April 17 2015 / 28 Nisan 5775 Volume 19 – Number 19

Yom Hazikaron, April 21, Yeshiva College. Yom Ha’atzmaut, south african April 22, Yeshiva College. Some roads will be closed. Jewish Report www.sajr.co.za The living must ensure that this never happens again Zeliger, Yossi Photo:

The March of the Living is an annual educational programme which brings students and anyone else, for that matter, from all over the world to Poland to study the history of the Holocaust and examine the roots of prejudice, intolerance and hate. Since the first March of the Living in 1988, over 200 000 participants from 45 countries have marched down the same path leading from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Many groups then travel on to Israel. The commemoration this year began in Poland on Monday and continues until April 27. The recurring theme is: “Lest we forget...” The killing of six million Jews by the Nazis during the Second World War is not only commemorated at the scene of the various death camps, but at events and marches all over the world. As the death camp survivors – 70 years on – get fewer and fewer each year, the baton has been passed to the younger generation to keep the memory alive and to ensure that such horrors will never happen again. Pictured are March of the Living participants at the Madjanek concentration camp on the outskirts of the Polish city of Lublin this week. See page 4.

BDS does its nut over Storm in a kosher coffee Passing on torch of Obama stresses to Jewish ‘Caveat emptor’ sees Woolies’ Pharrell Williams cup remembrance to next leaders, donors how much Ichikowitz losing auction coup generation he cares appeal Questions asked for security BDS-SA reacted with fury and purposes to Rastafarians, infuriate SA contingent of 22 adults and ‘I consider it a moral failure if ‘Vendor bidding’ alright if its stated indignation to announcement the 3 coffee shop patrons in 44 students takes part in 2015 something happened to Israel explicitly by auctioneers, court of Pharrell Williams being Glenhazel. Auschwitz-Birkenau March of the on my watch.’ Also: ‘I feel I’m a rules. Woolworths’ style director. 3 3 Living commemoration. 4 member of the tribe.’ 6 8

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It is a Jewish diet to help Jews remain spiritu- clog your spiritual arteries and prevent those Parshat Shemini To those of us in Jewish education, it is a ally sensitive to their innate Jewishness. warm, healthy Jewish feelings from circulating Rabbi Yossy Goldman, continuing source of disappointment that so While the Torah actually records no official through your kishkes and your consciousness. Senior Rav Sydenham- many Jews still believe the kosher laws to be reason for these laws, the rabbis and philoso- It’s very important to have a mezuzah on Highlands North Shul outdated. After all, they reckon, in the desert phers have speculated on their purpose. They your door. It identifies your home as Jewish. our ancestors needed to protect themselves act as a bulwark against assimilation, we are But what really defines your home as a “Jewish An observant Jew was experiencing a of from trichinosis and all sorts of diabolical taught. home” - what your zaida meant when he said faith. He decided to sneak into a non-kosher diseases, so some kind of dietary system was On a simple level, if we keep kosher, inexora- with pride: “My children run a Jewish home” - restaurant and have a fling. He orders “you needed. But today, they argue, in an age of bly, we will remain close to Jewish communal is the kitchen! know what”, and is pumping adrenalin big government inspection and modern hygiene life. We will shop in the Jewish neighbourhood, A kosher kitchen makes a Jewish home time, full of nervous anticipation of what that standards, kashrut is archaic, anachronistic and possibly find it more convenient to live nearby truly Jewish. It also extends a very warm and forbidden “white meat” really tastes like. Unfor- quite dispensable. and generally mix in Jewish company. eloquent invitation to all fellow Jews: Here you tunately for him, his rabbi was walking down How sad. The fact is that the kosher laws A rabbinic friend of mine once asked a very are welcome. Here it is safe to come in and eat. the road behind him and saw him enter the were never given to us for health reasons. If high-profile Jewish businessman why he was Make yourself at home. restaurant. The rabbi was shocked. He waited they happen to be healthy or provide good about to marry a non-Jewish woman. Couldn’t Your favourite diet may build healthy bodies outside to see what the congregant would order hygiene, that is purely a fringe benefit. It may he find a “nice Jewish ?” His reply was very but a kosher diet builds healthy souls. and when the waiter duly arrived and removed well be one of the perks but it has never been revealing: “I just don’t mix in those circles the tray cover revealing the swine in all its the reason. anymore, Rabbi.” Shabbat Times glory, decorated with the customary apple in its I often joke that if kashrut was for health, There is no doubt that had he still kept Parshat Shemini mouth, the rabbi rushed in and confronted the then all the rabbis should look like Arnold kosher he would have been compelled to mix April 17 / 28 Nisan Jew: “How could you?!” he demanded. Schwarzenegger! And those who don’t keep in Jewish circles and his life choices might well April 18 / 29 Nisan The shamefaced Jew trying desperately to kosher should look sickly. In fact, anecdotal have been very different. explain himself out of a corner replies: “Rabbi, evidence seems to prove the very opposite. Your On a deeper, more spiritual level, keeping 17:32 18:21 Johannesburg this is such a fancy restaurant. You order an average religious type looks rather scrawny (or kosher keeps our Jewish souls sensitive to 18:03 18:53 apple and they make such a fuss!” overweight) and the non-kosher guys are the things Jewish. This is clearly a mystical concept 17:17 18:06 Durban This week’s Parsha, Shemini, introduces ones with the big biceps! and completely imperceptible, but according to 17:37 18:26 Bloemfontein the Bible’s dietary laws. Animals must chew So let it be stated categorically: Kashrut is our Sages it is a fact. Just as too much red meat 17:35 18:25 Port Elizabeth their cud and have split hooves, fish need fins not for our physical health but for our spiritual or fatty foods are bad for your cholesterol, non- 17:26 18:17 East Outrage at the slaughter of Yarmouk Palestinian refugees Time of reflection and celebration SAZF CORRESPONDENT The South African Zionist Federation, Cape Council, has expressed its sadness at the “brutal slaughter of over 1 000 Palestinian residents of It was Mark Twain who said that “all things are mortal but the Yarmouk refugee camp, near Damascus, by an alliance of Islamic State and the Jihadist Al-Nusra Front”. the Jew” and the same can be said of the nation of Israel. The Through its chairman, Ben Levitas, the SAZF, Cape Council, con- commemorations of Yom Hazikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day for demned in a media statement “the perpetuation of the refugee status Fallen Soldiers) and Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence of the Palestinian people that are still, five generations after becoming Day) are the costs we incur to ensure the continuance of Israel’s refugees, being kept in ‘ like’ refugee camps, cut off from be- existence - the land of the “immortal” Jew. ing able to participate in the economies of the countries in which they Every year the South African Jewish community proudly find themselves. unites in both celebration and commemoration for the State of “We call on all the countries housing Palestinian refugees, to close Israel - a cause close to the heart of almost all of its members. these apartheid relics, and to absorb these Palestinians into their The South African Zionist Federation ask that people join societies, and to grant to them all the rights that are afforded to their them at Yeshiva College on April 21 at 18:30 for a moving Yom citizens.” Hazikaron ceremony. Professor Shmuel Eidelman a former Levitas said that the Yarmouk camp which at one time housed over 100 000 descendants of refugees, had during the past five years of the South African whose son was killed in the Lebanon War in 1982 Syrian civil war, been whittled down to only 18 000 souls, as most of and now does amazing work for the Rambam Hospital, will be its residents had fled. speaking. “Many of those killed recently, are from the weakest segments of so- The following evening (April 22) is the Yom Ha’atzmaut cel- ciety: women, the infirm, but they also include religious leaders, who do ebration at Yeshiva College beginning at 18:00. Tickets are R50 not subscribe to the extremist versions postulated by the Islamic State.” for adults and R20 for children under 12.Tickets will be sold at the door from 17:00 onwards. He said the SAZF, Cape Council, was “appalled at the gratuitous de- There be rides, food stalls and performances by Israeli singing sensations Gad Elbaz and Yoni Kellerman. Those struction of property, particularly the ‘cleansing’ of historic monuments who attend have the opportunity to win a ticket to Israel. and of places of worship. “We also censure the silence of all those, particularly the media, who are always quick to condemn Israel whenever it is forced to defend itself, for perpetrating alleged human rights violations, whenever Pal- estinians lose their lives as a result. Yom Ha’atzmaut: Some roads will be closed “The Syrian people and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have been living in Syria, have suffered unbelievable brutality at the hands of their co-religionists, with scarcely a murmur in the media. In order to facilitate parking and pedestrian traffic at the Yom Ha’atzmaut celebration, some roads will be closed on “This double standard, where Israel alone, is always held to a higher Wednesday, April 22 from 14:30 - 23:00. standard than any other people, needs to be exposed for the blatant The roads are: From the corner of George Avenue, along Long Avenue as far as Tanced Road; and from the corner of anti-Semitism that it is.” Summerway Road and Regina Street through Ridge Road until Corner Ridge Road and Lymm Street. In a media release the Fed “apologises in advance for any disruption and inconvenience caused”. Release from the South African Zionist Federation, Cape Council. The statement adds: “Access to your home and business will be available to you and your family and staff. However, for security reasons we require IDs and a full list of names of each person. Send this information to: [email protected]. For enquiries, contact us on (011) 645-2510. More news on our website www.sajr.co.za

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Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions South Africa, reacted with fury and indignation to an announcement by Woolworths SA, that American Grammy-winning hip-hop artist Pharrell Williams would team up with Woolworths as a style director. BDS-SA, who calls itself a “hu- man rights and Palestinian solidarity partner”, has been actively campaign- ing for a trade boycott against Israel and for Woolworths to stop stocking any Israeli products. The group said in a media release it had been “inun- dated with tweets” condemning the Woolworths-Williams link-up. Williams, using his ac- count, said last week: “Proud to collab (sic) with retailer @Woolworths_SA. Are you with us, South Africa? See you in September! #PharrellWith- Woolies”. BDS says that shortly after the tweet, members of the public replied to Williams alerting him to the #Boy- cottWoolworths campaign and calling role of style director to Woolworths, Africans, we call for the boycott of will select the winning group. the flag as an eco-activist, playing on him not to collaborate with Wool- will be involved in a series of projects companies, such as Woolworths, who Woolworths will also be launch- an active role in conservation. In worths “till it divests from Israel”. focused on sustainability. continue to trade with Apartheid ing a range of Bionic Yarn T-shirts January Williams and global warming Woolworths has repeatedly stated BDS-SA said it would be formally Israel. We trust that Pharrell Williams in conjunction with Williams. Bionic activist Al Gore announced that Cape that it would, for the sake of its cus- writing to Pharrell Williams, request- will heed our call.” Yarn is a thread made from recycled Town would be one of seven host tomers, source products from coun- ing that he postpones his Woolworths Williams has a mission “to change plastic pollutants reclaimed from the cities on seven continents for the Live tries all over the world. It pointed out collaboration until the company things for the good”. A school singing oceans. Williams and Woolworths Earth Concert on 18. that it imported less than one per divests from Israel. The BDS #Boy- group will perform with him in a con- are calling on young South African Meanwhile, Williams was spotted cent of its products from Israel. The cottWoolworths campaign is inspired cert in Johannesburg for Woolworths designers to create original, striking ‘partying it up’ with fellow artist company has dug in its heels and has by the 1980s anti-apartheid boycott customers. In the coming months T-shirt designs “that raise awareness Jennifer Hudson at Cape Town refused to be dictated to by BDS-SA movement against companies that schools will be able to submit their about the issues that affect the planet nightclub, The Living Room, last or any other group. traded with Apartheid South Africa. performances in the “My School Sing and a sustainable future”. weekend. Williams, an eco-activist, in his “Given our history as South With Us” competition and Williams Woolworths has consistently flown More on sajr.co.za. Storm in a kosher coffee cup OWN CORRESPONDENT

