BENNINGTON EVENING BANNEB NINTH YEAR. NO. .'.',(' BENNINGTON, VT., FRIDAY, APRIL 1), 11)12 PRICE ONE CENT The Spaed Mania Drove the to Destruction .and It Will Do the Same Thin? to Individuals. Go Slow

of the cool actions of Mr. Andrews, ENGINEERS TO STRIKE who was the designer of the Titanic. TITANIC DISASTER DUE He to engine made frequent trips the 111 Give Roads Until 8 Tonight to Com- -' SHELLED TURKISH room while the ship was sinking, ply With Demand calming passengers on the way and W doing everything possible to pacify New York. April 19. Notice w&s TO EFFORT TO MAKE DU I! given today by Chief Stone to the fears of those about him. LASI Ml HI the ORIS MOUTH OF Mrs. Dick escaped with only her railroads east of the Mississippi and r nightgown and a kimona, but her north of the Ohio that the engineers was more was will strike tonight at 8 o'clock un- FAST RECORD husband fortunate, and less able to save his trousers and a coat their demands are complied with. DARDANELLES She said there was a terrible crash, LE1IEJV and the lights on the steamer went DORR UNDER ARREST Company Demanded Speed Not Safety out, but so far as she could see there was no panic among the first Head t)f White Line Alleged Murderer of George E. Marsh and second class passengers. A stew- the Star Found in California Italian Fleet Drawing Near1 to ard of the third class attempted to Ship Bately Trembled From Shock and Passengers Did to Lynn, Mass., April 18. William A. break through the lines had been Tries Explain Constantinople that Dorr, arrested In Stockton, Cl.. last First---Ma- le by the officers making A'o? Dream of Danger at Passengers established in night for the murder of George up the boat crews, and he was ini E. Marsh, will be held by the California mediately shot dead by one of the of- Lack Boats WELCOMES AN police to the Mas- ALSO Behaved Nobly But of and Rafts ficers. INQUIRY await orders of the BOMBARDED SAMOSE Jacques was sachusetts authorities. Futrelle, the author, In the meantime Chief Sent 1,593 to Their Death one of the first cabin passengers who Durckeshas turned the matter over to District At- parted with his wife and steadfastly Mrs. Cardeza Says That Ismay Got Turks torney Atwill, who put the case be- Admit Slight Damage But refused to accept a chance to enter Away Safely In fore the Car-pvhi- Lifeboat Before Essex county grand Jury at Claim -- a enough to Ti- to Have Burned and Sunk N York. April 13 With the were Rleaned facts show a lifeboat when he knew that the Newburyport today. that the great loss of life after the tanic was sinking under him. it Was Wholly Filled In aad fhe ry of the Uss If an indictment is pol- One Italian Ship Titanic struck tho berg .was due not Elizabeth Allen of St. Louis was returned a .f the TttMiic toll l.f hundreds of ice inspector will start west with ex- tun. to tins cause i.lone to the lack of foreHlght making one of the first women passengers tradition papers. urvi.r, itteril ihe collision possible, but also to the saved from the Titanic to leave the ami It w mi lifest.oin-- tlmt It was New York, April 19, J. Druce Is-- j Funeral services for Constantinople, scarcity of common sense among men Carpathia. was by the murdered April 18. The joi: i.iu U attempt to make She accompanied may, man were held this Italian harged with keeping 2300 Mrs. chairman of the Board of Direc-- i afternoon. fleet began the bombardment a r ird. li the of Kdward Roberts and Miss E. A. of the otTl-d- tors of Dardanelles forts at 11 o'clock e 1 1 Ives. There also were of Mardall, also of St. Louis. the International Mecantile Tht prrit-nc- of Iceberg and hints The three this morning. meanness and seemed to be women appeared to be cool Marine, made WOODMENS' SOCIAL FAIR The full details have Mm irohab.e dkng r were kiicwti to it and Miss the following state- not yet been a