. The identity of the group responsible for the Bologna bombing has not been conclusively established. Four members of a fascist group were convicted of carrying out the bombing in I Y88, but their convic­ tions were overturned on appeal in 1990. C. Seton-Watson. 'Terrorism in Italy', 94. P. Willan, PlillpetMasters, 13-14,160-7,170-3. S. Christie, Stefano Delle Chiaie: Portrait of a Black Terrorist (London: Anarchy Magazine/Refract Publications, I Y84), 25, 109, 113. G. Harris, The Dark Side of Ellrope: The Extreme Right Today, new edition (Edinburgh: 186 Notes

Edinburgh University Press, 199-1),115, 11K. C. Schaerf, G. de Lutiis, A. Silj, F. Carlucci, F. Bellucci, S. Argentini, VellIi Alllli tii ViolellzlI ill Iw!ia: 1969-1988, two volumes (: ISODARCO, n.d.). K66. 14. M. Dilllln & D. Lehane, Political Murder ill Northern Ire/alld (Harmond­ sworth: Penguin, [(73), 29-35. M. Dillon, The Shallkill Butchers (London: Hutchinson, 19K9: Arrow, 1(90). S. Bruce, The Red Halld: Protestallt Part/militaries ill Northern Irelalld (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1(02), 1-1, In-KI. 15. R. Hill & A. Bdl. The ()fher Face of' Terror: Illside Europe's Neo-Nazi NetHork (London: Grafton, 19KK), 152, 153--1, 211. The question as to whether some of the more random attacks should be regarded as acts of terrorism is discussed in T. Bjorgo, 'Terrorist Violence against Immigrants and Refugees in Scandinavia: Patterns and Motives', in T. Bjnrgo & R. Witte, Racist Violellce ill Europe (London: Macmillan, 1(93), 3-1-K. 16. M. Crenshaw Hutchinson, RCl'Olutiollarv Terrorism, xv. 17. A. P. Schmid & A. J. Jongman, Political Terrorism, 160. IK. M. Crenshaw Hutchinsoll, Rcrolutiollary TcrrorislIl, 142. J. Bowyer Bell, IRA Tactics alld TlI/gets: All Allalysis of Tactical Aspects of the Armed Struggle, 1969-J989 (Swords: Poolbeg, 1(90), 27, -18, 111-12, 115. 19. K. J. Kdley, The LOllgest War, 306. 20. C. L. Irvin, 'Terrorists' Perspectives: Interviews', in D. L. Paletz & A. P. Schmid (cds), Terrori.lm alld the Media (Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1(02), 7K-9. 21. D. Breen, All' Fight f(n' Irish Freedolll, revised and enlarged edition (Dublin: Anvil, 196-1), 8-1. 22. P. Gurney, BUIl'er MCIl Walk Away (London: HarperCollins, 19(3), 2l3. 23. S. Segaller, IIll'isible Armies: Terrorism illto the J990s, revised edition (London: Sphere Books, 19K7), 100. E. MacDonald, Shoot the Womell First (Fourth Estate, 1991: London: Arrow, 1(92), 14-15, 22, 33. J. Bowyer Bell, IRA Tactics (/Ild Til/gets, 29. G. Adams, The Politics or Irish Freei/olll (Dingle: Brandon, 19S6), 121. 'IRA switch to mortar and landminl: campaign', The Guardiall, 16 March 1985. 'What's on the agenda now is an end to partition', The Irish Tillles, 10 December 19K6 . . I Ri\ rings changes to restore balance of terror', The Guardiall, .5 May 19S7. 2-1. A. Jamieson, The Hellrt Attacked, 86. V. S. Pisano, The DYllall/ics of Sllbl'CI'siOIl alld Violellce ill COlltempomry haIr, 157. C. Schaerf et aI., Vellii Alllli di Vio!ellza ill Italia, 414. 25. S. Cronin, Irish Natiollalism: A HistOJY of its Roots alld Ideology (Dub­ lin: The Academy Press, 19S0), 348. R. Fagilot, Britain's Militwy Strategy ill Irellllld: The Kitsoll Experimellt (London: Zed Books, 19K3), 233. 26. T. P. Coogan, Michael Collins: A Biographv (London: Hutchinson, 19(0),78. 27. 'Derry Brigade Warning to RUC St:cret Police', Republicall News, 12 February 1977. C. Ryder, The RUe: A Force Ullder Fire (London: Methuen, 19S9), 172. 'SAS Captain Executed', , 21 May 1977. M. Dillon, The Dirty War (London: Hutchinson, 1990; Ar­ row, 19(1), 161-87. M. Urban, Big Boys' Rilles: The Secret Strtlggle Notes lR7

against the IRA (London: Faber & Faber, 1992),53-7. F. Holroyd & N. Burbridge, War Without HOllour (Hull: Medium, 1989),47, 55, 74-8. 28. 'Damage in huge blast put at nOm', The Indepelldent, 25 September 1992. 'Court laboratory bombed by IRA", The Times, 25 September 1992. 'Brits haven't a clue', 'War News: Lab Flattened', 'IRA strikes at Diplock system's heart', !Repuhlican Nell'S (hereafter AP/l?N) , 1 October 1992. "'Troubles" chronology: Wed Sep 23 " Fort­ lIight, no. 311 (November 1992),34. 29. S. Aust, The Baader-!l1eillhof Group: The Illside StOl), of a Phenom­ e//o1I (Hamburg: Hoffman & Campe Verlag, 1985; London: Bodley Head, 1987), 115, 116. J. Becker, Hitler's Childrell: The Storr of the Baader-Meillhof Gallg (London: Granada, 1978), 234-6. 30. W. Laqueur, The Age of Terrorism (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987), 112. 31. C. Marighela, 'Handbook of Urhan Guerrilla Warfare', 'Guerrilla Tactics and Operations', in C. Marighela, For the Liberatioll of' Bmzil (Hanllonds­ worth: Penguin, 1971), 72, 81, 111-12. 32. 'IRA suspected as raiders get away with £2m', 71,e Intiell('//dent, 8 January 1992. 'Brooke going soft on I RA says his hop " The Times, 8 January 1992. 'I RA fund-raising blamed for surge in Irish robberies'. The In­ depelldellt, 22 May 1990. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prol'ision({l IRA, 194. 223, 391. W. LIqueur, The Age of' Terrorism, 97 . .I. Adams, The Fillllllcillg of Terror (London: New English Library, 1986: 1(88),117-20. A. Horne, A SlIl'age War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962 (London: Macmillan, 1977; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1(79),553. 33. 'Raiders target the country post offices', 11rc Illdepelldelll. 17 March 1992. 34. R. Gillespie, Soldiers of Peroll, 180-2. R. CllItterbllck, Kidnap, Hijack and Ex/or/ion (London: Macmillan, 19K7), 157-8. 35. M. Bles & R. L.ow, The Kidllap Busilless (1987; L.ondon: Star, 1988), 198-9. 36. R. P. Clark, The Basque Illslllgell/s, 227-8. E. MacDonald, Shoot the WOll1ell First, 33. M. Hies & R. Low, 11re Kidllap Busilless, 2011-14. 37. R. P. Clark, The Basque Inslllgents, 227-8. 38. A. Labwusse, Tlrc TUjJllmaros: Urban GlIerrillas in Umgllav (Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1970; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973), 100, 127. D. Ronfeldt, Tire 1\1itrione Kidnapping in Umguav (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1987), 6-7, 29. For more detail of one of these kidnappings from the perspective of the victim see G. Jackson. PcojJ/c~\' Prisoll, (Faher & Faher, 1973; Newton Abbot: Reader's Union, 1974). 39. 'Drug barons threaten to kill hostages', The Indepelldellt, 1 November 1990. 40. J. 1'. ('hoi, Acts of' I'io/ellce agaillst civil al'iatioll: Iristorical SlIn'e\" pcnpec­ til'es alld respollses, Ph.D., University of St Andrews, 19<)2,206-43. E. F. Mickolus, T. Sandler, J. M. Murdock, 11lIl'J'/UItiolllll Terrorism ill tire 1980s, 1984-1987, 219-25. G. Rosie, The Directu/)' olIlItemational Terrorism, 280. 4l. E. F. Mickolus, T. Sandler, J. M. Murdock, Illternatiollal Terrorism ill tire 1980s: 1980-1983, 468-9. 188 Notes

42. A. Iyad & E. Rouleau, AI\' HOll1e MI' Land: A Narm/il'e ot the Pales­ tiniall Struggle (Paris: Fayolk, 1,)7H; Ncw York: Times Books, 1,)H I), lO6,112-13. 43. G. Woodcock, AnarchislI1: A History of" Lihertarian Ideas ((lid Move­ mellts (USA: The World Publishing Company, 1962; Harmondsworth: Penguin, EJ75), 2116-95. 1. loll, The Allarchists, second edition (Lon­ don: Methuen, 1(79), 113-19. D. Miller, Allarchism (London: 1. M. Dent & Sons, 1(114), 111-12. 44. G. Woodcock, Allarchism, 292. 1. loll, The Allarchists, 113. 45. 1.1011, The Allarchists, IIH. 46. P. A. Lupsha, 'Explanation of Plliitical Violence: Some Psychological Theories Versus I ndignation', Politics alld Society, 2, no. I (Fall 1(71). 47. P. A. Lupsha, 'Explanation of Political Villience', 102. 411. A. Merari, 'Terrorism as a Strategy of Insurgency", Terrorism and Pol­ itical Violence, 5, nu. 4 (Winter 1993), 237. 49. K. Tololyan, 'Martyrdom as Legitimacy: Terrorism, Religion and Sym­ bolic Appropriation in the Armenian Diaspora', P. Wilkinson & A. M. Stewart (cds), Contempor(//)' Research Oil Terrorism, (Aberdeen: Aherdeen University Press, 19117; 1911')). ')3. W. Laqueur, The Age of Terrorism, 227. 1. E. Vorbach, 'Monte Melkonian: Armenian Revolu­ tionary Leader', Terrorism alld Political Violellce, 6, no. 2 (Summer 19(4), 1711. 50. 'Terrorists kill India's former armv chief', Far Eastern Ecollomic Re­ rieli', 21 August I,)H6. 'Vaidya kille;s hanged', The Hilldu: Illternatiollal, i7 Octoher 1')92. M. Tully & S. Jacob, AJIlritsar, 155-91. M . .I. Akbar, Illdia: The Siege Within, 201-5.


l. W. A. Rosenhaum, Political Culture (London: Nelson, 1975), 120. 2. M. Kramer, 'Sacrifice and Fratricide in Shiite Lebanon', Terrorism alld Political Violence, 3, no. 3 (Autumn 1(91), 32-3. K. Tololyan, 'Cul­ tural Narrative and the Motivation of the Terrorist', in D. C. Rapoport (cd.), Inside Terrorist (hganizlltions (London: Frank Cass, 1(1111), 221. A. T. Q. Stewart, The Narrow Ground: The Roots of Conflict in Ulster, revised edition (London: Faber, 1(119), 1110-1. J. Darby. 'The Histori­ cal Background', in 1. Darby (ed.), Northern Ireland: The Backgroulld to tlte Conflict (Belfast: Appletree Press, 19113), 15. 3. R. Hill & A. Bell, Tlte Otlter Face of Terror, 95, 121-2. 125, 157, 169. Searchlight. From Ballots to Bomhs: The Inside StOl}, of the Natiollal Front's Poli/ical Soldiers (London: Searchlight, after 1(119), 16-19. C. di Giovanni, Light /im/l Behind the Bars: Lellers jimll the Red Bri­ gades and Other Former Italian Terrorists; True Stories of" Terror, Agony alld Hope (Slough: St Paul Publications, 1990), ')5, 99-100. 4. Fur a selection sec J. Hutchinson & A. D. Smith (cds), Natiollalism (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1')94). M. Williams (ed.), /II/emo­ tioll(/l Relations ill the Twelltieth Cenllll)': A Reader (Basingstoke: Notes lRY

Macmillan, 19R9), 42-77. E. J. Hobsbawm, Nations and NaTionalism since J780: Programme, Myth, Reality, second edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992). A. D. Smith, NaTional IdenTity (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991). 5. A. D. Smith, National Identity. 73. 6. F. Llera. l. M. Mata & c. L. Irwin, 'ETA: From Secret Army to So­ cial Movement - The Post-Franco Schism of the Basque Nationalist Movement', Terrorislll and Political Violence, 5, no. 3 (Autumn 1993), 106. G. Samaranayake, 'Ethnic Contlict in Sri Lanka and Prospects of Management: An Empirical Inquiry', Terrorism and Political Violence, 3, no. 2 (Summer 1991), RO. 7. G. Grivas - Dighenis. Guerrilla Warti1re lind EOKA's Struggle (Lon­ don: Longmans, 19(4),91-2. M. Dillon, The J)irty War, 4R2. 8. 'Algerian dissident seeks UK asylum', The Indcpcndent, 6 August 1994. M. Crenshaw, 'Political Violence in Algeria', Terrorism and Political Violence, 6, IlO. 3 (Autumn 1994), 265, 269-72, 273. M. Kramer, 'Hizbullah: The Calculus of Jihad', in M. E. Marty & R. S. Appleby (eds), Fundamentalisms and the State (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1(93). E. Sprinzak, 'From Messianic Pioneering to Vigilallte Terrorism: The Case of the Gush Elllunim Underground', ill D. C. Rapoport (ed.), Inside Terrorist Organizlltions. 9. M. Barkull, 'Millenarian Aspects of "White Supremacist" Movements" Terrorism and Political Violence, 1, no. 4 (October 1989),410. 10. M. Barkun, 'Millenarian Groups and Law Enforcement Agencies: The Lessons of Waco', Terrorism and Political Violence, 6, no. 1 (Spring 1(94), 93. II. D. Robertson, The Penguin J)iction(//), or Politics (Harlllondsworth: Penguin, 19R6), U\7-8. 12. E. Crankshaw, The SIll/dOlI' of" the Winter PlIlace: The DriJi 10 Remlll­ tion. 1825-1917 (London: Macmillan, 1976; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1981), 303-5. Z. Ivianski, 'Fathers and Sons: A Study of lewish In­ volvement in the Revolutionary Movement and Terrorism in Tsarist Russia " Terrorism and Political Violence, 1, no. 2 (April 1(89), 145. B. Savinkov, Memoirs of a Terrorist (Millwood, NY: Kraus Reprint, 1(72), 175, 195. P. Wilkinson, Political Terrorism (London: Macmillan, 1(74), 65. W. Laqueur, The Age or TerrorislIl, 3R-41. 13. H. Holland, The Struggle: A History of the A/i-iclln National Congress (London: Grafton, 19S9), 99, 213-14. H. W. Degenhardt (ed.), Re\'()­ Illtimlllr\' and Dissident MOl'emcnts: An International Gllide (Harlow: Longmans, 19SR), 327-S. 14. A. P. Schmid & A. l. longman, Politiwl TerrorislIl, 655-6. H. Holland, The Struggle, 129, 132, 13S-41, 205-6. 15. G. Woodcock, 'Anarchism: A Historical Introduction', in G. Wood­ cock (ed.), The Anarchist Reader (Glasgow: Fontana/Collins, 1977), 13-14. 16. D. Robertson, The Pcngllin Dictionary of Politics, 7-8. G. Woodcock, 'Anarchism: A Historical Introduction " 21-7. 17. G. Woodcock, Anarchism, 2R6-95 . .J . .loll, The Anarchists, 130-8. D. Miller, Anarchism, 111-12. G. Carr, The Angl)' Brigade: The CalIse 190 Notes

alld the Case (London: Victor Gollancz, 1(75). Angry Brigade, The Angly Brigade, /967-/984: Docllments and Chrollology (Bratach Duhh Anarchist Pamphlets. 1978; London: Elephant Editions, 1(85). 18. K. Marx & F. Engels, The Communist Mallifesto (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1967), 79-94. V. I. Lenin, What is to be DOlle'! Burtlillg Ques­ tions oj 0111' MOl'ement (Stuttgart: Dietz, 1902; Moscow: Progress Pub­ li,hers, 1947), 31, 37-43,115-17,125-6. 19. Mao Tse-tung, Selected Works of Mao Tse-tullg, 3 volumes (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 19(5), Mao Tse-tung, Basic Tactics (New York: Praeger. 19M). C. Guevara, Guerrilla War/lilt' (New York: Praeger, 1961: Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969). C. Marighela, For the Libera­ tioll oj Brazil. 20. D, Rohertson, The Pellguill DictiolllllY oj Politics. 65. R. Scruton, The IHeaning o( Conser)'((ti,11Il (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1980), 21. N. K. O'Sullivan, Conserl'lltism (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976), 9. R. Kirk (ed.), The Portable Conservative Reader (Harmondsworth: Pen­ guin, 1982), xv-xviii, 21. A. Horne, A Sal'(lgc War o!,PeaC(', 30-2, 441, 488, P. Henissart, Woh'es in the Cit)': The Dcath o( French Algeria (London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1971),21,243,316. 22. D. L. G. Hall, The Ulster Defcnce Associatioll: A Case of Challge alld Continuity, M, Social. Sc., Queen's University, Belfast, 1988. S. Bruce, The Red Hand. S, Nelson, Ulster's Uncertain f)e!cnders: Lova/ists and !he Northern Ireland COllflic! (Belfast: Appletre~ Press, 1984). 23. 'King Coke', The Ill{lependent, 21 July 1990. 'Tn Medellin, walls do not a prison make', The Independcnt, 8 August 1992. 1. Pearce, Co­ lombia: lnsidc the Labl'rinth, I. 177-8, 247. A. M. Bravo, 'Frontier culturc takes to cocaine', in M. L. Smith (cd.), Whv People GrOll' Drugs: Narcotics lIlId Developmellt ill the Third World (London: Panos, 1992), 75. C. Watson, 'Guerrilla Groups in Colombia: Reconstituting the Political Process', Terrorism alld Political Violence, 4, no. 2 (Summer 1992),95-6, 24, H, J. Roscnbaum & P. C. Sederherg, 'Vigilantism', ComJlal'iltil'e Poli- lics, 6, no, 4 (1974), 542, 25. A. P. Schmid & A. 1. longman, Political Terrorism, 46. 26, H. J. Rosenhaum & P. C. Sederherg, 'Vigilantism', 542. 27. G, Harris, The Dark Side of' Europe, 17. 28. A, Hitler, klcill Kampf' (London: Pimlic(), 1992), 258-63, 363-9, 512. Z. Stern hell, 'Fascist ldeology', in W. Laqueur (cd.), Fascism: A UC£lder's Guide; Allalyses, Illterpretations, Bibliography (Wildwood Houst:, 1976; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979), 328. 29. A. Hitler, Meill Kampj, 73-5, 165, 308, 341-2, 408-10. P. Wilkinson, The Ne\\' Fascists, rt:vist:d t:dition (Grant Mel ntyre, 1981: London: Pan, 19t13), 9-10. G. Harris, The Dark Side of'Europc, 17. D. Mack Smith, Mussolilli (London: Weidenfcld & Nicolson, 19t11; Granada, 1(83), 218-19, 235, R. Drake, The Rel'Ollltio/lllly Mvstique and Terrorism ill COlltelllporlll), It£llv (Bloomington, IN: lndiana University Press, 1989),3. 30. D. Mack Smith, Mussolilli, 115,216,289. T Shet:han, 'Myth and Viol­ ence: The Fascism of Julius Evola and Alain de Benoist", Social Re- Notes 191

search, 48 (Spring ItJ81), 57-8. R. Drake, The Rel'ollltiu//{IIT Mvstiqlle and Terrorism in COlltempurwy Italy, IltJ, 12tJ, 130. N. H. Jones, Hit­ ler's Heralds: Tile S/OI1' of tile Freikorps, 1918-1923 (London: John Murray, ItJ87), 105, Ill. 31. G. Harris, Tile /)ark Side olEltrope, 17,28-31,223. R. Drake, 'Julius Evola and the Ideological Origins of the Radical Right in Contempor­ ary Haly', in P. H. Mcrkl (ed.), Political Violence and Terror, 76-7. R. Drake, The Rel'OllItion{f1), Mystiqlle and Terrorism in Contcmporlll), Italy, 120, 124, 128-9. 32. P. Willan, /'II/J/)('t Masters, 43. S. Christie, Stctilllo Delle CIIillie, 18-ltJ. H. J. Horchem, 'Terrorism in Western Europe', in R. Clutterbuck (cd.), The Flltllre oI Political Violence: /)estabilizatioll, /)isorder and Terror­ ism (London: Macmillan, 1986), 152-3. G. Harris, The Dark Side of Europe, 107-42. B. Hoffman, Right- PV'ing Ta/'OrislI1 in West Germany (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1986), 3-4. T. Bjorgo & R. Witte (cds), Racist Violel/ce in Ell rope , passim. 33. M. Barkun, 'Millenarian Aspects of "White Supremacist" Movements', 416-17,430. J. Kaplan, 'The Context of American Millenarian Revo­ lutionary Theology: The Case of the "Identity Christian" Church of Israel', TerrorislI1 and Political Violence, 5, no. I (Spring 1993), 34, 46, 65n.28. 34. 'Militiamen go to war on American gun laws', The Daily Telegrapll, 21 November 1994. 'Militias gird loins for the great battle', Tile Guard­ ial/, 22 April ItJ95. 'A holy war, home grown in America', The SlInday Telegrapll, 23 April 1995. 'With God and gun, rugged individualism turns to hate', The SlInday Tillles, 23 April 1995. 'The Enemy Within', The Observer, 23 April 1995. 'FBI puzzles over "Gestapo" train wreckers', The independent, II October 1995. 'Militia muscles in on town', The Gllardian, 14 November ItJtJ5. 'War on the range', The Gllardian, 22 November 1995, 'Two arrested over US tax office bomb', Tile Daily Telegmph, 29 December 1995. 'Tax grudge clue in Reno bomb plot', The Independent, 30 Decemher 1995. M. Barkun, 'Millenarian Aspects of "White Supremacist" Movements', 414, 423, 428, 429. J. Kaplan, 'The Context of American Millenarian Revolutionary Theology', 38, 42,49. 35. P. Singer, Animal Liberation: A Nell' Ethics For 0111' Treatment or Ani­ mals (New York: AVOII, 1977), 1-26. P. Singer, The Animal Libcration MOI'emcnt: It's Pl1ilosophy, Its Achievcmellts, alld Its Flltllre (Notting­ ham: Old Hammond Press, no date), 5-to. F. Ginsburg, 'Saving Ameri­ ca's Souls: Operatioll Rescue's Crusade against Abortion', in M. E. Marty & R. S. Appleby (eds), Flllldamelitalisms alld the State, 557, 573-4. D. Henshaw, Allimal Wartilre: The Story of the Animal Libera­ tion From (London: Fontana, 1989), 33-4, 92-3, 36. 'Four legs good, two legs bad: a recipe for terror', The Indepcnde/ll on Slinday, 28 August 1994. D. Henshaw, Animal War/ilre. R. Garner, Animal Politics and Momlitl' (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1993), 215-42. 'Killing for Life', The Independent, magazine supplement, 10 September 1994. 'Where doctors wear bullet-proof vests', The J)ail\' Telegraph, 20 October 1994. 'Vengeance', The Economist, 7 January I

lYY). B. Hoffman, Recent Trends and Future Prospects of Terrorism in the United State.1 (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, lY88), 21. 37. 'The wild defence of the wild', The Sunday Correspondent, 3 June 1990. 'Breaking the monkeywrench', The Independent, magazine supplement, 2 March lYY I. 38. P. Janke, 'Europe', in R. Clutterbuck (ed.), The Future of Political Violence, 99. R. P. Clark, The Basque Insurgents, 100, 105, 107. 39. P. Williams, 'Transnational Criminal Organisations and International Security', Surril'(l/, 36, no. 1 (Spring 1994), 106. UK House of Com­ mons, Home Affairs Committee, Olganised Crime (HC 18-1) (Lon­ don: HMSO, 1(95). x. 40. G. Falcone & M. Padovani, Men o( Honour: The Truth About the Alafia (Paris: Edition 1, 199 I: London: Fourth Estate, 1(92), 160. For de­ tailed accounts of such Mafia killings see J. Parker, The Walking Dead: A Woman '.I' Bral'e Stand Against the Mafia (London: Simon & Schuster, 1995; Pocket Books, lY<)6), and A. Stille, Excellent Cadavers: Tlie Mafia and tlie Death of'the First Italian Republic (London: Jonathan Cape, lY9S). R. D. Tomasek, 'Complex Interdependency Theory: Drug Barons as Transnational Groups', in W. C. Olson & J. R. Lee (eds), The TheOl)' and Practice of Intemationa/ Relations (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1(94), 281-2. 41. G. Falcone & M. Padovani, Men ofIionour, 157-9, 161-2. R. Catanzaro, Men of Respect: A Social IiistOlI' of the Sicilian Mafia (Padua: Liviana Editrice spa, 1988; New York: Free Press, 1992),214-16. P. Williams, 'Transnati()nal Criminal Organisations and International Seeurity', Ill. J. Pearce, Colombia: Inside the La!Jvrinth, 1, 194-S. P. D. Scott & J. Marshall, Cocainc Politics: LJrugs,' Armies, and the CIA ill Central America (Berkeley: University of California Press, lY91), 76, 90. S. Strong, Whitclt'ash: Pablo Escubar and the Cocaine Wars (London: Macmillan, IYY5), 138-53. 'Colombian police close in OIl drug baron', The Inde­ pendent, 13 April IY90. 'Colombia moves to protect lives of election candidates', Tlte Indepcndel/t, 5 May 1990. 'Mother's Day of mourn­ ing as car bombs kill 26', Tlte II/dependent, 14 May 1990. 'Colombian drug dealers' bombs kill 26 shoppers', The Times, 14 May 1990. 'King Coke', Tile Independel/t, 21 July 1990. 'Going ... Going ... Gone', Tile Guardian, 4 December 1993. 'The king is dead ... long live co­ caine', The Independent, weekend supplement, II December 1993. 'Escobar dies, and the cocaine trade gets stronger', 'Obituary: Pablo Escobar', both in Tile Indepelldent, 4 December 1993. 42. Quoted in P. D. Scott & J. Marshall, Cocaine Politics, 80. 43. 'A creaking system faces its final test of strength', Tile Guardian, 6 April IY93. R. Catanzaro, Men of J