The first the management of KosherWorld in Glenhazel in Johannesburg saw of a “racial incident” at the coffee shop in its centre was when, last week Wednesday, a front-page photograph and article in The Star newspaper confronted them with what seemed to be a case of “racial profiling”. Three patrons, by their dress code identi- fied as Rastafarians, had visited the coffee The three aggrieved Rastafarians, shop when they were approached by a security at the KosherWorld Centre. guard asking them who they were. One of the three, Emma Young, an African- at its establishment. American, told The Star that she had been KosherWorld had not been asked for com- having coffee at the coffee shop and using the ment by The Star. WiFi with two companions, Mama Rootz and “In common with Jewish communities Baba Kenyaz, when a security guard walked up everywhere in the world, South African Jewry to them and asked them who they were. needs to deal with mounting threats to its “I told him I’d lived here for six months and safety and security. For this reason, the com- I’d had coffee here before,” Young told The munity has implemented strict security proce- Star. dures at all its installations,” KosherWorld said The security guard, she said, told her that in a statement. “this is a Jewish neighbourhood, we don’t “Unfortunately, and inevitably, this does know you”. sometimes result in regrettable incidents of Young said the security guard mentioned the above nature, where certain individuals that he had received “a call from someone (regardless of race or creed) feel that they have saying that there were Indians there wearing been unfairly discriminated against. traditional clothes”. She let it go, she says, but “KosherWorld wishes to stress that all “five minutes later, he came back, saying he patrons are welcome, and hopes very much had received another call asking why he was that incidents of this nature can be avoided in letting Muslims eat at their restaurant”, Young future, while still maintaining the necessary said. levels of security to ensure the safety of all The security guard then asked the three for concerned.” their names so he could tell the caller (whose KosherWorld said it faced a real dilemma name is unknown to KosherWorld or the concerning safety at the centre: “We don’t Jewish Report) that they were alright. “I was want to under-react or overreact, but the shaking with anger. I felt like I’m not safe here public is obliged to exercise due caution and and I’d better get out,” Young said. regrettably such incidences may occur.” The management of KosherWorld, when it Some community members questioned became aware of the incident, reacted swiftly how it came to be that The Star reporter and by issuing an apology to the three patrons. Ko- photographer had been on hand at the right sherWorld invited them back for coffee “as our moment to “immortalise” the incident and guests”. It stressed that everyone was welcome whether it perhaps had been a set-up. 4 SA JEWISH REPORT News 17 – 24 April 2015 Passing on torch of remembrance to next generation


Tali Nates, director of the Johannesburg Holocaust and Genocide Centre, and Rich- ard Freedman, director of the Cape Town Holocaust Centre, are among the leaders of the 27th March of the Living (2015), which began in Poland on Monday and will run till April 27. The South African contingent comprises 28 adults and 44 students. It is a two-part educational programme that brings participants to Poland on Yom Hashoah, with a march between Auschwitz and Birkenau and then on to Israel for Yom Hazikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers, culminating in Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day). This year marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and the end of the Holocaust. With a worldwide increase in anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism, the focus will be on learn- ing lessons of the Holocaust including fight- The main leader of the March this year, as countries a little more Israeli than they were Dr Shmuel Rosenman, chairman of the ing hatred, intolerance, racism and fascism. in previous years, is Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, when they left - better able to appreciate the March of the Living Board of Directors, To date, 220 000 young people have attended. Chief Rabbi of -Yaffo, who is himself a State of Israel. Israelis return to Israel with a pointed out in a statement: “With every The March, originally intended for stu- child survivor. deeper consciousness of being Jews.” passing year there are fewer survivors to tell dents, has snowballed to include adults. Former participants in the March include Shirley Sapire, of the Johannesburg their stories and so this year the March of the This year there are delegations from the US, Shimon Peres, Elie Wiesel, Oprah Winfrey, Holocaust and Genocide Centre, told Jewish Living will focus on passing on the torch with Canada, the UK, Mexico, Panama, Greece, presidents, prime ministers, Jewish and non- Report the organisers were proud to include participants becoming the witnesses for the Australia, Morocco, France, Austria, Argen- Jewish faith leaders, parliamentarians and Holocaust survivor Don Krausz in the local next generation as we march under the ban- tina, Brazil and South Africa. young people from across the globe. delegation. ner ‘Every Witness becomes a Witness’. The second part of the March of the Living Rabbi Lau says: “The appearance of anti- In 1988, the leaders of the first group from “With the rising tide of anti-Semitism in will deal with the continuation of Jewish Semitism all over the world now makes it South Africa to Poland were the late Professor Europe, this year the March takes on extra life through the rebirth which followed the so important we don’t forget the days of Harold Rudolph, when he had completed his significance as we ask whether 70 years after genocide of Europe’s Jews. Participants will the Holocaust. I believe that the March has term as centenary mayor of Johannesburg, the end of the Second World War the lessons study in Israel and attend a special ceremony a transformative effect. Jews who join the and the late Ronnie Mink, former vice-princi- of that tragic period of history have really at Latrun. March from the Diaspora, return to their pal of King David Linksfield. been learned.” ‘Not working on dead stones, but on living hearts’

SUZANNE BELLING suspicion and hostility from Jews who survived the Holocaust and had remained in A little known organisation in Europe - the Eastern Europe and other areas where work Foundation for Penance and Reconciliation on the cemeteries was undertaken. - has been restoring and maintaining Jewish But witnessing the sincerity of the mission cemeteries across the formerly Communist of this group, which repaired broken grave- bloc countries and Western Europe for the stones, cleared up cemeteries and visited past 30 years. the death camps in the course of its efforts, One of its founders, Pastor Kees Sybrandi, all the while wearing kippot out of respect has now written a booklet in Hebrew about for Jewish tradition, these same distrustful their work, and its release in Israel coincides people began to see them as righteous gen- with Yom Hashoah this week. Today there tiles. Their work was even paid homage in the are 1 000 people involved in the Foundation, JNF’s Golden Book (of honour). which includes a work group that tends to The booklet includes reactions from Jewish cemetery restoration for a week each year. beneficiaries to their efforts. “It is wonderful Devout Christian Johan de Wolf chairs the what you are doing here. When you work this work group. way towards reconciliation with the Jewish In the booklet, Pastor Kees noted that people, then you are going about it in the along their travels, the restorers came across right way,” was one response from a Jew who

witnessed the Foundation in . pro-Israel organisation until 2012 and landed The Little Steps Project A comment from a Jew “who barely sur- up working with several South Africans who vived the hell of two concentration camps” were part of it. was: “I feel deeply touched in my innermost Although the Foundation for Penance being when I see these people working.” An- and Reconciliation was officially founded in other comment was: “Oh, I am still broken 1979, it really began some years earlier with a by the War, but all Jews in the world should Christian prayer group in Poland who visited Bank details hear about this work of yours.” a Jewish cemetery. But the Jews they came Please show your support Johan de Wolf and his wife Sofie were across were very distrustful. Nedbank Current farmers in Holland, when they became in- The prayer group even visited a nearby by donating to this cause volved in the maintenance work of Penance synagogue, bearing greetings from other Acc no: 1056771046 and Reconciliation (Boete en Verzoening in Christians and a message of reconciliation, Dutch). saying they were sorry for what had been The Little Steps Project is a group of concerned people whose Branch Code: 157852 aim is to improve the lives of underprivileged children. We have De Wolf told the Jewish Report that after done to Jews in the past by Christians filled working in a Jewish cemetery in Vught in with enmity towards the Jews. focused on two non-profit organizations in Marlboro that provide Please use your surname as reference. for the kids and to improve their facilities. We are in the process Southern Holland, in the summer of 2005, a Johan de Wolf told Jewish Report: “Once of helping to upgrade the day care facilities. We hope to increase For cash payments please call Jenny group reading of a chapter of Jeremiah from one of the rabbis, who visited us in the work the development of skills through workshops with experienced the Tanach inspired them to visit Israel. week said: ‘I see the work is done without a teachers so that the children can benefit from this and be more on 082 555 1790. “These three months opened our eyes and, hidden intention - you are not working on equipped to enter into the school system. Help us make a real in 2007, we started as volunteers for Bridges dead stones, but on living hearts’.” difference and get involved. “Every little step counts” for Peace in Israel.” The booklet has been endorsed by the chief The couple remained with this Christian rabbi of Holland, Rabbi Benjamin Jacobs. 17 – 24 April 2015 Opinion and Analysis SA JEWISH REPORT 5 Günther Grass - a great writer despite ‘What must be said’

which shocked people - that he served with gance and simplistic assumptions about the who apparently knew not much more about TAKING the Waffen SS during the Second World complex debate - which is even more the practicalities than the average follower War. His devotees were outraged because of complicated today as the Middle East de- of the world news, amounted to a sort of ISSUE his carefully nurtured anti-war image, and scends into chaos, radical Islam’s influence moral grandstanding, without sufficiently Geoff Sifrin because he hid his past for so long while rises and Israel’s security in that region factoring in Israel’s existential plight. achieving fame with his anti-Nazi rhetoric. requires ever more careful thought. Great writers, however, are often consid- The death this week of famed Nobel Prize- Grass responded that he wanted to use Israel has long been engrossed with this ered great not because you necessarily agree winning author Günther Grass coincides his memoir “” to explain debate about a pre-emptive strike to foil with them, or like them or their views, but with another round of arguments about his past. “What I accepted with pride in Iran’s purported nuclear ambitions. Its because they throw new light on things or Iran’s threat to Israel and the world, if it ac- my younger years I wanted to keep quiet political and defence analysts mull over the challenge accepted notions. quires a nuclear bomb. Grass plunged rather about after the war because of my growing advisability and possible outcome of such Ultimately, writers are not necessarily clumsily into this debate three years ago, shame,” he wrote. an action, with its strategic and diplomatic smarter than other people. What they have provoking outrage in some quarters. When he published the poem “What must dilemmas; heavyweights on the topic have is the ability to write. Grass’ intrusion in The big question hanging ominously over be said”, he was criticised even by people taken contrasting positions. the Iran question raised many hackles - it all is: Should Israel pre-emptively bomb who admire his literary works, for his arro- Grass’ comments, coming from someone sometimes that is a good thing. Iran’s nuclear reactors because of that coun- try’s vow to destroy the Jewish state? Israel has the capacity, and certain coun- tries in the region would support it - report- edly even Saudi Arabia might provide an air corridor for Israeli bombers, since it shares Israel’s fear of a nuclear-empowered Iran. Recent episodes in the Iran saga include Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- yahu’s controversial speech to the US Congress last month and intense dislike be- tween him and US President Barack Obama. And most recently, the understanding reached by the US and other powers with Iran to limit the latter’s possibilities of achieving a nuclear bomb any time soon, in exchange for lifting of sanctions. What has German writer Günther Grass to do with this debate? As an anti-war icon, he sparked controversy in 2012 by publish- ing a poem in the Deutsche Zeitung entitled “What must be said”, claiming Israel’s nu- clear capability - not Iran’s - was the threat to world peace. He warned against an Israeli strike on Iran and said Germany should stop sup- plying Israel with submarines. He was criticised in Germany, Israel and by Jewish organisations and declared persona non grata in Israel. Grass is not a crazy extremist whose views can be dismissed out of hand. A respected supporter of the left-leaning Social Democrats (SPD), he has been a voice in serious political debates in Germany. He was recognised as that country’s most im- portant post-Second World War writer after the 1959 publication of his novel, “” - dealing with Nazism’s rise in his hometown of Danzig. He received the Nobel Prize in 1999 for his works, including “”, “Dog Days”, “From the Diary of a Snail”, and “ and The Rat”. He is a great ad- mirer of Israeli writer Amos Oz, who he has repeatedly proposed for a Nobel Prize. In 2006, however, Grass revealed a more than 60-year-old skeleton in his closet 6 SA JEWISH REPORT Opinion and Analysis 17 – 24 April 2015

