
Polish Church-State relationsflare again

BERLIN - Poland's cotn- munist chicftnin has tlc- nounced that eountry's Bish- ops in onc of the shrlpcst attacks on thc Chutch thcrc since the enrl of the Stalinist era, accoldirrg to rcllolts reaching herc.

St.Gahriel the Archanggl - tt2nd lttlarion (ounty Barish

ll'cclrnocracy I{ungary readyto agree is no llt rcitI "Golt Pries[sleacl mal'chers tnit [rns" u'lts lhtt ntotto 0n namirg of to C lr l'isIiirtts lll;;"i,,,l;i,.,'*,lllll"l)i'1]:i"lll \'ll'lNN,\ - llrtttgar')"s l)cl)ttty have been filled by Vafican. lt',latrun al llurlaltost sin<:c the (lyrrll I'r'cnrit't Kallli saitl ltct'tr eppoinled rdminislralorr. :rlror.livir rr,lrrlliorr against thc llr:rl thc (:()nlllrunist. t t'gtnrc ts "Srr lJaltinrore ittslt'rtrl ol t rlistinclion lte. licrl rt,;,iinrc rn N()vclltl)cr, 1056 in pr0test llr.. Kall.i t,lrl '.u.snrcn. rvillirrii to ill)l)l'ovc assignntenl of tn'ecn .srtltltolltrs atttl ontttttit's rtf sir rrcrv ('atlrolir'bislrops to lill ln llrt' latlcr rlal's of l'opc pcnct', itllt'rl- ''Sontt - ('()un('ll: tltr: I)olislt llislrops Sct's lorrg r';x';llll. oI tltc St'r's lrfo \ llclult Ii.\1,'l'1.\ltllil'l s('\('tl lll'l('sls l.'alhcI Iiollclt .\. llt'crl, ,lulrrr .\.\llt's lcign. earrlinal tlrtt'e it lclijlious rlisfiltcliotr." It'tl sontc l;,-) ln lllt' ('f (;l'r)gol'J (irr,ilt ll0t';ttlsr' sotttrt bisltrrps ltit\'(! t(ililo l)ilftslll{l11t'rs l)il\tr)r' St. lh(! l"r'artz Kocnig. l'rinratc ol' Arrs. (';llitolit's l11 un ullt f vlr,rr' u'ith Vittttttt'stl ilto conllict rvitlr llrtr g{,\'olnrllonl. Ititkt-t lrrtr' ,ts ioirtt'tl cltutt'h: l'ulhcl llcrtt'1 t)flct', ''st'llr(' lkr rr'itt'ttctl thc llisltoys tltat t'c- ('. ('ltt ol htttrtittl claintctl lhc (l{)ul)t Ilia. r'rsrlctl lhc at lh{! Ittntt'slitnls ilnd,lr'ws itl il st'('t)ll(l licr. ll;tltott Sitscorrt. lrirslul irltittts' tol)ortrll'sj ilr'. Krtllai liul lec ltavc no lhitl llrcsr) lll'r'latc pastol ('litvcl lilliotts lloriitrs tnttsi choosc sitlcs S S.,1.. of li{. I)clt'r' lf I)orrJlllss Jlcnrolrll ('lrrrlt'h in rllttt's" girt's lltt'ttt llris allilitl, ro(irnrr rr'rrrrlrl lsk onl)' ontl ,lttitt. Secs cart be Iillorl again. \1'e lcgalion. r\t {hnt tinre it',vas sairl ttlitssiIc l)l'{)tt'sl il:l;t tt}51 s('rlft' lltr, baltlc ll('l\\'ton (:t)llltnrllll\lll puli:h. an,l his ussis{rtttt, lfrtlltr'r' ('llrlitr;tl ('itrriltlittri, itr lrt (irr'1tttt t);tli lilllrtttot'e. sairl t,lttl.v ll) lltitt arr- .\rrlllio Ititllltl arrtcc: {lrirl llrc bisltolls allpointotl sltitll nrakc rlo rlr:rlnttrls ntt lhe pon" Salod ilr'ilittt's atttl clpilllisru. "l'0sl)rt0l bl sonrc ollsclueLs tlrat the \\'illi;rru llclit'trttrt. S.S.,l.I l.'alltt,r' rttltct' ltttli.st';1r'cgaliott tlt'tttuttstla. Slt'tctltl'1 ol Slittt'. \itt(l ttl it lt'l' Irv l'trpt'I'aul Vl llt(l irlr:oloiJical atliturlt's oI thc nerv Arrlrrsr,rrrr'nt I'lrlk ltl sttlrtttlrittt trll rvislrcrl hinr to go to ltonle to IlIrtr'1 lluhrttt'j. S S..1.. rll (lrvl ('itl"s \\'rrrrtlI irrl tt. ltlslof lion ott nn Oali, Itatli rt'ottkl lt't lo lltis \ It't't]( lt Sot;ltl l:rns ol lhe Ilunqarilrt slatc." llt' bislurps. We onl1" asli lhat tlte1, "nollotly acccpt a {.luril assignrucnt; sl . l"r'unt'is \itlit'r' llirlislr, lntl tithr' plrtr't' on ,ltrl1' l,l. \\'t't'li t.|tth l)-l't) in ('rtt'tt. arltk'rl thal itt llungitrj' lrs1recl. tlrt: larvs rll lhc state." this 'l'he his :rssislarrl, Ialhcr' \Illlct' (i'r'- (llrtrlch." !r,ils nel cl' conlllrncrl. re - Itt tht. Prr'li.r'lltttt' ;tl:rr \\r'tt' ']t) is lrat'rring lhr: iritt. S.S..l.I :rntl l"alht.r' Jolru NO PRIESTS WERE :ur)(lrtrI ( ginrc plain. rut'ittlrt'ts trt tltt' ('lttlt0lit' lrrtt'l- orrrrrrt,rrlitrll {)tl llrl Srrci;tl has nrarla it lrou'cvcr, liilrn('tt. S.S..1.. plslol of S1 s()rilf 3tl t le |gl rtrr,tr ilt'r'est0tl ilr "l)ctttot't'llttt' llt'ill ('outtt'tl ol Il:rilitttot't'.'l'ltt'r. . I'ius \\'r't'k s lltctut'- So' Olrst,r'r cls sinv ltis stiltL'lll('nl as llr;rt.it rvorrld hc rvillittg lo ltave '.\ll tltt'l"ilth pitlrslt. !lrc,lrrlv i rlerrronstt';rtirrn,brrt lntr (';rlrlirra[ tatriotl stl:ns ultttlt tt'ittl: crctl-" lhc lt'ttcl sairl lhitt tltc a bitl to at'celclitle Ilttttgitt'y's illintlrzrxty lepl'* the \eft' itrrt'stt'tl ;n tlrtt Jrtll' 4 p|o. (irrslrt,ls "txrl Jltlrr r\11' llark' rtt tltc llttlli:t' o{ girt' ottll r'tlcotltagtt- nl)llal'(,nl ttnrpaif{tt lo tttaclt ittt e {)nnt r'!': it rvoukl not. lxlu'et e r, "Jlrtsl tcsl: I"ilthcf I'onnolll' nnrl llslir'. (iatlttllit: (ioti." t'ltrrsl lio ('t'rtt'tlit'tl r)l('nl l)lll sttllprrlt" lo il (lclt)()c' ilgl'o(!nr(,n1. rvitlt thc ag|c(. {o hls l'cturn to his See, "('ltn'l r\u.stin llcalt,l', pastof of St. i\lar'- ln'(ilirn' ()alil" lttrtl \\'t' rrrt,f itt rvhir:lt lrotlt ritizctts lttul Clrrtlr'll. 'l\t- {(,'onti|'uo(1 t)1trc 9) arrtholitics ;rct :tttrl t'csptttt- (':rtholit's l')r r'tt I'lir1 llitrlrr ,11']. .itrslly .:lclht.l'"' stblr', Solcrnn c[osing clcr.otions "t'ittlttrltt's .\tlol lrr't' sr::lt I ril(l: 'l'r'r, s (:f.1;lv.lr;tr:ks rli,rr, llr.r.rr \ll Slrrrr, .' . - \\i oructt drlrvtt l qltolilti()tl lLotr lltt' l.,t'tttt'tr plts- lorill lcttcl trl .'\r'cltllislrop L,ltrt' slatccl{or: Car:rncl ltovonas tt'trcc J, Slrt'lrlrnol liltllitttult' t'tttt- ll.sgr. llcrbc'r't lVntterhalter, tlcruning st'gt'c3ll iott atttl ttt :iitlS Tllilfti 1r) (l\'('l'('()llt(' it. pust()r' of St. ['atlick''s , "l lt't'1' optitttistic allottt 'ftrrrc arrt l lautr', u rll cr'lellrate the A TOTAL OF lttl \\'('l(l tht' possiltilil.r- rtl a I'csllll)ptlou ltt'tsutls r',rrrt'lutling llenerliction there. rullestetl ttt lltl t 'llllt ; ) (lfnl()ll' ol ni't{otiations-nntl tlteit' p{)siti\ {) r)('('tltl't'(l rontlusiott." hc dcclartrtl. sllatiorr. rr'ltrclt ittst llenrtlr.'r's ol' tlrr: l,'oulth l)cgrce, lh|t'c dal s irllt't it ,lttlr' I lll (ll('st Of fhc countrY'r ll Stcs' six Itrriglrts of C'oluntbtts, rvill fornr in t\'hiclt :lS:l l)('ls'!lls \\'t't't''tl'l('..1- 'l'ltost have bern vrcrnt for almort l0 t lrc grrald of ltotrot' {or the ttl. ill r'('sltrl rt t't't' t'ltitl !t'tl yca rs, During thir limc theY lllcssctl Sat:nrntcrtt at the'l'errc rrrtlt' iolatrn! .\l:tt'lllrtttl's lrtu' I l;rrttc sorvict's, It ittsl I t't'. r - 1P'. 1a Pl lN WHAT WAS r icrrt'tl as a 1il11ilil!illilillililllillilillllillilllllililillilililililililillill (irtttrttrka's;rttat'k' rillIuililililililllilllilllllllililllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll \\ lrilc tho ptt'lit'l: lrttt ilrlt'tl [rtt Ilollc Ittrrrl Editorial. Prge tl ili'''ii,i.iliJI,'o llritis()s ()\'fl' Rn ltottt' otttsitlr' tlrt' p;ttli. to visit U.S.? ('i)u{rcss oI lilcial l')qullitl' "l( portcr-'is lo pt'cvtil. lltt'tr ('()ll ( E) rlt'nrrtttslt'alot. in ll ottlts " lrr irt'r' lalr-sl stillorDcrrt, antl t'ccofltritton l,ittin llicnrrchy ill('nl : ll l\ lt(,l ()uI tlt.sr|c trr ]lr.s. Ilrcrlonr. .irtsliet' oI lt] to l:) illlr'nrl]l{'(i t(} olll('r' tllc "()ur. ol leligious t'onscicttct' ttttlsl bc t'st'ltrrlc lrtrrrr rrilr' collll)irnv iln\' Lt'rlis also stritl: char.itl' park. hirtl ih('lrosl):lss lltrl t't'itrl 'llris ()rtlll rullantcerl. is thc llasis of ('str'(l u . t r'-\l)r)nsil)1r..rvcll.intcnrk'rl Itas llt'tn [ot':rll. Oul clull is ftrl to tltt'nt ittttl tr t'ft' irf! \\ ht'tl ll;tttltotliotts eo- \Vt ollen orrr tkrots It'itt't'litl iltl(l lltt'r' rrttt:t'tl lo l('it\ r'. l)(rls()n. all rvho ule u'illing tnrl altle to Irr \\'r'l('()r)l(, r\'itlttlut rr.slt'iction oxistcnr:c." rlolk t'ith us. \\-tt arc nlol.c lllan allJ'\r'()nlirn rrlrtr cttt antl lras 'l'hc tlrt' rvilling--.u't' lu.r' oililcr,-.{o tako (;1.1'car.()ltl(littltolir: learlcr rh'sit'c sr.trt' itt l,r {ltis lrlrxl cattst' inlo our (,olul)an]'lll rvorut.n ol' s;rirl rtlso: (.lliuiti') (ol rlillr rrs." gorlrl t,ill (:oncr,t'n rr'lro sltat'c oltr "Our Polish Bishops have to 'l()lt,.: gt'anl - li)l' hullliln rrtrsctl' attrl tr'lro lr;rr o In an llotll attdie nt:c derl with lhe Lord's business; l'ol)- tht subsllnrc arrrl tlrc I|ce lirnt' crl to tttott- lharl :]00 l)ersons fhal is the lask essigned lo ('trttllltis' lo hclp rrs allct'ialc sulltlirr{ ar:tl t{'st't}litll.l llrt' I'orttitrcal lhem, Olher pcople hrvc fo f.;ttitt hartlship as lrt'st lvc nrilJ-." siort lot'La1in Anlelica. lho concenirrte on lhcir own duties Arlelit:an llishops' (l o rr n c i I and preoccupalions," ( ('lal,,\ll ) ittttl lllair.t indivirltral naliorts. I'upo l)tttl irlctttilietl so' IIc arllrrl: "its ctal aclt0lt iln extoltsi(,ll {}l r'l)0tcc i-s ntlt sotttt'tlltt'tc itt tltc lhc prics{ll Ininistt'y ttntlct'stootl ckrtttls ot' oll th(' lrt()on. !tcltcc is in tltc lt'ttc scltsc." l;t\r' rrl Illc .t'rln pllt'sls lltrt irr tlrc nrinrls ol urt'n." Itruli lr:rr'1 in llre tlt'trtonslflluln at'c .lri.t'ltltilt's.'l'ltt, 1tt'it,sls tr'ltrr ltnltililulctl ;rlr.: l'trllrt.r',lost'plr (hnnollr'. a co.clririLuran of the -lllllul't_:-l-11I'l':'_ rillt":T:i:_1, Monlreal ecumenical meetlng draws observers?Pr ayers llrc tlhttt'clt's re.\p{}ltsil)ilitics to FR. 'I'ltc (-irtfiolir' of llolal' lhc attitrrdc of Illc ecttttlctlit'itl By WALTON HANNAH lrositioir oI tlro lrt,ld ol tlrc crrr', rrerrli. ]faith anrl ()r.dcr. cttnlinrrcs trutltor o.f tl.is orlir:lc rlns reccir:rrrl into thc C'littrclr. lc!{arrlcrl as ittstt'ttnlctlts ol visiblc to its tliflr:ttlltces. lltc tlrosc orttsitlc tlrc Iolcl pot.alt cpiscopatc, thc papac):' ist policl , nrlt llccattse of atty nr()\'cltlcllt 'l'lrr as a sepal.ittc conrnri.ssion. itr I$55 cJlel seli:itt(, Ior l{i Urrrrt'siit lhc rlriglir:trtt ittittislri/ itt Ltr11' 'tt'atltlly itt- trrrit . irrtr.r'natiorral ccurrrr'rricul itttct" tttrttc ltits Ilonrt bt'tltt 1 (.'nlirolir: pt'iest. rlisaglcctncltt s'i{lr Anglican ll'rorrting rvlrir,lt operrs in llontlcal lantl. {innrtrrrierl, hc rrts oldnittcrl o o.flcr fottr ;\ spilit o{ optinrisnr lrclvarlerl plctation.s ot'cpiscopatf in thc lc t'cstt:tl. ol stttdy 01. t.he Ralt L'ollage itt Ilotrrrt. Sirrr:r: t9i9. ltc Iitr.s lhr' Jul1, l? \\'oolion(l has spccial tlrc eallict' intclnational con[of- 37r:rrIs 'lbstatttctlt pt'itn' Nen' or in the AN aloolttess itr srsuiIicanct- lor' ('allrolics ltt'carrse rlorl,'0rl ot. tlte Cuthol.ic lrqrriry Fottttti itr. rllorttrr:rrl nrrrl is rt frr:rlttcttl THERE WAS crtces of lraitlt anrl Older at l,arr- itivc Churclt. lltc calll' tla1s' I'optl ['itt.s XI tt s'ill I aktr up issues Ctllurlics sanne (1027) nnd at lklirrlxrr.gh lct:trrrer orr. et:rorrrrlictrl srrbjccls. ha