J. M. Mata & c. L. Irwin, 'ETA: From Secret Army to Social Move­ ment', 115-16. 46. H. M. Cuber!. 'The Militant Palestinian Organizations and the Arah­ Israeli Peace Process', Terrorism and Political Violence, 4, no. 1 (Spring 1(92),32-3. 47. P. C. Hearst & A. Moscow. EvC/y Secret Thing (London: Methuen, 1982: Arrow, 1983),351. 48. 'Change of tactics by the Provos', Financial Times, 4 February 1977. 'Can Ulster sustain its pepperpot investment', The Guardian, 4 Feh­ ruary 1\)77. 'Gunmen fail in bid to assassinate two leading Belfast husinessmen', The irish Times, 11 February 1977. 'Businessmen not expendable, unlike Brit troops', /?epll/llican News, 26 March 1\)77. 49. D. Henshaw, Animal Warfare, 31, 100-1. 50. T. Parker, Mav the Lord in His lI1ercy he kind to Belfast (London: Jonathan Cape, 19(3), 324. 51. 'Germany tested to its limits', The Independent, 3 April 1991. 'Obitu­ ary: Detlev Rohwedder', The Independent, 3 April 1\)91. 52. Red Army Faction. 'Communique on the Assassination of Detlel' Rohwedder, President of Treuhandanstalt, in Dusseldorf on 1 April 1\)\)1', in Y. Alexander & D. Pluehinsky (eds), E1Irope's Red Terrorists: 111e Fighting Comm1lnist U,ganizations (London: Frank Cass, 1(92), 7\). 53. Ibid., 79-84. 54. Ibid., 82. 55. B. M. Jenkins, Inter/wtional Terrorism: The Other World War, 16. 56. 'Gow killed because of his influence on Thatcher, IRA says', The In­ dependent, 1 August 1990. 57. D. McKittrick, Endgame: The Scarch for Pcace ill Northern Irelalld (Belfast: Blackstatl, 1\)94), 89-90. A. Clark, Diaries (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1\)93: Phocnix, 1\)94),35, 121-2, 31\). 58. 'Tragedy of Ulster's relentless cycle of violence', The Indepcndellf, 6 February 19<)2. 59. 'UVF gunmen "Iaughed as they fled" pub massacre', The G1Iardian, 25 January 1995. S. Bruce, The Red Hand, 54. M. Dillon, The S'/wl/kill BlItchers, xxiv, 24, 65, 166. 60. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prol'isionallRA, 182, 195. K. Toolis, Rehel }fearts: jOllrlle),s with ill the IRA's SOlll (London: Picador, 1\)95), 126, 357-8. 61. R. Catanzaro, 'Subjective experience and objective reality: an account of violence in the words of its protagonists', in R. Catanzaro (cd.), The Red Br(f?,ades and Lcji-Wing Terrorism in /taly (London: Pinter, 19\) 1 ), 190-1. 62. C. di Giovanni, Light /imll Behind the Bars, 61. 63. - Fighting Communist Party, 'Communique on the As­ sassination of Ezio Tarantelli, a Rome University Economics Profes­ sor, in Rome on 27 March 19S5', in Y. Alexander & D. Pluchinsky (cds), Ellrope's Red Terrorists, 203. M. T. Parker, l'dov the Lord in His lIlerc\' be kind to Befti/st, 325-6. 65. "'We remain totally committed and confident in victory" - Oglaigh na hEireann', AP/RN, 14 February 1991. 'The IRA statement', AP/RN, 194 Notes

23 January 1992. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prol'isiollal IRA, 421. 66. Quoted in R. Holmes, Firillg Lille (London: Jonathan Cape, 1985; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1(87), 360. 67. J. Ellis, The Sharp Elld of War: The Fightillg Mall ill World War II (Newton Ahhot: David & Charks, 1980; London: Corgi, 1(82),319-20. R. Holmes, Firillg Lille, 37(), 373-5. 68. A. Calder, The Pcople's War: Brilliin 1939-1945 (London: Jonathan Cape, 1969; Granada, 1(82), 566-7. M. Hastings, Bomber CO/ll/llalld (London: Miehad Joseph, 1')79: Pan, 1(81), 125-6, 135-6. M. Walzer, lllst alld Ulljllst Wars: A MontI A'gumellt with Historical Illustrotiolls (N ew York: Basic Books, 1977; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1(80), 256. G. Best, HUlIlilllity ill War/ilre: The Modem HistOlY of tlte International Law of Armed COllflicts (London: Weident'eld & Nicolson, 1980; Methuen, 1(83), 267-85. 69. W. R. Farrell, Blood and Rage: The Story of tlte Japanese Red Army (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 199()), 142. B. M. Jenkins, Illtcr­ lIatiollal Terrorism: The Other ~V()rld H'lIr, 411. 70. M. Crenshaw Hutchinson, RCl'Ollllioll{{/}, Terrorism, 19. 71. '16 killed in bomb attack on Jewish groups in ', The IlIde­ pelldent, 19 July 1994. 'Explosion levels building housing Jewish groups', The Gllardiall, 19 July 1994. 72. 'Hizbollah adopts an "eye for an eye" tactic', The Indepelldent, 20 July 1994. 73. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prm'isiolllll IRA, 171. 74. 'Bombing "devastating" to IRA', The Independel/l, 11 November 1987. 75. A. Iyad & E. Rouleau, My Home My Lalld, 106, Ill. 76. S. Aust, The Baoder-I'v[eillhof GrollI', 530. Also see P. Koch & K. Hermann, Assau!t at j'v!ogadishu (Hamburg: Stern, 1977; London: Corgi, 1(77), 139-40. 77. 'AII killings and tragedies skm from British interference', Republicall NeVI'S, 25 February 19711. D. McKittrick, /)cspatches lim/l Bclfll.ll (Bel­ fast: Blaekstatf, 1')119), 116. 711. 'IRA warns of more bombs', The Ohs£'lwr, I February 19117. 79. M. Dillon & D. Lehane, Political Murder ill Northem Ireland, 256. J. Bowyer Bell, mA Tactics and Twgets, 27, 48, l16. 80. D. Moss, The Politics of Lejt- Willg Violence ill Italy, 58. 81. P. Willan, Pllppet A111sters, 20l-2. 112. R. P. Clark, The Basque Insillgellts, 40. 113. R. P. Clark, 'Patterns of Eta Vioknce: 196R-l9I1C)', P. H. Merkl (ed.), Politic({l Violellce alld Terror, 136. F. L1era, J. M. Mata & c. L. Irwin, 'ETA: From Secret Army to Social Movement', 132. 84. R. P. Clark, 'Patterns of Eta Violence: 1968-19110', 136. B. Pollack & G. Hunter, 'Dictatorship, Democracy and Terrorism in Spain', 126. R. P. Clark, The Basques: The Franco Yellrs ({nd Beyond (Reno: U ni­ versity of Nevada Press, 1(79), l70-4. R5. 'King Coke', The Illdepelldellt, 21 July 1990. 'In Medellin, walls do not a prison make', The Indepelldel/t, 8 August 1992. J. Pearce, Colombia: Illside the Labyrillth, 177-8,247. Amnesty International, Political Viol­ (,lice ill Cololllhia: Mrth alld Reality (London: Amnesty International, Notes 195

1994), 52. C. Watson, 'Guerrilla Groups in Colombia', 95-6. 86. J. Pearce, Colomhia: Inside the Lahyrinth, 1,260-1. A. M. Bravo, 'Frontier culture takes to cocaine', 75. C. Watson, 'Guerrilla Groups in Colom­ bia', 96. P. D. Scott & J. Marshall, Cocaine Politics, 89. 87. J. Pearce, Colomhia: Inside the La!Jvrinth, 239, 262. Amnesty I nter­ national. Political Violence in Colombia, I. 88. J. Pearce, Colombia: Inside the Labyrinth, 243. 249, 252-3, 254-5, 260-1. Amncsty International, (lelling Away with Alurder: Political Killings and "Dislippearances" in the 1990s (London: Amnesty International, 19(3), 74, 88-9. 89. J. Pearce, Colombia: Inside the Labyrinth, 196, 253, 262. Amnesty In­ ternational, Political Violence in Colombia, 58, 61-2. 90. 'The men of war promise third violent decade', The Independent, 29 September 1990. '''We remain totally committed and confident in vic­ tory" - Oglaigh na hEireann', AP/RN, 14 February 1991. 'Freedom's soldiers laid to rest in historic Tyrone', AP/RN, 13 June 1991. 'UDR "comes of age": Loyalist militia renamed', AP/l?N, 25 July 1991. 'Ter­ rorists in and out of uniform', AP/RN, 4 July 1991. 'The IRA state­ ment'. AP/RN, 23 January 1992. 'Royal salute to Murder Regiment', AP/RN, 4 June 1992. J. Bowycr Bell, IRA Tactics and Til/gelS, 29-32. 91. S. Bruce, 71,e Red Hand, 58, 261, 277. S. Nelson, Ulsler's Uncertain J)cf(~nders, 120. M. Dillon, The Slwnkill Butchers, 17. D. L. G. Hall, The Ulster J)efence Association, 32-3, K1. 92. 'Gritting it out on Border farmlands', The Irish Times, 3 March 19K3. 'Centre of hatred returns to Armagh', The Irish Times, 23 November 1983. J. Darby, Intimidation and the Control of COllflict in Northern Irelalld (Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1(86), 136-7. S. Bruce, The Edge of the Union: The Ulster Loyalist Political Vision (Oxford: Oxford U ni­ versity Press, 1994), 42-3. T. Parker, May the Lord in His //lercy be kind to, 293-4. 93. 'Loyalist group threatens Catholic massacre', The Ilidepelidellt, K Sep­ tember 1993. 'Loyalists come out shooting to defend lost cause" The Times, 9 September 1993. 94. 'For Queen and Country', The Gllardiall, supplement, 19 October 1993. 95. D. L. G. Hall, The Ulster /)eli'ncc Associatioll, 256. 96. Red Brigades and Red Army Faction. 'Excerpts from Notes of a Meeting between the Red Brigades and Red Army Faction in January 19K8', in Y. Alexander & D. Pluchinsky (cds), Europe's Red Terrorists, 219-27. 97. S. Aust, The BI/I/der-Meillhof Group, IO-l2, 63, 76-7. 146-9. J. Becker, Hitler's Children, 17, 62, 109, 264, 366112. 98. For more details see: D. Moss, The Politics of Le/i-Wing Violcllce in Italy, 3K, 79-KO, KI-117, 120, 122. A. Jamieson, The Hearl Allacked, 75-6, 93, 99, 108, 120, 188-9, 210, 212, 215-16. V. S. Pisano, The Dynamics of SlIbl'CI"sion alld Violcnce in COli tempOral)' Italy, 163-5, 169. C. Schaerf et aI., Vellfi Anlli di VioleliZil ill Itl/lia, volume one, 736. E. MacDonald, Shoot the Women First, 176-7. L Espresso, 24 February 19KO. L Espresso, 31 October 1982. S. Aust. Thc B{{ader-MeinllO{ GroIlP, 143, 286-8. J. Beckn, Hitler's Children, 297-8. D. Pluchinsky. 'An Organizational and Operational Analysis of Germany's Red Army 196 Notes

Faction T..:rrorist Group (1972-1991)" in Y. Akxander & D. Pluchinsky (..:ds), European Terrorism Today and Tomorrow (Washington, DC: Brassey's (US), 19(2), 67, 69, 70, 71-2, 74-5. Red Army Faction. 'Communique on the Assassination of Alfred Herrhausen, Chairman of Deutsche Bank, in Frankfurt on 30 November 1989', Red Army Faction, 'Communique on the Assassination of Detkv Rohwedd..:r', Red Brigad..:s - Fighting Communist Party. 'Communique on the As­ sassination of Ezio Taranklli', in Y. Akxandn & D. Pluchinsky (eds), Europe '.I' Red Terrorists, 68, 80, 203-4.


1. Adapted from M. Howard, The Causes or War (London: Maurice T..:mpk Smith, 1983; Unwin, 1(84), 101. 2. L. Clarke, Broadening tlte Battlefield: Tlte H-Blocks lind the Rise of Sinn Fein (Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1(87), 208. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The P/'Ol'isionlll IRA, 378. 3. 'IRA declares peace', Tlte Independent, 1 September 1994. 4. B. Rowan, Behind the Lines: The Stu/)' of the IRA 1I1ld Loyalist Cease­ fires (Belfast: Blackstajf, 1(95),84. E. Mallie & D. McKittrick, The Fight J(Jr Peace: The Secret StOlT behind the Irish Peace Process (Lon­ don: H..:in..:mann, 1(96),311-12, 3i'11-4. 5. E. Mallie & D. McKittri..:k, The Fight J()/' Pellce, 363. 6. A. Jami..:son, Tlte Hellrl AlIlIcked, 75, 76, 81-2. D. Moss, The Politics of Lett-Wing Violence in Italy, 59, 83, 85-6. 124. Red Brigades - Fighting Communist Party, 'Communique on the Assassination of Ezio Taran­ telli', 20S. P. Willan, PlIppet Masters, 203. 7. M. M..:Guire, To 7ilke Arms: A Yellr in the Provisional IRA (London: Macmillan. 1973; Quartd, 1973), 12, 69. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prolisionlll IRA, 171. 8. M. L. R. Smith, Fighting for Ireland? The Mili(wy Stmtegy of the Irish Repllblican .!i;fOl'cmellt (London: Routkdg..:, 1(95), 14(). 9. P. Bishop & E. M,dli..:. The Prul'isiunll/ IUA, 171. 10. J. Bowy..:r Bell, 'Revolutionary Dynamics: The Inher..:nt Indticiency of the Underground', Terrorislil lind Political Violence, 2, no. 2 (Sum­ mer 1990). 11. 'Inside the IRA', The Sunday Times, 3 July 1977. 12. B. M. Jenkins, Soldiers I'ersus Gunmell: The Challellge of Urban Guerrilla Ww1iu'C (Santa Monica, California: RAND Corporation, March 1(74), 4. 13. M. Crenshaw, "The Concept of Revolutionary Terrorism', Journal of Conflict Resollllion, 16, no. 3 (September 1(72), 394. 14. On the longevity of various groups see Table 1 in M. Crenshaw, "How tnrorism declines', TerrorislIl lIlId PoliticlIl Violcllce, 3, no. I (Sum­ mer 1(91),76-7, and Figure 2 in Y. Alexander & D. Pluchinsky (eds), Europe's Red Terrorists, 47. 15. Angry Brigade, The Angl}' Brigade, 1967-1984, 40-66. 16. Y. Alexander & D. Pluchinsky (eds), Europe's Red Terrorists, 148-50. 17. On th..: changes in the leadcrship of the Red Army Faction see Notes IlJ7

D. Pluchinsky. 'An Organizational and Operational Analy~is of Gcr­ many's Red Army Faction Terrorist Group'; and B. A. Scharlau, Le/i­ Wing TerrorislIl in the Federal Republic or Gel'l1ll1l1V. On the INLA see J. Holland & H. McDonald, INLA: Deadl" Divisions (Dublin: Torc, IlJ94), 229-3(), 2R2-99. On the policy of assassinating leading Palestinian terrorists see D. Tinnin. !-lit Teall1 (London: Weidenfeld 8: NicolsoIl, 197h; Futura, JlJ77). D. Raviv & Y. Melman, E'I'OY Spy a Prillce: The Complete HistOlY or Israel's Intelligellce ('ollllnunitr (New York: Houghton Mitftin, IlJlJO), JR4-lJ2, 3lJ3-R. JR. 'Ulster's rocky road to peace', The UbscrI-er (London), 15 December IlJ77. P. Bishop 8: E. Mallie, The P/,(iI'isional IRA, 321. P. Taylor, Reating the Terrorists: Interrogation in 011 lllgh , GOllgh alld Clistlereogh (Harmondsworth: Pcnguin, IlJRO), RO-I, 154-R, IlJ3-4. M. Dillon, Killer ill ClowntOlI'II: .Toe Doherty, the IRA and the Special Relationship (Lon­ don: Hutchinson; Arrow, IlJlJ2), 5lJ. 19. T. P. Coogan, The Il?A (Glasgow: Fontana/Collins, IlJR7), SKI. L. Clarke, Broadening the Bal/lefield, 32, 35. K. J. Kelley, The Long­ est War, 233-h, 243. 20. 'The men of war promise third violent decade', The Independcnt, 2lJ September 19lJO. "'We remain totally committed and confident in victory" - Oglaigh na hEireann', AP/UN, 14 February 1991. 'The IRA statement', AP/UN, 23 January 1992. T. P. Coogan, The IRA, 604, 693. J. Bll\vyer Bell, IRA Tactics lind Targets, 29-32. L. Clarke, Brolld­ ening the Hal/le/ield, 56-7. B. O'Brien, The Long War, 1.'12. 21. 'IRA declares peace', The Indepelldent, 1 September 19lJ4. 'Loyalists match IRA ccasefire', 'Combined Loyalist Military Command state­ ment', The Independent, 14 October 19lJ4. 22. L. Kennedy, 'Rough Justice', Far/night, November IlllJ5. 'How the guns kept drugs out of Belfast', The Independcnt, 2J December IlJ95. 'Godfathers of violence step up beatings to kecp grip on power', The Daily Telegraph, 2lJ Dccember 1995. 'Murky motives for giving drug dealers rough .iustice', Tire GlIardian, 3 January IlJ96. M. O'Doherty, 'Dealing in Death', New Statesman lind Society, 22 January IlJ%. B. Rowan, Behind the Lines. For a republican viewpoint sce 'Drugs in the Six Counties: A Secret Society', AP/RN, 25 January 19%, and 'Drugs summit targeted North', AP/RN, 1 February IlJlJh. 23. "'The cease fire is over": IRA bombcrs blast London', 711e Indepen­ delli, 10 February 1996. 'Bomb shatters IRA ceasefirc', The Times, I () February 19lJ6. 24. M. Crenshaw Hutchinson, I

BarlY's FIring Colllllln: The StUr)' of the I,/Lt 's Cork No, 3 Brigade 1919-21 (London: L.:o Coopn, 1971; Tand.:m, 1972), 120-2. 27. 'Mana strikes one more from its enemy hit-list', The Times, 20 July 1992. 'Sicilians clash with polic.: after being banned from funeral', The Timcs, 22 July 1992. A. Still.:, Exceilcllt ClIdal'ers, 373-7. 2R. R. Trinljuier. !vlodern War/lire: A Frcnch View uf COllntcrinsllrgellcy (London: Pall Mall Press, 19M), 16-17. 29. 'Mother's Day of mourning as car bombs kill 26', The IndepClldcllt, 14 l\lay 1990. S. Strong, Whitewash, 2K2-4. 30. G. Tarnovski. 'Terrorism and Routine', and P. Kropotkin. 'The Spirit of Revolt', both in W. Lalju.:ur (ed.), the Terrorism Reader, R2, 96. 31. M. McGuir.:, To Take Arms, 6Y. L. Clarke, Broadenillg the Ballle­ lidd, 40-2, 56-7. T. P. Coogan, The mA, 57Y, 604, 6Y3. K. J. Kelley, TI,e LOllgest War, 202-3, 210. 265. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The l'rovi­ siollallRA, 250, 332. B. O·Bri.:n, The Lung War, 23, 152. G. McKee & R. Franey, Time BOlllb, lK-19, 30R, 330. 32. 'British pay price as IRA strikes', APIl?N, 14 February 1991. 'The men of war promise third violent decade', The Illdepelldent, 29 Sep­ tember \Y90. T. P. Coogan, The mA, 604. 33. C. Guevara, 'Guerrilla Warfar.: - A MdhOlJ', W. Laljueur (ed.), The Gllerrilla Reader: A Historical Allthologr (London: Wildwood Hlluse, 197R), 203-4. C. Marighda, 'Probkms and Principles of Strat.:gy', and 'The Handbook of Urban Guerrilla Warfare', in C. Marighda, For the Liberation of' B{'(/zil, 46, YS. 34. 'Paratroops accus.:d of pub attacks', The [Ildepelldell t , 15 May 1992. 'Ulster Para officer susp':l1lkd after claims of vioknce', The Times, 15 May lY92. 'Ulster brigadier "insensitiv.: to human rights''', The [lldepellcicllt, 26 May 1992. 'Send them home', 'Coal island exposes t.:rror', both in AP!l

41. G. Chaliand, The Palestinian Resistance, Hi7. 42. M. Kramer, 'Sacrifice and Fratricide in Shiite Lebanon', 35. 43. D. Moss, 7'lle Politics of Leti-Wing Violence ill Ita/)', 73. 44. M. Crenshaw. Rel'Ollltion{//y Terrorism, xv, 36, 39, 44-6, 57, 41-85. A. Horne. A 5al"ilge War of Peace, 153-4,231,415-16. 45. T. P. Coogan, The IRA, 693. B. O'Brien, The Long War, 23. 46. '11 die in Cenotaph blast', The Independent, 9 Novemher j 987. 'At­ tacks fit into a pattern of errors', The Independent, 13 April 1989. 'Bombings indicate new direction in mainland campaign', The Times, 19 February 1992. 'Damage in huge blast put at £20m', The Inde­ pendent, 25 Septemher 1992. "'Troubles" chronology: Wed Sep 23', Fortnight, no. 311 (November 1992), 34. 'IRA bombers kill child, 4', The Independent on Sllnday, 21 March 1993. 'Tim Parry, victim of IRA bomb blast dies after ventilator is switched off, The Indepcnd­ ent, 26 March 1993. D. McKittrick, ])espatches fimn BelFast, 146-51. 'Brits put civilian lives at risk', AP/RN, 30 January 1992. 'We are doing all in our power to shorten this war', AP/I?N, 12 March 1992. 47. T. Bjorgo, 'Terrorist Violence against Immigrants and Refugees in Scandanavia: Patterns and Motives', 38-9. Hasselbach suggests that longer-term planning has started to evolve amongst German and Aus­ trian neo-Nazis. See 1. Hasselbach & T. Reiss, Fllhrer-Ex: Mell/oirs of a Former Nco-Nazi (London: Chatto & Windus, 1996), 274-6. 48. Mao Tse-tung, 'Problems of strategy in China's Revolutionary War', Selected Works of Mao Ee-tllllg, volume 1. Mao Tse-tung, 'On Pro­ tracted War', and 'Problems of strategy in guerrilla war against .lapan', both in Selected Works of Mao Tse-/[lIlg, volume 2. Also see V. N. Giap, People's War People's Arm)': 7'llc Viet C6ng Insllrreclion A'lanllill Fn' Underdcl'eloped COlllltries (New York: Praeger, 1962; Bantam, 19(8) for the thoughts of one of Mao's disciples who commanded the Viet­ namese communist forces to final victory over the French, Amcri­ cans, and South Vietnamese bctween 1946 and 1975. 49. W, Layueur, The Age o( Terrorism, 147-8, 50. Mao Tse-tung, 'On correcting mistaken ideas in the Party', 106; 'Prob­ lems of strategy in China's Revolutionary War', 192; 'Report of an investigation of the peasant movement in Hunan'; 'Pay attention to economic work', 129-36; 'Be concerned with the well-being of the masses, pay attention to methods of work', 146, 149; all in Selected Works, volume 1. 'The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Com­ munist Party', 323: Selected Works, volume 2, 51. V, N, Giap, People's War People's Army, 17,83, 52, Mao Tse-tung, 'Problems of strategy in China's Revolutionary War', 211-20. 53. lhid., 202. Mao Tse-tung, 'Problems of strategy in guerrilla war against Japan', ~4. 54. Mao Tse-tung, 'Problems of strategy in China's Revolutionary War', 213; 'Problems of strategy in guerrilla war against Japall', 85; 'On Protracted War', 136-40. 55. Mao Tse-tung, 'Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War', 179, 181, 189; 'On Protracted War', 121. 200 Notes

