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Community Calendar April 2018 Community Calendar Apr 4 Wed Happy Hours: Entertainment in VH 1.30pm Apr 4 Wed Ridgeway Ladies:Talk on Graphology VH 7.45pm Apr 7 Sat Broad Hinton Church clean up day from 9.30am Apr 11 Wed Gardenng Club: Trip to Abbey Gardens, Malmesbury Apr 17 Tues Mobile Library: VH car park 3.15pm – 4.00pm Apr 25 Wed Vintage Cinema Club: Grand Hotel VH 7.00 for 7.30 May 20 Sun Broad Hinton Church: Thank you Service 5pm Jun 9 Sat BHCBT Annual Gift Day: VH 9.00 – 12.00 Jun 23 Sat White Horse C.C. Charity Ball: Manor Farm 7pm Jun 30 Sat Safari Supper Happy Birthday to the Broad Hinton School pupils Joseph Button, Matilda Dewar, Ophelia Halam, Ben Baverstock, Matilda Tipping, Daisy Dewar and Oliver Smith who celebrate their birthdays in April Waste & Recycling collection days for April Tues 3 Plastic & Cardboard (blue bin) and Recycling (black box) Thur 5 Garden waste (green bin) Tues 10 Household waste (black bin) Tues 17 Plastic & Cardboard (blue bin) and Recycling (black box) Thur 19 Garden waste (green bin) Tues 24 Household waste (black bin) The copy date for May 2018 will be 20th April 2018 Please email copy to Dawn May at, phone 739130 or send to 35 Winterbourne Bassett, SN4 9QB. Items submitted to the Local News are considered for publication at the editor’s discretion and are assumed to be intended for publication unless otherwise stated. Articles will only be printed anonymously if the editor is informed of the name of the author. HAVE YOUR SAY I would like to thank the inconsiderate owners who choose "NOT" to pick up their dog poo in the village of Broad Hinton or pick it up and leave it in the bag. Having walked from Post Office Lane through the walkway to Fortunes Field on11/03/18 Sun., I noticed some 3 lots of bagged dog poo left in the hedgerow (for info.:-in white bags with 4 Squares on the bags, all the same offender.!!!!) and 2 lots of poo on the path ( not in bags???). Alas I missed the next lot of "Poo", but on my arrival home my wife quickly brought it to my attention. It was on my shoe. Thank you!! Could ALL dog walkers be more responsible. Myself and others will be looking to find the culprit, and will "Name & Shame" the culprits. This seems to be an ongoing occurence, it must STOP!!!!! . John Nurse **************************************************************** I’m not happy with the fifteen telegraph poles erected alongside the Uffcott road they really look ugly and inclose the road in I cannot believe in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) “Barbury castle” that OpenReach are allowed to do this. I’ve e-mailed the Wayleaves Office and been told I need to raise a complaint with OpenReach which I have also done, case reference is C4780700. I would like to know why they have erected fifteen unsightly telegraph poles alongside the Uffcott lane this is an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB) and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) any planning consent is stringently reviewed and subject to the highest respect in the planning offices. Are they planning to continue the poles along the A361 as this would be another blot on the landscape or are the cables underground at that point? The poles on the side of the road really close a very small lane in they hide road signs (especially the warning for the sharp right hand bend into the village this road is often used by tractors and for two to pass they use the side of the road now blocked by your poles. Telephone lines already come into the village why do we require more? P.S. Nice touch to stick signs on each post that are not just out of date but now have all come off and litter the countryside John Hughes If you are not happy with the erection of these poles please e-mail BHADS Auditions for the summer production Broad Hinton Amateur Dramatic Society is pleased to announce that this summer’s production will be another of our hugely popular Farndale series! Performances will be on July 5th, 6th and 7th. Auditions will be held on Sunday March 4th in the Village Hall at 4pm. Everyone is welcome to come along, whether or not you have ever acted before, and as always we certainly need help backstage. This is another light-hearted comedy, and is great fun to take part in, as well as to watch. This time the production will be co-directed by Marilyn Martin and Sally Cartwright. If you would like to be involved but can’t make the auditions, do please let either Marilyn or Sally know (731521 