
3 C(2!7e If' 1.-1 AU STRALI?\N MUSEUM MAGAZINE Yol. XT , :\o. 1 Price-TWO SHILLINGS

S u gar G lider eating a .

Re11islercd at the IJeneral Post Office. , for lran$mission by post as a periodical. THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM I-IYDE PARK, SYDNEY


ELECTIVE TRUS TEES: PROF. A. 1\. St. C. UUHK ITT, ~!.B . , B.Sl·. H. J. NOBLE, ~ I. Se .. B.Sc. (Agr.), Ph.D. Fi{ \NK B. SPEl\CEH. E. j. KEN:\Y, yJ. t\ust. !.M . .\1. 0. C. \'ICKEHY , B.E., ~·I.I. E. (A ust. ). F. L . S. BELL. ~I.A., F.R.A.L \\'ALL\CE C. WliHTII , C.~ I. C .. LL.U. FHANK W. IIL LL. l'HOF. A. P. ELKll\', :'vl.A., Ph.D. C. r\. ]O IL~SO:\. F. ~fcDOWELL. PHOF. P. D. F. ~ IURHA Y, ~1 .. \ .. D.Sc.

DIHECTOH: A. 13. WALKO~I. 0.!)(-. Assistant to the Dircdor: j. H. Klr\CHOH.'\. C.~ I. Z.S.

SCIENTIFIC STAF F: Bmb, lh·ptil•·' and Amphihiotn~: j. H. K l i\'GHOHN, C.II I. Z.S .. Curator; j. A. KE.\ ST. B.Sc.. Assistnnt Cur·atm·. :'.larnrnals anti Skt-l<'lorr;, : E. Lt• C. T HO UCliTOi\'. F.H .Z.S., C . .\I.Z.S., Curator. Frslws: G. P. W IIJTLEY, F.ltZ.S .. Curator. l n~l't-b and Arachnids: A. ~ I US GH t\ VE, F.H.Z.S., F.H.. E.S .. Curator. \l ollu~c~: JOYCE ALLA:-\. F.R.Z.S., Curator; D. F. ~lc:lii i C II A I.::L, II.Sc., A~si~tant Curator. Crustacea 11nd Otlwr Groups: F. A. ~lel\E ILL , Curator; ELIZABETII C. POPE . .\I.Sc., Assistant Curator. ~ l irlt'rals and Roc·ks: H. 0. CJL ALMEHS, A.s:r.C .. Curator; j. 1''. LO\'ElU~C. B.Sc., Assistnnt CUJ'ator. Fos,ils: 11 . 0. FLiiTCHEH, Curator. . \rrtlrropo)o)!y: F. D. .\lt:C \1\TIIY, Dip.Anthr., Curator.



IIOXOnARY SCIEI\'TJFIC STAFF: Zooloj:!bts. Orni t h o l o~ist. A~st. Prof. E. A. BHlGCS, D.Sc. K. A. IIIXDWOOD, C.F.A.O.U., F .H .Z.S.

ll. LEICHTO;\ KESTE\'EN, D.Sc., ~I.D. Archacolugbt. Prof. ,1. L. SII ELLSfiE.\B, ~1.11. , Ch. ~! ~ I EUlOl'R:\E \\',\1\D. F.H.Z.S., fo'.Z .. '\ 11111 i;. nra l io;t. 1'0:\1 lllEDALE. (:. C. II EYI)I ~ . t\.S.'l'.C .. F.ll.N.S. Entonwlo)!ist. l' lr ilatcJi,t. T. Il. CUTII HII';. FH \:\K W. lliLL. THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE

Tit E ' .YELLOW :Jl O~ DAY '' CICADA Fron t i:s piece

\Y t<: YJ~ I T TliE F oR tm:•t• RtrER-.lllf' /1 l\:casl, B .0 c. 3


S E.\ L tCF. OH .J t~LLYF t S J1 !- E lizabeth ('. Pope, Jl. Sc . 16

P 1 · RsF:-~ ET F t s ttJ ~ <: 1 ~ AH~ ll E.\1 LA:'\D-F rederick D. J/ c( 'a rill y 21

Tn r.: Srmt.Ls Ot•' Ht\'F.: H ~ .\ "K D L AKE:-;- !11- T> onald P . .llc: .lliclwel. B.Sc. 30

HE\'11<: \\' ,' 3+

( J>It otoyraphy. unless olhcnci.•;c• stated. Is by Jlou·ard Jlug}w-; . . l.R.P.S . )

• OUR _FHO::\rJ' CO \.ER. 'l'ht• :-iug:U' Glidt•r (J>r· laurus brrl'i(·tps ), shown ('ating a titada, is Ot l' Sl'l' OJlCl smalll•sl of tl•e Aust r:t lian possum ol' ph alangl' l' family l'ap:thlt> of gliding flight hy llll':tns of skin-wl.'hs d e,•clopt•d h<.>tW{'CII its limhs. Tktaust• of likt•nt•ss to fon•ign sqttirn•h;, :1ntl fonning of its in 't>('t fuod. lt inhahits the S<"ruh and fon•sts of l·ast(• t·n A usll':tlia.

~L\ Rt'JI 1~ . I !L) :~ . The " Yellow Monday " Cicada ( Cycloc /,j/a au~lralal i uc). See artacle on IMSt' I0 Published by the rhtsimlian .lluseum ('ollege Street, 'ydney

Editor: A. B. \Yalkom, D.Se. _\nnunl Nub~cr i ption, Post l~' rce, j 6

\'tH .. X I, 1\o. J. l.Jar <.:h 1.). ] 9.):3.

We Visit the Forrest River By ALLEN KEAST, B.Sc. *

~ hour a f te r dar·k we joined the lremt>l~· pl easant aftPr so muc·h OYrl'land llliss ion la uaeh. 1t was lying again~L t nt\'f'l and one soon frll to L'C'tn i n i s~ in g: A tlw \rhm·f, rising ste~:H.11 1~ · us the Hhout t he pr<'Yious fpw days. OvC'rnight nmddy im·om1n~ 1 ide s\\' E.' ll l'd 11 p ('am­ t·amps in drying· t·i vPrh<'ds, daylo n ~ d "B'orrest HiYer ).fission. sOilH' fifty llliles up mountains, .n'llmY-flowering kapok trres the nH•a rrd pr·inp; st ream from \Yyndham. It s ilhotu' ttrd ag-ai nst thr sky, and atrPs or was to be Olll' next c·ol lrding- cn·e;l and nne pink e\'(' l·la sting!-i wh ere <·ha rH· (> ra iu hacl towards w!Jith. aftl'l' l H'H I'lll ~ H1'('01111 1s oC !'alien, had been fpahll'<'s of thr jon rn r~' its animal Iif<' from 1bP Nnp€'rintf'ndt•nt, hom Hall's ('n'<'k. .\11 ith ('oa ldntkr . we \\'t"l 'l' looking- l'or­ r·ahl e t• xt·itl'lll<' llt. a few rnil<'s out of \\r ~·ndham and then. Tlw lt-lllll<.:h was <1 trim c: r al't, :~() fet-t in finall.\', the pidin~ up of mail. haYing ,tn length. l l Pr skippPr was Ucn ard mtd ltis il'C'd l wl'l'. and n modat ion. natin•s who had Hll intinrate knowJ edg·p or \Vc• mwhon'd at 111idn ig·ht et shor·t tlis­ t lH• \\'<11('1'\ra ,,·s tJrp~· JH'gotiatt'cl. .. \ 1 hig h tatwe np from the mouth of the• F\>rT ~'"t watrr· t lw lamH·lr movecl into midstn'an1, a i{i Y<'l'. (JeiTard (•xplaining that it wi:l s !oit<'Ze and tlH• g·<'nt le lapping: ol' tlr" st iJTill ~ wctter·x. U c• rT;Hd ht•ld t lw <'Ott i'Sl' Wfl\'('i!'ts 011 the sid<' of the hoat. cli r<'d ly outward:-. l'rom tlte s hon·. <1\\'a rd th<> anehor lwi11g nrist•d towal'(ls the mangToY<'s of t hP far shon'. dim!_,. outlined against tlH.' skylilll'. 'l'ht' ll ;t JHI 1 h P <•ngi nr sta rt np and W<' t· l m ! d>rr · ~,•d the ln uneh turnrd to wan Is the mouth ll' 011 to I hp dPt·k. 11 0 t wishi11g: to nti ~~ an~· :3 llHITO\\'<'cl c-md JHt ss~d thron~rh the hill~. \\'a l<'l' birds \\'<' I'<' abundall t. Uroups vf 'I'he lrwueh followed the ehan1H'I, 110"· beiug mig-rator,\· wad ers fed 011 the st ill partly­ in midstream. I h en sweeping <·Josr in to a exposed tiats- BaJ'-tail<•d (lodwits, Sea(',,,._ hl\\'('l'lllg; <·lifl'. ~\ kw milrs further on we Jews, Lar·gr Sand D ottPrels. and oihl•J·s­ ('nw•·grd on to bt·o;:Hl flMs. 'rhe stream now s peeies 1hat by 110\\. (l\1ay ) ;., hotdd ha \'{' lw(·mnc wide i:lll t1 sb aLlow, its bt:m ks ltllt

Left-Sketch map of For rest River area. Below-Part of the Forresl River Gorge, upper reaches of the river. The poo.ls are fresh, lil y-strewn. the home of the little Joh nson 's . barramundi and Rocks of large Magpie Geese. The rare White-quilled R ock Pigeon and \ Voodward Shrike-thrush frequent the stony plateau and va lley Roor and about the clilfs the Little PftlTH Wood Swallow Rutters and glides.