56, Mao Tse-tung, 'On Protracted War', 197-~. 57, S. Strong, Shining l'ath: The World's Deadliest Rel'olutionillY Force (London: HarperCollins, IYY2), 71. 5~. Ibid., 2Y, 40-3, 71, 75-6, ~4-5, YI, YY-I02. M. L. Smith, 'Taking the High Ground: Shining Path and the Andes', G. Gorritti, 'Shining Path's Stalin and Trotsky', both in D. S. Palmer (ed.), Shining PlIlh of Pel'll (London: Hurst & Co., IYY2), lY-20, 27, 151. T. D. Mason & 1. Swartzfagn, 'Land Reform and the Rise of Scndero Luminoso in Peru', 52Y. W. A. Hazleton & S. Woy-Hazleton, 'Sendcro Luminoso: A Communist Party Crosses a River of Blood', TerrorislIl and Political Violence, 4, no. 2 (Summer 19Y2), 6~. 59. S. Strong, Shining Path, 36-Y. W. A. Hazleton & S. Woy-Hazleton, 'Sendero Luminoso', 66-~. 60. M. L. Smith, 'Taking the High Ground: Shining Path and the An­ des', 19-2(), 61. Ibid., 25. R, H. Bng. 'Peasant Responses to Shining Path in Anda­ huaylas', D, S. Palmer (ed.), Shinillg Path or Peru, 93. T. D. Mason & 1. Swartzfager, 'Land Reform and the Rise of Scndero Luminoso in Peru', 531. 62. 'In the killing tklds of Pcru', The Guardilln, supplement, 6 April 19LJ4. S. Strong, Shillillg Path, 14K-Y, lSI. IS3. B. 1. Ishell, 'Shining Path and Peasant Responses in Rural Ayacucho', D. S. Palmer (ed.), Shinillg Path o{l'eru, 73-4. R. H. Bcrg, 'Peasant Responses to Shin­ ing Path in Andahuaylas', <)2. T. D. Mason & 1. Swartzfager, 'Land Reform and the Rise of Senciero Luminoso in Pel'll'. 531. S. Woy­ Hazleton & W, A. Hazleton. 'Shining Path and the Marxist Left·, in D. S. Palmer (ed.), Shillillg Path of Peru, 216. 63. T. D. Mason & c. Campany, 'Guerrillas, Drugs ami Peasants: The Rational Peasant and the War on Drugs in Peru', TerrorislIl IIlId Pol­ iticill Violellce, 7, no. 4 (Winter 1YY5), 163-4. 64. S. Strong, Shillillg Patll. 110, 121-2, 135-6. T. D. Mason & c. Campany, 'Guerrillas, Dmgs and Peasants', 163. 65. 'Peru's guerrillas make slum into a "shining example· ... The Inde­ pelldent, 30 November IYYI. 'Car bomb kills 1~ as Maoists extend terror tactics to Lima', The Tillles, 18 July lY<)2. 'Terror grips Peru's capital as rebels take on the state', The Guardian, 17 August lY92. 'The end of a long march down the Shining Path', The III dependell t, 3 October IY<)2. 'Maoist rebels in Peru kill 28 peasants', The Illde­ pendellf. Y September 1993. S. Woy-Hazleton & W. A. Hazleton, 'Shin­ ing Path and the Marxist Left'. 214. M. L. Smith, 'Shining Path's Urban Strategy: Ate Vitarte' in D. S. Palmer (ed.), Shillillg Path of Peru, 127-~, 136. 13~. Amnesty International, Peru: Humall Rights in a Climate of Taror (London: Amnesty International, 1991), 23-4. 66. S. Christie. Ste/illlo Delle Cltiaie, 32. Willan dates the document from Novemher 196~. P. Willan, Puppet A1aslas, 23. 67, S. Christie, Ste/cillo Delle Chiaie, 32. GR. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked, 22, 60. P. Willan, Puppet Masters, 123. 6Y. A. Hitler, Meill K({lIlpr 73. 70. D. Mack Smith, A1ussolilli, 56-65. A. Bullock, Hitler: A Study ill TyrallIlY, Notes 20)

revised edition (London: Book Club Associates, 1(73), U-\7- 250. 71. P. Willan, Puppet Masters, 23. V. S. Pisano, The Dynamics ot" Subver­ sion and Violencc in ContcmjJorlllY Italy, 5 I. 72. 'Italians blame shadowy powers for bringing terror to Florence', The Illdepellllelll on SlInday, 3D May 1993. 73. 'Mafia terrorist campaign feared', The Independent, 16 May 1993. T. Shawcross & M. Young, Mafia Wars: The Confessions of TOl11l11aso Busce!ta (Glasgow: Fontana, ] (88), 299-300. P. Willan, Pllppet Mas­ ters, 173-7. 74. 'Executive held over Uffizi bomb', The Ellropean, 8-14 February 199fi. ·Italian police arrest the Mafia's "boss of bosses''', The Independent, 21 May 1996. P. Willan, PUJipcl Masters, j 73-7. 75. 'Last supper at the bribery banquet". The Independent, 4 March 1903. 'Rotten to the core', The Independent on Sunday, 11 April 1093. 'Andreotti "was Mafia's man at the heart of the state"', The Guard­ ian, 30 March j 093. 'Andreotti accused of ordering murder", The Independent, 10 June 1993. A. Stille, Excellent Cadavers, 390-403. 76. 'Algerian dissident seeks UK asylum', The Independent, 6 August 1994. M. Crenshaw, 'Political Violence in Algeria', Terrorism and Political Violence, 6, no. 3 (Autumn 1(94), 265, 269-72, 273. 77. 'Algeria: the new horror story', The Independent, 9 February 1994. 78. 'Muslim rebels renew bloody campaign', The Guardian, 7 June 1994. 79. 'Islamist car bomb shakes Algiers', Tlte Guardian, 31 January 1995. 'Suicide bomber kills 38 in Algiers attack', The Indepcndcnt, 31 January 1995. 'Extremists tighten grip on Algeria', The Indcpcndent on Sun­ day, 5 February 1995. 'Opposition chid killed in Algeria', Tlte iJaiil' Telegraph, 6 February 1995, 80. 'Spectre of civil war stalks Algeria', The Independent, 28 January 1994. 'Opposition chief killed in Algeria', The J)aily Telegraph, 6 February 1995. M. Crenshaw, 'Political Violence in Algeria', 275. 81. M. Crenshaw, 'Political Violence in Algeria', 274-5. 82. 'Algerian extremists murder 12 foreigners', The Indepcndellt, 16 De­ cember 1993. 83. 'French face death in Algeria', The Illdcpelldellt, 2 December 1993. 'Muslim extremists target foreigners in war on unbelievers', The Tillles, 27 December 1994. 'Stopover became martyr's graveyard', The Gllard­ ian, 27 December 1994, 'Fundamentally confused', The Ecollomist, 7 January 1995. 84. 'Radical group is driven by violence', The Independclll, 27 December 1994. 'Muslim extremists target foreigners in war on unbelievers', The Times, 27 December 1994, 85. 'Stopover became martyr's graveyard', The GlI ardia 11 , 27 December 1994. 86. 'lslamists decry Algiers murders', The IndCjJCIldcnt, 10 May 1994. 87. 'Algerian Islamists admit to killings', The IndepClldellt. 16 May 1994. 88. 'Islamists decry Algiers murders', The Illdepelldellt, j() May 1994. 'A whisper from the cloisters', The Ecollomist, 14 January 1995. 89. 'Feminist killed', The Daily Telegraph, 16 February 1995. 'Algerian theatre director killcd', The Daily Telegraph, 14 February 1995. 202 Noles

'Algeria mired in war without ba u le fronts', Tile Indepelltlelll. J No­ vember 199-1. 'Musician killed', The O(li/), Telegraph, 17 February 1995. ' Mu ~ ician shot', The II1lh-pel1l/elll, 17 Feb ruary 1995. 'Tourist threat as Alg..: rian war crosses border', TIle /m!qJel1l!elll 011 SlIlIda),. 19 Feb· ruary 1995. 'Algaian film producer shot in Isla mic ICrror campaign', Tlte D(li/), Telegrllph. 8 Februa ry 1995. 90. 'blarni~ts kill 29th journalist'. The ImlepelUlel1l. 18 February 1995. 'Algeria munler'. Till: Dllil)' TdegrtllJII. 1M Febru;lry 1995. 'Cuuing throats 10 create a Muslim state'. Tile /1/(1/'1'1'11(/1'111. 6 December 1996. 91. 'Paris police detai n 23 Alge rian s u ~pe l'l s', Tile 1IIlIepcm/elll. 9 August 1994. 92. 'Algerian blamists turn back 10 politics', The II/dept'lldelll, 7 Sep­ tembe r 1994. 93. '5 ltH,kn t leader munkred', Tlt e Times Higher Etluctlfioll SlIpplemelll l London), 24 February 1995, 'Algerian film produce r shot in Islamic terror cam pa ign', The Otlily TelegralJII, 8 February 1995. 94, 'Algiers teacher shot dead by mi litan ts'. The Daily Telegraph , 13 Feb­ rU;lry 1995. 95, 'Student leader murdered', Tltl.! Timl.!S Higher Educatiun SII/Jplcmelll. 24 February 1995. 96, 'ReclOr murdered by Islamic hitmell', TIll,! Times Higher £ductlfioll Supplemelll, 10 June 1994, 'Murder of professor fuels fear', The Times Highl!( Eductlfioll SlIppleml.!lII. 14 Ol·tobe r 1994. 97. 'S tudent leader murdered', TIll' Tinll:s Hight'r E(/Ilcalioll SlIpplemelll. 24 February 1995, 'Tourist threat as Algerian wa r crosses border'. Tlte /m/epl.!lIt/elll 011 SIII/du)'. 19 February 1995. 98, 'Murder of professor fuels fear', Tile Timl'S Nigher EduClIIiol! .'111,,1"1'- 11/('111, I ~ October 199~, 99, 'Algerian killings stepped up'. The Clllln/iflll, 25 February 1997. 'Al­ gerian rebel group claims assass inat ion', n,l' IIIt/el'clldelll, 21 Febru­ ary 1997, 100, 'France fears upsurge of Islamic terror', The IlIdcpelU/el/l Oil SlIlIdt/)', 10 Apri l 199~, 'Forget feminism, talk about survival'. TIt(' bull'pelld­ ('111 ,9 March 1995, ' Isla mists ki ll three wo men', The II/depemfelll, 15 March 1995 . 'Vi llagers' throats cut', Tlte GUllrdial/, 14 January 1997, 101. Tlt l.! Tillles Higher EdllC(l/ioll Supp/ell//!/II, 21 O(·tobcr 1994. 102, 'Algerian r ebcl~ ki ll 20 in bus allack', TIle /lI(fe/JCIIf/elll , 12 Decem­ ber 1996. 'Guillotines add a ba rbaric lOuch 10 Algeria's bloodbath '. The Itu/epelllielll. 2.1 January 1997, 'Algerian militants massacre 33 villagers', Tlte Guardiall. 19 February 1997. 103. 'Bombers target Algiers', Tlte GII(m/i(/II, 22 Janua ry 1997. 'Many dead as bombs rock Algerian capit al'. Tlt e Illdepclldel1l, 18 March 1997. IO~. 'CUlling throats to create a Mu slim slate', Tlte IlIdepelldellJ, 6 De­ l'e mber 1996, 'Algerian rebel group d airns assassination', Tlte IlIde­ IJemfclll. 2J February 1997, Notes 203


1. B. A. Scharlau. Le/i-WinK Terrorism in the Federal Repllblic of Ger­ many, 42, 61-2. H. J. Horchem, Terrorism in West Germam' (Lon­ don: Institute for the Study of Conflict, 1986), 6. A. Jamieson, The Heart AI/acked, 78. G. C. Caselli & D. della Porta, 'The history of the Reel Brigades', in R. Catanzaro (ed.), The Red BriKades, 73: 88. 2. J. Bowyer Bell, 'Revolutionary Dynamics: The Inherent Inefficiency of the Undcrground', 202. 3. G, Grivas-Dighenis & C. Foley (eds), The Memoirs oIGeneral Grims (London: Longmans, 1964), 13-32. 4. 'Semtex stockpile the key to IRA's wider campaign', The Indepen­ dent, 4 June 1990. 'The IRA', The Independent on Sundllv, 22 No­ vember 1992. 'IRA mainland campaign "likely to last for years''', The Independent, 24 November 1992. 5. S. Aust, The Baader-Meinhof Group, 433-4. P. Taylor, States of Ter­ ror, 76, A. Jamieson, The Heart AI/aeked, 111-12, p, Willan, Pllppet Masters, 238-9, 241-3. 6. 'What One-Eyed Jack knows', The Independent, I July 1991. 'Enter­ ing a Decisive Phase', India Today, 28 Fehruary 1995. 7. J. Pearce, Colombia: Inside the Labyrinth, 177, 196, 205. 8, J, Cusack & M. Taylor, 'The Resurgence of a Terrorist Organization - Part I: The UDA, A Case Study', Terrorism and Pulitical Violence, 5, no, 3 (Autumn 19(3), 3. 9. E. MacDonald, Shoot the Women First, 141. G. C. Caselli & D. della Porta. 'The history of the Red Brigades', 73. D, Moss, The Politics of Leti-WinK Violence in Italv, 55, 145. C. Seton-Watson, 'Terrorism in Italy', 103. lO, M. Dillon & D. Lehane, Political Mllrder ill Northern Irellllld, 29-35. M. Dillon, The SlllIlikill Blltchers, passim. S. Bruce, The Red Hand, 14, 173-81. For an account and chronology of racialist killings in Europe, including both motiveless attacks and politically directed killings, see 'Death in Europe: the toll for 1992', CampaiKII AKailist Racism alld Fascism (London), 12 (Jan./Feb. 1993). 'Deadly Europe', CampaiKII AKailist Rllcism and Fascism, 18 (Jan./Feh. 1(94). For a detailed local account of the nature of racial attacks see Director of Housing, Oldham Metropolitan Borough, Racial Harassmellt Policy, local government report (Oldham: Oldham Metropolitan Borough, 7 December 1988), 28-30. 11. J. Holland & H. McDonald, INLA, 334-5, 338, 12. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked, 26, 38-40, lO9-1O, 146, 177. D. Moss, The Politics o(Lefi-WinK Violellce in Ital\', ISS. P. Willan, 1'1117- pet Masters, 216-17, 271-3. 13. P. Willan, Pllppet Masters, 219. A. Jamieson, Tlte Heart Affllcked, 151, 157, 160. 14. A. Jamieson, Tlte Heart Attacked, 108. P. Willan, PlIppet Masters, 222. 15. A. Jamieson, The Heart Aflacked, 40-1, 108. P. Willan, Puppet Mas­ ters, 223-4. 16. B. Savinkov, Jl1e17loirs ofa Terrorist, 79,120. R, Hingley, The RlIssillll 204 Notes

Secret Police: Muscol'ite, IlIlperial Russiall alld Soviet Political Security Operatiolls, 1565-1Y70 (London: Hutchinson, 1970),96-7. 17. D. Pluchinsky, 'An Organizational and Operational Analysis of Ger­ many's Red Army Faction Terrorist Group', 61. S. Aust, The Baader­ Meillhof Group, 406-8. 18. S. Aust, The Baader-AIeillllOf Group, 418. 'Culture of violence cuts deep in Bonn', The Times, 6 July 1993. 19. T. P. Coogan, Michael Collills, 82-3. 20. Ibid., 75-84, 107, 147-8. D. Neligan. The Spy ill the Castle (London: MacGibbon & Kee, 19(8). 21. 'Teenagers who enlist for terror', The Illdepelldellt Oil ,'l'UIl day , 5 Au­ gust 1990. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Pl'Ol'isional IRA, 287-8. 'In­ formers die after policeman's betrayal', The Daily Telegraph, 22 March 1981. C. Ryder, The RUe, 242-4. 'Leaked messages from RUe may help terrorists', The Illdepelldcllt, 18 June 1991. 'Maze officer who helped IRA to kill colleague gets life', Thc Timcs, 22 June 1990. 'Prison warder given life for role ill IRA murder', The Independent, 22 June 1990. 'IRA spy jailed hy Dublin court', The Timcs, 1\ Febru­ ary 1991. 'IRA used Garda file to target man', Thc Illdependcllt, 17 April 1991. 'Dublin admits Garda leak to IRA', Thc IlldependCllt, 17 April 1991 .. Former Garda jailed for giving IRA information', The IndcpClldellt, 1 February 1l)92. 22. ' fears may have prompted poster displays', The Indepen­ dellt, 6 February 1990. 'Tories urge inquiry into smear plot allega­ tions', The Timc.\', 6 February 1990. 'RUC receives Stevens report on loyalist leaks', The Indepcndent , 6 April 19l)0. 'Report finds RUe collusion', The Indepelldellt, 11\ May 1990. S. Bruce, The Red Hand, 212-18,261-4. D. McKittrick, Elldgame, 154. 23. Miami Herald, 29 January 1971). F. Doherty, 'SIGINT used by Anti­ State Forces: A Case Study of Provisional IRA Operations', in C. Bledowska (ed.), War alld Order: Researching State Structures (Lon­ don: Junction Books, 191\3). M. Dillon, Thc /Jirty War, 71-2. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The PrOliliolllll IRA, 4()S. 24. 'Perfect ambush on the road to Paradise', The Indepelldellt, 10 March 1l)95. 25. J. Pearce, Colombia: Illside the Labyrillth, 194. 26. 'Car bombers kill another top Italian judge', The Til1les, 20 July 1992. 'Tentacles that tie down the Italian state', The Illdepelldcnt, 6 Au­ gust 1l)92. A. Stille, Excellent Cadarers, 372-3. 27. A. & C. Black Ltd, Who's Who ]<)88: All anllual biographical diction­ (/ry (London: A. & c. Black, 1981\). 2S. 'Bookworms who burrow for IRA', The SUllday Correspolldent, 12 August 1990. S. O'Doherty, The Volunteer: A Fonner IRA MlIll '.I' True Storv (London: HarperCollins, 1l)93), 140. 29. 'McAlpine bomb indicates switch in IRA campaign', The Illdepen­ dellt, 14 June 19l)O. 30. 'Car bomb attack on Thatcher advisor fails', The Illdependent, 7 Au­ gust 1990. 'Peer target of botched car bombing', The Guardilln, 7 August 1990. Notes 20S

31. "'IRA hit list and arsenal" were found in car'. The Inde/lendcnt, 23 January 1992. 'Prior the top target on IRA hit list court tokr, The Tillles, 23 January 1992. 32. 'Arrests failed to stop attacks', The Independcnt, 7 December 1990. 33. S. Aust, The Baader-Meinhof Group, 423. J. Becker, Hitler's Children, 345, 34. D. T. Schiller, 'The European Experience', in B. M. Jenkins (cd.), Terrorism and Personal Protectiun (Stoneham, MA: Butterworth, 1Y85), 56-7. 35. B. A. Scharlau, Lefi-Wing Terrorism in the Federal Republic ot' Ger­ man)', 303. 36. 'Fine, remarkable, dirty and devious', The Spectator, 9 April IYY4. 37. A. J. Scotti, 'Transportation Security', in B. M. Jenkins (ed.), Terror­ ism ((nd Personal Protection, 358-9. Taylor shows how, despite route changes, it was possible for the Red Army Faction to launch an at­ tack on the Commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Alex­ ander Haig, in 1979, P. Taylor, States or Terror, 80-2. 38. J. Agirre, Operation ()gro, 3. 39. G. Capotorto, 'How Terrorists look at Kidnappings', in B. M. Jenkins (cd.), Terrorism and Personal Protection, 5. 40. C. A. Russell & B. H. Miller, 'Terrorist Targets and the Executive Target', in Y. Alexander & R. A. Kilmarx (cds), Political Terrorism lind Business: The Threat and Response (New York: Praeger, 1Y7Y), 69. A. J. Scotti, 'Transportation Security', 354. 41. H. A. Lyons & H. J. Harbinson, 'A Comparison of Political and Non­ Political Murderers in Northern Ireland, 1974-84', Medicine, Science and the Law, 26, no. 3 (1986), 195. 42. c. E. Baumann, 'Diplomatic Kidnappings', in B. M. Jenkins (cd.), Terrorism lind Persona! Protection. A. Seith, Against EI'en' HUlllan La\\': The Terrorist Threat to J)iplolllll(\, (Rushcutter's Bay: Australian National University Press, 1(88), 18-31, 182. Central Intelligence Agency, Pallems or Intematiollal Terrorism: 1980 (Washington, DC: Govern­ ment Printing Office, 1(81), 10. J. Gellner, Bayonets in the Streets: Urban guerrilla at home and ahroad (Don Mills, Ont.: Collier-Macmillan Canada, 1974),92-128. G. Jackson. People's Prison. J. Bowyer Bell, IRA Tactics and Twgets, 71-2. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Pr(}\'i­ sional IRA, 308-9. 43. B. M. Jenkins, International Terrorism: The Other World War, 17. 44. Corriere della Sera, 13 January 1987. 45. M. Dillon, Killer in C/o lI'I1I0lI'n, 83-104. 46. Ihid., 02. Details of a PIRA document captured in 1977 which out­ lined the reorganisation can be found in L. Clarke, Broadening the Balllefield, 251-3. 47. R. P. Clark, 'Patterns in the Lives of ETA members', 3(ll. 48. Y. Katayama, Terrorism in Japan since 1969: A studl' of the lluil'ities of the Japanese Red Arm.\', Ph.D., University of Aberdeen, I Y89, H2. 49. "'IRA hit list and arsenal" were found in car', The Independent, 23 January 1992. 'Bandsman tells jury of escape in Deal bombing', The Illdependent, 11 December 1990. 206 Notes

50. 'Arrests failed to stop attacks', 7lie Illdepelldellt, 7 December 1990. 51. S. Aust, The Ba(/der-Meinhol Group, 92-3. B. A. Scharlau, Leti- Wing Terrorism ill the Federal Republic of' German)" 176. J. M. Post, 'Hostilite, Conformite, Fraternite: The Group Dynamics of Terrorist Behav­ iour', Illternational ]oulI/al of (;roUJl Psychotherapy, 36, no. 2 (April J9K6), 216. S. Bruce, The [{I'd }fand, 54-6, 114-15. M. Dillon, The Slwnkili Blitchers, 47-59, 96-102. 52. G. C. Caselli & D. della Porta, 'The history of the Red Brigatks', 82. A. Jamieson, The Heart Allacked, K4-5. 53. D. Moss, The Politics of Lett-Wing Violellce in Ita lv, 57. 54. 'Bombing "devastating" to IRA', The Independellt, J 1 November 19K7. L. Clarke, Broadening the Ball/erie/d, 252. B. O'Brien, The LOllg War, 15K. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prorisiolla/ IRA, 312. 55. S. Bruce, The Red Halld, 54-6. M. Dillon, The Shallkifl Butchers, 65, 192-5, 198, 207. 56. 'IRA admits mounting difficulty in Ulster attacks', The Guardian, 7 January 1984. 'IRA rings changes to restore balance of terror', The Guardiall, 5 May 1987. 57. M. Dewar, The British Army ill Northern Irelalld (London: Arms & Armour Press, 19K5), lKO-6. D. Hamill, Pig ill the Middle: The Army ill Northern Irelalld, 1969-1984 (London: Methuen, 19K5), 119, 133, 141. M. Dillon, The DillY War, 398-417. The veracity of Dewar's re­ marks on operational methods can be judged by the fact that they have been partially reproduced in a republican magazine. 'Opera­ tional comments of a British Army officer', Iris, 11 (October 1(87). 58. A. Feldman, For/lllltiolls of' Violellce: The Narrati~'e of the Body and Political Terror ill Northern Irelalld (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1(91), 48. 59. D. Pluchinsky, 'RAF Assassination of Alfred Herrhausen', in US Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security (ed.), Terrorist Tactics alld SeCllrity Practices (Washington DC: US Department of State, 1(94), 3-9. 60. M. Dillon, The Slwllkifl Butchers, 66-7. 61. B. Dasgupta, The Nllxalite A{ol'cmcilt (New Delhi: Alli"d Publishers, 1974), 40, 45-6. 62. S. Bruce, The Red Halld, 1K3-4. 63. 'Scenario for a knee-cap job in Italy', TIle Times, 23 July 1977. 64. G. Grivas-Dighenis, Guerrilla War/l/re, 66. A. Feldman, Formations of Violence, 42-5. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, 71le PrOl'isionlil IRA, 247-8. 65. 'New devices used in NI explosions', 12 July 1983. 'Incendiary de­ vices increasingly used in terror attacks', The Illdepelldellt, 2 Decem­ ber 1991. 'Simplicity of incendiary device makes disruption easy', The Guardian, 24 December 1991. 66. E. MacDonald, Shoot the WOlllell First, 15R. 67. E. MacDonald, Shoo/ lhe Womell First, 73, 169. G. Grivas-Dighenis, Guerrilla Will/are, 66. A. Horne, A S£ll'{lge War of Peace, lK4-6. 6R. B. A. Salamanca, 'Vehicle Bombs: Death on Wheels', in N. C. Livingstone & T. E. Arnold (eds), Fightillg Back: It'illnillg the War Agaillst Terrorism (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986), 40-2. Notes 207

69. D. C. Martin & J. Walcott, Best Laid Plal/s: The Inside StOll' ofAmericll's War Against Terrorism (New York: Harper & Row, 19RR), 219-20. B. Woodward, Veil: The Secret IVaI's of the CIA, 1981-1987 (London: Simon Schuster, )YR7), 3Y5-8. 70. '1ran blamed for embassy car bomb', The Times, 27 July IYY4. 'Hunt for woman car bomber', The Daily Telegraph, 27 July 1994. 71. 'IRA bombs were biggest ever', The Independent on Sunday, 12 April 1992. 'London counts the cost of IRA bombs', The Independent, n April 19lJ2. 'Back-to-work City defies the IRA', The Times, n April 1992. 'Security tn be stepped up in City after blast', The indepen­ dent, 26 April 1993. 'Taxpayers foot I RA bomb bill', The Times, 21l April 1993. B. O'Brien, The Long Wllr, 272-3. 72. E. Crankshaw, The Shadow of the Willler Paillce, 315-IR. B. Savinkov, Afcmoirs of {/ Terrorist, 48, 5R-70. 73. 'Rajiv Gandhi assassinated in bomb blast', nle Tillles, 22 May 1991. 'Rajiv Gandhi murdered by bombers at election rally', The Indcpcndcnt, 22 May 1991. 'What One-Eyed Jack knows', The Independcnt, 1 July 1991. 'Suicide bomber murders president of Sri Lanka', The indc­ pendent on Sunday, 2 May 1993. 'Tamil Tigers blamed as bomb kills president', Thc Times, 2 May 1993. 'Dignity and death with the Freedom Birds', The Independent on Sunday, 26 May 1991. 74. R. Fisk, Pity the Nation: Lehanon lit War (London: Andre Deutsch, 19YO: Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1(91),478-80, 511-20. G. Rosie, Thc Directon' of International Terrorism, 4Y-50, 51. 75. 'Hamas takes revenge for Hebron', The independent, 7 April IYY4. 'Nine die in suicide attack on school bus', The Times, 7 April 19Y4. 'Rabin dubbed traitor as Afula buries its dead', The Times, 8 April 1994. 76. 'IRA "Proxy Bomhs" Blast Belfast', The Times, 26 July 1974. "'Human­ bomb" attack fails', Thc independent, 21 December lYYO. '''Hurnan­ bomb" attack denounced', The Independcnt, 5 February lY91. Taxi forced to cruise West End with IRA bomb', The independent, 17 June lY92. 'Mini-cah drivers "in deep shock" after hijacking', The Inde­ pendent, 26 April 19Y3. 'IRA's new tactic breaches security forces' defences', The Independent, 25 October 19YO. 77. 'IRA uses human bomhs', The Independent, 25 Octoher IYYO. 'Seven dead in IRA "human homb" attacks', The Times, 25 October IY90. 'Sitting ducks for the IRA killers', The Sunday Correspondent, 28 Oc­ toher 19YO. 78. 'IRA uses human bombs', The independent, 25 October Il1YO. 'Hume denounces I RA "cowards"', The Independent, 26 October lYliO. 79. B. O'Brien, The Long ~-Var, 52, 56. RO. K. Heskin, 'The Terrorists' Terrorist: Vincent Browne's interview with Dominic McGlinchey', Y. Alexander & A. O'Day (eds), Ireland's Terrorist Dilelllllla (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Martinus Nijholf, lY86),100. 8!. 'German terror group admits assassination', The independent, 3 April I9Y!. 'East German reforms hit hy murder of privatisation chief, The Times, 3 April lY91. The gap left hy Rohwedder', The E(,()llomist, 6 April lYY 1. B. Hoffman, Terrorist Targeting: Tactics, Trends. and 208 Notes