south african In meetings with Jewish leaders, Jewish Report President Barack Obama expressed concern over how he is perceived in the Jewish community. Feed our children positive narratives Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Photo: Teach your children the history of freedom if you want them never to lose it, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks wrote in a piece published in the London Times at Pesach a few years ago. He said that freedom was won not on the battlefield but in the classroom and the home. At least three times in Exodus, Moses instructs his newly freed tribe of Jews to pass on the miraculous story to the next generation of escaping Egypt and the exciting journey to the Promised Land. “You shall tell your child on that day, saying, ‘It is because of what the L-rd did for me when I came out of Egypt’,” Exodus 13.8, is one of them. The ritual of the seder is primarily focused on teaching our children about our heritage. Well, Passover has come and gone and this week we will again be teaching our children the very important message of remembering and honouring the tragedy of the Holocaust as a way of ensuring that it can never happen again. We, as parents or even grandparents, are constantly sending out Obama stresses to Jewish leaders both conscious and unconscious messages to our children about the world around them, and what it means to be Jew- ish in it. and donors how much he cares For the children of Holocaust survivors, of whom there are an estimated 200 000 in the United States alone, their RON KAMPEAS Jewish leaders from the same organisations attending the White parents’ experiences have had a substantial impact. A pre- WASHINGTON House meeting, asking them not to lobby in favour of the legisla- disposition to post-traumatic stress disorder, difficulties in tion. separating from family and a mix of resilience and vulner- Jewish leaders expected President Barack Obama to sell them hard However, Democrats and Republicans in the Senate by Mon- ability, are all part of the psychological profile of the children on the Iran nuclear deal, but instead, participants in two White day afternoon were close to a compromise on the legislation that of survivors. Psychologist Eva Fogelman has termed it the House meetings on Monday said he offered a softer pitch on how would address White House concerns and Obama told the second Second Generation Complex. deeply he cared for Israel and the Jewish people. meeting with Jewish leaders that his concerns about the bill were According to studies, some survivors could never discuss “He tried to explain that he understands Jewish trauma, history, allayed. with their children the horrors they endured and so created the Jewish feeling of being alone in a bad neighbourhood,” said a It’s not clear what the compromises were, but Democrats were walls of silence and an oppressive atmosphere at home. Oth- participant in the first meeting, which was attended by 15 top of- seeking to remove from the bill determinations for the contents of ers spoke too much of it and made their children feel guilty ficials from Jewish organisations. a final deal, which is due by June 30, and instead confine the bill to for the kinds of plentiful lives they would go on to lead. As Another described the meeting as “intense”. This participant mandating congressional review of any deal. Senator Bob Corker a result, children of Holocaust survivors were found to be added: “There was an openheartedness, there were some deep re- (Republican Tennessee), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations more prone to depression and anxiety through exposure to flections by the president.” Committee, told MSNBC on Tuesday morning that a deal had been their traumatised parents. Sources said the second meeting, for Jewish fundraisers for the reached and that the bill was ready for a committee vote to take This confirms the view of many psychologists that even Democratic Party, had a similar cast. place that afternoon. when we don’t intend to, the way we engage with the world “He said: ‘I consider it a moral failure if something happened to A number of the more conservative organisational leaders at- and how we perceive it, is transmitted to our children. What Israel on my watch’,” a participant in the fundraisers’ meeting said. tending the first meeting, among them Rabbi Marvin Hier, dean an intimidating notion. Indeed, when we parents, are run- “He said: ‘I feel like I’m a member of the tribe’.” of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, and Allen Fagin, the Orthodox ning the most important public relations campaigns of our JTA spoke to six participants in the meetings, both of which Union’s CEO, challenged Obama on the particulars of the Iran deal, lives where the correct “messaging and branding” is vital. were off the record. None agreed to be identified because of ground including concerns that the sanctions relief went further than South African Jewry is less directly connected to the Holo- rules set by the White House. Additionally, representatives of a merited by the restrictions on Iran’s nuclear activity. caust than some other Jewish communities. This is not due number of groups, gave JTA descriptions of the meetings. The ac- The meeting with the fundraisers became more of a strategy ses- to lack of awareness of its enormity or gravity, but because counts did not differ. sion on how Obama could better his messaging to Jewish-Ameri- the majority of us are descendants of Lithuanians who came All six participants used “therapeutic” to describe the tone of the cans, Israelis and the wider American community. Advice included to South Africa well before the Second World War years and meetings. being more communicative with Congress, which has regarded the generally prospered, while our European brethren were sadly Obama’s tone - at times anguished, according to participants - White House as insulated, and engaging directly with the Israeli suffering. signals his concerns about how his presidency, heading into lame public, which is still reeling over the bitter exchanges prior to Ne- And while our parents may not have passed on an anxiety duck territory, is perceived in terms of his relationship to Israel and tanyahu’s speech to Congress in March. The address was arranged of the ever-present possibility of annihilation to us, we likely to Jews. without consulting the White House. assimilated the view that the world around us was not safe. He raised these concerns in an interview with The New York Along with Obama, National Security Adviser Susan Rice at- We became adults in a country tainted by violence and in- Times columnist Thomas Friedman posted on April 5 on the news- tended the first meeting. The second meeting included Vice Presi- equality and, many of us, with a parental message that South paper’s website. dent Joe Biden, who for decades has been close to the pro-Israel Africa’s future was tenuous (have your takkies on in case!). “It has been personally difficult for me to hear the sort of expres- community, and Valerie Jarrett, one of Obama’s closest advisers. Our own awareness of a sometimes traumatic past as a sions that somehow we don’t have, this administration has not Organisations represented at the first meeting, included the people and the current realities of rising anti-Semitism, Is- done everything it could to look out for Israel’s interest,” Obama World Jewish Congress, the Anti-Defamation League, the Ameri- rael’s struggles and, more personally, trying to be Jewish in told Friedman. “And the suggestion that when we have very seri- can Jewish Committee, the American Israel Public Affairs Commit- a modern world, are all difficulties we unwittingly pass onto ous policy differences, that that’s not in the context of a deep and tee, J Street, the National Council of Jewish Women, B’nai B’rith our children. abiding friendship and concern and understanding of the threats International, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the Jewish This week our children may hear from us, or if they attend that the Jewish people have faced historically and continue to face.” Federations of North America, the National Jewish Democratic a Jewish school, then from their teachers too, about Hitler The worries come in the wake of a crisis in US-Israel relations, Council, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish and the camps; they will light candles, they will be told to focused mostly on disagreements over the Iran nuclear talks, but Organisations and the Israel Policy Forum, as well as representa- stand proud as Jews and to be hypersensitive to acts of anti- also fuelled by lingering resentments over the collapse last year of tives from the Reform, Conservative and Orthodox streams. Semitism. the US-brokered Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and the difficulties The second meeting, with 14 invitees, included major Democrat- Cautionary messages and teaching our children that our that Obama and Israeli Prime Minister have ic givers and fundraisers, including Haim Saban, the Israeli-Amer- freedoms today are hard-won, are essential in a world of ex- in communicating with one another. ican entertainment mogul who has been critical of Obama’s Mid- cess and too many choices. But we should ensure that our Jewish voter approval of Obama is at 54 per cent, report- dle East policies; and Democratic donors associated with AIPAC, children are also processing the very positive aspects of be- ed last week, just eight points above the national average of 46 per including past presidents Amy Friedkin and Howard Friedman, ing part of this fascinating tribe of people who have thrived cent. Jewish approval of Obama has routinely run 10 - 15 points and with J Street, including Alexandra Stanton, Lou Susman and wherever they have settled. higher than the national average throughout his presidency. Victor Kovner. The world is not only out to get us; we, as a people, have Earlier this month, the major powers and Iran announced the Not all of the Jewish leaders at the first meeting were won over made an astounding contribution to our societies; we live in outline of a deal that would exchange sanctions relief for restric- by the president’s appeal for understanding. a great democracy in South Africa - are the kinds of fearless, tions aimed at keeping Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. Con- “People who come in with an anger and a dislike still walked constructive and hopeful narratives our children should ab- gress was considering legislation that would require its review of out with an anger and a dislike,” said a participant who was sorb. Only then can they go out and build bridges, succeed, any deal, and Obama had said he would veto it. sympathetic to the president, but asked tough questions. “But lead and, as Rabbi Lord Sacks says, be free. Last week, Secretary of State John Kerry held a meeting with a little guilty.” (JTA)