inrl s(,r,n lhal rt is 11i'rtc|ally tott" sirk'r'ate antl lrcrtcvolt'nt t{rwitr(l llrr: lkrly Stt'. Wt' givc i1 rvillirrXlt tltt' rt'$'rttrl "l (,ilr' pttlrlit' t't'tilg. lf io known thrl lhe rugger- nrliurr arrtl olll' lionr submilled by Crrdinrl !.{l'iltilu(l(,," Monlini ln preparrlion for lhe POPE PAUL ol,st'tt crl llltl €ouncil wcrc more defliled and thor'c is a r'ornpaLison hr'ln'r,r'rr ler.reaching lhrn lhose "llrt' of olher rcllticns, criist irrl{ r)r' l)os- bishops. sihlt', of {)ur aposlolit' nrinislry 'l'ltc qlct'tt,rl l'oPc nrctnlrt't's of attrl 5 0ilt' pl'olossi()il as jUrrt'rral. Itt tho spring beforo thc opcn. "collr.:rtrrt's tlre l)l'css its ;rntl ists." llc arLlt'rl lltal ltc rtotrlrl ing of llrt' Llouncil tlxr :\r.clrhislrop LONG'5 fricttrl"" nhr,n ht, rt'ct'rrr'rl llrorrl tlrt {o itrto lhc su!.illl in tlris tlis- of illilan issuetl a Lcnlen palitrtrnl l.{l{t{) rt'r|srrtt n itt an ilrrrlit'ncc ('rlllfs('. st'r'tttittg lt) l)t r)lrlirn ;t Barber& BeautyShop lcttcr rvlriclr anticipatctl lhc tnairr {.tilll(' 3ll} rrr !lrt, \'illicurr's ('lt'ur, 'l'htn "SIroukl 6r.tlrr,r' rlclr,!rpptcnl. ;f lhc nral.. (lorulcil lrc aslictl: tVe HOIY IE$TIVAL collc(trns thc SPIRIT w:ls lutel' to 2807 N. Franklin eiltilro llall. tcl at. a latcl tirrre. ext)rr'-ss, notably llrt: collcgialily :rltetittiltc tlrc oxltft'-ssiorr of Orrr. - llcsporrrlinr{ to lrlit'I i{rc('tiuus 72OOEAST IOth STREET Il'iDIANAPOLIS FL 9-4740 of lhc cpiscopael', the associiltiori t.llltiiturlt: [rt.r::rrrsr. ol tlrc nrany oI spoli.c:ttrt,rr for tlrc flrcign atrrl of lll the bishops in thc rrrriuer.- llirlltls rll flrrr,.r'. llt,, itrirt'r,ttrar.ir.'s llrrlian llrt'ss itssocilrtioni, l)o;lc sirl Irnsloral authority and lespon, nntl rttrtirut,l,v c()nltrr'nls rylriclr !'attl spoltc in Ilalilrr. llranli.ing SUNDAY sibility of the Sovcrtign Pontiff. urly ltavc beon sr:r'n irr tltc t.c. - lltt,rn lol tlrt'il scrvit'cs lo tlrtr :Y::1'- FRTDAY- SATURDAY SUNDAY polts nrrrl intt.r'plotil{irrns ol tlris MATINEE MATINEE New trlole significilnt stilt. horvevcr'. (llrtrleh :rn(l ('\pt'r'ssilt{ his lrltplc- cIell{. lo0 Jrt'r'lirr0trl to {)rtr llct- rvere tlre citrtions in thc tlocrr. cintiorr ol'tltc l)l1rhh'lns of thlir "ll srllt alttl l()r) ttlucll cotttt'ollctl lrv is !l'uc lhal {)ttt' flllrcl n'as NOON Er ntcnt. (X 35 contemporary all- tash,s. FORD? pulllit: r4riniorr? ;r iortlnali,st nf :rnolhcr lirnt'. atul thols cilcrl only cight wcr.e Ital. lo THE "lVu for tn:rrty yt:lls t'tlilot of a ttroth'st Used iarrs. POP€ sirrqlcrl out t$"r) rvill lrc irrr{ulgcnt torvalrl Rcfelence $as nratle to thc pnrvirtcill trtc('llt rrvcrll5--tlrc death rif tlrose arbilels of lrut coulagcous rlai13'. rvolks of IIatrs Kutng (tluotcd Itopc .iorrrnnlisnr*llits- 5:00 llrrl. $'r'ro \le:tsketl lo say h1' 26'27-28 g1r111- July (longar, .lohn :rnrl llrrt corr<,lavc-lti t{)o conlnlon.--tixing Orrr.attcntion ,;, trrict'), Yvcs tle Lrrbac, ('()n\0iouin(.s\ plintt'tt{ t}rr'.iorrlnllisls gcrtcr.al rtltill profls:itrriltl Itunrano Guarrlini. (laltlinals lirr. l r.r'- irrslclrl ttn ilrc ualuc of hc lrns nninra{r.rl lnrl b1'rtltat 2 FREE Srrent'ns, I'r'ings anrl Lt'gcr', '1111:11r::: Il,,:: 2 FREE antl ._1111lt' lllt: :::lltr :ll",.l1t':'_lllt':::,"lll":::'L'1.,::: nrot'al vittut's hc rvts srrstninlrl, Iloberto Lamharrli, S.,I.. n hosc BlcYct.Es 1\'t' llclit:r'c tltat. u'itlioirt lrcing BICYCLES YouAre Invited To Dinner book orr nt'ccled lcfolnr in tht: s*'a1'erl ln' rffr'cliott, We criultl CLIP COUPON p.m. till ? CLIP COUPON Church had bcen blastcd by 0s. FRtDAYT Fish Fry served 4 Popc"s crilicisrn 0[ llace lho pt'olilc of ;r pu'sott *'ho FROM Chicken & Ham served 2 p.m. tifl ? FROM servalorc llonlatlo lnd rvitlrdr.arvrr play SATURDAY: I corrsirkrt'eil Ihe prcss as u slrlen- fi'onr eilculation. CRITERION SUNDAY: Chicken & Beef Noon till ? CRITERION rlirl nrul ('olu'ilg('{)rrs trtissiotr irr (l'atlrer JULY 26 JULY 26 Kueng is clcan of the thc scn,icc of tnttlt, dr.'rnoclnc.r' 'lucbingt'n theological Iaculty of antl ploglcs.s, in a rvolil, in the Sandwiche* and Pirrr Snrck rt All Timer DINNERS * Adultr $1.25, €hildren 60c (icntrany; Unite lsity, Fntlrer about llius XII sen icc of thc public n'elfnre. Yvts Congar, 0.1,., is a notcd "lVc lt'fcr to lhis fat:t, n()t iltench theologian, as is li'irthtrr \/.^'l'ICAN {'l'l'Y-,.i\ k'tlcr l[is sintPll'to give lo that flcnri dc Lubac. S,J.; li'ather Ikiliness l)rrpt' l'arrl VI rvr.otc bt:- Pt'aisc BILL QUIGLEY c,:Tl'L'J8, r r.enorvnedfol'e tlle conclnvc in tlt:Icnse of nrost rvot'tlry rllall so ver'5' tlcar to you. gcntlcnrcn _ryy3 llope llirrs NII lras bccn pulllishcd Us, but. lo tell of pt'ess, pt'ctlisltoscd (,lttttr'Ztl) in thc \ratican Llity Ihe Itorv is Our to s1'nrplthl', t'stccur arrrl lN PRIZES rllily L'Osst'r'r'aturc Ilonrano, tninrl $6,500 trte lrttl for HatfieldFord 'fhc "Dic tlrrst. f()t n'lrat 1'otr - lcttcl lc{t'r's to FRIDAY - Emerson Portable TV SATURDAY Emerson Porlable TV Stcll" rvlrat rvott {l(). it. lllltkes J'{ll Ouf vertl'et(,r" ('l'lrc Strnd 613 N. Capitol Vicar.), n play collcagues and flicrtds." I9'lnch on Rollrwry Stand l9-lnchon RollrwrY by Gelnrau plays'r.ight ltolf I.Ioch- point huflr, u'lricir poltlay.s l)opc Pius At this such loud anel ME 9-558I XII as a selfi.sh. corvar.rlly pol'- "AN snsininctl applause bttt'st ft'onr lltc ATTITUDE of contlcurtt;r" joulnalists t.ician r';lro shalcs lhe thrt the l'opc could blanrc for titrrt arul o{ protest, rvhiclr hc lrlzi (;r'l'trriuly's extclnrination rrot currtinrrc his rliscottt'sc fot' I.STOP SALES of l.rlantes tlrtl Popc fol avoirling, ove r six nrilliotr .f ctv.s lrec:rrrse sr:r'clal nrintttcs. he rvoultl havc llccrr not rtseless AND FINANCING only dirl trot intelccrlt: rlircctlf in thcif PRIIE llut ltalnrful. POPE PAUL NOTED thal hc SUNDAYGRAilID bchalf. "'l'he 'Dir-- thesis of Stellver lrarl another claint lo affinity with LARGEsELECTION tleter' shorvs an insufficielt psy" the joulnalisls by reasott of tlte chological, political and histoli- uaurc I'aul rvhich he hatl tnken. crl insiglrt into t'eality, in trying "lt 'lo is alntost courttronlllacc to clotlro tlrrrt reality rvith thc- ()f WHITE$DIttA( see in ,St. Pattl*thc atlthor 1963 atlical charrn. "lf epistles rvhich tht'ouglt their doc- Fius XII had tlone rvhat tlinal, etlucational antl in[onna- A NEWWAY IO SAVE! AFTER POINTING out tlrat he Ilochhuth lcpronches hint for. not tivc aims have bcclt dircctctl kne'rv Popc Pirrs ucll afte'r rvolk- doing, thele rvoultl have hacn Riclt:s On l\Iidu at On Your New Cer Purchrso torvalrl the achicvettront of those -r"'liiesta t h."te'At ing rr'ith lriru tlaily fronr 1937 such leplisals antl srrch devast:r- ccrtain goals rvlticlt tltt: prcss rvhen l)ius u'as still Papal Sccle- tion t.hat, aftcr tlre rvar, llock- ,r\' ADVANCE DISCoUNT FAMILY RIDE TICKETS "$t$o still has today*a forct'tttttrcr of tnt'y of Statc to t954 rvltcn the huth himself, rvith better histor.i- oo{ 63 RAMBTER-170857,*3',{'r.{.1,iii*,plr-.sent joulualisrn in the sclvice o{ tia. lropc rvas lanrcrl Alcll' cal, political irntl rnoral evalua- '(\*' thougltt, c;oor)rlN nlo,,t?,Trnlblll:fryi',11ioLn*r'.n,,o Only 68.67 Dwn. - 57.31 [T of illilan, the thcn Calrlinal tion, could have rvr.ittan another "lVc "FAMILY" FESTIVAL N!ontinr \\'r'0lc thlt Pius was tlrartra, nrrrch tnole realistic antl rvill rrol, dwt: ll on tltis NO OTHER DISCOUNT TICKETS DURING PLUS you may receive a cash dividend resultlng lrom your noblc antl vililc lathcr than corv- nrore interesting thar tlre one hc palailclisnt, rvhich rvottltl tcqtrit'e pulclra.se. Rodockerexclusive-lst payrn'nf Scpt, -Anothcr lat, if alrlly anrl tlrat lrn rvas by no has so boldly, though so unfortrr, so rnuch eatttiolt attd Lcsetvc. desircrl, Got thc rlctails of this sensationaiirofit-slruiing pian r.neans ol,.pollunistic. nntely, staged: that through poli- [Ve rvoulrl say, t'itthe t', that tlte Now oN sALE todly. Nobot.ll'cau sell for lessl "Fultlrclmole. I rvhy Pius psyclrologi- rtpostle of tlte (ien. "\{e as to tical exhibitionisur or anxiety of the I IOIhAND SHADELAND Really Trdtle,, XII nray lol have &ssunrerl cal ttttivet'sal evangclizatittn a calclcssness, tlre l)ope would tiles for MERCHANTS stand of violcnt conflict rvith IIit- Itavc bccn guilty of letting loose is ft'ont this day ftrr*'at'tl in ottr I n60w, r6rh MEr.54{. lcr to spalc tnillions of Ilcblervs nole Luiu on lhe rvorld, already healt, rvlrile lVc hrrnrbly pt'ay tltat t SALEclosEs RQDQCKERRAMBTER florn ttazi slatrglrtcr," lru u'r'otc, so torttrcnted, to the lrurt, not so through his itttcrcttssiott, hc rvill JULY 25th "it I THURSDAY, is ttttderstitnd nctivu Whcrc Srrvicr lr Prrt ol thc Salr not lrnld to nirtch of lrinrsell as of corrntlcss rnlke it ine xtinguisltalt. , fot' tltose rvho rlo uot fall into innocent victinrs." antl cfficaciorts." THE CRITERION, JIJLY 12, 1963 PAGE THREE