AUSTRALIA INSET SH0\))5 I'ORREST RIVER. ::\L\[{< ' 11 l.i. 1n.-.:1 TilE .\ l'STIL\LI A:\ ::\Il'S I ~L\ 1 )L\<;.\Zl :\E . I

The nocturnal curie" whtch, dauled by the ltght. Out­ tered into the hut one eventng.

featiH•t·s on tht• hctttk ctnd (lt•tTard poinlt·d l'l'()'"· tlw lallt'l' lllill'kin:.r tit(' sitt• or tll'' ont Hll i,Je~nd whpr:• 1he bird' had llP"t,•d fit·-,t landing- in tlH• d onto Hit ultl Hnd \\'l' \\'l'l'<' t·onslctntl.'· 011 1IH' alt:'J'I l'ot· thirt_,. htnHit·t·thu·ig-ht tt·ut·k and I'll r·ontp them hut it \\ lantlill!!' pl

I lead of the Whtte-quilled Rock Pigeon. G ) IAJ{(' II l :J. UJ.)3 ------

::\Iission ~ta ff and t ht' H i~ht He,·. the Bishop The seeonr somr fiYe mi J.•s made m,,. fin~t <'Oll <•<:ting: ex<.:n r~ i on. I t " '<.IS of rcwk.'· platr an. alHI p;u·ct ll <'l to 1h~? 1o a tra<:t of S<·r11b at the foot nf t he t·cc·f'tttly-ilt slallcd pipt• liiH' thal hrot tght 1he dollt <.'s tit· watet· s uppl,,· to the ~ l i!'.siotl. flll ­ plateau behind thr mission cmd cH.:ross ("t m edicttel,,· lwhind tlw :\1i ssion t lw 1t'Mk gra!-ls~ · p~ain to 'l'htltawa.'·· a dr~·ing ~wa ter­ 1110\lllt<' d 11 hole a nnlc to the west of the ~Missi on . rrhqt a steep slope !mown as The .J nmp-up " . 1 t 1he ll ]HtssPd i hrough :-.a,·Hn­ -:\Ir. Coaldrake was H fi ne na t uralist wr knr and the (h·eat in ston' ror both t lw rare \\'hit('-quilled Bowerhinl, t be latter a laro·r hnnYn bi nl Hoek P igTOII and Hl•d-plilntC'd P igl'on wrt·e . 1 t' IOU ncl t 0 lH' iuha b i I <11 I ( s 0 I' tlwse Olll erop~. \nt 1 mlpc ol' cleli~:atr pjnk. Twcntv ot her hirtl speei<'s foll owed, itlduding: the\·rll o\\· ~ \ van1

Brown C-ittail. H orsficld Bnsh la rk. a111l ':-ll'l' l a~t i:;sut• (If tlw .\r::;-rlt.\1 '~ ~l n.; r:t., l FantRil ''T

. t •. .•

B elow-Native lad with pet goshawk.


A bot•c-Native boys go swimming in the waterhole among the Aowering lillies. pools, lyi ttg: in i he fl oor of a deep Yalle.'· skirted by taU cliffs. Uronps of ~Ia g pi e Geese could he sl:'en abottt 1hr pools atHL lt<' l'<' ,\' took

J'.. Right- T h e pet d in go. ~

Opp o~ il e page-The na tive art gallery. . a crocodile. footprints and severa l symbolic huma n forms are represented.

.. ..

i4 \f '"' 11 --t.-,. I !li=-l

L ·/1 Hrgg u.• . the pet brolga Hdou·-Susu:, one of the llli SS Jon chddren.

flight. .\not ht'l' int ('l'<' ... till!! i nhahitant or I hP-..<' parb \\'h i<·h W<' \\'Pl't' a hit> to toll<'d fot· thP :\ l ttS<'Illll \\'eh I lw \\'oodw -..izt• ol' tlw <·ommoll ( :n·.'· 'l'lll'\1:-.h. hut 1s "''·'·· krrping- \\'1•11 hiddPn illl\!lllg':-.1 thP Sl'l'tth and slotH•-,. fh lll<'lodious ..,j lit! lt• t·flll -not<• pc· hors H<·ros:-- t he• YHllt•y muc·h llHll'\' ol't('ll lha11 lht3 bird}~ "<'Pn. l{pptilt>:-. \\'t'I'C' plt-nlil'ul in the Yall<·.'·· rsp<'t·iall.' .\ p:mnid nn

1 ht' ltllle fiel d mou>e. ~r \l:t 11 t."l. 1 ~1.):1 T ilE .\ l 'NTIL\LL\ \" :\ Jl '~ l ~ l·~l .\1.\Cl.\~ I X I ~

En!.!li-.,h \H•II and 111'\t'r tin•d ol' nur l'Oilt- to a p<'digt·e<.'ll dog-. On<' lad had a JW<'\\'t'l'. 1><111.'' at I lw :\ 1i~-.,ioll o1· in t lu• fit>ld. _\ud anof h<•r a :.:ro:-.lta" k. But. l'ct\'ollt'itl' of thP -.,non W<' lwd t hl'i t· t'JWntt ion in th<' t·ol ­ \\'ltoll' Yillctg:l' \\'HS n ('~g'it•. the Hrol~·~t. lt•<·tiou of "JH'I'illH'Ih: inst•<·l->. f1·og>,, sn lltildt• ol' tit~· t'OilllttT ili'Oillld 1lw _\Jis­ g·a .... \\'lti<·lt \\'Ottld JH'riocli('all.'· :tnd <·irnllitw al'trt· them Heo·o· il' hinl-sltoot in:.r i11 tlH• tlln \\'('fi rst arri\'l'd. plni11. ;ttlll t ht'l'<' \\'H~ I'I'Og' <·o lle<· t ing: b.'· lnt't·ltli!.dtt . \\'t• lt·ad<•d tohHt't·o \rith sollh' Th<'ll Il' 1'01' ~Jll't•iJll t'IIS of the• pJPl'ltrijlH ~.00() ft•et "\\' oldt't· bon.. to \\'it•ld il lllilttot·k. {'ill'l'l'ttlh· ltll·nino· 0\.'(' 1' < >nl' ol' tlH• llt 111 i<'<' W<;uld not lll~ in­ 10\\'rltole tw< · l•ssl'nl cl.,~ · bdot·<· it \\' HH C\'(' tttually Sl'l'lll'Cd iu a bag. JJ:<'f 1i llg' SlJI·Jt j ll 1\'1'('~1 illg' SJH'cie:-; riS th,• Th<• :;\I i:-.sion Jll'npll' had sen•n1l 1nten•st• P;ll·sotl .clttd ( •r inlsott Pi11c·lt<•s. Bc·d- <'oll.

Roberl, one of the triba l elders, 1s a fish -s peann ~ champion. This catch. barra­ mund• and water goannas. came rrom a drvtn~ pool. 50 yards long and 15 inc ht> s deep. and was made m a couple of hours. 10 .\L\IWII 1.), 1!) ~,;~

lh1t my "<'atch '"\ras dwad'0d by ilH' inches in length ('Ould be liYing thrre. ·' 1·ollret thi1Jg·s wp soug ht. Y otlllg' ilttd old Then. befor e m.'· amazed eye~ . he pnlled out \\'CI't' splrncl icl ('

final!~ · topping oif the whole c~ tfort with a w' ·knowlrdn·iI"' 1W.... <'cd smTy when 1he 1im e pul led a\nly from 111<' shon·. ft \\ <1" a ('ame to l c•a ,·e Ponest Rin•r. One (•a nnot wonderful fan•well and 11'1'1 ns witl1 <~ kt'l'll be t oo ;r rateful for all the tronhiP taken longing to l'<'tlll'll.

Seasonal Occurrence of Cicadas By A. MUSGRA VE.

~ tiH' s." ut 11 o­ I bers, giving tise to speenlation as to ~rhe'l · r is i I sta I l'd that 1hi s lli.lllll' \\·a~ l i 11 kvd tll<• rf'ason fo r 1l1f'ir abst> nr0 or their appar­ with 1 ha1 of' ilw c·i t·ad t· . . J. ('. ( 'ox. a " "" 'l' l1 c <·om m on c·i eatla of tlw S,Hln e.'· \\'PII-knmrll llattll'. 'J' houg-h f lw:-;c• with whi<·h Llll' la I '~(' l!l'ITil l'i1·nd01 m:dH•s it :tpJH ar· <·i<·adas lll'E' so c·ommon littl<· is kll0\\' 11 or :lllC·t• <' :H·h ."<':tt· ill 1 hp lll'it,tltlwul'lwod of ~.' dnl'~ · tiJPil' habits. The~- c-ne lwl ie\'(•d to lw most Ji'o 1· fiH• last 17 Y1·at·s he lt:l(l nott·d the d:tlt·.;, "lti1•lt he found to rat.tgL' 1'1'0111 (ktolwr 1-Hit to :wtlt." Hhunda111 <' n ' l'·'· 1hird .'·rn t·, hut it would xt'CIIl 1h<' with i lw t in~<·s ol' <'ttH'q..rt'llt't ' diminution or t hci1· n um b('l's <'<-1 m;i ng· <1 d is­ of t he in sN·I ;Jt 11w pl·c•-;t•ttl <'l'n 1 o 1ht• c> nd ol' . bttllt('ll{ cthon• g'I'O ill1d h,\' I h;• ud11/l . 1 ( 'o1Hpltlc . l c<·ou ll/ of /h e .'cltlr•?Jlr' JII at ins<'('fs. m· l'ol' thos<' il!di,·idtwl"' \\·lw <"·a·;l)H' Pori .fotkso11, / )l Sr' ll' Srmlh H'lllr's , d·c., f lt Pi I' }11 (\ 11~ ' l' l1 C'Ill j('...;, i~Lu-:< ' 1 1 1.). 1 0.) ; ~ 11

llt• rvwi t lt an• Lt!l au•d st•aso11al ot· lW,,., c·i eacl as \\'el'c heard <·

l{ ('l,tt i\P The Eng-lisl1 Onk. whit h gTo \\·:-; ·\\'d l j n Soun·•· n 1 i ll l11 1'1l1H I 1<111 aln111 d.I IH ,. the gc~rd t• n :-. and p

hi;.-•>·llh• · ra,·om·pd bY• this <' hi d c·i rada sono·-C"" 1• •\\ ·· 1 \ ~ U lt l i H!'I'. t '·. S!.uilu•.'l .-l/ urn ili!J 1/r·mlrl. :w llt•<·••m lu•r , J !I~)\ , str 1· ol' t lw ;-;~ · dn e .' · distl·ic· t, tiH' Yellow •· 11 :I I'U 1:th ", S.!!drtl !I ,1/ 1)1'11 111!1 1/r·m lrl , T hur-du,l . I lk t·••m i H•t, .J londa.'· or ( h et'n g r ot·t> r. aml 1 he la tP Hl l ll. \\·. \\'. J•' t· og-g-

