Good health; Bin had this Aafiya name; he was a narrator of Hadith عافیه

.High, tall عالی Aali

Scholar Plural is ulama normally Aalim used for religious scholors عالم

.Doer, Work man عمل Aamil

.Intelligent عاقل Aaqil

.Living; spending a life عاشر Aashir

Free; liberated; independent; Aatiq name: Aatiq Ali; Muhammad Aatiq عاتق

Intending; determining, resolved on, applying the mnind to an عازم Aazim undertaking. Ibn al Abadiyah was an author known for his eloquent literary عبادیه Abadiya style. Al-Abahh was the nickname of al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim, an astrologer of عباح Abahh Al Mamun

.Old Arabic name ابان Aban

A great worshipper of Allah, several men have passed bearing this name Abbad among them Abu Abbad Jabir Ibn عباد Zayd of the court of al Mamun

.A furious lion عباس Abbas

.Devoted worshipper of Allah عبود Abbood

.Servant, devotee, slave عبد Abd

.Slave of the High عبدالعلی Abd Al-Ala

Khayr is all kinds of goodness and happiness. This was the name of Abd Khayr Ibn-Yazid Al-Khaywani who fought عبدخیر with Sayyidina Ali RA. Nick name of Abdur - Rehman bin Sulayman the father of Muhammad عبده Abdah Ibn Abdur Rahman, the genealogist. Is derived from abd; a man, ibn Abi Harb had this name and al-jahiz عبدان Abdan wrote letters to him Servant of the Depriver عبدالضار Abdud Daar

Servant of the Last عبدالخر Abdul Aakhir

Servant of the Just عبدالعدل Abdul Adal

.Slave of the just عبدالعدل Abdul Adl

Servant of the Forgiver عبدالعفو Abdul Afuw

Slave of the One who pardons - Abdul Afuw (The pardoner) عبدالعفو

.(Servant of the only One (Allah عبدالحد Abdul Ahad

.(Servant of the All-knowing (Allah عبدالعلیم Abdul Aleem

.Servant of the most High عبدالعلی Abdul Ali

Servant of the First عبدالول Abdul Awwal

.Slave of the First One عبدالول Abdul Awwal

.(Servant of the Mighty (Allah عبدالعظیم Abdul Azim

.Servant of the Almighty عبدالعزیز Abdul Aziz

.Servant of the Creator عبدالباری Abdul Baari

Servant of the Inventor عبدالبدیع Abdul Badee

Slave of the originator عبدالبدیع Abdul Badee

Servant of the Resurrector عبدالباعث Abdul Bais

Slave of the one who raises from Abdul Bais .death عبدالباعث

.(Servant of the Everlasting (Allah عبدالباقی Abdul Baqi

Slave of the Creator عبدالباری Abdul Bari .Servant of the All-benign عبدالبر Abdul Barr

.(Servant of All-sagacious (Allah عبدالبصیر Abdul Baseer

.Slave of the All-seeing عبدالبصیر Abdul Baseer

.(Servant of the Expander (Allah عبدالباسط Abdul Basit

.Servant of the Inward عبدالباطن Abdul Batin

.(Servant of the conqueror (Allah عبدالفتاح Abdul Fattah

.(Servant of the All-forgiving (Allah عبدالغفار Abdul Ghaffar

.Servant of the All-forgiving عبدالغفور Abdul Ghafur

.Servant of the All-sufficient عبدالغنی Abdul Ghani

.(Servant of the Guardian (Allah عبدالحافظ Abdul Haafiz

.(Servant of the Guide (Allah عبدالھادی Abdul Hadi

.(Servant of the Guardian (Allah عبدالحفیظ Abdul Hafeez

.Servant of the Arbitrator عبدالحکم Abdul Hakam

.(Servant of the All-wise (Allah عبدالحکیم Abdul Hakeem

.(Servant of the Judge (Allah عبدالحاکم Abdul Hakim

.(Servant of the All-element (Allah عبدالحلیم Abdul Halim

.(Servant of the All-laudable (Allah عبدالحمید Abdul Hameed

.Slave of the Merciful Forgiving عبدالحنان Abdul Hannan

.(Servant of the Truth (Allah عبدالحق Abdul Haq

.Servant of the Reckoner عبدالحسیب Abdul Haseeb (Servant of the Living (Allah عبدالحی Abdul Hayy Servant of the All-compeller/the Abdul Jabbar .(Omnipotent (Allah عبدالجبار

.(Servant of the Exalted (Allah عبدالجلیل Abdul Jalil

Servant of the Gatherer عبدالجامع Abdul Jame

.(Servant of the Beautiful (Allah عبدالجمیل Abdul Jamil

.Slave of the most Bountiful عبدالجواد Abdul Jawwad

Servant of the Great عبدالکبیر Abdul Kabir

Slave of the Gracious. Abdul Karim Abdul Kabir .al-Jazari was a narrator of hadith عبدالکبیر

.(Servant of the All-sufficient (Allah عبدالکافی Abdul Kafi

Servant of the most generous Abdul Karim .(Allah) عبدالکریم

.Slave of the one who is aware عبدالخبیر Abdul Khabir

Servant of the Descender ابدالخافض Abdul Khafiz

.(Servant of the Creator (Allah عبدالخالق Abdul Khaliq

.Slave of the Gracious عبدالطیف Abdul Lateef

.(Servant of the All-gentle (Allah عبدالطیف Abdul Latif

.(Servant of the Owner (Allah عبدالمالک Abdul Maalik

Servant of the Withholder عبدالمانع Abdul Maane

.(Servant of the All-glorious (Allah عبدالمجید Abdul Majeed

.(Servant of the All-glorious (Allah عبدالماجد Abdul Majid

Servant of the Sovereign عبدالملک Abdul Malek .(Servant of the King (Allah عبدالملک Abdul Malik

.Slave of one who prevents عبدالمانع Abdul Mani

.Slave of the Benefactor عبدالمنان Abdul Mannan

.(Servant of the Strong (Allah عبدالمتین Abdul Matin

Servant of the Firm عبدالمتین Abdul Matin

Servant of the Retarder عبدالمٶخر Abdul Moakhir

Servant of the Honourer عبدالمعز Abdul Moez

Servant of the Surrounder عبدالمحصی Abdul Mohsi

Servant of the Death-giver عبدالممیت Abdul Momit

Servant of the Energizer عبدالمقیت Abdul Moqit

Servant of the Originator عبدالمبدی Abdul Mubdi

Slave of the Restorer, the Abdul Mueed .Replroducer عبدالمعید

Servant of the Enricher عبدالمغنی Abdul Mughni

.Slave of the Enricher عبدالمغنی Abdul Mughni

Abdul Servant of the All-preserver (Allah). عبدالمھیمن Muhaimin Slave of the Benefactor; Among the -known people was ibn-Ghalbun Al عبدالمحسن Abdul Muhsin Suri.

Slave of the One Who gives life and Abdul Muhyee .sustains it عبدالمحیی

.(Servant of the Restorer (Allah عبدالمعید Abdul Muid

.Slave of the Honourer, the Exalter عبدالمعز Abdul Muiz .(Servant of the Answerer (Allah عبدالمجیب Abdul Mujib

.(Servant of the All-faithful (Allah عبدالمٔومن Abdul Mumin

.(Servant of the Benefactor (Allah عبدالمنعم Abdul Munim

Abdul Servant of the Revenger عبدالمنتقم Muntaqim

Abdul Slave of Him Who punishes .wrongdoes and seizes retribution عبدالمنتقم Muntaqim

Abdul Servant of the Promoter عبدالمقدم Muqaddim

.Slave of the Sustainer عبدالمقیت Abdul Muqeet

Servant of the Equitable عبدالمقسط Abdul Muqsit

.Slave of the Just عبدالمقسط Abdul Muqsit

Abdul Servant of the Omnipotent (Allah). عبدالمقتدر Muqtadir

Abdul Servant of the Fashioner (Allah). عبدالمصور Musawwir

Abdul Servant of the Superb عبدالمتکبر Mutakabbir

.(Servant of the most High (Allah عبدالمتعالی Abdul Mutali

.(Servant of the Donor (Allah عبدالمعطی Abdul Muti

This was the name of the grand Abdul Muttalib father of the Prophet PBUH عبدالمطلب

.He was a narrator of Hadith عبدالمزنی Abdul Muzanni

.Slave of the Propitious عبدالنافع Abdul Nafi

Servant of the Withholder عبدالقابض Abdul Qabiz

.(Servant of the Powerful (Allah عبدالقدیر Abdul Qadeer

.(Servant of the Powerful (Allah عبدالقادر Abdul Qadir Servant of the Subduer عبدالقھار Abdul Qahhar

Slave of the Dominant عبدالقھار Abdul Qahhar

.(Servant of the Subduer (Allah عبدالقاھر Abdul Qahir

.(Servant of the Mighty (Allah عبدالقوی Abdul Qawi

.(Servant of the Eternal (Allah عبدالقیوم Abdul Qayyum

.(Servant of the All-Holy (Allah عبدالقدوس Abdul Quddus

.(Servant of the All-thankful (Allah عبدالشکور Abdul Shakoor

Servant of the Finder عبدالواجد Abdul Vajed

Servant of the Implementor عبدالوکیل Abdul Vakil

Servant of the Inheritor عبدالوالی Abdul Waali

Servant of the Vast عبدالواسع Abdul Waase

.(Servant of the All-loving (Allah عبدالودود Abdul Wadood

.(Servant of the All-give (Allah عبدالوھاب Abdul Wahhab

.(Servant of the One (Allah عبدالواحد Abdul Wahid

Servant of the Comrade عبدالولی Abdul Wali

Servant of the Survivor عبدالوارث Abdul Waris

Servant of Allah, slave of Allah; name of Prophet Muhammad's عبدال Abdullah Father.

Servant of the Giver of Gains عبدالنافع Abdun Naafe

.(Servant of the Helper (Allah عبدالناصر Abdun Nasir

.Servant of the Light عبدالنور Abdun Noor .(Servant of the Lord (Allah عبدالرب Abdur Rab

.(Servant of the Exalted (Allah عبدالرفیع Abdur Rafi

Servant of the most Merciful Abdur Rahim .(Allah) عبدالرحیم

Servant of the Compassionate عبدالرحیم Abdur Rahim

Servant of the most Gracious Abdur Rahman .(Allah) عبدالرحمٰن

Servant of the Beneficent عبدالرحمٰن Abdur Rahman

Servant of the Compassionate عبدالرٶف Abdur Raoof

.(Servant of the Observer (Allah عبدالرقیب Abdur Raqib

Servant of the Right-minded Abdur Rasheed .(Allah) عبدالرشید

.(Servant of the most Kind (Allah عبدال ٔرووف Abdur Rauf

.(Servant of the All-provider (Allah عبدالرزاق Abdur Razzaq

Ibn Khallad was so named; he was Abdus .a narrator of Hadith عبدوس

.(Servant of the Patient (Allah عبدالصبور Abdus Saboor

.Servant of the All-peaceable عبدالسلم Abdus Salam

.(Servant of the Eternal (Allah عبدالصمد Abdus

.(Servant of the All-hearing (Allah عبدالسمیع Abdus Sami

.(Servant of the Veiler of sin (Allah عبدالستار Abdus Sattar

.(Servant of the Glory (Allah عبدالسبحان Abdus Subhan

.Slave of the Extremely pure عبدالسبوح Abdus Subooh

.Slave of the Healer عبدالشافع Abdush Shafi Abdush Servant of the Witness عبدالشھید Shaheed

.Slave of the witness عبدالشاھد Abdush Shahid

Servant of the most forgiving Abdut Tawwab .(Allah) عبدالتواب

Servant of the Overt عبدالظاھر Abduz Zahir

.Slave of the Manifest عبدالظاھر Abduz Zahir

.Worshipper, adorer, devout عابد Abid

Pl. of Abid. i.e. worshippers, A Abidin .popular name among Muslims عابدین

.Worshipper of Allah عابدال Abidullah

Hail, Mail, Ibn Ashras a Narrator of Abrad .Hadith had this name ابرد

.Pl. of Birr, obedience, gift ابرار Abrar

Spotted, speckled; A master of penmanship during the early ابرش Abrash Abbasid period had this name.

.Pl. of Basar, vision, sight ابصار Absar

Probably from Abasa to frown; this was the name of Abdullah Ibn- Absi , a scholar and reciter of the عبسی Quran, died 828/829

One who lives in Abtah, a place Abt'hi .near Makkah ابطحی

A well-known Sahabi who had received the honour of offering hospitality to the Prophet ابو ایوب Abu Ayyub Muhammad when he migrated to Madinah.

Father of the young camel. The first Abu Bakr .Caliph of Islam ابوبکر

Famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah Abu Darda .PBUH ابودردآء

Author of one of the Sahih Hadith Abu Dawud .(d. 875) ابوداؤد Founder of the Hanafi school of Abu Hanifa .thought/ Islamic Law ابو حنیفه

A great Sahabi who is the narrator Abu Hurairah .(of many Ahadith (Traditions ابوھریره

A famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah Abu Huzaifah .PBUH ابوحذیفه

.Father of Isa ابو عیسیٰ Abu Isa .A Sahabi of the Holy Prophet PBUH ابو جحیفه Abu Juhafa

Abu Name of one companion of the .Prophet of Allah ابو محذوره Mahzoorah

A great Sahabi who participated in Abu Masood .the battle of Badr ابو مسعود

A well-known Sahabi; his full name Abu Moosa was Abu Moosa Al-Ashari ابو موسی

Father of dignified, name of a Abu Saeed .(Sahabi (RA ابو سعید

A great Sahabi who participated in Abu Talha .the battle of Badr ابوطلحه

Father of seeker; name of the Abu Talib .Prophet Muhammad's uncle ابو طالب

An attributive of Caliph Ali, the fourth of the 'rightly guided' Abu Turab Caliphs. The Prophet Muhammad ابوتراب gave him this epithet. A great Sahabi of the Prophet PBUH; one of the ten companions Abu Ubaidah whom the Holy Prophet PBUH has ابو عبیده declared as the people of Jannah.

Name of a great jurist and pupil of Abu Yousuf .Imam Abu Hanifah RA ابو یوسف

A great Sahabi of the Prohet of Abu Zar .Allah ابوذر

.Father of glory ابو العلیٰ Abul Alaa

.Father of blessings, blissful ابو البرکات Abul Barakat

Father of mankind. An epithet of Adam who was also the first ابو البشر Abul Bashar Prophet.

.Father of joy i.e. happy, glad ابو الفرح Abul Farah Possessor of comfort, father of Abul Faraj .comfort, comfortable ابو الفرج

.Father of victory, victorious ابو الفتح Abul Fath

.Endowed with bounty, grace ابو الفضل Abul Fazl

A Sahabi; also a great scholar of Abul Haisam .history ابوالھیثم

.Father of Hasan ابو الحسن Abul Hasan

.Father of Husain: Caliph Ali ابو الحسین Abul Husain

.Father of speech, eloquent ابو الکلم Abul Kalam

.Father of good work, virtuous ابو الخیر Abul Khair

.Father of virtues, merits ابو المحاسن Abul Mahasin

Father of Qasim, an attributive Abul Qasim .name of the Prophet Muhammad ابو القاسم

.Father of happiness, happy ابو الیمن Abul Yumn

A great Sahabi who participated in Abul Yusr .the battle of Badr ابوالیسر

.Clearer, more distinct ابین Abyan

.White, bright, brilliant ابیض Abyaz

Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and Abzari memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq ابزاری Ibrahim had this name

Name of the first man and Prophet Adam .of Allah; father of mankind آدم

A grandson of Sayyidina Umer RA, famous for hsi piety and عدوی Adawi knowledge.

.Coeval, match عدیل Adeel

.Black ادھم Adham A Sahabi of the Prophet of Allah PBUH. And a son of Haatim Taai, a Adi ;person famous for his in generosity عدی his full name was Adiyy ibn Haatim.

Well-mannered, courteous, Adib .polished, man of letters ادیب

.Just, upright, righteous عادل Adil

A companion of the Prophet PBUH; also the name of the son of Hatim Adiy Taiy known for his generosity; also عدی the son of Thabit had this name.

.Justice عدل Adl

.Pertaining to justice عدلی Adli A descendant of Ismail and traditional ancestor of the North Adnan Arabian tribes.. who called عدنان themselves 'the sons of Adnan'.

.Modest; Father of Caliph Usman عفان Affan

Chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, Afif .righteous, upright, decent عفیف

.(Virtuous of the religion (Islam عفیف الدین Afif-ud-Din

Gaining success-but the Prophet PBUH has discouraged us from افلح Aflah giving such names to our children.

