Legal Reptiles (Turtles) Or Non-Controled

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Legal Reptiles (Turtles) Or Non-Controled Legal Reptiles (Turtles)1 or Non-Controled OAR 635-056-0060, Noncontroled Species: Except as otherwise provided in these rules or other rules of the commission, wildlife listed below may be imported, possessed, sold, purchased, exchanged or transported in the state without a permit: *Federal or local laws may differ from OAR 635-056-0060 and would apply to these species. *If the turtle is not on this list then it would be considered a "Prohibited Species". Order: Testudines Common Name Family Genus Species Pignose Turtles Carettochelyidae Pignose Turtles C. insculpta Austro-American Sidenecked Turtles Chelidae South American Sideneck Turtles Acanthochelys Pantanal Swamp Turtle A. macrocephala Chaco Sideneck Turtle A. pallidipectoris Brazilian Radiolated Swamp Turtle A. radiolata Spinyneck Swamp Turtle A. spixii Snakeneck Turtles Chelodina Giant Snakeneck Turtle C. expansa Common Snakeneck Turtle C. longicollis McCord Snakeneck Turtle C. mccordi New Guinea Snakeneck Turtle C. novaeguineae Narrow-breasted Snakeneck Turtle C. oblonga Parker's Snakeneck Turtle C. parkeri Pritchard's Snakeneck Turtle C. pritchardi Reimann's Snakeneck Turtle C. reimanni Northern Australian Snakenck Turtle C. rugosa Siebenrock's Snakeneck Turtle C. siebenrocki Steindachner's Snakeneck Turtle C. steindachneri Matamata Turtles Chelus Matamata Turtle C. fimbriata Australian Snapping Turtles Elseya Northern Australia Snapping Turtle E. dentata Serrated Snapping Turtle E. latisternum New Guinea Snapping Turtle E. novaeguineae Cann's Snakeneck Turtle E. macrurus Australian River Turtles Emydura Australian Bighead Turtle E. australis Krefft's River Turtle E. krefftii Murray River Turtle E. macquarrii Brisbane Shortneck Turtle E. signata Redbelly Shortneck Turtle E. subglobosa Victoria Shortneck Turtle E. victoriae South American Snakeneck Turtles Hydromedusa Brazilian Snakeneck Turtle H. maximiliani South American Snakeneck Turtle H. tectifera Toadhead Turtles Phrynops Dahl's Toadhead Turtle P. dahli Geoffroy's Sideneck Turlte P. geoffroanus Gibba Turtle P. gibbus Hilaire's Sideneck Turtle P. hilarii Hoge's Sideneck Turtle P. hogei Common Toadhead Turtle P. nasutus Amazon Toadhead Turtle P. raniceps RedSideneck Turtle P. rufipes Tuberculate Toadhead Turtle P. tuberculatus Vanderhaege's Toadhead Turtle P. vanderhaegei Williams' Sideneck Turtle P. williamsi Zulia Toadhead Turtle P. zuliae Twistedneck Turtles Platemys Twistedneck Turtles P. platycephala Swamp Turtles Pseudemydura Western Swamp Turtle P. umbrina Fitzroy River Turtle Rheodytes Fitzroy River Turtle R. leukops Marine Turtles Cheloniidae Loggerhead Turtle Caretta C. caretta Green Turtle Chelonia C. mydas Hawksbill Turtle Eretmochelys Pacific Hawksbill Turtle E. imbricata bissa Atlantic Hawksbill Turtle E. imbircata imbricata Ridley Turtles Lepidochelys Kemp's Ridley Turtle L. kempii Olive Ridley Turtle L. olivacea Flatback Turtles Natator N. depressa River Turtles Dermatemydidae Central American River Turtle Dermatemys D. mawii Leatherback Turtles Dermochelyidae Leatherback Turtle Dermochelys D. coriacea Pond and Box Turtles Emydidae Batagurine Turtles Batagur River Terrapin B. baska Painted Terrapins Painted Terrapin Callagur C. borneoensis Asian Box Turtle Cuora Southeast Asia Box Turtle C. amboinensis Yellow-headed Box Turtle C. aurocapitata Yellow-margined Box Turtle C. flavomarginata Indochinese Box Turtle C. galbinifrons McCord's Box Turtle C. mccordi Pan's Box Turtle C. pani Chinese Three-striped Box Turtle C. trifasciata Yunnan Box Turtle C. yunnanensis Zhou's Box Turtle C. zhoui Asian Leaf Turtle Cyclemys Asian Leaf Turtle C. dentata Stripeneck Leaf Turtle C. tcheponensis Chicken Turtles Deirochelys