(Iowa City, Iowa), 1968-02-06
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ra Creek obGang ail Iowan Servin£! tlte U lIil'ersill/ of lorca (1nd the People uf Iowa Citu the west, on the just'&$ Eswbli&I,ed in 1868 10 cenll a cop), Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa 52240-Tuesday, February 6, l~ Gobbler's Knob, 400 soaked of Phil - W!Io for _ last 81 years saw hi! shad. - predicted more wiD~ the old groundhog dueled in to his burrow. 's certain," said Sam Liell. of the Punxsuta~ Battle For Rages "Winter lI·ays." Hue On of the Siumberbc SAIGON IA'I - .S. marines and Viet of the city. South Vietnamese forces bat heavily in casualties over the pa t week. In Saigon, the U.S. Command announced Lodge of QuaJT)'Ville Cong troops f('lIght foot by foot for con dancing their IJIdal Ued enemy troops inside Hue's ancient st ill are strong enough to launch a second 3,500 paratroopers of the 10ISt Airborne ritual as they waved Ibtir trol of Hue early today and s~reet righting walled Citadel but the Viet Cons fiaa still major offen ive acro the nation and in Division had been dlspatcbed to the no.rth· hats and let their .... persisted in parts of Saigon as the coun new from the ramparls. Saigon. trywide enemy offensive entered its sec· At Kbe Sanb in Soutb Vietnam's north Vice President guyen Cao Ky told ern sector "to he prepared for any con long coats swish in tI:a tingency." wind. ond week. The U.S. Command said 21,330 west corner, Marine commanders de· newsmen the Viet Cong still had three un· we'll see how bl. I enemy have been killed. scribed the North Vietnamese assault on committed regiments near Saigon, and U.S. strategists expect the biggest strike Phil reaUy is," said RdI. A U.S. spoke man said the enemy dead Hill 961A early Monday as just a probing said he expected the capital to be attacked to come against the 5,000 marines at the . HelT, Quarryville', .. f represented more than one·third of the aUack. Marines expressed confidence the again "within the next few days." He Khe Sanh combat base. The Leathernecks hibernating governor. to18t force with which the Viet (,ong began odds are in their favor if the orth Viet said coordinated atlack.s could be expected are backed up by 35,000 marines in other areas and about 15,000 Army troops in the and clouds oblCllred tI:a their wide pread attacks on 35 cities namese launched the major offensive U.S. on the city's Tan Son Nhut air base, and across South Vietnam. That force has been commanders expect is coming. The United air IS northern sector - the 1st Corps area. I know tha~ wlnta", BIen Hoa base, miles to the north. is run," Herr said 11 estimated by allied intelligence officers States bolstered troop strength in the Only hours after Ky's warning, the Viet northern area. "Farmers will shortly tI11 at about 60,000. Cong force struck In south Saigon. * * and lumptUGIII U.S. headquarters said 1,729 allied troops New Attulcs Launc,," Marine. Inch Porword * abound." have been killed, S46 of them Americana First dispatcbes began reaching Saigon In Hue, 40 miles northeast of Saigon, of courae, clalma and 1.169 South Vietnamese. of the Viet Cong attacks in the Mekong Associated Pres correspondent John Len Wheeler Deplores I pr,edi ,~ticl n is the official ont, By U.S. count, the allies were killing 12 Delta rice bowl south of the capital. Frag. gel reported that U.S. marines were inch. your pick. enemy for every allied soldier to die. mentary reports said the Viet Cong al· ing forward in bitter street and house·to The casually report covered the !irst tacked 11 of the 16 Mekong Delta provin house fighting and thai fighting is ex seven days of the fighting, up to midnight cial capitals but apparently seized none pected to continue there several more Saigon Execution Monday. The enemy toll was up more than of them . In the delta fighting, 1,250 civil days. WASHINGTON IA'I - Gen. Earle G. EA Official Ians were reported killed, more than 3,000 4,000 from the figure announced a day Opposite the Leathernecks on the north Wheeter, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of earlier. wounded and 80,000 to 120,000 left home side of Hue's Perfume River, South Viet· less. Staff, deplored Monday the publicized Civitian Lo ss Rilel namese troops were having even tougher summary execuUon of a Viet Cong officer ys Strikes Casualty figures tor the whole of the of The toll of civilians killed, wounded and going in the baWe for the Citadel. but suggested It occurred "more in a made homeless by the fighting was mount· fensi ve launched