INTRODUCTION I. B. M. Jenkins, Intcmiltional Terrorism: a Ncw Kind

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INTRODUCTION I. B. M. Jenkins, Intcmiltional Terrorism: a Ncw Kind Notes INTRODUCTION I. B. M. Jenkins, Intcmiltional Terrorism: A Ncw Kind o( IVorfilre (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, June 1(74), 4-7. B. M. Jenkins, Intcull/tional Terrorism: The Othcr World War (Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, November 19R5), 9-11. M. Crenshaw Hutchinson. Rel'O­ Ilitionan' Tcrrorism: The FLN in Algeria, 1954-1962 (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 197R), 36-R, 137 . .I. Wright, Terrorist Propa­ g£7l1da: The Red Arm)' Faction ([nd tlze PrOl'isiona! IRA, 1968-1986 (Lon­ don: Macmillan. 1(91), 77. 2. M. Crenshaw Hutchinson, Revo!lIIionarv Terrorism, 20. For a list of definitions see A. P. Schmid & A. J. J(;ngman, Political Terrorism: A nell' gil ide 10 actors, lIulhors, concepts, data hasc.l, thcorics, and litc/'{/­ tllrc (Amstcrdam: North-Holland Puhlishing, 19RR). 32-R. 3. M. Crenshaw Hutehinson, Rcvollllionill}' Terrorism, 21. 4. C. Gearty, TaroI' (London: Faber & Faber, 1991; 1(92), 151-2. R. P. Clark, The Basqllc Insllrgcllls: ETA, 1952-1980 (Madison, WI: Univer­ sity of Wisconsin Press, 19R4), xv-xvi. 5. US Department of State, Bureau of Publie Affairs, Uhl'll IInder Qildlw{i: A Pattern or Aggrcssion, Special Report No. 13R (Washington, DC: U.S. Dept of State, January 19R6), I. R. Gillespie. Soldicrs u( Pcron: Algclltina's Montuncros (Oxford: Oxford Univen.,ity Press, \9R2). 244-52. J. Burns. The Lllnd ThaI Losl Its Hemes: Algel/tilla, The Falklallds alld AlfiJl/.lin (London: Bloomsbury. \9R7), 20-3. 6. E. S. Herman, The Rcal Terror Nctwork: Terrorism in Fact and Propa­ ganda (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 19R5), 2\-5. E. S. Herman & G. O'Sullivan, The Terrorism Indllstl),: The Experts and Institlltiolls That Shape Our View o( Tcrror (New York: Pantheon, 19R9), xii, 45-7, 152, 157. E. S. Il<:rman & G. O'Sullivan, "Terrorism" as Ideology and Cultural Industry'. and A. George, 'The Discipline of Terrorology', in A. George (ed.), I'l/cste/'ll State Terrorism (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1(91), 39-40, 57-62, 6R-9, 77, 92-3. 7. 'Gonzalez drawn into "death squad" scandal', Thc Independent, 10 De­ cember 19RR. '''Dirty war" scandal worsens', The Independent. 21 De­ cember 1994. 'Madrid sues over "dirty war" claims', The Independent, 11 January 1995. 'The noose is tightened around Felipe's neck', The Gllardia/l, 23 February 1995. P. Taylor, States of' Terror: l)elllOcmcy and Political Violence (London: BBC Books, 19(3), 9R-I04. M. S. Dillkno, "'Guardians of Democracy": Vigilantes in the Philippines', and J. Caceres, 'Violence, National Seeurity and Democratisation in Central America', in M. Kirkwood (ed.), Stales of Terror: J)ea/h Sqllads or Devc/opmcnt? (London: Catholie Institute for International Rela­ tions, 19R9), 4R-53, 105-7. 183 184 Notes iI. M. J. Akhar. India: The Siege rFithin (Harmondswurth: Penguin, 19i15). lil9. M. Tullv & S. Jacob, Amritsar: Mrs (;(/ndhi's Last BailIe (Lon­ don: Jonath,;n Cape. 19i15), 57-61, 105, 121. B. Vaughn, 'The Use and Ahuse of Intelligence Services in India', Intelligence and National Secllrity, ii, no. 1 (January 1993). 