Copy of Approved Meetings Meeting Minutes

Board: Board of Selectmen/ Water Commissioner’s Meeting Date: Monday, November 23, 2020 Location: Online Video/Audio Conference Pursuant to Governor Baker’s Executive Order in Response to the COVID-19 State of Emergency

Selectmen Present: William Bembury, Peter Sanders Also, Present: Bryan Smith, Robert Holst, Mariah Kurtz, James Loynd, Kelly Loynd, Laura Duffy, Michael Gordon, Kyle Forrest Press: Katherine Nolan, Montague Reporter

At 6:31 PM Selectman Bembury called the meeting to order.

Bryan Smith explained that the meeting is being recorded and provided an overview of the functions of the video/audio conferencing platform.

Discussion Regarding Town Response to COVID-19 No update at this time.

Discussion Regarding Good Samaritans at the French King Bridge Incident Selectman Bembury asked Sergeant Robert Holst, Acting Chief of Police, to provide an overview of the incident at the French King Bridge. Sergeant Holst thanked Officer James Loynd, Kelly Loynd, Kyle Forrest, and Laura Duffy for attending the meeting. Sergeant Holst provided an overview of the incident that occurred on November 01, 2020. Sergeant Holst discussed the response performed by Officer Loynd. Sergeant Holst explained that upon arrival an individual was found on the River side of the railing on the French King Bridge. Sergeant Holst explained that the quick actions of Officer Loynd and these good Samaritans that assisted in the rescue of the individual, saved the individual’s life that evening. Sergeant Holst explained that the good Samaritans remained on scene while medical personnel responded to assist and transport the individual. Selectman Bembury expressed the appreciation from the Board of Selectmen to Kyle Forrest of Westminster, , Laura Duffy of Erving, Massachusetts, and Jeremiah Gonzalez of Greenfield, Massachusetts for their actions. Selectman Bembury discussed the importance of individuals within a community who are willing to assist during a time of need. Selectman Bembury discussed the importance of a supportive community during challenging times. Selectman Bembury discussed the risk of life that these good Samaritans experienced will aiding Officer Loynd and the individual. Selectman Bembury expressed his genuine appreciation for their assistance. Selectman Bembury read the following letter from Sergeant Robert L. Host, acting Chief of Police, to Kyle, Jeremiah, and Laura into the record:

On behalf of the Erving Police Department and the Town of Erving I would like to thank you for your willingness to assist a citizen in crisis and a member of this department with a very difficult incident on November 1, 2020 at the French King Bridge. The support you provided to the individual prior to the arrival of the police may have been just enough to make him hesitate and allow the needed time for the arrival of the Officer on scene. Once the Officer arrived you continued to provide needed assistance until the situation was resolved. Your willingness, support and caring heart for others assisted in the efforts of saving a life that day and provided support for the Officer to know he wasn't alone on the call. I cannot thank you enough and appreciate all that you did.

Respectfully submitted, Sergeant Robert L. Holst, Acting Chief

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Selectman Bembury discussed the recent articles in the newspapers and again today in the Greenfield Recorder. Selectman Bembury discussed the decades of responses from officers in the towns of Gill and Erving, explaining the ongoing problem for our community. Selectman Bembury explained that the problem continues to be worked on noting the financial impact as well as the physical and emotional impact to first responders who are involved with the response as well as the treatment of individuals that are attempting suicide. Selectman Bembury discussed the continued efforts by the towns of Erving and Gill to collaborate with the State to install a safety barrier to improve outcomes at the Bridge. Selectman Sanders expressed appreciation to the good Samaritans who assisted Officer Loynd for being present and offering support. Sergeant Holst explained that the letter does not seem to quite do justice to express the severity of the situation on November 01, 2020 and the risk that was posed to the individuals who assisted in the rescue. Sergeant Holst expressed appreciation to the individuals who offered their assistance and provided comfort to the rescued individual. Selectman Bembury expressed appreciation to Sergeant Holst for the work and the service of the Police Department staff as they protect and care for our community members as well as those passing through Town. Selectman Bembury expressed appreciation to Officer Loynd for his service to the community and the sacrifice that he has made for the betterment of the community.

Officer Loynd expressed appreciation for the acknowledgement that Sergeant Holst and the Board was making to the good Samaritans. Officer Loynd discussed his sincere appreciation to the good Samaritans for their assistance. Laura discussed her appreciation to Kyle and Jeremiah for their assistance on November 01, 2020. Laura discussed the goal of reassuring this individual and the appreciation of their presence to help rescue the individual. Laura expressed appreciation to Officer Loynd for this work to save the individual. Selectman Bembury thanked Laura on behalf of the Town and as an individual for the service she provided to the community that day.

Discussion Regarding Chief of Police Position Search Bryan Smith, Town Administrator, provided the Board with an update on the procurement for consulting services.

