ZEMU Concept Feasibility Study Detailed Evaluation of Battery and Hydrogen Technologies for the Arrow Service

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ZEMU Concept Feasibility Study Detailed Evaluation of Battery and Hydrogen Technologies for the Arrow Service ZEMU Concept Feasibility Study Detailed Evaluation of Battery and Hydrogen Technologies for the Arrow Service July 10, 2019 Page left intentionally blank Mott MacDonald 1000 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 400 Los Angeles CA 90017 United States of America T +1 (818) 506 8088 mottmac.com San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 1170 W. 3rd St, 2nd Floor ZEMU Concept Feasibility Study 309710-MMD-03-XX-RP-PL-0002 San Bernardino, CA 92410 https://mottmac.sharepoint.com/teams/pj-b2054/ps-PMC-CTO64/Shared Detailed EvaluationDocuments/Task 06 - Optionsof Battery Evaluation and Reporting/ZEMUand Hydrogen Concept Feasibility Study - Task 6.0 Report Combined Comments.docx Technologies Mott MacDonald for the Arrow Service July 10, 2019 Page left intentionally blank Mott MacDonald | ZEMU Concept Feasibility Study Detailed Evaluation of Battery and Hydrogen Technologies for the Arrow Service Issue and revision record Revision Date Originator Checker Approver Description 1 May 20, Nick Eric Joy Buenaflor Draft 2019 Laverick; Banghart Andreas Hoffrichter PhD 2 June 6, Nick Eric Joy Buenaflor Draft Final for SBCTA Transit 2019 Laverick; Banghart Committee review Andreas Hoffrichter PhD 3 June 27, Nick Eric Joy Buenaflor Draft Final for SBCTA Board 2019 Laverick; Banghart review Andreas Hoffrichter PhD 4 July 10, Nick Eric Joy Buenaflor Final approved by SBCTA Board 2019 Laverick; Banghart Andreas Hoffrichter PhD Information class: Standard This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above- captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it. This R eport has been prepar ed sol el y for use by the party which commissi oned it (the 'Client') in connection with the capti oned pr oject. It shoul d not be used for any other purpose. N o person other than the Client or any party who has expr essl y agreed terms of reli ance with us (the 'Recipi ent(s)') may r el y on the content, infor mation or any views expr essed in the R eport. 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Mott MacDonald | ZEMU Concept Feasibility Study Detailed Evaluation of Battery and Hydrogen Technologies for the Arrow Service Definitions/Acronyms 1 1 Introduction 2 2 Summary of Initial Evaluation of Technologies 3 2.1 Initial Finding of Technologies for Low/Zero Emissions Vehicles 4 2.2 Further Elimination of Alternatives 5 Review of Supercapacitors 5 Review of Hydrogen Fuel Cells 6 Technologies Carried Forward 6 3 Detailed ZEMU Evaluation 7 3.1 Evaluation Criteria 7 3.2 Concept Feasibility Studies 9 3.3 Exclusions and Assumptions 9 Energy Requirements 10 Vehicle Configuration – 2 Car vs. 4 Car Assessment 10 California Energy and Emissions 11 4 Battery Technologies 12 4.1 Technology and System Description 12 Battery Chemistries 12 4.2 Operational Performance 15 Operational Range - Redlands to San Bernardino Transit Center 15 Option for Increasing Range – In-route Charging 20 Energy Consumption – Design vs Duty Cycle Scenarios 22 ZEMU Battery Life 22 4.3 Infrastructure requirements 23 Charging 23 Recommended Charging Infrastructure for ZEMU on RPRP Corridor 28 Evaluation of Charger Locations and Clearances 30 Maintenance and Storage Facility Modifications 32 4.4 Utility Supplier Assessment 33 4.5 Right of Way Impact and Land Use Evaluation 34 4.6 Market Availability 34 Provider dependency 34 Technology Obsolescence 34 4.7 Safety 35 4.8 Cost 35 Capital Cost 35 Operational and Maintenance Cost 37 4.9 Feasibility of Application for the Arrow Service 38 DMU Conversion 38 Mott MacDonald | ZEMU Concept Feasibility Study Detailed Evaluation of Battery and Hydrogen Technologies for the Arrow Service 4.10 System Expansion to LA Union 38 Vehicles 38 Infrastructure 39 4.11 Current applications 39 5 Hydrogen Fuel Cells 40 5.1 Technology and System Description 40 5.2 Operational performance 44 5.3 Infrastructure requirements 47 5.3.1 Production/transportation 47 5.3.2 Fueling 49 5.3.3 Storage 50 5.3.4 Utilities 50 Maintenance and Storage Facility Modifications 50 5.4 Right of Way Impact Assessment 51 5.5 Market Availability 51 Provider dependency 51 Technology Obsolescence 53 5.6 Safety 53 5.7 Cost 55 Capital Costs 55 Operational and Maintenance Cost 57 5.8 Feasibility of application for RPRP Corridor 59 5.9 System Expansion to LA Union Station 59 6 Environmental Impacts 60 7 Risk Analyses 61 7.1 Overview 61 7.2 Battery Risk Assessment 61 7.3 Hydrogen Risk Assessment 62 8 Conclusions and Recommendations 63 8.1 Capital Cost, Operating Cost and Emission Reductions 63 8.2 Technology Evaluation Matrix 63 8.3 Battery 65 8.4 Hydrogen Hybrid 65 9 Next Steps 68 9.1 Further Engagement with Stadler 68 9.2 Development of Technical Specifications for Stadler 68 9.3 Vehicle Design 68 Mott MacDonald | ZEMU Concept Feasibility Study Detailed Evaluation of Battery and Hydrogen Technologies for the Arrow Service Appendices 69 A. Battery Chemistries Evaluation Matrix 70 B. Power Demand Modeling 71 C. Power Transfer and Charging Infrastructure Evaluation Matrix 72 D. Substation concept plans 73 E. Cost estimates for Battery 74 F. Battery Applications 75 F.1 Midlands Metro conversion in UK 75 F.2 Stadler FLIRT platform in Germany 75 F.3 Bombardier TALENT 3 platform in Germany 75 G. Single Train Simulator 76 G.1 Typical Simulation Output 76 G.2 Notable Assumptions & Simplifications 79 H. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Simulation and Emission Results 80 I.
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