. . -, ' ~-

A bouc- M acrolrislria angularis. " T he Fiddler." l3clow- saccala, "The Double D rummer." 12 'rH E At STI{,ALLA.N .1\Ie:::>EU.Jl .JL\. GAZIXE .J[ AHI 'li 13, l !J.JB lian .Jlu::;e um, tlw oak tn~cs in );onmber Tltt' mal e insec·t, \\'h r n shaken in a J1ot 1rer e full of the t l'i lli ug ins(•rts wh en the hand or cvrn in u box, \\·ill ol'l t>11 temperature rcat·hed the desirPtl peak. The g1ve ,·e nt to a t·aH }p o r I'<'S<'lltlll('ll t. eiC'ad as I'C' tnain mute when rains and c· oo l I t is t ltis JIOise wh ic·ll find :-; ra \'OUl' in winds l Y~ ll ow the mind:-; of 1lt <• young, while ~<' h oo l .Jfond in maintaining di.·cip­ notes mu .'· be he night and Jin e, as tlw m·e of t <• n surreptitiom;Jy would-be slerpen.; fill(l r elif' l' onl y whe n a brought in to elass-room:s t he1·c to upset the long-a wa ited soutllerl)· 1Yi11d an i Yes to gravit.v of the O('Casion hy a sudden squark. lowe1· the t empel·nture aud still thejr :-;ou g. ~o t onl y in the cl:·tss- t·ou m ma,r tlw mono­ tonY of life be l'rlie,·cd b,· t he <·ieaC't pro· the lc1l'g'e l' r icadas or t lw coastal t·ep:ions cl o du <'e.s IS .the sanw as th:1 l ma unfamiliar with the d C> nlsta ti on more dea fening... · \\TOn g- ht hv true loc·usts west of the main dividing- n~nge . Lo<·usts and c·i<·a

R eading from lhl· /op- H enic-o pMIIriu eyclouJ.i. .. The Mottled Grey Ctcada ". P.,allocla mocrcm. "The Black Ctcada " o r " R ed Eye ". CrJI O ~ o ma wunclcrsii, "The Bladder Crcada ", a spectes found in eastern .':3.W .. exteodmg sou th to Sydney.

:\f IIM'lllll I'I'Olll I ht' Ht' \'. ( 'olin Bu q..r••:--.. of I hat town. datrd ~nd Ch-tolwr. Wl' g-lt'all t ht• f'ollowin~ information:- ··~ontt • thillg appl':ll's tu !a t• IITUIIg' 11itlt tltt• 'i11stiud' of tlli:, l'itada. l t :•ppt• :tn~ in l:rt·gt• IIUllll rt•t·s t•H•ry tht·l'l' ~· t • at·s lrut, 011 ill!{ pt•J·It:r ps tu bot lt t'X<·t•ssi\'t' raiu :111d ( last ,l'l':tl' ) tlt·ym•ss, ll:tl'l 1101 appt•an·d in lllt'g'l' lllllll· ht•rs t'or fin• \'(':rrs. Xuw t IH• t•lll'iUIIS fad j~ th:rt lh1• tit•:td:l t'IIH•rgt•s i11 ~vpll'llthvr 011 tiH• lliOIIII(:tills, wht•tJ IIH• h•riiJH' I':I · tttr(' i:.;, 11 ith f t·ll I'Xt·t•pt ions, i11 tIll' ()(1':.; o r t'\'t' ll luwpr. 111 •·on:w shl•ll tll' 1lryiug-, and ( ~o, · t·nt i H· r· ). 1\unajong- ll <> ig-hts (Ottolwr) ft•\\' an· lllt·kv t'llouglt tu n•:~t· h a stagt' \\'lll'll tltl'y :t l't• abh· tu ft•N l. ':-i11g', matt•. ,\: t•. ~~~ \\'(' lwn• tht• and .\lt. \\"i lso n (:l.:!76 l't>t>l ) and also ~~ "JII't·tadt• of tlw ft•llt·t' 'l and tn•t•s litll'rl•tl 11 itlt !'\JH'<·illlt'Jl l'rorn l . pwe~·, \' idoria, taken ill r11 :r ny thtllhand-. of slu·ll-;. oftpu ollt' u1w" :uwthl•r. (le· I oht•J·. :r ncl tfl,. t!l'!llltlll littpn•d 11 ith tht· hod it•:- o f till' dt•:rd inst'l'l., uftt•ll nraiml'd and th•fonlll'd brtau:-~:• l 11 a 1<'11 <'1' datNI :!ud . Januat·~·. 1!):);3. the tlll'rt' W:tl' insuflit-i <· nt ll:ll·rnth for tlrt• n e:rturPs to H l'\'. l'. 1htl'g't'ss \\Titt•s :- h:t rdt• ll JII'Opl'rl.\·. This has ltt•t·rr ~o thi:.; past W<'l'k "H(• Ill\' t't•marks on tht• eh·atl:r C'l!l'lrwlt ila auslra tll' ~w-t·ountlt •ss dt•:td illst••·ts :rncl not a sirrl{lt' las1m ·,·:11·. ·'JII'f la. I h:tn· had ·tlu: upportunit.1· t·it·:lll:r sOli!{ fl'(lllt tIll' I n·t•s. Xow 1' \ ' ('I'Y S(':tSO II wiH·II tltl' ll' is a larpt infinx of til·:td:ts ti1is thing during t'OII\ ah · ~t't' llt<' to obst> l'\'l' this Yarit•ty at lr:qtppns tlwy <•lll(' l't!t' too c·:trly :1111l dit•, :rppar· Lt' III':J, ((lt!Plhl' l' with tht• t·OIIIIIHIII ~ydnt•y spt•t·il's 1/IJ.,/rala.,,ot :tl Xort hltridg-t• :111d 11<>1\· thl• folln11 · t·uth· of •·old, illllllt'dialt·h·. Can YOII thro w :1111· ligh't upon tllis !" · · · i11g: Tlrt• \:11'. sprtla is , iu <'Y t:'n · W:l\'-sig-lrt tliglrt. sOIIl! 111uc·h lt•ss l'igorollti th:'111 tl•e ~"dn",: rnost .\ c·c·o lllpl'l. T hl• euut rast is markNI." · · or ( '!ftlothilo 1/llslmlosilll \'ell'. .'i/)l'dtt C:od ­ :\11'. C:. 11. ll cll'll,\·, or 1\ atoomha. \\'lt o has ing- nnd l •' ro g~.nlft. J!l0-J.. <1 \'f~· l'Ppl·e­ lwd <·oltsidt'l'ilhlt• t•xpel'i('llt't' as a proi'Ps­ S<'Ilf t•d i11 1ltt• :\ l u:-;t•unt t·olkt·l ion l'rotll Hosr­ !'\iorw l t'll t onto ltw:ist i 11 • \ ustm I ia and 'l\t~ - ,·illt• and I :or·don, :\or1 h !'-\hot·p litl<', nnd 111<111 ia. \\Tit Ps a-.. l'ollows :- 1-t THE .\CHTlL\ l ; I A~ ~ I t':--;Et .\1 ~f.\(L\~ I ~E 'JIAI{Cll 1.), 1!J;j;j

"Ou lh1• :wth ~l·ptt•utllt'l', HI.)~, at Katoomba , lhl•it n•gulat· ilal•il:-.. .\111ongst such :H·c·idcntal l':tllll' from thl' g'l'tlll tlll quilt• a numbt•r of thost• happl•nings is tlu.• falling to predatory neatun•.... t·icatla,., wtth a hl:u·k ahdonll'n known as nnicty sutll as a c·t•rtain "hi<"h, in tiH' prc~wnl c:asc, ·'Jit'f ta. .\ .... I Ill' d:t~" Jlilsst•d throughout tii'O wct•ks happc•uc•cl to '"' a hsc•nt, hut hit·ds wcrt• plentiful tht'"l' l'llll'rging l'l l.':ttltn•s progressi,·c\~· intn•asl•;l and on tilis 1· c·:dl or lit\' t·it·:td:t ll':tS hl':J I'cl ( i.l'. Oil tit(' ~H h Oc:to· 1n•t·c• not in r 1·idc•tH·c•, nnd no;te was ltr:trcl ca lling. l ~t•r) and 0 11 lhl' :! ud ~0\' t·tu l •t• r, the call has pass1•d but litis ,l'<':tr the,\' t' X<' l' lled in lllllllhet·s a11d <·amc i Is pl':t k l':t r·:< pli 11 i ug ,·olumt•, though still n•main· in tltl• mo nth la•f'on· t>X Jll'tll'll. ~o"·· h:wi11g reathcd iug I'IHtsidt•rahlto. Hi ghl from lite beginning of this :'{on•ndlt'r, tltc•y sh ow signs of Teaching mon· inllux of t'it·:tda'i, thl'il' dl':IIJ l':ll'('ralc• proporl ions in llllllll!t' l'S and I'Oi<·t•. litt('r 1111' g-round and iudPPd, tlw :thsen<·t• of suf'li· t h ou~h Ill'''' c• nt l•rg,• n c·~·s :1re oteuni ng ca<·h dny. t·il·nl ants to l't•tnovc• lhl'nt. thl'St' remains at:tll111ll· aucl llt'l\' c· :tn·asl'S :11'1' d:till· to hr ohsc tT<'cl on lall'ns. la l t•d 111:1 king I hi' dl':t d :dntosl :tppt'ding tlll'ir 111\t-.t·ular :wtio11 and making flight impossihlt•. piC't('l.'· from tlw 11.'·m phal ( "pupal") slwll. .\1-.o t·it·:tda .... h:t\l' io llll'l'l thl· nonmtl aec:idt>nts of ~ \ t \\'ahi'()Oilg'H "Oillt' of tht' ('l(·adas l'ai)Nl 'i O in"'t•t·l lift· lhu .... !':tiling ~·ll't•tliH·h· to tany out <·omplet<' thPi1· 11'<111sfol'mation into the pflr­ l'<'t't ins('t·l and < ·l un~· to tlw hal'k of the m1k tree c1 pn'~ · to ctnls. \\·hat is th<' tause of this lllalais(' HlllOilg' the mctamol'­ pltnsing i ns<'<· l s! 'l'he ouly I'Nl­ so tt tht' r~uthor ean aclvauct' is that ~ uddt'tl t limatie thangL'S in lt'lllpt>r atun• antl hnmi < lit~· hH\'<' tlp:-;(lt thr inscct·s meta­ bol ism. "'hith at t his nitit·al ]H'l'iod or transfrr elH.:l' front n.,·mph to adult is probably '>l'tl'-'iti\'t• to '>\H:h t·he:w~es .