.Crown افسر Afsar

.Adorning the religion افسرالدین Afsar-ud-Din

.Sun آفتاب Aftab

.(Sun of the religion (Islam آفتاب الدین Aftab-ud-Din

The Pardoner; He who pardons all who repent sincerely as if they had عفو Afuww no previous sin.

.Kindness, grace, favours, virtues افضال Afzaal

.Better, superior, prominent افضل Afzal

Handome, beautiful, distinguished, Agharr .illustrious, noble, Magnanimous اغر .Superior, supreme اغلب Aghlab

One, unique, without partner; one Ahad .of the names of Allah احد

.Pl. of Hadaf, aim, goal, target اھداف Ahdaf

.I praise Allah احمدال Ahmadullah

.Red Coloured احمر Ahmar

The most praised; one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad; I praise Ahmed First person present imperfect) احمد verb). Bin Qays bin Muwiyah bin Husayn at Tamimi had this name; he was a narrator احنف Ahnaf of Hadith Nobler, more respected, of higher Ahsab .nobility احسب

.Better, superior احسن Ahsan

Having narrow, contracted or Ahwas .squinting eyes اھوص

Confederate Bin Aseed had this Ahzab .name; he was a narrator of Hadith احزاب

This was the name of a reciter of the Quran who followed the recital عیض Aiz of Hamzah.

Pl. of Jawwad, open-handed, Ajawid .generous, noble اجاوید

Bald, hairless, Ibn Abdullah, a Ajlah .narrator of Hadith, had this name اجلح

.More beautiful, extremely beautiful اجمل Ajmal

.Better, more generous اجود Ajwad

Greater, bigger, greatest, most Akbar .pious, honourable اکبر

There have been several men of this name; there were three Akfash grammarians of this name in the اخفاش 8th / 9th century.

Bin Khalfah was so named; he was Akhas .a narrator of Hadith اخٔس .Good manners, morals اخلق Akhlaq

.Star, good luck اختر Akhtar

Honorific title of someone learned in Akhund .religious matters اخوند

Son of a person learned in religious Akhund Zada .matters اخوندزاده

Devoted to, dedicated to, ,persevering in, busily engaged عاکف Akif attached, intent.

.More complete, more perfect اکمل Akmal

.More generous, nobler, bountiful اکرم Akram

.An epithet of the Prophet Muhammad الٔمین Al Amin .The proof البرھان Al Burhan

.Name of a Fatimid Caliph الفاﺋز Al Faiz

.(Seventh Abbasid Caliph (813-33 المامون Al Mamoon

.One of the names of Allah الرفیع Al Rafi

The truthful, title of Abu Bakr the Al Siddiq .first righteous Caliph الصدیق

Nickname of Abdullah, son of Al Tahir .Muhammad who died in infancy الطاھر

Nickname of Abdullah, son of Al Tayyib .Muhammad who died in infancy الطیب

Glory of religion, excellence of Ala-ud-Din .(religion (Islam علءالدین

.Height, elevation علء Alaa

.The world, the universe عالم Alam

.World conqueror عالمگیر Alamgir

Learned, expert, scholar, omniscient; one of the names of علیم Aleem Allah. .Banner of guidance علم الھدیٰ Aleem-ul-Huda

.A learned person in religion علیم الدین Aleemuddin

High, lofty, sublime, eminent, excellence, noble, honourable; one Ali of the names of Allah; fourth Caliph علی of Islam. Infant son of Imam Husayn who attained martyrdom in the Karbala علی اصغر Ali Asghar when he was a suckling baby.

.Gift of Allah ال بخش Allah Bakhsh

.Comforter علل Allal

.Diamond الماس Almas

.Pl. of Lutf, kindness, grace, favour الطاف Altaf

.Kindness of Husain الطاف حسین Altaf Hussain

Elisha - a Prophet الیسع Alyasaa

.Pillar, post, support عماد Amad

Trust, safety, security, protection, ,tranquility, peace of mind امان Aman calmness.

Pl. of Umniya, wish, aspiration, Amani .hope امانی

.(Trust of religion (Islam امان الدین Amanuddin

Trust, care of Allah, protection of Amanullah .Allah امان ال

Chieftain, ruler, prince, commander, Ameer .lord, leader, master امیر

.Pillar, support, head عمید Amid

Support of the state, (It is used Amiduddawlah .(both as name & title عمید الدوله

Trustworthy, faithful, reliable, Amin .custodian, honest امین

.(Trustworthy in religion (Islam امین الدین Aminuddin Prosperous, populous, civilized, full Amir .of life, large عامر

.Pl. of majd, glory, honour امجاد Amjaad

Most glorious, most distinguished, ,more illustrious, most venerable امجد Amjad most noble.

Virtuous, pious, devout, religious, Ammar .tolerant عمار

.Old Arabic name عمرو Amr

.Clouds عنان Anan

.Friend انس Anas

The Freed slave of the Prophet PBUH had Anasah .this name انسه .Neat, elegant, smart انیق Aniq

Friend, close companion, sociable, Anis .intimate friend, companion انیس

.Plural of Najm, stars انجم Anjum

Pl. of Nasir, friend, patron, Ansar .supporter انصار

Relation through ancestry to an Ansar; the people who helped the Ansari Prophet when he migrated to انصاری Madinah.

.Hero in a story of chivalry عنتر Antar

Pl. of noor, meaning light, glow, Anwaar .gleam انوار

More bright, more brilliant, more Anwar .radiant, more luminous انور

.(Lights of the Beneficent (Allah انوارالکریم Anwarulkarim

.The most brilliant of the Sayyids انوار السادات Anwerus Sadat

.Most holy, more or most sacred اقدس Aqdas

Insight, mind, intellect, Aqeel .judiciousness, wise, sensible man عقیل Successor, an epithet of the Prophet Aqib .Muhammad عاقب

.Bright, brilliant, luminous, moonlit اقمر Aqmar

.Maker of trimmings, haberdasher عقاد Aqqad

A plain twelve miles south west of Makkah where pilgrims spend a day Arafat performing special worship of Allah عرفات during the Hajj.

Friends ارباب Arbab

Wise, intelligent, bright, brilliant, Areeb .clever اریب

.Learned, expert, authority عریف Areef

.Fragrant, sweet-smelling اریج Areej Very high ارفع Arfaa

Learned, expert, authority, saint, the highest position a mystic can عارف Arif attain.

.Pl. of Rukn, support, prop, pillar ارکان Arkan

Writer, the best recorder; companion of the Prophet ارقم Arqam Muhammad.

.Lion ارسلن Arsalan

Most rightly guided, most Arshad .reasonable ارشد

Handsome, more elegant, more Arshaq .graceful ارشق

Bin-Ashath was a narrator of Hadith Artah .who had this name ارطاه

.More delicate, more gracious اروح Arwah

.Wish, hope, love آرزو Arzu

.Virtuous, pious, happier, luckier اسعد As'ad

.Lion اسد Asad .(.Lion of Allah. Title of Ali (R.A اسدال Asadullah

.Coloured animal, huge flood, dyer اصبغ Asbagh

Bin Muhammad al-Qurashi a Asbat .narrator of Hadith had this name اسباط

Ibn Yazid, a narrator of Hadith had Aseed .this name اسید

.Preferred, noble, exquisite اثیر Aseer

Tanned sun burned, Bin Asla had this name; he was a narrator of اسفع Asfa Hadith.

.Younger, smaller, minute اصغر Asghar

.Lion, Diffcult, Strict اشعب Ash'ab .Scattered, Spread about, humble اشعث Asha'as

.Reddish, blond, fair اصھب Ashab

Abu ad-Dunya al-Maghrabi, had this Ashaj .name; he was a narrator of Hadith اشج

Pl. of Shafaqa, kindness, ,compassion, sympathy, pity, mercy اشفاق Ashfaq favours. Having bluish-black eyes; Bin Hatim had this name; he was a narrator of اشھل Ashhal Hadith.

.Adorer, lover, suitor عاشق Ashiq

.Adorer of Ali عاشق علی Ashiq Ali

Ashiq Adorer of the Prophet Muhammad. عاشق محمد Muhammad

.More courageous, braver اشجع Ashja

More honourable, most Ashraf .distinguished, eminent more nobler اشرف اشرف Ashrafus Sadat Most noble of the Sayyids. السادات Abu al-Hasan az-Ziyat a narrator of Ashras .Hadith was so named اشرس

Name of courtier in the kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman who is noted for آصف Asif his intelligence.

Of noble origin, highborn, pure, Asil .pristine اصیل

.Protector, guardian, chaste, safe عاصم Asim

.Captivating, fascinating آسر Asir

Troop عسکر Askar

.Soldier عسکری Askari

This name was the name of Asfa Asla .the narrator of Hadith اسلع

Very safe, safeguarded, better, more perfect, Aslam .more complete اسلم .He was Ibn Harithah Al-Aslami اسماء Asma

.Travel by night اسریٰ Asra

Secrets, mysteries, pl. of Sirr, Asrar .secret اسرار

Gift, present, favour, bounty, Ata .generosity عطاء

.Gift of Allah عطاءال Ataullah

.(Gift of the merciful (Allah عطاءالرحمٰن Ataur Rahman

Purer, more virtuous, most pious, Athar .meticulously neat and clean اطھر

Compassionate, affectionate, Atif .sympathetic, kind-hearted, loving عاطف

.Ancient, noble, antiquated عتیق Atiq

.Fragrant, aromatic عاطر Atir

.Perfumer, perfume vendor عطار Attar Affectionate, kind-hearted, Atuf .compassionate, loving عطوف

Scrupulously clean, refined, most Atyab .noble, excellent اطیب

Ornament of the throne, a person Aurangzeb .befitting the throne اورنگزیب

Myrtle; ace (in cards); Name of a number of Sahaba, e.g. Aus ibn Aus Sabit, Aus ibn Saamit, Aus ibn اوسٔ Kholy.

.Reward, compensation عوض Awad

Naim of a saint اویس Awais

Middle-aged, fierce. Abu Awanah Al- Waddah was a scholar of Hadith عوانه Awanah and a reciter of Quran.

;Guest, fragrance, lion عوف Awf

.Support, help عون Awn .Sincere repentant, supplicant اواب Awwab

First. Al-Awwal, the first: one of the Awwal .names of Allah اول

Pl. of Ayat, sign, verse of the Ayaat .Quran آیات

Sign, revelation, verse of the Ayat .Quran آیه

.Sign of Allah آیهال Ayatullah

.Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian ایبک Aybak

Lucky blessed, right-hand, right, on Ayman .the right, fortunate ایمن

.Source عین Ayn

Hasan like. Hasan was the name of the Prophet Muhammad's grandson عین الحسن Aynul Hasan from his daughter Fatima.

.Fountain of Life عین الحیات Aynul Hayat

.Fountain of blessing عین النعیم Aynun Naim ;Bread-seller عیاش Ayyash

.A Prophet, the biblical Job ایوب Ayyub

.Free, liberated آزاد Azad

Greater, greatest, more important, most important, most pious, most اعظم Azam exalted.

.Most victorious, winner اظفر Azfar

.Pl. of Zahra, flower, blossom ازاھر Azhaar

More glittering, blooming, shining, Azhar .bright, brilliant, luminous, radiant ازھر

More evident, most apparent, most Azhar .illuminated اظھر

Might, magnificent, glorious, great, dignified, exalted, determined; one of the عظیم Azim names of Allah. Might, strong, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, one of the عزیز Aziz names of Allah.

.Dear to Allah عزیزال Azizullah

.Majesty, pride, grandeur, greatness عظمھ Azmat

.One who fulfils his promise عزمی Azmi

More elegant, more graceful; more Azraf .humorous اظرف

Blue; name of a companion of the Azraq .Prophet PBUH, bin Qays ازرق

He was an authority on the history Azraqi .and geography of Makkah ازرقی

Upper arm, strength, power, Azud .support عضد

.(Support of religion (Islam عضدالدین Azududdin

Very determined, resolved, resolute عزام Azzam .Distinct, evident, plain, clear البادی Baadi

.Glorious, magnificent الباھی Baahi

.Prevailing باھر Baahir

.Major بالغ Baaligh

.Just, Pious بار Baar

.Brilliant, superior, outstanding بارع Baare

.Originator, creator باری Baari

Shining, lightning, bright, Baariq .illuminating بارق

.Tiger ببر Babar

Wonderful, marvelous, unique, Badi .amazing بدیع

.Unique in the world بدیع العالم Badiul Alam

.Genius of the time بدیع الزماں Badiuz Zaman

.Full moon بدر Badr

.Full moon of the world بدر عالم Badr-e-Alam

.Full moon of the dark بدرالدجٰی Badrud Duja

.(Full moon of religion (Islam بدرالدین Badruddin

Resident of Bagh or Baghshur in Baghawi .Khurasan بغوی

Beauty, glow, splendor Baha .magnificence بھاء .(Glow of the religion (Islam بھاءالدین Bahauddin

Examinar; Scholar of research; a companion of the Prophet PBUH had this بحاث Bahhas name. .Splendid, brilliant, shining بھی Bahi

Name of famous people, including; Abu Al-Husayn Muhammad, a Bahili student of Al-Ashari and Abu Umer باھلی Muhammad.

.Dazzling, brilliant باھر Bahir

.prevailing باھر Bahir

Radiant, brilliant of the religion Bahiyud Din .(Islam) بھی الدین

Splendours, pl. of Bahjah, delight, Bahjat .joy بھجات

.Acrobat بھلوان Bahlawan

Name of bin Hakeem; he has related many ahadith from his father, including the saying of the بھز Bahz Prophet PBUH "Anger spoils faith as aloes spoil honey."

.Honoured, venerated بجال Bajala

.Lucky, fortunate بخیت Bakhit

.Gift, fortunate, give, forgive بخش Bakhsh

.Luck, fortune بخت Bakht

Ibn Al-Mukhtar, a narrator of Bakhtari .Hadith, had this name بختری

.Fortunate, lucky بختیار Bakhtiyar

He was Ibn , Abu Isa a Bakkar reciter of the Quran and Author بکار

.Precocious, early coming بکور Bakur

Eloquent, learned, one who is Baleegh .qualified in the art of speech بلیغ Moisture; One of the Prophet PBUH Baleel .compaions had this name بلیل

Delighted; Al-Mahriyy had this Balj .name; he was a narrator of Hadith بلج

.Survival, immortality, eternity بقا Baqa .Permanent, everlasting, eternal باقی Baqi

Fierce lion, abounding in Baqir .knowledge, erudite, learned باقر

.Free. Name of a Sahabi RA برآء Bara

Blessings, good fortunes Barakat .prosperities; pl. of Barakah برکات

.Blessing of Allah برکات ال Barakatullah

Glitter, flash, luster, brightness, Bareeq .brilliance, radiance بریق

.Free, Free from hell بری Bari

.Pious, upright, just; sing. of Abraar بر Barr

.Flashing, bright, brilliant, glittering براق Barraq

.Smiling بسیم Baseem

.Sagacious بصیر Baseer

.Man, mankind بشر Bashar

.Good news, glad tidings بشارت Basharat

.Harbinger, bringer of good news بشیر Bashir

.Herald, bringer of glad tidings بشار Bashshar

.Brave, bold, valiant باسل Basil

.Smiling باسم Basim .One who stretches, enlarges باسط Basit

.Name of a Sahabiyah; dry land بصره Basrah

.Smiling بسام Bassam .Brave, champion, hero بطل Batal

Inward, within, secret, esoteric; Batin .one of the names of Allah باطن

Name of a saint بایزید Bayazid

.Falcon باز Baz

It was the name of the Tabiee, Abu Bazam . باذام

.Generosity of the All-merciful بزل الرحمٰن Bazlur Rahman

.Wakeful, attentive, enlightened بیدار Bedar

.(Attentive to the religion (Islam بیدار الدین Bedaruddin

.Honorific title i.e. Lord بک Beg

Water, moisture, freshness, river, sea. A Sahabi i.e. the companion of بلل Bilal Prophet Muhammad.

Name of the brother of Prophet Binyamin .Yusuf بن یامین

.Joy, happiness, cheerfulness بشر Bishr

Name of Sahabi RA who known as Bujair ibn Bujair was present in the بجیر Bujair battle of Badr. Muhammad ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari (810-870). author of one of the Bukhari Sahih Hadith i.e. collection of the بخاری Prophet Muhammad's traditions.

.Nightingale بلبل Bulbul

Bin Abbat a narrator of Hadith had Bulhut .this name بلھط

Cold, Mild; A companion of the Burayd .Prophet PBUH had this name برید It is the name of a place in Saudi- Arabia; name of a companion of the Buraydah Prophet PBUH bin al-Haseedb RA بریده who has narrated many Ahadiths.