={lilutilillililililililiiilnilluiiliiiliiillllllllllllltlltllllltllllllttlllllllltllltllllilllllilliilril T H E CHURCH AND THE WORLD rtttttttttttt =r)l - - = raPat uisit fmmigratiort laws Missio ners return The Vatican all nrilitaly clraplaincics rrtlrcr tlran 5'icltl to the (lcnlRn(l that 50 llurltlhist hc al4rointctl, accolding to infolntcrl sources, 'I'hcfc itre rrorv about 50 Vietnanl- csc Catltolic plicsts artd four' l'r'otcstiint nlinistols sclving ls conrmissionctl chrplains in Vict- nRlnesc irlnrcrl folccs, Accortl- ing to ol'licinls, tlrc larv and lhc tlc{cnse budgct harl plovitlcd lol llurltlhist clraplnirts, but urrtil norv no Iiutltlhist honzcs () hatl applicd. \Vithin thc past lrvo u,ct ks, ho\\'r.\'cl', the lJudtlhist grorrps rrlro have llcclr afiitatilg aglrinsl tlrc govcltrltcnt havc dc- rutattrled irf) r:lrnpla ittr:ir:s.

t IOWA Ct-fY, lowr-1he only 0 IIONC Ht)N(; ..,-' An official "sell-styled rfale university in the counfry u,:rlning u ga i ns[ '(iutlurlic' lhai offers r docfor's degree in sclrorlls" flaudrrlcntly Diamond& Jewelry Appraising religion and lhree reminaries- lr'.t'rttti lo caslr itt ott thc ltiglr Crthollc, Lulheran and Presby- rt'ptttlrtiorr of tlro (jallrolic t'drtca- (tr'or Irrsrlronce I'rlrpo,scs) lerian-heve lormed r uniqve t iotr;rl s1'sl.crrr ltcle . ltas llccrt is. Ureing r Conghh Sltlln A?trlvGd |y tndlnq Ins, A!!nli rnd f,omprnier Associalion of Theologicrl Frc- srrcrl lly tlrr: t'lxrnt,cllrrt'ol tlrc llio- lliunrond llrokers lislntn Appnlisnls ulfies. Thc heodr of the Stale ('('se of I lortg Kong. (lhittt:sc Univerrily of lowa School of nowsl)al)ols lrow t'a!'ry advcltise- DiamondApprairing Co. of Ind. Religion ond lhe lhroe semin. rrrr,ttls cr cr'1' rlity of ir grrlrvinyl aries, all rl Dubuque, said the nunrlrcl of plivalc st:hools rlc- Wm. P. Nicholr 920 Strle Lifc Bldg, For Appoinlment 15 E. Warhinslon Sf., lndpls. (4) ME 2.3800 associaiion wrs lormed lo ccplivcl.r' llbeling lhcn15s11,c5 "'('ntholic." rfrengfhen scholarly programJ Sin<:c l!)tiz, ll{}n- and rcsources ri lhe four (latholir: clriltllcn t'onstitu{c closc rchoolr. lo trvo-lhilrls ol ltrc lll,748 stu. rltnts attcntlirtg thc l8$ plinrat'y, Abroad st'conrlar'1', anrl tcchnical schools ctrntltrt:tcrl ln' tlrc rl ot'c"c antl lry nrissionat'ics.

I l'opc ['itttl {olrl llrtlot'(illittto m'fiil,ts (lily rlclll I'ot'llt lttil Iiottlt"s ?dP thulcil of ltis ltrvt lor lltc t'il1' tts "fittlror', lhc gttitle lttld lcarltt't' SAIES& SERVICEOF r.ntlttstt'tl rvi!h ils slrit'lttral tlcs' tiny utttl rcsponsiltlt' hrt its (';tlltolit' Goodall Simpficity (fhlislian ltttl lilt'."'l'ht: l)opo lolil tlrr ol'licilrls irt itn ltrtli' Hand & Power Lawn and Garden cn('c lllil{ ltis itflr'cl itttt alltl in- Rolaryr Power lcrcst itl llottlt. ('{lttlcs florn his Equipment t'olc its llishop ol liornc antl tltat "tt'ltilc Wc consttltt' litttttc so vcry rurrreh ()urs. lltt' tlttll ftrrtcliort \\rc Pennsylvania lambert a{tlibrtlc {o orrlst'lt itr ils lcgilrtl Hand & Power Hand & Powered ls tlt:rl. of ()ttt' apostolit: ltllnlstry- IJc c(rtt I inu,s ["i,5. R ads Reels Sweepers d ;\rlrllt'ssing lcatlel's of lltrt | \Votttcn's tltrurn of ltali;rrt {latlrrtlir: ;\r'lirttt, l'o1ltt I'attl callctl ott illl ME 4-2825 t'allrolic rv()nl{tll trt gil c llf{';l{{'r totutt rdsCltur(:h. I"r. C'rott it t lfiurns assisllutcc lrt tltr'it' llltttsltt's atttl A. DAUTIil(0. INC. l\l(t'{l 1r'(}lllr'll 1IERBERI tlioct'scs. llt' ;rlso "t'tttr}tttttllit}' Irl pt'olll{}l{' lt solts(l 650VIRGINIA AVE. \Y'\SlllN(;1'()\ .'\ lttorttttllttl .lohrr \.\lll's cttcJcltt'ltl I'ilt'trltt !r'titt rlartragc. lirl t'rutttPle, if rt ('hlislilrn 'l't'r'r'rs rrf ltr ttt!1" ;tttrl lrr lirllotv ( ['t'rtt'r' ott l'iattlt] cat'- r'rrtrLl ittflucncc t ltt' lt'cntl ol llttt ;rtrall'st of r'olllllrulllsl tacttr's lllt.i rn lltr'it'lllicsls tn lltc ltlitclict oI rrrovcrrtotrl t'itr'iltl,ittslit:e iu rrlrrrr,'rl thll lhe lr.S. llctls itt'e Itr't lltts rt':tt', lirl st'll'rh'ttirt l. 'l'irr'tr' olir.r'ittg lhc lritttrl ol frion(lshll) l{) trt't'r' cltt'ltt't' itttlicalions illlI nitti()lr. lf violr'ttr'r' \\'()t'(' {(} ('hrtlch. 's rl llt'ttril's I't'csi lltr' t':ttlrrtltc llc sitttl ol l clrlrtgr' in tlrt' pat'11 :ttl t- lrt' srrbslitrrtcrl lirl tu)tt't tol0ttt I'olrr'l';rrrl lolrl qot "it rr't' corttlitiorts .lolro {iurrlrrrl Ilr' tttl\ls lllitt. MONUI,IENTCO. lher sltoulrl ll('gilllvc l t'- Irrtlc lorvaIrl lltr' ('lttrt'r'lt. hc sltttl. l)r'()t('sl. cotrltl ltnve rlorrt ASKREN " spollsp. lrrtl lorunttrni.ls lltrttli lt;lt't'ltt itt lrplrtositrlrltttll ctt il rtrtt, lhc t'ulholic ltittltliotts ol ltt'itzil $Al e. Warhinston 31. Indirnrpolir ('t 'l'r:n'is "tlllilo(l- strciitl 1'111ls1'.lolrn 1". rrnirt. S.S., opcns lht' tloot' l{} u'rll bt'itt!t it.llltilrlv ittttl ,,.T'IS'II NCTIVI: C}I]\IIETT]RY ltt (ittttlatl assrstlnl tlit't't'lol ttf tltt' Sot'iitl l r1)nl I'r'lill l()lrs." l)r{)rIf(\ss.llt'saitl lltts I\I E}IORIAI,S SINCT] I-q35." .'\t'tion l)t'pat'{ rtrt'trl of tlre Na- "'l'lrc antl his (,ttt()urilgt follou,ttt!1 {l tuslon Drrigncl in Our Own thop r'ut'lir't itttltc:tlirtns," hr' Crcdif hrn; ; . . lhlr Wirh Drlivly tion;tl (-alltolic lVrltat't' ('olllt'r' "rt'r't hlll'ltotn"s pt'ii;tlr' lttrlit'ttt't' rlitlt slirl, c lltr' lirt'rt lrt'il'lltttlitnS 'l'hc l'tl('(\. lllil(lI htI r'r)rtllll('lll ilt lltl thc I'resirk'nl. I'o1tc itlstr - - attitude of tltc ('ltrrtllt. as shtttttt Cafl FL 7-7629 iltc lv ierr'. spolie rvitlnrll- ol. hrs r-isil lo lit';t- 'l'lre in lhc c('tttltr'tticrtl t'otttli'il: thtl Sulpician pt'ics{'s ol)st'f\':l- zil llrlce .\'cill's ilili) uhilt' lrc u'rts tillirtgttt'ss of tlrc Iloll' St'tl ltt llc tiotts rlt't'tt sortgltt itflr't' t'et't'ttl ,{r'chbislurp uf l\lilan. Itat c c()tllacls s ilh t'ottttttttttisI lilu rli*scloscttrc tltat eotrttnrttttsls havtr sllokosnrt'lr: lnd tlte itrcrr'astltg bitl lot intitations lo {lt'l}att (}tl social ittfltrt'trcc of tltc (-atltolic conrlition At home LI.S. Catholic urllt'gc ratrtprtses, ('lrut'ch ht'r't', as sltou'tt in tltc Na' l\'lng . 'l'itc I,'rlhcl Clonin has u'r'itlcn antl I I)n'l'nOI'l' Naltottal l,ltlrt lional ('otrlt'rcnec orr lir'liilion atltl Itt't'r'. sprrkt-s *r'itlcll' ort r()nltlrttllisrtl, " rlliott r\ssrlci:tliun ltls t't'lart'tl t1s Ila cc. {.\posrn* ils (oltls attrl lactits in rnists will sceli to nris policl,' ol' lolll opprrsilion lrl an\' I'nrlct' tht' tltrct'lion of (lus IIirll, lertltorrks, rtnd tttrt.irrr plopos:tl frtt' l.'r'tlt'r':tl sr'ltool arrl lurtttpltL'ts r'ltiiilnun rrf llur pltt'lJ'. ltc s;titl, spt r.che s bofule t.';rllrolic itttrl u'lrich itrclrtrlt's lrclp [rll r.rlrrc;rIiorr llt{' ('{)ll)l)ltlllisls t'csoht'tl to scttd 'l'lrc otltct'gluttps. itt ttonlltthlic sclrorrls. :rsso. il l('llol'11) {'iltholic lcntlct's ltl lle slralcs llrc krrou'lctlgt'of tlrc crtlion's l)cir{atc ,\srcnrlrll, ttt rts r rtliotts cit it's. (l()\\,tr iltllrrt)'s t r) l) irtrti.t'otttttrrtrtist "'l'his l0lsl e()nvontion vulr'tl iltr lr'ttcI rlottltl tr'lt't' to llte l'atchdogs anrl is rvidcll crt'dilcd lunrcnrlnrcnt l)l'{'s('n{(,(l frorl tlrt: cncl'clrlat, sttr{gestin!{ spr'lkt't's l'ilh hlling corlliucctl tlrt n-(lon- llool rvlriclr u'orrkl lrirrc t'('-coln- and tlcbalt'-s ltt'ottnd lltt' tltlt:tltttt'nl, grcsslnrlr Ilichrttrl Nixotr of cotn- nrittr:rl flrr' l)u$'{'l'lul orplar.tizatiorr a|orrntl lht, conrmttrrist l)osttrot! 'l'lur ntunist ittfillt':tl ion in lbt golt'r'n' Io ils pas{ posttion. rrcrv pol, anrl arorttld iltt stttlResliotts u'hct'e nlcnt. kttorrlerlgc rrhit'h Ni.rorr rt:1,is nol a blank clrttcli. Dclr'. llre l)opt r::rlls lrrt' poslttrc t'ott- tusr.rl in tlrr. scrtsltiorttl lltrl r'x' gatcs n'llc loltl lhat llrc n- l;l;\ si ill IIilrrrliotts," ltt' .irirl. l)tstttsstrrtl 0l the lillo l9.l()s. rvould oppost l,'otlelal crlur:atiorr lxrs('s rn ('atlrolic collt'gt's \\'.ls r'spc- FATHER CRONIN snirl tlrc ('iit ll)" t'nc(,rii iiir'il. (l(Dltnrunist I'at'tr', [].S..-\., trlitlc "ntajol HE DISCLOSED tlte Iierls al- a rr.r't'rsnl {!l polir'1'" lcatll have oflcrcd utritetl-llottt Projcctsrcview cornplctccl alt0r'rssuarrce of thc late l-01tc suggcstiorrs to lop ('atlrolic lcad- cls. olle r-rn1i lo q'ot'k * itlr lhcrtt in llr':ts srtt'h ls tatc t'ttlirttotts, for rlcxl corillcil pt'acc lntl civil li;lltls. sossion "'l'lrosc ol[t'r's lravt: bcctr tc- 'l'ltc \tA'l'lCr\N Cl'l'Y--'l'hc (lt,ntt'al plo.jct'l nrr frtstd." If;rtlter (ltonin sitirl. rrtlltrtrrottl' n.lrs "ttturosl ('oolrlinating Conrnrission of the itttt'otlttt'c