Reading from the top- A!clampsa lta abdomina/is. a Squea ker. common in .S.W. harrisii, "The Razor­ grinders ". A bricta curuicosla, "The Floury Miller" or "Baker". 1.)

\\'h.' ! ill' ,·nridnl fonn s)n·cfft should ctmong· the youth ol' ~.n l n \' ,\ ' Ht that time 1'<' tlw nwtT t:'· pi<·al l'om1s of the 1hungh some seem to ha \' C' I' a llen i nto dis­ \\'HI'Illt'r t-0<1:-:lrll i>(•lt, is n p1·obh•m whi('b i.· usr. I t wou ld (IPJ>('ar f1·om <·on,·el·sations dil'fit·ult of t-~olut ion. 1 h who haH' hnnwht .}.\;-; l '.\HY. I !):);), t iectst · · at about 10 p.n1. ( 'ytloc/J ilu rt nsfr((lrtsiue Y;-lJ'. spl'efa. Tlris Tlw in('l't>lr~<· k abdomE·n and hlnck: duri11g· this month ol' the year would app<'Hl' marks on the head antl thorax. ~o popular to mnb• tlw <·i<·adar- 7'/wplw soc('rtla. 'I'he mak has la rg<' 1it' I' pu 1'1 of t ll<' i-iPI:-.;,•"·IH'1'<' ) thnul!·h a sligl1t diminution ' . \Yasherwoman ''. ill the \'O illllH' or thrir so ng \\ ' <1~ P<' I'C<'P i ihl e. .lf of'rol risl riu 11 nmdaris. 'I' hp Ch e n~· ~ \ JJ( •(' or tllt Rt>d l ·~ye. Is noted f01· ifs pl·efen'nc·c for ol' 1hr c·ic· ndas HS OIH' <1pproal'lws d ,.\ppl<'. hordcring· tlw Eut<'JI,,·ptns fon•st. On the rlnqophoro frt nceolula. c·l<-an·d slope's a ho,·c•. \rlwt·r H Y l<' l humnwr <·ulu in the males are swollen as in 'l'hfJph rt c·i<·ctda, 'i'li oplill stu·f·uf(( . is tlw <·hiel' rorn1 s(t('tola. l t is sonwtinws submitted 1·o the tlw that <1 c-11 1d t lw noi:·w hf'l't' is OJH' long c·m1t in nons ::\ lust•u m in lwliel' it is ··Flout'\' ~ ! ille r ". . 11ill ing- llOt P . 11 01 in tiH• pulsnt ing rhythm of tiH' ('!Jt/or· !lilu. l•:,·pn ,,-(Jell sonw dis­ J>:wllodo llftJ'I'is£i. This is t he t'icadIOIS. l 1stdfo(/l( pltlfjll (- ((/'{jf' Jiflllu ). rrhis is Jt Jlli!!·hl he· nppropriat1• ht'l'<' 1o lllC'lll ion c·OIIJlllOII Oll tlw 11'Ullks or thl' l'i\'E' I' onks. SOIIlt> of tiH• SJH'<·ips lliOS{ (•()JJllllOill,\' IJJ'OLtglt t ( '((sllarinu . on the ~ t' JH'1· \\'ith lltPi 1· \'('1'­ a !so o<·c·u t·s hy tltt' l-il' \\'OI'k pl'<''·ion<.;):'· c·itvd. 11.\~ :\ l r:--;~:l':\1 :'.1.\ t:.\Zl:>:l •: . ix. ( ."i J.. ian. · :\l ar('h. lll('JitiOtH'd t 111' 111-II JI(' S ol' 11tc• c·ic·t:Jd;ls ('111'1'1'11( I !1:~ I. PI'· t.i:i- 1.'5-t. l!i 'l'H E . \l 'WrH.\L l A~ ..\ll ' S l ~l':\f .\ 1.\ C:. \jjl .'\ 1 ~ .\1.\t{( ' ll l.i. 1!).):J

Sea Lice or Jellyfish? By E LIZABETH C. POPE, M.Sc.

:\ m1d-.J anuat-y u( 1!1.):3 an unusu g·ills) mHl tlwrdot'<'lll ig-ht hr<~<· l w: or the <·r tHt·al .\ew ,'outh \Yale · <·OtH'l'iYnh l.'· l<~k <• <1 passing- nip at n hutttatt. eonst. On e Yittim- a beach in pector­ Jt is high I~ · unl ik<' ly, how<'Yrt·, that <•\'Pil told us lt o\\' he had HJ)l'in ted clown the beach th<.' Slll t·l'Hk . •\ lso tht> lHIIUI' <' of 1111' in tit<• \\'s as to wlwt·t• 10 t>p sPa illl!.d<'l', \rrt·r stunQ' in a sim ilar waY. Sonw snffprrd S('YI' I'ir .... tinginu pro­ at o tH·P rN·o:.rn isrd that t lw sting-s tli ffr1·<•c:h. Some otlwr c·ausal h•rist i<·all,\· lit<' s;tlll<' cts 1hos<~ l't·om 1ht• lttr-ue ancl .kll.'·hlnhlwrs. .'d ot·pm·t•t· t IH• \\'<11 <' 1'' Olll 1o i11 I ht• IIP\\'"P , 1~) .);~ 17

\\'it h one pxtrpt ion all t lw ol her t•Y idl'tH: • .n •l c·ert e: Jin whetlH' I' t iH• sti11gs a1·c• <:e:HisNl support s o lll' theoty tlHlt j r ll ~ · fish ('Clllscd "". l'nt .~ ' ll H' Jit s of adul t hluhht• rs or hv. t heir 11H' sling-s. That pit'('(' or evidf ll (.' (' ('OllH'S spc-l\\'11 o 1· ~·o ung s t age~ . ln most <·c.t sPs 1' 1'01 11 a Jil'. IJ ,,·e:llll \rho i'ound cl Slllall <·t·us­ \\'hen • st iugs wel'e r eported . kN:'ll ob:-;e L·vers tac:Cilll i 11 his s "-i mm i tt g: h'un ks a ftpr h t' had lwd notic·ed lcu·gp .i <• ll.d>lnhlH'r :-; in the bt>t' ll st uug- iu tlH' sud a t lLnhord. 1 t was ,.i<: init.'· whi <.: h aj)pe €'(' 1c d to \\'hE't iH' I' lh<' hre;1 king Up i:-; part 01' tilt' draw hlood c\·en t hough it was ~· eaeh ,·isitc•d ou1· th e01 ·~ · .... \ 11 ct1tt>lll pt \\'(\S llHld C h ~ · J l ttSl' \1111 offh:P rs about tl H• j E> ll~· fi s h sting:<' t·s re<·r in ' it was .i <> llies. he<·atts<' t hl' wa1 el' r cpol't C' d. H \nls intc!Hlt•d to make hauls was a hn1.\'s thic·k wi th t hem ,,·hen t h<:> stings with spe(·i al fin <> n<'ls ust•d fo 1· c·a tth ing- t he O('< ' ULTetl. tlte st ings til l' ~ · had (:'X J> l' l·ienc<•d m ie1· os<·op ir li l'<' ol' 111 <' sea at timrs when "·r rr similc-n· 1o hlnhher stings. and a lso i11 I he st i ng- i ng·s wer e going- on. I' or it is not pcll'ls o l' tlH• IJC'a<·h wh cr r no .it'JI.d is h \\'l'l'<'

J\ll arks left on a bather's a rm by a mv~ l c r y ~ t :ntier in the surf. Photo­ graphed 5C \'eral days a fler the attack. l$ 'l'll E 1\l'S'l' IL\ I;I A:\ .\ ll" ~J.4J I ' .\ I :\1.\(L\.6 1 ~ 1 ~ .\ l.u« 11 1.""> . I!J.1:l ------

\\'rll'lllt'l' S('il'\. \\' h<•tJ t' \\'HI'Illl'l' \\'H(!' I'X Cllts tH't'tlt· .. ~ OIIJI't imt•..., I hP,\' \\'ill in l'<•xt tilt' "'11'1' l'o 1·