– Vanessa Valkin, Editor More news on our website www.sajr.co.za 17 – 24 April 2015 Opinion and Analysis SA JEWISH REPORT 7 Sporadic lightning flashes that illuminate the way

one finds attempts to find more none would have heard of any whole imagined scenario so religions. prosaic, everyday explanations such thing from their own parents exactly in historical time? On the It is, after all, obviously much BARBARIC for the miracles that purport- and grandparents. Once they had contrary, it would have been far more convincing to allege that edly occurred, such as that Krias compared notes with one another, more logical for them to have kept many people (and how much more YAWP Yam Suf (splitting of the Red Sea) and learned that in no family did the details vague, so as to forestall so an entire nation) were privy to David Saks might have been simply a matter such a tradition exist, they would uncomfortable questions. acts of Divine revelation rather of incoming and outgoing tides surely have concluded that those Moreover, the Torah account than just a single individual. One of the recent debates in the which our primitive ancestors telling them about it were speak- makes it clear that the Jewish In fact, in no other religious letters’ pages of the Jewish Report took to be a Divine phenomenon, people began commemorating the system does one find even an has revolved around the question or that what really occurred was a events of the Exodus from the attempt to make such a claim. of miracles in Judaism, particu- timeous tsunami (possibly caused Miracles and Divine very first year after it happened, Miracles and Divine visitations larly those relating to the Exodus by the volcanic eruption that de- visitations are and were indeed instructed to do are invariably said to have been and a 40-year sojourn in the stroyed the Mediterranean island so in the years to come. experienced by a single individual wilderness. of Santorini, estimated to have invariably said to have This means that those making or, at most, a handful of people One correspondent asserted taken place around that time). been experienced by up the whole account not only who never in turn passed on their that the Biblical narrative lacked None of these alternative a single individual or, sought to convince the masses experiences to their children. All veracity, since there was no way explanations are really plausible. at most, a handful of that their ancestors had experi- this demonstrates that at the very such a large number of people For one thing, the details of the people who never in enced a series of miracles (which least, something extraordinary could have survived in the desert Red Sea parting as recorded in our turn passed on their none of their own forebears had must indeed have happened to our (while also denying that the de- tradition, make it clear that what told them about) and that these ancestors all those years ago. parting Israelites could have been happened was of a supernatural experiences to their each occurred on a specific day of Interestingly, Judaism never- so numerous). nature. Moreover, it was some- children a specific month of a specific year, theless advises us not to place too Those responding have pointed thing the entire Jewish nation but that these had been com- much emphasis on miracles. As I out that, as the Torah itself experienced at first hand. memorated on those very dates in see it, they are like occasionally frequently emphasises, there was It was not as if Moses came ing nonsense. each subsequent year before the lightning flashes that momentar- nothing natural about either the along and said: “Follow me, o my Remember, too, that the whole practice was inexplicably discon- ily illuminate the way forward redemption from slavery or the brothers, for behold, the L-rd Exodus narrative has never been tinued at some unidentified point during a long, hard journey in the subsequent period of wandering. caused the waters to split before approached as a vague tradition in time. dark. Rather, the natural order under- me...” The event is claimed to assigned to an undesignated time What seems to me to be the They show, unmistakably, where went various crucial changes at have been experienced at first in the distant past. Rather, its clincher is that if, despite all these one has to go, but actually walk- the behest of the A-mighty Him- hand by an entire nation. Could central events - the date of depar- objections, it was in practice pos- ing that path when all one has is self, to which the entire Jewish such a thing have been fabricated ture, the splitting of the sea and sible to fabricate a tradition of the fading memory of that brief people were direct witnesses (and long after the fact? While not an the Revelation at Sinai six weeks mass revelation long after the fact revelation is when the hard work beneficiaries). outright impossibility, it is highly after that - are pinpointed to the and persuade everyone else that begins. There nevertheless exists strong improbable. day (even the approximate time it actually happened, then not Judaism is not about blind resistance to the idea that this It would entail, for a start, of day). only the Jews would have done faith, but about remaining faithful formative period in Jewish (and convincing every Jew that such Would the purported inven- it. Rather, one would find similar to the mission that was revealed world) history did not come about events had actually happened tors of such a tradition really accounts of supernatural events to our forebears and of which we by natural means. Frequently, to their forebears, even though have gone so far as to locate their with multiple witnesses in other are the heirs.

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About Carmel School Carmel School, located in Dianella Perth, is one of the top co-educational schools in Western Australia. Founded 56 years ago, the School has developed an enviable reputation based around the school motto of “Faith and Knowledge” which underlies the core philosophy both educationally and as a community school. Carmel is the only Jewish Day School in Perth, offering programs from Early Learning to Year 12. The School operates on a sound financial footing and is situated on two adjacent campuses separated by sporting facilities.

Benefits and culture People enjoy working at Carmel School because of its: • Friendly, supportive and community focussed environment • Emphasis placed by students and their families on academic excellence • Rich, vibrant and diverse Jewish character

An attractive package of remuneration, benefits and conditions will be negotiated with the successful applicant. Reasonable relocation expenses will be paid for the candidate and his/ her family to move to Perth.

How to apply For a detailed information pack, including the specific role requirements and how to apply for this outstanding opportunity, please go to the Positions Vacant page on the school website, www.carmel.wa.edu.au or contact the Board President on [email protected] 8 SA JEWISH REPORT News 17 – 24 April 2015 Gretel Bergmann (101) recalls humiliation by Hitler VIC ALHADEFF back by a Berlin government anxious to demonstrate decency, her successes again ex- The 1936 Berlin Olympics are infamous for punged from the record books, then banished the ploy with which Hitler sought to con the from Germany’s Olympic team and replaced world that his country treated all Germans by an athlete who turned out to be male. fairly and famous for the achievements of Gretel first broke Germany’s high jump (the black) Jesse Owens, the first athlete to record at the age of 16 with a height of 1,51 win four gold medals, quashing the vaunted metres. Hitler’s ascendancy in the 1930s saw Aryan supremacy. her expelled from her club, so her parents, As Nazism poisoned the lead-up to the Max Bergmann and Paula Stern, aware Games, countries threatened to boycott if that the future for German Jews was grim, Jews were barred, with the US in the van- enrolled her in an English technical college, guard of that warning. Yet in an appalling act where she claimed Britain’s high jump title of moral cowardice, Jewish runners Marty with a leap of 1,55m. Glickman and Sam Stoller were dropped from Anxious to assuage global concerns at the US’ 4x100 relay team the day before the its increasingly brutal regime and with the race, replaced by African-Americans Ralph Sachsenhausen concentration camp being Metcalfe and Jesse Owens, giving the latter built, Berlin sought to prove that Jews were his fourth shot at gold. welcome in its team, so it threatened Gretel’s Coaches Avery Brundage - who later headed family with reprisals if she did not return. Lambert duly followed and they married in felt it was important to remember, so I agreed the International Olympic Committee - and She did return and trained for the 1936 New York, whereupon she became Margaret to return to the place I swore I’d never go (to) Dean Cromwell, argued that Metcalfe and Olympics alongside other Jews, equalling the Bergmann Lambert. She worked as a cleaner again. But I had stopped speaking German Owens were faster, but Glickman accused national record of 1,60m just a month before and won the US shot put and high jump titles, and didn’t even try.” them of ant-Semitism and succumbing to the opening ceremony. Yet she was becoming repeating the latter feat the following year. Ten years later, Gretel’s 1936 record of pressure not to embarrass Hitler if the US increasingly outraged at the rampant ant- Six decades later, a Berlin sports complex 1,60m was restored by the German Track and won. Stoller described the saga as the “most Semitism: “The madder I got, the better I did,” was named after her, but she clung to her vow Field Association and she was admitted to the humiliating episode” in his life. she recalled. not to return. Other honours followed, in- German Sports Hall of Fame. A case of rank But another remarkable story emerged Two weeks later, she received a letter stat- cluding admission to the US National Jewish injustice was over. from those Games and with its heroine hav- ing that based on her “poor performances” Sports Hall of Fame and Israel’s Jewish Hall “I hated everything German, but finally ing turned 101, less than a week ago, it war- she had been dropped from Germany’s team of Fame and Germany’s Georg von Opel Prize came to the conclusion that people now had rants a reprise. and her name was deleted from the record for achievement in sport and society. nothing to do with it,” she acknowledged. Gretel Bergmann (pictured) was a world- books. She was replaced by Dora Ratjen and In 1999 a stadium in Laupheim, the south- “I decided it wasn’t fair to hate them, so I class athlete, excelling at swimming, running, discovered years later that Dora was actually a ern German town where Gretel was born and changed my attitude - not about what hap- skiing and tennis as a youth and winning the male who had changed his name to Heinrich. from where she had been banned, was named pened to me and so many other Jews, but German, British and American high jump With no future in Germany, Gretel sailed to after her. This time she relented. about Germany now.” titles as an adult. But as she was born in Ger- the US in 1937 with $4 in her purse - having “When I was told they were naming the many in 1914, her Jewish identity shaped the just met Dr Bruno Lambert, a long jumper, at facilities for me so that when young people • Vic Alhadeff is chief executive officer of the course of her life: banished from her sports an athletics camp - determined “never to set ask: `Who was Gretel Bergmann?’ they will be NSW Jewish Board of Deputies in Sydney, club, sent to Britain to compete, summonsed foot on German soil again”. told my story and the story of those times, I Australia. ‘Caveat emptor’ sees Ivor Ichikowitz losing auction appeal

OWN CORRESPONDENT bidder and Levitt confirmed Appelbaum’s R55 million bid as the winning one. “This shows the law really is an ass,” billionaire Although the sale was not concluded The South African Board of Jewish Education South African weapons maker Ivor Ichikowitz because the reserve price was R75 million, invites applications for the role of angrily remarked when, at the end of March, Appelbaum was furious when she realised she he lost a three-year-old court battle to declare had not been bidding against a “real” bidder. an auction sale invalid because of “ghost bid- Appelbaum laid a charge of fraud and it ulti- ding”. mately led to the demise of Auction Alliance. Operations Manager Ichikowitz in 2011 bought Thaba Phuti, a But in Ichikowitz’ case, when he approached lodge and game farm near Rustenburg for R20 the court to have his 10 per cent deposit million. returned to him and the sale declared invalid, Qualifications required: Ichikowitz is chairman of the Paramount the Supreme Court of Appeal on March 30 Group, Africa’s biggest privately owned arms ruled that High Street Auctions had been clear company, which inter alia makes armoured enough and that Ichikowitz had only himself • An Accounting, Actuarial Science or Engineering Degree vehicles, surveillance drones and warships. to blame for ignorance of the possibility of Ghost bidding, or vendor bidding, occurs vendor bidding by the auctioneer. when an auctioneer pretends to have offers The ruling confirms that “vendor bidding” • At least 5 years’ experience in a financial or data role from non-existent bidders, to push up the is legal as long as potential buyers are made price. Ichikowitz had accused High Street aware of it and the price is nudged up no Auctions of faking bids for the lodge he was further than the reserve price. • Broad experience in a wide variety of operational roles buying. The present court ruling is the first time A video of the auction, according to the issue of vendor bidding has been tested Ichikowitz, showed auctioneer Joff van in court. The court found that High Street • Good communications skills Reenen pretending to take bids from nonex- had not stepped out of line and dismissed istent buyers. After a bid of R15 million was Ichikowitz’s appeal with costs. made by Ichikowitz, Van Reenen allegedly pre- The court also found that “vendor bidding” • Experience in project management tended there were other bidders in the room is different from “sham bidding”, which is and only at a “bid” of R19,75 million, he called illegal. “Sham bidding are bids in terms of an “you are out”, implying another bidder had underhand arrangement to artificially raise • Good organisational skills dropped out. the sale price, or a non-existent bid represent- What prompted Ichikowitz to review the ed as a real bid,” according to the court ruling. auction sale was Auction Alliance CEO Rael Ichikowitz seemingly had not read the small Levitt being accused of “ghost bidding”, when print in which High Street said it would be A Curriculum Vitae and contact information of two referees the 190ha Quion Rock estate in the Western acting for the sellers and would be making should be emailed to [email protected] Cape was auctioned on behalf of SARS in bids on their behalf. Van Reenen had also 2011. Another Jewish billionaire, Wendy Ap- read out the rules before bidding started, but Closing date for applications: 30th April 2015 pelbaum, was one of six potential buyers who Ichikowitz admitted he “had not paid atten- registered to bid for that estate. When tion”. The SABJE reserves the right not to make an appointment Appelbaum would not go higher than her Although “vendor bidding” seems to be and only short-listed candidates will be contacted and interviewed. R55 million bid, “a person behind her” bid common, not all auctioneers are comfortable R60 million. “He” turned out to be a ghost with the practice. 17 – 24 April 2015 Opinion SA JEWISH REPORT 9 Kardashians put the spotlight on a harsh reality