widely spread Impression among Allen, who Is about 25 years old, ment night on received here but the ait 01. board ami tio'h Captain Smith salu last the pier shortly latest report dozens of dis- she was Tonight Street Parade, is that the warship's atu J Urm-- Wina. pn mdent of the those who survived tho awake when the crash came. after he had come ashore from the Exhibition have now aster that hundreds of lives were "The first crash," said Miss Allen, Carpathia: Drill by Hoosick Falls Team. been withdrawn and have line. wr appcaifl to lut without gone to Lemnos to sacrificed to what was at least an "came at 11.40 p. in. I am sure of a supposed naval rpv!t. lh ship oil pn without the in the presence of and under the ' The social club fair of the local base. 1 witb-jj- inclination on part of some one the time. Although was plenty ion peed and t the there a as U l l CUII1D. Modem U'on.l IflfTl Amorina ' ::tMt ril'ic urinilnu nfV'. u tforrmh'11 OU n at ...v i iv. 1 The attacking force lookouts as the to avoid the necessity of paying of excitement, there was no panic uncial" HftlUJ VTCI UCIUJillK seems to have co'i.pcteir a" lUy opynP(1 ' been comprised of four ?n heavy salvage. aboard that 1 could see. men one's feelings become too deep for T?1 , Fotor8 battleships proved. The and a score of J. Bruce Ismay, managing passengers and the otllcers behaved words. The White torpedo boats. Tliby hpn in Smith aid J. Unite iMiiay director Star Line and its continued tins evening and Saturday fired 180 shells of the Mar-- admirably. All lights at a range of 8 000 and ihiiiii' nf tl'f.r vra.ihy passengers International Mercantile ' the went out officers and employes will do every- evening. The program last evening yards. I The forts replied, and tlir-- . Sun-- J ine, the company that controls the aboard the ship at 2.20 a. m. .was It is cr nl diii'.er fur hours thing possible to alleviate the suffer- consisted of singing by the male reported that they j White line, was in in a lifeboat In succeeded in set- ly nut from th 're to Star not evidence the water for several ing of quartet of the Bennington Dramatic ting fire to irht ei' I on the pier to explain hours " the survivors and the relatives a battleship which it is U'fi 1 tt li.'p a maklr.g 23 or 24 the conditions club composed of I'rof. E. E. Long, stated, under which most of the passengers and friends of those who perished in sank. k'.t t li'M rlie struck. William J. Lonergan, Channing E. Some damage and perished. He the disaster. The Titanic was was done to Fort a'ajor Ardu r IV h lion of Toronto, the Fletcher and Joseph A. Seddll Bahr, on was sought and in I'ellerin with the northern side of an ri r of t'cCjn cim KiftYs, direct- far wide the great last word in, shipbuilding, and every solos by Mr. and Mr. the roofed inclosure BEST STORY OP DISASTER Fletcher I'eller- entrance of the Dardanelles, ly tliaig.n the was due which , the Cunard regulation of the British Board of in. This flat ilianti" entertainment, which was where one man was killed and one t. tti k nC ii on line had placed at the disposal of Trade was strictly complied. highly Vun.' o' umpe'riice pleasing and won much ap- wounded. The cannonade 1'ir of ittict-- r those who escaped the fatal results "The master, officers crew plause, lasted for purl iht Cof and of was followed by dancing. two and hours. 1 1. !i that maiden voyage under White i.l t'ayt.iiu Sml it Mi the Mr. the Titanic were the , most careful The hall Is effectively It Beasley, a London Passenger, trimmed for is reported that the Island of Sa- msl'-a- Star auspices, but he did not appear men in IIih service- . I nm Informn,! b.i.tee. n; Vajor lemlioii. - ....v. u. u uie iair witn red, white and green moa also was bombarded. , - to answer the questions Graphic of ' . I iluirr-r- o- hail i .. t of scores on Gives Story Sinking mar. Men.ire w . v imto . a' ei iockut ine .... invout... ..wru, iiio tim..v. m.,.v, a ji .iw.imr uiuei, aliu Willi The news of the ! scnif! of bereaved watchers. Many 1 bombardment n It pi, there tit 'iave In en no of Titanic cirenmstanecs or the wreck. heartl- - draperies of the American flag. On reached this city at - wtr- - murmurs the dramatic, for Ihr KxU-r.