Clltlinal Sutncrrs Ihcrt r.cuortltl otr lhe u'ot'k rlrrrrc hv tlrc rrri.'icrl ('oulluissi(Jll corttltoscrl 0l' trtcnr- 'l'lrcokruical Itcrs ol l ht (lonrnris. sion antl thc urrity sccr.ctariaI olr rcvising thc purl.s of lhn ltlojcr'1 on tltc nalur.e ol thc (,thurch in . P|ANOS& ORG.ANS o SHEET MUSTC I'hich ilte lrvo boilics hayc a rrru- . STEREO . TV & RADIO tttal intcl'cst. Canlinal I.crnanrlo . BAND INSTRUMENTS . MUSICSCHOOL Ccnto, prcsirierrl oI thc (.]ornnris- siorr otr Conrnrunicalions I\lcrlra an tltlrc Lay Apostolatc, an(l filsgr.. Achillc (ilolicrrx, sccr.etaly of thc san.rc conrmission, io111c111n 11',' prcscllt at i0n.

Aftcl this. Ar'<.lrbislror:r l1:r.iclc Moore,Kirh & Usher ficli<'i, st'r'r'ctar'5' gt'ncliil ol thc t:orrncil. c.rplaint:tl in tlctail a pro- posal lol inrplrlving inlornratiorr fitnret.of ff rlnrcs- scn'iccs tlrtr.ing tlru corrrrcil's sec. otttl scssion, i\[stlr'. If atrstrt Val. 534?G' lainc, dilct'tol oI tlrc rouncrl o lrvington y-li!';'"" 1rt'oss offict'. trnsrlclcrl crrr.stions allottt Ilrt' l)l'()l)csill. lt rrits ;rp pt'ovctl ll.v tltc t:crrltal (.olunrsslo,r. r Nor'rhside'oo'*1"''ilo"ori""' 1'hc centlal conlnrrssiolr rvill nlc0l ot-rcc rr.rorr lle[ofr' Ihc otren. ing ol' llre sccurrrl srssirrrr ol llrt' to"r,t'r-1ttlott' 'l'lrc r Lawrence eottncil. brrsincss anrl Iirrrrr of tlte ltttttlt'rnrt'ting \r'clc llr)L w ttttottttr:t:d. a CRITERION,JULY 12,1963 PAGE FOUR THE

Like every other gift that God has given us, automation purpose l||tl||||ll|l|||t|l||l||t|l||||||||||||tn||||||||||||||ll|||t||||t|t|||||||||||t||||||||i||||[i|||l[||||| The ultimate of an eeonomy is not better ma- tfcn vs. rraehines uli.tst be rrsed rightly. Automation prescnts its ploblems. chines or better products, but better men. lVhat happens to the rvorkers who are displaccd? IIow is "All Modern man is in every bit as much danger of losinp = t'oril rrl{'n 1 things thtrt Ciod has made al'e good"-this state' the incrcased florv of products to be consrrined, fair prices 'l'hese his personality as Red Riding }Iood cn the way to Grand-- rep' c)f tlte nrost basic and encotlrflging pt'ittciplcs maiuttrinetl, distribution assurcd? Droblelns mirst be The opinions expressed in lhese ediforlal columnl lncnt is ollc mother's house, if the trend torvard automation is not guided philosophy, llasic becatlse it determinas our out- mct rvith Christian solutions. rqsenl s Catholic viewpoinl-nol notersarily THE Cafholic of Cirtltolie by a healthy respect for the value of the individual and a it guarantces Gotl's "automated"-reli- viewpoinl. TheY are efforls ol tho editors lo servo publlc looh on life; cncouragitlg bectruse Capitalisrn, thc father of automation, without Clhristian reverence for the things that cannot be happctts in the universe. nouns to guirle it, can be very rrearly as bad as econon)ic gion, culture and art. opinion within the Church rnd wilhin lhe Nstion. $'&tchful cye oll nll that collrmunisln. It must not be tlermitted for autornation to used to refer to thc That as many men as po$sible share in the benefits The rvord arttot't'ttttiott is commotrly bling harm to the vast majol;ity of people and excessive of increased productivity shoukl definitely be the goal of in- incrcasing displactlttrcttt of rvorkcrs by self-regulating lrla- banefits to a fcrv industrialists. Automation rvith its greater (hlstry, and greater matcrial wealth should result in lhat (iod is gttitling lho ttnivcrse is not a sufficicnt errrl to be pursucd in itself. the Confusr.d l,hinking chirrcs. Sittct' rve knorv l)ro(lrrction An development of cultural and spiritual life. ,r'e crlrt be confidcttt thtrt atttolllation c:rn bc a goo(l thing, ocollolny airncd solely at producing lnol.e nt less cost woukl gii11lertld lo all solts oi ctnbirt't'assitlg {.0nfus0cl tlrinking irxl lhal it has happcllod ill oul' olvn rltry becattsc Qotl ltas bc nu cconomy tltat ceirses to have as its objcct the real and The machine must never be permitted to triumph situllions. rvillcd it to bc so. llonnal lr)an. over man,

I QUEST|ONBOX 6'nLLTtrETw PRoJEer O CONTROVERSY Pt'otcstatrtlcirflet Moral s0lllc pos()rs t'alscs I tcaching debated O BY MSGR. J, D. CONWAY Sharp diffaronces in the approach Roman Catholic scnrinarics takc lo tcach O, The Mission Boerd of e fasl'growing Prol' moral theology were re- denominrlions har irsued a leallef wlfh a list vealcd in thc clo.sctl.door scssions of the Catholie eslrnf 'I'heohgy Socicty of of queslions lhey would liko Cotholicr fo .nswer' America, according to some "Ask pricsts Tho ne me of lhc lerllel ir a Catholic." who attended tho nrectings in St. Louis, 'l.lrc scvtl'ill l]]ollths agtr.rvltctt rlistaslt[ul tn0ss st:rrled Will you lell me where the rnswers crn be fovnd rvlts tlcttit'

St'r'tttittgll' sho rlclL't' lcat'ttctl tltat jttstice llltlst be scl'\'cd tilsl. 1h:rt chit'il5' btriltls tlpoll itlstict) which it cnlloblts tul(l cnlal'ges. 'l'hose u'ho tttigltt havc etrlightencd ltet', avid0lltl)', filile(l lo do so for fcitr thcl' rright oflcnd lltc bcttcfilctor tt'lto tvas hclpiug llrctn cxtcnd thc bcncfits of Christian edtlcatioll' 'l'heir'inlentions IIc arklctl tlurt tlreolo'{ical tluths rnust nevcl be s.ct'c illso thc best, bttt they, too, stlctlrctl divorccd ft'ont the tnen they rvcrc intcnderl frrr, to hrltr bct'tt cottfttscd. I''ather ,lohn (ioultncy I\Iulray, S,J., anothcr' ('onfusctl thinking tlocs lcrtl to all sot'ts of ctnbilrt'ttssing lVoorlstock thcokrgian, stlcssed tlris sanrc tenor in situalrons. an intelvinv. IIc attributed the inrproved clinrate for'

"'lhela 'E.lt .is nrolt-. flccdonr today for idcas," Irathcl "l *r:ia I sins' of papor blastccl t\Iulr':ry sairl, lhink rvc havc bcen to a certain Slarles' righls cxlent nflaitl ol ontcling a lull dialogue rvith our scp- 'I'o " lltr: I'lrlilor: r,nls rlon't *'olly llccatrsc lhey fl r'atr:rl blc[111'911, 'l'hlnks "llt':trlittg also't'njoy' tlrcse things, for thc I,es- I[e sairl nruch coukl bc qaincrl llonr these diseus- sort" in tlrc ctlitot'i;tl (toltttttn of 1Ve lrnrl llellel givc this somc sions, rvhiclr itrvolvc tlrcologians to n great cxtcnt. 'fltc "llrrtrtittrl' 1'our' .ltrl1' .5 isstt0, scf iotrs llrottrlrt ot' havc wc for- "for tr'.s" scc{iott ttl' tltt sittttc crlltttlttl g{)lt('n II(}ly Sctip{ttre says, s'lur aftet' a rvottran has sltottlrl hrve ittclrtrlcrl a I't'fet't'nee Irr' lttsts allcarly crrnrurittcrl atltrltely rvitlr to part'nls' st't iotts ttrtlrnl tlllliga' her'." l'ivr: nrinutcs of pt'ay'cr tion to also crrnlt'ol tlrc fot'm.* o[ pcr cottkl 'l'lrc flonr tlris fun-u'orlrl, day Itc

i\Iost Protestants rvould not simplify the process of quite as much as you state it. They know that we must acceptJesus as Savior, and that o inrplies faith, hope and love, supported by other private virtues. \Ye are a bit nrore precise; we insist that O. f s it cuslomrry for a persotr receiving prierf sanctity antl salvationconre to us through our union inslruclrons lo become a Catholic lo gfvc fhc 'You "gllering" with Christ in IIis ltlystical tsody, and wc have the SxoUtDALhalo I{EAR gLAcK'N'$/l{lrE/ an al lhe conclusion of lhe inrlnrclionr? help of the seven sacranientsto effect and maintain gl6TER...lTs TOyOU.' VERYoEcotvttttCr Say sonrc lor him' that union. A, No, Pl'aYers THE CR|TER|ON,JULY 12,t963 PAGE FIVE

O TTTE YARDSTICK O WHAT OF THE DAY Medical care of aged l\rEAond'so,nctions'

8y REV. JOHN DORAN In all of this tve liutl it easy to 'I'herc bc itr synrpathy rvith the N.-E..r\. in sooDls to btl [r'orrble its strugglc to upgrarle the Ievel brcrvinll itr thc Natiottirl llrluca- of tclchers' sallr.ics autl rvorking teaching tion Assot'intion ovcr I hc qrrcs- and Catholic coutlitions. 'lhc tion o{ sartctions. tlutstion rcsolvcs to tlris: slrall thc N.lrl.A. 9y MSGR' GEORGEHICGINS Dr- Annis is pnrticrtl;rrlyttn- r)r'.!.rtrr;*,d n. .\*uis. p'csitlcrrt li:i.ilil;*l",""lt,il:'rli]il..i,'li..i{lill: ,,jril,:1,,,,,,,,,,,:'"i.',i:,*:,;l,mi:f:tltdj:;'.;,;'l;'lijf;.,ii}li, stlltirrttt, itil;..{ii:':iftiffiW ol thc Aurr'ri,:lrt -llt'tli,';tl r\ssot'i' caru. illy rvr'itings on this Ilonrld' rcIlet't '1il' ation, hus rlcr ttsttl rtn inrpttt'tlrttt hc tolrl tltc Stlt' lllli;t illii}'**;ffi'',&.ffi :lll'ilJ;l-l,l;,i:'i:'iJif,ll"";.,,"';li,lilll;l,1liffl'?,1,ii''.1J"?1,,?'lf'.l,::l:ll stgmcnt of lhe t'atlrotkipr,:ss il111.111':klll:..:1,.t;ll":1"'ii::](.].!r,']il'l :ilj,lll.!,iil.,il',i' l,lii,,i,l'h1,,,'J'iii';1,lilll .,:i,u*ll l,li..,il',:',ii'l'jl,i,l.l";,l'iilii{:*'* "il'-"':I,;l:it'ffi i: *iui'tHlliJli"$llh'li!l';;:;; ,,,;1;l"i[;.,'i';,liillll""1i:i,,lll,Tilii,,;i rvhichsr'our'' iilill;i:;:lj, ,il illi$i;nif";;;;'ir';;;: :lli'i;i'i:i"fixlc,':v r,(:rrrrr;rrr$.r,r,..*,E8 l\o\r, ilro l\,r,,,/\. s(,oKs ro ovcr. 'l'trrrcrrr rr N.n,A.? .rrer-rr. ""r;;;,";.i',i;",,'i.r"i"',1. lluute native 'I'here is irr this lllaltcf, oll tlitions antl salarius rvhiclr coulrl 'l'htl tunl({}s solefnn vows i:l,lur::'.rrither sirleiu.'l':,tl'itq. of thc !:1.::jl:::'"i,i:llqucstiou. lT1..'j':l'l:,':::1.,"'lly..li..l'l:..:ll:'ccss of tltiri votc. ltt olhcr rrortls, associatiort is ttatrrrtrlly intcrcstett thtr N.lJ.,'\, is r'efttsittg ttl acctrllt in thc tiootl of its tt'achct's, llntl attsiotts to t'st;rlrlislt lttittittrttttt staurlartls for ils ttrt'tlrlrcts. otttl dos'n. r:crtainly canttot lllittttc tltent for Slrlll 'ris ass'ciirti'rr takc o'.r tlt.t' ' the ligltts of tlrc peoplc to rlcr:idr: 'l'his prin. rvlral. urortics lltcy slrall usc for sinrplcstntamcnt of JUNTOR HEART COMMITTEE OFFICERS_JohnO,Connor, left, _.)-, sclrtrrrl Jrut'poses? Wottld ttot, thcn, lVarricd" cottvcrl lniuistcr ;;";:;i;r.;i.;;;;;|:.;";1l;Jishwiw|rhh|d.bov.lr.Anntt.rw..d,..nl.r,lvdo.H.||'dcn[tfthcNnlioDr|sI[oo r;;;;;i,,;tnpty iiut "1.;,ry .;;.i;tisporUi" lltHi-';- lr rc.t.ry;r.