.Proof, evidence برھان Burhan

.(Proof of the religion (Islam برھان الدین Burhan-ud-Din Unripe dates; It was the name of a companion ibn-Sufyan who was sent to Busr scout Makkah from Zu-al-Hulayfah when بسر they had intended to perform Umrah .Wisdom, Learning, Science دانش Daanish

.Root, origin, ultimate, bygone دابر Dabir

Ibn-Hanzalah had this name and he Daghfal .was the first genealogist of Islam دغفل

This ws the name of Wahb Ibn ,Zamai; who was a very noble دھبل Dahbal generous man.

.One who laughs much ضحاک Dahhak

A mighty ruler, judge, guard, Daiyan .protector دیان

.Foreigner, stranger دخیل Dakhil

A mufti of Baghdad, Ibn Ahmad al- Sajazi, had this name, he was a دعلج Dalaj very generous person.

.Guide, model, leader, example دلیل Dalil

.Wise, learned دانا Dana

.A Prophet of Allah دانیال Daniyal

.Possessor, sovereign دارا Dara

This was the name of a narrator of Darim .Hadith دارم

.Holy man درویش Darvesh

.Protector, saint دستگیر Dastgir Riches, happiness دوله Dawlah

A Prophet and father of Prophet Sulaiman. In Bible, he is known as داٶد Dawud David.

Name of a companion of the Daylam Prophet PBUH دیلم

.A mighty Ruler دیان Dayyan

.Vision, sight دیدار Didar .Commander of troops دحیه Dihyah

.Heart, mind دل Dil

.Soothing heart, mind دلنواز Dil Nawaz

.Bold, brave دلور Dilawar

.Charming, beloved دلدار Dildar

.Religion, faith, belief دین Din

It was the name of the grandfater Dina .of Abu Bin Thabit دینا

.Royal court, tribunal of justice دیوان Diwan

Diwan Court of the Prophet Muhammad. دیوان محمد Muhammad

.Friend دوست Dost

Dost Friend of the Prophet Muhammad. دوست محمد Muhammad Forenoon, (This name is generally pronounced as Zohya in non-Arabic ضحی Duha speaking countries like Pakistan/India). .Favour, good احسان Ehsaan

.Modesty, decency احتشام Ehtisham

.Miracle, wondrous nature اعجاز Ejaz Character اخلق Ekhlaq

.Name of one Prophet الیاس Elias .Victorious, triumphant, successful فاﺋز Faaiz

Conqueror فاتح Faateh

.Redeemer فادی Fadi

.Leopard, lynx فھد Fahd

Intelligent, judicious, learned, Faheem .erudite فھیم

.Intelligent, intellectual فھمی Fahmi

Benefit, advantage, gain, worth, Faid .welfare فاﺋد فاید

Excellent, outstanding, Faiq .distinguished, superior فاﺋق

Umpire, arbitrator, decisive, sword, Faisal .a judge فیصل

Super abundance, effluence, plenty, Faiz .generosity, grace, favour, bounty فیض

.Possessing divine surplus فیض ربانی Faiz-e-Rabbani

Benefactor فیضان Faizan

.Endowed with superabundance فیضی Faizi

.Abundance of light or graces فیض النوار Faizul Anwar

.Abundance from Allah فیض ال Faizullah

.Dawn, rise, beginning, start فجر Fajr

.Cheerful فکیه Fakeeh

Excellent, superior, magnificent, Fakhir .honourable, precious, proud فاخر .Glory, pride, honour فخر Fakhr

Fakhr-ud- Glory of kingdom/state. فخرالدوله Dawlah

.(Pride of the religion (Islam فخرالدین Fakhr-ud-Din

.Proud (for noble cause), honorary فخری Fakhri

.Humorous فاکه Fakih

.Success, prosperity فلح Falah

Fortunate, lucky, successful, Falih .prosperous فالح

Jurist, scholar in fight (Islamic Faqih .(jurisprudence فقیه

Poor, needy, one renounces the Faqir .world i.e. Sufi mendicant فقیر

Name of a companion, bin Umayr Farafisa .Al-Hanafi فرافصه

.Happiness, delight فرح Farah

.Joys, delights فرحات Farahat

.Comfort, relief, ease, repose فرج Faraj

.Perception, sagacity فراست Farasat

.Ascent, height فراز Faraz

Glad, happy, joyful, cheerful, Farhan .delighted فرحان

.Tall, towering, lofty فارع Fari

.Unique, matchless, precious فرید Farid

.(Unique of the religion (Islam فریدالدین Fariduddin

.Happy, delight فارح Farih .Horseman, knight فارس Faris

.Order, decree فرمان Farman .Order of Allah فرمان ال Farmanullah

.(Sprout, shoot, young (bird فروخ Farookh

One who distinguishes truth from .falsehood and right from wrong فاروق Farooq Title of the Caliph Umar.

.Two bright stars of Ursa Minor فرقد Farqad

Beautiful-faced, happy, auspicious, Farrukh .fortunate فرخ

Some companions had this name, -for instance Ibn-Musayk and Ibn فروه Farwah Nawfal, and ibn-Amr.

.Eloquent, fluent, well-spoken فصیح Fasih فصیح Fasih Ur Eloquent (by grace of Rahman i.e. .(Allah الرحمٰن Rahman

.Intelligent, sagacious, smart, clever فطن Fatan

.Victory, conquest, triumph, success فتح Fath

.One who wins victory after victory فتحی Fathi

Victory granted by Allah, victory of Fathullah .Allah فتح ال

One who eases difficulties, Fatih .conqueror فاتح

Deadly, Lethal; Ibn-Fadalah a Fatik .narrator of Hadith was so named فاتک

.Clever, fascinating فاﺋن Fatin

Conqueror, victor, one who opens, one who eases difficulties; an فتاح Fattah attribute of Allah.

.Charming, bright فتان Fattan The little conqueror, diminutive of Fattooh .Fattah فتوح

Winner of victory after victory, Fawwaz .successful فواز

.Victory, triumph, success فوز Fawz .Successful, Slavation فوزان Fawzan

.Triumphant, victorious, successful فوزی Fawzy

Generous, munificent, most Fayyaz .bountiful, most generous فیاض

.Grace of the truth i.e. Allah فیض الحق Fayzul Haq

Name of the father of Anas and Munis whom the Prophet PBUH sent Fazalah as scouts to watch Quraysh فضاله movements at Badr. An accomplished person, ,knowledgeable virtuous, superior فاضل Fazil outstanding, eminent.

.(Bounty of religion (Islam فیض الدین Faziuddin

Favour, grace, kindness, gift, ,present, bounty, excellence, virtue فضل Fazl extra.

.Bounty of Allah فضل الٰھی Fazle Ilahi

.(Bounty of the Lord (Allah فضل مولٰی Fazle Mawla

.Bounty of lord فضل رب Fazle Rab

.Bounty of my Lord فضل ربی Fazle Rabbi

.Kind, bountiful, graceful, virtuous فضلی Fazli

.Bounty of Allah فضل ال Fazlullah

.Bounty of the Truth i.e. Allah فضل الحق Fazulul Haq

.Sacrifice, redemption فداء Fida

.Honour, pride, glory فخار Fikhar .Perspicacity فراس Firas

.Perspicacity, acumen فراسه Firasah

.Turquoise فیروز Firoz Silver; Ibn Abu Mawdood, a Fizza .narrator of Hadith had this name فضه

.The heart فواد Fuad

Name of a companion of the Fujai .Prophet PBUH Al-Fujai, Al-Amiri فجیع

.Splendour, light, brightness فروغ Furoogh

Criterion (between right and wrong), proof, evidence, another فرقان Furqan name for he Quran.

.Victories, conquests; pl. of fatah فتوح Futuh

.Diminutive of Fazl فضیل Fuzail .Gem, jewel, noble گوھر Gauhar

Most forgiving, one of the names of Ghaffar .Allah غفار

.Most forgiving غفور Ghafur

.Rain غیث Ghais

.Helper, reliever, winner غیاث Ghaiyyas

.Conqueror غالب Ghalib

.Ever victorious, triumphant غلب Ghallab

Rich, wealthy, prosperous, all- sufficient, one of the names of غنی Ghani Allah.

.Successful غانم

Shepherd; Name of a companion Ghannam .who took part in the battle of Badr غنام .Poor, need, humble; stranger غریب

.(Prime, vigor (of youth غسان Ghassan

.Help, aid, rescue, succor غوث Ghaus

Great, Fat; One of the companions of the Prophet PBUH bin Salamah غیلن Ghaylan As-Saqafi had this name.

.Self-respecting غیور Ghayoor

Spinner غزلن Ghazalan

.Lion, title of Caliph Ali غضنفر Ghazanfar

Warrior, a companion of the prophet Ghazawan .PBUH had this name غزوان

.Conqueror, hero, gallant soldier غازی Ghazi

.Name of a reciter of Quran, Ibn Khalid غزال Ghazzal Deliverance from hardships, ,succorer, aid given in time of need غیاث Ghiyas rain.

.(Helper of the religion (Islam غیاث الدین Ghiyas-ud-Din

.Pardon, forgiveness غفران Ghofran

.Servant, boy, youth غلم Ghulam

A person who takes booty. Name of Ghunaim .a Sahabi RA غنیم

.ne who collects booty غنین Ghunayn

.A well of a person; well to do غطیف Ghutaif

.A beautiful flower گل رعنا Gul-e-Rana

.Rose گلب Gulab

.Rose faced گلفام Gulfam .A flower Garden گلشن Gulshan

Flower-garden گلزار Gulzar Title of a man who has memorized ,the whole Quran; guardian حافظ Haafiz protector, attribute of Allah.

.Aim, goal, end حباب Habab

Guinea hen, Guinea fowl;, turkey; A tabaee (successor of the هباش Habash companions) was so named. Name of one of the sons of Sayyidina Aadam AS; his sacrifice Habeel wias accepted by Allah but that of ھابیل Qabeel, his brother rejected.

.Beloved, dear, friend حبیب Habib

.Friend of Allah, dear to Allah حبیب ال Habibullah

Ibn Sad al-Taiy had this name; he ws a narrator of Hadith; a Habis companion, Al-Tamimi RA also had حابس this name.

.Gifts, presents, pl. of Hadiyaa ھدایه Hadaya

Blacksmith, Iron Smith; An Egyption jurist and judge who was a disciple of Al-Tabari, Muhammad حداد Haddad Ibn-Ahmad was named ibn Al- Haddad

One who leads to the right path, Hadi .guide, one of the names of Allah ھادی

There have been notable men with this name, for isntance, (i) Abdullah Hadrami ibn-Abi Ishaq, a Quran reciter of حضرمی Basrah.

.Guardian, protector حفیظ Hafeez

Remembrance of Allah حفظ ال Hafizullah

.Collecting, gathering حفص Hafs

.Lion, Title of Caliph Ali حیدر Haidar

Title of someone who has Haji .performed Hajj حاجی Doorman, janitor, bailiff, eyebrow, edge, covering; Ibn Hajib was the name of the director of the Bureau حاجب Hajib of the Sawad under Muizz Al- Dawlah Orbit, eye socket; Orgument, debate; Ibn-Yusuf the well-known حجاج Hajjaj ruler of Iraq had this name.

.Arbitrator, judge حکم Hakam

.Wise, sage, judicious, prudent حکیم Hakeem .Judge, ruler, governor, leader, chief حاکم Hakim

.Ally حلیف Halif

.Patient, tolerant, clement حلیم Halim

Cotton ginner; Al-Husayn ibn Mansur had this name, he was a -famous martyr brought up at al حلج Hallaj Wasit and grew up as an ascetic and extreme mystic. Confectioner. This was the name of Ahmad Ibn-Zayd a reciter of the حلوانی Halwani Quran and student of Hadith.

.Enthusiasm, fervour حمس Hamas

.Praise, laudation of Allah حمد Hamd

.The one who lauds, extols حمدان Hamdan

.All-laudable حمید Hameed

.Servant of the All-laudable حمیدال Hameedullah

Protector, Patron, Supporter, Hami .defender حامی

.Praiser حامد Hamid

.Close friend حمیم Hamim

.(Praising (Allah حماد Hammad

.Energetic, active ھمام Hammam .Much praise to Allah حمود Hammud

Praised, commended, praiseworthy, Hamud .commendable حمود

Lion. Name of the Prophet Hamza .Muhammad's uncle حمزه

A Hadith is anrrated by him to the effect that Sayyidina Ali RA Hanash Sacrificed two rams on the day of حنش Sacrifice. .Joyful, happy ھانیٔ Hani .True believer, true faith, upright حنیف Hanif

Upright. Name of Al-Numan Ibn Thabit, the great jurist of Al-Kufah, Hanifah the Hanafi School takes its name حنیفه from him.

.(True of religion (Islam حنیف الدین Hanifud Din

.Yearning, desire حنین Hanin

Compassionate, merciful, Hannan .affectionate, tender-hearted حنان

Compassionate, merciful, affectionate, tender-hearted, soft حنون Hanoon hearted. This was the name of Ibn Abu "Aamir Al-Ansari; he is known as al- Hanzalah ghasil because when he had joined حنظله the battle at Uhud

.True, truth, real, right, just حق Haq

.Correct, right, proper حقانی Haqqani

A person who upholds the truth, Haqqi .just حقی

Sacred; A companion of the Prophet Haraam PBUH had this name حرام

.Pungent, Acrid حریف Hareef

.Respectable حریم Hareem

;Sanctuary, Sacred Place حریم Harim Silk, Silken Cloth. Ibn Al-Sarih was Harir .so named حریر

.Vigilant, guardian حارس Haris

Ploughman, cultivator, agnomen of Haris .lion حارث

Farmer, Ibn-Wahb was a companion Harisah .who had this name حارثه

.Strong, secure, guarded حریز Hariz

A Plant (African rue); An Egyption disciple of Shafaee had this name. He was Ibn حرمله Harmalah Yahya. Chief, protector, guard, the wealth of the entire universe, a Prophet Haroon known as Aaron in the Bible and ھارون brother of Prophet Moses. ھارون Harun Al Celebrated Abbasid Caliph (786- .(809 الرشید Rashid

.Handsome, beautiful, good-looking حسن Hasan

.Good deeds, kind acts, favours حسنات Hasanat

.Strong, secure, immune حسین Haseen

.Collector حاشر Hasher

One who rallies people, crowded, Hashid .gathered حاشد

One who smashes or breaks anything to pieces. Grandfather of ھاشم Hashim the Prophet Muhammad. Hashemite, a nisba (relation) through ancestry to the Banu ھاشمی Hashimi Haashim.

.Prompt, magnificence حشمت Hashmat

Noble, respected, highborn, Hasib .esteemed حسیب

.Judicious, wise, prudent, sagacious حصیف Hasif

.Decisive, definite حاسم Hasim .Handsome حسین Hasin

The two Hasans, Hasan and Husain, the two sons of Caliph Ali and it is حسنین Hasnain used as name of one person.

.Very handsome, beautifier حسان

.Judge, justice, decider حاتم Hatem

;A wood collector حاطب Hatib

Praiser; a voice from heaven, or from an invisible speaker; guardian ھاتف Hatif angel. .A son of Imam Muslim had this name حوشب Hawshab .Life حیات Hayat

.Lion ھیشم Haysam

.Alive, living حی Hayy

.Lively, energetic حیان Hayyan

Firm, resolute, energetic, judicious, Hazim .discreet, prudent حازم

An honorific title, used at the Hazrat .beginning of a name حضرت

.Gift ھبه Hiba

.Gift of Allah ھبهال Hibatullah

Having too much flesh, angry, outburst. Name of a scholar of حبان Hibban Hadith.

.Instruction ھدایت Hidayat

.(Guidance of the Truth (Allah ھدایت الحق Hidayat-ul-Haq

.Guidance of Allah ھدایت ال Hidayatullah

Guidance of Allah هدایت ال Hidayatullah Remembrance of the Beneficent حفظ الرحمٰن Hifzur Rahman

.Wisdom حکمت Hikmat

Crescent; A companion of the Hilaal Prophet PBUH ھلل

.Crescent, new moon ھلل Hilal

.Crescent-like ھللی Hilali

Patient, tolerant, lenient, clement, Hilmi .wise حلمی

.Protection, safeguarding, sheltering حمایت Himayat Ambition, endeavour, resolution, Himmat .determination ھمت

Beneficence, generosity, Name of a Hisham .Sahabi ھشام

A companion of the Prophet حدیفه Hozaifah

.Bubble of Water حباب Hubaab

.Well known bird. Name of a Tabi حبیش Hubaish

ھبیل Hubayl

A Prophet title of the 11th Sura of Hud .the Quran ھود

.Right, guidance, right path ھدیٰ Huda

The father of Ajlah bin Abdullah was Hujayyah .so called حجیه

.Argument, reasoning, proof حجت Hujjat

.Old Arabic name حلیل Hulayl

Brave and noble, magnanimous, Humam .courageous, generous ھمام

Brave (person) of the religion Humamuddin .Islam), generous) ھمام الدین .Diminutive of Ahmad, praised حمید Humayd

A companion of the Prophet PBUH Humayl .had this name ھمیل

Auspicious, fortunate, Mohammad Humayun (d. 1556): name of a ھمایوں Humayun Mughal Emperor. This was the name of the most important man in the Baytal ھنین Hunayn Hikmah (House of Wisdom) Kitten. This name is usually used in ,"combination with the word "Abu ھریره Hurayra as Abu-Hurayra.