- ' !iun- the against him and ly welcome such an inquiry, as the each side wall of the hangs toftd .hall an moment when the Sultan driv-In- g (In-li- t it was noticeable most was of lift ,n ill air ami 'van vis- that of the New York, April 19. The story of company has nothing to conceal, and emblem, reading "M. W. of A.". in , In state to open Ll- - - fc; r Titanic survivors who told of I Parliament lor liili.-i- )'. It.t- ti tt-- vicrf the the has been any aid or my associates or the! the reception room a good line of There were wreck ami the escape from sink--j enthusiastic crowds uoi imtil the the told by the survivors who reached and navigators ren-- 1 e,a reverd r.trueu' can freshments is offered for sale. The troops and bands, and in fact )i:p k lug ship glossed over hurriedly that here at 9:30 last night on the Car- der will be placed at disposal music there s'rui I the of tor dancing is furnished by was the general part of the nnrratlve having to do an gaiety of a public 'Hal 'tie Titrnif tiil rrt s' ii pathia. The tale as told disproves the committee." orchestra with Eugene shea .Tr nu holiday. The news, i.t-r- t with Ismay's escape In one of the life however. was moniy ut.i'cr In proven many exciting theories. Ismay was surroundede by a group; leader and Miss Bessie Shea at the concealed by the s boats lived up authorities and 1')' the t'ia', bg iii.t.-r- " . of ic that to be picked by Following is the account of Mr Of reporters and Questioned reearHimr piano. not the made public. frc.nftihr o' tort; an 1 I'unarder. His name seemed not P.easley of London: "The voyage how he managed to save himself. This evening 'U silts to be members of the order iti,.-i- l D ili i a popular topic among any quiet I on upper of the shi i from Queenstown had been and was the starboard side 01 the will give a street parade at 7:45 o'- ' f of those w ho had crossed Atlantic WOODRUFF DISPUTES t tot'inc the a!, r the uneventful; very line weather was vessel and entered a collapsible life- clock. Music will be furnished by FRANKLIN Nuj r with him. quite boat." Ivric'.on ttti.t tLat tho fa. t experienced and the sea was the Bennington city band. The pro- White 11. Aside from bo.-i- t Star Office Did Know at tie i allfe is due to tile fat t the failure to avoid calm. The wind had been westerly "Was vour th firu ihm cession will start of Wreck I lie from the opera Monday - wreck and the still more i Forenoon. tr.ui ie vk.ii orcl. ri into on- of the terrible to southwesterly the whole way, but launched?" was asked. His house building, going up Main street i:i. failure to repair it as U..!t hv M.te .)iilal'ls lu far as possible, very cold, particularly the last day; flushed and for several seconds he to School street, down New York. April 19. Timothy stories were told by weeping women Pleasant L. r.' p iMiie" :lie kxi, umi he hu a In fact after dinner on Saturday eve- did not say a word. street and up North to Woodruff gave out inrormation yes- and ashen faced men of lifeboats street Fores- r.i'n ut n.eiit fr mi Mr. l.yu nil s that ning It was almost too cold to be out "What's that, what's that?" Ismay ters' hall. The feature of tho iwl terday tending to show that the ILM tt rt sank with all on board because the on deck at all. I had been in my HMteu. question was gram White Star people plugs ine repeated, tonight will be the exhibition did know on Mon- ! were not In the bottoms of the Mah'r I', tirhnn Klil.j that '. ta'k-- berth for about 10 minutes when at and then he turned his back and drill fsom 8:15 to 9 o'coh k of the day night that the Titanic had sunk I i cralt when they were lowered away. p. I or ih l're:.eiit IutI.