Library Construction Project Update & Review of Change Order Requests The Board reviewed a memorandum from Bryan regarding the status of the Library construction project and the work that has taken place and that is scheduled to occur. The Board had no questions or concerns at this time.

River, Warner & Strachan Street Project Update & Change Orders Bryan explained that a meeting between the Town, the general contractor and the engineer has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 25, 2020 and that it is expected that a proposed solution to the project deficiencies will be ready for the Board’s consideration soon. The Board had no questions or concerns at this time.

Review of Streetlight Installation Project Procurement Bryan explained that a coin flip has been scheduled to break the tie between two vendors for Tuesday, November 24, 2020. Bryan explained that both Mariah Kurtz, Assistant Town Planner, and Glenn McCrory, Highway Superintendent, will be present to serve as witnesses for the coin flip result. Selectman Bembury requested Bryan to post the meeting on the Town website so that members of the public can participate if they so choose. Bryan will have an update for the Board for the next Board meeting.

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Discussion of Water Line Upgrade Request Near Water Tower Bryan provided an overview of the deliberation that occurred during the last meeting. Bryan explained that they have researched the ownership of the water line and noted that the 1” line appears on water system maps that the Town inherited when the Town acquired the water system from the former Fire & Water District. Selectman Sanders explained that a conversation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection is scheduled for Tuesday, November 24, 2020 to ensure the requested work is not of concern. The Board will carry the topic as an agenda item until the next meeting.

Discussion Regarding POTW#2 Sludge Dryer Project Bryan explained that he has met with the Town’s legal team to review the most recent communication about the project and the requested agreement. Bryan explained that the Town’s lawyer was reaching out to the legal team for Erving Industries. Selectman Bembury asked for an explanation of the status of the State Revolving Loan Fund application that the Town applied for. Bryan explained that the application is still in the review process and that until Erving Industries confirms that the plan will not change again, he is hesitant to contact the State Revolving Loan Fund to discuss the possibility of changing the request. Bryan will provide the Board with an update when the legal teams have had a chance to meet and confirm understanding.

Review of Meeting Minutes for April 27, 2020 The Board passed over this agenda item.

Review of Meeting Minutes for April 29, 2020 The Board passed over this agenda item.

Review of Meeting Minutes for June 01, 2020 The Board passed over this agenda item.

Review of Meeting Minutes for June 08, 2020 The Board passed over this agenda item.

Review of Meeting Minutes for November 16, 2020 The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of Monday, November 16, 2020. Selectman Bembury made a motion to accept the meeting minutes of November 16, 2020 as written. Selectman Sanders seconded. Vote: Unanimously approved.

Selectman Bembury asked Bryan for a plan to address the outstanding draft meeting minutes from April and June 2020. Bryan explained that he has discussed the topic with Chairman Smith and the oldest draft meeting minutes will be prioritized for completion. Selectman Bembury discussed the possibility of having another clerk to transcribe meeting minutes. Bryan explained that the remote meeting software produces a transcript but that it is not suitable for preparing meeting minutes and that a clerk to produce meeting minutes would need to attend the meeting. Selectman Bembury asked to maintain the topic as an agenda item for a future meeting.

Review of Town-wide Project List Mariah joined the Board to review the draft of the Town-wide project list and schedule. Mariah explained the organizational approach of the list, noting that timelines have been indicated for projects that are underway and/or have a contractual deadline to meet grant funding requirements. Mariah explained that several projects require involvement by multiple departments and that the Board’s Office is often

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involved. Mariah also explained that she is working on a template to track and report on the grants that the Town has secured throughout the year for the residents, that would be included in the Annual Town Report. Selectman Bembury discussed the importance of being transparent with the public that the Town has secured outside grant funding for these projects. Selectman Bembury requested adding the information to the FY2022 Budget Book.

Mariah discussed the anticipated challenges with numerous projects currently scheduled to occur in 2021. Mariah expressed concern about the capacity of the Office to manage numerous projects simultaneously. Mariah asked for guidance from the Board to offer priorities for projects and scheduling any of the unscheduled projects on the list. Selectman Bembury asked Bryan for his thoughts on the capacity of the Office. Bryan expressed agreement with the concerns raised by Mariah and explained that the Office is at capacity for managing the day to day operations of the Town, managing current projects, and pursuing future projects. Selectman Bembury asked for an explanation of how the projects list aligns with grant funding of projects. Mariah explained that the draft matches funding cycles and construction cycles. Mariah discussed the living nature of this workbook and that it will evolve over time. Selectman Bembury discussed wanting to have a report regarding the status of all Town-wide grants. Mariah explained that she is accumulating grant information from the various departments to compile into a single report.

Selectman Bembury expressed agreement with the capacity concerns that had been discussed and the need to prioritize projects. Selectman Bembury discussed wanting to have information available for the voters to review at the Annual Town Meeting regarding all the grant funded work the Town has completed or is in progress on. Selectman Bembury discussed wanting the information available for the Finance Committee as well. Bryan suggested that during the drafting of the revenue section of the FY2022 budget book that the grant funding could be outlined. Selectman Bembury discussed the need to communicate the responsibilities that the Town accepts with each of the grants that are received. The Board members expressed appreciation for Mariah’s work for the project planning and the grant applications. Selectman Bembury requested that the Town-wide project list remain on the Board’s agenda for weekly review.