DINA DIAMOND grandparents, are all of Armenian has with the Holocaust. descent. The reality stars visited the There are also many prominent Love them or hate them, credit has to land of their ancestry last week. written accounts of the Armenian be given to the Keeping Up With the The most moving images emanated genocide. Kardashians reality TV stars, Kim and from the stars’ visit to the Armenian In a book by Henry Morgenthau, Khloé Kardashian for helping create Genocide Memorial at Tsitsernaka- the US Ambassador to Turkey at the public awareness of the 1915 mass berd in Yerevan to pay their respects time, he recounts the ten-step plan killings of Armenians by the Turks, in and honour the 1,5 million Armeni- engaged to rid Turkey of all Armeni- what Pope Francis recently called “the ans killed by the Turks in the First ans. first genocide of the 20th century”. World War. Kim posted pictures of Morgenthau’s writings are further Pope Francis made this controversial her trip on her Instagram account quoted in a book entitled Holocaust: statement during a mass to com- using #NeverForget - a phrase often A History, by D Dwork and R J van memorate the 100th anniversary of associated with the Holocaust by Pelt. “The German vice consul who the Armenian atrocity at a mass at Jews the world over. also commanded a joint German- St Peter’s Basilica last Sunday. One of her followers echoed this Turkish special guerrilla unit, “In the past century our human sentiment, posting: “It was the 20th noted that non-Turks either would be family has lived through three mas- century’s first genocide and had an forcibly Islamised “or otherwise they sive and unprecedented tragedies.” enormous influence on the perpetra- ought to be destroyed”. Francis said the other two genocides tors of the Nazi Holocaust. It needs to A German newspaper correspond- Kardashian sisters at Armenian Genocide Memorial in Yeravan. were “perpetrated by Nazism and be remembered.” ent, Harry Sturmer was so affected Roman Catholic Church. His Polish ring to the deaths of the Christian Stalinism”, before pointing to more Turkey still fiercely resists calls to by what he witnessed that he wrote: predecessor, Pope John Paul II, first Armenians as a “genocide”. It imme- recent mass killings in Cambodia, recognise the killings of the Christian “The genocide of the Armenians was endorsed the term in a signed state- diately recalled its ambassador to the Rwanda, Burundi and Bosnia. Armenians as genocide. It disputes the meanest, lowest, most cynical, ment in 2001. Vatican and its foreign minister com- The reference to Nazism and the the actual number of Armenians most criminal act of race-fanaticism Francis referred to the tragedy as a mented on Twitter, “Religious offices Holocaust immediately awaken killed and puts the figure at around that the history of mankind has to “senseless slaughter”, stating that it is are not places to incite hatred and feelings of loss and horror that have 300 000 to 500 000. The systematic show - it embarrassed every German.” important to keep the memory of the revenge with baseless accusations.” defined Jewish history ever since. efforts to exterminate the Armenian After this statement, he resigned genocide alive. He added: “It seems Armenia will commemorate the The account and global recognition people are also denied and writers his post and went into voluntary that humanity is incapable of putting event on April 24, eerily close to Yom of the Armenian genocide is not just who have drawn attention to the exile in Switzerland. It is a wonder a halt to the shedding of innocent Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day. another story in the annals of history, massacre have been prosecuted, what he would have written had he blood. Along with a history of discrimi- it is a painful past with which Jews including Nobel laureate, Orthan witnessed an even more brutal, more “It is necessary, and indeed a duty, nation and persecution, another can identify and truly empathise. The Pamuk. Again a parallel can be drawn barbaric, more extensive inhuman act to honour their memory, for when- commonality that Jews have with Armenians were a minority, previous- with the present-day Holocaust de- of indescribable ruthlessness by the ever memory fades, it means that evil Armenians is their little section of ly with no home of their own, hated niers, although it was one of the best Germans in the Second World War allows wounds to fester,” Francis said. : one of the four quarters and marked for barbaric extermina- documented events in history. perpetrated against the Jews. “Concealing or denying evil is like of the Old City of Jerusalem is the tion for no other reason than for who Over 20 countries have officially The public acknowledgment and allowing a wound to keep bleeding Armenian Quarter, the other three they were. supported the view that a genocide statement by Pope Francis of the without bandaging it.” being the Muslim Quarter, the The Kardashians’ father, paternal occurred and France has passed a bill events as a genocide, is a significant As could be expected, Turkey did Jewish Quarter and the Christian grandparents and paternal great- outlawing denial of the atrocity as it move and the first for the head of the not take kindly to the Vatican refer- Quarter. 10 SA JEWISH REPORT Letters 17 – 24 April 2015 Disclaimer Guidelines for letters The letters page is intended to provide opportunity for a range of views on any given topic to be expressed. Opinions Letters up to 400 words get preference. Provide your full name, place of residence, and daytime contact phone articulated in the letters are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, staff or number. We do not publish letters under noms de plume. Letters should preferably be e-mailed. Letters may be directors of the Jewish Report. edited or shortened. The Editor, PO Box 84650, Greenside, 2034 email: [email protected] There’s nothing wrong in asking people to identify themselves M ake Iranian ayatollahs and henchmen a cash offer for nukes

By chance I was at KosherWorld last week emotionally and fatally - and by Jews too. Last month, the Iranian mission at the Israel for starters, and eventually the rest of Wednesday evening and saw a man and There is nothing to apologise for. This is how United Nations wrote an “explanatory note” the region and even the United States. woman dressed as Rastafarians. The woman’s 20th and 21st century Jews respond to the to the International Atomic Energy Agency It wouldn’t be the first time nations have laptop was perched on a ledge and she was threat to life, imagined and real. It is called protesting that resolutions by the organisation used cash to pacify others. standing and typing away which seemed “Pikuach Nefesh”. You save a life or you prevent had questioned Iran’s nuclear aims. The A decade ago, for example, Pakistan was odd to me. Now I realise she was probably a death and you go to any lengths to do it. document asserts that “nuclear material in handing out cash to leaders of Afghani tribes reporting “in real time” to a Johannesburg For example, Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein Iran has never been diverted from peaceful to turn them away from supporting al-Qaida. daily. Had she come on a mission with her initiated the Glenhazel Active Patrol which purposes”.It’s time to call Iran’s bluff that their And the 1978 Camp David Accords that laptop? has virtually eliminated the danger, if not the nuclear programme exists only to provide brought peace between Egypt and Israel may I greeted her innocently; she had an fear, of people being murdered and brazenly for its people’s electrical needs. We should not have lasted without the billions of dollars African-American accent and she said robbed in this area. Well done, to the Chief calculate Iran’s annual savings from its nuclear in annual foreign aid the United States has something to the effect of “being in Africa”. Rabbi! power plants and offer to just give them that been paying to both sides ever since. I shared some humour with her about being It’s what you’d call an adaptation - erring sum - in exchange for handing over every scrap If a few billion dollars would obviate the welcome here. on the side of survival and life preservation - of nuclear material and infrastructure. biggest current threat to global stability - the I recognised a CSO official and was glad rather than playing Russian roulette. Given the deep Saudi apprehension about a Iranian nuclear problem - it would be well about his presence in the Jewish area. There is nothing to apologise for. If people nuclear Iran, that oil-rich nation could certainly worth it. The plan doesn’t aim toward an I was glad that the Rastas had ventured into want to come to a Jewish neighbourhood, afford to hand over the necessary cash. actual cash-for-nukes exchange. Instead, it just this part of Johannesburg, which is known event, or synagogue these days, be prepared But, of course, Iran will not accept such an might expose Iran for what it is: a dangerous, to be culturally Jewish. Some craftworks are to be questioned or asked to show your offer - which is precisely the point. Calling the aggressive regime hiding behind a fake goal. sold during the daytime at KosherWorld and identity document. With anti-Semitism as bluff of the Islamic Republic of Iran will clarify I thought they (the Rastas) might be involved it is, there is no risk to accommodate and no to doubters and peaceniks everywhere that the David Benkof with that. need to feel any shame. ayatollahs and their henchmen are hell-bent Senior political analyst at the Daily Caller I participate in guard duty at my shul once It’s not an insult. You too may come to be on attaining a weapon that would threaten St Louis, Missouri a month on Shabbat morning. The other week protected from the person who has indeed a (recognisably to me) Jewish woman walked come to do harm. Looking for info on Karl Kalmann Silbermann past us and the team leader messaged me to Jews and non-Jews may be subject follow her up the stairs. I did and asked her: to the same process where it is deemed David Lewin of “Search and Unite” in London is researching the family of Karl (also known as Kalmann) “Are you new here? I’ve not seen you around.” to be necessary by those who have the Silbermann, son of Salomon and Fanny. Without emotion, she told me her name and experience and intuition. This may be called Karl was born on February 14, 1921 in Pforzheim, Germany. He emigrated from Germany to South Africa together with his parents (Salomon and Fanny Silbermann) in the mid-1920s. At some stage - it said that she sometimes came to this shul. discrimination. And so? is unclear when - Karl/Kalmann then migrated to Palestine/Israel. It is not clear whether this was still in I am delighted that South African Jews have To take offence is to seek personal British Mandate time or after 1948. His first child was born in Israel in 1953. established a community security programme victimhood and martyrdom and to justify the “Can any of your readers tell us anything about their life in South Africa?” and that we are not living with our heads in vilification of Jews. Kalmann Karl Silbermann died in Tel Aviv in 1998. His wife was Edith, born in Czechoslovakia on Au- the Kimberley Hole. It’s obvious and no longer gust 23, 1929. They had three children, Shalom Shuli, born March 27, 1953 in Israel; Chaya Avital, born unspoken, that Jews are being intensively Sivan Price March 2, 1956 in Israel); and Eran Mendel, born September 24, 1972 in Israel. targeted again on the planet - physically, verbally, Johannesburg David Lewin’s address is 156 Totteridge Lane, London N20 8JJ - England. 17 – 24 April 2015 Letters SA JEWISH REPORT 11 Rastafarian KosherWorld incident smacks of a set-up