throughout lhe country The Vietnamese command in Hue nash of outrage" than in cold blood. ing Into the many thousands. In Saigon, a week ago still were lacking but they nlikely Here claimed government troops had killed Wheeler expressed a "sense of revulsion 46,700 homeless civilians were being shel· threaten to number many thousands of more than 700 North Vietnamese and Viet MOINES IA'I - lowl teacbo tered in schools, hospi18ls, churches Ilnd civilians. Hundreds of thousands were at barbarous acts and summary execu· Cong. The Marines estimated their kills tions" in a letter to Rep. Henry S. Ruess are not likely to join w.1k, ~ Buddhist pagodas. homeless. at 5SO. strikes or sanctions beiII( Street fighting went through a seventh The Viet Cong signaled their strength CD-Wis. ), who protested that the Saigon Marine casualties in the seventh day of killing WitS "horrible." ated in other stalCl, U day in Hue, the old Imperial capital, with in Saigon by easily overrunning a police the battle of Hue were about five men Education AMociatiol U.S. Marines reportedly taking control o( substation after nightfall Monday and the killed and 35 wounded. Th is would boost Wheeler told Ruess he conferred with said Friday. SM ILE - Carol Natkiel, A4, 216'12 E. Washington St" gets a new fac. for h.r Iclentlfl. 12 city blocks - 40 per cent o( their ob main precinct headquarters for the dis. over·aU Leatherneck casualties to 40 dead Gen. William C. Westmoreland about the Robln!on, chairman o! lite nlion card. They'll have to take thl' one over thoug h - ' he Imlled. jective - in the drive to rout Viet Coni trlct an hour later. Ninety minutes after matter Saturday and was assured of "his - Photo by Dav. Lucie and 260 wounded . But many of the wounds 's professional relatJOIII eor& and North Vietnamese holding two·thirds the first attack lhe precinct headquarters were reportedly not serious. wholehearted efforts to bring such isolated said teachers "h a " wa in namca and police had abandoned Hue Mayor Reicued OCcurrences to a complete halt." treated pretty weU" It it. The Marines were in control of an area Wbeeler enclosed a copy of a Westmore The names could be seen from the cen made up of schools, govemment buildings land directive dated last Nov. 2, listing sald an enlightened let ~ ter of Saigon, where a 7 p,m. to daylight and homes of the wealthy. In an attack on examples of prohibited war crimes. Cor adminlstrators in Iowa ball curfew kept the streets clear but mili· a Viet Cong battalion command in II hos Among them was "killing spies or other closely with teacben. u.s. Believed Balking tary forces , pital, the Leathernecks rescued Hue's persons who bave committed hostile acts salary and work~ The Viet Cong apparently remained in mayor, Lt. Col. Pham Van Khoa , who had without trial ." the vicinIty of the precinct after the at been eluding the Viet Cong for seven The directive applied to U.S. military have made gTe.l1 tack . Air activity over the area was visi days. Ironically, he hid under their noses and dvillan personnel in Vietnam, in the past six to sevea ble from the city's center, Both the flames in the hospitBl until the Marines came he sald, noting that t b, Over Pueblo 'Apology' and flares dropped from U.S. aircraft Monday. The Wheeler _ Reuss exchange was prompted by the South Vietnamese polIce salary for educalors ill glowed over the scene. " J( the Marines didn 't come today, I chief's streetside execution ot 8 captured while still below the Nt- WASHINGTON 111'1 - The United States cautioned against any premature hopes cepted throughout our history lind we don't R.turn Fire Llmitee! would have kUled myself," he said. Education Assoclatioo', appeared to be balking Monday at North that the U.S.·North Korean negotiators inLend to start now." The South Vietnamese central police The enemy "tack at Khe Sanh involved enemy soldier before newsmen. for a national average, b I harean demands that an apology be made in Panmunjom are on the verge of a set Press off,cer kooert McClo key at his headquarters said police in the precinct 200 to 300 of the ..0,000 North Vietnamese AP Photographer Eddie Adams photo from it. in advance as the price for the release of tl ement thai would lead to the s pee d y midday news brlefing recalled that U.S. and substation refrained from heavy an· army regulars believed poised in the jun graphed Brig. Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan as superintendents hen the 82 surviving crew members of the release of some or alt of the American Ambas ador Arthur J .