-- V. Ha n about 11.15 m. felt a slight jar walked away. Foresters' drill team of the 11 was about to sink. Mr. Woodruff J'j-- t 1. i i Two whole boatloads went under, re h aviiu fie tiiji and th it, it and then soon after a second one, .My boat was the last to be Falls Woodmen lodge. This will came down to a directors' meeting was said, the lifeboats filling as soon be at Mr IIh l:iiie. that lie wre k but not sufficiently large to cause any launched," Ismay replied. "I cannot followed by dancing until one o'clock the offices of the Union Typewriter ou, J t as they were launched. Once the say fin hi .float lor hjura anxiety to anyone, however nervous if nny women were drowned, or On Saturday, the dosing night, company Just alter 10:30 o'clock on ! - boats were in t aii l h- ip the water with the may 1 '"-- w,,re Monday Aoill'l rea. h they have been. ' ' prevented rrom getting aancing will he enjoved until tnid-- ; morning. As he entered Ih.-I!- plugs the l I.e.'M r ' tl'lt time out. either it was impossible "However, the engine stopped im- into the lifeboats. night. 9 meeting he to It was impossible At o'clock the drawing or turned to Arthur K. Gill-ul- y. it-i- stop the inrush J. liruie Is. nay w i of sea or no one mediately afterward and my first for me to be everywhere at door prizes the secretary tie t's; among the the same will begin From of the company, heiore . boat's crews had presence thought was has lost propeller.' time, and 9M) nnd the li velitat 'she much that happened es-- 1 to 10 o'clock the awarding of the asked him to call up the White 1,1(1,. - of mind to thrust in plugs. I oiiiTullt.e loJit, tm W.IS lea tl- the It went up on the top (boat) deck In a j raped my observation. No Star offices was person Prl' on the voting contests and and get latest news of t.-,- l hinted by several survivors few- was s frum nira. He u taat he In M that dressing gown and round only a lost from tho lifeboats as far as drawing or numbers on lists will the Titanic. w-a- r . h- possibly the men charged I take oi. that Iji t.iatl.lL' II K with the people there, who had come up simi- know, and I cannot say j place. Mr. Gilluly I'.e escape ir any were delegated the task to ; t'je of passengers were too much inquire we killed In j d.rrrnr W'hi.e Sur I'ne, Inn larly to why had stopped, j the crash." The committee In charge or his assistant, George Smith. concerned with their own safety to the The h. oiule.y ti(ilh!! lo Ut'Willi ihe but thero was no sort of anxiety in Ismay added that he was asleep in' f;llr consists or Edward Ilouran latter got In touch with the White make survival possible i m.ii,. ii,. 'i, the either for minds of anyone. Wo saw through his stateroom - ; Star, lolil i, ... . it. M Tiianir, whcll the when the accident oc- chairman William Schindler ' ' ul.n...; " . themselves or their companions. smoking-roo- John "c leineseinea Slid hoiU In iharfe of ('apt tin the window a game of curred. The crash woke him up. he; MeGuire, Charles McGuire. Edward asked for information. This is the Humors of In- i . . extraordinary violence going on in Said. He" evnl.-- ino.l MQ! ...i....- - M:illnrv ...... cards and went to no? n utile linrtini l joilll I'.lingllt, inessiiKe wnicn he took down on f i t in- J at first were abundant, they sim- --I. innii, II at.. ,a in Ikm when but quire if they knew anything; It seems bilge or the Titanic was ripped off. Airrinl Laren, John Paulson, paper as It was told to him. - Melvin tin- mered down as tales j ' hp t'li'l; the icthvri; re--l the were thresh- they felt more of the jar, nnd looking nnd that the vessel sank Nichols, "The Titanic Is anl ed two hours William Potter. Louis Yac-- ! still floating. All fc:ti.