;A small cultivator حریث Hurays

.Chastity; sacred حرمت Hurmat .Liberal, free حره Hurrah

.Sword حسام Husam

.Sword of the state حسام الدوله Husamuddawlah

.(Sword of religion (Islam حسام الدین Husamuddin

Diminutive of Hasan, beautiful, Imam Husayn: second son of Caliph حسین Husayn Ali. In protection, security, ibn-Umar and Ibn-Wahuj (or Wah Wah) had حصین Husayn this name.

Of Husayn; nisba (relation) through Husayni .ancestry to Husayn حسینی

.Possessing beauty حسنی Husni

.An old Arabic name, short-statured حزیفه Huzaifa

.Bin Shurah bil had this name ھزیل Huzayl .Son ابن Ibn

Sina was the father of Abu Ali Ib-e- Sina, the celebrated physician ابن سینا Ibn Sina Avicenna. Kind father, (combination of Abu, father and Rahim, kind) a Prophet's ابراھیم Ibrahim name. .Smiling, smile ابتسام Ibtisam

Intellect, perception, achievement, Idrak .attainment ادرک

A Prophet, the biblical Enoch/ Idris .Henoch ادریس

.Honour, grace, glory, pride, repute افتخار Iftikhar

.(Pride of the religion (Islam افتخار الدین Iftikhar-ud-Din

Iftikharus Pride of the chiefs. افتخارالسادات Sadat

.(Kindness of the Truth (Allah احسان الحق Ihsanul Haq

.Honour, hold in honour احترام Ihtiraam

Miracle, inimitability, astonishment, Ijaz .wondrous nature اعجاز

.(Inimitability of the Truth (Allah اعجاز الحق Ijazul Haq

Glorification, exaltation, honesty, Ijlal .integrity, fidelity, faithfulness اجلل

This was the name of the makes of Ijli .astrolables عجلی

.Sincerity, purity اخلص Ikhlas

.Choice, preference, selection اختیار Ikhtiyar

.Crown, garland اکلیل Iklil

Honouring, glory, esteem, respect, Ikram .veneration اکرام

.(Glory of the Truth (Allah اکرام الحق Ikram-ul-Haq .Glory of Allah اکرام ال Ikramullah

A female pigeon. Name of an Ikrima .illustrious Sahabi عکرمه

.Elixir اکسیر Iksir .My lord (for Allah), divine الھی Ilahi

.Gift of Allah الھی بخش Ilahi Bakhsh

.Inspiration, revelation الھام Ilham

.Friendship, kindness, obligation التفات Iltifat

.A Prophet, the biblical Elias الیاس Ilyas

.Pillar عماد Imaad

.(Pillar of the faith (Islam عماد الدین Imaduddin

One who leads communal prayer, Imam .leader, chief امام

.Belief, faith in Allah ایمان Iman

.Help aid, support امداد Imdad

Population, civilization, careful observance of rules of etiquette. Father of Maryam (Mother of عمران Imran Prophet Isa) i.e. Mary, mother of Jesus.

Distinction, privilege, mark of Imtiaz .honour امتیاز

.Gift, present, prize, grant, reward انعام Inam

.(Gift of Truth (Allah انعام الحق Inamul Haq

Care, concern, favour, bounty, Inayat .kindness عنایت

.(Care of religion (Islam عنایت الدین Inayatuddin

.Care of Allah عنایت ال Inayatullah

عنایت Inayatur Care of the most Gracious (Allah). الرحمٰن Rahman

Justice, impartiality, fairness, Insaf .equity انصاف .Delight, happiness, cheerfulness انشراح Inshirah

Choice انتخاب Intikhab

.Victory, triumph انتصار Intisar

Wait انتظار Intizar

Prosperity, good fortune, good-luck, Iqbal .responsiveness, welfare اقبال

A man of early Islam about whom Iqrit .amusing tales are told عقرت

.Power, Office, Authority یقتدار Iqtidar

Knowledge, learning, perception, ,erudition, discernment, science عرفان Irfan wisdom, knowledge

.Guidance, guiding hand, instruction ارشاد Irshad

.Contentment, approval ارتضاء Irtiza

.Approval of Husayn ارتضاءحسین Irtiza Husain

.A Prophet, the biblical Jesus عیسیٰ Isa

.Selflessness ایثار Isaar

Making happy or prosperous, Isad .blessing, favoring اسعاد

.Self-made عصام Isam

From Isbahan; quite a few people were kown by this name; Abu Bakr ibn Ashtah, among them; he wrote اصبھانی Isbahani on the syntax and rhetoric of the Quran One who laughs. A Prophet, the biblical Isaac and son of Prophet اسحاق Ishaq Ibrahim.

.Compassion, sympathy, pity اشفاق Ishfaq Society, Familiar and pleasant talk, Ishrat .happiness عشرت Fondness, wish, desire, yearning, Ishtiyaq .eagerness اشتیاق

.Iskaf is a shoe-maker اسکافی Iskafi

Name of a Greek king, Alexander. Iskander Mirza: President of اسکندر Iskandar Pakistan (1956-58).

.Reform, improvement, betterment اصلح Islah

To bow ones head in submission, (surrender (to the will of Allah اسلم Islam name of the religion of the Muslims. Preservation; infallibility; A 9th century scholar, ibn Hammad had عصمه Ismah this name.

A Prophet, the biblical Ishmael and Ismail .son of Prophet Ibrahim اسماعیل

.Purity, chastity, modesty عصمت Ismat

.Travel by night اسراء Isra

Angel who will blow the Trumpet اسرافیل Israfil

.Another name of Prophet Yaqub اسراﺋیل Israil

.Secret, mystery اسرار Israr

A Shafaee jurist, Abu Saeed Al- Istakhri .Hasan had this name اصطخری

To choose, to prefer, to give prefer Istifa .to one over the other اصطفاء

;The name of Abu Mansur, the Turk ایتاخ Itakh

;Censured, blamed عتبان Itban

Moderation, moderateness, Itidal .clemency اعتدال

.Reliance, dependence, confidence اعتماد Itimad

;Compensation ایاس Iyaas Generous, Ibn Himar Mujashit had this name and he was a companion عیاض Iyaaz of the Prophet PBUH. .Support, might, strength ایاد Iyad

Name of Abu Jafar, a jurist and Iyali .disciple of Abu Tawr عیالی

Honour, esteem, regard, affection, to respect an honour, or raise to an اعزاز Izaz exalted position.

.Honour of the state اعزازالدوله Izazuddawlah

.Power, might, honour عز Izz

.Honour, fame, power عزه Izzat

.(Honour of the religion (Islam عزالدین Izzuddin Mountain; ibn Yazid, who lived and held hight office during the reigns Jabal of Al-Mansur and Al-Mahdi, had this جبل name. Name of Ibn Harisah a companion of the Prophet PBUH. And one who جبله Jabalah had participated in the Badr Battle.

.Powerful, mighty جبار Jabbar

.Consoler, restorer, comforter جابر Jabir

Compulsion name of a companion, Ibn Ateeq; also bin Habib and bin جبر Jabr Nawf.

Curly, Frizzled; ibn Dirhim had this Jad .name, he ws the tutor of Marwan جعد

.Brook, rivulet جدول Jadwal

.Spring, rivulet جعفر Jafar

.Rank جاه Jah

.World جھان Jahan

.World conqueror جھانگیر Jahangir

Abu Amr Nasr, an authority for Jahdami .Hadith had this name جھضمی

Abu al Mujashshar had this name; Jahdari .he was an authority for the Quran جھدری .Diligent, hardworking, striving جاھد Jahid

Sullen, Ibn Huzafah Al-Adawi had this name; he helped conduct the جھم Jahm funeral of Sayyidina Usman RA.

.Majesty, grandeur, glory جلل Jalal

.(The majesty of religion (Islam جلل الدین Jalal-ud-Din

Attainer جالب Jaleb

.Great, exalted, magnificent جلیل Jalil

Companion جلیس Jalis .Beauty, grace جمال Jamal

.(Beauty of the religion (Islam جمال الدین Jamal-ud-Din

.Gatherer, collector, author, writer جامع Jami

.Handsome, attractive, impressive جمیل Jamil

Name of Muhammad Ibn Amr who related anecdotes and recited Jammaz -poetry at the court of al جماز Mutawwakil.

.The sun in Pisces جمشید Jamshed

.Defiant جموح Jamuh

.Life, sing جان Jan

Jan Life of Muhammad. جان محمد Muhammad

.Life of the world جان عالم Jan-e-Alam

.Name of a Sahabi RA جندره Jandarah

.Surgeon; name of a tabaree جراح Jaraah

Corpulent; A distinguished Jareer ,companion جریر This was the name of Ibn Jamil; he Jariya was on eof the Ashab-As-Suffa جاریه

Name of a companion of the Jarood Prophet PBUH جارود

Very Brave جرار Jarrar

.Neighbour of Allah جار ال Jarullah

.Great and famous جسیم Jasim

.(Great (man) of the religion (Islam جسیم الدین Jasim-ud-Din

.Brave, bold, courageous, valiant جاسر Jasir

.Brave, bold, courageous, valiant جسور Jasur

.Eternal, perpetual جاوید Javed

.Generous, liberal, open-handed جواد Jawad

.Jewels; pl. of jawhar, jewel جواھر Jawahir

Goodness جودان Jawdan

.Jewel, gem, essence جوھر Jawhar

Arch Angel جبراﺋیل Jibrail

.Strive, holy war جھاد Jihad

Very good; there is also a mountain Jiyad .in Makkah by this name جیاد

.An honorific title, Your Excellency جناب Jnab

One black and ill-shaped, a black beetle, quarrelsome. Name of a جعیل Juail Sahabi. Compelled, Assisted a companion of ,the Prophet PBUH ibn Mutim RA جبیر Jubayr also ibn Nufayr RA. This was the name of a skilled Kufic (Script) writer who wrote copies of Juday the Quran during the reign of جدی Mutasim. Sullen; A companion of the Prophet Juhaym .PBUH was so named جھیم

.Pearl; name of a companion جمانه Jumanah

A thick rope, a rope with which a Jummal .boat is anchored جمال

.Diminutive of Jund, army, soldiers جنید Junayd

Grasshopper, A companion ibn- Jundub .Abdullah had this name جندب

This was the name of a teacher of Tabari, he was also an authority for جریج Jurayj Hadith.

.He was ibn Khuwaylid Al-Aslami جرھد Jurhad .Nightmare; Name of a companion جثامه Jusamah Quarrdsome; A companion of the Prophet PBUH, Ibn Suraqah al-Dumari had this جعیل Juyal name and was one of the Ahl as Suffah. .Fame, honour, high rank کعب Kab

Great, grand, magnificent, senior, Kabir .Allah's epithet کبیر

Sufficient, Al-Kafi, one of he names Kafi .of Allah کافی

Guarantor, surety, sponsor, Kafil .responsible کفیل

.State, condition, mood کیف Kaif

Wise; A companion of the Prophet PBUH. was known by this name. He کیسان Kaisan was Ibn-Jareer Al-Awami RA. Name of Ibrahim Abdullah of Basrah, an authority for the Hadith کجی Kajji at Baghdad.

.Speech, conversation کلم Kalam

Name of Muhammad Ibn Saib an authority on genealogy and the کلبی Kalbi Quran.

Interlocutor, speaker, one of the Kalim .two conservators کلیم

Spokesman of religion کلیم الدین Kalim-ud-Din One who conversed with Allah. An Kalimullah .epithet of Prophet Moses کلیم ال

.Perfection, completion, integrity کمال Kamal

.(Perfection of religion (Islam کمال الدین Kamaluddin

Perfect, complete, genuine, total, Kamil .learned کامل

Perfect, consumate, thotough; Abu Bakr Ahmad was Ibn Kamil; he Kamil studied with Tabari and was a judge کامل at Kufah and a scholar of Hadith.

.Lucky, happy, success کامران Kamran

.Generosity, bounty کرم Karam

Karimah is dignity, honour, respect. Name of a companion of the کرامت Karamat Prophet PBUH.

.Bounty of Allah کرم ال Karamullah .Prime minister کاردار Kardar

Kind, generous, benevolent, noble, ,bountiful, magnificent, gracious کریم Karim merciful, an epithet of Allah.

.Repeated assault کرار Karrar

.Discoverer کاشف Kashif

.Winner, provider کسیب Kasib

.Much abundant, plenty کثیر Kasir

.Planet کوکب Kaukab

Abundance, name of a river in Kausar ..Paradise کوثر

.(Just, noble. King of Iran (d. 1058 کیکاٶس Kaykaus

One who controls or suppresses his Kazim .anger کاظم

;One who paces, trots or walks fast خباب Khabbab .Learned, expert, authority خبیر Khabir

.Servant خادم Khadim

Easy, comfortable, smooth; also a name of Allah Al-Khafid meaning Khafiz ,one who humbles, The Abaser خافض hence Abdul Khafid.

Good, blessing, boon, wealth, Khair .benevolent, fortune خیر

.Blessings, good work, good deeds خیرات Khairat

.(Boon of religion (Islam خیرالدین Khairuddin

Best of mankind, an epithet of the Khairul Bashar .Prophet Muhammad خیرالبشر

.Successor, heir خلف Khalaf

.Successor of Hasan خلف حسن Khalaf Hasan Name of a famous Muslim philosopher, historian & social خلدون Khaldun scientist.

.Abiding خلید Khaleed

.Qualified, suitable, worthy of خلیق Khaleeq

.Immortal, eternal خالد Khalid

General to whom the Prophet Khalid Bin Muhammad awarded the title of خالد ابن ولید Walid honour, Sword of Allah (d. 642).

Successor, viceroy, caliph, vice- Khalifa .regent حلیفه

.Friend خلیل Khalil

Friend of Allah, an epithet of Khalilullah .Prophet Ibrahim خلیل ال

.Creator خالق Khaliq

Khaliqus Worthy of the Glory (Allah). خلیق السبحان Subhan

Khaliquz The qualified (person) of the era. خلیق الزماں Zaman .Pure, true, clear, real خالص Khalis

Old, Aged; A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, he خلد Khallad was Ibn As-Saib.

Outside, external; Ibn Huzafah a Kharijah .companion, had this name خارجه

.Pious, devout خاشع Khashi

.Fruitful, prolific خصیب Khasib

Orator, title of someone who Khateeb .delivers speech خطیب

.Suitor, matchmaker خاطب Khatib

.Heart, idea خاطر Khatir

Deer. Name of a Sahabi who participated Khawli .in the battle of Badr خولی To be filled with food. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the خواث Khawwas battle of Badr. Name of a companion, bin Jubayr RA who was one of those whom them Prophet PBUH sent to verify خوات Khawwat reports of treachery of Banu Quraysh.

.Goodness, health, Safe خیر Khayr

.Benevolent, charitable, beneficent خیری Khayri

.Tent-maker خیام Khayyam

Tailor; Name of Abu Muhammad al- Khayyat .Qasim, a reciter of The Quran= خیاط

.Generous خیر Khayyir

.Treasurer خاذن Khazin

A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, he was ibn Satamah خداش Khidash RA.

Scratching, Scraping, Name of a Khirash .companion, ibn Abdullah خراش .Name of a Prophet خضر Khizar

A fast walker; Ibn "Adi al-Ansari RA" a companion of the Prophet Khubayb PBUH who participated in the battle خبیب of Badr had this name.

.(Gift of Khuda (Allah خدا بخش Khuda Bakhsh

A form of Khalidah, meaning: permanent. Name of a Sahabi who خلیده Khulaidah participated in the battle of Badr. A form of Khalifah, meaning: Successor, heir. Name of a Sahabi Khulaifah who participated in the battle of خلیفه Badr.

Abidingt; A companion of the Khulayd .Prophet PBUH خلید

.Immortality, eternity خلود Khulud

Hidden; Name of a companion of Khunays .the Prophet PBUH خنیس

.Ibn Fatik had this name خریم Khuraym

Name of ibn Jazi RA, A companion of the Prophet PBUH also bin Sabit a noted خریمه Khuraymah companion who was martyred at Badr. .Cheerful, glad, fresh خرم Khurram

.Sun خورشید Khurshid

.Fortunate, of good fortune خوش بخت Khush Bakht

.Old Arabic name خزیمه Khuzayma

.Divine majesty, divine grandeur کبریاء Kibria

.Struggle, fight کفاح Kifah

.Self-sufficiency کفایت Kifayat

.A country, region کشور Kishwar

The mountain of light, name of a Kohinoor .precious stone کوه نور Ibn Al-Husayn al-Ghifari a well- ;known companion had this name کلثوم Kulsoom and quite a few others.