. \n1 o11~.r l ht> illlilllills t hnt IH•c·onH• -..tJ·;rlldPd Porti.on of tentacle of a bluebottle (Physalia) show an g the mtcroscopic nettle cells in th e :issues at stwlt tint<·s ill'<-' l\\'o h1·illint1f bill<' Sipho­ with the trigge r hairs "at the ready ". Three of nopltot·c•s in ilddilioll to thl' Hl11Phcllllc• the stingi ng capsu les have been ·· set off " and tJ>hy:m!ill l . nil '-PI ohliqw·l.'· ;:('l'oss 1!~ upppr· su r·l'cl<'P . Tl ti~ i-.. tltt• lh ­ drifting in thrl'e \\'ere no stings. I n l'nd the rnanaget· of the ( 'oogt:'e snl'l' xhrds. tiH•-wind :--i;l ild h JI'fJI/11 . \\'h ic·lt h<1s ne> '>ilil. i' \\'hose experiem:r extendrd hac·k I o 1 Hl ~ l'ound too. T h<':-ot' . .\bo ~tatcd caieu·orieally tlwt wiH'JH' H'I' xi111 ila ,: -d nt stH·h tinws rtt'l' \ ·iolt·l Sunib. mM; · st i ngin~s had Ot:C'U ITt'd in the past WOJ'tth, <·~·rlni 11 Sjll'(' i<'~ of IJHI'll;H·I t·s and I hl' sea had beeu infe.·ted with binr · bnnm largt• .nttllil>PJ's nH'dll~on11 • ~l':t .\ni nt:tl-. That ~1111" :tn•l l•'iri-i tl.'·· we ind t lw 1 hat \rou ld t·em l'eade1· Bilt•," .\ I STR \11.\:\ .\l t :-;~I \1 ~1.\C ; \Zl'\1-, 1.\. ~. an.J in t·he summ rr tinw espcc·iall.'· tltet·e is a ·· .\ LargP \l c•dusa itt Hnllll'\' ll:trhuur." .\t , . mal'ked \\'arm c·ti!Tt• nt fi o\\'itw l't·om tiH' Ttt \If.\' ~l t ' :'F< '' .\1 '<:.\Zt;F, X, 1. . ~ . trup tc·s '-'Oll tlnn1nls do\\'n 11w :\ P\\' ~nut h \rales coast. It i~ ~·e u e 1·all .Y a Ill il t• o1· so of!'shorP. In this C'U I'I'ent dt·i rt n numlw1· of C'l'('

Greatl y en larged diagrams of a stingi ng capsule before (l eft ) and after discharge (ri ght) .

When properl y ~ t i mulated the T llll.~~> l' trigaer hair touches off the re­ (AI>!>VI.E ac t i~ n which brings the mecha­ nism into play. Shortening ot the muscle bands contract the thread capsule and the pressure on its contained fluid shoots MVSC.I L the barbed thread out. l)~>t~ O } ) \Hl'll 1.), }!).)3

The brown Man-of-War Blubber. Caioslylus mosaicus, found in local harbours and estuaries. l'lu.to. B.1 t olttlt''·' ut .. 'l'lw 'lt•lt•!!raph " .

tau~ing had :-;t ing-s is t h<· 1<11'1!<' hi'0\\"11 ('ol o­ or "l-.l'il li<·e" sting:-; 111<1,\' br t. will wn I <'l's illld d in .Januar_,. Inst. l t mnst also he day \\'hen the ""r is <·i<•d that it i .... IH 't ·c·~sary for n it dot's i l is ssiOils likt• tiH' Jlot t I('" Hlld (•()J'fl)S po:-.:-;('SS h j..._ IH'h. J f 0\\'t'\'!'l'. I his did 110t )ll'(' \'('111 lt~. This ill<'l't' off an.'· .i<' l 1,\ l i:-;sll <'~ ( ,·isihiP ot· its tip. Thn~ ads that at·r elosed at thr l'rre inYisihlc• ) whic·h ma~ · adhr1·c· to t hP skin. t•nd act lllt' r·el,r like miniatur·e lassos se rr­ 1lw11 sonw amntmlia solul ion .... ueh a:-. :-a] ing to hold Hnd ('ntanglr snw ll er· crratlll'<'s, Yola till' ac·l ion lo 11H' poisou ll

True cause of recent stings in the surf wa~ the Jellyfish Medusa called Cyan. a anna skala.

t 1'/t ysalia ) is worse than that of an~ · otlw r· fishrr·ntt'll ot· lt c> t nwnd<'J's who s11 hsequ<·ntl:· .i<'ll~·fish in -:\ ew ~o uth \\'nil's \Yell ers l'ro111 ha11dl e ~twh nets. e\'<'11 wh<' ll drit• or IIH' f <'il ,·lli'('S or 1hr so-<•;dlPtl St' mystl·1·.'· jp l ]~' fish ~.H' lWI'­ lou se oui break ha s hPPil sore <'n'"· and this all~· 1· esults o nl~ · in a1r initatin~ paitt in tlw rund e us <'\'<' ll more ec rtain tlwt .it'll.di:-.h skin or <'yes. llmrenn, )J cre ag-ain we nH'I'l lllPdus;l(• \\'t't't' at tht' ruot ol' th(• troullk. ntly to stin gs l'ron1 nemato­ <11'\' out hrcak tHillt' l'rolll t li t' \\' l'll -known hi!! c·~·s ts and \\'h <:' l'l' OJH' JWI'so n nlight hn \'(• )..{<;11)(' fi s hr rman. '\lr. "J inx L;t\\ ..,on. Ti t' t'X('l'U('iat in ~ pain, Yom iting- and :e,·r r·<• ;tlld<·r·t k to hring- into us a 'iiH'<'illle ll .or hl·<•athing <.HsturhanC'PS l'rolll a Pll ysalia fh<• stin~c't ' I'm· <'Xam innlinll. 'l'wo SjH'l'll'S ~ ~ ing-. Hnothn \\'ill :-.ufl'c·r· no 111or·p than loc·al or IIIC' cJII St'll Sjll'!' i;J1I y .... ll...,jll't'{ front 21

t IH' ht'l' (( 1(1/os/yllls nwsoir11s ) , also known not cd that 1hr c_,·cs !-; t nng: pa i 11 l'nll_,. when Hi-; Lite \la n-of- W ;-11·. H tHl t h<' g-iI' I hp blnhlH'I" 01' or 1 hr Sl'Cl­ Cyu/lca a1111askalu \\·hi~.:h lint! an llll<'ll\'inbl €' \\"J' S('<'llH'd to lH' ht·eakin~ up" tlw st in gt~ l· in tit(' ]>l'Psent ou1ln·('Hk. }lore­ or ··it was g-ning: mould _,.· ·. llcs~.·npt iom; OYer. tlw spec- it's Wcl lous<:> ''. l ndcr t lws(' <.· ircumst tht' soom'l' thr name "s<'a lic·e" is forg·otl<'n tiH'·'· \\'t' I'P tapturing: it and one nw tllbel' of in c·onnt><·tion '"·itlt the presrnt outht·<'Hk o[ th<' part.'· t':\}H' ri eiH' <'d pai11 \rh <' !l hr ntrrely su rf sti11g-s th<' hett"<'l".

Purse-Net Fishing in Arnhem Land


[I E fi~lt_i11g llll't lt uds of tht• ~\ ustr~llian \\'01)1(' 11 OUt 01' hark-fibr<'. \\'ltith lS t·ollrtl ilhOI'Ig'IIIPS and tiH' knotting. tlw the c.· o <~stctl t 1·ihc•s subsist t·hieAy upon a li'ltt e t' !wing thC' :-;a me lifish m~ drY spnson \\'ben net. c·r·reks l;a,•t· d ri c-d 11p to l eH~<' a watcrholr reJt e natiYC'S tlS(' tltt'Sl' IH'ts ill water ll)l {o IH•rc: and t I! PI'<' ;.tlong tllvir h<>ds. gamr is t hi'(•(' 01' fow· f<·et deep to f'Citt"lt pike. mnd­ wary. a11d plY Hl'<' These tHll in's Ill a k<' n'd or hottnd r nds. anr droppt•d or pushed into ~ Phut ogr:o pit ~ ll\ t lu \ 111 hor. .\1 \1{ < If J."i, ] !J.):3 the \\' HIPr in front of tht• fi~IH•rman, wh u is tak<'n out and thrown on to tl1<• bank. ft·<•qtt<'llt 1.'· sinks closes tlH• m•t q11iekl.'·· the \\"al vt· with 1lt Pir hatH1s and f ppj to and ustwl l~ · lifts it out horizontall~·. hnt d ri\'e l lt 1• th-ilt 1o\\'Urds h i111. Hoth 111<'11 and ...,Oiltt>tinJ<'s \"t' l'ti ta ll .\·, and if it < · ontHin~ a wonH·n use 1li es<' 11<'ls and <1 man ancl his fbh ()llf' l'>id e is ti:ll ' Pf ull~ · O]WJH'd, t lw <.:

Right-The net rests on the bottom tn shallow waler. !Jclow-A mudfish caught in the purse-net.

.\uotltt·t· mdhoh i 11 ll~t• \U'Pd along 1 ht• .... hot'<'. fl'l'l l"or lltt'lll t•t n or nt on·· fish i 11 <1 \\it t (•t·ltolt- l'rotn :H) lo ()() 1'('1'1 long·. 1>111 it is llHln• dil1it·tdl (o n!H· It t ht'llt i11 lh (• lakt•s itlld ri\'t'l'"i llllle:-.:, J\l.<\1<1 ' IT 1.), 1 !).):~

The weeds and debris at the edge of the pool are searched for fish.

tlwy are very plentiful. Adu<1l r<~ sults a pool, <:atdlill}.?; fi sh as th('·'· g-o. noted inelnde Oll€' mcm eatvhin~· :21 fi sh in 'l'hc n a1 in•s ~·njuy this t~'JH' o[ fishing 1:) ntinuh's. and 1:~ in 10 minntes; two i 11 tlw hot weatht•l' lan~hi11g" a11d sing-ing men ~~ fish in -1-.) miunl<'s; tht'<.'<' men -1-0 whilt• tll(')' plungt' <1hout al"1 er the fish. fi sh in -±0 m)nutes ; and a man and wife rl'lw ,\· usual ]_,. ke<' P a fiL·e g·o i ng:. lt o \H'Yt'l' . 10 fish in :iO lllinutrs; getting ·it 0 111. eel n,' ·in

A fisherma n about to drop the net into the water. T H E "' \ l'S'I' IL\ 1_; [ \ \' :J ll ' SE l ' ~l ;\ L \(1.\~ 1 \' 1 ~ .\f.\l W ll 1.). J fl .)8

Gurnards By G. P. WHITLEY.

