A History of the Growth of the Steam-Engine
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f0bej;t ^mv^ %Mt&tm ^ mtt to 1303 Cornell University Library arV1796 A history, of the growth of the steam-eng 3 1924 031 176 716 olin,anx Cornell University Library The original of tliis bool< is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031176716 THE INTERMTIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. VOLUME XXIV. THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. Each book complete in One Volnme, 12mo, and bound in Olotb. 1. THE FOEMS OP WATEE IN CLOUDS AND EIVEES, ICE AND GLA- CIEES. By 3. Ttndall, LL. D., F. E. S. With 35 llluBtratlons. $1.50. a. PHYSICS AND POLITICS ; or. Thoughts on the Application of the Prin- ciples of "Natural Selection" and "Inheritance" to Political Society. By Walter Bagehot. $1.50. 3. FOODS. By Edwabd Smith, M. D., LL. B., F. E. S. With numerous Illus- ' trations. • $1.75. 4. MIND AND BODY : The Theories of their Eelation. By Albxandeb Bain, LL.D. With 4 Elustrations. $1.50. 5. THE STUDY OP SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spenoee. $1.50. 6. THE NEW CHEMISTEY. By Professor J. P. CoOKB, Harvard University. With 31 Ulustrations. •$S.0O. 7. THE CONSEEVATION OP ENEEGY. By BAiroDR Stewart, M.A., LL.D„F.E.S. With 14 Illustrations. $1.50. 8. ANIMAL LOCOMOTION ; or, Walking, Swimming, and Flying. By J. B. Pbttigbew, M. D'., F. E. S., etc. With 130 Illustrations. $1.75. 9. EESPONSIBILITY IN MENTAL DISEASE. By Henry Maudslbt, M. D., $1.50. 10. THE SCIENCE OP LAW. By Professor Sheldon Amos. $1.75. 11. ANIMAL MECHANISM : A Treatise on Terrestrial and ASrial Locomotion. 'Bj Piofessor E. J. MAEET,'College of France. With 117 Illnstrations. $1.75. 12. THE HISTOEY OF THE CONFLICT BETWEEN EELIGION AND SCI- ENCE. By J. W. Draper, M. D., LL. D. $1.75. 13. THE DOCTEINE OF DESCENT AND DAEWINISM. By Professor OsoAB SoHMrDT, Strasburg University. With 28 Illustrations, fl.50. 14. THE CHEMISTEY OP LIGHT AND PHOTOGEAPHY IN THEIE AP- PLICATION TO AET, SCIENCE, AND INDUSTEY. By Dr. Hermann VoQEL, Eoyal Industrial Academy of Berlin. With 100 Illustrations. $3.00. 15. FUNGI : Their Nature and Uses. By M. C. Cooke, M. A., LL. D. Edited by the Eev. M. J. Berkeley, M. A., F. L. S. With 109 Illustrations. $1.50. 16. THE LIFE AND GEOWTH OF LANGUAGE. By Professor William DwiOHT Whitnet, Yale College. $1 50. 17. MONEY AND THE MECHANISM OF EXCHANGE. By W. Stanley Jbtons, M. a., p. E. S. $1.75. 18. THE NATUEE OP LIGHT, with a General Account of Physical Optics. By Dr. Eugene Lommbl. With 188 IllustratioBS and a TaWe of Spectra in Colors. $2.00. The IntematUmal Sderdific 5«n««.— (Continued.) 19. ANIMAL PARASITES AND MESSMATES. By Professor P. J. Van Ben- EDBN, University of Louvain. Witti 83 Illustrations. ^1.50. 20. FERMENTATION. By Professor P. Sohutzbnbbeobr. With 28 Illustra- tions. $1.60. 21. THE nVB SENSES OF MAN. By Professor Julius Bbbnstein, Univer- sity of Halle. With 91 IIluBtrations. $1.75. 82. THE THEORY OF SOUND IN ITS RELATION TO MUSIC. By Pro- fessor PiETBo BiiASERNA, Royal University of Rome. With numerous Illustrations. $1.50. 23. STUDIES IN SPECTRUM ANALYSIS. By J. Nobmak Locktee, F. R. S. With 7 Photographic Illustrations of Spectra, and 52 other lUuBtrations. $8.60. 24. A HISTORY OF THE GROWTH OF THE STEAM-ENGINE. By Pro- fessor R. H. Thueston, Cornell University. With 163 Illustrations. $2.50. 