.Ibn Abi Muslim al-Hashami had this name کریب Kurayb Intelligent, reasonable, rational, Labib .wise لبیب

A companion لبید Labid

Bin Uqabah al-Misri a narrator of Lahi'ah .Hadith had this name لھیعه

.Worthy, deserving, capable, decent لﺋق Laiq

A famous jurist had this name. bin Lais Saad bin Abdur Rahman لیث

A companion of the Prophet PBUH Lajlaj .al-Aamiree RA had this name لجلج

Bin Sabirah RA was a well-known Laqeet .companion of the Prophet PBUH لقیط

.Soldier, army لشکر Laskhar

Kind, gracious, courteous, gentle, Latif .friendly لطیف

.Worthy, capable, clever, sensible لٔیق Layeeq

.Tender, resilient لین Layyin

Decorum, decency, competence, Liaquat .worth, capability, merit لیاقت

Ibn Zabbar had this name; he was Limazah .a narrator of hadith لمازه

.Tongue, language لسان Lisan

.(Language of religion (Islam لسان الدین Lisanuddin

The sage Luqman.. is the type of Luqman .perfect wisdom, Lokman لقمان

.Name of a great Prophet of Allah لوط Lut

Kindness, friendliness, gentleness, grace, courtesy, favour (from لطف Lutf Allah). .Kindness of the Creator لطف الباری Lutf-ul-Baari

.(Favour of the All-merciful (Allah لطف الرحمٰن Lutf-ur-Rahman .Kind, friendly, courteous لطفی Lutfi

.Kindness of Allah, favour of Allah لطف ال Lutfullah Name of the tutor of the family of Ziyad ibn Abih at Basrah and then at Kufah; he was called al-fil معدان Ma'dan because of the elephant his master had given.

One who lives long, an edifice or a Ma'mar .building معمر

.Examine closely; accept the truth معن Ma'n

.An old Arabian Tribe's name معد Maad

.Noble, sublime, Excellency معالی Maali

Owner, proprietor, master, lord. Maalik .Allah's epithet مالک

A place of worship; Many of the prominent people had this name Mabad including the companions ibn Khalid معبد al-Juhanni and ibn-Hawzah RA.

.Blessed, prosperous مبروک Mabruk

.Urbane, civilized مدنی Madani

.Praise, lauding مدحت Madhat

.Praised, commendable مدیح Madih

Pl. of Mahsana, beauty, attraction, Mahasin .virtue, merit محاسن

.Dear, beloved محبوب Mahboob

.Beloved of Allah محبوب ال Mahbubullah

.Rightly guided مھدی Mahdi Fine or thin texture, feeble voice Maheen .(also; despised, contemptuous) مھین

Safeguarded, well-protected, Mahfuz .preserved, secure محفوظ

محفوظ Mahfuzur Protected of the Beneficent الرحمٰن Rahman

.Majestic, dignified, magnificent مھیب Mahib

.Skilled, skilful, proficient ماھر Mahir .Place to sleep, quarters, lodgings مھجع Mahja

.Hidden, covered, screened محجوب Mahjub

Praised, commendable, Mahmood .praiseworthy محمود

.Guarded, protected, secured محروس Mahrus

.Moon, moonlight مھتاب Mahtab

.Fortunate محظوظ Mahzuz

Auspicious, prosperous, lucky, good Maimun .fortunate, blessed میمون

.Ease, comfort میسره Maisara

Easy, successful, fortunate, lucky, Maisur .prosperous میسور

.Glory, honour, nobility مجد Majd

.Glorious, praiseworthy مجدی Majdi

.(The glory of the religion (Islam مجدالدین Majduddin

Glorious, noble, exalted, an epithet Majeed .of Allah مجید

Glorious, noble, honourable, Majid .generous, Allah's attribute ماجد

One who is held in reverence and Makhdoom .served by others, lord, master مخدوم .Strong, firm مکین Makin

.Pertaining to Makkah مکی Makki

.Noble trait, excellent quality مکرم Makram

.Reigning, ruling ملیک Maleek

.Handsome ملیح Malih

An attribute of Allah, king, Malik .sovereign ملک

.Familiar, popular مألوف Maluf

Praised, celebrated, famous, Mamdooh .commended, laudable ممدوح

Trustworthy honest, faithful, reliable, something about which one مامون Mamoon feels secure.

.Inhabited, civilized معمور Mamoor

.Benefit معن Man

Abd Manaaf: an ancestor of the Manaf .Prophet Muhammad عبد مناف

.Attainment, acquisition, reachable منال Manal

Fountains, spring of salubrious Manhal .water منھل

Strong, secure, well-fortified, Mani .unconquerable منیع

.Benevolent, bountiful, generous منان Mannan

Assisted, aided (by God), Mansoor .victorious, triumphant منصور

.(Victorious in religion (Islam منصورالدین Mansooruddin

.Friendly, sociable, polite مأنوس Manus

.View, Sight منظر Manzar .Visible, perspective منظور Manzoor

Accepted, admitted, granted, Maqbool .approved مقبول

Intelligent; Quite a few people had this name, among them Maqil companions of the Prophet PBUH معقل ibn Sinah RA.

.Intended, aimed at, object مقصود Maqsood

.Wish, desire, aspiration مرام Maram

.Desired, desirable, pleasant مرغوب Marghoob

.Desirable, coveted, agreeable مرغوب Marghoob

Favour, kindness, kind act, famous, Maroof .noted معروف

Ibn Abu Marsad al-Ghanavi was the companion of the Prophet PBUH Marsad who took part in the Badr Battle مرثد and had this name.

.An ancient Arab name مروان Marwan

Blessed (by God), fortunate, Marzooq .prosperous, successful مرزوق

Happiness, delight, joy, (Mussarrat Masarrat .(is not correct مسرت

One who is blessed with piety from the cradle to the grave. The مسیح Maseeh Messiah (Jesus), a Prophet. .Masih (Messiah) of the age مسیح الزماں Maseehuzzaman

Witnessed, present, manifest, the Mashhood .day of judgment, the day of Arafah مشھود

The person to whom one is Mashkoor .indebted مشکور

.Destiny, goal مصیر Masir

Prosperous, happy, dutiful, Masood .fortunate, lucky مسعود

Innocent, sinless, infallible, Masoom .protected معصوم Pleased مسرور Masrur

.Guarded, well-protected مصون Masun

Strong, powerful, solid, of resolute mind, durable. Al-Matin: the متین Matin Strong; one of the names of Allah.

.Desired, required, sought after مطلوب Matloob

Worthy of description, endowed Mausoof .with laudable qualities موصوف

.Pl. of Mauhiba, gift, talent مواھب Mawahib .Beloved, attached مودود Mawdood

Gifted, talented, endowed, Mawhoob .favoured موھوب

.Helper, protector مولیٰ Mawla

Naame of a Hanafi Jurist of Iraq Mawsil .(Ibn Mawsil) موصل

.Manifestation, expression, outlook مظھر Mazhar

Manifestation, of the religion Mazhar-ud-Din .(Islam) مظھرالدین

.Manifestation of the Truth i.e. Allah مظھرالحق Mazharul Haq

.Increase, excess, more مزید Mazid

.Proper name مازن Mazin

.The Moon مھتاب Mehtab

Ibn Amr as-Sulami RA had this Midlaj .name مدلج

.Key مفتاح Miftah

.Mason, architect معمار Mimar

.Cheerful, lively, gay-tempered ممراح Mimrah .Method, system, order, way, road منھاج Minhaj

Way of religion منھاج الدین Minhajuddin

.Grace, kindness, favour, gift منه Minnat

.Gratitude owed to Allah منهال Minnatullah

Ibn Amir Ibn Thalabah RA, a well- known companion who participated مقداد Miqdad in the battle of Badr.

In the forefront of battle, very bold, Miqdam .undaunted مقدام .Prince, governor, leader میر Mir

.King of the world میرجھان Mir Jahaan

.Place of ascent معراج Miraj

.Princes; pl. of Mir میران Miran

Prudent, wise, a sword of the Mirsab .Prophet Muhammad مرسب

.Son of a prince. Honorific title میرزا Mirza

Agreement, covenant, contract, Misaq .pact میثاق

.Lamp, lantern مصباح Misbah

.(Lamp of the religion (Islam مصباح الدین Misbahuddin

.Poor مسکین Miskeen

(Musattah is plain level) hence, an Mistah .instrument to level something مسطح

.Balance, scales میزان Mizan میزان Mizanur Balance of the most merciful .(Allah) الرحمٰن Rahman

.Fountain, spring معین Moin Ibn Imran, an ascetic, who travelled extensively to find Hadith, had this معافاء Mu'afa name.

A judge and follower of Abu Yusuf, Mu'alla .ibn Mansur had this name معل

.Teacher معلم Mu'allim

It was the name of a companion bin Mu'attib .Ubayd RA معتب

A noted companion of the Prophet Muad .PBUH had this name, ibn-Jabal RA مواد

Antiquated, long-lived, one given .log life, title of Luqman i.e معمر Muammar Lokman.

.Assistant, helper, supporter معاون Muawin

A young dog or fox (first Umayyad Muawiyah .(Khalifah معاویه

Name of a Sahabi who participated Muawwaz .in the battle of Badr معوذ

Ibn Afra RA, the companion who Muawwiz .participated in the battle of Badr معوز

Supported, championed, approved, Muayyad .victorious مٶید

.Protected معاذ Muaz

Exalted, glorified, honoured, Muazzam .revered معظم

Glorified, exalted, honourable, Mubajjal .greatly respected مبجل

Preacher, one who preaches and Muballigh .propagates Islam مبلغ

Blessed, fortunate, lucky, Mubarak .auspicious, august مبارک

.Bringer of good news, a Prophet مبشر Mubashir

.Observer مبصر Mubassir

.Clear, plain, distinct, manifest مبین Mubin

.Smiling مبتسم Mubtasim .Planner, designer, disposer مدبر Mudabbir

Wrapped in, enveloped, attribute of Muddassir .the Prophet Muhammad مدثر

Perceptive, intelligent, reasonable, Mudrik .endowed with reason مدرک

.A person who gives shelter معیذ Mueez

.Glorious, exalted مفخر Mufakhar

Thinker مفکر Mufakkir .One who prospers مفلح Mufallah

.Preferred, chosen, favoured مفضل Mufazzal

Beneficial, useful, advantageous, Mufid .favoured, profitable مفید

.Giver مفیض Mufiz

.One who succeeds, prospers مفلح Muflih

Interpreter or expounder of Sharia Mufti .(Islamic Law) مفتی

.Helper, assistant مغیث Mughis

One who releases another from straitened circumstances, an مغنی Mughni epithet of Allah.

.Preserver, custodian, guardian محافظ Muhafiz

Muhafiz-ud- Preserver of the religion (Islam). محافظ الدین Din Ruler, overlord, one who provides sanctuary from any hazard or -danger. Al-Muhaimin, the All مھیمن Muhaimin preserver: one of the names of Allah.

.Emigrant مھاجر Muhajir

Praised, lauded, commended, praiseworthy. Muhammad ibn Abdullah (570-632); Messenger of محمد Muhammad Allah who preached the faith of Islam. .Sword, Indian sword مھند Muhannad

.Polite, courteous, well-mannered مھزب Muhazzab

.One who presents مھدی Muhdee

.Loving, affectionate, friend محب Muhib

.(Friend of the religion (Islam محب الدین Muhibuddin

.Friend of Allah محب ال Muhibullah

.Encompassing, ocean محیط Muhit .(Reviver of the religion (Islam محیی الدین Muhiyuddin

Obtainer, winner, earner, Ibn Awn Muhriz .al-Hilali RA had this name محرز

Benevolent, benefactor, charitable, Muhsin .humanitarian محسن

Rightly guided, following the right Muhtadi .path, on the right way المھتدی

.Decent, modest, chaste, shy محتشم Muhtashim

.One who gives life, reviver محیی Muhyi

.Reviser, restore معید Muid

.Helper, patron, supporter, aide معین Muin

.Defender of the state معین الدوله Muinuddawlah

.(Helper of the religion (Islam معین الدین Muinuddin

.Supporter of Islam معین السلم Muinul Islam

.One who honours, strengthens معز Muizz

.He who renders the state mighty معزالدوله Muizzuddawlah One who strengthens the religion Muizzuddin .(Islam) معزالدین

One who renews or renovates or Mujaddid .refreshes مجدد

One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam, soldier مجاھد Mujahid of Jihad.

.Adorner, beautifier مجمل Mujammil

A person who cuts off, uproots, or consolidates. Name of a Sahabi who مجذر Mujazzir participated in the battle of Badr.

One who cuts off, name of a Mujazziz .companion, al-Mudliji مجذز

.Replier, answerer. Allah's epithet مجیب Mujib Protector, defender, helper, Mujir .supporter مجیر

Chosen, selected, elected. Title of Mujtaba .the Prophet Muhammad مجتبیٰ

.Diligent, industrious, hardworking مجتھد Mujtahid

.Freedom fighter مکافع Mukafih

.Perfecting, completing مکمل Mukammil

Honoured, revered, honourable, Mukarram .noble مکرم

.Immortal مخلد Mukhallad

.Sincere, honest, true, faithful مخلص Mukhlis

Selected, chosen, preferred, Mukhtar ..favorite, the most exquisite مختار

.(Chosen by the Truth (Allah مختارالحق Mukhtarul Haq

.Satisfied, contended مکتفی Muktafi

.A companion was so name ملیل Mulayl

.Inspired ملھم Mulham Kingdom, sovereignty, supreme Mulk .power or authority ملک

A Persian construction probably ,from the Arabic Mawla (master مل Mulla leader, lord). Believer (in Islam), pious, one who .advocates peace and harmony مٶمن Mumin Allah's attribute.

Distinguished, superior, Mumtaz .outstanding ممتاز

A scholar of Baghdad who wrote books on the Quran and related Munadi subjects, Abu al-Hasan, had this منادی name.

.Fighter, defender مناضل Munadil

Exalted, inconsistent with contradictory Munaf .to مناف Benevolent kind. Al-Munaim, the Benevolent: one of the names of مناعم Munaim Allah.

.Helper, protector, friend مناصر Munasir

.Illuminated, brilliant منور Munawwar

One who turns to Allah seeking His Munib .pardon منیب

Eminent, exalted, superior, high, Munif .lofty منیف

.Benefactor, donor, grantor منعم Munim

Splendid, shining, something that ,reflects light, bright, brilliant منیر Munir radiant, luminous.. .Brilliant of the age منیرالزماں Muniruzzaman

.Sociable, friendly, kind, gentle مونس Munis

.Helper, supporter, rescuer منجد Munjid

This was the name of Abu Bakr Muhammad, an ascetic and منکدر Munkadir authority for Hadith.

.Strength, power, vigour منه Munna .One who is led, conduted, obedient منقاد Munqad

.Saviour, rescuer, deliverer منقذ Munqiz

.Just, fair, righteous منصف Munsif

The Avenger; He who punishes wrongdoers; One who takes منتقم Muntaqim revenge. Name: Abdul Muntaqim.

.Victorious, triumphant منتصر Muntasir

Expected, prospective, anticipated, Muntazar .awaited منتظر

Warner, cautioner, forerunner, Messenger sent by Allah to warn منذر Munzir mankind. .Sacred مقدس Muqaddas Name of Abdullah (Ibn al-Muqaffi) who had converted to Islam from Muqaffa Zoroastrian religion and worked مقفا with the uncles of al-Mansur. Intimate companion, friend, one who is brought near the throne of مقرب Muqarrab Allah, one who is nearest to Allah.

.Following, next مقبل Muqbil

Provider. Al-Muqeet, the Nourisher; Muqeet .one of the names of Allah مقیت

Eye, eyeball, the middle of anything, Ib Muqlah; Abbasid vizier مقله Muqla and "founder of Arabic calligraphy".

.Just, impartial, Allah's attribute مقسط Muqsit

Follower, one who follows an imam Muqtadi .during ritual prayer مقتدی

Able, powerful, mighty, Allah's epithet. Al-Muqtadir, the Muqtadir omnipotent: one of the names of مقتدر Allah.

One who follows (another). Al- Muqtafi .Muqtafi (1136-60): Abbasid Khalifa مقتفی

.Frugal, thrifty, economical مقتصد Muqtasid

.Patron, superior, guardian مربی Murabbi .Will, intention, desire, intended مراد Murad

Bitterness, innermost, heart; al- Rabi al-Ansari RA was a companion Murarah who participated in the Battle of مراره Badr.