Potentialities'. Terrorism alld Political Violellce, 5, no. 2 (Summer 1993), 16. 82. 'Long-range rifle in Ulster haul'. The Illdepelldellt, III August 1993. 'American sniper rifle found in arms cache', 111e Tillles, III August 1993. 'One-mile range rifle found', The Daily Telegraph, III August 1993. 1l3. 'Bomb warning action .. too late"', The Illdepelldellt, 19 February 1991. 'Police decided not to evacuate after "vague" phone call', The Times, 19 February 1991. 84. 'Video "filmed IRA bombers at Harrods", The Illdepelldellt, 14 April 1994. 'English-horn hombers get 30 years for IRA blasts', The Guardiall, 14 May 1994. '''Proud'' IRA hombers jailed for 30 years', Ihe Illde­ pelldellt, 14 May 1994. 1l5. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The PrOl'isiollal IRA, 423-4. M. Dillon, The Ellemv Withill (London: Doubleday. (994), 163-5. 86. A. Jamieson, The Heart AI/acked, 113, 117. P. Willan, Puppet Mas­ tcrs, 214-15. P. W. Little. 'Abduction and Assassination Reconsid­ ered', TVI Report, 1l, no. 3 (191l9), 17-UI. 87. A. J. Scotti, 'Transportation Security', 354. 1l1l. G. Grivas-Dighenis, Guerrilla Wartilre, 63-4, 100. 89. 'Soldier and boy hurt in IRA "coffee jar" bomb attack', The III de­ pelldmt, 21l April 1992. 'Limpet mine raid on police car wounds 21 people', The Illdepelldellt Oil SUllday, 28 June 1992. D. McKittrick, Despatches .ti'Oll/ Be/fil.\,t, 195. B. O·Brien. The LOllg War, 154-5. 90 .. Rajiv Gandhi murdered hy bombers at election rally', The Illdef,elldelll, 22 May 199 l. 'What One-Eyed Jack knows', Tlte IlldcpCIII/Cllt, 1 .T lily 1991. 91. K. Heskin, 'The Terrorists' Terrorist', lOll. 92. 'IRA kills leading Ulster politician', The Times, Il December 19113. 'Attacks on perjury personnel', AP/RN, Il December 1983.1'. P. Coogan, Michael Collills. 116. 1'. P. Coogan, Oil the Blallket: The H-Block StOlY (Dublin: Ward River Press, 1980),205,232. P. Taylor, States of' Terror, 106. 93. There is some dispute as to who sponsored this operation. Dohson and Payne mention Iraq, Algeria, Libya, and the PFLP as 'more ob­ viously interested parties', with the USSR as having an interest in seeing the kidnapping succeed in weakening OPEC. Yallop on the other hand points the finger more directly at fraq acting through the PFLP. C. Dobson & R. Payne, The Carlos COll1plex: A Stuily in Ter­ ror, revised edition (London: Coronet, JlJ78), lJ9, 119, 126-7. D. Yallop, To tIle Ellds of'the Earth: Ihe HUllt.f{H the Jackal (London: Jonathan Cape, 1993), 375-6, 371l-9, 396-7. 94. 'IRA land-mines hard to detect', The Guardiall, 10 April 1990. 95. A. Jamieson, The Heart Allacked, I JO-18. P. Willan, Puppet !IIasters, 231l. 96. A. Feldman, Formations of' Violellce, 42-5. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Provisiollal IRA, 247-8. M. Dillon, Killer in C/owntowll, 1l5. 97. 'Four shot dead as army traps IRA gang', The Tillles, 17 February 1992. 'Army jubilant at killing of IRA men', 'Soldiers lay in wait for IRA gang to return', both in Tlte Indepelldellt. 18 February 1992. Notes 209

'Cleared 1 RA man shot by SAS', The Times, 1iI February 1992. B. O'Brien, The Long War, 232-4. 9i1. Y. Alexander & D. Pluehinsky (cds). Ellrope's Red Terrorists. 99. D. Moss, The Politics of Lett-IVing Violence in Italr, 2. lOll. 'Plotting Eelam's future', The Independent, I) June 1991. 'Head of Gandhi murder squad dies after siege', The II/dependent, 21 August 1991. 'Enough evidence to implicate LTTE chief, The Hindll: IllIer­ I/atiol/al Edition, iI Fehruary 1992. 101. 'LTTE denies hand in killillg of Wijeratne', The Hindll: International Edition, 16 March 1991. 'LTTE blamed for Wijeratne's killing', The Hindll: International Edition, 23 March 1991.


1. D. Salvioni & A. Stephanson, 'Reflections on the Red Brigades', Orb is: A JOllrnal of' It'odd Am/irs, 29, no. 3 (Fall 19i1)), 491-2. A. Jamieson, The Heart ,4ttacked, 70-6. G. C. Caselli & D. della Porta, 'The his­ tory of the Red Brigades', 72. 2. H. Cobban, The Palestinial/ Liberation Organisation: People, P(!I\'cr and Politics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19i14), 21-31. A. Frangi, The PLO and Palestine (Frankfurt: R. G. Fischer Verlag, 19i12; London: Zed Books, 19i13). 9)-102. 3. B. A. Scharlau, Lett-Wing Terrorism in the Federal Rcpllblic of Ger­ /1lany, 179. 4. S. Bruce, The Red Hand, 46-)0. D. L. G. Hall, The Ulster /)c/c'nce Association, 10,25, 42-3, 336-7. ). Sec G. Carr, The Angn' Brigade. 6. 'Defector who finds life ton quiet', The Timcs. 22 February 1973. 'Internment: the big gamble for hoth sides', The IndependCllt on Slinday, 17 Novemher 1991. M. Dillon & D. Lehane, Political Mllrder in Northern Irel!lIld, 247, 2)7-8. 7. G. Kassimeris, 'Greece: Twenty Years of Political Terrorism', Terror­ ism and Political Violence. 7, no. 2 (Summer 1(95). 80. A. Corsun, 'Group Profile: The Revolutionary Organization 17 November in Greece (1975-91)" in Y. Alexander & D. Pluchinsky (cds). Euro­ pea/l Terrorism 7(H/lIY and 7(illlOrrml' , 93-4. Y. Alcxander & D. Pluchinsky, Ellrope '.I' Red Terrorists, 90. 8. K. Toolis, Rebel Hellrts, 308. 9. S. Aust, The J3aader-Mcillhof GroIlP, 92-3. J. Becker, Hitler's Chil­ drell, 94, 110-11. 10. I. Sahlll (chair). 'Psychology of leaders of terrorist groups', International Jourl/a/ of' Group Tellsions, vol. 12, ilil. 11. B. Savinkov, Memoirs ofa Terrorist. T. P. Coogan, Michael Collills. M. Begin, The /?el'Olt, revised edition (1952; London: W. H. Allen, 1979). G. Grivas-Dighenis, Gllerrilla ~Vartilre. D. Barker. Grit'us: Portrait or a 7("Torist (London: Cresset, 19)9). S. MacStiofain, /?cl'Olutiollan' ill Irelalld (Edinburgh: Gordon Cremonesi, 197)). 12. M. Begin, The /?cl'Olt, 28H-90. R. D. Wilson, Cordoll alld Searclt: With 210 Notes

6th Airhorne Dil'ision in Palestine (Aldershot: Gale & Polden, 1949), 132-4. E. Tavin & Y. Alexander (eds), PSYc/lOlogical Hili/lire and Propagallda: Ilglill Doclllllentation (Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources Inc., 1(82),229-30. L. Collins & D. Lapierre, () Jerlls(/­ lem' (London: Weidenf<:ld and Nicolson, 1972; Pan. 1(73), 95. 13. "'We remain totally committed and confident in victory"' - Oglaigh na hEireann', AP/RN, 14 February 1991. 14. S. Macstiofain, RCl'ollition(/r" in Ire/and, 24(). 15. Ibid., 301-2. P. Bishop & E: Mallie, The Provisional IRA., 247-8. I(). T P. Coogan, A1iclwe/ Collins, 117. 17. S. Macstiofain, RCl'ollitionary in Ire/and, 74-9. 18. Ibid., 43-4, 47. L. Clarke, Broadening the Bafflefield, 30. M. Dillon, Killer in C/mmtown, 2()1. R. Taber, The Hi/r or the Flea: Guerrilla Wilffilre TheO/)' {{nd Practice (St Albans: Paladin, 1(70). M. McGuire, To T(/ke Arms, ()Y. T P. Coogan, The mA, 693. 19. A. Jamieson, The Heilft Au(/cked, 49. A. Jamieson, 'Entry, Discipline and Exit in the Italian Red Brigades', TerrorislIl and Political Viol­ ence, 2, no. 1 (Spri ng 1(90), 1, 3-4. 20. B. Baumann, Wie Alles An/ing. How it all Begun: The Personal Ac­ counl or II West Gemllln UrI/lin Guerrilla (Munich: Trikont Verlag, 1975; Vancouver: Pulp Press, 1(77), 49-50. S. Aust, The B({ader-Mein/lOr GroIlP, 89-101. 21. 'Hamas has learnt the lessons of Lebanon', The Independent, 20 Oc­ tober 1Y94. B. Hoffman & D. K. Hoffman, 'The RAND-St Andrews Chronology of International Terrorism, 1994', Terrorism alld Political v'iolellce, 7, no. 4 (Winter 1(95),219. 22. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked, 92, 123, 12(), 18(). 23. 'Italian Terrorists Kill a Union Aide', Plashington Post, 25 January 1979. 'Italian labour protest over killing', Financial Times, 2() Janu­ ary 1979. 'Hero's funeral for party victim', Finallcial Tillles, 29 Janu­ ary 1979. C. Seton-Watson, 'Terrorism in Italy", IW. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked, 100, I 75-(). D. Moss. The Politics or Left-Wing Violellce in Italy, 227, 285 n42. 24. S. Strung, Shining Path, 99-101. S. V. D. Samaranayake, Politic(/I Viol­ ence in the Third H'orld: A Case Study of Sri Lanka, 1971-1987, Ph.D., University of St Andrews, 1990, 238-41. M. Ranstorp, 'Hizbollah's Command Leadership: Its Structure, Decision Making and Relation­ ship with Iranian Clergy and Institutions', Terrorism alld Political Viol­ ellce, 6, flO. 3 (Autumn 19(4),304-16. 25. J. Holland & H. McDonald, INLA, 17-118. A. Jamieson, The Hearl AI/acked, 173, 182-83. 26. M. Dillon, The S/llIl1kill Butchers, 8, 12, 49, 59. S. Bruce, The Red Halld, 173. 27. P. C. Hearst & A. Moscow, EveI)' Secret Thing, 139-40, 154, 161, 198, 20 l. 28. G. Grivas, Guerrilla fVilljc/re, 25, 47-8. D. Barker, Gril'([s, 25-9, 51-2, 79-80, 119, 139-40. 29. K. Toolis, Uehel Hearts, 294-6, 308, 309-10. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Provisional IRA, 197-8. Notes 211

30. 'Bogside fighter turned to politics', The Independent, 26 August 1993. 31. K. Toolis, Rehel liearts, 247. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Provisiollal IRA, 13, 318-20. 32. D. Beresford, Tell life II Dead: The storr of the 7981 Irish hunger strike (London: Grafton. 1(87), 152-7. L. Clarke, Broadening the Battlc­ field, 162-3. D. Hammill, Pig in the Middle, 268-9. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prol'isional IRA, 456. M. Urhan, Big Boy's 1?ules, 223-4. B. O'Brien, The Long ~'tlr, 142. 33. S. Bruce, 'Criminality and Vigilante Politics: The Scottish Protestant Case', Conflict Quarterly, Spring 1986,20. 34. Corricre dcfo Scra, 10 January 1982. 'Red Brigades key planner is betrayed', The Dail" Telegraph, 11 January 1982. D. Salvioni & A. Stephanson, 'Reflections on the Red Brigades', 501. A. Jamieson, The Heart AI/licked, 183-4. P. Willan, Puppet JHustcrs, 326. 35. D. Canter, Criminal Shadows: Inside the IIfind o( the Serial Ki{{cr (Lon­ don: HarperCollins, 1994; 1995), 214, 220, 294, 297-8. 36. J. Bowyer Bell, IRA 71lctics and ulrgets, 14. 37. 'Internment: the hig gamble for both sides', The Independent, 17 November 1991. 38. 'Internment "only way to beat IRA"', The Independent, 17 November 1991. 39. E. Crankshaw, TIle ShadoH' of the Winter Palllce, 297. R. Hinglcy, The Russian Secret Police, 64. 40. 'Teenagers who enlist for tenor', The Independent on .'lunda.\', 5 August 1990. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The PrOl'isionol ll?A, 287-8. 41. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked, 113, 117, 122. P. Willan, Puppet Masters, 215. 42. J. Agine, Operation Ogro, 2-3, 57-8, 72. 43. B. Dasgupta, The Naxllfite Mo\'e/l/ent, 44-5, i\3, 1',7. E. Duyker, Trihal Guerrillas: The Santal.l or IM'st BCllgal and thc Nuxafite MOl'cmcnt (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1987), R4, 127. 44. B. Baumann, Wic A{{cs All/ing, 49-50. S. Aust, The Baadcr-1I1eillhof Group, R9-101. P. Willan, Puppet Masters, 165-6. C. di Giovanni, Light fl'O/l1 Behind the Bill'S, 9R, 104. H. J. Horchem, Terrorism in ItCst Gcr­ II Illn." , 10-11, 12-14. 45. B. Vaughn, 'The Use and Abuse of Intelligence Services in India', 11-12. 46. J. Schmeidel, 'My Enemy's Enemy', 66-7. B. A. Scharlau, Le/i-Wing u'ITOrism in the Fedcral Repllblic or Germllny, 56-61. 47. J. Pearce, Colomi>ia: Inside the Lahyrinth, 177. Amnesty International, Getting Away with Mllrder, 36. 4R. Amnesty International, Political violence in Colombia, 21, 24-8. 49. C. Ryder, The : An Instrument of Peace? (Lon­ don: Methuen, 19(1), 182-3. 50. P. Marnham, Crime lind the Academic Francaise: J)i.ll'atchcs /1'0111 Paris (Harmolldsworth: Viking, 19(3), 9,11-12. 51. S. Bruce, The Red Hand, 216-1R, 225, 271-3. 52. G. McKee & R. Franey, Till1e HOIlli>, 9, 61, 63,337. M. Dillon, The Enell1.1' Within, 137. 212 Notes

53. For a((ounts of su(h terrorist homhing operations see L. Collins & D. Lapierre, () .!I'rusalem! llli-2(), 17Y-R2. S. O'Doherty, The Volull­ teer, liY-71. 54. M. Sutton, Bear in Mind These Dead. 1'17. 55. M. Dillon & D. Lehane, Political Murder in Northern Irelalld, 144. F. Burton, The politics of legitimacy: Struggles ill II Belfast comlllllility (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, IY7R), 10'1, 22, 23. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Provisiollal IRA, 13,2'10-1. J. Holland & H. M(Donald, INLA, 83, 217-18, 258, 280 n.1. M. Urban, Big Boy's Rules, 223-4. 51i. 'Spirit of hope confronts a deadlier terror', The Daily Telegraph, 20 Octoher 19'14. A. Ashkenasi, 'Social-Ethnic Conflict and Paramili­ tary Organization in the Near East', in P. H. Merkl (ed.), Political Violence and Terror, 317. 57. C. Coughlin, Hoslage: Ihe compfele sto/)' or the Lehanoll capth'es (Lon­ don: Little, Brown & Co, 1'192), 79,92. 104. E. F. Mi(kolus, T. Sandler, J. M. Murdock, Inlernalional Terrorism in Ihe 1980s: 1980-1983, 468-9. E. F. Mi(kolus, T. Sandler, J. M. Murdock, Inlemalional Ter­ rorism in tire 1980.1': 1984-1987, 139-42. G. Rosie, The DirectOlY of International Terrorism, lliR-9. 5R. P. Marnham, Crillle and Ihe Academie Francaise, 9, Iii. 59. C. Novaro, 'Social networks and terrorism: the (ase of Prill/a Linea', in R. Catanzaro (cd.), The Red Brigades and Left-Wing Terrorism in Iraly. A. Jamieson, The Heart Allacked, 103-7. B. A. S(harlau, Leji­ Wing Terrorism in tire Federal Republic or Germany, lli3-70. 60. R. P. Clark, 'Patterns in the Lives of ETA members', 29R-9, 304-5. P. Taylor, States of Terror, 8R-93. 61. 'Taught to kill, not to pity', The Independent on Sunday, 21 Mar(h 1993. R. Holmes, Firing Line, 361i. J. Ellis, The SlllllP End of' War, 31R-20. M. Maclear, Vietnam: The Ten Thousand Day Ifill' (London: Thames/Methuen. 1981: 1982), 373-8. M. Walzer, .lust and Unjust Wars,30Y-IS. li2. C. R. Browning, Ordillary Mell: Reser!'e Police Ba/ta//ioll JOI alld the Filial Soflllion in Polalld (New York: Harper Collins, 1992; 19'13), 1-2,55-70, 77, 102, 191. 63. H. Brown. People, Groups, and Society (Milton Keynes, England: Open University Press, 1985), 16-19. K. Heskin, Northern Ireland: A P,y­ cllOlogical Analysis (Duhlin: Gill & Macmillan, 19RO), 87-8. 64. L. Williams, 'Through the eyes of a torturer', Amllcsly. Campaign Journal fiJI' Amllesly Internatiollal Brilish Scclioll (London), May/J ulle lY9.'i (issue 73). 65. H. A. Lyons & H. J. Harbinson, 'A Comparison of Political and Non­ Political Murderers in Northern Ireland, 1974-84'. K. Heskin, The psydlOlogy of terrorism in Northern Ireland', in Y. Alexander & A. O'Day (cds), 7bmrism in Ire/alld (London: Croom Helm, lYR4). K. Heskin, Northern Irelalld: A Psychological Alla/vsis, 74-93. E Ferracuti, 'A So(iopsydliatri( Interpretation of Terrorism', Allllals of tfte Americall Academy, 463 (September 19R2), l30. F. Ferracuti & F. Bruno, 'Psychiatri( Aspects of Terrorism in Italy', I. L. Barak-Glantz & c. R. Huff (eds), Tile Mad, the Bad, and the DiUerellf: Essays ill Notes 213

Hunor or Simon J)initz (Lexington, MA: Ll!xington Books, 19K I), 207. 66. F. Ferraeuti & F. Bruno, 'Psyehiatric Aspects of Terrorism in Italy', 209. E. Kolinsky, 'Terrorism in West Germany', in J. Lodge (cd.), The Thrcat of' Tt'rrorism, 7S-6. 67. J. M. Post, 'Notes on a Psychodynamic Theory of lerrorist Behaviour', Terrorism: An International Journal, 7, no. 3 (19K4), 241. 6R. J. M. Post, 'Terrorist psycho-logic: 'lerrorist behaviour as a product of psychological forces', in W. Reich (cd.), Origins of' Tt'rrorism: PIT­ clIO logics, Ideologies, Theolugies, States of Mind (Cambridge: Cam­ bridge University Press, 1(90),27. L. Bollinger, 'Terrorist conduct as a result of a psychosocial process', in P. Pichot, P. Berner & K. Thau (cds), Ps),chially: The State of the Art. Volume 6: Drtlg Dependencc and Alcoholism, Forensic Psych ia tl)', Militm), Psychiatl)' (New York: Plenum Press, 19R5), 3R8. 69. J. M. Post, 'lerrorisl psycho-logic', 26. 70. J. M. Post, 'Notes on a Psychodynamic Theory of Terrorist Behaviour', 246, 247, 2S0. 71. R. P. Clark, 'Patterns in the Lives of ETA members', 2K3-4, 293-4. R. W. White & T. F. White, 'Revolution in the City: On the Re­ sources of Urban Gunrillas', Terrorism and Politica/ Violcncc, 3, no. 4 (Wintn 19(1), II{J, IIS-16. 72. C. A. Russell & B. H. Milkr, 'Profile of a Terrorist', in L. Z. Freed­ man & Y. Alexander (cds), PersJlcctires on Nuclcar Tt'I."orislIl (Wilmington, DE: Scholarly Resources Inc, 19R3), 47. 73. R. W. White & T. F. White, 'Rl!volution in the City', III. 74. R. 1'. Clark, 'Patterns in the Lives of ETA ml!mbers', 2R6. L. Weinberg & W. Eubank, 'l.l!adns and Followers in Italian lerrorist Groups', Terrorism and Political Violence, I, no. 2 (April 19R9), 167, 169. 7S. C. A. Russell & B. H. Miller, 'Profik of a Terrorist', 47-K. K. L. Oots, 'Organizational Perspedives on thl! Formation and Disintegration of Terrorist Groups', Terrorism, 12, no. 3 (19K9), 144. L. Wl!inberg & W. Eubank, 'l.eaders and Followers ill Italian Terrorist Groups', 169. 76. I. Sa1an, 'Psychology of leaders of terrorist groups', 96. L. Weinberg & W. Eubank, 'Leaders and Followers in Italian Terrorist Groups', 167, 169. B. A. Scharlau, Lefi-Wing Terrorism in the Fcdcrall?cjJlIhlic of German.", 129. 'Tl!ellagers who enlist for terror', The Independcnt on Slinday, S August 1990. J. Bowyer Bell, 'Career Moves: Rdlec­ tions on the Irish Gunman', Studies ill Conflict and Terrorism, 15, no. I (January-March 19(2),74. T. P. Coogan, The mA, 66R-71 lists the ages of 38 IRA prisonl!rs who escaped from the Maze Prison in Northern Ireland in March 1983. The vast majority were in their mid to late twenties, and appl!ar to have been in their late tel!IlS to mid-twenties when first imprisoned. 77. C. A. Russell & B. H. MilicI', 'Profile of a Terrorist', 47. B. A. Scharlau, Lefi-Willg Ti'rrorism in the Federal Repliblic of Germany, 129. 78. 1.. Weinberg & W. Eubank, 'Leaders and Followers in Italian Terror­ ist Groups', 167. 79. M. Crenshaw, 'An Organizational Approach to the Analysis of Political Terrorism', Orhis: A JOlinIal oI World Affclirs 29, no. 3 (Fall 19R5), 474-S. 214 Notes

80. B. Baumann, Wie Alles Anjing, 72. 81. D. L. G. Hall, The Ulster lJejellce Association, 82. 82. Ibid., 75 , 77. 83. C. Townshend, Political Violellce ill Irelalld: GOl'emmellt alld Resist­ ance sillce 1848 (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 366. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The P/'(}l'isiollal IRA, 276, 285. B. O'Brien, The LOllg War, 34. K. Toolis, Rehel Hearts, 294-5. 1\4. F Burton, The Politics of Legitimacy, Ill, B. O'Brien, The Long H'tlr, 40. 1\5. B. O'Brien, The LOllg Hill, 4(). 86, S. Strong, Shining Path, 36-9. W. A. Hazleton & S. Woy-Hazleton, 'Sendero Luminoso', 66-1\. 87. P. O'Malley, Biting at the Gmle: The Irish Hunger Strikes and the Politics of Desp(/ir (Belfast: Blackstaff Press, 1990), 285. 88. 'Key figures allegedly behind attacks on the Continent', and 'Web of terror that spread across Europe', both in The Independent, 3 April 1991. B. O'Brien, The Long Will', 142. J. Adams, R. Morgan & A. Bambridge, Amhush: The Hilr BetH'een the .'lAS {{nd the IRA (Lon­ don: Pan, 191\1\), 136-40. 1\9. J. Schmeidel, 'My Enemy's Enemy', 64-6. B. A. Scharlau, Left-Wing Terrorism in the Fedeml Repuhlic of Germany, 299, 3D!. E. MacDonald, Shoot the Hi)fllell First, 227-1\. 90. M. Sutton, Bear ill //lind these dead . .. An Illdex of De(/ths ji'om the Conflict in Ire/and, 1969-1993 (Belfast: Beyond the Pale Publications, 1994), 195-205. 91. See D. Beresford, Tell Afcil /)cat!. L. Clarke, Broadening the Battlc­ field. 92. B. A. Scharlau, Lefi-Wing 7i',TorislIl in the Federal Republic of Ger­ I/wny, 93-9, 300, 304. 93. Menll'i argues that some of the suicide bombers in Lebanon were either coerced or duped into taking part in such operations. A. Menll'i, 'The readiness to kill and die: Suicidal terrorism in the Middle East', in W. Reich (cd.), Origins of Terrorism, 194-6. 94. M. R. D. Foot, f?csistallcc (Eyre Methuen, 1976; London: Granada, 1971\), 55. 95. Y. Katayama, Terrorislll in Japall sillce 1969,49. W. R. Farrell, Blood ({nd Rage, 96-7. 96. 'Terroristi dcnudino due vigili ruhando Ie lore divise armi a tesserini', Corricre della Ser/"({, 1 Mav 1979. 97. Amnesty International, P(~liti("({1 Violence ill Cololllbia, 42, 52, 94-5. Amnesty International. Gclling (/H'ay with lIlurder, 34-6. 98. S. Bruce, The Red Halld, 218. C. Ryder, The Ulster Defelice Regi­ IIIcnt, 152, 151\-61, 175, 179-81. M. Dillon, The Dirty Hilr, 219-20. 99. F. S. Pearson, The (;tob({1 SI'rcad o( Arms: Politiml Economy of Illter­ Ilatiollal Sccurity (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994), 61. 1()()' P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prol'isiollal IRA, 295-6. J. Holland, The AmericlIll COllncction (New York: Viking Penguin, 1987; Dublin: Poolbeg, 1989), 1\1-3. J. Bowyer Bell, Thc Secret Army, 439. lOt. R. Moss, The Politics of Left-Willg Violcnce ill Italv, 53. 102. '''Assassin'' gUlls seized in raids on arms ring', The Illdependent, Notes 215

