
The Oxford Democrat.


A ΡΑΚΚ Breeds of tlogc. Maine New* Not·*. ^Γ^κΰΓκ AMONG THE FARMERS. SOUTH PARIS Attorney* At Law, Let This Be a IT HAPPENED IN BOSTOI MIRKET BEHEW *A1K* wo. 1. Raoul the Lewlston BeTHKL, Dufall, young For Wtek Ending Ditwlir t, 1*1. KlleryQ.Part Ο. Barrows «u in Portland now tn write· t,MHon «Harrtc*. Id the of the breed· of Irving- ■loger studying Italy, "SPUD TBI FLOW.** majority oiiti, Thursday and Friday. home that be with a party af three U. 8. Borne of D· FAM, lives took grown fa Ibe United State· to- NEW ENGLAND (Prepared by * iStSJ friend· waa received tbe name or from onr H. A. Morton vu lo New Tork on recently by and Crop Estimate·) 1 day directly indtreotiy Licensed Auctioneer, Snropean neighbor·. The breeder· ol buaineaa several day· last weak. Pope. Value AND POULTRY PRODUCTS. Christmas If DAIRY PARIS, MAIN* We Decide to Farm. this oountry hate in some Instances, Intentional of an automobile SOUTH Harlan Dennlaon la at home from tbe bnrnlng Poultry has continued to tlttari the wife and I were on a farm however, prodnoed some remarkable at Portland waa one toward News of General Interest oomM· the rtnnf MoJenue· My University of Main· for the holiday vaca- Monday atep mark·!, many dealer· lug About two mon' h· ago. breeds by cross)dg tome of the imported ont provisions of tbe will oi price* loir enough for a ■ peculation and For ω there la a tion. carrying A visit to our lovely charm, breeds. And have types Miss J. B. at tbe time of purchasing more heavily on all food store will In watching green grow: they developed Mary Olapp, résultant advance in MARGUERITE STEVENS, suggest things within the Tarions breeds to sntt the The Clara of tbe Metbodiat Sun- Fran the Six States stock with a price*· 0g. Bat we were shocked, I must confess, Rallie ber death a few montba ago owner of \ la thla and now Mann The season early year OSTEOPATH. ▲t many thing· we saw; fancy of the American people. In regard day School met with lira. Bmma tbe oar, tbe «paolona family manalon at la about the time that luge roasting The farmer never thought, I so dealer* 10» m., to 9 «. m. useful goeaa, to several hare Thursday evening. and Blm Streets, and a chicken* are at their prime Tbaredey many and Or didn't care a straw. bogs important types Congreaa great for the Chrlatma* V«ine*3»y practical gifts. been introdnoed wbloh will be fam- By terms, of the will of Nell Mc- have been after them presented Bmma was in •tore of beirlooma and relloa. Tbe and for later use. Large sU Me. Bat what a waste to the oorn Mra. T. Hnbbard Angus- who died trade Block, Norway, plant In tbe next several lasnes of the Demo- ooaob at leaat 100 year· tba bed Neil of Dorchester, Mm·., chicken* have lumped from M< Soyes a In rows ao far apart: ta laat Tneaday to attend tbe meeting of ily old, po«ad 70. We have stock of to five* are about 4c higher at W-Mc Telephone very complete for both The ground between an and torn ; crat. in wbiob ber father died, a ronhogany Dec. 4, St. Francis Xavier College; 40& ploughed tbe Maine Hotel Asaociatlon. are a moderate call au> be *>*le by téléphoné. It nearly broke my heart. of re- and fours having foor-poat contrivance exquisite design, Antlgoniah, N. S., eventually will lc the beet ippoamucie and old at much lower than last I told him how we aow oar POLAHD CHINAS. at 34c. Fowl are higher, young prices year. lawn, Miss Bernioe Simpson baa gone to and other artiolea of fnrniture were aimi- four* at Nc and To get It nloe and thick: ceive approximately $1,000,000. bringlr* Mc. the small the and 8. G., where ahe la to do table doomed to of rooetere are firm at 23c. There le a Leather Perhapa he beard while choking on They represent lard-bog type Camden, larly aooordlng provisions oil Overshoes, Gaiters, Rubbers, are a new foroo has surplus of undersized and slightly Longley & Son, Leggins, That tiny piece of stick. they considered