-i- l - out, until the appeared !!iei for hiini ;lme a- he did truth to through the window had seen a liuue and twenty-fiv- minutes after the k,"n "d William Warren Ihe passengers have been r be that at least one of the taken off lh:r.k a.cide ii ship's iceberg go by dose to utile of the j ship struck the ice by Virginian lie huh htIo is. company the barrier. The degree team from Uoosick the and the Baltic. The M ( ' was killed for trying to get boat. Regarding li!. t'ia. th 'up had teen the time the first mes-- ! wi" accompanied by Titanic will sink in hair an Into a lifeboat ahead of passengers. sage 25 hour." trar.nn at fu.l hp..d and ihoi sht "They thought we had Just grazed j was sent from the Carpathia to members from that camp This message was to Stories of wholesale shooting ' The trip read a sten- t.4t i: a lo ed M.n iuh- - of below it with a glancing blow and the en- the office of the In made by a special trolley ographer, who wrote it out t. .decks were persistent, car on a ronniny ot the however, and gine had been stopped to see ir any this city telling of the accident the! machine, according to Mr. though no one to . Woodruff nai't' that th 'i hum no dirt-- was willing to stand damage had been done. No one, of Titanic. Ismay said, for the as far as he Ihe statement was handed to him fd the txMt nerv R( tten assertion under his own name course, had any conception she could remember WRECK DUE TO SPEED about 10:40 a. in that large that .the wireless was1 m., he says. as r:ld.y as ihn,Mf. He slaughter of mutinous had been pierced below by part of transmitted at 10 or 11 Mr. vent members o'clock a. m - Woodruff has no connection at !)n. No. 4 whi h a the of the crew was necessary, the submerged Iceberg. The game on Monday. Second Officer Sayt Attempt all with l.t lant ih y Was the White Star lino or the (I Insisted many ills-aste- r h.ll" the lll.p. shots were fired went on without any thought or According to Mrs. ! i aae ,0 Break ,t ,f(,.r In W. J. Car.le?-- Record International Mercantile Marine. i'.e ' nil" '. ail the two hours or more through 1 or i Among Ite women and and retired to my cabin lo mia.ielphia. after she arrived The second officer of those present when this piece ..- which the the Titanic l.::.!nii in -it Titanic was sinking. read we on again. I In i hulii had taken off. until went never the with T I Until of inrormation was received were saw any or the players or the on- Cardeza, J. Bruce Ismnv ! u-,- i . .. iiMinn.i,.,.- .i....- President J. W. Earle or typo-write- r ' ' ..... V Ill 11 111 III! the Ve -- follo-vin- TALES OF lookers again. A hearing or V..rK. ,rt la The SURVIVORS little later director the White Star line not fine. I Jumped overboard on company. A. Barton Hepburn i.l-.- i a raft , , . people going I only was 11 on ihe ,;im n iters and Tew upstairs wnt out sarelv Heated in n llf. .!, The ship struck the Iceberg president or the Chase National bank I I at 11:25 on , Many Instances ngiin nnd round everyone wanting to before It was filled, and C. w. '.r ll.e Tltalili together tli of Courage and Self but he also select- o'clock Sunday evening and founder- Seaman, another director lti. k.i- -, know why the engines had stopped. ed the crew or and loft ha he. u coni-l-i'- Denial. that rowed the boat ed two hours and a hair later. the I'nlon company. fr-i- The ate-n.'iir "No doubt many were Mrs. Cardeza Car-dezz- the tiKur-- in ihe The Carpathia awakened said Ismay knew a Carpathia appeared about hair i reported that thero by an l'i-- ti,. Ihe Coin tee (, pas- - from sleep the sudden stopping of was an expert oarsman ml were Tti" alive out of a passenger and he nour The TAFT LOSES SIX list a vibration to which they had be- him info DELEGATES which the White Star Line figured Ironed of U,e