25 May 1995. F. S. Pearson, The Glohal Spread oj"Arms, 61. R. Fleming & H. Miller, Scotland 11ml (London: Michael Joseph, 1994), 5. The Cook Report, lTV, television, \3 June 1995. 103. 'The arms suppliers go to war', The Indepelldcl/l on SlInda.\", ousiness supplement, 4 September 1994. 104. P. Paganacci, 'Weapons of the Russian Special Forces', RAIDS, UK edition (January 1995). 105. US Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, Lihra lInder Qlldha(i, 1. P. Seale, AIm Nidal: A Glln for Hirc (New York: Random House, 1992), 105, 149, 242-3. 106. R. H. Shultz, 'Iranian Covert Aggression: Support for Radical Politi­ cal Islamists Conducting Internal Subversion Against States in the Middle East/Southwest Asia Region', Terrorism lind Political Viulellce, 6, no. 3 (Autumn 1994), 285, 286, 290. M. Ranstorp, 'Hizbollah's Command Leadership', 3()7, 310. B. Woodward, Vcil, 177, 225-8, 275, 355-6,388-92,465-7,481-3. C. Dickey, With thc Contra.l: A Reporter ill the H'ilds o/Nicaraglla (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985: Lon­ don: Faber & Faber, 1986), 143, 161-2, 166-71. 180·-1, 21 I. H. E. Vanden, 'State Policy and the Cult of Terror in Central America', P. Wilkinson & A. M. Stewart (eds), Contemporlll)' Research on Terror­ ism, 265-7. O. North & W. Novak, Under Fire: An American Stor\' (New York: HarperCollins, 1991), 249-5U. 107. 'Voyage into business of terror', The Independellt, 12 January 1991. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Provisional IRA, 246, 305··6. J. Adams, Trading in Deil/h: The !liodem Arms Race (London: Hutchinson, 1990: Pan, 1991), 17-30. 108. Statistics vary from one source to another. See 'Arming the IRA: The Libyan ConnectIOn', The Economist (London), 31 March 1990. 'Gadaffi admits training IRA elite', The SlInday Times, 21 June 1992. 'RUC chief proposes national police units', The Independent, 22 July 1992. B. O'Brien, The Long I1lclr, 144. 109. 'Libyan arms fuel surge in terrorism', The Independent, 8 May 1990. 'IRA has enough Semtex for 15 years', The Independent on SlInday, 19 March 1995. 110. J. Adams, nading in Death, 58-64. J. Salata, 'MANPADs: The Po­ tential for Usc as a Terrorist Tactic', in US Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security (ed.), Terrorist 1Llctics and Secllrity l'mc­ tices, 90-4. The acronym MANPAD stands for Man Portable Air Defence System. Another frequently used term for portable and non­ portable ground-tn-air missiles is SAM (Surface to Air Missile). Ill. Algerian extremists murder 12 foreigners', The Independent, Ih De­ cember 1993. J. Salata, 'MANPADs', 102. 112. J. Salata. 'MANPADs', 93-4. J. Adams, Trading in Death, 70-1. F. S. Pearson, The Global Spread o( Arms, 55. R. H. Schultz, 'Iranian Co­ vert Aggression', 283. lB. J. Schmeidel, 'My Enemy's Enemy', 64-6. H. Horchem, 'The De­ cline of the Red Army Factiun', 61, 63-5. B. A. Scharlau, Lefi-P/ing 1L'rrorislII in the Federal UeJlllhlic o( GermilllY, 58-9. 114. J. Adams, Trading in [)eath, 29. M. Dillon, The [)irty Hill'. 431. '1 RA 216 Notes

hunts for top-level mole', The Oh.l'Clwr, 13 March 1988. liS. P. Scale, Ahu Nidal, 109-SI. H. Cobban, The Palestilliall Lihcratiull Oigullisatioll, 5S, %-7, 165. 116. H. Willmott, 'Kenya in Revolt', in R. Thompson & 1. Keegan (cds), H'cll' in Pellce: An Analysis of ~Vl1rt{lre sillce 1945 (London: Orbis, 1981), 111. B. Dasgupta, the Na.wlite Mm'CIl1l'nt, 1-\3. 117. 'Ex-soldier made guns for loyalists', Thl' Illdepl'ndent, 6 October 1990. 118. 'Spain hails arrest of ETA chief', The [ndepcndelll, 22 February 1993. 119. 'Terrorists keep faith with a weapon that rarely kills' The Indcpen­ dcnt, 8 February 1991. 'The day 10hn Major missed his lunch', The Sunday Timcs, 10 February 1991. 120. C. Ryder, The RUe, 310-12. 121. D. McKittrick, Despatches limll Be/fclst, 206. 122. 'IRA bombers attack No 10 War Cabinet', The Indcpcndent, 8 Febru­ ary 1991. 'Mortar bombs realise worst fears of police', The Daily Tele­ gl'ilph, 8 February 1991. 'Yard "powerless" to avert new attack', The Guardian, 8 February 1991. 'Police comb Heathrow for more mor­ tars', The Indepcndent, 12 March 1994. 'Tanks threat turns the screw on airport bombers', The Sunday Times, 13 March 1994. 'Flight chaos as bomb warnings close airports', The Independent, 14 March 1994. 123. W. Powell. The Anarchist Cookhook (Lyle Stuart Inc, 1971; Secaucus, NJ: Barricade Books, 1989). 'Over-taxed and under siege', The Inde­ pendent, 24 April 1995. 'America wakes up to its paranoid army', The Illdepelldcnt, 25 April 1995. 124. W. R. Farrell, Blood and Rage, xvii-xix. 12S. 'I RA "using rewired US radar detectors as homb detonators"', Thc Illdepcndcnt. 7 June 199(). 126. 'Photoflash bomb threat to the puhlic', The Scotsman, 16 March 1994. 'IRA's "Russian roulette" detonator', The Timcs, 16 March 1994. 127. 'Security alert sent to police before bombing in Brighton', Tlte Timcs, IS October 191)4. 'Long delay IRA fuses not new', Tlte Guardian, IS October 1984. 'RUC irked by claims of long-delay IRA bombs', The f)ail\' Tclegmph, 16 October 191-\4. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, Tlte Prol'i­ sional IR4, 423-6. 'Simplicity of incendiary device makes disruption easy', The Guardian, 24 December 1l)91. 128. B. Dasgupta, The Naxalite MOI'l'IIlCIll, 79-80, 83. P. Gurney, Bl'lIl'er l\llen ftiilk Away, 116-17. D. Barzilay, The British Army in Ulster, vol. 2 (Belfast: Century St.:rvices Ltd, 1975), 12l). 129. B. O'Brien, The Lung Hltl/', IS4-S. D. McKittrick, Despatches Ii-om, 19S. D. McKittrick, Endgame, 8S. 130. 'Ball bomb', The Independent, 31 March IY92. 'Soldier given IRA bomb in choculates tin', The Indepcndent, 24 December 1992. 131. M. Dillon, Thc Ellelll.\' Within, 27-8 . .T. Bowyer Bell, The Secret Army, ISO, 153. 1. Adams, Trading in Death, 9-11l. /32. 'Biggt.:st IRA bomb dcfust.:d·, The Indepcndent, 6 September 1991. 'IRA City bomb was fertiliser', The b{(icpClldellt, 28 May 1992. 'Damage in huge blast put at £20m', The Indcpelldellt, 2S September 1992. 'Shock wave of destruction was crt.:ated by a dcadly mixturt.:', The independent, 27 April 1993. 'Explosion could have wreckt.:d city cefl- Notes 217

tre', The Daily Telegraph, 13 August 1993, B. O'Brien, The Long lYclr, 214,238-9, 133. 'Bomb built for damage, not slaughter', The Independent, 22 Arril 1995. 'FBI widens hunt as Rerublicans race to hack Clinton's tough line', Thc Guardian, 25 Arril 19Y5. 'FBI riles ur evidence against McVeigh', The Independent, 28 Arril 1995. 'FBI "close" to arresting homhers', The Independent, 22 May 1995. 134. 'Poison terror in the suhway', The Independent, 21 March 1995. 'Re­ ligious cult susrected of gas attacks', The Times, 21 March 1995. 'Doom­ cult linked with '"sarin allair" a year ago', The Independcnt, 22 March 1995. 'Strange Aum life for cult children', The Guardilln, 20 Arril 1995. Tokyo gas attack cult leader held', The Guardian, 16 May 1995. 'Aum cultists admit making nerve gas', The Independent, 18 May 1995. 'Aum sect guru faces trial for murder', The Independent, 7 June 1995. 135. 'Aum cult doctor admits making sarin nerve gas', The Independent, 25 October 1995. 136. C. Ryder, The RUe, 253-4. 137. R. Clutterbuck, 'Trends in Terrorist Wearonry', Terrorism and Politi­ cal Violence, 5, no. 2 (Summer 1993), 130, 132. 138. R. P. Clark, The Basques, 155. S. Bruce, The Red Hand, 169. 139. E. C. Ezell, Small Arms of the IVorld: a basic manual of small arms, twelfth edition (New York: Barnes & Noble, 19(3), 131. 140. 1'. Gander, Com/lat Pistols: A m([nual of /11odcm handguns (Wellingborough: Patrick Sterhens Ltd, 1(89), 77-80. R. Adam, IIIodcrn Handguns (London: Quintet, 1Y8Y), Ill. 141. J. Holland, The AlIlerican Connection, 82. P. Bishop & E. Milllie, The Prm'isiunal IRA, 169. 142. P. de Polnay, Napoleon's Police (London: W. H. Allen, 1(70),71-7. E L. Ford, Political Murder: Ff'{}/11 D'I'l/llnicide /0 Terrorism (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1(85), 216-17. W. Laqueur, The Age of Terro ris Ill, I 0 I . 143. J. Most, RCI'olutionlire Kriegswisscnsclwji (New York: Drud und Berlag des Internationalen Zeitungs Beireins, 1885). Published with The BCllst of' Propert), (New Haven: International Workingmen's Ass'n, 1884), in one volume (New York: Kraus Rerrint, 1983). 144. K. R. M. Short, The D\'Illlmitc Wclr: Irish-American Bombers in Victorian Britain (Duhlin: Gill & Macmillan, 1979), 1-2,55,64-5, 105, 128-9, 181,205. W. Laqueur, The Agc of Terrorism, 104. 145. 'IRA "transformed" by Lihyan arms donation', The Illdepclldcllt, 7 March 1991. P. Gurney, Bl'lIl'Cr MCIl Walk Awar, 151,214. 146. 'IRA fund-raising blamed for surge in Irish robberies', The IlldellCIl­ dellt, 22 May 1990. 'Dealing in the business of fear', Fillallcial JiIllCS, 7 ] anuary 1992, 'I RA suspected as raiders get away with f2m', The Indepelldellt, 8 January 1992. 'Inquiry into IRA city ruh links', The Irish TillieI', 9 September 1992. 'Irish puhs suspected of laundering IRA funds', Thc Illdependent, 2R September 1992. 'The IRA, Thc Illdepclldellt Oil SUllda.\' , 22 November 1992. J. Adams, The Fillancillg of Terror, I 97-22R. D. McKittrick, J)cspatches fi'Oln Bc/fclst, 146-51. 218 Notes

147. S. Strong, Shining Path, 114, 122, 125. J. E. Gonzales, 'Guerrillas and Coca in the Upper Huallaga Valley", in D. S. Palmer (ed.), Shining Path of Peru, 10K, 121-2. R. Rumrrill, The highs ancllows of a cocaine economy", in M. L. Smith (ed.), Whv people grow drugs, K6, 89. 14K. C. Watson, 'Guerrilla Groups in Colombia', KK-9, 94-6. A. M. Bravo, 'Frontier culture takes to cocaine', 73, 75. J. Pearce, Colombia: In­ side the Labyrinth, I, 177-K, 247. Amnesty International, Political vi­ olence in Colombia, 52. J. Adams, The Financing of Terror, 269. 149. '1l:rrorists "run Ulster drugs trade''', The Independent, 7 February 1992. Action against drugs puts gunmen in "policing" role', Ille In­ dependent, 3 November 1992. 'IRA looks set for victory over terror­ ist faction', The Indepe/ldenl. 4 November 1992. J. Holland & H. McDonald, INLA, 311-13, 319-20. S. Bruce, The Red Hand, 194. J. Adams, The Financing of Terror, 2K9. 150. M. Ranstorp, 'Hizbollah's Command Leadership', 321. R. H. Shultz, 'Iranian Covert Aggression', 29(), 297. 151. O. North & W. Novak, Under Fire, 21-2, 234-8. B. Woodward, Veil, 301, 470, 4KI-5, 4KK, 509. J. Ranelagh, The Age/lcy: The Rise and Dec/inc of the CIA (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1986; Sceptre, 19KK), 71K-19. 152. P. Seale, Abu Nidal, 2K, 129-30, 204. 153. Ibid., 125, 206. 154. Arrests failed to stop attacks', The Independent, 7 December 1990. 'IRA arms cache men sentenced to 30 years in prison', A 42-day watch that netted top police targets', both in The Times, 7 December 1990. 155. 'Terroristi denudino due vigili rubando Ie lore divise armi a tesserini', Corriere della Serra, I May 1979. 156. S. Aust, The BlIader-A4ein//Of Group, lIS, 116. J. Becker, Hitler's Chil­ drell , 234-6. 157. D. Pluchinsky, An Organizational and Operational Analysis of Germany"s Red Army Faction Terrorist Group'. 6K-9. B. A. Scharlau, Leti-Wing Terrorism in the Federal Republic of GermallY, 62. 15K. P. Seale, Abu Nidal, 23, KK, lOll, 149.


I. 'End of a bullet-proof era', The Indepelldellt, 21 June 1991. , 'Huge costs force Yard to review VIP security", The Illdependellt 011 SUllday, 4 February 1990. Anti-IRA security costs must rise, police say", The Indepelldellt 011 SUllday, 23 September 1990. 3. 'Bookworms who burrow for IRA:, The Sunday Corre,\polldel/t, 12 August 1990. D. T Schiller, 'The European Experience', 51, 57. 4. US Department of State, Overseas Security Advisory Council, Se­ ClIrity Guidelines for American Families Lirillg Abroad (Washington, DC: US Dept. of State, n.d.), 2. 5. D. E. Wurth, 'The Proper Function and use of the Private Sector Bodyguard', in B. M. Jenkins (ed.), Terrorism and Persollal Prolec­ lio/l, 314. Noles 219

6. T Geraghty, TIle Blille/-Cll/clras: Bodrgllllrds and /lre Ih)JM of Close Protection (London: Grafton, J9i\i\: 19WI), 1i\-19. 7. B. M. Jenkins, The Lessons or Beirut, 5. 8. G. Wardlaw, Political Tarorism: TheO/)', tactics. and COlinter-meaSllres, revised edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19i\9), 16i\-9. 9. 'SAS shield for Mrs Thatcher', The Daily Telegraph, 17 May 19i\7. Scotland Yard: Terror, lTV (television), 3 February 1994. D. E. Wurth, 'The Proper Function and use of the Private Sector Bodyguard', 323. R. Fleming & H. Miller, Scotland }1m/, 146. T. Geraghty, The BIIllet­ Catchers, 204-11. 10. 'SAS shield for Mrs Thatcher', The Daill' li.'legraph, 17 May 19i\7. 11. Personal observatioll, Belfast, 12 September 1993. 12. M. Dewar, I'Vel/pons and Eqllipment ot' Counta-Terrorism (Poole: Arms and Armour Press, 1987), 138-75 and passil11 , 13, 'Local Hero', Esqllire (London), December 1993/January 1994. T. Geraghty, TIle BIIllet-Catchas, 206. 14. 'Loyalist gunmen kill five in new Belfast hloodbath', The Indepen­ dent, 6 February 1992. 'Loyalist avengers slaughter five', TIle Til11es, 6 February 1992. '''The gunmen are savage, sinful, wicked. depraved''', The Independelll, J November 1993. 'Major set to invite Hume to Ulster talks', The Times, 1 November 1993, 'New wave of Ulster viol­ ence feared', The Independent, 20 June 1994. 'Reprisal fear after Catholic pub killings', The Times, 20 June 1994. 'Loyalists get life terms for pub atrocity', TIle Guardian, 25 February 1995. 'UFF four get life for pub massacre', The Independent, 25 February 1995. 15, 'Publican's fear averted massacre', The Independent, 19 July 1994. 'Bar's locked doors foiled UFF gunmen', The Guardian, 19 July 1994. 16. 'The price of survival in a divided land', The Independent on SlInday, Ji\ Octobcr 1992. 'Local Hero', Esqllire (London), December 1<)93/ January 1994. 'Victimised', Fortnight, no. 320 (September 1993), 9. 'Sinn Fein death part of sustained assault', The Indepcndcnt, 10 August 1993. 17. 'For Queen and Country', The Gllardiall, supplement, 19 Octoher 1993. Ii\. 'State-of-the-art huilding for a state of siege', The Times, supplement, 21 November 1992. 1<). PAC International, Access Conlml Equipment: J)ata Sheet (Stockport: PAC International Ltd, July 19(3). Bel-Tech Security Products, Bel­ Pac j()OO /-2 door access control: BT10(}(} (lIford, England: Bell Security Ltd). Visonic, CO/llpanv Profile & Product Catalogue, (Biggleswade: Visonic Ltd, n.d.). R. J. Healy, 'Protecting the Office', in B. M. Jenkins (ed.), Terrorism and Personal Protection, 348. 20. R. Clutterhuck, Kidnap. Hiiack and Extortion, 76. E. Best, 'An Inter­ view with Ed Best, Director of Security at the Los Angeles Olym­ pics', TVI Journal, 5, no. 2 (Fall 1984),5. 21. 'Anti-IRA security costs must rise, police say', The Indepcndent on Sunda.\' , 23 September 1990. R. Clutterbuck, Kidnop. Hiillck lind Ex­ tortioll, 73, i\4. 22. 'Israel to (kploy dogs on borders in attempt to curb Islamic suicide bombers', TIle Guardian, 30 January 1995. 'Israel brings in dogs', 220 Notes

The Illdepelldent, 30 January 1lJlJ5. M. Dcwar, The British Army ill Northern Irelalld, 131. D. Barzilay, The British Army ill Ulster, vol. 2, IH5-7. 23. Advanccd Design Electronics and the Homc Office, The Simple Guide to Choosing lin Alarm System (Advanced Dcsign Electronics Ltd). Modcrn Security Systems, Detection /)erices: Passire Inji'a-F

40. 'Nightmare for the judges on 24-hour vigil', The Guardian, 6 January 19f1fl. 41. Ibid. 42. R. Clutterbuck, Kidnap. Hijack lind Extortion, 80. 43. C. MacDonald, The Killing of SS Olmgmppenfi"illrer Reinhard Heydrich: 27 May i942 (London: Macmillan, 1989), 149-50, 166, 169-90. The account of the ambush ditTers slightly in M. R. D. Foot, Resistance, 205-6. 44. C. Townshend, Political Violence in ireland, 166. J. Waldron, Maam­ traSlla: The Murders and the Mvstoy (Dublin: Edmund Burke, 1992). 17. R. Kee, The Green Flag: A HistoJ}' of' (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1972), 3fl3. 45. M. Dewar, The British Army ill Northern ireland, 196. C. R~der, Tile IWC, 121. 46. 'IRA rings changes to restore balance of terror', The Gilardian, 5 May 1987. 47. 'SAS shield for Mrs Thatcher', The Dai/l' Telegraph, 17 May 19f17. A. J. Scotti, 'Transportation Security', 361-8. 48. C. Ryder, The RUe, 245. M. Urban, Big Bo)'s' Rilles, 223. 49. 'How to murder your prime minister', The Economist, 29 June 1974. 50. D. Pluchinsky, 'RAF Assassination of Alfred Herrhausen', 6. D. Pluchinsky, 'An Organizational and Operational Analysis of Germany's Rcd Army Faction Terrorist Group', 73. 51. 'IRA claims it shot down army helicopter', The illdependent, 12 Feb­ ruary 1990. J. Salata, 'MANPADs'. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prol'i­ sional IRA, 246. 52. 'Huge costs force Yard to review VIP security', The blde/)elldcnt on Sunday, 4 Fehruary 1990. 'Top IRA target is stripped of his hody­ guards', The Slinday Correspondent, 5 August 1990. 'End of a bullet­ proof era', The indepelldent, 21 June 1991. 53. D. E. Wurth, 'The Proper Function and use of the Private Sector Bodyguard', 320, 324-fl. 54. R. Clutterbuck, Kidnllp. Hijack and Extortion, fl 1-2. 55. 'Eve of destruction', Ti1l1e Ollt, 16-23 January 1991. 56. 'IRA moves to strike economic targets', The independent, 24 Decem­ ber 1991. 57. 'Terrorism's other target'. The Timcs, 18 September 1986. 'Paris holds fl, says terrorist ring is broken', Intcmational Herald n-il)/{IlC, 27 March jlJ87. 'How Iran's mullahs held Paris to ransom', The independent on Sunday, 28 January 1990. 'Politics and the hom bel's of Paris', The indepcndent, 3 February 1990. '20 years for Paris bomber', The Indc­ pel/dcnt, J() March 1990. 'Tunisian sentenced to 20 years in prison', , 10 March 1990. Y. Bodansky, Til/get America: Terrorism in the us Today (New York: SPI Books, 1993), 226-46. 58. E. Best, 'An Interview with Ed Best', 4-5. 59. 'Framing the Villains', Nell' 5;tates1l1an ilnd Societv, 2fl January 1994. 'Long lens of the law', The independent, 6 July 1994. fiO. D. Hamill, Pig in the Middle, 238. M. Urban, Big Bo."s' Rules, 41-2. M. Dewar, The British Army ill Northern ireland, 1fl5-6. 222 Notes

61. Personal observation: Belfast, September 1991. D. Hamill, Pig in the Middle, 238. M. Urban, Big Boys' Rules, 117-18. 62. 'Scotland Yard: Trooping the Colour', ITV (television), 10 February 1994. R. Fkming & 1-1. Miller, Scotland Vim/, 297. 63. 'Police set road-blocks in effort to dekr IRA', The Independent, 7 December 1992. 'Police introduce IRA road-blocks in Mancheskr', The Independent, 8 December 1992. 64. 'Pulice set IRA road traps', The IndepClldent, 6 December 1992. 65. 'One-dimensional policing', Fortnight, May J 99.1. 66. 'A bombshell for London's drivers', The Independent, 22 June 1993. 'Police to cordon off City from bombers', The Independent, 1 July 1993. 'Gridlock fears over City road blocks', The Independent, 2 July 1993. 'The Scared Mile', The Guardian, supplement, 3 August 1993, 'Checkpoints security in City to be scakd down', The Guardian, 30 January 1995, 67. 'Belfast goes to work, London goes to pieces', The Independent on Sunday, 24 February 1991. 68. F. Burton, Tlte Politics of Legitil/lac.\', 18, 69, 'Family defies IRA wrath over taxi firm clash', The Guardian, I June 1993. 'War News: punishment shooting', APIRN, I April 1993, 'One­ dimensional policing', Fortnight, May 1993, 70, D. Thomson, Europe Since Napoleon, revised edition (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1(66), 270. 71. M. Ryan, Wilr and Peace in /reland: Britain and the IRA in the New Wi}f"/d Orda (London: Pluto, 1(94), 124. 72. 'Checkpoint Paddy, Checkpoint Billy', The Irish Times, 5 May 1983, 73, 'Troubks prompt moves to fortresses", The Independent on Sunday, 1 November 1992, Apartheid deepens on streets of Ulskr', The In­ dependent on Sunday, 21 March 1993. 'Concern grows in Ulskr as divisions continue', The Independent, 22 March 1993, 7-1, UK House of Commons, Tlte Physical Security of" Milit({/)' Installa­ tions in the United Kingdol/l, xix-xx (paras 56-7), 47 (para 6(2), 49 (paras 625-7), 66-7 (paras 852-6). P. Wilkinson, 'Designing an Effective Inkrnational Aviation Security Syskm', 112. 75. 'Israel to deploy dogs on borders in attempt to curb Islamic suicide bombers', Tlte Guardian, 30 January 1995, 'Israel brings in dogs', The Independent, 30 January 1995. P. Wilkinson, 'Designing an Etfective International Aviation Security System', 110, M, Dewar, The British Army in Northem Ireland, 131. 76. ' camera had not been switched on', The Independent, 28 June 1990. 'Faults on 60% of security video-cameras', The Inde­ pendent on Sunday, 8 July 1990. 'Video camera faikd to record con­ ference on terrorism', Tlte Times, 29 September 1990, 77. 'Framing the villains', Nell' Statesmall alld Society, 28 January 1994. "Film aids hunt for City killer', The Illdependent, 19 December 1994, 78, 'City cordon fails to cause disruption', Financia! Times, 6 July 1993, 'The Scared Mile', Tlte G({ardiall, supplement, 3 August 1993. 79. A 1. Alexander, "Getting the Most from Scarce Resources', TVIJoumal, 5, no. 2 (Fall 1(84), 28. Notes 223

80. 'Framing the Villains', Nell' Statesmlln ({nd Society, 28 January 1994. 'Long lens of the law', 7111' Independent, 6 July 1994. 'They've got an eye on you', The Independel/l, 2 November 1994. 81. A. Jamieson, 7111' Heart Allaeked, 120. 82. Ibid., 15. 83. Y. Alexander & D. Pluehinsky, Europe's Red Terrorists, 68. 84. K. Toolis, Rebel Hearts, 305. 85. The Flowers allli the lblrs', El'CIIing Standard (London), 27 April 1993. 86. 'IRA rings changes to restore balance of terror', 7111' Guardian, 5 May 1987. 'What's on the agenda now is an end to partition', The Irish Times, 10 December 1986. G. Adams, The Politics of Irish Free­ dom, 121. 87. 'Attack intended to mark twenty years of ', The Indepen­ dent, 23 September 1989. 88. S. Bruee, The Red Hand, 297. 89. 'IRA rings changes to restore halance of terror', The Guardian, 5 May 1987. 90. 'II die in Cenotaph blast', The IndepCl/dent, 9 November 1987. 'Bomb­ ing "devastating" to IRA', The IlIdcpclldcl/I, 1\ November 1987. 'IRAs toll of civilian death grows despite public stance', The IndejJcndent, 13 April 1989. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prol'isionul IRA, 459. 91. 'Provos now using deadly US rifle', The Sunday Independent (Dublin), 6 September 1992. 92. 'American sniper rifle found in arms cache', The TillieI', 18 August 1993. 93. 'American sniper rifle found in arms cache', The Times, 18 August 1993. 'Hidden Deaths', The Independent, magazine supplement, 20 August 1994. Y. Debay, 'The Legion tests new weapons', RAIDS, August \993. R. Adam, The World's Most Power/irl Rifles and Hand­ guns (London: Quintet, 1(91), 118. 94. 'Policeman becomes third victim of IRA sniper', The Independent, 26 February 1993. 'RUe men killed by sniper and bomb', The Times, 26 February 1993. 'Sniper kills soldier in border attack', The Indepen­ dent, 18 July 1993. 'Victim of sniper was "dedicated soldier''', The Times, 19 July 1993. 'Sniper attack leads to security search', The In­ dcpclldelll, 2 August 1993. 'Army searches for cover against IRA's deadly sniper', The Times, 2 August 1993. 95. 'Gaza in grip of suicide bombers', The Independcnt, 17 December 1993. 'Hamas has learnt the lessons of Lebanon', The Indepcl/deJII, 20 October 1994. 'Suicide bus bomher kills 22', The Daill' Telegraph, 20 October 1994. 'Gaza suicide bomber kills 3 Israeli t!'Oops', Thc II/depcndent, 12 November 1994. 'Bus stop bombers kill 19 in Israel', The II/depcndelll, 23 January 1995. 'Suicide bombers rock Middle East peace', 1111' Guardial/, 23 January 19l)5. 96. 'Israel steps up war on Hamas', The /)ailv 7i:lcgmph, 21 October 1994. 'Arab village stunned by martyrdom', The Daily Telcgraph, 22 Octo­ her 1994. 97. 'Ministers are targeted by letter bombs', The Il/dcpel/de11l, 26 April 1995. 'Death in the post', The Gllardian, 15 May 1995. 224 Notes