Chicken Turtle D. retricularia Florida Chicken Turtle D. retricularia chrysea Western Chicken Turtle D. retricularia miaria Eastern Chicken Turtle D. retricularia retricularia Spotted Pond Turtles Geoclemys Spotted Pond Turtle G. hamiltonii Leaf Turtles Geoemyda Okinawa Black-breasted Leaf Turtle G. japonica Cochin Forest Cane Turtle G. silvatica Chinese Black-breasted Leaf Turtle G. spengleri Crowned River Turtles Haedella Crowned River Turtle H. thurjii Forest Turtles Heosemys Arakan Forest Turtle H. depressa Giant Asian Pond Turtle H. grandis Philippine Pone Turtle H. leytensis Spiny Turtle H. spinosa Yellow-headed Temple Turtles Hieremys Yellow-headed Temple Turtle H. annandalii Indian Roofed Turtles Kachuga Three-striped Roofed Turtle K. dhongoka Red-crowned Roofed Turtle K. kachuga Brown Roofed Turtle K. smithii Assam Roofed Turtle K. sylhetensis Indian Roofed Turtle K. tecta Indian Tent Turtle K. tentoria Burmese Roofed Turtle K. trivittata Diamondback Terrapins Malaclemys Diamondback Terrapin M.terrapin Carolina Diamondback Terrapin M. terrapin centrata Texes Diamondback Terrapin M. terrapin littoralis Ornate Diamondback Terrapin M. terrapin macrospilota Mississippi Diamondback Terrapin M. terrapin pileata Mangrove Diamondback Terrapin M. terrapin rhizophorarum Florida East Coast Terrapin M. terrapin tequesta Northern Diamondback Terrapin M. terrapin terrapin Malayn Snail-Eating Turtles Maleyemys Malayn Snail-eating Turtle M.subtrijuga Indian Black Turtles Melanochelys Tricarinate Hill Turtle M. tricarinata Indian Black Turtle M. trijuga Eyed Turtles Morenia Burmese Eyed Turtle M. ocellata Indian Eyed Turtle M. petersi Malayan Flatshell Turtles Notochelys Malayan Flatshell Turtle N. platynota Chinese Stripeneck Turtles Ocadia Stripeneck Turtle O. glyphistoma Philippen's Stripeneck Turtle O. philippeni Chinese Stripeneck Turtle O. sinensis Malaysia Giant Turtles Orlitia Malaysia Giant Turtle O. borneensis Keeled Box Turtles Pyxidea Keeled Box Turtle P. mouhotii Neotropical Wood Turtles Rhinoclemmys Brown Wood Turtle R. annulata Furrowed Wood Turtle R. areolata Maracaibo Wood Turtle R. diademata Black Wood Turtle R. funerea Colombian Wood Turtle R. melanosterna Largenose Wood Turtle R. nasuta Painted Wood Turtle R. pulcherrima Spoted-legged Turtle R. punctularia Mexican Spotted Wood Turtle R. rubida Eyed Turtles Sacalia Beal's Eyed Turtle S. bealei Chinese False-eyed Turtle S. pseudocellata Four-eyed Turtle S. quadriocellata Black Marsh Turtles Siebenrockiella Black Marsh Turtle S. crassicollis Box Turtles Terrapene Box Turtle T. carolina Florida Box Turtle T. carolina bauri Eastern Box Turtle T. carolina carolina Gulf Coast Box Turtle T. carolina major Three-toed Box Turtle T. carolina triunguis Coahuilan Box Turtle T. coahuila Spotted Box Turtle T. nelsoni Ornate Box Turtle T. ornata Desert Box Turtle T. ornata luteola American mud turtles Kinosternidae Tabasco Mud Turtle Kinosternon K. acutum Alamos Mud Turtle K. alamosae Narrow-bridged Mud Turtle K. angustipons Striped mud Turtle K. baurii Jalisco Mud Turtle K. chimalhuaca Creaser's Mud Turtle K. creaseri Dunn's Mud Turtle K. dunni Yellow Mud Turtle K. flavescens SW Mud Turtle K. flavescens arizonense Yellow Mud Turtle K. flavescens flavescens Illinois Mud Turtle K. flavescens spooneri Herrea's Mud Turtle K. herrerai Mexican Roughfoot Mud Turtle K. hirtipes Big Bend Mud Turtle K. hirtipes murrayi Mexican Mud Turtle K. integrum White-lipped Mud Turtle K. leucostomum Oaxacan Mud Turtle K. oaxacae Scorpion Mud Turtle K. scorpioides Sonoran Mud Turtle K. sonoriense Sonoyta Mud Turtle K. sonoriense longifemorale Sonoran Mud Turtle K. sonoriense sonoriense American Musk Turtles Kinosternidae Narrow-bridged Musk Turtle Claudius C. angustatus Razerback Musk Turtle Kinosternon K. carinatum Flat Musk Turtle K. depressum