g. nThVon A at come accustomed during the nn T intuitu r of p.issei cern 2. ISO making a four oar until Ismav's boat but crashed into it on side Washington. ! I loss of 1.475 lives. her April IS The deser- oUr. days we had been on board. Natur- was picked up hhrKW1 about two hours The statement from the Tltanlc's after- lrst Officer Merdock was on tion or the Tnrt delegates ir" i!a-- K ally with such powerful engines as ward. Southern to 330 says thero were 745 watch at the time nnd Captain Smith Koosevelt continues, Sej- .. .1,) rescued the Titanic carried, the vibration was according to out or a passenger list of 2,340. was on the bridge. The night was Senator Dixon. 1 ' r'l --,l) The very noticeable nil the time nnd the ' The desertion yester- Car-pathi- ILLINOIS clear. There wns no list of names furnished on a DISTRICT moon. The day by seventeen '' the sudden stopping had something the DELEGATES ship delegates rrom Ala- on' her arrival shows: was rolng forward at the time bama, Georgia, and 1 ()!! Him) same effect as the stopping of a loud-tickin- at full other states was first cabin passengers saved 202 Roosevelt Carries eed. The first lifeboat to followed today by i. i r i ti-- ' ... grandfather's In All But One of the loss of six of at.d ;i o Second cabin passengers clock a room. the leave the Titanic had Tew passengers. South saved .. 115 On going on I 25 Conventions .,., Carolina's eighteen, Including deck again saw there Annlhio I, I.... I ..... Thin' class passengers '. I saved . . 7S , . ,, . """ peeiiiyeignL Men half of the delegates large. I. rat li.ul was an uiidoiibU'd list downwind v at The ii..iim. Mpru l urrying outiw" Jumped overboard tried to get following telegram was NuiM i.f p,..--. iij . i , from stern to bows, but, knowing ,. . illtt) received at MU. by the lireferenr.t uliou-- - . SOlUe of the- luvitu"-- , ,n t '.. 4fii nothing- or v in ti...lilt- ll'CCIll uui vtt'IU Koosevelt headquarters: l .r ;t ( T'' what had happened, 1 beaten few saved 210 primaries, republicans in congression- off. ns the last boats to leave Columbia, S. r r c a . some of the front compart- C, April 18. .210 Grand total al conventions Wednesday In me (loomed snip were Senator .T ....r nivnn 1 i 705 ments had filled each of overloaded" '.AWIJ, .ii t i and weighted her the 25 In The second officer Thirty nine women their' bus-- ! I districts Illinois elected del- would offer no We nre delegates 1 Ii Tl". Us- - lost down. went down again to pul on at large to L'iiii bands. Six of these egates lo the national opinion as to who was to bin mo were brides. wanner clothing I convention to out National convention from Mrs. and as dressed be held In Chicago. It was the unanimous T'l-- Churchill Candee was pros-- The result was opinion of South Carolina. heard an order shouted. "All passen- S The convention was iiuieu wnen sue reached the delegates instructed for Col members of tho crew who were ques- held February 29 M Mi he. of ( rt pier. gers on deck with life belts on." We nnd Instructed for In telling her experience Koosevelt and I w o for President Tuft' tioned he said, that It was tho Tnrt. At . she said: all walked slowly up fault that time Col. Roosevelt l:t.r.T 4 saw with them tied The two delegates of responsible officials was "I Mr. Astor and his wire. I on over our clothing, Mr Taft were who were at- not a rnndldato and It did hot :i; snw them part. but even llieu elected In Ihw 6th (Chicago) tempting to make a nppear As the boat In presumed was a district. record irlp. that President Taft could nSt .M which was this wise precaution They nre Charles The second officer be rr Mrs. Astor was loavlni' the captain was tnklni;. J. Ilappel nnd W rushed on deck elected. Slnco Col. Roosevelt cr iihtj t (, ami that we J. Cooke. hen ti, , he stood the rail and waved his In the lSth district Leu