Sweden’s strategy for the Arctic region Contact information: Ministry for Foreign Affairs Department for Eastern Europe and Central Asia Arctic Secretariat SE - 103 39 Stockholm, Sweden Telephone (switchboard): +46 8 405 10 00 Fax: +46 8 723 11 76 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.sweden.gov.se/mfa Printed by: XGS Grafisk Service, 2011 Photo: Linn Duvhammar/Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Anders Ryman, Fridmar Damm, Alex Hibbert and Nancy Carels Article no: UD11.041 ISBN: 978-91-7496-442-4 Table of contents Summary 4 1. Introduction 7 1.1. Why a strategy for the Arctic region? 7 1.2. Strategies in other Arctic countries 8 1.3. What is the Arctic? 11 2. Sweden and the Arctic 12 2.1. Historical ties 12 2.2. Security policy ties 14 2.3. Economic ties 15 2.4. Climate and environmental ties 16 2.5. Research ties 17 2.6. Cultural ties 17 3. Objectives and implementation in Arctic cooperation 18 3.1. The Arctic Council 19 3.2. The European Union 19 3.3. Nordic cooperation 20 3.4. Barents cooperation 20 3.5. The United Nations 20 3.6. The five coastal states 22 3.7. Sámi cooperation 22 4. Swedish priorities 23 4.1. Climate and the environment 24 4.1.1. Climate 25 4.1.2. Environmental protection 27 4.1.3. Biodiversity 28 4.1.4. Climate and environmental research 28 4.2. Economic development 30 4.2.1. Free trade in the Arctic 31 4.2.2. Industrial policy interests in the Barents region 32 4.2.3.