Gran Sasso D'italia National Park Itinerary

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Gran Sasso D'italia National Park Itinerary Gran Sasso D'Italia National Park Itinerary We start from Rome for this unparalleled itinerary, we head towards the Apennines, a mountain range in Central Italy where we will visit the Gran Sasso National Park, located between the Monti della Laga and precisely the Gran Sasso. The 44 Municipalities and Villages with their architectures embedded in nature are a marvel not to be missed. We can do this tour with a rental car and then rest in the hotel and B&B, but a camper is also welcome to appreciate these pristine places more, being able to stop where we want and savor the scent, colors and melodies of the nights, which close to in the woods or on the shore of a lake, a stream or a spring, will leave this experience a beautiful memory, the memory of the Gran Sasso National Park. 1) day We start from Rome and go straight to the Gran Sasso National Park, taking the paid motorway (A24) also called the Strada dei Parchi. we will have to travel about 120km to stop in L'Aquila and the cost of the motorway toll will be more or less € 13. L'Aquila, a beautiful town at the foot of Monte del Gran Sasso, which unfortunately has been hit by an earthquake and has hardly left, and then we stop to visit this town and we will eat in one of the many restaurants offering specialties from the Abruzzo region. our table, Amaretti, Cod with Celery, Bruschetta Sausage of Liver, bruschetta with Cream of Broad Beans, Garlic Butter, Capitone Grilled, Thistle in Bodo, Cavatielli with Ricotta, Cherry Tart, Grape Jam, Croutons with Scamorza, Apsaragi Omelette, Cinnamon Carrot Salad, Macaroni with Guitar, Crocks with Crock, Escalope with Mushrooms and Truffles, Scrippelle 'mbuse, Baked Potatoes and Sausages, Socercetti Verdi, Tagliatelle with Snail Sauce, Christmas Tarallucci and much more other, but memorize these dishes well and if you can during your tour taste them all. 2 Day we leave for our adventure we head towards Amatrice, a town destroyed by another earthquake a few years ago, home of the Alla Amatriciana pasta, along the way we will be able to visit many countries and villages for the duration of our experience, below we provide you the most important stages to better enjoy this Tour. Amatrice (city of Bucatini pasta Amatriciana) Acqua Santa Terme (spa town in the woods) Campli (town of Art Culture and Ancient Treasures to be discovered) Campotosto (on the largest lake in Abruzzo) Castelli (town of Ceramics) Castel del Monte (Capital of the Patori a wonderful village) Pescosansonesco (here the word ITALY was born) Capestrano (Homeland of the Warrior symbol of Abruzzo) but along the way you can find driving directions to take you to other Municipalities and Villages and if you want you can leave the path to visit them Carpineto della Nora (Abbey) Old Calvisio Castle (Fortified Village) Capitignano (ideal as a stop for hiking) Bussi sul Tirino (the clearest river in Abruzzo) Barisciano (The gateway to the Gran Sasso National Park) Accumoli and Arquata del Tronto (Fairytale Nature and Landscapes) Castiglione a Casauria (Abbey of San Clemente) Civitella Casanova (The country that invented the Sheep Arrosticini) Cortino (Kingdom of the White Fir) Fano Adriano (village nestled in the Gran Sasso) Corvara (small medieval village on a spur of rock) Montorio al VOmano (Entrance door on the Strada Maestra) Ophena (its climate makes Wine one of the Milgiori) Rocca Santa Maria (Enchanted woods) Farindola (meet the Abruzzo chamois and visit the Geotriton caves) Castellana Valley (Rivers, Streams and Waterfalls) Villa Santa Lucia Abruzzi (South gate of the park entrance) and then maybe we will discover something for you, each of these places and rich in history and culture with churches and museums in the open air. For your Trip here you find Book Flights & Hotel Rental Cars Tour Abruzzo - Gran Sasso - Italy.
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