Iloosicl i\llrlclics, lttc. jockey An t'xpcrlctl I ,300 lrol's antl Disc Ron ilofcr of WISII St. Jonrt of At'tr also ltoltls lltt: gills s'ill paltrt'ipatr: irr tlrc lr'tttlt Radio will spin the discs lor tha dofcn(ling titlc irr llre Opcn Di'r'i" annrtal,\tt'lttlirtt'csittl'lttttior Cl\'() annual outdoor sutrtnter dancc, sion, *'ltile n-ovicc llivisiotl hotl- Su'rnrrning ll('ot lto\t illoltrlitl' llntl co-sponsored by the Intlianapolis 'l'ur-sdur'.,lul1'15 ors ar(! lu'ltt h]' ('hl'ist tlttl Iiing. itn(l l(i. ill lho 'l'r'ollltios u'ill bc arvirrtk'tl to rlvttr' f)eanery Youth Council and tho lilo;rrl ltippkt I-rtol. llttlirttapolis- \vittttt'ts. unit, 'l's'crtlr"fivc ;rll ;tttrl tlirisiott tt'itttl St, Rochts CYO ct ctlts at'r' slltcd 'l'lrc top llrlot sn'itttntt't's itt t'ilclt slt'okt's, irtclttditll.l Athnissionwill be 50 cents and in all 1toPrtl;tr rlilisiort rvill t't'ct'ivt' ntctlitls. Ntlvicrr llixcd r)llc nc\\' t'r'cttt-a Iiibtrorrs rvill hc givon tlrt' [ottt'th, Irt'o'st)'lc liola)'. l:t)-nl('lcf fiith rrntl sirllt plitctr intlivitltnls' ('r)-sl)ons()t oi llrrr girtttt llt('('t ls MEET OFFICIALS t'c1xrt't lltat Cy Cipher Iloosicl Alltlr'tics. lnc.. l'lticlt is llrc l''r'oc.sllltr ltttl Ilt'l:t)' cvcttts Plovrtlin!l Slirt) lorrittrl tltt' pt'izc rlrll lr,' ltr'l,l ott Ilottrl:tl t'r't'ttitttl, frtttrl itnrl tttt'r'l oll'itiitls. llif{'0lof "opt't'aliott llon{ u'illt lhc Not'ict' llltckslt'olitr, ol tltt bil splaslt" s'ill the second year in ruccession, st. calherine's to r'linrtttitle llto (lo;ltolil c()nct'll' cADET uor,-av"ou; i;^;;; l*o"tio*i-For past we Ilittiott rrf t'ttltics crttl.t' in tlttl girls won lho CYO Cadet Volleyball League title this winler. 5o, afler a slighl delay, Presenl 'l'his place rnce l. u us itt ratttt'tl srl tltat lhe championship squod for your perusal, piclured on lhe sleps of the Church wifh their firsl lt lltt':lc tttttttlrt't' ol srtitlttttct's will lrophy, The litle gives St, Catherine a rlean sweep ol all league ind lournrment compelilion in lhe Cr*'O Srrol'es ttol ltllc 1o t'eltttlt lo lltc ltortl tltt-. lwo.ye.r hislory of CYO.sponsored volleyball, Strnding in lhe back row rre, lelt to right: Head Cooch sc('rln(l nighl. Eileen Brady, Priesl Moderafor Fafher Thomrs Breidenbach, rnd Ascistanl Coach Donna Baugh,

L'lNlotl[c 9' 5l' I'i!'s 8os(o lcngilc St Jodrr 0f Are 3; Si' ( cyo JuNlOR 811St8'\l.t atActlt-cl.ir x 2. Stnnditrqs Rlrl"owtll 0; Lrlllr SoCIAI' Borco taaqst: St. llril'dcl 5 r\ll ortll'ir.s rr'r't'r' rlltt' rtl lho (lY() llorrrr 3 l; 1t'ty tlr"r.' l ?; Sl. [,rllttttttr ()llir,t"l'lrrrlsrl;r1-. I d: lirtlv Af{.ls 0 5. .lttly ll, l)ul littc o iiorth tcagrlt: St l lsrret', e 5 St A'r' crrllit,s rrill llo ;r('('oplc(l ttttlil a'ev .t.l; 5i. 1,.,"c't 2 ;'; Sl. lrls ! 0 l': 'lul]' l:). Sl. lonil 0t Ar c 0'-5. ttrrort lrtirlar, CYo JUlll0R SAstnAtI ttAGUf-Clrsr B Soulhnasl Lenguc i\lonti,rv, Julv l, lloly N'rntc 6, right? G,ln)cs of W.aspolice chief lloly Spril ,l; Sl lllrrek I l, Sl 0friln(lfllc Iil'ligious rrrI ut:itI iott l1 n, fvlonclly, Julv ll: St. 0crnn(lrlt' 9' 'l'lrc G,r,un, S.J. rvot'kl rlorts tto{ o\1'(t y(}ll :l l-.ri,n Selrool ,1; Sl. Polrrrk B, llolv N,rr)t! B By WILLIAM J. SMITH, (l'el. ll)lx'itl is t'oit't'rl Iiv in 'l'lrc tt. lcrguc ('hit'I ol I'olict'trf l]l'iittr "You a Northwort )N. .. - ou r tltc tvot'ltl sotttt'tltitt11. (',d110s of M0rtdoy, .luly l: Sl n n(lre!v 10. I'..\'l'l,lliS( N.,1. I'ltt'fstrn's () clifl' r\lunor. it sttlrttt'lt in rlt'irlllty Iirttc :tttrl onttt'g.r', Sl. t n\!rfnt. 3; 0rebrul 9, 51. illichn'l Ilislrop .llrncs ,1, N;rvagllt isstrerl ir \)()rt o\\'o il .ytlttt' CAMP OPENlNGS-'l'lrclc alc ('ottrtt5', tt""liillt \Vt'stehostct' N.Y., u'its in' :rttrl titlt'ttls so lltirl. tttt trltt: ltrlv 3: sl A'r,l'erv clll fol volrttttt'r'l's trr ltclp solvtr 1'ottt ,'1 !\c,lrrrs16v, r itr.rl to arltlt'css l locitl l"l'A B. Si. lrr0nr'rs /. uill lrt'tl uat', ttt'itt prtvt't'ly,sich ? 'Grrnr 5l l,1rLr,.'r,l0; lltrtrcrrl tltt' Pt'oblctrts oI t't'lii]itttts trlttcl- ol /!lonrjnv, Jt,ly u: St nn(lrcw 15, rrrt'rtinii ott'li'cn.agt: I'Loblttttts. I iott, ol lottcllt 1iin111- Sl, IhDn)di 9. "lrt llc rlcclitu'rl tltc pllitt, situyrlr' utrt'tls, (ltotv Strrdings Spt.:rliinrl ll. tltc tlctlicltiou of lldlY l'ldilre '1 0; Sl. l,tl- ittlit;rliott, ll tt t (lttit (ict ottt S0ulh0ntl l,a.gut: tltt. ttt'u lrt'utltltutt'tr,ts fot' I'llct'- lll), lteittg it t'rtlt:tlrI'. llrtnd,icl!c 3 ?; lloly Sttltrl | .l; ricl .l l; Sl. st'ttt tltc c()nt- of yottt' tlt'crttrt s,ot'ltl , . . attrl stat t l.ilin Silr0ol 0 5. son ('()unrrl linilghts ol (lulrrnr- Norlhw0rl [..qu!: Sl. An'irow 5 0; lltcl'cr'l rrrittec a L'ttt'r nt'tinli Iiko l ttlirtl ot' it ltrrl1." .l; | lrrrs, Ilishop Nallrglr slirl his helrrt. .l l ; Sl l lrornri 2 Sl Al,.h'rrl 3, Sl. "iittt's orr Ilrt'sub.iect. 0 4. ott{ ltt llrrls 'l'his l,rwro'rro lltt' :rtrrl ;1it'ls 'l'lrc is ;t policc- 'ulro lcttcr rvrts COMMENT: hlrrt. llr-s1rl11l('15'no lltritl;rrtcr. publishr.tl :rs l lllilll's itlll)f()it('lt trt it st'tiotts ptrtlt- :rt. ltorno;llt(l \\'llo;rt'c tt'rriilctl itt "l'll rrt'rr',s :rttir:lc itt lorrt, Itis t'lpitl-lirc tcll 1'otr slltools rvltrclt rk'uy tlttrrr (lrc tlrt' locuI ucu's- n ltlt" hitttlilt' of tvrrtrls ttti{ltt t'i.rlltt to littorv trttrl l)l'll]'li) (io(1." prrptr. ll t'itttscrl Itrrvc sturlltt'tl tltc uottttrlt'rl cgo uf llc suitl th:t{ pt'olltlrll' l}() Pc1'1'1.111 ('l'ltt' ir rllinof sttltttt'll l ft'rtsit'rtctl putt'ttl. ittlt't t's{ o[ {}t1' nlttl t'cli;lious r,rl- 1t1'111111' ;lt'rrusr'rl sot'ttts ltt ittrlicalo .sttclt lhr.rrr ltrrorr, lrotv ttrtttlt \trr ;rpl)t'rt. i ucilli{}ll l)ll1 l}r;tt :rtt ltfl'lur'rrt i lrnrl rt'ircliott.) llrrt jtrsl. u'htrt gootl rt r,i;rtc uh;r1 111.'1,rlo b1'lt'lliu11 r'lr'r'r'r' [{) ('(,nt rrtlc it ortl. l)of u'ortlrl

ll{liciency, I ancl ? beclroonr apart- tncnts in SS. Peter and Paul Pansh, 28th& l'lorthwesternAve. Also close to in other l);u'ts of the city. Rental rates to suit your needs. Stop in for listings at 850 N. Irelrn., or call lMElrose 4-5555 GIIAJSII TDIEN:T.,I' iurv day, including Sunday. $1$0{}

Also Other Cash UALIIABLEPNIZE$! Prizes to be Given Ileliabililv Away on Sunday

Friduv. Suturduv FISHFRY BOOTHS! GAMES! RIDES! Sundu.y FUNFOR ATt! ftlckenDinner

Serving from l2 lo 5 P.m.

PAGE EIGHT THE CRITERION,JULY 12,1963 VIEWINC VITII ARNOLI) O BOOKS OF THB HOUR Cleopatra is neither The dignity of politics

By D, 8. THEALL, O.S.B,

Froru tiinc to tinre, ntorlclu practitioncrs oI the art and sci- art or entertainment cncc tltat is politics lartrent tlro runs'illingncss of youug Catholic intcllectuals 1o cnter thc uolitical By JAlttES W, ARNoLD tor'. Wott f{)ur Oscilrs, Ih-'ntetltltt'r "r\ll Aborrt Elc"',' llc tlitl thtt lollous is tlro slintulating "Jttlitts ('lttlsllt'," I'CilSon glvclt ls 11'hrt llirrlou llrltntlo "politics { lhat is i accourlt 0l a tt(}llt't'rsaliott int'olt' so hr' krtons his tvly arouud thc ing nt]'sril (irlerrtilitttl, stttttcu'ltat l'ofulll, hope[ull]. :rs ('ri{it'). tttl' crttlsr'i' cnco, nutl il l{}llltg lntl}' (citllctl, 'l'his is, thcrr, as llrc jar:kct blurb rightly cl;rirrrs,rnorc than n ltistory of politicnl tlrcory,ntore, tvul, tlran a sturly in lhc history 0f itlcns. It d00s flrtr<:lrto cxnlairr rllrat is rvrottg rvitlt tlrp lttcelsalily sg, 11tl t1at, 'to ip -ftr:t., rvot'11 to' (ll,v illl(l *'ltat kitrtl ol' lhc Cutho'iic lins a tluty tr,v lti , Jroliti<:al tlllllklnt{ tlttt.st.. ttttrlcrly_ ilny nt. rrrirkc lhirrgs ll0llor tht:ouglr iroli- [clnpts ltr set tltirlgs Iiglrt' l.ir:irl a<:tiviiy oli n high" nx['il1 [,'or ir rk:tailetl vierv of what eirlibcl. is tltc lttt'ssttgc of sttclt lr0r lhc pl'cr^cnt sittrirtion, ns kinrl of citizr:n dcmocracy at its At the cntl rrf nrtarly 40tl paqls ttto

5q. i,iiilatoll.t1urn'ninrli.lurt.lit.lhi1Dosll!esar.hrlircd|ois''m.-k Yds. Width DESCRIPTION *xii rriiiiii,.,,,. "r.r In.n rirc a ril,.rr,' (xd(trcc. ;,;;;,;jltjlj",+:l:id...... ,, i;:j3ifr::llt*til'."t'"li;;i;; *i;;;:.;,,j"_ 105 irlilc ir. rlF" I ntr.rrc (tnrcst llir shil$nrirc or shi$. I l(o- liI hnit ii r hrlhtnl li{ $ lh. 68 lrall. nor killcrlish child-rvorlrnrt' Shc lott. rvAxsyrrrt AFIA t5l