98. Anti-IRA security costs must rise, police say', The Illdepelldent un SlIndllY, 23 Septemher Il190. 99. M. Sutton, Bear in A4ind These Dead, 161-76. Royal Ulster Constahu­ lary, Chier Constable's Annual Report 1994 (London: Hl\1S0, 1995), 102. 100. 'Family held hostage in bank raid', The Independent, 9 January 1991. 'He was almost home when the nightmare began', The indepelldent, 13 May 1993. 'Gangs target families as "soft option"', The Indepell­ dent, 14 Septemher 1994. 101. 'Breaching the core of Whitehall's defences', The Scotsman, 8 Feh­ ruary 1991. 102. 'IRA oombers attack No 10 War Cabinet', The Independent, 8 Febru­ ary 1911 I. 'War cabinet escapes IRA mortars', The Times, 8 February IlI9!. 'The day John Major missed his lunch', The SlInday Times, 10 February 1991. P. Gurney, Brlll'er Men Walk Away, 1-8. 103. W. Enders & T. Sandler, 'The Effectiveness of Antiterrorism Poli­ cies: A Vector-Autoregression-Intervention Analysis', American Pul­ itiad Science Rel'iew, 87, no. 4 (December 1993). W. Enders, T. Sandler & J. Cauley, 'UN Conventions, Technology and Retaliation in the Fight Against Terrorism: An Econometric Evaluation', Terrorism alld Pulitical Violence, 2, no. I (Spring 19(0). E. 1. 1m & J. Cauley, 'Cycles and Substitutions in Terrorist Activities: A Spectral Approach', Kvklos, 40, no. 2 (llI87). T. Sandler, W. Enders & H. E. Lapan, 'Economic Analysis Can Help Fight International Tnrorism', Challellge (Jan./ Feb. 1991). T Sandler, J. T. Tschirhart & J. Cauley, 'A Theoretical Analysis of Transnational Terrorism', AlIlericlill Political Science Re­ I'ie\\', 77, no. 1 (March 1983). T. Sandler et aI., 'Economic Methods and the Study of Terrorism', in P. Wilkinson allli A. M. Stewart (cds), Contemporary Research on Terrorism. 104. W. Enders & T. Sandler, 'The Effectiveness of Antiterrorism poli­ cies', 830. T. Sandler et aI., 'UN Conventions', 85. 105. T. Sandler, W. Enders & H. E. Lapan, 'Economic Analysis', 14-15. W. Enclns & T. Sandler, 'The Effectiveness of Antiterrorism poli­ cies', 842. W. Enders, T Sandler & J. Cauley, 'UN Conventions, Tech­ nology & Retaliation', 86. 106. W. Enders, T. Sandler & J. Cauley, 'UN Conventions,' 83, 96. 107. T. Sandler, W. Enders & H. E. Lapan, 'Economic Analysis' 15. W. Enders & T. Sandler, 'The Effectiveness of Antiterrorism poli­ cies', 842. 108. W. Enders & T. Sandler, 'The Effectiveness of Antiterrorism poli­ cies', 842. W. Enders, T. Sandler & J. Cauley, 'UN Conventions,' 96. lOll. S. M. Katz, Guards Wit/lOW Frontiers: Israel's ltiJr Against Terrorism (1.ol1oon: Arms and Armour Press, l(90), 23-31. D. C. Martin & J. Walcott, Best Laid Plans, 235-57. 110. 'Hezbollah chid dies in gunship attack on car', The Times, 17 Febru­ ary Il192. 'Lebanon's pain, but whose gain?', The Independent, 18 Feb­ ruary illll2. 'Suicide homber hlew up embassy', The Times, ill February Il1l)2. '16 killed in bomb attack on Jewish groups in Argentina', The Independent, 19 July 1994. 'Bomb kills 22 at Jewish Centre', llie Times, 19 July 1994. M. Ranstorp, 'Hizbollah's Command Leadership', 314, 339n. Notes 225

Ill. 'Israel wreaks vengeance on Hizbollah camp', The llldepencielll, 3 June 1994. 'Hizbollah bury their unseen dead', The independent, 4 June 1994. 'Israel moves troops to Lebanese border', The Guardian, 4 June 1994. 'Explosion levels building housing Jewish groups', The Guardian, 19 July 1994. 'Hizbollah adopts an "eye for an eye" tactic', The Independent, 20 July 1994. 'Bomb alarm Britain ignored', The independent on Sundav, 31 July 1994. 112. M. Sutton, Bear in Mind These Dead, passim. 113. S. Bruce, The Rcd Hand, 297. 114. J. Bowyer Bell, IRA 1IIoics lind 1IlIgets, 29-30. M. McKeown, 71\'0 Sel'en Six Threc: An (lnull'sis of til/alities altriblllahle to cil'il distur­ bances ill Northem Ire/all('! ill t/~etH'ellty years betwccn Jul\' 13th 1969 and July 12th 1989 (Lucan: MurJough, 1989), 7, 21-2.


1. C. Gwynn, 1mperi({1 Policing (London: Macmillan, 1934; 1936), 3-4, 16. Using colonial precedents, Gwynn systemised doctrine about military aid in support of the civil power. Until fairly recently, British doc­ trine in this area was based upon colonial experience. M. Dewar, The British Arll1Y in Northem Ireland, 219-20. I. E W. Beckett, 'Guerrilla Warfare: Insurgency ami Counter-insurgency since 1945', in C. Mcinnes & G. D. Sheffield, Hill/arc in the Twcnlieth CentlllY: ThcOI)' and Prac­ tice (London: Unwin Hyman, 1988),206-7. 2. C. Gwynn, imperial Policing, 32, 14. K. Jeffrey & P. Hennessy, States or EmcIgcncy: British (/ol'crnments and Strikebreakillg sincc 19]1) (Lon­ don: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983), 14. 3. W. Laqueur, The Age of Terrorism, (i, 154. Amnesty International, (ielting Alva), with Murder. Amnesty International, AQ;clltina: The Atifi­ tan' Juntas and HUlllan [

5. 'Melbourne gunman who killed two shot dead by police marksmen', The Independcnt, 6 December 1994. 6. G. Northam, Shooting in the f)ark: Riot Policc in Britain (London: Faber & Faber, 19S9), 77. 7. British Society for Social Responsibility in Science, TechnoCop: New Police Technologies (London: Free Association Books, 19S5), 20-4. G. Northam, Shooting in the f)ark, 77-81. K. Oxford, 'Patterns in a Labyrinth', in A. R. Brownlie (ed.), Crime Inl'estiglltion: Art or Science (Edi nburgh: Scottish Academ ic Press, 19S4), 10. R. Baldwin & R. Kinsey, Police Powers ([nd Politics (London: Quartet, 1982), 59-82, 2S7-9. 8. ''"I don't seek it, but ... it could happen within 10 to 20 years"', The Independent on Sunday, 20 June 1993. 'Three top police informers killed', The Independent on Sunday, 23 May 1993. 'Rise of the gun­ men', EI'ening Standard (London), 16 August 1993. K. Oxford, 'Pat­ terns in a Labyrinth', 10. M. Maguire & c. Norris, The Conducl lind Superrision of Criminal Inl'cstigations (London: HMSO, 1992), 15-16, 78-9, S9-95. N. Darbyshire & B. Hilliard, The Flying Squad (London: Headline, 1993), 79-S0, 105,214-15. M. Short, Lundy: The DestJ'/{ction of Scotlund }imi '.I' Fincst f)etectirc (London: Grafton, 1991), 88-104, D. Hobbs, Doing thc Business: Entreprencllrship, The IYorking Class, and Detectives in the ElISl End of London (Oxford: Oxford Uni­ versity Press, 19S9), 195-6,203, 20S, 212. 9. A. Jamieson, The Hcart Attacked, 174, 177, 179-80, 195-S. D. Moss, The Po/ilics of Lefi-Willg l'io/ellce ill Ita/y, 17S-S0. P. Willan, Plippet "laslers, 2S5. [0. M. Urban, Big Boys' Rli/es, 213. 11. 'Devastation from bomber who got through', The Gliardian, 14 De­ cember 1991. S. Rimmington, The Richard Dilllbleby Lectllre 1(1)4: Secllrity and Democracy - Is There a Conflict? (London: BBC Educa­ tion, 1994), 9. 12. C. Foley, Legion of the Remguard: The INA and the Modcm Irish State (London: Pluto, 1992), 220. "'We remain totally committed and confident in victory" - Oglaigh na hEireann', AP/RN, 14 February 1991. 13. 'Informer worked for RUC for three years', AP/RN, 1 July 1993. 14. M. Sutton, Bcar in Mind Thcse Dead, 190. 15. 'Lethal mix of brutality and blunders', The Sundar Correspondcnt, 17 June 1990. 16. S. Aust, The B(/(/der-Meinlwf Group, 115. J. Becker, Hitler's Children, 234-5. S. Segaller, Inrisible Armies, 47-S. 17. B. O'Brien, The Long Wilr, 145-9. 18. Royal Ulster Constabulary, Chief Constable's Allllllal Report 1993 (Lon­ don: HMSO, 1994),98-9. 19. Arming the IRA: The Libyan Connection', The Ecollomist, 31 March 1990. 'Libyan arms fuel surge in terrorism', The Independent, 8 May 1990. 'RUC chief proposes national police units', The Illdepelldcllt, 22 July 1992. 'IRA has enough Semtex for IS years', The Indepen­ dent Oil Slinday, 19 March 1995. Notes 227

20. T. P. Coogan, Michael Collins, 157-60. C. Townshend, The British Cam­ paign in Ireland, 129-30. 2l. T P. Coogan, Michael Collins, 78. GHQ Ireland, Record or the rehel­ lion in Ireland in 1920-21 lind the part played by the Army in dealing with it. V()llIme II. Intelligence (A-2448-2), 4-5. 22. An incalculable loss for MIS', Nnv States/J/an and Society, 10 June 1994. 23. R. Fagilot, Britain's MilitlllY Strategy ill Ireland, 233. S. Cronin, Irish Nationalism, 348. 24. M. Dillon, The Dirtv vVllr, 404-5, 478. M. Urban, Big Boys' Rilles, 43-4, 141-2. K. J. Kelley, The Longest vVar, 275. M. Sutton, Bmr in Mind These J)ead, 108, 110. 25. G. Grivas-Dighenis & c. Foley (ed.), The Mellloirs of (/en('/'{// Grims, 128, 26, Raviv and Melman place Cohen in the the Israeli domestic intelli­ gence agency Shin Bet (Sherut ha-Bitachon ha-Kalai - General Se­ curity Service), whilst l11ylor and Katz place him in the Israeli external intelligence agency Mossad (ha-Mossad le-Modiin ule-Tafkidim Meyuhadim - Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks). D, Raviv & y, Melman, £1'(1), Spy iI Prillce, 187-8. p, Taylor, States or Terror, 55-62, S, M, Katz, Guards Without Frontiers, 43, 27, 'Israeli agent is shot dead', The GlIardian, 14 February 1994, 28, For an outline of normal practice concerning criminal investigations in Britain see M, Maguire & c. Norris, 71le COlldllct and Supen'ision of Crimillal Investigations. T. Colman, Incident into £l'idence: Opera­ tional Police Skills (Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill, 1989), 29, Corriere del/a Sci'll, 23 June 1978, 'Red Brigades gunmen kill police chief as he rides to work on a bus', The Times, 22 June 1978, 3(), 'Terror squad chief murdered in Venice', The Guardian, 13 May 1980, Corriere della Sera, 13 May 1980. 'Anti-Terrorist Officer Shot in Rome', International Hemld Trihllne, 7 January 1982, The Irish Times, 7 January 1982, Corriere della Sera, 7 January 1982. 31. Corriere della Sera, 16 July 1982, 19 July 1982,26 July 1982,3 August 1982, 30 August 1982. P. Willan, Puppet Masters, 329-35. 32. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prol·i.lional IRA, 241. M. Dillon & D. Lehane, Political Murder in Northern Ireland, 53--4. 'Chronology of events: 18.1.72', in R. Bell, R. Johnstone, R. Wilson (cds), Ji'OlIh/cd Times: Fortnight flfllgazinc and the Trollbles in Northern Ire/and Ji)7()-Ji)9! (Belfast: Blackstatf Press, 1991), 153. 33. 'The Armalite and the Ballot Box', Magill, July 1983. Also see C. Ryder, The HUe, 286. 'Six held as INLA hostages freed', The GlIardian, 19 August 1983. 'Informer's wife freed as INLA rethinks tactics', The Gllardian, 27 August 1983. 'IRA frees father of informer', The GlIardian, 27 Septemher 1983. 'Chronology of events: 22.12.82, 16.5.83,25.8.83', in R. Bell, R. Johnstone, R. Wilson (eds), Trouhled Times, 195-6, 196, 197. 34. A. Jamieson, The Heart Allacked, 189-90. 35. 'Supergrassc\ target Andreotti', The Independent Oil SUllday, II April 1993. 'Andreotti accused of ordering murder', The Independent, 10 228 NUfes

JUIl": 1993. 'J udge d":3b blow 10 Andr..:o ui ov..: r journalist's murder', Til e Times, 10 Jun..: 1993. 36. ·Rom..: lurns a blind eye [ 0 f\1:Jfia's killing spree'. Tile !1It/l'pellt/el/l, 8 March 1995, 37. 'Caughl wilh sus p ici(Ju~ ge ncs', Tile Imle/1CIlt/clII, 4 April 1995. 'World 's firsl nalional DNA bank op..: ns·, Tile GIl(lr(li(lll, 11 April 1995. ·W..: n..:ed yo ur DNA, TI,e GI/(mliall. suppkmeill. 21 April 1995. M. Dillon, Tire Dirl)' 1I\1r, 32, 48. 'One day th..:ir prinl s will come', Tile 51/1/(/11), COl'respolI(lclIl. 12 August 1990. B. Lane, The Ellcycfope(/ia of Forel/­ j'ic Sciellce ( London: H..:ad line, 1992: 1993). 38. ' Poli ce comb "bomber"s lair'''. Tire SlIIldu), Correspolltielll, 24 Sep­ I..:mb ..: r 1989. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, Ti,e PrOL 'i!J'iolUlf /lU , 427. M. Dillon, Tire Ellell/Y lVilhill, 166. 39. C. Mullin. Error of Jill/gemelli: T{,(' Trill" ubolllihe /Jirmillg{wm Bomb­ ings. revis..: d eltitio n. (Swords: Poolbcg, 1990).285-98. H . Miller. Tmces vfGlli!l: Furemic Sciellcc IllItilhe Fig"l ASlliml Crime (Londo n: BBC Books, 1995). 1S8-9. 40. M. Urba n. /Jig /Joys ' Nilles, 115. ·H. D. Pl uchinsky, 'An Organizational and Ope rationa l Analysis of Germany's Red Army Facti on T..: rrorist Gro up' , 80. 42. ·Damag..: in hu ge hlast put at £20m·. TIre Indepelldelll. 25 September 1992. 'Court 1,1boralOry bomb..:d by IRA' , The Times. 25 Se pte mbe r 1992. '''Troubks'' chronology: W..:d Sep 23', FOl'llliglli. no. 3 11 (November 1992). 34. 43. S. Uglow. Po/icillg Libera! Societ)' (Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1988), 76-7, 80-3. G. No rth'l lIl. ShoO/illg ill II,e /Jurk. IUI.\'Silll. 44. M. Dewar. The /Jfilish AmI)' ill NOr/hem lreialUl. 180. 45. D. Hamill. Pig ill Ifle Middle. 44. 46. Ibid., 11 9, 141. M. Dewar, The British AmI)' ill Norlhem Ir('/(///(I. 182. 47. A. Fddman. Forml/tiolls of Violellce, 41 -5. 48. F. Burton. The 1Jolitics of LegitimllC)', 112- 13. 49. 'Security alert as IRA admits bombi ngs'. The !lIllepelldelll. 5 December 1992. 'Police se t IRA road traps'. Th e Independellt, 6 Dece mher 1992. ' Poli ce So.!t road-blocks in cffort to ueler IRA, ' Belfast securi ty mea­ $llres ,1ce..: pl..:" as normal'. both in The flukpelll/clIl. 7 December 1992. 'Roadbluck polic..: stop drive rs al gunpoint', The Tillles, 7 December 1992. ' Poli n! introd uce IRA road-hl ut.: ks in Ma nchester', Th e Imle­ pell delll, 8 D..:ccmber 1992. ' Hume Ollice resists pressure fur wide r stop-a nd-search rules', The Times, 8 D e~'c mb e r 1992. O. Ml'Kiurick. De~."atclle.l' from Belfast, 196-202. 50. E. Duyk..:r. Tribul Gllerrillus, 92-3. 51. P. Willan, Puppet Masters, 224. 52. A. Guclke & F. Wrig ht, 'On a "British Withdrawal" from No rt hern Irel

53. P. Willan, Puppet Masters, 224. W. D. Flackes & S. Elliott, Northern lreland,472. 54. M. Dillon, The Dirty ~t(lr, 315-25. M. Sutton, Bear in Milld These Dead, 168. 55. R. D. Wilson, Cordon lind Search, 66-74. Menachim Begin, the Irgun leader and later Israeli Prime Minister, mentions having to hide in a secret compartment in his house during this operation; M. Begin, The Rem/t, 227-9. 56. P. Devlin, Straight Le/t: All Autobiography (Belfast: Blackstaff, 1993), 147, 149. D. McKittrick, Despatches /im11 Be/tiLlt, 196-202. K. Boyle, T. Haddcn & P. Hillyard. Ten Years on in Northern Ireland: The Legal COll/rol of Political Violellce (London: Cobden Trust, 198()), 26-7. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prol"isionaIIRA, 167,205. 57. A. Merari, T. Prat & D. 11t1, The Palestinian Inti/ilda·. 183. 58. There are some slight differences concerning the number of house searches between Flackes and Elliot, and G. Hogan & c. Walker, Political Violellce and the Law ill Ireland (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989), 62. For this table the figures in Flackcs and Elliot have been used. 59. D. McKittrick, De.lj){uchcs /iom Belfilst, 198. 60. 'State-of-the-art building for a state of siege', The Times, Saturday Review, 21 November 1992. 61. 'Ulster checkpoints to be closed over "human bomb" raids', The In­ dependent, 20 March 1991. 62. 'Thc Provo's easiest coup', 7JIC Times, 8 August 1986. 'The gunman's shadow falls across Ulster business', Fi/la/lcial Timcs, 11 August 1986. 'Army deploys 1,000 extra men in Ulster repair work', The Dail" Telegraph, 7 September 1991. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Pr())'isionlll IRA, 421. 63. 'War News: Guerrilla War bites deep in 1991', AP/RN, 2 January 19Y2. 'IRA destroys main British border post', APIRN, 2 January 1992. 'Growing crisis for British army', AP/RN, 30 January 1992. 'British under pressure on check points', AP/RN, 11 June 1992. 'The back­ ground to the Teebane ambush', APmN, 23 January 1992. 64. 'Internment "only way to heat IRA"', The Independent, 17 Novemher 1991. 'Border blues', Fortnight, April 1992,25. 65. H. Strachan, Europciln Armics and the Conduct of Ii'llr (London: Unwin Hyman, 1983), 2, 96. 66. R. Trinquier, Modem mularc, 26. F. Kitson, Low Inte/lsitr Opcratio/ls: Subrcrsioll, Insurgency and Peacekcepillg (London: Faher & Faber, IlI7l), 95. 67. N. Barber, The War of thc RUllning Dogs: The Malayan ElIlCIgency, 1948-1960 (London: 1971; New York: Bantam, 1987),250. 68. 'Shooting mystery tarnishes German anti-terrorist squad', The Inde­ pendent, 6 July 1993. 'Elite squad faces the axe', The Europcan, 8-11 July 1993. 'Bonn "errors" in shoot-out', The Indcpendent, 19 August 1993. 'Madrid sues over "'dirty war" claims', The Indcpcndell/, 11 January 1995. P. Taylor, States of Terror, 98-104. 69. M. Urban, Rig Boys' Rulcs, 164. 230 Notes

70. M. Dillon, The DirlV Hill', 370-2. 71. 'IRA man kilkd by Army wanted for corporal's murder', The Inde­ pel/dent, 10 October 1990. M. Urban, 'Who dares, need not fear in­ quests', The ,)'pectalor, 23 May 19Y2. M. Urban, Big Boys' Rules, 63, I Ill, 173-7. J. Adams, R. Morgan & A. Bambridge, Ambush, 97-100. 'IRA man killed by Army wanted for corporal's murder', The Inde­ pendenl, 10 October 1990. 'Man shot by army "had record of vio­ Ience"', The Times, I () October 1990. 'Web of terror that spread across Europe', The Independenl, 3 April 19Y1. 72. M. Urban, Big Bovs' !<.ules, 2IN-19. 73. Ibid., 227-37. 1. Adams, R. Morgan & A. Bambridge, Amhush, 107-11l. B. O'Brien, The Long War, 141-2. 74. M. Urban, Big Boys' !<.ules, 24N-Sl, 2S4. 75. Ibid., R2-3. As an example of the coverage of terrorists' deaths by a sympathetic publication see, 'Freedom's soldiers laid to rest in his­ toric Tyrone', Al'/!<.N, 13 June 1991. 'Obituaries: Kevin Barry O'Donnell', AP/RN, 20 February 19Y2. 76. D. Hamill, Pig in the Middle, 229-31. T. Geraghty, Who Dares Wins, 155-60. C. Ryder, The RUe, 216. 77. P. Koch & K. Hermann, Ass((ull at Mogadishu. Sunday Times Insight Team, Siege. 71l. J. Teenbrook, 'ERT Negotiators', !<.AIDS, UK edition, March 1993. P. Wilkinson, Terrorism and Ihe Liheral Stale, 14S. 79. G. Rosie, Tire Directol), of Intel'llational Terrorism, 206-R. H. Cobban, The Palcs/inian LihcJ'{{lion (hganisa/ion, 54. P. Seale, Abu Nidal, N3-5. RO. J. Adams, Sccrel Armies, NY-Y5. G. Rosie, The DireelOlY of Inler­ nalional Terrorism, 106-7. R1. See C. A. Beckwith & D. Knox, Della Force (London: Arms and Armour Press, 19N4: Fontana, 19115). P. B. Ryan, The Iranian Rescue f'>lissiun: Wiry II Failed (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 19N5). S. E. Ambrnse, Rise to GlobalislII: Alllericall Foreign Polio' Since 1938, seventh edition (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1993), 3(lO-2. H. Smith, The Power Gallle: HolV Washillgton Works (London: Fontana, 19R9), 711. 1l2. R. A. Friedlander (ed.), Terrorism: Documents of' Intemational and Local Control. Volume IV A World on Fire (London: Oceana Publi­ cations Inc, 1W\4). US Department of State, Pattel'lls of (;tohal Ter­ rorism: 1983 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, September 19114). US Department of State, Pal/ems of Global Terrorism: 1984 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, November 19R5). US Department of State, Patterns of Glohal Terrorism: 1985 (Washing­ ton, DC: Government Printing Office, October 1986). R3. P. B. Ryan, Tlte Irallian HesclIe Missioll, 100. J. Adams, Secret Ar­ mies, 130. R4. C. Coughlin, Hostage, 110, 349, 3S2, 3SR. NS. J. Adams, Secret Armies, 274. J. T. Choi, Acts of Violence against Cil·il Arilltion, 206-43, 210. R. Fisk, Pily tlte Nation, 607. R6. '''Dirty war" scandal worsens', The llldependelli, 21 December 1994. 'Madrid sues over "dirty war" claims', The Indepelldellt, II January Notes 231