tbe strlot product of work at hotel for tbe winter, ι tbe will. He states that'the at lTm. quality that is having to be sold Shoes and all kinds of His cattle were a brutal I Amerloan swine breeders. Although tbe demonstrated He usefulness. Col. at M-26c Norway. IV1*lne, Warm Shoes. crime Mrs. Delano and yonng son of baa the best bid. some sale* going It made dear Ethel rave of this breed is not Angle Tbe atate of Pennsylvania imposed that will not stand history altogether A. Foote proposes that the 90 additional on size* and grade* To see all caked with Oxford were gnests of Mrs. H. Morton a tax all antbraoite coal tnlnrd Id have showed little The famous for Men, Women poor pigs grime. clear, It Is quite an aocepted fact among npon freezing. Live bird* Dolgeville Comfy Slippers And not a tub to bathe. fur a number of daya laat week. and tbia tax will ultimate men be added in lots of 30, this being change, a few fancy fowl bringing 30c, While little lambs were a I •tookmen that it la not of Snropean orl- Pennaylvania out at IS-Me end Plumbing, Heating, and Children. disgrace ly be added to tbe price of coal paid by the maximum number that c&n be average lot* peddling ^ I'll bet that not a soul Residents of Bntler and Warren -Shaw's orchestra will furnlah tbe chicken* at the same price*. conanmer. Tbe of tbe atate Sheet Metal Work, Had ever washed a darling's face, onntlea In Ohio claim thii breed origi- mualo for the of the Golden tbe people trained at one time. Dealer* have been trying to get trade We also have a For were black aa coal- 8In. Knigbta from fresh to storage, stock of Hand Boston they there. of Is ball at at the nf Maine are dependent npon antbraoite for egg* shifted CEILINGS A SPECIALTY. large Bags, Bags nated Tbe atory It· origin Bagle Norway Jannary 2, L. of a week saw such a STEEL It hurta the cowa ooai and it la one of the neoeaaitiea of Wallace Kimball, proprietor and the pist general and surely gentle something like this. In the very early Opera Houae. shift that the latter have Jumped i-ic Cases. To have the milk out; a Governor Bax- store on Merrimack street, pulled of these oonniles what were life in Maine climate. Jewelry and the fresh arrivals have broke sharply, A. Leon And eggs are hunted In the mows, history Sikkenga, The Young People'a Teen Age Claas ter baa taken tbia matter up witb tbf- Haverhill, Mass., died on the operat- bennerys accumulating and going at 76- While poor hena weep about. known a· Russia and breeds of the Byfield of >be Metbodiat Sobool took a tee if 80c, freeh first* around 60c, and PHYSICIAK, When we got home, dear Bthel sat on Sunday General to any legal ing table at the Hale Hospital. He OiTKOPATHIC hogs were need for orosslng the com- Attorney near fresh or short held eggs freely offer- Juat aot blng on arm ; ride to Eaat Oxford even- oan to bave tbia ι ax re- a my mon of this These were sleigh Friday action be taken failed to recover consciousness after at 50c. Storage are soil strong and What Makes Better Christmas Gift? 801 declared we'd all hog region. and ing MAINE. ! change that, ing,'wb^re enjoyed a aupper and Maine will with the price of 38-4Jc does not ap- KOBWAY, If we deolde to farm. both considered fairly good breeds and they moved, cooperate ether was administered. presont Residence >24-3. —James A. social. tbe other New Bogland states In an effort pear to be the top. Tel. FlUpatrick. they were used qnite extensively. Both Butter are about unchanged at In tbat direction. Maine abr>o< Col. Alfred Foote, Massachusetts price* Office 214-1. of these breeds were white in oolor. Dr. C. M. Merrill waa at Sbelborne, Import· the close. Northern made goods are In The Sanatorium Farm. tone of anthracite coal e»o! has the ftnest i* com- Abont 1816 some one In Warren County Ν. H., Wednesday, doing professional 700,000 Commissioner Public Safety, better supply and only meaus a con 45-4