,,..l,ill:ii;:'\;;,l'..',iljil,,',tlctnlll(.lll].i..i...|.T.'1l;"'1:lilltSrl0rdrY {5 poignanrc, rillo,trofitmr oftatr.fl.r shidoul,sh{doil, tnilsn{ $}. io Nil nn{nn{loignaNc, nM nls.nlso silli.$illi rdlo tr.tDm! 47 l'slling b.hln,i 45 lf: 69 98r.r bct ol pric{-. t06 |fgbchiith.'optlr|ioigroNlht]rititiR.x!r.r.isot,sc.csirdcsigi 'sl3!r'i "cleoDrtrr" ""liii['iL'"':.1-" sq.Yd. $I1io pric$s in th; p!$ i0 reu*. shil6 rtrdhrcs likc hnn I{$t: nlk\ JLit k n.lller cr{rt .ri I,fl ll".i:1l"lii'i:iiili:li;i" Sq. ioonrtno"uunrr.i{.?00dt!fiiiio{Anlhony.thoIoekl.'ss,$'iinn:thtyshotld'rcNcd"iI".i]l;ljl""1:r Yds. Width DESCRIPTION okr. ioo riiudc ror lrc soodof rre (Lqbr;r D...n.y: rl iii3B:ll::iiiii"ilill'h;i;;; :::::iililXi ".",,.," c.,,,,i1''1.1ii"1...... -,"*

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o Insfitutions o ArchdiocelanOfficer o Rectorier O Men's and Women's o Churches o Schools a Sourcesof SuPPlY Organirations o o Hospitals o Map of Archdiocese PAYIbIENT! NODOWN ' llour SalesMessagc \,vill :,::,'.i *:-,:':" Ii,::' Open Monday, ThursdaY and FridaY * PLENTY OF FRONT-DOOR 'ril 30-60-90DAY e A.M. e P.M. OFF.STREET be on the cleskstlfi thesc PAVED Tuesday,Wednesday and Saturdav PARKING ACCOUNTST * Call Ll 7-5418 'lil buvers for an entire year 9 A,M. 5:30 P.M. lo See Samples in Your Home * All * Merchandisa - Subiect fo Direetory is Published Annuall.v in October by FL00R Sale! 'fhe Crilerion Press C[IVERING YOUR | *lNG.* ONE-STOP 37OI N. SHADELAND Ll 7'S4la FLOOR 124W. Georgia 5t.,Indpls., Ind, COVERING ROAD IOOEAST-3700 NORTH CENTER THE CRITERION,JULY 12,1963 PAGE NINE

List top golfcrs Tic Tacker in Serrn tortrney Winners in lhe three divisions of the annual Serra Club-Scnrin. arians Golf Tournanrent held last VOCATION WEEK-Paul Hickey of St. Matthcw'r perirh, Indian' week were $eparated by only two (iod) alt'ard {or lhe nrost out- apolis, receivcd thc Vir Dci 111un of strokes. stan(ling boy lt thc thirtl annual llenodictine Vocation Wcck hcld recently at Sf, Meinrad Archabbey. Iltlnltcr-tlp lwar

Sisfer- educator tahes neu) post

(:IIICAGO-Sister Mary Josetta, rvho scrved St, Xavier Collcge herc 2{ )'cars as professor, tlean, exccutive vice president nnd presirlent, has lleen given a spc. cial full tinre assignment with the I\Iovement for a lletter Worlri, it was Pnnounced by Mother (lcn, FORA REVELATIONIN THE eral IrIary Ileginr, of the Sistcrs ..DINING of llercy of the Union in the PLEASUREOF OUT,,, . . United States. Sister I\{ary Olivia, chcnrisiry Enjoy a dinner where the emphasis is constantly profcssor, htts bcen choscn as the prcsidcnt now of thc college. orn a suprerne sxqsllsnce in every mcnu item aod The llettcr World lllovement is \\\\s\\ $s\ \\ r \ \\\ r \ri$, on international effort {mong an assured efficiency in friendly sctrvice, amid e t Catholics to apply their Faith to Worrrerl?sclull dccor sctting of fine art and hpcstrt lron their indivirlual, {amily and na- i t;rl*ndar , lionnl rclations. It has hcadquar- (Contirtrrt'd flunt plge l) of an orgrnirrlion calling itrell around the wolltl. tcrs in good 'Crlholic.' " Ilocca di l'apa, Italy, and thc nran)' n'ot'ks of thc lho said. rfalomonl ?tt*tt*rrt\\sr\r\rsrrsJ is direetctl by I'ather Riccardn Lcs'is fanril)'.'t 'l'hc Lombar

'l'lrc Irt :r slltctrtcttt itt tlre ,lrrne issttc errnltovt'r'sy \f ils lroiglttr'ttcrl (,lulv I ) b1' tho sigltl ol oi ilti: nl:r;1lzire, llt'-s. l,er','is suitl: mlrchirrg in n piclict linc at tltc 'l\llt'r's J,cu'is lrttiltlitt,.t. i\ Ititlf rloz.tn nuns, rncrnbers o[ lhc Polish Clrurclr-State School Sislt'r's of St, Fllncis, Nlilrvaukcc. arrrl tlrc Sistct's of St. l.'nrncis of ilrrt')' lrnrttacttlllc, (('orrtinuerl florrr lllqr' I ) .l0lit't. lll.. wll() itl'o stllllltlt'f sltl- laking inct'easin.r:l]' halslt ntca- rk'trls al I,o.vrrlit, r'ect'ivctl pr't'tttis- suros againsl ilrt Clrtn'ch. ln sron flortt lhr'il srtlrt'riors anrl partir.rrlal it hls bt'on ltrlouhling Vftlntrcal .joint'tl thc pickels. its cffolts to iot'cc rt'ligiorrs irt- 'l'lto pickcts \\'(\l'(\ t'tct'ttilt'tl sllur'lion into the str';ritiackct tlrr: Slrc cilctl lhc club's l'ecorrl of flonr llre ncrvll' frllrncrl Stttrlt'ttt {lornulka l'rrrtnllc {lhricalcrl {or' r\cl ion ('oru rtril tee of ( it t'ntct' ('lti- rlclfulc rvhich hls bcrtt fittt'tl lt two Jcals ago. cilgo, n groltp c{)nll)(}st'tl tttainlt' u'lritcs, Nc11rocs, I'ttcrto Ric;rns, 11,n 1,'lilirrrrs itrsltttcliott issttr. (lrllcgc of Loyola, illuntlt'lcitt anrl llcxicans anrl othels. Slrtr said rvns tlte ntain lt ason for' {ltc r\pril l)t I'lrrl llnivcrsity sturlt'nts, antl "(iving the clrrb now wils lssisl- nrcelinc bet*'cert Gonrrtlkn antl frorn tlrc inlr|r'acinl cottnt:il, ('rr

Air Conditioners & Service Call FL 9-9571 Pricsts

((\rntinrrcrl pagc CHRYSLERCORP. AIRTEMP DIV. fr.om I) One tllorny anrl funrlatrtetttal lin'.q clnrrch nnd rlilcctol of llrc issrrc. lrrlu't'r't'r. hits lrr-r'n tlt'lib- Air Fillers * Parls * Dehumidifiers 'l'lttl Ilaltinrole alclrrlioccse's lnncr' lcttol' itlso sp6kt' of 1l t'r'ately nvoirlcrl in tltis l'clx)rt-- "rklulllc Uity plograru, clisis" in rlcrnoclacy, lhc rlrcstion of spit'ilttal atttiurr- rvlriclr rvas {hc subjoct of a ple. itr'. ("lVc ditl Itot tlectrt it ncccs- 'fhis "to vious Social Week in l$5,1, ria!':r' ot ivisc," it. t'rtatls, scck Iwofolrl clisis l'rs tlcsclibcd as a plccise rlofinitiott.") tltc rvithtlrarval ol thc stnte front 'l'lrc fI[OBITEHEAT rlilr,nrttta ll)[]cius t(ain itt 'l'ha the usc of ils anlhof it y. "'l't'ittlitiott BUDGETPAYMENT PLAN il lelxlrt on antl tladi- lctler s:ritl; 'l'o (fatltolic, .Otrr "l)ocs lions." tltc tlttt Llil not tlris rkruble 'l'r'adititrtt llcat, Cntr't Be Be.at" crisis ,u,hule conccpt of and finrl its plofounrl caust: in thc lhr: rlt'vtkrptttctrt of tlot:tline conllict bcttve cn cconomics attd st't--r'ns inscpitt'ablc {rottr lhu tlttes- politics? " "On lion of spilituaI autholity in tIIIEttTlAN ihrl one hantl," it slnted. "thc tlctt-'r'nrininrt rvhich lladitious are eitizen is tlisinlclcslurl in thc valirl and rvlrich alc falsc. Coal& Oil Corp. u'"f;iEoz--ifid-'"pl'o!{l'css of institul iorrs because tha libclty - nlore ihan "Kcep fornrti li'ull Seruice', ry rcal * confelrcd by lris ballot docs not assule hint tlre rights he jttstlS'clainrs in tlre ecorrornic and social ficltl: a sccure .iob, an effoctive shalc in sonlL' pl'ol)crty. "On and a s1'stcnr of instrlance and of thi: Fourth of July, 1963, llewfrom social seculit.v that pcrrnits hinr moved by a conviclion of our to rcal' a fanrily. lailhs and by the spiril of our This approach musl seem r forefalherc, wc have chosen lo "On weakness lo the Catholic, as lha Pepsi-Cola fhe olher hand, the slete demonslrrle al Gwynn Oak withdraws whole querlion of spirifual au. because it lindi bc- Park even at lhe risk of break. thority is basic fo our differ. lween ihe ciliren and ilrelf a ing lho law. Centrel io our Seimpany ences. However, lhe matler crowd of organized inleresfs- religious comnrilmcnls is lhe will doubtless come lo the lore of ideological. economic, cor. common leaching of our failhs poralive groups-thal in due course. rnd social lhal human righfs given of God Lessthan| hrng heavy on lls decisions, !re inalienable, lake prece. overrunninE il and monopoliring dence over properly and musl caloriepep il, fhus shackling its liberty," be gueranleed by civil sociefy. Regarding the lhreat of the tyranny of nrachines, tlre letter "if sePving saitl that tcchnocracy is l.he danger llrleatening todny's and [ornorrow's socicly, Christians are in fact, by thcir sensc of human values, thc rtrost lrighly -(ola qualificd Pepsi to lead technology back to thc nrcasulc of uran, Ily their l)rcscnce anrl tes'tirnony, thcl' can lcach lhc s'orld tlrre htrmanism." 'l'he lctlt:r' asselterl that in tlrc (0. Clrut'ch's toaclritrgs {hc (lhr.istian "lhe Bottling will fitul source o[ llue hu- nlanisnr, the foundation of a Indianapolis,Ind. hcalthy denrocracy." PAGE TEN THE CRITERION,JULY 12,1963

ililruunilmililIuffiililffiilmffimililililililililu AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE lN NEW ALBANY - Priests demonstrate Ieffersonville festival CHICAGO-A siroble contin. 'skate'through genl ol Cafholics, moslly young Youngsters whilc priesls, 6lood oul rmong ltk morc lhan ?0,000 marchers who slated next tveekend slagod rn hour'long civil righfs By RACHEL EBERLE demonrlralion f hrough rhe 86{. of thc Colttnrbian Squires, downlown Loop orer hete. and ptcsident of St, Anthonl"s Thc march along Slole Slreet preceded e mesrive rally in HolS' Nanrc sociel.y, has becn Granl Park, held in coniunction namcd to lhc nervly es{ablishcr with fha 54lh annual convenlion "Squire Hall of Farlc" for his of ths Nalional Associalion for eontributions to the ),outh of fho Advancemonl of €olored People. Clarksville and Jeffersonville, Tha Catholic mrrchers ioined The Squires recently reccived olhor demonslralorr in the "Freedom an apprcciation card from lhe chrnling of Nowl', \/ntican for their "Down v lnd wilh Segregolion!,, f ngure and Be suro projects in the Joffc'rsonvillo and fhinn

TELL CITY SheetsIns. igency I .larles llollinrlcn, firand Knight I of tlrc liisltop Cltat'trantl Council Seessodality rnovcrncn[ 749Main St. Ph. 3861 I l't2, Knights of Colunrbus, has lrrnounr.cd r contribrrlion of $200 l11)nr tllc tlouncil to thc Tell City ('lub. 'fha retuming h irvalis ntoney rvill to bc rrsorl to r'r(rct st'ftitc lrrtildings ll0S'l'ON,-The sodality nrot'r:. a t tlrc l,last Sidc Kirvanis I,ark. nrcnt is returning to thc spirit llr'. lkrllildcn is a nternber of and iunction {or rvhich it s,as hirvnnis tllub park cotuntittec. launched {00 ycurs ago, Cardinal Iiichard Cushing said hcrc. z=rr.. STRABERS Tracing tho history of the So. O|t CO. dality, thc Archbishop of Bostorr SKATING CHAiiPs-Shsridon Rerch, 13, left, and Ken Sufton, 12. /!|^ notcd that it began during thc both of New Albony, garnered these lrophies af lhe Slalc Roller qhcmpionehips tEil, [i::i:""; Countcr-llefornration as an organ. Skrting .l Forl Woyne. Bofh have won lop prires "prepared Produclr ization of nrcn 'EIEfI to cn. in nrlional competition. (photo by Rachel Eberle) lttltlltf 628l. Pcorl gage cffectively in an apostolatc ryU p[.3ltz5 to rcsttirc sotiety to God," The iwo mofher; of the skrl. The carly sodalisls rvorked for ing prir dldn't know erch olher John illinta. a menrbcr "many of lhe thc l'aith in situations unlil they met rl lheir chil- N,L rvhcre laynren, and laynren alonc, " l:{lrl' r'_'l:rr).'1:g.|1 dren's sklling lessons. Now BLUE\@,FLAME TheBipley Counly could be spokcsnren for lhc gei Poslunr e-rpnnslon Church," he told 1,000 sodalists lhey logelher often-usurlly EULK and BOTTLE GAS at an anniyersary dinner lo concocl oullitr for their BezerageCo., Inc. LON|X)N - Sin<:ethe end of u'hich rkat. l'urnaces and Installation follou'ad e l\lfiss in the Cathadral [:orltl \Vrrrll lht' nunrbcrof Cath- inq offsprlng. of the lloll'Cross. Highwry 46 Phonc 5050 412 E, Pear) Ph, 2tZJ rrlic clrrrrchts :rnd chapclsiu Eng. ,,IHEY Ianrl nu