1995. 'Spain drops judge from GAL death squads inquiry', The Gllard­ iall, 25 January 1995. 'The noose is tightened around Felipe's neck', The Gllardillll, 23 Fehruary 1995. P. Taylor, Stales of Terror, 97-104. 87. P. Taylor, Sillies or Termr, 104. 88. S. Segaller, Illl"isible Armies, 96. F. Jiminez, 'Spain: The Terrorist Challenge and the Government's Response', 118. 89. 'Visit by Chirac crowns success of co-operation on Eta raiders', The Times, 7 November 1986. 'Net closes in on ETA unit of "quiet men "', The Guardian, 16 April 1990. 'Eta reels after arrest of top leader', The Independellt, 25 September 1990. 'Spanish alert after Eta chiefs captured', Finallcial Times, 31 March 1992. 'Spain rejoices but awaits ETA reprisal', The Gllardiall, 31 March 1992. 'Spain hails arrest of ETA chief, The illdepelldellt, 22 February 1993. P. Taylor, States of Terror, 97-104. 90. E. F. Mickolus, T. Sandler, J. M. Murdock, Intermllional Terrorism ill the I 980s: 1984-1987,551,561,629,630,639. 91. F. L1era, J. M. Mata & c. L. Irwin, 'ETA: From Secret Armv to Social Movement', 131. . 92. R. Debray, Rel"Olution in the Revollltion? Armed Stntggle and Political Siruggle in Latill America (France: 1967; Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968),51. 93. J. ,J. McCuen, The Art or Couliter-Rel"Olllliollary War: The Strategy or COllllter-lnsllrgency (London: Faber & Faber, 19(6), 119, 154. R. Thompson, [)erealing COIllJllullist IllslIIgellcy: Experiences fimn Alalaya and Vielliam (London: Chatto & Wind us, 1967), 114. 94. S. Aust, The Baada-1I1einhor (;roIlP, 143. 95. A. Feldman, Formations of Violence, 76. Sce T. Parker, Mm' Ihe Lord in His mercy he kind to Belrast, 204-8. 96. L 'Espresso, 24 February 1980. 97. L 'Espresso, 31 October 1982. 98. Associated Press, 21 November 1979. 'Gunmen murder Italian po­ lice', Financial Tillles, 22 November 1979. C. Schaerf et aI., Vel/Ii Anni di ViolellzlI in Italia, 850. 99. 'Policeman shot dead as terrorists go on trial', Financilll Timcs, 27 November 1979. 'Brigades victim', The Guardiall, 28 November 1979. C. Schaerf et aI., Vellli Alilli di ViolenZl/ in Italia, 851. IOO. 'Informer's wife freed as INLA rethinks tactics', The Guardian, 27 August 1983. 101. C. Townshend, Political Violence ill Ireland, 36-7. W. Laqueur, The Age or Terrorisl/1, 104, 113. D. G. Boyce, '''A Gallous Story and a Dirty deed": Political Martyrdom in Ireland since 1861', in Y. Alex­ ander & A. O'Day (eds), Ireland's Terrorist Dileml/1il, 14. 102. S. Aust, the !Jaader-Meinhor Group, 83-6. J. Becker, Hiller's Chil­ dmz, 124-9. 103. B. A. Scharlau, Lefi-Willg Terrorism in the Federal Republic of Ger­ l/1ilny, 91-3. 104. S. Aust, The Baader-Mcin!lOf Group, 289-92. J. Becker, Hiller's Chil­ drell, 315-22. B. A. Scharlau, Leli-Wing Tcrrorism in lhc Federal Re­ public or Germllny, 45. W. Stevenson, YO Millutes al Elltebbe, 16. 232 Note.';

105. P. Koch & K. Hermann, ASSlllllIlll Mosadishu. 79. 106. T. P. Coogan. 011 Ihe Blal/ket. 48. 161. 107. M. Sutton. Belir ill Mimi Tllest' Ocm/. 89- 132. T. P. Coogan, 011 Illc Blllllkcl, 153. L. Clarke, Broadellillg Ihe Balllejie/(/, 77, 92, 108. A. Jamio.!son. Tile Hctlrt AIII/ekcl/, 145 , 150-1. 210, v. S. Pisa no, Tile Dynllmics of SlIbrersioll III/(/ Violel/cc ill COlltemlJOl'm)' //(//)" 157-70. D. Moss. The Politics of Left·Wing Violellce ill ll1li)" 38, 14 5. E. Ma~'Do nald , 511001 'he 1V01l1£'1I First, 187. 109. V. S. Pisano, nIl' Dylltllllics of SlIbl'ersion al/(I Violcl/ce i ll COlllempo/'{/'Y IlIIly, 68. A. Jamieson, Thc Hellrl AI/acked, 184-5. 110. V. S. Pisam), The DYllllmics of SlIbl'CI'siOIl alld Violellce ill COlliemportlf)' /1111)'.68. A. Jamieso n, TIle fkllrt AI/ucked, 1 8~. 111. A, Jamieson, The Hellrl AIII/ckell, 18';-7. 112. Ibid., 1R3, 184, 187. D. M o~s. TIle I~olilics of Lefl· IVills Vioit'llce ill /taly. 152. p, Willan, i'1I1'pet Masters, 326-7, V. S, Pisa no, The DJ" III/lilieS of SlIbl'ersioll lIIlIl Violellce ill COlllcmporlll), 1IIIIy, 68. 113, 'Pilrb tested uve r terror tria l' . The Illdepclldem, 23 February 1987, 'Leaders of Ac tion Direcle terroris t group se ized'. The Gliardillll, 22 February 1987, p, Marnham, Crime und ,he Acadcmie Frmlfllise, 14. 11 4. R. Catanzaro, Mell of Uesp('cl, 72-3. J. Parker. TIle WulkillS Dellli. 65. 115. J. Pearce, Colombill: /llsille IIIe Labyrillth, 194. Also sec S. SHong, Il'hilell'llsft. 14';. 116. S. Strong, Whitewllsh, 1';5-8. R. A. Hudson. 'Colombia's P;llaec of Justice Tragedy Revisited: A Critique of the Conspiracy Theory'. Tel" rori.\"I" IIIIlI Polilical Violcllcc, 7, 110. :2 (Su mmer 1995). 117. J . Pearce, Colombia: Inside Ifte Labyrilllh, 182, 1 9~. S. Strong. WII/·Ie· lI'lIlh, 152-3. 11 8. D. Moss, Tlte l'olilics of Left·Willg Violcllce ill 11111)" 229-33. A. Jamieson, TIle Heart Atlllckell, 98-9. 'Dealh of Turin editor shot by terrorists', Tlte Tilll('s. 30 November 1977. 119. 'Uproar a ~ terrorism trial opens in Berlin '. The Time.l', 11 April 1978. 'Seu nks and in~ulls dbrupt Berlin h;rrorist trial'. TIll: Tilll('3'. 13 Apr il 1978. 'German lerror tria t IlIwy ers allilCked ', Tlte Times. I JUlie 1978. 'Berlin court to ruk on "terror" lawyer', The Glwrtli(/II, 8 June 1978. 'Terror triall .. wyer cleared of aidi ng escapc', Tlte GlIlIrdillll, 10 June 1978, 'Kidnap trial lawyers th reatened', The Times, 15 Junc 1978. 'Lawyers crapped in biller st ruggle'. TIll' Tilllcs. 13 November 1978. S. Au~1. TIle BI/{Il!c,.·MeillllofGrollp, 296- 7, 303- 7. J. Becke r. flitler'.~ Childrell, 323-';. B. A. Sdlarlau. Left·lVillg Terrorism ill Ihe Fede/'ll/ Hepllb/ic of Gemlllll)" 66, 303. J. Wright. Terrorist Propaganda, 87-8, 120. 'Nightma re for the judges on 24·hour vigil', Tlte Gal/niillll, 6 January 1988. 121. 'Oeclare war, says IRA', The GII(/((/iall, 9 March 1988. 122. R. Bell. R. Johnstone, R. Wilson (cds). 'Chronology of evcnl s: 11 10.72, 16.9.7';', Troubled Tillles, 156, 166. 123. M. Su lton. BellI' ill Mim/ Thes(' Oeml, 198. 'The background to the Teebane ambush',AI'IRN, 23 Janu ary 1992. 'Mortar bomb blast'. The fmlepelldl'll/, 21 August 1993, R. Bdl, R. Johnstone, R. Wi lson (cds), 'Chronology of eve nts: 2.3.82. l(i.1.83. 8.4.S';. 25";.87, 9. 1. 88. 23.7.88, Notes 233

25.1.S9, 31.7.89', Troubled Times, 193-4, 196,199,208,210,211,213,215. 124. M. O'Higgins, 'The IRA's Costly Mistakes', Magill, October 1987. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The PrO\'isional IRA, 453. 125. T. Parker, May Ihc Lord in His mere." be kind to Bel/ilst, 237. 126. 'IRA defence solicitor killed', 'Shooting marks broadening of tar­ gets', both in The Guardian, 13 February 1989. 'Hogg told by Dublin to retract remarks on Ulster solicitors', The Indepcndclll, 15 Fehru­ ary 1989.


1. D. Fitzpatrick, 'The Geography of Irish Nationalism: 1910-1921', Past and Present, 78 (February 1978), 118. 2. 'Bombing "devastating" to IRA', 11lc Independcllt, 11 November 1987. 3. B. A. Scharlau, Lefi-Wil1g Terrorism ill the Federal Republic of Ger­ many, 164-5. 4. D. Pluchinsky, 'An Organizational and Operational Analysis of Ger­ many's Red Army Faction Terrorist Group', 52. 5. 'A difficult war to win', The Financial Times, Northern Ireland Sur­ vey, 26 November 1991. 'Legacy of ""', The Indepen­ dent on Sunday, 5 January 1992. M. Urhan, Big Boys' Rules, 31-32. 'The IRA', The Indcpcndent on SlInday, 22 November 1992. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The I'rol'isionullRA, 391. T. P. Coogan, The mA, 604. D. Pluchinsky, 'An Organizational and Operational Analysis of Ger­ many's Red Army Faction Terrorist Group', 50, 52. H. Hnrchem, 'The Decline of the Red Army Faction', Terrorism and Political Viol­ ence, 3, no. 2 (Summer 1991), 66. B. A. Scharlau, Le/i-Wing Terror­ ism in thc Federal RCPII/llic of Germuny, 61-2, 65. J. Power, Against Ohli\'ion: Amnesty International's fight .f()f' IlIlman rights (Glasgow: Fontana, 1981), UO, 133. S. Aust, The Bl/adcr-MeinllOr GroIlP, 231, 250-I. J. Becker, Hitler's Childrcn, 305. 6. C. Irvin & E. Moxon-Browne, 'Not many floating voters here', FOr/­ night, May 1989. 7. P. O'Malley, The Uncivil Wars: Ireland Today (Belfast: Blaekstaff, 1983), 276,301. T. P. Coogan, The IRA, 594. 8. 'Labour fires first salvo on Irish privatisation', The Times, 30 No­ vember 1992. 9. P. O'Malley, The Unci!'il Wars, 276, 301. K. .T. Kelley, Thc Longest Wi/I', 304. 1U. 'Not many floating voters here', Furtnight, May 1989. 11. T. Downcs-Lc Guin & B. Hoffman, The Il11pact of Terrorism on Pub­ lic Opinion. IY88 to 1Y8Y (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 1993), 16. J. Holland, The American COl/l/cetiol/, 7-26, 114-51. 'Deutsche Terroristen helfen IRA-Kommando', Frank./ilr/er Allgcmeinc Zeitllng, 13 March 191m. 'Meinhof gang "help IRA"', The Guardian, 15 March 19RO. 'Student anarchist who became "fixer" for IRA', The Independel/l, 9 June 1990. 'Leftwing politics led to terror campaign', The GII{{rdian, 14 May 1994. J. Adams, Trading in Dcath, l7-30. 'Voyage 234 Notes

into husiness of terror', Thc Illdcpendcllt, 12 January 1991. 12. R. P. Clark, Thc Basqllc /mll/gcnts, LO(), 105, 107. B. Dasgupta, Thc Na.wlitc Movclllcllt, 13, 41, 44. S. Banerjee, India '.I' Silllmering Hc\,­ oilltion: 711C Naxalite Uprising (London: Zed Books, 1(84), v, 27-8. D. Moss, The Politics of Leji- Willg Violcllce ill Italy, 85, 89-90. 13. S. Nelson, Ulster's Ullccrtain Defenders, 15. 14. Royal Ulster Constahulary, Chic( Constablc 's Allnual Rcport /993, 11. IS. M. Dillon & D. Lehane, Political Alurder in Northc/'// Irelalld, 144. F. Burton, The Politics of Lcgitimacy, J09, 22, 23. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The I'rO\'isional IRA, 290-1. 16. F. Burton, Thc Politics or Legitimacy, L09. Sec Danny Morrison's com­ ment in Bishop & Mallie, The PrOl'isionlil IRA, 173. 17. interviewed in inside StOl)': The illformer, BBCl (tele­ vision), 24 Novemher 1992. 'The men of war promise third violent decade', The independent, 29 September 1990. '''We remain totally committed and confident in victory" - Oglaigh na hEireann', AP/RN, 14 February 1991. 'The IRA statement', AP/RN, 23 January 1992. 18. M. Sutton, Bear in milld these dcad, 196. 19. P. Devlin, Straight Leti, 151-2,285-6. L. Clarke, Broadening the Battle­ field, 131-2, 151-2, 166. M. Rees. Northem Irelalld: A Personal Per­ spectirc (London: Methuen, 1(85),304-5. D. McKittrick, Despalches Jimll BelliLII, 6. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Provisional IRA , 289. 20. M. Kotsonouris, 'Revolutionary Justice - the Dail Eireann Courts', History Ireland, 2, no. 3 (Autumn 1(94). C. Townshend, Political Viol­ ellce ill Irelalld, 335. C. Townshend, The British Call/paigll ill Irelalld, 68-9. 21. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The PrOl'isional IRA, 270, 246. No author named, Volllnteer SCUIIlUS Twolllcy, 12. Interview with Dr Joe Hendron, 'Dispatches: Law of the Ghetto', television. J. Darhy, intimidation and the Control of Conflict in Northc/'// Ireland, 159, 157-62. 'The benefits of a community police force', Republicall Neil'S (Belfast), 27 August 1977. 22. 'Warning to Derry bar owners and oif-licences', Republican News, 27 Allgust 1977. 23. 'War News: IRA action against drugs trade', AP/RN, 10 October 1991. 'IRA orders shooting victims to quit country', The Independent, 7 Octoher 199 I. 24. 'Loyalist group threatens Catholic massacre', The Independent, 7 No­ vemher 1992. 'IRA claims demise of death group', The Times, 7 No­ vemher 1992. 25. 'Action against drugs pllts gunmen in "policing" role', The Indepen­ dent, 3 November 1992. 'RUC chief fears IRA plans to intensify main­ land campaign', The Tillles, 3 November 1992. 'IRA looks set for victory over terrorist faction', The Indepelldent, 4 Novemher 1992. 26. K. J. Kelky, The Longest rVar, 292. 'IRA interview: Defending the community', AP/RN, 19 December 1991. 27. 'Few tears over IRA rough justice', The Illdependellt on SlIndll\', 20 December 1992. 28. 'Northern Exposure', New StateslIlall 1I11d Society, 27 May 1994. Notes 235

29. K. J. Kelley, The Longest Will', 289-92. 'Kneecap victim in IRA plea', The Irish Times, 9 September 1992. 'IRA expulsion order lifted', The Irish Times, 10 September 1992. 'Packing a picket', F()rtll1;~ht, Dccember 1994. 'Sanctuary pair live in fear of IRA gunmen', The l1/{iepcndent, 19 August 1991. . I RA faces blame for beating councillor', The Jndc­ pC/ldent, 26 March 1994. 'Godfathers of violence stl:P up beatings to keep grip on power', The Dai(Y Tc/egmph, 29 December 1995. 30. 'Loyalists target of sustaincd campaign', The Indepcndcnt, 25 Octo­ ber 1993. 'Catholic front line waits in fear for retribution', Thc Indc­ Ilcndcnt, 26 October 1993. 'It's going to be a tragedy for pcople in the Ardoync', Thc Guardian, 25 October 1993. 'Assassins arc on the rampage', 71zc Independcnt, 27 October 1993, "'The gunmen are sav­ age, sinful, wicked, depraved"', The Indepcndent, 1 November 1993. 'Major set to invite Hume to Ulster talks', The Tillles, 1 November 1993. 'Anatomy of an atrocity', Thc Guardian, 29 November 1993. 'New wave of Ulster violence feared', The Indepcndent, 20 June 1994. 'Reprisal fear after Catholic pub killings', The Tilllcs, 20 June 1994. 'Ulster awaits backlash after IRA guns down loyalist', The IndejJcnd­ CllI, 12 July 1994, 'Backlash feared as ]RA kills leading loyalist', The Guardian, 12 July 1994, 'Loyalists pledge to avenge shootings', The Indcpendent, 2 August 1994. E. Mallie & D. McKittrick, The Fight for P('({cc, 198-9,309-10. B. Rowan, Behind the Lincs, 37, 52-3, 106-8, 111-12. 31. E. Moxon-Browne, 'The Water and the Fish', in P. Wilkinson (cd.), British Pcrspeclircs on Tcrrorism (London: George Allen & Unwin. 1(81), SO. 32. M. Holland, 'The Growing Desperation of the British Army', Alagill, December 1979. 33. C. Hewitt, 'Terrorism and Public Opinion: A Five Country Compari­ son', Terrorislll {Ind Political Violcnce, 2, no. 2 (Summer 1(90), 152, IS3, IS8, 163. S. Aust, The Bl1uder-!\feinllOt' (;rollji. IS4. 34. 'Tamils kill 3S0 Muslims in Sri Lanka', nle Independell/, 13 August 199(). 'Civil strife makes Sri Lanka a tropical hell', The Indepcndenl, 8 April 1991. 3S. '74 villagers killed in Sri Lankan massacres', 711c Indepcndenl, 30 April 1992. 36. M. Sutton, Bear in mind these dcad, 60, 68. 37. T. N. Madan, 'The Double-edged Sword: Fundamentalism and the Sikh Religious Tradition', in 1\1. E. Marty & R. S. Appleby (cds), FUlldamclltalisms Obscllwi (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993), 612. M. J. Akbar, Illdia: The Siege Withill, 170. 38. H. Oberoi, 'Sikh Fundamentalism: Translating History into Theory', in M. E. Marty & R. S. Appleby (eds), FlIlldamentalisms lIlld thc Slalc, 204. 39. 'India train massacre caps year of violence', Thc Illdepclldcl1t, 29 De­ cember 1991. 'Sikh extremists massacre factory managers', Fil1allcial Times, 12 March 1992. 'Sikh militants shoot 20 dead in street', Fillallcial Timcs, 20 March 1992. 40. T. N. Madan, 'The Double-edged Sword', 607. 236 Nutes

41. E. J. Hohshawm, B({ll(lirs. second edition (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1YS5), 17-2Y. P. F. Angiolillo, A Criminal as Hero: Angelo Dllca (Law­ rcnce, KS: The Regents Press of Kansas, 1(79), 1-16. 42. F. Burton, Tlte Pu!irics of Legi/il111/C)', I06-S. S. Beltrage, Tlte Crack: A Be/fils/ Yellr (Andre Deutsch, 1987; London: Grafton, 1(88), 8S. R. P. Clark. Tlte Basque Insurgents, 169-72, 174-6, lS0-2. 'Valley of violence', FlIr Eas/em Economic RerieH', 24 May 1990, 'Indian fero­ city alienates Kashmir', The Independent, 23 July 1990. 'Kashmiris find cold comfort in Pakistan haven', The Times, 23 July 1990. 'Secur­ ity forces raze Kashmir town centre', The Independent, 3 October 1'1'10. 'Indian villagers tell of mass rape by soldiers', Tlte Independ­ ent, 19 March 1'191. 'Kashmiri villagers tell of gang rapes by Indian soldiers', Tlte Times, 4 April 19Y1. 'In the shadow of the gunmen', Tlte Sunday Till/es, 29 December 1991. 43. S. Verba & G. A. Almond, 'National Revolutions and Political Com­ mitment', in H. Eckstein (ed.), In/emal /-till', 230. A. Jamieson, Tlte Heart At/acked, 32, 51, 57. V. S. Pisano, The Dynamics of Subversion and Violence in ContemporillY Italy, 23. 44. S. Verba & G. A. Almond, 'National Revolutions and Political Com­ mitment', 222. 45. Ibid., 226. 46. D. Moss, Tlte Politics of Leti- Wing Violence in Ital\', 10 1-4. A. Jamieson, The Heart At/licked, lOO, 123-4. 47. 'Italian Terrorists Kill a Union Aide', Wasltington Post, 25 January 1979. ·Italian labour protest over killing', FilIalIcia! Times, 26 Janu­ ary 1979. 'Hero's funeral for party victim', Financial Times, 29 Janu­ ary 1979. C. Seton-Watson, 'Terrorism in Italy', 110. A. Jamieson, The Heart At/licked, lOO, 175-6. D. Moss, Tlte Politics of Leji-Wing Violence ill Itll!V, 227, 2S5 n42. A. Jamieson, Tlte Hellrt Allacked, 92, 100, 123, 126, 175-6, 186. 4S. G. Adams, Tlte Politics of Irislt Freedom, 64. 4Y. A. P. Schmid & l. de Graaf, Violence as Commllilication, 43. M. Dillon, The Enemv Wi/hin, 211. 50. 'IRA "SCUDS" steal Gulf headlines', AP/RN, 14 February 1991. 'An­ other mortar for ould Ireland', AP/f?N, 14 Fehruary 1'191. 'London chaos through the world's eyes', AP/f?N, 14 February 1l)l)1. 51. G. Fairbairn, Rel'ollllion({{y Guerrilla Warf

58. A. Jamieson, The Hearl Attacked, 119-71, 1)(1.lsim. 59. A. P. Schmid & J. de Graaf, Violence as Comlllunication, 122-37. 60. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked, 77. 61. D. Miller, Don'l Mention Ihe War: Norlhem Ireland, Propaganda and the Media (London: Pluto Press, 1(94),247-50. A. P. Schmid, 'Ter­ rorism and the Media: The Ethics of Publieity', 558. 62. T. Bjorgo, 'Role of the Media in Racist Violence', in T. Bjorgo & R. Witte (cds), I?acist Violence in Europe, 98-100. 63. L. Curtis, Ireland: The Propaganda War. The British Media and Ihe 'Baltic for Hearts and Minds' (London: Pluto Press, 1(84), 190-3. 'A gag that chokes freedom', The Independent, 12 September 1994. 64. Article 19, No COl1ll/1ent: Censorship, Secrecr and the Irish Trouhles (London: Article 19, 1(89), 23-5. 65. 'Jail for Greek editors who defied terror han', The Independent, 10 September 1991. 'Editors backed', The Times, 11 September 1991. 'Greece in the dock over gagging order on media', The Independent, 16 September 1991. 66. A. P. Schmid & J. de Graaf, Violence as Communication, 44. 67. M. Baumann, Wie Alles Anfing, 54-5. 68. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked, 100. 69. M. Dillon, The Slwnkill Bufchers, xi. R. Bell, R. Johnstone, R. Wilson (eds), 'Troubles Chronology: 17.5.84', Troubled Times, 199. D. Miller, Don'f Mention the War, 274. 70. A. Corsun, 'Group Profile: The Revolutionary Organization 17 No­ vember', lOS, I 18. Revolutionary Organisation 17th November, 'Communique on the assassination in Athens on 21 February 1985 of Nikos Momiferatos, publisher of ApogCl'matini', in Y. Alexander & D. Pluehinsky (eds), Europe's Red Terrorists, 94-8. 71. 'Islamists kill 29th journalist', The Independent, IS February 1995. 'Algeria murder', The Daily Telegraph, 18 February 1995. 'Editors fired at from both sides in a vicious war', The Independent, 13 March 1995. 'Algerian woman journalist killed', The Guardian, 9 August 1995. 'Cutting throats to create a Muslim state', The Independent, 6 De­ cember 1996. 72. 'France fears upsurge of Islamic terror', The Independent on Sunda.\', 10 April 1994. 73. Amnesty International. Political Violcnce in Colombia, 19. 74. J. Pearce, Colombia: Inside tire Labyrinth, 254-5. Amnesty Interna­ tional, Political Violence in Colomhia, 75-6. 75. Amnesty International, Guatemala: Maqllilll workers IImong frade unionists tmgctcd (London: Amnesty International, 1(95). 76. Ihid., 8. 77. Ibid., 9. 78. 'Journalist helped end building site racket', The Independent, 10 De­ cember 1988. S. Bruce, The I?ed Hand, 245, 248. J. Cusack & M. Taylor, 'The Rcsurgence of a Terrorist Organization', 6-8. 79. R. Hill & A. Bell, The Uther Face of Terror, 99-106, 216-19. 80. 'Bombing "devastating" to IRA', The Independent, 1I November 1987. 81. D. Miller, DOIl't Menlion the War, 279-80. 238 Notes

82. 'The angry south, the weary north'. Tlte independ('llt on Sunday. 28 March 1993. 83. D. McKittrick. Endgame. 269. 84. 'Caging thc godfathers of terror'. The Independent. 26 March 1993. E. Gorman, 'Back in the frame', Fortnigltt, June 1993. 85. A. P. Schmid & J. de Graaf, Viulence as COllllllunication: Insurgent Terrorism and tlte We.ltem News Media (London: Sage, 1982), 184. 86. 'Are we feeding IRA bloodlust', Tlte Sunday Telegmph, 28 August 1988. 87. 'Bus suicide bomber kills five Israelis', The Daily Telegraph, 25 July 1995. 88. 'Suicide bombs rock Middle East peace', Tlte Guardian, 23 January 1995. 'Bus stop bombers kill 19 in Israel', The Independent, 23 Janu­ ary 1995. 'Bus suicide bomber kills five Israelis', The naill' Telegraph, 25 July 1995. 'Onward march of terrorist violence', Tlte Independent, 4 March 1996. 'Calls grow for "total war" as press loses patience', The Guardian. 6 March 1996. 'Israel puts ring of steel around the Palestinians', Tlte Independent, 7 March 1996. 'Israeli blockade keeps mother and baby apart', 111e Guardian, 19 March 1996. 'Bomber's kin await Israel's revenge', The Independent, 19 March 1996. 'Por­ trait of a suicide homber', The independent, 10 March 1996, 89. 'Suicide bus bomber kills 22', The Daily Telegraph, 20 Octoher 1994. 'Israel steps up war on Hamas·. Tlte Daily Telegraph. 21 October 1994. 'Arab village stunned by martyrdolll', 111e Daily Telegraplt, 22 Octo­ ber 1994. 'The menacing face of Hamas', The Dai(v Telegraph, 21 October 1994. 'Arabs search for honour in the peace', Tlte Indepellll­ ent Oil Sundav, 23 October 1994. 90. A. Corsun. 'Group Profile: The Revolutionary Organization 17 No­ vember', 9i1, lOS-ii, 115-16. 117. 91. 'Greek bombers target the tourists', Tlte Illdependent. 13 June 1994. 92. A. Corsun. 'Group Profile: The Revolutionary Organization 17 No­ vember', 106, 11. 93. Revolutionary Organisation 17 November, 'Communique on the as­ sassination of Ronald Stewart, a US Air Force Sergeant, in Athens on 12 March 1991'. in Y. Alexander & D. Pluchinsky (eds), Europe's Red Terrorists, 111. 94. US Department of State. Press Statement. 4 March 1991. First of October Anti-Fascist Resistance Groups. 'Communique on the Bombing of Oil Pipelines in Spain on 22 February 199 I'; Revolutionary Left. 'Undated Dev Sol communique on "Operation Desert Storm· ... and editors' comments. in Y. Alexander & D. Pluchinsky (cds). Ellrope's Red Terrorists. 23. 58. 93,117. UO-I. 233. 249-50. 95. M. L. R. Smith. The Rule of the Military Instrulllent ill Iris It Repllhli­ can Strategic Thinking: An EwllitionlllY Analysis. Ph.D., King's Col­ lege. University of London, 1991,345. 96. 'The Armalite and the Ballot Box', Magill. July 1983. 97. M. L. R. Smith, The Role of the Militwy Instrulllent ill Irish Repllhli­ call Strategic Thinking, 311-14. 98. P. Bishop & E. Mallie. The Provisiollal IRA. 251. J. Bowyer Bell. Tlte Secret Ann.\'. 39S. Notes 239