.Messenger, Prophet, Ambassador مرسل Mursal

.Leader, guide, adviser, counselor مرشد Murshid

.Ascetical مرتاض Murtaad

Chosen, approved, agreeable, acceptable, an epithet of the مرتضیٰ Murtaza Prophet Muhammad. Ibn-Umair RA was so named he was a companion whom the Prophet Mus'ab PBUH name as one of the fourteen معصب eminent guardians.

.A Prophet, the biblical Moses موسیٰ Musa

.Fortunate, lucky, unfettered camel مسعد Musad

One who confirms. One who Musaddiq .accepts another's word as truth مصدق

.Helper, assistant, supporter مساعد Musaid

.Shaper, fashioner مصور Musawwir

.Honoured, exalted مشرف Musharraf

.One who exalts مشرف Musharrif

.Kind, tender, fearful مشفق Mushfiq

.Counselor, advisor مشیر Mushir

.Counselor of the Truth i.e. Allah مشیرالحق Mushir-ul-Haq

.Longing, desiring, eager مشتاق Mushtaq

.Prosperous, affluent, rich موسر Musir Reformer مصلح Musleh

Peacemaker, conciliator, reformer, Muslih .one who sets things right مصلح

.(Reformer of the religion (Islam مصلح الدین Muslihuddin

.Follower of the religion of Islam مسلم Muslim

One who asks the help or aid or Mustaeen .assistance مستعین

.Chosen, selected, preferred مصطفیٰ Mustafa

Founder of modern Turkey (1881- مصطفیٰ Mustafa Kamal .(1938 کمال

Attributed to the family of Mustafa, Mustafavi .i.e. Muhammad مصطفوی

.Profiting, gainful مستفید Mustafeed

.Profiting, one who is desirous of gaining مستفیض Mustafiz .Guardian, protector, custodian مستحفظ Mustahfiz

.Commendable مستحسن Mustahsan

One who is heard, one whose Mustajab .supplication is answered مستجاب

One who desires another to do Mustakfi .something effectively مستکفی

.High, elevated, superior مستعلی Mustali

Composed, calm of mind, one who Mustamsik .restrains himself مستمسک

.Brilliant مستنیر Mustaneer

.One who implores for help مستنجد Mustanjid

.One who asks for help مستنصر Mustansir

.Straight, upright مستقیم Mustaqim .One who seeks direction مسترشد Mustarshid

.He who holds fast مستعصم Mustasim

.Good, Delectable مستطاب Mustatab

Memorizer, one who knows by Mustazhir .heart مستظھر

One who seeks light or advice or Mustazi .guidance مستضٔی

.Obeyed مطاع Muta

.Prepared, ready معتد Mutad

.Pure, clean, purified, very beautiful مطھر Mutahhar

.Exalted, supreme متعالی Mutali

.Trustworthy, reliable, dependable معتمد Mutamad .One who relies upon Allah معتمد Mutamid

One who entrusts his affairs to the Mutamin .management of another مٶتمن

.Perfecting, completing متمم Mutammim

.Confident, believer, faithful friend معتقد Mutaqid

Abstaining from sin (by the grace of Mutasim .Allah), preserved, defended معتصم

.(One who puts his trust (in Allah متوکل Mutawakkil

.Mediator, umpire متوسط Mutawassit

.Fragrant مطیب Mutayyib

One who takes assistance (of Mutazid .Allah), petitioner of justice معتضد

.Mighty, proud, powerful معتز Mutazz Obedient, pious, devoted, faithful, Mutee .submissive مطیع

Giver, granter, donor, Al-Muti: the Muti .Granter: one of the names of Allah معطی

.Obedient (follower) of Islam مطیع السلم Mutiul Islam

Obedient (servant) of the most مطیع Mutiur Rahman .gracious i.e. Allah الرحمٰن

.Free, unlimited, unrestricted مطلق Mutlaq

Seeker. Abdul Muttalib: grand Muttalib .father of the Prophet Muhammad مطلب

God-fearing, pious, religious, Muttaqi .devout المتقی

Successful, prosperous, lucky, Muwaffiq .fortunate موفق

.Victorious, triumphant, conqueror مظفر Muzaffar

.(Victorious of the religion (Islam مظفرالدین Muzaffaruddin .Protector, defender, supporter مظاھر Muzahir

.(Defender of the religion (Islam مظاھرالدین Muzahiruddin

.Reminder, warner مذکر Muzakkir One who is enwrapped in garments. Al- Muzzammil: title of the 73rd Sura of the Muzammil Quran. In this sura, Allah addresses the مزمل Prophet Muhammad. Noble, famous, eminent, Naabih .distinguished, brilliant نابه

.Clear, pure, white ناصع Naase

Prophet sent by Allah for the Nabi .guidance of mankind نبی

.Gift of the Prophet نبی بخش Nabi Bakhsh

Distinguished; talented; man of Nabigh .genius, brilliant person نابغ Famous, noble, outstanding, Nabih .eminent, distinguished, brilliant نبیه

Noble, high born, honourable, intelligent, dexterous, one skilled in نبیل Nabil archery.

.Archer, Bowman نابل Nabil

.An epithet of the Prophet Nuh نبی ال Nabiullah

Intimate friend, boon companion, Nadeem .courtier ندیم

Extraordinary, rare, dear, Nadir .exceptional نادر

.A critic; a reviewer; a fault-finder ناقد Nadqid

Happiness, comfort, ease, tranquil, ,felicity, peaceful, bliss, pleasure نعیم Naeem bounty, anything given as gift.

.Grace of Allah, bliss of Allah نعیم ال Naeemullah

.Excess, surplus نیف Naef

.Refinement نفاست Nafasat

Beneficial, advantageous, Nafi .profitable نافع

Refined, pure, choice, exquisite, Nafis .precious, invaluable, costly نفیس

.Deputy ناﺋب Naib

.Exalted, lofty, eminent, superior ناﺋف Naif .Winner, gainer ناﺋل Nail

.Success نجاح Najah

.Rescue, salvation, deliverance نجات Najat

.Highland نجید Najeed

.(Sound, good (opinion نجیح Najeeh .Saved, liberated, safe ناجی Naji

Excellent, noble, distinguished, ,praiseworthy, generous نجیب Najib aristocratic.

.Distinguished (person) of religion نجیب الدین Najib-ud-Din

.Distinguished (servant) of Allah نجیب ال Najibullah

.One who helps, supports ناجد Najid

.Successful, prosperous ناجح Najih

Saved by Allah. An epithet of Najillah .Prophet Nuh ناجی ال

.Intimate friend of Allah نجی ال Najiullah

.Intimate friend, bosom friend نجی Najji

.Star, planet نجم Najm

.Star of the state نجم الدوله Najmuddawlah

.(Star of the religion (Islam نجم الدین Najmuddin

.Pure, clear, healthy, good نمیر Nameer

.Leopard, tiger, panther نمر Namir

.Pure, clean نقی Naqi .President, head, chief نقیب Naqib

.Fault-finder ناقد Naqib

.Salih bin Aasim had this name ناقط Naqit

.Helper, protector, patron نصیر Naseer

.(Defender of the religion (Islam نصیر الدین Naseeruddin .Joy, Cheer نشاط Nashat

Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh, Nasheet .vigorous نشیط

Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh, Nashit .vigorous ناشط

.Elated, exalted, exuberant نشواں Nashwan

.Noble, highborn نسیب Nasib

.Just ناصف Nasif

.Adviser, counselor ناصح Nasih

.(Counselor of the religion (Islam ناصح الدین Nasihuddin

Gentle wind, fresh air, fragrant air, Nasim .zephyr, a cool breeze نسیم

.Breeze of the Truth i.e. Allah نسیم الحق Nasim-ul-Haq

.(Breeze of the religion (Islam نسیم الدین Nasimuddin

.Helper, protector, defender ناصر Nasir

.(Defender of the faith (Islam ناصر الدین Nasiruddin

.Help, aid, support نصر Nasr

.Winner of victory after victory نصری Nasri

.(Victory of the religion (Islam نصرالدین Nasruddin

.Help of Allah نصرال Nasrullah

Endowed with speech, eloquent, Natiq .rational (being), spokesperson ناطق

.Happy نوشاد Naushad

.Happy tidings, good news نوید Naveed .One who caresses, soothes نواز Nawaz

Generous, old Arabic name for the Nawfal .sea نوفل

.Rare, Precious نایاب Nayab

Bright Star نیر Nayyar

.Delicacy نزاکت Nazakat

A vow, promise made to God; a Nazar .gift, charity, votive offering نذر

Warner, Prophet sent by Allah to Nazeer .warn mankind, a courtier نذیر

Pure, clean, innocent, neat and Nazif .clean, chaste نظیف

.Pure, virtuous, just, honest نزیه Nazih

Organizer, governor, arranger, adjuster, administrator, director, a ناظم Nazim composer of verses.

.(Organizer of the religion (Islam ناظم الدین Nazimuddin

.Bright, radiant, blooming ناظر Nazir

.Arranger, organizer نظمی Nazmi

.Precedent, alike, equal to نظیر Nazzeer

Dependence نیاز Niaz Prosperous نهال Nihal

Blessing, boon, favour, grace, Nimat .bounty, comforts of life نعمت

.Blessing of Allah نعمت ال Nimatullah

.To strew, to sacrifice نثار Nisar

Striving, contest, competition, Nizal .battle نضال Order, arrangement, discipline, Nizam .ruler, system نظام

.The organization of the kingdom نظام الملک Nizam-ul-Mulk

.Of or relating to Nizam نظامی Nizami

.(Discipline of the religion (Islam نظام الدین Nizamuddin

.Light, illumination. Allah's epithet نور Noor

Noor Light of the Prophet Muhammad. نور محمد Muhammad

.Light, luminous نوری Noori

.(Light of the religion (Islam نورالدین Nooruddin

.Light of vision نورالبصار Noorul Absar

Light of the eye نورالعین Noorul Ayn

.Light of the Truth i.e. Allah نورالحق Noorul Haq

Light of the right guidance (of Noorul Huda .(Allah نورالھدیٰ

.Light of Allah نورال Noorullah

.Light of the era نورالزماں Nooruz Zaman

.Light of the era نورالزماں Nooruzzaman Diminutive of Naaim, gentle, Nuaym .delicate نعیم

One of the narrators of Hadith was Abu Nuaym al-Nakhee; ibn Masood Nuaym was a well-known companion by نعیم this name.

.Noah, name of Prophet of Allah نوح Nuh

Blood; name of the kind of Hirah in Arabia, especially of the last, Numan Numan bin Munzir, also name of a نعمان Sahabi (AS). Name of Ibn Rabah al-Thaqati a black slave who fought in the early نصیب Nusayb wars of Islam.

Ibn al-Farj al-Asaliyy a narrator of Nusayr .Hadith had this name نصیر

.Help, aid, assistance, support نصرت Nusrat

.(Help of the religion (Islam نصرت الدین Nusratuddin

.Pure, chaste نزیه Nuzayh .Victorious, fortunate, happy پرویز Parvez

.Lord, honorific title پاشا Pasha

.Saint, spiritual guide, wise پیر Pir .Son of Adam قابیل Qabil

Able, powerful, mighty, one of the Qadeer .names of Allah قدیر

.Ancient قدیم Qadim

Able, capable, powerful, might. One Qadir .of the names of Allah قادر

.Conqueror, subduer قاھر Qahir

.Leader, commander قاﺋد Qaid

Upright, independent, one who Qaim .performs قاﺋم

Measure, measurement, firm, Qais .example قیس

.Caesar قیصر Qaiser

The moon. Al-Qamar: title of 54th Qamar .sura of Quran قمر

.(Moon of the religion (Islam قمرالدین Qamaruddin

.Content, Satisfied قانع Qani Obedient, submissive, humble, Qanit .God-fearing قانت

.Near قریب Qareeb

Distributor قسیم Qaseem

.Messenger, courier قاصد Qasid

.Courier of the Truth i.e. Allah قاصدالحق Qasidul Haq

.Distributor, divider قاسم Qasim

.Astragals, a hardwood tree قتاده Qatadah

A companion قتاوه Qatawah Muhammad Ibn Yahya, a student of Qati'i .Hadith ahd this name قطیعی

Strong, powerful, firm, mighty. One Qawi .of the names of Allah قوی

Eternal, everlasting. An epithet Qayyum .applied to Allah قیوم

.Judge, justice القاضی Qazi

.Fate, destiny قسمت Qismat

.Support, prop قوام Qiwam

.(Support of the religion (Islam قوام الدین Qiwamuddin

A companio of the Prophet PBUH Qudamah .Ibn Mazoon RA قدامه

Holy, most, pure, free from any :defects. Al-Quddus, the All-holy قدوس Quddoos one of the names of Allah.

.Power, might, strength قدرت Qudrat

.Power of Allah قدرت ال Qudratullah

.Holiness, sanctity قدس Quds .Holy, sacred قدسی Qudsi

.Holiness, sanctity قدس Qudus

.Model, example قدوه Qudwa

Sacrifice, sacrifice on the occasion Qurban .of Eid-al-adha قربان

Attributed to Quraish, the tribe of Qureshi .the Prophet Muhammad قریشی

He was ibn Luqa. He translated works of philosophy, astronomy and Qusta geometry into Arabic for the Baytal قسطی Hikmah of Al-Mamun.

.Irritable, impatient قتیبه Qutaiba

Bin Saad bin Jamil a narrator of Hadith Qutaybah .had this name قتیبه .Leader, chief, pivot, axis, pole قطب Qutb

Name of Ibn Maalik RA a comanion Qutbah .of the Prophet PBUH قطبه

.(Leader of the religion (Islam قطب الدین Qutbuddin

A companion رافع Raafe

Major, Adult, Orthodox, Guided, Raashid .Intelligent راشد

.Satisfied, contended, well-pleased راضی Raazi

Lord, master. One of the names of Rab .Allah رب

.Gain, profit رباح Rabah

.Divine, from Allah ربانی Rabbani

.Spring, springtime ربیع Rabi

.Fem. of Rabi ربیعه Rabia

.Winner, gainer رابح Rabih .Binding, Fastening رابط Rabit

High ranking, noble, eminent, Rafi .exalted, sublime رفیع

Noble (person) of the religion Rafi-ud-Din .(Islam) رفیع الدین

Tributary stream, affluent, helper, Rafid .supporter, aide رافد

.Glittering, shining, gleaming رفیف Rafif

Associate, intimate friend, Rafiq .companion رفیق

.Friend of Islam رفیق السلم Rafiqul Islam

.Comfort, opulence, affluence رغید Ragheed

Willing, desirous, wishful, inclined Raghib .towards anything راغب

.Rest, Repose, Peace راحت Rahat Merciful, compassionate, kind. Al-Rahim, the most Merciful: one of the names of رحیم Rahim Allah. Al-Rahman, the most Gracious; one Rahman .of the names of Allah رحمٰن

Sympathy, mercy, compassion, Rahmat .kindness رحمت

.Mercy of Allah رحمت ال Rahmatullah

Guardian, custodian, patron, Rai .protector, sponsor راعی

.Pioneer, explorer, leader, model راﺋد Raid

.Pure, clear, tranquil, serene راﺋق Raiq

Leader, chief, president, superior, Rais .nobleman رﺋیس

.(Leader of the religion (Islam رﺋیس الدین Raisuddin

.Hope, wish رجاء Raja .Hope of the Kind رجاءالکریم Raja Al-Karim

The seventh month of the Islamic Rajab .calendar رجب

.Hopeful, hoping, full of hope راجی Raji

.Dazzling, Shining, Bright رخشان Rakhshan

Name of Islamic month of fasting. Ramadan .Many people have this name رمضان

.One who indicates by signs رامز Ramiz

One who indicates by signs to the Ramiz-ud-Din .(religion (Islam رامزالدین

Observer, guard. the watcher: one Raqib .of the names of Allah رقیب

Writer رقیم Raqim

.One who designs رسیم Raseem

To lead a righteous life, right guidance, Rashad .integrity of conduct رشاد .Guidance. Name of a Sahabi RA رشدان Rashdan

Wise, prudent, judicious, rightly -guided. Al-Rasheed, the Right رشید Rasheed minded: one of the names of Allah. Rasheed-ud- Wise (person) of the faith (Islam). رشیدالدین Din

.Right-minded, rightly-guided, pious راشد Rashid

Rightly-guided (person) of the Rashiduddin .(religion (Islam راشدالدین

.Graceful, elegant رشیق Rashiq

Well-established, well-founded, Rasikh .stable, steady راسخ

.Planner, designer راسم Rasim

.Calm, composed رصین Rasin .Messenger, messenger of Allah رسول Rasul

.Arranger راتب Ratib

Merciful, kind, compassionate. Al- Rauf, the most Kind: one of the رٶوف Rauf names of Allah.

