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- Chelonia (Cheloniidae), Pseudemys (Emydidae), Batagur (Bataguridae) and Dermatemys (Dermatemyidae)
- Pleurodira: Chelidae, Matamata Turtle) from the Early Miocene of Colombia
- Loggerhead Sea Turtle Caretta Caretta
- Movements of Western Alligator Snapping Turtles, Macrochelys Temminckii (Testudines, Chelydridae), in an Urban Ecosystem: Buffalo Bayou, Houston, Texas
- Wild Things in Your Woodlands
- Painted Turtle Is One of the Most HABITAT Are Produced
- SEATURTLE.ORG Sea Turtle Identification Key
- Turtle Vs. Tortoise Activity
- Sea Turtles Are Generally Solitary Creatures That Remain Submerged for Much of the Time They Are at Sea
- Western Painted Turtle Assessment
- WOOD TURTLE (Glyptemys Insculpta)
- Characterizing the Health Status of the Louisiana Gopher Tortoise
- Legal Reptiles (Turtles) Or Non-Controled
- FACT SHEET Giant Tortoise
- The Brazilian Giant Tortoise by M. A. Cohen
- Charles Darwin Trail Ch Student Activity Sheet
- A Spotted Turtle (Testudines, Emydidae) from the Early Pleistocene (Late Blancan) of North-Central Florida
- Sea Turtle Identification