9. J. Schmeidel, 'My Enemy's Enemy: Twenty Years of Co-operation he­ tween West Germany's Red Army Faction and the GDR Ministry for State Security', Intelligence and National Scc II rity , 1\, no. 4 (Octoher 1993). B. A. Scharlau, Lejt- Wing TerrorislIl in the Federal Repllblic of (;erman.\', Ph.D., University of St Andrews, 1991,56-61. 'East was haven to German terrorists', The Times, 15 June 1990. 'More German terror suspects seized', The Indepel/dent, 16 June 1990 .. Arrests expose E. Germany's terrorist links', The Independent, 20 June 1990. 10. C. Seton-Watson, 'Terrorism in Italy', in J. Lodge (ed.), The Threat of TerrorislIl (Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 191\i\), 92-3, 105-6. M. Bull, 'Vil­ lains of the Peace: Terrorism and the Secret Services in Italy', Intelli­ gel/ce lind National S'ecurity, 7, 110. 4 (October 1992). 'Italians hlame shadowy powers for bringing terror to Florence', The II/dependent on SUI/day, 30 May 1993, The underlying thesis in P. Willan, Puppet Masters: The Political Usc of Terrorism in !taly (London: Constable, 1991). is that many right-wing terrorist groups in Italy were manipulated and directed to a degree by the Italian secret serviees. 11. US Department of State, Pallems or (Jlobal Terrorism: 1989 (Wash­ ington, DC: Government Printing Office, April 1990), 6. US Depart­ ment of State, Pi/Items of (;loblll Ta/"OrislIl: 1990 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, April 1991), 40. 12. D. Moss, The Politics of Lett-Wing Violence in Illlly, 1969-1985 (Lon­ don: Macmillan, 1989), 2. V. S. Pisano, The Dynamics of Subversion and Violence in ContemporlllY !taly (Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 19i17), 3i1, 51. J. Pearce, Colombia: Inside the Labyrillth (Lon­ don: Latin American Bun:au, 1990), 7, 195. 2 TERRORIST TYPOLOGIES 1. B. M. Jenkins, Tlie Lessolls oj" Beirut: TestilllollY hefiJre tlie Long COI1l­ missioll (Santa Monica, CA: RAN D Corporation, February 19i14), 2. 2. 'Rajiv Gandhi assas~inated in bomb blast', Tlte Tillles, 22 May 1991. 'Rajiv Gandhi murdered by bombers at election rally', The IndepCll­ dent, 22 May 1991. 'What One-Eyed Jack knows', The Illdepelldent, 1 July 1991. 3. P. Wilkinson, 'Designing an Effective International Aviation Security System', Terrorism lind Political Violence,S, no. 2 (Summer 1(93), 105. E. F. Mickolus, T. Sandler, J. M. Murdock, IntenIational Terrorislll ill Ihe 198()s: A Cliroll%gv of £I'ellts. Volullle I/, 1984-1987 (Ames, IA: Iowa State University, 19i19), 376-il. S. Emerson & B. Duffy, The Fall of Pi/n Am 103 (London: Futura, 1990), 199-200. 4. 'Murdered RUe man's body found', The Independent, 14 September 1990. 'IRA admits shooting of sergeant', The Times, 19 September Notes IRS 1990. B. O'Brien, The Long War: The IRA and Sinn Fein, 1985 to Todav (Duhlin: O'Brien Press, 1(93),207. 5. Sunday Times Insight Team, Siege: Prince's Gate, London, April 30- May 5, 1980 (Feltham: Hamlyn, 19RO), 31, 45, 52, 61-2. E. F. Mickolus, T. Sandler, J. M. Murdock, Intemationul Terrorism in the 1980s: A Chronology of Events. Vollime 1, I980-]C)83 (Ames, IA: Iowa State University, 1(1)9), 40-2. P. Schlesinger, Media, State and Nation: Pol­ itical Violence and Collective Identities (London: Sage, 19(1), 31. 6. G. McKee & R. Franey, Tillie BOlllb (London: Bloomshury, 1(1)1)), 326-47. 