.Departure, Fragrance, ease رواھا Rawahah

.Refreshment, Rest روح Rawh

رومان Rawman

GArden, Meadow, Paradise روضه Rawza

Ease, fragrant herb, sweet basil, Rayhan .comfort ریحان

Sedate, Solemn, grave, Sober- Razeen .Minded رزین

.Satisfied, contended, pleased رضی Razi

Pleasure of the Beneficent رضی الرحمٰن Razi-Ur-Rahman .Calm, composed, self-possessed رزین Razin

Provider. Al-Razzaq, the All- Razzaq .provider: one of the names of Allah رزاق

Scented ریحان Rehan

Contentment, satisfaction, Reza .pleasure, approval, consent رضا

Satisfaction of the most Generous Rezaul Karim .(Allah) رضاءالکریم

Ibn Ibrahim bin Muqasim al-Asadi, Ibn Jarash and Ibn Abdullah all had Rib'i this name; they were narrators of ربعی Hadith.

Name of twenty three companions Rifah .of Muhammad رفاعه

High rank, high standing, dignity, Rifat .exaltation, eminence رفعت

.Rule, Dominion ریاست Riyasat .Pl. of Rawza, garden ریاض Riyaz ریاض Riyazul Islam Gardens of Islam. السلم

Pleasure, assent al-Sharif Abu al- Riza .Hasan Ibn-Tahir had this name رضاء

Livelihood, subsistence, blessing of Rizq .Allah رزق

.Livelihood from Allah رزق ال Rizq Allah

Satisfaction contentment, happiness, pleasure, name of the Rizwaan Keeper of the gates of Jannah رضوان (Paradise).

.Lustre رهنق Ronaq

.Spirit, soul روح Rooh

Spirit of the faithful, spirit of the Roohul Amin .reliable; an epithet of Jibreel روح المین

Spirit of Allah. An epithet of Prophet Roohullah .Isa روح ال

.Bright, Shining روشن Roshan Spirit of the truth. An epithet of the Ruhul Haq .Prophet Muhammad روح الحق

Spirit of the holy. Epithet of Jibreel Ruhul Qudus .i.e. Gabriel روح القدوس

Firm, solid; Ibn Abd Yazid was RA a companion of the Prophet PBUH رکانه Rukanah and he had this name.

Female sheep. Name of a Sahabi Rukhailah .who took part in the battle of Badr رخیله

.Pillar, prop, support رکن Rukn

.(Pillar of the religion (Islam رکن الدین Ruknud Din

.Right guidance رشد Rushd

The most renowned hero among the Persians, hero of the Persian رستم Rustam epic Shahnama. .Exalted رویفع Ruwayfi

Pioneers, explorers, guides, leaders, Ruwwad .models; pl. of Raid رواد .Happy, fortunate سعدان Sa'dan

Ibn Al-Hasan Ar. Raba'ee a narrator Sa'id .of Hadith صاعد

.Walking ساﺋره Sa'irah

Good luck, good fortune, success, Saad .happiness, prosperity, lucky سعد

Prosperity, happiness, good fortune, Saadat .auspiciousness سعادت

Happy, lucky, blissful fortunate, Saadi .name of a great Persian poet سعدی

.(Success of the religion (Islam سعدالدین Saaduddin

.Joy of Allah سعدال Saadullah

.Pure, clear, crystal صافی Saafi

Eminent, exalted, high-minded, Saami .sublime سامی

.Fruit-bearing, fruitful, productive ثامر Saamir

.Morning صباح Sabah

.Beauty, Grace, Handsomeness صباحت Sabahat

Firmness, stability, certainty, Sabat .endurance, boldness, truth ثابت

Beautiful, handsome, one with a Sabeeh .fair complexion صبیح

.Patient, tolerant صبیر Sabeer

.Coming or arrival in the morning صابح Sabih

.First, winner سابق Sabiq .Patient, tolerant صابر Sabir

.Strong, well-established, certain, sure ثابت Sabit .Patient, tolerant, forbearing صبور Saboor

.Shining, brilliant صبوح Sabuh

Ibn Abdul Aziz a narrator of Hadith Saburah .had this name سبره

Princes, lords, chiefs title of the Prophet Muhammad's director سادات Sadaat descendents.

.Truth صداقت Sadaqat

.Haze, Mist سدیم Sadeem

Correct, right, sound, appropriate, Sadid .unerring, hitting the target سدید

True, truthful, honest, sincere, Sadiq .devoted, faithful, veracious صادق

Honest, truthful, sincere, Sadooq .trustworthy صدوق

Chest, breast, forefront, start, ,dawn, bosom, the highest part صدر Sadr prime.

Person at forefront of the faith Sadruddin .(Islam) صدرالدین

.Singer, singing صدوح Saduh

Fortune, auspicious, venerable, Saeed .dignified, happy, lucky سعید

Saeeduz Luckiest of the age. سعیدالزماں Zaman

.Brave, a violent warrior صفدر Safdar

.Ship سفینه Safeenah

.Killer, blood shedder سفاح Saffah

Abu Ali Ism ail, an authority for Saffar .Hadith had this name; died 952 صفار .Pure, just, righteous, pious صفی Safi

.Ambassador, mediator, intercessor سفیر Safir .(The pure (one) of the faith (Islam صفی الدین Safiuddin

.The pure (one) of Allah صفی ال Safiullah

.Chosen One صفی Safiyy

.Sword of the kingdom سیف الملک Safulmulk

Pure, clear, smooth stone, cloudless Safwan .day صفوان

.Rock صفوان Safwan

.Small, young, slender, tender صغیر Saghir

.Little Ali صغیرعلی Saghir Ali

.Clouds سحاب Sahab

.Time before day break; bewtich سحر Sahar

.Companion, freind صاحب Sahib

.Wakeful ساھر Sahir

Soft, soil, smooth, smile. facile, Sahl .easy, even سھل

.Arrow, dart سھم Sahm

.Foresaken, abondaned ساﺋب Saib

.Rising, ascending صاعد Said

.Sword سیف Saif

.(Sword of the religion (Islam سیف الدین Saifuddin .Sword of the Creator سیف الباری Saiful Baari

.Sword of Islam سیف السلم Saiful Islam Sword of Allah. Title of honour awarded to Khalid Bin Walid by the سیف ال Saifullah Prophet Muhammad.

.Fasting صاﺋم Saim

.Walking, going on foot ساﺋر Sair

Abu Yahya had this name, a scholar and jurist who studied with the ساجی Saji disciples of al-Shafaee.

Prostrate in worship, bowing in Sajid .adoration to Allah ساجد ساجد Sajidur One who prostrates to the Merciful .(Allah) الرحمٰن Rahman One who constantly prostrates, worshiper of Allah, worshipper Sajjad (engaged in sujud (prostration سجاد before Allah.

.Generosity, liberality سخاء Sakha

.Generosity, liberality سخاوت Sakhawat

Rock; Bin Wadaah RA was a Sakhr .companion of the Prophet PBUH سخر

.(Rock(s صخره Sakhrah

B. Abdullah was a narrator of Salabah .Hadith ثعلبه

.Strong, majesty, dignity, awe صلبت Salabat

Piety, righteousness, honesty, ,goodness, peace, concord, treaty صلح Salah rectitude.

.(Rectitude of the faith (Islam صلح الدین Salah-ud-Din

Peace, safety, security. Al-Salam, the All-peaceable: one of the names سلم Salam of Allah.

.Peace; fem. of Salam سلمه Salama Safety, security, soundness, Salamat .integrity سلمت

.Security of Allah سلمت ال Salamatullah

Sound, affable, healthy, guarded, perfect, Saleem .complete, safe, secure سلیم .Soundest (servant) of Allah سلیم ال Saleemullah

Saleemuz Soundest (servant) of the time. سلیم الزماں Zaman

.Shar-tongued سلیط Saleet

.Previous, Former سالف Salif

Pious, righteous, upright, just, Salih .virtuous, devoted, chaste صالح

.Traveler, wayfarer سالک Salik

.Drawn (sword), scion, son سلیل Salil

.Safe, sound, perfect, complete سالم Salim

.Strong, solid, firm, sharp سلیط Salit

Safe, mild, affable, perfect, name of a sahabi i.e. companion of the سلمان Salman Prophet Muhammad.

Ibn Bahram, a narrator of Hadith Salt .had this name صلت

Eternal, high, Al-Samad, the Everlasting: one of the names of صمد Samad Allah.

Generosity, bounty, good- Samah .heartedness سماح

.Price, Worth ثمن Saman

.Fruit, Outcome ثمر Samar

.Precious, invaluable ثمین Sameen

Companion (in nightly conversation), entertainer (with سمیر Sameer stories, music etc.). Hearing, listening. Al-Sami, the All- Sami .Hearing: one of the names of Allah سمیع

Magnanimous, generous, king, Samih .forgiving, good-hearted سمیح

Sincere, genuine, pure, true, essence, Samim .heart صمیم .Valuable, precious, priceless ثمین Samin

.Entertainer سامر Samir

.Quiet صامت Samit

Abu al-Abbas Muhammad Ibn Sabih Sammak .had this name سماک

.Sword; name: Samsaamuddin صمصام Samsaam

.Name of a distinguished Sahabi RA سمره Samurah

.Praise, commendation, eulogy ثناء Sana

.Support, prop سند Sanad

.A cone-bearing tree, fir, Pne صنوبر Sanaubar

.Praise of Allah ثناءال Sanaullah

Brilliant, majestic, exalted, Sanie .eminent, splendid سنی

.To surpass in skill ثقف Saqaf

Penetrating, piercing, sharp-witted, Saqib .sagacious, astute, acute ثاقب

.Proficient, skilful ثقیف Saqif

.Chief, noble man, officer of rank سردار Sardar

.Chief, overseer سرکار Sarkar

.Everlasting سرمد Sarmad .Leader, chief, master سرور Sarwar

.Wealth, Fortune, riches ثروت Sarwat

Veiler (of sin). Al-Sattar, the veiler of sin: Sattar .one of the names of Allah ستار .Two garments ثوبان Sauban

Fortunate, pious, auspicious, Saud .prosperous سعود

.Pomp, dignity, majesty صولت Saulat

.Equal, same سواء Sawa

.Blackness, Skill سواد Sawad

.Concerning sword سیفی Sayfiyy

.Flowing سیحان Sayhan

.Mobile, constantly one the move سیار Sayyar

.Lord, master, chief سید Sayyid

.Mein, Expression, Countenance سیما Seema

.Intercessor, mediator شافی Shaafi

.Youth شباب Shabab

.Resembling شابه Shabah

Eighth lunar month. It is a month of Shaban .religious significance for Muslims شعبان

.Young شاب Shabb

Son of the Prophet Harun, by which name Muhammad is said to have شبر Shabbar called his grandson Hasan. Son of Prophet Harun, by which name Muhammad is said to have شبیر Shabbir called his grandson Husain. .Resembling شبیه Shabeeh

A leading scholar of his time, Shabi .especially for the Hadith شعبی

A scholar who wrote about spelling in the Shabib .Quran, Ibn Shabib شبیب .Happy شاد Shad

.Happy شادان Shadan

.Singer شادی Shadi

Intercession, mediation, Shafaat .recommendation شفاعت

.Intercessor, mediator شافع Shafay

.Intercessor, mediator شفیع Shafee

Affectionate, compassionate, -tender, kind-hearted friend, warm شفیق Shafiq hearted.

Compassion, pity, kindness, Shafqat .tenderness شفقت

.Blooming, Happy شگفته Shaguftah

King, emperor. Title assumed by Shah .fakirs i.e. mystics شاه

.King of the world شاه عالم Shah Alam

.King of the world شاه جھان Shah Jahan

.Friend of king شاه نواز Shah Nawaz

Testimony, evidence, fundamental Shahadat .belief in Islam شھادت

.Kings; pl. of Shah, king شاھان Shahan

.King of kings شاھان شاه Shahan Shah

Royal falcon, royal, generous, Shahbaz .noble شاهباز Present, witness, martyr in the cause of Islam and as such held in شھید Shaheed very high esteem and honour.

Royal, white falcon; the needle of Shaheen .the beam of scales شاھین

.Well-known شھیر Shaheer .Witness, angel شاھد Shahid

.High, towering, lofty, tall شاھق Shahiq

.Famous, eminent, renowned شاھر Shahir

.Concerning monarchy شاه رخ Shahrukh

.Prince شاه زاده Shahzada

Grayness, senility, old age. Name of Shaibaan .a Sahabi RA شیبان

Greatly Attached شیدا Shaida

Chief, an experienced man, an old Shaikh .man شیخ

.Leader of Islam شیخ السلم Shaikhul Islam

.Bold, Courageous شجیع Shajee

.Courageous, bold, brave, fearless شجیع Shaji

Patient شکیب Shakib

Well formed, handsome, comely, Shakil .well-shaped شکیل

.Thankful, grateful, contented شاکر Shakir

Thankful, most grateful, one who gives due appreciation. Al-Shakur, Shakur the All-thankful; one of the names شکور of Allah.

Fragrant, scent, a sweet-smelling Shamim .breeze شمیم

A companion of the Prophet PBUH, bin Usman al-Makhzumi RA, who شماس Shammas was martyred at Badr. .The sun شمس Shams

.Sun شمس Shams

.(Son of the religion (Islam شمس الدین Shams-ud-Din The sun of truth شمس الحق Shams-ul-Haq

.Box-tree شمشاد Shamshad

.Sword شمشیر Shamsheer شمس Shamsudduha Son of forenoon. الضحیٰ

.Sun of the age شمس الزماںShamsuzzaman

Banu Israil Prophet شمیوﺋل Shamuel

.Dignity, Spendour شان Shan

Real; brother; name of a Sahabi Shaqeeq .RA; part, half, piece, brother شقیق

Nobility, high rank, eminence, ,honour distinction, honour, glory شرف Sharaf dignity.

.Honour, nobleness شرافت Sharafat

.(Honour of the religion (Islam شرف الدین Sharafuddin

Ibn Abdul Hameed had this name, Sharaheel .he was a narrator of Hadith شراحیل

A companion شریح Shareeh

.Associate شریک Shareek

.Divine law, Islamic Law شریعت Shariat

.Divine law of Allah شریعت ال Shariatullah

Noble, honourable, highborn, Sharif .eminent شریف Noble (person) of the religion Sharifuddin .(Islam) شریف الدین

.Radiant, Bright شارق Shariq

Power, might, valour, dignity, ,magnificence, grandeur, pomp شوکت Shaukat power.

.Grey haired, Old شیبه Shaybah

.Grey-haired, aged شیبان Shayban

.Friend of the city شھریار Shehryar

.Lion, An epithet of Kahlifa Ali شیر Sher

.Lion cub شبل Shibl

Mawlana Shibli Numani was a great Shibli .Scholar and writer شبلی

.Cure شفاء Shifa

.Flame, meteor, shooting star, star شھاب Shihab

.(Meteor of the religion (Islam شھاب الدین Shihabuddin

Land tax collector during the Muslim rule in India, now a family شقدار Shiqdar title.

Ray of the sun, sunshine, light, Shua .luster, splendour شعاع

.(A Prophet (see surat al-Araaf 7:88 شعیب Shuaib

.Lion cubs; pl. of Shibl شبول Shubool

.Fame, renown شھرت Shuhrat

.Courageous, bold, brave شجاع Shuja

.Courage, bravery, valour شجاعت Shujaat

Brave (person) of the religion Shujauddin .(Islam) شعاع الدین Brave (person) of the religion Shujauddin .(Islam) شجاع الدین

.Thanks, gratitude, gratefulness شکر Shukr

.Blondness, fair شقران Shuqran Ibn Shurayk, a narrator of Hadith Shurahbeel .was known by this name شرحبیل

Bin Artah al-Nakhee, a narrator of Shurayh .Hadith had this name شریح

.Split, Cleavage شریم Shuraym

Righteous, very truthful, hones, Siddiq .sincere صدیق

.Friend, companion صدیق Siddique

Attributed to the first Khalifa Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (d.634) through صدیقی Siddiqui ancestry.

The truthful (one) to Allah. An Siddiqullah .epithet of Prophet Yusuf صدیق ال

.Arrows; pl. of Sahm سھام Siham

.Alexander سکندر Sikandar

.Arms, armour, weapons سلح Silah

.(Armour of the religion (Islam سلح الدین Silahuddin

.Peace سلم Silm

.(Arcturus (Star سماک Simak

Spear. Umm Sinan: a sahaabia i.e. a woman who lived in Prophet سنان Sinan Muhammad's time.