Discussion Regarding MassWorks Grant Award Mariah explained that on Thursday, November 19, 2020 the Town was awarded a MassWorks grant in the amount of $500,000 for the further redevelopment of the IP Mill site. Mariah explained that the purpose of the funds will be for the installation of a new pump station and the retrofit of the existing wastewater line from the IP Mill site to the Prospect Street sewer line. Bryan asked for the Board’s approval to request a professional services proposal from Tighe & Bond to oversee the design, permitting, bidding, and construction of the proposed work. The Board members expressed agreement to request a proposal. Selectman Bembury asked to keep the project on the agenda for the next Board meeting. Selectman Bembury asked for an explanation of the next steps for the redevelopment of the site after the work funded by the grant is completed. Mariah explained that the proposed sewer work should be completed over summer 2021 or into the Spring 2022. Mariah explained the essential need for this work to be completed as the existing line is oversized for any future use at the site. Mariah discussed the goal of issuing a request for proposals (RFP) to sell the property, noting the value of having the infrastructure in place. Mariah noted the anecdotal concerns that have been expressed about creating the proposed access road near the Millers riverbank and the potential negative impact on the value of the property. Bryan explained that the Town, through Mariah’s efforts, have also submitted grant applications for site readiness and the real estate technical assistance with the redevelopment of the IP Mill site. Mariah discussed the importance of subdividing the property to protect the riverbank and the back portion of the property, explaining that she expects to recommend subdividing the property into two (2) parcels. Selectman Bembury asked about the proposed use of the land that would be retained by the Town.

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Mariah explained that the proposal would allow the Town to protect the riverbank with the potential of creating recreational opportunities. Mariah suggested that one option would be for the Town to retain the parking lot across the street from the IP Mill to provide public parking and access to the . Mariah also explained that the redevelopment of the site allows the Town to breakup some of the existing paved surface and to introduce green infrastructure strategies to deal with stormwater management. The Board members congratulated Mariah on her accomplishment with the successful MassWorks grant application. Selectman Bembury discussed the gains that have been made for the Town because of Mariah’s work. Selectman Bembury discussed the need to have the record reflect her accomplishments, noting that the Town could not make the progress that it has on these initiatives without her efforts.

Discussion Regarding POTW#1 Generator Replacement The Board reviewed a memorandum from Bryan explaining the failure of the emergency generator at POTW#1 and the recommendation to engage the procurement officer at the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) to procure a new 200-kW generator. Bryan explained that the proposed unit should have sufficient capacity to operate the Treatment Plant as well as the proposed office space and dry storage building during a power outage. Bryan requested authorization to engage FRCOG for the procurement. The Board members expressed agreement with the proposal. Selectman Sanders made a motion to authorize the Town administrator to engage FRCOG’s procurement Officer, not to exceed $600, for the replacement of the emergency generator at POTW#1. Selectman Bembury seconded. Vote: Unanimously approved.

Selectman Bembury asked for an explanation of the anticipated timeline for the project. Bryan explained that timeline for procurement and the anticipated lead time to acquire and install the equipment. Bryan explained that the anticipated cost of the equipment is at least $80,000 and will require the approval of an article at a Special Town Meeting. Selectman Bembury asked Bryan if he was already working on a proposed date for a Special Town Meeting with Chairman Smith. Bryan explained the potential need for an article related to the force sewer main project for Erving Center and the need to find a date that will align for both project procurements. Selectman Sanders explained that site visits have been conducted to draft specifications for a new generator. Selectman Bembury requested that the project remain as a topic on the agenda for the next Board meeting.

Review of Town Letterhead Design Mariah joined the Board to review the draft letterhead design for the Town logo and branding project. Mariah explained that she is concerned that the slogan in the logo, as previously approved, may be difficult to read when the logo is used in a smaller format like letterhead or the business cards. The Board reviewed the examples. Mariah suggested the option for the Board to approve the use of a version of the logo that does not include the slogan for uses that are too small. Selectman Bembury discussed his review of the example letterhead and expressed a preference for including the Town seal as a watermark. Selectman Bembury expressed concern with the shading used in the header and requested a revision that did not include shading. Selectman Sanders expressed support for the use of a version of the logo without the slogan for uses that are smaller. Mariah will work with the graphic designer to amend the letterhead header to be white with just a border. The Board will review the revised drafts at the next Board meeting. Mariah discussed the goal of giving all the departments, boards, and commissions the newly branded templates for January 2021.

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Adjournment At 8:12 PM Selectman Sanders made a motion to adjourn. Selectman Bembury seconded. Vote: Unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Bryan Smith Town Administrator

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