7. P. Snow & D. Phillips, Leila's Hi;ack War: The True Storr of 25 Da)'s in Septemher 1970 (London: Pan, 1(70). G. Rosie, The Director)' of International Terrorism (Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing. 1(1)6), <)4-6. G. Chaliand, The Palestinian Resistance (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1(72), 167. R. 'Incendiary devices increasingly used in terror attacks', The Indepcndent, 2 December 1991. 'IRA switch tactics with store firebombs, disrup­ tion of rail commuters and mortar attack on Downing Street', The Gliardian, II January 1992. 'IRA claims responsibility for planting fire­ bomhs', The Independent, 2 September 1991. 'Mainland attacks admit­ ted by IRA', The Tillles, 2 September 1991. 9. P. Bishop & E. Mallie, The PI'()l'isional mA (London: Heinemann, 19R7; Corgi, 19RR), 336-7. W. D. Flackes & S. Elliott. Northern irellilld: A Political Directol)' ]968-93 (Belfast: Blackstatf, 1'1(4), 15. K. J. Kelley, The Longest War: Northern ireland and the IRA (London: Zed Books. 1(81)), 22R-9. 10. 'Insured loss may hit £150m', Lloyd's List, 12 February 1996. II. 'London counts the cost of IRA bomhs', The Independent, 13 April 1'In. 'Back-to-work City defies the IRA', The Tillles, 13 April 1992. 'City homh claims may reach £I bn', The Independent, 14 April 1992. 'Troubles chronology: Apr. Hr, FOr/night, May 1992. 'I RA City bomb­ ers identified hy police', The Independent, 15 '/uly 19n. 'Cost will ex­ haust pool of insurance money', The Independent, 26 April 1993. 'One homb: £Ibn devastation', The Independent on Sunda.\' , 24 April 1993. 'Taxpayers foot IRA bomb bill', The Times, 26 April 1993. 'Security to be stepped up in City after blast', 'Toll of injured rises to 51', both in The Independellt, 26 April 1Y93. 12. A. Jamieson, The Heart Attacked: Terrorism (lnd Conflict in the Italian State (London: Marion Boyars, 1989), lOR-IS. J. Agirre, Operation Ogro: The ExeclItion of Admiral LlIis Carrero Blanco (New York: Quadrangle, 1(75). 13. The identity of the group responsible for the Bologna bombing has not been conclusively established. Four members of a fascist group were convicted of carrying out the bombing in I Y88, but their convic­ tions were overturned on appeal in 1990. C. Seton-Watson. 'Terrorism in Italy', 94. P. Willan, PlillpetMasters, 13-14,160-7,170-3. S. Christie, Stefano Delle Chiaie: Portrait of a Black Terrorist (London: Anarchy Magazine/Refract Publications, I Y84), 25, 109, 113. G. Harris, The Dark Side of Ellrope: The Extreme Right Today, new edition (Edinburgh: 186 Notes Edinburgh University Press, 199-1),115, 11K. C. Schaerf, G. de Lutiis, A. Silj, F. Carlucci, F. Bellucci, S. Argentini, VellIi Alllli tii ViolellzlI ill Iw!ia: 1969-1988, two volumes (Rome: ISODARCO, n.d.). K66. 14. M. Dilllln & D. Lehane, Political Murder ill Northern Ire/alld (Harmond­ sworth: Penguin, [(73), 29-35. M. Dillon, The Shallkill Butchers (London: Hutchinson, 19K9: Arrow, 1(90). S. Bruce, The Red Halld: Protestallt Part/militaries ill Northern Irelalld (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1(02), 1-1, In-KI. 15. R. Hill & A. Bdl. The ()fher Face of' Terror: Illside Europe's Neo-Nazi NetHork (London: Grafton, 19KK), 152, 153--1, 211. The question as to whether some of the more random attacks should be regarded as acts of terrorism is discussed in T. Bjorgo, 'Terrorist Violence against Immigrants and Refugees in Scandinavia: Patterns and Motives', in T.
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