.(Spear of the religion (Islam سنان الدین Sinanuddin

.Lamp, light, the sun, candle سراج Siraj

.Lamp of the state سراج الدوله Sirajud Dawlah .(Lamp of the religion (Islam سراج الدین Sirajuddin

.Bracelet, Arm-ring سوار Siwar

.Sharp-tongued سلیط Slaeet

Steadfastness, firmness, Somood .endurance ثمود

A companion, Returning ثوبان Souban

.Beautiful, graceful صباح Subah

Beautiful (person) of the religion Subahuddin .(Islam) صباح الدین

Beautiful. Name of Sahabi who took Subaih .part in the battle of Badr صبیح

.Handsome, Comely صبیح Subayah

Extremely pure; Allah's attribute. Subbooh .Name: Abdus-Subbooh سبوح

Praise, glory. Al-Subhaan, the Subhan .Glory: one of the names of Allah سبحان

.Pertaining to morning صبحی Subhi

A mystic, someone believing in Sufi Sufi .mysticism صوفی

Ship builder. Abu Sufian: name of a companion of the Prophet سفیان Sufian Muhammad.

.Of reddish hair or complexion صھیب Suhaib

Canopus, the second brightest star Suhail .in the sky سھیل

A companion سھیلی Suhaili

Son of the Iranian epic hero Suhrab .Rustam سھراب

A Prophet, the biblical Solomon, son Sulaiman .of Prophet Dawood سلیمان

.Traveller, Walker سلیک Sulayk .Dominant, Strong سلیط Sulayt

King, emperor, ruler, authority, Sultan .power. Title of a Muslim king سلطان

.(Millet (Plant ثمامه Sumamah .Thief سراقه Suraqah

Ibn Yunus al-Marwazi, a jurist and authority on the Hadith had this سریج Surayj name.

Thieves, name of a distinguished Surraq .Sahabi RA سراق

Roof over path, alley between Suwaybit .houses سویبط

.Black سوید Suwayd .Obedient, willing طاءع Taai

.Resplendent, Glittering تابان Taban

.Smile تبسم Tabassum

.Heat, Brilliancy تابش Tabish

Courteousness, favour kindness, Tafazzul .beneficence تفضل

Tafazzul Favour of Husain. تفضل حسین Husain

Mystic letters at the beginning of Surat Taha, from which the sura طه Taha derives its title.

.Rashness تھور Tahawwur

Virtuous, pure, pious, modest, Tahir .clean, chest طاھر

Praising Allah, saying Al- Tahmid .Hamdulillah تحمید

.Purity طھور Tahoor

Adornment, ornament, decoration, Tahsin .embellishment, betterment تحسین .Repentant, penitent تاﺋب Taib

.Vision, specter طیف Taif طیف Taifur Rahman Vision of the Merciful i.e. Allah. الرحمٰن

.Servant of Allah تیم ال Taimullah

Making easy, facilitating, Taisir .simplification تیسیر

.Crown تاج Taj

.King maker تاج بخش Taj Bakhsh

.Dignity, Magnificence, Pomp تجمل Tajammul Tajammul Adornment of Hussain. تجمل حسین Husain

.(Crown of the religion (Islam تاج الدین Tajuddin

.Crown of Islam تاج السلم Tajul Islam

Being pleasant, nice, admirable, agreeable, joy, a beautiful.. form or طلل Talal appearance.

.Appearance, countenance طلعت Talat

Name of a Sahabi (R.A.) i.e. a companion of the Prophet طلحه Talha Muhammad.

.Rising. Ascending, going up طالع Tali

.Student, seeker, pursuer طالب Talib

.Education, instruction تعلیم Talim

Commander of Banu-Israil's Army طالوت Taloot

.Wish, desire تمنا Tamanna

.Generalization تعمیم Tamim Rich or abounding in dates, date Tamir .seller تامر

Distinction, distinguishing, Tamiz .judgment discrimination تمیز

.(Distinction of the religion (Islam تمیزالدین Tamiz-ud-Din

.Praise, glorification, extolment تمجید Tamjid

.Dignity, Gravity تمکین Tamkeen

.Illumination, blossoming تنویر Tanvir

.Revelation, sending down تنزیل Tanzil

.(Revelation of the merciful (Allah تنزیل الرحمٰن Tanzilur Rahman .God fearing, devout, pious تقی Taqi

God-fearing (person) of the religion Taqiuddin .(Islam) تقی الدین

.Singing ترنم Tarannum

.Rare, uncommon, strange, curious طریف Tarif

.Nocturnal visitor طارق Tariq

.Lively, gleeful, merry طروب Tarub

.Beneficence, benevolence تصدق Tasadduq

Tasadduq Benevolence of Husain. تصدق حسین Husain

.Idea, conception تصور Tasawwar

.A name of the Prophet PBUH طاسین Taseen

.Greeting, salutation تسلیم Taslim

.A heavenly fountain تسنیم Tasneem Repentance; Ibn Mudarras had this Tawbah .name توبه

Prosperity, good luck, good-fortune, Tawfiq .(success (granted by Allah توفیق

.Belief in the unity of Allah توحید Tawhid

.Peacock طاٶس Tawoos

.Honour, great respect, high regard توقیر Tawqir

.Praise توصیف Tawseef

Merciful, forgiving. Al-Tawwab, the All-compassionate: one of the تواب Tawwab names of Allah.

Good, good-natured, generous, sweet, Tayyib .pure, chaste, good-tempered طیب .Glorification, exaltation, honour تعظیم Tazim

.(Glorification of the religion (Islam تعظیم الدین Tazimuddin

.A title of the Prophet PBUH تھامی Tihami

Abu Isa Muhammad al-Tirmidhi compiler of the one :(92-824) الترمزی Tirmizi collection of Prophet Muhammad.

.Good news طوبی Tooba

Intercession, mediation, diminutive Tufail .of Tifl, baby طفیل

.Soil, dust تراب Turab Name of a prominent Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet عباده Ubadah Muhammad.

Diminutive of Abd, small servant, Ubaid .servant of lower rank عبید

.Servant of God عبیده Ubaidah

.Lowly servant of the Allah عبیدال Ubaidullah

.Bin Kab RA had this name ابی Ubayy Ibn Aws al-Aslani RA, a companion of the prophet PBUH, had this اھبان Uhban name.

.Web, Cobweb, Spider web عکاشه Ukkashah

.High rank, prestige, glory علیٰ Ula

.Love, affection, familiarity, intimacy الفت Ulfat

The meaning of 'Umar' is linked ,with 'Aamir', prosperous, full of life عمر Umar large, substantial.

.An old Arabic name عماره Umarah

.Residents, Populace عمیر Umayr

Bin Bistam al-Eeshi, a narrator of Umayyah .Hadith was known by this name امیه

.Support عمده Umdah

.Support of the state عمدهالدوله Umdatuddawlah

.Friendly انیس Unays

Name of an illustrious Sahabi i.e. companion of the prophet عقبه Uqba Muhammad.

A Biblical Prophet ارمیا Urmia

.Ascension, mounting, rising عروج Urooj

Name of A Prominent Sahabi i.e. Urwah .companion of the Prophet Muhammad عروه .Small lion, diminutive form of Asad اسید Usaid

Lion. Name of well-known Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet اسامه Usama Muhammad. The young of a lark, a beautiful pen, name of the third Caliph of عثمان Usman Islam. Threshhold. Bin Ghazwan was a narrator of Hadith who had this عتبه Utbah name. Uwais Uways Qarni was the one of whom the Prophet PBUH foretold his اویس people that he would be the one cured of leprosy.

;A float, buoyant عویم Uwaym

..A Prophet, the biblical Ezra عزیز Uzair

The Governor; He who directs; ;manages; conducts; governs والی Waali measure.

.Bin Ma'bad RA had this name وابصه Wabisah

.Calm, peaceful ودیع Wadi

Lover, warm-hearted, affectionate, -friend, beloved. Al-Wadood, the All ودود Wadood loving: one of the names of Allah.

.Faithfulness, fidelity وفا Wafa

Associated with faithfulness, Wafai .fidelity, loyalty, faith وفاێ

True, trustworthy, reliable, perfect, Wafi .complete وفی

.Companion, friend, successful وفیق Wafiq

.Gift, grant, donation وھب Wahab

.Donation, grant, gift, inherent وھب Wahb

.related to Wahb وھبان Wahban

Unique, matchless, singular, Waheed .unparalleled وحید

Donor, grantor. Al-Wahhab, the All- Wahhab .giver: one of the names of Allah وھاب

.Shining, illuminated وھاج Wahhaj

One, unique, matchless. Al-Wahid, Wahid .the one: one of he names of Allah واحد

Unique (manifestation) of the Wahiduddin .(religion (Islam وحید الدین

.Unique (person) of the age وحیدالزماں Wahiduzzaman .(Coming back (for shelter واﺋل Wail

.Admonisher, preacher واعظ Waiz

.Comely, dignity, elevated position وجاھت Wajahat .Finder, lover واجد Wajid

Noble, honoured, well-esteemed, Wajih .illustrious وجیھ

.Advocacy, Agency وکالت Wakalat

.Bin al-Jarrah had this name وکیع Wakee

Advocate, representative, Wakil .counselor, attorney, agent وکیل

Prince, guardian, protector, friend, saint. Al-Waliy, the Protector: one ولی Wali of the names of Allah. Newborn, newborn child, nascent, new, boy, son. Name of a Sahabi Walid i.e. companion of the Prophet ولید Muhammad.

.Friend of Allah ولی ال Waliullah

Abu Al-Abbas al-Tamimi had this name. He was a grammarian of ولد Wallad Basrah and egypt.

Majesty, veneration, dignity, Waqar .gracefulness وقار

A companion, Warlike وقاص Waqas

Bin Abdullah al Tamimi RA was a Waqid .companion of the Prophet PBUH واقد

.Acquainted, aware واقف Waqif

.Leaf ورقه Waraqah

.Arriving, Descending, Incoming وارد Warid

Heir, inheritor, successor. Al-Waris, the Inheritor: one of the names of وارث Waris Allah.

.to do with paper, leaf ورقاء Warqa .Page, Valet (domestic) servant وصیف Waseef

.Solid, strong, secure وثیق Waseeq

Broad-minded, liberal, learned, capacious, -ample. scholarly. Al-Wasi, the All واسع Wasi embracing: one of the names of Allah. An executor; administrator (of a Wasi .will), preceptor وصی

Eulogiser, Praiser واصف Wasif

.Incoming, Arriving, Connected واصل Wasil

.Bin al-Asqa RA had this name واثله Wasilah

.Handsome, beautiful, graceful وسیم Wasim

Handsome (person) of the religion Wasimuddin .(Islam) وسیم الدین

.Confident, sure, certain واثق Wasiq

Minister, vizier, an adviser or Wazir .counsel to the king وزیر

.Custody, guardianship ولیه Wilayat

.Something bestowed وھیب Wuhayb .Hight یعلء Ya'la

.Blessed, auspicious یامین Yaamin

Ali's Title یعسوب Yaasoob

Bin al-Jahm was a narrator of Yaeesh .Hadith یعیش

Bin Aamir had this name; he was a Yafi .narrator of Hadith ےافع

bin Salim Bin Qamber (Qanber) a Yaghnam .narrator of Hadith had this name یغنم

To love, will live. A Prophet, the biblical John, son of Prophet یحییٰ Yahya Zakaria. .Right, right side, right hand یمین Yamin

.Belief یقین Yaqeen

A Prophet, the biblical Jacob, son of Yaqoob .Prophet Ishaq یعقوب

.Ruby, sapphire, topaz یاقوت Yaqoot

.Vigilant, awake, on the alert یقظان Yaqzan

.Friend یار Yar

Yar Friend of the Prophet Muhammad. یارمحمد Muhammad

.Prosperity, wealth, affluence, ease یسار Yasar

The opening letters of the first verse of surat Ya Sin (36:1). An یاسین Yasin epithet of the Prophet Muhammad.

.Easy, wealthy, affluent یاسر Yasir

Former name of the city of Yasrib .Madinah یثرب

.Helping یاور Yawar

A companion of the Prophet یزید Yazeed The name of the Freed slave of Yuhannis .Zubayr یحنس

.Happiness یمن Yumn

.A Prophet, the biblical Jonah یونس Yunus

Ease, Convenience; Ibn Abdullah had this name; he was a narrator of یسر Yusr Hadith.

.Easy یسری Yusri

A Prophet, the biblical Joseph, son of Yusuf .Prophet Yaqub i.e. Jacob یوسف .Visitor, guest زاﺋر Za'ir A blooming flower, a bright and Zaahir .shining colour, lofty زاھر

Rememberer of Allah ذاکر Zaakir

Latch, door lock; Name of some people for instance, of ibn-Mihsin, a Zabba memeber of the exedition of Abu ضبه Musa.

.Victory, triumph ظفر Zafar

.Of firm and resolute intention ظفیر Zafeer

.Victorious, winner ظافر Zafir

.Blooming, shining, luminous زھیر Zaheer

.Helper, supporter, protector, patron ظھیر Zaheer

.(Helper of the religion (Islam ظھیرالدوله Zaheeruddawlah

.(Helper of the religion (Islam ظھیرالدین Zaheeruddin

A person who laughs most. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the ضحاک Zahhaak battle of Badr.

.Beautiful, brilliant, glowing زاھی Zahi

Devout, ascetic. One who renounces the world and is fully زاھد Zahid devoted to Allah.

.Sagacious, intelligent ذھین Zahin

Apparent, evident, one of the Zahir .attributes of Allah ظاھر

Abundance, increase, increment, ,superabundance, addition, excess زید Zaid surplus.

.Leader, chief زعیم Zaim

.(Leader of the religion (Islam زعیم الدین Zaimuddin

Beautiful, pretty, beauty, grace, Zain .ornament, honour زین .(Grace of the religion (Islam زین الدین Zainuddin Ornament of the worshippers (of Zainul Abidin .(Allah زین العابدین

Intelligent ذکا Zaka

Zachariah - A Prophet زکریا Zakariya

Abu Salih as Saman az-Ziyat had this name; he was a narrator of ذکوان Zakawan Hadith.

.Pure, sinless, chaste زکی Zaki

Pure (person) of the religion Zakiuddin .(Islam) زکی الدین

.Time, age, era زمان Zaman

.King of the sage زمان شاه Zaman Shah

.Companion, friend زمیل Zamil

One who stands surety for another Zamin .one who helps ضامن

.Heart, mind, conscience ضمیر Zamir

.(Heart of the religion (Islam ضمیرالدین Zamiruddin

Sparkle of light, fire; Name of Zamurah .companion ضمره

Abu-Zamzam was the name of Al- Madini, a man of an early Islam, Zamzam about him amusing enecdotes were ضمضم told.

.Elegant, witty, graceful ظریف Zarif

.Growth and increase زیدان Zaydan

.(Olive (Tree/fruit زیتون Zaytoon

Pompous ذیشان Zeeshan

.Kind of spear ژوبین Zhobin .Light, glow, illumination, splendour ضیاء Zia .Light of the religion i.e. Islam ضیاءالدین Ziauddin

.Light of the Truth i.e. Allah ضیاءالحق Ziaul Haq

Light of the most Gracious i.e. Ziaur Rahman .Allah ضیاءالرحمٰن

.Intellectual, cerebral ذھنی Zihni

.Shadow, shade ظل Zill

.Shadow of Allah ظل ال Zillullah

.Shadow of the Merciful i.e. Allah ظل الرحمٰن Zillur Rahman

.Increase, addition, surplus زیاد Ziyad

.Increase, addition, surplus, plenty زیاده Ziyada

.Surplus bestowed by Allah زیادت ال Ziyadatullah

.Appearance, ostentation ظھور Zohoor

ostentation of the Creator i.e. Allah ظھورالباری Zohoorul Bari

The diminutive of zubd, meaning Zubaid ..cream, butter etc زبید

Diminutive of Zubrah, small piece of Zubair .iron, a brave and wise person زبیر

.Lion, a brave person, an army زفر Zufar

.Forenoon ضحٰی Zuha

.Small flower زھیر Zuhair

.Fame, splendour, emergence ظھور Zuhoor

.The sun, dawn, morning ذکا Zuka .(Sun of the religion (Islam ذکاءالدین Zukauddin .Sun of Allah ذکاءال Zukaullah

Zukaur Sun of Rahman i.e. Allah. ذکاءالرحمٰن Rahman

.A Prophet of Allah ذوالکفل Zul Kifl

"Owner of the two horns" i.e. world conqueror, epithet of a just king ذوالقرنین Zul Qarnayn mentioned in the Quran.

Ibn-Hutayt was a narrator of Hadith Zulaym .with this name ظلیم

The cleaver of vertebrae. Name of a sword presented to Ali (R.A.) by ذوالفقار Zulfaqar Muhammad. 'Lord of the fish', an epithet of Prophet Yunus i.e. Jonah who was Zunnoon swallowed by a big fish and later ذوالنون rescued by the grace of Allah.

.Name of a Sahabi RA ذوالشمالین Zushimalain

Name of the grandfather of Imam Abu Zuti Hanifah زوطی