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A Treasure Trove of Pirate Words This Pirate Dictionary Made By

A Treasure Trove of Pirate Words This Pirate Dictionary Made By

A Trove Of Pirate Words This Pirate Dictionary Made By:

An Alphabetical List Of 794 Pirate-Related Words and Phrases.

A Africa abaft abandon ahoy aboard alas addle albatross addle brained alliance addled aloft Admiral of the Black alongside adrift ambush advantage amidship adventure afeard armada affidavit armed affy Davey arrrgh

TeachWithMe.com! Clip art by mycutegraphics.com Pirate Dictionary & Alphabetical List of 794 Pirate-Related Words and Phrases A Treasure Trove Of Pirate Words This Pirate Dictionary Made By:

TeachWithMe.com! Clip art by mycutegraphics.com While doing research for this word list, I came across several wonderful pirate alphabet books, perfect to read before students start making their own pirate alphabet book/dictionary. ! Shiver Me Letters by June Sobel, Pirate's Alphabet by Patti Wigington, A Is For Arrr! by Laura Purdie Salas, Twenty-six Pirates by Dave Horowitz, An A to Z of Pirates by Caroline Stills and Pirates of the Alphabet by Tim Whitney, are all worth taking a peek at. ! If you're into Aps you may like Pirate Phonics: 's Alphabet. It’s just $1.99

An Alphabetical List Of 794 Pirate-Related Words and Phrases.