The Star newspaper must be complimented on its journalistic the kosher coffee shop, they missed a violent xenophobic integrity for featuring as a front-page story on Wednesday attack two weeks prior at a Rosebank cinema on three young April 8, an incident at a kosher coffee shop smacking of men wearing Jewish skull caps. Quite understandable that alleged racial profiling. violence against Jews wearing their yarmulkes would hardly And again, compliments to the reporter and cameraman warrant a mention in that newspaper or be conveniently who both just happened to be at that coffee shop when this tucked away on one of the inside pages. incident took place; such coincidences are commonplace If one were cynical, could your readers be blamed for among investigative journalists... suspecting those front-page exposures being a “set-up” by Or perhaps the reporter and cameraman were simply these three aggrieved people, together with the reporter, staking out those premises, expecting such breaking news simply in order to embarrass the Jewish community, two And thereby hangs a sorry (matzah) tale worthy of front-page exposure? But what a news scoop days running, superseding news such as ISIL’s carnage or the worthy of yet another front-page story the following day! bombing of Sanaa in Yemen by Saudi forces killing innocent I read with interest in your issue of March 20 how prices of Pesach goods What journalistic excellence that The Star would devote women and children? at Norwood Hypermarket went through the roof, two consecutive front-page stories, together with those This is my story: subliminal photographs, to such an incident! Allan Wolman In 2004 we visited Port Elizabeth just about the end of Pesach and Now, while those vigilant reporters were busy staking-out Rosebank, Johannesburg happened to notice Pick n Pay selling matzah much cheaper than in Durban where we live. When we came back to Durban, I visited our Pick Ten Commandments not as commendable as the Magna Carta n Pay and enquired why our matzah was more expensive than in PE. I was told it was the transport from Johannesburg! Some 3 400 years ago Hashem delivered to our Jewish with regard to our parents and neighbours (eg, don’t In 2005 I called Norwood Hypermarket. Their price was R15,99; Cape forefathers the Torah which we are assured by our rabbis murder, steal, mess around with your neighbour’s wife, Town R14,99; PE R17,99 and Durban R18,99. This was when I duly is an accurate description of the events handed down property etc) and are simple matters of natural justice sent an e-mail to Raymond Ackerman enquiring why there were such unchanged for millennia. It is self-evident that the events which even the most primitive societies do not require to differences in prices. I got a call from the buyer in Westville (KwaZulu- described which even today we regard as gospel, took place be cast in stone. Natal). according to the moral standards of and have no As standards of conduct to be admired, I suggest The After giving him the rundown, he said he would get back to me within relevance to modern circumstances. Ten Commandments do not hold a candle compared to the hour and true to his word, he did. He said they had not done their Obviously we do not today need an instruction as to say The Magna Carta or The American Declaration of homework and the price would be reduced to R15,99. Unfortunately that how to treat our slaves and in war our leaders would never Independence. buyer is no longer in Westville. enjoin their commanders to massacre our enemies or to In short, the Torah as a standard by which we should 2007 - Saw Durban’s price at R11,99. “kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman conduct our lives, today is woefully obsolete. 2009 - We were now introduced to Rakusens which was selling at known a man by lying with a man, but all the young girls Whereas Hashem has remained studiously silent for R17,99 and Mosmarks at R19,99. Both PE and Cape Town were selling it who have not known man by lying with him” to keep these past 3 400 years in response to our assurances of at R19,99 while Norwood was selling it at R16,99. for themselves; in short, an invitation to debauchery. loyalty and requests for help in the face of the disasters 2010 - Norwood R16,99; Musgrave (Durban) R17,99; while Bedford (Numbers 31:17 - 20). which have befallen us for 3 000 years, I suggest that it’s (Gauteng) had Mosmarks at R21,99. It’s a common notion today, to think of the Ten high time that Hashem issues a second edition of the 2011 - saw Oudtshoorn at R18,99 and Westville (KZN) at R29,99. Commandments as a standard of virtue. What is not said Torah in accordance with today’s standards of virtue and 2012 - Musgrave (Durban) was R17,99. of the Ten Commandments, is its insistence on absolute behaviour. I therefore request the rabbis to do everything 2013 - Cape Town R27,99; PE R27,99; Musgrave R22,99, then reduced obedience and what the penalties were for disobedience. within their power to endeavour to ensure that this comes to R17,99. Actually there was only one penalty under Mosaic law: about. 2015- PE R46,99 (I think they might have given me the incorrect death! (Numbers 15: 30 - 31 and Numbers 15: 35 - 36). product.) Cape Town (Sea Point) R22,90; and Gardens in Cape Town, Three Commandments warn us to be faithful to Hashem Martin Frack R25,99. or else, while only seven enjoin us how to conduct ourselves Fairvail, Johannesburg Musgrave in Durban, on March 19, charged R22,80, then on March 28 as a “week-end special”, it was R22,00. Coffee shop brouhaha seems to have been artificially stirred This is just the matzah prices, not to mention matzah meal. Both these products are Pesachdike. If you are happy to pay the fancy prices for all I refer to an article in The Star of April 8, “Coffee outing leaves they somehow manage to organise an entire photo shoot for the fancy cakes, chocolates, etc, then so be it. But matzah and matzah bitter taste”. The only one showing disregard for other people coffee drinkers. meal is another story altogether. and their situation highlighted by security concerns is Emma Young should have the decency and respect to understand If we are being ripped off with just this one item, what about all the Young. This is made clear by her response and by her trying to that SA itself is unfortunately riddled with crime, others? create a problem for the community when there is no problem. compounded by religious fanatics calling for Jewish blood. The matter could have been settled within two to three Any unknown person would have been questioned, Chana Morris minutes had she just co-operated with security and answered regardless of race, gender or creed. She should show Durban some simple, legitimate questions in light of current security appreciation for those who are looking out for her and the threats and Islamist extremist terror all over the world. rest of the community, keeping her safe and allowing the What should the community do - sit back and allow Islamist cappuccino to flow. Read the South African Jewish extremists to do as they wish and never question when there is doubt? In Garissa in Kenya, a day before the slaughter of 148 Andrew Diamond, Johannesburg Report online www.sajr.co.za people at a university dormitory by al-Shabaab militants, the local community and survivors of the attack reported seeing strangers who were unknown to them in the town campus. Jews and Christians (and probably moderate It’s that time of the year again, Muslims) have had enough of being targeted by Islamist extremists. It’s time to legitimately question people who are not known to the community in which they live, irrespective of race or religion. It’s not racism or apartheid, but simply common sense. By asking questions and getting answers, massacres like the one in 2015 Sports Quiz Garissa can be prevented from happening here. With all the major issues that this country faces, how does this story become front page DATE: Thursday, 18 June 2015 news? Where is the front page article in The Star TIME: 18:00 for 18:30 about three Jewish teenagers who were assaulted three weeks ago at The Zone in Rosebank? VENUE: The Polo Room, Inanda Club, It seems that double standards are at play here. 1 Forrest Road, Inanda, . Why didn’t The Star, a supposedly objective publication, report on the injustice, anti- DRESS: Smart Casual Semitism, racial profiling and criminal assault of COST: R12 500 per table these three kids? BOOKINGS: Christy (011) 646-7340 or Is it any wonder that the community is on high alert when this is what is going on around email [email protected] the corner in Rosebank, where Emma Young was sipping her cappuccino and The Star literally stirs the storm in a coffee cup by focusing on a legitimate security question and does not decry the Rosebank incident, nor publish the pictures IN SUPPORT OF of the attackers who police are searching for. But

Invitation 198x130.indd 1 2015/04/14 2:44 PM 12 SA JEWISH REPORT Youth 17 – 24 April 2015 KD Schools learners shine in councils And a marvellous time was had by all GABY COHEN CINDY KREE

Seven learners from King David Schools have been elected to the prestigious executive Last week learners from the Hirsch Lyons Boys’ High School in Johannesburg hosted a fun outing councils of the Johannesburg Junior Council (JCC) and the Johannesburg Mini Council for 30 children from Alexandra Township, northeast of Johannesburg. Children, from grade 2 up- (JMC). wards, regularly attend the Alexandra Aftercare Centre which is run by the Union of Jewish Women Deena Katzen from King David High School Linksfield is the new JCC Mayor for 2015. together with the Lutheran Church. These King Davidians were elected from 40 schools in the Greater Johannesburg area. The 30 senior high school boys loved spending time with the 30 primary school learners from The JCC and the JMC encourage and empower student representatives, through leader- Alexandra, and the young children basked in the one-on-one attention they received from the “big” ship and development programmes, to focus on community service, cross-cultural interac- boys. The small kids also thoroughly enjoyed the fun-filled afternoon on the Hirsch Lyons School tion and charitable giving to communities in Johannesburg. The objective is to create campus, where the soccer field, basketball court and table tennis tables were hives of activity. responsible, engaged leaders. The tables groaned under the weight of a great variety of art activities and one of the best results Pictured are Bradley Mervis (grade 11, KDHSVP), JCC chairman; Josh Pimstein (grade of their creative efforts was a pile of colourful spiral mobiles ready for them all to take home. The 7, KDSPL), JMC chairman of the Welfare Committee; Gila Taurog (grade 7, KDSPL) JCC learners were also involved in catching and bowling competitions and the spirit and atmosphere secretary of the Smile Committee; Deena Katzen (grade 11, KDHSL) JCC 2015 mayor; were wonderful. Jayna Goldstuck (grade 11, KDHSVP) JCC vice chairman; Shai Aarons (grade 11, KDHSL) Hirsch Lyons’ life orientation motto is “to make a difference” and this certainly shone through. It JCC manager and chairman; and Channing Haefner (front) (grade 7, KD Sandton) JMC is also applicable to the UJW whose efforts are focused on “tikkun olam” - healing the world. chairman of the Smile Committee. Andy Goldman, who organised the event with UJW, noted the enthusiasm that characterised the Hirsch Lyons boys, as well as the love and care they exhibited towards the children of Alexandra.

