SPE Nomenclature and Units·
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Appendix I SPE Nomenclature and Units· Standard letter symbols for reservoir engineering Gas volume and electric logging have been defined by the AI ME cubic foot) measured at 1 atmosphere (Society of Petroleum Engineers). Some non cubic metre) and 60°F standard terms, subscripts and nomenclature are still MCF = thousands of cubic feet in use and may be encountered. MMCF = millions of cubic feet No effective standardization or metrication of (The billion is the American billion = 109 ; units has yet occurred, and the industry uses the trillion is the American trillion = 1012.) American mixed units to a large extent, although some metric units mixed with American still may be Pressure encountered. An application of the SI metric system pounds force per square in (psi) is found in the Journal of Petroleum Engineerinng atmosphere (1985) in the issues for August (p.1415) and October bar p.1801. Temperature degrees Fahrenheit OF UNITS degrees Rankine OR = 460 + OF degrees Kelvin K Volume acre-foot for large volumes Length barrel pipelines - miles, feet, kilometres cubic ft well depths - feet or metres cubic metre Diameters tubular diameters generally inches or centimetres Liquid volume feet/metres barrel = 5.615 cubic ft cubic metre = (35.31) fe Viscosity (Unless otherwise specified, an oil volume will be centipoise tank oil measured at 1 atmosphere and 60°F.) Density lb mass per cubic foot * Reprinted fromlournal of Petroleum Technology, 1984, kg mass per cubic metre pp. 2278-2323 by permission. © SPE-AlME, 1984. g per cubic centimetre 257 258 PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE Specific gravity Oil densities liquids relative to water (62.4lb/ft3) API gravity gases relative to air (0.0765Ib/ft3) API scale for tank oil 0API = 141.5 --,----.,.-- - 131. 5 (SG)oil Gas-oil ratio standard cubic feet of gas per stock tank barrel of oil SG = specific gravity of water = 1.0 cubic metres of gas (s.c.) per cubic metre tank oil Recommendation for metrication and appropriate Flow rate conversion factors for units are given: liquids - barrel per day (bid) cubic metres per day (m3/d) gases - standard cubic ft per day SCF/d, MCF/d and MSCFD/d, MMSCFD cubic metres per day (m3/d) MSCFD/d Recommended units: conversions Quantity SI unit Industry SPE preferred Conversion unit unit factor (industry ~ preferred) Length m mile km 1.609344 metre m 1.0 foot m 0.3048 inch mm 25.4 Area m2 sq. mile km2 2.589988 acre km2 4.046873 x 103 sq.ft m2 0.0920304 sq. inch mm2 6.4516 x 102 Volume m3 m3 m3 1.0 acre foot m3 1.233482 x 103 barrel m3 1.589873 x 10.1 ft3 m3 2.831685 x 10.2 US gallon m3 3.785412 x 10.3 CapacityIlength m3/m barrels/ft m3/m 5.216119 x 10.1 ft3/ft m3/m 9.02903404 x 10.2 US gall.lft m3/m 1.241933 x 10.2 Mass kg Ibmass kg 4.535924 x 10.1 short ton Mg 0.9071847 Temperature gradient Kim °F/ft Kim 1.822689 Pressure Pa atmosphere kPa 1.013250x 102 bar kPa 1.0 x 102 kgf/sq. em kPa 9.806650 x 101 Ibf/sq. in. kPa 6.894757 dyne/sq. em Pa 1 x 10.1 Pressure gradient Palm Ibf/sq. in.lft kPaim 2.262059 x 101 Density kg/m3 Ibmlft3 kg/m3 1.601846 x 10-1 Ibm/USgal1. kg/m3 1 .198264 x 10 2 Volume rate m3/s bid m3/d 1.589873 x 10-1 US gall.!min m3/hr 0.2271247 Viscosity Pa.s cP Pa.s 1.0 x 10-3 Permeability m2 Darcy 11m2 9.869233 x 10-1 miliiDarcy 11m2 9.869233 x 10-4 SPE NOMENCLATURE AND UNITS 259 sPE SYMBOLS STANDARD original standards were published in 1956 following five years of intensive development. Additions Preface resulted from requests from members and from Objectives editorial reviews of the numerous papers submitted to SPE for publication. The primary objectives of the 1984 Symbols Stan dards are to combine prior standards and supple Principles of symbols selection ments into one publication so as to provide (1) consistency of usage and maximum ease of under Once the original reservoir Symbols Standard was standing of mathematical equations for the readers established in 1956, the principles employed in the of technical papers, and (2) to codify symbols lists, selection of additional symbols have been as follows: rules and guides for the writers of technical papers. A. (1) Use single letters only for the main letter symbols. This is the universal practice of the Structure of lists American National Standards Institute (ANSI), The 1984 Symbol Standards are a consolidation of the International Organization for Standardiza the 1956 Standard and all later supplements. Some tion (ISO) and the International Union of Pure of the cross-grouping and obsolete quantities have and Applied Physics (IUPAP) in more than 20 been eliminated. The complete symbols list is given formal Standards adopted by them for letter in four different forms as follows: symbols