•· t ll·rc llw gay guruard boasts his 1'\ls.'· d~·c·· . other objcc·ts in it:-- :-.c•,1 rc·lt for l'ood. Tit(• IIB U11rtH1nls arr easily dist ingui};lwtl front ray is short, t lte sc•c·o1HI longer. illld fro ut otlwt· fislws lH' tlwi r box-like 1he third lon~·es t. a11d 11te t•o ul i tiC ' '' litl!!<' t'- . . ' . 1 ·) '> I ') .> ·' I T hony hea ds. ol'tc•n at·;ned with ~pi tlt' S lllg IS , ~ , u, ; . -· •> • • . l'l'rt•lt•·l'

Dorsal vte\" of an adult f-'lying ~urn a r d ())ac tyloptcna oricn· lalis) from north Queensland. wtlh ou t spread •• 11 wtngs . :\1.\IH' II 1.), 1~).)3

Armoured Curnard (Panichtlty.s picturalus) from deep water in Strait. No. I. side view: 2, top of head ; 3, breast-plates .

•\ . U. \l<:Cul ((l('lt :ond c . 1'. \\hill <'~ . t/•·1. t'itlle1· to thr hard !wad or t lw fi sh. l'n)lll Olh.' slwuld blam<.' gurn;-trds for sO ill l' of tlt(' <·rooll tlw top or ('l'O\\' ll of thr lu'riYed from tilt> \'('rh cro0/1--­ t" mpilasized that the.'· do not fl,,·. thP heaut i­ Yiz .. to hnm an air in an Ulllllllsien l tonr. l'ul JW <:tontl fi ns heiun· fo t· s\\'itnlltitw and <" "' ht?ea use.' of HH• 1H'<: ul i;..tt• 11 o is<' \\'hi(' ll I lw di!-ip lay ptll·pose~ on l~ · . IImrrver. it is pos- fish somdim Ps tttte rs <1 ll lwi11g tr f<><>ding- 0 11 tCI't<1 i 11 inY!..'t'- tlH' \\·ater. Thontpson dt•st·r1hed tit ~· sOiltlll"i 1r ht·<' t' Jtt ntaterinl. or tlw lig-ht ecl lwe1cls noist•' ' l J>a('(' t lw fans or Bing· cllHI S\\'lllg'! rr portr(l hy the HJH·i ent s mig-ht lHJ\'P bet'll ( lUJ'IHll'< ls an• kll0\\'11 as k1111111kllll/ll i:l dill' to clc>to m position and hac·tC'I'ia on clear1 ::\laori. pi p<'l'S ill Eng land. Hnd h.'· Yarioux gnrllc:lr ilt~· fi slJ<'s. fo r ot hPJ' lli-lllll('s for t lwm. Some ... \. tl s­ (' 11\· ip J· <·ompl;-1illt'tl lha1 1he ol(L rllt1ho rs t ralians toufusc t lt em "·ith tlte' St•rgrdot·;-tl l'<'t>l <~ r s. f L' ITillg to dist iugnisl1 then1 11)' tlH'it· OllrtHtJ·ds fppd 0 11 c·rttst'HI'<'rl . smct ll ti siH's. ('ISSIIIIlE'd llll'thods 01' flig·Jtt. liP vh icJvs tlJ<'Ill sea sta1·s a ne! moll nsc·s. for bt•lie,·ing- that their GrP<'k would nr,·er Oldr r autiJot·s heli rVL•d t lt al sonw }!111'­ perish. hut r l'lllt• lin g- ly of thr tol'ttll'<'i-i in­ p ede. tlwit· pd thr <:O lll's<' of <1 shoo ting- sta r. Lp:.;;t

the name. a g-ur:tlard er ect npon a chapeau. 21 inehel:l long, the eommoncst gm·nard in In Cormrall, t he gumard is kn own as thr the Sydney m arkets, and the P ainted or tub fish. and is borne in heraldry by t he 'pottrcl Gurnan1 (P. anclertoni) whi ~h fam ily of Tubb.2 D ay tells us t hat " a sometimrs reaches 14 inches. Yt:> r.'· ancien t moclr I of prepcning· g m·nard ~ The Kmnu Uurnard was i o n a ll~' followed, js after hewing hied, to sousr them in a Hour on Cook's fil'st Yoyage and was uamed sa m· e. IIowevcl', in somf' places "soused 1'1·igla papilionacea in the manuscript of g:nrurt" is employed as a term or c-ontempt, Bolander, which is sti.ll in the Bribsh as whe11 t;hake. ·peare in Ki11g Ilenry IV, l\ ln~ eum (Natural Hh;tory) together with Pa1·kinson '~ d1·a,Ying ( no. 104) of the same )u·t iY, Serne 2, make.· Ii'aJstaff !-;a ~· , 'If I br not ashanw d of m.v soldir rs. I am a from Opooragr, )!ew Zea land. A pain6ng: sousctl g-urn et.· '' of a , 'yclney exampl.c was rnade about 1790 ~mcl is amongst the Raper watercolour. in Gurnards no\\·aclays form an appt·eeiahle the Mit<·hell Libra1·y . proportion of Australian fisheries. the ott1'1' trHwlt·rs and Danish ·eincrs obtai11 i ng Ogilh~· fo und that the breeding season of most of them hom .:\ew South \¥ale!-) and our Kumu Gurnarcl occurred in November Tveal' and December in New , 'onth Wales, anrl J 9:)0-.)J the total · prodll <; tion in thr (• om ­ that of the JJatch et in July and August. monw calth 'lvas 1·ep(n·ted m; 5:'5 7,100 lb. C+urnanls probably mig r ate in school:. but the moYementl:l of the ..1. \.ustralian spec i ~~s ~ro~t of OUI' Australir1n g-nl'nanls ( Lepi­ ha Ye not ~'e t been

A young Gurnard (Dixiphichthys f e r cu!u~l) fo~nd washed as hore on Palm Brach, near Sydney. The r em a r~ab! y long lachrymal and OCC ipi tal spmes and the expansive fins probably help it to .Aoal and d r1ft m 1ts youth. L ater. when adult at the bottom. the lower [pectoral rays would become detached as fc::ders, the spines probably shrink or break off, and scales and body armature would be heavier. 0 . 1'. \\ h iti••J. ,/,/. J[AJWil 1:), Hl:i3 'I' ll E :\ UR'l'HA };]AI\ ~\[ t TSE t ! j\f M.\(~ .\Zl \'E 27 ------

L ong-finned Curnard (Lepidotrigla calodaclyl(/) from North R eef. Queensland. ( l. 1'. \l'hillt•.\ , dd. f or mmt,\' years 111 'l'arong-a .\qu n fift een ancl when• thL•ir swintming dt'lig-hts :--JH.'<:tators. hn• nt~ · ~\u~t rali, ill l-!' I lw '· p ~· t's pot:-;' · to i'l J>l'OSJ><'din• <' tt e tll~ ­ th C' I'(' is 110 ht('k of mal <> rial ror sl tt ch. bttt ot· it may be a sigmtl to ot lwr g- urnnrds. a goo ntifird tunws the rcalh· l'as­ i:-. also notitt"d jn sonw or the lnt·bots. mar­ <·inal it1g- j oh of piet·iug fogdlwr thci~· life­ ltis lori(•s. finY !! )Wl'-likc• fishl's I and hoxfislws. · · ~ . 'l'ht> Uunwnl famil .'· ( Tri.r;lirltlf ) has t~ hout fj 1'1_,. nomine:tl gt'IIPI'

. \. , \ 1'(1\1' of spi tll'S a long lt;IS('::i or IIO lh clorsal fi 11 s. n. S(·ah•s largt'l' ..I!J -IiO Ull lal<•ml line. (', L:tt(•ral li11l' not ;ll'lltt•d with spiny pb il'-:...... {,( pidotrir;la. ! '( '. L:t l c•ral lin t• arii H• cl \\ilh S]'inv plat t•s Para'/ t"igla. ll ll. !'--(·;dt•s slnn lkl', 1!111 or 111 0 1'1' 0 11 lat et•;ll line ...... ( '11/'l'll }Ji.~cis . . \ .\. Lnrgl' ltnc·kle rs nlu11g hast' of' spinous ciO I'· ·al onh·. •11' lWill'. ll. llt·n d · -;pint•s III Od t•t·at<•. ltuddt•rH a tong l t: IH• t~f first liuJ•sa t on I\' ! 'If 1'1/f/Ofri(J{O. f> l >. 1"0111' \'1'1'.\' Jollg' it (•;H l s pil;\'S .. :\o lnH·klt'l'" ...... JJ ui,,hil'hlh ]f-"·

A R ed Curn>~rd ( Currup isc i ~ r•o /uccr) feeling its way over stones with the finger- like pectoral fin -r11ys. Drawn from a photograph taken at T aronga Aquarium, Sydney. This Butterfly Engloute ( Daclyloplcna papilio) looks like some satanic cat as it spreads its long preopercular spi nes.