YY. '''We are doing all in our power to shorten this war" - IRA', AP/RN, 12 March IYY2. 100. Ibid. 101. 'London counts the cost of IRA bombs', The Independent, 13 April IYY2. 'Insured loss may hit £150m', Lloyd's List, 12 February IYY6. 102. "The ceasefire is over": IRA bombers blast London " The Indepen­ dent, 10 February 1YY6. 'Bomb shatters IRA ceasefire', The Times, 10 February 19Y6. 'IRA statement', 7111' Gllardian, 10 February IYY6. 'Statements from republican sources and the prime minister', Finan­ cial Times, 10-11 February 19Y6. 'Damage adds Lip to [S5m', The Indepcndent on ";lI/1day, II February 19Y6. 'I nsured loss may hit £150m " Lloyd '.I List, 12 February 19Y6. 'Premiums threat as cost estimate tops £150m', Financial Times, 12 February 1996. 'IRA cessation ends after 527 days', 'IRA blames Major for end of cessation', both in AP/RN, 15 February IY96. 103. C. Dobson & R. Payne, The Carlos Complex, 126-7. D. Yallop. To thc Ends of the Earth. 375-6, 37S-9. 'Security alert sent to police before bombing in Brighton', The Times, 15 October 1984. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Prorisio/1al IRA, 423-6.


l. A. Schlesinger, 'The Historians and History', Foreign Allilirs, 41 (April 1(63), 493, quoted in B. Brodie, War and Politics (London: Cassell, 1973), 279. George Kennan made a similar point after his transition from the National War College to the State Department. G. Kennan, 'Planning of Foreign Policy', in G. D. Harlow & G. C. Maerz (eds), ft,!C{/.\lIrcs Short of War: Thc (7cOlgC F. Kellllall Latllres at thc Natiollal War College, 1946-47 (Washington DC: National Defense University Press, 1991), 207-JO. 2. D. Beresford, Ten Mcn J)ead, 152. 3. See M. Ranstorp, 'Hizhollah's Command Leadership'. 4. A. Geifman, 'Aspects of Early Twentieth-Century Russian Terrorism: The Socialist Revolutionary Combat Organization', Terrorism and Political Violence, 4, no. 2 (Summer 1992),29,34-5, 3S-9. N. Sehliefman, UndcrcO\'er Agents in the Rllssian RCl'ollitiOlwJ1' !"Vfol'ement: The SR Party, ]902-14 (London: Macmillan, 1988), S2-IIS. 5. G. Grivas-Dighenis, GlIcrrill({ Warfare, 25, 69. 6. A. Jamieson, 'Entry, Discipline and Exit in the Italian Red Brigades', 5. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked, 84-5. G. C. Caselli & D. della Porta, 'The history of the Red Brigades', 74. D. Moss, The Politics of' Le/i-Wing Violc/1ce in It({l\', 57. J. Bowyer Bell, IRA Tactics lind Tar­ gets, 27, 48, I Iti. 7. S. Aust, The Baadcr-McinllO( Gro1l11, lJ2-3. P. C. Hearst & A. Mos­ cow, El'c}}, Secret Thing, 131-2, lO9. S. 'The making of a martyr', The ])aily Telegraph, 3 February 1995. B. A. Scharlau, LeO-Wing Terrorism in the Federal Repllhlic o( Germi/ny, 43. H. J. Horchem, Terrorisll1 in West Germany, 6. 240 Notes

9. 'Far-Right enkring anti-hunt groups', The Daily Telegraph, 7 April 1993. 10. D. Henshaw, Allimal Warfllre, 51. 11. 'The making of a martyr', The Daily Telegraph, 3 hbruary 1995, 12. D. Henshaw, Allilll({1 Warfllre, 50. 13. J. K. Zawodny, 'Guerrilla Warfare and Subversion as a Means of Pol­ itical Change'. Paper presented at the 1% I Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Sheraton-Jefferson Hotel, St Louis, Missouri, fi-9 September 19fil, 7. J. K. Zawodny, 'Internal Organizational Problems and the Sources of Tensions of Terrorist Movements as Catalysts of Violence', Terrorislll: All Illternatiollal Journ({l, I, nos. 3/4, 27S. 14. M. Crenshaw, 'An Organizational Appruach to the Analysis of Politi­ cal Terrorism', 4fi7. 15. M. Dillon & D. Lehane, Politic({1 Murder ill Northern Ire/alld, 257-S. M. L. R. Smith, Fightillg jiJr Irela II d, 120. lfi. 'A tribal past lingers in modern hak', The Illdepelldellt, 4 June 1991. 'Rising tide of death threats sharpens fear in East Tyrone', The Irish Times, S September 1992. 'Attempt by IRA to murder church care­ taker condemned as sectarian', 1111' Irish Tillles, 10 September 1992. 'The deadly results of pub talk suspicions', The Irish Till1es, 14 Sep­ tember 1992. S. MacStiufain, RCl'olutioll({ry ill Irel({lId, 253. T. P. Coogan, The IRA, 472. M. Dillon & D. Lehane, Political Murder ill Northern Ire/a II d , 2fiO. J. Bowyer Bell, /RrJ. Tactics alld Tmgets, 27, 48,110-14,116. 17. 'Bombing "devastating" to IRA', The Illdepelldellt, II November 1987. 18. 'II die in Poppy Day massacre', The Tilllcs, 9 November 1987. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The Pr(!I'isiolllll mrJ., 459-fil. 19. L. Cronl, M. Croeq, C. Barrois, G. Belensky, & F. D. Jones, 'Low­ intensity combat psychiatric casualties', in P. Pichot, P. Berner, & K. Thau (eds), l'sychiatrv: The silite of the art, 548. 20. A. Jamieson, 'Identity and Morality in the Italian Red Brigades', 514. 21. P. C. Hearst & A. Moscow, £rn)' Secret Thillg, 197. 22. P. C. I-Iearst & A. Moscow, £1'1'1), Secret Thillg, 201. 23. K. Wasmund, 'The political socialization of terrorist groups in West Germany', Journal of Polilical alld Milit{{/y Sociolugy, 11 (Fall 19S3), 228, 233. 24. K. Wasmund, 'The political socialization of terrorist groups in West Germany', 236. K. Wasmund, 'The Political Socialization of West German Terrorists', in P. H. Merkl (ed.), Political Violellce ({lid Ter­ ror,219. 25. R. P. Clark, The Basques, 121-4. R. P. Clark, 'Patterns in the Lives of ETA members', 283-4, 293-4, 303-fi. F. O'Connor, III Search of" a State: Catholics ill Northern Irellilld (Belfast: Blackstaff, 19(3),' 125. E. MacDonald, Shoot the WOlllell First, 141. 'Local Hero', Esquire, De­ cember IlJ93/Jalluary 1994, P. Bishop & E. Mallie, Iile Prol'isiolllll IRA, 12. 26. H. Brown, People, Groups, alld Society, 2-7, 9, 11-15. 27. K. Heskin, Northern Irelalld: A Psychological Analysis, S7-8. H. Brown, People, C;rouJis, ({nd Society, )fi-19. 28. I. Janis, Groupthill/.;: Psychological StlIdies of Policy Decisions lind Fi- Notes 241

ascoes, revised and enlarged (Boston: Houghton Miltlin, 19i12). 29. I. Janis, Grollpthink, 9. 3D. I. Janis, Grollpthink, 174-5. J. E. Dougherty & R. L. Pfaltzgraf. Con­ tending Theories of International {?ciations, third edition (New York: Harper & Row, 1(90), 499. 31. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked, 2i11. 32. B. A. Scharlau, Lefi- H'ing Terrorism ill the Federal Rejlllhlic of Ger- man.\', I il7-il. 33. J. Bowyer Bell, IRA Tactics and T({fgets, 14, 15. 34. J. Bowyer Bell, IRA Tllctics and TlIIgets, IIJ-12. 35. For the rise of the northerners and the split in 19i16 sec: P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The PrOl'isional IRA, 275-il7, 310, 315. L. Clarke, Broaden­ illg the Battlefield, 29, il4-5, 22i1-41. 36. E. Mallie & D. McKittrick, The Fight for Peace, 201-2, 314-1il, 3i11-3. B. Rowan, Behind the Lincs, 55, il4-5. 37. A. 1. Teger & D. G. Pruitt, 'Components of Group Risk Taking', JOllrnal of Experime/llol Social Ps.\'chulogy, 3 (1967). S. Moscovici & M. Zavalloni, 'The Group as a Polarizer of Attitudes', JOllrnal of Personalitl' (llId Social Psvchology, J 2, no 2. R. Brown, GroliP Processcs: J)ynamics H'ithin and bctween Groups (Oxford: Blackwell, 19i1i1), 143, 142-5i1 passim. 38. A. K. Semmel & D. Minix, 'Small-Group Dynamics and Foreign Policy Decision-Making: An Experimental Approach', in L. S. Falkowski (cd.), Psychological Models in International Politics (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1979). 39. G. McKee & R. Franey, Time Bomb, 330-47. 40. T. Bjorgo, 'Terrorist Violence against Immigrants and Refugees in Scandanavia', 40-2. 41. J. K. Zawodny, 'Infrastructures of Terrorist Organizations'. in L. Z. Freedman & Y. Alexander (cds), Perspectives on Nile/ear Terrorism, 67. J. K. Zawodny, 'Internal Organizational Prohlems and the Sources of Tensions of Terrorist Movements as Catalvsts of Violence', 2i11-2. 42. H. Holland, The St/'llgglc, 22i1. . 43. H. Holland, The St/'llgglc, 206, 219. 44. K. Wasmund, 'The political socialization of terrorist groups in West Germany', 235. 45. S. Aust, Thc Baadcr-Mein/lOf Group, 92-3. B. A. Scharlau, Lejl- Wing Tcrrorism ill thc Federal Rcpllblic of Germilny, 176, 184. J, M. Post, 'Hostilite, Conformite, Fraternite', 216. J. M. Post, 'Prospects for Nuclear Terrorism: Psychological Motivations and Constraints', in P. Leventhal & Y. Alexander (eds), PrcI'elltillg NlIclear Terrorism: The Report alld Papers or thc Illfcrnatiollal Task Force Oil Prcl'clltioll of Nuclcar Terror­ ism (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1(87), 94. J. M. Post, 'Terrorist psycho-logic', 33-4. K. Waslllund, 'The political socialization of kr­ rorist groups in West Germany', 235. P. Taylor, Stlltes of Terror, ilO. 46. Ocr Sl)icgel, 7 August 197i1, cited in G. Bass ct al.. Motil'iltions alld Possihle Actiolls of PotcllIial Crimillal A(fI'cr.l((ries of us Nllclear Pro­ grams (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, February 19i10), 7. 47. B. M. Jenkins, Intematiollal Terrorism: A Nell' Kind of War/lire, 4. B. M. Jenkins, Thc Likclihood or Nllclear Terrorism, 7. B. M. Jenkins, 242 Notes

High Technology Terrorism and Slirrogate WlIf, II. 48. B. M. Jenkins, The Likelihood of Nllclear Terrorism, R. 49. D. Canter, Criminal Shadows, 125-5R. 50. R. W. White & T. F. White, 'Revolution in the City" , 107. 51. F. Burton, The Politics of Legitillwcr, 23. 52. 1.. Clarke, Broadening the Ballietielel, 41, 252. T. P. Coogan, The IRA, 580. 53. M. MeKeown. Two Seren Six Three, 49-54. R. MeKeever, 'Repartition: An Irish Solution ttl the Northern Irish Problem'. Paper for presenta­ tion at ECPR Joint Workshop on Theories of Politieal Viole nee in l3oehum. West Germany. 2-7 April 1990. 26-32. 54. On this form of loyalist attaek see M. Dillon & D. Lehane. Political Mllrder in Northern Irelalld, 177-S, IS2. 211-12. M. Dillon. The S/liInkili Blltchers, 159. 55. R. P. Clark. The Basqlle IllslIIgellts, IS5-2m. Bibliography


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For details of some speeific attacks see the group responsihle or the type of operation.

Abduction ideology: influence on targeting, bank robbers'. 116 25-6, 32-4 Bunge y Born [Sept lY74], 13 information-gat hering. 61: definition, 6 slipshod nature, 29 for finance, 95 leadership, 77, 78 location. 105 maiming attacks. 64, 148 location of hostages. 134 members, part-time, 55 logistics, 55 PL, rivalrv with. 43 AD (Direct Action), 140 planning, '63 members and personal links, prisoners, 139-40 83 structure, 164, 169 ALN (Action for National support, 152-3 Liberation), 12 targeting pattern, 33-4 AMAL (Lehanese Resistance targets: Casalegno shooting Battalions). 43 [Nnv 1977], 156: D'Urso Anarchism, 18 ahduction [Dec I Y801. Anarchist terrorists in Francc, I3Y-40: legal system. 141: 14-15 Moro abduction [Apr I Y781. ANC (African National Congress) 8, 55. 6Y-70, 71. 80, Ill, aims, 18 12Y, 154-5: police, 11, homb attacks. 18. 170-1 76, 126-7, 138: Tarentelli Angry Brigade, 18, 37 [Mar 1985J, 26; witness, ALF (Animal Liberation Front), 127 164 unpopular attacks, 76 ASALA (Armenian Secret Army British Army, 41, 132--3 for the Liheration of see a/so security forces; PI RA, Armenia), 15 targets Assassination, 5-6 Cavendish and Burke B2J (June 2nd r",lovement), 87 assassinations. Dublin [May East German support, 81 1882], lOS formation. 73 cce (Fighting Communist Cells), trained by PLO, 81 37 Bombs communism, 18-19 letter homhs, 115 conservatism, 19-20 planting. 68 Contras (Nicaraguan counter­ BR (Red Brigades) revolutionaries), YO. Y6: US clandestinity, effect of. 167 Government support, 90. Y6 communiques, 29 couriers. 65 formation, 73 criminal justice system, 120

267 268 Index death squads, training in Lebanon, 81 Colombia: aims, 20; military United Kingdom, 157 involvement, S 1-2; targeting FARC (Colombian Armed pattern, 30, 156 Revolutionary Force) Guatemala, 157 finance, 90 discriminate attacks, 6 FLN (National Liberation Front) drug traffickers, Colombia European civilians attacked, 27 abductions, 13 media, 153-4 bomb attacks, 40 strakgy, 43 intimidation of legal system, FRC (Fatah Revolutionary 140-1 Command), 91 phone-tapping by, 5S fund-raising, 90 documentation finances, 95-6 causes problems for terrorists, bank robberies, 12 56, 90-7 FIS (Islamic Salvation Front), 49-50 EOKA (National Organisation of claims Algerian government Cypriot Fighters) infiltrated GIA, 52 aim, 17 forcnsic evidence, 127 British intelligence officers attacked, 125 GAL (Anti-Terrorist Liberation formation, 55 Group), 3, 132 structure, 164 GIA (Armed Islamic Group) ETA (Basque Homdand and scanncrs used hy, 58 Liberty) targets: 50-3; foreigners, 50-1; aim, 17 journalists, 51, 156; non­ extradition from France, 135-6 conformers, 52; teachers ideology, 22 and academics, 51-2 information-gathering and Goldstein, Baruch. 66 reconnaisance, 62 gun attacks personal links, 83 close quarter, 67-S support, 168 snipers, 68, 75-6, 114 targeting pattern, 29-30, 174 targets: Carrero Blanco Hamas assassination [Dec 19731, S, aims, 21-3, 159 60, SO, [06; nuclear plant family links, 83 engineers, 21. 14S; security Iranian govt aid, 96 forces, 137 (Tablt: S.2) Isradi intdligence agents weapons, 91 assassinated, 125 suicide bombings, 66, 114-15, 159 fascism, 20-1 Hcydrich assassination, Prague fascist terrorism [May 1942], 105 European, general, 9, 45 hijacking, 7 Italian: 4; Bologna bombing Dawson's Field, Jordan [Sep [Aug 19S0], S- 48; mass 1970],7 casualty bombings, 42, 47-9; TWA S47 [June 1985], 13-14 Mafia links, 49; strategy of Hindawi, Nizar, attempted tension, 47-9; trained in bombing of EI Al aeroplane Lebanon, 81 [Apr 19S6], 6 Indcx 269

Hizbollah, 163 Israel AMAL, rivalry with, 43 assassination of Pakstinian family links, 83 terrorists, 196 n 17 Iranian govt aid, 90 demolition of alleged Sheikh Fadlallah assassination Palestin ia n terrorists' attempt, [Mar 19851, 65 homes, 41-2 suicide bomhings, 66 security forces in occupied targets: Argentine-Israeli territories, 130-1 Association bomb, Buenos Italy Aires [luI 1994], 27-8, low public support for 117-111; Israeli Embassy institutions, 152 bombing, Buenos Aires [Mar 1994], 117; Jews as JRA (Japanese Red Army) legitimate targets, 27-11; Lod Airport attack, Israel I May TWA 847, 13-14; US 1972], 27,62 Embassy bombings, Beirut [April 1983, Sep legitimate targets 1984], 66; US Embassy concept, 23-5; used by states, bombing, Kuwait [Dec 26-7 19113],66; US Marine liheralism, 18 barracks bombing [Oct Libyan Government aid: to FRC, 1983],66 97; to PIRA, 9(), 124 hostage rescue units, 133-5 Loyalist terrorism, Northern Ireland aims, 19-20 ideology, 16 dehumanised Catholics, 25 dehumanises targets, 25-7 membership, 82 displaces guilt for attacks, 28 planning, 63 intluence on strategy, 36 security force involvement, 82 role in target selection, 23-9 targeting pattern, 32, 172-4 targeting pattern, 29-34 targets: Catholic civilians, 30-1, information-gathering by 101; Sinn Fein members, terrorists, 57-61 101; lawyers, 142 INLA (Irish National Liheration opportunist attacks, 9 Army), 67-8, 137-8 weapons, 89, 91 intelligence, anti-terrorist, 122-5 LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil IPLO (Irish Peoples' Liberation Eelam) Organisation), 56, 149 aims, 17 IRA (Irish Republican Army) deny attacks, 72 information-gathering, 57-8 Indian goverment support, 3, 81 support, 144 suicide attacks, 66 targets: British intelligence targets: Muslim civilians, 151; system, 11, 40, 124; Lord Rajiv Gandhi assassination French assassination [Apr 1991],6,55,66,70; attempt IDec 1919], 10 President Premaciasa I May weapons, 93 1993J,66 see also PI RA Iranian Government support: Mafia, Sicilian to Hamas, 96; to Hizbollah, aims, 22 90, 96 phone-tapping, 5F; no Index

Mafia, Sicilian (colltilllled) finance, 95 targets: investigators, 40; ideology, effect on strategy, witnesses, 127 36-7 Marighela, Carlos, 12, 19 informers, effect of, 123-4, 129 mass casualty attacks, 6 information-gathering, 58-9, 62 mass destruction attacks, 7 intimidation, [48-9 media censorship, 155 leadership, 75-6, 78-9 military dictatorships legitimate targets, 24, 26, 30 Argentina, 121, 136 local support, 146-7, 141\, 161\ Uruguay, 42, 136 media, 153, 158 MLN (Tupamaros) members, 82, 86: family links, abductions, 13 1\3 strategy of provocation, 42 prisoners, 139 Montoneros, 13 planning, 63, 76 sensitivity to political events, Naxalites 160-1 landowners assassinated, 64, strategy, 38, 41, 43-4 148 structure, 55, 63, 165-6, 16<)-70 Indian security force measures targeting pattern, 31-2, 172-4 against, 129 targets: Balcombe Street siege, usc of crude weapons, 64, 80-1 London [Dec 1975], 7, [70: Brighton bomb [Oct 1984], OAS (Secret Army Organisation), 68-9, !O3, 127, 161; British 19 Army, 11,28,112-14,116, organised crime, 21-2 118, 130-1; businessmen, OPEC Conference siege [Vienna, 23, 148; City of London Dec 19751, 71, 161 bombs [Apr 1992], 7, 6(), [Apr 1993], 7, 66, 112; Palestinian terrorists Derry city centre, PLO (Palestinian Liberation N, Ireland, 112; Docklands Organisation) formation, 73 bomb [Feb 19%], 161; targets: Black September attack, English operations, 7, 41, Munich Olympics [Sep 55, 66, 68, 170; Enniskillen 1972], 14, 28; lsrae I i bomb [Nov 1987], 1[3-14, intelligence officers, 125; 157-8, 1()5-6; continental Jewish and Israeli targets, European operations, 117-18: PFLP Dawsons 115-16; Gow assassination Field hijacking [Sep 19701, [July 1990], 25; La Mon 7,42 Hotel bomb [Feb 1978 j, 7; Paris bombings [191\5-6 j, 107-1\ legal system, 141-2; PIRA (Provisional Irish loyalists, 150; Mountbatten Republican Army) assassination [Apr 19791, aims, 17 W; Northern Ireland blames British Government for Forensic Laboratory [Sep all deaths in Northern 19921, 12, 128; RUe, 11-12, Ireland conflict, 28 104,118,131; RUCofficer ceasefire (Aug 1994), 35 abduction [Sep 1990), 6; effect of leaders' imprisonment, UDR/RIR, 1l3, 118; 74, 165 witnesses, 127 Index 271

weapons, 89, 90, 91-2: Lihyan part-time members, 55 Government aid, 90, 124 prisoners, 139 PL (Front Line) rivalry with BR, 43 sabotage, 7 prisoners, attempts to free, 138-<) security environment, definition, proxy bombs, 00-7 120 psychologieal targets of terrorism, security forces 1,8 check-points, 108, 129 Punjab, communal divisions, house-searches, 129-31 151-2 involvement with terrorists, 8 1-2 patrols, 128-<) RAF (Red Army Factiun) targets of terrorists, 136-8 death of RAF member [Jul separatism, 17 1993], 132 17N (November 17th East German Government aids, Revolutionary Organisation) 3,81, <)0 Momferatos assassination [Feb forensic evidence, 128 1985], 156 ideology, influencc, 32-3 sensitivity to political events, information-gathering, 57, 59-00 159-60 leadership, 75, 169, 171 structure, 74 mcdia, 154 siege: 6-7 PLO aids, 81 Sikh terrorists steals documents [Nov 1971], Indian Govt support, 3 12, 97 targets: Hindu civilians, 152, structure, 146, 164 General Vaidya support: 145-6, 150, 168 assassination [Apr 1986], 15 targeting pattern, 33-4 single-issue groups, 21 targets: Herrhausen SL (Shining Path) assassination [Nov I <)8<)J, finance, 95-0 64, 106, 111-12; police, 137: strategy, 46-7 Ponto assassination [July SLA (Symbionese Liberation 19771, 57; Rohwedder Army), 23 assassination [Apr I <)9 I j, clandestinity, effect of, 167-8 24-5, 68; Schleyer media, 154 abduction [Sep 1977], 55, structure, 164 59-60: US military, 34, <)7 Sri Lanka, communal divisions, religion, 17-18 151 Russia, anti-Tsarist terrorists: strategy, definition: 35; Maoist, aims, 18,40-1: bank 45-6 robbcries, 12: information­ suicide bombings gathering, 57 see Hizbollah, Hamas, and People's Will: memhership, LTTE 79-80; Tsar Alexander II Supreme Truth cult, 93 assassination [Mar 1881], 66 Social Revolutionaries: 163; target protection bombings, 66 access restriction, 102, 109 RZ (Revolutionary Cells) aeroplanes and airports, 102, Frankfurt Airport companies 104 attackcd, 21 armoured cars, 106-7 272 Index

body armour, 101, lOfl model of target selection, 179-81 bodyguards, fl9-70, 107 symbolic, 10-11 check-roints, 108 see also illdil'idllal grollps circumvention of rrotection, te rrorists IIS-16 courage, 87 closed circuit television detinition, 2, 79 (CCTv), 102, 103, III impatience, SS-fl cost, 98 persistence, Sfl-7 security barriers, 101-2 rationality, 83-4 town-rlanning, 109 technical ability, 80-2 target substitution, II fl-18 youth of, 85 terrorism: detinition, 1-2: rurpose, 8 UDA (Ulstcr Defence Association) terrorist attacks banned pul IY92], 55-6 location, 60-1. 172-4 criminal activities. IS7 opportunist: 8-9 formation, 73-4 pre-planned, 8 targets: Annaclone pub [Jul sreed a necessity, 70 1994], 101; Finucane stages, S4 assassination [Feb 1989], terrorist gnJUrS 142 formation, 73-4 see also Loyalist terrorism, groupthink, Ifl9-70 Northern Ireland leadership, 73-9 U nabomber, IS4 personal links within, 82-3 US Government risky shift, 170-1 aid to: Afghan Mujahedeen, YO; rivalry between, 43 Contras, 90, 96 structure, 144-5 protection of: airports, 117: suprort, 14S-7 embassies, 117 te rrorist targets constraints, 175-9 weapons, terrorists' expressive, 14-15 open market, 89 functional, 11-12 home-made, 91-3 hard and soft targets, 8 miniaturisation, 93-5 irritants and spectaculars, I U-l1 supplied by governments, 89-91 lugistical, 12-14 World Trade Center, New York mobile and static, 99 [Feb Il)93], 103