• For more information contact UJW on (011) 648-1053, [email protected] or Facebook: Union of Jewish Women Johannesburg. Photo: Shira Jacobs Photo: Photo supplied

The children from Alexandra Aftercare and Hirsch Lyons Boys High School interact. YC debating teams shine bright RONIT JANET

This year has been a very successful one for Yeshiva College public speaking. Each year the school enters a boys’ and girls’ team into the open competition of the Speech and Drama College of South Africa. The teams of four work hard with their coaches to come up with innovative and crea- tive ways of exploring their selected topics. Hours are spent writing and practising for the event. Out of 4 000 high school participants, Yeshiva senior teams won the competition for the second year in a row. The junior teams were runners-up. Yeshiva College said it was extremely proud of its debaters for their achievements and was also most grateful to the coaches who prepared, trained and motivated them. Photos supplied

The boys’ and girls’ debating teams of Yeshiva College again did their schools proud. www.kia.co.za

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18326OFyt 14 SA JEWISH REPORT Community 14 SA JEWISH REPORT Community Columns 17 – 24 April 2015 WIZO Johannesburg imbued with A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies Incumbent on young to pass on Shoah memories lots of enthusiasm for 2015 Yom Hashoah is one of the main through the Kindertransport. The events on the Jewish civil calendar, latter involved the relocation to the SANDY KRAMER Kramer who is leaving WIZO after 12 years of and organising the annual ceremony United Kingdom of some 10 000 service. in the main centres countrywide, Jewish children from Germany, WIZO Johannesburg’s 101st AGM last month The treasurer reported that in spite of the is an important part of the Board’s Poland and elsewhere in the months marked the “changing of the guard” of the decline in the economy, WIZO Johannesburg mandate. leading up to the war. In terms of WIZO Johannesburg executive. Lee Joffe and had managed to achieve its target. For me, it is both moving and the arrangement with the British Andrea Wainer were elected new co-chairmen. Kramer, the executive administrator, ended inspiring to see how these solemn government, the parents had to Syd Lowenthal, auditor of WIZO Johannesburg, the proceedings with the following quote: “Day gatherings are respected and sup- remain behind and the local Jewish supervised the voting procedures and an- will move on and live his life. So will I. We ported by our community, even in community had to bear all costs nounced the incoming executive committee. will be okay. Someday, perhaps in the far and centres where the Jewish presence is involved. Besides new co-chairmen Joffe and Wainer, distant future, we’ll find each other again.” - now very small. This year, we brought out as our Cindy Polakow, Shoshi Shachar and Andie Marie Lu. This week, ceremonies once keynote speaker Hugo Marom, one of Schwartz were elected as vice-chairmen, and again took place in Johannesburg, Above Board those whose lives were saved through Janine Rabbie and Yente Super as honorary Cape Town, Durban, , Port Mary Kluk the Kindertransport. Born in Brno, co-treasurers. Elizabeth and Bloemfontein. What National Chairman Czechoslovakia, he and his brother, Tribute was paid to the WIZO women who lent special poignancy to this year’s Ruby, arrived in London on the last have worked tirelessly to improve the lives ceremony was that it marked the 70th an- transport before war broke out. Their parents, of women and children in Israel. Appreciation niversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, and like those of nearly all other Kindertransport was also expressed for the generosity of the other remaining Nazi death camps. children, died at the hands of the Nazis. Photo: Photo: Joe Yudelowitz community. The practice in recent years has been to One can but imagine the trauma and dislo- Rabbi Alex Carlebach from Chabad Lyndhurst bring out a Holocaust survivor to be the cation they must have felt, transplanted to a opened the proceedings with a Dvar Torah. keynote speaker on these occasions. As I have country where they had no friends or family, He spoke about the role of women, especially stressed before in this column, the opportu- where they did not speak the language and WIZO women, and their influence in uplifting nities for us to hear at first hand from those whose inhabitants for the greater part did not and improving the conditions of underprivileged who experienced those horrific events, are fast want them. women and children in Israel. diminishing. What is inspiring about Hugo Marom is that Daphne Kuhn, owner of the Auto & General Even those who were young children dur- notwithstanding these harsh experiences, he Theatre on the Square, had the audience spell- ing the war years, are now well advanced in went on to build a successful life for himself, bound with her talk on the Jewish influence in years and the day is not far off when none serving with distinction in the British and South African theatre. will remain to give testimony to what they Czech Air Forces and thereafter becoming a The chairman’s report covered the many and experienced. It is incumbent on the present pioneer of aviation in the newly-created State varied functions and educational programmes and future generations to take responsibility of Israel. that WIZO undertakes. for passing on their stories when they are no We are very grateful to him, as we are to all The highlight of the year was the Biennial longer among us. those survivors who have addressed us over Campaign, featuring Dr Bernd Wollschlaeger, It must always be borne in mind that the the years, for undertaking this arduous and the son of a Nazi, who converted to Judaism. term “survivor” in the context of the Shoah emotionally demanding visit, one involving Nava Gone, outgoing chairman of WIZO Lee Joffe and Andrea Wainer, new co-chairmen does not only mean those who fell directly into not only speaking to our community, but en- Johannesburg, paid a fitting tribute to Sandy of WIZO Johannesburg. Nazi hands. Those who survived by going into gaging extensively with the media as well. hiding would also fall into that category, as For our part, we can only take to heart the would those who were protected or escaped to message he had to share and to resolve in turn other countries through, among other things, to pass what we learned from him on to the the heroism of such diplomats as Raoul Wal- next generation. @the right time lenberg and Chiune Sugihara. There were also those who were able to get • Listen to Charisse Zeifert on Jewish Board Talk, out of Europe in the nick of time, such as 101.9 ChaiFM every Friday 12:00 - 13:00. @the right place This column paid for by the SA Jewish Board of Deputies @Grant Thornton First South African to attend Masorti European board meeting We’ve moved. The Shalom Masorti Congregation in Johannesburg recently sent executive chairman Adele Gluckman (pictured) to a Just like our dynamic clients, we’re going places. triennial board meeting of Masorti Europe, which was held We now have over 450 people working under one roof for the in Israel. first time since our ‘merger of equals’*. The focus of the meetings was to discuss the challenges to European communities of virulent anti-Semitism and Our new office building, aptly named @Grant Thornton is attacks on Jews and Jewish centres in Europe. a state-of-the-art space where our multi-disciplinary teams Gluckman told the meeting about the strict security can unite to help our dynamic clients unlock their potential that is enforced at all Jewish establishments and suburbs for growth. We are Grant Thornton and it’s what we do for in South Africa, and about the well-organised structures our clients every day. Contact us at our new address to help that facilitate this, such as CSO and CAP, who keep South unlock your potential for growth. African Jewry safe at all times. Shalom Masorti Congregation said in a media release it had been affiliated with Masorti Olami from @Grant Thornton January 2003, but due to the congregation’s close connection with Rabbi Chaim Weiner, Av Beth Din of Wanderers Office Park Masorti Europe, Gluckman had been invited to participate in the board’s monthly Skype meetings and 52 Corlett Drive, Illovo, Johannesburg, 2196 had been invited to attend one of their European meetings either in London, Paris or Jerusalem. T +27 (0)10 590-7200 F +27 (0)10 590-7201 She decided that Jerusalem would be the perfect city to connect with Masorti rabbonim and lay lead- ership. She joined community leaders from Spain, France, Hungary, Ukraine and England. After spending

* Grant Thornton and PKF Johannesburg announced their merger of equals in July 2013 a day together studying and attending lectures at the Fuchsburg Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem, they which doubled our size and capacity in the city of gold. visited the New Herzl Museum and attended a programme with heads of the Israeli Masorti movement at the Schechter Institute. Anyone who is interested in finding out more about Masorti may contact Gluckman at [email protected] World News in Brief Most Americans doubt Iran’s nuke deal commitment years of making a difference WASHINGTON - A strong majority of Americans believe that Iran is not likely to uphold the rules of the framework 95 nuclear agreement announced on April 2, a new survey has found. An NBC News poll, conducted in conjunction with SurveyMonkey, found that 68 per cent of 2 052 respondents believe that Iran is either not too likely or not at www.gt.co.za all likely to abide by the nuclear agreement, compared with 25 per cent who said Iran would honour it.

2015 Grant Thornton South Africa. All rights reserved. Grant Thornton South Africa is a member firm of Additionally, the survey found that 53 per cent of Americans believe the Iranian nuclear programme represents a Grant Thornton International Ltd (GTIL). GTIL and the member firms are not a worldwide partnership. Services are delivered by the member firms. GTIl and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, major threat to the US, compared with only 37 per cent who consider it a minor threat and 8 per cent who said it one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions. Please see www.gt.co.za for further details. was no threat at all. (JNS.org)