A Africa abaft aft abandon ahoy aboard alas addle albatross addle brained alliance addled aloft Admiral of the Black alongside adrift ambush advantage amidship adventure anchor afeard armada affidavit armed affy Davey arrrgh articles of agreement belay ashore belaying pin athwartships bell Atlantic bellow at sea below decks attack bilboes aurora avast bilge rat aye aye bilge water billowing B binnacle back-o-beyond bite the bullet ballast Black Bart bam black jack bandana black spot bar Blackbeard blackguard baring irons blackheart barkadeer blaggards barker blast barnacles bleached bones blighter barrack stanchion blimey barrel blithering batten down the hatches blockhouse battle bloody be blow beach blow the gaff bearings blubbering beauty blunderbuss becalmed boarded boatswain burgoo bones boom bury boots by the wind booty by thunder boreas bosun C bottle cabin bound cable bounty cable’s length cackle fruit bow chasers Caesar’s penny cage brawl calaloo Brazil “” Rackham brethren canister shot bridge brig cannon ball brigantine cannonballs brine canvas britches capsize British broadside captain capture buck oh captured bucket cardinal points buckle careen bulkhead careening bullyrag cargo bumbo bungling carouse carouser codger carpenter coffer cask coiled cast coins castaway colors castoff colours cat o’ nine tails come about catch come around caulking command chain shot commandeer compass chandler confiscate chantey contraband chart convoy chart a course cooper chase coral chest cordage chivey cork chowder corsair clap of thunder cot climb course clinch cove clipper cowardly close hauled coxswain close to the wind crow’s nest coaming crown cocked hat cully cocoa curse coconuts cursed cod line cutlass code cutthroat D doubloons dagger doughboy dance down the hatch dance the hempen draft danger draught daring dread Davy Jones’ locker drink dead man’s chest drivelswigger dead men drowned Dead men tell no tales drunken dead reckoning duds deadlights duff duffle deckhand deep E degrees earring depth east desert island easterly dig enemy dinghy escape direct hit escudo directions ditty bag Execution Dock divvied up explore dock eye of the wind dog eye patch dog watch dog’s body F don’t be in a fright fabric doomed fair winds double Dutch fasten fathom gabion fearsome gaff feed the fish gale fight galleon gallows first mate gangplank fish flag get me bearings flagship ghost ship fleet gibbit flint gig flog gold flotsam Golden Age flounder grapeshot grapple fore grasp grog foremast grub fortune guinea France walls freeboard gunner freebooter gunpowder French guns French leave from to gust furl futtock H hail G hail shot gab halyard hammock honest air hands hook handsomely horizon hang hornpipe harbor hornswoggle hardtack hornswoggled hatch hornswoggler have the wind of hove to hulk hazard he be in Davy’s grip hurricane he has the Davies impress heart I heartily India heave Indian Ocean heave ho in irons heave to irons heel island helm “…it’s a pirate’s life for me.” helmsman Ivory Coast hemp hempen halter J hide jack high seas Jack Ketch hogshead hoist jack staff hoist the colors Jack Tar Jacob’s ladder hold fast jellyfish holystone jetsam jettison lass jewels lassie jig leagues jolly boat leather lee junk leeward jury rig leg irons letter of marque K liberty lightning keg lights keys line killick list kin liver king loaded to the gunnels King’s shilling log kiss the gunners daughter log line knave knot long boat knots long clothes kraken look alive lookout L loot lad lot ladder well lubber land ho lugger landlubber lugsail lanyard larboard M lash Madagascar lashes magistrate maiden mizzens maiden voyage mizzen mainbrace monkey cannon mainmast monkey jacket make fast motto: make sail “…A merry life and a short make terms one shall be my motto.” Man-O-War -Bartholomew “Black Bart” map Roberts marauder marked marlinspike maroon N marooned name calling mast nautical mate navigator matey nay me net me beauty New World me hearties nigh Mediterranean nipper merchant no quarter merchant ship North mermaid North America merriment merry O messmate oakum methinks oars midday oath mind your business ocean mischief octopus oggin pitch old salt plague Old World plank onboard plunder on deck poop cabin on the account orders port orlop porthole outcasts powder chest overboard powder monkey powers P poxed Pacific prepare palm trees prepare to be boarded pardon pressgang parley parrel prize parrot propelled payment provisions pearls provost peg leg prow pewter purser picaroon put your back into it pieces of eight pillage Q pinnacle quadrant pirated quartermaster pirates queen pistol quest pistol proof rutters R raid S raider saber railing sail ram sail ho ramming speed sail the seven seas ramshackle sailor ransack Saint Elmo’s Fire rapscallion salmagundi ratline salt rats sand real sash reales satiety reef sauce regale scabbards repairs scalawags reward scallywags rig scar rigging schooner roam scoundrel rob scourge rope scourge of the seven seas rope’s end scrape round shot scuppers route scurvy rover scuttle scuttlebutt rullock sea rum sea bandit rumfustian sea dog sea legs sign in blood sea rat signal sea rover silver seafaring sing seagoing sink seagull sink me seaman six pounders seashells skeleton crew seashore skiff seaweed skipper seaworthy skull secured skull and bones sequin skull and crossbones shallows skysail shanty slake shark sloop shark bait slow match sheet smart as paint shells smartly ship snoring ship’s log sounding line shipboard Spain shipmate spanker shipshape spar shipwreck speed shipwrecked spirits shiver me timbers splice shoot splice the mainbrace shot spoils shrouds sprawl sidearm spread eagle spy swallow the anchor spyglass swashbuckler squall swashbuckling square swasher square-rigged sweet trade squid swing squiffy stagger starboard swordsman stars sworn oath stay the course steer T stem tack stern tall ship stern chaser tankard tar storage target stormy tarpaulin stow telescope stowaway tell tale strike the colors tender sun terms sunk thar sunny there will be the devil to pay superstitious thin commons supplies thirteen guns surrender three of a trade can never sutler agree swab three sheets in the wind swag thunder swagger tides tis voyager titivate togs W sails walk the plank topmast wanderer topsail warm tow watch trade watch glass watches treasure water waterproof trim the sails wave tropical waves truce weapons trysail weather turtles weigh anchor well blow me down U wench under west underway wheel unscrupulous whip upper deck wind V windlass vanquish wood vast wooden vent wooden leg venture wound vessel volley voyage X yer X marks the spot yo ho ho yo ho ho and a bottle of rum Y your word yar yardarm Z yawl zenith ye zig zag (Known as “beating:” yell sailing towards the wind in a yellow fever zig zag line.) yellow jack

This list was compiled after 3 days of reading various articles and books about pirates, pirate treasure, pirate history, pirate ships, famous pirates, pirate places, pirate plunder, facts about pirates, pirate sayings and phrases, lists of nautical terminology, as well as perusing over 50 pirate-word websites and several pirate alphabet books and dictionaries.

I hope you find it helpful. If you’ve found others, I’d enjoy hearing from you, and w ill add them to the list.

Clip art by mycutegraphics.com