IIBSTIVAL HARPER'S SACRED FASHION HEARTCHURCH @I CLEANERS Jelfersonville,fnd. DRUG STORE For lJetter Drycleaning FARMER'S Usc Our COIN LAUNDRY VIEW ilnnnilililulllnnuunullnn,: 124 E. Main Sf. Phonc 76 July20-2f 'llnlk Ph,CRstwd. 32'125 Highwry I Chlcken or [om l]lnner i t, oyer. Lichlyter Prlzes Games l'un By DANA c. JENNINCJ BuildingSupply CHAltrlPl0ll Comphle Building Supplier - Fuel Oils- Corttracting Contpany TRI.POINT OIL CO. lll3 W. Firrl St. Phona 399 Phone 6/5 Mrdison, lnd. ftickenDinner Ml LLHOUSEN HOfylECOMtNc SAVE TIIIE SAITF:LY UNITEDHOME (St.lttlary Church) Gene's Bakery and Delicatessen DialBUtler 3-6688 FURNISHINGCO. For MEN'S rnd BOYS' Special C'cfucs& Postrics ll00 TAXI, Inc. "Fentous CLOTHING Rrands a I In COLUMBUS.. . Srr 525Washington St. 379'4818 135 \r/. Court Ave. t76225rh Sr. 372.5311 Jeffersonvillc,Ind. ol f'urniture & y, itO )un0ar Over Years Contrnuous l July2l " l'ervice Appliunces

I)inncrs scn'erl on tlrc hour_ll:00, ll:00, 1:00, l:00 Ag-rclutctl .jobs ncetl 15,000 col. O{/f/,nt, 5e.r'r'in( le11e grltls a 5'e;rr in r'csearch, irr- r\dults, ,\1.?S Chidrcn, ?Sc pre.schoolels. Also 25lh Scotlsburg Sellersburg lic tlrrstrr', btrsitrcss, crlttcation, cont- Sf. Shopping Cenlcr REfrlODEL J effersonvi I lc urunicntiotts, co0st-.ryatiott aud 416 Wash. St. (Downtown) @;RE{D -Junena|r/ome * Plrrmbing * Benedictinc lbl.rot scrvlccs. Maronry r\rlccn l), Kopp, l'rcsidont Send Dinnar Resi.rvrtions lo: * Roofing * Printing Rev. Carl Riebonlhrlor, R.R. l, Grc6nrburg, Ind. named lo post OLYMPIA DAIRY * Siding t Wiring (Stalc Drstributor * Carpenfry * Flooring Clark County numbcr end hour) "(lratlc for [lanlclrurst The r\" Dair.v Ilroducts Patronize Ilonre Deliverics Frederick Lumber Co. State Bank New Phone 376.6366 160l Sprins Sl. BU 3-6683 7I8 Pecrl St. Columbur, Ind. the Advertisers Jelfersonvillc

CARPENTER'SREXAIL DRUG STORES 5'h A WASHINGTON5T. _2/39 CENTRAL A"'E. photo €ome and See Our Scenic Grounds Phone Supplies- Sunrh.res- Gi(ts Phone 379-4427 Prcscriptions - Drugs - Cosnrctics 372-7851 and Beauliful Church

il.n Albrnt, Phone WH 4-2285 F. 'l/I. DREYLING Tell City !pr!n! 51. lnA, Stale and Main Slrcalr ",NSURANCE' Feed & Grain 0pea lveningr bt Aprointnrni Clift'sShoe Store rryH.56679 BU.2t3t4 766CLEANERS ,'DrfttitIE fttDs 731 Moin K|.7.5156 for DtFINIII ilIlDt" Fhone K! /-2181 HargoOil Company

EvrardIns. Agency lnc. Cleaned Fillued JACK EVRARI) ALVEY CLEANERS 907 Main St. Kl 7.2481 & FURRIERS FUEL OIL Tell Gity, Ind, 00N atvEt roNv FtscileF PADGETI 606 Main St. Phone Kl /-4386 llo,E;#311ffi

Provitlcnce lr un ChevroletSales WERNER DRUG CO. FREE Screen wilh sorcorc of 3cwror "A (Walgreen Agency), Purchrre ol Any lvlovic KOOL VENT FITIENDLY PLTICE TO I burietl at Wootls 'I'ttttDE" C f, wernet, ,t, & R' v. s€hn€id.f Horringfon-Hoch Inc. _ ED SISI,EY - or Slide Proiecfor Atuminum Awnings Phone Kl 7'5586 I 632 Main i ,.00rc Telephone 627 Main Sf. TELL CITY, lND. Inrurcncc-Ocncrot ond Ltfo LARRY LAHRr\lAN. Orvner RO 3.4235 I Russell's mcd. Ar.rr ph. Morrislown, Indiana 2-.056 I lgzo n"t. Rd. waer ph, 2{26, TheEger Studis LutgringBros., Inc. CameraShop, Inc. Patronize " McBANE Airseof PotL|aits - lU ed.dirtgs" Crushed Slone wH 4-63t7 0ur KeystoneBeuerage Co., Inc. 7f7 Main 5t. Agricullure Lime BurialUaults Phone Kl 7-4881 Excavaling t32 E. Markcf, New Albany, Ind. Aduertisers Schlilr - C.V. - Corlings glock Lobcl SEPTICTANKS Red lop - Old Dureh - Folstsf,- ond Oth.? Zoereher-Gillick Funerql Home TilIASTT' ond Corllngo Red Cop Ale Concrete Producfs - Ambulanct Service - FUNERALHOME ROEEI!XOSXtNS Diol Rockwen3-5241 Ornorol ilonagcr l2la CntEil itRsEt iioRntslowN, tNDtANA KI '.25II TELL CITY, IND. /08 E. SPRTNC Sincs1856 NEW .ALBANY,lND. THE CRITER|ON,JUI.Y t?, I?63 PAGE ELEVEN

t Prayer 'loophole' 4-' Eentember them in your prayers LIL.DAVID, LI!'DA$D.I $olr\ eitetl 5y J'sl.ice .THERE,9 'MOXE BLACK lNDlAHAPOl,l$ viyor: wifB, Pilrlcia, !onr, Pdul rnd Billv, COMING FROM OUR I MARY 0IlRY,61, St. $dry'3 Clrurch, Rivcr. dourtlrlir!, 0lorc anrl Barbar., p.r.nls, /./,r, SnoXE! !idf, lll., July 5. Holy Ifos! Currelrry, .rnd Llrs, 0iyid A. Schrib!lhut, littaf, l!1dty CAMPFIRE,/ lndiBn.polis. Survivorr {l.ught.r, fllren, Srlffin, btrthrr, ta0, iili$lr'J:if;j,{;irlillltj,;ilir,.rl-i],lln)1,11,.1';"'r;,1',r::r; ;$l:ii0'Nrill,

(hurr[, t WlftlAM l. HOII, 85. Sl. hridqrt'r ,uly 5. lloly Ctoss Lcilrrtery, Survivors: rvile, C!nrva,

Glenlttarl' Sistr:rs ParishShoppitg List lIe was Indianapolis O ()lx)n'r:rtrrl irltl.ure' National O Jtulges. (jlN(lfNl{i'll-'l'ltrl (;lcnulary I{ourc trtission Sisfers ltave cst.ah- "candirlatrrrrr" lishcrl n for yourrg Wonds rec()gnizc(l wolllcu rvho altply for atlntissiotr to Lhe society. for alunltri sttl)lxfrt l\lotlrer (ir:tterlrl 1l:rt'y Catltcrine t61? lrtl lrnlh lltr.l "a t MAT'HA GtltB lORltCK, 78, St. Aodr,w'3 trill bt rr t-8391 ROSS Wolfe $hell Servicc Slation .sairl tlre canrlitlalttrc 3' survivor: iister'in'lilY' RAY ilAlt\i . olr .'f III':.\\root)s, periorl of pt'eparatiott br:fortt tlttt ;.ll:".1:! ..i:ly s'r. Ind.--St. i\lary.of.tltc.\\roorls Col' LEON'S TV Standard Sorvlce tlas L lllcueall l)ostttl.llcy'postrtlancy, tll(!tlttr (rllriltr{trltlttr;ttirltt tlcllttttrl- (l.l'.'(r- €rp. Lub. * lifr.8nttert 'ii,'; ,tr'rit,9l1t,t. prur's aru'h, ioge l,u* rccci'ctl sl25 atttl [t tc0il llt,lvldtltl @ "rristi*lluisrrcrl BArIltlI$ $..r. .. Wath. Slftdnlr. ceitirir:rtt*r'r auARnNILf0 SfrYlct Acef$ttlF|ls a lrrts a lllll,"lllil,ll"' lli'm:ili;li,''ohf,ii,l"i',];n,s'il;;"';i NTAXI SETVICT lrrvrcr c^ttr iji.t,,liili",i";r (hur.hnrn {-001/ t * -fil: Avt. tl trynond $1. t lll t.lblt DAVIS GROCERY CO. DELBODRUG9 - - -*r;6t ili:*fi::,','*,pil*!llh.,{:,'".;eH ri"i,:.ri, r;,#l;:},.lf i*i*iitli:];iffti# 'l'he faults lt Vaqtlrbht i.lfocirirs,,lt..ris, N. Emerson rlirlatcs rvill attr:nrl r:litsscs fit tlre t.rtoriNcr pvrr. li,-sr- prrys church, collcgc llits ollt) of lll t'ol' (]N& l52l @ ,**it. iliktrl - dalilrn :i9$l colttct {1' tr't2ott FL 9-8265 lmoottrr ail ;}[;:r't;ii!:l;if t)rrntltdrhar.-tu(:koo & olh.r llnr elockr i,iil;::;,,;"ii'i,il,ii-,lil;';'l{i.iill,i' i:{lili,Ji, iii*ri.:l 1,f"il-l:1,11'lll'ili,,;1il",]'l'tllill; PRtscRtPl loh! JACK'SBUTCHER SHOP wa tch13 * rawtll y-.dl atnonilt- rx prtr rtPs lr In! tll,litnill J9{i3Alunttti (iivin( lrtt'pnrirc iilltJ Junior collcgu in nearlry st. the {qlsr6fsly li,ij,i ?lilll, t,il:"1',li,u1'tii't.lll"' " --' SEI{lNG SHELL Itln rAfl lrllil snltl llarti9, 01i6, ncttor,;rva siu,nt,';i'"I.ti"ti:t:;| nw{r(ls. s'lticlt totalctl S3B.{r{}0. SERVICE Phcn! lilt. e'totl hdlurlolL l, Inl. SINCLAIR & SON DrcK & FRANKCARDIS I ,lftltcour Servicr Station vou" I to lhclt l

ARIIII'R J. M[UNIIR "Your * REXALL Druggisl" * tsth tl, .t llrttdn Sl. l.t. f6llt REALESTATE -Prescrlplionr- @ BUYING or SELLING REAL ESTATE, - Rcrl Erhlo RE}!TS,INSURANCE HEIDENREICH CALL Thomas A. Welch Co. "IHI ttt!1'll{Jtlt il'0f{lsi" JOSEPHH. DIRK'5MARKET fVD t'l,ont' t lrrrrtrl irtyrvltrrr ARCU$ l0l tnlandBldc, rdEE'6564

snd StrYi(r i'!il:!0,tf,,"'r;, i , ,tr' 1"'rt s{il'fr,.t i Qutilly Inquiro (IARX PtiiR[tAtt rRf5tRlfrto!! I fttl DtLlvtRl r\,t:l;!rLr rboul our |lt,rt! Ji Sf,,r rr ! home lred+ ll?? Xorth*rrlcrn ,1v" tY,l 5'9??J 'reor* ""I-tJ: I llr .1i11.1,. in plan, -i PARKWAY PIIZA l),,1rvrrv rtf $r,r,tll (littgt' t{0I r-l'.].t{ul5 irrlrl f.lrt, rei "the -i Irttir.!t Pllll tt.tl" 5ll.l E. Michigan 3t" HOMEBEVERAGE STORE I FL l-1586 {'{ 8ELL. ili,ri.ral Slrn, D!t il'q Surlrr,erl I \ Refrigeraliort Co. l =:1 lit.! rnd rprvirt

Wf lllyr lticl0tV )rdi'r0tl l,ri.lrni.i.r.rr l0 f;cttc \'o{ lfl Y$r. llor)rc. :14 llout $cfvi(.. 903 Virgiria Art. ltf .J'68?l Wl and Christthc Kins I ll I ll::,lf:";,:,:;i";,i'il"Il1'l'"T,""n' || I cL r-50?{ llE