Jewish Report_mover.indd 1 2015/03/12 10:58 AM 17 – 24 April 2015 Classifieds What’s On SA JEWISH REPORT 15 To book your classified notice or advert contact: Today, Friday (April 17) • The Johannesburg Light Music Society Horwitz Lounge, Golden Acres. Time: Venue: Clive M Beck Auditorium. Time: Tel (011) 430-1980, Fax 086-634-7935, email: [email protected] meets at the Roosevelt Park Recreation 10:00 for 10:30. Cost: R20 members, 15:00. Donation: R80 (incl refreshments). • UZLC hosts Shirley Zar on “Places in Centre. The programme will feature two R30 visitors (incl tea and light Booking: Hazel or René (011) 728- BEAUTY & HEALTH LIFTS OFFERED FOREIGN CITIZENSHIP Our Hearts and Memories of Some of audio presentations given by members refreshments). Contact: Linda Fleishman, 8088/8378, a/h (011) 728-8378, the Shuls we Love” Venue: Our Parents of the society. The first will be on (011) 532-9616. e-mail: [email protected] or rene.s@ Lithuanian / Polish / Professional AIRPORT SERVICE German citizenship Home. Time: 12:15 - 14:00. Contact: scenes from musical films, followed by telkomsa.net or www.greatpark.co.za wedding make-up Many South African Jews are Gloria, 072-127-9421 or (011) identifying the singers in duet songs. Tuesday (April 21) JHB eligible for EU citizenship. If you 485-4851. Time: 14:00 sharp. Enquires: David • ORT JET 2015 launches its “Eureka are interested, please contact (011) 678-9725. • Embassy of Israel, SAZF, Israel Entrepreneurial Competition” with Ian me. I specialise in obtaining Sunday (April 19) Centre SA, IUA-UCF and Zionist youth Fuhr (founder of Sorbet) telling his Lithuanian, Polish and German • Beit Emanuel hosts a Yom Ha’atzmaut movements host a Yom Hazikaron success story. Venue: T.B.C. Time: From citizenship. I am able to obtain the required documents from archives • RCHCC screens the Academy ceremony at Beit Emanuel, Parktown. ceremony for Israel’s fallen. Venue: 18:00. Information: e-mail tracy@ 8-seater. in Europe. award-winning film, “Gett: The rialT Time: 11:00 - 14:00. Official ceremony Yeshiva Campus, Solly Liebgott Hall. ortjet.org.za to book. Tours/Day Drives Rael Cynkin CA (SA) of Viviane Amsalem”. Venue: Clive at 12:00. Israeli food, dancing and Information: Miriam Garb, SAZF, tel Contact Arnold, [email protected] M Beck Auditorium. Time: 19:30. plenty children’s activities. Cost: R60 (011) 645-2531, fax (011) 640- • WIZO Tzabar celebratesYom Ha’atzmaut. 083-346-4627 082-447-0185 Donation: R70 (incl refreshments). adults, R40 children under 12. 1325, e-mail: [email protected]. Venue: EOH Auditorium, Bedfordview. Booking: Hazel or René (011) Time: 19:0 0 for 19:30. Music, trivia, 011-454-1193 Toronto real estate 728-8088/8378, a/h (011) 728- • JH&GCentre hosts a screening of the Thursday (April 23) karaoke, Israeli food, dancing and great Jacqui 083-447-6347 relocation [email protected] Lift service 8378, or e-mail: rchcc@telkomsa. acclaimed CNN documentary “Voices of prizes. Cost: R250.Information: Nava Thinking of moving? Doctor’s app, OR Tambo, net or [email protected] or www. Auschwitz”. Venue: Beyachad. Time: • WIZO Johannesburg presents: Are you 082-789-9118, Shoshi 083-777-7826 LIFTS OFFERED Courier services We are a relocation team who can assist with renting/buying and greatpark.co.za 15:30 for 16:00. (Light refreshments “The Strongest Link” to Israel? Come, or Raya 083-377-2970. Reasonable rates! A TAXI SERVICE more! Call Daniel Bloch served before the screening. Admission find out and celebrateI srael’s birthday. Ivan 082-962-5007 Let Warren Pogorelsky chauffeur @ 416-666-0311 • JWBS screens the movie “Close to free, but donations welcome. Booking Venue: Bidvest Wanderers Stadium, Friday (April 24) you to your destination in Johan- [email protected] Evil”, the story of Tomi Reichental, essential. Contact: shirley@jhbholocaust. The Long Room. Lots of secure parking. SERVICES Holocaust survivor. Venue: King David co.za or (011) 640-3100/2148. Time: 10:00 sharp. Cost: R60. Booking: • UZLC hosts Judy Jayes on “Self Esteem nesburg and back. OR Tambo from HOME SERVICES Or visit www.DanielBloch.com R200. Mercedes Benz Linksfield Hall. Time: 18:30 for 19:00. Nadine (011) 645-2515. – Who is Responsible? ”. Venue: Our VEHICLES Tel: 082-399-6187 Deceased Raffle tickets R100 for 1 or R200 for • Second Innings hosts Gary Els, civil Parents Home. Time: 12:15 - 14:00. WANTED Sun City & Game Reserve estate house 3, available. Contact: (011) 485- engineer with Rand Water, “Water, • RCHCC hosts the launch of “Jani Contact: Gloria, 072-127-9421 or clearances 5232 or [email protected] The Sun and Life”. Venue: The Gerald Confidential”, a memoir by JaniA llan. (011) 485-4851. SMILE-LEE’S LIFTS Entire households A reliable lift service. cleared, IF YOU WANT TO Specialising in lifts to and from professionally and confidentially. I’ll airports, shops, appointments, 67 Blankets project warms the cockles take the burden BUY OR SELL casinos and courier. off your shoulders Charna 083-391-6612 and pay you for it. of many a heart as winter nears Please contact A VEHICLE What started as light-hearted banter Alex’s Lift Service Ladislav Miklas between Zelda la Grange, Nelson Experienced, reliable driver 079-810-8837 Mandela’s personal assistant, and specialising in lifts to shops, for a trusted and professional service. Contact: Carolyn Steyn last year, with a chal- appointments and wherever Also clear garages, lenge to come up with 67 blankets you need to go. Contact Alex: cellars, storage Solly Kramer by July 18, Nelson Mandela Day, to rooms and storage 083-409-4378 honour Madiba, has become nothing facilities. 082-922-3597 short of a knitting revolution! Appliance repairs on-site Blankets, or squares to become Fridges, stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers and blankets, for the less privileged, dishwashers. Free quotations. poured in by the thousands. Jewish Call Jason 082-401-8239 / Report is an enthusiastic partner in “Now it is crunch time again! I am winter cold strikes. 076-210-6532 this laudable project and the Jewish truly grateful to each one of you who D-Day for handing over the blankets community has taken this project to has joined in to make magic happen. throughout SA , was on Wednesday. heart. And now we have official confirmation At the Union Buildings an aerial shot It’s that time of year again where that we are contenders for the Guin- of the sea of blankets will be taken, the community is “called up to arms”, ness Book of World Records. “showing the entire world how we Experienced, reliable driver able endeavouring through knitting and “Without each and every one of our have united as a nation to keep the to lift you anywhere/ anytime 24 crochet needles, to heal the world thousands of KnitWits for Madiba, legacy of our late, great father of our hours. Courier work undertaken. (Tikkun Olam). the hard work and long hours you nation, Nelson Mandela, alive.” Please call Paul Steyn says she is still amazed by the have given to this project, none of April 21 is yet another milestone. 083-542-6480 enthusiasm for the blanket project this would have been possible. I am so “Stitch by stitch we pledge to keep AIRPORT SHUTTLE and the myriad postings on the blan- proud of what we have achieved as a thousands upon thousands of people ket web page. group; I don’t think there is any group less fortunate than ourselves warmer SAM “Witnessing all the frenzied activity quite like ours on Facebook.” over all the winters to come, in the (011) 728-5219 WANTED All household around our beautiful country over the Every single blanket from every cor- name of our beloved Madiba. 083-627-8516 past year... has made me realise how ner of South Africa will be transported “I hope to see as many KnitWits To OR Tambo furniture, linen, SERVICES truly blessed we all are to have united to the Union Buildings in Pretoria and as possible as we celebrate 21 years from R180. kitchenware, NOTICES in our common goal to keep our na- then returned to their places of origin of democracy on April 21. We will be To Lanseria clothing & more. Hawley Marble and Granite Works tion warm. in time for distribution when the there from 06:00 until 14:00.” from R220. Est. 1948. Monumental masons. We are proud to have served the Reasonable rates to All size beds & Johannesburg Jewish community On the web this week... all other areas. bases. for many decades. Your support is much appreciated. Collen Hawley Call Terry: You’ll only find these stories, or more complete versions than those in this print edition, on our website: DIAL A LIFT Tel: (011) 828- 9010 Chaim 071-082-2752 Silver (011) 485-3005 www.sajr.co.za • Rivlin visits Christian leaders 083-267-3281 The Yomim: All the event details and history • Israel’s massive mobile summit Pip Friedman Offices to rent of: • The kosher coffee shop fiasco: Was it • Yom Hashoah orchestrated? Comfortable 90 sq metres (R65 per sq metre) • Yom Hazikaron • Israeli websites attacked by ‘Anonymous’ Lyndhurst, Johannesburg Road, • Yom Ha’atzmaut • Lots on the Iran nuke framework deal & Spacious • MDA humanitarian aid for Madagascar 7 seater. close to Glenhazel. BDS livid as Pharrell & Woolies • Israelis in Europe organising themselves Available Immediately. cock a snook: • Abbas refuses Israel’s offer to pay taxes [email protected] • See the Williams/Woolies video • Trevor Noah not anti-Semitic, says Kluk • Pharrell partied in Cape Town all www.dialalift.co.za Grant 082-666-5252 weekend Whacky world, which our Jewish world really is: • See Top Billing’s interview with Williams • First US dagga seder a huge success • The ‘Haynt’ Yiddish newspaper story Blogs and op-eds, both serious and funny: • Matzah machine nearly split Jewry in 1857 • Tons by Bev Goldman • Hilarious Trevor Noah videos • Three from Howard Feldman • Ben Levitas Remember that you can register easily and freely on our • Geoff Sifrin website to receive the SA Jewish Report’s ePaper and • Top read of the week, “Disgraceful, dastardly act of Jewish newsletter every Wednesday evening. Join our over 8 000 media lies” by Ant Katz subscribers - simply go to any page on www.sajr.co.za and fill in your e-mail address. It really is that simple. And, from News events, local and international: then on, you will be the first with the news and never miss • Bibi lets rip in Tuesday’s call to Putin over missiles an edition of your favourite community newspaper. It’s that time of the year again, 16 SA JEWISH REPORT Sport 17 – 24 April 2015 2015 Sports Quiz DATE: Thursday, 18 June 2015 TIME: 18:00 for 18:30 VENUE: The Polo Room, Inanda Club, Young Israeli ice hockey team 1 Forrest Road, Inanda, Sandton. DRESS: Smart Casual COST: R12 500 per table BOOKINGS: Christy (011) 646-7340 or carries big expectations email [email protected]

ILAN HERRMANN and defeats. This won’t be the team’s first time Israel and team leader. IN SUPPORT OF in South Africa and they will fondly recall this When asked how he The national ice hockey team of Israel is taking country as the place where they recorded their expects the team to part in Cape Town in the IIHF (International Ice biggest ever win - 26-2 - against Greece in 2011. fare, Gusin played down expectations, pointing skill level,” says Tal Avneri who has played

Hockey Federation) Division II Group B World In 2013 the team took gold in the Division II out that the squadInvitation is very 98x50.indd young 1 with the bulk defence man for the Israel side. 2015/04/14 2:24 PM Championship. The competition started on Group B tier, beating far more experienced and of the players having just graduated and some On the current senior team’s style of play, April 13 and ends on April 19. better ranked opposition along the way. having just completed their IDF service. Gusin warned that the Israeli players were Opposition comes in the form of South Af- “The players are very motivated and the team “We are in a phase of transition in Israeli ice generally not as physically forceful as some of rica, China, Bulgaria, Mexico and New Zealand. atmosphere is positive,” says veteran and high- hockey. We’re moving from the old guard, play- the bigger players and teams out there. “We Israel is currently ranked 32nd in the world est ever capped Israeli player Yefgeny Gusin, ers that served the national team for the past tackle each game individually with strategies and has almost an even record between victories who is president of the Ice Hockey Federation of many years, towards a view to building a side applied against the opposition on a team-by- that will lead us into the future. That said, we team basis.” are determined and hopeful that we can return Overall, the Israel team focuses on speed and home with a medal too.” intelligence of play and has a strong emphasis Gusin, a Russian-born immigrant to Israel, on teamwork. represented the Israeli team as goalkeeper for When pressed for which players to look out 22 years and has been instrumental in advanc- for, Gusin said: “We will have to wait and see ing the sport in Israel which amazingly boasts who shines in the tournament.” some 1 200 registered players. “Most are young Due to budget constraints the Israeli side kids and most are Israelis or children born in were unable to have a pre-tournament train- Israel from immigrant families.” ing camp which is so vital to developing team While there has been a growth in numbers of camaraderie and working techniques, especially participants of the sport to the extent that the before big events such as this one in South Israel Ice Hockey Federation has tripled its num- Africa. ber of registered players in the last five years, Gusin bluntly says that more is needed to be the same could not be said of its facilities. invested in the game if Israel wants to raise the There is just one full-size ice rink in Israel, the bar of its ice hockey. “We need to complement Canada Centre. It is located in a small city called the incredible enthusiasm of our young players Metula in the country’s northern-most region with the opportunities to achieve. And I know that hugs the border of Lebanon and is about we can achieve.” a 3 1/ -hour drive from the centre of Israel. Some of the players will have family at the C 2 Besides that, there are two smaller rinks and rinks on match day, who have come to sup- M that’s all. port their boys, while many back home will be Y Interestingly, the Metula rink hosts an ice watching and rooting with live screenings of

CM hockey school where Jewish and Arab children the games on TV. Gusini expects there will also learn to play hockey together, guided by Cana- be support from the locals in the Cape Jewish MY dian Jewish coaches. community at the Grand West Ice Rink in Good- CY More recently a campaign has been underway wood, waving the blue and white flag. CMY to raise funds to build a full-size rink some- This is a milestone year for Israeli hockey as it

K where more accessible. celebrates 25 years of development of the sport. “If we can actually have a rink in the centre of If Gusin has his way, Israel will have even more Israel, we can substantially increase the popular- reason to celebrate by carrying some silverware ity of hockey, its development and the overall back with them to Israel. Photo supplied

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