25. EDUCATION AS A SCIENCE. By Alexaudek Bain, LL. D. $1.75. 86. STUDENTS' TEXT-BOOK OF COLOR ; or. Modem Chromatics. With Applications to Art and Industry. By Professor Ogden N. Rood, Colum- bia College. With 130 Illustrations. $2.00. am. THE HUMAN SPECIES. By Professor A. de QuATKErAGES, Museum of Natural History, Paris. $2.00. 28. THE CRAYFISH : An Introduction to the Study of Zoology. By T. H. HirxLET, P. R. S. With 82 Illustrations. $1.75. 29. THE ATOMIC THEORY. By Professor A. Wurtz. Translated by E. Cleminshaw, P. C. S. With Blustrative Chart.. $1.50. 80. ANIMAL LIFE AS AFFECTED BY THE NATURAL CONDITIONS OF EXISTENCE. By Professor Kakl Sempbb, University of Wurzburg. With 106 Illustrations and 2 Maps. $8.00. 31. SIGHT : An Exposition of the Principles of Monocular and Binocular Vision. By Professor Joseph Le Conte, LL. D., University of California. With 182 Illustrations. $1.50. 82. GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCLES AND NERVES, By Professor I. Rosenthal, University of Erlangen. With 75 Illustrations. $1.50. 83. ILLUSIONS ; A Psychological Study. By James Sullt. $1.50. 34 THE SUN. By Professor C. A. Yodng, College of New Jersey. With 83 Dlustrations. p.OO. 85. VOLCANOES ; What they Are and What they Teach. By Professor John W. JuDB, F. E S., Royal School of Mines. With 96 Hlustrations. $2.00. 36. SUICIDE : An Essay in Comparative Moral Statistics. By Professor Henbt MoRSELLi, M. D., Royal University, Turin. With 4 Statistical Map" $1.75. 37. 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By Professor H. M. Posnbtt, M. A., Uni- versity College, Auckland. $1.75. 55. EARTHQUAKES AND OTHER EARTH MOVEMENTS. By Professor John Milne, Imperial College of Engineering, Tokio. With 38 Figures. $1.75. .56. MICROBES, FERMENTS, AND MOULDS. By B. L. Tkouebsaet. With 107 Illustrations. $1 .50. 57. THE GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION OF ANI- MALS. By Professor Anoblo Heilpein, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. $2.00. 58. WEATHER. A Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weather Changes from Day to Day. With 96 Diagrams. By Hon. Ralph Abercbombt. $1.75. \ ^ c\^ The International Sdentiflc Series.—(Comlnaed.) 59. ANIMAL MAGNETISM. By Alfkbd Binet and Chakles V&n% Assistant Physician, Hospice Salp6tri&e, Paris. With 15 Figures. $1.50. 60. INTERNATIONAL LAW, with Materials for a Code of International Law. By Professor Leone Levi, King's College, London. $1.50. 61. THE GEOLOGICAL HISTOEY OP PLANTS. With 79 Illustrations. By Sir J. WttLiAM Dawson, LL. D., P. E. S. $1.75. 62. 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With 108 lilustrations and 3 Maps. $1.75. 70. HANDBOOK OF GREEK AND LATIN PALEOGRAPHY. By Edwaed Mauhde Thompson, D. C. L., etc. $2.00. 71. A HISTORY OF- CRUSTACEA. Recent Malacostraca. By the Rev. Thomas R. R. Stebeing, M. A. With 51 Blustrations. $3.00. 72. RACE AND LANGUAGE. By Professor AndeIi LBrBVRB,' Anthropological School, Paris. $1.50. 73. MOVEMENT. By E. J. Maeet. Translated by Ebio Peitohaed, M. A., M. B., B. Ch. (Oxon.). With 200 Illustrations. $1.75. 74. ICE -WORK, PRESENT AND PAST. By T. G. Bonney, D. Sc, P. R. S., F. S. A., etc.. Professor of Geology at University College, London. $1;50. 75. IS WHAT ELECTRICITY 1 By John Teowbeidgb, S. D., Eumford Pro- fessor and Lecturer on the Applications of Science to the Useful Arts, Har- vard University.