~pawn ;wd tht' t: ll prt>sc>ntatiw (Paui­ l oo kill~ yotlll~£ OIH's are ohligt>d to make chtltys piclurafus ) is pink Ol' I'Nltlish with ht'l'orl' t IH·.'· lw<·Oilll' adults. h!Ht·k ol' d 11sk,\· hi'0\\' 11 markings and is Only t IH• ti'IIP Trig"lid g"lll'lli:ll'ds 11i:IY{' l)l'Cll 1nl\\'lt•d on•1· Olll' south-Pastern Continen­ d ca l t with u ho rt'. 0 ft <'I I ass ft'l'l' ancl 1inger-lilu•. open O<·eHn io.lt rfates \\'ht•n~ it is pt'C,\'('(1 ll. 'l'iltt'l' fiugl'l' like ray-; l'[i(·h sitk n udy 11 pon hy a 11d ot he1· surfac·e fis iH•s: S1·aly. l•'in1· h•1•th in jaw:-;. Tt'tH· Unr· n:mls, T ri~!l i d:H'. th<'ll \\'I H' II quilt• snwll it sinks to the bottom !lB. 'l'wn ling1•r· likt• rays t•ac·h sid1•. 11ody iiiHillliUTHtt•s. oJ'tt'll \\'i(h j)l'fl\\'llS. by "\\'alk­ with :ll'llHlltl'· likC' p!.ttl•s. :\o teeth. ill~!'" 011 it s ' '<' lit ntl fin'-'. along hcn·houl' ,\ rmottn·rl (; nrn;u·cl-.. Pf'ri:-.tecliontidtH'. hotto111s. I lwn• M'c'tl OJH' l'IH' I'gl'tically .\ .\ . l'rnnt ( uor lo\\'1'1' 1 JH'I'tor:tl ra.\·s form ing a -..mall st•p.natl• tin. Seales hard, \\'J'icmli1w!""I"' ,.. at I ht• bottom of its tank at dt•nst•, and \Yitlt Mlllll' sharp t·itlg'l's. 'l'rli'Ollg"H .\qllehe in ~\lllel'ic· rl 1·'1,\'illg' (;urnat·cl:-.. ( 't>phalac·:tuthid:w. ohst•n·t•d oiH' "1ww <111d 1h <' ll actuall,,- l'old­ L•1 ish('S or the I'Hillily Peristediontid

..:\ <;<'ording to \\'ill icllll Hccbe, ··A Hyiug 'l'IH' I'C an• two spt'('ic•s ol' Daclyloplcwt in gurna rd frou1 the point of Yie\\' of Limb A\llstl'H ii cl: ( 1) the eommotwr ,B,Iyi11g Gur­ fntH:tion, finch; its neat'cst allies atttong tt<-1nl ( D. ori( 11/ulis )'1 with no o<:c llns 0 1· Htld Hltgels, its fins l'tttH:tioning distin<;tly pt'OIIIillellt blot<·lt on the huge JWt·1 or al fin; m; hands, fc('t and \Yin gs. it IS it grows to OllC foot IOIIg' and is rounllns <111d 110 t l'<'at·hing· ...... IPctp on! and sp1·r gurnards d. resoun.: eful. Y t'i'­ kno\\'n to l.;nol·k 1-1 snilo1· St' tlst•lt•ss h,v ;\ satil:' and probahl~ · lwri11~· a mneh hi~·IH'l' li<•atl -on him,· hl'l '''<'en thr <'Y <'s. as thr 111an degr<'<' of intt>lligeiH't' ihatl 1:-; usuail.'· stood at tiH' \Yhr<•l OJ' H St·IH>OilC'I'. (jllOtPS ascrilwrl tu fish~· folic B t> elw. 11 0\\'(' \'t'r. I I ubb:-; ( \\'I to h;ls tnadr \'<'I'.'' <'XI <'nsi \'(' fh,ld stud i<•s on fl.'·ing fislws ) l'<'lllill'ks " I hr fhg-ht of' t}H' ·fi.Yillg' g'lll'lliHd " Tlw Qm•e ns land :spt•,·icf. Jt:llll l'll A'/J i .<~ill i/ S jii'O('tl< 111ay. I ht> li t'\'t'. ht• <·onfici C'nlly adtkd to the hy Ogi lhy ~ l· e ms indis tinguish:tllit• f1·um l)rtciy· long- li:-..t of st' H m ,,·ths.' ' IOJIIf' llll oril 1tlo/is.

- _;("- ~ ..., .. ~-~ ...... ~ -- · · · ~ ··-..,.,..~~ ~~ ~ .. --- -- ... In this quaint eighteenth century scene. laid in an Indonesian estuary, a mermaid is looking at a Flying Curnard (lower left), whilst a wobbegong. a sawfish and a M a ldive coconut adorn the background. \ llo·r \ .llt·ul i iu. I i:!l i. ::\(AIWII 1.), 19;)3

The Shells of Rivers and Lakes-Ill By DONALD F. McMICHAEL, B.Sc.

1 ll E remui11 ing· group oi fre.·h \ratcr l- reshwat<' l' snails ty or spac·c.· in it, <1llc1 can become q nite large desip;n and sculpture whic·h is l'onnc1 in compared to the shell, but in most ea es it seashel ls. A l'ew spec·i rs h;;we rrd pig-nJE'nt <·an he l'('tractrd again right jnside the in their hod.'·· whi c- h is f-:iru ilar to 1hat fonntl :-;hell, giYi 11g- the s naH safet)' from jts in human blood, and tl1ey c•a n hP quite encmirs. Th€' gastr opod : hel l can be CO II ­ attractin' in an aqnarium. 8cn'ra1 Bnr·o­ si

Tile_,. are <·o1mnon i11 the nortlt<'l'll regions SjH'<·i ('S <11'(' I'O Uild i11 hmekish \\'<11<'1' ill the o[ .\usti·Hiin lmt do not ot<·ut 11s [nr· ~out h <·onstc-tl lag-oons of. .\ e\\' ::)out }, \\'ales, but as 'l'asm<:utia. 'l'lte_,- olfmtop.IJ rrJ II~ is (·orrfi nrd to N('w %; ra I awl lll'<•adtlt. and han"' lar·gp r·ou1Hl<'d whorls. and ru o~t ol' the .\ u:-;t r·a liau S]H'<·ies arc now gTN'Il ish-hnnn1 in t•olour·, oft <'11 wi I h a d;J:-;sifie r<·u lttllt is about ~ in<·lt tOrtllll OII j" South Am;1I·alin d in t}H' g't'lllls d (> Jtl~ - i11 Erq.da1td anPklom n•achi ng· mort' than -~ to l 'l'<' JTitorr and :\ort h-west .. \ustntl ia, a c·om­ inc·h in lwight. 'l'he severa I g·eJH'l'H are lllOII s p<'e i<•s hei ng- N oto pof rt essi 11 fJ I rm e11 sis. quite similiw. <.liffe r·ing onl_,. i11 minute 'rill' fanliJ_,. Palll Y;n·id~ · of small :-;hrlls whit·h show considcl·­ opcr<·11l nm. TofNt is quitE> clishnct, ho\\'­ ablt' \'

O n the right, above is A ustro· pyrgus nigcr from , and below Tatea lwonensis, also from Tasmania. O n the left, too is Cabbia au ~ lrali s . and below. two species o r freshwater limpets. The middle species is Problaflcylus bcd­ domci. from Tasmania. show­ il'lg the seconda ry cap on the Pcttyanc11lus /am c:s u ~ from Tamworth, ew S outh Wales. back of the shell, and below, a normal freshwater limpet. THE .\(','TlL\LfA~ ~[I'~I~l ' JI JI.\U.\ZI~ l ·J ~f.\ lW 11 1.). 1!J.):{

O n the left ~~re three spec1es of v1viparous nver snai ls. A t the top. two spec1mens ol N olopala lwnlcyi from the M urray River. . w1th 1ts operculum lm· mediately below. middle the la rge Notopala C)~ ingtoncn~ i s from N orth Austraha. and bottom N ai:J pala sublineala from inland N ew South Wales. A t the top on the nght IS Plotiopsis (wslralis one o f the commonest o f Australian .. M elanias ... and below th 1s. the common Limnaca lessoni from inland New South Wales. O n its left is Lcnam critl ~~cclo rosa , from the same region. At the bott om m the middle is l:.idorella bra::ieri from southern N ew South Wales. and on the bollom n ght IS Limnaca (Simlimnaea) bra::ieri, the snad wh1ch transmits L1 ver Fluke 1n e" South W ales. Note the dlf· f,.rent direchon of cod1ng m Limnaca. a~ compared w1th fsidordla and Lcnamcriu.