Loggerhead Musk Turtle K. minor Loggerhead Musk Turtle K. minor minor Stripeneck Musk Turtle K. minor peltifer Chiapas Giant Musk Turtle Staurotypus S. salvinii Mexican Giant Musk Turtle S.triporcatus Afro-American Sidenecked Turtles Pelomedusidae Medagascar Bighead Turtle Erymnochelys E. madagascariensis Helmeted Turtle Pelomedusa P. subrufa Bighead Amazon River Turtle Peltocephalus P. dumerilianus Andanson's Mud Turtle Pelusios P. adansonii Okavango Mud Turtle P. bechuanicus Turkana Mud Turtle P. broadleyi African Keeled Mud Turtle P. carinatus West African Mud Turtle P. castaneus Yellowbelly Mud Turtle P. castanoides Central African Mud Turtle P. chapini African Forest Mud Turtle P. gabonensis African Dwarf Mud Turtle P. nanus West African Black Turtle P. niger Variable Mud Turtle P. rhodesianus Seychelles Mud Turtle P. seychellensis East African Serrated Mud Turtle P. sinuatus East African Black Mud Turtle P. subniger Upemba Mud Turtle P. upembae Williams' Mud Turtle P. williamsi Red-head River Turtle Podocnemis P. erythrocephala South American River Turtle P. expansa Megdalena River Turtle P. lewyana Six-tubercled River Turtle P. sextuberculata Yellow-spotted River Turtle P. unifilis Savannah Sideneck Turtle P. vogli Bighead Turtle Platysternidae Platysternon P. megacephalum Tortoises Testudinidae Bowspirt Tortoises Chersina South African Bowsprit Tortoise C. angulata Typical Tortoises Geochelone Redfoot Tortoise G. carbonaria Chaco Tortoise G. chilensis South American Yellowfoot Tortoise G. denticulata Indian Star Tortoise G. elegans Aldabra Tortoise G. gigantea Galapagos Tortoise G. nigra Leopard Tortoise G. pardalis Burmese Star Tortoise G. platynota Radiated Tortoise G. radiata African Spurred Tortoise G. sulcata Angonoka G. yniphora Gopher Tortoises Gopherus Desert Tortoise G. agassizii Berlandier's Tortoise G. berlandieri Bolson Tortoise G. flavomarginatus Gopher Tortoise G. polyphemus Cape Tortoises Homopus Beaked Cape Tortoise H. areolatus Berger's Cape Tortoise H.bergeri Boulenger's Cape Tortoise H. boulengeri
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    Gopher Tortoise Species Description Tortoises can be observed on all major landmasses in the world except for Australia and Antarctica. The Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) is one of four species that lives only in North America. It has a large dark-brown to grayish shell, elephantine limbs and a large grayish-black rounded head. Its shovel-like forefeet are used to excavate burrows that provide shelter (Ernst et al., 1994). The Gopher Tortoise can reach lengths of more than 35 centimeters and weigh over 10 kilograms, Photo: Pete Oxford and there are physical differences between males and females. Female tortoises have a flattened bottom shell, or plastron, and a small tail whereas males exhibit a highly concave plastron and large tail. Male Gopher Tortoises also have two visible scent glands beneath the chin (Ernst et al., 1994). Taxonomy The generic name of the Gopher Tortoise, Gopherus, is derived from the word gopher that was used to describe the burrowing habits of this species. The species name polyphemus refers to a cave-dwelling mythical creature (Ashton and Ashton, 2008). Daudin was the first to describe the Gopher Tortoise as polyphemus in 1802. Rafinesque used this species as the type or standard to define the features of Gopherus and assign this generic name to the North American tortoises (Schmidt, 1953). All four species in this genus exhibit adaptations for burrowing such as claws and flattened forelimbs. However, they can be distinguished based on anatomical features including limb-bone and skull structure (Ernst et al., 1994). The Gopher Tortoise is most closely related to the larger Mexican or Bolson Tortoise (G.
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