or 731050). Or email Marilyn at, or Sally at Come and join us when the fun starts, March 4th at 4.00. AXFORD BEER FESTIVAL TH SATURDAY JULY 7 2018 NOT TO BE MISSED! JUBILEE FIELD, AXFORD Music from Echo, Bodgit and Scarper, Rohan Ball and more. Shuttle service available from Ramsbury and Marlborough. For more information & tickets go to ALERT PLEASE NOTE BHCBT This year the Broad Hinton Church Building Trust will hold the Annual BHCBT Gift Day in the Village Hall on Saturday June 9th 2018 9 00am—12.00pm Unfortunately it is no longer practical to hold the gift day outside the Village Shop so after nineteen years it is time to move to a new venue. We hope that all you wonderful people who have so kindly supported us over the years will continue to do so. The format will remain the same. Anyone delivering their gift day envelope on the day will receive a complimentary raffle ticket with a chance to win one of the splendid prizes donated by the Trustees. The raffle is always drawn at 12pm on the Gift Day. For anyone new to the Village we would like to invite you to come along and join our regular supporters and help continue the work of the trust by making a small donation on gift day or setting up a regular covenant. The BHCBT raises money purely for the repairs and upkeep of the church building and its artefacts. Listed below are the funds we have been able to provide for repairs to the church since the start of the trust in 1998. We have only been able to achieve this by the generosity of your continued support. Grants from the BHCBT 2002 Lych gate restoration £3,500 2004 Church door repair £1,240 2006 Vestry Door repair and Church Heating £5,500 2008 Organ Bellow repair £2,742 2009 Various repairs to walls £2,515 and windows 2012 North Vestry repair £4,036 Flag pole repair £1,979 2013 /4 Floor repair £10,572 2015 Final floor works £342 2016 Church Tower roof £1,955 Repair to heating controls £2,000 Total £36,381 You do not have to be a regular church goer to want to see this wonderful historical building maintained. I am sure that the preservation of our church for the present and future is what we would all like to see. So please come along on gift day and support the trust in its 20th year. Tina Tidey Trustee Broad Hinton church clean-up day We’re going to give the church and churchyard a really good Spring Clean on Saturday April 7th from 9.30 onwards. We need help of all kinds – the long, tall or short, women and men, polishers, washers, scrapers, gardeners, and every kind of help you can imagine. Even spending an hour with us will help. Do please come along and give us a hand (tea and coffee served, and possibly cake, maybe even bacon rolls…). Jenni Moseling and Sally Cartwright ************************************************************************************************** M4 Junction 16 - Upcoming works The layout at junction 16 was changed overnight on Sunday, 25th February and we would like to apologise for the disruption that this caused. The team has now increased the temporary signage around the junction and this has helped the updated layout. Also, we would like to remind road users that the traffic lights are currently set to a fixed timed sequence, which is not reactive to traffic volume. This is because the ongoing works are not yet at the stage where we can reinstate the system that detects traffic, however, this will be the case before the end of the project and the traffic light sequencing will be more efficient. Despite the recent cold weather the team has continued to make steady progress, completing the majority of drainage across the site and continuing to install ducts, kerbs, traffic signs and street lamps. Surfacing and road markings The team is planning to start resurfacing and adding road markings to the whole roundabout from Monday, 19 March, during a series of overnight shifts. However, due to the size of the machinery we need to use, there will be some lane restrictions and temporary closures around the junction while we work. These restrictions are essential to give the team a safe working zone, whilst allowing us to keep the roundabout open to traffic. 3 April – 5 April inclusive from 8am to 6pm – traffic in contra flow on the east side of junction 16 roundabout and temporary 3-way signals will control traffic to the south. 1. M4 westbound entry slip closed – traffic diverted down Great Western Way to Blagrove roundabout, and back up to junction 16 to join the M4 eastbound.
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