employed in mathematical equations. (2) Make available single and multiple sub A. Symbols alphabetized by physical quantity, scripts to the main letter symbols to the extent B. Subscripts alphabetized by physical quantity, necessary for clarity. Multiple letters such as abbreviations are C. Symbols alphabetized by symbols, prohibited for use as the main symbol (kernel) D. Subscripts alphabetized by symbols. for a quantity. A few exceptions are some traditional mathematical symbols such as log, In The names or labels for the quantities are for and lim. Thus quantities that are sometimes identification only and are not intended as defini represented by abbreviations in textual mate tions. Defining equations are given in a few cases rial, tables or graphs are required in the SPE where further identifications may be needed. For the Symbols Standards to have single-letter kernels. present, the specification of units and conditions of Examples are: gas-oil ratio (GOR), bottom measurement is left to the user. hole pressure (BHP), spontaneous potential For convenience in dimensional checking of equa (SP), static SP (SSP), which, respectively, have tions, a column has been included giving the the following SPE Standard symbols: R,pbh, dimensions of each quantity in terms of mass, Esp, Essp. length, time, temperature and electrical charge (m, B. Adopt the letter symbols of original or prior L, t, T, q). The term various also appears in this author usage, where not in conflict with princi column for several symbols. This terminology per ples C and D below. mits maximum flexibility for quantities that may C. Adopt letter symbols consistent or parallel with require different dimensions in different problems. the existing SPE Standard, minimizing conflicts Examples are symbols: (1) m for slope of a line (two with that Standard. variables of any dimensions can be related); (2) C D. Where pertinent, adopt the symbols already for concentration (dimensions might be m/L3 , standardized by such authorities as ANSI, ISO, dimensionless or other); (3) F (factor) when it or IUPAP (see A); minimize conflicts with represents ratio (dimensions might be L 3/m, m, these Standards. dimensionless or other). This flexibility in dimen E. Limit the list principally to basic quantities, sions permits desirable shortening of the symbols avoiding symbols and subscripts for combina list. tions, reciprocals, special conditions, etc. F. Use initial letters of materials, phase, processes, Additional standard symbols etc., for symbols and subscripts, as being The extraordinary growth in all phases of petroleum suggestive and easily remembered. and computer technology has necessitated the adop G. Choose symbols that can be readily handwrit tion of additional standard symbols, since the ten, typed, and printed. 260 PETROLEUM ENGINEERING: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE Principles of letter symbol standardization nent part of a complex mathematical formula A. Requirements for Published Quantity. - for example, as an exponent of a given Each published letter symbol should be: base. Instead, one may introduce locally, a 1. Standard, where possible. In the use of single non-conflicting letter to stand for such published symbols, authors of technical a complicated component. An explanatory works (including textbooks) are urged to definition should then appear in the immedi adopt the symbols in this and other current ate context. standard lists and to conform to the princi B. Secondary symbols. Subscripts and superscripts ples stated here. An author should give a are widely used and for a variety of convention table of the symbols used and their respec al purposes. For example, a subscript may tive interpretations, or else refer to a stan indicate: (1) the place of a term in a sequence or dard list as a source for symbols used but not matrix; (2) a designated state, point, part, or explained. For work in a specialized or time, or system of units; (3) the constancy of developing field, an author may need sym one independent physical quantity among bols in addition to those already contained in others on which a given quantity depends for its standard lists. In such a case the author value; (4) a variable with respect to which the should be careful to select simple suggestive given quantity is a derivative. Likewise, for symbols that avoid conflict in the given field example, a superscript may indicate: (1) the and in other closely related special fields. exponent for a power, (2) a distinguishing label, Except in this situation, the author should (3) a unit, or (4) a tensor index. The intended not introduce new symbols or depart from sense must be clear in each case. Several currently accepted notation. subscripts or superscripts sometimes separated 2.