{:.r,--:h','vE-:-:-ts' "'*,-:l'-^'.-.'..,:-- ""'ttthilliiiJ"j'"'r'i";l*l'* '::T.::.1*-11":::" Futnre,'Arrconditi'nrn! I i*o".*''. i ,.scgqFr-I,y.-- i "!itit$-i##ilin1l",'!tii3$-r#&,i?ii,"l', I -_.t*:ii*L:t'ili"ii:jir"''"**li\liil:riiljii:jj " ,. I ,""_il.1;'j:"...,"".;;;.1;'j;"... i s*es&sERVrcEsftes&sERVrcE_i i I sourxFciftf.gilr^rr.rcsourxijdfti"'iiirrNc riiiitiii york rrwFr{ *rv(irlss I Mdd}s ,''',,,1 & cooltNc, tNc.. | {40t:. NGw i.Ht,:..;.-*"llo.; - - - - -{ii,Lli".'"' -l q"..'"".,"1"."'ry'-,'. l*--*---- i 6;1111.6,-1ryriqpil l"',,..l'l'i't'.9* IIEIMIJI- ".':i::fi"Tf'*l:i^-.|-..,.;l.T-i.J:l"tiltilnl*|.,,;,-ll^;;lliti;,:,'.il''.l!:li,'l"1,1i1.^1'l1-''1|l*",l

but BUf In tl,r of,o rr--, r,,,:.4 v{:u if,.i your finll!, vzi!l bo ha:r::l oi all . . Mrdiron Ave, --- Stop l0 Rd, dh ;:;.";"i#lffil@,:liiir:Y::,1 @ *il:.;"1:il:I lurn Irsl Try*:i,::J,lfi lrltodllS0,W1l P0RT$ il$ imn ilfiIH1".,**;';iiii't':.r.:,,,,i$iLlryl tt- It :--: Cfronffii:sfe Patrouizc 0r,u: TUcker l'5583

CHUR(H -SCHOOL. HOTUIE . TUIAI J{IENANCE s3L[gSIFIED[Dg@ An Inexpensive Want Ad Corrtraqtors .-* Suppliers - Electricians - Carpenters tl Doet a Big Job ffi 5.453I Plumbers - Plasterers- Painlers - Fencing CALL ME Ask for att r\tl-Taker - R - I ttOOt<'s DependableI I Drug Stores I @ I Synony-our with Progresr I - I pe nmeltENT oPENINGS I FOR FOUNTAINEERS I I I I Nof Summer I Etployment LOOK 1l I q'a"il(',' I I l,o??,,'?'.,11';,,",1'Jl,1.lii,,lirill I ''"'^Tlil3u' I Alr, Waqon",dt the {'crlon,\clOt' '" ,r:rr I ! f} lvcsr ot rranrr'rrn"id o" l W E | !$J,i'nii;:;,.'"" UCS . tctlott{trt PTATMACI -u,;lltilrrxo-Voutt olticRlPrlof{ to u$ EXCAVATIONS ttrc rssufanc.lhat- il wlll sq) 'N i;txrcllY PIC PAY !'i-rtiicA rg n,,tttli, r.rrr, E{l a FOOD MARKET le0l N. llllnolr (ul R Choice Cuslom Meels * E- ROAD OILINC 3032W. t6th St. ME 2-0739 d Henrl l.laien) ffi nJ"it ll?l,ittoott of,,ott t F. S. GRADY LonrFletr Eoil R.paitirl.l t..ftn frn & SONS,Inc. Safeway Quality Foodt I t{lt l. l6lh ffi 915 S, Somerset CH {-33f3 flEst AY?.il rAfAYttt[rD. I Markels-Hardware I (P,O. Bor 2100{, W.l. Slation} "Frrrh Drug Slores Cholrr (ul" Mcctg ! Liquor and I oi I Coin Laundries I o Drlve-lns-Trailer Courtr o6' I I Taverns-Reslauranls t I I irlrnv othtt .ttdtrllshtsd hr,(lnrriitr. J AT$UIHERTAND I I ,, 1\ I No Listins Fee I I Orr lrttu.,, l3 lcllrlta vour burlr'ert' I I tt of & Hudson rl Advcrtising lo"llr-P"nna"'o,lTll,,'in'o l * SECRETARIES * ,,?il!'rtt ?i l9'il;oI (hrrlllillionr | .nd All Olh.t - Ldrqr:? :i Mr. Albarl's rrnor*, --aridB. ! 5lAflOBY Girl f0r -lnJpls' r' l-ror l, 0t'Jert lam0orarv 0fllce Setvlce I rirtt lrbv iil't' I t lfcri. in iiu tinesl ol{icca ln l0wn. Cho0st Hair Styling Salon ,Jduf \"liln y0u pltd5,' it,,,, Pays I Vxrtion rrd Hlfr'tily $rrl.t Ii lottti0n lnd tvqr!" P"t;,;;'ir* "stE I cofrrPteltstAulf $Irvrcct i US tit/j" PATRONIZETHE iPd,l2l I rout--oaY-vlllx I Ct t.1519 Office Service Inc. 6022 North Mirhigrn ld. li Slandby sr 6-0346 130I, W.th' ME5'ltL Aduertisers ADVERTISERS 0tr.; t{cd., lhurr,, iri. tvr. bt,i.tpt. .tlI Dornlornit PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION, JULY 12, 1963 srPRElrEcoL'RT RLt.I,\'c tr- ,l::,,:,:"',,,, :,,:,. | flry @l

'l'lte pcrnrission is r:xtcntlcrl lo fll:U;T#Hf parishes !,, all of lhc tlioccst', sult. m r* l.,l di*',li'.illffiffi li"j"llj.1::::..,,;ii:i|l'''."*il]"i:.ijiii::'.,r"':l.;|liij.*iiii'i'iiHIaM''i'I'.%l'jl'.lJiiit".lj",lil,;.'li"ii;i'lli.1-' "'r,ii,,l,;r;,-r,ir.",r'i',';,,',.*r;:*l*Tiil;ii;fi|ii*i;1g;;1ffi I1\J't |{r { t.f-} ;i;il;i*ffi.;1"1*,*.'"1i'uiljipi.no, lroillrur'r)l fol llrrtil elrilrh'en in lltc rlistlihtttir'rlt ol pttblic u'clfat'c bcrtr'fit s. lE-

pclnrittcrl gl\'('ll flr'c no{ lo llc on Sun. il,,ci.ioil in lhc t.ast' ol slrt'r.lrt'r.t rtt l"t'ilct'al itirl p|rlgt'attts, is I- tlays ol lurly rla.rs of obligatiorr. \. \ttr ilrrl il.r rrth.tr'ss hrr. [rllllllllllllllllllrrlllll ilfffijili'.*iiiiililjsl1llnin.ii-ll*ljiiill,iiji:lli:i*'',','.:ffi-.F|d|#'l*r-Jlffiqi#${t{ii

|h.sil[hJ|hdilt{lhc|liilh'str."s'rcri.'rl"l"it'''t lh.n til{ hil iln.illhlril{nl crD ;;1'':;i;;;;;;:;:N..i"i;;.ii.i'.,."'T.Y;l.fljl;f:i:':lI,i]jll'',i']]ll.'i]ii.:..il,:,,:li']t|'"l'j,11i,l":;.,'::'..x::':.Tjl:f:;|t! n'rein, h'ld ih'l ts' south ril hrnilh! h'ncfils' so it in lh' Ev'rron "r' r"rrint I ili"lf,*"i,ftj*\irilil:ifij#:ru!ji*{",* ilirril{*ill*i,;n,"rr, l:-fr''.:'::::':.:::: | EG JDrrtry rrllr,trrs-^,. li"'illllii,il'",ii'l,ll;,,'J1,, H;"lili;.;..{.lill;#J:..,!l,."fi.:*fil.:'".:l..1..jilll'Il*'"l."-ll"nlj'']:]llllllil;l::li.:'[ll rdliiliil:*ry**iiiii,"'ii#f.,".;";iff liil;iii;,'{l$jrijilir [*siiirfu+r[*illl €-EruffI2eJg?',YV $i*$*rw;uil:iiii|'iliiiii'll.:',,.,'j*ii.;;"iJ";:;ri.il-iii'-iii""l.ii.ii..,i"i"lilil*.'l.il*lll**;$n:M;:i, ffiffi iffiffi ;iilli'ii,li"i:'l"l'll.i'liiii,illi,i"llii;i""'illlll'-,,i-",iililllilli I :;iiiil"lir..;'.1',,llii;,,lllli: | ",.i',T'llllfiJ'll,'. "ll*l,,i,1l;i$'i:li:lii$i: Llli5,Ti'.x"iji:lli',il'l;'xiil,;',lll :iii;,,,i."'iiiili r** r.qu.n'vb..n,rsu.d | ''/:Z rrr':uiri,rrriirr};rrr"r,r CRmEEffiak;!tr !'rl,'-'#I."f';tll:iir:iiilpursu.nceii:i*i$#iiitnit"T wilh religious con. ill",i,,$i::{'i,i:li*il( tlrC Nttl' \'ot.h llgligltS' Itt'11'1'1. KSlf.&'M _ / , ""K",{'":Tft* viclion sends his child to I t.itst, of lg{i:l} irr tvlrit'h he strirl I Lr)ildt"fd1[n ';::::ffiffi1 i.ffis,5*i*l ;':; ';;lili'ill.:'"lll?l:"il,.li'l.11i'.r,ii::tl;l':ll*lli.lii.IllllilW.fl#iKl*otIt y Ang.lt - SUMMERFESTIVAL ffiiN #*PT,,i'flI'[':rFri..sar..sun.-Ju,y,e.?0.irp,surlljr*lll5ill;;i imruu'u l ffiffiSHil- FLh Frr- FrL .nd 5.r.- lll 9.M. "'::ii1l"*JlT:,,lillll" irffi*jt|ffiititfl f^, -:,ji,iiffi{;i"::t#*::...:hi.r.. Drhn.r- 5u.d.y- rr.' p.M, il$fiffiffi *li'i,li ',,. $fi.l*xl-[--il|;'i;ii;"ffi|"i-ii;"-'i"ii;a r:ii;';; i';;" | ffiiliitiltffi{iil\i \ fl ::rft.:,",::t*,:jliliil*'}l"r-il*ri il:ujflilffi] lryllfffirustlil.N -'i'n-l-Zlly]+iilii-$rR.- ;;b';*'*PR'ESr'EXPERT[$E*$'*'"'...,.*.'.lil| |m l:ffi*1;fitilY'..'*NYIHJ[llY,],E],1it,,"', lq$i[l' crario'sI I lLfli[til Il* ; lt;u}$lU ffi*isr' | | |I ,i'ill,ilJ,*,I| ;'dliffffitfiffi,* l=[h'*,T! stalctucntirycoutrcil I ll'"']ir" ,,,iJi];,:il;t,;:,i,i;;.1,,i:,1i1,ii.,,,.:-l:ili,,,1,'ii,,ll:""',1i""',,lil,lllif'l''lr,i,:il,lffil "tllt'tc ('\'t't'J I i ',,F,lrmn is l'oitst)ll lo lrtrpt' Strrrlies 1l St'tprr llall t'1iyr.'r'.sitt..| | | 4 th:rl th(' ('()un('rl u'ill lravt srurrt- sorrtlr (,,.,,,,{l;,.).:'i,.i.il:|,.:i.,ll,,l.i.: i" iiiiiiri,, *': m rrii'ii". ir{i ;i;;{ i;,,;:;;,il;ij i::, | | | ,1i.. ,;. (hr,s,,,ilsanil rcls,ox,,ror.' '',,,,,,,,",,,,l,illil;li-il";lill'lil,| | l&" ,S I Irz sg. yDs.catpEr rNsrArrEDovrR HEAvy h'.,,,11:-;;,,;''iil..itllti"i*"r,:"':l rni,,r.i.'ies trrr "il r hrn.i,',rii::"''*''iludu'r'q'\'sil1 llfHtlll,"llt^T1,P,"ifPoJI9;;"r,$PY:L-to"*"lff.r SUMMERsALE PI(TURES | | lr I lavERAcElrvrNonoou,oir{iNsnooi,taxaLL':illlf:n:;:'::U1'1 -" iiir*rrrul*ilrr;* ",li::ifl, iilri,,l',r,'r:s*""'"'"*^'-*liiiirl;rii*ri:r;rrrrr"rlriiiiril;,:iii;iril,rir';;ii'i;"':l ll ,?ili;rilI, ll All lUlprthandisesubjeato prior sale! Special llu.1'! t:trttttcil..' ll ll , "ii'l;lll''';ll,',','',.'.',,,|I *$w*. liourrrlt'r'olproprrrlar ,,;;l!i,,,lJilli''".,,,11:1i,, I S,$

,,1,1,I,1;l',1i,;l'1";r,,.,,),,"):lt"lli:i::,r:;;rl,l,*ilii_r1ll";"*;,,,,WWHH-&*l liliir;,il:#:i"*Uii**tillilli.'.1'lx;ililll'l:l':";:;;; W r-,FNfL K ffi LyU "tffi ;ii';yii";1ii;i;i'll,'*llr;illiI il'h:"{;l :"'ll"lY:illi. "F ;....",".'l',','.1i,"1,',J' ,,,, ,0,,0!!,,,0 'li}.ll'"il,ox{rr 1;1-1;;1i::il"lirild'"uiiflrr{r:ih$:t',,'iv}$i,ilr" I 't{'iilt ,i1;:#. .riri'".srr**r--,',"*.,'.''''l];l'li:i,.;..i-.l}j,.ll1ll5l''.;.ir1';|*-;-_*'J*-'T?'" nl;i;Uerl*t4+r!',fti*:r';i:$lii;ffi | f NOlroM(}NEYuolrrv nowruDOW}II ur ro

During July and Augusl Only - All large Framed ;li..;':i,,i::;]'i;"!,iii;:|:::'"'*,':[i.1}..::.',.lllil,l].,J,llii:x5iT.l,,Ji|comfort{m Irathcl Slrcltl-ha