F,;p Btru,.k tvl.wtl ered the field it is evident should return. In a short time nnd re hmnll women nnd that he hand, throwing kisses." of Kankakee, known as tho children l:i0 tho life- Is the choice of the grent mass T,'l "10 tire to bed. Thero was a total ab- Lorlmer boats. There of Re- Mrs. A. O. Decker, one of sec- candidate for governor In was p.actlcally no dis- publican voters In fl'iloher the sence of any panic or nny expressions t 1, tho states that Jointed r,;,5 ond class passengers be primaries, was Instructed order said, the lifeboats leaving elect Republican ril anv of tho Titanic of alarm, nnd I supposo this can bo for nominees. It also 'itt ii.vj adi.erurm .... 659 arrived on the Carpathla Koosevelt Eight delegates large with little difficulty. Tho chivalry beenmo palpably '. with her accounted for by at of evident In states t.r.l ciihln pam n-- I tho exceedingly ill bo Ihe tnalo passengers, three children. She chosen at (he conven-Ho- n ho said, wns re- where tho popular said she heard a calm night and state will has been test-e- d tt ivet "rt crash on tho tho absence of any at Springfield markable and that of tho ! steamship and, gather- today. women was that it will be Impossible rah n limt 3j:, signs of the nccident. Tho ship was magnificent, for Mr nf.Reni9r ing hor children together, ns several of do-dln- Taft to bo toriea of nag. got to the nhsoultely still and except for a thetn elected even If nominated, 'r'l nil rial neieei deck. Sho said there was to leave the ship without their nnd we have -I n tiTj no appar- gentlo tilt downward, I CLOSE ON CARPATHIA therefore reached the lnotnrten. e wire told ent great excitement which don't husbands or fathers, and had conclusion o r. J.o. 64. ns tho officers think ono person in 10 to be that our duty of the party North Vlftr, after of tho steamship had would havo forced to enter tho lifeboats. and the country och, k I ant niKhi tho situation noticed at that tlmo. no signs Californlan Saw demands thnt we i.L the Cunar-- 1 of tho No Oodles Pick-e- d well in hand. approaching and Bhould voto for Col. Roosevelt arptir-.- there with Mrs. disaster wero vlsihlo. up No wo nnd rrivol Decker said sho snw Colonel She lay Survlvon If the Farme la shall so voto. Tiu irrl.-or- of the rorked on Just ns If she were waiting Industrious Astor tho deck when sho got South M. C. Andrews, Sumter, R. Wb.'.m Uner In thero tho order to go on again when nomo Wellfleet. Mass.. April 18 C. lltunlc. urenei and no was cool and collected o are In Die noil will J. R. Levy, t ru t and trifling matter had been coinniunicnllon with Cali- not be lazy (Chines pro-verb- Florence S. C. ' thit rerulted from In. fllclent acted in a very adjusted. A ' i bravo manner. fornlan. If similar messago tr..J-- (. Covers which reports having passed the husband carries Innur-nnr- was received I'm !rotn awaiting tho Mrs Vera Mick and Lifted from Boats. scene from C. ef. English, a.nlj her husband, the of Titanic disaster at 8 30 his widow and children will not district chairman fia: riclleinrnt er;lng on Albert A. Dick of Alberta, "Hut In a few moments we saw tho n. m., on be First Congrcnslonnl I Canada, Monday after arrival of tho needy. National Life Insuranco district; M M ondlt ona that mado were both loud In covers lifted from the boats Morrison. t: d their prnlso of tho and tho larpathln. which had taken aboard nil (ompany of Vermont. First District; Frank U cult to ho'd anj to a narra- - conduct and crewa allotted (Mutual) Noting. rot heroism of the onicera to them standing by survivors, Calirornlan has no Earlo a. Kinsley. General Seventh District nnd J ll' rr tap r..nuteg a there and crew of bodies Agent Goodwin, it t'm, the Ttlanlc. They told (Continued on aboard and did not see any Mead Building. Rutland, Vt. Seventh District of Souta' fourth page) Carolina.