'l'h c• l'an1il.\' Bi t h~· nid t·ollllllOllPsl spreies lwing­ chd .\ll'-'tl·a]i;tn "'P<'<·it•.... arp in l'(•;tlit\· onlY \'M' shL•lls ha n• dewlopc•tl an iuc·h Ion!!. and a1·r ortrn ornamented a slig-ht l.'· difl'c•J·<•nt l'on ll dtH' to tlw par­ tic·ulctl' t·o11ditions unde1· whic·h thl'~· liw. \\ith .... pine· ... fllllll l'rom thost' .\ di~tind l'mnily of :-~hc•lls O('<'lllTing in 0\"PI'S('HS, hut it is 110\\' t hOU1-!ht that tlH'.\ the• inla11d -..alt lakt's of .\ ustl'alia is not HI'(' llOt I"(•d to fin~· of the ahO\'C' g- roups H n• lwsl c·o iJ sidc•rrd rts ht>longi n!.l' l o a l'l'\\' ilttd i~ not round in t !'Ill.\' frrsh \\'ate•!'. ''PilPI't'e n ealh•d P l<-lll <> rhidae. a t'<' r e l<~l <' d to thP precrding .'\imhm 11ac 11. The sJH' <·ies "·hic·lt is n•spnn­ fctmil y, and are qnitP <.·om1110u in 1\ ush·alia. sible I'm· li wt· flnkl' transntission in A ns­ \\'<• hct,.(' 11 0 s ] W<·i C's as laq:~<' as Planorbis t J·a li n is L intllllUt (S intlim lww ) IJmziel'i C0/'1/ (' II s or Ettt'O]H'. 1\ 0 1' I he l'la uo rl> is of a nd it oeeurs throug- hout t lw l'tt stcrn halt ,Japan , (•()Jl1111 01lly round ill nqua riums, hu t ol' :\ew ~ o u t h \Yules. T h is g: ro up has a t·ll t' l't' et r <' a nttmlw r of s mall prd t,,- red sp e­ sma ll s lw ll. !wing 0 11!~ · <1h out ~ i11 c·h long. <' i<'S, up t o : i n e h i 11 d i ctm e1 e r. a n d a bou t a tall spire. a nll tl11• s lwll is ll stwll.'· g'l'l',\"ish­ ~ int'h tall. 1'1w dil-1\•t·entes lwtw cen t he hlal·k to brown. ~\11 ot h t> r tin.'· spc•c·it>s <·;-di ed spl'<·i es, and eYell the g-e twra <1 1· r 1oo small f j i>lll/fl f'fl ~ (1 frt('if i11111ft Cfl ) (! Cl id a 0(·(·1lJ'S ll1 to lw d<'snibC' d he1·e. Onc• intc1·est ing ~p eC' i eH t hP Blur Lake at Jlount 1\ os<·insko hut 1s is Olacidorl1is lt edleyi. a (·ompa n1t ivt'l,Y ta ll pr o h ;-t bl~ · onl.'· a c:old wHtl'I' l'o rlll or on e ul: l'orm i' t· om tlw Blne l;ah'. ::\ lonnt K os­ thl' (•()tl1l1l0Jl l'l' SJH'<' i('S. t· i usko. 1'11 <' <:0 111 m on sp c>e ir:-; a I'OlltHI S,,·d­ The l'antil.'· Bulli11idae is 11H' <·ommom'st II C' ,Y is 8 er; 11 it ilrt rw slml ic 11 si~ . \\'hie h is or aJJ t ht' .\ustnllil' lim pe ts. nl so known as trull y toil t•cl, t lwt is. in an i-c·lol'kwisC' <·aplimJw1s. Tl1 rst' <1 rr tin.'· c·reaturrs, fashi on rrom t lt r top of t lw spire to the sc·;uc-<.• ly ,·i..;ihle to 1he <·ns uHI glatH.: e. hut 1110 lllh. rrhl' shells from <'ClS1<' 1'1l .Aust ra lirt ap p<•aritll.f in large numh <~ t ·s 0 11 water are elassi{il•d as lA 11om r l'ia. th<' c:om mo 11 pl;c~n t s ,,·hen Sl' rionsl.'· looked l' o r. ff son1 e s pe<·i e:-; a round S.\'tlll <' .'' br ing L rnmnel'ia \\'~ · min111 r difft' l't' JI C<'s in tht' (larkish pel·io:-;t rac·um H11 d t h<' ~ · hcl\'l' h <'<'ll sha pe. s] ze and se ulpttll't' of the sht'll. .\ t·nii Pd l:ddorrlla. 0 1H' o1· t\\'O s p e<' iPs he~\ ' ( ' l' t'"' ~:q H'<·i t • s haH' a sr<.·OIH1a1·.'· <· a p-like !;tn w­ lwPn d (~~·w l ·ihr<.l l'rolll till' t'O d ftllt C.IJ llls. whiiP t ht·N' 'l' asmania n squa t't'd a ppee:l t'<111(·e, and tlw spin• is n•• S ) H' ~ ic •s Oil I,\' <11'<.' piUtNI ill th c.> g't' IIIIS J~ e rJ r ffl l­ d tH.: t'd so that i l d o<.•s not sho\\' H b OY<' 11 H' i/io. top or the h od,\' 'rhorJ. ~\ sO III('\\' ha t ~ ill1i ­ 'l' h<'S<' l' t·<•s h\\'ater sna il s Hr<' a n inten •st• Jar g rou p l'rom South ~ \ ustnlli a am] Yi<·­ i11 g; a 11t1 c·as,\· !!l'Oup to stud.'· in t he tm·in , whi(·h l'etains t hr tnll spi1·r hut has aq1wriut11 and. \\'IWII a gl'<'Ht deal of ohsel·­ ke<' led wh01·l s a nd n d istinc·t sntlptut·r on vat ion l l' to tlassif ,· nnd not s p e~c· e to eonsidPr all the :-; p P<·irs o l' 1 hi s s<> ]Ht r

.\t.;sTn \1.1 \:\' BE.\:-.IIOHFs. J; v \\' . .). Dakin, D.Sc., ll a1 iug gin·u till· l'l':uh·r this general background <' ..\I.Z .• '., a:-:.i:.lt•d hy l sobel llcunctt, Depart­ and madl• him n.•:dize that the study of the S<'a nwnt of l.ool<•gy, t'ni\'cr·ily of ydncy, and has ntany J':u·cts, this first part of the hook end Elit.nbcth Popl', .\I.Sc., The Au traliau with a rll:cph•r 011 camoullage and living colour ~lust•utu, S_vdtt<'.''· :il:! pp. wtth text illustr3· on tlw M'a-;llon•. This <·llaptl•t· S('l'\'Cs us nu iutro· lions, J <·olour plates and tnOI'€ thau 100 black dudiou to part two, ot·cupying more than two­ anti "hilt' p hotographs. .\ ngus ,\: Robcrtson third,; of tll<• l•nl ire work :lnd dc,·oted to the Ltd., Snlnl'\, l!t.i:!. Obtaiuahlt• at :Ill hook· auint;tls a11d plants of the shot·eliue. These a re st•llen;. · 1::! ·.)!$. cll•:tlt with, g-roHp lty group, and a t·(' :H·companiec l l1y photog- rnphs, the originals of whi<·lt h:n·e lost HI':Hil'l''! or the ,\ l'HTH \1,1.\N -;\[t'SEl'M :.\L\ G.\7. l ~E sttrprisittgly lit lll' ill the prO<'l'Ss of being mado lll11:5l iut·ll td t• a laq.(\' ttutuiJer of stutlcnts of marine into lt:tlf· IO tl(' hJ o('inl·d tt. li is a tragedy that he did uot sufli,·il·n't :-l'il·ntifk worth to :tttratt the 1;urc zoo· !iY(• lo11g <'llOUgh to :>l'<' it a ppe;tt· in print. for to logi ... t. hut that ih form :111d phrasing ·hould him gm•:-s thl' c·tt>dit for lite• original idea and the apJwal to a tiiUt·h widl•r n•;Hling publi~:. There writing of tlw c·ntin• ntanuseript. nttt-.1 hl• a ntinitnum of lt'ehnit·:d language and tlw illu:-lratioll-.. mu-..1 hl• pll•utiful :11111 of a high 'l'ht• c·o authorx. who atc·ompanil•il :m akin wa~ :t ~l usc'lllll Truslt•c for ntau\· Year·. suo·la itttl'l't•st itt!.{ lopie:-~ as ntl'tltorls of soundittl! one• of thl· eo ant hors is a pn•spnt .\ ssistaitt 'cura· oc·t'.ltt dt•plh-;, I'Ottdilions of life :1t the ea bottom, tor, :ltlCl :t(·knowlc•dgnH•Ht is ntach• in the prcfm·e t Ill• eo lout· of lht• :·a·a, t Il l· elll'mist ry of (':'1. water, to otht·r ~I us<•u m OHi c·<· r·s who ga,·c ntut·lt·appn~ci· tiolt•s and wla: rt e<~HSl'S lltl•tu, Ol·ean wan•s, how .c t('d ass i ~t:tta·e . ['();t-..! litH'X :11'1' tliOttldt•d, lltlllilll'S<:l'IIC:C of lll:tf'ittC ol'gattistlts, :11 td till' plattktott. - .\ . X. Cor.E~'.\X .

ll\ "\c:EHOt s :-;~ \1\Es m· .\ t's'l't!.\t.t '· .\ Tl:uulbook ~lr. \\'orrl'll. who is Ottl' of out· foren10st rl'ptill· for ntl'•lllllt>ll, Huslt\\·:tlkc•r ..... )fission \\'orkl•r:;. c·ollPI'Iot·s. l1:ts a widl' knowlt•dg,• of ·makes in tht•ir !-'pn ic·t•llll'll. Btl\' :-;<·m•ts, ):1'\\' .\ u-;tralians, and ll:tl in• -..t:rlc· and it is a littll• disappointing to find :"atur:tlisls 011 'till• i1h•ntifit·:1tion and \'l•nom~ I hat Ill' h:td nul ittl'ludc•tl mm·<· notes on their hahit:­ ol' .\u-..1 r:di:111 Suakc•s, witll dirl'dions for tit"l­ :tttd ll•:..s of I ht• ll't·hn it·:tl de:..('ript ions whith !"ltoultl :tiol ltl':tlnll'nl of ... u:rkc· !Jilt•. B\· 1-:ril· \\'orrl•ll. ht• ll'ft I C) I hi' pt·ofl's'iioual hl•rpl'lologist: :-.lldt lil pp. 11itll :;~ pl10tograph.; i.y thl• author. •h·..,c·ription" :lt'1' must ,·altwhll' in tll('ir pbu·t• but .\11)!11" ,\ Huht•rtscm l.td.. S.\'lltll'y. l!l.i:!. c1td.\ 11 IH·n :t k1•y In tht• spt•Pit•s is inl'luclt>cl. whidt Oht:tinahlt• :tl all lmok,t•llc•t·s. Ills. Gel. ix not lh<' t':ISI' in ~lt·. " 'orn·ll',.. l•ook. "Tiw I >angt•rou.; Suakc•,.. of .\us! r:dia" l1y F.ril· 110\l'l'\t•r. tlw author i:- wt•ll lful tout·lt :tttd it c·:llt s:tf1•l.'· ht• snid that his t·h:ipl,•r:. on to lite• ltnslnuau :1111! the• llt:lll in·llll'·"tn•c•t for whom \ t•ltOtll.;, Sl't'llllls :ttld I n·at ntt·ut of sn:lkt• l•ilc· an· it 11:1" "rillt•n. f:tc·lual :rud iuf'orntalin• to !ht• point.

1\ lll(' lllhi'J' or j he' s ta r)' of t)w J l ll!-iPlllll is whic·l t ill'(' 110\\' <>lll or prittl. \Y p would lw n; or in!Pt'C's l c' d to hc·ar l'rom <111\' rt'ild c-' 1' \\'ho IHt-.. tit<' :\1.\C:,\ Z I :" I·:. ~0 . 1 o r \ Tolllnt(' T. Xo~. !) IIH•sc• lllllttiH' l'" i:... \\'ill.intr ..,t,ll !IH•IIJ. and I"' lo illl d 10 () r \' () lunw ~ all d \"(). ~ 0 I' y () lunw :t